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View Full Version : Help with a Crew

2014-04-18, 03:55 AM
Greetings! My players's characters in a 3.5 game, all in the vicinity of ECL 12-13 range, might be taking a long voyage by sea (I know teleport is an option, but they actually want to actually scour the seas and get to know a little bit more of the world.

Also, there might be underwater plundering ala Assassin's Creed IV- descending on a large bell (or using magic) to raid sunken and "abandoned" ships.

Looking around the internet, I found these positions held for pirate ships. This will not be a pirate ship, but a private owned vessel where the captain just happens to like getting some treasure while chartering a voyage from one land mass to the next.

Ship's Captain


Sailing Master




Master Gunner

Mate (First Mate)

A.B.S. (Able Bodied Sailor)- the most commonly seen on board the ship.


Cabin Boy

Powder Monkey


The ship would be a schooner- with about 50 men total (including all positions mentioned above) + 6 PCs.

My questions are mainly to see what builds would the most relevant members of the ship have. reading on the descriptions from each position, most if not all would have at least 1 level of expert, with the brunt of the crew being, perhaps, warrior1/expert1 (maxing Profession (sailor)), but what about the captain and the quartermaster, not to mention the Boatswain and the carpenter/surgeon (yes, that guy fixed the ship and used the same tools on the wounded to patch them up, but in d&d, maybe a level or two in cleric?)

The PCs will be the highest level members on the ship, but they have no idea how to use a ship. They will be basically chartering the vessel to take them to another continent. How much would such a trip cost, since they would be the only passengers. Given the time to get to their destination, supplies, comfortable and separate cabins from the crew and fine dining, perhaps a "hefty" sum (maybe less than a hundred gold/PC).

Any and all ideas are more than welcome.

2014-04-18, 04:20 AM
Do you have access to Stormwrack and have you read through it? Aside from general stuff about boats, naval battles, crews and so on it includes things like the Scarlet Corsair (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20050805b) and the Legendary Captain (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050805a&page=3) (the latter of which combines nicely with Legendary Leader from the Miniatures Handbook but that combo might be a too high level option). Additionally Complete Adventurer has the Dread Pirate prc.

A boatswain could be a bard perhaps? No idea on the quartermaster and surgeon though.

2014-04-18, 04:29 AM
Do you have access to Stormwrack and have you read through it? Aside from general stuff about boats, naval battles, crews and so on it includes things like the Scarlet Corsair (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20050805b) and the Legendary Captain (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050805a&page=3) (the latter of which combines nicely with Legendary Leader from the Miniatures Handbook but that combo might be a too high level option). Additionally Complete Adventurer has the Dread Pirate prc.

A boatswain could be a bard perhaps? No idea on the quartermaster and surgeon though.

I had considered those PrC and Stormwrack, which should include stats for ships, like a schooner.

I don't want the crew (captain included) to be stronger than the party. They may be much more numerous, but where they lack the offensive to take on the party (that scenario should not take place), they should have knowledge of things the party does not, sich as Sea Lore.

The Boatswain as a bard is a good idea. thank you!

2014-04-18, 08:49 AM
Here's a pirate captain build I made a long time back. (I really ought to revisit this one - there are probably a lot better options available). Halfling isn't essential to the build, but was there for flavor purposes (the sweet unassuming halfling turns out to be deeply involved in piracy). You could substitute anything pirate-y for the race.

Halfling Rogue4/Swashbucklers3/Dread Pirate1/Scarlet Corsair3

1 Rog1 Quick Draw
2 Rog1/Sws1 Weapon Finesse, Extreme Leap (skill trick)
3 Rog2/Sws1 Freerunner (= Nimble Charge), Tumbling Crawl (skill trick)
4 Rog2/Sws2
5 Rog3/Sws2 Hidden Blade (skill trick)
6 Rog3/Sws3 Daring Outlaw
7 Rog4/Sws3
8 Rog4/Sws3/DrP1 TWF
9 Rog4/Sws3/DrP1/ScC1 Improved Feint, Improved TWF
10 Rog4/Sws3/DrP1/ScC2
11 Rog4/Sws3/DrP1/ScC3 Corsair's Feint

Equipment: +1 Keen rapier, +1 Keen kukri, +2 Mithral chain, Gloves of Dex +4, Three-Cornered Hat, Spyglass, Parrot (if desired)

2014-04-18, 03:51 PM
Thank you, Telonius! That's a great captain build! I was thinking of replacing halfling with human or half elf, but the build os perfect for this part of the campaign.

According to what I was reading regarding stations on a ship, the quartermaster was very much like the captain, so a similar build may go into place. Perhaps using one of Stormwrack's races, like Darfellan or Hadozee.

If you have any other ideas, please keep them coming!

2014-04-18, 04:25 PM
Heh, I recently pitted my players against these officers. Feel free to steal anything.

Captain Rufio: (Warblade 15)
HP: 220
Init: +2 (+22)
Speed: 30 Reach: 5ft
AC: 15 F: 13 T: +12
Attack: 20/15/10 1d10
Fort: 11 Ref: 7 (14), W: 5
Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 21 (25), Wis: 10, Cha: 8
Feats: Sudden Recovery, Adaptive Style, Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Exotic Weapon, Extra Readied manuever, Item Familiar, Skill focus (Concentration).
Skills: Concentration 18 + Familiar 18 + Misc 13= 49, Tumble: 18, Balance: 18, Jump 18, Skill trick: Acrobatic Back Stab, Nimble Charge, Walk the walls
Items: Leather armor, +3 Elven Court Blade, +10 skill item, Headband of intellect +4
Features: Improved Uncanny Dodge, +int to Reflex, to confirm crits, damage vs flanked/ flat footed/AoO, vs bullrush, disarm, fient, overrun, sunder, trip.
1. Bolstering voice:
2. Absolute Steel:
3. Hearing the air:
4. Stance of Alarcity:
1. Moment of perfect Mind: Counter- Concentration instead of will.
2. Moment of Alarcity: Boost- +20 init.
3. Bounding Assault: Double move and get an attack +2 to hit. (so can move three times)
4. Insightful Strike: Concentration check results for damage.
5. Greater Insightful Strike: Double concentration check results for damage.
6. Diamond Nightmare Blade: Concentration check DC opponents AC, 4x damage
7. Iron Heart Focus: Counter-Re-roll failed save.

We have a house rule in our group, allowing you to do maneuvers as part of a spring attack, which helps his build a bit. He is maneuverable, able to run, jump, balance, and tumble across the treacherous decks and rigging. His primary damage source was from greater insightful strike, followed by swift recovery, Next turn another greater insightful strike, followed by a regular insightful strike. He is on NPC wealth, otherwise he can seriously up his concentration check and his damage.

First Mate Carson (Ranger 1, fighter 14, human. CR 15)
HP: 163
Init: +5
Speed: 30, Reach: 120ft
AC:18 F: 13, T: 15
Attack: 24/24/19/19/14/14/9/9 1d10+19 (17-20x3)
Fort: 14 R: 11, W: 4
Str: 16, Dex: 21, Con: 16, Int: 10, Wis: 10, Cha: 8
Feats: Weapon Focus, Ranged Disarm, Sharp shooting (only +2 bonus for cover), Martial Hunter, dodge, mobility (+4 Dodge to attacks of opportunity), Shot on the run, weapon specialization, ranged weapon mastery, Far Shot, (no provoke feat), Point Blank Shot, Precise shot, Penetrating shot (standard action 60ft line, attack rolls for each), quick draw, rapid reload.
Skills: Tumble 16, Swim 16, Spot, 16, Listen 16
Items: Leather armor, 2x +2 reloading pistol w/ keen sheath

I also have a home brew fighter fix that gives weapon style abilities and feats, so this may not be very helpful. His stats are there and he can be played off of them. He is a gunslinger and provides range support.

Helmsman Seth (Human Monk 5/ Drunken Master 10, CR15)
HP: 180
Init: +6
Speed: 40, reach: 5
AC: 34 F: 27 T: 17
Attack: 20/15 Flurry (22/22/17) 2d8+10, (+d12 with item)
Fort: 15 Ref: 19 Will: 9
Str: 10 Dex:26 Con: 19 Int: 10 Wis: 16 Cha: 8
Feats: Stunning Fist, Combat Reflexes, Improved Grapple, Improved Feint, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Vow of poverty, Superior unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse, Shadow Blade, Throw anything, Martial Stance: Dance of Spiders, Martial Study: Shadow Jaunt, +Exalted feats.
Skills: Tumble 18, Jump: 18, Balance: 18, Proffession Sailor 18
Features: 2+ vs Enchantment, Immune to natural disease, attacks are magical, 20ft slow fall, DR 5/ evil, 5 resistance to Acid, Fire, cold, electric, Sonic. Freedom of movement, immune to detect thoughts, discern lies.
Drink Like a Daemon: Move action to drink, -2 to int and wis, +2 to str or con.
Stagger: charge in not a straight line, DC 15 tumble to avoid attacks of opportunity.
For Medicinal purposes: 3/day, standard action. Burn a drink for a cure moderate.
Corkscrew Rush: As part of a charge, Bullrush (opposed str checks, move 5ft if lose, provokes). DC 23 reflex or be stunned by flying headbut. If bull rush fails, fall prone.
Breath of flame: Expend a drink, Free action 20ft cone 3d12, DC 24 reflex for half.
Items: Jug of Grog (6 drinks).

I had fun with this one. Like the captain, he is agile and maneuverable. He can attack unarmed or pick up various items around the decks to use as weapons.

Ship Mage Diango (Human Wizard 15)
HP: 105
Init: +4
Speed: 30 Reach: 5ft
AC: 10 (20) F: (20)10 T: 10
Attack: 7/2 1d6
Fort: 8 Reflex: 10 Will: 9
Str: 10 Dex: 10 Int: 18 Con: 16 Wis: 10 Cha: 8
Feats: Improved Initiative, Nexus Method, Insightful reflexes, Martial maneuver (fort save=concentration), Familiar (concentration), Quicken spell, Sudden Empower, Sudden Quicken, Sudden Extend, Sudden Maximize, Sudden Silent, Sudden still.
8th: Summon Monster 8, Summon Monster 8
7th: Water Spout: 10ft wide, 80ft tall, Reflex for those it touches or within 5ft or they get sucked in. Sucked in 2d6 damage a round for 1d3 rounds, then flung out the top, for 1d8/5ft falling.
Summon Monster 7, Summon Monster 7
6th: Greater Dispel, Summon Monster 6, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning
5th: Thalassemia: touch 15d6, fort 1/2 as blood turns to water, Iron Guard, Summon Monster 5, Dominate Person, Telekinesis,
4th: D. Door, Greater Invis, summon Monster 4, Stone Skin, Evard's.
3rd: Detect Ship, Favorable Wind, greater mage armor, Summon Monster 3, Dispel Magic
2nd: Sink, See Invis, Gust o wind, False life, gust of wind
1st: Blessings of the wave, Protection from evil, shield, magic missile, Magic MissileHe is their magical support, and focuses on battle field control and countering other mages.

These guys represented the senior officers of their ship, and the main threat... aka a rival adventuring party.

2014-04-18, 05:02 PM
Heh, I recently pitted my players against these officers. Feel free to steal anything.

Captain Rufio: (Warblade 15)
HP: 220
Init: +2 (+22)
Speed: 30 Reach: 5ft
AC: 15 F: 13 T: +12
Attack: 20/15/10 1d10
Fort: 11 Ref: 7 (14), W: 5
Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 21 (25), Wis: 10, Cha: 8
Feats: Sudden Recovery, Adaptive Style, Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Exotic Weapon, Extra Readied manuever, Item Familiar, Skill focus (Concentration).
Skills: Concentration 18 + Familiar 18 + Misc 13= 49, Tumble: 18, Balance: 18, Jump 18, Skill trick: Acrobatic Back Stab, Nimble Charge, Walk the walls
Items: Leather armor, +3 Elven Court Blade, +10 skill item, Headband of intellect +4
Features: Improved Uncanny Dodge, +int to Reflex, to confirm crits, damage vs flanked/ flat footed/AoO, vs bullrush, disarm, fient, overrun, sunder, trip.
1. Bolstering voice:
2. Absolute Steel:
3. Hearing the air:
4. Stance of Alarcity:
1. Moment of perfect Mind: Counter- Concentration instead of will.
2. Moment of Alarcity: Boost- +20 init.
3. Bounding Assault: Double move and get an attack +2 to hit. (so can move three times)
4. Insightful Strike: Concentration check results for damage.
5. Greater Insightful Strike: Double concentration check results for damage.
6. Diamond Nightmare Blade: Concentration check DC opponents AC, 4x damage
7. Iron Heart Focus: Counter-Re-roll failed save.

We have a house rule in our group, allowing you to do maneuvers as part of a spring attack, which helps his build a bit. He is maneuverable, able to run, jump, balance, and tumble across the treacherous decks and rigging. His primary damage source was from greater insightful strike, followed by swift recovery, Next turn another greater insightful strike, followed by a regular insightful strike. He is on NPC wealth, otherwise he can seriously up his concentration check and his damage.

First Mate Carson (Ranger 1, fighter 14, human. CR 15)
HP: 163
Init: +5
Speed: 30, Reach: 120ft
AC:18 F: 13, T: 15
Attack: 24/24/19/19/14/14/9/9 1d10+19 (17-20x3)
Fort: 14 R: 11, W: 4
Str: 16, Dex: 21, Con: 16, Int: 10, Wis: 10, Cha: 8
Feats: Weapon Focus, Ranged Disarm, Sharp shooting (only +2 bonus for cover), Martial Hunter, dodge, mobility (+4 Dodge to attacks of opportunity), Shot on the run, weapon specialization, ranged weapon mastery, Far Shot, (no provoke feat), Point Blank Shot, Precise shot, Penetrating shot (standard action 60ft line, attack rolls for each), quick draw, rapid reload.
Skills: Tumble 16, Swim 16, Spot, 16, Listen 16
Items: Leather armor, 2x +2 reloading pistol w/ keen sheath

I also have a home brew fighter fix that gives weapon style abilities and feats, so this may not be very helpful. His stats are there and he can be played off of them. He is a gunslinger and provides range support.

Helmsman Seth (Human Monk 5/ Drunken Master 10, CR15)
HP: 180
Init: +6
Speed: 40, reach: 5
AC: 34 F: 27 T: 17
Attack: 20/15 Flurry (22/22/17) 2d8+10, (+d12 with item)
Fort: 15 Ref: 19 Will: 9
Str: 10 Dex:26 Con: 19 Int: 10 Wis: 16 Cha: 8
Feats: Stunning Fist, Combat Reflexes, Improved Grapple, Improved Feint, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Vow of poverty, Superior unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse, Shadow Blade, Throw anything, Martial Stance: Dance of Spiders, Martial Study: Shadow Jaunt, +Exalted feats.
Skills: Tumble 18, Jump: 18, Balance: 18, Proffession Sailor 18
Features: 2+ vs Enchantment, Immune to natural disease, attacks are magical, 20ft slow fall, DR 5/ evil, 5 resistance to Acid, Fire, cold, electric, Sonic. Freedom of movement, immune to detect thoughts, discern lies.
Drink Like a Daemon: Move action to drink, -2 to int and wis, +2 to str or con.
Stagger: charge in not a straight line, DC 15 tumble to avoid attacks of opportunity.
For Medicinal purposes: 3/day, standard action. Burn a drink for a cure moderate.
Corkscrew Rush: As part of a charge, Bullrush (opposed str checks, move 5ft if lose, provokes). DC 23 reflex or be stunned by flying headbut. If bull rush fails, fall prone.
Breath of flame: Expend a drink, Free action 20ft cone 3d12, DC 24 reflex for half.
Items: Jug of Grog (6 drinks).

I had fun with this one. Like the captain, he is agile and maneuverable. He can attack unarmed or pick up various items around the decks to use as weapons.

Ship Mage Diango (Human Wizard 15)
HP: 105
Init: +4
Speed: 30 Reach: 5ft
AC: 10 (20) F: (20)10 T: 10
Attack: 7/2 1d6
Fort: 8 Reflex: 10 Will: 9
Str: 10 Dex: 10 Int: 18 Con: 16 Wis: 10 Cha: 8
Feats: Improved Initiative, Nexus Method, Insightful reflexes, Martial maneuver (fort save=concentration), Familiar (concentration), Quicken spell, Sudden Empower, Sudden Quicken, Sudden Extend, Sudden Maximize, Sudden Silent, Sudden still.
8th: Summon Monster 8, Summon Monster 8
7th: Water Spout: 10ft wide, 80ft tall, Reflex for those it touches or within 5ft or they get sucked in. Sucked in 2d6 damage a round for 1d3 rounds, then flung out the top, for 1d8/5ft falling.
Summon Monster 7, Summon Monster 7
6th: Greater Dispel, Summon Monster 6, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning
5th: Thalassemia: touch 15d6, fort 1/2 as blood turns to water, Iron Guard, Summon Monster 5, Dominate Person, Telekinesis,
4th: D. Door, Greater Invis, summon Monster 4, Stone Skin, Evard's.
3rd: Detect Ship, Favorable Wind, greater mage armor, Summon Monster 3, Dispel Magic
2nd: Sink, See Invis, Gust o wind, False life, gust of wind
1st: Blessings of the wave, Protection from evil, shield, magic missile, Magic MissileHe is their magical support, and focuses on battle field control and countering other mages.

These guys represented the senior officers of their ship, and the main threat... aka a rival adventuring party.

These are amazing! I had not considered actual arcanists in the ship (at most some divine caster for healing), but these ideas are awesome. I may reduce their level a bit, since the party is ECL 12-13th and they are supposed to be hired by the party and (ideally) not foes to them, but the builds are great. thank you very much!

2014-04-18, 07:48 PM
Any crew would love a level 9+ Druid, Cleric with the Air Domain, or Archivist. Or, really, any caster capable of casting Control Winds (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/controlWinds.htm) as well as Control Weather (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/controlWeather.htm). Given Stormwrack, I'm sure there's other Druid spells that would be of interest to a ship's crew.

I figure a level 10-12 Captain, a First Mate 1 level lower, and the rest of the notables 1-3 levels lower than that would be a fair ballpark.

This touches upon leadership in D&D, above and beyond the feat. (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=9963.0) Might be of interest to you a little bit here and then more so in general.

A Bard is a good choice for the Captain, First Mate, and/or maybe the Bosun. Great skills, great force multiplier, can buff the entire crew for certain tasks and in battle... Some levels in Rogue or Factotum for one of those wouldn't be out of place, either.

As for the Quartermaster... I suppose if you wanted to go beyond levels in Expert but also depart from a sort of Rogue or Factotum skillful/sneaky/possibly grifting but definitely wheeling and dealing dynamic, then the only thing I can think of is Artificer or Pathfinder's Alchemist. The former for making and maintaining anything and everything and being able to cobble things together as needed and the latter for being all concoctiony.

For the Surgeon/Carpenter you've got a lot of options, since only a few(if any) of the classes that are good at healing can't also max ranks in craft or profession provided a decent intelligence or skimping on skill points in certain skills that would be deemed essential for a PC. Single-classed Human Adept with Int 12 should be able to grab Craft(carpentry), Heal, Spellcraft, and Concentration, with anything else just adding to their store of lore, I suppose.

I'm not sure how you'd go about building a ship's mage, though a druid with something in the neighbourhood of a seabird animal companion or urban companion would be more my speed if you can find the conceptual room for a sea druid that sails around as part of a ship's crew. I'm going more off of the Windfinders of the Seafolk from Wheel of Time for inspiration here, though I'm sure there's other ways to fit such a thing.

2014-04-18, 09:03 PM
The party already has druidic casting (not that the ship's captain would know, since they have yet to meet, if ever.)

human cleric/druid

drow paladin of freedom/wiz/abj. champ.

pixie bard/LT

grey elf conjurer

human dragon shaman (white dragon totem)

warforged spirit shaman/stormlord

The party is able to cast such spells if natural or unnatural hazards should surface during the voyage, but perhaps a lower level druid would fit thematically, given some of the PrC in Stormwrack.

2014-04-18, 10:19 PM
Hadozee make excellent and flavorful members of a crew.

2014-04-18, 10:48 PM
The party already has druidic casting (not that the ship's captain would know, since they have yet to meet, if ever.)

drow paladin of freedom/wiz/abj. champ.

The party is able to cast such spells if natural or unnatural hazards should surface during the voyage, but perhaps a lower level druid would fit thematically, given some of the PrC in Stormwrack.

An (Eberron) Adept might also suffice for most purposes there as well then.

Though I must admit, I'm slightly confused as to why they didn't go Sorcadin if they were going to go with levels in pally. :smallconfused: Followed by why someone would multiclass between cleric and druid.

2014-04-19, 12:22 AM
An (Eberron) Adept might also suffice for most purposes there as well then.

Though I must admit, I'm slightly confused as to why they didn't go Sorcadin if they were going to go with levels in pally. :smallconfused: Followed by why someone would multiclass between cleric and druid.

The drow could've gone the sorcadin route, but the player chose wizard instead. Maybe to access the PrC earlier?

The druid/cleric retrained. He was a prestige paladin/cleric/inq. For story reasons, he chose to cast off inquisitorial (paladin) training and embrace nature, hence his current build.