View Full Version : Help with a homebrew debate

2014-04-12, 03:46 PM
So on of my party mates is working on a homebrew. Its a 6th level spell caster monk-like class he is calling the mystic. Well he is saying it wont be OP to have this caster have access to all spells of the level he can cast but use a pseudo prepared casting style. Pick what spells you wanna have immediate access to and can cast those spontanously.

Now the kicker this class uses the qoz/sorc spell list.

Is this op? Giving a class access to all wiz/sorc spells between 0-6 ?

2014-04-12, 03:50 PM
Does your group strictly enforce availability of spells to copy?

2014-04-12, 06:08 PM
It might be too powerful, but more relevantly it's just unnecessary and bad homebrewing. There's no conceivable reason that the class you described would have access to the full Sorc/Wiz list, either fluffwise or mechanically.

Just to Browse
2014-04-12, 06:40 PM
It will be weaker than a wizard, but it will also likely be a crappy class.

Also there is a Homebrew Forum on this website that I suggest you and your friend move further inquiry to.