View Full Version : gestalt shield fighter

2014-04-11, 07:03 PM
a friend of mine wants to play a shield fighter (based on Captain America) in a gestalt game we're playing in. we're currently level 4. my suggestion was Martial Monk 2/Psy War 2//ranger 4 (for the ranged feats), but i was wondering what the playground could pull off? all sources allowed, and some homebrew is possible. i had the monk to a) help with the feats and b) get some bigger unarmed damage since the cap is good with his fists.

ready... and.... GO!

2014-04-11, 07:11 PM
Crusader for the shield maneuvers could be nice.

2014-04-11, 08:28 PM
I'm no expert myself, but I believe there are ways to turn shields into weapons. There are also a few spells/manuevers that turn a weapon into a boomerang. Throw the shield like Captain America!

2014-04-11, 08:58 PM
Warblade 5/Bloodstorm Blade 5/Warblade+10 // Tashlatora Monk 2/Psion 18

Bloodstorm Blade allows you to throw a melee weapon (and presumably a shield) as both a ranged and melee attack, with instantaneous returning. The level 5 ability allows it to chain through enemies before returning to your hands.

With the Warblade levels, you get full BAB, a good Fort save and d12 HP from that side of the gestalt. You can also sub out one Warblade level for something else and still get a 9th level maneuver (Bloodstorm Blade 6 gives you a bonus fighter feat, Crusader 1 or Swordsage 1 at the right level can give you some interesting maneuvers).

Tashlatora Monk/Psion gives you full Monk unarmed damage, a good Will save, 9th level powers, and delicious INT synergy.

2014-04-11, 09:46 PM
which manuevers should she pick and could warblade get them w/o the feats?

2014-04-11, 11:22 PM
which manuevers should she pick and could warblade get them w/o the feats?

This handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?193992-Elfin-s-Masters-of-the-Sword-A-Warblade-s-Handbook) gives good advice on how to build a Warblade. I'd say focus on the Diamond Mind and Iron Heart disciplines, picking whatever sounds coolest. Remember that at Warblade 4 and every other even Warblade level you can retrain one maneuver.

If your friend hasn't decided on a race yet, then I cannot in good conscience not recommend either Goliath of Half-Giant. If you can stomach or buyoff the LA+1, they allow you to grab the Knockback feat (prereqs: power attack, imp bullrush). Knockback states that whenever a power attack hits, you can make a free bullrush attempt with a bonus equal to the power attack damage; you do not move with the enemy. Instead of Tashlatora Monk, go Dungeoncrasher Fighter 2/Psion 18. Whenever you bullrush an enemy into a wall, Dungeoncrasher does extra damage. The psionic power Ectoplasm Wall allows you to create walls whenever, wherever. Bloodstorm Blade let's you power attack and knockback with thrown weapons.

I have no idea what you're supposed to do with all of this.

As an added bonus, the maneuver Emerald Razor allows you to make one attack against touch AC. Dump everything into power attack and watch that mook fly!