View Full Version : DM Help Rules for throwing people?

2014-04-19, 11:21 PM
During one point in the precious session, the Dwarf Fighter (18 Str) wanted to throw the 32 pounds Halfling so that he could grab on to the top of a 40 feet tall building.

I said he couldn't do it, that it was impossible to throw something somewhat heavy that high, even if you're really really strong. The players eventually cave in, but not without an argument.

And so I got to think if there's any rule that dictates how far/high you can throw something with your Str score. I looked it up in the PHB but found nothing. Even if it's a somewhat reasonable houserule, it'll be fine for the next time this happens.


2014-04-19, 11:27 PM
Races of Stone has what you need
Fling Ally (http://dndtools.eu/feats/races-of-stone--82/fling-ally--1146/)

2014-04-19, 11:28 PM
If you use the rules for improvised weapons, you can throw anything with a range increment of 10ft by taking a -4 penalty (unless you've got the Throw Anything feat to negate the penalty). So, your halfling could be thrown 50 feet, or 100 feet if the fighter had Far Shot.

2014-04-20, 12:32 AM
If you want to do it without a special feat or anything, I'd just treat it like a Bull Rush (perhaps even include bonuses the person has on bull rushing) where you roll an opposed str check modified by size and if you win you can throw the foe 5 ft + 5ft per 5 points you win by. Unlike Bull Rush, you should probably require a melee touch to land before the creature can attempt to throw the foe.

2014-04-20, 02:41 PM
Races of Stone has what you need
Fling Ally (http://dndtools.eu/feats/races-of-stone--82/fling-ally--1146/)

If you use the rules for improvised weapons, you can throw anything with a range increment of 10ft by taking a -4 penalty (unless you've got the Throw Anything feat to negate the penalty). So, your halfling could be thrown 50 feet, or 100 feet if the fighter had Far Shot.

I know it's RAW, but I'm pretty sure my players will bitch to no end if I don't take their character's Str into consideration, and I'm in no mood to have that discussion haha. Thanks anyway!

If you want to do it without a special feat or anything, I'd just treat it like a Bull Rush (perhaps even include bonuses the person has on bull rushing) where you roll an opposed str check modified by size and if you win you can throw the foe 5 ft + 5ft per 5 points you win by. Unlike Bull Rush, you should probably require a melee touch to land before the creature can attempt to throw the foe.

I can see this working, only think is that it's far easier to move a willing subject in a straight line than it it to throw him against gravity, so maybe 5 ft + 5ft per 10 points instead of per 5 points?

I was also thinking about having a Jump check assisted (adding the result) by a Str check. So if the halfling got a 18 on his Jump check, and the Dwarf an 18, it would be a total of 36, which equals a 13 ft (9 feet of air + 4 vertical reach) height.

How about that?

2014-04-20, 05:08 PM
I can see this working, only think is that it's far easier to move a willing subject in a straight line than it it to throw him against gravity, so maybe 5 ft + 5ft per 10 points instead of per 5 points?

I was also thinking about having a Jump check assisted (adding the result) by a Str check. So if the halfling got a 18 on his Jump check, and the Dwarf an 18, it would be a total of 36, which equals a 13 ft (9 feet of air + 4 vertical reach) height.

How about that?

As long as you do +10 ft per 5 for downwards throws....

I think the bull rush calculation is already pretty limiting as it is, though. To throw someone 40 ft, you'd have to win the check by 35. Even if the other person takes 1 on his str check, and you roll really well, you're going to need a huge bonus to pull it off. The jump assist sounds reasonable. Also keep in mind vertical reach, the ally might be able to grab onto the edge of the roof even if you can't quite get him high enough, though vertical reach for small creatures is pretty short.