View Full Version : DM Help Looking for good 1st level One-off [3.5]

2014-04-14, 12:50 PM
Okay my son is keen to start playing 3.5 again and he has brought friends along to play (with varying degrees of gaming experience), so I need a good quick and easy 1st level module that can also serve as a "tutorial" level.
Any thing like that fliating aroynd online?

2014-04-14, 01:08 PM
Well, off the top of my head, the D&D Miniatures 3.5 starter pack lends itself pretty well to "Intro to D&D"...

Beyond that... How long are you willing to play? Something as simple as "The lot of you are traveling down the road with this wagon, when suddenly, Kobolds!" Have a few get away, try to track them down to their cave, explore the cave, find "item of interest to the town", return item to relevant townsperson, find an inn and chillax for the night. Pretty sure that's how my first adventure went.

Requires a little bit of effort from the DM, but overall a decent first outing :D

2014-04-14, 01:14 PM
I figure four hours with at least two for character creation depending on how quickly and concisely I can explsin it.
I will probably have some pre-rolled as well.

2014-04-14, 01:15 PM
If you want a tutorial level, you might be better off making your own by throwing something with DR/regeneration/fast healing at them, traps, swarms, terrain hazards, a foe they have to subdue non-lethally, and other similar topics at them.

That said, if you have The Burning Plague, that's not too bad as a one-shot that introduces the core mechanic and a few other topics.

2014-04-14, 01:32 PM
The party is traveling down the road, have them roll spot checks... "You think there's a kobold ambush up ahead, you can see their spears sticking up out of the bushes."
After defeating the kobolds, they find a document (deed, contract, sales/purchase order, etc.) among the loot that may be worth a finder's fee to a merchant in the nearby city.
On arrival, they learn that the merchant was kidnapped weeks ago. When the kobolds murdered the caravan they got that document from, it disrupted a deal between the merchant and a local noble who's involved with a crime syndicate. The merchant was blackmailed into making the deal at a significant loss, and when the kobolds disappeared the caravan the noble suspected the merchant was backing out on the deal. This would only be discovered after some investigation that may earn the PCs a mind-your-own-business visit from some goons. Everything would play out from how they handle the above situations and how the forces involved would react to their reactions, but nothing they can't handle of course.