View Full Version : It's a small world IC thread

2014-04-17, 08:31 AM
DM notes

Jack (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=859600)

Barrak Stoutbarrel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=863125)

Lady Moreta
Ehlara (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=861106)
Half elf

You awaken blurry eyed to the painfully bright sun. Your stomach churning in agony while you shiver feverishly, noticing you are practically naked (up to player discretion) laying uncomfortably on the cold Forrest floor. There are moans from others around you but before you can gather your vision and inspect you feel a sharp prod in your back.
And then you notice the threat at hand, blurry goblin like creatures brandishing club like weapons surrounding your party.

You have no recollection of how you got here or where you are.

The scene is set, the raising sun signals the start as it glistens on the morning dew, birds chirp in the distance but an eerie stillness hangs in the air, 5 pairs of tense, dull, glazed, yellow eyes state upon you ready and awaiting to see your actions.
The three of you lay in a triangle, 5 feet apart. Positioned between each of you, three goblins stand just outside your triangle while 2 stand a further 20 ft back. The goblins surrounding you hold makeshift short spears and clubs while at the back one goblin is swinging a Morningstar while the other wears a bundle of javelins on his back and one in his hand.
The goblins have the combat advantage, being armed, set and ready, they look ready to attack the first person who tries to get up.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-18, 03:16 AM
Ehlarra blinks slowly, before even coming fully awake, she can tell something is wrong. The sun is too bright, she's shaking, and oh, her stomach hurts. She moans softly, before realising she is not the only one making noise. Raising her head makes everything hurt worse, but it's also enough to see - well, she's not entire sure what she's seeing. There are two others lying nearby, apparently just as well-off as Ehlarra herself. They're barely clothed, which is enough to make Ehlarra realise she's not wearing what she should be wearing. Her clothes are gone, her armour is gone, the only things she still has are smallclothes and the pendant her parents gave her when she was a child.

Not good. This is not good. What is this? Thoughts run scrambled through her head, but it's not til something jabs her in the back that she finally notices the goblins. And then starts swearing at herself for not noticing them before. Ehlarra starts to rise, notices the expressions on the faces of the goblins nearest her and promptly decides to stay right where she is. Struggling to speak around a parched mouth and what feels like a swollen tongue - plus the hangover from hell, Ehlarra manages to choke out some words.

"Wha- what's goin' on?" She looks at the blank faces and realises that goblins probably don't speak Elven, so she repeats the question in Common, and then Draconic for good measure.

2014-04-18, 09:10 AM
Barrak was no stranger to hangovers. He and his father were always well supplied with various kinds of alcohol, which meant there had been mornings when he had arisen less-than-chipper. Still, the pain in his head, combined with a nauseating stomachache, turned this into the worst morning of his life.

He eventually rises when he hears a woman's voice asking something. Rubbing his sleep-crusted eyes, he stands up only to be poked in the back by one of the goblin's spears. It is only then that he becomes fully aware of their situation. As much as he wants to start fighting the goblins, their weaponry and his own unarmed state is enough to keep Barrak in check. Dad always said that goblins were bad news. Barrak's eyes scan the ground, looking for a branch or something to arm himself with.

Since Barrak didn't know Goblin, he tried Giant instead. "Are you the ones who spiked my drink? That was a waste of good beer."

2014-04-18, 11:52 AM
As the dwarf nonchalantly raises from the ground a guttural whelp explodes amongst the goblins as they begin nervously barking back at one another piercing the air. Clearly angered by his calmness, on cue the two nearest Barrak answer his question spoken in giant by lunging their pointy sticks towards his belly! The 2 goblins at a distance repeat the same panicked shout over and over while pointing at the floor. The third goblin in the triangle watches over the moving half elf spitting words at her in his goblin tongue threateningly waving his short spear at her.

This was an attack of opportunity for raising from prone,
[roll0]. [roll1]
[roll2]. [roll3]
Due to the poor makeshift nature of these weapons they do less damage, please take damage accordingly to your AC
2 of the 3 have now used their 'aoo' for this round.

During the commotion Barrak eyes an old gnarled tree branch resting on the floor, partially over grown by weeds, to the right of one of the attacking goblins.
dc 15 to spot, DC 8 strength check to pull free, counts as improvised club, -4 to attack roll but no longer unarmed.

2014-04-18, 12:23 PM
Barrak cries out in pain as a spear stabs cruelly into his belly. Now fully awake and clear-headed, he is angry at their behavior.

Grabbing a nearby branch, he wrenches it out of the ground and yells at the goblin who hit him. "Stop doing that!"

2014-04-18, 02:19 PM
Hearing the sounds of conflict, Jack awakens from his daze, rubbing his eyes in response to the bright sun. He noticed his possessions were gone and that he was lying on the cold forest ground, but apparently he wasn't alone as he sees the dwarf and half-elf standing on either side. He felt the sharp stab and got up to eye his enemy.

Jack stands up, shivering."H-hey! W-w-what are you doing to us? Jack asked in goblin tongue. He had a lot of goblin acquaintances in his old guild, he was familiar with the language. Jack quickly tries to mutter an incantation of protection under his breath.

2014-04-18, 09:57 PM
The goblin between jack and Ehlara stops his foul mouthed goblin insults as he thrashes his spear out at Jack as he stands to his feet.


A moment of silence cuts the air as the foul dirty little goblins realise that Jack speaks their tongue.
The most intrigued are the two who held their distance, they manouver around the forest floor to be within his line of vision and starts yapping away. A fierce determination in his wide yellow eyes.
You and your ugly friends must get back on the floor while you still have a choice, we have won this and you are our prize! Or else
The goblin speaking pauses as he gives a wave from his free hand and the two goblins at Barrack's side sneer as they spear at him with a disgusting pleasure again!


Lady Moreta
2014-04-18, 10:29 PM
"Or else what?" Ehlarra snarls in goblin, mad at herself for forgetting she spoke their language. Mad because she still felt like she'd been on a three-day bender, because she couldn't remember how she'd ended up here, and because she'd spent her entire life training to fight goblins and now she'd been captured by them. In generally really, Ehlarra was just plain mad. She rolls smoothly to her feet, hands loose at her side and eyes fixed on the goblin nearest her.

Without a weapon, there's not much she can do, so I will ready an action to try and take the spear off the first goblin who tries to poke her with one. I think it's either a grapple check or opposed strength check, but I have no idea really.

Also, while I'm at it, sense motive, to see if she can figure out what they mean by this whole 'we won and you are our prize' thing.
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2014-04-18, 10:45 PM
Jack appears irritated at the goblin who spoke to him. He changes his posture and facial expression to one of a proud noble's. "You can't take us with you. We're messengers delivering a letter for the king of Orrender. His own personal couriers." Jack's face changes to a wry smile. "If the king finds out we're missing, he'll send an army to look for whatever hovel you goblins crawled out of. You goblins don't know who you're messing with" Jack's head is held high and his arms are crossed in front of his chest, he stands powerfully.

2014-04-19, 01:29 AM
(Barrak just bare in mind all this talking is in goblin)

The goblins hiss and recoil in thought looking to each other for confirmation,
"lies! Take them to the masters, to the masters!"
"what if we get tracked"
"yes, yes to the masters then we will be the favourite and they will do the jobs! Hee hee"

The goblin brandishing the Morningstar growls in a commanding tone.
"Shut it you fools" then he looks up at jack,
"You will be slaves" he sneers then gazes over Ehlara with his glazed yellow eyes staring deep into her
"or else" he emphasises...."you all die"
and with that the goblin smirks an evil smirk as he raises his stringy dull orange arm in the air ready to give the attack order.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-19, 02:08 AM
<Not interested> Ehlarra growls, switching back to her native Elven. Lunging forwards, she snatches at the spear of the nearest goblin and attempts to take it from him.

Accounting for the -4 penalty

2014-04-19, 03:29 AM
The goblin that struck at Jack readies his spear to strike again when suddenly Ehlarra grasps the the weapon in his hands, his bony knuckles go white as he hangs on for life. The struggle is short as the weapon is yanked from his feeble grip and fear washes over his face as he quickly scampers away from the half elf thief.
"No, no please" he whimpers in goblin raising his arms over his face in defence.

The leading goblin drops his arm as he ferociously shouts in a throught tearing growl.
And with that a miniature roar breaks out as the goblins attack, Barrak receives another barrage of spear tips thrust at him.

1d20+1 161d4-1 2
1d20+1 171d4-1 2
A javelin is hurled at Jack from the goblin beside the leader who although is finally taking action looks clearly nervous and worried to be doing so.
1d20+1 191d4 3

Lady Moreta
2014-04-19, 04:58 AM
Ehlarra stares at the spear in her hand for a moment, clearly a little surprised her desperate gamble paid off. She stares down at the goblin now cowering away, then jerks her gaze around to the leader.

*Stay where you are and do not move* she growls in goblin, then turns and stalks towards the leader. There's only one way to resolve this situation, if the leader is gone, she suspects the others will give in without a fight.

Obviously, going to attack the lead-goblin. Am I close enough to do that straight away, or do I need to do something else first? I assume the damage is the same - 1d4-1, since they're not very good spears.

2014-04-19, 06:42 AM
As Ehlarra gazes at the spear in her hand she realises how close to snapping the crude twisted weapon her struggle for it was, a half blunt stone propped with sinew and clay to a an unchoosely stick, further more than its child like craftsmanship it was also too small to be wielded properly. As well as the -1 to attack roll and damage you take a further -2 for the inappropriate sizing.
But yes if you move around a goblin you can reach and attack the leader.

2014-04-19, 07:47 AM
"There is no way I'm going to be a goblin's slave. I'd rather choose death." Jack's words, while true, sounded more confident than he managed to vocalize. There was a slight tremble in his voice, but he managed to keep his cool. He glanced at the other two and felt a bit of relief as they seemed to be better off. Switching back to common, So, in case either of you didn't catch that. . . at this rate, they aren't taking prisoners." Jack removes the small javelin from his side, wincing for a moment from the pain, and carefully fires it back toward its owner.

Javelin attack roll, factoring in the -2 for small weaponry: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2014-04-19, 08:51 AM
After being stabbed for the third or fourth time, Barrak has had enough. The actions of those near him give him confidence to make his move."That's it!"

He swings with his club at the goblin who has caused him the most pain.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Extra attacks, since they were suggested:
Attack roll: [roll4]
Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Crit Damage: [roll7]

2014-04-19, 11:35 AM
Barrak's fierce swing finds only empty air, the goblin watches wide eyed in horror as the tree root thunders past him. Jack hurls the small bloody javelin back at his attacker only to have the remaining near goblin seize the opportunity and strike at him while vulnerable.
Ehlarra slips past the attacking goblin and makes her way towards the short, leathery skinned, vile grinning, leader of a goblin. The javelin flys past and struck the leg of the unarmed goblin at the leaders side, as blood spilled from the wound he looked at the scene unravel before him as it became too much, their advantage gone. And now injured himself he backed away as the half elf approached eventually turning and fleeing, leaving his leader on his own.

The goblin Barrak swung at sees defending his leader as a more justful fight and takes the opportunity to flee this iron bellied dwarf and charge Ehlarra, Barrak swings ferociously at the goblins back as he fleas but the goblin moved to fast.
1d20+3 22 1d4-1 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?100917-This-is-how-you-use-the-Forum-Dice-Roller&p=17333704&viewfull=1#post17333704)

2014-04-19, 04:13 PM
Jack spits insults in goblin tongue, feeling the battle turn in their favor. "Yeah, you all better run if you know what's good for you. Unlike you cowards, we don't take prisoners!" He scowls angrily at the remainder of the goblins.

Intimidate check against the leader, in hopes they'll back down. And I get a +4 bonus for being one size larger. [roll0]

Lady Moreta
2014-04-20, 09:54 PM
Frustrated now, on top of her anger, and stuck with a tiny spear to boot, Ehlarra dodges around the goblin who attacked her and goes for the leader. The spear in her hands in filmsy and fragile, but it's also all she has.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

NB: I'm not sure, did you mean the -2 penalty (due to size) was for both attack and damage? I haven't included it in either, since I wasn't sure what you meant, so if it is for both, then take another 2 off whatever rolls I get.

And apologies for the delay, I was busy with church things over the Easter weekend.

2014-04-20, 10:22 PM
Now faced with only one goblin, Barrak's face breaks into a vengeful grin. "It's just you and me now!" He swings again, his limbs surging with new hope.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2014-04-20, 11:39 PM
There's a thankful sigh of relief from the goblin infront of Barrak as it lives to fight another round, it frantically thrusts it's spear at the dwarf knowing its own life depends on ending his opponents and soon.[roll0][roll1]

Ehlarra's attack devastates the leading goblin, wounding him bad, blood spills freely and Jacks words resonate within him. He is clearly shaken but raises his Morningstar in a desperate attempt. At the same time, the last goblin follows it's path charging Ehlarra' flank.

2014-04-21, 10:53 AM
Noticing his wordplay to not be as effective as he had hoped, Jack decides to step into the fray with the other two people. Direct combat had never been his strong suit, but he was running out of options. He steps around the goblin nearest him, to flank it with the dwarf. Jack assumes a fighting stance and kicks out toward the creature.

Unarmed attack: +2 hit with flank
to hit:[roll0]
damage (nonlethal): [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2014-04-21, 09:50 PM
Ehlarra glances down at the goblin that attacked her, then promptly dismisses it from her mind. Get rid of the leader and the rest will follow.

Attacking the leader goblin again (this time all penalties have been appropriately accounted for)
Attack: [roll]1d20[/roll
Damage: [roll0]

2014-04-21, 09:58 PM
Taking advantage of Jack's kick, Barrak presses the advantage and swings his makeshift club.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2014-04-22, 11:50 PM
As Jack steps in to kick the goblin, the goblin retaliates by trying to hold him off by swiping with his poorly spear,
The goblin doubles over in pain as Jacks kick lands strong.
Unbeknown the goblin once again avoided the fierce blow of Barrack.

Ehlarra now flanked by goblins, narrowly misses the leading goblin swinging her tiny stolen spear. They retaliate by striking back.leader[roll2][roll3]
Flanking goblin [roll4][roll5]

Jacks goblin manages to ignore Barrak and lunge again at the unarmed man.[roll6][roll7]

2014-04-23, 12:57 PM
The first kick was successful, no need to change strategy. And a final blow to the back of the head should knock his foe out. Jack aims a swift punch at the goblin hoping to end the conflict before something else goes wrong.

hit: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2014-04-23, 10:01 PM
Ehlarra stares in disbelief - she'd been hit, she'd felt it, but apparently there'd been no strength behind it, because it hadn't even broken skin. And considering her armour was gone, that was probably a good thing. Growling low in her throat, she steps back, out of the flank, and swings again at the leader, she was so close!

Wanting, if possible, to do a 5ft step that will get me out of the flank, but still able to hit the lead goblin. If more than a 5ft step is required, then do that instead. And attack the annoying little dude again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-04-23, 10:16 PM
As the fight goes on, Barrak's enjoyment of the fight rapidly gives way to a building rage. He swings again. He is going to get this goblin.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2014-04-23, 11:27 PM
The goblin meets Jacks attack with his own, the two lock vision for a moment in this madness, his glazed yellow eyes, teary with pain, desperation and hate as they swap their final blows.
(Incase critical [roll2][roll3])

The goblins defence was faulted as he checked the dwarf over his shoulder. Jack's fist connected abruptly with his jaw knocking him unconscious and to the floor.

Barrak swings a mighty overhead swing only to connect with solid ground above the goblin shattering his club.

Ehlarra steps to the side and strikes down the leading goblin, shock and horror sweep his face as he drops his weapon and falls to his knees. Clawing at the ground trying to get away, gasping for air he soon falls still and silent.

There is no attack from the last goblin, only the scurried footsteps as he begins to flee.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-24, 04:37 AM
Ehlarra felt a surge of slightly feral satisfaction as the lead goblin fell and died. She raised the spear thoughtfully, eyeing off the fleeing goblin before deciding the flimsy thing would probably break entirely if she threw it and she'd prefer to leave the goblin alive and herself armed than kill the creature and potentially lose her only weapon. Glancing behind her, she noticed that the others had neatly dispatched the remaining goblins, including one that appeared to be just unconscious. She smiled, feeling smug, until the breeze blew cool and she was reminded of their predicament. Not to mention the fact that she had no idea who these people were.

"Good." She said aloud. "You've got one of them alive. Maybe he will know where all our things are. And be able to tell us what the hell is going on here." She moved towards the others. "My name is Ehlarra, and I live in these woods. Assuming, of course, that these woods are in fact the same ones I live in. What happened?" The last is said in a tone of sheer disbelief, she's clearly not expecting anyone to actually have an answer.

2014-04-24, 11:18 AM
Jack shakes out his hand, the one he punched goblinoid cranium with, with a slight wince of pain. "Augh... they sure are thick-skulled... in more ways than one" he mutters. He turns toward his impromptu allies. He smiles, "Jack's my name, nice to meetcha both. Though it sucks that I'm meeting you two under these circumstances. Y'know, being robbed and left on the forest floor and all.

Jack begins to rifle through the goblins' possessions, to see if they had any clues of where their belongings may have ended up, or at least if they had anything of use. "So, it's worth a shot asking, but do either of you know what's going on? My mind is a blur, I can't even remember what I did yesterday..."

Taking 10 on a search check to see what the goblins have, for a 17 total.
And the spot check...: [roll0]
And listen check: [roll1]

2014-04-24, 12:50 PM
small morningstar
Small javelin
2x Small crude short spear (including Ehlarra's)
2 copper pieces
3ft of poor quality string
Small rags
Jack finds a small bracelet. (Made from plants and flowers)

2014-04-24, 04:18 PM
Holding his hand close to stem the bleeding from multiple stab wounds, the dwarf grimaces and responds, "I'm Barrak, and I wish I knew. Waking up in the middle of the woods in nothing but me ole jammies and surrounded by armed goblins... that ain't fair at all!

All I remember is being offered a free drink at a tavern and blacking out. Same thing with you both?"

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2014-04-24, 05:21 PM
"The last thing I remember is walking to the forest's edge... I don't even remember what happened last night." Jack waves his hand through the air, speaking a word for a simple light spell, but nothing happens. "Or why none of my magical ability seems to be working... Whatever happened yesterday must've been something crazy."

Jack frowns, beginning to understand how helpless he feels. He wants to go to sleep and wake up from this nightmarish situation. He was very tired still and still sick from yesterday's unknown events. Jack grabs one of the shortspears and the javelin and lets the others know what he finds. "There's some string here, we could tie up the goblin that isn't dead. Maybe it can lead us to our belongings..."

Lady Moreta
2014-04-24, 11:08 PM
"Good idea," Ehlarra says, picking her way across the forest floor to join the two men. "I live in this forest," she adds, "I was out searching for a couple of children who wandered away from the village. I'd found their tracks and was preparing to follow them, then... nothing. Goblins have been a nuisance ever since I was little, this is worrying. I would like to return home and warn everyone." She turns in a tight circle, an unhappy expression on her face. "If I knew which direction home was in, that is."

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Bearing in mind that goblins are Ehlarra's favoured enemy, so if there are any out there to be seen or heard, she gets an extra +2 bonus to both checks to spot and/or listen for them.

2014-04-25, 12:04 PM
Jack binds the creature's hands and feet together behind its body with the string. He sits on the forest floor. "Well I suppose all we can do is wait until the goblin regains consciousness. I don't even know where this forest is. I was just traveling, seeing the sights outside my home city for the first time. If we're to get out of here, we need to figure out where we are, or just start walking until we find the forest's edge. " Jack closes his eyes and begins to meditate, as he does every morning to refresh his power, though mostly to come up with some kind of plan right now.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-25, 10:53 PM
Ehlarra watches Jack in silence for a moment, fingers clenching and unclenching around her makeshift spear. Eventually, her eyes drift away and onto the pile of belongings the others had gathered up from the goblins. She stares at it for a while, before giving a startled cry and dropping to her knees beside the pile, snatches up the woven bracelet.

"No! Oh no..." She trails off into silence before giving vent to a number of hissed Elven curses. "I know this bracelet," she says finally, voice choked. "One of the children I was searching for was wearing it." Her eyes return to the unconscious goblin, full of cold fury. "There is a place in the forest we were always warned not to go into, that there were monsters inside." Her gaze flits back up to their surroundings. "I have a feeling we might be there."

2014-04-26, 12:13 AM
Jack's eyes flicked open in response to Ehlarra's revelation. "That's... terrible. Taking children away from home, that's just sickening." He stands up and faces the woman, eyes pointing off to the side. His face had a mild flush of red, appearing a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable at offering assistance. "Well... I didn't really have any plans before we wound up here... so I'm willing to help you out. We're all pretty much in this together at the moment anyway." Jack prods the goblin with his foot. "If only this one would wake up... or we found where they came from in the first place. Could five of them really carry all of us to a spot like here?"

Lady Moreta
2014-04-26, 12:27 AM
"Well, to be fair, they did wander off first" Ehlarra comments dryly. Jack's sudden embarrassment reminds Ehlarra forcefully that she's not dressed, and she feels her own face start to flush. Hastily speaking to avoid any awkward moments, she blurts out

"That would be appreciated. And I doubt it," she looks disdainfully at the goblin on the ground. "Goblins aren't the strongest of creatures, I don't think they'd be able to carry us any real distance" she eyes Barrak's stout form as she speaks. She is not particularly heavy and Jack doesn't look too big either, but the dwarf would be well beyond anything goblins could do. "Then again, I'm not sure the 'monster' I've been told of is actually goblins. We know there are goblins in these woods, we train to protect ourselves against them. I've known how to recognise goblin tracks since I was a child. But there's nothing to say the goblins don't serve this 'monster'. They did babble a lot about a 'master' didn't they?"

She drops carefully to her knees beside the unconscious creature. "Let me see if I can wake him."

Heal check to wake ze goblins.
Heal: [roll0]

:smallsigh: what a waste of a 20.

2014-04-26, 01:46 AM
In a short time Ehlarra's skilled hands bring the goblin back to consciousness, it is still partially dazed and fumbles about worming around in its bindings. Then panic overcomes it briefly until it comprehends the full extent of the situation, with a sigh of a broken soul the goblin gives up, a tremble of fear takes over his whole body as he lays there eyes closed quivering, silently sobbing to himself.

2014-04-26, 05:46 PM
"If you tell us where you took our belongings, we might let you live. And what exactly you did to us prior to us waking up. I personally also need to find a way out of this forest Jack spoke in a slow, controlled calm voice in goblin tongue. He looked at the poor creature squirm and eventually lay still. Jack placed his heel onto the goblin's stomach, slowly pressing down, enough to cause a mild pain. "Otherwise... I will slowly break each of your fingers until you run out, then move on to larger bones to break."

intimidate roll: [roll0]

2014-04-26, 07:57 PM
"Aghh" the goblin cries as it suddenly bursts with energy
"we no take ya' stuff, he spits "what stuff a naked man have to take" the words come out more and more rushed.
"we do nothing, we find you, Gorblo take bracelet, you wake up and hurt us"

Lady Moreta
2014-04-27, 12:18 AM
"Take the bracelet?" Ehlarra repeated softly. "Take the bracelet from where? It was here? with us?" Her tone is somewhere between skeptical and sincere. She has no particular reason to think the goblin is telling the truth, but at the same time, she has a hard time believing the goblins, with their pathetic weapons, could have taken the three of them down.

Even though I don't think it'll help that much...
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2014-04-27, 01:25 AM
"sshe' the ugly lady one wass wearing it," the goblin hisses to Jack answering Ehlarra. the dumb female had it on her wrist... NOW LET ME GO!" he screams in his crackly goblin voice as he struggles under jacks boot

2014-04-27, 10:15 AM
"So you did take our things then. If you found us with nothing, how did you manage to take her bracelet?" Jack kept his foot in place in case the goblin tried to escape. He was getting tired of all of this and just wanted to find some answers. "Where did you find us anyway?"

2014-04-27, 11:28 AM
The goblin exhales under the pressure of Jacks foot and stares blankly at him for a second, then he drops his head to the side, "I show you, it's all there" he says defeatedly.

2014-04-27, 08:17 PM
Feeling left out of the conversation, Barrak finally interjects.

"Well? Does he know where our stuff is?"

Lady Moreta
2014-04-27, 08:55 PM
"He does." Ehlarra said grimly. "He'll take us to it." Her eyes are dark and shadowed and she seems to be spending a lot of time staring at her wrist. She doesn't remember even finding the bracelet, let alone putting it on. But she knows she knows it, she just can't remember any of it. Feeling thoroughly uncomfortable, she straightens up and looks around.

"I think we should get moving. If he really does know where our things are, I want them back."

I want my memories back too... she can't help but think, not at all enjoying the feelings of helplessness and vulnerability it engenders. Ruthlessly, she pushes it down and waits for the goblin to lead them.

2014-04-28, 01:00 AM
Jack adjusts the bindings to free up the goblin's legs, but his arms still remain bound behind his back. "Well I want my things, and I want answers, so I'm ready to go." Jack eyes the meager pile of supplies they found on the goblins. "Anything else we should grab before we go?" He kept the undersized shortspear and javelin for himself, Jack could hold both in one hand, while he still held the goblin down with his foot.

2014-04-28, 06:34 AM
With a grunt and burst of renewed energy and hope, the goblin rolls himself free from Jacks foot and slowly cautiously stands, shaking the dirt and forest debris from himself as he begins to talk. "ok ok, I show you, you get nothing if I dead, I show you, you let me free, you follow me." and with that he glances around the group and begins shuffling toward the tree line.

I will need a single file marching order, there is no clear path and the trees and shrubs get quite dense, movement is hampered, please give 2 spot and listen checks as well as 1 balance

Lady Moreta
2014-04-28, 07:20 AM
Ehlarra stoops and picks up the small morningstar, offering it to Barrak.

"It's not great, but I think you'll do better with this than either of us" she says. Turning, she moves to follow the goblin, staying close behind him, spear in hand.

If I may make a recommendation as to marching order? I suggest that Ehlarra goes first, both as tracker and more familiar with the forest, Jack next and Barrak at the rear.

Spot 1: [roll0] (23)
Spot 2: [roll1] (18)

Listen 1: [roll2] (26)
Listen 2: [roll3] (15)
(The numbers in brackets include Ehlarra's favoured enemy bonus, in case there are goblins to be seen or heard in the vicinity.)

Balance: [roll4]

2014-04-28, 08:16 AM
Looking mournfully at the undersized, poorly-crafted morningstar, Barrak wonders if it will break in the first swing. Still, Dad did always say to be polite to a lady. Taking the weapon from her, he nods and says, "Thank you very much, miss."

As the group moves out, Barrak falls to the back, trying his best not to stumble over every root in the forest.
Spot 1: [roll0]
Spot 2: [roll1]
Listen 1: [roll2]
Listen 2: [roll3]
Balance: [roll4]

2014-04-28, 08:51 AM
Jack walks between the other two, carefully trying to avoid stepping on anything dangerous. "Exciting... but I miss the city" he says quietly, appearing irritated from having to walk through forest thickets without shoes or the protection of basic clothing.

Spot 1: [roll0]
Spot 2: [roll1]

Listen 1: [roll2]
Listen 2: [roll3]

Balance: [roll4]

2014-04-28, 10:29 AM
A cool breeze rustles through the leaves and branches of the forest, the beams of sun light reaching through the growing clouds and reaching trees, flash upon the floor less and less.

With the small bound goblin in the lead, you make your way over rocks and under trees, tracking with a sense of direction. The pace gruellingly slow thanks to the goblin. tho no part due to lack of effort of their yellow skinned tour guid. He pushes himself through the terrain, no arms to defend himself from the shrubery and branches that claw at his face, he stumbles constantly being unable to balance himself and even resorted to biting into bark to climb a fallen log. He marches on with purpose in silence, not even uttering a whisper.

As time passes and it does, Ehlarra keeps close to and an ever watchful eye on the goblin infront. Ehlarra notices his breathing become more and more laboured and his short legs more and more shaky. Suddenly Ehlarra and only Ehlarra hears a faint shrill cry from the distance over her right shoulder, to her ears she is almost certain she herd the familiar wail of a goblin. What ever it was it was clearly a cry of distress and unheard by all else.

Barrak, trailing at the back with the path cleared and layed out before him by those infront finds time to drift into thought, thoughts clouded by blurry visions, smudged faces,

he is watching through stained glass eyes, he sees faces, concerned, angry, worried, scared, disgusted... They surround him yet flee from him. He physically and emotionally feels a strange mix of a push and a pull and then all the faces become a blur as they fly past him and he is suspended weightless in darkness... He knows there is more but the deeper he tries to concentrate on the memory the more it is consumed by empty darkness.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-28, 08:25 PM
Ehlarra eyes the goblin warily, watching as it begins to stumble more and more, breath coming in short gasps. She's starting to wonder if perhaps they should unbind his hands, if for no other reason than to ensure he doesn't collapse before they've reached their journey's end. She's just about to stop and suggest it to the rest of the group when she hears something. Something that, glancing back over her shoulder, the others don't seem to have heard. But she knows goblins, and she knows what they sound like. And she also knows what a goblin in distress sounds like. Reaching out with her free hand, she grabs their goblin prisoner's shoulder and drags him to a halt.

"Wait." She says sharply. "I heard something. Sounds like a goblin. Sounds like a goblin in distress." She looks down at the captive before her. "You lot were talking before about taking us to the 'masters'. I want to know more about what's going on here."

Holy-hunter, can Ehlarra tell what direction the sounds are coming from?

2014-04-28, 08:51 PM
Jack stops just a few steps behind Ehlarra, almost not noticing how close together they all were in the long march. "You said something about monsters in the forest correct? Do you think
whatever's making the goblins cry out are said creatures?" Jack was talking in a low whisper to avoid drawing any more attention to themselves. The goblin could be leading them to an ambush for all he knew.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-28, 09:19 PM
"I think I still don't remember how I got here, or how this bracelet ended up on my wrist." Ehlarra looked down at the bracelet, which she had wound about her wrist - for the second time apparently. "But yes, there are supposed to be monsters in this part of the forest. I'm not sure I even believed it before, but somewhere out there is a thoroughly upset goblin, and I don't want to go walking into anything unprepared." She eyed her current state of undress and the truly pathetic weapon she held. "Well, walking in unaware at least."

2014-04-28, 09:32 PM
Shaking his head to clear out the strange visions in his mind, Barrak looks forward and asks quietly,

"If his friends are being attacked by something, can we get him to take us to our weapons faster? I'm pretty sure we're better fighters than they are."

Lady Moreta
2014-04-28, 09:51 PM
"I think you're right," Ehlarra said dryly. "But I think we need to untie him for that. He's just about ready to collapse as it is, if we make him go any faster, we'll lose our guide."

2014-04-28, 09:59 PM
Barrak frowns slightly as her words ring true. However, it is not long before a bright grin appears on his lips.

"I've got an idea! What if we untie him and put him up on my shoulders? He can point the way and we can go faster!"

Hastily, he adds, "I know what you're going to say, but trust me: if he tries to hurt me, I'll hurt him far worse."

Lady Moreta
2014-04-28, 10:06 PM
Ehlarra stares blankly at Barrak, the utter absurdity of the idea momentarily robbing her of words. His second statement makes her smile, she has no doubt Barrak would be able to keep that promise.

"I'm sure you could," she grins. "Sounds like the best idea to me. Jack?"

If Jack has no objections to the plan, then Ehlarra will untie the goblin and pass him over to Barrak for a piggy-back ride.

2014-04-28, 10:08 PM
"Whatever works. Besides, I'm sure we could take him if he tries anything. I just hope for his sake that he's not tricking us." Jack sighs and shrugs "Well only one way to find out. The sooner we find out something is happening in this forest other than three people stumbling around, without knowledge of last night, the better."

2014-04-28, 10:29 PM
The goblin stops and turns to stare at Ehlarra in protest. He takes a gulp of air and swallows preparing to say what he says next.

"the forest, ent safe, specialy for me kind, I take you where you want to go but we keep moving, no stop and keep quiet!" he says angrily.
Just after his words, like on que, everyone hears the rustling of leaves, slowly growing from the direction they just came. The goblin gives a nod and pushes forward through a thicket patch.

As soon as he disappears behind the shrubbery a sudden cry bursts from his side followed by a descending racket of crunching leaves and snapping twigs.
As you investigate you realise that you stand on the edge of a riverbank. Once a deep river carved through here, now it's just a 10ft by 10ft chasm with steep slimy, gravely walls and a muddy, water spotted floor. The goblin lay face down in a puddle at the base, unmoving. 50ft to the left an old fallen tree can be seen breaching the gap. Ehlarra keenly notices in the shadow of the fallen tree a large boar lays sleeping on his side on a dry patch of stone floor.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-28, 10:54 PM
Ehlarra glares at the goblin, but before she can say anything, there's a noise from behind them. She turns briefly to look and the goblin promptly bolts through a thicket patch. Swearing in elven, Ehlarra prepares to push past him, when there is a sudden cry, and the sound of someone falling. Startled, she pushes hastily through the thicket, only to come to a dead stop at the edge of a chasm with murky water at the bottom.

"Oh dear..." she murmurs, staring down a the goblin lying in a puddle at the base of the cliff. She seriously doubts he's still alive. Spotting a tree that had fallen across the gap, she starts towards it, only to draw up short again. There is something in the shadows of the tree, peering closer she sees that a large boar has fallen asleep next to the fallen tree, potentially blocking their way across.

"I suspect our path goes across that tree there," she whispers, hoping the others will take the hint and keep their voices down. "There's a boar at the base of it, stay here and let me deal with him. I have a way with animals, I can hopefully convey to him that we just want to cross over."

I hope...

2014-04-28, 11:10 PM
"Lead the way." Jack says quietly. He checks to see what happened to the goblin, then backs away from the ledge. Jack focuses his attention across the chasm, seeing if there's anything of interest. He tries to remain vigilant while the half-elf goes to work, though it's not very difficult as something unknown approaches them from behind.

2014-04-29, 05:23 AM
Ehlarra, cannot see past the trees and shrubs to the oncoming creature, but from tell tale signs around her and the noises it is making she is pretty sure it is a wolverine following their scent.

Boars known for their anger and il temper, would not be an easy creature to calm. Ehlarra, while cautious approaches it with a non threatening confidence and dominance. The two acknowlage each other and Ehlarra's intentions to pass by quickly are aknowlaged and accepted.
The boar grunts and sits back down, it's demeanor currently indifferent, it's eyes tell that it still sits on edge and it's not completely at ease. A time bomb waiting to go off.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-29, 05:34 AM
Ehlarra grimaces inwardly, taking great pains to ensure her expression stays neutral.

"We can cross," she says, voice low, calm and soothing. "Jack, Barrak, hurry up and get over here. But don't move too fast, or make sudden movements. Boars are... tempremental at the best of times." She gestures for the men to cross over before her, Ehlarra plans on going last, just in case the boar gets upset.

She waits for the other two to mount the fallen tree and begin to cross over, before stepping up onto it herself. Making a slight bow to the boar, she begins to cross, saying as she does.

"Oh, and there's a wolverine following us. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what it is."

And just in case, because I think we may need one, so I don't have to do it later...

Balance: [roll0]

2014-04-29, 07:55 AM
Jack nods, understanding that the situation needed to be handled delicately. He slowly walked over to the tree and began to cross, carefully placing one foot in front of the other. He takes his time; falling off the makeshift bridge could bother the boar, which wouldn't be a good idea.

Wolverines, boars, goblins... what else is in this forest?

2014-04-29, 08:08 AM
Barrak is curious about what a wolverine actually looks like, but realizes that this is not the time. He edges quietly around the boar and scrambles up onto the log, planting one foot in front of the other. His brow furrows in concentration.

Come on, this isn't so bad! It's easier than log rolling, which you've done before. This one isn't even spinning!

2014-04-29, 09:12 AM
Everything seems to be going smoothly, the boar grew impatient and stood as it challenged Ehlarra, staring at her, the two gazed at each other, stuck in a mental lock. But it just grunted, kicking at the dirt with it's hind leg. Jack is almost at the other end when Ehlarra steps onto the log, Barrak in the middle, the boar just staring them down.

Then! There's loud gargling and coughing as the goblin flings to life gasping for air. BAM! The boar roars into action leaving dust in his wake as he slams his fierce tusks into the fallen tree.

The tree shudders, Jack and Barrak find themselves unable to keep footing and fall into the empty creek below.
Ehlarra is left atop the log alone with the boar looking angrier the before.

Jack [roll0]
(light mud reduces dmg, min =1)
Barrak [roll1]
A successful tumble or reflex dc15 will prevent all damage, you may only attempt one.

2014-04-29, 10:21 AM
Jack refused the urge to yell out from the fall. He knew what to do though, he had trained in lessening the impact of falls in his old line of work. As if he were jumping out of a window, Jack tucked his body into a ball to hit the ground in a roll.

Tumble: [roll0]

2014-04-29, 08:51 PM
As Barrak rises into the air and begins to fall, he reaches desperately for the log.

Reflex: [roll0]

Lady Moreta
2014-04-29, 10:37 PM
Ehlarra crouches on top of the log, not daring to move, eyes locked with the angry boar. Damnit! We were so close! She flicks her eyes sideways, trying to get a look at her companions, wincing at the sound of bodies hitting the ground. Nothing I can do there right now, focus Ehlarra she tells herself, returning her full attention to the boar. Maybe if she moves carefully, she'll be able to back up along the tree and get out of here.

Going to attempt moving backwards along the tree and getting off at the other side. Have a wild empathy check, just in case it helps.
Wild Empathy: [roll0]

If that doesn't appear to be working, ie: she slips and falls, or the boar lunges/attacks/makes a threatening move then she'll just slide off the log and join the boys at the bottom, so Reflex check for that one.
Reflex: [roll1] Ignore that. I just realised I rolled a Dex check instead of a Reflex save. See OOC thread for the actual roll.

2014-04-29, 11:10 PM
Jack lands smoothly on the ground below, Barrak, not so much. Ehlarra now only infuriating the boar, makes it across the log and notices a thin path cut into the forest. The angry boar continues to grunt but refuses to climb the log or scale into the creek.

The goblin finally stops coughing and falls over upon trying to stand up.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-29, 11:23 PM
Safely on the other side, Ehlarra breaths a sigh of relief before noting the position of a thin trail heading off into the forest. Ignoring it for the time being, she edges close to the cliff and kneels down, leaning over to get a better look at the others.

"Are you two all right?" she calls. "Hang on, I'll see if I can find a way down to you." She moves back a little and begins the search for a way down.

Not sure if spot or search is best for this, so I'll do one of each.
Spot: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2014-04-29, 11:33 PM
After landing on his stomach, Barrak groans in pain. Wheezing, he replies, "I'm fine. I'll try to find a way up."

He mutters a quiet prayer to Mya in thanks for not breaking any bones and Hanseath for keeping a tight grip on the morningstar. Looking over at the struggling goblin, the earlier resentment Barrak felt gives way to pity at the creature's state. Picking himself up from the muddy bottom, Barrak squelches over and throws the goblin's arm over his shoulder for support. He looks the goblin in the eye and smiles gently.

"It's okay, I've got you. Now, how do we get out of here?"

2014-04-29, 11:36 PM
It's a Dc 15 climb check to safely get in or out, there is no noticeable easier way within view. Each person can assist with a +2 and if you are not in a rush taking a 10 is an option.

The goblin looks at Barrak nervously and confused but relaxes accepting his support, with his throat still aching he raises a knobly finger and replies by pointing to the thin path at the end of the log bridge.

Lady Moreta
2014-04-29, 11:38 PM
Ehlarra walks up and down the top of the cliff, searching for a way down and not finding any. Her climbing skills aren't great, so she finds a relatively smooth patch of ground near the edge and lays down on it, ready to reach out and give a hand if needed.

2014-04-29, 11:40 PM
Jack gracefully completes his somersault and stands upright. Y..yeah, no big deal" he says nervously, looking at the boar out of the corner of his eye in short flicks.

"The walls seem too slippery to climb... do either of you see anything to use? Maybe a vine or..." he trails off, scanning the riverbed for anything of use.

Yeah, not sure which check to use so here's both:
spot: [roll0]
search: [roll1]

2014-04-29, 11:56 PM
Eyeing the wall before him, Barrak shifts the goblin so that its arms are around his neck. "All right now, hold on tight."

He glances over quickly at Jack and says, "Quick, help me up! I'm going to need it if I'm carrying him."

Barrak looks up at Ehlarra and shouts, "We're coming up! I might need a hand for the last stretch."

He steps up to the wall and begins punching and kicking hand- and footholds into the wet walls, taking his time as he climbs up.

2014-04-30, 09:30 AM
Jack assists the dwarf as best as he can with the climb, pushing Barrak, who was carrying the goblin, upward the gravely wall. "Okay, just please don't leave me down here..."

Jack keeps his eye on the boar, hoping it doesn't choose to cause problems for them.

climb aid another: [roll0]

Lady Moreta
2014-04-30, 10:38 PM
"Of course not!" Ehlarra exclaims, a little surprised Jack would even think they'd leave him behind. She wriggles closer to the edge and leans her upper body over the top, hands reaching out to grab the goblin.

Climb assist, strength check, whatever, it's the same numbers either way.

2014-04-30, 11:24 PM
There was brief instant at the top of the climb, just as Barrak lay his stomach on flat ground and Ehlarra fell back having assisted pulling the two up, the goblins eyes widened, he flinched as adrenaline flooded his tiny body as his moment to flee was obvious and opportune. The moment came and then passed as Ehlarra and Barrak were back on their game.

Just as Jack was about to attempt the wall, Barrak's curiosities of a wolverine (http://animalsversesanimals.yuku.com/topic/826/wolverine-teeths-pictures) were answered.

thick dark oily fur covers it's stocky and muscular badger like frame. With short legs, broad and rounded head, small eyes and short rounded ears, it resembles a bear. A bear that just burst through the shrubs scaling down into the creek much the same way the goblin would have and now furiously snarls at Jack bearing it's large canine fangs, ready to rage.

Lady Moreta
2014-05-01, 04:49 AM
"Dammit dammit dammit!" Ehlarra swears under her breath as the wolverine slithers its way down the opposite slope into the riverbed. She hasn't got a hope of calming it and she isn't foolish enough to try. "Jack! Can you reach my hand?" She throws herself down on the ground, stretched as far as she can reach, hoping to be able to pull Jack up and out before the wolverine can get to him.

That website didn't work for me, so I went looking on Google instead. They're so cute and cuddly looking... until they open their mouths. Damn but they've got big teeth!

2014-05-01, 07:28 AM
Using both spears to get a better grip on the wall, Jack begins to scale the slippery riverbank. He did not want to be around that wolverine with nothing but inappropriately sized weapons. He could only hope that the boar would be angered by it, as a distraction would be great for him right about now.

"I don't know... but..." He stretches for Ehlarra's hand, while trying to climb the difficult slope, with all his might.

climb: [roll0]

2014-05-01, 08:35 AM
Surprised by the angry beast, Barrak slams into the ground next to Ehlarra and extends his hand to Jack.

"Come on, hurry! You can do it!"

Climb (aid another): [roll0]

2014-05-02, 02:58 AM
As Jack attempts to scale the wall with all his will, with his feet slipping off his footholds, and debris crumbling away from his support, it's becomes painfully obvious to the two at top that he won't make it before the wolverine reaches him. It recoils on its own legs, tensioning the springs as it widens it's jaw ready to strike.

Ehlarra and Barrak have a split second to change their action plan or wait and hope to assist with the climb after the wolverine has taken a bite out of Jack

2014-05-03, 01:11 PM
Since the beginning of the encounter the goblin had been rambling into Barrak's ear, Ehlarra only just realised what he had been saying, "out run, it will tire, it's angry, it get exausted, down creek run, Run, RUN!"

Lady Moreta
2014-05-04, 04:09 AM
Ehlarra glances sharply at the goblin, having only just now figured out the gist of what he was saying. "The goblin thinks you should just run!" She yells, grimacing at the realisation she's now taking advice from a goblin. "It'll tire, just outrun it!"

I cannot see any way for this to end well... she thinks unhappily.

2014-05-04, 07:55 AM
Jack has a wide grimace across his face, contrasting his recent feelings of stress. "Out run a wolverine eh? I'm up for that challenge!" Jack takes off down the creek in the direction of the boar without looking back. He could only concentrate on where he was going at that point, and he wouldn't want to see if the wolverine is near him anyway.

Alright, what I want to do is do a withdraw, but I don't know where the wolverine is in relation to me. If it's across from me, then it might provoke an AoO. If that happens, I'll tumble away from it until I'm out of its threat range, continue that move action to move away from it, then take another move action to go down the creek toward the boar. Also, Jack moves 40 feet in a round because of the quickness trait.

But anyway here's a tumble check in case I need one: [roll0]

2014-05-04, 09:11 PM
The warm breath of the wolverine can be felt upon Jack's neck as he expertly twists and tumbles off the wall. The wolverine gathering itself from it's confusing empty crash into the wall furiously gives chase down the empty creek!

The creek bed, beside the occasional puddle or large rock and tree branch, provides a clear path for the two to race down. Jack as nimble as he is, clearly is faster than the animal trailing behind. Short after starting the pursuit the rage leaves the wolverine and it can no longer keep its running pace.

Jack is about 320ft from the others and 50ft from the exhausted wolverine. spot check pls, also climb dc is the same and not enough room to manouver past the wolverine without provoking. (Can attempt a tumble dc 15)

Lady Moreta
2014-05-04, 09:50 PM
Ehlarra watches as Jack takes off down the creekbed, reflexively grabbing hold of the goblin before he can run off.

"He's fast," she says laconically. "We should probably go after him, just in case." Getting to her feet, she tugs the goblin after her as she along the top of the ravine to find Jack.

2014-05-04, 10:22 PM
Barrak stays at the edge for the moment, stunned by the human's burst of speed. As Ehlarra runs off with the goblin however, he regains his focus and takes off after them, huffing and puffing.

Suddenly, another burst of insight hits him. He yells ahead, "Ehlarra, I have an idea! Can you get the boar off of the log?"

2014-05-04, 10:23 PM
Jack moves another 40 feet from the wolverine, safely keeping his distance and waiting to see if the exhausted creature gives up. He smiles as he rubs his hands together and gives the slippery slope another go, feeling more confident, and relieved.

I don't need another tumble do I? Cause I did it in my last post.
Spot: [roll0]
Climb: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2014-05-04, 10:37 PM
Ehlarra skids to a stop, dragging the goblin with her. She throws a look over her shoulder at the dwarf.

"Er, maybe" she says finally. "Why?"

2014-05-04, 10:41 PM
Barrak's short dwarven legs still pound the ground to catch up with her. He is starting to sweat heavily after all this running.

Without breaking stride, he responds, "If you can get the boar off, I can pull the log back and upend it into the trench! Then Jack can climb it!"

2014-05-05, 02:53 AM
With the assistance of the weapons Jack manages to scale the wall, looking back he sees that the wolverine seems to have lost interest and just stands in place snarling at him.

On the opposing side of the creek wall Jack notices some out of place dense shrubbery sitting propped up in a slight alcove (filling a 5 ft square)

2014-05-05, 06:02 PM
Jack hurries over toward the other two and reports what he found. "There's what looks like a small cave in the wall side back over there. I don't know what to make of it, should we check it out? Though I'd rather not go back down there with that wolverine..."

Lady Moreta
2014-05-05, 10:55 PM
Ehlarra glances over the edge at the wolverine below.

"Me neither" she says dryly. "Let's see if our friend here knows anything." She shakes the goblin briefly before switching to his language. <Well? do you know what it is?>

2014-05-05, 11:41 PM
"M' Maybe old goblin cave, maybe, me dunno" the goblin says exhausted still trying to catch his breath from running, almost being dragged by Ehlarra.
"this not my scavenging ground anymore"

Lady Moreta
2014-05-06, 12:01 AM
"He thinks it's an old goblin cave" Ehlarra reports for Barrak's benefit. "Perhaps we can come back later? I think for now our priority ought to be getting our gear back." She fingers the bracelet around her wrist, once she has her things, old goblin caves probably won't matter much.

2014-05-06, 11:39 AM
"Agreed. The sooner we get our things back, the better. We'll have a better chance of getting out of this forest with equipment... and I really want my boots back." Jack frowns, not being used to walking around the forest floor sans footwear.

2014-05-06, 12:07 PM
Looking nervously at the panting wolverine, Barrak says, "Uh... can we talk about this somewhere else? I don't know how long it will take before he gets his wind back, but I do know that I don't want to be around when he does."

Lady Moreta
2014-05-06, 08:48 PM
Ehlarra grins at Barrak, then turns back the way they came.

<Come on then> she says to the goblin, before heading back to the log and the path leading through the forest.

2014-05-06, 11:25 PM
Jack follows behind Ehlarra, as he did before. He keeps watch to his sides in the event that something else might pop out at them.

2014-05-08, 09:39 AM
After a quick shuffle the group leaves the wolverine behind, it's snarls fade as it starts sniffing around the dirt. The boar on the other side of the log offers a brief glance but chooses to ignore you when you squeeze into the thin trail path. This part of the journey continues on quite un-eventful, the occasional shuffling of shrubbery as small animals dart around, the goblin need not give direction because amongst the dense forest the path is clear. It continues on peaceful for a while, as peaceful as the unrelenting harsh terrain of the forest can be until Jack hears a warning sound, a sound that sets triggers in any sane persons mind. The sly hissing of a snake, Ehlarra is the first to spot them, two small snakes hanging from the trees over the path just above the goblins newly found, dwarf stacked, head height. Only 10 ft away from his unaware face.

Lady Moreta
2014-05-08, 08:46 PM
"Barrak stop!" Ehlarra hisses almost as much as the snakes. "Move back slowly. A couple of steps." She slips past Jack and moves up to Barrak, putting her hands on his shoulder blades to guide him backwards.

From what I know about snakes (and I live in Australia, so it's a bit :smalltongue:), if you move slowly and unthreatening, they will in general, leave you alone. Snakes are for the most part, not aggressive unless they feel threatened, they're actually quite shy creatures.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0] - are they poisonous snakes?

And I guess I might as well do this now instead of later. Wild empathy to try and get past them without getting into a wrestling match.
Wild Empathy: [roll1]

bleh.. not great, but not terrible either. I might know something.

2014-05-08, 08:55 PM
Hearing the alarm in Ehlarra's voice is enough to stop Barrak dead in his tracks, his face whitening slightly at the unseen threat. He moves back with Ehlarra, trusting her to guide his steps.

2014-05-08, 10:07 PM
Jack stops with the other two, mimicking their slow movements. He backs away slowly. "Can we move around them?" He whispers. "I think we're ill-equipped to handle them"

2014-05-10, 03:54 AM
After back peddling a few steps you circle the snakes wide enough not to worry about them. Back on the path you soon come to a fork in the path where the goblin leads you left.
Night begins to fall and you criss-cross over a few different trails untill you finally reach a clearing.
Night is just begging to fall as exhausted and hungry, you push out of the forest into a 40ft dirt semi circle clearing opening up against a mountain wall. Snack bang in the centre is a cave entrance, you can see a small assortment of animal bones, picked clean, laying around the entrance.

"Your stuff in there" the goblin says almost sadly as he begins wiggling, trying to get off Barrak's shoulders.

Lady Moreta
2014-05-10, 08:34 AM
Ehlarra looks warily at the goblin, trying to understand his odd behaviour. Wanting to get away from Barrak she understood; being sad about... whatever it was he was suddenly sad about didn't make sense at all. Unless he's afraid of retaliation from someone or something she thought.

Ehlarra eyed the bones around the cave's entrance, then went down on one knee to examine them closer. Turning a couple over in her hands, she looked up at the goblin

<Is there anything, or anyone else in the cave with our gear?> She asks, explaining to Barrak what she's asking afterwards.

Sense Motive: [roll0] on both the goblin's answer to her question and to see if she can figure out why he seems sad all of a sudden.

Knowledge Nature: [roll1] to see what the animals are and if possible, how they died (basically, I want to know, do they look like food scraps?)

And, I suppose, while I'm rolling checks, I might as well throw in a Spot and Listen for the cave. Can I see and/or hear anything inside?
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2014-05-10, 10:44 AM
The goblin has a definite fear in his eyes as he replies to Ehlara who is holding the remains of a broken wolf skull, in a hush tone through a wobbly lip he replies "th, the master"

2014-05-10, 04:42 PM
"And your master's the only one in there?" Jack wondered whether or not the goblin scream from earlier came from here. He squints toward the cave. "It's so dark, I can't see anything in there. How are we going to find our stuff in a dark cave?"

spot check, just because: [roll0]

2014-05-10, 10:19 PM
The goblin, sitting face to face with Jack, wobbling around on Barrak's shoulders, looks him sternly in the eyes, "I done my part now set me free!" while acting confident a desperation clings to his voice.

2014-05-10, 10:43 PM
Grabbing the goblin under the arms as if it were a small child, Barrak sets the goblin down on the ground. Dad always said never to let a goblin live if you could prevent it. Still, he has helped us... even if we forced him into it.

Looking sternly at the goblin, Barrak says, "All right, you can go. But maybe next time, you should think about helping folk just to be friendly. The world is less scary that way. Before you go... is there anything that we should know about?"
I figure I'll make this roll now rather than later.
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-05-10, 11:37 PM
For what ever unbeknown reason, as soon as the words left the dwarfs mouth he realised his fumble. Meaning to say 'before you go' instead with death on the mind saying ' before you die' he then gives his best attempt at a warm trusting smile, Over doing it, and in context, looking evil and malicious.

"Ahhh, no no noo the goblin screams in shock as he turns from Barrak and starts running to the cave like his life depends on it.

Lady Moreta
2014-05-11, 12:53 AM
Ehlarra turns from the goblin, running for his life into the cave, and back to Barrak, standing there looking a bit bewildered.

"Well, now they know we're coming" she sighed, resigned.

2014-05-11, 09:20 PM
"Hey, wait! There's still some things we don't know!" Jack nearly yells, reaching for the goblin. It was true though. The three didn't know anything about the goblin's "master", where their belongings were, or what caused the goblins so much panic.

Or where this cave leads to anyway, as Jack had a hard time seeing past 10 feet inside.

"Guess we should start walking then?" Jack asks, moving near the cave's opening by the left wall so he could feel the edge of the cave and the path of the wall.

2014-05-11, 09:55 PM
Barrak only has time for a shocked look on his face before swiping to try and catch the goblin. "Wait, come back! I didn't mean that! I'm sorry!"

He is too slow to catch the goblin, however. His head bows as he contemplates another failure to chalk up to today's list.

As Jack approaches the cave, however, Barrak rushes forward to stop. "No, let me go first. I can see in the dark. Put your hands on my shoulders so I can guide you. Ehlarra, do you need help, or are you fine?" As he speaks, Barrak looks as far into the cave as he can.
Spot: [roll0]

Lady Moreta
2014-05-11, 11:40 PM
Ehlarra resists the urge to bury her head in her hands, but only just. They all made a grab for the goblin and they all missed. Letting out a weary sigh, she looks at her two companions, no clothes, scratched hands, faces and feet - she supposed they could be forgiven for having slow reactions by this point in the day. However, the last thing they need is to rush in, especially now that the 'master' will know they're coming.

"Hang on," she says quickly. "I want to check these bones again. If I can tell what killed them - or ate them, and it wasn't a goblin or something a goblin could wield, then we might get a clue as to just who and/or what this 'master' character is." She picks up the wolf skull she'd dropped in her haste to catch the goblin and frowns at it. "I can see well enough in the dark," she adds absentmindedly. "I'll walk with you."

2014-05-12, 02:02 AM
Ehlarra searching reveals the bones have consistent marks and fractures that you can assume are from a heavy ended weapon with spikes.... Looking at the weapon Held firmly in Barrak's hand you imagine it was similar to that, only bigger.

While sifting through the dirt you notice goblin tracks, and lots of them, coming and going in small parties. Amongst it all you almost believe you see a very faint marking of shoes.

Barrak now familiar with the stench of goblin, as you cautiously approach the entrance you are undoubtedly aware of the presence of more goblinoids within the cave as you are almost overwhelmed by the strong stench flowing from the caves open depths.
As Barrak peers through the darkness, giving his eyes a second to adjust, he is faced only with a curving path. Echoing off the stone walls and around the corner clues to the commotion within can almost be herd.

Jack approaching the cave entrance slowly behind Barrak, can hear the same echo's. Staring into the darkness right where the last rays of light disappear, Jack sees the shimmer of light run across an almost invisible trip wire. The wire strangely was just below his own head height and while it seemed strange at first he realised it allowed the goblins free passage.

Lady Moreta
2014-05-12, 07:35 AM
Ehlarra gently places the wolf skull back on the ground, her fingers brushing it lightly and her lips moving in a prayer to Ehlonna, committing the animal back to the one who made it. After poking around a bit more, she frowns and rising, hastily joins the others at the cave's entrance.

"Whatever killed those animals, it was probably a morningstart, like that one," she gestures to the one in Barrak's hand, "only bigger. And what's more... I think I saw- well, shoe marks. I have a bad feeling the 'master' isn't a goblin."

2014-05-12, 01:25 PM
Jack makes a mental note to duck under the wire when they get near it. He has to slow his steps to keep behind the dwarf, but that's alright as it gives Jack an opportunity to make less noise. He relays what he saw to the others, pointing out the tripwire overhead.

"Hey, what do you think that's there for? Some kind of trap for ogres or something?" Jack infers, not sure whether his guess is too far out there, but anything's plausible at this point.

"If there are traps, I could probably find them. Or I could, if I could see."

2014-05-13, 11:23 PM
As you slide across the cold stone wall you leave the comfort of light behind you, following Barrak, Jack guides everyone under the invisible tripwire. The commotion is clearly around one more bend, the goblinoid words are indistinguishable however you hear two prominent voices, a familiar goblin and another, much deeper growling voice.
Suddenly a loud cracking of a whip thunders through the cave silencing the discussion. A throaty laugh follows along with the whimpering cries of your goblin guide.

Barrak peers around the corner, in a quick glance he sees an open cavern, on the floor a pile of copper pieces sit around some open sacks. There is a table to the side of that, a lantern can be seen sitting on it. further along two goblins stand facing away from you either side of your once guide who lays on the floor. The goblins face a large chair and on it sits an overweight indulgent bugbear. He wears a wooden crown, and a fine red shirt two sizes two small tearing at the seems. He laughs deeply as he whips the crying goblin. Within reach of the chair is a weapon rack holding some javelins, a shield and a morningstar. An unlight torch sits against the wall.

2014-05-13, 11:45 PM
Barrak ducks back behind the corner and whispers quietly, "Our little friend is in there, along with two goblin guards and a fat bugbear sitting behind a table with a lantern on it." He holds his own chubby belly in emphasis, despite the gesture being lost in the darkness. "They've got a rack of javelins set up near them, and the bugbear's weapons are pretty good. Any ideas to get the drop on them?"

Spot to see if there is anything useful during his look: [roll0]

2014-05-15, 11:22 AM
"I may have an idea." Jack whispers. He turns toward the cave entrance. He draws a line in the air with his finger, from the tripwire down to the ground. "I might be able to lower that tripwire, if I can find out what kind of trap that is. Hopefully, it's not some kind of alarm, but anyway, if it's something dangerous, we might be able to lure them into it."

Lady Moreta
2014-05-15, 10:01 PM
Ehlarra shrugs, tactics are not her strong suit. She tracks, she kills, she goes home. Much simpler.

"If you think you can" she whispers back.

2014-05-24, 03:07 PM
Jack places the small javelin in Barrak's free hand and nods. He tiptoes back out the cave entrance, being mindful of the tripwire. Jack waits a few feet to the side of the cave opening and crouches down, hoping the enemies come running out with tunnel-vision and don't see him.

Hide: [roll0]

Lady Moreta
2014-05-25, 10:35 PM
Ehlarra smiles thinly, gripping the shaft of her commandeered morningstar tightly. She follows Jack out of the cave and conceals herself in nearby bushes.

Hide: [roll0]

and move silently, just in case... [roll1]

2014-05-25, 11:07 PM
Seeing that his comrades have readied themselves, Barrak steels his courage and swivels around the corner. He shouts,

"Hey, you ugly son of a troll! Why don't you pick on someone closer to your own size?"

He hurls the javelin with all his might at the bugbear.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2014-05-26, 05:24 PM
As the makeshift javelin tears into the unsuspecting bugbear he lets out a mighty roar of pain and shock that echoes down the cave. After a second with the crack of his whip he lets out another roar
"kill it!"

The two guarding goblins hesitate for a second but then are quick to react fearing the bugbears wrath they charge towards you.

2014-05-26, 06:53 PM
Now that he has their attention, Barrak bolts for the cave entrance, taking care to duck as he runs. Don't know what that wire trips, but I do know I don't want any of it. Hopefully, the goblins will be too short, and the bugbear too angry, to remember its existence.

2014-05-26, 09:29 PM
As Barrack bursts into the clearing the horrible throaty shouts of the bugbear come rattling out the entrance along with the two goblins.
Both in leather one wields a normal sized dagger as a short sword with a small wooden sheild in his spare hand and the other a javelin in both hands as a long spear.

2014-05-28, 07:53 PM
Jack readies his shortspear to strike the first target that comes out of the cave, if there are any near him that is. He sees Barrak make it out of the cave and Ehlarra hide nearby, and now stands crouched on his toes, ready to attack. He points toward the opening with his spear a few times to let the others know of his plan.

2014-06-06, 06:18 AM
Jacks attack missed the goblin, who didn't even notice him. They both continue the charge attacking Barrak


2014-06-06, 10:30 AM
Buoyed with confidence from his new metal weapon, small though it may be, Barrak ducks and dodges the goblin's blows. With a gleeful Dwarven warcry, Barrak swings his new weapon at the goblin with the spear.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Lady Moreta
2014-06-09, 09:54 PM
Grinning, Ehlarra lets herself get caught up in Barrack's enthusiasm and she flings herself from her hiding place to attack one of the goblins now throwing themselves at Barrack.

Attacking so as to give herself a flank with Barrack. Actually, I'll roll as if there is no flank, just in case the terrain makes it impossible to get one.
Attack: 1d20+1 (+2 to result if flanking)
Damage: Uhh... I've forgotten what the roll was for the undersize morningstar.

Sorry guys! It's been a while... :smallredface:

Edit: Oh for pete's sake... I'll reroll in the OOC thread.

2014-06-10, 01:37 AM
With the goblins still off balance from thier failed charge, and
Ehlarra charging in on Barrak's roar. The two flank the unbalanced spear goblin as they attack in almost unison.
Only just being unable to avoid the blow the goblin is almost torn in two as he is hit from different directions and falls to the floor lifeless.
The remaining goblin has another stab at Barrak.

2014-06-10, 11:25 AM
Jack moves in to take a stab at the remaining goblin, while keeping watch of the cave opening.

"Where's the big guy? He get lost or something?" Jack mockingly asks in goblin.

attack roll: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit confirm: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

2014-06-10, 01:04 PM
As the daggers stabs into his side, Barrak realizes that he is growing weak. This fight needs to be over quickly. So thinking, Barrak swings his morningstar at the goblin's shield like a smith striking an anvil.
Sundering, no Attack of Opportunity,
using Power Attack -1 BAB, +2 Damage
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2014-06-10, 09:58 PM
Ehlarra frowns at Jack, she can't help thinking that baiting the goblins is a bad idea. Seeing the one she and Barrak attacked drop to the ground she drops her makeshift spear and snatches up the morningstar the goblin was carrying and takes a swing.

I believe you mentioned the goblins were carrying normal-sized morningstars, so I'd like to grab one of those please :smallsmile: As I recall, dropping something is a free action, and I assume picking up a new thing is a move (or standard) action, so I should be able to attack as well. If not, just ignore the following rolls (likewise if I misunderstood and the goblins aren't carrying medium-sized weapons.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-06-10, 10:32 PM
Jack dives in with a successful attack, Barrak destroys the goblins shield as Ehlarra picks up the fallen 'short spear' and ends the goblin.

normal sized and quality knife and short spear. 2 small leathers

A grumbling echoes from the caves depths but there are no signs of the bugbear emerging.

2014-06-13, 10:31 AM
Barrak looks worryingly toward the cave entrance. Why isn't he coming out? Then a terrible possibility occurs to him.

"Jack! Ehlarra! Move to the side of the entrance! He may be lining up a throw with one of those javelins of his!" The dwarf acts on his own advice, moving to the left side of the cave entrance.

2014-06-13, 11:38 AM
Jack nods, grabs the dagger, and tumbles off toward the opposite side of the dwarf, to the edge of the cave entrance. He peeks around the wall into the cave, hoping to see remnants of bugbear hanging from a trap of some kind.

Spot Check: [roll0]

Lady Moreta
2014-06-16, 03:27 AM
Ehlarra tightens her grip on her appropriated short spear and moves to the right to join Jack, peering intently and nervously, into the cave.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

1. I have no idea how I thought the short spear was a morningstar. No idea at all.
2. Sorry for the absence. Having my mother over and not being able to check, I seem to have forgotten/gotten out of the habit of it. I'll try to do better.

2014-06-16, 09:44 AM
The low grumbling and grunting sounds of the bugbear echo off the stone walls. A scurrying sound of light footsteps comes and goes but never growing.

Besides that nothing happens

2014-06-16, 10:35 AM
Seeing that the others have peered around the corner and did not have to duck back due to flying javelins, Barrak finally looks around the corner. Seeing nothing, he looks back to the others. Quietly, he says "He must be still in there. If we can sneak back in there and take him all at once, we should be able to put him down quick. Mind the wire." He slowly begins making his way into the cave.
Move Silently: [roll0]

Lady Moreta
2014-06-17, 03:17 AM
Ehlarra grimaces, "Oh, this doesn't sound like a good idea" she mutters, following behind Barrack regardless.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2014-06-17, 10:22 AM
Letting Barrack take the lead, Jack quietly follows behind the others. "You said you saw some kind of lantern or something? Can we get to that, I need to be able to see..." he whispers. Jack follows the left side of the cave, feeling the cave wall to receive some kind of sensory input from where they were.


2014-06-17, 11:32 PM
As Barrak peers around the corner the first thing he notices is that the bugbear is not there. The weapon rack is also empty and the sacks against the wall and a lot of other small items have been removed.
Just as he spots the lattern a new smaller than usual goblin scurries over to it and grabs it.

2014-06-18, 09:17 PM
As the goblin goes to reach for the lantern, Barrak rushes wordlessly around the corner and tries to tackle the goblin.
Bull rush, Strength check: [roll0]

2014-06-19, 12:41 PM
Just as the goblins nubly fingers touch the cold metal surrounds of the lantern Barrak suddenly barges into him with such force that the young goblin is flung from the floor and crashes into the wall then slumping to the ground unconscious.

The lantern swivels around on its base near the edge of the table.... Then again for another smaller circle and just as it's about to settle its weight just hangs over the edge and gravity pulls it towards the floor.

(Quick! Reflex save!)

2014-06-19, 12:48 PM
Eyes wide, Barrak dives for the lamp.

2014-06-19, 01:19 PM
Barrak grabs the lantern by the handle halting its fall just 4inches above the floor.
It looks easy to activate and has a fair amount of oil remaining. If you look around you notice a large iron door imbedded into a small alcove to the left of the tunnel you entered through.

In the iron door there is a sliding eye slot and near the floor a seemingly doggy/ goblin door that is shut.

2014-06-19, 03:42 PM
Letting out a sigh of relief, Barrak straightens up and lights the lantern. Now illuminated in the darkness, he checks to see that the goblin is indeed unconscious and wanders over to give the lantern to Jack.

"There's a door to the left side. That's probably where our bugbear went. There might be more of them here than we first thought."

Lady Moreta
2014-06-20, 03:21 AM
"Great," Ehlarra says sardonically. "Because this day couldn't get any worse." She moves further into the cave, looking around all the nooks and cranies before going up to the iron door and investigating the sliding eye slot.

Search: [roll0] (in case of anything interesting that got missed)

And a question... the sliding eye slot thingie... is it open-able from this side or the other?

2014-06-22, 10:36 PM
Jack takes the lantern, leaving behind the small shortspear and javelin to free up a hand. "Thanks, hopefully this light won't give us away too badly..." Jack lights the lantern and listens against the door.

listen check: [roll0]

2014-06-23, 06:33 AM
(The eye slot operates and slides from the other side, however with nimble fingers and a dex or disable device check you may be able to open it from your side.)
Listening at the door you hear the bug bear growling orders and the occasional goblin whimper in obedience while their footsteps scurry around.

There is nothing else of interest except a handful of copper pieces scattered on the floor, an old wooden table and a lavish looking chair.

2014-06-24, 05:23 PM
"I hear movement, and goblin tongue... probably that bugbear and its followers from earlier" he says in a low whisper. Jack steps away from the door, picking up a small handful of copper pieces.

"I think I can get that slot open, the door too, if that's locked. They might see the light though." He indicates the lantern by raising it up a bit.

2014-06-27, 12:22 PM
While it is tempting to peek inside and see what's what, Barrak realizes that Jack poses a very good chance of getting his eyes gouged out. Taking the lantern from him, he says, "You get the door open. I'll hold the lantern for you."

2014-07-01, 09:59 PM
Jack gives Barrak the lantern. "Alright, this shouldn't take too long."

Jack cuts a long splinter with his dagger from the old table. He walks back toward the door, briefly searching for traps. Afterword, he uses his dagger and wooden splinter to work the lock.

Search Check: [roll0]

Open Lock, taking 20 = 25 total, after factoring in the -2 for improvised tools