View Full Version : 3rd Ed Wizard/Sevenfold Veil Feat Help

Element Zero
2014-04-11, 12:16 PM
Selecting feats, especially for spellcasters, had never been my strong suit. The character I'm building now, a grey elf Abjurer/Master Specialist/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil, is a prime example.

I know what feats are required for my Prestige, but beyond that I'm not at all certain what I should take. The character is starting at level 1, so I'm not pressed for time on this, but I thought I'd hit the boards and get some suggestions.

Any ideas?

2014-04-11, 01:42 PM
hey Element Zero,

Here's a few places to check.


As a hint - Initiate of the Seven-Fold Veil is often abbreviated as IotSV (or IotSFV); a quick google search will give you many, many results to browse.

2014-04-11, 01:53 PM

Here it's a link to a thread I started for the exact same purpose. I'm currently only level 5, so I have yet to get to the level where I can enjoy my more powerful options.

2014-04-11, 02:04 PM
Aside from the guides I'm sure not what to suggest, perhaps toughness? XD

Okay, kidding aside because even if didn't pick feats you're probably the strongest person in the party (unless you have a DMM Nightstick stacking Cleric, an Artificer, and StP Erudite I suppose), improved initiative is bland but powerful. Spell penetration and the greater version aren't great (Assay Spell Resistance is amazing), but they're not bad either. (You can only prepare so many Assay Spell Resistance. XD ) Aside from that metamagic is fun, split ray if you use any rays at all is good, and quicken spell is always awesome.

...That being said, if you're allowed to retrain and start at level 1, toughness for level 1 and level 1 only might not actually be a completely troll choice.

Element Zero
2014-04-28, 02:35 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions! I just wish I wasn't so bad at feat selection.

Improved Initiative is definitely going on my list. Can't believe I didn't think of that.