View Full Version : Calling for Kvothe

2014-04-12, 08:34 PM
Kvothe the main character of the Kingkiller Chronicles I would like to see how you the playground represent him as a D&D character without using bard levels.

2014-04-12, 10:02 PM
A bard doesn't represent Kvothe well at all - he can play an instrument, but it's not magic. Kvothe, like most literary protagonists, has a very wide range of skills (otherwise his adventures would be as boring to read as making full attacks every turn). Thus it is very tempting to make him a factotum, but that's easy mode. Instead, Kvothe is probably best represented (again, like most characters would be) as a crazy multiclass. Sympathy magic doesn't have an exact fit in 3.5, but psionics is the closest fit - you can homebrew or refluff some psionic powers to match the particular things he does. He is at least a 3rd level caster, probably a psion given above, due to his frequent creation of wondrous items at the University and deep knowledge of sygaldry. His time with the Adem can be represented with a martial adept level taken late in his career to capitalize on the higher IL - Swordsage fits best, if Carmendine Monk is allowed to affect it.

So we're looking at something like Psion 5/Unarmed Swordsage 1 with Body Fuel or Overchannel, Craft Wondrous Item, and a jacked up Charisma and Perform in addition to really good Intelligence and a dismal Wisdom score. If you want to go higher, give him Slayer levels to progress both his martial skills and magic.

2014-04-13, 12:06 AM
If Truenaming worked (I think there are a few fixes), that'd be important.

So he'd probably have a Swordsage level or two, an artificer level or two, psionic/caster levels, and a few truenaming levels.