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2007-02-07, 11:00 AM
Summon Conscience: Requirements: Diplomacy (7 ranks), Cha 15+

Once per day per four character levels, the character may attempt to guilt another character into following a course of action. The other character must make a Will save against a DC equal to the character's ranks in Diplomacy + his Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the subject is forced to follow the course of action as if geased (for a number of days equal to the character's character level) or suffer a consecutive -1 guilt penalty to all attacks, checks and saves for each day the course of action is ignored. This can result in a maximum penalty of -8. If the subject resumes undertaking the course of action, the penalties are lifted the next day. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability. Subjects must be able to comprehend the character's speech (sufficient intelligence, understanding of language etc).

Caveat: Evil-aligned creatures gain a +2 uncaring bonus to resist this effect and can only suffer a maximum penalty of -6. Good-aligned creatures suffer a -2 guilt penalty to resist this effect and can suffer a maximum penalty of -10. Neutral characters are unaffected.

Paladins receive this feat for free at 4th level, even if they do not qualify for the requirements.

2007-02-07, 11:15 AM
Summon Conscience: Requirements: Diplomacy (7 ranks), Cha 15+

Once per day per four character levels, the character may attempt to guilt another character into following a course of action. The other character must make a Will save against a DC equal to the character's ranks in Diplomacy + his Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the subject is forced to follow the course of action as if geased (for a number of days equal to the character's character level) or suffer a consecutive -1 guilt penalty to all attacks, checks and saves for each day the course of action is ignored. This can result in a maximum penalty of -8. If the subject resumes undertaking the course of action, the penalties are lifted the next day. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability. Subjects must be able to comprehend the character's speech (sufficient intelligence, understanding of language etc).

Caveat: Evil-aligned creatures gain a +2 uncaring bonus to resist this effect and can only suffer a maximum penalty of -6. Good-aligned creatures suffer a -2 guilt penalty to resist this effect and can suffer a maximum penalty of -10. Neutral characters are unaffected.

Paladins receive this feat for free at 4th level, even if they do not qualify for the requirements.

Sounds more like a spell then a feat, but ok.

Glooble Glistencrist
2007-02-07, 11:27 AM
I don't think it should work on, or be usable by evil-aligned creatures.

Duke of URL
2007-02-07, 11:32 AM
I don't think it should work on, or be usable by evil-aligned creatures.

Oh, I can easily see an evil creature exploiting a good creature's conscience in this manner. It's really good creatures that need to be careful to not abuse this ability.

However, I could see additional modifiers (circumstance bonuses or penalties) applying based on similarities/differences in alignment, organization, and/or apparent goals.

2007-02-07, 12:13 PM
This is too overpowered to be a feat. It would make a nifty spell, however, that fits in with the Paladins' own list.

2007-02-07, 12:41 PM
A) Free geas? Sign me up! This feat's too powerful.

B) You say nothing about morality in this feat. In theory, I could guilt someone into burning an orphanage to the ground. Heck, I could guilt them into committing suicide and, if they're good aligned, come back in two weeks to find them with a permanent -10 to everything.

2007-02-07, 12:44 PM
Mm. Well, was just going with it as an ability (go comic!), but otherwise could stick it in as a Pal 2 or Pal 3 spell.

Was tempted to give Evils complete immunity, but figured even those self-centred bastards can still be tugged at by the threads of guilt.

As a balancing point, how about forcing the character providing the guilt trip to suffer the same penalties if they do not also follow that course of action? Would certainly reduce the attractiveness for evil characters and make good characters think twice before freely using this ability.

Edit: For alternative fun, have them take penalties whenever the good characters take penalties (regardless of whether or not they follow the course of action in question), but such that the penalties (and maximum penalties) stack. So a character guilting out three characters who all shirk on their duties suffers a -3 guilt penalty per day with a maximum penalty of 24... eek.

Duke of URL
2007-02-07, 12:55 PM
You say nothing about morality in this feat. In theory, I could guilt someone into burning an orphanage to the ground. Heck, I could guilt them into committing suicide and, if they're good aligned, come back in two weeks to find them with a permanent -10 to everything.

It needs to have a caveat (which would fit well with the theme) that the suggested course of action must not be unreasonable to the target, as with Suggestion.

As a matter of fact, this ability really does seem to just be a spell-like ability version of Suggestion, though with several differences in the details (save DC, duration, and the free will of the target).

2007-02-07, 01:05 PM
Yeah, I would think that it should be even more restrictive than "suggestion" really. More like "You have to make a reasonable argument that the subject *should* do what you are asking him to do" or something like that.

2007-02-07, 02:01 PM
Hmm. Well, we can rework it completely so that it functions like suggestion, using a save DC of 12+Cha modifier, usable 1/day, if that would work better?

2007-02-07, 02:10 PM
*nods* That gives it more of a balancing act.

Duke of URL
2007-02-07, 03:12 PM
Hmm. Well, we can rework it completely so that it functions like suggestion, using a save DC of 12+Cha modifier, usable 1/day, if that would work better?

Isn't 10 + ( character level / 2 ) + ability modifier more standard? Of course, the special cases for modifiers that you started in the original post should be kept, and possibly expanded.

I'd also think of it more like Mass Suggestion if it's only usable once per day... nothing like guilting a whole group of folks at once. :biggrin:

2007-02-07, 06:21 PM
Maybe Improved Summon Conscience (Mass Summon Conscience?) could be usable on multiple targets, within 30' or each other or something...

2007-02-07, 06:39 PM
Revised feat:

Summon Conscience: Prerequisites: Diplomacy 8 ranks, Cha 15+

The character may attempt to use guilt to convince someone of a suitable course of action. A number of times per day equal to the character's Charisma modifier, the character may make a suggestion of a course of action to the subject, provided that it is in some way possible to invoke the subject's sense of guilt. The subject must make a Will save against DC 10 + character's level/2 + character's modifier. On a successful save, the subject cannot be subject to the same guilt trip from that character for 24 hours. On a failed save, rather than suffering a compulsion to perform the course of action, the subject suffers a -1 guilt penalty to all attacks, checks and saves for a number of hours equal to the guilting character's level unless he follows the desired course of action (upon which the penalty lifts after 1 minute).

Paladins get this feat for free at level 5, regardless of whether or not they meet the prerequisites.

Improved Summon Conscience: Prerequisites: Diplomacy 14 ranks, Cha 19+, summon conscience

This ability works as summon conscience, save that it can affect a number of creatures equal to half the character's level, provided all are within 30ft of each other. Use of this ability expends 4 uses of normal summon conscience.

Zeta Kai
2007-02-12, 12:44 AM
How about a spell, balanced using the previous suggestions, & given a higher spell level:

Summon Conscience
Level: Paladin 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft)
Target: 1 creature/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will (negates)
Spell Resistance: None

The caster may attempt to guilt another character into following a course of action. The other character must make a Will save against a DC equal to the character's ranks in Diplomacy + Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the subject is forced to follow the course of action as if geased (for a number of days equal to the character's character level) or suffer a consecutive -1 guilt penalty to all attacks, checks and saves for each day the course of action is ignored. This can result in a maximum penalty of -8. If the subject resumes undertaking the course of action, the penalties are lifted the next day. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability. Subjects must be able to comprehend the character's speech (sufficient intelligence, understanding of language, etc). The caster must also follow the same course of action, or suffer the same penalties as the target if they do not. Lastly, the suggested course of action must not seem unreasonable to the target, otherwise the target receives another Will save to negate, as per suggestion.
Caveat: Evil-aligned creatures gain a +4 uncaring bonus to resist this effect and can only suffer a maximum penalty of -4. Good-aligned creatures suffer a -4 guilt penalty to resist this effect and can suffer a maximum penalty of -12. Neutral characters are unaffected.