View Full Version : Optimization Return of the Tibbit, Part 2: From Beneath You, It Tibbits

Red Fel
2014-04-12, 04:11 PM
As I mentioned in my last thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?340266-Return-of-the-Tibbit-Part-1-The-Tibbiting), which was part 1 of 3, I would be designing a Thrallherd and two thralls. For those unfamiliar with the class, a Thrallherd (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/thrallherd.htm) gets a cohort and followers like the Leadership feat grants, except for several key points. First, they are called thralls and believers, respectively. Second, you don't have a Leadership score, and thus suffer nothing if the highly expendable buggers up and snuff it. Third, unlike with a Leadership cohort, your Thrallherd thrall is one level lower than you, instead of two levels lower. And fourth, at the Thrallherd capstone, you get a second thrall, albeit two levels lower.

In this thread, we will be designing the first of the two thralls, the one with at a -1 to the Thrallherd's level.

Now, the rules:

Race: Shifter. Trait undecided, suggestions welcomed. Leaning between Dreamsight (bonus to Wis, grants speak with animals, +2 to Handle Animal and Wild Empathy checks) or Wildhunt (bonus to Con, grants scent, +2 to Survival checks). Classes: Druid base, ideally PrCing into Moonspeaker. Shifter Druid racial substitution levels 1 and 4 mandatory. Racial substitution level 5 is optional, given that Moonspeaker grants Wild Shape anyway. Other class additions permitted. Warshaper would be neato. Levels: 5-19. The Thrallherd acquires the first thrall at Thrallherd 1, which comes at character level 6 on the build linked above; thus, the thrall's minimum level is 5. The first thrall caps at the Thrallherd's level -1, and the main build caps at 20; thus, the thrall's maximum level is 19. Books: 3.5 encouraged. 3.0 allowed. No PF, no 3rd party, no 4e. Dragon Magazine allowed, not preferred. Dragon Compendium is fine. Goal: Minionmancer, spellcaster, some shapeshifting ability. Shifter Shifting tends to be somewhat disappointing, and should not be made a focus of the build, especially given that Moonspeaker grants Shifting benefits even when not Shifting. Wild Shape is still good. No DCS or similar cheese. Extra Note: Ideally, I would like to make two builds - one gestalt, one not. I welcome suggestions for either or both.

Pencils up, and... Begin!

Build will go here.

As an aside, the Thrallherd build linked above is still open for critique and suggestions.