View Full Version : Keeping a pet without Handle Animal?

2014-04-16, 05:11 PM
Hello, Playground.

So, I would really like to acquire a pet raven for my upcoming character, problem is, he isn't a wizard (familiar) or a druid (animal companion), and my DM says that I would require Handle Animal (a skill not native to Clerics) to keep him with me. I was wondering what the DC would be to ensure that the raven would stay with me (just on my shoulder, not doing anything). Would it just be DC 10? And if so, would I be able to take one rank in Handle Animal and then would I be able to take 10 or 20 on the Handle Animal check to make sure that he doesn't fly away?

The purpose of said raven is merely for flavor, and I just want to keep him on my shoulder (DM said that without Handle Animal he would just fly away, which makes sense). Alternatively, are there any magical animals that you could purchase that are raven-like and would just stay with me?

Thank you for any input.

2014-04-16, 05:27 PM
By the rules you only need handle animal to teach, rear or train animals. Handling animals can be done untrained with a Charisma check. Since it's only DC10 and you don't want to use it in combat you shouldn't have any problems using it untrained.

2014-04-16, 05:29 PM
I let one of my PCs have pets without one, no problem. The only real problem is keeping them healthy. But that's what your friendly neighborhood druid is for. Magical Vets!

2014-04-16, 07:01 PM
My DM let me pick up a kitten during a house fire. My monk saved it, feed it, and tried to keep it around. Eventually it was declared my pet, without any checks needed. I just treat it well until it followed me. After it was with us for a few months it leaned to fetch. With checks this can be done in a week though. Came in handy when I dropped things.

"Kitty! I dropped the staff."

So all it ever fetched was snacks.. But it was fun.

2014-04-16, 08:36 PM
By the rules you only need handle animal to teach, rear or train animals. Handling animals can be done untrained with a Charisma check. Since it's only DC10 and you don't want to use it in combat you shouldn't have any problems using it untrained.
Note that it's only DC 10... if the critter doesn't have any damage of any kind, and if the critter has been trained in that particular trick.

So you can have a pet that you can control out of combat if you get the pet from an animal trainer.

You can also just take a cross-class rank or two in handle animal. Unless you're specifically playing a skillmonkey and need your Spot/Hide/Listen/Move Silently/Search/Disable Device/Open Lock/et cetera all as high as possible, that's usually not really an issue.

2014-04-16, 08:48 PM
I mean, keeping it from avoiding danger is one thing, keeping it around when you're a good source of food and have bonded with it is another. Bonding with it while adventuring rather than during a period of downtime is less than ideal and possibly a little verisimilitude breaking.

But, yeah, 1 rank of Handle Animal and whatever boosters you can use should suffice for purposes of establishing that you can interact with it. Granted, if ravens aren't really sold as pets, it's a matter of taming one or something.

Honestly though..... With what you seem to want from it, I don't see the objection, really. Have you communicated this fully to your DM? I could see some potential worry about trying to use shenanigans, especially with the ability to speak humanoid languages.

2014-04-17, 03:15 PM
I had a tibbet disguised as a tabby that followed around the druid.

2014-04-17, 07:06 PM
You are a cleric, Wieldskill or Guidance of the Avatar for handle animal and take the raven.

2014-04-17, 08:42 PM
My take is that you don't need any handle animal ranks if you get a raven that is already trained. Most PCs have a horse and can keep that without needing the skill. Just find a trainer in any moderate sized town and put in an order, assuming they are not common pets. It should be ready in a few weeks.

2014-04-17, 11:14 PM
If you've got the time and the gold, and your DM allows it, you could hire an animal trainer to help you out (Arms and Equipment p62). It's only 8sp per day (or 1gp, minimum, for an exotic animal trainer, but ravens aren't really that exotic).

If I were you, I'd at least propose this: Say 7gp for the trainer and a week of dedicated training (as in, you can't do much else, including adventure. It may cost more at DM's discretion, depending on your level and current wealth. Maybe you're rushing the process, and taking time from the trainer's other clients, so you get charged more). If you succeed on enough CHA checks that week, you get a +whatever on Handle Animal checks, but only with that particular raven, without having to spend skill points.

It might mean you need to wait for some in-game downtime, but if all you're going for is flavor, I think it fits pretty well.