View Full Version : Player Help Pathfinder Gestalt Character, Questions about Spell failure and extra arms

2014-04-18, 01:28 PM
So in a few weeks I'll be playing a character in a friend's pathfinder game. He is a very, very generous DM, and as a result the characters will be built using some unusual rules.

The first big rule change, is that we get to gestalt. I squee'd a little in my pants when I heard that.

The second big change is that he has a more religious take on his wizards. In his game, they receive their abilities directly from one of two gods of magic, one being your traditional white mage archetype, the other a hellfire and brimstone destroyer type.

So what this means for me, is that the wizards get their normal pathfinder spell progression + standard spells known, cast off of charisma, and are spontaneous. So essentially he has taken the most powerful class ever and made it even more god like. I'm in love.

What I want to do, is make a Transmuter wizard specialist on one side, and then on the other side create a melee monstrosity. Their are many, many optimized ways to do this most likely, but being an extremely visual person I've decided the best thing to do is go for either the Psionic Aegis class or the Synthesist summoner.


Because I love the idea of a pure caster that in times of stress can wig out and grow into a death dealing multi-limbed badass.

My question to you guys is, what is the most effective way to do this?

I'm leaning towards Aegis because of the fact that you get full base attack, better Hit die, and I still get to customize my astral suit.

I was interested in summoner at first for a large number of reasons, but I realized early on that I just don't want to slow down play or deal with a huge number of summoned creatures. I just want to hulk out occasionally in between spellcasting and smash the living bejeesus out of things.

So given that, Transmuter/Aegis gestalt, pathfinder, not limited to any sources except 3rd party really, does the board have any advice?

Lastly, I am very interested in the spell failure chance in pathfinder as it relates to worn armor. The official reasoning for spell failure seems to be linked to the fact that your gestures are impeded by wearing armor. My thought was that with the Aegis I could still wear my delicious summoned armor, and simply grow additional limbs and use them to cast spells. Does this work according to RAW? I can't seem to think of a good reason why not. I could two hand a weapon of some significance whilst my suit's other arms are free to manipulate the forces of reality.

I'd appreciate any help or insight you guys have, you've always been the very BEST resource for this kind of stuff online. Thanks so much!
