View Full Version : Share Your Epic Spells

2014-04-17, 05:26 PM
Epic Spells are fun, so I was hoping to see what the infinite creativity of you folks at Gitp had put together. This thread is where you can show off epic spells you have built and how you have used them. Here's one I made:

Conjure Black Hole
Spellcraft DC 86
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: 12,000 feet
Target: 100-foot radius
Saving Throw: Fortitude Halves
Spell Resistance: Yes

You raise your arms and a small black spot appears in the air, erupting into an immense void that swallows everything within a hundred feet and crushes it, dealing 30d6 points of damage.

2014-04-17, 06:00 PM
Alright, firstly, epic spells are silly. I will wait for someone else to link Jack_Simth's spell where he animates an entire planet.

But here are a couple of mine. Ignore mitigation if that isn't in for your campaign. Spoilered to avoid text wall.

Versel's Matter Vanisher

Effect: This spell is disintegrate on a massive scale. Up to twenty 10' cubes of matter can be affected. The level of control over what is disintegrated and what is not is very high, and the caster can aim for only creatures, only objects, only certain objects, only parts of objects, and any similar variation.

Thus, the effect of the matter vanisher fall into two categories; targeting creatures or small items, or large scale matter shaping.

For damaging enemies, each cube deals 520 points of damage to any affected creature or object inside the cube (Fortitude DC 50 half). Force effects, energy fields, magical fields, and the like are automatically destroyed (no save). Cubes can be stacked in adjacent areas to affect large creatures, and the damage from separate cubes stacks (and a separate save is needed for each cube). For a target to be disintegrated, the whole target must be covered by some part of the effect; partial disintegration is possible with objects, but not with creatures.

For large-scale matter shaping, the matter is automatically destroyed, and incredibly precise detail is possible, with the pattern of disintegration following the exact mental image held by the caster of the spell.

41____Destroy (Base 29, +12 for +6 extra dice of damage)

+20 Standard action casting time
+10 Change "target" to "area: Four 10' cubes"
+16 Increase area by sixteen 10' cubes
+26 Add +13 to the DC
+40 Increase damage die size from d6 to d20
+28 Maximize the damage
+10 Ad hoc target discrimination (select exactly what to disintegrate)
+10 Ad hoc to allow sculpting of solid objects according to mental image
= +161

Total= 201

-200 Burn 100,000gp (as per burn 20,000xp)

Final DC: 1

Time to Develop: 1 day
Cost to Develop: 10800gp


This spell creates a series of localized sonic implosions, each occupying a 10' cube. Each implosion deals horrendous amounts of damage, half sonic, half pure magical destruction.

Effect: This spell creates sixteen sonic implosions (10' cubes) that each deal 500 points of damage (Reflex half), 250 points of which is sonic, 250 points of which is untyped magical energy. The range is 300'. Separate sonic implosions can overlap, and damage from separate cubes stacks. Creatures caught in an area of overlap save separately for each cube (Reflex half).
The magical energy affects even magical matter, energy fields, and force effects that are normally only affected by a disintegrate spell, such as Bigby’s forceful hand, wall of force, globe of invulnerability, and antimagic field. Such effects are automatically destroyed.

49____Energy (base 19)
______+30 (+15d6 damage)
39____Destroy (base 29)
_______+10 (+5d6 damage)
= 88

+20 Standard action casting time
+2 Change area to four 10' cubes
+16 Increase area 400% (sixteen 10' cubes)
+40 Increase damage die for each seed from d6 to d10
+28 Maximize
= 106

Total= 194

-170 Burn money (-85,000gp, as per burn 17,000xp)

Final DC= 24
Cost= 216,000gp+8640gp= 224,640gp
Time= Five days


This spell is cast on a specially prepared Colossal bronzewood tree that has been augmented by several spells and shaped via woodshape into a massive statue.

Spell Prep:
Hardening and the like to reach high hardness. Woodshape to attain a form of a bipedal, six-armed humanoid statue.
...to be continued

27 ....Life: used to give life and sentience to the colossal bronzewood tree

46 ....Armor: used to protect the awakened creature with a barrier of force (DC 14 + 2(16 more AC)= 46)

55 ....Transform: used to shrink the Colossal bronzewood living statue down to Large size the instant it's animated, and give it the hardness of adamantine.

Total= 128


Extend Casting Time to 10 minutes= -18

Participants: Use the same as above= -52

Burn 28500gp in expensive components (as per burn 5700xp) = -57


I'll hold off on posting my mythals, as most of those are preposterously long and heavily customized to, among other things, create living spaceships made of awakened trees, turn the Shiva into a mobile summoning platform, and a couple psionic ones to support an epic shaper that one of my characters had as a cohort. Psionic mythals = awesomesauce.

2014-04-17, 06:05 PM
Thisisn't going to be used for a campaign. Rather, this is fun for fun's sake.

2014-04-17, 06:06 PM
Thisisn't going to be used for a campaign. Rather, this is fun for fun's sake.

Acknowledged. By "your," I more meant anyone that might want to rip off one or more of them, not necessarily the OP.

2014-04-17, 09:03 PM
I'm not seeing where there's a "Maximize" factor.

Andion Isurand
2014-04-17, 10:43 PM
Here are some excerpts from my House Rules and Custom Errata (http://magerune.blogspot.com/2011/10/houserules-and-custom-errata.html).

Epic Level Handbook, pages 71 to 102
Any portion of text that mentions "final Spellcraft DC" is amended as follows:
"The final Spellcraft DC of any given epic spell, must match or exceed the single highest Base Spellcraft DC found among the seeds it incorporates."

Lost Empires of Faerûn, page 44
The Seed: Mythal is amended as follows:
"Mythals are unique. Any epic spell that is developed to incorporate the mythal seed, may only have one instance of itself in effect at any one time. Only the most recent casting applies."

2014-04-17, 11:19 PM
I'm not seeing where there's a "Maximize" factor.

I think I copied that out of...was it cataract of fire, from one of the Faerun supplements. This campaign that those were developed for was some time ago, and I had to kind of go into the spell to reverse engineer the factor. But I think both cataract of water and cataract of fire use it. Don't quote me on that, though.

EDIT: I also like that way of setting the floor for the Spellcraft DC. The DM we were playing with was going by strict RAW and said unlimited mitigation was fine (and xp costs were converted to gp costs due to there being no xp in the game...5gp/1xp of cost). So that was already thoroughly borked. Plus, we faced some brutal time constraints in that campaign, so development times would probably have had to be houseruled just to make Epic Spellcasting feasible at all. And, even with abundant epic spellcasting, the DM still managed to provide some stiff challenges.

But, in my games, I couldn't in good conscience allow pcs to develop epic spells in a matter of days. That's just crazy.

2014-04-17, 11:24 PM
I've written several recently for an epic pbp game I'm applying to.

As I get them I'll edit them in.