View Full Version : Optimization Spell Channeling and Lances?

2014-04-15, 05:07 PM
Hello everyone, I've been reading the forums for a couple of months now and have learned a lot about 3.5, form how to DM to how to build characters. Usually I can find an answer to any question I have if I search long enough. However I finally stumbled across a problem I couldn't find a workable solution for and was wondering if you guys might be able to help and share some of your knowledge.

After looking at the Knight Phantom class I fell in love in with the concept of it. I was looking at a build like this, Wizard 5/ Knight Phantom 10/ (???) 5. The idea was to start off combat with a charge with a lance then dismount use a morphing weapon to change the lance into some other two-hander and go to town doing whatever needed to be done, spellcasting or melee fighting.

Here comes my question, is there a way to be able to deliver touch spells through the lance in a charge without being a 13th level Duskblade? The few methods I have found (Knight of Thorn) require it to be a normal attack action, while charging is a full round action. Anything but Dragon Magazine is free game. Also if there isn't a way to do it what are your thoughts for the final 5 levels? Abjurant Champion is a good standard but I was looking for something a little bit more flavorful. This build wasn't going for super optimization, only enough to be useful and fun to RP.

Thank you in advanced for any help, now that I have finally made an account I may have some other questions later xD

2014-04-15, 05:16 PM
The feat Smiting Spell from Phb2 seems to fit where you are going with this build, but unless you want to waste standard actions in combat its a 1 shot deal on the initial charge. Its not a bad feat, and it gets you what you want without going down Duskblade.

2014-04-17, 08:46 PM
Thank you that works for what I was looking for.

2014-04-17, 08:57 PM
Am going to go a bit simpilar, and agree with the , you only usually get one charge per battle. How about a cheap lance of spell storing?

2014-04-17, 09:03 PM
Ruamathari Battlemage (Unapproachable East) get's 7/10 BAB and 9/10 casting and a Channel Spell ability.

2014-04-18, 10:04 AM
Cool thank you guys for your suggestions, I'll be able to finish the build that way I want then for the last 5 levels. Between smiting spell and spell storing it will get the job done that I was looking for.

2014-04-18, 03:58 PM
Spellsword from Complete Warrior also might be in line with what you're looking for.