View Full Version : DM Help World without the magics

Shallow God
2014-04-16, 11:42 AM
Hello, this is my first post so I appreciate any help.

I'm starting a DnD 3.5 campaign where a cult tried to kill all the gods of magic so that humans could rule magic, this attempt failed so Baccob and the other gods of magic took away all ARCANE magic in the world. I was wondering if there are any items in game that produce arcane power. Any hints where to look or just telling me what would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

2014-04-16, 12:32 PM
Short version is "probably not in the way you are thinking of it."

Slightly longer version is "You're the DM, so there can be if you want there to be, but there don't have to be, because this is pretty much outside the scope of the rules as written."

Useful version is "Just make something up that works for your game."

2014-04-16, 12:37 PM
I think Complete Mage or Complete Arcane mention some spots that are permeated with magical energies. Maybe some of those? Although if the gods of magic took away arcane magic, they could probably drain the power sources as well.

You could have devils grant such in exchange for power. It's be more akin to divine magic in fluff, but maybe Asmodeus worked out a contract that gets through some loops.

Are all magic items in existence also drained (or at least all those with arcane creators)? I caution against such, since melee classes really need magic items to be comparable to divine casters. I do think it's fine if you say no new magic items can be created (by arcane casters, at least.)

EDIT: What is your objective with this setting? Do you just want no arcane casters, or are there plans for the players to restore arcane magic? If we know what you are going for, it might trigger some memories or give some ideas as to what could help.

But, all in all, I agree with Airk.

2014-04-16, 12:39 PM
Yeah, seriously. "Produce arcane power" has no defined meaning in D&D 3.5. What's the problem with just making things up? Are you a player rather than the DM? Your post isn't quite clear.

2014-04-16, 10:23 PM
Yeah, seriously. "Produce arcane power" has no defined meaning in D&D 3.5. What's the problem with just making things up? Are you a player rather than the DM? Your post isn't quite clear.

Yeah, I'm not sure what he's after here. If he's the DM, whether such items exist in the setting is up to him, and I suppose he's asking for advice on the issue--but he's going to have to be more specific about what he's trying to accomplish with the setting if he wants good advice. OTOH. if he's a player, I have no idea how we could possibly help him, since we can't read his DM's mind.

2014-04-17, 12:06 AM
Step 1: Does the item in question require wizard-only spells? Can a divine caster make it?
Step 2: Does the item in question, assuming the above answers allow continuation, have an effect, tone, or use that fits with something one of your setting's factions of divine casters would make? A LG church is unlikely to make any Warlock's Scepters, even if their clerics are technically capable of making them (I'm not sure that they would be; this is just an example). It's possible that many don't fit the tone at all: the carpet of flying is pretty wizardly in its basic tone, and you may not want that from your churches.

2014-04-17, 03:59 PM
One thing that might be what you want are Pearls of Power. (Or, if those are for spontaneous casters, whatever the equivalent for prepared casters are.) They let you regen a spell slot (lv 1 Pearl of Power, or whatever the prepared caster item is, restores 1 level 1 spell per day. It only gives you a spell you already prepared and cast.)

In theory, wizards who prepare spells could keep reusing those, using them to recharge the spells they had most recently prepared before arcane magic was lost. I don't think there's a limit to the times one can be used on the same spell or the number you can hold. Sorcerers could use the equivalent item to recharge their spell slots.

Does that fit what you want?