View Full Version : Help making a character based around torture

Joe Eskimo
2014-04-15, 01:53 AM
Have you ever tried making a character based around torture? It's kind of an odd request as the torture rules in BoVD aren't combat based. Are there feats or PrCs based around torture? I'm aware of the Flay Foe feat in CoR. I want him to be a decent fighter but what he really excels in is torture for whatever it's worth. Kind of like the Boltons. Roose or Ramsay Bolton. Probably more of Ramsay as he truly loves flaying people.

2014-04-15, 02:05 AM
Specialize in Non-lethal take downs. Wield a man catcher or a similar non-lethal weapon (ironically, the BoED has plenty to select from. You can find the Man-catcher in CW). Subdue your enemies and either invest in some levels in a caster class so you can heal, buddy up with a healer who has no morals, or invest in healing items. Once your foe is subdued and held captive, flay away!

Or if you prefer to kill your enemies, albeit painfully, wield a scourge (CW) and take a few rogue levels. Look into Complete Scoundrel at some of their Ambush feats. Hamstring your enemies, disembowel them, etc. You could look into the Flay feat from the PHB II. If you're going to go that route though, I'd invest in some sundering capabilities to get rid of opponents armor.

2014-04-15, 10:09 AM
A swift ambusher with rogue/scout levels would let you qualify for ambush feats early. If you went that route, you would not want to prestige unless your DM ruled that any PrC that granted sneak attack counted as a rogue level for the purposes of advancing skirmish damage.

2014-04-15, 11:22 AM
As always, spells are your best bet. Any build with full casting, say from the wizard or cleric list, would be good at nonlethal takedowns. Wizard will be a bit better spell-wise, but cleric has some spells buffing skill checks, which are also nice for the concept.

2014-04-15, 11:48 AM
Eh, I must ask if your fellow players are OK with this. Certain people have strong feelings about torture that they might not be able to lay aside for the purposes of a game.
Plus, like it or not, torture is woefully ineffective as interrogation. Past a certain point, people just tell you whatever you want to hear, which isn't necessarily the truth.
Also, anything focusing on non-lethal damage will be at a sharp disadvantage against undead, as they are immune to it, and undead are a very common enemy type at all levels from puds to boss creatures.

2014-04-15, 11:54 AM
Profession (Wife) might come in handy here.

The Oni
2014-04-15, 11:56 AM
Profession (Wife) might come in handy here.

And assuming your desire for torture is limited only to yourself/the party, you could take alternating levels of Monk/Truenamer.

2014-04-15, 01:47 PM
Profession Torturer + craft: alchemy will allow you to torture and heal up your victims. Healing salve is an alchemical item (forgot the book it is in) that works like a CLW pot healing 1d8 damage for 50gp (crafted you can make it for 16.6 gp).

Would actually be kind of fun to throw that on a Hexblade chassis. Capture them, debuff them, then torture the bejesus out of them while intimidating them. Should give you a dark feel and still be useful to the party outside his field of torture.

Joe Eskimo
2014-04-15, 04:00 PM
Hmmm. Interesting takes on this. I'll fiddle around with what you guys suggested and see what works best. Keep the ideas coming. I lol'd at profession (wife).