View Full Version : DM Help 3.5 Druid Baddie

2014-04-18, 06:45 PM
Hey, looking to build a highly optimized druid for an opponent my party will be facing soon. at first i wanted blighter till i remembered how much they suck, but i do what his theme to be more insane and corrupted by an outside source and want a prc to fit that, so any ideas?

2014-04-18, 06:57 PM
Well, if you must run it PrC style, the best option is probably talontar blightlord (UE, 34). About one or two levels in that is pretty good and flavorful, and while you're still under standard druid capabilities, you're not that far behind. I'm pretty sure that it'd fit your desired flavor, and you would also not be a blighter. Past that, you could always just be a druid. Maybe run some vermin theming with eberron campaign setting stuff (child of winter, mostly), toss in some corrupt spells from the book of vile deeds, and possibly work in some cold spells from frostburn (I'd advise tossing out a blizzard and layering a blood snow on top of it for fun times). The theming there doesn't necessarily run as deep, but it'd probably be good enough for most purposes.

2014-04-18, 06:58 PM
i like those ideas, ill have to check out that prc

2014-04-18, 09:45 PM
Planer Shepherd from Faiths of Eberron. Give him ties to to the abyss and watch as he tears apart the world around him. In terms of RPing, it makes sense, as he seems to be driven by destruction and is, as you said, "corrupted." This easily gives him the means to be a deadly antagonist.

2014-04-18, 10:38 PM
What level is your party, and what level/CR should this opponent be?

Give him Greenbound Summoning, Ashbound, and Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a). He should be Wild Shaped into some sort of bird that won't be immediately obvious as an opponent. He should start by casting Summon Nature's Ally for multiple Greenbound Dire Rats or Bats, depending on his level and if he has a Ring of the Beast. Each of those should immediately use their Wall of Thorns spell-like ability on the squares occupied by the PCs, and those immediately surrounding them, then either attack them or spam Entangle. Note that Wall of Thorns doesn't specify that it provides cover or concealment of any sort. He can then begin casting Lesser Rod of Extended Creeping Cold on each of them. Once they all have one of those, he can start casting it on them again or use Call Avalanche or Kelpstrand on anyone who's escaped the thorns. You can add Fell Drain Spell and/or Fell Frighten Spell to the Creeping Cold if they're somewhat high level. His animal companion (Warbeast Fleshraker) and wild cohort (Warbeast Fleshraker if he's 7th+, otherwise Warbeast War-Trained Riding Dog) can be ready to charge/pounce anyone who escapes the thorns.

2014-04-18, 11:18 PM
What level is your party, and what level/CR should this opponent be?

Give him Greenbound Summoning, Ashbound, and Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a). He should be Wild Shaped into some sort of bird that won't be immediately obvious as an opponent. He should start by casting Summon Nature's Ally for multiple Greenbound Dire Rats or Bats, depending on his level and if he has a Ring of the Beast. Each of those should immediately use their Wall of Thorns spell-like ability on the squares occupied by the PCs, and those immediately surrounding them, then either attack them or spam Entangle. Note that Wall of Thorns doesn't specify that it provides cover or concealment of any sort. He can then begin casting Lesser Rod of Extended Creeping Cold on each of them. Once they all have one of those, he can start casting it on them again or use Call Avalanche or Kelpstrand on anyone who's escaped the thorns. You can add Fell Drain Spell and/or Fell Frighten Spell to the Creeping Cold if they're somewhat high level. His animal companion (Warbeast Fleshraker) and wild cohort (Warbeast Fleshraker if he's 7th+, otherwise Warbeast War-Trained Riding Dog) can be ready to charge/pounce anyone who escapes the thorns.

the party is level 12, but he needs to be level 16 cause he will be a solo encounter and the campaign is suppsoed to be hard.

2014-04-19, 02:16 AM
the party is level 12, but he needs to be level 16 cause he will be a solo encounter and the campaign is suppsoed to be hard.

Middle-Age Snow Elf, Druid 14/ Seeker of the Misty Isle 1/ Cloistered Cleric 1, not in that order. Knowledge Devotion, Planning domain, Undeath domain. The Travel domain was added to his Druid casting because it was gained before the Cleric level.
Two flaws: Love of Nature and Aligned Devotion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?258440-The-quot-Best-quot-Flaws#30).
Extra Turning (D), Extend Spell (D), Greenbound Summoning (1), Ashbound (F), Wild Cohort (F), Natural Bond (3), Natural Spell (6), Persistent Spell (9), DMM: Persistent (12), Fell Drain Spell (15)

AC: 38 (+9 Monk*, +1 Dex, +7 Natural, +4 Armor of the Beast, +2 Deflection, +5 +1 Wild Darkwood Tower Shield), Touch 22, Flat-Footed 38
*Monk AC applies when in Wild Shape. Wild armor and shield still contribute their AC bonus when wild shaped, but you're not wearing armor or carrying a shield, so Monk AC bonus can still be applied. He's not wearing the armor or carrying the shield, so armor check penalties, tower shield attack penalty, and lack of proficiency don't apply.

Elite array:
Str 23 +6 (8 base, -1 age, +16 enhancement)
Dex 13 +1 (10 base, +2 race, -1 age, +2 enhancement)
Con 21 +5 (14 base, -1 age, +8 enhancement)
Int 13 +1 (12 base, +1 age)
Wis 26 +8 (15 base, +1 age, +4 levels, +6 enhancement)
Cha 12 +1 (13 base, -2 race, +1 age)

Current ability scores:
Dire Tortoise Form:
Str 42 +16
Dex 8 -1
Con 33 +11
AC 53, Touch 18, Flat-Footed 53
Always gets a surprise round.
Legendary Eagle Form:
Str 31 +10
Dex 32 +11
Con 25 +7
AC 52, Touch 32, Flat-Footed 52
Dire Bear Form:
Str 47 +18
Dex 15 +2
Con 27 +8
AC 45, Touch 22, Flat-Footed 45
Other Forms:
Str base + 16
Dex base + 2
Con base + 8
AC natural + dex + size + 37, Touch dex + size + 21, Flat-Footed as AC due to Uncanny Dodge

Possessions: Monk's Belt + Wilding Clasp, Armor of the Beast, Mantle of the Beast, Ring of the Beast with +2 Deflection to AC (MIC p234), Circlet of Rapid Casting with +6 Enhancement bonus to Wisdom (MIC p234), +1 Wild Darkwood Tower Shield, Ring of Enduring Arcana + Wilding Clasp, 6th level Pearl of Power, Metamagic Rod of Extend, eight Lesser Metamagic Rods of Extend, Metamagic Rod of Empower, three Unguent of Timelessness, standard Strand of Prayer Beads missing the Bead of Smiting, Reliquary Holy Symbol, Nightstick, 56 Bone Talisman (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a) (turning) foci with Unguent of Timelessness applied all prepared ahead of time.
Note that a function of a belt is to hold other items regardless of whether it's magic or mundane, and an item with a Wilding Clasp 'continues to function' when he wild shapes. Any items held by his Monk's Belt will still be usable when he wild shapes, as his belt will still be holding those items regardless of his form.

Daily buffs at caster level 19 due to the Bead of Karma:
Rod of Extended Energy Immunity x3 (cast yesterday); Rod of Extended Energy Immunity x2 (6th, pearl of power), Rod of Extended Superior Resistance (6th), DMM: Persistent Bite of the Werebear (6th, 7 turn uses), DMM: Persistent Stormrage (8th, 7 turn uses), Lesser Rod of Extended Cloud Wings (2nd), Heart of Air (2nd), Heart of Water (3rd), Heart of Earth (4th), Heart of Fire (5th), Extended Primal Hunter/Instinct/Senses/Speed (cast yesterday), Extended Endure Elements (cast yesterday), Lesser Rod of Extended Longstrider (1st), Lesser Rod of Extended Snowsight (1st x3, self and animals), Lesser Rod of Extended Obscuring Snow (2nd), DMM: Persistent Superior Magic Fang (4th, 7 Bone Talismans), DMM: Persistent Mass Lesser Vigor (3rd, 7 Bone Talismans), DMM: Persistent True Seeing (7th, 7 Bone Talismans), DMM: Persistent Fell Drain Evard's Menacing Tentacles (5th, 7 Bone Talismans).

Also prepared ahead of time: three Rod of Empowered Fire Seeds (berry bombs) with the Bead of Karma active, command word is an eagle screech, Unguent of Timelessness applied, placed in a pouch. When detonated, everyone within 5 ft. takes (1d8+19)x1.5 fire damage twenty-four times, each one allows a separate Reflex save for half. This averages 33 damage per berry, or 792 damage total to each creature affected if they fail all the saves. Since it's eight separate instances of damage there's no roll for massive damage. Keep in mind the amount of damage is due to the intensity of the heat, which probably rivals that of the sun itself.

He uses Summon Nature's Ally III to get 1d4+1 Greenbound Dire Bats and greater Teleports above the party with them. All the PCs see is a blinding snowstorm appear in the air. He's in Dire Tortoise form so he gets a surprise round. Stormrage allows the tortoise to fly.

Surprise round: Drop the pouch containing the Fire Seeds into the center of four opponents (or as many as possible), Swift Wild Shape into a Legendary Eagle, screech to detonate the Fire Seeds, cast Call Avalanche to trap as many (surviving) opponents as possible. Greenbound Dire Bats have Blindsense and stay in the obscuring snow, use Wall of Thorns to trap opponents, or Entangle on the area they're in if everyone is already trapped.

1st round: Circlet of Rapid Casting Lesser Rod of Extended Fell Drain Creeping Cold on someone in line of sight/effect, cast Summon Nature's Ally III for 1d4+1 more Greenbound Dire Bats. Greenbound Dire Bats use Wall of Thorns to trap opponents, or Entangle on the area they're in if everyone is already trapped. Multiple Entangles in one area force multiple saves/checks.

2nd round: Cast Lesser Rod of Extended Fell Drain Creeping Cold, and do it again with the Circlet of Rapid Casting. Always target someone with a spell component pouch or holy symbol/divine focus first if possible. Greenbound Dire Bats use Wall of Thorns on anyone not trapped, or stack another Entangle.

3rd+ round: Continue casting offensive spells if outnumbered, or Swift Wild Shape into a Dire Bear and go into melee if low on spells or at an overpowering advantage. The Menacing Tentacles automatically attack any opponents within reach on his turn and make AoOs independent of him, each deals a negative level in addition to its normal damage. Save one Circlet of Rapid Casting charge for a Fell Drain Produce Flame, which will add fire damage to all his natural weapon attacks per holding the charge on a touch spell. The Greenbound Dire Bats should try to physically block any opponents from reaching him if necessary, to prevent him from being surrounded. He should remain in flight if possible, hovering overhead, and recast the Obscuring Snow if they somehow remove it.

2014-04-19, 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Biffoniacus_Furiou
Middle-Age Snow Elf, Druid 14/ Seeker of the Misty Isle 1/ Cloistered Cleric 1....

Thing of beauty. Nabbed for future use.


2014-04-21, 07:44 PM
That is an incredible build, definitely love it. But i have some questions. How are you supposed to use metamagic rods and other magic items while in non monkey-like wild shape? I'm very likely to believe that you actually need to hold a rod to activate it.

How would that character be as a human? I liked it so much i decided to play it in a campaign, but we're not going to use DMM, and i really don't like elves in general so no Seeker will be aviable to me... it's a pity because teleportation spells are a great boon for any druid.
Can you help me?

I'm also glad ifound another one that shares with me the same interpretation of monk's + wild armor