View Full Version : Hydromancer

2014-04-14, 11:56 AM
I had the idea for an aquatic elf pc maybe half merfolk if such a template exists.

I also really wanted to play a hydromancer for the base class, does such exist in 3.5? I'm not sure if a lot of water spells exist especially ones that do damage as it seems to be lumped together with cold.

I figure a hydromancer merfolk/aquatic elf could keep itself hydrated with either magical items or its spells?

2014-04-14, 12:37 PM
What two options you have are in stotmwrack and sandpaper.
Read stormwrack for ideas. Then go to sandstorm for modified sand shaper for water

Dr. Azkur
2014-04-14, 12:54 PM
Maybe Wu Jen focused on Water?

2014-04-15, 09:41 AM
Anyway to flesh out an effective sorcerer or anything and then go into seawitch? Are there any good water arcane spells especially in lower levels? Or would going druid be better? Sorry I really just want a sea elf pc to work, they're my favorite race.

Maybe taking the landwalker feat and using my spells to augment water long enough to survive for around a day at a time?

I'd really appreciate the help, as I'm sure it's possible to build an effective water arcane caster, I just don't know if enough water spells exist to be effective, I really just want to be able to survive outside of water. Are there any other feats or spells in certain books I should be looking at if a sorcerer wouldn't be able to do it?

2014-04-15, 09:56 AM
check d&d tools (dndtools.eu): magic --> spells --> filter and put water at the descriptor entry and anything else that you need specific to check which class gives you which water spells at what level. I've used it to make specific themed builds for the NPCs my players face and it works nicely.

2014-04-15, 10:54 AM
Any suggested feats for a sea elf pc to take other than the one I've already found? Are they featured in any other books with specific abilities or traits? Would the amphibious template work?

2014-04-15, 01:02 PM
If your DM is willing to allow a 3.0 template, Half Water Elemental from Manual of the Planes sounds like just what the doctor ordered. Several water-based spell-like abilities, nice stat bonuses, then go Cleric with access to the Water Domain?