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View Full Version : The ardent hierophant!

2014-04-20, 09:10 PM
Am seriously considering asking my DM , to allow me to change the arcane hierophant, to allow ardent powers instead of going some arcane route.

Now besides psi cyrstals, and the companion familer, would you have anything to complain about with this adaption, that I should be ready to answer or assure I won't abuse when I ask my DM?

2014-04-20, 09:29 PM
Are you selecting the Ardent specifically for its manifestor level based power learning, or because you actually like the class more than another psionic type? He might not take a kind view of it if the choice has an exploitative element to it. I don't think it'd be massively overpowered for it, but when presenting a homebrew idea for a dubious group/DM you don't want to start off with anything that can be interpreted as a power-grab.

2014-04-20, 09:35 PM
Slightly, but also because they have the same casting stat

Jeff the Green
2014-04-20, 10:13 PM
Actually, I love Arcane Hierophant and have been playing with a few alternate progressions. One combines Wild Cohort, spirit shaman, and an arcanist and gives your wild cohort both familiar abilities and the telthor template.

For psionic/druid, I was thinking of requiring Psicrystal Affinity and turning the animal companion into a living construct with the non-movement psicrystal abilities. The fluff would be that your psicrystal is growing into your AC and interfacing directly with its nervous system.