View Full Version : Best DC comics assassin

2007-02-07, 07:03 PM
Who is your favorite DC assassin? Personally I think it's Dethstroke.:smallsmile:

Gilles Marchaigne
2007-02-07, 08:22 PM
I like the KGBeast, myself.

2007-02-07, 08:30 PM
I like the KGBeast, myself.

KGBeast was cool, but he was killed by the Tally Man in the Batman storyline Face to Face.:smallfrown:

2007-02-08, 08:20 AM
Judd Winick. The guy is brutal and unstopable.

2007-02-08, 09:17 AM
Hrm...top assasins in the DCU?

Deathstroke the Terminator - Uh yeah, failed to kill the titans how many times now?
David Caine - Amazing killer. Trained Batgirl. Whoops.
Lady Shiva - She's hot, she's one of the world's best martial artists (having fought batman to a standstill on various occasions, can kill with a touch, and with sufficient prep time, can even bring people back to life.
Cheshire - Hot, but completely insane and liable to poison you for S&Gs. Also, had Catman's baby. CATman.

Gotta go with Shiva on this one...although I could be missing more than a few assassins here...

2007-02-08, 04:05 PM
I'm going with Lady Shiva. Hell most players in DC admit that she's the best.

Of course if you want to go with just outright killiness Zod wins,

2007-02-08, 06:30 PM
If you don't believe me Deathstroke the best you obviously haven't read Identity Crisis. He toke down Atom an Hawkman with a laser pointer!

2007-02-08, 06:45 PM
Yeah, that fight scene was what made me really like Deathstroke. He's awesome.

2007-02-08, 06:50 PM
Yeah, that fight scene was what made me really like Deathstroke. He's awesome.

Finely someone agrees with me. Slade is so cool you forget he is an old guy with a goatee.:smallcool:

Elliot Kane
2007-02-08, 09:14 PM
Deathstroke has also beaten Batman to a bloody pulp in a straight fight. I'd go with him every time.

2007-02-08, 09:55 PM
I think they should start a new Deathsroke series. I think it should be about him and the Secret Society of Super Villains.

2007-02-08, 10:01 PM
Who's the best assassin in the DC universe, or who's my favourite DC character who happens to be an assassin? In my case I'd say Deathstroke to both, but you might want to make it clear what you're asking.

Deathstroke has also beaten Batman to a bloody pulp in a straight fight. I'd go with him every time.

Seriously? When was this?

2007-02-08, 10:35 PM
Deathstroke VS. Batman?!?!?!?

Where was this! I must see this fight!

Elliot Kane
2007-02-09, 02:29 AM
Deathstroke had his own series a while back. He went to Gotham for some reason I don't recall, and Bats tried to arrest him. Big mistake.

As Deathstroke points out, he's faster, stronger, and just all round better than Batman. He reduces Bats to a bloody pulp.

2007-02-09, 07:09 AM
Hrm...top assassins in the DC?

Deathstroke the Terminator - Uh yeah, failed to kill the titans how many times now?
David Caine - Amazing killer. Trained Batgirl. Whoops.
Lady Shiva - She's hot, she's one of the world's best martial artists (having fought batman to a standstill on various occasions, can kill with a touch, and with sufficient prep time, can even bring people back to life.
Cheshire - Hot, but completely insane and liable to poison you for S&Gs. Also, had Catman's baby. CATman.

Gotta go with Shiva on this one...although I could be missing more than a few assassins here...

Your missing Deadshot and Prometheus.

2007-02-09, 09:28 AM
Prometheus isn't technically an assassin, as I recall. He was a super crazy looking to make a name for himself.

Deadshot was definitely an assassin at one point, but recent events have him turning anti-hero (Suicide Squad) and then to just plain old survival. (Secret Six). Either way, he hasn't been available for hire for some time now.

Deathstroke can't kill the Titans.

He can't even kill Robin.

He is clearly not 'all that and a bag of chips'.

Shiva, to date, is the only one out of all of the above that has actually even killed a bat-person.

Add into the equation the emotional baggage Slade now has wrapped up in Rose "The Ravager", and he's clearly got exploitable weak points.

Sure, he's temporarily disabled super-people before (with a laser pointer, no less), and he's fought Batman to a standstill...but for all that, if he just disable them, and doesn't kill them, he's not much of an assassin, is he? (An assassin being someone who is paid to kill people).

In addition, Slade has metahuman abilities. He's a freakin' super-villain...supposedly the best killer in the DCU...and he still can't kill the Titans. Oh, he's got a couple, over the years, but no-one who really matters. It is his self-defined goal to elimiminate all the Titans, because of what happened to his son, the first Ravager...and it has been, for 10, 15 years now.

Two words:

2007-02-09, 09:42 AM
Deathstroke can't kill the Titans.

He can't even kill Robin.


It is his self-defined goal to elimiminate all the Titans, because of what happened to his son, the first Ravager...and it has been, for 10, 15 years now.

...It is? Since when? He accepted a contract on the Titans - which he fulfilled; that's not quite the same thing as having a self-defined goal to eliminate them. Are you referencing something more recent?

Not to mention that those 10-15 years of real-world time have been something like 5 in comic continuity.

And that Robin kicks ass.

I'll grant, though, that he's not really an assassin per se. He's a mercenary. Therefore he sometimes takes contracts to bring people in alive, which is harder than killing them... and he succeeds.

2007-02-09, 10:40 AM
Best DC comics Assassin? Is it that hard?

I mean he's even referred to as the best Assassin in the whole universe.
And he's the guy whoe beat up superman. Several times.

2007-02-09, 11:27 AM
Yeah, there was this whole teen titans thing back in the eighties/early nineties where deathstroke was a major villain for them because his son, the first ravager, got whacked by the titans, and he was forced to kill his second son, Jericho, while he was a member & on a mission for them.

Robin (Grayson) was leading the team at the time.

Slade blames robin & the titans for getting his sons killed, and for YEARS, he's wanted to kill the lot of them to ostensibly show the league that heroing is not a kid's game. As a personal thing. The original motivator behind this was actually a chunk of leftover Jericho, but wacky comic hijinks ensue, and it's back to just slade now.

I kid you not, he wanted to kill them all. from beast boy to superboy.

This is where his rivalry with Nightwing & all versions of Robin originally stems from.

It's also why he's so crazy about the training and upbringing of his daughter: he's already lost one kid/protege.

Hell, at one point, slade was TRAINING the titans...and had given up killing...but that was before his son (jericho) bought it.

He's tried and failed to kill the current Robin at least once, and our boy wonder has self-admitted that he's nowhere near the league of batman or batgirl in the combat department.

Slade's got serious issues, and until he works through them, he's going to be second fiddle.

Lobo, as of 52, has given up killing (except in self-defense) as part of his status as a priest of the fish god.

No, I'm not making that up, and it's canon. Whatever he may have been, he's not an assassin anymore.

Edit: upon rereading, I just realised I know waaaaaayyyyy too much about comic books.

Elliot Kane
2007-02-09, 11:42 AM
Much as I adore Lobo, ravenkith is right - he's a priest now. For how much longer is something else again...

2007-02-09, 12:03 PM
Yeah, there was this whole teen titans thing back in the eighties/early nineties where deathstroke was a major villain for them because his son, the first ravager, got whacked by the titans, and he was forced to kill his second son, Jericho, while he was a member & on a mission for them.

Robin (Grayson) was leading the team at the time.

Slade blames robin & the titans for getting his sons killed, and for YEARS, he's wanted to kill the lot of them to ostensibly show the league that heroing is not a kid's game. As a personal thing. The original motivator behind this was actually a chunk of leftover Jericho, but wacky comic hijinks ensue, and it's back to just slade now.

I kid you not, he wanted to kill them all. from beast boy to superboy.

This is where his rivalry with Nightwing & all versions of Robin originally stems from.

It's also why he's so crazy about the training and upbringing of his daughter: he's already lost one kid/protege.

Hell, at one point, slade was TRAINING the titans...and had given up killing...but that was before his son (jericho) bought it.

He's tried and failed to kill the current Robin at least once, and our boy wonder has self-admitted that he's nowhere near the league of batman or batgirl in the combat department.

Slade's got serious issues, and until he works through them, he's going to be second fiddle.

Lobo, as of 52, has given up killing (except in self-defense) as part of his status as a priest of the fish god.

No, I'm not making that up, and it's canon. Whatever he may have been, he's not an assassin anymore.

Edit: upon rereading, I just realised I know waaaaaayyyyy too much about comic books.

I think you're reaching. I'll wrap my responses in a spoiler, to protect those who really don't care about all this trivia :smalltongue:.

- Slade accepted a contract originally taken by his son. He fulfilled it by capturing the Titans. This wasn't a vendetta, or a matter of hate. Further, he wasn't trying to kill any of them.

- He didn't show any rancor toward the team for years after that.

- He moves against the recent Teen Titans team (the ones with Tim Drake, Superboy, etc.) while possessed. There's still no indication that he was out to get them. This is where all that 'kid's game' stuff comes from, and it was not Slade speaking.

- He fights the Titans, after this, in order to kill Raven, in order to kill his son, who had possessed him and caused him to murder his best friend. Still not pursuing a grudge against the team per se.

- He teamed up with villains in Infinite Crisis, committed atrocities, etc. I haven't kept up with events since then. Looking at his wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathstroke), it looks like he has a grudge against Nightwing regarding his daughter, but this doesn't generalize into a vendetta against the Titans.

- So far as I can tell, your reference to a grudge against Nightwing only applies to this recent history in which Nightwing was influencing his daughter. He did not have a grudge against "Nightwing and all the Robins" since the first Wolfman Titans, not at all.

- Unless you're referring to a separate incident, his attempt to kill the current Robin was while possessed, and he only failed due to external, superhuman intervention.

2007-02-09, 03:11 PM
I agree with kamikasie.

2007-02-09, 06:24 PM
Much as I adore Lobo, ravenkith is right - he's a priest now. For how much longer is something else again...

Lobo is a priest of what now? Some elder evil that he felt deserved worship because he felt sorry of it?

Elliot Kane
2007-02-10, 04:15 AM
Lobo is a priest of what now? Some elder evil that he felt deserved worship because he felt sorry of it?

A fish god, also worshipped by his favourite space dolphins. A pacifist fish god at that. Typical Lobo in a way :D

2007-02-10, 09:35 AM
That is rill dumb. The whole point o Lobo is that he is the incarnation of violence!!!!!! he dos not work for pacifists!!!

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-10, 12:33 PM
that is rill dumb. the howl point o lobo is that he is the incarnation of violence!!!!!! he dos not work for pacifists.

Hold thy anger, young Nightwing. For I do not believe that all has been revealed regarding Lobo's walk down the Tri-fold Path of Peace. Keep watching the skies and I have no doubt that Lobo will return to the roots you love.

And Shiva has my vote for best assassin.

Gilles Marchaigne
2007-02-11, 08:31 PM
Ooh, I forgot about Shiva. Yeah, the lady with the Leopard Blow does kind of take the cake. I think her daughter Cassandra (previously known as Batgirl) is starting to take the edge away from her, though - isn't Cassie in charge of the League of Assassins, now?

Hey, speaking of the League, what about Bronze Tiger? I don't see him mentioned, and he may be a bit old school, but he was pretty lethal back in the day. Bronze Tiger was the one who stopped Batman from saving Kathy Kane when the League killed her, so he even matches Deathstroke on the "have I beaten the snot out of Batman" meter. :p

2007-02-12, 07:47 AM
that is trough. but if you add both of there fighting stiles together it is pretty clear that Deathsroke will win.

2007-02-17, 05:54 PM
If you don't believe me Deathstroke the best you obviously haven't read Identity Crisis. He toke down Atom an Hawkman with a laser pointer!

I think Deathstroke is awesome and quite the bad ass but that fight should not have happened. How the heck is deathstroke faster then the flash? There is no way he should have been able to stab him. And he neutralized Green Lantern by hurting his hand........... Lame......

The fight was plot directed with some of the most character induced stupidity I ever seen

2007-02-17, 10:11 PM
It's a tossup between Shiva and Deathstroke.

An unfortunate comic book rule: Deathstroke cannot kill titans.:smallfrown:
It shouldn't be possible for any of the Bats to beat him but they somehow do.

The Flash is pathetic!:smallyuk: His power changes so much! He could be an improved version of Jennifer (who could probably kill most of the mayor superhero teams in DC at once) from the "Your own comicbook superhero/villain" thread but he gets beaten by non-superpowered people and villains like Turtle Man!

2007-02-18, 02:50 PM
Written by a Deathstroke fan, http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2373405/1/ depicts Deathstroke in an interesting way.

2007-03-14, 04:07 PM
Did any one here read war games? I thought it was so stupid when Tarantula beat deadshot!

2007-03-15, 02:32 PM
No one beats the Main Man!! Lobo is the Best there is!!

Deathstroke is my second choice.

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-03-15, 04:29 PM
I love Deathstroke, but Lobo could probably best him. Lobo's already outkilled him several times over in just his origin story. Also, given his past record, I can imagine several ways for Lobo to beat out the Terminator's comparitively meager metahuman powers-

Deathstroke: Ah, yes, I see. He'll throw a right hook. I'll just dodge to the left and-
Deathstroke: What the hell?!
Lobo: Yeah, I changed my mind midswing. What of it?

2007-03-15, 06:24 PM
Shiva, to date, is the only one out of all of the above that has actually even killed a bat-person.

Huh? When was this? The only bat-people who have really been killed were Jason Todd and Spoiler. Joker got Jason, and Black Mask got Spoiler.

I say Deathstroke. He's smart, fast, strong, skilled, and being able to hold off an entire team of heroes who are considerably more powerful then him (except robin) is no mean feat. And he has gotten very close on several occasions.

Don't knock him for failing to kill the titans. If he succeeded, there wouldn't be a series anymore.

2007-03-16, 06:35 PM
Go Lobo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-23, 12:19 PM
Shiva killed Batgirl (Cassandra Cain).

She then brought her back to life.

Several Titans have been killed, over time.

Just not by him.

2007-03-29, 11:31 PM
I'm going with Lady Shiva. Hell most players in DC admit that she's the best.

Of course if you want to go with just outright killiness Zod wins,


On both counts.

2007-04-02, 10:02 AM
The greatest assassin in DC Comics history?

The jerky editor who decided to kill off Superman years ago just because sales were dropping.

Other than that... Deadshot, just because.