View Full Version : Pathfinder Scrying on the Resurrected. How does it (mechanically) work?

2014-04-20, 05:59 PM
So, I'm DM'ing a game, and the party has recently captured an alchemist NPC. They've taken a vial of his blood and let him go again, hoping they can scry on him later to figure out where his boss is hiding. Unbeknownst to them, however, he has the Clone Master archetype, and will soon kill himself and awaken as a clone in his boss' laboratory. Which raises the question:
What happens when you scry on someone who has died and been resurrected with a new body? Will it show the corpse, or the new body's location? And does it have any effect that they are using a focus taken from the old body, rather than the new one?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

2014-04-20, 11:38 PM
My inclination here is to say that the resurrection doesn't matter. The way I read it, the blood only serves as a magical connection to make the scrying more potent; without the blood, they could still scry him normally, it'd just be at a lower save DC. Having met him, they don't even technically have to -have- a magical connection to be able to scry him. It's also worth noting that the clone, as per the spell, is grown from the subjects own flesh, so the blood would be just as tied to the copy as the original body.

This is simply my take on it, though, and is, as always, at the DM's discretion :smallsmile:

2014-04-21, 08:09 AM
You've met the entity known as "Alchemist" therefore you should get the appropriate modificators. If the blood vial helps would be DM discretion imho. And technically speaking you can't scry on an object like a dead corpse only on creatures (taken from the description of the Scrying spell: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/scrying.html#_scrying ).

In my opinion, a +0 Scrying attempt would be fair. The blood isn't part of the body you try to scry on but you have met the guy.