View Full Version : Creepy girl child and her robot knight

2014-04-17, 01:40 PM
Ok so one of my players wants to play thecliche creepy young girl with a bit of power and flavor. She wants to run a troll blooded human montebank basicallt.

But she also wants a troll blooded warforge who is nigh i destructable as her personal 'big daddy'

Can anyone suggest a run of feats, items, spells, ect for the two of them.

The warforged is gonna be a npc or dmpc unless we begin later then 7th so she can do a leadership build with him.

She insist on a parasole for light fatigue

John Longarrow
2014-04-17, 02:29 PM
If your player is willing, nothing says "Creepy girl child" like an adult Whisper gnome who likes dressing in childrens clothing...

Think Evil, Manipulative Chibi in a sailor girl dress.

2014-04-17, 03:18 PM
Crusader with Stone Power and some Rocks inside it's feet sounds like a good place to make something hard to kill as a rule. Maybe dip Warblade for a level to get Iron Heart Surge, Wall of Blades and the Diamond Mind Concentration to save counters, at least for Reflex and Will if not for Fort.

For the Girl, maybe a level in Swordsage for Child of Shadows Stance and a level of Shadow Dancer for Hide in Plain Sight? Throw on Darkstalker form Lords of Madness, and now you see her, now you don't. Should be rather unnerving if played up properly.

Edit: Oh, and, a level of Mind Bender for Telepathy. Being inside your head and knowing your thoughts and talking mentally should be REALLY chilling if conducted in an atmospheric fashion.

2014-04-17, 04:34 PM
Those are some interesting ideas. The whispet gnome idea sounds fun. The swordsage stuff might be fun but she wants to go more manipulative hence montebank.

Warforged juggernaut for three levels to be immune to nonlethal. Troll blooded feat for regeneration 1. But how to get immunity to fir and acid?

2014-04-17, 04:58 PM
I think there's a feat or template in Savage Species that lets you be immune to an element/energy type, use it for Acid.

Then take a level in sword sage, there's a stance you can get that gives you fire resistance based on a tumble check, and if your tumble check is high enough, grants immunity. Pump tumble check.

Edit: As an added though, make his weapon Wrathful Healing, Merciful and Vicious, and use Merciful to make the Vicious Damage to self None Lethal to be immune too it and go to town with it. And don't forget those Crusader levels for even more healing per hit.

Beyond that, for the girl, consider the mind bender dip then, cause Telepathy sounds right up her Ally.

2014-04-17, 08:11 PM
Is there something that grants attunement to the planes of fire and acid?

I saw something on another thread about it.
Also something about iron golem parts for immunity to seering spells.

2014-04-17, 10:32 PM
Well, you could always make the big daddy the main character and the little sister a cohort.

2014-04-17, 10:41 PM
But she wants to play the little girl.

If we do this in a game were we ate both players i will so play him as a big daddy style

2014-04-18, 12:57 AM
The summoner from pathfinder would fit well. Just build a robot eidolon.
Edit: someone has been playing bioshock?

2014-04-18, 01:07 AM
There is a Psion ACF (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070411a) that lets them have a specific, personal Astral Construct that they can summon as a swift action with no PP spent. Some simple refluffing of this makes an easy "little girl and Big Daddy", especially if you change the ACF a bit to allow the psion to just have the construct up all the time, instead of resummoning it the moment it disappears every few minutes.

But she wants to play the little girl.

So let her? The Leadership feat says that the player should play both the cohort and the PC unless the DM doesn't want them to.

2014-04-18, 02:26 AM
I did it once, it was really fun. The character had quite a few cheese though, being a bamboo spirit folk archivist 2 / wizard 1 / mystic theurge 5 / arcane hierophant 10 / mystic theurge +2

Using heighten spell, earth sense, earth spell to qualify for mystic theurge easily.

She used a permanencied reduce person on herself to look like a small child. Her companion familiar acted as the big daddy and in fact I went through some loops to make sure it wasn't clear who the character was.

2014-04-18, 06:35 AM
Wow, this is identical to a concept I had for a character. Guess it's pretty cliche.

My character was a Tashalatora spell to power erudite-monk, the big daddy was a warforged dungeoncrasher/juggernaut with a permanent expansion object. Also, scorpion's grasp. I avoided Troll-Blooded because too much cheese stinks, although they were both decently optimized.
They both wore starmantle cloak and retributive amulet + ring of friend shield (which was dangerous, but in-character, as they would live and die together)

She also used to pretend she wasn't fighting at all, sitting on his shoulders all the time.

John Longarrow
2014-04-18, 06:43 AM
But she wants to play the little girl.

If we do this in a game were we ate both players i will so play him as a big daddy style


with your handle and that comment, sounds like she's really a small ghoul that is disguised as a child...

2014-04-18, 07:52 AM
I spent some time on this idea the other week.

If flavor is more important than optimization, maybe have a look at the two DotU Guardian feats. There's also Faith Unswerving from ToB and the maneuvers/stances like Iron Guard's Glare, Shield Block, and maybe Defensive Rebuke. So yeah, Crusader levels. Though Iron Heart Surge is good on a Tank. The Knight class may be worth looking at too.

The Warforged Juggernaut get's Adamantine Armor spikes, which I expect might get refluffed as a Drill.

Someone suggested "artificer/effigy master", which could be cool. If the Little Girl goes psionic (I have no experience), then maybe that power to transfer PP could be combined with Infusions to act like the bottles of Plasmids/Salts or something for the Big Daddy (Juggernaut levels might make this moot though).

2014-04-18, 08:25 AM
Typos suck lol.

Well for right now we are just kind of keeping the theme of the little sister and big daddy in the most basic way. So no need to replicate Plasmids or Adam.

The Warforged will be her personal body guard and enforcer as well as a good damage buddy for the rest of the party.
She is gonna be a party face which is why she wants the montebank for manipulation and diplomacy and other social skills. The young template won't effect her social skills much if at all so not sure if I should use it.

If we did go psionic I would suggest an Elan with the Youth Template due to the flavor giving them eternal youth. (It says they never age beyond the age they are turned and they must move from place to place to keep from being found out.) So simply increase her age category to Venerable and she has a +3 to all mental stats and Slight Build from the RoD web enhancement for the Kobolds to give her small size and such when it benefits her. Because a small girl around 8-10 on average would fit the medium height range if her base was human.

Mind Bender seems to be good for her, the player liked the idea.

But again she wants her big daddy to be immune to fire and acid even if it takes some times to get there. I heard mention of Attuning a character to an elemental plane to grant them resistance or immunity to that element is that a thing?

John Longarrow
2014-04-18, 08:34 AM
Rather than going Elan, you can take a page from my campaign.

I've got a house that is lead by a lich. He's got this wierd thing where he turns select servants (male) into necropolitans when they are middle age. He also turns select servants (female) when they are about 14-15. Yes, I'm going for them being depraved and EVIL.

If your "Little girl" was turned to a necropolitan when she's young you can avoid the whole age deal. For my game they use human sacrifice to offset the level loss/xp loss normally incurred by the recipient of the template.

This also ups the creepy factor a LOT, especially if she is a lot older than the more "Mature" characters in the party. Course I'm taking a page from Anne Rice here....

EDIT: Just thought... this would also let her be spellstiched... Hehehehee :xykon:

Shining Wrath
2014-04-18, 08:40 AM
Is she going for the Dragon Compendium base class Mountebank, or the Complete Scoundrel PrC?

If she's really going for max trope, the Warforged should be possessed by the spirit of ... well, a friend that she killed (but she really *had* to, so the friend's ok with it), or an ancestor, or an Outsider sent by whichever entity she sold her soul to in exchange for Mountebank powers. Big Daddy is not just a well-nigh unkillable Warforged, he's also a mentor in the ways of creepy.

She should definitely pick up a Cape of the Mountebank.

The feat Dark Speech (although Vile) could fit right in with a little girl who has sold her soul. Imagine Linda Blair in "The Exorcist".

The feat Force of Personality will let her substitute CHA for WIS on some Will saves, and also seems to fit the creepy factor. Her belief in her special entitledness is so great that you can't touch her mind.


3.0 Material (but you seem to be the DM, so allow it): Resistance to Energy feat set from Masters of the Wild. Grants +5 resistance to one kind of energy (e.g., Acid). Requires Fort SR bonus 8, but Big Daddy will have that soon enough.

2014-04-18, 08:52 AM
Base Class, she read it in my book and she loved it.

Should mention she is my fiance so she has access to all my books at will (Because have you tried to deny your fiance something?)

The idea of the Warforged being her mentor is a good one, and allows me some leeway for the roleplay purposes.

Shining Wrath
2014-04-18, 09:04 AM
Base Class, she read it in my book and she loved it.

Should mention she is my fiance so she has access to all my books at will (Because have you tried to deny your fiance something?)

The idea of the Warforged being her mentor is a good one, and allows me some leeway for the roleplay purposes.

Fiances get +30 romance bonus to all Diplomacy rolls :smallbiggrin:

2014-04-18, 08:20 PM
She loved your comment btw.

But she is liking the manipulator aspect and i do like the idea of voicing the warforged as a dark advisor or body guard.

Had the idea to have it be a conduit that is otherwise a normal gruff warforged sworn to her service. But then become the vessel of the voice of her master.

2014-04-18, 08:31 PM
Make sure she read the Mountebank's capstone ability. It is kind of the worst capstone in existence. You become an NPC.

More on topic, it does sound like you want to go for Mindbender, which has the added bonus of never reaching Mountebank 20.

For the guardian, Crusader or Knight for the class, get him a reach weapon and a ring of elemental immunity (one each for fire and acid). Also, how do you go about getting a troll-blooded warforged?

2014-04-18, 09:08 PM
Technically there's a feat from Dragon 319 that allows it with toughness as a prereq. However, I don't see why you would want a troll-blooded warforged. I can totally see why you would want a troll-blooded warforged. With two levels of Juggernaut it becomes immune to all but fire and acid.

2014-04-18, 11:49 PM
Technically there's a feat from Dragon 319 that allows it with toughness as a prereq. However, I don't see why you would want a troll-blooded warforged. I can totally see why you would want a troll-blooded warforged. With two levels of Juggernaut it becomes immune to all but fire and acid.

Yep and a Ring of Elemental Immunity would solve that issue, even searing spells can be negated via Iron Golem parts or grafts.

So a indestructible Big Daddy watching her back and the power to manipulate all those around her to her will would make a deadly duo.

2014-04-18, 11:59 PM
I think at that point the solution to most problems would just be to point that monstrosity at it and let it loose.(note to self, now to see if my DM will let me take that troll-blooded feat for my Juggernaut)

2014-04-19, 12:04 AM
Ring of Energy Immunity is insanely high priced Market Price: 240,000 gp. Epic

So I was looking into maybe cheaper ideas till epic then.

Pathfinder has Book ward
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/book_ward except its up to 10 lbs/level in weight.

However would that matter if it was on a Ring or Amulet?

2014-04-19, 03:21 AM
Dread Witch from Heroes of Horror might be worth a look.

2014-04-19, 05:48 AM
Ok so one of my players wants to play thecliche creepy young girl with a bit of power and flavor. She wants to run a troll blooded human montebank basicallt.

But she also wants a troll blooded warforge who is nigh i destructable as her personal 'big daddy'
Little girl? Warforged? Sound familiar... :smallwink:

There is a Psion ACF (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070411a) that lets them have a specific, personal Astral Construct that they can summon as a swift action with no PP spent. Some simple refluffing of this makes an easy "little girl and Big Daddy", especially if you change the ACF a bit to allow the psion to just have the construct up all the time, instead of resummoning it the moment it disappears every few minutes.
Oh yes!.. :smallcool:

2014-04-19, 09:30 AM
Well, you could always make the big daddy the main character and the little sister a cohort.
Though that would require the Big Daddy to have enough charisma for a decent cohort.

2014-04-19, 09:53 AM
Ring of Energy Immunity is insanely high priced Market Price: 240,000 gp. Epic

So I was looking into maybe cheaper ideas till epic then.

Pathfinder has Book ward
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/book_ward except its up to 10 lbs/level in weight.

However would that matter if it was on a Ring or Amulet?

Which would depend on how heavy the Warforged is marked down on his sheet.

2014-04-19, 10:15 AM
Would a ring keep the weight limit?

2014-04-19, 03:17 PM
Put the spell on clothing. Shirt (long sleeves), hood, mask, pants (long), boots. If there's no way for the acid or fire to touch you it doesn't matter that you're not immune.

2014-04-19, 03:20 PM
A robot should not need it. Especially if its focus is to book ward their plating right since its counted as armor as well as their skin right?

2014-04-19, 03:25 PM
A robot should not need it. Especially if its focus is to book ward their plating right since its counted as armor as well as their skin right?

No, I mean use Book Ward on the clothing. Plating isn't a separate item, the weight would be the total weight of the Warforged - probably too big.

2014-04-19, 03:30 PM
Well yes since you cannot target a specific area it might work better. I am saying since adamantine armor is a feat and counts as armor not natural armor wouldnt it count as an item and it wouldn't cost as much as the warforged.

2014-04-19, 03:31 PM
No, because even regular warforged plating gives an armor bonus instead of a natural armor bonus.

2014-04-19, 03:36 PM
But it can be enhanted. Creatures cannot be enchanted via magic item rules.

Also how do you do the math for a shirt of book ward? How much does a slotless cost?

Edit: or enchany bracers with book ward?

2014-04-19, 04:06 PM
I don't know the math, but slotless is double the cost of slotted.

And you can enchant an Adamantine body. You can enchant regular composite plating as well. In fact, what you should do is throw on Mithril Body. You don't care about AC or DR (you're immune to damage), so grab MB and weigh half as much.

2014-04-19, 04:08 PM
But it can be enhanted. Creatures cannot be enchanted via magic item rules.

Also how do you do the math for a shirt of book ward? How much does a slotless cost?

Edit: or enchany bracers with book ward?

What math? Step one: buy clothes. Step two: Cast Book Ward on the clothes. Cast it again every few days, or whenever you get hit by a lot of fire or acid. The cost is the cost of clothes plus the cost of your chosen method of getting the ability to cast a 2nd-level spell. Get a wand, be a spellcaster, buy a 1/day item (2/day in case of early discharge by damage, I suppose)...

2014-04-19, 04:12 PM
Book Ward does only absorb 10 damage/caster level though. So if you get a wand, that's 30. A fireball from a level 6 wizard can break through that. It also leaves you completely unprotected against the next fireball.

Shining Wrath
2014-04-19, 04:31 PM
Book Ward does only absorb 10 damage/caster level though. So if you get a wand, that's 30. A fireball from a level 6 wizard can break through that. It also leaves you completely unprotected against the next fireball.

But ...
1) Does the enemy know that? As far as he can tell, you just shrugged off his fireball. Does the DM metagame?
2) Will there *be* a second fireball? Or will the wizard be bowing before the creepy little girl, abasing himself and apologizing for the insult posed by his fireball? Or, alternatively, someone else in the party has landed a charge attack for 3 gazillion damage on the wizard.

BTW, where is Book Ward from? I don't see it at Tools.

2014-04-19, 04:33 PM
It's Pathfinder, so it might not even be allowed.

2014-04-19, 04:54 PM
Book Ward does only absorb 10 damage/caster level though. So if you get a wand, that's 30. A fireball from a level 6 wizard can break through that. It also leaves you completely unprotected against the next fireball.

You don't have to buy the cheapest possible wand. Also, what Shining Wrath said.

2014-04-19, 05:01 PM
Well it grants 12 resistance per level so at lvl 10 its 120 damage resisted. If its imbued as a constant effect the spell would discharge after hit then what? Would it then reactivate the following turn?

Also is there some way to make a warforgws immune to non lethal w/o juggernaut?

Shining Wrath
2014-04-19, 05:26 PM
Well it grants 12 resistance per level so at lvl 10 its 120 damage resisted. If its imbued as a constant effect the spell would discharge after hit then what? Would it then reactivate the following turn?

Also is there some way to make a warforgws immune to non lethal w/o juggernaut?

In answer to the latter, Ferocity (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?173146-3-5-How-do-I-become-immune-to-subdual-damage&p=9626334#post9626334)? You aren't immune to NL damage, you just keep fighting anyway.

2014-04-19, 06:01 PM
Any others? Feats?

2014-04-20, 07:21 AM
I've tried this combo before. The saint template from Book of Exalted Deeds gives you immunity to acid (and a ton of other stuff), while an item of continuous energy immunitySpC is 66,000gp. If you need exalted feats to qualify for saint, then NemesisBoED and Knight of Tyr's Merciful SwordCoV are some of the spookier ones and Nymph's KissBoED is generally useful.

Also, take a look at this thread.

2014-04-20, 11:20 AM
What class should the warforged be? To start into WFJ I mean. I was thinking Crusader but never having played one before I don't know if it will fit.

2014-04-20, 03:18 PM
It might not be against the rules, but troll-blooded warforged is just one of those things that I have always disagreed with, but if its okay in your game, what can I say?

The Iconic Creepy girl child to me is probably Annie from league of legends. "Have you seen my Bear, TIBBERS?" :smallsmile:

For those that don't know she is basically a girl of around age 7 that is a pyromaniac, that can also animate her stuffed teddy bear into a 9 foot tall raging burning bear on fire.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEnsqpThaFg skip to about 3:20 for a reference

2014-04-20, 08:21 PM
One level in Magitech Templar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?176276-3-5-Magitech-Templar-Iron-Man), take Warforged Construct Armor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/building-and-modifying-constructs) as your templar armor.

2014-04-20, 10:27 PM
Well, if I was trying to build the character, I'd go Pathfinder, and go halfling summoner. The Big Daddy would be the Eidolon, and the halfling would have both the Childlike and Pass for Human feats (for a combined +12 bonus on Disguise checks to appear as a human child without any race and age penalties all while taking 10 in human populated areas).

I do like the child necopolitan method, as that's even thematically linked to the source material.

Also, for a bit a cheese, if you're using Pathfinder, the reincarnate spell specifically states that they return in a young adult body. While that's not specifically defined in the Pathfinder rules (AFAIK), the d20 Modern rules state that "Young Adult" is age 12 to 15 (at least for humans), so a young adult human is somewhere during puberty, or at least just at the start of it (though without the small size). So, a "young adult" human necropolitan would look similar to a twelve to theirteen year old girl. Not quite right for a proper Little Sister, but you won't have the difficulty of figuring out how to survive the necropolitan process as a little girl.