View Full Version : Optimization Feats and Spells for a Sorcerer

2014-04-16, 08:49 AM
Short version:
I need to choose spells for my sorcerer. Below are my current spell list and the spell's I looked at before.

Background info:
I am the sole arcane caster in a party of 6. The res of the party is a Cleric (also me), a Barbarian, a Warlock, a Factotum, and a Factotum/Chameleon. We are taking on the Tomb of Horrors, in a one-shot adventure (which might go on farther, if I can convince everyone else to keep going).

My sorcerer is a Necropolitan Kobold, and casts as a 10th-level sorcerer, but is actually level 8 (houserule to cast as if one level higher + draconic rites of passage). He is the only character who will level up at any point during the adventure (because of necropolitan experience loss), and I will be giving him a level of Sand Shaper, for the nice long list of extra spells.

He has flight (60ft, average) via a graft, and the feat Earth Bloodline to learn more spells (marked with an asterisk below).

This is my spell list so far:
Level 0:
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic
Launch Item
Sonic Snap
No Light

Level 1:
Reduce Person
Feather Fall
Fist of Stone
Unseen Servant
Enlarge Person*

Level 2:
Wings of Air
Wings of Cover

Level 3:
Dispel Magic
Keen Edge*

Level 4:
Stone Shape*

Level 5:
Transmute Rock to Mud*

Level 6 (via Versatile Spellcaster, if I take it):
Move Earth*
All the underscores are spare slots. I need to fill those up. Spells in italics or marked with an asterisk may not be changed.

I have looked through (a bunch of) the Spell Compendium, as well as the three dragon-related books.

This is the list of spells I found that I thought would be worth taking:
Level 1:
Benign Transposition
Lesser Spider Form

Level 2:
Tail Slap
Rope Trick (the chameleon can cast this as well)
Disguise Undead (only useful if
Shadow Spray
Dark Way (the cleric can cast this)

Level 3:
Shadow Binding
Least Dragonshape
Shivering Touch
Dimension Step (but no other Dimension X spell)

Level 4:
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Wings of Flurry
Greater Invisibility
Solid Fog
Ruin Delver's Fortune

Level 5:
Prismatic Ray
Wall of Stone
Wall of Force
Touch of Vecna
These are the restrictions I have:
I may not choose a third-level one-way teleportation spell besides Dimension Step, and I may not under any circumstances learn any air spells.

Also, given the option between Minor Shapeshift and Practiced Spellcaster, which feat should I take? The main purpose is to get more polymorph options (cave troll!).

2014-04-16, 09:39 AM
Minor Shapeshift is going to be more useful than Practiced Spellcaster if you only have one CL lost. This is especially true, since even with losing one casting level, your CL will be higher than your HD, so Practiced Spellcaster will be a complete waste.

2014-04-16, 11:24 AM
Wall of Force
Resilient sphere or solid fog
Shivering touch is good but a bit broken

I say resilient sphere only because solid fog and wall of force partly overlap. If for some reason you don't take wall of force (which you really should), at least get solid fog. When you level up later I might consider getting the other one you didn't get regardless.

Reduce person seems a bit useless due to casting time and duration. I'd pick up another hour/level spell. If anything stick it on a scroll or three for 25-75 gp if you want the utility now and then. Ditto for fist of stone. Did you perhaps forget to put an asterisk on it as a stony thing? Spells like benign transposition are a bit better, but likewise at your level you have better things to do with your standard. Go with hour/level, cast it in the morning and forget about it.

2014-04-17, 05:17 AM
Stuff one could consider for dropping:
- Feather Fall, at least if you struggle to fit in your desired L1 spells. Only useful if you plan on regularly saving (many) others. After all, you can apparently fly - and in an utter emergency, a Celerity-placed Wall of Force or Resilient Sphere can often do the trick.
- Unseen Servant, never found it all that useful... unless you plan on going for tricked-out stuff like having it wear a mantle and give you concealment/break Line of Sight by standing between you and the enemy, doing the exhibitionist pose. :smalltongue:
- Wall of Stone, as I have found Wall of Force to work equally well or better in most situations, and having both is kind of overkill.

Stuff I would consider to add: (some of which you already have on your 'future' list)

- Message: A lot of awesome in this tiny cantrip for coordinating party activity without the enemy noticing. Not really needed if you don't plan on ever using any tactics or want to always stay in squares adjacent to each other, but otherwise... sweet. (Not to mention you become the party's information hub with this too, which can at times be pretty nice)

Magic Missile: Yes, it's cliche and the numbers aren't very high. But next to nothing out there can say "no" to force damage. As soon as you face your first ethereal enemy you will thank Mystra you have this. Drop in case you go for Orb of Force.
Nerveskitter: +5 Initiative on demand will make a world of difference, especially if this character lives on till higher levels
Silent Image: Its usefulness depends a bit on how much a DM lets you do with it, but having at least one Illusion at your disposal increases your overall flexibility a lot.
True Casting: Not really that essential at L8 yet, but together with Arcane Fusion, this is the cheapest way to crack SR later on without spending feats or doing expensive metamagic.
(True Strike): Only if you plan on are going for Orb of Force / Orb of <X> at L4.

Glitterdust: This one is a staple for a reason. Versatile. Cheap. Will-save-targeting blindness. Take it.
Mirror Image: Probability-wise, easily the best "AC" you can get at your char level.

Fireball: dismissed by a lot of people (and rightfully so), but still - it does pays to have at least one area blast spell in your arsenal.
Circle against Evil: Not as essential as others, but +2 Deflection AC and Immunity to mind-dominating effects for a good while (including bystanders) always payed off for me in the past, especially as long as you can reasonably expect to encounter a number of evil-aligned foes and don't get a Ring of Deflection +2 anytime soon.

Wings of Flurry: Either go for Fireball or this, not both. The big con here is the range, the big pro is the uncapped smart force damage that will auto-spare your allies.
Celerity: Being able to quickly act out of turn can often make the difference between life and death. Both for your and for your allies.
Black Tentacles: Works great for excellent battlefield control and temporarily shutting down foes. Especially enemy casters.
Resilient Sphere: Shut down foes, save allies, protect yourself... a lot of awesome in one spell.
Greater Invi: Like Mirror Image, one of the best AC buffs in reach, and any Rogue will love you for it.
(Orb of <x>): Only take if you plan to go damage mailman. If you do, also grab True Strike and Arcane Fusion to really ruin the enemy's day. Most people go the better-safe-than-sorry route and choose Orb of Force here, but if that moderate damage is not convincing for you, OrbOfAcid is a more flashy alternative.

Wall of Force: A feasible stand-in for Resilient Sphere in a lot of situations, and L4 is already horribly crammed as it is.
(Arcane Fusion): Fusioned TrueStrike&OrbOfForce means near-guaranteed Damage. Or together with True Casting, to make most spell resistant enemies cry.

Sgt. Cookie
2014-04-17, 06:52 AM
If you really want to optimise a Sorcerer, there's a single line almost EVERYONE overlooks:

These new spells can be common spells chosen from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, or they can be unusual spells that the sorcerer has gained some understanding of by study.

This means that the Sorcerer's spell list is every spell that exists.

So, go flip through your favourite non-Sorcerer list and take whatever you want. I'm AFB right now, so I can't really give you much in the way of help on that side of things, but now you know, eh?

2014-04-17, 07:00 AM
These new spells can be common spells chosen from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, or they can be unusual spells that the sorcerer has gained some understanding of by study.
This means that the Sorcerer's spell list is every spell that exists.

Putting the issue of books-throwing DMs aside, that's easily the most terrifying line I have read about sorcerers in a good while.

2014-04-17, 12:32 PM
The biggest thing I can see is wall of force. That one is extremely useful, as it is immune to damage. It takes up a 5th level to use, but when you need it, you'll be glad it's there. Any particular reason for picking sorc over wizard?

One of the great things that a sorcerer can do that a wizard has to block off a spell for is use reserve feats. Elemental Summoning (Cmage) is great, because earth elementals can earthglide through walls. This also fits with your character concept.

2014-04-17, 02:41 PM
Even with losing one casting level, your CL will be higher than your HD, so Practiced Spellcaster will be a complete waste.
That is incredibly true, thank you for noticing that.

Reduce person seems a bit useless due to casting time and duration. I'd pick up another hour/level spell. If anything stick it on a scroll or three for 25-75 gp if you want the utility now and then. Ditto for fist of stone. Did you perhaps forget to put an asterisk on it as a stony thing? Spells like benign transposition are a bit better, but likewise at your level you have better things to do with your standard. Go with hour/level, cast it in the morning and forget about it.
Why do I have reduce person? Oh right, it was for the cool factor of slight build on tiny character... That is silly. I'll change that. Fist of Stone was for flavor, mostly. I've got two kobolds with varying levels of connection to earth, undeath, and dragons. Polymorph replaces both of those quite well, though, so I think I'll be dropping them.

Stuff one could consider for dropping:
- Feather Fall, at least if you struggle to fit in your desired L1 spells. Only useful if you plan on regularly saving (many) others. After all, you can apparently fly - and in an utter emergency, a Celerity-placed Wall of Force or Resilient Sphere can often do the trick.
- Unseen Servant, never found it all that useful... unless you plan on going for tricked-out stuff like having it wear a mantle and give you concealment/break Line of Sight by standing between you and the enemy, doing the exhibitionist pose. :smalltongue:
- Wall of Stone, as I have found Wall of Force to work equally well or better in most situations, and having both is kind of overkill.
Feather fall is one of the only spells I actually can't drop, though if I can retrain a spell when I level up... Though it is useful for saving the party from falling. Only two other members have reliable ways to avoid falling damage (wings, and the fly spell).

- Message: A lot of awesome in this tiny cantrip for coordinating party activity without the enemy noticing. Not really needed if you don't plan on ever using any tactics or want to always stay in squares adjacent to each other, but otherwise... sweet. (Not to mention you become the party's information hub with this too, which can at times be pretty nice)
Magic Missile: Yes, it's cliche and the numbers aren't very high. But next to nothing out there can say "no" to force damage. As soon as you face your first ethereal enemy you will thank Mystra you have this. Drop in case you go for Orb of Force.
Nerveskitter: +5 Initiative on demand will make a world of difference, especially if this character lives on till higher levels
Silent Image: Its usefulness depends a bit on how much a DM lets you do with it, but having at least one Illusion at your disposal increases your overall flexibility a lot.
True Casting: Not really that essential at L8 yet, but together with Arcane Fusion, this is the cheapest way to crack SR later on without spending feats or doing expensive metamagic.
(True Strike): Only if you plan on are going for Orb of Force / Orb of <X> at L4.
Magic Missile seemse weak, especially if I take another blasting spell. Nerveskitter seems unneccesary, as my normal initiative is +10 (22 dex, improved initiative). Silent Image could be good, if I can make room for it. True Casting and Strike seem like too-weak buffs that take up a round's casting for little gain.

Glitterdust: This one is a staple for a reason. Versatile. Cheap. Will-save-targeting blindness. Take it.
Mirror Image: Probability-wise, easily the best "AC" you can get at your char level.
Fireball: dismissed by a lot of people (and rightfully so), but still - it does pays to have at least one area blast spell in your arsenal.
Circle against Evil: Not as essential as others, but +2 Deflection AC and Immunity to mind-dominating effects for a good while (including bystanders) always payed off for me in the past, especially as long as you can reasonably expect to encounter a number of evil-aligned foes and don't get a Ring of Deflection +2 anytime soon.
Glitterdust I want, but it seems my other options are better. Mirror Image also seems unnecessary, as I have a party, and the most hit points, and a high AC. Fireball is dangerous in cramped quarters, and my 3rd level slots are very, very full already. Magic Circle is useless, because I am evil. :smallwink: So is half of the rest of the party (NE, NE, CE, NE, CN, CN).

Wings of Flurry: Either go for Fireball or this, not both. The big con here is the range, the big pro is the uncapped smart force damage that will auto-spare your allies.
Celerity: Being able to quickly act out of turn can often make the difference between life and death. Both for your and for your allies.
Black Tentacles: Works great for excellent battlefield control and temporarily shutting down foes. Especially enemy casters.
Resilient Sphere: Shut down foes, save allies, protect yourself... a lot of awesome in one spell.
Greater Invi: Like Mirror Image, one of the best AC buffs in reach, and any Rogue will love you for it.
(Orb of <x>): Only take if you plan to go damage mailman. If you do, also grab True Strike and Arcane Fusion to really ruin the enemy's day. Most people go the better-safe-than-sorry route and choose Orb of Force here, but if that moderate damage is not convincing for you, OrbOfAcid is a more flashy alternative.
Wall of Force: A feasible stand-in for Resilient Sphere in a lot of situations, and L4 is already horribly crammed as it is.
(Arcane Fusion): Fusioned TrueStrike&OrbOfForce means near-guaranteed Damage. Or together with True Casting, to make most spell resistant enemies cry.
I'd prefer wings of flurry to fireball, just because of the friendly fire problem.
I completely forgot about the celerity spells. Oops. I'll have to fix that.
Black Tentacles is good, but again, there's the risk of friendly fire, and we don't have much space to fight.
We don't have a rogue, or any plans to be sneaky. Greater Invisibility doesn't seem worth the slot.
Not going for the orbs, because I'm not the prime damager.
Wall of Force is good, but I can't kelp but feel that Wall of Stone's shapability gives it an edge there.
Arcane Fusion is a cool spell... But less so for a utility caster.

If you really want to optimise a Sorcerer, there's a single line almost EVERYONE overlooks:
Already asked the DM for that. I can go onto other arcane lists, but not divine ones (and I wanted self-healing or other tricks...). :smallfrown:

Putting the issue of books-throwing DMs aside, that's easily the most terrifying line I have read about sorcerers in a good while.
It's great, isn't it?

The biggest thing I can see is wall of force. That one is extremely useful, as it is immune to damage. It takes up a 5th level to use, but when you need it, you'll be glad it's there. Any particular reason for picking sorc over wizard?
I'm a sorcerer because I wanted to be necropolitan. The loss of a caster level would hurt, but Kobolds can have a (virtually) free level of sorcerer casting from the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage to bring it back up.

One of the great things that a sorcerer can do that a wizard has to block off a spell for is use reserve feats. Elemental Summoning (Cmage) is great, because earth elementals can earthglide through walls. This also fits with your character concept.
My cleric has that. Sure, he has to waste a slot on the spell, but it saves this guy from needing the feat. My sorcerer's feat consumption is very limited (two feats are prerequisites, one is too good to change, and I have two left over. When I level up, my new feat is a mini-tax, versatile spellcaster). The cleric not so much. He even still has Earth Sense, despite the fact that it's mostly useless.

Shoot. Now I'm thinking I should be getting my cleric DMM Reach Spell, to cast Reach Revivify... (But I could only do it once per day.) That would mean dropping Knowledge Devotion and Earth Sense... hmmm...

2014-05-03, 07:19 PM
Ok, so your current list now is:

Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic
Launch Item
Sonic Snap
No Light

Level 1:
Reduce Person
Feather Fall
Fist of Stone
Unseen Servant
Enlarge Person*

Level 2:
Wings of Air
Wings of Cover

Level 3:
Dispel Magic
Keen Edge*

Level 4:
Stone Shape*

Level 5:
Transmute Rock to Mud*

Level 6 (via Versatile Spellcaster, if I take it):
Move Earth*

First off, versatile spellcaster lets you cast a spell you know. Not a spell from the bloodline. Don't really know why you have reduce person, instead get mage armor. Fist of stone isn't that good either. Color spray is a good choice instead, as a 10th level sorcerer don't you have more then just 4 1 lvl spells, 2 2nd level spells, 2 3rd lvl spells, 1 4th lvl spell? You should have 9|5|4|3|2|1| not sure how you got 9|4|2|2|1. So I would pick sleep, scorching ray, ray of stupidity, summon monster III, shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, and greater mirror image.

2014-05-03, 07:57 PM
Already asked the DM for that. I can go onto other arcane lists, but not divine ones (and I wanted self-healing or other tricks...). :smallfrown:

Check out the Bard List:
Cure Light Wounds
Cure Moderate Wounds
Cure Serious Wounds
Cure Critical Wounds
and the Mass versions of Light/Moderate
Delay/Neutralize Poison

I can't find Heal or Restoration on a list, but you could buy a Scroll made by an Arcane Disciple for the familiarity factor.

2014-05-03, 08:42 PM
Wall of stone is small and it can be broken. It's so small it often gets annoying to try to block off a direction. Wall of force is much larger and it's almost impossible to break. Go with wall of force. Though I wouldn't mind having multiple walls in the long run because walls are nice. Not right away because of the overlap, but eventually.

At level 10 magic missile is pretty weak unless you already have empower spell. Even then the damage is low, but the key is reliability. And tricky foes tend to have low hp too. You might get force missiles instead, though paying a level 4 slot is a bit rough right now. Maybe in a couple levels.

2014-05-03, 09:26 PM
This trick (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267805#4), do it.

I'm a big fan of having Wall of Smoke + Web + Glitterdust to cover every type of saving throw. Kelgore's Grave Mist is pretty good if you have Fell Drain or Fell Frighten and get the opponents stuck in a Web first. Power Word: Pain is also pretty good with Fell Drain/Frighten, though in ToH it may be a bit undead-heavy.

What feats do you have? Consider taking the Summon Elemental reserve feat to Nodwick the traps, in which case you'll want some kind of Conjuration (Summoning) spell such as Summon Monster or even Summon Undead. If you can get spells from other arcane lists, the Savage Bard (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#bardVariantSavageBard) list has Summon Nature's Ally, which opens up feats like Greenbound Summoning and Ashbound. Keep in mind that just having Heighten Spell allows you to use a low-level spell known and an open high level spell slot to activate reserve feats.

2014-05-03, 10:30 PM
Wall of stone is small and it can be broken. It's so small it often gets annoying to try to block off a direction. Wall of force is much larger and it's almost impossible to break. Go with wall of force. Though I wouldn't mind having multiple walls in the long run because walls are nice. Not right away because of the overlap, but eventually.

At level 10 magic missile is pretty weak unless you already have empower spell. Even then the damage is low, but the key is reliability. And tricky foes tend to have low hp too. You might get force missiles instead, though paying a level 4 slot is a bit rough right now. Maybe in a couple levels.

At level 10 you should deal a total of 5d4+5 use the easy metamagic feat empower and you deal from 15 - 37 unavoidable (unless shielded) force damage (which allows it to strike incorpreals) for a second level slot. I think I've made my point good sir.

Wanna go a med-op way:
Empower spell, maximize, twin, chain, guided, still spell, silent spell
Arcane thesis magic missle
Easy metamagic twin spell, maximize, chain spell, guided spell,
Maximize then empower, then twin, then chain after that, guide. Total is 12 feats so it's accessible at level 15 with flaws max (assuming you take 10 levels of incantrix)

To do this, cast greater arcane fusion possible at level 12 with kobold cheese.
Inside greater arcane fusion cast arcane fusion and still silent arcane fusion in the first one cast magic missle, which using incantrix empower, twin, chain, guide, and maximize, do the same for all 4 and you get 8 empowered guided maximized and chained magic missiles. These magic missiles deal 1d4+1 damage and we get 5 of them (caster level 9) so we deal 1d4+1 40 times. Maximize this and you do 5 damage 40 times, empower this to deal 7.5 (round up or down) damage 40 times if we twin all of them we get 7.5 damage, then 3 or 4 damage, then 1 or 2 damage then 0 or 1 damage (total is 11 or 15 depending on rounding down or up). Each 40 times, so it deals 440 or 600 damage. We now guide those so they do the same thing for four more rounds. So the total is: 1760 or 2400.

2014-05-04, 12:15 AM
At level 10 you should deal a total of 5d4+5 use the easy metamagic feat empower and you deal from 15 - 37 unavoidable (unless shielded) force damage (which allows it to strike incorpreals) for a second level slot. I think I've made my point good sir.

Wanna go a high op way:

If you are going to build your entire character around a spell (and you are if we do everything you put in that post) then for the love of everything holy, make it a spell that isn't SR Yes, or negated by a 1st level spell or 1500gp magic item.

Failing that, please don't call such a build high op.

2014-05-04, 08:46 AM
If you are going to build your entire character around a spell (and you are if we do everything you put in that post) then for the love of everything holy, make it a spell that isn't SR Yes, or negated by a 1st level spell or 1500gp magic item.

Failing that, please don't call such a build high op.

I was stating that magic missle could be a good spell, and actually it's only one feat that is focused towards magic missle. Just heighten spell, easy metamagic heighten spell raise it to 5th level so no globe of invulnerability. Now spellcraft check is 39 which isn't too bad.

2014-05-04, 09:04 AM
Not once in several campaigns have I seen a single monster defend specifically against magic missile. If one does, the DM is picking on you or the enemy has big foreknowledge of you. And then you cast one of your other 19 spells. It is pretty much 99.9% reliable low damage. You use it when foes are evasize, since they tend to be poor in other areas when they're that hard to hit. I wouldn't build around it though.

I suggested force missiles to save a feat. Though since it's 4th level not 3rd you might not be able to squeeze it in until level 11 or 12. If you already have empower for other reasons, then magic missile is a great choice since you effectively spend a 1st level spell known on a decent 3rd level combat spell. I also love empower on non-damaging spells btw, it has a lot of uses. You might then consider ray of enfeeblement, false life, fireball and at level 12 enervation. Heart of earth is better than empowered false life, but again you conserve 4th level spells known and you have plenty of spells per day anyway. And setting up 20-24 hours of empowered false life is still superb. Under the right circumstances the other 3 spells are uber, and yet they still leave plenty of 4th and 5th level spells known free so you're ready for other circumstances too.

I suggested force missiles instead because I believe in minimal changes to a poster's spell list & feats, especially when it's already good the way it is. Everyone should play their own character. But you should consider getting a lot of metamagic for similar reasons.

EDIT: Btw I just noticed that it's a bit late for haste. I'd ditch it at level 12 if not now and tell the party to pick up boots of speed. Gives you another action to do something else, the boots don't take an action to activate, and actions are king.

2014-05-04, 09:12 AM
Not once in several campaigns have I seen a single monster defend specifically against magic missile. If one does, the DM is picking on you or the enemy has big foreknowledge of you. And then you cast one of your other 19 spells. It is pretty much 99.9% reliable low damage. You use it when foes are evasize, since they tend to be poor in other areas when they're that hard to hit. I wouldn't build around it though.

I suggested force missiles to save a feat. Though since it's 4th level not 3rd you might not be able to squeeze it in until level 11 or 12. If you already have empower for other reasons, then magic missile is a great choice since you effectively spend a 1st level spell known on a decent 3rd level combat spell. I also love empower on non-damaging spells btw, it has a lot of uses. You might then consider ray of enfeeblement, false life, fireball and at level 12 enervation. Heart of earth is better than empowered false life, but again you conserve 4th level spells known and you have plenty of spells per day anyway. And setting up 20-24 hours of empowered false life is still superb. Under the right circumstances the other 3 spells are uber, and yet they still leave plenty of 4th and 5th level spells known free so you're ready for other circumstances too.

I suggested force missiles instead because I believe in minimal changes to a poster's spell list, especially when it's good. Everyone should play their own character. But you should consider getting a lot of metamagic for similar reasons.

Kobold cheese allows us to get 8th level spells at twelfth level. It would allow us to get 3rd level spells at 5th level. I realized that there are much better spells such as Ray of stupidity which can be affected by split ray and all the above will kill everything, 'nuff said.

2014-05-04, 10:03 AM
Lvl 4: Wings of Flurry is awesome... TAKE IT

2014-05-04, 02:03 PM
Minor Shapeshift is going to be more useful than Practiced Spellcaster if you only have one CL lost. This is especially true, since even with losing one casting level, your CL will be higher than your HD, so Practiced Spellcaster will be a complete waste.

Hello, I need to know which spells can be affected by EMPOWER SPELL, specifically, MAGE ARMOR? (I hope, I hope...) If I understand it correctly, an empowered mage armor spell should provide +6 AC instead of just +4 AC. This makes logical sense, since in Star Trek, you can always add more power to the shields. It follows that you can always add more power to a mage armor spell.

How will it affect the following spells?

1) Fireball
2)Magic Missiles
3) Burning Hands
4) Gust of Wind
5) Ray of Frost
6)Color Spray
7) Teleport
8) Mage Armor

If I'm right, the empower spell SHOULD enable me to carry an additional, smaller character in addition to the two medium size my sorcerer can port with. Alternatively, can I trade distance for teleporting away an additional character? In other words, we're in over our heads. There are four members of our party: Me (human sorcerer), Liz (human paladin), Martin (human archivist), and Robert (kobold). I SHOULD be able to teleport all four of us the hell out of there at least 100 miles away in a pinch. (I'm playing a 10th level sorcerer with teleport.)

Please respond directly to: [email protected]

Thank you!

2014-05-04, 03:48 PM
Hello, I need to know which spells can be affected by EMPOWER SPELL, specifically, MAGE ARMOR? (I hope, I hope...) If I understand it correctly, an empowered mage armor spell should provide +6 AC instead of just +4 AC. This makes logical sense, since in Star Trek, you can always add more power to the shields. It follows that you can always add more power to a mage armor spell.

How will it affect the following spells?

1) Fireball
2)Magic Missiles
3) Burning Hands
4) Gust of Wind
5) Ray of Frost
6)Color Spray
7) Teleport
8) Mage Armor

If I'm right, the empower spell SHOULD enable me to carry an additional, smaller character in addition to the two medium size my sorcerer can port with. Alternatively, can I trade distance for teleporting away an additional character? In other words, we're in over our heads. There are four members of our party: Me (human sorcerer), Liz (human paladin), Martin (human archivist), and Robert (kobold). I SHOULD be able to teleport all four of us the hell out of there at least 100 miles away in a pinch. (I'm playing a 10th level sorcerer with teleport.)

Please respond directly to: [email protected]

Thank you!
Empower only affects Variables of the spell. so,

1) Fireball -- Empowered deals 1.5*CLd6 (max 15d6 @CL 10)
2)Magic Missiles -- Empowered deals 1.5*(1d4+1) per missile
3) Burning Hands -- same idea as fireball
4) Gust of Wind -- distance knocked back rolled is * 1.5 and so is nonlethal damage
5) Ray of Frost -- 1.5*1d3 (since there is no d1.5)
6)Color Spray -- For 2HD or less Duration of unconscious is 3d4 rounds, for 4HD or less, duration of blind and stunn is 1d4*1.5 after that if applicable.
7) Teleport -- take 1d10*1.5 damage on a mishap.
8) Mage Armor -- no effect (Although, Greater Mage Armor is a 3rd level spell that gives you the +6 Armor bonus you are looking for, so if you want to, you can think of it as "Empowered").

2014-05-04, 08:18 PM
If you're worried about friendly fire with fireball then you can get explosive cascade from spell compendium to avoid them and so hit more foes. It's 4th level instead of 3rd though.