View Full Version : Roleplaying Warforged Evolutionary Ideas (d20 Modern + D&D 3.5)

2014-04-18, 02:58 PM
I just wanted some peeps thoughts and opinions on where I should go with this
So, Im playing a game where d20 modern/D&D 3.5(3.0) is allowed, and it seems nothing is off limits
Its in sort of a modern setting but but our characters minds are in a different reality were we become what we want
So, My character in the different reality see himself as a superhero, like Ironman-esk
I choose Warforged(Robot) and took a few levels in tough, and now I'm a 2nd level evolutionary(using the idea that my powers are like swapping parts)
So, now level 6, debating on a new direction(we don't do multi class penalties on exp, and just having fun)
Im curious if anyone has some opinions on what to go into next, I grabbed the powers I wanted for the most part, my hinderances are not too killer on me, just annoying sometimes lol
I was thinking Warlock (shoot laser beams and (power claws from evo) hideous blow for your stereotypical superhero uber attack
or Dreadnaught(i'll have to hit at 7th level because lack of a feat) and be a giant annoying tank(which is sort of my role now)

Im open for anything, rather fun or functional haha

Feats I have are
Power Attack
Agile Repose'
Mithral Body
Mutation Damage Boost (Claws)

Living Furnace
Limited Mobility x2
Force Barrier
Psionic Power: Lesser Body Adjustment
Achilles Heel

T.G. Oskar
2014-04-18, 05:42 PM
Quite simplistic, but Dreadnaught + Warforged Juggernaut would be interesting. It's a shame that you went for Evolutionist rather than Fighter (to get Dungeon Crasher), but the mutations could be interesting.

For starters: you seem to be wrong on at least one feat. 1st level was Mithral Body (why not Adamantine?), then Power Attack as the Tough bonus feat for 2nd level. That leaves 3rd, 6th and Tough 4th, and none of the three remaining feats counts as a Tough feat (unless you went Tough 2/Fast 2; that could justify why you got to Evolutionary at 4th level, and justifies at least Dodge).

Second: your build seems kinda unfocused. Tough levels make you harder to beat, Agile Riposte is essentially a counter-attack against one opponent, which you maul with huge claws that deal fire damage (thanks to Living Furnace), some defense via Force Barrier, and Lesser Body Adjustment to heal when you get mauled real bad. Based off your idea of being "Iron Man", the Force Barrier works just like the shield, while you mostly get your resilience from the Warforged armor and Force Barrier, but the Claws are what doesn't click. I doubt seeing Iron Man using claws; at most, the Warforged's slam attack would work just as well.

If you're intending to remain like Iron Man, then go ahead with Warlock. Eldritch Blast works well as your "repulsor blasts", plus they get the ability to fly at will at around Warlock 6th, so you don't need to focus that much on Charisma or its other invocations. Hard to gauge which other invocations would work, though, save for perhaps Hammer Blast so that you can damage objects.

On the other hand, Dreadnaught is better if you focus your build on a different aspect. For example: a Warforged Fighter that gains Dungeon Crasher could easily get into Dreadnaught to land the Ability Surge class feature, then push ahead into Knock-Down to add a prone effect to Dungeon Crasher (and with Ability Surge kicking in at least twice, you're set to go), THEN go into Warforged Juggernaut and armor-spike your enemy into oblivion. It would go like this: Bull Rush (with Expert Bull Rush adding your WFJ level to the check) -> Superior Bull Rush allows armor spikes to deal damage equal to spike damage + Str mod. -> Knockdown from Dreadnaught forces target to go prone -> Dungeon Crasher kicks in. That said, it depends on completely refocusing your build, and that's more "Bionic Hulk" rather than "Iron Man", in any case. At most, you're really using Dreadnaught for Ability Surge, perhaps Knockdown for the Hideous Blow + Power Claw attack, and Heavy Artillery for when you summon your giant Plasma Cannon.

All in all, go Warlock first, focus on getting to 6th level and Fell Flight, then go into Dreadnaught if you want to. However, it'll be a bit unfocused, IMO.

2014-04-18, 06:32 PM
Warlock could be interesting, though you could consider a refluffed Dragon Fire Adept. Obviously you dump the dragon fluff for some 'mechanical' breath fluff. DFA is another invocation using class.

If you do go with Warlock avoid Hideous Blow and instead pick up the Eldritch Claws (Dragon Magazine #358) and Beast Strike (Dragon #355) feats — assuming these sources are open to you.

The reasons for this are:

Hideous blow is Hideous because

Standard action to use so

No Full attacks
No combining with other attack options like Charge, AoO etc.

It's an SLA so it provokes, unless you cast it defensively
Less chance of hitting because it's not a touch attack

Use Eldritch Claws (feat) or Eldritch Glaive instead

Eldritch Glaive

From Dragon magic
Can still provoke, but it has reach
Full round action to use so

You get a full attack
It doesn't work well with movement
Using it with Combat Reflexes can be hard

Touch attack for Eldritch blast damage

Eldritch Claws

From Dragon Magazine (#358) which might be an issue for you.
Prerequisite: Eldritch blast 2d6
It's a free action to use which is handy
Unarmed strike damage plus your Eldritch blast damage
Interlocks with use of Eldritch blast (Blocks)
Counts as two claws (natural attacks)
No Essences or Hellfire though does open up Beast Strike (Dragon #355) for double damage

2014-04-18, 09:30 PM
I was actually just thinking about a warforged in a modern campaign.

Renamed them the iForged, made by Apple. Play a Factotum. Whenever you use Inspiration, preface it by saying "Hang on, I have an app for that"

2014-04-18, 11:52 PM
I was actually just thinking about a warforged in a modern campaign.

Renamed them the iForged, made by Apple. Play a Factotum. Whenever you use Inspiration, preface it by saying "Hang on, I have an app for that"

Hilarious. Made me smile, thanks for that. :smallbiggrin: