View Full Version : Evil Deities and Aleaxes

2014-04-12, 01:17 PM
In one of my groups of PCs, we have a player who is a reformed cleric of an evil deity (homebrewed, so name doesn't really matter) and has since become a good cleric of a good deity, complete 180 and the all. Now, I want to make it so his backstory actually plays a role in events, so I was thinking, why not send an Aleax after him? Only problem being, the Aleax is from BoED, and the deity is evil. So do evil deities even have the ability to make aleaxes? Please help.

2014-04-12, 01:23 PM
The problem with an Aleax is that it's not undead. It's deathless. If your evil deity has access to positive energy, go for it.

The other thing to do is to create a monster that's *like* an Aleax, but undead. You don't have to follow the exact rules for your story.

2014-04-12, 01:39 PM
The problem with an Aleax is that it's not undead. It's deathless.

Actually, Aleaxes are constructs. I don't see anything in their description that precludes one being created by an evil deity.

2014-04-12, 05:08 PM
Actually, Aleaxes are constructs. I don't see anything in their description that precludes one being created by an evil deity.

Though, an undead Aleax, perhaps with a ranged touch version of Vampiric Touch instead of Searing Light, could actually be really cool. So the idea shouldn't be discarded, even though, as the post I quoted points out, regular Aleaxes are legal with evil gods.

2014-04-12, 08:06 PM
What is with this forum and Aleaxes lately?

2014-04-12, 08:25 PM
What is with this forum and Aleaxes lately?

Unstoppable forces are like treacle for TO.

You're right that it seems to be flaring up more than usual though.

2014-04-13, 10:42 AM
Well, I know I posted this because I was reading about aleaxes here and was curious.