View Full Version : A Journey through the Witherlands

2014-04-20, 02:14 PM
TAB Your journey begins in Thoros, the city of inspiration, devotion, and skill. Thoros lies in a range of mineral rich hills north of the Garlian stomping grounds, and west of thriving Seryn. The people of Thoros are passionate and generous, and constantly strive toward self improvement, especially in their crafts and professions. They like to find the best in others, though there's a great deal of enmity between them and the citizens of the Blackmire. There is no currency in Thoros; rather, they freely offer the fruits of their labor to those in need. When an exchange IS called for, artisans and laborers may trade "favors," small metallic or molded tokens bearing the sigil of their creator's Devotion, as well as a personal mark (name, family crest, etc.).
TAB Some of you were raised in Thoros, and are painfully aware of cultural stigma and local ethics that others will not know. Most of you are recent additions to Thoros' ranks, and are still trying to master the intricacies of local culture. Thoros expects each of you to labor alongside others with a similar interest, and while you possess no official Devotion, you may be considered an honorary member of that Devotion as long as you continue to contribute to the well-being of Thoros. Soldiers and warriors follow the Devotion of Steel; craftsmen and artisans practice their craft under the Devotion of Iron; caretakers, gardeners, and teachers the Devotion of Soil; historians, undertakers, and doctors the Devotion of Bone; travelers and diplomats the Devotion of Winds; while scholars and mages take Quills as the symbol of their Devotion.
TAB Thoros is an underground colony, originally comprised of three large caverns before population growth necessitated the addition of artificial warrens. The outermost cavern is called the Maw, a wet, rocky space filled with stalagmites and stalagmites, and divided by a massive bronze-plated brick wall. In this wall, there are two dark gray guard towers known as the Stonefangs, and between them lies a massive oak door, reinforced with bands of alternating steel and bronze.
TAB Beyond the Maw lies the Gullet, which holds the Thoran barracks, and houses the majority of the Devotion of Steel. Training in all forms of combat takes place here. Beyond the Gullet you find the Oldbarrows, formed by flowing water and source of most Thoran nourishment. The Devotion of Soil presides here, and the area is a great location for conversation and storytelling. The Devotion of Winds takes residence in the Oldbarrows as well. The first artificial cavern is adjacent to the Oldbarrows, and beneath the Gullet. This area was once called Newhaven, but has long since been renamed the 'Combs, due to the number of bodies entombed there. History, medicine, and a library of other information can be found here, and as such the Devotions of Bone and Quills have taken the area for their studies. The Forge was built beneath the Maw, and is connected to the Gullet and the 'Combs. The Devotion of Iron practices here, as the smoke and fumes they produce vent through the ceiling, the Stonefangs, and lastly the surface. Adjacent to the Forge, there are the mines, where the metals and minerals that give Thoros its strength can be found. There are many tunnels in the mines, though only one which is closed off. One of the mines tunneled into an expansive cavern beneath Thoros, and spurred a year a long conflict with the twisted creatures that lived there. Though the tunnel is now barred, the deep creatures frequently tunnel up in search for fresh meat. Guards are regularly posted in the mines to defend against such attacks, and sorties into the Undermines are something of a right of passage for the Devotion of Steel.

TAB The day is young, and you have some time to yourself. Practice your craft, explore, or chug beers around the campfire with your mates. You cannot leave Thoros or explore the Undermines. A caravan from Seryn arrived in Thoros the night before, and you may choose to have been in that caravan, or choose a different explanation for your presence. Those who choose to have been in that caravan would know each other, as though they had been together for two weeks. You may share information with each other privately, or communally through the OoC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?343389-Table-talk-across-the-Witherlands&p=17339188). Please explain your pastime and Devotion affiliation in your posts here, but do so IC. Once we know where everyone is and what they're doing, I can begin a more in-depth narrative.
Above all, have fun!

2014-04-20, 04:53 PM
Audriel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=853581) the Azhuri aasimar, is in Thoros having just arrived with a caravan. She is out studying the miasma and trying to better understand ways to protect against it. Impressed with the library used by the Devotion of Quills, her first instinct is to head straight there to begin exploring what it has to offer her.

2014-04-20, 07:14 PM
Angharad had joined the caravan in Seryn, looking to get some protected time out in the miasma and understand techniques other town have used to combat the invasion.

Her roles on the journey had been that of a scout and huntress, warning the caravan of hostiles and gathering game as opportunity presented itself. The wildland prey had become exceptionally wary, so foraging taxed her skills.

She had initially kept Coli out of sight worried the caravan guards would attack him. The scarcity had forced her to enlist Coli help. The guards no longer looked at her with ease once they knew she consorted with wild beasts and she had been forced to dye his thighs and crown an orange color so they could identify him.

She was relieved when they arrived in Thoros and she could take a break. The communion with the land had been a trifle harder than expected.

She decided after the caravan's willingness to accept her animal companion, she would see how the Thorosian people handled him, though she did update the dye just in case.

Once the caravan passed through the wall and out of the Maw, her duty was done. Having gotten a relative orientation in the cavern, she and Coli headed for the 'Combs. A useful destination as it would require her to pass through most of the rest of the caverns to get there.

2014-04-21, 03:13 PM
Kea could not belive his eyes, he had known of the city that was his masters home, but to him it was more of a paradise. He had spent long nights in the caravan, he had more than once been terrorized by a Strange animal that had become his personal hell for the weeks during the travel, the owner insisted that he not hurt it, and due to his code he followed that plea to the letter... but that did not stop the animal from being more than a pest. Lucky that was all behind him, he was in the city that breathed with honor and pride. This, more than anywhere else, was the place to begin his search. Kea stayed to help the cara c an unpack and go on there way before setting off for himself, he then went on his way to look for something to fill his..... his stomach growled.... he spotted a bar, kea sighed, mumbling to himself about filling one thing at a time. Kea went into the pub to fill himself, rather his belly...

2014-04-21, 06:36 PM
Therros sat on a small rock away from prying eyes, silently berating himself for not learning more about Thoros ... and not for the last time. These sanctimonious arses were so smug in their 'superiority' but couched it as trying to bring everyone up to their level. Please! He had seen how they treated those from the Blackmire - like pariah. No, they thought well of anyone who looked like them, or acted like them, or worked for them. But for somebody like Therros, you might as well tattoo 'Beat Me' on his forehead.

He pulled his cloak a little tighter, making sure his hood kept his feature hidden in the shadows. He thought back to his first week in the town, trying to find a place to stay and get a bite to eat. The inn-keeper had looked at him like he was covering in dung, and the other patrons had purposefully avoided making contact. "It's not catchy!" he wanted to shout, but it would have been pointless. He left, figuring he would help himself to some of thate famous Thorosian generousity, whether the giver knew it or not. Of course, that's when he found out these silly gits didn't even use money - they traded favors and labor! What kind of crazy city was this?

The final insult was this concept of Devotions. On the surface, they sounded great ... unless you couldn't swing a sword. Or write a book. Or build a house. Or heal the lame. Or be a statesman. Where the hell were the normal people?

With long sigh, Therros eyed the road where the new caravan would come. Perhaps some of the new comers would have something worthwhile ... but he'd wait to see if they were as annoying as the Thorosians first. For now, maybe he could find out some more about a local guild - he was certain there needed to be a devotion focused on the kind of skills he had, but figured the Thorosians would never admit it freely.

Therros will look about for the local thieves guild ... gotta be something like that around here somewhere, right?

2014-04-21, 10:44 PM
Morbur has just arrived in Thoros with the caravan and the wonder of the new colony is written plainly on his face. He greatly enjoyed the trip taking a liking to a not so wild wolf that was accompanying them. Now that he has reached Thoros, Morbur plans to head straight to the gullet to learn more about the Devotion of steel he has heard of. He figures that the devotions are something like the tribes in Garl.

2014-04-22, 03:14 PM
Travelling with the caravan was the best option for someone like Geonem. He remained mostly to himself during the travel. He was on his travel to to unveil the truth behind Roka and was hoping to find some leads Thoros.

2014-04-22, 09:36 PM
After a brief bit of exploration, Audriel finds her way to the 'Combs, and the library of Quills. There are several people here, studying and scribbling, and you spot a curious young elf in the corner practicing a bit of magic. The air is pungent with the smell of old texts, arcane powders, and half-burned candles. Most of the people in the area are wearing leather necklaces with boiled leather pendants. Each pendant bears the sigil (http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r40/gr8artist/Quills_zpsf96b3d10.png) of Quills, and seems embossed in dark ink. They freely allow you use of the library, though they are eager to speak with you and learn about your travels. One young Ghul'mar scholar, who greets you in fluent Ansin, asks to learn more about you, or at least to read your journals. He offers you a glass of strong green ale, made from local moss and flavored with herbs from Seryn, and introduces himself as Robric, a student of laws.

Angharad and Coli make their way to the 'Combs by route of the Oldbarrows, but are stopped there by a group of children taking an interest in Coli. None of them seem frightened; rather, they are almost too aggressive with their affection, hugging and tugging at Coli's fur until the wolf begins to growl. Their teacher, a young elven woman in embroidered robes, greets you in Ansin with a smile. She introduces herself as Lannia, an adept in the Devotion of Soil, tasked with teaching the children their manners and the philosophies of Thoros. She apologizes for their excitement as she shoo's them away from Coli, and tells you that the children simply love animals, and several of the keepers and gardeners in her Devotion are very open and welcoming of their affection. You see a pendant around her neck, bearing a wooden pendant and burned sigil (http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r40/gr8artist/Soil_zpsb3becadb.png) you assume represents her Devotion.

Keashiell searched for a pub, but to no avail. In his hometown, bars and brothels littered the streets and cluttered the alleys with drunken, half-naked sots. But here, things were different. There were several cooks and gardeners regularly making their rounds through the caverns, offering their wares and giving away samples of new recipes. Often they set up at small booths, filling bowl after bowl with warm broth and pungent gruel, or passing out tankards and wineskins filled with a dark green ale. The stuff was potent and pulpy, made from moss and spices, and simply testing the aroma could make your eyes water. Unlike in Ro'kas, no one here was getting outright drunk. Most would take a flagon or two, then begin wrestling, singing, or playing at games of skill. Conversation was loud, bawdy, and uplifting, and no one seemed to be preachy or condescending, which was a pleasant change.
One portly dwarven cook greeted Kea in Ansin and something he could only guess was Olcar, before attempting Karsi with a little more success. He introduced himself as Bron Brickbelly, maker of the finest ru'gar (root and beetle) soup, and the strongest lichor (moss ale). He offers you a bowl of one, a flagon of the other, and asks you to tell him a little about yourself, and what would bring a stranger like yourself to this wonderful town. You see a wooden pendant around his neck, bearing a strange sigil (http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r40/gr8artist/Soil_zpsb3becadb.png).

Weeks of searching for contacts and leads was finally beginning to pay off for Therros. He had narrowed possible "professionals" down to three individuals: An alchemist in the Oldbarrows who made poisons for the Devotion of Steel, a tinkerer in the Forge who makes locks, traps, and other intricate devices, and a scrapper in the Gullet who seemed to favor a pair of kukri, and had a knack for striking vitals. The alchemist, an old Elf with a wiry frame, turned out to be a dead end, as did the tiefling fighter. Neither seemed to have any advice or contacts for someone with a less-than-legit inclination, and both seemed moderately offended at the suggestion. The tinkerer was the only lead to not outright reject his advances, but he seemed very cautious and guarded, not about to give Therros any useful information. Just as he was ready to throw in the towel and find something else to do, an orc hailed him in Kerran from some shadows behind the tinkerer's shop. At first glance, the gray-skinned, yellow-toothed figure seemed massive, but Therros quickly realized that it was a cunning sense of placement that gave him that impression. The alley where the orc stood was slightly inclined, making him seem taller, and the walls pinched closer together at the far end, making him seem broader.
"Shikkabud', You tryna' start trouble in mah' city?"
Morbur meets immediate and apparent hostility from the moment he arrives in Thoros, which was to be expected, given the frequent conflict between his own people and the people of Thoros. But his tribal leader had sent him on a journey of exploration, and he would not let opposition deter him. It took nearly half an hour of diplomacy and arguments to even get past the Stonefangs, and the guards in the Maw made it clear they weren't happy about it. In particular, an elven swordsman named Sorren seemed the most perturbed. Just as the way seemed clear and Morbur was ready to begin exploring, Sorren returned with a few of his friends, all bearing the sigil (http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r40/gr8artist/Steel_zps943a3e03.png) of Steel in their necklaces and seemingly ready to start a fight. Outnumbered three to one, Morbur would have little hope of winning a brawl here.
"This little pup thinks he can just walk in here and kill us in his sleep, does he? Thinks we're just gonna lay down and take it, eh? Pup, gimme' one good reason why we shouldn't kick your ass and leave you out on the surface to die?"The dual-wielding elf, as well as his two companions (a sword-n'-board dwarf, and a quiet aasimar with a spear), seem aggressive in their mannerisms, and have chosen a place where backup wasn't near, but wouldn't be far away. A quick glance revealed only one bystander, but Morbur's gut reaction at the sight of the Ghul'mar was definitively negative. Some scavenger from Ro'kas, his peoples' sworn enemy? A true Garlian warrior would never ask for help from one such as he.

Geonem was helping the caravan and making the most of his usefulness, trying to stay out of the way of the aggressive Thoran guards. Though they obviously mistrusted him, he didn't seem like a warrior, despite his large weapon, and so he was tolerated a bit more liberally than most Rokans would have been in his position. He had just finished talking his way out of another shake-down, when he noticed an orc being accosted in the Maw, just outside the Gullet. Judging by their mannerisms, they were obviously preparing for violence, and the conversation he overheard cleared away all doubts.
"This little pup thinks he can just walk in here and kill us in his sleep, does he? Thinks we're just gonna lay down and take it, eh? Pup, gimme' one good reason why we shouldn't kick your ass and leave you out on the surface to die?"The speaker seemed to be an elf, with a dwarf and one other companion at his side. The orc they were confronting seemed to be alone, and would soon be in trouble. Geonem recognized the orc as one of the caravan travelers, a Garlian warrior from the wolf tribe. The two had exchanged suspicious, wary glances nearly every day of the trip, and hadn't said a word to each other since the orc joined the caravan in the outskirts of the Garlian stomping grounds. Garl and Ro'kas hated each other even more than Garl and Thoros did, after all.

2014-04-23, 06:28 AM
Audriel talks to Robric, showing him her notes and talking about things she's seen and studied while also listening to what he has to say.

I uh. I'm not looking to do a lot of boring roleplay by myself if it slows down getting us all into the party and working together... That's how these games die. PbP on here needs to be fairly fast paced or else people leave and the game falls apart.

2014-04-23, 08:12 AM

As Morbur hears the guard's threat he will burst into laughter, he understands at this point there is likely no way to stop the fight so he might as well enjoy it.
"AHAHAHA well now I see that renowned Thoros hospitality is only surpassed by the bravery of the Devotion of Steel. I mean come now it only took three of you together to grow the balls to come face a 'pup' like me. HAHAHA I mean what would you cowards do if a season Garlian warrior came? send 10? 20? would you need your whole devotion before you could muster the courage to face one Garlian warrior? hahahaha," Morbur, who has been laughing throughout suddenly gets a serious and dangerous look on his face, "now, here's what I'll do: you turn and leave now and I won't hurt none of ya and I won't tell no one about this cowardly event, stay though and I'll hurt ya bad." His eyes promise pain as they stare directly into Sorren's. [roll0]

1) If they move to leave or say something indicating they will leave peacefully, then Morbur will let them go

2) If they attack immediately, then Morbur will be ready to defend himself

3) If they begin to say something indicating they still mean to fight, then Morbur will spring at Sorren and punch him with both fists(charging if there is enough room)
first attack: [roll1] +2 if charge
First damage: [roll2] +2 if charge
second attack: [roll3]
second damage: [roll4]

2014-04-23, 09:16 AM
Angharad is unconcerned about the children at first. About the time she gets worried, Coli starts to growl. She tries to shoo them off ineffectually. They are both much relieved when the elven teacher shows up to take control of the children.

"Well met. I am Angharad lately from Seryn and this is my friend Coli."

2014-04-23, 10:47 AM

The boggart sighed as he left the shop, shaking his head in frustration. He knew that everyone in Thoros couldn't be as lily-white as they appeared to be - his chat with the tinkerer had told him that much. Unfortunately, it was going to be a little harder than he thought. Maybe they really didn't have a guild. That, or it was such a secret that outsiders weren't allowed in.

As he slipped through an alley behind the shop, on his way back to the inn, someone called out from the shadows. Peering back, he was taken aback for a moment as he saw the orc looming over him. But after a moment, he realized it was more lighting and position then size and power. At the orc's greeting, however, his eyes narrowed. He glanced around quickly, checking to see if the orc had any back-up, then casually leaned against a wall and started to inspect his claws. With a slow lick of his claws, he smiled at the half-orc and responded.

"Heyo, tusker. I'm not crappin' in your pond. I'm just tryin' to find my place in the world. You just the talker, or the walker?"

Checking for others and trying to see if this guy is bluffing me. In the future, let me know if you want to make those rolls!
[roll0], [roll1]

2014-04-23, 12:36 PM
Keashiell smiled at the dwarf and his kind offer, the kind man reminded him of another dwarf who's kindness had helped him in the past. Kea graciously accepted the food and drink, though he chose to drink out of respect, far too many times had he seen what alcohol can do to a person, no matter how kind they may seem. When finished kea thanked Bron with a full stomach and asked in the best karsi he couldthank you for the great meal, I have yet to taste anything quite as unique as that. I understand I am to owe you a favor now, correct? I am new here and have no mark to give like yours (pointing towards the sigil). I do have a strong back in which to offer, is there anything I may do to help? with that he gives a quick thought, by any chance, have you heard of a group that may be around here, a order of the withered roses?

2014-04-23, 04:20 PM
Audriel has a pleasant enough conversation with Robric, though the Ghul'mar is pushy and his conversation not particularly interesting. After a few minutes, you are able to excuse yourself, and gain unimpeded access to the library, though Robric is still thumbing through your journal. He seems to take a keen interest in the differences in social structure and legality in the regions you've explored, specifically in Azhuri, your home. He jots down a few notes on interesting laws and statutes as he reads.
You find some interesting tomes and texts dealing with history and early life in Thoros. Of particular interest, there are texts describing the establishment of the different Devotions, a history of the war with Garl and the consequences thereof, and a rather worn tome describing legends from the Age of Myths. You know little about the Age of Myths, save that it preceded the Withering, and the cultures that thrived during that time were reported to have fantastic and long forgotten sciences.
You may read one of these tomes, return to speaking with Robric, or seek out a new activity.

Angharad and Coli are welcomed by the teacher, who offers her a stick of boiled pepper stalk. Cho'vi peppers are a common staple in Thoros, though more potent that most Serynites care for. The stalks however, have a mild, bitter taste that hints of cinnamon and clove. Lannia apologizes for the children's interference and asks where you were going. She then points you in the direction of the 'Combs, and suggests that you seek out Merrin, the local head of healers, who she claims would be more than happy to show you around.
As you talk with her, you notice a rather large orc in the distance, working the garden while a sizable bear cub sleeps lazily nearby.

Bron laughs mightily when Keashiell suggest a favor returned. "Don't think of it like that, lad. You don't owe me nuthin', though I'd appreciate your opinion on the brew and flavor. The lads 'round here like it strong, ya' see, and they like the soup with a hearty kick. So I'm always lookin' for an outsider's opinion."
"Now, as ta' that other matter, I can't say as I do. We've had a few take to new-fangled factions and codes 'n such, and I couldna' tell ya' one way or ta'other which've stayed and which've left. Hell, few yers back, we had a whole group of soldiers, twenny or so, set out on some quest to find Omen, some kind 'a magic sword from the Age of Myths."
"Off hand, I'd say any kind of order with the name "Roses" gonna' be in my Devotion, Soil." He taps his wooden pendant as he mentions it, "But we ain't got none that I know of. If it's a fighter group yer lookin' for, yer in tha' right place, though." Bron talks freely, and is perhaps a bit longwinded for Keashiell's tastes. But, the man is informative and friendly, which is more than could be said for the Thoran Soldiers walking around. Many of them are giving Keashiell wary glances and suspicious stares, obviously too used to fighting outsiders and too hesitant to let strangers in.

Therros and the strange orc share a long, suspicious stare, before the orc finally breaks the silence. They seemed to be alone, and the alley appeared to be a dead end. The orc seems mildly pleased as he speaks. "Good ta' see ya' got a little sass in ya'. I like a bit of sass... makes winnin' a lot more fun." The orc then gets a little more serious, as he continues the discussion. "Now, I guess you'd say I'm tha' talker, for now. It don't take nothin' special to notice you been talkin' to all the people that a crook would talk to, and that tells me somethin' about you. Either you're a snitch, or you're a crook, and around here, both mean trouble." The orc steps forward and offers you a wineskin. He pops the cork out, and you immediately smell the pungent stench of strong lichor, the foul-tasting ass-kicking brew favored in Thoros. "So tell me, Shikka, what kinda' trouble didja' bring me?"You have no idea what his intentions could be, and his mannerisms are reserved and cautious. You don't see anyone else in the vicinity, though if either of you called for help it would be a matter of moments before bypassers would come to your aid. The orc is carrying a sap, but seems to possess no other weapons.

Morbur meets their intimidation with defiance, and the three Thorans obviously seemed surprised. However, your malicious glare has little effect on the leader of the posse, and the situation quickly devolves. Sorren speaks first, in response to your taunts. "You hear this, he think's he's so tough. I bet he's lyin' through his teeth, tryin' not ta' piss hisself."The dwarf and the aasimar move to position themselves around Morbur, as Sorren opens his mouth one too many times, speaking in Ansin so as to surprise Morbur."Jonn, Alec, wait for me. I'm about to --"Suddenly Morbur throws a desperate punch, which misses Sorren by an inch. Sorren reaches for his weapon, but a solid punch connects with his jaw, and Sorren hits the ground like a wet pillow. His companions both draw their weapons, but seem to be on the fence as to what action they should take. It seems that for all of their posturing, none of the three are more than fresh cadets themselves.

2014-04-23, 04:26 PM
Audriel is immediately intrigued by the tome on the Age of Myths... she felt pretty confident in her knowledge of modern events, but deeply desired to learn as much as she could about what exactly CAUSED the Withering in the first place, hoping it would lead to a clue about ways to protect against it. She begins perusing it immediately.

2014-04-23, 06:19 PM
Keashiell put a happy face on for the kindly dwarf, but from the corner of his eye kept watch of the guards.... The dwarf had given him more information than he knew. Kea took a great gulp from the unsettling alcohol, it had a clump of clay that keashiell did his best to swallow. After the painful sip was done he saw the hopeful look in the dwarfs face. With a grin, kea suggested some ginger moss to give the soup a bigger kick, and bid the kindly man good day.

As the orc went his way, he could feel the eyes of soldiers watching him. Even a city as heavenly as this must have some hell mixed in... they no doubt would never let a stranger into their ranks. But the dwarf had given him new hope, the order that kea stood for did not house the most proud or vain in its ranks, what better beginning than humble farmers. Keashiell Was now on his way to the farm district, the oldborrows.

2014-04-23, 07:22 PM

Morbur grins when he sees Sorren hit the ground, and it grows wider as he turns to the other two.

"Wonder if the big mouth still thinks I'm lying?"
Morbur eyes the drawn weapons and pulls out his wicked axes.
"Time for you two to leave, or it's time for me to bloody my axes. You decided"

2014-04-24, 09:40 AM

Was confused.... he was Positive he was heading in the right direction, but the number of guards were growing larger and larger... Kea felt with every step the number of eyes on him multiplied. Was the food supply that in need of protection? He continued to feel the eyes, they surround him... he put his hand on the hilt of his short sword... just then he saw the sign.

The gullet, center

...Kea almost knocked himself out when he smacked his forehead with his palm.... expert tracking skills strike again... he was about to turn around and head back when he saw in the distance a brawl had broken out, an orc... The roses would have to wait, keashiell began running towards the fighter, his axes were drawn, not good...

2014-04-24, 10:15 AM

The boggert raised an eyebrow at the comment about winning, but shrugged it away. With the pleasantries apparently done, and the orc getting down to business, Therros nodded (mostly to himself) and spoke.

"Sass doesn't always keep you alive, tusker. As fer winnin' .... well, before you start runnin' victry laps, remember the other guy gets a vote."
Pausing, he looked the orc up and down, thinking for a moment before he continued.

"I'm not lookin' fer trouble, but I'm wondrin' what you're lookin' for. Sure, I asked some questions, mainly 'bout things that don't fit into the Devotions I've seen. That don't make me a crook or a snitch. But it does mean I know a thing or two about discretion ... something you shoulda thought about if you thought I was a snitch.

So let's cut the crap ... are you the Man? Or just someone who knows the Man?"

2014-04-24, 12:32 PM
Geonem was thinking about just staying away and letting Garl get what has been coming to him since the two met especially since he wouldnt have to lift a finger for it. Still, it would be a pretty mediocre display of himself. Also, he though that he could try to gain favor from the other two men if he assisted in killing him, maybe even some kind of reward, at the very least maybe he could check for any loot from his body. He walked towards the group as he saw them fighting.

He paused for a moment and made a small vow and draw out his sword. "Forgive my intrusion. I also have some unfinished business with this man. My name is Geonem Hume."

2014-04-24, 07:19 PM
Angharad looks uncertain at the orc. The stories she had heard about the wars with the orcs aroused great passion from her elders, but she had seen few. Much of the atrocities seemed to pale when compared to the miasma engulfing the world.

She strode over slowly and stood some distance away, in his field of view. She waited several seconds before venturing, "Good day to you."

2014-04-25, 12:53 AM
Audriel finds mostly legend and lore in the expansive text, and would quickly realize that sorting through the legends to find actual bits of history might take some time. There is a passage circled in red ink, describing a fearsome weapon wielded by a figure known as the Smiling Knight. Legend says the Smiling Knight was immortalized as a statue, and that his legendary greatsword "Omen" was affixed to the statue's hands. Some small notations on the side of the page seem to give a location, or make a particular reference, though you're not sure what it could be. Skycrash... whatever that is.
And then you hear a rumble...

Angharad seemed awkward, a little nervous, as she spoke to the orc. The gardener paused for a brief moment, eyeing the stranger with a mixed sense of apathy and distrust. After a few moments, the orc spoke, his words gravelled with a thick Garlian accent as he gestured toward the nearby bear."Good day yerself... Nice wolf you have there. This 'eres my pal Nita; my name's Dagur, one of the local keepers."The orc seems polite enough, but not particularly interested in carrying on an in-depth conversation, it would seem.
And then you hear a rumble...

Therros is making good headway in his conversation with the intimidating orc. The latter seems to be enjoying the conversation, and takes a deep swig from his wineskin before offering a drink to Therros. Most likely the action was intended to dismiss any suspicions of poison, though most of the rabble that consider themselves "in the know" would be hesitant to waste poison on a boggart, as the goblinoid nature is renowned for its toxic tolerance. The orc responds slowly, though deliberately. "There ain't A man, per-se. More like a lid'le group, really. Nothin' anybody'd get in trouble over, just a small c'llection o' like-minded folk wantin' to keep on top o' their game, ya' see?" He reaches into his jacket and withdraws a small, onyx coin, ringed in silver. He tosses it to Therros with a grin on his face. "Gimme' a couple h'ars ta' talk it over wit me pals, 'n we'll consider n'vitin' ya to the next shindig." With that, strides past the short boggart, and makes his way into the causeway.
And then you hear a rumble...

Geonem, Morbur, and Keashiell find themselves getting rapidly embroiled in the beginnings of a skirmish. Sorren, the elven guard, is laying unconcious on the floor, though he seems to still be breathing, and there's no visible blood. The dwarf and the aasimar look unsure of themselves, though they rally for a moment when apparent reinforcements come. They start to move to Geonem's side, but a stern word from Morbur sends them packing. Keashiell arrives to an apparent showdown: a Ghul'mar and an Orc, both fresh off the caravan, looking ready to rip out each-other's throats. The three warriors stand in tense silence for several seconds.
And then you hear a rumble...

Everyone hears a low, ominous rumbling. The sound seems to echo up from below, making the ground shake for a moment before subsiding. Immediately the citizens of Thoros are galvanized into action, and begin running into the lower caverns as fast as the can. As they run past you, you hear snippets of panicked conversation... "cave-in", "mines", and "emergency" being the predominant topics.
The Forge is closest to the mines, and adjacent to it are the Gullet and the 'Combs. Furthest from the commotion is the expansive Oldbarrows.

2014-04-25, 03:17 AM
Keashiell slid between the two as the rumbling began. After regaining his balance through his body he attempted to do the same for the uncivil dispute he has interrupted, he panted his breath for a moment, then looked at the unconscious body of an elf, keashiell suddenly heard a name that made his ear twitch, cave in.... The cheerful expression of his face vanished from his mug as he stared down the hungry fighters
listen, both of you! I may not know how this started, but I do know now is not the bloody way or time for ending it. By the sound of it all hell is breaking loose, so unless you want an unhonorable, sudden death. I suggest you get out of here
Keashiell walks over and picks up the unconscious elf, with a heave he begins to carry the elf to the oldborrows. .. keashiell chuckles to himself, at least I won't get lost this time, just follow the crowd

2014-04-25, 06:08 AM
Audriel begins following those she sees around her, going wherever they seem to be going... she asks a few times "What's happening? ...what do I need to do?" to the scholars she sees hurrying past, and she does her best to fall in line with what's expected of her.

2014-04-25, 09:34 AM
Morbur gives an exasperated sigh as the Ghul' mar joins the fight, but begins to laugh as the dwarf and aasimar run off in fright. He is about to say something to the Ghul' mar when another Orc pops into the middle and then everything starts shaking.
"This ain't the time Ghul'mar, but follow us and when can see about settling that 'unfinished business' of yours"
Morbur then follows the other Orc figuring he had an idea of where to go.

2014-04-25, 09:49 AM
Geonem turns away as he sees the people running. "We will have to put this on hold..... for now" Geonem then started following the guy carrying the elf. "Want me to lend you a hand with him?" He offered.

2014-04-25, 12:46 PM
keashiell continued to drag the elf when he turned his head. the ghul mars rokan side was easy to see. kea was susspicious of the fellow rokan, he knows that a selfless rokan is as rare as green grass... but the body of the elf was quite heavy

i think both me and the elf would appeatiate that very much

2014-04-25, 04:43 PM
Geonem grabbed the elf from the feet and started carrying the lower half of the elf. He was unsure of what to make of the situation. He analyzed the guy´s speech as the two walked guided by seashell wondering how he was feeling about him being there.


2014-04-25, 06:23 PM

The boggert listened carefully as the orc continued to talk, taking the flask and downing a gulp of the harsh liquor. It burned on the way down, making him feel instantly warm, but not in a bad way. He handed it back, not wanting to impair his faculties, trying to stay focused on what the orc was saying.

"There ain't A man, per-se. More like a lid'le group, really. Nothin' anybody'd get in trouble over, just a small c'llection o' like-minded folk wantin' to keep on top o' their game, ya' see?"

Therros nodded as the orc tossed a coin his way and he snatched it out of the air. "Gimme' a couple h'ars ta' talk it over wit me pals, 'n we'll consider n'vitin' ya to the next shindig."

Therros nodded, looking at the coin thoughtfully. "Well, I like to keep m'self sharp, and there's strength in numbers. I'm sure I'll have some shoppin' in a couple of days, so we'll see."

He watched the orc walk away as he pocketed the coin when a rumbling sound interrupted his thoughts. Blood King's balls, what is that? Seeing a crowd rush to investigate, he followed, somewhat cautiously, wondering what was going on that had the whole city in an uproar. Rumors indicated a cave-in, but he wanted to see for himself.

2014-04-26, 11:22 AM
Geonem and Keashiell carry Sorren's body into the Oldbarrows, againste occasional Thoran heading toward the mines. Morbur follows them, unaware of where to go or what he could do to help. The three reach the Oldbarrows quickly enough, and set the unconscious elf on the ground. Anyone wanting to help has already left the Oldbarrows, and several people give the three of you strange looks. One old man, an aasimar, most likely, offers to care for the elf, though he seems a little nervous about what the four of you could have been up to.
Everyone is heading to the Mines, by way of the Combs and the Forge, and with a mixed sense of curiosity and anticipation, you head that way. You see Angharad, an elf who'd joined your caravan outside of Seryn, apparently a little shocked and unsure what she should do.

Audriel is lost for a moment, before someone explains hurriedly.There be a cave-in at tha' mines. We gotta go and see if sum'one needs help. There's nasty things what live unner' the mines. The dwarf grabs Audriel's arm and begins practically dragging her through the Forge, eager to find the fastest route and waste as little time as possible.

Therros was closest to the mines, having been poking around the Forge when the orc approached him. He rushes into the adjoining cavern and quickly begins assessing the situation. There are dozens of tunnels radiating from the central hub and branching apart as the natural formation prompted. Something appears to have used the floor in one to collapse, and a pungent odor is wafting up from within. The mines are normally dry, and solid rock; the presence of mold and decay would indicate a connection to a larger cavern. You then remember the Undermines, and the dread that Thorans feel when dealing with it. As you approach, you notice a lot of children, panicked and crying, and a few guards trying to figure out how to descend into the 20' hole. You can hear crying from below.

2014-04-26, 01:00 PM

Morbur recognizes Angharad from the caravan, mostly because of his companion wolf, and motions for him to join their little group moving off toward the mines.

2014-04-26, 06:58 PM
Audriel follows after quickly, eager to help in anyway she can...

2014-04-26, 07:11 PM

Standing to the side, Therros watched the Thorans standing around like a bunch of numbskulls. He turned, ready to leave them to their ineptitude, when the cries hit his ears. Gritting his teeth, he took a few steps, then stopped. Glancing back, he saw a mass of children running around in a panic, the adults to preoccupied with the hole to notice. Jaws clenched, he muttered to himself, slowly stomping towards the guards, pulling a coil of rope from his back as he advanced.

"Here, you gits! Stop gawkin' about! One of you needs to get those brats away from the hole ... what are ya, stupid? Ain't nobody here a Da? I'll getta rope down there ... you lot see to th'younglings ... move now!"
Ignoring everything else around him right now, Therros peered down into the cave and started tying off the rope. He hadn't planned on helping these fools, but if he was going to help, he might as well get to it ...

2014-04-27, 11:10 AM
When keashiell saw the dog, he hastily took a step back and grasped his food, he remembered the caravan how that animal would look at his meal. Kea never trusted the animals of the world, more than once they made his life hard in the day before he gained the scabbard... he made sure the elf was ok, and kept a safe distance from the beast.

keashiells voice was focused, precise, almost as though it was rehearsed. One could even say he was telling himself just as much as he was telling the others.

2014-04-27, 11:38 AM
"So, don't you have anything to say? Like a thanks or at least your name." Geonem reminded Keashiell as he lay the body down on earth.

2014-04-27, 01:57 PM
Geonem's question broke keashiell out of his thoughts of how to outrun the canine
hrm? What was that? Oh! Yes of course forgive me thank you for the assistance

Keashiell took a small bow as a sign of respect

I go by keashiell, and what may I call you?

2014-04-27, 02:40 PM
Overhearing Kieshell Morbur quickly puts in,
You can call him frightened once this ruckus is done with, hehehe

2014-04-27, 06:44 PM
Angharad and Coli drifted along with the crowd toward the mines. She left Coli outside cause the crush inside would be too tight for everyone to feel comfortable.

Once inside the scene was one of utter chaos. She stood uncertain as she assessed the situation. Once Therros started moving, she stepped up beside him and dug through her pack for the rope as well. "Here, use this. It's stronger. Just be careful not to rub it against the rocks."

She unwrapped her small lantern from the rags and ties a cord around it. She lowers it slowly down the hole so everyone can see a little better.

2014-04-28, 03:44 PM
Everyone is together, and making some effort to help in the mines. The Thorans nearby seem perplexed when Therros speaks, as his Kerran tongue is foreign to the vast majority of them. Therros and Angharad successfully anchor some ropes, and lower some light into the caverns below.
Three children - an elven lass, a dwarven lad, and a younger ghul'mar boy - are all lying on the ground amidst some rubble, miraculously still alive. The air is damp and pungent, and mold is growing in many places. Several Thorans mutter "Undermines" in whispered tones as they test the ropes' strength and begin climbing down. First into the hole is an elven soldier, with a curved sword on his hip. Next, an orc blacksmith begins making his way down the other rope. The children are crying softly, but have gathered their wits as their rescuers draw near. You can hear more cries from deeper in the cavern, however, and the kids begin pointing into the deeper recesses of the cave, muttering "ghost" and "scorpion" in distressed tones, before one of them speaks up in forced ansin."Help Derren... Some giant bugger got him. Lori and Tris tried to save him... I don't know where they are.

2014-04-28, 04:36 PM
Morbur doesn't understand a word the child is saying, but begins climbing down the rope to help anyway. At the very least I can get some good faith with the guard by helping and maybe they'll ignore that I knocked out one of their members. Plus a scorpion tail might be a nice memento for the kids to keep up their nerve in scary times in the future.

2014-04-28, 05:06 PM
Intrigued by the possible threats, Audriel lets others act more decisively as she steps to the side, her eyes glazing over as she focuses on what a ghost scorpion might be.

focused trance [roll0]

Knowledge(whatever applies. Sounds like arcana though) [roll1] to know what the children are talking about.

2014-04-28, 05:34 PM

When the guards just stared at him, he shook his head and frowned, repeating what he had said in karsi. "I said, stop gawkin' and get them runts away from the hole, ya gits! Ain't nobody here a Da? I've got rope; you lot see to th'younglings."

When the female approached and handed him rope, he just glared at her for a moment, then grunted his thanks as he tied it off. Soon, the group was down in the hole, Therros having let the 'heroic' types go first. One of the children started babbling about something that most of the adults just blinked at. He groaned and pointed down the tunnel. "He said sumtin big grabbed one of 'em and dragged him off that way. And two more were dumb enough to follow.

Does ghost scorp mean anything to you lot?"

2014-04-28, 07:02 PM
"3 foot tall scorpions. They're the young of the larger cave scorpions... With translucent skin and visible organs... Giving them the appearance of ghosts. They have a venom that'll weaken and stun. Oh, and they'll most likely be taking the children down to a Queen whom the drones help feed. The adults will be up to 5 feet tall and will be quite adept at using all their natural weapons and natural bulk and armor to be quite a formidable foe." Audriel rattles off quickly... Following down to these undermines with everyone else

"We should hurry. We need to get the children before the ghost scorpions meet up with any more of the larger ones."

2014-04-28, 07:23 PM
As people start coming up the rope, Angharad checks them over for injuries. She does not yet know how many are injured or how badly and is loathe to expend any of healing casually. Better to put it where it is most wanted.

Hearing that some may be going underground after the kidnapped children, she starts looking around for healers from the town to turn this duty over to. May need healing in the pursuit.

2014-04-28, 07:59 PM
Upon hearing about the scorpions and the kidnapped kids Morbur will off to the tunnel indicated, anxious to go after the children. He will wait to make sure that he isn't going in alone, he may be anxious to go but he knows he'll need help.

2014-04-29, 12:43 AM
Morbur and Therros climb down the rope quickly, and are able to help tie the children to be lifted up. The two boys are lifted first, and as the ropes are lowered Audriel comes down as well. Herbalists from the Devotions of Soil and Bone are showing up at about this time, freeing Angharad to join the group below. Geonem and Keashiell are still in the tunnel overhead, either awaiting instructions or an available rope.
After a minute or so of scrambled movement and confusion, the situation is as follows: Geonem and Keashiell are overhead with a vast troop of reinforcements. All three of the children found amidst the rubble have been liberated and their injuries are being treated. The cave seems to extend deep underground, further than your vision allows. Morbur, Therros, Audriel, and Angharad are below, along with an elven warrior, orcish smith, and aasimar priest. There is a lamp amidst the rubble, providing a good indicator of direction for the return trip. Reinforcements may be coming, but it will take them some time to decide who best to send below, and what preparations may need to be made.
Please establish a marching order. The elf will want to go first, the priest will want to go last. There are 7 of you, so list your position in the spoilered actions at the bottom of your post, and don't take someone else's position, unless it's 1st or 7th, as the NPC's will default to the next nearest position.
Does that make sense?
Also, declare if you are taking any actions as you travel; the group should be hustling - double move / 60' per round, unless you have reason to slow down.

2014-04-29, 06:11 AM
Morbur will take up position behind the Elf with a grin of anticipation and ready his axes for the coming attack.
He will take up second position and draw his axes. Also he has medium armour so 20 speed

2014-04-29, 10:05 AM
Once Angharad gets to the bottom, she reacquires her small lantern holding it in her left hand. She keeps her grip on her shortspear using it as a walking stick to help her pick through the rubble.

She looks around the tunnel looking for ambushes or other trouble.

Position 4

2014-04-29, 11:13 AM
Position 3 sounds good then.

Audriel comes along too.

2014-04-29, 11:14 AM
Geonem keeps waiting for the return of the rest. Could there be any reason for all of this? He wondered. Deciding he might as well help, he waits for anyone to be close the end of the rope to help them climb.

2014-04-29, 01:30 PM
keashiell hurries to the rope. He calls out for the children and helps them up to the surface, once the children are up, he begins to climb down

I'll take position four once I get down

2014-04-29, 02:33 PM

When the pale-skinned female spoke, Therros listened intently, snorting to himself once she was done. Whelp ... they're dead ... Stepping back to the task at hand, he helped funnel the children out. Once they were gone, he paused to look about. While he could see well enough, the cave was much large than he had expected. Glancing up at the 'roof' he was suprised more of the area hadn't caved in, but perhaps the floor was very thick and the children had just been unlucky. Or ... something had been digging up from below ...

He looked around the cave floor, checking for rubble that was more akin to the dirt left behind when a dark mole dug a tunnel. Presuming ehe didn't see anything, he turned to climb back up the rope when more people came down and started assembling themselves into a line. Frowning, he watched as a pointy-eared warrior took the lead and a shiny skinned priest stood near the back. It was eerie, watching all these unknown people start jockeying for position, without a single one introducing themselves, or speaking about a plan or anything.

With a snort and a shake of his head, he muttered to himself, "Good luck with that!" He waved silently to the group, a smirk on his face as they trundled off into the dark, not a one of them knowing what in the blistered sky they were doing. He turned to climb the rope, ready to head back up to the surface when he caught sight of a small face at the lip of the hole. It was only there for a moment, but the look on the child's face gave him pause. It wasn't the dirt or the fear or the sorrow that stopped him - Therros was well-practiced at turning a blind eye to the woes of others. No, what caught him was the glimmer he saw ... hope. Somehow, despite the recent events and improbability of survival, that kid seemed to hang on to some thread of hope that her friends would return, unscatched by the creatures that go bump in the dark.

Growling, he let go of the rope in disgust, glancing up and in the direction the others left, multiple times. After a few moments internal debate, punctuated by a muttered monologue with himself, Therros finally sighed and followed after the others. He would go, but he told himself it wasn't for the children ... maybe he'd find something of value while mucking about. Heck, maybe one of those choads up ahead would have something of worth!

He moved quickly to catch sight of the group, but kept to the shadows behind them, trailing them from the shadows. He would follow, but he'd be damned if he was going to go stomping around in the middle of that group, asking to be attacked by some cave monster ...

Therros will follow the others (Reluctantly, for the record!), keeping in stealth mode in the back. I think he can take 10 for now (23 total). Drawing his splintbow, since he's pretty sure something nasty is eventually going to jump out and try to eat him.

2014-04-29, 08:10 PM
The group hustles as fast as it can. Occasionally the Elf, figuring himself the most experienced in the group, will bark orders in Ansin, instructing others to check certain areas or stop to listen. The group proceeds quickly for about a hundred paces, travelling through the damp clay and broken rock that fills the area. Derren's distant cries can be heard, as well as the occasional outcry from one of the other children following after him. You can also hear the distant sound of running water, though, unnervingly, you cannot hear any sounds to help you locate the dangerous foes you expect to face.
As you travel through a particularly rocky area, Angharad notices something moving amidst the stones, giving everyone just enough time to prepare for a fight. Three scorpions, each about 3' long, and skittering toward you slowly, keeping low to the ground and avoiding rocks that would make noise if moved. Their carapices are translucent, shimmering faintly in the dim light, and you can see the faint outline of organs inside.
Elf Soldier
Orc Smith
Aasimar Priest
Therros (in the far back)Roll Initiative in the OoC thread, I will then post the turn order.
You owe Angharad a hearty thanks for a particularly good perception check, preventing a surprise round.
The Elf is holding a polearm (reach), the Orc is holding a warhammer, and the Aasimar is holding a sword and shield.
Morbur, Angharad, and Therros are already holding their weapons.
The scorpions are about 40 feet away and closing in fast. One is directly ahead, one is to the left, and the other is on the right. There are a few large rocks in the vicinity that could provide cover, if desired.
Therros is 30 feet behind the priest. The soldier is closest to the scorpion straight ahead, though the ones flanking the group are slightly closer to Keashiell and the smith.

2014-05-01, 04:06 PM
keashiell hears the warning of danger and sees the two scorpions closing in. Not knowing what language this orc speaks, kea draws his scabbard and short sword and signals for the Smith to take the one on the left. Keashiell moves closer to his target on the right (15 feet), keeping his guard up.

2014-05-01, 08:49 PM
Angharad alerts everyone as soon as she sees those weird scorpions. As the warriors more to engage them, she reaches back for her shield, sliding her arm through the straps and taking the weight fully. She shifts her stance show she's more wary, not that she expected the scorpion to bypass the warriors to get to her, but it pays to be cautious.

Move Action - Ready Shield
Standard Action - Full Defense AC = 21

2014-05-02, 04:40 PM

He watched the scorpions approach while the group readied themselves for combat. He sneered to himself, continuing to slink along the wall. While others would probably take his reluctance to give away his position as cowardice, he was much more practical than that - the moment he attacked, his advantage was gone, so it was best to ensure he made the best of the situation. Addtionally, these scorpions did not have the children, and wasting time fighting them was time they might not have. Besides, the group looked equipped to handle these three ...

Therros will continue to move along the wall. I think he can move full speed and not take a penalty ... which in theory probably means he could do a move, then another move. However, due to being in combat, I cannot take 10, so here's two Stealth checks. If successful (or if they are distracted enough), it should place Therros 30 feet beyond the scorpions.


2014-05-02, 07:12 PM
As the group readies itself for combat, the scorpions seem to sense that they've been spotted. With a hiss and eery chattering, they suddenly sprint toward the nearest foes, running recklessly into danger as they dash across the rocks with surprising speed.
The first ghost scorpion, nearest to the elven soldier, leaps up from the ground at the end of its dash, pouncing on the Thoran knight in a flurry of pincers and stinging. The scorpion on the left side rushes blindly toward the smith, who'd stepped away from the group a few feet in preparation for the attack. On the right, a vicious ghost scorpion pounces on Keashiell.
The cries of a child in trouble echo from deeper in the cavern, and you can hear the faint sounds of panicked combat from that direction.
Geonem can hear cries of pain and surprise as the scorpions rush in, and would be immediately aware of combat happening in the tunnel below.
(For the sake of efficiency I will handle dice rolls between creatures and NPC's with an actual die at my house.)
The ghost scorpion in front (A) charges at the elf, making three attacks at the end of his movement. Out of the scorpion's three attacks, only the sting succeeds, and the Elf takes 2 damage.
The ghost scorpion to the left (B) charges at the smith, hitting him with a claw and a sting, for a total of 3 damage.
The ghost scorpion on the right (C) charges at Keashiell, making the following attacks: Claw: [roll0], deals [roll1] damage.
Claw: [roll2], deals [roll3] damage.
Sting: [roll4], deals [roll5] damage. If it hits, make a fortitude save vs poison.

2014-05-02, 09:10 PM

Morbur will step up on the elf's right side and attack the scorpion in front of him.

He will take a 5 foot step diagonally to the right of the elf, then full attack.
first attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
second attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2014-05-03, 11:16 AM
Audriel moves behind Keashiell and draws her longspear as she does.

2014-05-03, 03:41 PM
The pain of the strikes angers keashiell. How could he confuse the barlican semitranslucent scorpion with a translucent one? Duh... As he dodges the stinger he strikes the vermin with a blow from both his weapons

I'm going for a full attack to get some payback thank you very much.

[roll0] [roll1] for the MW scabbard
[roll2] [roll3] for the short sword

edit:... I'm thinking I pissed something off.... its just.... so cruel... why?

2014-05-03, 05:14 PM
As the battle reaches a fervent pitch, the three Thorans with you leap into action. The soldier tries to defend himself, while taking a step back to strike with his spear. The smith, apparently surprised by the scorpion's attacks, takes a defensive stance, trying to avoid harm as he attacks once with his hammer. Seeing Keashiel under attack, the priest steps to his side and attempts to hinder the scorpion's attacks.
Elf attack at [roll0] for [roll1]
Smith attack at [roll2] for [roll3]
Priest's aid another attempt at [roll4] against DC 10 to give Keashiel +2 vs the scorpion's next sting attack.
Keashiel has acted out of turn, and so his attacks take place after these actions.
Next block: Therros and Angharad. Therros seems to be undetected.
The Elf's blow seems to strike the scorpion particularly well, and the creature stops moving.

2014-05-04, 04:52 PM
Having seen Keashiell take two solid hits, Angharad was sure he was hurting. With the priest intervening in the fight, Angharad slides behind him and mentions, "I'm going to heal you.

She places her palm of her shield hand on his back and asks for Ketephys' help in the hunt for the children.

Move Action - Move behind Keashiell
Standard Action - Spontaneous healing [roll0]

2014-05-05, 05:33 PM

The boggart paused for a moment to glance back at the others; seeing one of the scorpions fall, he nodded to himself, figuring they were fine. Slipping onward, he continued to move towards the cries, intent on the reason he had followed the others.

Let's see, I guess Therros should be 30' past the combat, so let's do another double move action, in the direction that the kids are crying from.
[roll0], [roll1]

Wow, those are really bad rolls!

2014-05-05, 06:47 PM
Keashiell lands a few fierce blows on one of the scorpions, before Angharad heals him. The skirmish seems to be going in the heroes' favor, until another scream pierces the air within the dark cavern.
Therros, now nearly 60 feet past the others, can see further into the tunnel than his comrades. Roughly a hundred feet away, an aasimar child is laying wounded near a small pool of moldy water. Near him, two other children are doing their best to fend off attacks from two scorpions: one small ghost scorpion, and one much larger. This scorpion, roughly 6 feet long and covered in thick black plates, has a pincer locked on the dwarven boy's leg. An elven girl is quickly darting toward the larger scorpion, narrowly dodging the attacks of the ghost scorpion pursuing her. She seems to be holding a small blade of some kind, and she looks to be the only one of the three children who's not fallen apart at the seams.
Before Therros can intervene, however, one of the rocks he was sneaking past moves. With slow, calculated motion, it unfurls into a medium sized, 6 foot cave scorpion, not 10 feet away from Therros, and attempts to ambush him. This scorpion seems to chitter angrily after attempting to strike him with its tail.
The fall of the first ghost scorpion does nothing to quell the attacks of the other two, who continue to lash out at Keashiell and the orcish smith.

Ghost scorpion A is defeated
Ghost scorpion B is fighting the orc, though all attacks seem to miss.
Ghost scorpion C is fighting Keashiell: Full attack action Claw at [roll0] for [roll1] damage
Claw at [roll2] for [roll3] damage
Sting at [roll4] for [roll5] damage and poison (Keashiell gets +2 AC vs this attack)Ghost scorpion D is attacking the elven girl, though all attacks seem to miss.
Cave scorpion E is attacking Therros: 10' move w/stealth, standard attack Sting at [roll6] for [roll7] damage and poison.Cave scorpion F is grappling a dwarven boy, who seems to be putting up a bit of a struggle.
A young aasimar is laying unconcious near the other children, who are all 150 ft from the main party.

Next block: Audriel, Morbur, Geonem (if he chooses to climb down)

2014-05-05, 07:22 PM
Audriel stabs frantically at the scorpion nearest her with the longspear.

Attack [roll0]
Confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit Damage [roll3]

2014-05-05, 08:28 PM
With the scorpion in front of him down Morbur hears the noises of Therros being attacked and charges the scorpion . He hopes to clear the way to the kids as quickly as possible.

Morbur will charge if a straight line is possible.
First attack: [roll0] add two more if charge is allowed
Second attack: [roll1] +2 if charge
First damage: [roll2]
Second damage: [roll3]

2014-05-05, 10:59 PM
Audriel pokes frantically and fruitlessly at the scorpion before her, though she seems to accomplish nothing by doing so.
Morbur is barely able to reach the scorpion engaging Therros, and lands a brutal slash at its carapace when he does so.
Sensing he's needed more urgently elsewhere, the priest leaves the three adventurers to their scorpion as he rushes to assist the smith. The smith drops his cautious demeanor and goes all-out with his attacks against the scorpion he's facing. The soldier drives one last thrust into the thorax of the dead scorpion, before moving forward, toward the sounds of helpless children.
The elven girl continues her attacks against the scorpion that's holding her friend, and the dwarven lad continues his struggles to be free. The aasimar doesn't seem to move.
The smith attempts to injure the scorpion B with his hammer, smashing it for 6 damage and crushing its head out flat.
The priest protects the smith, checking his wounds with a quick glance.
The soldier moves forward 30 feet, half way to the cave scorpion Therros and Morbur are fighting.
Kids are still in trouble.

Next block: Angharad, Therros, Keashiell

2014-05-06, 01:16 PM
Wary of the scorpion's sting, Angharad shifts around from behind Keashiell around behind the scorpion. Once in position, she stabs at it with her short spear.

Move Action - move to flank
Standard Action - Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2014-05-06, 01:49 PM

Slipping to the side, Therros used the sudden arrival of another opponent to move opposite his new ally. With a hiss, he lashed out with his claws, once, twice. He was small, but hopefully the rapid attacks would catch the creature off-guard.

Not sure how far he has to move to flank, but sliding over should do it. If it's more than a 5ft step, then only one claw.
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2] = 9 total
If necessary: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5] = 5 total (min of 1 for dam)

HPs 5/7
AC: 18 (T 15, FF 14, CMD 12)
Saves: F +1, R +6, W +0

2014-05-07, 10:35 AM
With a quick strike, keashiell attacks with another flurry of blows


Full attack
Scabbard [roll0] damage [roll1]

Short sword [roll2] damage [roll3]

2014-05-07, 01:49 PM
Keashiell drops the scorpion with a mighty blow from his sharpened scabbard as Therros drops another with his claws.
The ghost scorpion chasing the elven girl continues his attacks, finally wounding her with a claw. She cries out once, before turning and stabbing the scorpion in the face. She seems to wound it, though not lethally. The larger cave scorpion continues retreating with the dwarven boy. It lashes out at him once with its pincer, though there is a dull flash of light as he does so, and the boy still appears to be alive.
Unfortunately, another cave scorpion has revealed itself and is moving toward the girl, menacingly, though it is still too far away to reach her.
Scorpion D uses a full-attack on the girl, wounding her only with his pincer for 2 damage.
Scorpion F maintains his grapple on the boy, attempting to wound him as he does, but to no avail.
Scorpion G is approaching the girl, but is still 30 feet away from her.

Scorpion F and the boy are 160 feet away from Keashiell, Angharad, and Audriel.
Scorpion D and the girl are 140 feet away, and 20 feet from scorpion F and the boy.
Scorpion G is 140 feet away, and 30 feet from scorpion D and the girl.
The soldier is 30 feet away, and 110 feet away from scorpions D and G.
The smith and the priest are with the main group.
Therros and Morbur are 50 feet away, 100 feet from scorpion F, and 80 feet from scorpion D.

Next block: Audriel and Morbur, followed by the NPC's

2014-05-07, 03:44 PM

Snarling low, Therros mentally berated himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid! You let a giant bug get the drop on you! You could have been killed ... and now they all know you're here. Next thing, they'll be expecting stuff from you ... or you'll get yourself killed ...

Stepping to the side, he used the distraction of his new ally to catch the armored scorpion underneath its protective platting. With a quick slashing motion, he evicerated the beast, almost smiling as it dropped to the ground, twitching. He gave a quick nod and wave of thanks tot Morbur, and pointed to the children being harried by the other monsters, before he slipped off into the shadows.

Time to disappear.
Double stealthy moves to get closer to close the distance with the scorpions attacking the children.

HPs 5/7
AC: 18 (T 15, FF 14, CMD 12)
Saves: F +1, R +6, W +0

2014-05-07, 07:08 PM
Morbur gives a nod back to Therros as he disappears, then runs off toward the kids as fast as he can.

Use the whole round to run.
4xspeed(20)=80 to the closest scorpion

2014-05-08, 07:04 PM
Angharad sees the scorpion fall from Keashiell's blow. She looks forward to the where the kids were still being dragged off. She sees Morbur head off toward them, so she surges forward as well in case he needs help.

Move Action - Move forward 30 feet
Standard Action - Move forward 30 feet

2014-05-09, 08:48 PM
Audriel runs full speed over to the kids, trying to give a target for the scorpions to attack other than the children.

I don't know if she could've attacked because of angles and distance and stuff.

2014-05-09, 09:38 PM
Audriel and Morbur close the distance quickly, and in moments both are closing in on the scorpions. They seem to attract a lot of attention as they do so, and the scorpions seem conflicted about which prey to pursue. They find themselves engaged with a ghost scorpion and the elven girl, as a larger cave scorpion approaches.
The elven soldier scans the area cautiously while moving forward, trying to spot any more hidden scorpions. The priest runs to his side, pulling out a bit of ointment to apply to his wounds, though the soldier seems impatient and not concerned. The smith scans the immediate area and then runs forward after making sure no more immediate threats were present. He joins Audriel and Morbur beside the ghost scorpion harrassing the elven lass.
Therros approaches the children as quickly as he can while retaining his stealth, and Angharad hustles forward at a conservative pace.
The scorpion with the boy is almost 30 feet away from the majority of the rescuers.

Audriel, running (4 or 5 x speed) closes the distance between herself and scorpion D.
Morbur, also running, arrives at her side almost immediately, and the two of them are engaged with scorpion D and the girl.
The Smith joins them as well, pitting the 4 of them (elven girl, orc smith, Audriel and Morbur) against the small, translucent scorpion D.
Therros is 20 feet from them, hidden as best as anyone can tell, and scorpion G is closing in from the other side, though 30 feet away.
The scorpion with the boy has paused momentarily, almost 40 feet from Therros. It is 30 feet from scorpion D and the 4 rescuers engaging it, and 60 feet from scorpion G.
The priest and soldier are 60 feet behind. Angharad is 90 feet behind.

Next Block: Keashiell (Therros and Angharad acted out of order)
Then it will be the scorpions again, followed by Audriel and Morbur

2014-05-10, 09:02 PM
Keashiell sees the group heading for for the children, he is about about to join the assault when he spots the third scorpion. Keashiell moves to intercept the other enemy to keep It from flanking the main forces.

a bit confused as to the placement of everything but I'll move as fast as I can to get to that other scorpion, I think it's scorpion G?

2014-05-11, 06:01 PM
Running, Keashiell nearly reaches the large, incoming scorpion, and attracts a bit more attention than likely desired, as the great creature approaches him with a stinging strike.
Seizing a perceived weakness, the smaller ghost scorpion breaks away from the elven girl, striking at Audriel, the smith, and Morbur in a frenzy of attacks.
The scorpion dragging the boy finally releases his grip and approaches the rescuers fighting the scorpion beside the girl. He strikes once with his tail, trying to wound the smith
Cave scorpion G attacks Keashiell with his stinger. [roll0] for [roll1] damage. Check for poison of it hits.
Ghost scorpion D uses a full attack action. Claw at [roll2] for [roll3] damage against Audriel
Claw against the orc smith deals 3 damage.
Sting at [roll4] for [roll5] damage against Morbur. Check for poison if it hits. Cave scorpion F releases the boy, turning against the smith, dealing 2 damage.
The smith staggers, dropping to one knee.

Cave scorpion F and ghost scorpion D are engaged in melee combat with the elven girl, wounded orcish smith, Audriel, and Morbur. The dwarven boy is 20 feet ahead, and is crawling on his elbows while prone. The aasimar boy is 30 feet behind.
Cave scorpion G is 30 feet from the main group, and engaged with Keashiell.
Therros is less than 30 feet from the nearest group or from the priest and soldier.
The priest and soldier are 40 feet behind the main group. Angharad is 20 feet behind them, 60 feet from the main group.

Next block: Audriel and Morbur
Then it will be the NPCs, followed by Therros, Keashiell, and Angharad.

2014-05-11, 06:08 PM
Audriel takes a step 5 feet back, and stabs at the scorpion with her longspear once more!

Attack [roll0]
Confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit [roll3]

2014-05-11, 08:04 PM
Morbur will retaliate against the ghost scorpion swinging viciously with both his axes.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2014-05-11, 10:34 PM
Audriel's untrained stabs seem to have difficulty landing, as the spear-tip scrapes harmlessly off the scorpion's carapice.
Morbur's strikes seem a little more effective as he smashes a good chunk of flesh beneath the weight of his first blow.
The elf soldier charges to Keashiell's side, attempting to stab at the cave scorpion as he does so. He makes a decent wound, but in the scorpion seems unimpaired.
The aasimar priest moves as quickly as he can to the smith's side and begins to help him up. Together, they fall back a few feet as others tangle with the two scorpions.

Soldier charges cave scorpion G, dealing 5 damage and joining group 2.
Priest moves to group 1 and begins helping the smith up and away from combat.
Smith limps away from group 1 slowly.

Group 1 Ghost scorpion D
Cave scorpion F
Lori, the elven girl
The orcish smith (falling back)
The aasimar priest (falling back)
Morbur Group 2 is 30 feet from group 1 Cave scorpion G
The elven soldier
Keashiell Therros is sneaking, 20 feet from group 1, and 50 feet from group 2.
Angharad is in the rear, 60 feet behind groups 1 and 2
Derren, the dwarven boy, is 20 feet ahead of group 1.
Tris, the aasimar boy, is 30 feet from group 2, and 50 feet from group 1.

Next block: Angharad, Therros, Keashiell
Followed by the scorpions, and then Morbur and Audriel

2014-05-12, 09:02 AM
Too far away to be of much help, Angharad moves forward again. Moving quickly, she closes up with Keasiell threatening the Cave Scorpion, but not having time to actually attack it.

Move Action - Forward 30 feet
Standard Action - Forward 30 feet.

2014-05-13, 09:49 PM

Three scorpions remained as Therros moved forward silently. He was pretty sure the armored ones could detect him, but they appeared to be distracted by the others. Flitting from shadow to shadow, the boggert continued to advance on the unmoving boy. Poisoned or injured, he needed to see if the lad needed help.

Stealth forward and check on the boy.

HPs 5/7
AC: 18 (T 15, FF 14, CMD 12)
Saves: F +1, R +6, W +0

2014-05-14, 03:51 PM
The scorpions appear to be too invested with their prey to be distracted by Therros, though one gets aggressive at the arrival of Angharad. Keashiell seems momentarily distracted, though he manages to fight defensively for a short time, though he accomplishes little by doing so.
After drawing blood from Audriel and the smith, the scorpions seem to focus on the wounded, possibly hoping to pick off the easier prey. As the smith limps away, the scorpions devote the majority of their attacks against Audriel and the elven girl, though the larger cave scorpion takes a shot against the priest, wounding him slightly as the two Thorans retreat.
30 feet away, another gave scorpion is fighting Keashiell and the elven soldier.

Group 1 Ghost scorpion D takes a 5' step and full-attack action. Claw at [roll0] for [roll1] damage against Audriel.
Claw at [roll2] for [roll3] damage against Audriel.
Sting misses the elven girl Lori by a few inches.
Cave scorpion F takes a 5' step and full-attack action. Claw at [roll4] for [roll5] damage against Morbur.
Claw at [roll6] for [roll7] damage against Audriel.
Sting hits the aasimar priest for 3 damage.
Lori, the elven girl, takes no additional damage.
The orcish smith takes no additional damage and continues backing away.
The aasimar priest takes 3 damage and continues backing away.
Audriel takes 2 damage, thankful for the cover that Morbur provides.
Morbur takes 4 damge from a claw.
Group 2(30 feet from Group 1) Cave scorpion G takes a full-attack action. Claw at [roll8] for [roll9] damage against Keashiell.
Claw hits the elven soldier for 3 damage.
Sting at [roll10] for [roll11] damage against Angharad. Make a fortitude save if it hits.
The elven soldier takes 3 damage, though he remains standing.
Keashiell is taking the total defense action and avoids further harm.
Angharad takes 1 damage and risks being poisoned.
Therros reaches the aasimar boy and begins examining his wounds.

Next block: Morbur and Audriel
Then the NPC's, then Therros, Angharad, and Keashiell

2014-05-14, 08:25 PM

Therros smirked to himself, happy that the scorpions ignored his movement. Once he approached the boy, he knew he had been poisoned ... but he still checked the small puncture wounds, just in case. Of course, he was no doctor, so it wasn't like he could do anything to help ...

Heal check: [roll0]

HPs 5/7
AC: 18 (T 15, FF 14, CMD 12)
Saves: F +1, R +6, W +0

2014-05-15, 03:57 PM
After getting hit with the scorpions claw, Morbur will savagely swing both his axes at the cave scorpions head.

Attacking scorpion F

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2014-05-16, 01:09 PM
Having taken no difficulty from the scorpion's sting, Angharad shifts around it further setting up opposite Keashiell, then thrusting her spear at the creature.

Move action - Shift around to flank the scorpion.
Standard Action - Attack with short spear To Hit [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2014-05-16, 03:38 PM
More flailing with a weapon... Audriel 5 ft steps over to stab again with her spear.

Attack [roll0]
Confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit [roll3]

2014-05-16, 09:46 PM
Morbur's fearsome blows level the cave scorpion quickly, as Audriel inflicts a smaller wound on the ghost scorpion.
Lori, the elven girl, narrowly dodges a pincer as she rolls to the other side of the creature, flanking with Audriel and stabbing the distracted ghost scorpion between two plates of its carapice. As thick, green blood flows down her narrow rapier, she casts a worried glance toward the dwarven boy.
Tris, the aasimar Therros is examining, seems to be breathing shallowly, as though the effort of a full breath is too much for him. A thick, green puss sits deep within the puncture wounds in his body, though the extent of internal injury is too uncertain for Therros to determine.
The dwarven boy, Derren, crawls 5 feet toward a nearby rock, and props himself into a sitting position. He seems to be in great pain, but surprisingly healthy given the circumstances. A faint shimmer of blue light seems to reflect from the bronze studs and buttons in his belt and tunic.
The priest, who'd sustained only a single moderate injury, stumbles under the weight of the orcish smith, and the two of them collapse roughly 20 feet from most of their allies. Both moan in pain, and the priest begins examining the puncture wound recently inflicted on his leg.
The soldier takes a more defensive stance beside Keashiell and Angharad, trying to stay involved in the combat but at minimal risk to himself. His strikes seem to miss more often than not, however.

Group 1 Ghost scorpion D takes 5 damage, and remains standing.
Cave scorpion F takes over 16 points of damage from Morbur, and dies brilliantly.
Lori, the elven girl, takes a 5 foot step and attacks once with her rapier, dealing 4 damage.
Morbur deals more than 16 damage to the cave scorpion, killing it quickly.
Audriel successfully stabs something (for a change), dealing 1 damage to ghost scorpion D.
Group 2 - 30 feet from Group 1 Cave scorpion G takes no damage yet, but will take 4 from Angharad's attack.
The elven soldier is fighting defensively, and sucking at it pretty hard.
Keashiell is awaiting his turn.
Angharad resists the poison, and will soon deal 4 damage to scorpion G.
Group 3 - 30 ft from Group 2, 50 ft from Group 1 Therros will soon begin checking Tris' wounds.
Tris, the aasimar boy, is unconcious, but stable, and likely suffering from poison.
Group 4 - 20 ft behind Group 1, 40 ft from Group 2 The orcish smith is staggered, barely able to move.
The aasimar priest seems to be getting weak, but is stable and conscious.
Derren, the dwarven boy, is 20 feet ahead of Group 1, stable and able to move.

Next Block: Keashiell, Therros, Angharad
Therros and Angharad have acted out of turn. Therros is unable to identify the specific problems ailing Tris, but can at least tell that he is stable and poisoned. Angharad deals solid damage to scorpion G.
Then will come the scorpions, followed by Morbur and Audriel

2014-05-19, 01:36 PM
After Therros examines the boy, and Angharad makes her attack, the scorpions sieze the opportunity to regroup deeper in the cavern.
The smaller ghost scorpion withdraws from the large party it was engaged with, falling back nearly 60 paces. The cave scorpion withdraws as well, despite the relative lack of injury he'd suffered.
As the scorpions scuttle away, you hear a low, raspy chittering from deep within the cavern. No sooner are you free and clear of the immediate danger, than something new presents itself.
Crawling up from a large crevice in the floor, you see a small brigade of scorpions crawling up to join the two that retreated. Their number seems to be roughly 50/50, half ghost scorpions and half the larger cave scorpions. For a brief moment, your heart sinks, before the icy grip of despair sits in.
Because just as the last scorpions are climbing to the surface, you see another, large enough to carry an elf in a single pincer. This monstrosity is obviously some kind of veteran or queen, as you can plainly see numerous deep scratches in its carapice, long healed at this point. Some kind of disease has been eating at it, however, and where its left claw would be, there is only a moldy, putrid stump. The tail drips with venom, thick as honey, and the eyes seem to almost glow in the dark, burning with hate and hunger.

Ghost Scorpion D withdraws from group 1, and Ghost scorpion G withdraws from group 2. Both join group 5.

Group 1 - Morbur, Audriel, and Lori the elven girl - 60 feet from group 5, and 20 feet from Derren the dwarven boy.
Group 2 - Keashiell, Angharad, and the elven soldier - 60 feet from group 5, 30 feet from group 1, and 40 feet from Derren the dwarven boy.
Group 3 - Therros and Tris the aasimar boy - 80 feet from group 5, 30 ft from group 2, 50 ft from group 1
Group 4 - the smith and the priest - 80 feet from group 5, 20 ft behind group 1, 40 ft from group 2
Group 5 - Scorpion general, 4 cave scorpions, and 5 ghost scorpions - 60 feet from groups 1 and 2, 80 feet from groups 3 and 4, 40 feet from Derren the dwarven boy

Next block: Morbur and Audriel, followed by the NPC's, and then Therros, Keashiell, and Angharad

2014-05-19, 03:10 PM
Audriel runs straight to the injured aasimar, calling out a "I'll take care of this, you take care of that..." to Therros as she prepares to cast a cure light wounds on the boy.

2014-05-19, 09:56 PM
"Come on dear it's time to get your dwarven friend and get out of here" Morbur says to the elven girl as he heads over to the dwarf child.

Move: 20 feet to dwarf
Standard: help up/ lift the dwarf if he can't walk and prepare to run next round

2014-05-21, 02:03 AM
Lori, the elven girl, follows Morbur as he approaches the dwarven boy. Derren is thankful for the lift, but he seems unable to move on his own, and will need to be carried. Fortunately, the boy is relatively small, and carrying him will not encumber Morbur any more than he already is by his armor. Derren is at least conscious, though he can do little more than speak or describe how weak he feels. He is scared and panicked, and Lori is trying to calm him down as Morbur lifts him up.
Tris, a short distance away, is unconscious, and will need total assistance to be moved. He seems to weigh around a hundred pound, tall and lean for his age. Fortunately for Audriel, there is no miasma in the area to inhibit her curing spells.
The smith and the priest continue hobbling, but the priest staggers again, and nearly cannot rise. He looks at the smith with sadness in his eyes, and speaks in sad, desperate Ansin.I am sorry, my friend. I am too weak to carry you further.The smith tries helping the priest along, but in his own wounded state they're barely making any distance at all.
The elven soldier starts moving forward at the retreat of the two scorpions, but pauses and seems to panic a little at the sight of the others. He holds his ground, for the moment at least, though he seems to be greatly worried and unsure what to do.

Group 1 - 40 feet from scorpions Morbur picks up Derren, but is unable to do anything else. His land speed remains 20 feet per movement.
Derren is frightened, probably poisoned, and too weak to move.
Lori is trying to help as best she can, but is mostly goading Morbur into hauling ass.
Group 2 - 60 feet from the scorpions, 40 feet from group 1 Keashiell is ready to act
Angharad is ready to act
The elven soldier seems to be deciding whether to flee or stay.
Group 3 - 80 feet from the scorpions, 30 feet from group 2, 60 feet from group 1 Audriel is planning to cast a cure spell on Tris
Therros is ready to act
Tris is unconcious, obviously poisoned, and in unknown health.
Group 4 - 100 feet from the scorpions, 60 feet from group 1, 50 feet from group 2 The smith is wounded, moving 20 feet per round while supporting the priest.
The priest is mildly wounded, possibly poisoned, and unable to move without assistance.
The scorpions have not yet had opportunity to move after revealing themselves, though several of the quicker ones seem to be eyeing Lori, Derren, and Morbur hungrily.

Next up: Therros, Keashiell, Angharad
Then the scorpions, followed by Audriel and Morbur again.

2014-05-21, 12:23 PM
The last two kids are in hand, but slow. In spite of the incoming threat, she cries, "We need a screening force."

Angharad casts briefly, then surges forward fast past Morbur, forming up just past them with her shield up to cover Morbur's escape.

Standard Action - Cast Longstrider
Move Action - Move 40 feet forward.

2014-05-22, 04:21 PM

Stepping back as the healer rushed forward, Therros looked around, then back to the boy. "What're you talkin' 'bout, shiny? Them bugs? Not my style. You big legs always biting off more than you can stomach. Just get the boy up, and we'll skinny outta here." He waited for Audriel to complete her task, then tried to get the boy up and moving ... preferably back to the exit.

2014-05-23, 02:42 PM
Keashiell seems unsure what to do, and moves forward to assist Angharad in defense of the younger child.
As the heroes scramble to rescue children and protect themselves, the scorpions leap into action. The largest scorpion, a queen or veteran of some kind, proceeds more cautiously than the ghost and cave scorpions around. The lesser scorpions his and chitter as they rush forward, the younger ghost scorpions covering a surprising amount of ground for their size.
In moments, the pale translucent scorpions are pouncing on their victims in a flurry of claws and stings, the vanguard preceding the ominous march of the cave scorpions. Two cave scorpions break away from their leader to make steady progress toward Audriel, Therros, and the boy.

Group 1 - 150 feet from exit. Attacked by 5 ghost scorpions (D, H, I, J, K)

Morbur is carrying Derren, though suffering no additional penalties.
Angharad is attacked by ghost scorpion H
Keashiell moves to assist Angharad, taking 7 damage from scorpion J
The elven soldier moves to assist Angharad, and takes 3 damage from ghost scorpion I.
Derren is unable to move and being carried by Morbur.
Lori is attacked by ghost scorpion D, taking 3 damage.
Ghost scorpion D charges Lori, dealing 3 damage with its sting.
Claw at [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Claw at [roll2] for [roll3] damage.
Sting at [roll4] for [roll5] damage.

Ghost scorpion H charges Angharad, with no success.

Claw at [roll6] for [roll7] damage.
Claw at [roll8] for [roll9] damage.
Sting at [roll10] for [roll11] damage.

Ghost scorpion I charges the elven soldier, dealing 3 damage with its sting.

Claw at [roll12] for [roll13] damage.
Claw at [roll14] for [roll15] damage.
Sting at [roll16] for [roll17] damage.

Ghost scorpion J charges Keashiell, dealing 7 damage with its claw and sting.

Claw at [roll18] for [roll19] damage.
Claw at [roll20] for [roll21] damage.
Sting at [roll22] for [roll23] damage.

Ghost scorpion K charges the elven soldier, though his attacks seem to miss.

Claw at [roll24] for [roll25] damage.
Claw at [roll26] for [roll27] damage.
Sting at [roll28] for [roll29] damage.

Group 2 - A pair of cave scorpions (G, L) approaching group 3, yet still nearly 30 feet away.

Group 3 - 120 feet from the exit, 30 feet from the nearest scorpions (group 2), 60 feet from group 1

Audriel is ready to act.
Therros is holding action until Audriel has healed the boy.
Tris is unconcious, obviously poisoned, and in unknown health.

Group 4 - 90 feet from the exit, retreating.

The smith is wounded, moving 20 feet per round while supporting the priest.
The priest is mildly wounded, possibly poisoned, and unable to move without assistance.

Group 5 - The veteran and two cave scorpions (M, N) remain 30 feet from group 1

Next up: Audriel, Therros, and Morbur
Then the NPC's, followed by Angharad, and Keashiell

2014-05-23, 02:59 PM
Audriel casts the Cure Light Wounds.


..and tries to help the boy up to begin moving back towards the exit.

2014-05-25, 02:28 PM
Morbur will hoist Derren up on his back and withdraw as fast as he can from the conflict

Full-round withdraw action: Move 40 ft toward exit wihile not provoking attacks of opportunity for leaving the square I start in.

2014-05-27, 08:52 AM
Severely outnumbered, Angharad cries out, "Fall back as a line" She shifts her shield to defend herself more fully and moves back in concert with the other Elf and Keashiell.

As she moves back, she yells, "We need help here!"

Standard Action - Full Defense. AC is now 21
Move action retreat 30 feet.

2014-05-27, 10:38 AM

Once the boy was healed, Therros tried to pull the boy back as far as he could, attempting to keep distance from the approaching scorpions. The others were making some sort of battle-line, but he couldn't see how that was going to help ... it just seemed to ensure they were all going to die in a nice straight line. Shrugging to himself, he worked on getting back to the entrance.

It wasn't his problem ... right?

I guess this counts as my held action from earlier, but once the healing is complete, Therros is going to move as fast as possible towards the exit with the boy. Not sure how heavy the boy is (or how much he can move on his own), but it looks like Therros can move at least 90ft, possibly up to 120ft.

2014-05-28, 03:39 PM
Therros drags the boy toward safety as fast as he can, though the boy is heavy and slowing him down. As Audriel helps him, the three are able to retreat a short distance, putting some space between themselves and the scorpions.
Morbur carries the dwarven boy away, as several of the others step up to guard his retreat. Lori, the elven girl, moves to stand with the others, though you lose sight of her in the commotion. The two boys are effectively helpless, panicked and pleading for safety.
The smith and the priest hear the children's cries, and for a moment they seem to pause. Therros and Audriel are close enough to hear a short conversation in ansin. The priest seems uncertain about something, though the smith seems strangely resolved."I don't think we're gonna' make it, old friend."
The priest looks at the exit, not too far away. "You think you can make a difference?"
"I only know I can try." The aasimar and the orc separate, each taking a defensive stance at their current position. The orc shouts in karsi, beckoning others to retreat, and he claims that he will hold his ground behind Therros.
The soldier re-positions himself beside Angharad, but not before making a strike at one of the charging scorpions. Keashiell moves with him, and together they take down one of the scorpions.
As the others fall back, Angharad and the others are able to see Lori again, tumbling from behind a rock before throwing a small dagger at one of the scorpions attacking Keashiell. The knife strikes the scorpion at the base of his skull, and it twitches angrily.

Attacks of Opportunity
Angharad Deals 4 damage to scorpion D, prior to D's attack against Lori
This was enough to drop the scorpion, thereby sparing Lori the damage she would have taken.
Elf Soldier Strikes once with his spear against scorpion H, dealing 7 damage.
Keashiell Strikes with his scabbard, though the shortsword missed, dealing 3 damage to scorpion H.

(please note that some distances are rounded, and groups within 10 feet of eachother may be rolled together)

Group 1 - 110 feet from exit, 50 feet from group 5, 30 feet from group 6. Angharad falls back and is using the total defense action.
Keashiell falls back, and begins using total defense.
Elven soldier falls back, and is fighting defensively.
Lori attacks scorpion J, dealing 6 damage.
Morbur is carrying Derren, who's too weak to move on his own.
Derren, helpless and concious, is thrown over Morbur's shoulder.
Group 2 - Two cave scorpions (G, L) approaching group 3, but still 60 feet away.

Group 3 - 90 feet from the exit, 60 feet from the nearest threat, and 40 feet from group 1. Orcish smith, readied to strike the first scorpion to attack.
Aasimar priest, readied to strike the first scorpion to attack.
Therros is dragging the aasimar boy, at a rate of 30 ft per round alone, or 60 ft per round with Audriel.
Audriel is helping Therros drag the aasimar, though with only one action they move only 30 feet.
Tris, the aasimar boy, is concious now, though too weak to move.
Group 5 - The veteran and two cave scorpions (M, N) pursue group 1 for 20 feet, moving slowly.

Group 6 - The ghost scorpions who had pounced on group 1, are now 30 feet from their retreating quarry. Ghost scorpion D drops from an attack of opportunity.
Ghost scorpion H takes 10 damage from attacks of opportunity.
Ghost scorpion I took no damage.
Ghost scorpion J takes 6 damage from Lori's attack.
Ghost scorpion K took no damage.

Angharad and Keashiell would come after the NPC's turns. If stevemantis gets back to us, he can choose different actions for Keashiell's most recent turn. Geonem can hear all the commotion, and can hear it getting closer. He may choose to act, but otherwise it's the scorpions next, followed by Audriel, Therros, and Morbur again.

2014-05-30, 02:02 PM
As their prey retreats, the scorpions surge forward again. The ghost scorpions charge their adversaries, while the cave scorpions proceed in a more methodical manner. The scorpions seem to focus their attacks on enemies who'd injured them or fought back, though scorpions that have not been hurt seem indiscriminate about their targets.
The Queen and the two cave scorpions with her seem to be picking up speed as well, moving faster as their victory seems more certain.
Two of the ghost scorpions manage to draw blood with their charge, but the others find the defending opponents too difficult to injure. The smith manages to de-brain a cave scorpion a mere moment before its attack, though the priest has less luck.

Group 6 - Charges at group 1 Ghost scorpion H pounces on the elven soldier, dealing 2 damage with its sting. Claw at [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Claw at [roll2] for [roll3] damage.
Sting at [roll4] for [roll5] damage. Ghost scorpion I pounces on Angharad, though it fails to deal damage. Claw at [roll6] for [roll7] damage.
Claw at [roll8] for [roll9] damage.
Sting at [roll10] for [roll11] damage.
Ghost scorpion J pounces on Lori, the elven girl, dealing 6 damage with its claws. Claw at [roll12] for [roll13] damage.
Claw at [roll14] for [roll15] damage.
Sting at [roll16] for [roll17] damage.
Ghost scorpion K pounces on Keashiell, though it fails to deal damage. Claw at [roll18] for [roll19] damage.
Claw at [roll20] for [roll21] damage.
Sting at [roll22] for [roll23] damage.
Group 5 - Moves closer to group 1, and is now only 20 feet away from them. Veteran moves 30 feet closer.
Cave scorpion M moves 30 feet closer.
Cave scorpion N moves 30 feet closer.
Group 2 - Pursues group 3, and engages the smith and priest. Cave scorpion G attacks the smith, but the smith's readied attack deals 7 damage, slaying it.
Cave scorpion L attacks the priest, though it fails to deal damage. Sting at [roll24] for [roll25] damage.
Group 1 - Adjacent to group 6, 110 feet from the exit, and 20 feet from group 5. Angharad is using the total defense action, and is attacked by scorpion I.
Keashiell is using the total defense action, and is attacked by scorpion K.
The elven soldier is fighting defensively, and is attacked by scorpion H. He attacks scorpion H, though his attack misses.
Lori is attacked by scorpion J.
Morbur is behind the others, carrying Derren.
Derren is thrown over Morbur's shoulder.
Group 3 - Adjacent to group 2, 90 feet from the exit, and 40 feet from group 1. the orcish smith attacks scorpion G preemptively, dealing 7 damage and defeating it.
The aasimar priest attacks scorpion L, though he fails to wound it.
Therros and Audriel are dragging the aasimar boy, Tris.
Tris is unable to move and is being dragged by Therros and Audriel.

Next up: Audriel, Therros, Morbur
Followed by the NPC's, and then Keashiell, Angharad, and Geonem.

2014-05-30, 02:14 PM
Audriel keeps running!

2014-05-30, 03:16 PM

Seeing the two scorpions close in on their group, Therros hissed to himself. Best to keep moving ... get to the exit ... maybe find some more folks to help. But as he watched many of the long-legs sway in their tracks, and the remaining 8 scorpions closed in for the kill, he shook his head. Chances were that more would die before they got out. Normally, you should be able to justify saving a child, but here? How do you explain that any of these little brats was worth two or three strapping warriors and craftsmen? Sure, kids could be the future, but these men were their present.

Ah well ... time enough to dwell on the philosophics later. Right now, he needed to get out of here.

Continue to move ... so with help, can we move twice at 30? I don't know what Audriel's max weight is, but if she can carry the (extremely heavy) boy, then she could probably go 90' (or 120, if she's really strong :smallsmile:)

2014-05-30, 04:41 PM
"Come on girl" Morbur says to the elven girl as he continues to move toward the exit

Morbur will withdraw to the exit as fast as he can while carrying the boy

2014-05-31, 02:40 PM
I apologize for the formatting, but I'll edit this later.

The priest coughs and staggers, as though weakened and fatigued. He cries to his comrades, ordering you to fall back, as he raises his shield once more and assumes a defensive stance. The smith steps around, to flank the scorpion as he attempts a powerful strike. He lands a solid blow, though nothing lethal. The soldier holds his action, ready to follow Angharad's commands.

2014-06-01, 08:19 PM
Angharad takes a quick glance back and seems the smith and the priest near. Then the girls gets injured. She cries out, Child, flee with your friend!

He voice changes some to address the men, " Fall back to the next men. We'll form up with them."

Standard Action - Full Defense
Move Action - retreat 20 feet next to the smith and the priest.

2014-06-03, 10:09 PM
"Lets get out" Geonem tells himself.

2014-06-05, 04:50 PM
Scorpions' Turn
Keashiell and the soldier follow Angharad's lead, and they merge with the two other Thorans to form a defensive perimeter for the retreating allies. Lori nimbly rolls into position near them, dodging an attack as she does so. Their actions came just in time, as the scorpions mount a new assault.
The ghost scorpions rush at the defensive line, attacking fiercely as the thorans split their attention between the charging scorpions and the slower cave scorpion. The queen and her guards seem hesitant to engage, though they continue to remain close to the combat.

Group 1, The Defensive Line - 90 feet from the exit, adjacent to group 6, and 10 feet from group 5. Angharad is using the total defense action.
Keashiell is using the total defense action.
The elven soldier is fighting defensively, and takes 2 damage.
The orcish smith is flanking scorpion L and engaged with it. He takes 2 damage from one of the scorpions.
The aasimar priest is using the total defense action, though a ghost scorpion pounces on him, and he collapses, unconscious.
Lori used a double move with acrobatics to get into position.

Group 4 - 30 feet from the exit, and 60 feet from group 3 Therros is dragging the aasimar boy, Tris.
Audriel is dragging the aasimar boy, Tris.
Tris is unable to move and is being dragged by Therros and Audriel.

Group 5, The Queen and guards - Continues pursuit of the nearest Thorans, and is 10 feet away from group 1. Queen moves 30 feet closer.
Cave scorpion M moves 30 feet closer.
Cave scorpion N moves 30 feet closer.

Group 6 - Engages group 1, the defensive line, combining its forces with the last scorpion from group 2 Ghost scorpion H pounces on the elven soldier, dealing 2 damage. Claw at [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Claw at [roll2] for [roll3] damage.
Sting at [roll4] for [roll5] damage. Ghost scorpion I pounces on the priest, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. Claw at [roll6] for [roll7] damage.
Claw at [roll8] for [roll9] damage.
Sting at [roll10] for [roll11] damage. Ghost scorpion J pounces on Lori, the elven girl, and barely clipping her with its tail. Claw at [roll12] for [roll13] damage.
Claw at [roll14] for [roll15] damage.
Sting at [roll16] for [roll17] damage. Ghost scorpion K pounces on Keashiell. Claw at [roll18] for [roll19] damage.
Claw at [roll20] for [roll21] damage.
Sting at [roll22] for [roll23] damage. Cave scorpion L uses a full attack on the smith, dealing 2 damage. Claw at [roll24] for [roll25] damage.
Claw at [roll26] for [roll27] damage.
Sting at [roll28] for [roll29] damage.

Group 7 - 70 feet from the exit, and 40 feet from group 1 Morbur is withdrawing, carrying Derren on his shoulder.
Derren is unable to move and is being carried by Morbur.

Next up: Audriel, Therros, Morbur
Followed by the NPC's, and then Keashiell, Angharad, and Geonem.

2014-06-06, 11:20 AM
Morbur will continue to carry Derren to the exit as fast as he can.

Running at 3 x speed for 60ft

2014-06-06, 11:49 AM
Audriel follows suit, also carrying her own small child, albeit much slower and with help still.

2014-06-06, 03:50 PM

The boggart continued to struggle to carry this 'small' child. What does this little runt eat, I wonder? He weighs a ton, and slumps like a dead fish ... Luckily the woman was helping ... even if he didn't really want to admit it.

2014-06-07, 11:01 PM
NPCs' turn

As the priest drops beneath the blows of the smaller scorpion, the orcish smith cries out in anguish and fury as he brings his massive iron hammer crashing down against its head. His skin flushes red and warm as he brings his hammer down again and again, sacrificing all defenses in a desperate attempt to avenge his friend. He lets out another fearsome cry, thoroughly engrossed in the battle.
The soldier, however, is not faring so well, and seems to be on the verge of retreat. He continues defending himself as best he can, waiting on Angharad's command to fall back. To his credit, he has managed to last longer than most might against such odds, though the toll of wounds and loss are starting to weigh heavy upon his frame.
Lori, the only child still healthy enough to move, beckons for the other defenders to join her as she falls back a short distance. She deftly extracts herself from the scorpion she had engaged, and attempts to gain the attention of the bug fighting Keashiell. With a nearly unnoticeable flick of her wrist, she sends another dagger flying deep into a gap in the scorpion's carapace. There seems to be some kind of sound, almost like the crack of a whip, as she launches the attack.

[Group labels have been updated - enemy groups will use roman numerals]

Group 1, The defensive line - 90 feet from the exit, adjacent to group II, and 10 feet from group I. Angharad was using the total defense action, and is ready to act.
Keashiell was using the total defense action, and is ready to act.
The elven soldier was fighting defensively, and is ready to act. He will follow Angharad's commands.
The orcish smith attacks scorpion I for 8 damage with a two handed swing.
The aasimar priest is unconscious
Lori withdraws from the scorpions, moving 40 feet back. She also attacks scorpion K for 7 damage.

Group 2 - At the exit, and attempting to escape. Morbur
Derren, the dwarven boy, unable to move.
Tris, the aasimar boy, unable to move.

Group I, The queen and guards - Slowly pursuing group 1, is currently 10 feet away. The queen is moving slowly.
Cave scorpion M is moving slowly.
Cave scorpion N is moving slowly.

Group II - Adjacent to group 1 Ghost scorpion H is engaged with the soldier.
Ghost scorpion I is engaged with the smith. It takes 8 damage from his attack.
Ghost scorpion J was engaged with Lori, and is now moving toward her again.
Ghost scorpion K was engaged with Keashiell. It takes 7 damage from Lori's attack and begins moving toward her.
Cave scorpion L is engaged with the smith.

Next up: Keashiell, Angharad, and Geonem.
Then the scorpions again, followed by Therros, Morbur, and Audriel

2014-06-08, 08:28 PM
Angharad calls again, "Warrior of my people. Get the priest and fall back. Everyone else, on my mark fall back slow."

She watches the elven warrior, timing her defensive retreat to keep the line between him and the scorpions.

"And now! Step! Step! Step!"

2014-06-10, 02:56 PM
Scorpions' Turn
Geonem and the others stand disorganized and confused as the rescuers below arrive. After a few moments, someone grabs hold of a rope, and tells Morbur to bind it around the child. The others seem conflicted, whether to go down and help or try and pull the escapees to freedom.
It takes the elven soldier a moment to realize he's being addressed. Cultural ties are often stronger than racial ones, and he does not consider himself to be one of Angharad's people. He chalks this up to a difference in social qualities, and follows her command. He reaches down for the priest, and narrowly dodges a stinger for his efforts. With a mournful look and a hint of panic, he retreats, leaving the body of the priest to get more and more mangled. He falls back alongside Angharad, as Keashiell joins them. Keashiell beckons for the smith, but the orc is too involved to heed him.

As the scorpions rally themselves to renew their attack, the queen gives some kind of chittering sound, and they seem to heed some unintelligible command. The two that are with her break away, each to maneuver around the defensive line, as if to attack from a flank. The queen proceeds to keep pace with the retreating Thorans, not close enough to engage, but never more than a moment's dash from combat. She moves to engage the smith, and tries to plunge a stinger deep into his back.
The ghost scorpions engaged with the defensive line attempt to strike as their prey is retreating, but none of them succeed. So instead, they wait for their quarry to get a short distance away, and then they all charge again. The cave scorpion with them does not charge, but instead stays with the smith, trading blows.

Group 1, The defensive line - 70 feet from the exit, adjacent to group II, and 10 feet from group I. Angharad has issued commands and fell back 20 feet. She is still using total defense (unless declared otherwise)
Keashiell falls back 20 feet and is using the total defense action.
The elven soldier falls back 20 feet and is using the total defense action.
The aasimar priest is dying, and cannot be rescued without putting others in greater danger.
Lori is 20 feet behind the rest of the line.
Group 2 - At the exit, and attempting to escape. Morbur
Derren, the dwarven boy, unable to move.
Tris, the aasimar boy, unable to move.
Group 3 - Adjacent to group I, 90 feet from the exit. The orcish smith is engaged with a lot of scorpions
Group I - 20 feet away from group 1, and adjacent to group 3. The queen moves once and attacks the smith for 3 damage.
Cave scorpion L uses a full attack on the smith, dealing 1 damage.
Ghost scorpion I uses a full attack on the smith, dealing 3 damage.
Group II - Charges group 1 Ghost scorpion H pounces on the soldier, dealing 1 damage.
Ghost scorpion J pounces on Angharad, trying to get to Lori. Claw at [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Claw at [roll2] for [roll3] damage.
sting at [roll4] for [roll5] damage.
Ghost scorpion K pounces on Keashiell, trying to get to Lori. Claw at [roll6] for [roll7] damage.
Claw at [roll8] for [roll9] damage.
sting at [roll10] for [roll11] damage.
Group III - Flanking the defensive line. They are about 60 feet from each other. Cave scorpion M is moving quickly to flank the defensive line on the right. It is 20 feet away.
Cave scorpion N is moving quickly to flank the defensive line on the left. It is 20 feet away.

Next: Therros, Audriel, Morbur
Then the NPC's

2014-06-10, 06:54 PM

Therros shook his head at the idiocy of these people ... how did they survive breakfast, if no one told them what to eat? Sighing, he used the rope to snug both children back-to-back, stepping back and shouting up, [b]"Git yer arses in gear! What's a sod gotta do to get long legs to care for their own chillun?"[/i]

Once the kids were secure and ready to be hauled up, Therros slipped into the shadows and turned to face the scorpions again, eyeing the situation. He needed to know if the line would hold ... especially since he wasn't keen on dying down here for no real reason.

Trying to get the kids taken care of, then looking to see if he needed to be in this fight, or escape quickly. Once in the shadows, he will try not to move, since he's pretty sure they track by movement.


Whee ... horrible roll!

2014-06-10, 09:44 PM
Seeing that Therros has the kids taken care of, Morbur will take a step back down the tunnel and bring out his bow to attack the closest scorpion.
5 foot step draw the bow and attack the closest scorpion
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-06-11, 05:37 PM
Audriel also gets her child set up to be lifted out.

2014-06-12, 02:19 PM
NPC's Turn

The Thorans finally manage to get their act together, and begin pulling up the two children. The rope seems to hold, and the children are pulled up 10 feet over the course of the next few seconds. After another round of pulling, they should be free. With that problem resolved, the scorpion threat becomes a bit more significant. Eldon's attack misses the scorpion by nearly a foot, having no effect.
The smith plants his feet firmly on the cave floor as he brings his hammer crashing down near another scorpion. He misses, and crushes a small rock on the floor. As he dodges another attack, he shouts back over his shoulder, "Run! Flee this place. Get out while you can!" He turns and begins trying to land another blow on the ghost scorpion.
The soldier desperately wants to retreat. The smith is bloodied and up to his neck in dangerous scorpions, and the priest is already dying not 20 feet away. With scorpions clustered about him, he's desperate to fall back and try to escape. Keashiell seems less certain, debating between retreat and attack. Both wait for Angharad to make her decision.
Lori, 20 feet behind, seems exasperated as she tumbles behind a rock and throws a dagger at one of the flanking scorpions. There is another crack, like a whip being snapped, and the creature cries out in pain. The wounded scorpion moves from its current path to engage her more quickly. As she prepares herself for its attack, she shouts out to the others "Fall back. There's too many of 'em"
A gnomish archer standing at the edge of the escape hole draws his bow and knocks an arrow. "I can't see them yet!" He fires an arrow into the dirt below, 40 feet from the dangling ropes. "If you can get it ta' there, I can take one down!"

Group 1, The defensive line - 70 feet from the exit, adjacent to group II, and 10 feet from group I. Angharad is ready to act
Keashiell is ready to act
The elven soldier is ready to act
The aasimar priest is dying, and cannot be rescued without putting others in greater danger.
Lori is 30 feet behind the rest of the line. She attacks scorpion M for 9 damage.
Group 2 - At the exit, and attempting to escape. Morbur attacked a scorpion with his bow, but missed.
Therros helped the children escape, then attempted to hide.
Audriel helped the children escape.
Derren, the dwarven boy, is being lifted to freedom.
Tris, the aasimar boy, is being lifted to freedom.
Group 3 - Adjacent to group I, 90 feet from the exit. The orcish smith is engaged with a lot of scorpions, though he fails to damage any.
Group 4 - In the tunnel above, at the exit. Geonem is ready to act.
A gnomish archer is ready to attack any scorpions within 40 feet of the exit.
Several Thorans are pulling up the children.
Group I - 20 feet away from group 1, and adjacent to group 3. The queen is engaged with the smith.
Cave scorpion L is engaged with the smith.
Ghost scorpion I is engaged with the smith.
Group II - Adjacent to group 1 Ghost scorpion H is engaged with the soldier.
Ghost scorpion J is engaged with Angharad, though trying to get to Lori.
Ghost scorpion K is engaged with Keashiell, though trying to get to Lori.
Group III - Flanking the defensive line. They are about 30 feet from each other. Cave scorpion M is moving toward Lori after her attack damages it.
Cave scorpion N is moving to flank the defensive line on the left. It is 20 feet away.

Next: Angharad, Geonem, Keashiell
Then the scorpions

2014-06-12, 04:31 PM
Not willing to waste the sacrifices of the fallen, Angharad repeats the smith's words, "Fall back! Fall back so the archers have line of sight. Fall back!"

Then she starts to retreat with the line still guarding herself and her companions against the advancing scorpions.

Standard Action - Full defense
Move Action - retreat 30 feet

2014-06-15, 10:28 PM
As Angharad retreats into the archer's range, Keashiell and the soldier follow suit. The three of them shore up a solid defense, prepared to defend themselves while the scorpions are assailed by arrows from above.

The Scorpions

The massive bugs fall for it. They take the opportunity to attack the defenders as they retreat, though the only success is a moderate wound on Angharad's leg. As their prey falls back, the scorpions prepare themselves, then rush forward again, though this time two of them pounce on Lori, who's standing beside her allies. Both manage to wound her, one with only a claw, and the other with a claw and stinger. Surprisingly, the elven waif does not fall, but remains standing as the two of them assault her. The marksman above fires a pair of arrows in rapid succession, dealing a sizable wound to one of the scorpions attacking Lori. (J) Just as everything is looking up, you hear a blood-curdling scream as one of the ghost scorpions pounces on the soldier, ripping his jugular vein asunder with a single wrench of its claw.
The two scorpions attempting to surround the group hold their position as they see the arrow from above. Both chitter angrily for a moment, and one turns to face the queen behind. She, and the two scorpions with her, attack the smith savagely, and disembowel him in a matter of moments. She chitters loudly, before taking a large bite out of his corpse. In the dim light, you can see his hand twitching, reaching desperately for the handle of his warhammer, before falling still for the last time.
The scorpions draw together into a single mass between the queen and the escapees, and seem to be holding ground for a moment, though one or two will periodically raise a pincer or stinger toward the light coming in from the tunnel above while chittering strangely in their manner.

Group 1, The defensive line - 40 feet from the exit, adjacent to group II, and 50 feet from group I.

Angharad is using total defense but scorpion J deals 3 damage to her as she falls back.
Keashiell is using total defense
The elven soldier is dying quickly
Lori takes three attacks from scorpions J and .

Group 2 - At the exit, and attempting to escape.

Morbur is ready to act.
Therros is ready to act.
Audriel is ready to act.
Derren, the dwarven boy, is being lifted to freedom.
Tris, the aasimar boy, is being lifted to freedom.

Group 4 - In the tunnel above, at the exit.

Geonem ready to act.
A gnomish archer attacked scorpion J, dealing some damage to it.
Several Thorans are pulling up the children.

Group I - 50 feet away from group 1

The queen is eating the smith.
Cave scorpion L is standing guard near her.
Ghost scorpion I is standing guard near her.
Cave scorpion M is standing guard near her.
Cave scorpion N is standing guard near her.

Group II - Adjacent to group 1

Ghost scorpion H is near the dying soldier.
Ghost scorpion J is engaged with Lori and takes damage from the archer's arrow.
Ghost scorpion K is engaged with Lori, though an arrow misses him.

The priest is now beyond the group of scorpions, presumably dead, and cannot be helped at this time without great and severe risk.

Next: Morbur, Therros, and Audriel. Geonem may act as well, if he joins us again.
Then the NPC's again.

2014-06-16, 12:11 AM
Audriel braces her spear for a charge in case the scorpions decide to attack, but otherwise she just waits to see what'll happen next.

2014-06-18, 06:46 PM

Having sent the children up, Therros looked back at the on-coming horde of scorpions. He glanced at the rope, then back again, hesitating on whether or not he should leave. However, seeing the young girl alone against three scorpions, he grunted in frustration. Slipping forward a few feet, he took aim at the scorpion not yet engaged with Lori, hoping to kill it quickly. He kept an eye on the exit; when it got too dangerous, he would leave.

Dang it ... guess the boggart will stay and help a little ... at least until the queen comes over!

Stealthy move to close w/in 30 ft of Scorp H (I think that's the unengaged one). [roll0].
Hopefully the attack catches him flat-footed! [roll1], [roll2], [roll3] if required.

Go sneaky-puss!

2014-06-18, 08:34 PM
"Boy that girl can take a beating," Morbur says as he draws an arrow to attack the scorpions around Lori. He'll then fire for the scorpion that hit Lori with the claw and stinger.

attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-06-19, 10:47 AM
Though the scorpions are able to sense Therros' location, they are unaware of his ranged attack as his arrow digs deep into the furthest scorpion. It twitches, and then moves no more. Morbur slays another with his arrow, as the archer above buries another bolt in pasty white carapice. Lori deftly tumbles the one the archer wounded, flanking it with Angharad, before sticking a dagger between the plates of its exoskeleton. There is a quick spurt of blood, and then it falls. In moments, the three nearest scorpions have been finished off,
The Thorans above continue drawing up the children, pulling them over the edge and beginning to untie the rope. Two more ropes yet dangle, for anyone below who needs escape. Another archer is getting his act together, drawing a bow and trying to find an angle at which he might be able to strike a scorpion.
Meanwhile, the queen and her guards chitter angrily at their retreating prey. One steps a little closer, and the queen lets loose a frightening hiss, beckoning it back. It almost seems as though these creatures realize that the area around the opening is dangerous. With much hissing and the clacking of pincers, they begin to fall back into the recesses of the cavern.
That leaves the rescuers below, with the bleeding body of the elven soldier, and two of the children being lifted to safety above. In the distance, you can see the bodies of the smith and the priest, overtaken by the scorpions.

2014-06-19, 10:54 AM
"Cover me" Audriel says softly, as she casts a Cure Light Wounds spell and holds the charge, and begins running as fast as she can towards the elven soldier.

2014-06-20, 11:47 AM

With the scorpions in retreat, Therros lowered his bow slightly, then followed the shiny-skinned one as she went to aid the elf. He watched carefully, gazing around for signs of anything of interest or value. Perhaps his goodwill would serve him better later. He would check on the smith and the priest, but the scorpions are too thick to risk it. "Be quick, shiny, 'for them skorps come back for your pretty lil' arse ..."

Nothing much ... just moving forward quickly and quietly, and keeping an eye on the area.

2014-06-20, 03:49 PM
Morbur will put his bow up and check his axes before walking over to check on the Elven girl, "Still standin girl?"

2014-06-21, 03:27 PM
Audriel heals the soldier enough for him to regain his strength. The soldier coughs and reaches out to Therros and Audriel. "Help me up, yeah? Then we can get outta' here."
Lori coughs and clears her throat. "Yeah, mate. Dinnae' be worryin' about me. Let's just make 'rselves scarce, yeah?" She walks slowly toward one of the ropes, throwing a look over her shoulder to glare at the scorpions. She mutters something about "filthy buggers", then loops the rope under her hip. "Get yer heads outta' her asses an' pull me up a'ready. I'ma' need a hot bath 'n a strong drink after a mess like that."

2014-06-21, 07:10 PM
Relieved to see her plan worked, Angharad sags with exhaustion. She breathes a prayer of thanks to Ketephys and looks around to see who she can help. The soldier is already been healed enough that he can be hauled up. The smith is already mutilated beyond healing and the priest surely is.

Inverting her spear, she finds a small crevice to stand it in. Then she unwraps her sling and loads it, just in case the scorpions return. She waits for her turn to climb up the rope.

2014-06-21, 07:15 PM
No sooner has the man opened his eyes and Audriel immediately begins looking for the next downed-ally. She runs over, watching out for scorpions, and tries to revive as many as she can.

2014-06-23, 05:19 PM

The boggart gave the man an oily smile, nodding towards the ropes. He blinked in surprise at he woman started to turn towards the other bodies laying near the retreating scorpions. Uncharacteristically, he grabbed her arm gently and grunted quietly, "Best not look, shiny, 'less you got a stomach fer feedin' 'vores. They're beyond help ..." With that he turned back and quickly found himself a rope to climb, anxious to be out of this pit of death ...

Not hanging around here much longer!

2014-06-24, 06:27 PM
Lori and the other children are now safe in the tunnels above, and the Thorans crowded around then throw the ropes down to the rest of you. With moderate difficulty, Therros climbs up one rope, while being pulled up by a pair of Thoran Ghul'mar, and reaches the top with relative ease. As Angharad waits, Keashiell helps the soldier over to one of the ropes, and binds it around him as a harness, before allowing the Thorans to lift him to safety. He then takes another rope for himself, and is standing above in moments.
Audriel, Angharad, and Morbur remain below as the three ropes are lowered again.

2014-06-25, 04:45 PM
Seeing as everyone left downbelow is upright and mobile, Angharad takes this opportunity to reposition her shield and spear. She stuffs her sling in her pouch and starts climbing up one of the ropes.

2014-06-27, 10:09 PM
"No! Come on! We still have some fallen down here..! Send down more soldiers! We need to at least recover their bodies if they can't be saved!" Audriel calls up to the soldiers above.

She sends a scathing look to those who do not appear that injured who are fleeing with fallen comrades still on the battlefield. She takes up a defensive position once more while waiting to see what the soldiers do.

2014-06-28, 10:32 PM
The Thorans above begin muttering and arguing with each other, while a few of the more experienced soldiers make their way forward. They begin climbing down the ropes as the last of the other rescuers reach the top. Soon, Audriel is joined by a half-dozed armor clad and well-armed members of the Devotion of Steel.
One man, a brawny dwarf with silvery tattoos in his skin steps forward and speaks with a thick Olcan accent. "I b'lieve we go'it from here, Misseh. Get yerself up a' rope and fine a bite ta' eat. We'll brin back wha's left o' our bruthers quick's'a wink, don' you worreh. But these thin's are sneakeh an' mean, an' we cannae do much good 'til we don' have tae worreh 'bout you, no more."
The dwarf and his troop brace themselves and begin marching into the tunnel, their path illuminated by a glowing orb conjured in the palm of an old elf, around whose neck hangs a gilded symbol glowing with magical power. They seem to have no need for your assistance, and will soon have everything under control.

Meanwhile, above, the children and the wounded are being tended to quickly. Within minutes the two boys are stabilized and doing better, with thin metal splints in place to help mend broken bones. Lori gives the medics some trouble, until she sees that her friend Tris is alright. She then seems to calm down and begrudgingly accepts medical care.

One young cleric, a ghul'mar lass, approaches Therros, Morbur, and Angharad, asking about your injuries. She speaks in fluent Ansin, as if not realizing that several of you are not from the northern region. "How severe are your injuries... let me take a look at you. Have you been stung, or are these abrasions from merely a claw? Do you feel lightheaded, weak, or otherwise afflicted beyond normal pain?" She seems to be addressing her questions to no one in particular, her eyes darting back and forth to examine each of your injuries.

2014-06-28, 10:56 PM
Audriel begrudgingly makes her way up the ropes. She is obviously upset that she could not do more to help, as her climb is slowed by frequent looks back down the tunnel to see how much progress has been made, and if her assistance really is needed. Finally, as she crosses the point where she can no longer see the soldiers, she hurries the rest of the way up the rope, before again looking around to see if anyone else needs any healing as well.

"Healing? Does anyone require immediate magical healing??" she calls out once, twice, a few times in various languages making her way around, trying to insure nobody bleeds to death while she could have done something to stop it.

2014-07-01, 09:22 AM
Angharad thanks the ghul'mar healer, but dismisses her, needing little in the way of healing.

She looks toward the elven soldier who fought staunchly at her command and fell at the end. She moves toward him, whistling to call Coli to her side.

2014-07-01, 11:26 PM

Glancing back down in the hole, Therros heard Andura squawking for help, entreating the others to return to the hell hole beneath them to save men who were nothing but skorp meat now. Snorting inwardly, he stepped away, noticing a group of warriors gathering to join the woman below. He almost laughed aloud, but stopped when the ghul'mar woman approached, offering healing. He nodded to her offer, shaking his head at the question of whether he had been poisoned. Once he received healing, he would move away from the hole, sliding into the shadows ... eyes looking for anyone with 'heavy burdens.'

Getting some healing and scanning the crowds for anyone who might be a good mark.

2014-07-03, 12:34 PM
A thoran priest steps up to calm Audriel. "We've got it taken care of, little miss. You just rest yourself, now. You've done our city a great service."
All of the survivors seem to be stabilized and well, and the troop below is making good progress toward recovering the bodies of the fallen. The crowd of villagers begins ushering the children and their rescuers away from the tunnels, offering promises of hot soup and cold ale in exchange for your services.
The soldier pauses for a moment to make eye contact with Angharad. He seems apologetic and respectful, and there is a warmth in his eyes as he smiles at her. Several Thorans near him are congratulating him on his bravery and valor, and he seems to shrink a little bit each time they mention it. So far, no Thorans seem to notice his discomfort.
Therros finds it difficult to slip away. There's a dense crowd of Thorans trying to see to his needs and congratulate or thank him. After a few minutes of dodging and avoiding, he finally slips away from most of the group, and finds a place amidst another crowd, where he might practice his talents. He quickly spots some tempting marks, but as he reaches for one such target, his eyes make contact with a young girl not far away. Lori, the elven lass he'd just helped save, is eyeing him with scutiny and a bit curiosity. She doesn't seem upset, though her gaze is surprisingly stern. She mouths a few words in Kerran before turning away.
"Don't bother, he's got nothing you'd want."

2014-07-06, 09:07 PM
Angharad starts asking the Thorians to give the elf some peace so he can heal. She works around him, staying nearby. Turning to one of the healers, she asks, "Where will we be moving the wounded for the rest of the day?"

2014-07-07, 02:15 PM

Cursing, Therros slid his hand back and moved back into the crowd. He had been spotted by a blasted little girl! Moving awy, he focused instead on avoiding becoming one of the 'heroes' heralded by the crowds. Best to keep his anonymity for now. Besides, he could always leverage the reputation later, if necessary. For now, he was more concerned with figuring out when to meet up with the orc and maybe learn a bit more about the town.

Moving to watch the crowds from afar, Therros settled for watching the mewling sheep, instead of trying to shear them right now.

Well that sucks ... best he tone down and watch from the shadows for now.

2014-07-09, 10:32 AM
Gradually, the uncoordinated crowd begins to make its way up out of the mines. They are holding something of a town meeting or celebration in the Oldbarrows, and are moving upwards for that purpose. As the crowd travels that way, you pick up bits and pieces of conversation. Apparently, this meeting was planned before the rescue was completed, so it's obviously not a celebration of your victory.
Angharad catches up to her companion, and the Thorans nearby give her animal some berth. They don't seem to mind too much, but one of them mentions a poorly trained bear and a few accidents that happened when its master let her guard down. They travel up through the Forge and the 'Combs, taking the young elven druid along for the trip. One of them asks where she's from, and is somewhat confused to learn that Angharad is from Seryn. He gets out a short sentence, "Why'd you come all ta' way out here just to turn back?" before something else catches his attention and pulls him away. Others continue to congratulate her on her leadership and determination, and one even steps up to offer her a rather large coin. It seems to be steel, and thicker in the middle than the edges. One side bears the sigil for the Devotion to Steel, while the other bears what appear to be some initials and an insignia rank.
Audriel has a slightly rougher journey; people keep wanting to lift her up or shake her hand. Apparently they are impressed with her concern for the children, which one old dwarf describes as "uncharacteristic" for her people, and they want to make sure that she knows how appreciated her efforts were. One older woman, aasimar by the look of her hair and eyes, steps up and places something in Audriel's hand. It's a disk that seems to be made of polished bone, concave in design as if it were a piece of a bowl or large cup. There is an engraving for the Devotion of Bone on the convex side, and what appears to be a holy sigil on the inside, with the name "Ainera" written in celestial. The woman begins to thank Audriel for her service, but is promptly interrupted by the commotion of the crowd.
Only Therros had an easy trip, slinking along in the back as though he wasn't a part of the commotion. After breaking away from the cluster that had seen him come up from below, he was no longer accosted with congratulations and unwarranted attention. Left to his own devices, he was able to follow the crowd at his own pace, and in so doing notice a few others doing the same. Among them, the burly orc he'd met before. The dark-skinned thug flashed him a tusky grin, then jerked a thumb toward a nearby tunnel that the crowd was passing. The orc, and a few others who'd been lingering near him, ducked into the tunnel unnoticed by the crowd, or by the would-be-rescuers still loitering around the hole behind. The orc glances over his shoulder once, to see if Therros is following.

2014-07-09, 11:13 AM
"Yes.. yes thank you. Thank you! REALLY I don't need... NO THANKS! It's okay! .... REALLY NOW I CAN WALK ON MY OWN." Audriel begins to shout. She felt rather silly, as if she should not have made such a spectacle of herself in drawing this much attention, and that maybe she should remain on the backlines rather than risk anymore heroics.

As she gets jostled along the crowd, she takes the small disk, she studies it for a bit, looking quickly for the women who handed it to her, but realizing she was lost in the crowd, returns to the disk. As she is lifted and carried, she no longer protests as she uses the time to look closely at the object.

Knowledge(Planes) for the celestial name stuff [roll0]

2014-07-10, 10:00 AM
Angharad is much relieved to be back near Coli. She runs her fingers into the fur on his back which settles her nerves. She carries on the conversations with the crowd as well as she can even distracted. She's not all that surprised at everyone's confusion about her purpose here. She really hadn't had time to explore her ideals within this town. She is a bit confused once she looks at the sigil pressed into her hand.

She looks out through the crowd trying to find the litter with the elven soldier she was tending. He should know what this means. Ya know. I never got his name. I will have to remedy that as soon as possible.

2014-07-11, 11:42 AM

Having managed to remove himself from the massive celebatory crowd, Therros sighed, and siddled along behind the group, keeping his eyes open. He checked periodically to see if that little girl had followed him, but instead he caught sight of the orc from earlier. A few of them moved to slip down an alley, with the burly tusker glancing back to see if he would follow. Therros gave a subtle nod, continuing to meander after the crowd for just a moment. He paused to glance back at the remaining folks at the hole - would-be rescuers ... more like corpse retrievers. He snorted to himself, before finally moving towards the alley, having provided a little more separation between himself and the orc's group ... just in case anyone was watching and noticed a growing number of skulkers headed that way.

Once in the alley, he assessed the situation. If he didn't see anyone, he immediately would slip into the shadows and move cautiously forward. If they others were effectively waiting for him, he would simply saunter up, nodding a greeting to the orc.

Therros will follow the orc, but he's still expecting an inevitable betrayal :smallbiggrin:

2014-07-11, 06:47 PM
The disks given to Audriel and Angharad seem to be "Favors" - the closest thing Thoros has to currency. Rather than making exchanges with an artificial substance or collection of trinkets, Thoros exchanges services rendered and offered. When a payment or exchange is called for and one party has no immediate need to be fulfilled by the other party, the debtor will relinquish a favor to his recipient. Such a token can be traded to others in exchange for goods or services, and may eventually be redeemed by any current holder for an appropriate service or item from the favor's originator.
As they examine these gifts, the crowd continues to move up into the Oldbarrows, where a great feast is being set out. Lichor and ru'gar are in abundance, and several tables seem to bear slabs of ribs or roasts from some beast, though these tables are already cluttered with high-ranking members of different devotions. Another frequent dish is the gorarri, dark loaves of vegetable bread dipped or covered in a thick gravy made with lichor, animal blood, and root pulp. Gorarri is a strange dish, developed by Garlian prisoners when Thoran dishes were considered too weak. Most find the taste repulsive at first, but it's usually a staple after the first few tankards have been downed. The members of the Seryn caravan are also sharing a small bounty of fresh vegetables and a handful of fruits. The shriveled brown pears they pass around are considered a delicacy, and only the higher ranking officials are permitted a sample.
The feast begins without much pomp or ceremony, as the Thorans begin filing into whatever open seats they desire, usually clumped together by kinship or devotion.

Meanwhile, in a dark tunnel much further below, Therros finds himself dodging around a corner and out of sight of casual passers-by. The orc and his accomplices are standing there, slightly entertained and obviously aware of his nervousness. The orc adresses him roughly in his thick kerran, though his message is intended to relax. The small band approach the tunnel wall, applying leverage to some unseen device. In moments, a rather large section of stone is falling backwards, away from the tunnel, and revealing a hidden area beyond. The orc and his allies duck through the opening and light up a single candle. The room is dimly illuminated, and there are a variety of tools, traps, and opened locks resting on the ground inside.
"Don'chu' worry yasself. We just thin' it's fair time ta' be showin' ya' sumptin'. We's gonna' wait fer later, but they don' callin' a town meetin' an all, and you just prove yasself quick and wit' a mind on suvival."
"Yassee, we got de inside foot on what dis meetin's all about, and we t'ink ya might be as'ed tae go along, yeah? Dey lookin' for mugs wit' a knack for keepin' theyselves alife, and you got jus' that."
"Talka' me now, Shikka. You feelin' like hittin' da road and mebbe doin' us some service in da' process?"

2014-07-11, 07:09 PM
Audriel tries to navigate her way to whatever empty seat she can claim for herself. While hungry, she tries not to take more than she needs, especially saving the nicer foods for whoever desires them. Slinking into an unoccupied seat off to the side somewhere, she takes her time picking out some simpler foods, for which there is not much competition.

While eating, she makes simple conversation with those around... Not much more than Hello's and Good Meal and other trivialities to stay cordial. She keeps her eyes peeled though for what the main event of this meeting might be...

2014-07-11, 10:23 PM
Angharad is still somewhat injured and the crowd has already wearied her. When she sees the feast laid out, she turns aside and wanders over to the infirmary. Aside from the groans of the injured, at least it will be quiet.

I wonder if they will let Coli in.

2014-07-15, 10:48 AM
OOC - Sorry ... I lost track of this one and forgot you were waiting on me :smallredface:

Therros ignored the smirks, knowing full well that dropping his guard in most cities could result in a knife in his ribs. Following the group, he nodded to himself as they slipped into a hidey-hole ... he didn't bother trying to find the door ... he figured he could find his way back here and open it up later given time. Besides, once inside, he didn't see anything of note.

As the orc talked, he thought for a few moments, wondering what exactly the orc had in mind. Of course, shy of murder, he didn't think there was much he wouldn't be willing to do, if for no other reason than to earn some trust. However, that didn't mean he was going to make blind promises.

"No worries, tusker, I'm up for doin' a solid for a solid. Who's the mark and what's the score?"

2014-07-15, 10:59 PM
With Angharad seeking medical aid in the 'Combs and Therros caught up in some back-alley shenanigans, Audriel is the only one present when the town meeting comes to order.
A prominent Thoran gentleman, a dwarf in an embroidered cloak, stands up from the head table and catches everyone's attention. He speaks in Ansin, though the first few sentences are nothing but pomp and recognition for himself and other high-ranking members of the Thoran council. He points out the Grandmasters and Masters of every devotion, and a few of the esteemed visitors, including a "Lady Isabeau" of Seryn.
He then goes on into a recounting of the day's events, primarily centered on the cave-in and the rescued children. He prompts everyone to raise their drink in toast to the brave Thorans who risked their life for the children's safety, and for a moment of silence on behalf of the departed. He seems either oblivious or unaware of the role played by several foreigners during the debacle, but no one steps up to correct him. A few Thorans pat Audriel firmly on the shoulder, in thanks for her service.
The last part of his speech is the most interesting. He clears his throat and then describes a dire situation. East of Thoros, and south of the city of Seryn, an army is being raised. There are suspicions that the army is comprised of Loggai warriors, but scouts report a great number of monstrous beasts and inhuman monstrosities among the ranks. He describes ogres, ghouls, and shape-shifters among a few of the more exotic creatures spotted in the gathering army.
As he speaks, a great number of Thorans stand and protest, demanding action and rallying others to the idea of war. The dwarf raises his hands to quell the crowd, before continuing. Thoros has agreed to give aid to Seryn, in exchange for additional food and medicine over the next year. Thoros will send a great deal of weapons, higher quality than anything found in Seryn, as well as a group of volunteer soldiers to both lead and follow Seryn commanders. Any Thoran wishing to depart is welcome to do so, with permission from his Master. Outsiders are also welcome to join, and need no special allowances to do so.
Thoros itself has little reward to give those who agree to march, and Seryn has even less. However, they can promise enough rations for the journey and the return trip, and can grant medical assistance to the families of any who agree to march.
The dwarf then announces that they will begin taking a log of all Thorans wishing to march, with their families and devotions also recorded. They will also list all outsiders who join in the fight, and promise to send word to your home settlements for any who agree to assist them.
There is a great murmuring in the crowd, as hundreds of Thorans begin to argue and debate about who should or shouldn't be allowed to sign up. Someone jokingly prompts Audriel to sign up, before another Thoran slaps him and tells him to show some respect. Apparently her status has been elevated to a more respected guest, as a result of her rescue efforts for the Thoran children.

Meanwhile, Angharad finds a simple cleric filing away some notations and grabbing some texts. The priest seems mildly perterbed at the interruption, and mentions getting ready for the journey. As best Angharad knows, there's not to be another caravan for at least a week.
The priest takes a moment to examine her injuries, before whispering a quiet prayer and filling the wounds with golden light. The injuries mend, and Angharad is none the worse for wear. The little gnomish healer doesn't even seem to notice Coli at first, though after the healing has been performed he then inspects the wolf, obviously expecting the animal to have come to more harm than the owner.
When all that's done, the gnome tries to dismiss Angharad hastily, asking that he be left alone so preparations for "the journey" might be made.

The thugs in the hidden room chuckle at Therros' response. They correct him, and explain their plan with a little more detail. As the orc speaks, it quickly becomes obvious that he doesn't so much have a plan, as more of a scattered idea."Dere be an army marshin' nort o' Loggai right now, what's got Seryn all in a fuss, ya'see? Dey done sent a con-voy 'ere to Thoros, hopin' we'll sen' 'em some weapons 'n soldiers 'n such. I figgure da' boss-man gonna' do it too, which is jus' fine fer me an' mine, ya'know?He takes a swig of strong lichor from a flask on his belt, and then offers Therros a draw as well. "We dunno wha's gonna' happen if'n Thoros 'n Seryn fight Loggai, but we know there'll be lots o' lootin when it's all done... win, lose, 'r draw. We also know ain't nobody got more chow 'den Seryn, more weapons 'den Thoros, and more power 'den Loggai. Azhuri got 'dat magic, and Horvos wit' dat money, and you 'kin bet ole' Seryn gonna be askin' them fo' help, too.
Well, dat's a lot o' lootin tae be done, and we'll be needin' plenny o' hands to carry it all back, ya'see? It ain't so much 'at we ain't got tha' space ta carry it all, but rather that wit' all the mucky-mucks runnin' 'round, even thae best o' us gon' have a hard time ketchin' a break ta' palm a few bits. So, we sen' a couple extra hands along wit' tha reinforcements, wit' tha notion o' bringin' back some goodies fer sellin' an' tradin. I think you'd make a nice addition ta' tha' posse, since yer small, smart, and not likely to be missed 'round here."

2014-07-16, 08:47 AM
Diplomacy to gather info [roll0] for [roll1] hours.

As the threat of war looms, Audriel thinks of the children she helped rescue... How they've known nothing but conflict since their young lives began. She hears the jokes about lending aid against the armies gathering, but... A notion takes root in her mind. That maybe, she might be able to help enough that they can cut a swath through so many twisted and deformed soldiers, maybe she could figure out more about the withering happening to the world through their corpses.

Resolved to action once more, she starts making her way through the crowd, asking people about who will go to fight, and how and when they will leave, and where she could be properly outfitted for a military expedition. She particularly looks for a more intelligent or wise group who sign up to go fight, looking to join with them herself more than with any brutish thugs.

2014-07-16, 09:31 AM
Angharad is relieved that the little man treats Coli humanely and does not shy away. But he seems a bit impatient.

There are not a lot of healers in town. Why is he leaving? Angharad tilts her head to the side, looking at the gnome, "Given the strife this town sees regularly, why would they be sending a healer on a journey?"

2014-07-18, 03:43 PM

The boggart was quiet as the orc talked, sharing the drink with a nod of thanks as he listened to what the big rogue had to say. Looked like these blokes were intent on taking advantage of an upcoming conflict between Loggai and Seryn ... a conflict that could explode into full nation warfare if the others took side and joined in. Looting a battlefield or two was one thing; trying to gather items of value from war-torn countries was something else entirely.

Still, better to be on the neutral side then caught up in the fighting. Besides, wasn't this the kind of in he'd been looking for.

"Say I'm in ... what're you lookin' for on the shake? Straight fee or percentage? Who gets first dibs? Who's the fence? All important info t'hash out before temper's flare.

Also, what's the cover? Packmules and valets? Advisors? Or combatants?"
Sorry for the delay ... forgot we're not waiting on nearly as many people!

2014-07-19, 05:43 PM
The details of the expedition are quickly being shared by many of the Masters. A small force of professionals will leave Thoros at dawn in two days (it is evening now). That gives them one whole day to make preparations and say goodbyes before departing. The force will take a large variety of weapons and armor as a gift to Seryn, and will bring back medicine and food after the battle. The route will be predominantly south-east, through the upper portion of Garl territory, in hopes of cutting off the attacking force before it actually reaches Summervale (the thriving forest above Seryn). There is a ruined city, the place that was Seryn before the Withering, that should make a decent defensible outpost.
Any Thorans wishing to participate should receive the blessing of their Master before enlisting, to prove that they have reached sufficient skill to be of use. The Undevoted, such as foreigners, are free to enlist as they see fit. All who enlist will be properly outfitted from among the weapons and armor being sent.
Audriel quickly finds out that she'll be most welcome to travel alongside representatives of the Devotion of Quills or Devotion of Bone. The two will be working closely together to discuss history and Loggan strategies, and will be administering most medical aide outside of combat.

The little man Angharad is addressing seems mildy perturbed. "They're sendin' a lot of us, lass. Healers, soldiers, strategists... Seryn ain't got no army to speak of, and Skyborne knows they'll be needin' all the help they can get. Now, if you're plannin' to sign up, go speak to one of the masters about it. Either way, leave me be and let me get my affairs in order."

The brutish orc and his troublemaking companions chuckle heartily at Therros' inquiry. He takes another swig of lichor as one of his associates steps forward to explain. This man seems to be a wiry elf, though he has a strange discoloration around his hands and ankles. His mottled gray skin seems to be died with black ink in his extremities, and one of his eyes is a strange color. Half of his hair is a ghostly silver, and his smile is lopsided, like a man suffering from a stroke.
"Thar' ned bee noh talk o' shack 'r fees, naow. We dah thin's s'mpul roun' 'ere. If ja' get anytin' what ja' like, ja kip 't. Ifn' ja' don', ya' shar wat ja' got wit' da' res o' us. Lik'wise, we shar what we don' want wit' ju, 'afore we go swappin' if for sometin' from ah v'ndorman.
Ja' won' need no covah. Dey's takin' ery'body fool 'nuff tah' sign on. Ja' ain' got nah D'voshun tae worry wit', so ja' don' need nah masser tae sign off'n 't. Jus' tell'm ja' wanna' 'elp, and dey'll put'ja on da' lis'.
Me an' Ruje (he gestures toward another orc, younger and slimmer than the first but with two curved swords on his hips) be' comin' alon', so ja' won' need worry 'bout trav'lin alun'."
The elf's accent is so strong its almost unintelligible. You can't recognize it as belonging to any of the 8 "civilized" colonies, though you do recall hearing a Horvan merchant with a similar dialect.

2014-07-22, 09:09 AM
Audriel seeks out the Devotion of Bones, hoping she can continue to lend healing aid to those who need it. The battle earlier reminded her that she is fairly weak an ineffective when it comes to fighting, so she takes some time to figure out the approximate "worth" of the favor she has earned, especially amongst the Bones. She particularly tries to find any types of wands she might use during any future fighting to help through spellcasting rather than sheepishly swinging a spear.

After talking some more to various Bones' members, she asks about what she needs to do yet before they ship out.

"I do not carry many possessions, and am ready to go at a moments notice... but what else can I do in the mean time to assist? I have a particular knack for knowledge if anyone could use assistance in that manner..." she says quietly to someone higher up in the Devotion.

2014-07-22, 01:19 PM

The boggart watched the strange elf, wondering what the man's deal was. He hadn't seen anything like him in his travels ... but stranger than his appearance was his speech! It reminded him of someone ... was it that Horvan merchant a few years back? Ah yes ... that was it. Not quite the same, but very similar. Listening closely to what the man said, he nodded, more to himself than anyone else. Spoken like a merchant vice a thief.

"Fair enough. I ken the deal ... take a fair share and share the fare. But before I take a trip, what're the names in this game? Heard he's Ruje ... but I dunno you two.

I'm Therros."
He pointed to the big orc and the elf. It seemed like it was well beyond time to share a little information with each other.

Nothing much ... just updating for Therros!

2014-07-22, 05:48 PM
More confused, Angharad digs in her pocket and pulls out the token she got in the battle. She leaves the poor man to his preparations, then heads back toward the town meeting. Something this is bound to be talked about.

Leaving Coli outside due to the crowd, she steps inside and looks around for members of the Devotion of Steel. Hopefully, one of them can fill her in.

2014-07-24, 05:29 PM
It doesn't take Angharad long to find someone who can fill her in on the recent news. Thoros will be launching a military force to aid Seryn against a Loggan army coming up from the south. It will be a long journey, and so they have been given a day to make preparations and gather supplies. Anyone who can help with a battle-type scenario is being prompted to sign up for the excursion.
One of the soldiers helps her make sense of the steel coin. "It's a favah, miss. Means you did summone a great service, an they wanna show they 'ppreciation. Yah retun it when ya know what ya might want, or ya trade it to summone else for somethin' else. That favah there is from Ser Jolin o'Brey, a tough lookin' dwaf with a big scah right here." He indicates a vertical line from his temple to collarbone. "He don' give 'em out very offen, though, so it prolly wasn't him who give it to yah. Mose like summone else from my Devotion, Steel. If yah don' want the trouble o' trackin down ole Jolin, I'd be happy to make yah a trade. I got a bunch o' wandrin' gear when I signed on for tha Devotion o' Steel. My uncle was a ranger, ya see, and he figgured I'd be goin' and doin' like he done. But I ain't had a chance yet, an I figure what he give me ought ta be a fair trade, no? I got a survival kit and stuff ta help 'gainst poison, and this fancy lookin' glass fer seein far away." He holds up a bronze tube, half a foot in length and with several glass discs inside.
"Whatcha' say, pal? Fair trade?"

Therros' companions are lighting up nicely as he seems to be interested in their plan. The elf with the strange discolorations speaks up again.
"I's Elwerin, Clan Gol'cassle fromma' lake. No' tha' werthy ti'tles bae meenin shuck 'roun 'ere. I seed mo' o' tha top than an'one 'roun 'ere, 'speshly these moss-eatin' m'ngruls wit' they fans' 'votions 'n all. Wanner tha Eas' an' tha oshun, I tell ja' dis."
The orc stepped up and muttered something about uppity Horvans and their lyin' schemin' teeth. Elwerin shot him a glance, but stepped back in deference without a word. The jovial orc spoke plainly as he took another swig of lichor.
"I'm Bruhma, no clans 'r lakes 'r jabberjawin'. Me ole' man were a smit', and me mum jus' a 'hore. Got more o' me dad than me mum, er'yone says, 'specially tha ladies what get a look at me iron, yeah?" He pauses to laugh and take another hearty swig. He seems to share out of obligation, but his pulls are nearly three times as strong as his comrades'.
"Therros, I 'ave ta say I dinnae care fo' dat name, 'gonna get me and the mates confused, what wit' all Elwi's fancy talk and Cussah's missin' teeth. Ya need a street name, shika, and I thin' I know jus' thae one... Charack!" He laughs heartily and elbows his companions, who seem to be stifling snickers.
Elwerin' leans in close and whispers, "Means 'Baetle', like 'em bigguns dow' below what thae scorps cannae stin'. Shell's too 'ard, ya'see, an' tha' poka's jus' keep booncin' off."
Bruhma, still laughing, motions with his hand. Ruje steps up with a strange, abnormally bright candle. He pulls out a small dark coin, much like the one Bruhma had given to Therros earlier in the day. He held it between Therros and the candle, so as to reveal the disc's purpose to him.
Etched within the glass was a symbol, something like an eye with an X in the middle.
"Don' show no one what don' rec'nize it. There be a few in e'ry city ya come to what'll ask to look at it in tha light like I's doin' now. Let 'em, and they maybe gon' give ya a han' wit anytin' ya need. You'll have ta pay, o'course, but it's bettah than bein' high 'n dry, yeah?"

The Devotion of Bone seems to be getting along just fine without Audriel's help, but they thank her for her offered assistance anyway. Her inquiries about the favor don't take long at all.
"Lady Aenira is a revered healer in our Devotion. She has studied the blight far more than most, despite her frailness and inherent susceptibility to it. She is generous and kind, and her favors are frequent, though always well deserved.
"She is no master, only an experienced member of our city, so there is a limit to what such a favor is worth. In person, I'm sure she could impart knowledge to you of her studies and fears. No doubt this was her intention, as she and you are of the same stock, and she likely fears that you would suffer the same weakness that afflicts her. However, if you have something particular in mind, a 'wand' I believe you were asking for, I think that I can procure one for you. She has made many for the betterment of our people, and I'm sure she would not object to the exchange. We also have enchanted symbols, made from the bones of revered teachers, that could be of great use to you."
A rather gruff boggart strolls by, interrupting the conversation with a huff. "Bone 'n stone 'ore o' gold, tha's all anyone 'roun here talks about. We go's a war ta fight, an' we's gonna' need all tha' 'lixers 'n medicines we can get our bony little han's on. Stop worryin' 'bout tha' worth o' some ol' piece o' skull and get busy 'elpin' a bubblah' fill some bottles, jah? Help enough, I'll even give ja' some o' me own bloody 'lixers ta take on ya journey wit' jah."
He storms off to direct some alchemy students in their efforts. The elven lass you'd been speaking to is apologetic. "Please forgive Gimmuk. He's older than iron and just about as personable. If you'd like, I could keep an eye out for Lady Aenira, and inform her of your location if you'd like to give the apprentices a hand. Or, if you'd like to make use of that knack you mentioned, perhaps you wouldn't mind taking a look over some of our old texts and seeing if you can help compile the protection spells the travelers will need."

2014-07-24, 05:47 PM
"Yes well.. Then. Protection spells you say? I have some experience too with rituals so maybe I CAN be of some serious aid there... What have you got?" she asks of the old texts, hoping between her magical knowledge and her knack for languages, maybe she could be of assistance enough to earn more favors.

2014-07-27, 04:43 PM

The boggart nodded at the introductions, committing their faces and names to memory. When Bruhma gave him a nickname, he simply nodded and smiled, stealing the joke away.
"Yup, I'm hard as rock and slippery as crap through a drakka. Charack it is.""

He nodded to the instructions for the coin, and waited to see what was next.

Ready to press.

2014-07-27, 09:42 PM
Angharad's estimation of the token's worth rose significantly once she saw what the man was offering her for it. Admittedly she could use the equipment. Ultimately, she decided she would discuss this with the dwarf.

"Thank you for your explanation of the token. I think I would like to see what Jolin might offer for it. I have several errands that will take me out and about preparing for the journey, so I may be able to track him down. "

2014-07-28, 11:28 PM
Flipping through the old books takes Audriel quite a bit of time; lore is a rare and valuable asset and many of the ideas and notations have not yet been compiled or correlated. Hundreds of pages of environmental descriptions, flora and fauna diagrams, and cultural stigma have to be passed before you are able to glean anything about miasma protection.
Of Seryn's protection, you can find practically nothing. Only a reference to the "Summer Oak" which you know of as something of a holy location at the center of Seryn. One author has listed some suspicions about the yearly miasma warding and crop protection ritual held in Seryn just before the planting season. He mentions the Summer Oak's roots, a guarded door, and a strong conflux of magic, though he has no concrete evidence or ideas.
Horvos protection is all personal, with the most powerful ward at their disposal barely covering a single cart. There are many suspicions that the Horvos wards are flawed, however, as they do not seem to protect animals as thoroughly as they do the merchants, and many Horvos caravans come to a grinding halt when their oxen or horses die.
Garl protection is a gruesome mess, involving sacrifices of blood and flesh on a nightly basis. Their protection, however, easily protects an entire campsite, and may be the most fitting for a military excursion such as this one.
Azhuri has no miasma wards of its own, but one author theorizes that a conversion of magical power may be possible; that at its core most miasma wards are divine in nature but that an arcane variant could be developed.
There is no knowledge of the southern colonies here, or how they deal with the miasmic forces when they travel. Thoros is also clueless regarding magical wards, preferring solid walls and safety over exposure and risk.
With so many different routes to pursue, you have a choice for what you'd like to study at this time.

The small band of troublemakers disperses, with many of the scoundrels approaching "Charack" and offering advice or insult. Strangely, Therros begins to get the idea that the insults are a backward form of compliment, as each rogue that gives him advice seems to do so with a tone that indicates doubt at his qualifications or talent. It would seem that his invitation was not unanimous, and that some might harbor ill feelings about it.
Ruje, Bruhma, and Elwerin all linger after the others have gone. Bruhma continues drinking, and Ruje makes a few jokes with him, mostly about his alcoholism. Only Elwerin seems to be down to business.
"Is anythin' ja' wan' know 'bou de to'side? I be in ma' bunk tonigh', 'roun Ol'barrah' way nea' de Comes, gath'rin' me thin's fo de jurneh'. Ja' can come jabbah' if ja' nee', o' go see if ja' can roun' up som' swag 'n get tha' mates ta' like ja' a lil' mo'."
With that, he departs, leaving the three of you alone in the small room. Bruhma lets out a deep laugh, and Ruje makes a calculated, almost cunning grin. Ruje gestures toward Therros with a dispassionate wave.
"Come at it, Charack, boss man gon' show us him knife c'lection. Say he gon' give ja' one as a bit o' welc'min' gif', if'n ja' can beat him at a lil' game."
Ruje and Bruhma then begin making their way up into the Forge.

The elven man Angharad had been speaking to bows his head politely at her refusal.
"Fair 'nuff, miss. Offah' stands if'n ya change yer mind. I gots patrol duty tonight, so ya can catch me in the Maw tonight, if ya need. Yer best chance o' findin' ole Jolly is lookin' round the fancy tables up at that end o' the meetin'. He's a master, ya see, so he don't mill around with the riff-raff when there's 'ficial business to be got to."
With that, the elf gets to making some kind of wager with a friend of his. They seem to be betting on "strikes" in what appears to be a simple sparring game. In a short time, they will likely begin the competition, with the one who most accurately guessed the number of strikes winning the pot.
Gambling on a lucky outcome is a taboo in Thoros, but wagers on games of skill or martial talent are commonplace. This is, however, the first time you've seen such an occurrence in your time here.

2014-07-29, 10:21 PM
Audriel again speaks after her research, saying "I believe I'll be seeing Lady Aenira whenever she can see me now. I have something... Some... Idea perhaps. But I need more research. However, if you could have it informed to her that I may be able to create a new way to fight off the miasma using arcane research, I think she'd want to know more about this right away!"

2014-07-30, 11:56 AM
In this mixed race crowd, one dwarf might be hard to locate however, a master may not. Thankfully Coli is not around in this mess.

Angharad starts walking toward the other end of the room. The energy of the crowd jostles her the entire way putting her on edge. Once she gets close, she starts looking for a dwarf with a scar along the side of his head.

2014-07-30, 12:50 PM
Therros / Charack

As the group continued to poke fun and sling insults, Therros began to understand ... it was more of a right of passage, and perhaps feelings of inadequacy. While not necessarily a full compliment, it was probably not nearly as 'personal' as he had originally thought. However, there were a number of folks that seemed a bit bitter and resentful about his invitation to the group. He shrugged away the thought ... he planned on keeping his eyes open and making sure none of those naysayers had either cause to doubt the decision, nor opportunity to take it out on him.

To Elwerin's comments, he shook his head. "Not sure I've got anything yet. I need t'know the lay of this cesspool ... who the movers and shakers are ... find out who groks who, and who to cross the street for. I'll come find ya, if'n I need more kin ..."

When Ruje mentioned the game, Therros' eyes lit up. "I'm up ... just need ta know the score. Don't wancha cheatin' me this early in the evenin'" He was interested in learning whatever game they had, but Ruje's look gave him a cautious concern to not get in over his head. No need to have these two set him up for failure ... especially if Ruje was one of the ones that didn't want him in the club ...

Regardless, he followed the two towards the Forge, wondering what game they had in mind.

2014-07-30, 08:23 PM
The elven devotee Audriel was talking to seems eagerly excited by her comment. "That's fantastic. Of course, of course I'll let her know as soon as I see her. Do you need any assistance with your research? We have a few apprentices who might be able to assist you, though their own knowledge is lacking. I would offer services myself, but I've already agreed to work on potion production tonight."

Angharad spots the dwarf at one of the smaller tables. He's obviously a gruff individual, wearing heavy armor even in the safety of his home city. He appears unarmed, however, and is violently jabbing at a map on the table. A lean Tiefling is standing across from him, two reddish horns accentuating his receding hairline. He is arguing with the dwarf, and as you get closer you can make out some of their discussions.
"We'll need more men than that if we're going up against GIANTS, Jolin. At least a dozen archers, two if we're not getting the bronzewood bows. And you're going to have to convince Albar to part with some of his spellblades, espers know we can't go up against the undead and hellspawn that Loggai could call to arms without a bit of magic at our side."
"Blast yer magic and bugger yer bronzewood, lad. Giants 'n hellspawn alike drop just fine when ya cleave their ruddy heads off. 'Less yer worried ya might find a hydra, ya already got all tha' tools ya need."
"Jolin, be reasonable. Garl hasn't attacked our city in months; the odds of another encounter while we are away are quite slim. Our best weapons are better served where the fighting is, not held up in the armory here in hopes that danger will strike."
"Ha, spoken like a Tiefer, cunning as legends say. I've half a mind yer workin fer Loggai on tha sly, tryin' ta hand over summa tha best weapons in tha whole kingdom."
"Do not denounce me for my blood, dwarf. I have fought by your side for a hundred fortnights; you have no claim to doubt my loyalty."
"I can doubt the loyalty of anyone I think deserves it. Tiefer, Bogg'rt, or them sickly lookin' Ghul's we got runnin' round now. It ain't natural, what yer made of, and I'll be buggered to tha Void 'n back if ya think I'm droppin' my guard 'round you sneaky sons of troll-bait."
In a flash, the tiefling draws a serpentine blade from his hip and plunges the point into the map as he stares into the dwarf's eyes. Dark red energy is pulsing around the curved dagger, and the paper is curling up as if to burn. Neither seems to have noticed Angharad yet, but both seem poised to come to violence.

"Game'sh shimple, Shika," the half drunk orc slurred, "It'sh a game o' shkill. Toshin' knivesh at eash 'udder. If 'a flinsh, da tosha gesh a poin'. If da tosha hi'sh 'a, ja gesh too poin'. Ja kinnae' closh ja' eyesh or da tosha get da poin', 'lesh ja' da tosha, den ja' double da poin'. We shpin' da knavesh befo' da fro, fer sheein' who toshin' at who. We take turmsh shpinnin, an da' firsh to ten poin'sh ish da' winna. He getsha' keep whatava' knife he wan'sh..." He pauses and turns to Ruje. "Rooj, whassa' I'm gon' get if'n I win? I'sh my knivesh we playin' wit'."
Ruje chuckles and grins slightly. "IF you win, me 'n Charack gon' go steal a pretty favah' an give it ta' ja, from anybody ja' want. Sound fair?" He shoots a questioning glance at Therros, as if to see if the boggart was on-board with his plan. "We play dis game all tha' time, Charack. It's kinda' like 'nitiation fer new club members. Whaddya' say?"

2014-07-30, 09:19 PM
"Well... Actually..." she starts awkwardly, "I DO need something. But it's a bit weird to ask. Are there any boggart or ghul'mar who could assist me? I think I might need to do a bit of research on the effects of the withering on them..."

2014-07-31, 07:29 PM
Angharad watched the escalating tension with quite a bit of concern. She interrupts before the two actually come to blows,"If you injure each other, you will weaken each force by the loss of your passion, leadership and prowess. Are there other sources for the armaments so we do not reduce the armory over much?"


2014-08-02, 10:18 AM
Therros / Charack

Therros considered the orc for a moment, knowing full well that this was part of the test, too. Would the boggart agree to a knife throwing contest with a drunk orc? Was winning worth it at the cost of take a knife to the forehead? Hell, he could win and end up dying in a pool of his own blood ... all for the sake of some macho gang initiation. It was things like this that always raised questions of leadership. But perhaps there was more to it than this. Maybe Bruhma wasn't as drunk as he seemed, trying to sway Therros one way or another.

After just a moment, he grinned and nodded. "Aye, blade slingin' kin be fun, fer sure. But one o' your blades could prob'ly cut off my arm. So win or lose, you pay for healin', right?"

2014-08-04, 11:37 AM
Audriel's elven companion seems a bit perplexed. "We, uh, we do have a ghul'mar apprentice, Keighan. I'm afraid I do have to ask, however... What manner of investigation do you intend to perform? I do need to make sure that everyone involved remains healthy and well..."
As she speaks, she waves a hand to attract the attention of an apprentice. She then points at another who had his back to her. The attentant student tapped Keighan lightly on the shoulder and prompted him to turn around. Keighan is young and athletic, but he still possesses the sickly coloration and receding hairline of his kin. His eyes are set in deep, dark sockets that give him a brooding look, and there seems to be a bruise or burn on his cheek that's not healing right.

Angharad is successful in breaking up the fight... though perhaps not in the way she'd intended. Both Thorans turn upon her angrily, each one barking at her and putting her down. Then they argue with each other for a few moments, about which one has the right to reprimand you, and the argument finally, eventually, boils down. The dwarf is the first to speak, and his tone is now more mocking or disciplinarian than civil.
"Lookeh' here, lass. We don' need no foreign whip-snapper comin' in 'ere an' tellin' us how to run tha strongest milit'ry the Great Plains's ever seen. Why don't youa' bugger off an' leave tha strategizin' to tha real soldiers? We all pitch in an' put our best works in tha' arm'ry. Short a' conjurin' more blades 'n bows outta' thin air, what we got is what we got."
The tiefling speaks next, obviously a little more shrewd than his companion. "You look to be from Seryn way, are you intending to travel along with the expedition? Perhaps your insights would be better spent in the field, as we near the battle-site? As to the armaments, I'm afraid dear Jolin is correct. Most citizens of Thoros possess their own arms and armor for personal use, but as to the weapons we can distribute between the soldiers staying here and the soldier departing, we have but a single well-stocked armory."

Therros asks a fairly straight-forward question, though the response is quite unlike what he was expecting. Ruje begins to chuckle and shake his head, while Bruhma bellows out a hearty laugh at the top of his lungs.
"Whajja' mean, 'pay fer it'? We livin' in Thorush, ain' we? All 'ja gotta' do 'sh walk up to da' Combsh or Oldbarrash 'n show 'em ja' woundsh. Dey heal ju' fer nuttin', though ifn' itsh sherioush, ju mi' wanna' give 'em a favah, 'lesh dey be 'fended."
The motley trio round another corner, stepping into a dark house in the Forge. Neither of the orcs bothers to light a candle as they stroll into the larger room and pull a heavy chest away from the wall. Bruhma pulls a key from inside his tunic and opens the lock. As he lifts the top of the chest, a faint light begins to fill the room as Bruhma pulls out several of his knives. One of them is glowing faintly, and the blade is engraved with some kind of strange symbols.

2014-08-04, 12:04 PM
"I'm not actually sure myself. I should hope it wouldn't be ANY harm. All I'm sure of is that they have taken part of the Withering into themselves and not died from it... And as such, a similar protection for the rest of us... Maybe, maybe it'll be as simple as observation? More likely though I might need a blood sample, of which I can heal back up most likely. If it's any more invasive than that, I won't proceed..."

2014-08-04, 12:45 PM
Therros / Charack

The boggart nodded, as if in embarrassment. However, what he learned was more than just free healing was available ... the respons from Bruhma was coherent ... maybe a little too coherent for someone who was drunk. He followed the orcs into their hidden room, never complaining about walking in the dark. Once inside, he watched Bruhma pull out several knives, once of which glowed. It made sense that the orc wouldn't chance loosing something that was possibly magical to inebriation ... not unless he was either very confident or a stupid drunk.

He waited to see how this played out, uncertain how they picked knives and the like ...

Waiting to see how the rest of it proceeds, but ready to play. Therros will try to decipher the runes, if they are of any language he knows ...need a roll?

Also, what are the mechanics for the game? What AC are we trying to hit to get close? Are we making will checks to avoid flinching, with penalties for proximity? How do we not die with two (or one) unlucky shot? Just curious :smallsmile:

2014-08-04, 02:39 PM
Angharad waits watching the byplay between the men with amusement. A small smile betrays her thoughts. She waits through their reprimand with a twinkle in her eye. She chooses to set aside the conflict between them as it seems it rages endlessly.

She nods to the tiefling, "I suspect I am bound for Seryn. But, I have been distracted from preparations for such a journey by the consequenses of the battle against the vermin this morning. It seems I have recieved a valuable token and was suggested you might know it's worth."

She reveals the Soldier's token in her hand.

2014-08-04, 08:06 PM
Keighan steps up beside his teacher as Audriel is speaking. He seems to have caught bits and pieces of what she said, but he is unsure of their context or what they could mean to him. He speaks politely, with a hoarse rasp in his voice.
"Greetin's, miss. I'm Apprentice Keighan, Devotion o' Bone, as I'm sure you know. Is there... something I can help you with?"
His elder places a gentle hand on his shoulder. "This is Audriel. She helped rescue the children this evening, and is considering embarking on the expedition to Seryn. She is trying to develop a better protection from the miasma, and thinks that by studying you, she might glean some better understanding. Am I correct, Lady Audriel?"

As Therros defaulted, waiting for an explanation, Ruje stepped in to explain the rules in better detail. He pulled the box of weapons toward a small table at one end of the room. The table had a 12-pointed star engraved into it, deeply enough to be easily evident even in the dark.
"We space ourselves 'round the table, even like, ya see?" He gestured at 3 chairs spaced evenly around the table. "Then we take turns spinnin' knives. Ya' can pick any knife ya' want, an' when yer done ya put it back in tha' box. Normally, we draw 'em blind. Once ya' got yer knife, ya spin it in the middle o' tha' table. Whoever it points at stands over there, other side o' tha room, facin' this way. Then ya' step o'er here, on this moldy 'scuse fer a rug, 'n throw it yonder. Now, yer tryin' ta hit that wall, not the bloke standin' front of it, ya follow?" He whips a dagger out of the box and flicks it toward the far wall with surprising grace. "It needs ta' land b'tween tha' beams ya see there, or it's a miss. After yer throw, we tally up points. First ta 10 wins."
He then pauses to retrieve his knife. "Points is as follows... Ya hit tha wall wit a blin'fold on, ya get 2 points. Hit it normal, ya only get one. Hit yer buddy, tha' target, an' he gets 2 points. If ya' got a blindfold on, he get 4 instead. If ya' hit tha' wall an' he flinch, ya get a point. If ya' hit tha wall blin'folded and he flinch like a bussa, ya get 2 points. If tha' target close his eyes when ya' throw, ya' get a point if ya' don' hit him. Lastly, ifn' tha target gets points, he can choose to make tha' tossa' lose them points instead. That's all fer scorin, and we'll spin tha knife to see who tossin' first."
Ruje takes a simple curved knife from the box and sets it on the table. After everyone sits, he spins it vigorously. After a few moments, it comes to a stop with the point aimed at Therros.
Bruhma chuckles, and Ruje scoffs with a hint of jealousy. Apparently Therros is the first to throw.

Angharad suddenly elicits a drastically different response. The Tiefling looks at the favor for a moment before bursting apart with laughter, red tears nearly running down his face. The dwarf, however, does not find the situation humorous. He roars angrily, stammering two or three times in protest, and growing more and more flustered when the Tiefling offers him no assistance.
Finally, the gruff dwarf drops heavily into his chair, glaring at the favor and the woman that holds it. "I dinnae where ya' got it, lass, but rest assured if I fin' out you stole it, there'll be hell-an-a-half ta pay. Yer holdin' one o' me own favors, an' bes' I recall, I only give out half a dozen 'r so in the three 'r four decades I been risin' up tha' ranks o' this Devotion."
He slowly removes his gauntlets, to reveal calloused leathery hands and scraped, dirty knuckles. His voice seethes with impatience as he asks, "What is it yer after?"

2014-08-04, 09:38 PM
"that's correct" Audriel greets the man warmly. "And with your help I'd like to see if I can't save quite a few more people actually. I have a hypothesis that a cure, or more likely, a vaccine for the miasma might be present in your body. Keighan was it? I don't want you to feel like this is an order. Nobody should be forced to give up their own sovereign body unless they chops it to be so. But what I require are some samples. Some skin, some hair, a little blood. With your samples, and a bit of alchemical tinkering, I plan on cross referencing some effects of the miasma on you as compared to with various other species... And draw some correlations between the divine protection we currently see, your natural protection, and, perhaps, maybe I can help create and arcane protection that might serve everyone better." she says, all rather quickly before realizing the poor apprentice is a bit over his head.

"Err. Your blood might hold the cure. Or at the very least might help others fight it off. May I take some samples?"

Feels like the time for a Diplomacy[roll0]

2014-08-06, 08:50 AM
Angharad adopts a provincial accent, "Well, you're right, I'm from Seryn, so I just don't understand your foreign ways. I got this token for my role in the attack against the insects down below, but I didn't have any idea what it was worth. Imagine my surprise when the person I asked about it offered an astonishing sum for it. I thought, mayhap I'd ask the originator of this token what he thinks it's worth."

She pauses for effect, then continues in her normal tone, "Although from your tone, it sounds like you think it's worth quite a lot. Imagine what this might be used for in the hands of a native with a better understanding of it's value."

"Say... your friend here", she gestures toward the tiefling. "Now I do have some needs for provisioning for this journey and seeing how you're in charge of the armory, perhaps we should start there."

2014-08-06, 10:58 AM
Therros / Charack

Therros nodded, knowing that going first wasn't always the best position. This game required quite a bit of skill, and wasn't one that he was particularly adept at. However, the boggart had quick hands and reflexes, so he'd play it out. Besides, the real test wasn't winning or losing ... it was playing the game.

Closing his eyes, he reached into the box carefully and chose a knife, only opening them when he pulled the blade free. It was a well-made blade with excellent balance, designed for throwing. Setting the blade down, he flicked it, watching as it spun and spun, finally coming to rest with it's blade facing ... Ruje. He almost smirked, knowing the competitive orc was probably not going to like it.

Taking up his spot, he waited for Ruje to take a spot against the wall. Therros considered using the blind fold, but decided against it for the first throw. Best see what he could do with eyes wide open first. Taking a deep breath, he took hold of the dagger and eyed Ruje for a moment. Then with one fluid motion, he flung the blade towards the wall ...

Okie-day ... ranged BAB = +4. Dagger gives me +1. Size bonus +1. Outside the Point Blank range (probably on purpose :smalltongue:) so no bonus there. Range increment penalty is -6. That gives me a straight 0 bonus vs DC 11. Here's hoping! [roll0], [roll1]

Wow, that's just about as horrible as you can get! So straight hit him ...

Go to this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17900150&postcount=145) for mechanics!

EDITED for mechanics!

2014-08-06, 04:41 PM
Ruje yelps as the blade hits him squarely between two thick plates in his ragged leather armor. He shoots an evil glare at Therros and growls a low threat under his breath.
"... bloody Shikka betta' watch wha' he's doin'."
He then dumps the blade into the box and sits down. He pulls a small satchel from the back of a nearby chair and spills its contents onto the table. Twelve wooden pegs, each adorned with the head of a different animal, tumble out in a mess. Quickly, he snatches up a snarling panther and places the peg in a hole in front of his chair.
In front of each chair or point of the star, there is a track of ten holes leading in toward the center of the table. This track seems to be the preferred method of tallying points; first to reach the middle of the table wins.
Bruhma laughs a little as he fishes for a blade. He knicks himself, drawing a bit of blood and laughing playfully at the pain. He pulls out a well-balanced throwing knife, and spins it eagerly. Ruje comes up the victim, yet again, and he rolls his eyes as he pads toward the other side of the room to stand motionless against the wall.
Bruhma seems to have a lot of talent, but he's reeling a little from all the lichor, and a few seconds later Ruje is digging another blade out of his armor and moving his peg two spaces further inward.
"Bloody hell ya' sodden' knucka' dragga's! Can't eitha' of ya' throw betta' than a bussa!" He tosses the blade back into the pile before reaching in and choosing a new weapon. He pulls out a common throwing knife, and smirks as it spins and points at Therros.
"Go on up, little man," he mutters with contempt.
As Therros assumes his position, Ruje pulls back and then lets fly a wild toss with the otherwise elegant blade. His form seems to be pretty good, but Bruhma seems surprised when the knife barely glances off Therros' studded armor. Ruje growls angrily, though whether it's because he missed or he failed to draw blood, no one can say for certain.

Jolin begins to turn a deep, dangerous shade of crimson as his eyes lock onto Angharad's. "Yer jokes ain't funny, elf. You yungun's don' understand what it really means to owe summone a favor. I take me oaths an' me exchanges ser'ous, an' I suj'es you do tha same."
The tiefling stops laughing long enough to respond to Angharad's threat. "Oh missy, I can't tell you how much I'd love to have that favor. I'd trade damn near anything I own for it, if only to have a legitimate vote when I really needed it."
"Bugga's an' bollocks, you two 'r in cahoots! I shoulda' known yer ungrateful, evil hide was behin' this! I'll be damned if'n I let my favah' fall inta' tha hands o' some half-demon HELLSPAWN!" The dwarf slams his fist onto the table so hard that the wood cracks. "I've bilt that arsenal from tha' ground up, an' damn near half tha' weapons in it. Anythin' in there's yers if ya' give me my blasted fava' right NOW."

Keighan doesn't understand everything Audriel tells him, but he catches on when she summarizes.
"Oh, certainly miss. Take whatever you need, I'd be thrilled to help. Should I gather a sample group of other students for your comparisons, or would you rather choose them yourself?"
His teacher, however, still seems to have some concerns. "I would like to monitor the experiments, if I may. Perhaps to provide additional insight, or spot problems as they arise."

2014-08-06, 06:13 PM
"Yes, that assistance sounds wonderful! Please gather as many different types as you can. ...and of course. By all means go right ahead. Is there anywhere that I might set up my alchemy equipment..?"

2014-08-06, 09:47 PM
Angharad shakes her head at the dwarf, "I never met him before I came up to see you. I was just pointing out the benefits to having an outsider have possession of your token."

"I have my own sense of honor. I didn't trade it away before and I don't plan to give it to him. I won't give it you now, but I do plan to parley in good faith. However, since it's so important to you, perhaps you'd like to handle this sooner rather than later."

She opens her hand to the tiefling, "Perhaps you'd like to accompany us to the armory and make sure I get a good deal. I wouldn't want to undervalue it after all."

2014-08-09, 02:01 PM
Therros / Charack

Therros flexed his fingers, getting a feel for the game. Walking over, he reached into the pile of knives, randomly selecting one - interestingly enough, he drew the balanced throwing knife again. Then gave it a spin and let fate pick its next victim ... this time it pointed to Bruhma. Nodding to the drunk orc, he grabbed the knife and took his place at the other side of the table. With a single breath, he hurled the blade towards the far wall. As soon as it left his hand, he grinned, knowing he had thrown it true.

[roll0], [roll1]
Eyes open: [roll2] + knife/range bonus or penalty (0) = Total 24
If necessary: [roll3]
For opposing throws, if necessary: [roll4]

2014-08-10, 11:16 PM
As Audriel speaks, the two Thorans seem to get confused."Types?" Keighan asks with a hint of confusion, "Do you mean 'people,' miss?" He chuckles nervously and strolls away to begin gathering students.
His teacher, however, seems even less sure of this course of action. "Yes, right this way, Lady Audriel. We have a small apothecary set up in this building. There are a few toxins laying about, and a positively foul odor from some of the previous experiments, but I think the area will suit your... purposes... adequately." She leads the way past some tables and private chambers, to a large wall with several very old doors. She unlocks one of them and lights a candle to bring inside. The area is small, even by subterranean standards, with enough room for two tables and a pair of chairs. There are several pots and bottles containing an assortment of substances, and one rather large cylinder of well-crafted glass containing some dark, smokey form rolling and churning slowly.
"This chamber will suffice, no?"

Jolin and his companion arise from the table, each in a very different mood. The gruff dwarf is the first to speak, "Ye know who I am, but I dinnae' know you. I'll need tae know a bit more 'bout ya if'n I'm gonna be handin' ov'r tha' city's arms 'n armors to some half-whelped lass from tha' city o' twigs 'n berrehs." He then begins making way toward the gullet, where most of his devotion reside. "Talk as ye' walk, lassie. 'Round 'ere we like ta' stay pr'ductive."
The tiefling steps up beside Angharad and introduces himself. "Z'hel Fraust, though I admit my name is a tad misleading." He holds out his hand, though you realize his skin is calcified and cracked, and his touch distractingly warm. "Apparently my ancestors favored a bit of irony. Regardless, rest assured that I'll help you get the full value of that favor you hold."
"Move yer arses, ladies, we dinnae' got all damn day!" Apparently Jolin is in a hurry, or just displeased at the situation in general.
"Perhaps we'll have more time to talk once we're on the surface," Z'hel prompts, before falling back and following closely. "Oh, and is that your war-beast over there? The great canine looking longfully this way?"

Bruhma flinched quickly as the flying blade buried itself in the wall near his neck. His eyes were wide for a moment, before he burst out laughing, spitting a good bit of alcohol all over the floor.
"Dash' wunna' da' bes'shots I 'ver seen, Charack. Roojey, ju' shee dis?" He plucked the knife from the wall and tossed it into the box merrily. "Now'sit my turn..."
Bruhma pulled a well-crafted knife from the box and gave it a sloppy spin. It came to rest pointed at Therros, and it then only took them a few moments to get into position. Bruhma took another swig of alcohol, and then threw the knife as well as one might expect a lumbering drunkard to do so. It stuck Therros in the thigh, but the wound didn't seem too severe.
"I'ma shorry 'bout 'dat mate. Shhhikka, I dun' stuck ya' good. Mebbe I need ta' lay off da' joose."
Ruje muttered something as he waited for his turn. His face seemed filled with contempt, though whether it was for Therros, Bruhma, the game, or something else, Therros was not certain. When ready, he reached in and pulled a shiny blade from the box. He set it down and spun it, and snarled maliciously as it landed on Bruhma.
"Step on up, bruddah', lemme' show you how dis game is won."
"Ya'ain gotta' show me, ROOGEY, I dun beat ju at dis more times'n I c'n count." Bruhma seems to be in a good enough mood, though the look of disgust on Ruje's face triples when Bruhma addresses him mockingly.
As Bruhma steps into position, Ruje turns briefly before letting fly a wicked, careless toss, almost directly at Bruhma's abdomen. The blade sticks and Bruhma winces painfully before laughing loudly.
"Oww, watchit ja' litta' bussa. Ju' can' throw na' betta' than me sista. Hah!" He pulls the bloody knife from his abdomen and tosses it into the box. "Make it yer turn now, donnit?" He turns a questioning gaze toward Therros as he sits and plucks the wolf peg from among the pile. He places it in his second spot and then looks at Therros' scorekeeping track. "Hey, Charack... how come ju' don' pick yer peg yet?" He chuckles loudly as he pulls out the beetle-headed peg. "A charack fo' litta' Charack... 's perfect, haha."

2014-08-11, 10:05 AM
Angharad shakes Z'hel Fraust's hand and replies, "I'm Angharad lately from Seryn. It's nice to meet you."

Uncertain as to how introduce herself to the dwarf who is may be holding a grudge for simply possessing a token of his.

She follows him outside, silent and uncertain. When he asks about the wolf, she looks at him surprised. "He is not mine. He is Coli. He travels with me. I didn't expect you to be aware of animals. Not many people would notice. "

2014-08-11, 11:10 AM
Therros / Charack

Therros' eyes narrowed slightly as he Ruje seemed to get progressively pi$$ed at the way the game was going. He pondered for a moment, wondering what his tact should be. He didn't really care about cheating, but it was the manner in which this seemed to be going that disturbed Therros. Only a fool thought there was actually honor among thieves ... but you had to pick and choose when and where to cheat. This also seemed to be about more than just the game ... if Ruje was trying to make a play for stepping up the ladder of roguish success, Therros wasn't sure if that boded good or bac for him.

In the end, Bruhma's attitude swayed the boggart - where Ruje seemed to have a chip on his shoulder and take offense to everything, Bruhma was more the likeable meat-head. Besides, Bruhma had invited him into the group ... and he'd bet crowns to coppers Ruje was one of the ones that didn't agree.

Reaching down into the set of knives, he pulled out the same blade Ruje had just flung, noting it was not a great choice the game - while well-crafted, the silver made it unwieldy and awkward. "Ya know, this close t'winnin', I don't wantcha thinkin' I'll take the easy route. Let's take this off-balance bugger ..." Smiling, he spun the knife, letting his fingers aid the blade before giving Ruje a grin as it pointed directly at him. "Lookie, lookie, Tusker cookie! Hope my next throw's better'n yers!" Stepping to his spot, he paused, then grinned again. "Better make it even more sportin' ... where's that rag?" Taking the cloth, Therros looked knowingly at Ruje, balancing the knife for a moment, then swiftly tied the blindfold on. Rearing back, he paused for effect, then let the blade fly ...

Okay, so first off, picking the same knife Ruje used. Second, let's roll perception to see if Therros recognizes the poison: [roll0]. Next, rolling sleight of hand to subtlely pick Ruje: [roll1]. Finally, one more sleight, to wipe the blade off before throwing it (so that Ruje doesn't see it). [roll2]

Here's the throw :smallsmile:
Concealment (26-100 potentially hits): [roll3]
Blind folded: [roll4] + knife/range bonus or penalty (-1) = Total 19
Final 'screw ya' roll: [roll5]

If necessary: [roll6]
For opposing throws, if necessary: [roll7]

EDIT: Holy cow ... with that many rolls, I was bound to fail and it looks like I didn't hit him!

2014-08-11, 12:01 PM
Audriel agrees and quickly sets to work preparing everything needed.

2014-08-11, 01:49 PM
As Angharad and her companions walk, Z'hel continues speaking. "A pleasure to meet you, miss Lately," Z'hel says politely. "I am a ranger, you see, and I frequent the surface more than nearly any member of Thoros, save Grandmaster Balcan. I've dealt with many a wolf and worg, and I've developed a knack for noticing their movements."
"Quit yer yammerin', cinderstones. We're tryin' tae c'duct bus'ness here. Now, lassy, what're ya' thinkin' ye want fer this ole piece a' steel? We got arms, arm'rs, supplies, tools... Let's get this ov'rwit' a'ready."
Z'hel rolls his eyes as he falls silent. The group is nearing the store-room now, and Jolin opens the door with the turning of a massive wheel. Inside lies the greatest assortment of finely crafted steel that Angharad's ever seen.

Ruje eyes Therros with curiosity as he sees him wipe the blade. When Therros pulls down the blindfold and lets fly a wild toss, Ruje recoils immediately. The shot missed by a good margin, and Ruje drops his head dejectedly.
"Ha ha, well done lad. 'S been longa' than I c'n rememba' sinsh summone tossa dagga' wit' de blin'fold an' dinna hit tha' bloke at the oth'r end." Bruhma is bellowing a deep, raucous laughter, wiping away a single joyful tear. "I guess 'dis mean I'm losin' one o' me prize knifes... Oh well, leas' she goin' to a good han' an' shteady eye."
Ruje rejoins the table, grabs the beetle peg and angrily jams it into the 10th hole, far enough onto the table that Therros can't reach it without climbing on. "Go on then, Shikkabud, pick yer bloody weapon an' we can all go home."
"What? An' miss the celebratin'? New lad jush kick yer kishash at knifes, an' ya' don' think he d'serve a welcomin' party? Drink up, Charack, and toast ta c'ntinya'd health 'n bounty!" Bruhma thrusts a flagon into the air, spilling a little lichor on the table. He seems to be a little clumsy, though his speech is clearing up.

Keighan returns to Audriel's chamber with several other students. He fills the ghul'mar role himself, but he's brought along a young tiefling, a bug-eyed boggart named Violet, an orc with missing tusks, a dwarven lad in training armor, a gnome with oily-black hair, and the young elven girl from before, Lori. Several of the students are confused about what's going on, and a few become apprehensive when their elven teacher explains what you're trying to do.
The dwarf and the orc compete with each other to see who's the most brave, but the boggart lad gets nervous fast. Strangely, Lori is the most hesitant to participate.
"You want to take samples from us, to see how you might develop protection for other members of our race?"
Her teacher nods and begins to explain, though Lori cuts her off.
"Not happenin'. Find another elf." She doesn't storm out, though, but seems to linger out of curiosity. The rest of the students, however, are gradually calmed into sitting still while Angharad collects the blood and tissue samples she'll need.

2014-08-11, 02:43 PM
Therros / Charack

Events had worked out better than he could have expected. Ruje not only lost, but now knew that Therros' probably had an incling of what had actually transpired. But in wiping the poison free, he had both prevented Ruje from accusing him later, and also let him know that the boggart was not intending to rat him out ... at least not yet. The young orc was still bitter and frustrated, but this was hopefully a lesson that not all was as it seemed.

He smirked as Ruje slammed his peg up high, nodding in approval. "Thanks ... now everyone'll know da winna! But yeah, no need ta get waspish, Ru-jay ... let me grab a sticka and we kin git t'drinkin'" Looking at the array of blades, he smiled and pulled the magic dagger out. "Figure this lil' beauty might be worth a use later. Mind if'n I take it?""

Once he had a blade, Therros slipped the knife away and raised a toast. "Thanks fer playin' fair with th'newborn. Guess yer both alright ... fer tuskers!" With a chuckle, he drank his liquor.

Not sure if Bruhma really wants to part with the magic blade ... if he makes something up to keep it (or looks really uncomfortable), then Therros will take the MW cold iron instead. Otherwise, magic dagger it is! Regardless, not bad for taking a couple of shots ...

2014-08-12, 04:39 PM
The store room is impressive. Seryn being less militant than Thoros, Angharad has never seen such a supply of weaponry. She wanders around commenting on the craftmanship of the weapons and armor she sees. Eventually, she starts focusing on armor and shields more than weapons, looking for Leaf Armor and a Darkwood Shield.

2014-08-16, 10:24 AM
"Lori is it? Not exactly. I want to take samples of as many different races a a possible so I can start looking for patterns in who is more resistant to the miasma and who is not. It may be that elven blood can naturally be enhanced to protect other elves. Or, it might be that elven blood can help us figure out a way to save, for instance, my kind: aasimar. We just don't know anything right now other than that people, good innocent people, everywhere, are hurting and dying. If there's anything that I can do to save ANY people, I'm going to try to do it. I could really use your help with this, not for you, not for me, not even for elven-kind in general. I need your help for the entire world. If you don't feel comfortable with it, I won't force you. But from what I saw from you just a few short hours ago you are a brave end determidd girl, and I'm willing to bet you treasure the value in doing good for others solely for the sake of spreading happiness as far as it can reach. This is another chance for you to be brave, and to protect those who can not protect themselves. Will you do this, for everyone who would be defenseless against the miasma?" Audriel says, trying to appeal the girls bravery and sense of honor.


"For everyone willing to help: let us begin. I am going to try my best to make this as painless as I can, but it might sting a little, like a small pinch in your skin. Be brave and know that your moment of pain will help others fend of much worse trauma." With that she begins taking the required samples, taking extra care to cast Guidance on her hands before she works so as to lessen the chance of injury to those she works on.

[roll1] and if that one fails to meet the DC, taking 10 ok a second attempt for 12

Finally, Audriel takes the samples and begins splitting all of them into control groups, using her alchemical reagents to set a solution to hold each sample and labeling them individually, allowing her multiple vials of solution that may be exposed to varying levels of miasma later, to be compared to the none-miasmic samples.

After her work is finished she thanks everyone deeply for their support.

2014-08-17, 04:51 AM
Lori meets Audriel's well-reasoned plea with steadfast determination, though she offers no explanation and simply dismisses the argument off-handedly. The other students each give their sample, and a few make futile attempts to change her mind, but the end result is the same. Fortunately, the elven teacher offers samples from herself, and your work can continue without too much trouble. The students filter out after giving their samples, and the teacher doesn't linger much longer once she's assured of the students' safety. You get a few complaints from the kids, wincing at the pain, and the teacher does not seem impressed by your medical care.
As the other kids leave, Lori remains behind. She walks up quietly, holding one of the bottles idly.
"I'm sorry, Audriel. I wish... I wish that I could help. Others have tried what you're attempting, and all have failed. Perhaps you can succeed where they did not, I don't know. As for me... there's nothing about my body," she walks to the door and places her palm upon its frame. A thick stream of blood runs down the jagged stone surface, and she pulls her lacerated hand away and wraps a patterned cloth around it. "... there's nothing about me, that can help you."
She walks away, though she gives you one last piece of advice before falling out of sight, "Get some sleep. We'll need to stay on top of our game."

Angharad finds the armor and shield she's looking for, though both bear the crest (http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/4a/6e/c9/4a6ec91108c43671f075c77fdfcebb48.jpg) of Seryn, a tree with braided roots and branches. The pieces are surrounded by other exotic armors from other colonies, like Horvos and Ro'kas. Apparently Thoros keeps a collection of arms and armors not made by their own hand, though the pieces are rarely worn and often neglected here in the store room depths.
Master Jolin is thoroughly pleased that you're interested in the armor and shield, and eager to trade both pieces for his favor. Z'hel eyes the armor suspiciously, though he doesn't question their worth or your motives for the trade. He seems to think the trade is fair, though not an exchange he'd make himself.
After the exchange is made, Jolin hurries you from the store-room, eager to seal the vault and return to his strategies. Z'hel seems torn for a few moments, but decides to assist Jolin in preparations. Before he and the dwarf step away, he steps toward Angharad and takes a slight bow. "M'lady, I shall find you again tomorrow, as final preparations are being made. Your insight into Seryn terrain and wildlife shall be most appreciated." He smiles and leaves in a good mood.
As the two of them leave, Coli strolls up, apparently having following you. Reunited with your companion, you find the desire to sleep pressing on you, after a long and grueling evening.

Therros and Bruhma share several laughs, and Ruje occasionally joins in with a sarcastic or displeased chuckle. The rag-tag group of scoundrels soon leave Bruhma's home, and begin meeting and greeting other members of the secretive organization, sharing at each new home a new greeting, story, or exotic alcohol. Most of the new names and faces pass in a lichor-induced blur, but the name Saballa sticks out, as does the image of a feisty gnome woman with a sparkling blue dragon tattooed over half her face. The tattoo was inset with sapphire studs, and the sparkling image was framed by her dark gray hair. Bruhma seemed to want to spend a longer time than normal at Saballa's house, but Ruje prompted him after about an hour, trying to get the night's activity over with. Reluctantly, the three of you leave Saballa's house, but not before the pale-skinned gnome places her hand on your shoulder and offers a final word of advice.
"Careful out there, Charack. Just a'cause we share a common goal, dinnae' mean everyone's pleased wit' the way things are workin' out 'round here." Saballa shoots a glare at Ruje from the doorway of her house. "Ruje is strong-willed an' he's been risin' the ranks faster'n anyone I seen yet. Though, ta' hear Bruhma talk, yer tha' new leadin' lad, an' everybody's expected ta' just kiss yer boots 'n bask in yer greatness."
She laughs, but as she does so, there is a brooding seriousness in her eyes. "Just be careful ta know whose toes ya can and cannae' step over as ya' make yer way through our little Devotion."
When you catch up to Ruje, you realize that he's practically carrying Bruhma on one shoulder. "I'll take boss-man home, Charack, you find yerself a nice hole ta' burruh' into tonight. We can meet everyone again t'morrah, when we're all sober." He takes a step away, then turns to address you one last time. "Ya' played well, I'll admit. And I reckon I outta' thank you for not tellin' Bruhma I's riggin' tha' game." He then turns away without actually thanking you, leaving you alone in the Forge, staggering drunk and without any directions to the nearest bunk or barracks.

2014-08-18, 09:33 AM
Uncertain by the young warrior, Angharad turns away from their work and heads back out into the city proper. Battle weary, she wanders through asking directions of those she meets to a clean hostel or inn. Coli trundled along side worrying those she meets.

2014-08-18, 11:36 AM

Therros did his best to memorize the people he met, both faces and names, but the night was a bit of a blur. He sobered up considerably when they ended the evening at Saballa's house, listening intently to her warnings. It was both disturbing to know that Ruje was probably as ambitious as the boggart feared, and comforting to know his own assessment had been correct - it appeared even in the land of devotion, people were still people. He shook her hand, smiling himself. "Don't worry, mother, I'm not one ta believe my own hype. I's just lookin' fer a crew to run with ... and all these other devotions are a little too straight-laced fer my talents."

When the trio finally left, ready to head back, Ruje took the boss and left with his not-thank you lingering in the air. For a moment, Therros considered following them, but he knew that he was not in top form, and Ruje was porbably much more sober than he was letting on. Once the orcs were out of sight, he slipped back to Saballa's for a moment, knocking quietly. If she answered, he asked for directions (and a map, if she had one), then gave her a final warning. "I don't know bout hostile take-overs and all that, but the night kin be dangerous to two drunks ... can ya make sure Ruje gets Bruhma home okay? They went that way ..." He figured that was enough of an insurance policy ... it let Saballa know that Ruje had Bruhma, and if anything happened, it would come back to the orc.

2014-08-22, 07:55 AM
Audriel finishes up her work and goes to sleep for the night.

2014-08-22, 04:53 PM
Audriel ignores the ominous tone in the elven child's warning, but finishes her preparations for the night. Control samples set aside, and exposure samples sitting in vials of bottled miasma, she's finally ready to sleep for the night. It doesn't take long for her to find a bunk, as there are several sleeping quarters near her area. Soon, she falls asleep.

Saballa answers the door to Therros' knock, smiling coyly. She thanks him for the warning about Ruje, but dismisses his fears quickly.
"Bruhma's a soddin' big bloke and I seen him wrung a Sulka's neck wit' his bare hands. Ruje's too crafty ta try anythin' that reckless. 'Sides, me thinks it's you he's got the green-eye fer, what wit' you winnin' the edge he's been covetin' for months now, and makin' him look like a rudding sod in the process. Nah, Bruhma'll be fine. You should prolly stay in me guest room tonight. It's dirty, even by un'nerground standads, but it'll serve ya well enough."
She then takes a short walk down her hallway, opening a door into a dusty, unlit room. There is a fur bed, an old wooden dresser, and a small chest made of bronze and stone. The name "Ixos" is deeply carved into the chest, and there're a few childhood keepsakes, like training swords and small sculptures, sitting on shelves and on the dresser.
"It were me son's room, 'fore the Garl took him. Bloody cussa' wanted ta be a ranger, yeah?" She humphs in frustration with her arms crossed. "Make yerself comfortable, and I'll fix ya some soup in the mornin."
With that, she leaves, leaving the boggart alone in the small, dirty room. Sleep comes quickly, due to the lichor in his system, and the events of the day.

It doesn't take any effort to find a place for Angharad to sleep. Every section in Thoros has bunks or barracks for the Devoted who train there, and all are welcome to outsiders. Finding a place that was open to her companion, however, narrowed down the list of suitable houses, and before long she found herself in the Oldbarrows, near the gardens. A few other animals were sleeping in beds of moss or dried grass, and some were inside the rooms with their masters. There is a room near the tuber patch that's open, and curators nearby assure her that she's welcome to stay there.
Finally, after settling down for the night, she and Coli are able to get some sleep.

2014-08-25, 09:31 AM
Unsettled from her dream, Angharad rises without her usual ritualization. She gets a stick of charred wood from the brazier and scribes the glyph she saw in her dream down onto the floorboard near her bedroll. She scribes it again several times, exploring the shape to make sure what she has drawn is true to her fading memory.

Then she settles down for her morning mediation and exercise. She starts with slow stretching, getting a feel for her body. Having participated in the battle yesterday, she forgoes her normal melee weapons practice. Instead she focuses on slow strong stance work, refreshing in her mind the efficiency needed to keep her defenses functional.

Taking out rags and her waterskin, she treats herself to bird bath washing off the days exertions. Once clean, she takes out her skin dye. She scribes pictures on her forearms reminiscent of her dream, ending by drawing the glyph on her hand.

She heads out the barracks and finds a quiet corner to pray, rededicating herself to the service of the land.

Once complete, she starts looking around for the caravan starting off.

2014-08-26, 01:34 PM

Therros slowly rose, struggling to open his eyes. Something ... something had happened. There was a ... and it burned ... his ... his hand!

Leaping to his feet, Therros stood panting as he gazed at his hand, the memory of the pain still fresh. Flipping it back and forth, he looked for anything out of the ordinary before he started to rub it vigorously. Then he paused, the hackles rising on the back of his neck, before he suddenly began to glance wildly around the room, one hand holding the dagger he had slept with as he looked for the someone ... something ... that must have attacked him in his sleep!

After a few moments, his breathing returned to normal as he convinced himself it was just a bad dream. Even if his hand felt like it had been bitten by a drakka spider, there were no marks on it, and he was alone ... probably just a case of too much hooch and soju last night. With an embarrassed snort, he checked his gear, straightened his clothes and went out to thank Saballa for her hospitality.

Then it was time to head out and get an invite to the caravan.

2014-08-26, 02:04 PM
Audriel gets up and goes about getting ready for her day as normal, packing away everything she'd need to get back on the road again...

Everything neatly made ready, she seeks out the caravan to begin waiting for them to make way.

2014-08-26, 07:16 PM
"Now keep your eyes on my hands ladies and gentlemen, because you will find this next part quite difficult to explain! No need to crowd out the quills for this magician, no sir, because I could do this in an antimagic field!" The ladies and gentlemen were just children, but there was no point in being impolite to his audience, and even though the quills children probably couldn't tell a fireball from a piece of flash paper, 'Note to self: Procure flash paper. Maybe my own deck of cards too.' Although it proved that he hadn't fixed the deck, there was something undignified about having to borrow his cards from children. He was fairly certain that he had been performing for them long enough that they had begun to ignore his practiced banter. That was probably a good sign that it was time to move on on its own. He tried not to think about how he was performing for children, trying to believe that he might as well train with them before he tried his hands at fooling adults. He liked the children better, if he was being honest with himself, and most of his tricks weren't that difficult. He was doing a new one, because he was leaving the next day, and it wasn't that difficult anyway. "I need a volunteer from the audience, any one of you, choose among yourselves if you will! You then? Marvelous! Pick a card, any one of these work fine, just fine." He fanned out nine cards. "Show it to your friends, I'm not looking, so don't try to show it to me there. Everyone has seen it? Marvelous! Now just put it back with the rest of these and..." He put the cards in a stack in his left hand and slapped them with his right. "Now then... is THIS your card?" He pulled off the top card and showed it to the crowd triumphantly. "No!" came the chorus from the children (I put in dialogue for them because it's basically a cutscene, and their lines aren't important or anything). His face slackened. "Wha-what?" he spluttered. "Are you sure? You haven't forgotten what the card was have you? I should have looked at it after all!" he said despairingly. "That's what I get for trusting in the memories of children like yourselves! How about this?" he pleaded, "I know that this is your card, and as good little children, you believe what adults say, don't you?" In truth, he was barely qualified to be called an adult, but to children, he thought he would look the part. "No!" the kids yelled again. "Oh what did I do to deserve such an ungrateful audience, it must have been that time that the farm girl and I- wait a moment!" He put the card he had shown them down next to him. "I did it wrong!" The children, only half-seriously, jeered and protested. He took the second card and put it at the bottom of his deck, now with only eight cards in it. He pulled the top card, originally the third off and showed it to the children. "This is your card!" The children only laughed at him. "What? Don't tell me this isn't your card either! You brat's are trying to fool me aren't you! You think you can get the better of me at a game like this? I've one fortunes with my card skills before!" He deflated and added "And lost even larger ones. I'll try it again." He put the second card on top of the first, and put the next card at the bottom of the deck again. "This is the card!" Soon a third and fourth card joined the first two as the pattern continued almost word for word. "Now this is just too much! I can accept that I am not perfect at this, but you kids can't fool me so easily! Whatever your card was, it must have been one of these, if not all of them! But I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I had to use someone else's deck for this, so the cards must be shy. Oh you laugh, but cards will sometimes hide when they're embarrassed. This time when you look at them, make sure not to be fooled by their trickery! Now let's go through them again. Is this your card? No? No matter, there are three more, and that was the last one." He put the card where the stack of four was at first. "Is this your card? No? Then it must be one of these!" He put the second card on the first and showed the other two. "No!" the children yelled. "What, don't tell me you still haven't found it?! Well that tears it!" As he said so, he rolled up his sleeves, exposing his arms. "Kid! Hold these cards between your index finger and middle finger. No, like this. A little tighter. That's it. Now then, one of you kids are going to have to beat it out of these cards. They've been hiding their friend, but they'll cave under pressure. Just slap the cards once, and they'll turn it over." The second child raised his hand up and slapped the cards out of the first one's hand. "Is that your card?" he said, pointing to the only card still clutched between the first one's fingers. The children turned it over, only to find that it was indeed the card. "Children, I will give you a piece of advice before I go. Never trust a man who wears skulls, a duck, or a magician who says he failed. Because a magician never fails. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get up early tomorrow," he said with a wink, "I need to befriend some of the other mercenaries, so that they'll protect me once they realize I can't actually fight to save my life." He turned in early, and the next morning, although not as early as he had planned, set out to the caravan, hoping to make some powerful connections.

2014-08-29, 10:29 AM
A cold nose brings Dagur to a rude awakening. A cold nose that's admonished with gentle swats from his wide hands.

"Geroff, Nita."

A terrible dream and a terrible way to greet the waking day- yet not the worst. He considers himself lucky to have any company at all after his exile. The little thing also makes for a good, make-shift alarm clock; he's never gotten used to sleeping under stone, and probably never will. A young bear, energetic and eager, darts to and away from Dagur while nudging him repeatedly.

"I geddit, I geddit."

The orc rises and meticulously gathers his things, collating all of his belongings into neat compartments of his backpack. High time he sees what all this 'caravan' talk is about.

2014-09-01, 03:16 PM
The day of departure has arrived, and citizens of Thoros are gathering together in preparation or to say their farewells. All in all, an expeditionary force of nearly 60 soldiers and experts are planning to leave. The masters of each devotion are busy comparing the names in their books to the names of those who step up to disembark.

Saballa greets Therros merrily when he enters the dining room. She seems to be in a good mood, and amused about something. She's made potato flapjacks with lichen glaze, something of a childish dish, sweet and more flavorful than most Thoran gruel.
"Greetin's, Charack. Ruje 'n El o' Goldcastle done gone ta' gather they things fer' tha trip. They done ask if'n you's awake, an' I tole 'em that you sleepin' off tha lichor... I know that won' buy ya no votes o' confidence - not bein' able ta' hold yer lichor - but it's betta' than them knowin' ya' have nightmares all night long. I tell ya, Charack, I ain't heard hollerin' like that since me boy been gone." She pours a flagon of lichor broth for him - all the flavor and none of the fun - and takes a seat as she slides the flapjacks over to him. "I ain't gonna' ask ya' ta talk about it. I figure someone from your neck o' the woods prolly' got reasons to be scared o' his dreams. I know the East can be... dangerous... to us little folk, and Dymis sure ain't no different." Before Therros can respond, she attempt to dismiss his questions, "I'm from Horvos, 'nitially. Came here on a caravan when I was a wee lass, me folks runnin' from all the evil pourin' in from tha' sea. They even give me this tat', some kind o' ward from evil, they say. Anyway, I rec'nized yer accent and yer dress tha' moment I laid eyes on you. Not e'ry day ya see a bloke with clothes and manners specif'cally chosen to NOT stand out, ya' know what I mean?"
She took a long pull from the flagon, and eyed Therros curiously for a moment.
"Anyway, I reckon ya'd better get gone 'fore El 'n Ruje think you done changed yer mind. If there's evah' anythin' ya need, ya know where ta' find me."

Knife the magician arrives in the Maw earlier than most others, and has plenty of time to look around. A Thoran bearing the Quills sigil approaches him in a friendly but suspicious manner, as one might when not sure whether or not they're recognizing an old friend. He attempts questions in a few languages, before finding success with Olcar. "You wouldn't happen to be the magician who kept my son up all night with jokes and bad card tricks, would you?" The man laughs, and as he does so, Knife can't help but notice two rows of pointed teeth that remind him of predatory fish that lived in the sea near his childhood home. Despite being friendly, the man's demeanor can't help but seem at least slightly disturbing or intimidating, a common genetic trait of even the most jovial Tieflings.
"I tell you what, my son was goin' on an' on about cards hidin' other cards, and beatin' them up, and what-all else I don't know. I think it annoyed him, more than anything, that he couldna' figure it out. He's pretty clever, ya' know, and likes to understand what's goin' on 'round him... Takes after his mom, he sure does." The tiefling laughs again, his wide jaw and serrated fangs reminiscent of a bleached-bone bear trap.
"Name's Phen, short for Phenirus Knoll, because my parents had a sick sense of humor. I'm the head translator on this expedition... You?" He speaks the eastern tongue fluently, but with a thick Kerran accent that sounds decidedly Loggan.

Audriel, with her experiments and supplies in hand, arrives in the Maw ready to set out on the expedition. She will need a day of exposure to the miasma, followed by a day of study, before she will have any idea what protections she might be able to infer by looking at the samples. Several members of the Devotion of Bones have decided to see her off, including a great number of students and sample-givers. No one seems particularly attached to her, or offers anything other than the most generic of platitudes. Keighan, however, steps up and offers a sincere statement. "Lady Audriel, I really hope that ya' figure out somethin'. Lad knows y'all will need all the help and protection you can get."
With that, Audriel is free to join the others in preparation for the journey. They offer her a cart to haul her experiments, and give her a note that she might trade for a wagon from the quartermaster, allowing her to continue her work while the journey is underway. She'll have to share the wagon space with some of the medicines that the Devotion is sending for Seryn aid, but they allow that there should still be plenty of room for her.

Dagur and Nita arrive early in the preparations, and several of the Thoran soldiers give Dagur a wide berth. Nothing new there... the outcast hadn't been a member of the city long enough to qualify as a citizen, and was frequently regarded as a prisoner or Garl sympathizer. Only the other members in his Devotion, Soil, bothered to get to know him or become acquainted with the brown bear youngling that accompanied him everywhere. Two ofther members of the Devotion of Soil were present, and the three of them were in charge of managing and preparing rations and food supplies for the others. Fortunately, the rangers in the Devotion of Steel had some basic knowledge of foraging and were capable hunters, so there shouldn't be too much trouble gaining rations along the journey. Not that they'd need them, of course, but every ration found was one more ration that'd make it safely to the front lines, where food might be scarce.
Brellena, an excitable young gnome, sat perched atop a wagon wheel so as to gain a better view, and was the first to call out Dagur's name.
"Daggah! Oba' hea! I savah' you a see-eat!" Despite being older than most members of the expedition, Brellena refused to act her age and insisted that she 'had a child's soul'... Most thought the eccentric gnome with her twisted, gummy hair was mentally unstable, but extensive reviews had proved that she was something of a savant when it came to making food grow, and that she wasn't actually handicapped in any way. There were a few that hypothesized that the miasma might make her worse, and a few that thought it might make her better, but most simply kept their distance and treated her with suspicion. It might explain her fondness for Dagur, another outcast in her own Devotion, though the gnome's sing-song voice grated on both Dagur's and Nita's nerves.

Angharad, freshly cleaned and painted, arrives later than most, after her morning preparations. Coli strolls merrily by her side, and several Thorans comment on her, her wolf, and her appearance. Nothing of note happens until a young woman steps up. She's tall for a dwarf, and more slender than others of her kind, likely as the result of a mixed blood parent or somesuch.
"M'lady Ang'rad, I thank ye fer yer service in tha' tunnels. Me husban', Essic, gonna' be alright, an' he say it's all thanks ta you and a few o' the others that he made it out alive. I wan' ya ta have this. 'Tain't much but a lucky charm me da' give me when I got devoted. It don' seem ta do me no good, but I'd like ya' ta have it, so's to rem'ber us by, yeah? Essic 'n Brucha, 'ere in Thoros." The dwarven woman hands over a small bronze bracelet adorned with dwarven runes and a strange crest.
As the dwarven woman is talking, Angharad can see several of her companions from before, milling around and gathering up supplies.

2014-09-03, 07:50 AM
More dwarves!

Angharad turns to the dwarven woman looking at her as she accepts the gift. "I'm so glad to meet you...Brucha. I'm sorry I didn't get to stay in the infirmary long enough to see everyone that was injured. I'm glad to hear he is doing well. "

She turns the dwarven bracelet over in her hands and asks, "Can you tell what each of these runes mean?"

2014-09-03, 02:12 PM

As puttered around the room, feeding Therros merrily, the grumpy boggart frowned, imagining a number of unpleasant things about his host. He nodded sullenly as she spoke, pausing when she mentioned hearing his restless evening. Afterwards, he ate a bit more slower, taking a few calming breathes before he stabbed her out of embarrassment and distrust. Once he was done, he put away his dishes, and nodded to the small woman. Bowing his head, he forced a smile. "Thanks fer the bed and grub ... I owes ya one. Guess I'd best slag over to the others and get in the 'van. Which way's fastest from here?"

He didn't say much more to the woman, wanting to get on his way as quickly as possible. Outside, he checked his pockets and such to make sure she didn't fleece him, then made for the meeting spot with his two cohorts. He'd deal with the jokes later ... right now he needed to clear his head. What was the deal with his dream? And why did it have him on edge? Sure, he naturally disliked cheery people, but Saballa had taken him in when he was lost, drunk and alone ... he shoulda been shaggin' her, not thinkin' up ways to hurt her ...

This place was definitely strange.

2014-09-05, 07:09 AM
"I know how you feel. My name's Knife. I'm glad to hear we have a translator. I'm pretty sure at least half of the kids couldn't understand a word I was saying." He checks to see who else is there, and takes stock of all newcomers. He is looking for people who look strong, in combat or magic.

2014-09-05, 07:27 AM
Audriel quietly loads her belongings, taking extra care to protect her experiment and secure it properly in the wagon. She does not pay much attention to those around her, not even noticing if anyone 'new' to her is around.

2014-09-08, 10:24 PM
The gnome's eccentric sing-song tone claws over his ear drums, like a wild cat raking bark. He forces a half sincere, tusky smile; he picks up Nita, the bear cub wriggling, and takes a seat. She's friendly enough and allies are something he has in short supply. While he's not charismatic to be sure, Dagur still has some sense of wisdom about him. The lone wolf doesn't last long in the wild.

"Yer parents say y'could come on this trip?" he growls in jest,"Don't tell me I'ma have t'hold yer hand the whole time to keep y'outta' trouble."

He snorts, laughing at his own joke. His partner, the chubby little cub, doesn't find it nearly as amusing and nips his fingers for how terrible it is.

2014-09-08, 11:45 PM
Brucha looks down, shamefully, and rubs the back of her head. "I'm afraid not, Angharad. It took me damn long tae learn tha' local languages themselves, and I never had much need to dredge up old scrip' like that." She then points out the larger dwarven crest in the middle. "This 'ere's me clan sigil, Thovalson, but I dinnae know 'bout the other scratches. Me da' give it to me as an heirloom, but I reckon' me husban' Essec 'n me ain't gonna' have nah children, what wit' him bein' an elf 'n all. Maybe ya meet a dwarf what kin' tell ya' bout it, eh?"
With that, Brucha leaves Angharad to her preparations. The Thorans are forming into groups based on their Devotion, while a collection of outsiders and collected foreigners are gathering together as another group. Coli seems to be eyeing a young bear cub in a Soil wagon fiercely, as if apprehensive about its presence.

Therros spots Ruje and Elwerin standing among others in their official Devotions. Most members of the organization to which Therros was now privy stuck to standard Devotions so as to not draw attention to themselves. Ruje and Bruhma were grunt-level members of the Devotion of Steel, while Elwerin was a well-liked but often misunderstood of the Bones. Saballa was one of the Iron, and there'd been a young brigand in good standing among the Soil. Therros, as an outsider and uninitiated into anything official, would be expected among the other foreigners. Once the caravan was underway, however, each person would be able to find their own travelling companions.

"Aye, Knife, we'll need as many speakers as we can get, if there's to be any hope of negotiating with the Blackmire Soldiers. I'm fluent in the common dialects, as well as Swampspeak and a bit of Old Tongue." Phen looks around the area for a short moment. "I reckon' I'm makin' everybody nervous, talking to you in Olcar like this. We need to get you familiar with one of the local languages, or you'll be damn useless in an actual battle. I can give you Karsi or Ansin lessons as we travel; it shouldn't be too difficult for ya. Right now, though, I need to coordinate with the other Quills and figure out what all they're each responsible for. If you'll excuse me?" Phen then steps away and joins a few of his compatriots, leaving Knife to find another group to join. There's a small congregation of non-Thorans; perhaps one of them will speak Olcar or Kerran.

Audriel soon finds herself surrounded by foreigners and others yet undevoted. One of the latter is assigned to drive the wagon, and he seems a little nervous about the task, obviously unfamiliar with the concept or execution of wagon operation. The bulky mule he is to rein seems stubborn and problematic, and the journey will likely be very frustrating for everyone involved. A few of the strangers nearby examine Audriel and her supplies and experiments curiously, but only a few ask her intent.

"Da-gah, you funny! I love-ah tha' way you smi-el. All them purty teeth all mean 'n bitedey. Ha ha!" Brellena laughed and turned to mock some soldiers nearby. They didn't seem to mind, but a few of their superiors shot unsettling glances at the higher ranking members of the Devotion of Soil. Dagur and Nita take their seats on the wagon, but Nita almost immediately puts her thick paws over the side and begins nipping playfully toward a collection of foreigners getting ready for the journey. A wolf stands warily among the travellers, eyeing Nita with distrust. The wolf's fur seems to be painted or dyed in some pattern indistinguishable from this position. The wolf's master stands nearby, discussing some trinket with a local dwarf.

As the group gathers, the elven lass from the tunnels the day before turns up, a knapsack thrown over her shoulder and a knife on each hip. Lori greets several of the locals and older foreigners before falling into ranks with the hodge-podge group at the back of the caravan. She looks around, making eye contact with everyone individually, as if committing their face to memory. She keeps a wide berth from Coli and Nita, and doesn't linger long near the wagon in which Audriel is sitting. She pauses near Phen, as if listening to his conversation with Knife, but moves away without adding anything to the conversation. A few locals step up to speak to her, but she seems to be dismissing their comments or questions, and shows them something in her pocket that seems to impress them and grant her a position of respect. She smirks as she sees Therros, then shoots a wary glance at Ruje. Elwerin, ever vigilant, catches her meeting his gaze, and he smiles slightly. She inclines her head, as if acknowledging a friendship, and then begins chatting with a nearby ghul'mar child.

2014-09-09, 06:09 AM
Audriel kindly explains, though in the simplest ways possible, the nature of her experimentation to any who are curious. "So really I'm just looking to strengthen what's already there. Clearly some of us are able to resist better, and we can understand how and why, we can perhaps harness that protection and spread it to all!"

Seeing the others who had joined her in the fight earlier and who she still recalls from the caravan in, Audriel smiles and nods in welcome. She's glad to see others that she is already familiar with on the trip and inclines as much to any who come over to her. As for the wagon driver, she gives him a few pointers here and there about how to keep the animal calm, and reassures with a few votes of confidence (as well as some surreptitiously cast Guidance spells to help him maneuver the wagon.)

2014-09-10, 11:41 AM

Wandering up, Therros noted where Ruje and Elwerin were. Seeing their affiliation with the Devotion of Steel, he paused only briefly to make eye contact, then wandered onward to the gathering of 'foreigners.' Thinking about the Devotions, he wondered where he would fit best. The easy one would be Steel, but he was not as great a warrior as all that. Bones could be interesting, but would require study ... as would Soil. He had little desire for Winds or Quills ... although perhaps someday he would learn more about the magical arts. That left Iron as his best option, even if annoying Saballa were already in it.

Sighing, he pulled out a small knife (not his new one) and began to whittle on a piece of wood he had found. His fingers were deft, but he had no skill in it. However, he figured he would continue to practice until he could claim a place in the Devotion of Iron. He daydreamed about becoming a locksmith and almost laughed out loud. Instead, he continued to watch events around him, ever alert to what was going on.

When the elven lass arrived, her smirk reminded him that she knew of his 'inclinations' but as he saw the looks she gave to both Ruje and El, he knew she was no stranger to his own nameless Devotion. Smiling to himself, he made a note to ask El about it later. For now, he would simply wait for the caravan to depart.

2014-09-10, 07:36 PM
Angharad tucks the bracelet into her pouch and starts to look around at the caravan in preparation for the journey. She runs her finger through Coli's ruff to calm him down. That animal must be attached to someone for all these people to accept it's presence.

She looks around for someone who appears to be in charge of getting people's individual possessions loaded.

2014-09-11, 02:24 PM
Dagur cuts his banter abruptly short, tugging Nita into his lap and staring down the wolf across the packing yard. The orc bares his teeth at the animal in a snarl while protectively hovering over the bear cub.

"Don't go playin' with your teeth on 'em, Nita," he growls, giving his young fluffy companion a stern warning.

2014-09-12, 03:33 PM
Knife turns and looks at the rest of the group of people. "Hello?" He says in Olcar, waits a moment, and then says "Hello?" again, in Kerran.

2014-09-12, 10:38 PM
Knife's queries are met with a few tilted heads and a bunch of blank stares. A few people respond to him in short phrases, with mannerisms that imply that they're asking if he speaks Ansin or Karsi. He's traveled far from home, and finding people to relate to will be more challenging than he realizes. One foreigner, wearing the typical Horvan traveller's garb, answers him in Olcar, and advises him to keep the Kerran to himself. He's very busy, and doesn't take the time to linger, choosing instead to help Knife, Angharad, and the others load their gear onto another wagon.
When everyone's supplies are loaded and the travellers are ready to embark, one of the Thoran scouts confers with the wagon-masters and arranges a travelling order. The Devotion of Steel will go first, followed by the Winds, thus putting the two most experienced wandering factions in the lead. After them will follow the groups deemed more defenseless or less able to protect against attacks: the Devotions of Iron, Quills, Bone, and Soil. These four groups, however, are so poorly represented that their entire sum remains less than the number of Steel that are included in the caravan. In the rear will come the foreigners and undevoted, supposedly because they seem more suited to defense than most other groups, and having a suitable military force in the rear should help protect against ambushes.
With the travelling order sorted, the caravan gets underway. There are several travelling wagons, as material is more easily parted from than animals to ride, but there are still a great number of people walking. The smaller races are encouraged to remain seated, so as not to fall behind, while the other travellers will take turns riding and hiking.

Several members of the Devotion of Steel man the levers that raise and lower the massive doors' barricade, and several more operate the chain pulleys that cause the towering oak and metal doors to swing inward. Noxious air immediately flows in, thick with odor and dust. Most cough once or twice, shocked by the transition from the damp clean air of the city to the desiccating vapors of the surface. Several travelers begin to second guess their decisions, nervous about being exposed to the oft-underestimated toxin.
The taskmasters are unfazed and prepared, and order the caravan forward. The Thorans behind light purifying fires, scented with spices and moss in an effort to abate the foreign poison. The animals buck and growl, but are prompted forward successfully, and the caravan begins its journey. Slowly, the convoy moves through the doors and into the cavern beyond, morning's light shining beyond. For many Thorans, this is their first time seeing sunlight in many months or even years, and a good portion of them stare slack-jawed in awe. The rangers, however, proceed as though nothing had changed, as do most of the foreigners behind.

In an hour, the whole convoy is on the surface, making its way across the rocky path through the Thoran mountains. There is something naturally liberating about the openness and the sight of the luminous violet sky above, with the pinkish sun glowing on the horizon. Legends say that before the withering, the sky was blue, rather than the dark violet that you see above. Whether it's truth or merely a translation error from the documents in Oldtongue, no one can say.
At least, unless you believe some of the wilder legends. Stories abound in every colony about heroes from the Age of Myths who survived the Withering and became demigods in the process. The Blood King, the Sky Child, and the Knight of Moons, to name a few. The origins of these legends are unclear, but everyone knows they're just children's stories; myths told to younglings in the same vein as dragons, blue skies, and green grass.

The morning passes slowly, and it does not take long for members of each group to begin wandering back and forth within the caravan. Rangers from the day before reported clear travel for half a day's journey in this direction, so even the guards are feeling a little lax. The Devotion of Steel stays together, marching in the official phalanx pattern preferred by their Masters, though everyone else quickly devolves into a mis-matched mass of Devotions, foreigners, and mule-drawn wagons.

Amidst this mass, you could associate with anyone or seek out a new or familiar face. What do you do?

2014-09-15, 02:24 PM

The boggart was busy watching the groups load their belongings onto the wagons when the odd elf greeted the group in two different languages. Therros spoke both of them, but he waited to see what the others would think ... the responses were as expected, and he grinned to himself at the reception. Instead of staying around to get pulled into work, the boggart continued to move around, always avoiding the loading of stuff - he was taking care of his own gear, right?

When the caravan finally headed outside, he watched the majority of softies groan and cry at the miasma. He snorted, having lived through the fumes more than once. Best to just take a deep breath and get it over with ... at least it would thin the herd a bit to those who would be useful. A few moments later, he shook his head, knowing full well it wasn't these people's fault they hadn't been outside. It was scary for those who lived closed in their whole lives ... and who knew who they might need before this was all said and done.

Later in the afternoon, Therros took advantage of the relaxation of boundaries and wandered over to speak with Elwerin. He had a couple of questions, most notably being who the elf lass was. Once he found him, he asked in Karsi, "Who's the leg ya nodded at? She was down in the pit ... took care of herself pretty good. Also got an eye on her."

After chatting up El, Therros would eventually run into the elf who asked for help earlier, sighing as he approached. Tapping the man on the leg, he'd whisper in Olcar, "Here now, did you get whatever help ya needed? Cuz as ya can tell, most of these stiffs don't snark yer lingo."

2014-09-16, 02:07 PM
As soon as the caravan broaches the surface, Angharad starts asking around for the leader of the ranger corps. She rambles up to him with Coli by her side and waits for his attention to be free to address her.

2014-09-16, 02:36 PM
Audriel maintains watchfulness over her work, continuing to guide the wagon runner with her help. She watches all the folks around, trying to pay extra attention to whoever seems to be more affected and less affected by the miasma. She makes a mental record of those who seem to react on any extreme end to it in case the information might be helpful later. Other than that, she just enjoys the relative calm of the trip, knowing full well that it might end at any moment.

2014-09-20, 04:37 AM
Knife turns to the boggart and replies in Olcan. "I was just trying to see who I would actually be able to speak to on this journey. And once fighting starts, who I will be able to understand. It looks like there are only three or so people who speak my language, and one's the interpreter. He said he might be able to teach me a new language though, do you have anything you would recommend?

2014-09-22, 09:40 PM
Once the caravan gets rolling Dagur hops down from his perch with Nita following at his ankles.

"Thinkin' I'll be gettin' some stretchin' in," he grumbles to Brellena,"Bein' underground for so long ain't no way to live."

He takes his time to wander about the wagons, stopping for conversation here and there, and trying to keep an eye on his animal companion so she doesn't get into too much trouble.

"Keep an eye on that pooch of yours," he remarks tersely in passing to Angharad.

2014-09-23, 01:00 PM

The boggart eyed the elf for a moment, recognizing his accent. Sighing, he pulled him aside. "Well, yer best keeping outta the way. But if'n yer stayin' back with us forners, then you should be fine. Not a lot of orders back here, I'm guessin'. If ya got someone ta teach ya, then do it. At least a few words ... like 'fight' and 'run' and 'help.' I 'spose if I see ya flailin' I'll let ya know when way the wind's blowin'. Mebbe you kin tell me where ya got that accent ..."

2014-09-23, 04:10 PM
Therros and Elwerin have a short conversation, before Therros moves away to find the foreigner who'd needed help earlier. As they strike up a casual conversation, Angharad seeks out an audience with the lead ranger on the expedition, her former acquaintance Z'hel Fraust. He is busy keeping several of the new rangers in check, and suggests that they find time to talk when the caravan makes camp. Audriel, meanwhile, rests comfortably in the wagon, occasionally checking up on her experiments. No one shows any signs of illness this early in the day, other than the general nausea at the abrupt exposure. The rangers quickly inform everyone that the feeling will pass quickly, and they will get used to it by the end of the day. Dagur catches Angharad near the middle of the caravan, and begins an off-hand conversation with her.

2014-09-24, 07:03 PM
Angharad is disappointed Z'hel Fraust will not even consider her assistance with scouting for the caravan because he is too busy. Somewhat forlornly, she she drifts back toward the center of the caravan.

The orc with the bear growls at her and she stops. "Do you really think I would bring him along if I could not trust him wherever I go?"

2014-09-25, 09:29 AM
Dagur scoffs dryly, expelling air through his prominent tusks. He stops, too, to turn and face the elf. A hardy creature, he's visibly less affected by the miasma than some might be.

"I known people to do stupider," he replies with all the social grace of a dire porcupine,"I seen him eye-ballin' Nita here. You keep him in check, we won't have no problems."

2014-09-27, 06:37 PM
Angharad raises her eyebrows at his backhanded insult. "Stupid!", She exclaims, I didn't bring a bear cub along! What makes you think that bear won't go wild in the hubbub of the caravan? At least wolves, dogs and demihumans have a history of cooperation. Bears don't socialize well with demihumans, usually."

2014-09-29, 07:20 AM
"Seryn. I'd be honored to have your help and your friendship."

2014-09-29, 01:59 PM

At the elf's comments, the boggart barked out a laugh and almost sneered, before he paused then shook his head in genuine surprise.

"Friend? Nah, let's just call it an 'agreement.' Leave friendship fer them's that believes in the power o' hugs and such. I believe in this," waving at the nasty miasma that filled the sky, "and this ain't about friends ... it's about survival."

Shaking his head, chuckling, Therros wandered off to find something to do ...

2014-09-30, 12:24 PM
"Bears n' my kin've been gettin' along just fine together for years," Dagur retorts, snapping,"Don't know what you knife-ears have been doin' with 'em if they ain't been good to yours."

Nita, cowering behind the sturdy orc's robes, shows no desire to be violent with either the elf or the wolf.

2014-10-01, 12:31 PM
Shaking her head, Angharad replies exasperated, "I've had no problems with wolves or bears. Yet earlier you implied that I would and I needed to keep mine under control. Then you justify your unfounded assumption with the fact that you can get along with them assuming I could not. How arrogant of you."

While the two demi humans argue about nothing, Coli sniffs around for a spot to lay down.

2014-10-05, 10:14 PM
"Arrogant? -Arrogant-?", Dagur huffs.

"High and mighty talk comin' from ya' there, pip-squeak. Ain' say I'm surprised. I know what -I- can do. I can keep my lil' Nita here under control. You? I ain' know you, I ain' know nothin' 'bout you. So like I said- keep an eye on your lil' pal there? And we'll be jes' fine. Otherwise, the pup might have t'find a new pack to run with."

2014-10-08, 06:38 AM
Angharad can't help but laugh, "The idea of you replacing Coli's loyalty to me is preposterous. I ran with his pack his entire life. When it was time for him to try to found a pack of his own, he chose to travel with me. No amount of ham-fisted 'training' you might offer will ever come between he and I."

With that, Angharad turns and walks away. Coli watches her for several steps before getting and trotting behind.

2014-10-14, 03:47 PM
The rest of the day passes without much cause for complaint. As the rangers get farther from the gates of Thoros, they seem to behave a little differently. Many of them become reserved and serious, while others loosen up and break ranks with the rest of the caravan. Everyone marches together, though periodically a few are placed onto wagons for medical treatment. Most have their symptoms muted by herbs and tinctures, and rejoin the others on foot. One, however, gets progressively worse and worse as they travel. He's a young orc, skin still pale from youth and his tusks barely formed. The animals seem to be enduring more easily, though a few of them seem weak for the first half of the day.
The road lays nestled in Thoros' stony mountain range, with cliffs and valleys to either side. As the sun's light fades on the horizon, the foremost rangers report a suitable campsite ahead. It's a cave in the side of one of the larger mountains, and is a location often used by various caravans. They also report no sign of hostile activity, but also a lack of game in the area. As the caravan draws up, you see the gaping maw of stone and part of you feels an ominous dread in its presence. The campers disperse, cramped together as they try to pitch tents and start some small fires.

2014-10-14, 05:07 PM

Therros found a spot to cozy up, prefering to either sit with El. He seemed the only one that wasn't a complete arse ... and for some unknown reason, the boggart trusted him. At least more than he trusted anyone else right now.