View Full Version : Montebank spellcasting

2014-04-21, 03:28 PM
Alright so the base class from dragon compendium is a manipulator class and uses a sneak attack like system for extra damage. But am i the only one wondering why they have no spells? Beguiler or Bards spell list would be good along with that progression.

What do you think?

Shining Wrath
2014-04-21, 03:43 PM
Spells, or invocations? Doesn't a Mountebank have a Warlock-ish feat to you?

Adding Beguiler to Mountebank gets pretty close to OP on the party face front. Stand strong against your fiance!

2014-04-21, 03:52 PM
True enough it might fit better with invocations due to the deal with the devil theme.

I just always see it as a spellcaster. Especially if it was being pf convered.

Oh i do try lol