View Full Version : Wizard/Sorcerer Kobold?

Gwazi Magnum
2014-04-11, 12:25 PM
Basically I'm trying to confirm I got all the tricks possible to make a powerful Kobold magic user...

1. Dragonwrought Feat = +3 Mental stats, no penalty and can grab Epic Feats
2. Greater Rite of Passage = +1 Sorcerer Level (Not until Lv.6)
3. True Dragon = +2 Sorcerer Levels
4. Loredrake Soverign Archtype = Sorcerer Levels -> Wizard Levels

Then there's two other thing's I'm currently looking to clarify.

1. I saw mention of "White Dragonspawn" that adds yet another sorcerer level. But I can't find it details of it anywhere.

2. If I use the spell point variant system in Unearthed Arcana as a Wizard, do I basically become able to cast spontaneously like a Sorcerer while being a Wizard which allows for:

-More feats
-Better casting stat
-More spells
-Unlock New spell levels 1 levels sooner

2014-04-11, 12:31 PM
White Dragonspawn is from one of the Dragonlance books, possibly the Campaign Setting. +1 LA, +1 sorcerer level, and some stat bonuses and other abilities.

2014-04-11, 12:40 PM
True Dragon itself gives you nothing. It's just necessary to be one to take the other options.
DW Kobolds being True Dragons is debatable. The argument has been rehashed countless times so i'll just point out that it's not a generally accepted interpretation.

Loredrake adds +2 sorcerer level. The one to turn it into wizard casting is the Spellhoarding template (from some DragonMag i don't remember).
White Dragonspawn is found in Dragonlance Campaign Setting iirc.

Spellpoint system basically lets a wizard prepare one spell per slot and cast from that in whatever combination they want as long as they have spellpoints.
So it's more like sorcerer-lite with less spells "known" (since you don't get bonus slots) but you can change your selection every day from your spellbook.

2014-04-11, 12:52 PM
White Dragonspawn cannot be added to a dragonwrought kobold. Dragonwrought gives you an inherited dragon creature type, i.e. you must begin with it prior to 1st level. White Dragonspawn cannot be applied to creatures with the dragon type, and it's an acquired template, i.e. you cannot gain it until after 1st level. Retraining rules do not allow you to gain Dragonwrought after White Dragonspawn, because Dragonwrought says it can only be gained at 1st level during character creation, and retraining after character creation will not allow you to obtain it due to that limitation. Even if you can somehow get around this RAW limitation, the Dragonwrought description in the Kobolds chapter of Races of the Dragon explains that dragonwrought eggs are visibly obvious, so a given kobold can only hatch as a dragonwrought kobold, it's not something that a character can discover later or retrain into and no worthwhile DM should ever allow it.

Furthermore, a Dragonspawn is automatically under the complete control of their dragon overlord until they break free, which is a very complicated and costly process detailed in Dragons of Krynn. Plus breaking free of the dragon overlord's control increases the LA of the Dragonspawn template by +2, so it's actually not worth using. Most people ignore this, citing only the template's original printing in the Dragonlance Campaign Setting and the fact that it hints that someone could break free and become free-willed, and just presume that this is a story-based thing that they can write on their character sheet for no cost, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

2014-04-11, 01:07 PM
Huh, I never saw the rules on Dragonspawn having a +2 LA in addition if they're free-willed.

That said, a PC can still be "under the complete control" of an NPC and be viable, if the DM is willing to play it out such that there's reason for the PC to be with the party while serving his dragon master's purpose.

2014-05-03, 01:47 PM
In the bestiary of Kyrnn it states that the template cannot be acquired so the same thing goes for the template. Let's say we have a desert kobold egg, if the egg is a dragonspawn it is still a desert kobold but becomes dragon type. As it is still a kobold it is legible to take the dragonwrought feat making the egg a different color as well. So RAW you can have both. The +2 LA from the errata makes white useless, instead grab blue for better benefits. Take the magic blooded template next which can be placed on anything so that's fine. We now have: -4 STR, +2 DEX, -2 WIS (desert kobold) place the dragonspawn template: +2 STR, +2 DEX, +4 CON, +2 WIS, +4 CHA (blue dragonspawn desert kobold) get the dragonwrought feat: +2 STR, +2 DEX, +4 CON, +3 INT, +5 WIS, +7 CHA (venerable blue dragonspawn desert kobold) finally place the magic blooded template: +2 STR, +2 DEX, +4 CON, +3 INT, +3 WIS, +9 CHA (magic blooded venerable blue dragonspawn desert kobold). We also get other stuff which is nice. That is the fully detailed part of step one. Now we move on to step 2.

Really step three is supposed to be inserted here but...

Take the feat draconic resevoir at 3rd level and participate in the ritual to achieve +1 sor lvl effectively balencing out our LA, or course at this point you should have already bought off your LA thus you now have casting progression equal to a wizard.

Step three should actually be step one but anyway... You don't really gain anything for being a dragon except for the confusing wording of epic feats. What I think you meant was the archetype loredrake which lowers your racial HD (we don't have any) from d12s to d10s. In return it increases you sorcerer casting by two levels. We now cast three levels above wizard.

Your step four I believe was taking the dragon psychosis spellhoarding which trades your sorcerer levels for wizard levels which also allows you to get battle sorcerer and stalwart sorcerer without a problem.

At level 9 you buy off your last LA.

2014-05-03, 02:07 PM
White Dragonspawn cannot be added to a dragonwrought kobold. Dragonwrought gives you an inherited dragon creature type, i.e. you must begin with it prior to 1st level. White Dragonspawn cannot be applied to creatures with the dragon type, and it's an acquired template, i.e. you cannot gain it until after 1st level. Retraining rules do not allow you to gain Dragonwrought after White Dragonspawn, because Dragonwrought says it can only be gained at 1st level during character creation, and retraining after character creation will not allow you to obtain it due to that limitation. Even if you can somehow get around this RAW limitation, the Dragonwrought description in the Kobolds chapter of Races of the Dragon explains that dragonwrought eggs are visibly obvious, so a given kobold can only hatch as a dragonwrought kobold, it's not something that a character can discover later or retrain into and no worthwhile DM should ever allow it.

Furthermore, a Dragonspawn is automatically under the complete control of their dragon overlord until they break free, which is a very complicated and costly process detailed in Dragons of Krynn. Plus breaking free of the dragon overlord's control increases the LA of the Dragonspawn template by +2, so it's actually not worth using. Most people ignore this, citing only the template's original printing in the Dragonlance Campaign Setting and the fact that it hints that someone could break free and become free-willed, and just presume that this is a story-based thing that they can write on their character sheet for no cost, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Problem being that while DragonLance is WotC approved, all the books beyond the first are third party and not usually assumed as Canon.

2014-05-03, 03:56 PM
Problem being that while DragonLance is WotC approved, all the books beyond the first are third party and not usually assumed as Canon.

That's not very relevant, considering while it states that a Dragonspawn can become free from their maker, it doesn't say how that happens. Either it happens according to the printed rules for it, regardless of whether or not those rules are in a book that's considered 'canon', or it's entirely up to your DM how it happens (or doesn't). A player has absolutely no ability to determine the method through which his Dragonspawn character becomes free.