View Full Version : 3rd Ed Need help organizing a Four-way lvl 20 exhibition match

2014-04-12, 12:31 PM
I'm currently running a lvl 4-6 gestalt game IRL. Several of the players have expressed interest in advancing their characters to lvl 20 and doing a bit of an exhibition match, just for fun. As DM, I'm trying to figure out a way to organize it that's fun, balanced, and interesting.

Likely characters
- Astral Deva // Evangelist Cleric (Domains: Animal, Celestial, Courage, Good, Liberation, Protection)

- Half-Ogre Monk // Death Master. Focused on necromancy-assisted physical combat.

- Human Monk / Dragon Disciple // Sorcerer.

- Lolth-Touched Dark Changeling Scout // Warblade / Eternal Blade. Darkstalker, Mind Blank, FoM, HiPS.

Things I've already decided
We will be using this map (http://www.identicalsoftware.com/coco/).

The basic setup will be like Smash Bros - all four go in free-for-all style, dropping a foe or forcing them out of the Coliseum gains you a point and costs them a point, and defeated characters respawn at full health until the match is over.

Things I need advice on
What should I do for prebuffs?

When a character respawns, what should happen to their expended spells and other daily resources? How would this interact with prebuffs?

Since the Astral Deva has very little "kill" potential, I'm thinking of assigning points simply for surviving. Would +1 point every ten consecutive rounds without a death be fair?

Is there anything that can actually target the Scout through Darkstalker + Mind Blank + HiPS (+ FoM + True Seeing + Pierce Magic Concealment/Protection + Shot on the Run with high speed and lots of cover)? Should I do anything if it turns out none of the spellcasters have any answers to that and it's basically just free kills for her?

Should I limit number of actions in a turn?

All of the spellcasters will have potential access to Shapechange. I've said no to Chokers / Chronotyryn; is there anything else that absolutely needs to go?

What other spells/items/etc absolutely needs to go?

Bonus Question
They're also interested in how they'd function as a team at that level. What sort of challenge would be sufficient for a team like that, without me building a whole new team of lvl 20 gestalt characters for them to face?

2014-04-12, 05:00 PM
One option I was thinking of was to make spells and other /day resources not restore on reset, but allow long-duration beneficial spells to persist. This would prevent casters from going completely nova, since they'll have to spread their spells out over several fights, but also keep them from having to spend five rounds getting set back up, and blowing all those resources again, each time they drop. So "encounter" spells have to get refreshed, but "prebuffs" (say, anything lasting over an hour) persist.

Another friend was suggesting keeping a limited list of prebuff slots, five to ten spells that come out of their daily supply but get refreshed on death (everything else gets dismissed), with the option to switch something else into the list if they've still got a daily cast of it. I think this might simplify things, but may impair certain types of casters far more than others. Clerics especially have a huge set of long-duration minor buffs for niche resistance/immunities ("Neutralize Poison" springs to mind) that this would limit, while Sorcerers and their Mind Blanks are fine and jolly.


2014-04-13, 09:39 AM
I've been looking over the Test of Spite ban/fix list (I'm considering using it as a general basis), and I saw that it removes the immunity to mind-affecting from Undead. Does anyone know why? Is there a less-complicated ban/fix list that I could use instead?

2014-04-13, 10:15 AM
Is there anything that can actually target the Scout through Darkstalker + Mind Blank + HiPS (+ FoM + True Seeing + Pierce Magic Concealment/Protection + Shot on the Run with high speed and lots of cover)?
Lifesense [LM] and Touchsight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/touchsight.htm) should arguably do the trick. Touchsight in particular is available as a Psionic Tattoo (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/psionicTattoos.htm). Mindsight [LoM] may or may not work, depending on how you rule (since while it is gather info, it is technically not a divination spell or effect).

Should I do anything if it turns out none of the spellcasters have any answers to that and it's basically just free kills for her?
You could allow evolutionary runs. Rather than having one long session of non-stop death and respawn, have a shorter and simpler last man standing format at the start or end of each session, for several sessions. The players will start to realize what tricks the others are pulling, and will try to devise countermeasures.

Take note of the countermeasures, your monsters will likely need them at some point.

All of the spellcasters will have potential access to Shapechange. I've said no to Chokers / Chronotyryn; is there anything else that absolutely needs to go?
SO MANY THINGS! Anything that grants spells (Planetar/Solar, Black Ethergaunt etc). Anything that gives free wishes. Very likely anything with regeneration (since it is all too easy to pull off a damage immunity setup).

ToS banned any polymorph spell that does not specify a single form for a reason.

They're also interested in how they'd function as a team at that level. What sort of challenge would be sufficient for a team like that, without me building a whole new team of lvl 20 gestalt characters for them to face?
Have them fight Ice Assassins copies of themselves?