View Full Version : Rules Q&A 3.5 polymorph any object system break?

2014-04-16, 03:01 PM
As I was reading through my players handbook for the 100th time, I came across polymorph any object. I have long had questions about this spell, but now I really want to ask them, because I have started playing wizard. The rules state that if you reach a score of 9 or above (table presented below) then the duration of the spell is permanent. My question is, (knowing that I play human) what would happen if I were to decide that I wanted to be a human with 45 strength, constitution, dexterity, and intelligence? I am in the same kingdom, (animal) same class (mammals) and the same size (medium). What is the limiting factor here? Isn’t this the most overpowered spell to ever be created? Why would wizards do this? Thank you.
Same kingdom (animal, vegetable, mineral) +5
Same class (mammals, fungi, metals, etc.) +2
Same size +2
Related (twig is to tree, wolf fur is to wolf, etc.) +2
Same or lower Intelligence +2
Duration Factor Duration Example
0 20 minutes Pebble to human
2 1 hour Marionette to human
4 3 hours Human to marionette
5 12 hours Lizard to manticore
6 2 days Sheep to wool coat
7 1 week Shrew to manticore
9+ Permanent Manticore to shrew

2014-04-16, 03:03 PM
Shapechange, Ice Assassin, and Gate are worse. :smalltongue:

Anyway, you use the basic stats listed in the stat blocks for the form.

2014-04-16, 03:05 PM
what would happen if I were to decide that I wanted to be a human with 45 strength, constitution, dexterity, and intelligence?

There is no such form, though. You can't just make up forms, you have to use forms that actually exist. Part of the whole "no creatures with templates" thing.

2014-04-16, 03:13 PM
There is no such form, though. You can't just make up forms, you have to use forms that actually exist. Part of the whole "no creatures with templates" thing.

Okay. I know I've beat this drum before, but go into MM3 and check out the Redcap.

See if it's something you can do with a spell, and then if you like what you see, ask the GM if he'll/she'll allow it.

Draconi Redfir
2014-04-17, 11:46 AM
This spell turned my Holy Avenger into a bunny (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?341686-5-holy-bunny-Named-Avenger). i can at the very least say it's a hilarious spell that can add a lot of funny things to it, that manticore that was turned into a shrew for examle could still have some manticore abilities, albet on a much smaller level.

2014-04-17, 11:54 AM
Shapechange, Ice Assassin, and Gate are worse. :smalltongue:

...maybe. PAO has that wonky duration thing working for it, which is a serious advantage over shapechange, and it doesn't have a big GP or XP cost, which is a serious advantage over gate, and a possibly less serious advantage over ice assassin (higher cost, but that's less relevant over the duration in question). Really, it's probably not at the level of those 9th's, but it's not strictly worse, and being not strictly worse than 9th's makes for an 8th that's ridiculously broken.

2014-04-17, 11:59 AM
...maybe. PAO has that wonky duration thing working for it, which is a serious advantage over shapechange, and it doesn't have a big GP or XP cost, which is a serious advantage over gate, and a possibly less serious advantage over ice assassin (higher cost, but that's less relevant over the duration in question). Really, it's probably not at the level of those 9th's, but it's not strictly worse, and being not strictly worse than 9th's makes for an 8th that's ridiculously broken.

Examine the kinds of abilities the above 3, and the ones granted by their lesser counterparts (Planar Ally, Planar binding, Simulacrum). Ex special attacks don't always match up.

The most apt example is that you can't Sarrukh yourself with PAO (Barring a feat) alone, but you can (in conjunction) with a Simulacrum/Ice Assassin or Shapechange.