View Full Version : Pathfinder Please help fine-tune my blaster sorcerer

2014-04-13, 02:41 PM
Hello, all. I'm starting a new character in an upcoming Pathfinder campaign, and I'd like to mine the Playground's mountain of knowledge for tips on fine-tuning my build.

The build is basically lifted from here (http://unithralith.wordpress.com/2013/03/12/fire-sorcerer-of-ultimate-destruction/), so I'm mostly looking to see how that can be improved on. The gist of it is an evocation-focused sorcerer making use of two archetypes to gain bonus damage to spells with the [Fire] descriptor. By using the Crossblooded archetype to get access to two bloodlines, you can double up your bonus damage for fun times and profit. The standard Draconic and the Primal Wildblooded alternate bloodlines both offer +1 damage per die rolled on elemental spells matching your chosen element. If that element is fire, you can add a pinch more bonus damage by using a half-orc and selecting the half-orc sorcerer favored class bonus.

I think the core of the build is pretty solid. I'm not worried too much about utility, as the party selection also includes a witch, a cleric, a magus, and a druid, so I think we have buffing/de-buffing and BFC handled. I'm just looking to be the glass cannon that melts faces after said faces have been suitably contained and demoralized. I will probably also be doubling as the party face.

Here's what I have for level 5, the level we're starting at.

Vincenzo Fulminazione, a.k.a. Vincent Explosion
Race: Half-Orc
Class / Level: Sorcerer 5
Archetype: Crossblooded
Bloodlines: Draconic, Primal (Wildblooded Elemental)

Ability Scores:

Pt. Cost







Racial Traits:

+2 to any one ability score (+2 CHA)
Medium size, 30 ft. movement speed
Skilled (+1 skill point per level) [Replaces darkvision]
Sacred Tattoo (+1 luck bonus to all saving throws) [Replaces orc ferocity]
Intimidating (+2 racial bonus to Intimidate)
Weapon Familiarity (Greataxe, Falchion, any weapon with 'Orc' in the name)
Languages - Common, Orc
Favored Class Bonus - Half-orc Sorcerer (Add +1/2 level damage to spells with the [Fire] descriptor)

Ranks - 2 + INT (-1) + Skilled (+1) = 2/lv
Total ranks: 10






Spell Focus (Evocation)
+1 to DCs of Evocation Spells

Sor 1
Eschew Materials
Do not need material components < 1 GP

Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
Add'l +1 to DCs of Evocation Spells

Spell Penetration
+2 to caster lv. check to overcome SR

Spells Known (incl. level acquired):
Level 0 - 5 spells

[1] - Detect Magic
[1] - Spark
[1] - Prestidigitation
[2] - Dancing Lights
[4] - Ghost Sound

Level 1 - 3 spells +1 bloodline spell

[1] - Mage Armor
[2] - Magic Missile
[5] - Shield
[Bloodline 3] - Burning Hands

Level 2 - 1 spell +1 bloodline spell

[5] - Flaming Sphere
[Bloodline 5] - Scorching Ray

Bloodline Arcana:
Draconic: Add +1 damage per die to spells with your elemental descriptor ([Fire])
Primal: Add +1 damage per die to spells with your elemental descriptor ([Fire])
Selected Bloodline Powers:


Elemental Ray
30-ft Ranged Touch, [Fire], 1d6 + 1/2 Lv. Dmg, 3+CHA mod per day

Dragon Resistances
Resist Fire 5, +1 Natural Armor

Equipment - Assuming WBL (10,500 GP @ 5th)
General Items (10,145 GP):

Handy Haversack - 2,000 GP
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 - 4,000 GP
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 - 2,000 GP
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1,000 GP
Mithral Buckler - 1,155 GP

Weapons (37 GP):

Dagger - 2 GP
Light Crossbow - 35 GP
Bolts x30 - 3 GP

Mundane Items (25 GP):

Adventuring Gear (25 GP):
Winter blanket; Candles x10; Map Case; Chalk x5; Fishhook and Line; Iron Pot; Rations x10; Silk Rope; Sack x5; Sewing Needle & Thread; Signal Whistle; Soap; Torch x5; Waterskin x2; Whetstone

Consumables (200 GP)

Scroll of Grease (200 GP)

Remaining Funds - 80 GP

What I'm looking for the most help with is spell selection, feat selection, and gear selection.

With feats, I've deviated slightly from the original build. The one I based this on, which I linked above, takes Empower Spell at 5th, but with a two-spell-level penalty to use, I don't have anything in my arsenal yet that can make use of it, so I switched that for Spell Penetration. I figure I can pick up Empower Spell at 7th, which is right when I can start using it with Scorching Ray. So, past that, I'm not 100% sure where to go with feats, although the suggested path for this build is to continue with Greater Spell Penetration and then pick up the Elemental Focus feats as well, which seems pretty solid to me.

As for gear, I know that I want my next purchase to be the 3,000 GP Rod of Elemental Metamagic (ether Acid or Cold), so that if I start encountering things with outright fire immunity, I can still contribute. Beyond that, I think I should focus most on shoring up my terrible saving throws and continuing to boost Charisma as much as possible.

With consumables like wands, I have one specific question that will determine how useful those will be to me. If you have, say, a wand of Scorching Ray, for example, do you get to add the bonus damage from the Draconic and Primal bloodlines to it? You are casting it from a wand, but you're still the one casting it. Is there a ruling on this somewhere? If you do get to, then even at minimum caster level, a wand of Scorching Ray becomes much more viable, especially for conserving actual spells and clearing out mooks and henchmen.

Thanks for your time, guys, I know it's a lot to read through. If anyone has any specific suggestions on how I can improve this character, they would be most appreciated.

2014-04-13, 03:50 PM
First tip: Don't get your build advice from blogs. They're usually incomplete, and misinterpret rules a lot. I recommend forum handbooks (such as can be found on giantitp, minmaxboards, or ENworld), as they tend to be usually competent.

Crossblooded is a trap. That +1 damage per die looks great until you realize that the -1 spell known per level essentially puts you a spell level behind your progression. That is very, very bad, since the Sorcerer's progression and spells known are squeezed enough as it is. I suggest Orc bloodline, unless you're married to that elemental ray (honestly, it's not doing much for you after level 3 or so), in which case Primal(Fire) could work.

If you like fire damage, grab a Goblin Fire Drum (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/e-g/goblin-fire-drum). That's a +1 per die, up to +10. Most of the time, you're likely to be pretty close to your enemies anyway. Just make sure there aren't too many explosives near you while you're using it.

Personally, I prefer Pyromaniac Gnome over Half-Orc. Until mid-high levels, +1 CL to fire spells is going to add more damage than the half-orc favored class bonus, and even once you get there, the difference is negligible. Also, Gnome gives you bonuses to Con and Charisma. Small size will not only give +1 to hit and AC, but also let you ride a mount indoors, and cast spells while it moves. I recommend either a pony (not suspicious), Wolf ('dat 50ft land speed), or anything which is Medium-sized and can fly. Riding a mount negates your 20ft move speed and will make you extremely mobile while casting spells, meaning that you won't get hit as often.

Scroll of Grease cost 25gp, not 200. Unless it's like a CL 8 Grease, which baffles me. Not only will you not need that many rounds (3-4 is sufficient for most fights, even if enemies never try to leave it), but any CC mage worth his salt will know grease. Or you can take it as a spell known because it's a good investment.

Also, I would consider taking Magic Tattoo a bit earlier, because it's a +1 CL to the spells you're going to use. Also, empowered low-level spells tend to do as much damage as their higher-level counterparts.

2014-04-13, 07:17 PM
If you are not married to the idea of your class being Sorcerer, a good Blockbuster Wizard (https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=CF830C0FA4CEE8DE!207&ithint=file%2c.pdf&app=WordPdf&wdo=2&authkey=!AMjZjzJxXVztFVU) blows Sorcerers out of the water in the blasting department.

2014-04-13, 08:45 PM
As a fan of blasters, my first thing to say is that the previous posters are right about Crossblooded being a trap (sometimes okay for humans), and the Blockbuster Wizard being a good idea.

That said, actual advice on your build.

First, it looks like multitarget damage is your sole concern. This is one of the few situations in which Crossblooded is not a trap (especially with a witch, cleric, magus, and druid to pick up the slack).

Second, you want the Orc Bloodline (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/bloodlines/bloodlines-from-paizo/orc-bloodline) instead of Primal Elemental. This also avoids the rules fuzziness on being Wildblooded and Crossblooded (the two archetypes do not technically stack).

Third, Spell Specialization (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/ultimateMagicFeats.html#spell-specialization) is excellent, and you should consider swapping one of your feats for it.

Fourth, Magic Tattoo is close to being +1 CL to all your spells. You should swap Greater Spell Focus for it.

Fifth, sorcerers can be better blasters than Blockbuster Wizards. You'll have to use the Words of Power (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/ultimateMagicWordsOfPower.html) subsystem to achieve this superiority, however. If you and your DM are fine with it, here's a handbook (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5kvBvq2DEHjY2pwRUNXcG5Ybjg/edit). If you go this route, I can also give more advice, having built multiple Words of Power blaster Sorcerers.

Edit: Sixth, Scorching Ray is a trap. I can elaborate, but trust me when I say it is very overhyped. Flaming Sphere isn't that great either. Burning Hands will last you until you get Fireball, which will be your main spell for possibly the rest of your career.

Seventh, the +1 metamagic Intensified Spell (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/advancedFeats.html#_intensified-spell) is invaluable. You want it at 7th level.

2014-04-13, 09:22 PM
I suggest going human tatooed dual bloodline, and not handcuffing yourself so cripplingly to fire.

spec in magic missile early on, and still enjoy the 2 extra points per die for fire spells, when they are the ideal choice.

1 spell focus evocation
1 spell specialization magic missile
1 spell tattoo evocation
3 improved initiative
5 empower spell
7 toughness
7 intensify spell
spell penetration
greater spell pen
greater spell focus

gifted adept (magic missile)
meta magic master (magic missile)

familiar tatoo-
green sting scorpion

at 5th level you will be able to one shot many monsters with your magic missiles for your first level slot they are doing 5d4+10 (9th lvl CL at 5th aint bad), and +50% when you empower them for your 2nd level slots.

and since you went human you will have a lot more spell selection in the upper levels, in spite of your dual bloodline.

spell selection (I don't like scorching ray, cuz it's a to-hit roll for a low bab caster... even tho it's vs touch, it's easy for a caster, especially one without precise shot, to miss..) but you can still pick it up, for when you have a good shot on a low touch ac monster, because you will melt its face.

1 magic missile, snap dragon fire works, vanish, burning hands, expeditious retreat, touch of the sea...
2 false life, defending bone, create pit, mirror image, ablative barrier...
3 fire ball, fly...

Magic missile should be a staple for nearly the life of the build, since you can always weave it in with lesser quicken rods, and it's good guaranteed damage.. once you reach your dice limit in spite of intensify spell, you can always shift your spell specialization over to another spell.

I threw in snap dragon just because it has great range, to engage with, and you can keep supplementing your damage with it as a move action, throughout the fight. it's great vs. trolls, when you don't have fireball, and don't want to risk the burning hands proximity.

vanish is fantastic for this build because of the great initiative bonus you will enjoy.

burning hands... duh..

expeditious retreat is fantastic mobility to kite monsters while you pepper them.

touch of the sea... just cuz water happens

false life.. don't knock it... bonus HPs are always good for a squishy and it has an hour/lvl duration.

defending bone... pure awesome

create pit.. good CC for a dungeon setting

mirror image... you see the theme here.. if you are dead, you can't blast things, so defensive buffs should be >= to damage spells for selection

ablative barrier... stacks great with defending bone, and makes you so easy to heal.. and once again a duration in hours/level.

fire ball.. duh

fly.. umm yes please

Cha > Con > Dex

I like to have a ton of HP for my casters because you can't count on your pathetic AC, and in spite of your buffs, something will end up tagging you.. Dex is a nice after thought to help gain initiative bonus.

aside from the obvious +cha item, try and get meta magic rods (quicken, intensify, piercing, etc..) and a +CL ion stone (orange prism I believe)

edit: and a ring of wizardry II !!!

2014-04-14, 01:21 AM
This also avoids the rules fuzziness on being Wildblooded and Crossblooded (the two archetypes do not technically stack).

I have no idea where you get this. Archetypes can be stacked as long as they do not replace/alter the same class features. Cross-blooded and Wildblooded have no overlap, so there is no problem RAW. The rest of your advice is quite sound, though.

@OP: There are a lot of real problems with Cross-blooded, and being a half-orc does not handle any of them well. However, using it as a 1 level dip before entering another class (Wizard) for the boosts the arcana's provide is a very real option that can add up quickly.

For example, Cross-Blooded Sorc1/Wizard 4 will give you spell levels at the same pace as the standard sorcerer (faster than a pure cross-blooded). This could allow you to effectively utilize the Blockbuster wizard idea and get the extra damage added to each blaster spell. Is it worth it? That is debatable, as it would make you an Int-based caster (a serious change to your base concept).

I will second the point on pyro-gnomes vs. half-orcs. Caster level is superior most of the time, IMO.

On the point of CL, there are some traits that will help you out here too. Is your game using them?

2014-04-14, 08:32 AM
I have no idea where you get this. Archetypes can be stacked as long as they do not replace/alter the same class features. Cross-blooded and Wildblooded have no overlap, so there is no problem RAW. The rest of your advice is quite sound, though.

They both alter the "Bloodline" class feature. A reasonable DM would let them stack, but technically they do not.

2014-04-14, 05:38 PM
Well, there's been some great responses here! Thanks everyone for your help.

It sounds like I need to go back to the drawing board a little bit. I'm absolutely not married to the idea of using a Sorcerer, I just have always heard that they make for better blasters, so the suggestion of the Blockbuster Wizard is something I'm definitely going to look into. If I decide to stick with Sorcerer, the Orc bloodline is definitely better than Primal; I hadn't known about that one, since I was pretty much just going based on the blog post I linked along with the books I had available. To answer a couple folks' questions, I don't believe we will be using traits, so I'm trying to avoid banking on those being available. Also, Vedhin, the Words of Power system looks like it has some amazing potential, and reading through your handbook, looks like it could be really great for a solid blaster. That being said, though, I really don't know if the DM would go for it, so I would have to run it by him. If so, I will definitely take the advice in your guide to heart.

A couple of follow-up questions before I disappear for a while and try to rebuild this guy with the advice from this thread:

1 - As far as blasters go, it sounds like Sorcerers are decent, and can even peak higher damage numbers in the early game, but the Blockbuster Wizard can be better over the long run, with more freedom and flexibility. Does anyone have an opinion on where Psions fit in? They get to choose the elemental type of many of their direct-damage powers and have the flexibility in manifesting inherent to the power point system. Worth looking into as well? I believe my DM may be open to the use of the DSP Ultimate Psionics book, pending his review.

2 - The Goblin Fire Drum that Slipperychicken mentioned seems like a great way to get decent damage boosts at mid levels, but how does the required move action to activate it weigh in against the Sorcerer's need for increased casting time for metamagic'ed spells?

3 - If I go with a Sor1/WizX combo to maximize the benefits of Crossblooded's dual arcana without crippling myself too bad with Spells Known, is it even worth attempting to boost Charisma at all, or should it just basically be a dump stat? No lower than 11, no sense in losing the Sorcerer spells I do get, but should I bother to bump it any higher than that for early-game save DCs or something similar?

Thank you all again for your feedback. Our game doesn't actually start until this May, so I actually have quite a bit of time to get ready, and I'd like to make the most of that lead time to create the most effective character I can.

2014-04-14, 06:20 PM
Also, Vedhin, the Words of Power system looks like it has some amazing potential, and reading through your handbook, looks like it could be really great for a solid blaster. That being said, though, I really don't know if the DM would go for it, so I would have to run it by him. If so, I will definitely take the advice in your guide to heart.

To be clear, it's not my handbook. It was written by the same person who did the Blockbuster Wizard handbook linked above.

1 - As far as blasters go, it sounds like Sorcerers are decent, and can even peak higher damage numbers in the early game, but the Blockbuster Wizard can be better over the long run, with more freedom and flexibility. Does anyone have an opinion on where Psions fit in? They get to choose the elemental type of many of their direct-damage powers and have the flexibility in manifesting inherent to the power point system. Worth looking into as well? I believe my DM may be open to the use of the DSP Ultimate Psionics book, pending his review.

If psionics is on the table, there are basically four classes to choose from.

Sorcerer has more potential damage than any other class, but limited versatility. It also requires more effort

Wizard has the most versatility and is the only one without limited spells/powers known.

Psion has decent versatility, but not much else.

Wilder can do lots of damage right out of the box, but not as much as a well-built Sorcerer or Wizard. The have a horrible powers known progression.

2 - The Goblin Fire Drum that Slipperychicken mentioned seems like a great way to get decent damage boosts at mid levels, but how does the required move action to activate it weigh in against the Sorcerer's need for increased casting time for metamagic'ed spells?

It's cheap enough that I'd get one. The only metamagic feat you'll be using for a while is Intensified Spell (until CL 16, where Empower starts to outpace it on your bread and butter spells). On rounds when you don't use metamagic, use the drum, and vice-versa.

3 - If I go with a Sor1/WizX combo to maximize the benefits of Crossblooded's dual arcana without crippling myself too bad with Spells Known, is it even worth attempting to boost Charisma at all, or should it just basically be a dump stat? No lower than 11, no sense in losing the Sorcerer spells I do get, but should I bother to bump it any higher than that for early-game save DCs or something similar?

Dump it as much as you want. You won't be casting enough Sorcerer spells to need it.

2014-04-14, 08:43 PM
It's cheap enough that I'd get one. The only metamagic feat you'll be using for a while is Intensified Spell (until CL 16, where Empower starts to outpace it on your bread and butter spells). On rounds when you don't use metamagic, use the drum, and vice-versa.

Also, if you're riding a combat-trained mount (and make the DC 5 "guide with knees" check), then you can direct the mount to take its movement (move, double-move, run, etc) as a free action, play the drum with your own move action, and cast a spell as a Standard Action, all in the same round. During rounds when you're casting a spell, try not to make the mount move more than its speed (otherwise you'll need to make concentration checks).