View Full Version : 3rd Ed help with dragon NPC's

2014-04-16, 01:11 PM
ok, so, for the campaign i'll be running i'm making a council of nine, one member of each alignment, and i'm hoping i can use a dragon for each member
so i need a list of (preferably true) dragons and their alignments, and where to find them

i also need some help with their classes, because i don't want them to just be great wyrm's, i want them to be level 20-ish something-or-others
i want all the dragons to be as close to each other in total power as possible, so weaker dragons get stronger classes, or more levels in classes of equal power
hopefully all of this makes sense
all help is appreciated :smallbiggrin:

2014-04-16, 01:16 PM
Well, there's the four 'cornerstone' alignments in the Monster Manual (Metallic/Chromatic), the paritally neutral dragons in the Gem Dragons (Monster Manual 2), and IIRC the Ethereal Dragon in the Draconomicon is True Neutral.

2014-04-16, 01:22 PM
Here's a list from D&D Wiki of all the types of true dragons (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/True_Dragon_Index_(3.5e_Other)).

And here's a list (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dragonTrue.htm) of the chromatic/metallic dragons from the SRD.

The latter dragons, as was said before, will all be of extreme alignment. No neutrals there!

Fable Wright
2014-04-16, 02:54 PM
The Planar dragons from Draconomicon each had the alignment of the outer plane they represent; the Chaos dragon from Limbo was CN, the Styx dragon NE, etc. It's good for filling out the Neutral alignments, and they embody their alignments a bit better than their material plane counterparts.

If you did have the Council of 9 run by the planar dragons, you would also have a neat little subplot about the intermediate outer plane dragons feeling slighted. (For example, the NE/LE Pyroclastic dragons wouldn't get a seat on the council, despite representing an entire outer plane and possible destination of souls in the afterlife.)