View Full Version : DM Help Baning spell and powers

2014-04-14, 07:58 PM
Are there any spells or psionic powers that I as a DM should ban/using all books and spell compendium. Things that ruin the action economy. are straight overpowered or make things cheap at high level such as demi plane spells also a list of resurrection spells would be nice me and my player decided death should mean something
thanks in advance.:smallsmile:

Barbarian Horde
2014-04-14, 08:08 PM
Polymorph and polymorph abilities such as alter self.

2014-04-14, 08:14 PM
Copying my G&G banlist:

Alter Self (Replace with Pathfinder version)
Astral Projection
Contact Other Plane
Limited Wish
Mage's Disjunction
Mage’s Lucubration
Mnemonic Enhancer
Planar Ally, and derivatives
Planar Binding, and derivatives
Polymorph (Replace with Pathfinder version)
Polymorph Any Object
Shadow Conjuration, and derivatives
Shadow Evocation, and derivatives
Shapechange (Replace with Pathfinder version)
Summon Monster (all)*
Summon Nature's Ally (all)*

*I use a homebrew summoner class who's the only one that gets to, well, summon, but you might want to disregard that part.

Spell or PowerSourceArcane Fusion, and derivativesComplete MageArcane SpellsurgeDragon MagicBody Outside BodyComplete ArcaneCelerity, and derivativesPlayer’s Handbook 2Consumptive Field, and derivativesLibris MortisDraconic PolymorphDraconomiconFimbulwinterFrostburnFissionE xpanded Psionics HandbookFusionExpanded Psionics HandbookGenesisEpic Level HandbookGuidance of the AvatarOnlineIce AssassinFrostburnLove’s PainBook of Vile DarknessMetaconcertExpanded Psionics HandbookMetamorphosis, and derivativesExpanded Psionics HandbookMindrapeBook of Vile DarknessMirror MoveOnlineNecrotic TumorBook of Vile DarknessPower Word PainRaces of The DragonPsychic ReformationExpanded Psionics HandbookPsychic ReformationExpanded Psionics HandbookRay of StupiditySpell CompendiumReality RevisionExpanded Psionics HandbookSchismExpanded Psionics HandbookShivering TouchFrostburnTouchsightExpanded Psionics HandbookTriadspellSpell CompendiumVenomfireSerpent KingdomsWings of CoverRaces of The Dragon[/td][/tr][tr][td]

2014-04-14, 08:15 PM
Agree with Barbarian Horde: Alter Self, Polymorph, Shapechange, Baleful Polymorph, and Polymorph Any Object. That whole line is a big can of worms.

Time Hop and Mass Time Hop.

2014-04-14, 08:46 PM
Banning Resurrection too? Wow!

Resurrection spells:
Wish (PHB), Miracle (PHB), True Resurrection (PHB), Resurrection (PHB), Raise Dead (PHB), Reincarnate (PHB), Revive Outsider (SpC), Revivify (SpC), and Reanimation (CArc).

Temporary Resurrection:
Revenance (SpC) - only lasts a few mins

Weird Resurrection:
Phoenix Fire (BoED) - only resurrected as part of the spell, if used as a contingency spell will allow for resurrection so long as contingency occurs before the character would die
Death Pact (SpC) - set conditions for which resurrected
Pact of Return (HoH) - set conditions for which resurrected
Cocoon (SpC) - modifies other resurrection magic, but forces a reincarnate within a week if no other magic is used