View Full Version : DM Help How to create an interesting Hunt ?

2014-04-15, 04:02 AM
Greetings fellow players.:smallsmile:

Currently i am writing a campaign for a party of 4 members and once the adventures for the first 5-7 levels are finished i want to present it here for further review.

With this Hunting Adventure i want to create some relief between a small and a large dungeon crawl. Those 3 Adventures are all tied together in the big picture, but dont have a connection on the small scale.


Adventure Information:
A Succubus empowered the emotion of anger in one of the areas most famous and very peaceful monster, the fiery Tigerbear, the population lovingly calls Tigger. This monster is some sort of famous attraction for this small forest region, it even helps travelers or workers who are in need of help if Tigger happens to be somewhere near. A peaceful symbiosis between humans and this creature and his small pack of subordinate (fiery) animals.
Tigger goes onto some sort of rampage, attacking travelers, caravans, destroying small ranger and hunter outposts, attacking scientists and clerical travelers alike.
The head of the village searches somebody brave enough to deal with him and if possible subdue Tigger, knock him unconscious rather then killing him, if possible.


Level: Somehwere between level 2 and 3. - the possibility exists to let them level up during this adventure to make the fight against the Tiger more interesting, but it is not a necessity.
Classes: TBD

Tiggers characteristic features:
- Large Bear
- His fur has the coloring and the striped pattern of a tiger.
- He has a breath weapon (fire) similiar to the spell Burning Hands
- He can ignite his body (fur, claws, etc) at will
- He has a small group of animals following him with similar fiery traits. Those animals could range from birds over snakes to boars; whatever makes it interesting ;)
- He is intelligent but he cant speak. Same goes for his companions although their intelligence exists only to make for more interesting fights. Example: A Monkey grabs pine cones from the tree he is sitting in, ignites those in his hands and throws the cones onto the PCs. An Owl lands on a branch above the party while they are resting and starts to ignite it with its feet, so that the burning branch crashes onto the party.

Short version:
PCs arrive -> Start Hunt -> Tigger notices somebody was sent to hunt him down -> Tigger sends minions to intervene with the party while he and the rest of his companions continue to rampage -> Tigger (and the surviving companions fight the PCs at an awesome location -> Reward depending on Tiggers condition. -> Happ Happy Joy Joy

How the players might approach this problem:
-Ask the townsfolk for spots where they often encountered Tigger.
-Ask the townsfolk to show them the encampments Tigger and his companions (or just his companions alone) destroyed.
-Ask the traders that are in this town who survived Tiggers attack.
-Join a merchant group on their way to another city or create their own fake merchant group, in the hope to lure him out.
-Walk straight into the woods, visiting some of the above mentioned places and search for hints by themselves
- Setting up some sort of trap (i may fall for?)

I have no clue how to make this exciting.
I have no clue how to combine all those interesting encounters, include hints on where to find Tigger/hints about the Tigger<->Companion relationship.
I could need some interesting encounters that are not related to fighting.

As I described in those companion encounters above: those can make up for some pretty interesting fights/events. But i dont want it to be so obvious that this is going to be something like the generic anime boss. "I send my minions after you while i continue my work of destruction. And once all my minions are dealt with i will appear with all my surviving minions and fight you!"
So i need some Roleplay Encounters, Skill Encounters, "Whatever Encounters" which can tie it somewhat together or mask the above mentioned fact.
Yes the PCs are free to roam the woods on their own, which allows them to pick the event they are most interested in: Do they want to visit the cave Tigger is often seen? Or maybe the Ranger outpost that got burned to the ground? Or the lumberjack camp that got completely crushed and charred?

In the worst case the PCs complete every encounter. This will make the fight against Tigger much easier because he has no companions but Tigger had so much more time to lay waste to this forest region.
In the best case the PCs solve 2-3 encounters and combine the hints they found about the companions and the possible location of Tigger himself. Which will lead to a much harder Boss Fight but the a huge part of the area is spared from Tiggers wrath, which may make for a bigger reward.

I hope i could describe it good enough, especially since i am not used to writing a longer text in english anymore.
Especially since my thought process continued (by a lot) while i wrote down my ideas and problems.
Sorry for redundancy. :smalleek: