View Full Version : DM Help Running godlike campaign, need some help

2014-04-11, 11:26 AM
Howdy howdy. So, my background in dnd is only about 2 1/2 to 3 months old, however my RP experience dates back since '06, so as far as story telling and role play are concerned, I'm pretty set.

Anyway, I didn't like how my buddy was DM'ing our game, so I put my time where my mouth was and started my own game that my friends have joined. It started with two at the beginning a few weeks ago, and has quickly jumped to four people. Now, the plot is that they have recently learned that they are the former gods of the current Dieties they worship.

Avenger=Raven Queen

Now then, at this point they are all pretty bent on revenge and taking their mantles as gods back. The idea being to find former pieces of their power. For example, one of the first we found was in Sigil, we found a demiplane containing "Ioun's" book, holding all knowledge of the worlds. Next, we found a way into the elemental Chaos and found Avenger's former scythe deep in a planet sized labyrinth. You get the idea. You get the idea. Now then, there are a few things I'm trying to decide on that I could use some help with.

1. I would love if anyone had any opinions on how I should stat the dieties they chose. I don't necessarily plan on them all to be fighting final encounters but you know how players get.

2. The artifacts they are currently looking for, I'd like to award bonuses for possessing them but am not 100% sure what they should look like. Ioun's book is their trump card for finding everything at the moment, as long as Ranger passes his rolls. Otherwise it doesn't turn out well. That, of itself I feel should be its bonus, but what I'm thinking should go with it is to find him some spectacles that give him some Perception/Insight, as well as super bonus to reading the book.

3. What kind of artifact should I have them looking for for Melora and Sehanine? I've been shooting for something nice but coming short of anything I feel is worthy.

Now, they're currently level 13 and leveling fast, which is what I want. I told them from the get go that paragon was going to be fairly quick, and epic tier is where it is going to get nitty gritty. However I would like to put in some kinks and twists along the way obviously. Also, I'm playing with a few 'impossible' situations at the moment. The whole idea behind collecting these objects is to regain enough of their previous godhood to stand against the usurpers. What if one of the gods got wise and had a few 'words' for them? Sort of what I'm thinking.

Any help is appreciated, thank you.