View Full Version : Warforged: Come On And Slam Now

2014-04-15, 10:38 PM
Hey guys, I'm trying to build a warforged who focuses on using slams as his main method of damage. I'm not sure which class to best go about this with. I was thinking possibly warblade or duskblade with a battlefist, do you guys have any suggestions?

2014-04-16, 12:34 AM
My vote goes to war blade, just too many cool maneuvers.

mabriss lethe
2014-04-16, 12:45 AM
Maybe Psychic Warrior? They have a lot of neat and downright nasty powers that key off of natural attacks.

2014-04-16, 12:52 AM
Strength Devotion gets you a slam and makes you attacks adamantine for overcoming DR. I would second Psychic Warrior to help increase your size and damage dice of your slam jams, but being a Dungeon Crasher Fighter who slams people into walls or dunks them into the ground sounds pretty great, too.

2014-04-16, 03:07 AM
Dungeon crasher fighter> warforged juggernaut, slam people through walls.

Red Fel
2014-04-16, 08:37 AM
Just thought I'd point out the Beast Strike feat from Dragon Magazine, #355 I think, which allows you to tack your slam damage onto your unarmed strikes. Boom, easy. Remember that, unlike regular attacks, natural weapons don't get the same iterative progression; by using this, you can use your iteratives and still add your slam damage.

If you go this route, I'd go with Unarmed Swordsage, because IUS is a prereq for Beast Strike and USS gets it for free, and because the Swordsage is your go-to Monk fix. If you decide to go unarmed strikes + slam, I'd go USS.

2014-04-16, 09:10 AM
Grab Second Slam feat possibly, but Tashlatora Unarmed Swordsage/Warmind would be a nice gish.

2014-04-16, 11:46 AM
I suggest picking up a few extra nat attacks where possible... I believe there is a feat to grab a bite as a warforged, and pick up some claws then go UUS as suggested you'll have a ton of attacks that way.

2014-04-16, 11:56 AM
If you can get a high BAB and a way to mitigate the damage, Shocking Fist from Player's Guide to Eberron seems like a good addition to the options already mentioned here. For every 1 point of damage to yourself (to a maximum equal to your BAB), your slam attack deals an extra 1d4 electricity damage. Works well with something like a Crusader.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-16, 11:58 AM
I am going to suggest a gish using spellsword / abjurant champion with supreme unarmed strike from ToB.

Something like

fighter 1 / Wizard 5 / Spell sword 1 / Abjurant Champion 5 / ISFV 7 / PRC 1

Ok, so what you are going for is this combo

A battlefist + Greater mighty wallop means you deal 8d6 for slam damage. Supreme unarmed strike + Greater might wallop means you deal 8d6 for unarmed strike damage. Then you get the beast strike feat and add your slam damage onto every unarmed strike you do.

And you have unbeatable AC and defenses from abjurant champion and ISFV.

2014-04-16, 03:22 PM
Psychic warrior sounds cool, but warblade looks more fun to me. I could get a battlefist and that in combination with maybe Second Slam. Although I'm uncertain how maneuvers and multiple attacks such as that work

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-16, 03:50 PM
Second slam grants a second slam attack, as in a second distinct natural weapon. Snap kick + beast strike on the other hand, would allow you to slap someone with your slam after a strike.

2014-04-16, 04:55 PM
My mistake for not being clearer; I meant how martial adept maneuvers and multiple attacks like slams and strikes worked together.

2014-04-16, 05:09 PM
Dungeon crasher fighter> warforged juggernaut, slam people through walls.

why not both?

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-16, 06:22 PM
Remember, two levels of reforged removes the inability to heal!

2014-04-16, 06:39 PM
I think this is relevant to the thread title:


2014-04-16, 07:04 PM
Artificers work great with warforged. Perhaps not optimal though. Fighter for bonus feats? Be sure to get your size up as well ;)

2014-04-16, 07:23 PM
Worth noting: the Renegade MastermakerMoE PrC (which slowly turns you into a warforged) gets a slam that can be used for iterative attacks.

2014-04-16, 08:19 PM
My mistake for not being clearer; I meant how martial adept maneuvers and multiple attacks like slams and strikes worked together.

Depends on the maneuver. If you still have enough actions left for a full attack, you get to make a full attack. If not, you don't.

2014-04-16, 11:11 PM
I have a question in regards to slams. The Clone Mask (http://eberron.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_Mask) grants another full torso including arms and head, as well as another attack. Would this also apply to its slam? I understand if it doesn't, as it would give a warforged with second slam four attacks a turn even without iterative attacks.

2014-04-17, 12:18 AM
I have a question in regards to slams. The Clone Mask (http://eberron.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_Mask) grants another full torso including arms and head, as well as another attack. Would this also apply to its slam? I understand if it doesn't, as it would give a warforged with second slam four attacks a turn even without iterative attacks.

It's an artifact. 4 slam attacks is pretty tame by those standards.