View Full Version : Optimization Double Weapon Throwdown

2014-04-12, 01:14 AM
I'm creating an NPC for a game that is to be run shortly, and currently I have a concept that is supposed to be a significant challenge, but also adhere to a certain flair.

standard warning to my players: you know who you are, read no further!

Concept: Eastern-themed martial character who is part of a school that focuses on exclusively double weapons (crescent scythe/double glaive analogs, there is some RP significance here) and is also adept at using those as thrown weapons

the party this is being designed to face is mid-op, and I'm hoping that with some playground assistance it can be made into a memorable encounter. only party casing is a paladin and a sorcerer (sorc is going element/illusion themes)

current chassis/direction: swordsage/bloodstorm blade with dips as required. aiming for about level 12 to 14. race is restricted to LA0 medium humanoids to fit in setting, human or half-orc preferred. 1 feat is automatically lost for EWP. Goal is to keep at least 5 bloodstorm blade for multi-bounce. [edit]: stat array helps: 32 point-buy is what I'm using standard for challenging NPCs

my troubles begin when trying to give some kind of leverage to the TWF nature of double weapons while maintaining build integrity enough that BSB still works. Still trying to figure out if master thrower is worth the pain of entry.

current breakdown: Swordsage 4/Warblade1/Bloodstorm Blade 5/??? (2-4)

thoughts on encounter design also welcome, current plan is to have the NPC as a guardian of an object of significance in a specific region (more a test of worth than active hostility)

2014-04-12, 02:43 AM
Exotic Weapon Master 2 for two stunts. Namely Flurry of Strikes and Uncanny Blow. This gets you the ability to launch an extra attack for just a -2 to all attacks for the round, Strx2 to damage and 1:2 powerattack returns.

Barbarian and Fighter are usual dips for various reasons such as Whirling Frenzy, Pounce, Imp Trip without prereqs, or a free feat or two.