View Full Version : Bed of Regenerate Need price

Barbarian Horde
2014-04-15, 11:26 PM
Sleep in it; you could regrow an arm/leg. I intend to use it as a means to gather worshipers. Just looking on how to do this. Wasnt sure if it was spell level x caster level X (Not sure What number) Was having hard time figuring out which formula to use

2014-04-15, 11:40 PM
I dunno if there's necessarily a formula for this one. Presumably, the bed would just be the same price as the ring, with maybe a bit of a discount for it being difficult to lug around, and maybe a minor increase for being slotless. Still, at 90,000 GP, you're going to need the bed to regrow an arm and a leg, because that's what the item costs. I'd advise asking your DM to substantially lower the price, because the item is a bit on the terrible side of the spectrum, especially when you consider the fact that there's really no mechanical impetus for limb loss. It'd pretty much just be a flavor item, and 90 k is a ridiculous amount for a flavor item. I still wouldn't buy the thing at 10 k, or maybe even 5 k, so you may want to factor that in your estimate.

2014-04-16, 12:55 AM
There is an equation and a menu of choices this is relevant.


2014-04-16, 01:11 AM
The cost is in the Stronghold Builder's Guide, under wonderous architecture.

2014-04-16, 01:24 AM
The cost is in the Stronghold Builder's Guide, under wonderous architecture.

To be a little less vague, the price is listed on page 70 as 91,000gp.

That said, if you're intending to gather worshippers, I recommend making an Altar or Bier of Regeneration instead. Same price and effect, but craft it to be as overtly religious as possible. (If you have the gold to spare, mixing in remove disease and other similar effects on top of it will help a lot with this. Sick people are much more common than amputees).

2014-04-16, 03:14 AM
I dunno if there's necessarily a formula for this one. Presumably, the bed would just be the same price as the ring, with maybe a bit of a discount for it being difficult to lug around, and maybe a minor increase for being slotless. Still, at 90,000 GP, you're going to need the bed to regrow an arm and a leg, because that's what the item costs.

I had to reread this to get the joke. Nicely done.