View Full Version : How to make an opponent ingest poison? + The Calling = Vomiting Spiders

2014-04-14, 02:16 AM
Are there any fun/clever/working ways to make an opponent ingest poison? The WoTC glossary of terms suggests it's almost impossible, but I'm sure there's some reasonable way. I'm thinking the best method to use this in combat would be Suggestion, or knocking someone unconscious.

Ingested: Ingested poisons are virtually impossible to utilize in a combat situation. A poisoner could administer a potion to an unconscious creature or attempt to dupe someone into drinking or eating something poisoned. Assassins and other characters tend to use ingested poisons outside of combat.

Drow Poison is good for knocking one unconscious, which is great because I'm wanting to find a good way to use The Calling from Drow of the Underdark. I don't see how this poison, while a bit more difficult to make, isn't everyone's favourite.

"The Calling: This lumpy black paste is magically infused
with spider eggs and can be hidden in a dish of food, in which
it is detectable only with a successful DC 20 Profession (cook)
check. If it is consumed, and if the victim fails the initial save, a
swarm of spiders hatches within the victim’s stomach, dealing
the initial damage. The swarm is then digested and destroyed
without further harm, unless the second save is failed. In that
case, it bursts forth from the victim’s nose and mouth, dealing
the secondary damage and coalescing as a spider swarm
(MM 239), attacking everyone in the area. This poison can
be created with a DC 28 Craft (poisonmaking) check and a
summon swarm spell."

"Hey, thanks for the awesome meal. That was the best camp fire meal I've had for a long time, so professional looking too!"
"Oh, the pleasure's all mine."
"That's so cliché. Really, what can I do to repay y-" Blahhh - "Ahh! What's happening?" - blahhh - "SPIDERS ARE IN ME!?!?"
"The pleasure is all mine."

Hmm... If you have taken the Oath of the Spider Queen which makes it so vermin won't harm you, could you take this poison when you know you're going to enter battle and vomit some spider helpers... Well I know what I'm including in my next build.

2014-04-14, 06:47 AM
Mister from Drow of the Underdark allows you to puff a cloud of poison into someone's face as a ranged touch attack against an adjacent target (provokes). Contact and inhaled poisons automatically take effect, while ingested poisons allow your target to make a DC 15 Ref save to avoid contact.

You could also try the Sprayer from Arms & Equipment Guide. Creates a 5' x 10' cloud, no attack roll so it auto-hits, and there's no Ref save to avoid.

2014-04-14, 12:28 PM
Solidify it in ice cube trays, bake them into pastries, and insist that your opponents engage in the practice of the ancient art of the
traditional pre-fight doughnut. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DI_raz89Ho)

2014-04-14, 01:29 PM
Solidify it in ice cube trays, bake them into pastries, and insist that your opponents engage in the practice of the ancient art of the
traditional pre-fight doughnut. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DI_raz89Ho)

That seriously just made my day... I grew up on that movie, and now must go home and find it on "insert video playback service here".

2014-04-14, 01:32 PM
Additionally, if that happened anywhere near my current character (Female Half Drow Rogue/Beguiler, with arachnaphobia as a character fluff) she would definitely run screaming. I actually totally avoided going into a room of some random cave complex my dm threw at us, simply because it was covered in spider webs. Spent the better part of 5 minutes arguing with the minotaur fighter, just saying "Nope" repeatedly.

2014-04-14, 04:18 PM
Mister from Drow of the Underdark allows you to puff a cloud of poison into someone's face as a ranged touch attack against an adjacent target (provokes). Contact and inhaled poisons automatically take effect, while ingested poisons allow your target to make a DC 15 Ref save to avoid contact.

You could also try the Sprayer from Arms & Equipment Guide. Creates a 5' x 10' cloud, no attack roll so it auto-hits, and there's no Ref save to avoid.

Thank you very much. A DC 15 Reflex might be a bit low but I'm sure I could find a way to move that up a bit. Alternativly, one quick tanglefoot bag (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#tanglefootBag) would do the trick I'm sure.

Solidify it in ice cube trays, bake them into pastries, and insist that your opponents engage in the practice of the ancient art of the
traditional pre-fight doughnut. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DI_raz89Ho)

This is certainly my first choice now. The DC 20 profession (cook) just became worth making.

Additionally, if that happened anywhere near my current character (Female Half Drow Rogue/Beguiler, with arachnaphobia as a character fluff) she would definitely run screaming. I actually totally avoided going into a room of some random cave complex my dm threw at us, simply because it was covered in spider webs. Spent the better part of 5 minutes arguing with the minotaur fighter, just saying "Nope" repeatedly.

Part drow and afraid of spiders? I see why they're half drow and not half human ;p So what happens if The Calling is used on your character? I can easily see passing out and an embarrassing loss vs a CR 1.

Would a tanglefoot bag (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#tanglefootBag) be strengthened by Vilegrip, or does goo =/= webs? They cost the same and tanglefoot is easier to make, I think, so it's probably better just to get a second tanglefoot.

Vilegrip: This misty substance enhances the adhesive
qualities of a web. A single vial contains enough mist to fi ll a
10-foot cube in a single round. All webs in this area become
stickier and stronger, increasing the DC to avoid or break free
by 2 for 1 hour. Vilegrip can also be used on the webs created
by a web spell.
Vilegrip can be created with a DC 25 Craft (alchemy)

2014-04-14, 07:55 PM
honestly, she'd probably crap herself, then have a heart attack and die... don't tell my dm, or my party who still think I'm a regular half elf, courtesy of the hat of disguise I never remove >.>

The Viscount
2014-04-15, 10:23 AM
You might be able to finagle cramming it into the material components of spider climb, since they must be eaten by the target. It's certainly thematic as well.

2014-05-25, 07:42 PM
You might be able to finagle cramming it into the material components of spider climb, since they must be eaten by the target. It's certainly thematic as well.

So you're suggesting ingesting The Calling with a drop of bitumen, in order to cast Spider Climb?

What about tainting a potion of Spider Climb (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spiderClimb.htm), or even just claiming it to be a potion of Spider Climb? I'm sure if your target isn't very knowledgeable with what's being consumed. I can see issue arising with Spider Climb needing a live spider in it's components; if you're suppose to be making a Spider Climb potion and you see a bit of cloth being used... well it may seem odd.

2014-05-25, 07:51 PM
Bluff high (+50 vs opponents' sense motive) and suggest that the potion is really a jacked up Bull's Strength.