View Full Version : Pathfinder Rise of the Runlords: Nualia; Fairy Tail Redemption

2014-04-15, 02:33 PM
I will soon start a Rise of the Runelords campaign, and I was thinking about a few player-focused encounters. One of them includes Nualia and the Cleric. I am a huge fan of the anime Fairy Tail and i have got a great inspiration from the show

My plan is, that tobyn was married, but discovered, that he was infertile. However his wife became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter: Nualia. Enranged Tobyn left her and stole nualia, going to sandpoint. The wife, also cleric took in a student shortly after: the cleric PC (i already talked to the player about having had a teacher). she died soon.

I plan that the cleric receives pleading visions from her, to save her daughter (though itīs not clear who it is until the PCs encounter nualia). Should he heal her after the fight, her ghost mother will appear and comfort her...for the first time in her life she will fell save

I would like to hear opinions on this. Itīs my second campaign, so donīt be to hard. the players will all receive simelar plot attention.

2014-04-15, 04:24 PM
I also felt Nualia needed a little more screen time than is afforded in Burnt Offerings. I don't know much about Fairy Tail but your descriptions sounds pretty neat to me, I would appreciate it as a player. My own devices on Nualia are admittedly a little more insidious but to each his own.

I'm doing something similar also with adding in Jervas Stoot (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/unique-monsters/cr-6/jervas-stoot) to the Misgivings plot. One of my players made an oracle whom we had decided was his daughter. He then decided he wanted to play a bard so the oracle met her end in the glassworks. I figure a little spectral revenge might be in order and I want to have a show down on the roof of Misgivings.

My inquisitor is in for a special surprise later on as well. He's been sent from Magnimar to help the heroes of Sandpoint and he's been sending regular correspondence to Justice Ironbriar.