View Full Version : 3rd Ed So I had some fun with my players last night.

2014-04-13, 09:56 AM
The session was pretty much low key. I'm trying to merge them back into the age of worms adventure path, from my own home grown one. I managed this well enough with a ship to go there. The ship is a gambler's paradise and so they spent a good four hours playing dice and card games for money. The ship it self is pushed around by a max HD Primal Water elemental that enjoys crossing the many seas of the material plane.

Naturally, the captain advised the party that there is no need to be worried, they are rarely attacked, because any other fool on the sea knows not to approach a 70ft tall water elemental. The captain neglected to tell them that the Primal Elemental doesn't protect him or the ship in an attack, he just works as a very VERY good deterrent. So I mildly fast forward the first of three weeks they will be on the open sea as they play their games and be come more and more relaxed.

I remind them when days go by. They are enjoying their new fount fortune. (one person is well over 100k in gold now lol) After a very great game of Wyrm Poker(Dragon 346), I turned down pretty much all the lights in the room,

So imagine only the light from under the table...

and I began to read the adventure back ground section from "A Gathering of Winds." from a local scholar. (Basically a way to warm them back up for the diamond lake area, because they were here once before, for the whispering cairn adventure.) After it was done, they were taking notes, taking it in, and I very slowly took advantage. :)

I grabbed the legs of the table, lifted really fast and dropped it and dice went all over the table and figures fell over and two people let out a yelp.

They looked at me like...WTF
I said, something just rammed the boat, tables go everywhere and people are all over the floor.

They went up, to find a Colossal Monstrous Crab, looking for some lunch. It got the Large Sized Half-Orc, but not before dying. The spell casters had no spells. They were a little annoyed because I told them it would be a non-combat session. (I had to tell them something to make them feel like they were safe lol), but I let them each have 1 spell of each level. That was the cleric, the wizard. The warmage just gets to sling as he felt.

http://s28.postimg.org/8qfni0art/IMG_1664.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/8qfni0art/)http://s28.postimg.org/6jbeu35hl/IMG_1665.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/6jbeu35hl/)http://s28.postimg.org/6zwmgit8p/IMG_1666.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/6zwmgit8p/)

I thought it was pretty awesome, and after the first couple minutes they were into it. Plus it gave me a reason to use my Mr.Crabs voice and say "Big meaty claws.":smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Sorry the big three headed thing is a huge hydra, wizard polymorphed.