View Full Version : Pathfinder Dire Corby Encounter

2014-04-21, 05:03 PM
First off, if anyone is playing in a campaign called "Beyond the Wall of Trees," this thread is not for you. Begone!

So, designing an encounter/series of encounters for next week. The party will have the opportunity to take a commission to rescue a pair of Tengu brothers being held prisoner by a flock of Dire Corbies (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/monstrous-humanoids/corby-dire), lead by a Dread Corbie. The Corbies are going to be holed up in a cave in a cliff face. A big part of the challenge will be climbing up the thirty foot cliff while being pelted by rocks.

For our purposes, Corbies are cliff face dwellers, but not necessarily subterranean.

I want to be sure to give the players options for how to handle this, but not to hold their hands or cut them off from coming up with their own methods. So, here's my thought.

1- They'll be told that the Corbies are nocturnal hunters before they reach the cave. If they wait until the bulk of them take off at night, they'll only have to face one sentry.
2- There'll be a slight overhang above the cave mouth, making it possible to climb up at a different point (or loop around to hike up the long but less steep way) and come down from above, largely shielded from the cave mouth until they actually reach it.
3. ???

This is where I ran out of ideas. I'd like to stick to the rule of three and go in with at least three feasible ways the players could accomplish this in mind. So, if you were a low level party without access to flight, how would you go about handling this?

2014-04-21, 07:25 PM
Hmm. As a player, my first instinct would be to bait the dire corbies to the cave mouth and have any ranged characters pick them off while the "bait" tries to climb the cliff. What level are we talking, here? Give the bait Spider Climb and a suit of full plate armor for protection so attacking them is pointless or impractically difficult...you see what I'm getting at?

2014-04-21, 07:56 PM
I initially read the title as "Dire Corgy".

2014-04-21, 08:22 PM
why are you limiting yourself to 3 options for victory? your players, if creative, can think of countless ideas for the encounter, some bad, some good. you have to roll with whatever they try and make it work for you. You don't think of solutions as the DM, just the challenges.

2014-04-21, 08:33 PM
why are you limiting yourself to 3 options for victory? your players, if creative, can think of countless ideas for the encounter, some bad, some good. you have to roll with whatever they try and make it work for you. You don't think of solutions as the DM, just the challenges.

I'm certainly not limiting the number of possible solutions. I'm making sure, going in, that there are solutions- I expect the party will quite likely come up with options I haven't foreseen, but that doesn't ease the burden on me to make sure that there are at least some options. Yes, it's the GM's job to design the challenges, but that doesn't mean that those challenges should just be collections of random facts, rather than things designed to present the party with both potential advantages and disadvantages.