View Full Version : Detect Magic and Stealth

2014-04-21, 09:55 AM
Is it possible to use Detect Magic (or Arcane Sight or Greater Arcane Sight) to see the aura of someone using stealth regardless of their rolls just because they have magical equipment or buffs in effect? As in someone wearing Shadow armor showing an Illusion (Glamer) aura where they're standing (due to the enhancement using the Invisibility spell as a pre-req), even if they're perfectly hidden otherwise?

Granted, I'll be the first to say that if it can work like this, it probably doesn't actually break stealth, only tells you which square they're in, but even so it comes pretty close to screwing up all stealth in a high-magic campaign unless one is naked... and makes certain templates look much nicer than they would otherwise for non-magical stealth boosts...

2014-04-21, 10:09 AM
Sure, Detect Magic lets you detect magic auras. It doesn't matter if you are aware of the creature that wears items or has spell effects that you detect with the spell.

But remember: Detect Magic (and pretty much all other detect spells) require concentration to detect anything at all and it requires 3 rounds of concentration on one area to pinpoint the magic auras.
That makes it a really clunky way of detecting hidden creatures.

2014-04-21, 10:49 AM
It also doesn't tell you that there's a creature there, just that there's something magic.

2014-04-21, 12:31 PM
You don't see the creature. You see a bunch of auras lighting up his square like a Christmas tree. You still take the appropriate miss chance and everything, and Detect Magic does nothing if the guy's >60ft away from you, or wasn't inside your cone for 3 continuous rounds.

The invisible creature might, for example, see you casting Detect Magic and immediately book it out of that cone-shaped emanation. Or stand behind you, like some kind of loony toons shenanigans.

Also, unless this is PF, you only get so many castings per day, so he knows that you can't keep it up for ever.

2014-04-21, 12:59 PM
If you're really worried about it Magic Aura (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicAura.htm) is your friend.
It lasts 1 day/CL, is cheap to get on a wand and completely unbreakable unless you're found and the item is examined.
It only shields your items though.

To shield your buffs (if any) as well you need Nondetection (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/nondetection.htm). It costs some money and offers a CL check though so it's better not to rely on it unless you have to.
If you do cast it it benefits enormously from casting it yourself and boosting your CL beforehand.
You can also get permanent Nondetection from various prestige classes.