View Full Version : TV Star Trek Continues!

Water Bob
2014-04-20, 10:55 PM
Folks, the sequel is out. And, it is downright AMAZING. I just watched it.


If you liked the first one, you'll probably agree with me that this second one is better. This is true Trek, not the action romp that Abrams is giving us. This is what TREK is all about--the big ideas. Life. Philosophy. Morality.

This show is gripping.

If you haven't seen it yet, and you want some good Trek, the way Trek is supposed to be, then check it out--

STAR TREK CONTINUES - EPISODE TWO - LOLANI (http://www.startrekcontinues.com/episodes/#.U1SE5lVdV8E)

2014-10-07, 02:54 PM
I just found this series and just watched the first episode. I agree that they are really done well.

2014-10-07, 09:44 PM
Yeah, I'm really impressed just how much they've managed to re-create the feel of the original Trek. The stories, the sets, the lighting, sounds, everything looks and feels like the 60s version. You can tell these guys did their homework.

2014-10-08, 09:28 AM
Nice necro, but this is a good mini-series. Guest stars from past Trek series show up, and Vic Mignogna does a good job embracing his inner Shatner.