View Full Version : ShrompQuest 2: Electric Boogaloo - IC Thread 1: Mom Edition

2014-04-21, 08:57 PM
The sun rises on the Great Western Ocean, the ocean sparkling like a field of shifting jewels. Not a cloud blocks the sky as night gives way to day; the air is still, with barely a breeze to stir the waves.

Bobbing in this sea like apples in a barrel are our heroes. Occasionally a lightning-smashed fragment of wood that once belonged to a ship bumps into one of them. Their ears are ringing, their bodies pained, their memories somewhat fuzzy (was it a pirate attack? A freak storm? A sorcery gone wrong?), but at least they're each in one piece. And apparently alone.

2014-04-21, 09:22 PM
Fist of Luna Kuragari, also known as Kura, comes out of the post crash daze floating on her back. Once she realizes where she is and takes stock, she mutters, "Thank you Luna, for ensuring I'm somewhere I have a form for...Now, where is that Solar..." With that, she shifts into her spirit form, one of a giant Mantis Shrimp, and immediately swims into the water, searching the crash site for her Solar.

So, making an Awareness roll to find Kuzo in the wreckage, right? [roll0]
And another 2d10 for my dots in perception because I have no idea whether or not to add them: [roll1]

2014-04-22, 09:17 AM
Amorous Panacaea Neiz is currently clinging to a bit of floating wood, rubbing the salt from her eyes. Groaning, she hears Kura (albiet fuzzily) speak and then splash away.
She decides to look around, trying to take stock of where the hell they are.

I think I roll too, and if that's my 3 Perc+ 2 Awr...
If I did it right.
EDIT: Wow, that looks... big. Not sure if I got a good roll or did it really wrongly.

2014-04-22, 10:01 AM
The shrimp's water-adapted eyes just make out the sparkly form of Kozu, sprawled over a bobbing piece of debris, about twenty yards distant, and Kura quickly swims over to him.

Neiz perceives that they are in the water. Specifically, the ocean. More specifically, the Western Ocean, miles and miles southeast of the Coral Archipelago. There is a particularly watery place further to the south, a center of magical power that is perceptible even at this distance, within 3.6 miles of here.

2014-04-22, 09:14 PM
Headache. Never good.

I could say the pain means I'm alive and that's good, but honestly, that's scraping the bottom of the barrel a bit, isn't it now?

Ears ringing. Head injury, or loud noise, damaging inner workings of auditory organs. Damage usually permanent, hard to repair. Gods damn it I had better not develop tinnitus.

Something's nibbling my foot. I wish it wasn't. I'm wet. I wish I weren't.

Why am I even at sea? I'm terrible at sailing. I'm terrible at swimming. This was clearly that shrimp's idea somehow. I should be at home, teaching. I do hope the wife's doing okay.

I need to figure out what happened. I need to find the others. How many where there? We didn't bring mortals, did we? Oh, I hope they're okay, I'd-distance yourself, calmness is key to balance. Center yourself on the target.

Assess self. Ensure survival. Locate others. Locate safety. Locate belongings.

Ooooh my best blue robes are ruined. I liked- dammit, man, focus.

Kozu reaches for the nearest board, attempting to cling to it and stay calm. He's not a big fan of deep water. Too many unknowns, too many variables, too many-

I swear to whichever gods are listening, fish, if you don't stop nibbling my feet I will end you.

Assess self. Ensure survival. Locate others. Locate safety. Locate belongings.

Not entirely sure how this goes, so here goes nothin'.

Temperance to stay level headed and not freak out

Intelligence+Medicine to assess own injuries

Perception+Awareness to search surroundings

Perception+investigation to figure out what happened
[roll3] with one extra die in case it uses wits or intelligence instead [roll4]

Intelligence+occult to figure out if anything magic is going on and what it is

As usual, RNG hates my guts.

2014-04-22, 09:38 PM
Poor Kozu. He's probably completely underprepared to have a giant mantis shrimp swim up to him at high speed, and try to lift him on it's back so he doesn't drown.

2014-04-23, 01:25 AM
Neiz sighs, knowing that a) they're pretty damn far from the Coral Archipelago and b) they're also several miles from the Western Pole... but which one would be better to head for?
The former probably involves, like... land to stand on, but may be farther. The latter is closer, but probably involves more risk of drowning.

2014-04-23, 02:24 PM
Our hero remains calm, calling on a deep inner focus to analyze the situations. They were in a oceangoing vessel, what is called around here a 'ship', and there was a battle. The ship was destroyed by motonic weapons or spells, meaning it was likely not perpetrated by fae. The mortal crew does not appear to have been killed nearby, if at all. That is good; they were mostly nice people.

Kozu's most serious injury is a large bruise on his left arm. His hearing is already clearing up, although it was likely exposure to loud noise that caused it in the first place, his superior resilience has prevented any lasting hearing loss.

The fish stop nibbling as something moves through the water towards Kozu. A moment later, it is revealed as a shrimp! One friend reacquired! And look, there's Panacea over there sighing about your predicament.

There is the same sense, a place of watery magics to the South, although Kozu, with his accurate sense of geography, knows that they are waaaay to far east for it to be the pole of water itself (Neiz may also come to realize this after a moment's reflection). It is most likely a demense, an auspicious if occasionally dangerous arrangement of ley lines.

And hey, there's something else. A dark patch on the water, where some oilly substance has been spilled. As Kozu watches, bits of it sublimate and vanish away, the pool shrinking. ((Roll Intelligence+Occult for information on it))

2014-04-23, 02:46 PM
Good, nothing is broken.

Better, the fae weren't involved and I see no corpses.

Best, that fish has stopped-


Kozu flails about trying to maintain his balance as he is lifted from below, his look of surprise turning to a flat, grim line of a mouth and a furrowed brow as he realizes who is beneath him. He clears his throat and straightens his robe's already ruined hems.

"Good to see you made it, Miss Kuragari. You haven't seen a small wooden chest anywhere, have you? I have the feeling I'll need my hearthstone by the end of the day."

His brow furrows further at the oily patch, digging down into his forehead like a burrowing animal afraid for its life.

"Oh, and you may want to avoid that."

2014-04-23, 02:51 PM
Kura shakes her head and says, in a sort of gurgle-y voice, "Sorry, haven't seen one. You're okay, though? And have you seen Neiz?" She then turns her attention to the patch and says, "Yeah...That's probably not a good thing."

2014-04-23, 04:13 PM
Neiz hears Mr. Yellypants over there. Over here! She waves a wet-sleeved arm, her usually fabulous hair trailing unhappily in the water. Thankfully, though, her big grey coat and white hair make her pretty easy to pick out.

She realizes, after clearing her head, that that's not the Western Pole, dumbass. Probably a demesne, which could be good... or not. They might need to take that risk, though.

Wondering how they'll get anywhere, she reminds herself that they do have a shrompgirl who can do the swimmy thing very well. If Kozu joins her on the floating hunk of ex-boat, perhaps they could figure out a way for Kura to pull them. Like a chariot! Except wet and miserable and bleh.

2014-04-23, 04:23 PM
At Neiz's shout, Kura swiftly swims her way over to the poor Sidereal...Never thought you'd hear a Lunar think that, did you?

Anyways, while the speed might be a bit uncomfortable for Kuzo, she is careful to ensure he doesn't fall off, and, when the duo get to Neiz's location, Kura helps Niez aboard the Shromp Express, if she so desires, barely stifiling a snide laugh at the normally fabulous Sidereal's current condition.

2014-04-27, 08:22 PM
Kuzo clings for dear life to Kura as she swims over to Neiz, internally cursing himself for never having learned to swim better.

That liquid...moonsilver, I'd think. But...not yet treated.

Unstable moonsilver.

In the middle of the ocean.

Next to a ruined ship.

And the bodies of the crew are nowhere to be seen.

And there's a demense nearby. A watery one.

Sweat beads on Kuzo's brow whereever it isn't soaked with seawater.

"Miss Neiz, Miss Kuragari, I don't mean to alarm you, but...well...the sooner we reach land, the better."

2014-04-27, 08:29 PM
Neiz doesn't fail to noticed the half-stifled giggle on the shrimp's part, and she's pretty sure it's because of her current state. Grumbling a bit, she clings to Kozu's waist to keep her purchase on the Lunar's back, just wanting to get out of here.
You heard him, missy. Let's get moving before we find ways to get in worse trouble.

2014-04-27, 08:39 PM
Kura nods and says, "Alright..." And then she realizes she doesn't know where the nearest land it...Assassinating people doesn't leave a whole lot of time for learning geography. She asks Kozu, "Um...Where is the nearest island? And what was that stuff?" However, that doesn't stop her from swimming away from the liquefied moonsilver.

2014-05-02, 01:31 AM
"There isn't one anywhere close."

There isn't an island close enough. The closest to being close enough is Coral, and we all know how great an idea that is.

Open sea. Unstable moonsilver. No island close enough. Ruined ship. No bodies.

Maybe if Kuragari swam far enough... No, even she would die of exhaustion first. But maybe I could make it the rest of th-How could I even think that!?

There's no way I could swim that far!

"There is, however and fortuitously, a demense to the south. And 'that stuff' is unstable moonsilver."

2014-05-02, 08:15 AM
Neiz shivers a little, both from cold and from the thought of unstable moonsilver. She clings a little tighter to the Solar, hunching up against even a soft breeze. B-better than nothing, though... though one does rather hope for dry land before long.

2014-05-02, 10:41 AM
Kura swims off to the south for all of three seconds before she stops and says, "Wait. Unstable...Moonsilver?" She then shakes her head and mutters, "Dear Luna, please don't make that mean what I think it's going to mean."

2014-05-03, 10:39 AM
Stop touching me stop touching me stop touching m-quit your whinging, Kozu. You are an educated man, act like one.

"It means exactly what you think it means, Miss Kuragari, which is why it is imperative that we find my chest. It should float, as long as it wasn't damaged."

But what if it sank? Miss Neiz doesn't seem a fan of water right now.

Kuzo swirls a finger in the water beneath him, then holds it to his other arm's wrist, testing to see if it would be warmer to stay in the water and have Miss Kuragari drag them rather than stay on her back, exposed to the wind.

2014-05-03, 11:08 AM
You're going to get wet. Best to stay in the water where you have some insulation.

The team circles around the wreck for a little while, until they find Kuzo's chest bobbing along in the waves. Empty.

((Fear not, you will soonishly recover your belongings.))

2014-05-03, 11:55 AM
Neiz wonders just what Kozu is doing with his hand and the water and---oh. Oh dear. Wind. Cold.
She shudders, realizing what Kozu's up to, and gets a little bit ahead of him by sliding into the water with a little shivery noise, still clinging to the shromplady. Both Sidereal and Solar seem to have found it a little less terrible to stay in the water, so Neiz tries to make herself useful and look around for anything they could use for being pulled around by the shromp.

(Perception+Awareness, dicepool 5, [roll0] unless I'm wrong.)

2014-05-03, 02:14 PM
Kura keeps swimming towards the demense, though slightly more slowly to ensure the relative comfort of Neiz and Kozu. She's also keeping an eye out for any hostiles, like the Chimera she suspects sank their ship.

Awareness: [roll0]

2014-05-05, 11:52 AM
On the one hand, I'm no longer freezing to death.

On the other, I'm somehow wetter than before.

Kuzo makes a noise between a sigh and a groan as he trails along behind Kuragari, attempting to ignore the voice in his head screaming that it's even easier for the sharks to get him now.

It gets a lot easier when he sees the empty chest and is interrupted by his own voice screaming externally. Well, more groaning loudly. But for Kozu, that may as well be screaming.

"Damn it all! Just one victory! One thing my way! That's all I ask!"

2014-05-09, 06:43 PM
Neiz finds some of the rigging lines drifting about, tangled in bits of wood.

As they make their way towards the demense, Kura notices something else drifting about. A great shark, slowly circling beneath the party, trying to determine if they will be a good meal.

2014-05-09, 06:46 PM
Neiz grabs the nearest bit of mooring line and swims back to Kura with it, blissfully unaware of Sharky Biteums swimming below.

2014-05-09, 07:39 PM
Kura, at the sight of the shark, immediately stops and says slowly, "I don't mean to alarm you, but there is a shark circling below us. Don't move, don't make ripples, and for the love of Luna, Sol, and the Maidens, don't bleed."

I don't think it would be unreasonable for someone who's lived in the West all her life to know how to avoid a shark attack, but if it is, just say so and I'll roll for it.

2014-05-11, 09:46 AM
Oh this day just can't get any worse, can it? Stranded in the ocean, without my power bow, stuck with these two, no c

I'm sorry what?

Kuzo looks at Kura for a moment, his head tilted at an odd angle, processing what she just said and


His mind screaming loud enough to split his ears, he takes a deep, nervous swallow, and tries to balance himself upright and not look like any sort of sea prey. He read somewhere that sharks don't naturally attack humans.

Then again, boats don't naturally explode, leaving only three exalted with headaches.

Kuzo closes his eyes, sighs heavily, and bites back his pride before pulling himself back atop Kura. Screw being in the water, he wants a nice, hard shell between him and HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF SHARP RENDING AND TEARING AND that's enough now chill.

2014-05-11, 09:57 AM
A shark.
Oh. That's... well.
As Kozu moves in precisely the way he was advised nto to, Neiz stays still, just keeping herself floating.

"W... What do I do?" She whispers, as if the shark is listening really hard for them instead of smelling.

2014-05-12, 11:26 AM
Luckily, the shark does not hear Neiz's whisper, or decides that the group is insufficiently delicious to be worth the fight such large prey will put up. It swims off to the east, drifting silently through the water below you.

The group of heroes continues on, until there becomes something apparent besides the endless water, the sun and sky and clouds and small fish that flee Kura's approach. An outcropping of rock, sufficient to make up a tiny island, bobbing in the waves like a cork. Despite the slow motion of the waves, it holds its position.
The watery energies of the demense can be felt surging up from beneath this rock. You are quite nearly at your destination.

2014-05-12, 09:38 PM
Scene 2: Mibbit Intermission

As you swim up to the edge of the tiny island, you see, in the center of it, a pool of water, whirling about.
A tiny cocnut palm sapling twists its way out from between the rocks. Its leaves are made of ice.

Kura mutters, "Well, this is certainly a demense..." as she drags our heroes up out of the shark-infested waters and onto dry-ish land.

"Well, this is certainly...odd."

Neiz clings to the meager offering of land, but hey! Land all the same! "I'm going to wring out my clothes a bit... I'd say no peeking, but I don't think I need to with you." She rolls her eyes a little, turning as she squirms out of her coat.

"Don't bother. We're going to get a lot wetter, I have a feeling."

"Miss Neiz, you have more experience in this than I do...what do you think of this?" Kozu asks just loud enough for Neiz to hear as he circles the pool, looking into it with intensity.

Kura very cautiously extends a finger towards the pool, about to touch it.
Kozu leans forward a bit, trying to see if he can see the bottom of the pool.
Neiz sighs, putting it back on after wringing the sleeves out, and turns to look at the pool, trying to tell what it is.

The bottom of the pool cannot be seen; through the whirling water it seems that the whole bores through the entire of the floating island.

Kura sighs and says, "Gimme a sec." With that, she touches the pool.

"Certainly not a natural occurrence, that much is ob-wait stop!" Kozu tries to reach out and grab Kuragari's hand away from the pool, just failing to catch the Lunar.

Neiz starts to exposit, trying to fix her mortally-wounded hair as she drops some mad info on her babbies.

Finally, as Kuragari touches the pool, its whirlpool waters spin faster and faster, and a something pulls her in, spiraling down through the watery depths, until, suddenly, she's in the air again.

2014-05-18, 05:09 PM
Kura screams as she's pulled into the pool. And then, suddenly, in the air. She quickly gets a hold of herself, and, if she's able, shifts into her bird form and glides around, trying to see where she is.

Awareness roll: [roll0]

2014-06-10, 10:32 PM
The first thing that Kura notices is how she's not even underwater. The next thing is that she's laying on top of the water like a large pillow, but it also flows around and above her. Quickly, things settle into a dome-shaped room, the walls and floor made of flowing, solid water. The space is lit from above by a single beam of sunlight passing through the pool that pulled her down here. Outside the water-walls, the ocean is black. A door, made of a single massive seashell, is the only other feature.

Next of note are the creatures: one is half human, half seal, half seaweed, babbling loudly in some tongue that eludes your grasp. Then there are another three of them, bodies long and black like eels, with two pairs of hands and elongated, humanlike faces.

2014-06-12, 08:09 PM
[Aside - Kura in the depths]

When she sees the strange creatures, Kura immediately scrambles to her feet, shifting in to her Warform as she does so.
The unstable moon-silver, and now strange creatures...All of these are screaming 'CHIMERAE' in her mind

As the lunar begins to change shape, the creature lifts a heavily-muscled arm, opens a hand, and a flickering barrier appears across the chamber, separating Kura from them. Exactly what it does, well, that isn't clear.

Kura frowns as she gurgles, "What are you?" trying to see if they comprehend *Language of the Realm*

It speaks back, in a flowing, accented human voice, but communication is not clear. "Svabol tir wux tuor, Luna vrak?"
A question, and it seems to have recognized your nature.

Kura, encouraged by both it's mention of Luna, as well as it's response in general, says, "I-I'm sorry...I cannot understand what you're trying to say."

The thing continues in the same tongue, growing frustrated. "Renthisj vi okh xanalre. augh. oiges, vakka ve vin thrae silit." Part of that was evidently an instruction to one of the eel-beasts, which lifts itself up and paces out through the door.

Kura shifts back to human shape, still on guard, and begins pacing nervously, saying, "I'm sorry, but I don't speak that language...I wish Kozu was here. He'd be able to talk to you."

The barrier's light diminishes, becoming more of a trace in the air than a visible hindrance. The seal-creature's eyes flick back and forth as he watches Kura. After a few moments, the door opens again, and the eel-beast leads in an apparently human girl, who bows to Kura. Her purple hair hangs in three long braids, and she is dressed in plain, but waterproof clothing.
"Welcome. What has brought you here?"

Kura looks curiously at the bowing girl and says, "Stand up...I don't need to be knelt to. Where am I?"

She straightens up, and says something in the seal-creature's language before answering. "You are in the House of the Weed Tides. Why?"

Kura nods to the girl, and then totally blanks out on what that might be, beyond somewhere underwater
She asks, "And what is that, exactly?"

"It is a manse, in service of the City of Shining Reefs. *Why* are you here?"
She's getting a bit annoyed, or fearful

Kura nods, and says, "I was stranded in a shipwreck. I was able to swim to an abandoned, rocky isle, and found a watery portal to this place. Where am I, exactly, in relation to the Coral Islands? And what is this place, other than a Manse? What is this city?"

The girl looks relieved, glad that they won't have to kill you immediately, and relays this to the creature, then translates.
"Coral is far to the northwest, along the seventh current. This is our home. It is a study for the Collegia Draconia, a lookout post, a school. Hehehehe. It is many things. What brought about the wreck of a ship of one of the Exalted?""

Kura blinks and steps back from the girl, her hands slowly sliding in to her Katars as she says, "Draconia...As in the Terrestrials?"

The girl shakes her head.
Like Danaa'd. The water dragon herself, and how they shape our world."
The eel-beasts raise themselves up, unfolding jaws full of needle-teeth, in case of any violence.

Kura takes a deep breath as she removes her hands from her weapons and says, "I hope you understand...We don't have the best history. But so long as you're just servants of the dragons, and not the Empress I have no quarrels with you."

The girl bursts out laughing at that; it's such a ridiculous idea.
The seal-creature looks at her in confusion, and then listens to her explanation.
She finally straightens up and repeats the question.
What happened to your ship?

Kura nods, and says, "It's odd...I can't remember. Neither can my companions. But we found some unstable, liquid Moonsilver floating near us when we surfaced. I hope this explains why I was so afraid when I got here."

Excited, the girl reports this to the translatee,
"We understand why. We would seem to have a common enemy, for the same things have been bedevilling the House as well."
The seal says something to the eels,and one of them slithers off.

Kura nods, cracks her fingers, and says, "Is there any way for me to get back to where I arrived from? I would love to help you, and reclaim some of Luna's spirit, but I need my companions."

"Can't you swim?"

Kura nods and says, "Of course...My spirit shape is that of a shrimp. Are we just directly under that isle?"

The girl nods.
"Almost directly, anyway."

Kura smiles and says, "If you'll lead me to the way back into the ocean, I'll return presently with my companions."

Just step out through the wall

Kura nods, shifts into her shrimp-shape, and steps through the wall.
If she does, indeed, end up in the ocean, she'll swim as quickly as is safely back to the surface, and then to the isle again.

She does indeed end up in the ocean, on the floor, actually, deep underwater, with a giant sea-shell material building complex rising behind her.
As she swims up, it will vanish quickly, even faster than it should in the dark depths, but in time, she will arrive back at the isle, craling onto shore behind her companions.

2014-06-18, 08:57 PM
Neiz scurries over to Kura, looking very worried and slightly dryer. "Kura, darling, where were you? What happened? Are you alright?" Swish.

2014-07-15, 05:38 PM
Kozu looks side to side, not searching for anything in particular, swearing nervously beneath the fine sheen of seawater.

Gods, she just...Oh...This is bad. This is very bad.

He steps back, shaking his head, unsure if he's trying to convince himself to go through with the plan he's thinking up or abandon it.

I can't just leave her there, I have to dive in after her! But who knows what's down there? Oh...ooooooh...Come on! It's time to grow a pair!

He rushes for the pool, only for Kura's sudden reappearance to make him lose focus and trip, falling flat onto his face.

"I hate my life."

2014-07-15, 05:43 PM
Kura takes a deep breath and says, "Well...That was an interesting little adventure...Turns out the people in the Manse here serve the 'City of Shining Wreathes', whatever that might mean to you guys. Part of something called the College Draconia, which they claim to be in worship of Danaa'd or something. Anyways, they want to meet us."

2014-07-15, 06:02 PM
"Shining Wreathes? Underwater magical empire and they call themselves-oh. Oh!"

Kozu shoots up onto his feet, spluttering as he wipes and spits seawater out of his mouth!

"Miss Kuragari, yo-you...you brilliant, foolish woman! Not 'Wreathes', no, no, 'Reefs!' You've discovered the lost City of Shining Wreaths!"

Rolling into+lore to know anything about college of draconia!


2014-07-24, 01:04 PM
Kura nods and says, "Well, they want to meet us. So, through the portal," as she dives back into the whirlpool

2014-07-24, 01:09 PM
Neiz peers as she nears the whirlpool, looking at it with consternation. And, unless I'm an idiot, with Perc+Awar.
... I do hope they're considerate enough to provide air for those of us who aren't darling little krill.

2014-08-02, 09:04 AM
Kura splashes down through the whirlpool, zooming away. As Neiz looks down into the swirling waters, she can see a tiny Kura shrinking into the depths, carried along with the current, and in the shadowy corners of the water, other shapes, some human, some not.

Should the other two decide to go in, they'll become very wet, but in a few seconds be delivered into the same air-filled entrance-place, beside (or on top of) their shrimp-friend. A dome-shaped room, the walls and floor made of flowing, solid water. The space is lit from above by a single beam of sunlight passing through the pool that pulled her down here. Outside the water-walls, the ocean is black. A door, made of a single massive seashell, is the main other feature, although with careful eyes you can make out the line dividing the room into the entry and the rest.

The pelagial is still here, spear held regally like a scepter, seaweed hair drifting despite the lack of air movements.
One eel-beast is curled just on the far side of the ward. And the human is still here, smiling at Kura.
"Welcome back."

2014-08-25, 06:41 PM
Kura smiles back at the other girl and says, "Hello again. My friends are on the way," as she steps smartly away from the landing zone.

2014-08-27, 10:22 PM

"So long as the marriage is stable and beneficial, it is working."

"Right, honey. But isn't there someone you'd rather be with?"
The Fist Of The North Star looks meaningfully at Kozu.

"I have not thought about that. It is my prerogative to dismiss any desires."

*neiz thing*


The ship's mast exploded into a thousand, thousand fragments, stinging splinters that covered the deck.

Why this recollection came back now-?

It was a clear application of the Mast-Shattering Ocean Dominance Spell. Cast by an initiate of the Devonian school, a scholar of the Science of Sorcery.

2014-08-30, 09:39 AM
Kozu stares at the water, a mix of consternation and infuriation at Kuragari's total lack of caution and common sense.

That, and a great deal of worry about how badly constipated this day's stress is going to leave him.

"Mrs. Neiz, I must confide in you a great trepidation. I am growing to trust water less and less, I dare say I may never drink again after this."

Chuckling under his breath at his own insipid joke, he 'quickly devises a plan'. He doesn't have the right reagents, and the sand would hold the runes terribly, but there are ways to summon outside of a lab.

Drawing up a bit of power from within himself, he starts chanting, calling forth the most helpful water elemental he can find.

[roll0] occultism check

I think I might get bonuses from my excellencies, I'm not entirely sure.

2014-08-30, 11:00 AM
Summoning commences!

The swirling runes of water light up. Normally summoning rituals take a good amount of time for the elemental to hear and respond. But they are just above the surface of the ocean, surrounded all around by water. And Kozu is just that good. Pulses of energy ebb and flow through the pattern scribbled in the sandy floor, washing in an accelerated tidal cycle, and a shape begins to form in the center. Over the course of several minutes, it coalesces into a shapeless mass of water, and then into the elemental called.

It's actually fairly hard for Kozu to think of a suitable water elemental. They are a bad tempered and secretive lot, on the whole. A vodonik would fit, but they are cruel beyond imagining. Long have the creatures of air and even other water elementals treated them like monsters, and monsters they have become. So the only serious option is to call up an ephydriad nymph.

The water takes on a human form, beautiful as no mortal can be, blue as the ice that floats in the northern waters. Her eyes are single great pearls, and her mouth, smiling coyly, is filled with shark's teeth. Drifts of white hair float as if spreading out on the surface of the water; gravity is no concern. She wears what seems to be an adamant egg on an iron chain as a necklace, and bracelets of shells, but nothing else. The water itself needs no protection from the elements, and the divine are not known for their modesty.

The light in the runes dies down. The nymph glances nervously at the sky, and then bows.
"How may I serve, summoner?"

The girl and the pelagial confer, and she says finally.
"We look forward to meeting them."

There'll be a bit of a wait, what with the summoning.

"There is something I believe belongs to you."

The eel-beast, understanding, shifts and then produces Kozu's bow, held out in its teeth.

2014-08-30, 11:04 AM
Kura nods and takes the bow as she says, "I thank you. It's one of my companion's weapon. No doubt he is already going mad with worry over not being able to find it."

2014-08-30, 11:26 AM
Neiz knows getting infatuated with elementals is never a good idea---they can be awfully tricky, after all, and it's dangerous.
That said, she can't exactly deny the nymph's unearthly allure, though she's not so impolite as to ogle all over the elemental beyond a cursory once-over. She lets Kozu do the talking as she keeps her eyes on the nymph's face if they rest on her at all.

2014-08-30, 11:49 AM
"It nearly had to be. New, and not the same style of bow that the invaders use."
Its current job done, the eel-beast curls up to sleep.

"I see. Thank you for recovering it." Kura then turns towards the girl and says, "I don't know what's taking them so long. They should have come down right after me."

"Maybe they're afraid of the water. Not like you, shrimp."
No input from the pelagial there. It has taken up a book, printed on pressed seaweed, and is browsing through it.

"Hah. Maybe. That would be so like Kozu, not going anywhere unless he's absolutely certain he's prepared for every possible outcome."

"Hozu," she mispronounces. "Who is your other friend?"

"A Gold Sidereal named Niez. She is...Fluffy, would be the best way to describe her I think."

"Like a cat?"
Translator girl has never heard of sidereals as a type of people. That's a word for stars, right?

Kura laughs at Niez being described as a cat, but nods and says,
"Like a pillow would be more appropriate. And yes. As I am a child of Luna, she is a child of Venus."

She excitedly reports this to the pelagial, who looks quite interested.
"Seian di Venus? *vinte?"
"We thought they had all been slain. What an occasion!"
"They really are taking a while."

2014-08-30, 11:58 AM
Kozu bows back to the elemental, a respectful, welcoming smile on his face.

"My companion and I seek to enter these waters, " he explains, "But I fear we have no means of ensuring our own survival beneath the surface. If you could grant us a boon that we could live and move as naturally down there as we do up here, I would be grateful."

Treat everyone respectfully, big or small, and hopefully nobody will step on you.

If they're stupid, though, that's something else.

2014-08-30, 12:10 PM

The nymph straightens up and nods.
"That I can do. Give me your hands. And I'd best come down with you. It can be dangerous underwater."
Not as dangerous as up here, but still.

The nymph steps out of the runes and will clasp the hand of each of the exalted in turn. For a brief moment, they will struggle to draw breath, their blood cold, and then they will be fine. At Neiz's turn, she winks at the Sidereal.

"You will have as much to breathe as I do underwater, and swim as well as most fish."
When the two are ready, she will dissolve into a splash of water and descend.


The group will find Kura, the translator, the pelagial, and a sleeping eel-beast. The wards have been lowered to let in guests, and Kura is holding Kozu's bow. A pile of other equipment lost in the shipwreck sits near the doorway.

"Welcome, at last, to the house of the weed tides."

Pelagial gabble.
"Who is this fourth, the nymph, Lunar?"

They don't want any trouble with the elemental courts.

2014-08-30, 12:20 PM
Kura, who is not listening to the interpreter, runs over to Kozu, hugs him, then punches him as she says, "What took you so long? You were supposed to be right behind me! I was worried something had snatched you as I left!"

2014-08-30, 12:21 PM
Kozu nods and tentatively takes the nymph's hand, starting for a moment when he is unable to breath, but quickly righting himself once it is over. He slips into the pool with her, briefly closing his eyes on the way down out of reflex.

Once below, he looks side to side, bows briefly, and then shoots a glare at Kura that screams "YOU FOOL!".

He bows again, then speaks.

" Do forgive my lateness, I had to make preparations so that I would not...drown. Hence, my guide," he gestures to the nymph, "I see that m-" he grunts and squirms in an entirely undignified manner when Kura hugs him, attempting to escape, and frowns sternly at her when she punches him, rubbing his shoulder tenderly.

"Well if you hadn't been so keen to jump into pools of obviously magical water we know nothing about, Miss Kuragari, it would not have been a problem! "

He coughs and recomposes himself.

" My bow, please? I'll need the hearthstone, I'm sure."

2014-08-30, 12:31 PM
Kura hands him the bow as she chastizes, "It wasn't a pool we knew nothing about! I told you what was down here!"

2014-08-30, 12:36 PM
Neiz gives a gentle smile back at the wink; she takes the nymph's hand to descend with Kozu into the water. She is quite impressed with the marine beauty to be found down here, her hair drifting about in the water and looking even more ludicrous than usual until they emerge in the watery room.

When Kura is done hugpunching, she giggles and opens her arms. You must remember we're not all as aquatically-gifted as you, dear. On a side note, I think I'll take mine without the punch, please.

She glances around at the pelagial and the eel-thing.

2014-08-30, 12:37 PM
"Miss Kuragari, you didn't even have the name of the place correct," he frowns a bit, "And there was the concern of whether or not the rest of us would be able to breathe."

2014-08-30, 12:43 PM
Kura smiles and hugs Neiz as she says, "Of course. Only Kozu gets punched." And speaking of Daynerd, when he starts talking, Kura frowns and says, "I'm pretty sure I said there was air down here. I did say that, didn't I?"

2014-08-30, 12:48 PM
"You did not, " Kozu says flatly, wanting for all the world to slap Kura.

2014-08-30, 12:50 PM
Pelagial words.

"A Solar, a Lunar, and a Sidereal. How ad- oh!"
Wasn't supposed to start wording yet. Oops.

"I assure you, it's very safe here. Now, you were on a ship, it was destroyed, you don't remember really what happened? The same sort has been happening to us. Patrols and submarines going missing. Structures ruined, most of their materials stripped. If you listen very carefully, on a still night, you can here the drills off in the distance, cutting away jade deposits and slabs of stone."

The two converse for a while, making sure she has everything right. The eel-beast seems like an eel with six finned limbs grafter on, and very large, maybe fifteen long thin feet of an animal. Its sleepy face is very human, and its front two limbs are effectively webbed hands. The pelagial, higher placed in the House, is a tauric creature, half human and half icthyosaur, with tangled seaweed tendrils as hair. A book is in his hand, he's dressed in seal furs, and a spear etched with protective runes is tilted against the wall next to him.

"We propose an alliance with you, surfacers. We don't know a lot about our enemies, but they are surely invaders in these seas."

The nymph nods when introduced, and lingers near Kozu. Very near.

2014-08-30, 01:06 PM
"That does seem to be the way of it," Kuzo nods, running a finger across his chin while he thinks.

I'm loathe to ask what our end of the deal is here, probably just not being killed or abandoned at sea...But there is much to be gained here...so much knowledge! And they already know what we are, no worrying about that I suppose.

"This is the City of Shining Reefs, then? Under attack by some unknown force..."

Do I tell them about the moonsilver? Or do I hold onto that for later? I should convene with Mrs Neiz...And why is this elemental-oh wow I don't even know her name I am such an ******* -clinging to me?

"I cannot speak for the three of us, but I suspect that even if I were not charged by the gods to aid where I can, there's be no returning home without first solving this problem. You have my aid, where I can apply it."

2014-08-30, 01:10 PM
Kura glares at the nymph as she edges next to Kozu, but says, "Indeed. I have no doubt, considering the evidence we've seen already, something is very wrong. We will help you."

2014-08-30, 01:17 PM
Neiz smiles. And with their help, you shall have mine---clearly, these invaders despoil the comfort and beauty of your home, and it would be remiss of me to ignore my duty to uphold these things.
She neatly steps between Kura and the nymph, doing so without the slightest indication that she's doing so purposefully.
I mean, clearly she is, but you wouldn't really be able to call her out on it.

2014-08-30, 01:30 PM
Neiz is her hero. The nymph smiles, lips closed.

The translator shakes her head.

"This here is the House of the Weed Tides. The City of Shining Reefs is our capital city, and rather far away."
She reports their agreement to the pelagial, who makes a clear sound of excitement.

After a bit more discussion, she rouses the eel beast and sends it off with some instructions.

It returns a few moments later with some oil-cloth maps, which are spread out. The pelagial points at places on it, and the translator explains.
It shows the seafloor, the House glowing brightly. A note at the edge shows the direction of the coastal shelf, far away. Headings leading to various places and points of interest, both on the floor and in the surface world, are inscribed around the edges. A jagged rainbow edge marks a Wyld zone to the south. Here is the jade-mining operation the invaders have set up. There is something new that distorts the currents terribly, wreaking havoc on trade routes and the local ecosystem.

Over in this spot is a battle site, where our heroes' ship was sunk. Two similar marks show lost patrols.

2014-08-30, 01:34 PM
Kozu studies the maps intently, hemming and humming and stroking his chin and biting his tongue in thought.

The Wyld. The unstable moonsilver. That can't be any sort of coincidence. Jade mining. Drills...

"You say you have heard the invaders, but not seen them..." he says, almost muttering it, "Have the sounds told you anything of who they are, or what their numbers could be?"

2014-08-30, 02:15 PM
Neiz also studies the map, glancing from Kozu to it and back. The Wyld area worries her, of course, and she can't not draw connections between it and the unstable moonsilver incident...

2014-08-30, 04:31 PM
"A few words. The ancient language, Old Realm, have been heard. Sounds of metal, and very many."

Map studied! No literal map exists OoC, but your characters now have an understanding of where you are and the topography of the surrounding area.

2014-08-30, 05:49 PM
Kozu nods for no good reason, a common trait among those who think themselves geniuses but are actually massive morons.

"Black jade," he breathes, "Tied to water. The Realm's dragon blooded often use it, but it's other uses are myriad, and we are far from the Realm. There is something that concerns me, though. That Wyld zone. There was unstable moonsilver near me when I first awoke. That cannot be a coincidence. "

He stands up straight and sighs.

" Do you have a library I could use? Preferably one with historical records of the area?"

2014-08-30, 06:06 PM
The translator groans. Most of it is written in Pelagial. This is going to be a whole ton of work for her.

But she nods, gets permission, and then confirms that yes, there is a library! Right this way!

"What will your companions do?"

((And if we need to, we can skip through 'Kozu libraries' and pick up after that.))

2014-08-30, 10:10 PM
((Gonna format all this in a moment))

01:58:06: <TechnoScrabble> Kuzo has learned
01:59:12: <TechnoScrabble> Is beans coming?
02:02:56: <TechnoScrabble> Beans
02:03:00: <TechnoScrabble> Kuzo has learned
02:03:09: <Beans> KNOWLEDGE
02:03:13: <TechnoScrabble> and he has a taste for human flesh
02:03:22: <Beans> whast
02:03:22: <TechnoScrabble> Soon the daynerds will make weapons
02:03:29: <TechnoScrabble> And overcome us qll
02:03:32: <TechnoScrabble> Anyways
02:03:41: <Beans> speaking of weapons
02:03:49: <TechnoScrabble> Got some info on possible lunars in tge area
02:04:10: <firedaemon33> Cool
02:04:21: <TechnoScrabble> Leviathan, who survived the usurpation and hasnt been seen out of spirit aninal form since and rules soke huge place
02:04:34: <Beans> since I retconned neiz into having a different martial arts style which uses war fans, Rec, can we say that those are in the pile of recovered stuff from the boat
02:04:41: <Beans> also oh no leviathaaaaan
02:05:01: <TechnoScrabble> And theyre hella wyld-touched
02:05:21: <TechnoScrabble> Thwn theres ten stripes, a lunar who apparently runs some sort of anti technology society?
02:05:29: <Recaiden> Yes Beans, we can say that she has her fans.
02:05:41: <Beans> swishy swooshy
02:05:51: <TechnoScrabble> Theres the stone society, who are beastmen pirates who might have subs
02:05:52: <firedaemon33> Swoosh
02:06:01: <firedaemon33> Kura will have heard of Ten Stripes
02:06:06: <firedaemon33> Probably
02:06:07: <Beans> is this ten stripes's shirt
02:06:08: <Beans> http://rlv.zcache.com/techonology_is_bad_t_shirts-rf2c789ca6b9d46f1aa63801812fd352d_8naxw_512.jpg?bg =0xffffff
02:06:10: <TechnoScrabble> (Recaiden) And most notably, there is Mnalif Ngato, a shark Lunar aligned with the Lintha
02:06:18: <firedaemon33> Ah
02:06:26: <firedaemon33> That's probably who we're looking for
02:06:29: <Recaiden> No Beans
02:06:33: <Recaiden> No shirts where they're from
02:06:37: <TechnoScrabble> Lintha being demon people on a demon island with demon boats
02:06:43: <TechnoScrabble> (@Recaiden) No shirts where they're from
02:06:47: <TechnoScrabble> Kuzo hates them already
02:06:48: <Beans> then he has it tattooed on his chest
02:06:58: <Recaiden> Spelled out in the moonsilver
02:07:00: <firedaemon33> Yep
02:07:10: <firedaemon33> Anyways, yeah
02:07:11: <TechnoScrabble> Of them all, only ten stripes wouldn't have a good reason for wanting black jade apparent
02:07:17: <TechnoScrabble> The jade deposit is black jade
02:07:24: <TechnoScrabble> The nymph's name is Otavia
02:07:32: <firedaemon33> I'd imagine Ten Stripes and Kura really, really dislike each other
02:07:33: <firedaemon33> And ooh
02:07:35: <firedaemon33> Nice name
02:07:41: <Beans> what is special about black jade
02:07:45: <firedaemon33> Like, have met, and /hate/ each other
02:07:47: <TechnoScrabble> Its water jade
02:07:52: <Beans> oh, i see
02:08:02: <TechnoScrabble> Water assosciated dragon blooded would use it
02:08:05: <TechnoScrabble> Its valuable
02:08:16: <Beans> fuggin dee bees
02:08:20: <TechnoScrabble> Water associated artifacts tio
02:08:23: <Recaiden> Ten Stripes is a terrible woman. Her spirit shape is a tiger and she sends sharks to eat people she doesn't like
02:08:42: <TechnoScrabble> Kuzo also had a brief horrible worry before he read up some more
02:09:01: <TechnoScrabble> That maybe someone had kidnapped a db and forced them to breed to make their own army of db
02:09:09: <TechnoScrabble> And was trying to outfit them with black jade
02:09:23: <firedaemon33> Yep
02:09:37: <firedaemon33> And considering /where/ Kura's from, there may be sharks after us
02:10:00: <TechnoScrabble> But that fear was patted down as ridiculous as he realized all those suspects but ten stripes would have better reasons for drilling black jade
02:10:00: <firedaemon33> Since the timeline in my head is that she left the Coral Isles just after Ten Stripes arrived
02:10:08: <firedaemon33> Heard a Lunar took it over, went back
02:10:20: <Beans> friggin tenny
02:10:22: <TechnoScrabble> So now we need to find out who would have drills and subs
02:10:25: <firedaemon33> (Post-Exalt)
02:10:33: <firedaemon33> And they immediately hated each other
02:10:35: <Recaiden> I don't think Ten could take over all of Coral that easily
02:10:46: <TechnoScrabble> Oh jesus. Kozu hates sharks so much
02:10:56: <Recaiden> Maybe a smaller place/1 island of it
02:10:59: <firedaemon33> I thought that in the Lunar Book, it said she took it over?
02:10:59: <TechnoScrabble> Sooooo much
02:11:01: <Beans> shonks
02:11:08: <firedaemon33> I dunno
02:11:22: <firedaemon33> Anyways, because I like conflict, Kura is from the island Ten took over
02:11:47: <Beans> neiz will just hat Ten because she's a buttass
02:11:50: <Beans> hate*
02:11:52: <firedaemon33> And they've met since Kura is a Lunar
02:11:55: <Recaiden> Yes, but I don't think it was Coral
02:12:04: <firedaemon33> Okay
02:12:27: <Recaiden> It was called Simenare
02:12:40: <firedaemon33> Yup
02:12:45: <firedaemon33> I was wrong
02:12:49: <firedaemon33> So Retcon away!
02:12:54: <Recaiden> Wheeeeeeee!
02:13:20: <TechnoScrabble> Kuzo will deliberate with them then
02:13:22: <Recaiden> By the way, Kozu's brief worry may not be as unfounded as he decided
02:13:23: <TechnoScrabble> They need to pool what they know
02:13:23: <Beans> also in case it's ever relevant: Neiz loves kids, and also has a special sympathy for the downtrodden, especially desperate prostitoots
02:13:31: <TechnoScrabble> (@Recaiden) By the way, Kozu's brief worry may not be as unfounded as he decided
02:13:33: <TechnoScrabble> ****
02:13:46: <TechnoScrabble> Okay
02:14:04: <TechnoScrabble> Well, kura knows a lot more about lunars, neiz knows more about celestials
02:14:15: <TechnoScrabble> And they both know more about exalted stuff
02:14:29: <TechnoScrabble> Kozus smart, but its mostly terrestrial book knowledge
02:14:43: <TechnoScrabble> He can also cook and potion real well if i recall
02:15:11: <TechnoScrabble> Oh, otavia might know some stuff, being a water elemental. He'd ask her
02:15:42: <Recaiden> Why yes, she does. :P
02:15:48: <TechnoScrabble> Would she, Reccy? I know water elementals are kinda trod on by other elementals but tha-
02:15:57: <Recaiden> She knows a lot of water is vanishing.
02:15:57: <TechnoScrabble> She wouldnt want to tell though would she
02:16:01: <TechnoScrabble> What
02:16:04: <TechnoScrabble> Oh dear
02:16:04: <Recaiden> Near that current disrupting place.
02:16:07: <TechnoScrabble> Oooh dear
02:16:37: <Recaiden> She knows about elemental stuff, and a *lot* about Fae if you ever have cause to ask.
02:16:41: <TechnoScrabble> If only I knew more exalted fluff i have a feeling thag would mean a lot more to me
02:16:54: <Recaiden> Kozu might recognize her necklace.
02:17:02: <TechnoScrabble> Should i make a roll?
02:17:06: <Recaiden> Yep
02:17:11: <Recaiden> Int+Occult
02:17:17: <TechnoScrabble> On my wat
02:17:31: <Recaiden> way, I presume? :P
02:17:38: <TechnoScrabble> Yeah
02:17:46: <Recaiden> Otavia is not a kid, but otherwise good for Neiz.
02:17:54: <Recaiden> No children have a place in this campaign yet.
02:18:18: <TechnoScrabble> Id imagine
02:18:38: <TechnoScrabble> Wait what does that mewn
02:18:51: <TechnoScrabble> Good for neiz
02:19:11: <TechnoScrabble> Do elementals have kids even
02:19:18: <Recaiden> Beans also in case it's ever relevant: Neiz loves kids, and also has a special sympathy for the downtrodden, especially desperate prostitoots
02:19:29: <Recaiden> Elementals can have kids. Some of them
02:19:34: <Recaiden> Falls under 'god-blooded'
02:19:43: <Recaiden> Like, wood spiders don't have kids. They're just horrifying.
02:19:51: <Recaiden> Nymphs and Efreeti sometimes do
02:19:59: <firedaemon33> Are you sure, Rec?
02:20:05: <TechnoScrabble> Posted ooc
02:20:06: <firedaemon33> Some people are into that
02:20:15: <TechnoScrabble> Oh
02:20:15: <firedaemon33> And, knowing 'xalted, it's canon
02:20:22: <TechnoScrabble> Oh god
02:20:41: <TechnoScrabble> Yeah, the setting in which the realm's ruler jacks off onto bibles all day
02:20:58: <Beans> i bet some regular spiders are into wood spiders
02:21:06: <firedaemon33> Hmm
02:21:10: <firedaemon33> Anything else LDK?
02:21:13: <TechnoScrabble> Heh
02:21:14: <firedaemon33> Oops
02:21:16: <firedaemon33> Wrong cha
02:21:17: <TechnoScrabble> Wood spiders
02:21:26: <TechnoScrabble> Wooooood
02:21:34: <TechnoScrabble> Haaa
02:21:37: <Beans> ...
02:21:37: <TechnoScrabble> Anyways
02:21:39: <Beans> damn you
02:22:05: <TechnoScrabble> Youre thinking of spiders with dongs for legs arent you
02:22:21: <Beans> well i am now that you said it
02:22:24: <firedaemon33> Yea...
02:22:50: <Beans> i blame all bonerachnids on you though
02:23:22: <TechnoScrabble> You sayin' I like dude spiders
02:23:24: <Recaiden> On the OoC roll
02:23:27: <Recaiden> A) the dice love you
02:23:29: <Recaiden> What even
02:24:20: <Recaiden> B) The gem on the necklace is a raksha's soul, bound to be endlessly tormented by the iron setting. It was/is an Artisan.
02:24:21: <TechnoScrabble> Awww yeah
02:24:29: <TechnoScrabble> ...
02:24:35: <TechnoScrabble> Rakshas are bad guys right
02:24:41: <Recaiden> Rakshas are people.
02:24:48: <Recaiden> Many of them want to destroy the world
02:24:55: <Recaiden> (for certain loose definitions of people)
02:24:56: <Beans> they tend to be jerrrrks
02:25:03: <Recaiden> Hueg jerks, generally
02:25:13: <TechnoScrabble> Okay, kozu doesnt feel too bad then
02:25:16: <Beans> so therefore
02:25:49: Beans air horns
02:25:59: <TechnoScrabble> Whats the signifigance? Would it mean the elemental is some sort of nobility to have that trinket?
02:26:16: <TechnoScrabble> And are artisan raksha special somehow
02:26:26: <Recaiden> They're a Caste
02:26:51: <Recaiden> To have something like that you have to be
02:26:54: <Recaiden> A) really badass
02:27:03: <Recaiden> B) basically a raksha yourself
02:27:09: <TechnoScrabble> ...
02:27:11: <firedaemon33> ...
02:27:17: <firedaemon33> Let's hope it's the former
02:27:19: <Recaiden> One or more of those options
02:27:20: <TechnoScrabble> So best keep on Otavia's good side
02:27:21: <Beans> deet deet doot
02:27:38: <TechnoScrabble> 2i need an adult
02:27:50: <Recaiden> You are the adult
02:28:03: <TechnoScrabble> People keep telling me that
02:28:07: <TechnoScrabble> Im not so sure
02:28:08: <Beans> neiz is an adult also
02:28:44: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu is probably the most stick-up-buttingly responsible though
02:28:49: <TechnoScrabble> Imagine him getting home
02:29:00: <TechnoScrabble> "Honey wtf you were gone forever"
02:29:09: <TechnoScrabble> "Sorry had to save the world"
02:29:36: <TechnoScrabble> "Youre the worst husband ever"
02:29:41: <TechnoScrabble> "Ill work on it"
02:30:48: <TechnoScrabble> Alright, so kozu would ask rather hesitantly about otavia's necklace once he realized what it was
02:31:06: <TechnoScrabble> Politely too of course
02:31:30: <Recaiden> 11"A little memento. You like it?"
02:33:33: <TechnoScrabble> 22" It's beautiful, but I will not insult the both of us by pretending I do not know what it is
02:33:58: <TechnoScrabble> 2you have a dangerous being in there
02:35:16: <Recaiden> 11"Harmless so long as it's here."
02:37:12: <TechnoScrabble> 2Begs the question how harmless you or your friends must be, though, doesnt it?"
02:37:31: <TechnoScrabble> He'd say that with the wryest godsdamn smile ever
02:38:46: <Recaiden> 11"Harmless enough for you, Prince of the Earth."
02:38:58: <Recaiden> Smile back. They understand each other.
02:40:42: <TechnoScrabble> 2"It means youre a great warrior or greatly respected, either way I must apologize for tearing time away from you for my endeavours. It seems that no matter how badly I wish to stay at home and teach medicine, I end up wrapped up in things."
02:41:27: <TechnoScrabble> This is totally gonna be important to the plot later on isnt it
02:46:28: <Recaiden> Reach out to place a hand on Kozu's
02:46:38: <Recaiden> 11"That is the curse of greatness"
02:47:25: <Recaiden> 11"Anyone can be glad for a change. However great I was, there were greater ones."
02:50:32: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I always figured that was a good thing, knowing there is someone better. It means I will always have someone to learn from. I cannot study everything on my own."
02:50:58: <TechnoScrabble> He twinges a bit at the touching, but hes trying to be polite here.
02:51:03: <Recaiden> 11"I was once that naive. Often, the one on top doesn't want to see anyone else getting close."
02:52:59: <TechnoScrabble> 2" They can very well try and stop me, somehow I doubt it would go so well for them. One way or another, I will right what is wrong eventually. My master's eyes are on me."
03:02:36: <Recaiden> 11"Nice to see some principle still in you."
03:02:52: <Recaiden> She draws her hand back slowly, teasing.
03:03:01: <Recaiden> 11"Back to the books?"
03:04:41: <Beans> Meanwhile, Neiz is just kind of watching the cute, though also wary because she'd really prefer Kura not see this and get all shromprage.
03:05:54: <firedaemon33> Kura, meanwhile, is exploring the sunken city
03:05:59: <firedaemon33> No chance of Shromprage
03:06:26: <Beans> :3
03:08:17: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I am nothing if not disciplined. Yes, the books. This Ngato fellow is...disturbing to say the least. I almost hope our quarry is
03:08:30: <TechnoScrabble> 2the stone society instead."
03:09:53: <Recaiden> The sunken city is....that
03:10:06: <Recaiden> Mostly made out of giant seashells, with some bits being solididfied water
03:10:16: <Recaiden> The center is the Manse that you entered in one room of.
03:11:22: <Recaiden> Numerous pelagials, each with at least one eel-beast with them
03:11:38: <Recaiden> Pelagials > eel beasts > mutants > normal humans in terms of status
03:11:46: <Recaiden> Lots of signs, all written in Pelagial
03:12:01: <Recaiden> Magical wards on *everything*, though quiesent now.
03:12:13: <Recaiden> small dock with 3 submarines for the humans to use when needed
03:12:24: <Recaiden> And...Roll me Charisma+Investigation for more, FD
03:16:05: <firedaemon33> Alright
03:16:51: <firedaemon33> Three dot roll, away!
03:17:27: <firedaemon33> Hey, a success!
03:19:23: <Recaiden> The other major feature of the town is a temple, which as holy ground, guests are not allowed into. Most apologies, honored Lunar.
03:19:49: <TechnoScrabbulous> Sorry disconnected
03:20:04: <TechnoScrabbulous> Whatd i mis
03:20:04: <TechnoScrabbulous> *miss
03:20:32: <Recaiden> At most, me describing the town a bit to FD
03:20:33: <TechnoScrabbulous> Last thinf i saw was 'subs for the humans'
03:20:37: <Recaiden> It's laid out in a double spiral
03:20:42: <Recaiden> Manse at one point, temple at the other
03:21:01: <firedaemon33> Mmhmm
03:21:07: <firedaemon33> Is that all my success gets me?
03:21:18: <Recaiden> One success, yes
03:21:35: <firedaemon33> Hmm
03:21:42: <firedaemon33> Well
03:21:47: <firedaemon33> I can tell Kozu about it
03:21:51: <firedaemon33> And then we can get clues
03:24:05: <TechnoScrabbulous> Speaking of
03:24:20: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2Mrs Neiz, what do you think of all this?
03:24:41: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2Your knowledge of the celestial courts may be of great use here.
03:25:26: <Beans> What would that be, a roll of INT+Occ?
03:25:44: <Recaiden> Yes.
03:25:51: <Recaiden> Alternately, Int+Socialze
03:26:37: <Beans> 7d10 awayyy
03:27:35: <TechnoScrabbulous> 7d10 seems to be our lucky number
03:28:08: <Recaiden> Which 'This' was Kozu talking about?
03:28:31: <Recaiden> OH LOOK A BOTCH
03:28:42: <firedaemon33> Oh no
03:28:44: <TechnoScrabbulous> I guess the situation in general
03:28:56: <TechnoScrabbulous> Her own assessment of whp their culprit likely wqs
03:29:25: <Recaiden> Neiz is ABSOLUTELY SURE that the culprit was Ten Stripes.
03:29:39: <Beans> fupck
03:29:51: <firedaemon33> Yes!
03:29:54: <firedaemon33> Absolutely!
03:30:15: <Beans> neiz is sure it's Ten because Ten is tacky as ****
03:30:23: <TechnoScrabbulous> But ten stripes has no reason for black jade
03:30:25: <TechnoScrabbulous> But alrigt
03:30:30: <firedaemon33> Who cares!
03:30:34: <firedaemon33> She's evil and mean!
03:30:34: <Beans> TACKY
03:30:41: <firedaemon33> She must be behind it!
03:30:45: <firedaemon33> And Tacky!
03:30:45: <TechnoScrabbulous> Kozu'll take her word for it, she knows more than he does
03:30:48: <firedaemon33> (Note, Rec
03:30:56: <firedaemon33> This is all IC, assuming Kura's back(
03:31:28: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2"As much as I loath the idea, we are probably going to have to swim out and spy on these intruders ourselves.
03:31:41: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2better sooner than later, I would argue
03:33:05: <firedaemon33> 6We know who it is, though!
03:33:13: <firedaemon33> 6It's Ten Stripes!
03:33:22: <firedaemon33> 6We have to stop her!
03:33:28: <Beans> *neiznod*
03:33:46: <Recaiden> 11"Best to stop it at the source."
03:34:34: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2"And we should not size up our foe first? "
03:34:44: <firedaemon33> 6...
03:35:08: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" And leave their army to conquer these people in our absence? "
03:35:16: <firedaemon33> 6...
03:35:50: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" Look at all the knowledge here, imagine how much is lost elsewhere in the world. Imagine what would happen if the foe claimed it. Or burned it."
03:36:26: <Beans> Neiz bites her lip, toying with her hair as she weighs their options and the various possible consequences.
03:36:48: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" Cures could be in here. Weapons. Answers."
03:37:55: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" If you all really feel it is that pertinent to make way to Ten Stripes like we have wings on our heels, I will go with you. But I feel we should learn more first."
03:38:18: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" A blind man can become a master, but a fool dies on his own blade."
03:39:19: <TechnoScrabbulous> A small smile crosses Kozu's face.
03:39:26: <Recaiden> 11"They've managed this long here. We can't stay in the library forever. Ocean willing it will still be here when this foe is defeated."
03:39:40: <Recaiden> 11"Are we not the blind man here? Not knowing, but striking out in mastery all the same?"
03:39:58: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" I would be lying if I said i did not want to strike at Ten Stripes all the same."
03:40:19: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" I am the least experienced here. i follow your council. "
03:40:57: <Recaiden> ((I forgot Kozu was adorable the new one))
03:42:20: <TechnoScrabbulous> ((He's a five foot panda dude with insane luck apparently. Of course hes the new one. Also because i dont know much about exalted yet so i am also new))
03:48:48: <TechnoScrabbulous> ((Beans? Fd?))
03:49:08: <firedaemon33> 6((I have no idea hwat to say))
03:49:40: <Beans> ((Neiz isn't sure whether they should wait or not, sure as she is that it's Tacky Stripes"
03:49:51: <Beans> ))*
03:49:58: <TechnoScrabbulous> ((Weeeel then))
03:50:16: <firedaemon33> 6((Same with Kura. She leaves decision making up to the other two.))
03:50:49: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" If we are to make a move, we should do so now. How quickly can we reach the domain of this Ten Stripes character? "
03:51:12: <Recaiden> ((You can't all leave decisions up to the other two))
03:51:50: <firedaemon33> 6((Most of them. Kura is good at executive decisions. Not so much planning.))
03:52:35: <Recaiden> Simenare is close. Relatively, as all distances are vast upon the ocean.
03:52:46: <Recaiden> To the southwest, far south of skullstone
03:52:54: <Recaiden> But far north of Bluehaven
03:53:10: <Recaiden> It's not swimming distance, but it's not epic quest distance either
03:53:31: <Recaiden> Still, a better plan than 'shrompriders part 2' for transportation would not be a bad idea
03:53:41: <firedaemon33> 6Aw..
03:53:50: <firedaemon33> 6Kura likes Kozu riding her
03:53:53: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" Perhaps we could borrow a boat or submarine...one sturdier than our previous ship."
03:53:58: <TechnoScrabbulous> Oh gods dammit woman
03:54:09: <TechnoScrabbulous> It's not happening
03:54:29: <Beans> Neiz nods. "As useful as it is to have dear Kura as our watery steed... well, it's better to have an actual vessel."
03:55:27: <Recaiden> The translator looks up at catching the word 'borrow'
03:55:32: <Recaiden> "Books have to stay here."
03:55:35: <Recaiden> she calls out
03:55:55: <Beans> bookboat
03:56:26: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" Not a book, ma'am, though the thought had crossed my mind. Do you have a vessel available? Small and fast preferably? "
03:56:33: <TechnoScrabbulous> He has craft water
03:56:40: <Recaiden> Oh
03:56:42: <TechnoScrabbulous> Thats cooking qnd medicine and leather
03:56:51: <TechnoScrabbulous> And clothes i think
03:56:54: <Beans> http://i.imgur.com/L9fhW9p.png
03:56:57: <TechnoScrabbulous> Hes basically a housewife
03:57:15: <Beans> [[silver shromp standing by. come in book fort, over.]]
03:57:18: <Beans> [[this is book fort]]
03:57:37: <Recaiden> "We have our deepships, yes. For this, I think one could be spared."
03:57:51: <Beans> also neiz has craft air which is like... jewelry and calligraphy and hallmark cards
03:57:52: <Recaiden> "I will let them know to prepare one."
03:57:56: <Recaiden> And off Translator girl goes!
03:58:30: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2"It is appreciated!"
04:03:15: <Recaiden> ((Shall we move along to a post in the thread and the trip there?))
04:03:19: <Recaiden> ((Or even the arrival?)
04:03:27: <firedaemon33> 6((Possibly))
04:04:07: <TechnoScrabbulous> Sure
04:06:09: <Beans> yus

And so, our heroes, along with their 'guide' Otavia, led by the nameless translator girl, swim out through the town, through the airlocks, and into one of the Pelagial Deepships. It's a cozy place, at best. Magitech panels and control crystals in a little helm that has space for two pilots, barely, a pair of cabins jammed with bunks, and a tiny central space. Essence conduits and hatches and inexplicable wires tightly restrict the useable space. Hope they all like each other.

Off to Simenare they go!

The journey is blessedly uneventful in terms of outside interruptions. Otavia spends much of the time dissolved in a jug, resting and enjoying the sense of the strange waters outside, talking if approached, not flirting with Kozu in the least. Unless she needs to be the one sailing this thing, which she can do, if clumsily.

And after a few days, packed like pickled fish in a cache egg, they see the nets of Simenarian fishing ships, and sooner after that, the rising slope of the islands.

2014-08-30, 10:13 PM
As they approach the shore, Kura cracks her fingers and says, "Ah, home. Never was very nice but...Ten Stripes has made it a whole lot worse. Time to make the ***** pay."

2014-08-31, 12:15 AM
[Trip to Simenare]

Kura cracks her knuckles as she says this

Neiz toys with her hair, fanning herself gently in the somewhat cramped space. "Tell me more about this awful woman, dear---I'm hating her more by the second."

"We are not here for personal vendettas Miss Kuragari. We have to be careful about this. We cannot just charge the castle gate nd expect to survive. Mrs Neiz, Miss Otavia, how are you holding up?"

Kozu spoke with Otavia a lot on the trip, wanting to learn as much as he can from her. Elementals and celestials tend to be good sources of knowledge

Kura nods to Neiz and says, "She's a lunar. She took over my home Isle, just after I left, trying to make it a 'utopia' or something. I heard about it once I ascended and went to see if things were better. They were worse."

"What happened?" Kozu asks "What is it like now?"

"The people living there have to wear a mark. Nobody is allowed to leave without permission."

"So...we'll need disguises?" Kozu asks, much of his polite demeanor worn away by the closed spaces and time at sea. Gods, did he hate water.

"Quite the opposite, Kozu. Lunars have our way of settling issues. I will challenge Ten to Counting Coup. Assuming I win, she will owe me a blood debt, written into her very tattoos."

Neiz blinks, about to bring up Resplendent Destinies when Kura denies the need for disguises. "... Oh, that's... that's something. Er, and in the very unlikely event of your non-victory?"

"Then...I owe her the same debt."

"I dont like the sound of that. How sure are you that you can best her?"

"Well...She's about 50 years older than me, if I challenge her, she sets the conditions, and she probably knows the area better than me since she's had a good little while to reshape it in her image."
"On the other hand, she's not very smart. She might do something stupid. She's done it in the past."

"And are we allowed to help?"

Neiz sighs. "I definitely don't like the sound of this... it feels like a pretty big gamble to be taking. How stupid can she be if she's managed to keep this up this long?"

"Very stupid, ignorant, and proud. She's kept it going so long because she ignores the problems."
"And we can take advantage of this. If I walk up to her palace in warform and bellow out a challenge, what do you think she's going to do?"

"She'll come out intending to crush you, as a display of her strength."

"Charge right down and knock your fool self across the island."

"Make you into shrimp scampi, dear."

"What...what if we got her to challenge you? Or one of us?"
"Could we then set the terms and price?"

"If she challenged me, yes, but she's under no obligation to fight non-lethally with you. And I don't want anyone to die. Even Ten."

"We could get her to challenge you, and you select some thing you were sure to win, then?"

"Selecting something biased is very taboo. I wouldn't put it past her, but I would never do it."

Neiz frowns. "At the very least, we could see that you had the chance to select a fair contest rather than risk her picking something largely in her favor..."

"I don't suppose we could just trip her down the stairs? I am trying to be practical here."

"Mmmhmm. But again, if you were there, she'd try to kill you while I had to stand by and watch."
"I will not be complicit in the murder of one of my sisters. Even one as misguided as Ten."

" I never suggested killing her, Miss Kuragari, just...beating sense into her if need be."

Neiz nibbles her fan. "If Miss Ten is so... unwise as you say, perhaps we can maneuver her out of an unfair advantage, at least?"

"If all else fails, places like this are always ripe for an uprising."

"That's what I was thinking. She's a full moon caste. She'll probably want a knock-down, drag out physical fight. And she'll want you to be involved."

Kozu swallows nervously, "Us?"

Kura nods, "Yep. Which is to our advantage. You forget. I'm a full moon too. She cannot fight us 3 vs 1. Of this, I am certain."

"That...that does seem an advantage for us, yes..."

Kozu gets up and heads to talk to Otavia
"I've kept you from your home longer than I intended, and I apologize. What we are about to do is likely dangerous, and I would not ask you to risk your own life with ours. "

Neiz smiles a bit. "Well, I certainly wonder how she will fare against three of us, especially a sorcerer and a practicioner of Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style." She swishes a little. "I would feel sorry for her if not for... well, all the everything."

Otavia shakes her head.
"I have little it the way of a home; I go where the current takes me."
"I admit, I have no desire to confront a Full Moon Steward in combat. But perhaps I can help in other ways, throughout the isle. Gather information if nothing else."
"And you mentioned an uprising?"

Kozu's surprised, but it doesn't show much on a face that's been locked into blank or 'why are you doing that' for years. "Then your aid is most welcome, Miss Otavia. Yes, one possibility that crossed my mind was to convince these people to rise up against a cruel master."

Kura shakes her head and says, "I'm not sure that's a good idea either...There are factions that would be worse in power than her. And rebellions are impossible to steer. And she's already quashed one rebellion. What makes you think the people would want to try again?"

"T'was just an idea. But what do we do about the people here if we best her? We cant leave them to suffer! "

Kura nods and says, "This is true...I don't want to be another Ten, especially since the people will see me as that one way or another...Hmm..."

"Perhaps that is a bridge we should burn when we come to it. For now, we must focus on ousting the foe at hand."


Neiz nods, toying with her hair as she tries to figure out what they can do and how she can aid it.

"We need a plan. We need a backup plan or two. And an escape plan, should all else fail."

"Indeed. Have at it."

"I can probably help deal with the populace, given my talents, but I'd need a direction to take them in..."

"Escape plan is back to this boat. Or just swimming for it if we must but...how good are you at fighting sharks?"

"Yep. And pretty good, I'd wager."

Kozu clears his throat. "Primary objective, preempt Ten Stripes to challenge us, that we may set our own terms. Miss Kuragari, Mrs Neiz, you know more on this subject than I do..." He twinges a little, like he always does when admitting someone else knows more "I suppose plan B is to garner the people's assistance in overthrowing the regime. Plan C...ju-I'm sorry did you say sharks?" Kozu immediately begins to sweat.

Kura nods and says, "I can probably provoke her. It shouldn't be too hard, as long as everyone else is out of sight."

"But can you do it without her just killing you on the spot?"

"Indeed. A lunar will never kill another, no matter how mad they are, as long as they are still a lunar."

"Are you sure about that? And does it apply to solars?"

Another plan started to form in Kozu's mind, though a rather terrible one. "Perhaps...Solars were generals in ages past, no? So I should be some great warrior and master of battle, despite the evidence to the contrary?"
Kozu never had been too sure in his own ability to fight, despite his arrows clearing the wind itself.

"I said sharks."

"Not with the same level of sacredness. While most Lunars would be loathe to kill a Solar, Ten would probably have no such reservations."

"Sharks and a tiger woman who could and would rip me in half with one hand. Brilliant. Just brilliant. "

Kura smiles and says, "Don't worry. I won't let her. And the sharks won't be able to get near me."

Neiz pats Kozu's shoulder gently to reassure him about the SHORKS. "I'm not quite sure you're liable to be swinging daiklaives around, dear... though that's not to say you couldn't have been a brilliant general, nor does it mean you're prevented from contributing to the tides of war."

"I briefly entertained the thought of blazing my mark and intimidating the beast, but then I remembered I'm about a meter and a half tall and could wield most fighting knives with both hands."

"No, you're plenty scary."

"Most of those bound to the earth aren't smart enough to fear a storm of black butterflies rather than laugh at it, Otavia. Thanks, though." Kozu smiles a bit, a tiny upward curve of his lips that somehow manages to make him seem smaller.

"Hey! Who are you?"
A fisher calls out from the treeline, his rod and tacklebox in hands.

Kozu looks to Kura and Neiz, not daring to answer and be blamed for whatever madness comes after.

Kura shakes her head and says, "We are visitors to this island."

Neiz is silent for now, but nods and gives a disarming smile.

"Yes, I am a traveling scholar, come aboard with these two on their journeys."

Otavia was definitely never here, and there has always been a small tidepool there.

"A lunar."
"Why have you come here? Visitors are not exactly welcome. But I see now it must be part of the Grand Design!"

"I'm sorry, what?" Kozu says, a little indignantly.

"Yes, this must be a sign. I came to angle, and I find one of the Chosen coming up from the sea."

Kura looks skeptically at the man and says, "What design would this be?"

Kozu suppresses the urge to make his mark shine brighter than the sun itself.

"Our Great Mother and her Dragons have a plan for this island. When the Anathema first came it was a time of upheaval, and so it must be again."
Congratulations! You're on the way to fulfill a prophecy!

Kura tilts her head and says, "I see. Well, then. That's good to know."

"That word is a bit rude, you know," Kuzo says just loud enough to hear.

"I suppose we should go find Ten Stripes, then."

"Ugh. Prohecies. These things never end well."

"Will you take us to her?"

"I would be glad to. Follow me." He waves his fishing pole to them, indicating that they follow the path he came on.

"Woah woah, are we certain we should head up just yet?"

Neiz pats his shoulder softly. "It'll be alright, we just need to be careful..." And, from her Personal Essence, activates Prior Warning.

Kura nods, and says, "We can deal with whatever happens," as she slides her arms into her Katars and follows the man.

The trio follows the zealous fisherman up the path, and intowards the nearest village.
It's a bit of a walk through the trees and ferns, but soon they're among houses of bamboo-like grass and wood, then more built up buildings of stone, and finally before what can only be termed a palace.

Kozu directs Otavia to stay safe and ready near the deepship before following, taking his surroundings in with an alert and mildly paranoid eye

People, mostly women, you notice, stare as the group passes. In front of the palace's gates stand a pair of armed guards.
"Your business here, old m-oh."

Kura grins and says, "Do you think she can hear me if I shout?"

Kozu pats the chain shirt beneath his robes and rubs a worried hand over his bow, folded at his side in a scroll case.

One of the guards calls a shout back inside, and the air stills. People are starting to gather around.

Neiz bites her lip. "I'm getting a very bad feeling..." She whispers.

"This was the best plan we had. Ohhhh dear."

And down the path from the palace walks the Lady of the isle.

Ten Stripes.
It's easy to see where the name comes from. Ten Stripes of orange and black in the mane of hair flowing behind her. A perfect angelic face, framed with a crimson feathered headdress and offset by row on row of sharks' teeth. No one should be able to smile that wide.
She's technically clothed in a grass skirt and seashell bra, the better to show off both rippling muscles and luxurious curves. Her arms and neck are adorned with trinkets and bangles, several of which are visibly moonsilver talismans and artifacts. Moonsilver tattoos cover her body, spelling out tales of strength and bravery to those who can read them.
The one flaw in her appearance is a twisting scar radiating out from her right shoulder, evidently from a past wound so terrible that even exalted resilience could not repair it fully.

She lounges confidently in the gate, flanked by her guards, and smirks.

"Kuragari. What an interesting surprise."

2014-08-31, 08:48 AM
Above and below...she looks like she could throttle the lot of us with one hand! Not much in the way of armour, but knowing lunars either she doesn't need it or a few of those talismans work just as well.

Maybe even better. I should keep a few for study. Assuming we win.

Obviously confident. Full of herself. Narcissism is likely, though you can't deny, she looks ni-shut up.

The scar...she did something foolish. She might have learned from it, though... Scar tissue. Either that shoulder will be very tough, or very sensitive. Worth a shot.

Teeth. Baring smile. Mammalian predators, especially felines-like, you know, tigers-tend to show teeth as a threat. Eye contact, too. She couldn't have been a nice little doggy lunar, nooooooooo. Damnable tigers and sharks!

Kozu takes a subconscious step closer to Kura.

Long hair, could be a minor benefit to us. Yank it, trip her with...somehow I have a feeling it won't matter-oh, she's speaking. Oh wow. You can hear her ego. Lady, if someone can hear what you think of yourself through your tone, you're probably about to get your ass kicked.

The irony of that last thought is lost on Kozu.

2014-08-31, 11:48 AM
Kura grins at Ten Stripes as she steps up, unintimidated, and says, "Hello, Ten Stripes. I see you've continued your sterling job of running my home into the ground. How's that going for you?"

2014-08-31, 12:08 PM
"You dare question my leadership? Without me, half the island would be dead of starvation, and the other slaves to the fae."

There is a chorus of support for Ten from the surrounding townspeople. Most who live nearby are her favored and most loyal followers, and none are going to speak up against her when she's right there!
"Ten Stripes saved Simenare! Negotiated the truce-mark! Reformed our traditions! Uplifted the people!"
I wonder if they're instructed to chime in with those things.

Ten Stripes scoffs.

"What draws you back here? Coral too big for the little shrimp? You're not here from the Pact, or I'd have heard from Feathers of the Mighty. Or has our lost lamb been shipwrecked back on her home shores?"

2014-08-31, 12:36 PM
Kura nods and says, "You say that, but I wonder how many people are staving currently while you sit in your palace, ignoring their problems? And how many turn to Yozi, seeking relief?"

2014-08-31, 12:56 PM
Ten Stripes's shake her head sadly, then fixes Kura with her stare and bares her teeth.

"You know nothing of leadership, 'Fist of Luna'. Tell me your purpose here."

Her gaze cuts through you, and you are reminded of your place; a new Lunar speaking to one decades your elder, in their home. Compared to Ten Stripes's power, you are nothing.

[roll0]Natural Mental Influence, with you having a -6 penalty to your MDV from a non-obvious charm.

Spend 2 willpower OR tell her honestly why you came here.

2014-08-31, 03:06 PM
As much as I would panic to learn our sear Miss Kuragari had come into leadership of an entire island, I loathe this woman that much more. Perhaps I should speak up for on-oh gods those teeth.

Conquer fear, sway with the wind. Conquer fear, sway with the wind.

Kozu steps forward, not much, just enough to make the following statement more dramatic. He draws his power bow and slides the releash catch, allowing it to snap open and into place and the string to draw taut, and holds it above his head, burning a bit of essence to allow his caste mark to shine brilliantly.

"We come to accused the wicked and right what is wrong, Ten Stripes. Eyes are upon us, will you face your charges with admission?"

2014-08-31, 03:16 PM
Neiz puts a hand on Kura's shoulder, being a silent presence of reassurance for now. Her other hand holds a war fan with which she casually fans herself, though in this case, 'casually' does not mean 'looking ineffectual'.

2014-08-31, 03:35 PM
Kura quavers under Ten Stripes' gaze, but then Kozu speaks, and Neiz reassures her, and Kura nods and says, "Indeed. We have come to right what wrongs you've done to this island."

2014-08-31, 03:46 PM
"The only eyes upon us are the rest of the islanders and those I put there."

Ten Stripes laughs and shakes her head.

"Gotta say, Kura. I never took you for a Seneschal. Now, you can't just do this, but there's no need for anyone to get hurt. That badly. As your elder in the Pact, I challenge you. And when you lose, you will help me as I lead Simenare."

2014-08-31, 08:30 PM
Kura nods and says, "I accept your challenge. I have no specific debt in mind, so my blood debt will be written into your tattoos if I win to be called in when I need it. The conditions are this: Each of us is to return here with a bound Rakshasa within three days. Whoever returns first is the victor. If three days pass and one of us fails to appear, they forfeit the challenge and the other will go looking for them."

2014-08-31, 08:32 PM
A bound...why you sly dog, I give you too little credit.

Kozu keeps a straight face, glaring at Ten Stripes as she refuses admission. He lowers his bow and folds it back into its case, keeping a close eye on the vicious Lunar overlord.

2014-08-31, 08:59 PM
Ten Stripes scowls, but the challenge has been made and accepted.

Both of the Lunars' tattoos burst into silver light, shining as bright as the sun for a moment before settling down to a more modest glow.

"I've defeated fae beyond counting. This will be no challenge at all."
With a boasting laugh, Ten Stripes whirls and stalks away.

2014-08-31, 09:01 PM
Neiz looks worried. How ever will they capture a raksha? Oh dear, they're screwed now...
Inside, of course, she's basically blowing air horns everywhere and wearing shutter-shades.

2014-08-31, 10:21 PM
[The Tricking of the Tiger]

The crowd disperses somewhat, unsure of what this all means.

Surely Ten Stripes won't be defeated.
But what does this mean for Simenare's truce with the nearby Court?

The old fisher who led you here grins and claps Kura on the back.

"Well done, anathema."

Kozu twinges at the word anathema again, remembering how recently it was he was wrapped up in the realm's own cult.

Kura glares at the man and says, "Please, don't call me that."

Neiz plays with her hair a little, fanning herself. "You can't really use that word---that's our word."

"If there's anything that could help you put her down it's Queen Anahima,"
"How do you prefer to be called?"

" I would rather not use it myself. Anyways, the business at hand."

"Anyway, I'm finally off to my pier. Be here in three days."

"You can simply call me Kuragari. See you in three days."

" We may want to return before then, Miss Kuragari. Better early. "
" I shall go meet with Miss Otavia."

"Indeed. Make sure you can convince her. Though look at where the Raksha in the area might be. It's good to have a backup in case she's unwilling to part with her necklace"

Kozu begins to make his way to the deepship, searching for Otavia.

Neiz nods. "Indeed, we'd best cover our bases..." She sticks by Kura now, keeping an eye on her.

That could be a sticking point, as Ten Stripes already knows where to find the local Raksha, and has doubtless set off to do so.

The group returns to the beach, where they spot the man fishing just within sight around the corner, and a beach umbrella and towel set near where the deepship is hidden.

Kozu heads over to the deepship, carefully wading through the water, not a big fan of all this swimming business. "Miss Otavia?"

Otavia 's head and shoulders appear from behind the umbrella.
"Back victoriously so soon?"

Kozu half jumps in his sandals, annoyed at being caught unawares. "Ah, Miss Otavia! We are not the knights in shining armour just yet, but we very easily can be. We will need your aid, though."

Otavia turns and mutters something, apparently to someone else under the umbrella, and comes out to rejoin the group.
"How can I serve?"

Kozu peers under the umbrella, a quizzical eyebrow raised. "We...we need to borrow your necklace, if that is okay. Miss Kuragari has a brilliant plan. A rare occurrence, yes, but one to be cherished."

"Explain, Miss Kuragari."
Otavia is clearly skeptical of this.

Kura nods and says, "I engaged into a counting coup against Ten Stripes. She was foolish enough to challenge me so the goal I set was to returns with a bound Raksha...I'm sure you see where this is going."

Neiz stands behind Kura, giving a sweet little smile.

" I'll see to it that it is returned as soon as possible," Kozu assures.

Otavia grins and nods, undoing the complicated clasp that holds the necklace and offering it out to Kura.
"Very clever."
And, after waiting an appropriate time, Kura can return to claim victory!

Seven Hours Later

" Miss Kuragari, if this works...And Miss Otavia, I owe you a debt."

Otavia just smirks.

Neiz goes :u a little bit but doesn't lose her composure too much.

And so, Kozu and Neiz go out into the town to help the apothecaries and medics and give people advice. The healing is moderately successful, teaching the local doctors a few new things and curing peoples' colds

And Kura waits in the deepship, with Otavia not-so-subtly flirting with her the whole time Maybe six hours would be long enough.
Kura is not amused by the nymph's flirting.

And then, at last, they triumphantly gather at the palace.

And Kura's tattoos stop glowing, as she has been victorious.

But Ten Stripes is not there.
Nor is she there tomorrow.
By the day after that she still has not shown, and the people speak in worried tones.
And by the third day, you've heard of violent unrest in the northern village, and Ten Stripes still is not here.
Guess you'll have to find her.

"She has thrown a fit, I fear. Let us find our dear friend. "

" Unless...she wants to fool us into leaving, and then claim we forfeit."

On the third day, Kura sighs and says, "It seems so. I hope that she hasn't run afoul of the Fey and gotten into something she can't handle."

" Perhaps we should leave someone here..."

"I've got people who can watch over this for us."

Kozu raises another eyebrow at Otavia. "You are an interesting little bundle of secrets Miss Otavia. We appreciate your aid."

Neiz smiles softly, but is a little wary of the whole situation.
"Let's reel this fish in, before her thrashing floods the entire island."

The old fisherman is here, watching happily.
"You'll want to know where to find her, then? Queen Anahima rules all the local fae, in a coral castle to the northwest. Most likely where that fool went looking."

"And what of the village up north? "

"Can't handle that she's gone. And having been defeated by another an-by Kuragari"

Old fisherdude is really happy about the unrest, though hiding it.
Neiz picks up on the fact that he was responsible for most of it.

" You seem awfully...warm about all this, friend."

"Too long we've had that monster in charge. This embarassment could be just the thing to inspire people to rise up again. Take back Seminare for ourselves."

" It is unfortunately rare that a slave prefers true freedom to taking the power for themselves. I hope your island is better for the wear after all this."

"It will be."

" I'll do what I can to aid the people when all is said and done. Some of your medicine houses were...abysmal."

Neiz nods. "I will also see what I can do..."

The whine of an ascending firework cracks through the air
Followed by a blast and a shower of octarine sparks across the sky

Kozu looks up at the firework, then at the fisherman. "Any explanation for that?"

The fisherman shakes his head, looking up at the sky.
Another volley of fireworks flies in from the northwest and bursts.
These are in more normal colors, all the rainbow.
A voice like clinking crystals fills the air.

"People of Simenare. Long have you worn the mark of our peace."

" Oh dear. Ooooh dear."

"But now, by the actions of your leader, that is undone."

" Oh dear oh dear oh dear."

Kura looks at the sky and says, "Oh hell. ****** fey. That idiot actually...WHAT THE HELL"

" Well, what a fine mess we have gotten ourselves into."

"This isle is under the dominion of the Malachite Court. Come to the sea to surrender your lives, and your souls will be spared."

Kozu glares at the demand. "Ash. Ash and rubbish. "


As the last sparks of the fireworks fall, clouds coil across the sky with impossible speed.

" To the northwest. We should meet them face to face."

Neiz puffs up with dignified rage, hair swishing angrily. "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffff..."

"Indeed. I can't believe that idiot tiger...I suppose once we deal with this we have to go rescue her."
Kozu sets off towards the source of the fireworks, activating monkey leap technique to bound over the obstacles in his way. "Hopefully we can end this without bloodshed."

The fisherman looks patently terrified, and is repeating a gesture one might recognize as the Immaculate Faith's ward against evil.

2014-09-01, 09:15 PM
Neiz steps forward, coat fluttering and eyes glinting. "I aim to... pacify them. That should make negotiations easier." She looks out over her audience. Her sharky, bitey audience. Eh, she's had tougher crowds. "Hear me, o carcharadontites! With teeth of gleaming ivory and eyes of polished ebony, with rough sandpaper skin the color of stormclouds, you rise to the beaches from the wine-dark sea---but hold, hearing me! For you may serve the Fae, those crystalline and esoteric twisters of all things whether base or fine, but have they told unto you their history? Have they told you of the March of the Wyld, when once they sought to encroach on Creation when it was wracked by the Great Contamination? But lo, they invade now---and one need not invade if he is the victor! Who do you think prevented their first vile crusade so long ago? True, the children of the Dragons were mustered, but by whom?"
She flicks her hair out with a hand, gliding through a series of stances with her fans. "It was we, the forgotten, the Viziers of Fate, who brought about the end of your masters' attempt to conquer all the world! And if the hundred of us could do that..." She smiles almost sympathetically, radiating a sense that oh, poor fools, they don't know what they're getting into. "Do you dare imagine it would take any more than one to deal with the likes of you, being not even a handful of sand compared to the endless beaches of the Fae courts?" She kicks up sand. "Indeed, like these very beaches, with innumerable grains---and you are hardly enough silt to irritate an eye, or to lodge between a pair of toes! In short, my dear sharklings..." She snaps shut her war-fans. "I would have you stop and think before you find yourselves far, far out of your depths."

2014-09-01, 09:38 PM
Kozu steps forth, drawing his bow and unfolding the shimmering golden artifact to let it catch the light. It gleams for but a moment before a storm of blue and green sheets of light whips out around the Lawgiver, Chosen of The Unconquered Sun, washing out the pitiful lights that dare challenge them in their brilliance. Golden notes, tiny suns unto themselves, flash in and out of existence, streaking through the air far around Kozu, drawing the Patterns of Creation that bind reality apart from the Wyld.

Let's hope this works.

"Before the contagion glittered stars that burnt away the shadows that plague mankind, shone a sun that kept back your kind, gleamed a moon that purged what beasts dared to lurk in the night! Before you stands an agent of each, the three great powers that held back all comers against Creation! Leaders of armies, weavers of fate, slayers of man and beast alike! Ten Stripes was too fool to seek negotiation, and too weak to fight the battles she sought in its place! We are neither."

He nocks an arrow and points it at the nearest hobgoblin sharkman, his glare showing deadly intent.

"Your leader will speak to us under a banner of peace, or you will suffer the same fate invaders did when I ruled the land so many lives ago."

2014-09-01, 09:51 PM
[Confronting the Siakamen]

21:38 Recaiden I am less prepared for this confrontation with the fae, but remain confident in my ability to Exalted
21:38 Firedaemon33 We've been driving around/From one end of this shromp to the other
21:38 T-scrazzle i remain confident in my ability to kill people with books
21:38 Recaiden Anyway
21:38 Recaiden Fae just proclaimed dominion over the island
21:38 Recaiden Unnatural weather
21:38 Recaiden Kura shouted out that she was protector of Simenare
21:38 Recaiden Go!
21:38 T-scrazzle Kozu starts jumping like superman towards the source od the fireworks
21:39 T-scrazzle And that was rhe last thing i posted
21:39 Firedaemon33 Kura transforms into a bird and starts flying towards the north end of the Island
21:39 Firedaemon33 Or wherever the fireworks come from
21:39 Recaiden Northwest, but yeah
21:39 T-scrazzle Kozu sets off towards the source of the fireworks, activating monkey leap technique to bound over the obstacles in his way. "Hopefully we can end this without bloodshed."
21:40 Beans Neiz um
21:40 Beans just like runs
21:40 Recaiden Everyone hurries to the northwestern shore
21:40 Recaiden And a chilling sight greets you.
21:41 T-scrazzle ((Ah crap))
21:41 T-scrazzle ((Thats never good))
21:41 Firedaemon33 ((Chimera Stripes?))
21:41 Recaiden Fae ships, with their sails single great leaves and hulls of filigreed metal that cannot possibly be watertight but somehow don't sink stand a short ways of shore, four of them.
21:41 Recaiden On the shore, scores of monstrous humanoid sharks are stalking out of the waves onto the beaches
21:42 Recaiden ((Perception+Awareness for aditional details))
21:43 Beans [[two succs]]
21:44 T-scrazzle ((3 success))
21:45 Firedaemon33 ((Botch...))
21:46 Beans [[kura gets distracted and stares at kozu's butt]]
21:46 Recaiden FD sees only the sparks of the fireworks, happens to be staring directly at one as it goes off
21:46 Recaiden Beans's suggestion is better and what actually happened
21:47 Recaiden Kozu and Neiz spot a glowing figure on the lead ship. Silver tattoos, glowing as they do with a challenge. Ten Stripes? But not moving, curled up in some way.
21:47 Beans :3
21:47 Recaiden Kozu also spots a *very* large shape moving out behind the ships, deep under the water.
21:47 Recaiden What do, heroes?
21:47 Recaiden There's ~80 sharkthings (Neiz
21:48 T-scrazzle " That...that cannot be good. What do we do?" Kozu says, unaware of the eyes on his butt, "And look there beneath the water. Something...alarmingly large."
21:48 Recaiden Exactly 83 of the monsters (Kozu, as some horrified part of him insisted on counting)
21:48 T-scrazzle Kozu is a number junkie
21:48 Firedaemon33 ((How many of the sharks can I kill in one round?))
21:48 T-scrazzle ((How many can you fit into a football field?))
21:48 Recaiden ((How good are you at fighting?))
21:49 T-scrazzle ((Cause uh. Infinite Mastery of Scrolls))
21:49 Recaiden They're currently spread out over about 1.5 football fields
21:49 Beans "Oh dear, what's the fool gotten herself into?" Neiz whips her war fans from her sleeves, spreading them. "We... we can't just let those sharkmen run free... but something big as well? Oh dear..."
21:49 Recaiden All came out of the water together
21:50 T-scrazzle " We need to try parley, we cannot hope to stop them all before someone is hurt!"
21:50 Firedaemon33 ((I have five dots in Martial Arts, Kozu can do that, so...I don't know how fighting works in Exalted...That said, I think I want to stunt here.))
21:50 Firedaemon33 ((Is that okay?))
21:50 Recaiden Stunts will be wanted
21:50 Firedaemon33 Okay
21:50 Recaiden Basically you make an attack roll and a damage roll
21:50 T-scrazzle ((How exactly do stunts work?))
21:51 Recaiden You describe what you do well, I say how awesome it was on a scale of 1-3, you get that many extra dice. So roll them along with but separate from your attacks?
21:51 Firedaemon33 ((Alright.))
21:52 Recaiden ((If you mean to fight the sharks, you first roll Join Battle))
21:52 Recaiden ((which is basically Initiative))
21:52 Firedaemon33 ((Ah, yes. That is a thing that needs to happen. How do I do that.))
21:52 T-scrazzle ((Oh. Oh! **** GES))
21:52 T-scrazzle *YES
21:52 Firedaemon33 ((Five?))
21:53 Beans [[wondering if Neiz can try to Performance at the sharks and like... do something that way]]
21:53 Recaiden ((Join Battle I think is Wits+Awareness - but there's lots of things that reference it specifically))
21:53 Firedaemon33 ((4 Successes on Join Battle.))
21:53 Recaiden ((Beans, it's totally possible to sing/speech them to fight not at all or less well))
21:54 Recaiden ((Usually Exalted says no Social Combat once Regular combat starts, but that's A) dumb B) going away next edition, so I say go ahead. Just don't abuse it.))
21:54 Beans [[That'd be Performance plus... Charisma or Appearance?]]
21:54 T-scrazzle " I...I am going to try to get their attention."
21:55 Recaiden Charisma
21:55 Recaiden Appearance is usually a passive stat.
21:55 Beans Neiz dramatically swishes her hair. "Hold on, Kozu dear... how much public speaking experience do you have?"
21:56 T-scrazzle "... I accede." Kozu says, starting to sweat at thw sight of all the shark men.
21:57 Recaiden The islanders have, for the most part, already fled the beach.
21:57 Beans [[okay going to try to write some rad shizzle here]]
21:57 Recaiden The sharks notice our heroes and start to turn to look at them
21:57 T-scrazzle " But I still feel we should try negotiations first. I would feel...well, not bad, but certainly remiss if they were to kill our /dear/ ten stripes."
21:57 Recaiden ((alright))
22:00 Beans Neiz steps forward, coat fluttering and eyes glinting. "I aim to... pacify them. That should make negotiations easier." She looks out over her audience. Her sharky, bitey audience. Eh, she's had tougher crowds. "Hear me, o carcharadontites! With teeth of gleaming ivory and eyes of polished ebony, with rough sandpaper skin the color of stormclouds, you rise
22:00 Beans [[oh boy words limit wil be fun :U]]
22:00 Firedaemon33
22:04 Recaiden ((Maybe compose long things and put in thread?))
22:05 Beans [[yep]]
22:05 Recaiden Either way, the sharks turn and listen.
22:06 Recaiden They stumble a bit on 'carcharadonites'; this group was chosen for their imposing physical features, not htheir vocabulary and education
22:07 T-scrazzle [Sweating Intensifies]
22:08 Beans [[neiz's perfect history class]]
22:08 Firedaemon33 You know what we should do?
22:09 Firedaemon33 All get in Mamble
22:09 T-scrazzle On a phone herw
22:09 Firedaemon33 mmm
22:09 Firedaemon33 Okay then
22:14 Beans alllmsot done
22:15 Beans doink! :3
22:16 Recaiden 2 dice of stunt for the sharkspeech
22:16 Recaiden Make the roll
22:18 Beans ... 3 of em
22:18 Beans *wah-wah trumpet*
22:19 T-scrazzle Dayum
22:19 T-scrazzle Still a good speech
22:19 T-scrazzle wait
22:19 Beans now i'm going to listen to Cirno's Perfect Math Class really loudly
22:19 T-scrazzle Could kozu assist and add dice if he lit up his glowy stuff
22:19 Beans
22:19 T-scrazzle Or brought up his charm that pushes back fae stuff M
22:19 T-scrazzle What was it
22:20 Firedaemon33 Or just...
22:20 Recaiden Kozu could help, yes
22:20 Beans chaos something
22:20 Firedaemon33 Let me try to kill them all
22:20 Recaiden Chaos-repelling pattern
22:20 T-scrazzle Uh, chaos repelling pattern!
22:20 Firedaemon33 Or Nuke them with the Butterflies
22:20 Beans kura could hold up diagrams in the background
22:20 Recaiden Kozu can make his own attempt at persuasion
22:21 Recaiden He did beat the sharks in JB
22:21 Firedaemon33 Hmm
22:21 Recaiden So they've not actually gotten aronud to being hostile yet
22:21 T-scrazzle Ah
22:21 T-scrazzle Hmmm
22:22 T-scrazzle Chaos repelling pattern wouldn't actually be of numerical use here, but would using it visibly help to intimidate them
22:22 Recaiden It would help to intimidate, yes
22:22 T-scrazzle Kay
22:22 Recaiden Because it is an Obvious charm
22:23 T-scrazzle Can spending motes activate his anima banner stuff too or does that only happen when hes spending a lot on other stuff
22:23 Recaiden It can
22:23 Recaiden You can choose to use glowy
22:23 T-scrazzle Baller
22:23 Recaiden And you can spend 1 mote to 'flare your anima'
22:23 T-scrazzle Omw to post
22:23 Recaiden To any level except the highest one
22:24 Recaiden The sharkpeople look back and forth, unconvinced. You see, Neiz has failed to notice a critical detail. These are no random sharkpeople pressed into service. They are hobgoblins. Not a true raksha, but still Fae.
22:24 Recaiden And that was rather a lot of anti-fae rhetoric she just piled up there.
22:24 T-scrazzle Do i roll anything or am i just adding to beans's
22:24 Beans fupck
22:24 Recaiden Roll Charisma+Presence
22:24 T-scrazzle Kay
22:24 Recaiden I mean, +Performance
22:24 Beans fay r dum
22:25 Recaiden Neiz's t-shirt slgan?
22:25 T-scrazzle Damn
22:25 T-scrazzle 2 dice
22:25 T-scrazzle Allllrighty
22:25 Recaiden daynerd
22:33 Recaiden Post get eaten, or just in progress?
22:34 Firedaemon33 I think he may have died
22:34 Firedaemon33 In other news, I am continuing to work on my MA tree
22:34 Recaiden revives TS
22:34 Recaiden An MA you're writing, or one being learned?
22:35 T-scrazzle Almost done
22:35 Firedaemon33 One being learned
22:35 Firedaemon33 Just bought the other prerequisite charm for the actual form
22:35 Recaiden Aha! Which style?
22:36 Firedaemon33 White Reaper
22:36 Recaiden XD
22:37 T-scrazzle Sorrt typing on a phone is balls
22:37 Firedaemon33 Shame it doesn't work with Katars
22:37 Firedaemon33 It seems like it should
22:37 Recaiden WE understand
22:37 Firedaemon33 The arm becomes the spear
22:37 Firedaemon33 And ye, TS
22:38 T-scrazzle Posted
22:38 T-scrazzle Havenr rolled yet cause im not sure if i earned ant extra dice
22:39 T-scrazzle And i was gonna ask if wp can be spent to add dice or successes, cause i have that daily bonus wp from mt cult
22:39 Recaiden 2 dies there as well, and you can spend 1 wp for 1 success
22:40 Recaiden Incidentally, you would get that wp back from the stunt.
22:40 Recaiden So 4 dice and 1 success.
22:40 T-scrazzle Alright ill do that then
22:41 T-scrazzle 1, ten, 3,4 and success
22:41 Firedaemon33 2 Successes, yes?
22:41 Recaiden 3 total
22:41 Recaiden 3 and 3
22:42 T-scrazzle Oh cool
22:42 Firedaemon33 Mmm
22:42 T-scrazzle I thought ten and one canceled each other
22:42 Recaiden The sharkpeople glower at Neiz, but then comes a display of solar might reinforcing the message.
22:42 Recaiden One day, Neiz will be killed and eaten
22:42 Recaiden But for now, they stand back, forming a ring, and nod
22:42 Recaiden The crystal voice that spoke before rings out again.
22:43 Recaiden "I will speak with you."
22:43 Recaiden "But I will have my claim honored. Do you speak for Ten Stripes, who broke our treaty?"
22:43 Recaiden "Or for the people of Simenare?"
22:44 T-scrazzle " We would speak for all. No blood need be shed this day."
22:45 Recaiden A curl in the leaf sails of the central ship unfurls, revealing a hovering angelic being. Skin as blue as the sea, but fully solid, unlike Otavia, armored with coral, with wings made of icy feathers and blazing humanlike eyes. A crown of bones sits on her head, and her lips does not move as she speaks and drifts through the air.
22:45 Recaiden "What is your name, Lawgiver? Steward, Vizier."
22:46 Recaiden "Who are you all, to stand for these people after their defender has been stripped away?"
22:46 Recaiden ((You have succeeded enough to avoid violence for now. And ones do NOT cancel out another success.))
22:47 T-scrazzle " I am Illuminary Kozu. And I would argue that Ten Stripes could hardly be called a rightful defender, given what she put these folk through. "
22:47 Firedaemon33 ((Gogo TS. Kura would get us all killed.)
22:48 Recaiden "We can't all be you, who I assume is a glorious leader, perfect in every way. But she did fight for the isle and negotiate peace."
22:48 Recaiden ((That should have been green?))
22:49 Firedaemon33 ((Also, I'm going to have to call the night here. 8 AM class tomorrow
22:49 Recaiden Aww.
22:49 T-scrazzle " My traveling companions are Mrs Neiz and Miss Kuragari," Kozu gestures to each in turn, "[Neiz's full title] and Fist of Luna."

" I am no perfect leader, but neither am I as foolish and misguided as Ten Stripes. Gods willing, she will learn from her mistakes."

2014-09-02, 10:39 PM
[No, Kura, This is not your reply]


Shrompu Shrompu Panic
Nichijo: My Ordinary Shromp
Ah! My Shromp!
Full Metal Shromp
Metal Shromp Solid
Shrompkin Scissors
Hella yey
My Waifu Can't Be This Shromp
Dice gods be Shrompin'
Legend of the Galactic Shromps
Guardians of the Shrompaxy
Neon Shrompasis Wifevangelion
Shromp Texas Ranger
The Man Who Shromped The World

"Very well. I will speak with you. A new deal."

" And I will listen. Speak."

"We could...be persuaded to hold to our part. We will harm none who bear the islanders' tattoo. But what can you offer to make this fair?"

Common knowledge things that fae want: Souls, Slaves, Manses, Magical Materials, A good story, Dreams, DELICIOUS LUNARS.

Kura whispers to Neiz, "Why can't we just make them leave this Island alone?"

Neiz sighs. "Unfortunately, I very much doubt we can shake our fists and make them leave. The fact that we're able to talk this over at all is a bonus..."

The lady flutters closer, coming to stand on the tip of her ship's figurehead.
"Ten Stripes has done quite an injustice by breaking her oath. She has found her own punishment, but how do you propose to make us forget that affront?"

" A visitation, once per year. A fair, of sorts. The villagers celebrate, holidays are no uncommon thing. There will be song, dance, food, games, stories. You and yours will be allowed to come and partake, insofar as it does not harm the islanders. This is our first offering, for the safety of the island."

"Make it once a season."
Her voice is cold, but her eyes are excited.

Kura balls a fist but holds her tongue, worried about what would happen if she attacked
Kozu will know that Seasons are a very important time frame to the fae, far outstripping the year or the month in relevance

"At the ends of the seasons, the island must be allowed to gather that fifth's worth first. You can hardly hope to feed satisfactorily off a man's destitution."

Neiz toys with her hair. Kozu's idea is quite good, and... fairly safe. Ish. She wonders if anything else can sweeten the deal...

The lady smiles and leaps off the ship, coming to rest just where the tide ends on the sand. The siakamen part to let her by.

"I think we have an agreement. Come forward and let it be made official."
"Now, if you want Ten Stripes and her cohort back, that would be a separate deal."

" As for the freedom of Ten Stripes, she has lost counting coup. She will be forever marked as having been defeated by both you and a younger lunar. This shame shall stay with her. But I can propose more if need be."

" An offering from her, to fall on the fairs. A trinket from a foe she has defeated that season, each unique."

"Her shame, while, mmm, delicious, does not compare to keeping her."

" No mere bundles of shark teeth with but words to them, but a blade from a pirate, a hide from a raging beast, each with its own worth and tale."
" In addition, I will teach any one member of your court a spell of the terrestrial circle. "

"I realize you and Ten Stripes have your differences, but I think you severally undervalue a Lunar."
Her eyes light up at the last offer.

Kura, the fae looks pretty harmless. But you recall that they did defeat Ten Stripes.

" As a final offer, I propose an agreement that should boost your wealth and that of the island, and provide more emotion to feed off of."

Neiz glides a little closer to Kura, slipping an arm around the Lunar's---or at least trying to.

" Your subjects are clearly well adapted to these waters. Send some to aid the fishermen in their work, salvage wrecks, defend the island from invaders. The islanders will be reprehensive at first, but their joy at increased wealth will soon overwhelm that, and give you more emotion to skim. In addition, offerings from the treasures found and fish caught will be made."

"That. Will be enough."

" My offers stand, you find them acceptable? "

"Your offers are accepted. Come up into the light of this oathfre-"
She pulls a sort of tiki-torch decorated with shells out of the air and plants it into the ground.

Kura shakes her head and pulls away from Neiz as she runs at the Fae, shifting into warform a she moves, then, in a single fluid motion, attempts to draw back an arm and plunge it into the fae's body as she says, "This is my offer, Fae."


Neiz curses, grabbing uselessly as she passes. There goes the neighborhood...

((The dice really do love you, TS))

"KURAGARI!" Neiz's voice rings out, laced with Essence, to calm the impetuous shromp's hot anime protagonist blood.
Her caste mark glitters and glows, a blue sign of Venus.

Our Lunar lunges forward, blade extended in a piercing blow that could kill a normal man. Then Kozu's arrow catches her and she tumbles off target, the blade glinting off the fae's armored skin.
Kura stays on her feet, but barely.

And then there's Neiz's voice. So soft and chilled out.

" You...you blazing, misbegotten...above and below, woman, do you not see the peace being made here?!"

Kozu's voice is still calm, but hard, sharp. He steps in between Kura and the fae Queen.

Kura turns and shouts at Kozu, voice full of pain, "I will not allow you to turn my home into a feeding ground for the Faaaaaaaaaaaeeeeee..." trailing off as Neiz's voice hits her.

Neiz sighs, stepping forward to reach for the shromp. "I'm sorry, but you would have left your home with no peace at all."

"My poor Lunar, that is what it would become if we *don't* come to some agreement."

" You keep this up and it will become a wasteland! Win or lose, have you ever seen any place in one piece after a battle with fae, or our kind?"

The fae slowly sidles back, one hand lifted and ready to...something. The other still holding the torch.

Kozu turns back to the queen, " Please excuse her, elder to me she may well be but she doesn't seem to recall the sort of ruin that results from battles between gods. "

"That is what it will be anyways. These people do not deserve to live in a fae-induced stupor."

"Please, Kozu. Neither of us are mere gods."

"I will maintain my vow to protect the isle, even if you won't help me."

"Kura, I am prepared to offer my word that it will not be so."
And we all know the Fair Folk never break their promises.

" All the more reason for us not to fight."

Neiz shakes her head, sighing. "Kura dearest, if I did not think this was the best of a bad situation, do you think I would agree to this? My calling is to promote happiness, and sometimes one must scrape up what one can find."

" Kura, we're not handing it over to them, we're arranging a peace that will benefit both parties. This island could see a golden age."
" And let it be known, if either party breaks their oath, I will visit punishment on them myself."

Settled once again, the fae finishes planting the oath-fire. A tingling field of chaos spreads gently around it. Not mutation, just ... potential.

Kura shivers at the feeling, but says nothing, still effected by the emotion
"I swear that neither I nor my people will harm those who bear the tattoos of Simenare; we will watch over this island, protecting it from harm, guiding its ships to clear skies and good fishing, if, in return, the people hold their festival for us once at the end of each season, in which our two world will meet on this island."
"We will release to you Ten Stripes, if she will be bound to bring us a meaningful trophy at each festival, and you uphold your agreement to teach our court a work of Sorcery."
"If this is agreeable, let one of you come forward who is not surrounded by a field of solar stasis and agree to follow this oath."
Messes with fae oath-magic if they're in a Chaos-Repelling Pattern. Also makes them feel sick.

Kura shakes her head and leaves, running through the isle back to the seaship.

Kozu dismisses the golden motes of light working their way around him and steps forth.
" All eyes witnessing and more, let these words be bound."

Kozu notes Kura's flight with some sadness. He'll have to talk to her.

The fire in the torch flares up, its color changing to perfectly match Kozu's anima.
Then it shifts to the sea-blue of the fae's skin.
Finally, it shifts to a deep red, and then resumes normal flame flickering.

Kozu watches the lights shift, his face still solid as stone.

The red light drips out of it and pools on the sand, before rising up to form a humanoid shape.

Neiz sighs, shaking her head. "This is going to come back to bite us... in fact, it may be in the process of doing so already."

The sand right in front of Kozu shifts, and a column of rough glass rises up out of it before falling neatly to his hand.
In front of the fae, a decorated golden bowl pushes its way up.

Kozu catches the glass and looks over it carefully.
"Huh. Seems it should be the other way around."

It's about the size of a walking stick, and has a grip that neatly fits Kozu's hand.

Kozu would know that the Staff and the Cup are two of a set of mystical items called Graces that are important to the raksha.

Finally, the red light dims away entirely, leaving a person.

kozu looks at the person, an eyebrow raised.

The person looks back, mimicking the gesture quite perfectly. Apart from the blue tinge to the skin and the long pointed ears and a couple other details, she looks rather like Kozu.

" Oathborne. A nice touch."
" Though I would have modeled her after someone more attractive than me," he allows himself a small chuckle.

The fae laughs. "Attractive enough. Now, I believe I owe you one angry Lunar. Would you like her still restrained, or let free?"
With a wave, she signals the sharkpeople back into the ocean.

" It would be best that she remains restrained."

Neiz comes over to see to Tacky Stripes, sighing.

Tacky Stripes is brought on shore, and the fae returns to her ship, floating.
The Lunar who lost the challenge sits there, bound hand and foot in shackles of bone and manacles that Kozu might recognize as Soulsteel.

She glares at Neiz. "I suppose you think you all are very clever."

" Smarter than you at the least. "
" Come we have more peace to make."

Neiz sighs. "Given our results... I really wish we'd never come in the first place."

Kozu is worried by the soulsteel, but says nothing of it. He waves to the queen. "I will return to this beach the next morning to begin teaching my new student."

Ten Stripes wants to make a snarky comment, but she sort of has to agree.

" I suppose you are coming with me, then?" he says to the oath-child.

The queen raises a hand in farewell.
"They will be here."

"I suppose. The island might need me more."

Slowly, the filligreed ships turn, rowed back out to sea.
"Do you have a name? Were you conjured or created?"

Neiz sits down. "This has been a complete disaster from the moment we came... for what it's worth, I genuinely am sorry."
"Are you honestly on some idealistic mission to 'save' the island from me?"

The oath-child shakes her head. "I was created with no name yet."

" Would you like one?"

"Yes, Father Kozu."

" I suppose you would find a small satisfaction in 'Grace?' Harmony, perhaps?"

Neiz shakes her head. "And you weren't even the problem we were looking for."


"What problem? And how can I get you to let me out of these chains?"

Neiz explains the problems they've been told about.

" Then I grant you the name Harmony. I would love to stay and speak more, but Miss Kuragari must be attended to. Mrs Neiz, do keep an eye on Miss Ten Stripes. I would recommend against her release just yet."
Kozu turns to leap back towards the other side of the island and towards the deepship with his monkey leap technique.

" Miss Kuragari! Miss Kuragari!"

7Ten Stripes sighs. "I have no idea why you thought *I* might be behind that. It sounds like the work of Dragon-blooded divers or sea-demons to me."

7"But if you came all this way, it could even threaten this island."

No answer. This is not good. All the day's worry crosses Kozu's face at once as he clammers into the deepship. "Miss Kurag-...Kura?"

Meanwhile, back at the ship, Otavia asks Kura what has happened, and where the other two are.

Kura simply shakes her head and angrily says, "He made a deal with the Fae for my home."

"What? You mean, on the behalf of, right? He didn't somehow trade away the island!?"

Kura frowns and says, "He might as well have. The fae have free reign once a season to feed during a festival that the people have to throw for them."

"And you let that happen? Surely it isn't so bad." Kozu didn't *seem* that heartless to her.

"I tried to stop him, to kill the Fae so the people here could live free of them, but he betrayed me, shot me to keep me from killing her."

"I'm sorry, Kuragari. You tried."

Kura shakes her head and says, "If he is so intent on his love of the Fae, then I'll show him how it feels to be with one constantly."

Otavia looks at the Lunar sidelong. "What do you mean?"

"Lunars can abandon our tattoos, our protection from the Wyld, starting a slow transformation into a Fae-like being."

"If Kozu loves Fae so much, then he will be bounded by his Exaltation to be as I become one of them."

Otavia considers, and then smiles.
"I can help with that. He has not instructed me *not* to do such things."

"Excellent. Though I want to abandon them before him so he knows what his acts have wrought."

"Don't worry. It's quick. This will help you not be in danger as a fae-like."
With a few words in Old Realm, Otavia starts channeling magic towards Kuragari.
It takes a few seconds and most of her motes.

Kura nods and focuses on dissolving her mental bounds, formed by the tattoos.

Four nascent Graces take shape on and around Kuragari.

A sword, some instrument of violence or conflict.
A staff, some representation of interaction.
A cup, some representation of holding, harmony.
A ring, decorative but showing purpose.

Kozu should arrive just after the graces settle, seeing the tattoos swimming along Kura's skin.

Neiz nods, gnawing her lip. "Jade is very much their forte... I can't believe we came here in the first place."

Harmony is racing after Kozu through the beach and the jungle, but she has no ability to leap tall trees in a single bound.

Kozu doesn't know much about lunar exaltation, but he knows enough of the world to know this isn't right.

"Well, we'll have to make the best of it. Where is that damn Kura? Not even enough respect to stay and formally finish the challenge? Argh."

"K-kura! What are you doing!?"

Kura falls to her knees, her face contorted with pain as she stares at Kozu and says, "Y-You have wrought this..."

Otavia looks at the Solar, both angry and concerned.

" Otavia, what-stop! Make it stop!"

"Did you truly betray this island to the fae? After all you've done to try to help people, peacefully?"

" No! I arranged for peace!"

He drops to his own knees next to Kura, hands waving over her, afraid to touch her.

Neiz blinks. "She's... she's probably doing something very unwise, if I am to be entirely honest. There are far cooler heads."

" The fae have no hold, they are going to protect the island in exchange for a fair once a season!"

"Ugh. Probably. This has likely ruined all the work here. She may have had some grievances, but Kura doesn't properly remember what it was like before me. This place *was* getting better, and now."

Not knowing what else to do, he attempts to target kura with counter magic. The countermagic washes over Kura to no effect. The magic of Lunars is not that of Sorcery, and her tattoos are completely under Kura's power

Kura says, still pained, "Where they can-Can Feed on the-Populace...At will..."

" Not full feedings! Harmless skimming, that's all!"

"The Fae...Are not Harmless....They are never...Harmless...":

Otavia glances back and forth between the two, not sure who to believe.
She knows the fae can be dangerous, are terribly dangerous, but they also can be handled.

" Kura, I promise, if they hurt these people I will end them myself."

"L-Like you stopped them today?"

"I stopped them without bloodshed; don't be ridiculous."

"N-No...You just...Let them have what they wanted..."

"They wanted the island and it's peoples' souls, Kura stop being difficult! "

"A-And you gave it to them....Not all at once....But the people...Belong to them now..."

"Hardly, Kura. All they get is some fish, some pearls, some excess emotion."

"I just wonder what Kura's getting herself into now... I should be back there already. I've half a mind to leave you with a stern word to behave yourself, rather than sit and stew here..."

"You need to calm down, think straight, just...just..."
Kozu grimaces and holds his arms out,
" Come here."

"I wouldn't be surprised if Simenare is done with me. Just, ugh. Do what you need."
Tacky Stripes would throw up her hands except, you know, manacles and chains

"N-No...The Fae are never saited....It'll start small...So small that you won't notice...But eventually...This isle will be sucked into the Wyld..." She pushes Kozu away as he tries to embrace her.

" I can call up an island of creation so far into the Wyld you would not be able to see straight if I hadn't, Miss Kuragari. You think I can't ensure these people's safety?"

"Y-Yes...Not via power...But deception...You're too naive, Kozu..."

Neiz sighs. "I would, but... we still need Kura to bind you to our terms, as much as I hate this whole mess." She pauses. "... If you Lunars have any way to, say, turn back time, it'd be wonderful to reveal it."

Ten Tacky Stripes shakes her head 'no'. "Only for ourselves, and even I'm not powerful enough to perform it."
"Can you at least help me up and I'll hobble over to Kura with you to get this over with?"

" And if they prove you right, I'll let you take the queen's head yourself."

"It's...Too late...They'll expect it...And I can't fight them...All I can do...Is show you why the Fae are so dangerous..."

"It is dangerous to give them an in like that. You. Maybe, Kura, you are overreacting?"
Otavia looks at Kura with big fluttery eyes.

Neiz tries to help her to her feet. "The sooner we get this over with, the better."

Ten Stripes is helped up, and doesn't do anything horrible. Follows after Neiz, slow and bitter. "I'll say."

"Kura, please, listen to me. I care, you must believe I care. I did what I could to keep anyone from dying!"
"Otavia, whatever foolishness this is, please, make it stop!"

Kura swallows and says, "N-No...I-Kozu...You have to understand...This...This is because you didn't fight the Fae...As long as you don't, as-as long as they have a way in...You gave them that..."

Neiz walks next to her rather than in front of her. "... How much do you want to bet our vessel is currently on fire?"

Otavia has the issue of who to believe decided for her.
She has an instruction from her summoner.

"Not every fight needs to be with tooth and claw!"

Kura feels comforting voices murmuring, feels herself, momentarily, floating away from all her problems, but then she remembers the fae properly and snaps back to the present.

Kura screams in pain and rage, "Let it end, one way or another!"

And Otavia starts glowing bright blue.
Time stands still.

The deepship fades, and Kura sees the future of the island playing out, safe from fae, happy and prosperous without Ten Stripes. The creatures of chaos come and go, but so tightly bound in oaths and watched by the three exalted are they that not a soul is harmed.
It's very calming.
In reality, Otavia moves in a blur, grabbing Kura, sitting her down, hugging her so tightly that she has not a chance of moving her arms (or getting away easily), and pressing her lips against the lunar's.
She is a nymph, after all.

The blue glow has faded away.
So Kura will have quite an adjustment to make when the illusionary visions fade away after it.

"More likely she's torn it to bits with her claws. Maybe the scraps are burning."
"Bet you two strands it's not still intact."

Kura sighs when she sees the future, and says, "Okay..."
Then she comes out of the vision, and has quite a shock when she realizes she's kissing Otavia, and mmphms! through the kiss, pushing her away.

Kozu scoots back from the smooches, not entirely okay with all the touching an d intimacy. When it's done, he asks, "What just happened?"

Neiz holds up her hand in the universal gesture of Exalt oath-acceptance: the clashing of the mountains. Totally not a fist-bump.

Otavia is pushed away, smirking.
"Hopefully, Kura is now calm and thinking reasonably. Or at least only angry at me."

Mountains are Clashed between Neiz and Ten Stripes. And together they walk towards the beach.

Where they will see a lost Harmony, who has fallen out of sight of Kozu and is now wandering around.

Neiz frowns. "What's wrong, Harmony dear? Did Kozu once again forget that not everyone is a speedy schoolteacher?"

"Schoolteacher? I guess he did. Hopped somewhere in this direction."

Kura shakes her head and says, "Well...I'm not mad at anyone right now..."


Luckily for Neiz, they will shortly be able to find the ship, neither on fire not smashed to bits.

" A miracle, then. Kura...I...I am sorry I struck you. It won't happen again."

Neiz blinks. "... Either this is good or terrible. Dears, hold on, I'm going in. If I don't make it out, tell my wife I love her."
Into the sub!

Kura nods and says, "T-thank you, Kozu..."

" I...I am harsh at times, and I know i seem cold, but I care. I would not do the things I do if I did not."

Inside the sub she finds Kozu standing a bit away from a Kura sitting with an Otavia on the edge of her lap.
Drama is settling.

Outside, Tacky Stripes sighs and works two strands of valuable shells off her neck and onto the sand for the Sidereal.

Neiz glances between them. "... Oh. Ohhhhh." Her eyes light up. "Oh~! Everything seems fine here---don't let me interrupt, dearies, take your time." She pops out again.

Kura sighs and says, "Did...Did she just assume what I think she did?"

"You win, Miss....? Who are you again, exactly?"

"You say that like she was incorrect." The nymph leans in towards Kura noticeably.

Neiz smiles. "Amorous Panacaea Neiz." She picks up the shells, giggling. "She was currently, shall we say... macking on a nymph."

"I WAS NOT INVOLVED!" kozu shouts back at neiz in a panic, smacking his head on the ceiling as he stands up in a hurry

Ten Stripes rolls her eyes. "Ugh, that is just like her."

She blinks. "Oh, does she have a history of this?" Suddenly she is much closer. "You must tell me."

Kura leans away from Otavia and says, "I'd rather not, actually."

Kozu comes clammering out of the sub after neiz, shouting and proclaiming his innocence

Kura, who still has a nymph in her lap, is unable to follow.

Neiz smiles and reaches to pat Kozu's shoulder. "Oh, I'm sure you had nothing to do with it." WIIIIIINK.

"I am a married man Mrs Neiz!" He insists.

"Oh, I couldn't go telling stories."

Otavia pouts, but seeing that Kura does not give in, sighs and lets her up.

Neiz giggles. "And not a bad matchmaker, by my reckoning." She turns back toward Ten. "Oh, don't be a spoilsport~"

"Fine. But one day, Kuragari, I will win your heart!"
It's a matter of pride, now.

"There you are!"
4Harmony runs up, notices that apparently everything is okay, and races off towards the village.

"Harmony! I do need to speak with you when the time comes!"

Harmony turns back and listens for just a second. "Tomorrow morning, father!"

Kura blushes and says, "Sorry...It belongs to Kozu."

Kozu gets the feeling Harmony will be his new student, and suddenly trusts her much less.

Otavia smirks. "Well."
And shortly thereafter, she collapses into her jug to rest.

Kura eventually exits the deepship and says to Ten Stripes, "By the right of the silver pact, I have claimed victory in the counting coup. You owe me a blood debt, Ten Stripes, and I will not forget it. But for now, let it be etched into your tattoos as a reminder of your loss

Ten Stripes's tattoos flare up, bright as the full moon, and then sink down to only silver, with a debt-circle surrounded by shrimp-runes spelling out her defeat.

"There. It is done."

"Indeed it is. In future, please try to rule the isle better."

" There is a matter i need to discuss with you, Ten Stripes."
" Concerning how I bargained for your freedom."

Ten Stripes sighs and turns to Kozu. "Oh Luna. What is it?"
"Future, Kura? No, I'm done with Simenare."

" I admired your dedication to the island, though not your manner. In exchange for your freedom, you must bring the fae a gift at the end of each season. A token taken from some defeated foe of worth."

"It would no longer help them to have my guidance. Now that someone knew has proven their strength, and under a new treaty, they will need to stand on their own at last."
"Ugh. Well, a price for freedom I can accept. I would ask you not speak of this."

Neiz smiles and goes inside to sit down, leaning over the jug to whisper a quick "Good job, dear."

"That does not mean they have no need of defenders. It is your choice you. Do not worry, your secret is just that."

Otavia isn't sure which thing she's being congratulated for, but it's something nonetheless. The water splashes happily.

"One last thing." Ten Stripes rattles her chains and shackles. "Am I going to have to find my own way to break out of these?"

Neiz smiles, closing her eyes. Mad props to the big blue lady in the sky and all that.

Kura nods and says, "I'm feeling a little mean right now, so yes. You will."

"Kura, please."
Those shackles are soulsteel, continued exposure can not be healthy."

"Damn right it isn't."

Kura sighs and says, "Fine. Kozu, if you will,"

I really am sorry nothing has gone your way today." Kozu says to Kura as he leans down to undo the shackles.

Ten Stripes is free!
The magical material shackles fall to the ground, and then start rolling along the ground towards the northwest.
"Thank you, Illuminary Kozu."

" Please remember to bring them their trinkets, Miss Ten Stripes. Dealing with the fae is...tiring. Should you need my aid, do not be afraid to ask."

"It will not be a problem"

" That is refreshing to hear. Thank you."

Kozu reorganizes the mayors, creates fair new elections, builds a semi-hospital in the central village.
And completely misses the signs of Yozi cults throughout the island with only 2 occult. :P
Also teaches them how to make pizza, which is widely cooked and eaten as a sign of their liberation and good new times to come.

03:53:22: <TechnoScrabble> Best
03:53:25: <TechnoScrabble> Episode
03:53:27: <TechnoScrabble> Ever
03:54:12: <TechnoScrabble> I imagine we'll have to return later when demons invade
03:55:27: <Recaiden> Probably so
03:55:32: <Recaiden> You have to attend a fae festival too
03:55:40: <TechnoScrabble> Ah, yes
03:55:48: <Beans> will there be cotton candy
03:56:01: <TechnoScrabble> Ima have kozu bring kura along for lessons in the morning when that comes around
03:56:10: <TechnoScrabble> Teach her chaos repelling pattern just in case
03:57:01: <TechnoScrabble> So...what exactly is Harmony?
04:00:13: <Beans> is she cotton candy
04:05:29: <TechnoScrabble> Knowing the fae...
04:08:02: <Beans> fae festival filler episode
04:08:38: <TechnoScrabble> Itd be on the beach too
04:08:45: <TechnoScrabble> Perfect ova material so im told
04:09:49: <Beans> kimonos
04:09:53: <Beans> carnival games
04:09:58: <Beans> eggplant
04:11:03: <TechnoScrabble> Otavia trying for lesbian scenes
04:11:05: <TechnoScrabble> Oh man
04:11:28: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu has to explain that he has some weird fairy daughter to his wife eventually
04:13:47: <TechnoScrabble> Oh hey lost eggs are a thing
04:13:56: <TechnoScrabble> So the baddies wouldn't even need to kidnap db
04:14:07: <TechnoScrabble> Just grab one who is born in the threshold
04:14:20: <TechnoScrabble> Give 'em a bunch've loot and consorts
04:14:27: <TechnoScrabble> 'Yo, baby up an army'
04:14:41: <TechnoScrabble> What a wonderfully screwed world this is
04:17:21: <TechnoScrabble> I should make a character for another campaign who is the opposite of kozu
04:17:59: <TechnoScrabble> Big dude, dawn caste, in it like tordek, rides a wolf into battle with a big ol' axe
04:18:51: <TechnoScrabble> Anyways
04:18:53: <TechnoScrabble> Gnighr
04:18:56: <TechnoScrabble> *gnight

2014-09-04, 10:36 PM
[Sorcery Lesson, or, how our heroes manage to not kill each other]

21:09 *** Recaiden joined #shromp
21:09 +++ gaia.sorcery.net set the channel to mode +n
21:09 +++ gaia.sorcery.net set the channel to mode +t
22:05 *** Beans joined #shromp
22:05 *** TechnoScrabble joined #shromp
22:05 Beans [TITLE: IOSYS - Convictor Yamaxanadu! english subs VIEWS: 1138189 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 9160 UPLOADED: MarisaHanamura ] [TITLE: IOSYS - Convictor Yamaxanadu! english subs VIEWS: 1138189 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 9160 UPLOADED: MarisaHanamura ]
22:05 Beans this is basically how i imagine yu-shan works
22:07 TechnoScrabble Alright
22:07 TechnoScrabble So
22:08 TechnoScrabble Island got reorganized
22:08 TechnoScrabble Pizza became a thing
22:08 *** Firedaemon33 joined #shromp
22:08 Beans neiz ate a coconut
22:09 Firedaemon33 She did?
22:10 TechnoScrabble So kozu has to teach someone sorcery
22:10 TechnoScrabble And hes gonna ask kura to come along ans learn patterns of creation just in case
22:11 Firedaemon33 Why?
22:11 TechnoScrabble She tried to become a fae
22:11 TechnoScrabble It can also be assumed that he ranted at otavia sometime during the night
22:11 Recaiden Wow, that channel was just terrible recently
22:12 Recaiden Rants occurred
22:12 Recaiden Although I'm not sure what over
22:13 TechnoScrabble Huh?
22:13 Recaiden What was he ranting about, this Kozu?
22:13 TechnoScrabble Telling Otavia not to do dangerous stuff like remove q lunars tattoos
22:15 Recaiden Oh good. She didn't remove a Lunar's tattoo's. That was all Kura
22:15 TechnoScrabble She helped!
22:15 Recaiden Neiz ate a coconut like a true hero!
22:15 Recaiden No, she just encouraged!
22:15 Firedaemon33 Kura probably moped
22:15 Recaiden And you all still have to sleep.
22:15 TechnoScrabble I guss
22:15 TechnoScrabble Oh right
22:15 Recaiden Neiz is free to come along to the sorcery lesson if she wishes
22:15 Firedaemon33 Possibly yelled at Kozu for ranting at Otavia
22:16 Recaiden Apparently everyone else is going to be there.
22:16 Recaiden Except
22:16 Beans Neiz is there to watch yes
22:16 Recaiden Otavia is going to be asleeping still
22:16 Recaiden Alright, Kozu lesson time
22:16 Recaiden Take it away!
22:16 Firedaemon33 Clearly, Kura should carry Otavia's jug
22:16 TechnoScrabble Kozu apologizes to Kura again, in his own awkward jerkassy way
22:16 TechnoScrabble Anyways class time
22:16 Recaiden Kura is now the official group jug-carrier
22:16 TechnoScrabble Back at the beach the fae landed on at sunrise like he said
22:19 Recaiden ((Is there a Kozuy weapon besides the bow?))
22:19 Firedaemon33 Kura grumbles as she follows Kozu, "I don't know why I have to come to this. I'm about as magical as a rock."
22:20 TechnoScrabble ((Well, a staff maybe, but all hes good with is a bow))
22:20 TechnoScrabble " Everyone is magic, miss Kuragari, including the rocks."
22:21 TechnoScrabble ((I was gonna give him points in martial arts later))
22:22 Firedaemon33 Kura nods and hmms before saying, "If you say so, Kozu."
22:22 TechnoScrabble Kozu draws a series of circles in the sand with his feet, five large ones representing the elemental poles connected by a series of smaller ones. He stands in the circle at the center. "I do. Everyone, take a circle."
22:23 Firedaemon33 Kura steps into the circle representing the Western Pole
22:23 *** TechnoScrabble quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:23 *** TechnoScrabble joined #shromp
22:24 TechnoScrabble Sorry about that
22:24 TechnoScrabble Whatd i miss
22:24 Firedaemon33 Nothing
22:24 TechnoScrabble Alright cool
22:24 Firedaemon33 You saw Kura step into the western circle, yes?
22:24 TechnoScrabble Yeah
22:25 Recaiden Harmony takes the south circle
22:25 Beans [[does Neiz need to step into one or]]
22:25 Recaiden [[Yes]]
22:25 TechnoScrabble ((If she wants))
22:25 Beans Neiz takes the norf one!
22:27 TechnoScrabble Kozu undoes the top half of his robes, letting them fold over to his side, and sets his cases and scrolls and other sundry objects neatly outside his circle. "You will want to carry as little as possible. The first few steps are the most exhausting in quick lessons like these."
22:28 TechnoScrabble His sandals come off, and he takes a wide stance. "You want to be balanced, and close to Creation."
22:28 Firedaemon33 Kura nods and sets her katars and Otavia's jug outside of the circle, though within easy reach
22:28 Firedaemon33 Then adopts a martial artist's ready stance
22:30 Recaiden Harmony continues to have a bow across her back, but luckily for her, she had very few possessions anyway.
22:31 Beans Neiz just kind of watches; she's no up for learning sorcin' herself, but feels it's important to work on group solidarity.
22:33 TechnoScrabble Kozu begins to make movements that, predictably, resemble archery drills, with a fair amount of yoga thrown in. "First step, connect to creation. The important thing is not to mimic me, but to move in a way that lets your essence flow." Both hands to one side, then one draws away, and release. Repeat for the other side. Balance, with a sudden collapse in on itself.
22:34 TechnoScrabble " Harmony, you may have a harder time than the rest of us, being fae...at least partially. But your connection should be much better than that of any rakshas."
22:35 TechnoScrabble " We are not dabbling in mere mortal thaumaturgies or the indulgences and sorrows of demon summoning or necromancy today. We will be taking our lessons from the Emerald Circle."
22:35 Firedaemon33 Kura nods, swallows, then moves in a mix between swimming and punching.
22:36 Recaiden Harmony grumbles but follows along
22:36 Recaiden Left draw, release. Right draw, release, together
22:36 Recaiden Repeat
22:38 TechnoScrabble ((Safe to assume neiz is on jus' watchin' mode sti?))
22:38 TechnoScrabble *still
22:38 Beans [[Neiz is just in observe-the-cuties mode]]
22:38 TechnoScrabble Ha
22:40 TechnoScrabble The exercises to connect with creation continue until the sun has finally cleared the horizon. "Magic is not a way of breaking creation's laws, but of enforcing them. You are taking part of the essence of the world around you, and lending your strength to it in exchange for changing the world as you see fit."
22:42 Recaiden Start off by lying to them, eh?
22:42 TechnoScrabble Eh?
22:42 Recaiden Harmony sits down, exhausted already, in the circle.
22:42 TechnoScrabble I thought it was what the primordials used originally?
22:43 TechnoScrabble Hard coded into everything?
22:44 TechnoScrabble Erg, erase that last bit then
22:44 Recaiden Sorcery predates creation's laws.
22:45 *** Firedaemon33 left #shromp
22:45 *** Firedaemon33 joined #shromp
22:45 Firedaemon33 Oops
22:45 Recaiden Charms work within reality; Sorcery is just telling reality what to do
22:45 Recaiden Welcome back! You missed little
22:45 Firedaemon33 Mmkay
22:45 Recaiden Anyway, how, exactly, magic works isn't clear
22:45 TechnoScrabble In thag case
22:45 TechnoScrabble Ignore what he just said
22:45 Recaiden It was more a joke
22:48 TechnoScrabble " Our charms are granted to us by the gods of creation. Sorcery comes before. An art born long before any of us. With our charms, we enforce creation. With sorcery, you impose your own will wherever you go. The connection to your environment is still key, whether you are in the Wyld or at the heart of the Blessed Isle."
22:49 Recaiden ((There we go))
22:50 Recaiden Lessons are heard.
22:50 Recaiden Cuties are observed
22:51 TechnoScrabble "In order to wield this power, you must first witness it. See the world before you and its possibilities. Visualize what you are to reshape. But we all have something that clouds our vision. A petty anthill made into a mountain, a disease that consumes us like a wasting fever. Reach inside yourself, and rip yourself free of these bindings."
22:52 TechnoScrabble "Gaze upon the world as it truly is. This is the Spirit Detecting Glance."
22:53 TechnoScrabble ((Gonna spend the motes to actually use that charm))
22:53 Recaiden Kozu narrates, implying sacrifice, but then diverts the lecture to merely seeing the immaterium
22:54 TechnoScrabble ((Well yeah you gotta make the sacrifice to see first))
22:54 TechnoScrabble ((Otherwise you're still 'blindfolded'))
22:56 TechnoScrabble ((Listen they don't got set fluff for spirit detecting glance or a lot od occult stuff so im going with what sounds right/cool))
22:56 Firedaemon33 Kura nods, and says, "I don't see anything."
22:57 TechnoScrabble ((To be fair there probably arent ghosts and such in the area atm))
22:57 TechnoScrabble ((I dunno, reccys decision))
22:58 Recaiden ((No, it's fine))
22:58 TechnoScrabble ((Alright))
22:58 Recaiden Kozu sees no ghosts.
22:59 Recaiden No spirits
22:59 Recaiden No gods.
22:59 Recaiden The magical world apparently has little interest in this beach right now
23:01 TechnoScrabble "And you wont see everything every time. What is important is that you know how. The next step is knowing the patterns of creation, that you can give yourself a stable platform. Harmony, this may cause you some discomfort, but it will put you on better ground, should you ever face a demon or greater fae."
23:01 TechnoScrabble " It is not something I can pass on to you in one day, but I can start you on the basics. "
23:03 Recaiden "Or an elemental."
23:03 Recaiden Otavia chimes in
23:04 Recaiden For her part, Harmony is looking at Kozu with a deadpan stare
23:04 Recaiden Like 'Really?'
23:04 TechnoScrabble "Do you want to learn sorcery or not?"
23:05 Recaiden "
23:05 TechnoScrabble " I am not some wanton demon summoning hedge mage who will pass his teachings on with the drop of a hat!"
23:05 Recaiden Is this a lesson on sorcery, or being a jerk?"
23:05 TechnoScrabble " Excuse me for expecting that my students have at least an inkling of understanding of the power they wield!"
23:05 Beans "Oh dear, do I have enough dots in Medicine to treat that burn? :3"
23:06 Beans Neiz is totally not helping
23:07 Firedaemon33 Kura is just smiling at the banter, satisfied Kozu's child is annoying him
23:07 Recaiden "And I'm sorry for expecting you to have any understanding of your students."
23:09 TechnoScrabble "Not everyone is conjured into existence with knowledge of every little thing!"
23:09 Recaiden "At least some of us were conjured up with some manners."
23:10 TechnoScrabble " Oh, would you like some tea with your world shattering power?"
23:10 Beans "Oh dear, she really /is/ your daughter, isn't she?"
23:11 Recaiden "Oh no, I couldn't impose by asking for tea. Just a fair lesson, if you please."
23:11 TechnoScrabble Kozu realizes he has to explain Harmony to his dear wife and momentarily blanches.
23:12 Firedaemon33 Blame Kura!
23:12 Recaiden She doesn't have to know...
23:13 TechnoScrabble "I really am sorry, but I have never taught fae before. My methods are built around a calm, steady build up of power. One has to make sure the people with the executioner's blade are trustworthy, no?"
23:14 TechnoScrabble " My students usually spend a year learning before they can move on to sorcery's basics, whether I feel they are ready earlier or not."
23:14 Recaiden "If you were sorry, you'd leave fae alone and talk about *sorcery*. Or at least steadiness."
23:16 TechnoScrabble "It isnt anything against the fae, Harmony. But your lineage is going to cause you troubles connecting to Creation that Exalts simply do not have. If it pains you that much, I will teach Kura the patterns at a later date and move on for now."
23:17 Recaiden Harmony lets her glare be an answer, respect for Kozu dropping by the second
23:17 Firedaemon33 Kura comments in a low, nasty tone, "Yes, dear. We all know how much Kozu loves the fae."
23:18 Beans Neiz sighs. "Now, Kura..."
23:21 TechnoScrabble "That...is /enough/," Kozu draws up the words and touchstones of power into the forefront of his mind and throws his arms upwards, anima erupting into light around him as he wields his Infinite Mastery of Scrolls in an upwards pillar instead of the usual low to the ground swath, directing the essence-shaped scrolls and tattered pages so as not to harm anyone. Its just to grab attention and silence his class, really.
23:25 Recaiden Harmony is suitably frightened by the spell, and remains silent as the papers start fluttering down
23:25 Firedaemon33 Kura just looks at it and says, "Sure, flex those magical muscles. You don't scare me, Kozu."
23:28 TechnoScrabble " My master never would have stood for this foolishness, and he was ten times the man I am! I will not accept disrespect and insubordination from my students!x
23:28 Beans Neiz picks up any papers within her reach, wondering if they have anything written on them and if so, what.
23:29 Recaiden Harmony remains quiet.
23:29 TechnoScrabble He glares for a moment, and then shudders and moves his shoulders, soothing the tense muscle. "Miss Kuragari, i will flex /nothing/ while within your sight. Can we move on, /please?/"
23:29 Recaiden Maybe if she just nods like she's doing now, he'll get on with the lesson
23:29 TechnoScrabble ((The scrolls and papers would be covered on math and alchemy nonsense ans stories writren in a horrible mashup of high low and old realm))
23:30 Firedaemon33 Kura sighs, and says, "Fine. Continue"
23:31 TechnoScrabble "Because I daren't risk any of you with the Unconquerable Self or Imposing the Will, the next step is gathering the essence. Which, if you are not careful, can make you explode. So do pay attention. "
23:32 Recaiden Quick nods from Harmony
23:32 Firedaemon33 A glare is ellicited from Kura
23:32 Beans Neiz reads, since she can read both those languages!
23:33 TechnoScrabble "With the flow you directed earlier, gather your essence into a single point, just within you. You want to be able to evacuate it as quickly as possible, but you do not want it to exit yet. Observe the pool closely, feel it with as many senses as possible. "
23:34 TechnoScrabble Kozu gathers up five motes of essence in the palms of his hands, then directs them upwards.
23:34 Firedaemon33 ((Calling it a night here
23:34 TechnoScrabble " When you feel comfortable doing so, but before you begin to feel pain from tbe strain, push it out and release it. "
23:34 Firedaemon33 Assume Kura just watches, pretty much. Doesn't actually do much.))
23:34 TechnoScrabble ((Aw))
23:34 Recaiden Harmony places her hands together, and starts focusing. Her first use of essence!

A bolt of blue-green light streaks up from his palms, leaving a glittering golden trail, and explodes in the sky, shrieking like a firecracker and leaving behind glittering motes resembling a twilight caste mark.

2014-09-07, 07:49 PM

19:06 *** Recaiden joined #shromp
19:06 *** Beans joined #shromp
19:06 TechnoScrabble Lies!
19:06 Recaiden They were giving Kozu a hard time
19:07 Firedaemon33 Kura cares not for your sorcery!
19:07 Recaiden Kozu fired off a blast of essence
19:07 Recaiden Harmony, though, was impressed. Here is potential
19:07 Beans Neiz was reading the papers
19:08 TechnoScrabble "See why you should be sure not to hold on too long?"
19:09 Recaiden Nod nod nod
19:09 Beans momnod
19:09 Recaiden Neiz is reading.
19:09 Recaiden There's a lot of math on those papers
19:09 Firedaemon33 Kura simply sighs
19:09 Recaiden She swims in a sea of fives and xas
19:09 Firedaemon33 Ah...
19:09 Firedaemon33 Not the math!
19:09 Beans neiz does FD's math homework
19:10 TechnoScrabble Kozu doesn't wait for answers. "Now for today's spell. Countermagic, the building block of sorcery. Erase enchantments, counter other sorcerors, undo some constructs. It is easily the most versatile spell
19:11 Firedaemon33 Kura nods and says, "I see."
19:11 Firedaemon33 She doesn
19:11 Firedaemon33 t really see
19:12 TechnoScrabble " It is also very good for making offensive sorcery explode in the face of its caster. If you have not noticed, essence is pretty volatile."
19:14 Recaiden Harmony looks excited.
19:14 Recaiden "Yes, Kozu. Go on."
19:16 Recaiden ((Neiz, roll Int+Lore about maths))
19:21 Beans [[ok]]
19:21 TechnoScrabble " I am going to perform the first method of countermagic, grounding my own essence to remove sorcerous effects from my person and prevent the intrusion of others. I want you to reach out with your essence and attempt to counter it with the third form of countermagic, directly targeting a spell and severing its link with your own essence."
19:23 Recaiden Harmony nods, and focuses.
19:23 Recaiden Hands together, eyes locked on Kozu.
19:23 TechnoScrabble Kozu takes a strong stance and crosses his arms, turning his chin up, and his anima flares again, a radiant burst of multicoloured light dancing around him. "You may or may not succeed, do not worry if yoh don't."
19:23 TechnoScrabble *you
19:24 Beans [[... rolling refuses to work, hold on]]
19:24 Firedaemon33 Kura, meanwhile, slips a hand behind her back, picking up a handful of sand
19:24 Recaiden A brief flash of light appears in front of Kozu; a random display of essence, but nothing as solid as a spell
19:24 TechnoScrabble (?)
19:24 TechnoScrabble (Out of essence?)
19:25 Firedaemon33 (Nope. Kura just hates sorcery)
19:25 TechnoScrabble (I was asking why my spell...or was that harmony's spell failing?)
19:26 Firedaemon33 When the flash goes off, Kura throws the handful of sand as hard as possible at Kozu, trying to foul his concentration
19:26 Beans [four math successes]
19:27 Recaiden (That was Harmony failing to spell)
19:28 Firedaemon33 ((Hey, Recaiden. Could you link bat-style again?))
19:29 Recaiden Neiz notices a few odd things on the scrolls. Patterns that keep popping up on otherwise unrelated entries.
19:29 Recaiden ((BATS MA: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ThRnJMBu4vhBufqOdL1XRLvh3hF4m74-zFZf3y_kFrE/edit?usp=sharing)
19:30 Recaiden Like all this math was put together a bit lazily. Or someone is trying to hide a message in it.
19:30 Beans
19:30 Recaiden ((Kozu rolls against distraction))
19:31 Beans Neiz reads closely, trying to discern the patterns with her doing-the-kids'-homework mom powers!
19:32 Recaiden Kozu's pretty goo at this. There's only a 1/128 chance that the sand alone will break his spell
19:34 Recaiden The message is complicated, using anklokian logarithms ciphered under the Comet, a prototype constellation that was never actually implemented in Creation.
19:35 Beans ((neiz uses Google Translate Prana))
19:35 Recaiden But the content once deciphered is simple: "Send help", followed by a location.
19:36 Beans Gasp!
19:36 Recaiden The latitude, centrality, and pole referants place it far away, and, if she's reading this right, in the Underworld.
19:36 Beans Neiz swishes in excitement! "All of you, hold on just a second! There's a distress call in these papers!" She blinks, and then checks it. "... Oh, /boglapse/, it's in the Underworld..."
19:37 Recaiden ((Since TS is slow and away, I went ahead and rolled for him offline. He got 7 successes on seven dice to resist distraction.))
19:37 Firedaemon33 WHAT
19:37 Firedaemon33 No, really
19:37 Firedaemon33 WHAT
19:37 Recaiden ((Is that FD or Kura asking?))
19:38 Firedaemon33 FD
19:38 Firedaemon33 ((Should have parenthesis;d
19:38 Beans [[Nerrrrrrrrrrrrd powerrrrrrr]]
19:38 Recaiden ((About his magic dice, or the underworld distress call?))
19:39 Recaiden ((If the former, I can only assume TS is using Flood of Victory Prana))
19:39 Firedaemon33 ((Magic dice))
19:39 Recaiden ((If the latter, there are things that can communicate in very strange ways))
19:39 Firedaemon33 ((I swear, if this was RL, I'd accuse him of using loaded dice))
19:40 Recaiden ((It's not even the dice. The forum die roller, my physical dice, and even random.org love him.))
19:40 Recaiden ((It's mad))
19:40 Recaiden Harmony sounds terrified by Neiz's revelation.
19:40 Firedaemon33 Wow
19:40 Recaiden "Th-the underworld? Why?))
19:41 Beans "That's... what the coordinates say. I don't understand it myself... oh dear, this may get very dreary..."
19:41 Recaiden "Why would that be on those papers?"
19:44 Recaiden ((Beans, you actually got 5 math successes))
19:44 Recaiden ((tens count as 2, remember?))
19:45 Beans [[i can't count, which is beautiful irony]]
19:45 Beans "I'm not sure. But it's terribly strange, and strange things are rarely unimportant!"
19:46 Recaiden Neiz extracts additional information from the star-cipher: this was written a very long time ago, but (re?)sent recently.
19:46 Firedaemon33 Kura walks out of the circle, happy for an excuse to abandon sorcery, and says, "Really? Oh, Luna...That's really not good."
19:47 Beans Neiz relays this new information. "This... we can't ignore it, not something like this."
19:49 Recaiden "Are you sure?"
19:50 Recaiden Harmony does not have lots of Valor dots.
19:50 Firedaemon33 ((I wouldn't expect a Fae to))
19:51 Beans "I'm afraid so, dearie..." She tries to determine just how long ago, if she can. Also, possibly roll to see if she knows what spooky scary Abyssals are.
19:51 Recaiden Int+Occult
19:52 Recaiden ((Also, did you ever decide what Conventions Neiz belongs to?))
19:53 Beans [[4 sux. also oh gods what are conventions again ;w;]]
19:54 Recaiden [[What jobs Sidereals do. One is a direction, so for her it's probably Covnention on Water]]
19:54 Recaiden ((The other is 'categories of problems', including Deathlords, Natural Disasters, Essence users, etc.
19:57 Recaiden The other 2 options there are Plague and War))
19:57 Recaiden Every sidereal technically belongs to at least one of them
19:57 Beans [[I think Essence Wielders
19:57 Beans I'll put em in my deedlydoot
19:57 Recaiden Yey.
19:58 Recaiden Neiz is aware of Deathknights in particular.
19:58 Recaiden They're a new kind of Exalted, seen only in the last few years.
19:58 Recaiden A lot like Solars, but marginally more likely to drink your blood
19:58 Firedaemon33 MArginally?
19:58 Recaiden Normal people who even *see* them have been known to kill themselves rather than continue to be in their presence.
19:59 TechnoScrabble Im here, will post in about five minutes
19:59 Recaiden Well, Lunars are the group most likely to drink your blood
19:59 Firedaemon33 How so?
19:59 Recaiden Followed by Abyssals, then only a little behind by Solars, who get up to some weird stuff.
19:59 Firedaemon33 Huh
19:59 Recaiden Easiest way to steal someone's shape is to eat their heart.
19:59 Firedaemon33 I would think Abyssals would be most likely
19:59 Recaiden Followed by just drinking some of their blood.
19:59 Firedaemon33 Lunars only do it once!
20:00 Recaiden Yeah, but there's more lunars.
20:00 Firedaemon33 Hrm
20:00 Firedaemon33 I wonder what the factor is
20:00 Firedaemon33 And how many Lunars refuse to get a second human form
20:00 Firedaemon33 And also the hunt is really ritualized
20:01 Firedaemon33 It's not like they can just grab someone on the street and rip their heart out
20:01 Firedaemon33 Whereas Abyssals can
20:01 Beans Neiz frowns. "I'm... wondering if this isn't connected to the Deathknights... they're bizarre Exalts. Like Solars, but... egghhh." She squirms. "Would they be sending distress calls?"
20:01 Recaiden Most beings in the underworld, though, are Ghosts.
20:01 Beans [[quick catchup for TS: Neiz found an underworld distress call in kozu's magic death papers]]
20:02 Recaiden There's a particularly dangerous classification of ghosts called Spectres.
20:02 Recaiden And ghostly monsters known as Plasmics.
20:02 Recaiden or Hekatonchieres, for the really awful ones.
20:02 Recaiden Also you can find some living people down there.
20:03 Recaiden Then, there are Deathlords. Even Yu-Shan isn't sure what they are, other than entirely awful.
20:04 Recaiden Kura probably recalls that there is one deathknight who is actually a member of the Silver Pact.
20:05 Firedaemon33 ((Who? Er, Why?))
20:05 Recaiden ((It is a fairly unusual situation))
20:06 Recaiden ((Kozu knows whatever TS says he does about deathknights and the underworld))
20:07 Recaiden ((Although since he is pointedly avoiding necromancy and anything related to it, he probably doesn't know much))
20:07 TechnoScrabble ((7 out of 7? Kozu IS the RNG...)))
20:07 Beans [[Neiz hopes the Abyssal is cute.]]
20:07 Firedaemon33 ((More about the Silver Pact Deathknight, Plz. I gots to know))
20:08 Recaiden ((For Kura, it's from a conflict between the northern lunars and the Deathlord called The Lover Clad in a Raiment of Tears, that ended in a crushing defeat for the Lunars at Red Ice Fortress. Eight Lunars, including an elder, led the attack. Three of them came back alive.
20:09 Recaiden They brought with them an adorable kid playing with a ball.
20:10 Recaiden And insisted that the cute little Deathknight, called Face of Shadow (Deathknights don't have names, only Ominous and Flowery Titles) be given a proper standing with them.
20:10 TechnoScrabble Kozu doesn't even flinch as the sand collides with his face. He frowns slightly. "Miss Kuragari, could you not? Harmony, at least, is making an- I'm sorry, did you say the /Underworld/?
20:10 Recaiden She has moonsilver tattoos and all))
20:10 Firedaemon33 ((Wow. Cool.))
20:11 TechnoScrabble He drops the counter magic defense and scrambles over to Neiz. "You found a distress call from the Underworld on one of my scrolls?"
20:12 Firedaemon33 Kura looks at Kozu and says, "Is there something you're not telling us?"
20:12 Beans Neiz nods. "Yes indeed, dear---see?" She shows him the coordinates and the message, as well as the translation she wrote out on the back of another scroll. "It's certainly worrying..."
20:13 TechnoScrabble " Could I get a better look at that? If it appears in my scrolls...it may have something to do with my exaltation's past..." Kozu seems intrigued, but also a bit disturbed.
20:14 Recaiden Kozu can look at the scrolls, and with Neiz showing him the message, can't help but seeing it as well.
20:14 Recaiden ((He is welcome to roll Int+Lore to try for more infos))
20:15 TechnoScrabble ((Ill go roll ooc))
20:15 Firedaemon33 cues another seven sux
20:18 Recaiden ((Only 2 this time))
20:18 Recaiden Kozu is able to confirm what Neiz found, but that's all
20:18 TechnoScrabble ((Dang))
20:18 TechnoScrabble ((Third Excellency to reroll for four motes?))
20:18 Beans [[dammit, i hoped he would be able to tell how cute the deathknight is going to be]]
20:18 Recaiden ((Shore, go ahead))
20:18 Firedaemon33 ((Now we knw you're not cheating, at least))
20:19 TechnoScrabble ((My ruse is working then))
20:20 TechnoScrabble ((3...))
20:20 Recaiden Better, but hardly as Kozutastic as we've come to expect
20:20 Recaiden No new info
20:20 Recaiden Fd kinxed it
20:20 Firedaemon33 I am satisfies
20:20 TechnoScrabble ((Spend one wp to add a success?))
20:20 Recaiden ((Don't bother. Neiz got 5, going up to 4 is not going to do much))
20:21 TechnoScrabble ((Dangit))
20:21 Recaiden So Kura was harrassing him about this
20:22 TechnoScrabble " I have the feeling there is more to see here...but I'll need better time and references if I want to find much more.
20:24 Recaiden "Are we done with the sorcery lesson?"
20:25 Beans Neiz frowns. "I'm afraid this puts an abrupt end to it..."
20:25 Recaiden Harmony hops out of her circle
20:30 Firedaemon33 Kura nods and says, "And nothing of value was lost."
20:32 Recaiden ((Rude Kura))
20:33 Firedaemon33 ((She really dislikes magic.))
20:37 Recaiden ((You here, TS?))
20:38 Beans [[tea ass]]
20:38 Recaiden It seems our heroes have a decision to make.
20:38 Recaiden Will they return towards the House of the Weed tides and investigate these strange invaders?
20:39 Recaiden Or will they investigate this strange cry for help from the Ynderworld?
20:39 Recaiden Or will they strike out along a third path?
20:39 Beans
20:40 Beans [[they should get juice boxes]]
20:42 Recaiden And so, shortly therafter, the three exalted, fae student, and reluctant Otavia are seated at the island's finest juice bar, discussing their next move.
20:43 Recaiden Underworld? Ocean? Stay here and rebuild society better than Tacky Stripes ever could? More juice?
20:43 Recaiden Overthrow the Silver Prince? Challenge even stronger Lunars to ever more clever challenges until Kura is finally defeated?
20:43 Recaiden Go back home and visit their families?
20:43 Firedaemon33 Hah
20:44 Firedaemon33 Kura sighs and says, "As much as I want to stay here and rebuild society, we can't ignore the Coral Reefs people. As for the underworld distress call, I don't know...It feels like a trap."
20:45 Beans Neiz sighs. "The worrying thing is... what if it's connected? What if this Underworld business is somehow related to the Coral Reefs problems?"
20:45 Recaiden What if Neiz is right purely by coincidence?
20:47 Beans [[Beans votes for underworld because it's a plot hook, it's there, and it sounds like it'll be cool :3]]
20:47 Firedaemon33 ((Kura votes for Coral or Stay Here
20:48 Recaiden And without TS here, we probably shouldn't make a decision for now

2014-09-08, 10:27 PM
[Back to the House]

01:06:57: <firedaemon33> You can shromp if you wan tto
01:07:22: <Recaiden> you can leave the fae behind
01:08:28: <firedaemon33> Cause the fae don't shromp, and if they don't shromp
01:09:43: <Recaiden> then they're no friends of mine
01:10:29: <Beans> shropm
01:10:34: <TechnoScrabble> I CAME TO SHROMP AND CHEW SHROMP
01:10:41: <TechnoScrabble> AND I'M ALL OUT OF SHROMP
01:11:15: <TechnoScrabble> Okay
01:11:31: <TechnoScrabble> So, iirc, we decided to head back to weed tides?
01:11:45: <Beans> invasion of konoha arc, also known as "the hometown of the protag gets attacked by face-pierced ******* gingers from hot topic"
01:11:54: <Beans> also yes.
01:11:58: <Recaiden> Back to the underwaterworld
01:12:01: <Beans> back to dank tides
01:12:16: <Recaiden> Any last things to do before we leave?
01:12:44: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu uses servants of the eyeless face spell
01:13:10: <TechnoScrabble> Leaves behind ten dudes with five dots medicine and the four dot choices assigned to craft skills
01:13:17: <Recaiden> Right. Doctors of the eyeless face
01:13:19: <TechnoScrabble> Specialties in medicine and pharmacy
01:13:32: <TechnoScrabble> Instructs them to take care of the ill and injured and whatnot
01:13:33: <Beans> yaay
01:13:52: <TechnoScrabble> And tells Harmony if she does well he'll teach her more sorcery when he comes bavk
01:15:49: <Recaiden> 4"Take care, Kozu."
01:15:54: <Recaiden> And off they go!
01:16:04: <Recaiden> Back into the deepship and through the waters.
01:16:13: <Recaiden> Where do they direct it?
01:16:29: <Recaiden> To the city, to report their lack of progress?
01:16:34: <Recaiden> The twisted place in the tides?
01:16:41: <Recaiden> The rumbling jade mine?
01:16:44: <Recaiden> The wyld zone?
01:16:47: <Recaiden> Elsewhere?
01:16:48: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu would vote to the mine
01:16:52: <TechnoScrabble> To spy on it
01:17:04: <firedaemon33> 6Jade Mien
01:17:44: <Recaiden> Barring a veto from Neiz, the group heads towards the Jade mining operation.
01:18:12: <Recaiden> Where they first see incredibly bright spotlights cutting through the water along the ocean's floor
01:19:14: <firedaemon33> 6Kura winces and looks out at the spotlights and says, "What's going on here?"
01:19:32: <TechnoScrabble> ((Gonna be kinda slow for the next half hour or so))
01:19:59: <TechnoScrabble> 2" A mining operation , I would assume," Kozu says dryly.
01:20:23: <Recaiden> It's becoming loud.
01:20:31: <Beans> Neiz frowns. "I don't like the look of this...
01:20:36: <Recaiden> Rattling in the ocean floor and machinery shaking the water.
01:20:49: <Recaiden> Do you attempt to avoid the lights? Just sail right in?
01:30:09: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Watch those... we dont want to announce our presence just yet. "
01:30:45: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Yeah. Stealth is the best options
01:33:03: <Beans> Neiz glances around, worried by all the... things.
01:33:54: <Recaiden> Wits+Stealth from whoever wants to
01:34:08: <Recaiden> Do the stealthing
01:34:12: <Recaiden> Maybe each of you
01:34:34: <firedaemon33> 6(Yo, lemme stealth it all up in here!
01:35:53: <firedaemon33> 6((2 Sux))
01:36:43: <Beans> [[I assume this does not quite fall under the purview of silent movement?]]
01:38:47: <Recaiden> ((Not exactly, no))
01:39:30: <Recaiden> The deepship creeps around the edge of the spotlights' reach, just barely staying hidden. There is a tense moment when the light beams break their pattern to linger nearby, but they eventually move on.
01:39:46: <Recaiden> The shape of buildings rising from the seafloor can be seen under the source of the lights
01:40:21: <Beans> [[three of em]]
01:41:31: <firedaemon33> 6((:D))
01:42:01: <firedaemon33> 6((With Shromplike tread!))
01:43:23: <Recaiden> Neiz manages to get them a little closer
01:44:04: <Recaiden> There's a small central building, a towers where the searchlights are, and a long low building curving around the two
01:45:22: <Recaiden> Mine entrance probably in the little one
01:46:03: <Beans> PERC+Awa to see if we can see moar thgn?
01:46:49: <Recaiden> Yep
01:47:16: <TechnoScrabble> ((You dont want kozu to roll this one then :p))
01:47:27: <firedaemon33> 6((Or Kura))
01:47:45: <TechnoScrabble> ((Grand total of four dice for that))
01:48:08: <firedaemon33> 6((Four dice, four sux))
01:48:09: <Beans> [[dammit kozu wear your glasses]]
01:49:09: <TechnoScrabble> ((Cant get on forum to roll atm anyways, net being weird))
01:50:08: <Recaiden> There's some sort of vehicle at the base of the watchtower, deactivated.
01:50:21: <Recaiden> The curved building has portholes letting people look out
01:50:28: <Recaiden> There's 1 humanoid figure in the watchtower
01:50:55: <TechnoScrabble> ((Alright, done with work))
01:51:18: <Recaiden> ((yay))
01:51:30: <Beans> [[four of them]]
01:52:17: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Whoever's doing this...they are wealthy already. Or have powerful backers..."
01:52:28: <TechnoScrabble> ((Int+lore to identity architecture?))
01:54:38: <Beans> [[botch, mistake a doric column for an ionic column]]
01:59:09: <Recaiden> ((Sure, TS))
01:59:11: <TechnoScrabble> ((There we go, finally on the forum))
01:59:39: <TechnoScrabble> ((3 sux 1 crit))
01:59:39: <Recaiden> The architecture is completely bizarre.
01:59:54: <Recaiden> At length, you recall that it resembles some old first age patterns
02:00:00: <Recaiden> ((a crit is just 2 successes, TS))
02:00:08: <Beans> dun dun DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN
02:00:55: <TechnoScrabble> 2" And either they found this place...or they have someone very skilled with them to build it."
02:04:19: <Beans> Neiz frowns. "Oh dear..." She tries to see if she can make any hint of what group might be behind this, even if it's only as vague as "the DBs" or "the spookyscaries"
02:06:32: <TechnoScrabble> 2"I suspect at least minor ties with one of the Greater Houses of the Realm.'
02:06:46: <Recaiden> No hints for Neiz
02:07:16: <TechnoScrabble> 2'Perhaps we should return to the House of Weed Tides and report our findings. I may be able to conjure up some aid. "
02:07:33: <Recaiden> 11"More aid? I'm hurt."
02:07:40: <Recaiden> 11Otavia chimes sarcastically
02:08:08: <Beans> Neiz decides to go with what the nerd thinks, and also agrees with his tactical assessment. "Sorry, darling, but one of you won't be enough to kiss all the hostility we may have to deal with..."
02:08:28: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Indeed.'
02:08:53: <TechnoScrabble> 2"I meant no offense, Miss Otavia, but I had other aid in mind."
02:09:23: <Recaiden> And so, the ship carefully withdraws towards the House of the Weed Tides
02:09:30: <Recaiden> To regather and prepare themselves
02:10:40: <TechnoScrabble> ((Kozu knows pelagial now, just a reminder))
02:11:19: <Recaiden> Ooh
02:11:21: <Recaiden> That will make this easier
02:11:28: <TechnoScrabble> 2"I hope to access their libraries again, I have other angles to research. "
02:11:54: <Recaiden> And the group docks the ship again and swims back, regarded curiously by pelagials and eels swimming the streets
02:13:02: <Recaiden> <"Any news?"> one asks.
02:14:13: <TechnoScrabble> 2<"Much, but I am afraid comparatively little comes with any progress. I have an inkling of an idea who is running the mining operation, but we do know that it is /not/ Ten Stripes.">
02:14:41: <TechnoScrabble> 2<"I humbly ask to use your libraries once more.">
02:14:56: <Recaiden> <"Permission is still granted."
02:14:58: <Recaiden> >
02:16:16: <TechnoScrabble> 2<"I thank you,"> Kozu says with a bow, <"Is there anything you need of me before I go?>
02:16:27: <Recaiden> <"No.">
02:18:22: <TechnoScrabble> 2<"Then I make my leave,> Kozu heads to the library once more!
02:19:37: <TechnoScrabble> This time I'm looking for info regarding any Realm or fae activity in the area, and first age societies that were once around.
02:19:53: <Beans> Neiz halpz again
02:20:34: <TechnoScrabble> Oh okay woops
02:20:39: <TechnoScrabble> Forgot about help dice
02:20:55: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu will have Otavia help once .more
02:21:30: <Beans> whee
02:21:48: <TechnoScrabble> 7 sux total
02:22:58: <Recaiden> Yep.
02:23:05: <Recaiden> Halp, and I accidentally rolled after you and too little
02:23:08: <Recaiden> You learn all the thigns
02:23:13: <TechnoScrabble> Yay
02:23:17: <Recaiden> No realm activity
02:23:22: <Recaiden> Very little fae
02:23:26: <Recaiden> The Wyld zone is old and stable
02:23:42: <Recaiden> First age, well, there was the western Mobile Platform
02:23:49: <Recaiden> And the pelagial empire
02:24:06: <Recaiden> Which sunk beneath the sea, and its people tranformed and preserved by the craft-titan, autochton
02:24:15: <Beans> thanks breh
02:24:17: <Recaiden> Into the beings they are today
02:24:29: <Recaiden> The Wyld Zone, specifically, has been there since the contagion
02:24:37: <TechnoScrabble> Hmmmm
02:24:59: <Recaiden> The Realm once sent ships over this area in order to fight pirates, but all sank
02:25:17: <TechnoScrabble> Mysterious
02:26:00: <Recaiden> fighting the pirates, who sank them
02:26:06: <Recaiden> Many pirate ships were also destoryed.
02:26:09: <Recaiden> It was a bloody day
02:26:43: <TechnoScrabble> Less mysterious
02:27:44: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I...do not suspect the Realm, though ties to it are a possibility. Whoever these invaders are, they are skilled craftsmen. "
02:27:50: <Recaiden> Lots of Lunar-run societies used to exist her in the west
02:28:03: <Recaiden> Until that whole usurpation thing.
02:28:05: <Beans> :u bad woonars
02:28:14: <firedaemon33> 6CHIMERAAAAAAAAAAAAQ
02:28:17: <TechnoScrabble> 2" The unstable moonsilver makes me suspect chimerae..."
02:28:18: <firedaemon33> 6!
02:29:02: <Beans> Neiz nods in agreement. "I would be surprised if they weren't somehow involved, actually."
02:29:15: <TechnoScrabble> 2" But this construction... And some of the ancient societies..."
02:30:09: <TechnoScrabble> 2" There are rumours, heresay, that people have witnessed artificial gods of late. Crafted exaltations that make use of any material they please."
02:30:14: <Recaiden> 11"Would it be working with people, though?"
02:30:18: <TechnoScrabble> *hearsay
02:31:12: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Miss Otavia, would you happen to know any of the local elementals we could question?"
02:31:35: <Recaiden> 11"No.
02:31:44: <Recaiden> 11"We don't...socialize much."
02:32:30: <Beans> [[oh **** are we going to get beamklaved]]
02:33:07: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Ah, I apologize for intruding, then. Would it bother you if I summoned any?"
02:34:13: <Recaiden> ((Why would you get beamklaved?))
02:34:25: <TechnoScrabble> ((Alchemicals bruh))
02:34:32: <Recaiden> 11"Feel free to call them up. So long as I'm first."
02:35:11: <firedaemon33> 6While Kozu libraries, Kura is practicing martial arts.
02:35:30: <Beans> Neiz frowns. "I could help with that---socializing is my forte!"
02:35:42: <Beans> [[SOSHUL~]]
02:35:55: <TechnoScrabble> 2" First for what, Miss Otavia?" Kozu asks, socially oblivious as ever.
02:36:51: <Recaiden> 11"Never you mind, Kozu."
02:37:03: <Recaiden> 11Otavia rises up and goes to follow Kura
02:37:47: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu blinks. "What did I just miss?"
02:38:54: <Recaiden> 11"What is it you're practicing, Kuragari?"
02:40:07: <Recaiden> ((So what summoning will occur?))
02:40:44: <firedaemon33> 6Kura finishes her Kata before replying to Otavia, "It's a martial art style based on the movements of the bat. I find it excellent for my forte, assassination."
02:41:25: <TechnoScrabble> ((Was gonna wait for neiz to answer, but kozu intends to search for a local elemental, preferably one of a type that can be expected to be curious enough to investigate the mining))
02:43:14: <Recaiden> 11"Ah. Always seemed a bit frivolous, martial arts."
02:43:43: <Recaiden> 11"If you have to fight, why not just fight? Why bother with forms and stances?"
02:44:44: <Recaiden> ((Ah. Kozu will be calling up an Undertow.
02:45:20: <firedaemon33> 6Kura laughs and says, "You don't, not really. It's less of a strict form and more like a method of attack, a means to penetrate your enemy's defense."
02:46:12: <TechnoScrabble> ((Cool. Beans, will Neiz be educating Kozu on his social blunders?))
02:47:09: <Recaiden> Otavia nods, satisfied by that explanation.
02:47:17: <Recaiden> 11"Not so useless then. Clever."
02:48:36: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods as well and says, "Indeed. Most styles also confer powers associated with the thing they're based on. For example, I can fly, just a little, with this form."
02:49:08: <Beans> [[Do I have to roll against a number representing his obliviousness?]]
02:49:31: <TechnoScrabble> ((Nah))
02:49:38: <firedaemon33> 6((You would need infinite sux))
02:50:11: <Recaiden> 11"really?"
02:50:16: <Recaiden> 11They nymph's eyes lgiht up.
02:50:20: <Recaiden> 11"Can you show me?"
02:50:34: <Recaiden> 11"Could you teach me?"
02:50:37: <Beans> Neiz dumps out 10000000000 d10s in an attempt to show Kozu the error of his dork ways
02:52:59: <TechnoScrabble> ((All he did was ask what he missed!))
02:53:40: <Beans> [[everything]]
02:54:16: <TechnoScrabble> ((Is neiz gonna answer or just snark at him?))
02:56:40: <Beans> [[I'm not actually sure what he missed so assume neiz explains it]]
02:57:26: <TechnoScrabble> ((To be honest i.missed it too. I just caught that he missed something))
02:57:36: <TechnoScrabble> ((Rec?))
02:57:38: <Recaiden> 11"No, forget that, Miss Kura. But I would like to see how much Air is in it?"
02:57:55: <Recaiden> ((He missed things, and is now aware of what he missed. We don't need to know.))
02:58:16: <Recaiden> ((All he really did was tell Otavia that she didn't matter.))
02:58:37: <firedaemon33> 6Kura frowns and says, "I'd be willing to teach you...As for the elements, I'm not sure. We'd have to ask Kozu. I've never really studied how the elements relate."
02:59:02: <TechnoScrabble> ((...oops.))
02:59:43: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu begins preparations to summon an elemental. A local undertow this time, hopefully he can find one with answers.
03:00:15: <Recaiden> The elemental comes when called, a whirlpool of water swirling through te air of the summoning circle
03:00:26: <Recaiden> No concessions to humanoid aesthetics.
03:00:35: <Recaiden> Only the essence of deep, dark waters.
03:00:55: <Recaiden> Kozu feels a barrage of sensation press in on his mind, many quite stranged.
03:01:06: <Recaiden> ((Roll Manipulation+Linguistics to communicate with it.))
03:02:14: <TechnoScrabble> ((...0))
03:02:26: <TechnoScrabble> ((Botch even))
03:04:09: <Beans> [[okay i have an idea of how to handle this botch]]
03:04:28: <Recaiden> ((Let's hear it, Beans))
03:04:47: <Beans> [[take what he was going to say, run it through google translate into chinese, then retranslate it to english. Repeat as necessary until sufficiently mangled.]]
03:06:45: <Recaiden> "Newspapers call honor crystal"
03:08:16: <Recaiden> "What do you want? Reply you want to. Answer the call . Bite attract answer. Answer attract fish. Wish attract want to."
03:09:30: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu sighs and holds up his hand, "Please wait, I will return shortly," and rushes off to find Otavia.
03:09:47: <Recaiden> 11"Yes, Master Kozu?"
03:09:58: <Recaiden> The nymph asks coldly.
03:10:13: <Recaiden> She's sitting in the corner of an exercise room watching Kura perform her bat style katas.
03:11:42: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I need you aid again, Miss Otavia. And also to apologize. In my foolishness, I did not recognize the hidden meaning in what I said earlier. I did not intend to offend you." Way to go Kozu, chalk up one more on the stupid ******* chart.
03:12:37: <Recaiden> Otavia smiles, nods, and silently follows Kozu back
03:12:57: <Recaiden> 11She sighs upon seeing the new summon. "Uh. I can't help you with this."
03:14:23: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Ash! Hmmm...perhaps one of the pelagials!" And off he rushes again, assuming she meant she doesn't speak undertow!
03:15:09: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "Oh dear..."
03:16:59: <Recaiden> 11"Lozu, they..."
03:17:20: <Recaiden> Translator girl steps in, laughing, as Kozu goes to ask the doorkeeper.
03:17:39: <Recaiden> "Prince, Undertows can't talk. Thy just babble whatever most interestes them.
03:17:57: <Recaiden> Like 'the sun is warm!' You'll sooner get blood from a stone than useful secrets."
03:19:22: <Beans> Neizpalm
03:19:37: <TechnoScrabble> 2"... I should have known that! Why did I not know that?!" Kozu manages to smack himself on the noggin a few times before remembering people are watching and calming himself, "It spoke like it understood, are you sure there isn't any way it could know something of use?"
03:20:37: <Recaiden> Translator Girl is hiding her laughter behind two hands.
03:20:47: <Recaiden> The pelagial answers, its voice inhumanly deep.
03:21:18: <Recaiden> <"Very little information is found about them, even to us. On the surface, there may be none left who know everything about them.">
03:21:40: <Recaiden> <"The water courts are...broken, to say the least. Come to us for help, your fellow living beings.">
03:22:31: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu notices the laughter, but hides any recognition, though it bites deep, joining in his own self loathing.
03:22:58: <Recaiden> ((OopS))
03:23:55: <Recaiden> A bell rings, faraway but sounding through the whole of the city.
03:24:10: <Recaiden> One, two three-four quick on each other's heels.
03:24:25: <Recaiden> Everyone who lives here straightens and listens right off. It's an alarm.
03:24:26: <TechnoScrabble> 2"You can't discount entire races of beings just because of some...'family issues'," Kozu says, trying to find the politest way to describe elemental stigma, "It is a local elemental, one known for being curious, nonethe-that is not a good sound, is it?"
03:24:58: <TechnoScrabble> 22" Of course. It is a terrible sound. Why wouldn't it be?"
03:25:13: <Recaiden> The pelagial waves Kozu's question and grabs up his spear, chanting the words to reactivate the wards around the manse and the city.
03:25:23: <Recaiden> The translator girl gasps, humor giving way to fear.
03:25:35: <firedaemon33> 6Kura hears the alarm and runs into the library and asks, "What's going on?"
03:25:35: <Recaiden> 10"Danger approaching, to the whole city."
03:25:37: <TechnoScrabble> 2" An attack?"
03:26:01: <Recaiden> 10Nod nod nod.
03:26:11: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Then we shall see to it the danger is stopped."
03:26:17: <Recaiden> 10"Must be; nothing in the weather or the scrying showed any natural turmoil."
03:26:38: <Recaiden> 10The girl dives through the wall and starts swimming to her station.
03:26:53: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu apologizes to the undertow and releases it, bemoaning the motes he now lacks, and starts hurriedly putting back all the books.
03:27:07: <Recaiden> Otavia arrives quickly after Kura, a knife made of sharpened shell in her left hand.
03:27:13: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and shifts to her spirit form as she swims out into the sea, looking for what's attacking
03:27:39: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Miss Otavia, it would seem the situation could be dire, I-Miss Kura, do wait up!-I would ask that you take care."
03:27:41: <Recaiden> ((Perception+Awareness))
03:28:37: <firedaemon33> 6((2 sux))
03:28:39: <Beans> Neiz tries to help things be made calm
03:28:53: <Recaiden> ((How so, Beans?))
03:29:10: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu swims out to join Kura, not wanting to leave anyone alone on the edge of the House of Weed Tides.
03:29:30: <TechnoScrabble> ((I dunno if i already asked, would there is no wind also remove penalties for firing through water?))
03:29:40: <Recaiden> Outside, the Kura!shromp sees two of those odd first-age-style submersibles approaching the camp.
03:30:02: <Recaiden> ((Yes it does, TS.))
03:30:16: <Beans> [[Uh... I dunno, are people running around in fear? She'd try to calm them. I think. I dunno. Swoosh]]
03:30:31: <TechnoScrabble> ((Alright))
03:30:36: <Recaiden> Their lights are sweeping across the town, and each has what can only be weapons extending from each side.
03:30:39: <Recaiden> ((Why yes!))
03:31:12: <Recaiden> People are in fact panicking. Mostly the humans
03:31:23: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu draws his powerbow and nocks an arrow, drawing it back. "I do not think they will accept our words. We should disable them first."
03:31:24: <Recaiden> Running about, colliding with each other, knocking over glowstones
03:31:25: <Beans> [[what do I roll for Neiz's calming motherly ministrations]]
03:31:36: <Recaiden> ((Roll Charisma+Presence or Performance for calming efficacy))
03:31:45: <firedaemon33> 6When she sees the sub, Kura swims towards it as a shromp, then, when she's within punching range, shifts to her warform and punches the side as hard as she can, trying to breach the hull
03:31:47: <Recaiden> ((with +1 stunt so far.))
03:33:59: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu draws the arrow back, fletch to band, and takes careful aim. He searches for a weak point on the motive element of the other sub, seeking to stop it in the water. No lives need be lost this day, but this cannot stand.
03:34:19: <Beans> [[is that my stunt or kura's? I assume kura's]]
03:34:47: <TechnoScrabble> 2Once he's found a likely weak point, he channels his essence, willing the arrow to pass through the water like a vacuum, a shot to end this nonsense sooner rather than later.
03:35:24: <TechnoScrabble> 2"It's a world full of fools," he bemoans to himself before releasing the arrow.
03:35:30: <TechnoScrabble> ((Target arrow btw))
03:35:36: <TechnoScrabble> ((Any stunt bonus?))
03:36:28: <Recaiden> ((Beans's stunt))
03:36:29: <Beans> [[i got ten successes]]
03:37:08: <firedaemon33> 6((4sux))
03:37:55: <Beans> Neiz lets loose with the most motherly, calming ministrations possible as she tries to get people to get to safety in an orderly manner. She has infinite juice boxes and security blankies on hand, and wipes away 1d10 smudges from faces per tick with her hankie.
03:38:31: <TechnoScrabble> ((Any stunt bonus for the arrow, rec, or am i rolling just my 7?))
03:39:00: <Recaiden> 2 stunt to TS))
03:39:08: <Beans> [[yay]]
03:39:17: <Recaiden> The city is infinitely calmed by Neiz.
03:39:30: <Recaiden> The humans rally around her like ducklings lining up behind a mother duck to swim
03:39:55: <Recaiden> Those who have assigned places set to their tasks with great efficiency, sure that they will succeeed
03:41:17: <firedaemon33> 6((10 Damage
03:41:19: <TechnoScrabble> ((14 sux))
03:43:05: <Recaiden> Remember you recover 2m for each stunt die you are awarded
03:43:11: <Recaiden> It's an important part of combat resource management
03:43:20: <Recaiden> (Damage on that, TS?))
03:43:25: <Recaiden> ((You totally hit))
03:43:44: <TechnoScrabble> ((Trying to figure out what i roll fpr that actually))
03:44:22: <TechnoScrabble> ((Says +3 and then 5/2, but im not sure what +3 goes to...it was a target arrow so it does less damage but pierces armour better))
03:45:07: <Beans> [[ts is the dice]]
03:45:34: <Recaiden> Right. So you're doing 5 damage plus threshold successes, less their reduced soak
03:45:39: <Recaiden> Comes out to 7 dice, which I'll roll
03:46:20: <TechnoScrabble> Kay
03:46:33: <TechnoScrabble> Seven seems a decent number
03:46:34: <Recaiden> Kura's bladed fist smashes into the submarine, shearing off metal and cracking the viewport.
03:46:54: <firedaemon33> 6((I think I pissed them off))
03:47:13: <Recaiden> And then Kozu's essence-guided arrow hits straight in the center of it, spiderwebbing the main screen with cracks and sending drips of water leaking into the vehicle
03:47:20: <firedaemon33> 6((Which is good. Their fleshy bodies are much more vulnerable than the metal machine.))
03:47:30: <Recaiden> The essence cannons mounted on the sides (Kozu and Neiz recognize them for sure, Kura only maybe)
03:47:35: <TechnoScrabble> ((I was aiming for the motor though :())
03:47:36: <Recaiden> All take aim at this monstrous attack shromp
03:47:50: <Recaiden> ((Sorry, missed that.))
03:48:09: <Recaiden> I mean, Kozu's arrow hits the propellor engine casing at the back of the machine
03:48:24: <Recaiden> Which promplty explodes, spinning the sub about, tilted on its side.
03:48:32: <Recaiden> ((It is mostly intact, but anable to maneuver))
03:48:47: <TechnoScrabble> ((Yes))
03:49:00: <TechnoScrabble> ((This pleases TS))
03:49:22: <Recaiden> ((Kura dodges all the attacks))
03:49:38: <firedaemon33> 6((Boolet time))
03:49:46: <Recaiden> Lasers flare through the water, but the shromp moves between them like a ninja, bobbing and rolling in bullet time to evade them
03:49:52: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Miss Kuragari, you have their attention!" Kozu warns , "Essence cannons are no small matter!"
03:49:55: <Recaiden> Does Neiz want to do something here?
03:50:07: <Recaiden> ((Or she can continue to calm peoples))
03:50:09: <Beans> UM
03:50:12: <Beans> yes that
03:50:29: <Beans> Neiz keeps the populace calm because she's not actually too good at punchan subs
03:50:45: <Beans> she sings them a bunny song
03:50:45: <Beans> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EUYBWhVkKg
03:55:29: <Recaiden> The town square switfly becomes a singalong
03:56:05: <firedaemon33> 6Kura continues beating on the submarrine
03:56:58: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu nocks another target arrow, not allowing himself any pleasure in the success of his first shot. Such indulgence would lead to apathy, needles bravado, and self righteousness that were the errors of the first age solars. He concerns himself with the here and now, anima beginning to light up tje waters around him as he takes aim once more, wanting to disable the other sub before it finds a way to get the upper hand on Kura. He use
03:57:22: <TechnoScrabble> ((Aiming for one of the essence cannons this time. Any stunt?))
03:57:44: <firedaemon33> 6((Six Sux for attack, 7 Damage))
03:59:03: <Recaiden> ((2 again, TS))
03:59:16: <Recaiden> Kura finally inflcts real damage.
03:59:23: <Recaiden> The sub starts to leak!
04:00:00: <Recaiden> The second sub, seeing how dangerous Kozu is to its continued operation, races towards the archer
04:00:06: <Recaiden> essence cannons blazing.
04:01:28: <TechnoScrabble> ((8 sux, 3 damage))
04:01:53: <Beans> Neiz turns her bunny song into Perfection in Life, which---with the whole town singing---should be hearable by shromp and nerd. Now to roll and see if the bune song gives everyone 1wp
04:01:54: <Recaiden> TS dodges essence cannons as well
04:01:54: <TechnoScrabble> ((Thought i blew up number two's engine?
04:02:22: <Recaiden> ((Second here meaning the one still mobile. Apologies))
04:02:49: <TechnoScrabble> ((Ah. Well, that would be the one who's essence cannon he just shot at))
04:02:58: <TechnoScrabble> ((8 sux, 3 damage sux))
04:03:09: <Recaiden> BTW, gotta say whether you use an excellency before/as you roll. No waiting to see if you hit before correcting with magic
04:03:17: <TechnoScrabble> Oh
04:03:25: <Recaiden> The cannon is damaged, but this time, not completely taken out of comission
04:03:25: <TechnoScrabble> 5 sux 3 damage sux then
04:05:19: <Beans> [[7 sux on Perfection In Life... who has the highest mental dodge dv? I have to beat that]]
04:08:13: <Recaiden> I don't think anyone has 7
04:08:25: <Recaiden> ((Kura next, then koz, then Kura again, then subs))
04:09:24: <firedaemon33> 6Once more, Kura brings back her murderstick arm and slams it into the sub as hard as possibly, at speeds approaching the speed of sound, trying to pierce it once and for all
04:10:11: <Beans> [[then kura and kozu just got 1wp :3]]
04:10:29: <TechnoScrabble> ((Woot))
04:10:32: <firedaemon33> 6((10 Sux, 5 Damage))
04:12:33: <Recaiden> Kura punches her way into the sub.
04:12:51: <Recaiden> She is inside the rapidly flooding cabin, along with one pilot and two terrified gunners, one of whom is frantically trying to repair his gun
04:13:20: <Recaiden> They are dressed in strange, head-to-toe covering clothing, and are babbling in what sounds like Old Ream))
04:13:24: <Recaiden> Clearly terrified
04:13:54: <firedaemon33> 6((Okay, I want to grab the pilot and drag him back to the city to interrogate. How do I do this?))
04:14:52: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu realizes arrows just won't cut it here. He'll have to do this the flashy way. Calling up an essence flow, he focuses on the essence cannons and engine, wanting to disconnect them if he can, and destroy them if he cannot. Just so long as the threat is ended. Even his patience can go so far, but Infinite Mastery of Scrolls can go to carry it all the further.
04:15:11: <TechnoScrabble> ((Any stunt bonus before I roll?))
04:22:17: <Recaiden> just 1 die
04:22:29: <Recaiden> ((Grapple check, Kura. Clinch
04:22:49: <firedaemon33> 6((MMkay))
04:23:17: <firedaemon33> 6((What do I roll?))
04:23:29: <TechnoScrabble> ((5 sux, 3l/2 overwhelming and piercing damage))
04:23:45: <Beans> [[kozu really
04:23:46: <firedaemon33> 6((Ah))
04:23:46: <Beans> ...
04:23:47: <Beans> ...
04:23:47: <Beans> ..
04:23:51: <Beans> THREW THE BOOK AT THEM]]
04:24:43: <firedaemon33> 6((Gotta call it here, guys. I'll throw the clinch))
04:24:58: <TechnoScrabble> ((Dammit beans))
04:25:05: <Recaiden> ((Awwwww yeah))
04:25:25: <firedaemon33> 6((10 clinch))
04:25:26: <Beans> [[i get 45 pun stunt die. they all crit. i get a dollar]]
04:25:33: <Recaiden> uh.....won't that hit Kura too?
04:25:58: <TechnoScrabble> Im aiming at the sub attacking me
04:26:02: <Beans> [[i spend my pun stunt die on kura not getting hit]]
04:26:15: <firedaemon33> 6Kura steps into the rapidly sinking sub and grins as she says, "Run." and grabs the pilot, pulling him out into the water
04:26:28: <Recaiden> Kura will be dodge
Recaiden The enchanted books and papers slice through the water. The already damaged sub is sliced neatly in two.
23:25 Recaiden And from the other, Kura emerges with a struggling captive held in her claws.
23:25 *** Firedaemon33 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
23:26 Recaiden From faraway, the sound of dozens of voices raised in Adorable Song rings acorss the battlefield
23:26 Beans As the sub explodes, Neiz's musical number ends and she strikes a pose.
23:26 Beans BUN
23:26 TechnoScrabble Any chance kozu could save some of the crew he just de-subbed?
23:27 Recaiden Not likely, but he can try.
23:27 Recaiden Dex+Athletics, and if that works, Int+Medicine
23:30 TechnoScrabble ((5 athletics success))
23:30 TechnoScrabble ((7 medicine))
23:31 Recaiden Never doubt TS, Chosen of Plentimon
23:32 Recaiden Kozu speeds through the water, hastened by Otavia's water-blessing, and drags the three crew-members from the wreckage. Each is rushed within one of the few air-containing domes, and their lacerations patched up. None are in very good shape, but they'll survive.

2014-09-10, 10:56 PM
02:17:15: <TechnoScrabble> First
02:17:57: <firedaemon33> 6SHROMP AND IGNITE!
02:18:05: <TechnoScrabble> FORM OF SHROMP
02:18:11: <TechnoScrabble> SHAPE OF SHROMP
02:19:32: <Recaiden> SHAPE OF FIRE
02:19:45: <Recaiden> PREVIOUSLY, ON SHROMPTIME
02:20:05: <Recaiden> Two submersible vessels had approached the House of the Weed Tides and its surronuding city in a threatening manner
02:20:23: <Recaiden> They were soundly demolished by Kura and Kozu, while Neiz rallied the people with song.
02:20:34: <TechnoScrabble> Neiz is the real hero
02:20:39: <Recaiden> Four prisoners, two corpses, and several distinct piles of wreckage were recovered.
02:20:53: <Recaiden> An Undertow Elemental sat sadly in its summoning circle, nuable to understand what Kozu wanted
02:22:17: <Beans> Neiz gives the Undertow a gold star to cheer it up.
02:22:58: <TechnoScrabble> i thought kozu dimissed it before running off?
02:23:06: <TechnoScrabble> He put all his books back and everything
02:23:19: <TechnoScrabble> That library was /tidy/ before he went to war
02:24:38: <Beans> She can arrange for the gold star to get to it in some way. Sidereal stuff.
02:25:36: <TechnoScrabble> Dang that loom of fate
02:25:39: <TechnoScrabble> Anyways
02:25:45: <Recaiden> ((brb))
02:26:05: <Recaiden> The underttow is happy with its star
02:26:38: <Beans> :3
02:27:54: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu will tend to the four captives, making sure they are well cared for medically. Can't have them dying on him before interrogation.
02:28:28: <TechnoScrabble> ((9 sux))
02:29:45: <Recaiden> Captives are all well and healthy and terrified
02:29:57: <Recaiden> They're probably saying words.
02:30:05: <Recaiden> ((Int+Linguistics to understand any of it))
02:30:08: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu speaks old realm
02:30:15: <Recaiden> Yep.
02:30:22: <Recaiden> But that's not what they're speaking
02:30:27: <Recaiden> And it will help him out
02:30:35: <TechnoScrabble> Ah
02:30:42: <Recaiden> The people from the sing-along slwly disperse
02:30:53: <Beans> What's Kozu's INT+Ling?
02:31:04: <firedaemon33> 6Infinity
02:31:12: <TechnoScrabble> 8
02:31:17: <TechnoScrabble> ((4 sux))
02:31:22: <Beans> damn girl
02:32:01: <Beans> [[by the way did we earn a bp]]
02:32:07: <Recaiden> They are asking a million questions. Where are they, who are you why did you help them what was that how did you where is the thing.
02:32:15: <Recaiden> ((+1 BP for everbody))
02:32:22: <TechnoScrabble> ((Yay))
02:32:35: <Beans> whee
02:33:33: <Recaiden> Neiz now has a million fans
02:33:35: <TechnoScrabble> 2" You are in the House of The Weed Tides, and I am Illuminary Kozu. I brought you here out of the water because I am no murderer. I am sorry, but two of your friends did not make it."
02:34:02: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Please, calm yourselves. I have questions of my own."
02:34:47: <Recaiden> They look between each other and nod.
02:34:48: <Recaiden> Calm.
02:34:49: <Recaiden> Silent
02:35:03: <Recaiden> There's three men and one woman, all a bit taller than Kozu, because everyone is.
02:35:58: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Thank you. I would like to know who you are and where you are from?"
02:36:54: <Recaiden> The leftmost man shakes his head.
02:36:58: <Recaiden> TRefusing to talk
02:37:31: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is with Kozu, acting mencacingly
02:37:53: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Please, I mean you no harm. I am a scholar.'
02:38:10: <Recaiden> Oh no menacing shrimp
02:38:45: <Beans> Neiz tries to interpose herself between Kura and the prisoners with swishing
02:39:09: <Recaiden> "Li. From Yugash."
02:39:45: <TechnoScrabble> ((Would kozu know yugash?))
02:40:36: <Recaiden> Nopre
02:40:40: <Recaiden> Well...
02:40:49: <Recaiden> give me ten successes on Int+Lore
02:40:57: <Recaiden> And maybe you would
02:41:19: <TechnoScrabble> Kay
02:41:58: <TechnoScrabble> ((5...l
02:42:22: <Recaiden> Never heard of it
02:43:15: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I have never heard of Yugash, sorry. Where is it?"
02:43:29: <Recaiden> The man shrugs
02:43:34: <Recaiden> "Don't know"
02:44:23: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Unfortunate. Any chance you know why you were attacking us?'
02:45:01: <Recaiden> "City full sea monster. Breakers.
02:46:48: <TechnoScrabble> 2" The pelagials are hardly monsters. These seas are deep and dangerous, though. The people of this city have been losing patrols to an unknown foe, we thought it to be you and your mining operation. "
02:47:18: <Recaiden> The lady shakes her head. "Monsters. Breakers. Demons."
02:47:36: <Recaiden> Upset that Kozu doesn't understand the danger
02:48:24: <TechnoScrabble> 2"*sigh* Miss Kura, please resume human form. Believe me, I have witnessed enough demons to know the pelagials are not from Malfeas."
02:56:30: <firedaemon33> 6((She is in human form. Just being menacing))
02:57:05: <TechnoScrabble> ((Scratch that then. He just sighs assures them pelagials arent demons))
02:57:49: <Recaiden> "Yes. Are. Malfeas. Tell us."
02:58:48: <Recaiden> The rightmost man speaks up, using an older form of his language, closer to Realm
02:59:12: <Recaiden> "You know something about Malfeas. Even if you are under the Pelagials' thrall, you might have some right facts.
02:59:29: <Recaiden> "Tell us what you know, and we will trade our words with you."
03:00:23: <TechnoScrabble> 2" We were attacked while sailing through here, our ship destroyed. Whatever it was left behind unstable moonsilver. These people took us in, and reported they have been attacked as well. Everyone coming through here has been attacked. "
03:01:22: <Recaiden> "We have taken everything that has been found.
03:01:32: <Recaiden> Except where these demon-touched have contested it."
03:02:58: <Recaiden> "You should not have survived your ship's encounter. What are you?"
03:03:39: <TechnoScrabble> 2"We are the Chosen of the Celestial Incarnae. We are Exalted."
03:04:08: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Gods unto our own right, though I would rather avoid hubris."
03:04:19: <TechnoScrabble> ((Beans http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RnV00SgEfZ0))
03:04:55: <TechnoScrabble> (( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MPwF6YTLLuc))
03:05:53: <Recaiden> They seem shocked by this news.
03:06:11: <Recaiden> Then the center man remembers something and starts talking quickly and excitedly.
03:06:17: <Beans> [[neiz will totally break that out later]]
03:06:46: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I hope you weren't behind that attack. For your sake."
03:06:48: <Recaiden> Something about 'Orichalcum', 'Estasia', 'Military'
03:06:56: <Recaiden> "Uh, of course not.
03:06:59: <Recaiden> Just our orders."
03:07:21: <Recaiden> The other two sigh. They're doomed for sure.
03:08:03: <TechnoScrabble> 2"*sigh* There were mortal crewmen on that ship. Good men. And whatever you did left behind unstable moonsilver."
03:08:32: <TechnoScrabble> 2" What you did was wrong. Reparations will be made when this is all said and done."
03:08:38: <Recaiden> "wasn't us, personally."
03:08:42: <Recaiden> "Just so you know."
03:09:03: <Recaiden> The central man elbows him in the side and he stops talking there.
03:09:13: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Then you won't be paying out of pocket. In the meantime, you are in my custody, meaning you are safe."
03:10:02: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu shoots a stern look at Kura ,"Even if it /would/ be entertaining to make you swim for thw surface, right Miss Kuragari?"
03:10:44: <Recaiden> Frightened gulp.
03:11:19: <Recaiden> Anyway, they seem unwilling to give much information here.
03:11:24: <firedaemon33> 6Kura grins and says, "Indeed."
03:11:37: <Recaiden> No matter how scared they are of Kura
03:12:14: <TechnoScrabble> 2" We should bring the greeters. We need to discuss our next move, and quickly. "
03:12:32: <Beans> Neiz pats Kura's shoulder, then blinks. "Indeed... what /is/ our plan?"
03:13:40: <TechnoScrabble> 2" My vote, for now, is to take the deepship to the mining operation and barter our prisoners for peaceful talk. Something is very wrong here."
03:14:13: <TechnoScrabble> 2He looks around, then whispers, "Neither Lunars nor Yozi worshippers are out of the question. Keep your eyes peeled."
03:15:07: <Beans> Neiz nods. "Negotiations? Oooh, that's my job!"
03:15:33: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Yes. Yes it is."
03:15:41: <Beans> :3
03:15:42: <Recaiden> Negotiation time!
03:15:50: <Recaiden> Prisoners and party into deepship
03:15:53: <Recaiden> Neiz at the lead.
03:15:54: <Recaiden> Off they go
03:16:06: <Beans> Wheeeee~
03:16:24: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu brings Otavia with them, and apologizes again for his social error over.
03:16:46: <Recaiden> Less subtle this time, the spotlights quickly find them, but the ship is allowed to approach
03:16:55: <Recaiden> Otavia grins and hugs Kozu by way of response.
03:17:34: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu puts up with the hug, but his return hug is very awkward. He's bad at this.
03:17:48: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Miss Neiz...are you able to speak their language?"
03:18:09: <Beans> Neiz... rrrrrrrrrrrrrolls
03:19:08: <Beans> [[4]]
03:19:34: <Recaiden> Sort of!
03:19:45: <Recaiden> It's like Old Realm, and you can probably muddle by and make yourself understood
03:19:52: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I will translate where needed."
03:20:16: <Beans> "I... kind of! I will be able to work it with your assistance."
03:20:17: <Beans> Swoosh
03:20:45: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Very well. Let's hope for the best."
03:20:48: <Recaiden> The figure at the top of the watchtower floats down to meet the ship.
03:22:50: <Beans> Neiz stands at the ready!
03:23:20: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu waves, then bows slightly, and gestures to the prisoners.
03:24:53: <firedaemon33> 6Kura...Watches
03:25:15: <Recaiden> The figure looks like a perfectly normal man, except for what appear to be jade gills on his neck, fluttering to let him breath in the water. He is dressed like the others, and motions to the watchtower's base, where an airlock would let people to some interior.
03:25:45: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Ah. Hospitality." Kozu grins grimly.
03:28:34: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I suppose we should accept it?"
03:28:44: <Recaiden> 11"We'd better."
03:29:00: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "Perhaps they'll have hors d'oeurves."
03:29:30: <TechnoScrabble> ((I know neiz likes prostitutes but come on beans))
03:29:42: <Recaiden> 11((uh....))
03:29:54: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Let's head on down, then. "
03:30:00: <TechnoScrabble> ((Was joking))
03:30:08: <Recaiden> Within, whoever goes finds, after the pumps of the airlock cycle, the man having led the way in, a supremely spartan room.
03:30:24: <Recaiden> There is a table, three chairs, and a logbook.
03:30:41: <Recaiden> There is also a neatly stacked deck of cards and a simpyl fabulous plate of hors d'oeurve
03:31:09: <Recaiden> 9"So, who are you?"
03:31:49: <firedaemon33> 6Kura follows into the airlock
03:31:59: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Illuminary Kozu, Chosen of The Unconquered Sun. Here with Miss Kuragari, Fist of Luna, and Miss Neiz, Servant of the Five Maidens."
03:33:16: <Beans> Neiz smiles beatifically, tossing an errant lock of swoosh-hair.
03:34:05: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply grins at the man and says, "Indeed. So who are you, then?"
03:36:00: <Beans> Neiz continues to smile, inclining her head toward Kura. "Perhaps allow the... less blunt of us to handle this, dearest? Now is the time for subtlety and filligreed words, not so much for shrompery."
03:41:18: <Recaiden> 9"Immaculate Blade, Champion of Yugash."
03:41:37: <Recaiden> He grins back, tiliting his head.
03:42:10: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Ah, yes, one of your men mentioned Yugash. Where exactly is that?" Kozu asks, eyes glittering with a hunger for knowledge.
03:42:12: <Recaiden> 9"You were responsible for the loss of one of our crews, weren't you?
03:42:31: <Recaiden> 9"It is our homeland. Rather far from here."
03:43:12: <Beans> Neiz frowns. "Regrettably, we were unable to save as many as we hoped."
03:43:54: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Two of your men have perished in an attack on us, I apologize."
03:44:38: <Recaiden> 9"Far more than that.
03:44:54: <Recaiden> 9"Although I take it you are also the reason our two Oil Divers did not report back?"
03:45:06: <Recaiden> He appears to be referring to whatever happened to your ship
03:45:29: <TechnoScrabble> 2"No, we are unaware of any other loss. We did not even know you were here until recently."
03:46:02: <TechnoScrabble> 2"We don't remember what happened to our vessel, only that we awoke in its wreckage."
03:46:13: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Indeed."
03:46:33: <Recaiden> "Nor do we. My fellow champion awoke in drifting splinters and floating corpses, and reported on it."
03:46:44: <Recaiden> 9"We have a common enemy, then?"
03:47:49: <Beans> Neiz nods. "It appears we do... especially since that enemy's actions also resulted in unstable Moonsilver being released."
03:48:01: <Recaiden> 9He laughs.
03:48:06: <Recaiden> 9"That is nothing to worry about."
03:48:16: <TechnoScrabble> 2" So it would seem. They have also attacked the people of the House of Weed Tides. Your men mentioned demon-why are you laughing? "
03:49:33: <Recaiden> 9"Your word for it is amusing, for one. 'Moonsilver'. Quaint, you know? Why do you fear it so much?"
03:50:37: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Because unstable moonsilver is a) bad for the environment and b) a sign of chimera, " Kozu says with obvious dislike for the man's attitude.
03:51:04: <Recaiden> 9"Chimera. What is that?"
03:51:35: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Something you do not ever wish to encounter. And unless that moonsilver came from you, we may be up against one."
03:51:47: <firedaemon33> 6Chimerae are Lunars from the first ahe
03:51:51: <Beans> Neiz keeps smiling. "Chimera are the results of Chosen of Luna losing control over themselves completely. They are terrifying monsters and rampantly insane."
03:51:51: <firedaemon33> 6" "
03:51:54: <Recaiden> 9"That is why it's no concern. Yes, the molten mithril came from our agent."
03:52:03: <Beans> :O
03:52:13: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs with relief and says, "That, at least, is a relief."
03:52:52: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Though we are, understandably I feel, upset about the attack. There were good people on that ship."
03:53:20: <Beans> "Exactly why did the... moonsilver result from your agent?" She decides to use their word. It's their damn word.
03:53:58: <Recaiden> 9"There is no danger of this 'Kuragari' becoming such a thing?"
03:54:39: <Beans> She shakes her head. "No, thanks to her stabilizing tattoos."
03:54:48: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Miss Kuragari is a /person/, not a beast or an object, thank you, and no, not at present."
03:54:48: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glares at him and says, "No."
03:54:57: <Recaiden> 9"It is a natural consequence of activating our charms."
03:55:03: <Beans> She puts an arm around shrompum, then blinks.
03:55:37: <Beans> "... Exactly what is your nature, such that the use of charms produces such hazards?"
03:55:45: <TechnoScrabble> 2" You leak magical materials? Either wasteful or profitable."
03:56:02: <Recaiden> 9"Unstable, as you said. They evaporate quickly."
03:56:16: <Recaiden> The man grins, and spreads his arms wide.
03:58:01: <Recaiden> His flesh ripples, suddenly apparent as a million tiny triangles. A green light appears on his forehead as his skin splits along actuation lines and retracts, revealing gleaming metal and hardened clay. Jade strands cause his muscles to bulge up, stretchnig through his limbs.
03:58:15: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swears and mutters, "Oh hell. An Alchemical."
03:58:24: <Recaiden> Traces of starmetal and orichalcum ring his head, and gems extend from his joints
03:58:50: <Beans> [[do we know about roboxalted even]]
03:58:56: <Recaiden> ((Kura can't say that. Nope.
03:59:00: <Recaiden> Never heard of them))
03:59:17: <Beans> [[secret robit]]
03:59:22: <Recaiden> 9"We are the Chosen of the God Machine Autochthon."
03:59:22: <TechnoScrabble> 2" It's true!" Kozu exclaims excitedly ,"It's all true! The rumours! Artificial champions!"
03:59:28: <Recaiden> 9"Perfect mechanical lifeforms."
03:59:34: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Even better!"
04:00:15: <TechnoScrabble> 2" eh...i'd draw the line before perfect. That sort of statement kills countless people."
04:00:20: <Beans> Neiz blinks. "... Well, that was unexpected. I... suppose it does make sense, though."
04:01:00: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Still, you /must/ let me study you! And your technology! Oh, ohhh a god machine, what wonders there must be!"
04:01:33: <Recaiden> 9"I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I do have work to do, Kozu. Perhaps you could go speak with a sodalite for more information."
04:02:07: <Beans> "On the off-hand, would you happen to know anything about any recent Underworld activity?"
04:02:16: <Recaiden> 9"Underworld? What is that?"
04:02:25: <Recaiden> Seems like a 'no'.
04:02:35: <Beans> Shrug
04:02:35: <TechnoScrabble> 2" We /all/ have work to do," Kozu says, re-dignifying himself, "And I think we will need to work together."
04:02:38: <Recaiden> 9"I admit, there is very much about this place that we do not understand."
04:03:01: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I, for one, still wonder why you attacked us? And then the House of Weed Tides?"
04:03:08: <Recaiden> The alchemical extends a Jade hand to Kozu.
04:03:16: <Recaiden> 9"I think that can work out."
04:03:28: <Recaiden> Apparently, they have the handshake instead of the clashing mountains.
04:03:34: <Beans> laaaame
04:03:46: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu takes the hand, apprehensive about touching as ever. "Good."
04:03:48: <Recaiden> 9"The House of the Weed Tides? Apologies, but what is that?"
04:04:16: <TechnoScrabble> 2" The city of pelagials your men attacked."
04:04:18: <Recaiden> 9"As for you, it's simple. The wood of your boat and your magical materials."
04:04:35: <Recaiden> 9"Ah. The Breakers. Some people are simply beyond reasoning with."
04:04:51: <Recaiden> Distaste is evident in his voice.
04:04:59: <Recaiden> 9"Those things are worse than gremlins."
04:05:19: <TechnoScrabble> 2" You killed innocent men for wood. You can manage a mining operation, but you killed innocent men for wood." Kozus voice is flat, no inflection or tone or emotion to it.
04:05:56: <Recaiden> 9"And it was all a waste! Such a shame. All those resources.
04:06:01: <Recaiden> 9...And men."
04:06:09: <firedaemon33> 6Kura balls a fist in her Katars, but holds her strike
04:06:12: <firedaemon33> 6Barely
04:06:21: <Recaiden> 9"We weren't intending to kill them."
04:06:41: <Recaiden> 9"Something went wrong, I can only assume."
04:07:01: <TechnoScrabble> 2"And yet you did. So careless. Tell me, how many other ships have sunk because you needed materials? "
04:07:05: <Recaiden> 9"I'll get my agent, who was actually there."
04:07:16: <Recaiden> 9"Not important right now, how many."
04:07:32: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "There is such a thing as trade."
04:08:28: <Recaiden> 9"There is also such a thing as hurry. There Assembly has decreed such and such a division of resources.
04:08:36: <TechnoScrabble> 2" It is very important. Very. Very. Important."
04:08:59: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Ash and rubbish to your Assembly, people died for your greed!"
04:09:11: <Recaiden> 9Our translators and bureaucrats are working on trade proposals, but the resources are needed *now*."
04:09:16: <Recaiden> He waves a hand.
04:09:29: <Recaiden> 9"Yours was the second to be sunk, or any such misfortune
04:09:53: <Recaiden> 9There was another, carrying something called 'firedust'. What that was became apparent very quickly."
04:09:53: <TechnoScrabble> 2" One murder will sentence a man to death in any civilized city."
04:10:11: <Beans> Neiz doesn't waste any more smiles on him. "One does hope that ours was not only the second, but the last."
04:10:17: <Recaiden> 9"The other crews were given proper resin lifeboats and sent away ship unsunk."
04:10:29: <Recaiden> 9"Good thing no murder has passed here.
04:10:46: <Recaiden> 9Unless you mean to confess to killing our two scouts in the oil divers?"
04:10:55: <Recaiden> There's a hard edge to his words now.
04:11:18: <TechnoScrabble> 2" We killed only the two men who attacked us. You sank a ship full of crew. "
04:12:21: <Recaiden> 9"I think you are being far too accusatory here. Remember that we also lost a survey team in that encounter."
04:13:17: <TechnoScrabble> 2"'If it would concern the judge, we did lose two of our mercenaries while massacring that village, making us completely innocent!'"
04:14:00: <Recaiden> Blade rolls his eyes at Kozu
04:14:09: <Recaiden> That's really the only fitting reaction to this level of idealism
04:14:51: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I take it all the patrols 'The Breakers' lost were your work as well?"
04:15:14: <Beans> "Their deaths were an unfortunate result of their own decision to make the attack. We did save those who we could, and for that you are /quite/ welcome."
04:15:18: <Recaiden> 9"Yes."
04:15:26: <Recaiden> 9"And we thank you for that, Miss Neiz."
04:15:27: <Beans> [[i think we're talkking about the thing with the subs right]]
04:15:41: <Recaiden> 9((We are now.))
04:15:48: <Beans> [[soobs]]
04:15:51: <Recaiden> 9((Before they were talking about the campaign start.))
04:16:03: <Beans> [[words confues]]
04:16:29: <Beans> [[i require additional pasta]]
04:16:50: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Then what issues have you had with them? Self defense is hardly a crime."
04:17:21: <Recaiden> 9"Resources aside, I aim to see those blasphemous demon-worshipping beasts eradicated."
04:17:34: <Recaiden> 9"Their very existence pollutes this water."
04:17:53: <Beans> [[my ebon dragon don't want none unless you got dots hun]]
04:18:13: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Somehow I think you've got it wrong. I saw no demons there."
04:20:01: <Recaiden> 9"Then you weren't looking."
04:20:23: <Recaiden> He seems quite convinced of this.
04:21:08: <TechnoScrabble> 2"I have a pretty good eye for Malfeas' locals. Had a bit of a run in when I was younger. "
04:21:36: <Beans> [[the adventures of three Exalted who go around and meet a diverse population of *******s]]
04:23:00: <Recaiden> "On your honor, we will leave them alone until all other objectives are accomplished."
04:23:06: <Recaiden> "As you are a native."
04:23:43: <TechnoScrabble> 2" So you will finish killing other people first, then go kill them. Charming."
04:24:05: <TechnoScrabble> 2" What are your objective here that require so much raw material?"
04:26:52: <Recaiden> 9"Repairing a world."
04:27:34: <Beans> :u
04:27:49: <Recaiden> 9"Despite your apparent assumptions, our goals are not to kill anyone."
04:28:37: <TechnoScrabble> 2" In case you have failed to notice, Creation could use some repairs of its own."
04:29:08: <TechnoScrabble> 2" And it matters not what your goal is, your carelessness lead to death. "
04:31:29: <Recaiden> 9"That's your job, right, chosen?"
04:32:04: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Yes. And you happen to ve ma
04:32:08: <Recaiden> 9"I'm willing to bet your stubbornness was more responsible for their deaths than anything mine did."
04:32:13: <TechnoScrabble> *2be making it harder."
04:32:48: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu blinks.
04:33:10: <TechnoScrabble> 2His nostrils flare, sweat beads on his forehead, he blinks again.
04:33:58: <TechnoScrabble> 2"You...you /unbelievably/ stupid excuse for a man! "
04:34:59: <Beans> Neiz puts a hand on his shoulder. "Now, Kozu dearest, I believe we should no longer grace this... individual with our time. We have non-demons to aid."
04:35:54: <Recaiden> If he weren't carefully regulating what emotions he were displaying, Blade would seem quite angry.
04:36:09: <TechnoScrabble> ((Do i have to make a temperance roll for people who go against intimacies?))
04:36:11: <Recaiden> But as it is, he simply shakes his head, mildly disappointed.
04:36:23: <Recaiden> ((Yeah, I think so. Especially here.))
04:36:35: <TechnoScrabble> ((Just my three.dots temp?))
04:37:05: <firedaemon33> 6Kura's arms shake as she /barely/ resists the urge to plunge a Katar into the man's chest
04:37:13: <TechnoScrabble> ((2 sux))
04:37:44: <TechnoScrabble> ((Probably boosts limit or something. Not sure how that works. But kozu doesnt like stupid people.))
04:37:57: <Beans> [[what would i roll for neiz trying to get her buds to chillz]]
04:38:58: <Recaiden> She coiuld use the Favorable Name charm again
04:39:15: <Recaiden> And/or roll Charisma/Manipulation + Presence
04:40:50: <Beans> [[4]]
04:41:24: <Recaiden> ((What's Kozu's MDV?))
04:42:25: <Beans> [[:u]]
04:42:32: <TechnoScrabble> ((Er...which one?
04:42:38: <TechnoScrabble> ((It lists a lot))
04:42:52: <Beans> [[probably dodge]]
04:43:07: <TechnoScrabble> ((Dodge mdv is 7))
04:43:20: <Beans> [[poopballs]]
04:43:42: <Recaiden> KOZU IS NOT CALMED
04:43:54: <TechnoScrabble> ((My temp roll failed, too?))
04:47:55: <Recaiden> What's your temperance?
04:48:04: <Recaiden> Yes, it did
04:48:30: <firedaemon33> 6((Oh yeah
04:48:33: <Beans> [[what about spending a wp]]
04:48:47: <firedaemon33> 6According to Recaiden, it's full moon))
04:48:57: <firedaemon33> 6((Tonight)))
04:49:02: <Beans> [[POOPDICK]]
04:49:13: <TechnoScrabble> ((It is the full moon out here))
04:49:48: <firedaemon33> 6((Whenever Kura sees a full moon, she turns into a little subby))
04:50:17: <Beans> [[asdfkjpadfj]]
04:50:52: <TechnoScrabble> ((Im not sure how solar limit works, or if kozus gained any the past few days))
04:51:08: <Recaiden> TS could spend a WP to calm
04:51:34: <TechnoScrabble> But would that make me gain limit?
04:51:57: <Recaiden> Spending WP to suppress 1 of your virtues
04:52:00: <Recaiden> Resisting UMI
04:52:08: <Recaiden> And uh, maybe something else
04:52:16: <TechnoScrabble> If not I'll do it
04:52:27: <TechnoScrabble> Rather not get in a fight here
04:52:39: <Recaiden> So he'd gain limit from suppressing Temperance here
04:52:49: <Beans> If not, Neiz might try to get Kura to help drag his nerd ass out
04:53:02: <TechnoScrabble> Okay so my choice is limit or fight
04:53:03: <TechnoScrabble> Uhhhh
04:53:07: <TechnoScrabble> Not liking either
04:53:18: <TechnoScrabble> More likely to survive limit gain
04:53:23: <Recaiden> Yep
04:53:23: <Beans> yaaay
04:53:28: <TechnoScrabble> Spend a Wp to not kill dude!
04:54:12: <TechnoScrabble> 2"I, at least, am done here. For now," Kozu turns and starts walking back to the airlock, tense all over.
04:54:46: <Recaiden> +1 limit for Kozu
04:54:49: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shoots a dangerous glare at the person as she follows Kozu
04:55:56: <Recaiden> ((And that's a wrap))

2014-09-12, 09:04 PM
20:12 *** Recaiden joined #shromp
20:12 +++ gaia.sorcery.net set the channel to mode +n
20:12 +++ gaia.sorcery.net set the channel to mode +t
20:12 *** Firedaemon33 joined #shromp
20:13 Firedaemon33 First!
20:13 *** TechnoScrabble joined #shromp
20:14 *** Beans joined #shromp
20:14 TechnoScrabble First
20:15 Firedaemon33 Beat you to it
20:15 TechnoScrabble I dont see it
20:15 Recaiden It was before you joined, daynerd
20:15 Firedaemon33 I firsted before you joined
20:16 Recaiden So, what is the party even doing now?
20:16 Beans uuuuuuuuuuuuh
20:16 Firedaemon33 Um
20:16 Beans we left robot prick seabase
20:16 Firedaemon33 Killing Alchemicals?
20:16 TechnoScrabble Kozu is storming out of robodouchtown
20:16 Beans we took their hors d'oeurves
20:16 Firedaemon33 Kura is following him, glaring at the robodouche
20:17 Recaiden The party is allowed to leave.
20:17 Recaiden As Blade is a robot of his word
20:17 TechnoScrabble Also a ****
20:17 Beans onore gundamu
20:17 Recaiden And the party soon returns to Weed Tide City?
20:18 TechnoScrabble As Kozu boards the deepship, he turns to the others, "As much as I dislike him...we can't discount his words. Keep an eye out for signs of yozi worship."
20:19 Firedaemon33 Kura nods and says, "Fair enough. I wish we could have killed him though. He sank our ship and killed everyone on it but us."
20:20 Beans Neiz smiles. "There is little we can do to him that will make him any worse than what he is: tacky, petty, short-sighted, and with mediocre taste in refreshments."
20:25 Recaiden They find things much as they were left.
20:25 Recaiden And with their prisoners still onboard?
20:25 Beans Neiz checks to see if the prisoners are here and also not dead
20:26 Recaiden Yep
20:26 Recaiden Alive
20:26 Recaiden Sad-looking
20:26 Recaiden Totally here
20:27 Beans She offers them the hors d'oeuvres
20:27 Firedaemon33 Kura frowns and says, "So...What do we do with them?"
20:30 Recaiden They accept the food gratefully
20:31 Recaiden Much less mediocre to them.
20:31 Recaiden "Uh, you let us go?"
20:31 Recaiden Never hurts to hope, right?
20:33 Beans Neiz thinks. On one hand, the alchemical's a prick. On the other hand... because of that, giving these guys back to their prick might be a fitting punishment, given how little regard he seems to have for people.
20:35 Firedaemon33 Kura shakes her head and says, "Now why should we do that? You tried to kill us and destroy our friends' city. So...Why shouldn't I feed you to an elemental?"
20:36 Recaiden "They don't eat humans?"
20:36 Recaiden Hopeful little sound to his voice there.
20:36 Beans Neiz mutters something about at least one enjoying the taste of shromp and giggles behind her fan.
20:38 Recaiden "We were only defenidng ourselves, there."
20:38 Firedaemon33 Kura laughs and says, "Most don't. But the one we have does."
20:38 Firedaemon33 "As for defending yourself, I fail to see how attacking a city in lasersubs is self-defense"
20:39 Recaiden Lasersubs approached
20:39 Recaiden Kura punched subs in face
20:39 Recaiden Then lasers were fired
20:39 Recaiden Just saying
20:39 Beans Neiz swishes in front of the ST's clarification to hide it.
20:40 Recaiden ((♥ Beans))
20:40 Recaiden "Please don't let us be eaten."
20:40 Recaiden "We didn't have a choice not to."
20:40 Recaiden "Or know that there were real people here."
20:41 Beans Neiz sighs. "The pelagials are very much people. You are doing things other than helping your case, I fear..."
20:41 Recaiden They stop talking
20:42 Recaiden At Neiz's suggestion.
20:42 Recaiden Let what happens, happen
20:44 Beans Neiz glances at her fellows. "So, what shall we do, then?"
20:46 Recaiden Otavia pops into the interrogation room. "What's all this then?"
20:46 Recaiden The prisoners flinch away
20:49 Beans Neiz shrugs. "We're considering whether to return these people to their boorish rattletrap of an employer, or to allow you to feast on their still-warm flesh in a horrific orgy of rending, screams, and the coppery tang of arterial blood." Neiz doesn't even try not to be totally theatrical.
20:51 Firedaemon33 Kura nods and says, "Indeed," as she gives Otavia a look that says, /Play along/
20:54 TechnoScrabble Done with work!
20:54 Recaiden Otavia grins, displaying all those sharp teeth.
20:55 Recaiden The man on the left makes a small noise of fear and shrinks away.
20:55 Beans the girls are being mean and scary :3
20:56 Recaiden "Consider the decision made for you."
20:56 TechnoScrabble " Please, let's be honest with them. They are honest with us, as far as they know."
20:56 Beans kozu rolls to be any fun at all and megabotches
20:57 TechnoScrabble " And I, for one, am wholly against any devouring or murdering."
20:57 Firedaemon33 Kura glares at Kozu and tries to drag him out of the room
20:58 TechnoScrabble " Otavia, do you know of any-Hey! Hey! Lemme go!"
20:58 Beans Neiz sighs. "Ugh. Amateurs..."
21:00 TechnoScrabble Kozu is dragged!
21:00 Firedaemon33 Once they're out of the room, Kura lets go and says, "Way to go, hotshot."
21:01 Firedaemon33 "I was trying to see if they were going to give up anything else. And you just had to pipe in."
21:01 Recaiden The one on the left begins to suspect that this is all a silly trick
21:01 TechnoScrabble " What? Excuse me for having some morals!'
21:02 Firedaemon33 Kura sighs, "I wasn't going to actually let Otavia eat them...I don't even know if she even /likes/ people."
21:02 TechnoScrabble "She certainly likes /you/."
21:03 Recaiden "What do you actually want of us?"
21:03 Recaiden ((Om nom nom Kuras))
21:03 Firedaemon33 ((I have the feeling that, at some point in the near future, Kura and Otavia will end up alone together))
21:04 Firedaemon33 ((And glorious things will then happen))
21:04 Beans Neiz frowns. "Well, now that Kozu has thoroughly spoiled everything even remotely resembling fun... information, for one thing. Also if you admitted to hating your employer, that would be gratifying."
21:05 Beans [[Neiz will see to that.]]
21:05 TechnoScrabble ((I thought neiz was kuraxkozu?))
21:05 Firedaemon33 (Neiz is everyonexeveryone))
21:05 Recaiden ((Well, Kura is KuraxKozu
21:05 Beans [[She's people x happiness]]
21:06 Recaiden "Immaculate Blade?
21:06 Recaiden He's not our employer. Just a coworker. A bit cocky, but we do need him."
21:06 Beans [[and she's convinced kura and ota are a good match and totally into each other. whoooops]]
21:06 Recaiden "Ah, what are you talking about? Guy's a total jerk."
21:07 Recaiden That guy gets shouldered by the man next to him.
21:07 Beans Neiz likes the person who said that bit. "... Who's your employer, if not Insufferable Blade?"
21:07 Recaiden "No arguing. And no insulting the Champion."
21:07 TechnoScrabble " Besides, a dog trains faster on praise than punishment."
21:07 Recaiden "We all work on the orders of the Tripartate Assembly. Specifically the Razor Project Overseer."
21:08 Beans "And this Razor Project would be...?"
21:09 Recaiden "It's a ..."
21:09 Recaiden "portal, is the word you want."
21:10 Recaiden "right. From Yugash to here. We were aiming for land, of course."
21:11 Firedaemon33 "Yes, but people don't talk unless they're afraid.:
21:12 Beans "Ah, that makes sense... I imagine this is a pretty big undertaking. And you made this portal because you wanted resources, yes?"
21:13 Recaiden "That was definitely the major concern.
21:13 Recaiden And once it became clear it was possible, simply to manage it before our enemies."
21:15 Recaiden Otavia sighs and leans near the corner of the room
21:17 Beans Neiz fans herself. "Ah, keeping up with the Joneses in an economic race..."
21:17 Recaiden "The who?"
21:18 Recaiden "Anyway, we were just here to make sure the portal kept going smoothly, scout for suitable settlement places.
21:18 Recaiden Until we found these ...pelagaials?"
21:20 Beans "Of course... the inconvenience of people living where you want to set things up." She sighs.
21:24 Recaiden "Not that they live here. That they are followers of the Breakers.
21:24 Recaiden Demons."
21:24 Recaiden "And they lie, claiming to be made as we were."
21:25 TechnoScrabble " That isnt true, Miss Kuragari, they spoke earlier."
21:25 Beans "Would you happen to have any proof of these allegations?" She peers at them over her fan.
21:25 Recaiden "On us? In those tiny subs? You have to be kidding."
21:26 Recaiden "Blade would be the one keeping local records."
21:26 Firedaemon33 "And they were afraid. Expect for that one idiot, who was overconfident."
21:26 Firedaemon33 *Except
21:28 TechnoScrabble " A friend will reveal readily what an enemy hides."
21:28 Beans "Yes, well, Blade is terrible and we are not especially liable to trust him in the first place." She sighs.
21:29 Recaiden "Well if you don't trust any of us, I'm not sure what we can do for you."
21:31 Beans "We can see for ourselves whether such claims are true..." She sighs. "I'll be bakc in a bit." Off she goes to find shromp and nerd.
21:31 Recaiden And the party is reunited. And Otavia left alone with the prisoners for a while.
21:31 TechnoScrabble ((Phones gonna die soon, just a head's up))
21:31 TechnoScrabble ((Oh dear))
21:31 Recaiden ((KK. You have another device to use, or will that be it for tonight?))
21:31 Beans throws computers at ts]]
21:32 Firedaemon33 Kura shakes her head and says, "I don't intend to let them hide anything."
21:32 Firedaemon33 "Oh hi, Neiz. Did you get anything out of them?"
21:32 Recaiden The nymph steps up and locks the door with a grin.
21:32 Beans hoooonk
21:33 Recaiden "Now, it's true we don't eat people. Unless we have to..."
21:33 Beans Neiz sighs. "Well, a bit, but not enough..."
21:33 TechnoScrabble ((I will be home to recharge soon enougj))
21:33 Firedaemon33
21:34 TechnoScrabble " What /did/ you get, though? "
21:34 Beans Neiz relates the intel and also that she left them with Otavia.
21:34 Beans "... WHOOPS."
21:35 TechnoScrabble " That probably was not the best of ideas," Kozu sighs as he heads to find Otavia
21:38 Recaiden Well, here's the room they were in
21:38 Recaiden Door locked, no answer
21:39 TechnoScrabble " MISS OTAVIA. please open up!"
21:41 Recaiden After a short while, thirty seconds or so
21:41 Recaiden The door unlocks and Otavia quickly steps out before closing it again behind her.
21:41 Recaiden "Yes, master Kozu?"
21:42 TechnoScrabble "How is everything in there?" Kozu asks kmowingly
21:42 Beans "... Which terrible thing did you inevitably do?"
21:42 Firedaemon33 Kura restrains a smile and asks, "Did you actually eat them?"
21:43 Recaiden "Why of course I didn't eat them
21:44 Recaiden They're fine."
21:44 TechnoScrabble " How 'fine'?"
21:44 Beans "... I stand by my question."
21:44 Firedaemon33 Kura simply laughs a little
21:45 TechnoScrabble Kozu tries to shove through to the room!
21:46 Recaiden Kozu finds it nearly impossible to open the door
21:46 Recaiden By which I mean literally impossible.
21:46 Recaiden "Slightly tired and confused, maybe."
21:47 Recaiden Otavia licks her lips. "Not at all harmed."
21:47 Recaiden "Why do you assume I'd do something terrible, Miss Neiz?"
21:47 TechnoScrabble " Miss Otavia. If there are.../stains/, I will be... Ugh" Kozu shivers
21:47 Beans Neiz sighs. "I'm sorry, dear, but given our luck, assuming the worst is more or less standard procedure."
21:48 Recaiden "Please, Kozu. the room is perfectly clean."
21:49 Firedaemon33 ((What time is it in game?
21:49 Beans Neiz considers the possibilities, thinking it might be boning and/or some sort of fae dream-eating thing or whatever.
21:50 Recaiden ((That's a good question. I think late afternoon.))
21:50 TechnoScrabble "I imagine they are more open to questioning now?"
21:50 Firedaemon33 ((How close to moonrise?))
21:51 Recaiden ((three hours, perhaps))
21:51 Recaiden "Yes, I think they will be. Let me open the door."
21:52 Recaiden And there it is, open.
21:52 TechnoScrabble Kozu heads in, worried as to what he might witness.
21:53 Recaiden He finds four prisoners, fast asleep on blankets and pillows that weren't here before.
21:55 TechnoScrabble Kozu finds himself feelinf like an unbelievable *******. "Oh."
21:58 Recaiden "Don't you trust me, Kozu?"
21:59 TechnoScrabble " You'll find I dont trust many people. Please dont be offended by it."
21:59 TechnoScrabble "Which isn't t-I mean-ah!"
21:59 TechnoScrabble "I apologize!"
22:00 Recaiden "Apology accepted."
22:01 Firedaemon33 Kura sighs and asks Neiz, "So...what now?"
22:02 Beans Neiz shrugs. "I... really don't know."
22:02 TechnoScrabble ((Gonna have to call it guys)) sorry
22:02 Firedaemon33 ((Okay))
22:02 Recaiden "I think we had a call for help?"
22:02 Recaiden ((Okay. Sorry TS))
22:02 Recaiden ((Have a good evening.))
22:03 TechnoScrabble ((Will do))
22:03 *** TechnoScrabble quit (Quit: skibby dibby dobby a dooby a brap brap boozle a bop bam boom)

2014-09-17, 10:47 PM
02:19:02: <Recaiden> LET"S GO
02:19:12: <TechnoScrabble> AWWWW YEAH
02:19:13: <firedaemon33> Urgh
02:19:21: <firedaemon33> 6I are nervous
02:19:48: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu walked in on...sleeping people!
02:20:07: <TechnoScrabble> Previously they had been sleeping /with/ people, but he doesnt know that
02:20:13: <Beans> Wait what
02:20:20: <Beans> did I miss that
02:20:29: <Beans> *confuse*
02:20:30: <firedaemon33> 6Mmm
02:20:36: <TechnoScrabble> Otavia and the alchemical miniond
02:20:37: <firedaemon33> 6What time is it?
02:20:41: <Beans> oh that
02:20:42: <Beans> yes
02:20:42: <Recaiden> Oh yeah.
02:20:46: <Recaiden> It's about 6 PM
02:20:52: <Recaiden> I'm pretty sure days are 25 hours long
02:21:01: <Recaiden> but I'm not sure where the extra hour goes.
02:21:09: <firedaemon33> 6Alright
02:21:27: <Recaiden> Midnight is an hour long
02:21:29: <Recaiden> There we go
02:21:42: <TechnoScrabble> Kay
02:22:33: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I'm wondering if i should wake them up and question them now...damn, never before have I wished I could summon a demon, one could answer this I'd wager."
02:22:55: <TechnoScrabble> 2" We /need/ to know if the pelagials truely worship demons."
02:22:59: <Recaiden> 11"That would be rude, Kozu. Let them sleep."
02:23:27: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Mmhmm. Well...I don't suppose you say anything during your library sojurns?
02:23:37: <Recaiden> ((FD, are you saying Kozu looks good in Kura's dresses?))
02:23:53: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Nothing on demons, I'm afraid. But I might have a plan."
02:24:04: <Beans> Neiz giggles and offers a Clashing Rock to Otavia, because relieeeef.
02:24:12: <firedaemon33> 6((Yes.))
02:24:23: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Let's hear it then"
02:24:37: <TechnoScrabble> ((Kozu is not a boy toy!))
02:25:07: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Spy on them! Or, better yet, summon someone who can spy for us, and reveal nothing."
02:25:11: <Recaiden> Rocks clash.
02:25:21: <Recaiden> Otavia then sighs.
02:25:30: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I happen to know a well suited spell for the situation.'
02:25:30: <Recaiden> 11"You mean someone else, right?"
02:26:07: <TechnoScrabble> 22" I did not intend to ask you, Miss Otavia, though I'm sure yoy could do an outstanding job."
02:26:30: <firedaemon33> 6Kura snorts at the thought of Otavia 'spying'
02:26:58: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu shoots a glare at miss 'mack'lemore
02:27:24: <Recaiden> The nymph nods, and waits to hear the sorcerer's newest plan
02:27:32: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Please take this seriously, miss kuragari."
02:27:43: <Beans> Neiz also listens to the plan, also a little giggly.
02:28:11: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I can summon Minions of the Eyeless Face who can handle this function perfectly. Small, faceless men who could not betray us if they wanted
02:28:27: <TechnoScrabble> 2" And no, they would not want to."
02:28:51: <Recaiden> ((Doesn't that unsummon the doctors?))
02:29:00: <TechnoScrabble> 2" The ritual takes six hours, however, and is somewhat draining."
02:29:03: <TechnoScrabble> ((Nope!))
02:29:11: <TechnoScrabble> ((At least, the spell doesnt say so))
02:29:35: <TechnoScrabble> ((Effigies could summon hundreds a day if so inclined))
02:29:51: <Beans> [[yay effy]]
02:30:02: <Recaiden> ((Ooh, cool))
02:30:13: <TechnoScrabble> ((Yup.))
02:30:17: <Recaiden> 11"We can wait, I suppose."
02:30:47: <firedaemon33> 6((Yo Recaiden. Get in mumble))
02:30:56: <Recaiden> 11((http://33.media.tumblr.com/a31f36fd35264cebff0a65a2b6f9a1ff/tumblr_msgyw0Mqoa1roq2poo1_500.png))
02:31:14: <TechnoScrabble> 2"I'll need a somewhat wide space cleared out in here, if none of you mind too terribly. "
02:31:31: <TechnoScrabble> ((Best part, they need no food or air))
02:31:39: <Recaiden> Space is cleared!
02:31:44: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and obliges, clearing space
02:32:42: <Recaiden> ((Anything you guys want to do while the summoning happens?))
02:32:43: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu gathers the black oils up from his collection of reagents on his belt, drawing the wide circle and chanting beneath his breath.
02:33:25: <Beans> [[go drinking]]
02:33:44: <firedaemon33> 6((Mack with Otavia))
02:33:49: <TechnoScrabble> 2As the circle becomes an otherworldly pool, Kozu spends the next six hours calling up souls long banished from creation, spending an extra ten motes and making the deepship light up to call up ten instead of eight minions.
02:33:51: <Beans> [[also i have my kettle right next to my desk now.]]
02:34:45: <TechnoScrabble> 2These minions are focused on stealth and attentiveness, small, matte black with patterns that break up their outlines, and small but plentiful ridges to help displace their silohuette
02:35:40: <TechnoScrabble> ((Stealth 5 (sneak +3) investigation 4 (+3 occult investigations) 4 athletics (+2 swimming)))
02:37:16: <Beans> Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure a girls' night out is undeway.
02:37:21: <Recaiden> Time passes, the portal slowly opening under the oil.
02:37:27: <firedaemon33> 6Probaby
02:37:38: <TechnoScrabble> ((If kozu has to deal with any more lesbianry hes gonna turn gay himself))
02:37:48: <Recaiden> Meanwhile, Kura, Neiz, and Otavia go out to...something
02:37:55: <firedaemon33> 6((Wait. Clearly, the full moon is up right now.))
02:38:00: <Recaiden> The normally dark waters are lit by the light of the full moon.
02:38:01: <firedaemon33> 6((Which means...))
02:38:06: <Beans> there is a karaoke bar
02:38:22: <Beans> i roll to determine if there is one. I get fifty tens. there is a karaoke bar
02:38:40: <Recaiden> Of course there is a karaoke bar. These people like singing
02:40:03: <firedaemon33> 6Meanwhile, Kura seems...Odd
02:40:09: Beans rolls to determine what song Neiz ropes Kura into singing with her
02:40:14: <firedaemon33> 6She has become very quiet and withdrawn
02:40:20: <Beans> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pInrJ72eeUU&list=RDMMpInrJ72eeUU
02:40:21: <Beans> WHEN I WAS
02:40:23: <Beans> A YOUNG SHROMP
02:41:31: <Recaiden> Otavia sings right along, taking a break between verse and chorus.
02:41:38: <Recaiden> 11"Come on, Kura. Sing!"
02:42:30: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Of course, Lady Otavia," as she begins to quietly, nervously sing, unsure of herself and probably not doing a very good job keeping on-pitch
02:42:45: <Beans> Neiz elevates the level of all singers to either fantastic or giftedly ****ty.
02:43:37: <Recaiden> ((Roll Charisma+Performance, all))
02:45:09: <Beans> [[3]]
02:45:35: <Beans> [[though to be honest i don't think singing well is the point of karaoke]]
02:45:49: <Recaiden> Well you don't have to roll to have fun
02:46:41: <Beans> [[roll wits+performance as your join musical number roll]]
02:47:04: <Recaiden> Otavia is elevated to the level of fantastic, with 8 successes.
02:47:06: <firedaemon33> 6[[0]]
02:47:11: <Recaiden> And at least Kura is trying. Poor adorable shromp.
02:47:17: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is sadly left behin
02:47:31: <Beans> Kura gets "giftedly terrible"
02:47:53: <Recaiden> No singer left behind!
02:48:31: <Recaiden> Eel-beasts applaud with their creepy fin-hands.
02:48:38: <Beans> [[everyone roll wits+performance to determine who gets initiative to pick the next song or stop neiz from dragging them into another one]]
02:49:05: <Recaiden> You too, Beans
02:49:14: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu spends his six hours calming the minions out of their prone and mewling forms and preparing them for their task.
02:49:42: <TechnoScrabble> "Infiltrate the dealers, find the suppliers!"
02:50:27: <Beans> [[3 again]]
02:50:27: <Recaiden> ((uh...what?))
02:50:53: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Make your way unseen through the House of The Weed Tides, gather what information and evidence you can of them worshipping yozis or demons of any sort, and report back to me
02:51:03: <TechnoScrabble> ((It was a joke reccy))
02:51:57: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Do well, and I will send you guys back with some gifts to keep you from getting too bored back on the other side, alright?"
02:51:59: <Recaiden> Neiz holds the karaoke initiative!
02:53:34: <Recaiden> The minions nod, rise up silently, and head out on their orders.
02:53:37: <Recaiden> Evidence.
02:53:40: <Recaiden> They can do that.
02:53:55: <firedaemon33> 6Kura continues to sing poorly, desperate to impress her mistressed
02:53:58: <firedaemon33> 6*mistresses
02:54:06: <Beans> neiz botches her don't sing a marilyn manson song roll
02:54:08: <Beans> WHOOPS
02:54:09: <Beans> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R682M3ZEyk
02:54:18: <TechnoScrabble> With 4 ability+3 speciality+whatever attribute
02:54:22: <TechnoScrabble> They better be able
02:55:27: <Recaiden> ((I'm afraid your minions suck. Wait. Messed up the dice.
02:55:46: <Beans> [[neiz sings at 5 sux now]]
02:56:28: <TechnoScrabble> ((Ten dudes with at least 8 dice better be able to find something))
02:56:49: <Recaiden> ((They rock))
02:57:09: <Beans> [[YAY MINIONS]]
02:57:17: <Recaiden> Meanwhile, Neiz is stealing the show. And Otavia has stopped singing and is just leaning against Kura.
02:58:35: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is leaned against!
02:58:41: <Beans> After THE SHROMP SHOW, Neiz gets some dronks in her.
02:58:55: <firedaemon33> 6She seems rather distressed, but says nothing
02:59:25: <Beans> She starts to emit an aura of hitting-on that widens with every passing minute.
02:59:59: <Recaiden> 11"What's wrong, Kuranari?"
03:00:07: <Recaiden> Neiz drinks it up. THey'
03:00:27: <Recaiden> Have rice wine, and drinks made of seaweed, and drinks made from coconut, and a couple of tiny umbrellas.
03:00:31: <Recaiden> No ice though.
03:00:46: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and stutters, "N-nothing, milady...I'm just not a very good singer and I'm afraid I embarrassed Lady Neiz."
03:01:09: <Recaiden> She attracts basically every human in the place, and a few of the pelagials.
03:01:24: <TechnoScrabble> ((Awww yeah))
03:01:29: <Recaiden> She's clearly hitting on them, after all.
03:01:59: <Recaiden> 11"You sang fine. Clearly missed the point of karaoke, though. You have fun!"
03:02:49: <TechnoScrabble> (( http://x1.fjcdn.com/pictures/xenomorph+comp_56f481_5296399.jpg))
03:03:00: <Beans> Neiz could not be less embarrassed. She is sideways on a table, dronking some coconoot.
03:03:16: <Recaiden> TS why?
03:03:19: <Recaiden> Also yus.
03:03:24: <Recaiden> Sideways?
03:03:25: <Beans> furrymorph
03:03:28: <Beans> like
03:03:30: <TechnoScrabble> ((Cause i have xenomorphs))
03:03:36: <Recaiden> 11"And, well, does she look embarassed to you?"
03:03:39: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and says, "F-fun? N-no...I'm not supposed to have fun. My purpose is to make my masters look good..."
03:03:47: <Beans> on her side, in a draw-me-like-one-of-your-zenith-girls way
03:04:16: <Recaiden> 11"People certainly seem to think she looks good."
03:05:19: <Recaiden> Cue compliments on Neiz's singing, compliments on the rest of her, an offer to buy her more coconut.
03:05:44: <Beans> Neiz is gracious and scores so much 'conut
03:05:58: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "B-but that's because she's...Her. It had nothing to do with me. I failed her...And now she'll punish me..."
03:06:31: <Recaiden> 'man, Exalts are messed up' Otavia thinks to herself.
03:07:00: <Recaiden> 11"I think I can keep you safe, little shrimp."
03:07:28: <firedaemon33> 6Kura brightens and says, "R-really, Lady Otavia? You would do that for me?"
03:07:34: <Beans> Neiz punishes Kura by sashaying over and giving her, like, so many tiny umbrellas.
03:08:07: <Recaiden> As she's standing now, Neiz is quickly asked to join the dance floor.
03:08:35: <Beans> Neiz hits that up immediately.
03:09:04: <Recaiden> 11"Of course, Miss Kura. Just- here, take the umbrellas, and then stick with me."
03:09:49: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and takes all the tiny umbrellas offered and follows Otavia
03:09:55: <firedaemon33> 6((Into the back room))
03:10:12: <Beans> [[Damn you tavi]]
03:10:57: <TechnoScrabble> ((If someone hurts kura's feelings and kozu finds out, he's not spending wp on that failed temp roll))
03:10:58: <Recaiden> The dance floor is bouncing with people; feeling rather celebratory, they are.
03:11:19: <Recaiden> Here the dance music is louder than the karaoke from the third side of the bar.
03:11:23: <Beans> unda da see
03:11:26: <Beans> unda da seeeeeeee
03:11:30: <Recaiden> The disco sphere is spinning about.
03:11:41: <Recaiden> A frame set with a thousand different shades of glowstone.
03:11:44: <Beans> down where it's shrompin everyone's rompin just listen to meeeeeeee
03:12:11: <TechnoScrabble> Except Kozu
03:12:17: <Beans> somethingdy something something day, this siddy's really really gay
03:12:24: <Recaiden> Back in the ship they work all day; Exalts of the sun they slave away
03:12:25: <TechnoScrabble> He's covering himself in sticky otherworldly tar
03:12:30: <Beans> something dee something dee something dee something deee UNDA DA SEEEEEEEE
03:14:35: <Recaiden> With badly parodied musicals being sung around her, Neiz dances away.
03:15:12: <Recaiden> The translator girl, a hunter, the librarian assistant, the shipkeeper, half the people from the sub-attack-singalong, they're all here.
03:15:15: <Recaiden> dancing not quite as well
03:15:36: <Recaiden> Kura is led away and kept safe and busy.
03:15:45: <Recaiden> And at the ship, finally, the minions return.
03:15:57: <Recaiden> With the evidence they could find, or not.
03:16:02: <firedaemon33> 6((How is Kura kept busy?))
03:16:32: <Beans> clarinet recital
03:16:45: <Recaiden> ((we might get back to that))
03:17:07: <Beans> squidward is performing in town
03:17:11: <Recaiden> ((First, with Otavia teaching her a bit about the fae-powers she now has.))
03:17:17: <Recaiden> ((Second, ;) ))
03:17:32: <Recaiden> The minions bring to Kozu:
03:17:41: <firedaemon33> 6((Kura has faepowers now?))
03:18:12: <Recaiden> A collection of bottles
03:18:20: <Recaiden> A prayer-book written in Old Realm
03:18:31: <Recaiden> The discarded shell of a baby lintha sea-demon
03:18:49: <Recaiden> A set of flatware with twisting poison patterns on them that hurt to look at
03:18:56: <firedaemon33> 6((Uh-oh))
03:19:02: <TechnoScrabble> ((Wait what faepowers? Wtf happened?))
03:19:48: <Recaiden> A tiny pistol-like thing, the barrel glowing with green runes.
03:19:53: <Beans> [[Tavi taught Kura how to be weirdshromp while Neiz did the macarena]]
03:20:05: <Beans> [[just joking, the macarena is abyssal bull****]]
03:20:13: <Recaiden> A painting depicting a blood-red moon
03:21:21: <TechnoScrabble> 22Kozu examines everything, his throat dry, his eyes wide.
03:21:22: <Recaiden> Dried nattersquids
03:21:29: <Recaiden> And a bag of a hideous green salt
03:21:51: <TechnoScrabble> 2He was wrong. Of course he was wrong. How could he not be wrong?
03:22:14: <TechnoScrabble> 2Hey, welcome to the wrong club! Over here you'll meet Kozu
03:22:22: <TechnoScrabble> 2And in that corner is Kozu
03:22:23: <Recaiden> Finally, most damning, a brass bowl with a woven pattern of seaweed over it, like a dreamcatcher
03:22:32: <TechnoScrabble> 2Who's speaking with Kozu
03:22:57: <TechnoScrabble> 2Oh, and there's Kozu, don't talk to him, he's an idiotic douche.
03:23:10: <TechnoScrabble> 2He's from Wrong City.
03:23:20: <TechnoScrabble> 2Population, Kozu.
03:23:27: <Recaiden> 11Kura is told how the things Otavia made for her when she was considering hasty revenge on Kozu are Graces.
03:23:45: <Recaiden> 11And they give her wyld-shaping powers comparable toa hobgoblin, the weakest of the fairies.
03:23:47: <Recaiden> 11But they can grow.
03:24:28: <Recaiden> 11((The items, which were never defined, are a weapon, a decoration, a holding vessel, and a communication tool or symbol of office. All made of gossamer and Kura-themed))
03:24:55: <Recaiden> 11All of this comes along with compliments of Kura and reassurances that Otavia will protect her from Neiz
03:25:33: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swallows, realizing, even through her limit break, that she's been tainted by the Wyld, but nods to Otavia
03:26:01: <TechnoScrabble> 2His patience with this day growing thinner and thinner, Kozu thanks the Minions and gifts them his favorite trio of pocket novels from when he was a kid, kept safely in their waterproof wrappings. It's a series of stories about an adopted outcaste becoming an immaculate monk and defeating his heretic brother's attempts to sell the Realm out to a yozi.
03:26:32: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Would you rather stick around for awhile, or do you want to head home? "
03:26:57: <Recaiden> The minions nod quickly at the first one, and then shiver, expressing rather clearly their desire to remain in the physical world
03:27:09: <TechnoScrabble> ((How did just removing tattoos for a bit with an elemental turn kura into a fae?!))
03:27:13: <Beans> Neiz eventually ceases dancing.
03:27:14: <Recaiden> They take the pocket novels with much gratitude.
03:27:15: <TechnoScrabble> ((Aaagh!))
03:27:26: <Recaiden> ((It didn't, TS. Otavia doing magic at the same time did.))
03:27:38: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Is it really that bad over there? "
03:27:48: <Recaiden> So. Boring.
03:27:53: <Recaiden> Outside the univers
03:27:55: <TechnoScrabble> ((Didn't know they could do that. I'm afraid of elementals now))
03:28:09: <TechnoScrabble> ((Brb, got a call boit a stray dog. Aninal rescue time!))
03:28:13: <Recaiden> ((Elementals in general can't
03:28:18: <Recaiden> Go TS!))
03:28:32: <Recaiden> The dance goes on without Neiz, at this point.
03:29:27: <TechnoScrabble> ((But shes got a captured raksha!))
03:29:30: <Recaiden> She just has a pair of admirers at this point hanging about and asking about her and Yu Shan.
03:29:54: <Recaiden> ((Exactly; that's how she manages it. Should we expect you back after helping get the dog, or end shortly?))
03:30:35: <Recaiden> 11"Don't you worry. This will help keep you safe. Like how I managed to capture that fae. And you aren't afraid of me, are you?"
03:30:54: <Beans> Neiz is talking about stuff. Yu Shan is pretty great. The butts are nice.
03:32:30: <TechnoScrabbulous> ((Ill be back shortly))
03:32:37: <Recaiden> ((Good luck)).
03:32:50: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and says, "No, of course not, Lady Otavia!"
03:33:22: <Recaiden> Neiz is listened. Translator girl and this pelagial lady whose hair is like coral are hitting on her, the pelagial more subtly than the human.
03:34:27: <Recaiden> 11"Here, let me show you how it works."
03:35:03: <Recaiden> Otavia attempts to take Kura's hand, and she'll feel something like being dunked underwater, but without moving.
03:35:27: <Recaiden> She can try to mess with the clearly magical whatever is happening, or go along with it.
03:35:32: <Beans> Neiz's plan is coming together marvelously. She begins to maneuver the two to take interest in one another.
03:35:46: <firedaemon33> 6Kura's hand is taken, and she swallows nervously, not used to being dunked against her will, but goes along with Otavia
03:36:25: <Recaiden> ((Manipulation+Socialize, beans, for how easily she amanges this))
03:36:52: <Recaiden> For Kura, everything goes dark, and she opens her eyes again in KURA'S DREAMWORLD
03:37:10: <Recaiden> It's just her and Otavia and nonsensical shrimp-themed madness as far as the eye can see.
03:37:27: <Recaiden> Kura will have her four Graces with her.
03:38:18: <TechnoScrabbulous> ((Shepherd/boxer mix puppy))
03:38:21: <Recaiden> And her tiny umbrellas, and nothing else.
03:38:51: <firedaemon33> 6((Is she naked?))
03:39:10: <TechnoScrabbulous> ((Shes been wearing a collar so long it grew into her neck))
03:40:25: <TechnoScrabbulous> ((Got her to the office, doc'll remove the collar and take care of her))
03:40:35: <TechnoScrabbulous> ((Anyways, back))
03:41:06: <firedaemon33> 6:(
03:41:32: <Beans> [[3]]
03:41:33: <Beans> also :c
03:42:26: <Recaiden> ((Yes, FD. You know Otavia's stance on people wearing clothes
03:42:34: <Recaiden> ((Poor dog. Glad was found))
03:42:57: <Recaiden> Translator girl takes a quick interest in coral lady.
03:43:05: <Recaiden> Who does not seem to reciprocate the interest.
03:43:33: <Recaiden> And anyway, love between a human (who's not an exalt) and a pelagial can never be, can it?
03:43:55: <Recaiden> But she isn't completely awkward about it or anything. Maybe something could change her mind.
03:45:27: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2Kozu sits back to analyze the objects, trying to ascertain their sources, materials, and use. Some might be of use as exotic crafting materials later, others are certainly tainted to the point that they must be burnt.
03:46:32: <Beans> [[CHA+Pres+specialty to convince miss coral that translator girl is a qt]]
03:46:50: <TechnoScrabbulous> ((8 sux int+occult, 6 sux int+lore))
03:47:21: <Beans> [[3 again what the hell]]
03:47:34: <firedaemon33> 6In Kura's Dreamscape, the shromplady is, while naked, in her warform as she holds her Graces tightly. The moon is high over her home village in Simeraire, but the town and, for that matter, entire island are completely deserted
03:47:47: <Recaiden> The flatware is probably irrecoverable. It's poisonous to touch if you're a human
03:48:10: <Recaiden> The seaweed binding is clearly a holy piece aspected to Kimbery, the Demon Sea. The bowl itself could probably be fine
03:48:22: <Recaiden> The salt will spring up into a magical wall when sprinkled, once.
03:48:42: <Recaiden> And the book of demon prayers, uh, that really only has 1 imaginable use.
03:48:58: <TechnoScrabbulous> Praying to demons of course
03:49:01: <Recaiden> This time, though, Neiz has translator girl helping.
03:49:16: <TechnoScrabbulous> What of the pistol and bottles and shell?
03:49:43: <Recaiden> The shell is a shell.
03:50:14: <Recaiden> The bottles hold various potions and medicines. Bonus to a single medicine roll, 3 uses
03:50:21: <Recaiden> The pistol shoots hellish acid lasers.
03:50:26: <Recaiden> Needs essence.
03:50:29: <firedaemon33> 6((Yum))
03:50:48: <TechnoScrabbulous> Any chance kozu could sanctify it to be less hellish?
03:51:06: <Recaiden> Coral lady looks at translator girl in a new light, and becomes noticeably more awkward.
03:51:23: <Recaiden> Meanwhile, in shrompdream, Otavia nods.
03:51:46: <Recaiden> 11"Back at home. Now, this is a dream. We with graces can change it around."
03:52:12: <Recaiden> 11Otavia waves, and the houses reshape themselves into the pearl-and-seaweed buildings of a water court.
03:52:26: <Recaiden> 11"You could even conjure yourself some clothes, though I can't imagine why you'd want to."
03:52:52: <Recaiden> It seems likely that Kozu could. He would need some exotic material to replace the demon-essence, and to work at it for a bit, but it's possible.
03:54:39: <TechnoScrabbulous> Like
03:54:40: <TechnoScrabbulous> Say
03:54:42: <TechnoScrabbulous> JADE
03:56:26: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods to Otavia, and focuses, trying to create a simple pearl necklace on her own neck.
03:57:58: <Recaiden> And the necklace appears.
03:58:31: <Recaiden> Meanwhile, Translator girl carefully reaches out and takes coral lady
03:58:35: <Recaiden> s fin.
03:58:36: <Recaiden> Smiles occur
03:58:48: <Recaiden> Neiz is success
03:59:07: <firedaemon33> 6((No comment on the necklace?))
03:59:39: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2"Minions, I need one of you to find Miss Neiz and Miss Kuragari and Miss Otavia and bring them back here without causing a commotion, alright? "
04:00:02: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" As soon as possible, they may be in grave danger! "
04:00:32: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blinks as she feels the weight of the necklace around her neck and says, "Wow...Did I really do that?"
04:02:31: <Beans> yoooooo
04:04:43: <Recaiden> 11"Very well done. Looks good on you as well. Yes, you did."
04:05:17: <Recaiden> 11"Now, it won't last outside of this dream. But if we were in the Wyld, you could make one that does."
04:05:49: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "I see..."
04:06:00: <Recaiden> The minions nods and scurry off.
04:06:23: <Recaiden> They find Neiz at eventually.
04:06:38: <Recaiden> One of them draws a little shromp on a notepad with a question mark and holds it up to her.
04:08:41: <Beans> She blinks. "I think she's... she's here, with Tavi, I think. I'll make sure they've not run off to play grabass, hold on." She begins to ask around if anyone's seen shromp and nymph.
04:08:45: <Recaiden> 11"And you can evoke things; you can learn to do that anywhere, send them through Elsewhere to and from you, and most importantly
04:08:58: <Recaiden> 11You can fight the raksha on their own ground, with stories."
04:09:38: <Recaiden> The bartender can direct Neiz to a back room, where, if she gets inside, she will find shromp and tavi asleep.
04:10:12: <Beans> Neiz d'awws and, if they don't have something over them, lays her coat over them.
04:10:36: <Recaiden> They are covered in a coat, as they were not covered previously. Except Kura by her clothes.
04:11:05: <Recaiden> The minion that followed along shakes its head and motions to take the two sleeping party memebers away.
04:11:06: <Recaiden> Bring.
04:13:44: <Beans> Carry Drunk Party Girl Prana! Neiz slings them over her shoulders.
04:14:09: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "I see. I suppose that is useful, then."
04:15:55: <Recaiden> Carried away!
04:17:09: <Recaiden> Kura might feel a jolu, dependig on how light a sleeper she is.
04:17:12: <Recaiden> *jolt
04:17:23: <Recaiden> The minions help Neiz out
04:17:33: <Recaiden> The lunar at least looks heavy.
04:17:54: <Recaiden> 11"And you can learn their magic. Might come in useful."
04:18:07: <Recaiden> 11"Now, while we're in here in a dream..."
04:19:27: <Recaiden> Kozu has his party reassembled.
04:19:34: <Recaiden> One awake Neiz, a batch of minions
04:19:45: <Recaiden> And a sleeping Kura (with Neiz's coat covering) and Otavia
04:20:46: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is jolted, and asks Otavia, "What's going on?"
04:21:39: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2Kozu looks very stressed and worn out, with the bags beneath his eyes far worse than usual.
04:21:55: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" I am a blazing, godsforsaken moron."
04:22:47: <Recaiden> Otavia closes her eyes to concentrate for a moment.
04:22:57: <Recaiden> 11"Miss Neiz is taking us somewhere."
04:23:04: <Recaiden> 11"I suppose we should go see why."
04:23:16: <Beans> She takes them back to nerrrdland.
04:23:28: <Recaiden> The nymph attempts to kiss the shromp very quickly before leaving the dream-simenare
04:23:35: <Recaiden> and waking up in nerdland
04:23:47: <Recaiden> 11"What's the matter, summoner?"
04:24:36: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" The pelagials are demon worshippers. Big time. Like I never would have imagined. "
04:24:36: <firedaemon33> 6Kura us kissed, and then wakes up, dazed a bit
04:25:26: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" Don't touch anything, by the way, half of it would likely kill you."
04:27:50: <Recaiden> 11Otavia pouts. She was just about to touch stuff!
04:27:56: <Recaiden> 11But she takes her hand back and nods.
04:28:30: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Of course, Master Kozu. I wouldn't dream of it."
04:29:47: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2"... Why is she acting like that?" Kozu steps up on his tiptoes to check Kura's eyes, 2" Did you hit your heas?"
04:29:50: <TechnoScrabbulous> *head
04:31:48: <Recaiden> 11"She's...not right now, Summoner Kozu."
04:31:56: <Recaiden> 11"We have more important problems."
04:32:18: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and says, "No, Master Kozu...I just am doing as I've been told: To obey my masters."
04:32:29: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" Head injuries can be very serious, Miss Otavi-your what?"
04:32:46: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" By the gods the demon worshippers have gotten to her alreadt
04:32:51: <TechnoScrabbulous> *already
04:32:57: <firedaemon33> 6"My Masters, Master Kozu. Yourself, Lady Otavia, and Lady Neiz."
04:33:09: <Recaiden> 11"I don't think that's what happened. She's been with us the whole while"
04:33:58: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" Why is she calling me Master. I'm nobody's master. I'm a professor at best. And clearly not a very good one."
04:35:39: <Recaiden> Otavia goes over to whisper in Kozu's ear.
04:36:16: <Recaiden> 11"not sure what's gone on with you all but she seems to be terrified of Neiz and it's making her crazy. So probably we shouldn't talk about it while she's right there."
04:37:20: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2Kozu looks over at Neiz, then nods to Otavia. "I am just fine, but thank you for the head's up."
04:37:41: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and says, "You are my master...All I am is a piece of property for the purpose of making you look good."
04:37:56: <Recaiden> 11"Or maybe this is really bad."
04:39:17: <Recaiden> 11"Kura, give me that Cup."
04:39:31: <Recaiden> ((That's one of the Graces.))
04:39:34: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2That comment immediately makes Kozu suspicious. Abcissic binding and other will breaking spells can do this sort of thing, and he despises that. The fact it appears someone has done that to.someone as strong willed as Kura infuriates hik
04:39:36: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and hands Otavia her Cup
04:39:39: <TechnoScrabbulous> *him
04:39:40: <firedaemon33> 6((I know))
04:40:01: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" Was she left alone with anyone? "
04:40:16: <Recaiden> Otavia looks the thing over. It's like it's defective; Kura is acting like a newborn Ornamental. But it's not even open.
04:40:31: <Recaiden> 11"Just us."
04:41:41: <TechnoScrabbulous> 2" Somehow I doubt either of you did anything... Unless...Miss Neiz, did one of your charms perhaps backfire? "
04:42:02: <Recaiden> 11((pokes beans))
04:42:17: <Recaiden> 11She passes the cup back to
04:42:19: <Recaiden> 11Kura
04:42:47: <firedaemon33> 6Kura accepts the Cup

2014-09-20, 11:39 PM
((+1 BP through the end of this session.))

02:52:46: <Recaiden> PREVIOUSLY ON
02:52:48: <TechnoScrabble> ????
02:52:50: <Recaiden> SHROMPQUEST 2
02:53:01: <Recaiden> Kura was acting bizarelly slavish
02:53:12: <Recaiden> And Kozu suggested that perhaps Neiz's magic was to blame
02:53:22: <TechnoScrabble> ((We should do a first age shrompquest 1 sometime))
02:53:33: <Beans> he did? :o i was totally out of it and noticed none of that
02:53:39: <TechnoScrabble> He did
02:53:41: <Beans> assume Neiz was passed out
02:53:50: <Recaiden> So currently
02:53:56: <Recaiden> Neiz is passed out drunk on coocnut wine
02:54:00: <TechnoScrabble> Assume kozu woke her up and asked if her charms migjt've done something
02:54:04: <Recaiden> Having imbibed too much for even one of the Exalted
02:54:35: <Recaiden> 11"So, um, you said something about demons? I think that might be a more pressing concern than whatever is wrong with Kura?"
02:54:41: <Beans> She would have blearily given an answer to the tune of "nuhhhhh" and rolled over and told him that mommy has one of her grownup headaches.
02:55:48: <TechnoScrabble> 2"This is why you shouldn't drink alcohol, children. And demons are an issue, yes, but I worry about Miss Kuragari."
02:56:36: <Beans> Neiz half-awakely mumbles about kiwis and pillows.
02:56:37: <TechnoScrabble> 2" The pelagials do, in fact, worship yozis," Kozu looks to Kura, then Neiz, "But perhaps I should break this news after you all have slept."
02:57:06: <Recaiden> 11"As long as they're like, I mean
02:57:17: <Recaiden> 11Demon worshippers or whatever, they've still helped us out."
02:57:45: <Recaiden> Otavia goes up and puts her hands on Kura's shoulders and starts attempting to walk her away to the cabins
02:57:51: <Recaiden> Maybe she'll just get better with time.
02:58:06: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply nods and says, "I'll go along with you, Master Kozu," then is lead away by Otavia
02:58:26: <firedaemon33> 6((Man, she's going to be so mad tomorrow morning))
02:59:26: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu looks to his minions. "You two, keep an eye on Miss Neiz. You two, keep Miss Kuragari and Miss Otavia safe and sound. The rest of you... With m
02:59:31: <TechnoScrabble> *me
02:59:42: <TechnoScrabble> 2" We have work to do."
02:59:52: <Recaiden> The minions nod as one, and go to their appointed tasks.
03:00:19: <TechnoScrabble> (('Kozu looks to his minions'. Ivr wanted to type that since day one))
03:00:37: <Beans> "Zzzzzz...Night ice cream. Night cream."
03:01:10: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Sleep tight, and dream of your indulgent confectionaries."
03:01:57: <Beans> "Mmmhhh... the home is where th'heart is..."
03:01:59: <TechnoScrabble> 2While the others rest, Kozu consults the scrolls he has with him, and tries to make sense of the Underworld message again. He had a feeling there's mkre hidden in that scroll.
03:02:06: <Beans> "UNDER THE FLOORBOARDS. Zzzz..."
03:03:46: <Recaiden> 11"Hey, Kura. Does this happen to you often?"
03:03:55: <Recaiden> ((Int+Occult, TS))
03:04:24: <TechnoScrabble> ((7 successes))
03:04:30: <firedaemon33> 6Kura thinks for a while and says, "Sometimes, Lady Otavia...Not often but occasionally. It always seems to happen when I'm outside."
03:05:25: <Recaiden> 11"Is it always when the moon is out?"
03:05:41: <Beans> [[moonwaifu syndrome]]
03:05:48: <Recaiden> Kozu scrambles and studies and theorizes.
03:05:49: <firedaemon33> 6((Yuss.))
03:05:54: <Recaiden> He confirms that the message was there.
03:06:06: <firedaemon33> 6Kura thinks some more and says, "I-I think so, milady."
03:07:38: <Recaiden> He is able to narrow down the location a bit. Somewhere on the Stygian Isle
03:07:42: <Recaiden> Not good news
03:07:59: <Recaiden> 11"Oh good. And you feel better once the sun's the only thing up, don't you?"
03:08:15: <Recaiden> 11Otavia spins the shromp around to face her.
03:08:22: <Recaiden> 11"I'm sure you'll be fine."
03:08:25: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Indeed, milady. It only lasts for one night." And then spinning!
03:08:36: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles and says, "Thank you milady"
03:09:13: <Beans> [[you shromp me right round baby right round]]
03:09:17: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Ash and rubbish! This...agh!" Kozu holds his hand to his head and looks at the minions, swallowing past a dry throat and making a grim attempt at a smile.
03:09:37: <Recaiden> 11"You know, we never got a chance to dance ourselves."
03:09:53: <Recaiden> Attempts to pull Kura into a slow-not-needing-much-space dance ensues.
03:10:02: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I am not sure I can do this. I dont even know what to do about the pelagials and the alchemicals!"
03:10:07: <Recaiden> The minions bob their heads comfortingly.
03:10:15: <Recaiden> One of them offers him a handful of ashes
03:10:17: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles and nods as she's pulled into the dance
03:10:19: <Recaiden> That's what he wanted, right?
03:11:17: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu chuckles a bit and accepts the ash. "Thank you. Such diligent workers, such honest little souls, why can't the world have more people like you?"
03:12:30: <TechnoScrabble> 2He sighs. "Instead we get lazy, corrupt baronies and fool monks granted the powers of gods. "
03:15:39: <Recaiden> Dancing ensues.
03:15:58: <Recaiden> Attempts at seducing Kura follow
03:16:44: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu spends the night reading up on the Underworld to better understand it until either everyone else wakes up or he passes out.
03:17:07: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blushes as Otavia seduces her, though she is absolutely willing
03:17:15: <TechnoScrabble> ((5 lore sux if it matters))
03:17:24: <Recaiden> The next morning...
03:17:50: <TechnoScrabble> ((And 3 resist sux tl stay awake))
03:20:59: <Recaiden> Kozu learns the basics of the underworld
03:21:57: <Recaiden> It is a reflection of Creation, not a reverse but an inverse
03:22:34: <Recaiden> Strong emotions bind the dead to their selves
03:22:38: <Beans> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaVMxugfJuk
03:22:40: <Recaiden> It is balanced between two poles
03:22:46: <Recaiden> Oblivion, the END OF ALL THINGS
03:22:59: <Recaiden> Stands at the Mouth of the Void in the center of the world
03:23:46: <Recaiden> Then, there is Lethe.
03:23:52: <Recaiden> Absolution and reincarnation
03:23:59: <Recaiden> For those who choose to let go.
03:24:11: <Recaiden> Ghosts are, for the most part, stuck in pattterns laid down in life
03:24:26: <Recaiden> But many are the heroes who deny stasis and change their fates.
03:24:47: <Recaiden> In the underworld there is no material or spirit.
03:24:49: <Recaiden> There is only the world
03:24:57: <Recaiden> (Feel free to interrupt me with what people do)
03:25:02: <Recaiden> (I'll be a bit slow repsonding)
03:25:07: <Recaiden> (so please interact)
03:25:18: <firedaemon33> 6((Need to know what Otavia's doing first, I think))]
03:25:21: <Recaiden> Belief makes it real. Paper ships become fleets.
03:26:12: <Recaiden> ((Kura. =p))
03:26:27: <Recaiden> ((Being a terrible person and taking advanaage of her moon-limit-break))
03:26:41: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu searches specifically for any reference on getting in and out discreetly, but the 'belief makes it real' also catches his thoughts. Could one of strong enough will and mind simply slide in unnoticed? Or craft great weapons?
03:27:03: <Recaiden> A wooden sword, with the right prayers, becomes a grand daiklave.
03:27:04: <firedaemon33> 6((Hah. So is it safe to assume they're in bed together?))
03:27:14: <Recaiden> An army of terracotta soldiers becomes an actual army
03:27:16: <Recaiden> ((Yes))
03:27:23: <firedaemon33> 6((I see.))
03:27:43: <firedaemon33> 6Kura wakes up, back to her grumpy, irritable Shrompy old self
03:27:52: <firedaemon33> 6However, she's still quite drowsy
03:27:54: <Beans> Neiz stumbles out of bed, or wherever she happened to be, and peers over Kozu's nerd shoulder.
03:28:09: <firedaemon33> 6So she snuggles into what she assumes to be a nice, warm piece of bedclothing
03:28:23: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu makes a note to find some prayerbooks, not noticing Neiz.
03:28:49: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Minions, do we have anything I could cook? The others will be up soon."
03:29:20: <Beans> She leans over his shoulder in a move that begs for a slide-whistle sound effect. "I suggest something on the mild side."
03:30:33: <TechnoScrabble> 2" GAH!" Kozu falls over, sending his notes flying
03:30:42: <Beans> :3
03:30:46: <Beans> "Good morning~"
03:30:49: <TechnoScrabble> 2He quickly gathers them up, trying to organize them
03:31:05: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Good morning!" He says in the most hatefully polite way possible
03:31:53: <Recaiden> And then the bedclothes snuggle back
03:32:07: <Beans> Neiz doesn't notice, or doesn't care, and just sits down.
03:32:55: <firedaemon33> 6Kura eeps as the bedclothes snuggle back, and jumps out of the bed, then realizes that she is, as opposed to being in her normal black silk pajamas, is, in fact, stark naked
03:33:43: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Well, Miss Neiz, /do/ we have any food? I'll gladly cook something up."
03:34:48: <Beans> Neiz thinks. "I do believe we could easily whip up some rice porridge, to start with."
03:35:05: <Beans> [[nichishromp. my ordinary shromp.]]
03:37:23: <Recaiden> 11"Mmmm, good morning Kura."
03:37:41: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Bring me whatever you need, we'll surface and get a cooking fire going."
03:38:42: <firedaemon33> 6Kura curses as she scrabbles around for her Katars, eventually finding them on the other side of the room and slides them on her arm as she shouts, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU USE ME FOR, WITCH?!"
03:39:23: <Recaiden> 11Otavia makes a quick exit of the room while Kura's looking for weapons
03:39:38: <Recaiden> 11"Nothing you didn't agree to, love."
03:39:43: <Beans> "... Oh dear, a lover's spat already?" Neiz sighs and glides toward the ruckus.
03:39:57: <TechnoScrabble> 2Hearing the shouts, Kozu dashes past Neiz and kicks the door open!
03:40:11: <TechnoScrabble> 2" What has happened? Minions?"
03:40:24: <firedaemon33> 6Kura pursues her, still naked, and points her blades at Otavia as she says, "You! You! I....I can't even respond to this!"
03:41:02: <Beans> Neiz wiggles worriedly in the background. "Just what is going on, you two?"
03:41:40: <firedaemon33> 6Kura's face turns as red as a beet as she sees Kozu and Neiz enter and says, "She! She...Raped me!" her voice full of outrage
03:42:19: <Recaiden> 11"Miss Kura is maknig entirely baseless accusations."
03:44:07: <Beans> Neiz loses exactly all of her swish, replacing it with srs. "... Exactly what did you do, Tavi? Please understand that based on your answer, I may have to act."
03:44:12: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu is entirely too confused by this, but his brain starts putting numbers together. As usual, the wrong numbers.
03:44:37: <TechnoScrabble> 2" The way she acted last night...Miss Otavia, did you drug Miss Kuragari?"
03:45:21: <Recaiden> 11"Of course not, summoner."
03:45:34: <Recaiden> 11"It was an effect of the moonlight, as she told me."
03:45:47: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blinks at Kozu and says, "What? No! She took advantage of my rather embarrassing Lunar issue."
03:46:05: <firedaemon33> 6"I...Become exceedingly compliant when the full moonlight falls on me."
03:46:44: <TechnoScrabble> 2" That...that is a thing that happens? "
03:47:05: <firedaemon33> 6"Yes. Just like you getting drunk when you're pissed off."
03:47:47: <Beans> Neiz's eyes harden. "... Otavia, did you intentionally and knowingly take advantage of this?"
03:48:04: <Recaiden> 11"No, Miss Neiz."
03:48:11: <Recaiden> Which is a flat-out lie
03:48:30: <Beans> [[kozu do you has judge's ear technique]]
03:48:38: <TechnoScrabble> ((Nope))
03:48:48: <Beans> [[mrehhhhhhhhh]]
03:48:58: <TechnoScrabble> ((I do have a will spell i could use to make her tell the truth but kozu hates it))
03:49:23: <firedaemon33> 6((Recaiden says roll Per+Invest))
03:49:26: <TechnoScrabble> 2" You did notice that she was different, though. And it did not stop you."
03:49:54: <TechnoScrabble> ((3 sux))
03:50:23: <Recaiden> 11"She was quite distraught, and I comforted her as best I know how."
03:50:36: <Beans> [[one of thems]]
03:50:57: <Beans> [[neiz is horse**** at detecting lies]]
03:51:10: <TechnoScrabble> 2"'Good initiative, bad judgement' doesn't /begin/ to cover this."
03:51:28: <firedaemon33> 6((She wants to believeeee!))
03:51:59: <Beans> [[she didn't botch at least :u]]
03:52:14: <Beans> [[she's going to need to drop some points into investigation.]]
03:53:32: <Recaiden> ((3 sux to lie))
03:53:54: <firedaemon33> 6((Ties with Kozu.))
03:55:07: <TechnoScrabble> ((Yup))
03:55:40: <Recaiden> Kozu is supsicious, but not sure of any deception
03:56:35: <Recaiden> 11"My deepest apologies, Lady Kuranari."
03:56:42: <Recaiden> 11"If I can somehow make amends."
03:56:53: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glares and asks, "Get me my clothes. Then we'll talk
03:56:59: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Miss Otavia, did you even stop to think that maybe she wouldn't want it when she was...less pliable? "
03:57:06: <firedaemon33> 6*Says
03:57:27: <Recaiden> Otavia hops off and gets Kura her clothes, then returns, looking at Kozu, puzzled.
03:57:40: <Recaiden> 11"No. I thought about it while getting her garments and.
03:57:47: <Recaiden> 11I just don't understand what you could mean."
03:57:49: <firedaemon33> 6Kura dresses, and lets Kozu interrogate the Elemental
03:58:13: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "I'm sorry, Kura. I could have, I should have stopped this from ever happening."
03:58:21: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Not everyone is as...active as nymphs."
03:58:38: <Recaiden> Otavia tilts her head, confused.
03:58:47: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu makes a mental note he could have told his minions to stop this but didn't think ofnit.
03:58:50: <Recaiden> 11"And they're *supposed* to be that way?"
03:58:56: <TechnoScrabble> 2more self hatred get
03:59:35: <TechnoScrabble> 2"*sigh* Yes, Miss Otavia. And this is not the only issue on my mind. I feel like we may need to have a long talk."
04:00:24: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "One more thing. Why the hell do I have graces now? And remember being in a weird dreamscape?"
04:00:50: <Recaiden> 11"Are you sure their natures are that different?"
04:01:01: <Recaiden> SHe can't quite beleive Kozu
04:01:07: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu twitches, biting his lip enough to draw some. Lokd
04:01:10: <TechnoScrabble> *blood
04:01:30: <TechnoScrabble> 2"The tattoos...you did something else while they were shifting."
04:01:56: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Miss Kuragari, are you /absolutely sure/ those are graces?"
04:02:02: <Recaiden> 11"Summoner, you're bleeding."
04:02:19: <Recaiden> Otavia does explain how they formed during her tattoo thing.
04:02:28: <Recaiden> And she showed Kura the dreamscape to demonstrate them.
04:02:33: <Recaiden> So she could use them safely.
04:02:41: <TechnoScrabble> 2" You made her into a fae."
04:03:46: <Beans> Neiz sighs heavily. Things are not unterrible.
04:03:58: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu's fw
04:04:00: <TechnoScrabble> http://new2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/5299644+_55561112b7e754478e797f7f1b61e016.png
04:04:50: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Miss Otavia, we need to have a talk. In private. Before Miss Kuragari kills you."
04:04:52: <Recaiden> "She asked, and you had not instructed me not to until after."
04:05:02: <Recaiden> 11"Yes, summoner."
04:05:16: <Recaiden> 11She nods and scurries over to Kozu
04:05:46: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is still getting dressed
04:06:08: <firedaemon33> 6But she does have her Katars in hand
04:06:16: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu leads her to the chamber he studied in, then turns to ask coldly, "What the hell is wrong with you! And no lies, I know you're smart enough to understand what I mean!"
04:07:45: <Recaiden> 11"You won't be around forever."
04:07:57: <Recaiden> 11"And immortality aside, nymphs don't tend to live very long."
04:09:08: <TechnoScrabble> 2" So you ease Miss Kuragari into a terrible decision, make her into what she hates, and /take advantage of her?/" blood flies off kozu's lip when his voice raises
04:09:31: <Recaiden> 11"So I will take any possible advantage to me while I can."
04:10:22: <TechnoScrabble> 2"How is any of that helpful to you?! Do you want her dead or broken or something? What, people pay too much attention to her and not enough to you? "
04:10:25: <Recaiden> 11"It was on account of you that she wanted to become one of her own enemies."
04:10:32: <Recaiden> 11"I was simply hoping for her gratitude."
04:11:36: <TechnoScrabble> 2"It was on account of me that that island hasn't been claimed by the wyld," Kozu growls, finding himself having to stay his hand, "And gratitude? She was in no mood for gratitude!"
04:11:50: <TechnoScrabble> ((Do i have to temperance or wp again?))
04:12:16: <Recaiden> 11"Not at the time."
04:12:25: <Recaiden> ((temperance roll yes))
04:12:49: <TechnoScrabble> ((2 sux again))
04:13:06: <TechnoScrabble> 2" What does that mean?"
04:13:10: <Recaiden> So WP or...temperate
04:13:43: <TechnoScrabble> ((Temperate?))
04:14:35: <Recaiden> ((I think this should be compassion, actually?))
04:14:47: <Recaiden> ((I mean, act on your virtues))
04:14:57: <Recaiden> ((In this case, anger))
04:15:06: <TechnoScrabble> ((WP it is))
04:15:20: <TechnoScrabble> ((Crap, still two behind full))
04:15:36: <Recaiden> 11""She would have been, if you had not arrived just then."
04:16:55: <TechnoScrabble> 2"So I should feel bad because me saving thousands led to you easing her into a bad idea which led to you thinking it's okay to take advantage of her?"
04:17:43: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Is it really that hard to keep it in your pants? What, do I have to give you some toys and service you in the mornings to keep you on track?'
04:18:09: <Recaiden> *slap*
04:18:39: <Beans> Neiz alternatively looks from Kura to the door to her knees.
04:19:29: <Recaiden> "That was nothing."
04:19:49: <Recaiden> "That is my nature, Kozu."
04:19:59: <TechnoScrabble> 2Getting hit actually feels...cathartic, in a way. Like having someone recognize his ****ups helps to clear them out. "You're right, Miss Neiz would be far more your type."
04:20:01: <Recaiden> "Do not dare speak of it in such a way."
04:21:37: <TechnoScrabble> 2"It was once man's nature to muck about around a fire pit with no clothes and kilk each other with sticks and stones over roasted rodents. Look how far we have come."
04:23:32: <Recaiden> 11"Then make me not an elemental."
04:23:43: <Recaiden> 11"If you wish me to change so. Spirits are not men, Kozu."
04:23:48: <Recaiden> 11"You have no nature."
04:24:01: <Recaiden> 11"Only what you are forced or choose to do"
04:25:50: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Maybe spirits dont try hard enough. I hear Yu Shan has become rife with laziness and petulance. "
04:26:12: <Recaiden> 11"I wouldn't know."
04:26:26: <Recaiden> 11"The water courts have not *heard* from Yu-shan in my lifetime"
04:27:22: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks at Neiz and says, as she pulls her shirt on, "Yes, Neiz?"
04:27:44: <Recaiden> 11"If you order me to change, I must do it."
04:27:46: <TechnoScrabble> 2" And yet even the smallest, most distant satrapy hears from the leaderless Realm. Perhaps that says something. "
04:27:51: <Recaiden> 11"But I do not think you really want."
04:28:19: <Recaiden> 11"If you hope to offend my pride, it will not work."
04:28:23: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "I'm sorry, Kura."
04:29:00: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Why wouldn't I want you to be a better person if I thought you could? And as for pride, who stormed off like an upset child over a misunderstood statement not two days prior?"
04:29:16: <Recaiden> 11"More like *you* is not 'better', Kozu"
04:30:29: <Recaiden> 11"But you would not want it because it is more like death than growth, for me to change that part of me."
04:30:31: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Thank you, Neiz...I'm more ashamed than anything else
04:31:46: <TechnoScrabble> 2More like Kozu isnt better. How true.
04:31:52: <Beans> Neiz smiles weakly.
04:31:56: <TechnoScrabble> 2How painfully true.
04:33:05: <TechnoScrabble> 2" You will apologize to Miss Kuragari. You will teach her how to use her new power safely, and without making her more fae. And if you offend her, if you so much as grope her shoulder, I will string you from a Malfean gibbet myself."
04:33:24: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Is this understood?"
04:34:28: <Recaiden> 11"Yes. You are understood."
04:35:33: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Good. Go."
04:36:54: <Recaiden> Otavia walks back into the main area, looking furious.
04:37:57: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu wipes his lip on his sleeve, then has the deepship surface. His minions swim better than he does, so he has them try to catch some fish while he prepares to cook.
04:39:22: <Recaiden> 11"Miss Kura, I apologize."
04:39:40: <Recaiden> Before it surfaces
04:39:45: <Recaiden> A knock comes on the hatch
04:39:55: <Recaiden> *"ILLUMINARY KOZU!"*
04:40:56: <TechnoScrabble> 2"... Yes?" Kozu asks, edging for his powerbow.
04:40:56: <Beans> Is the voice recognizable?
04:41:57: <Recaiden> It's clearly a pelagial voice.
04:42:02: <Recaiden> Not familiar as the gatekeeper.
04:42:15: <TechnoScrabble> 2Dammit
04:42:40: <TechnoScrabble> 2Dammit dammit dammit. Kozu's mind reels, and he speaks again. "who is it?"
04:44:51: <Recaiden> Instead of an answer, more yelling
04:45:09: <Recaiden> "A holy relic has been stolen from our temple, and diviners place it within the ship you have borrowed!"
04:46:18: <Beans> "Asfjawe;fgagjs" says the siddy
04:46:41: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Do you have some way to explain lying to us and not warning us as we aided you, surrounded by the relics of those who would see this world dead?"
04:47:35: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu draws his powerbow and nocks an arrow, keeping it level at the hatch.
04:50:58: <Recaiden> The deepship's controls fade away with a whine. Power gone.
04:51:22: <Recaiden> "DO YOU NOT HONOR THE SUN, THIEF?
04:51:53: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swears as she assumes Warform and whispers to Otavia, "We'll talk later," as she goes to see what the fuss is about."
04:52:17: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Yeah, that all kinda pales in comparison to ending the world."
04:52:41: <Recaiden> "IDIOT!"
04:52:44: <TechnoScrabble> 2" The world is where I keep my friends. Or would, if I ever deigned to get any."
04:52:46: <Recaiden> "NONE HERE SEEK THE WORLD'S END"
04:53:15: <TechnoScrabble> 2"In another life, maybe."
04:53:51: <TechnoScrabble> 2" But please, do go on about the morality of demons. While you're at it, ask them politely to return my rib."
04:54:44: <Recaiden> 11"Are you sure this is a good idea, Kozu?":
04:55:31: <Recaiden> "BUT HERE AND NOW, WE *WERE* ALLIES"
04:55:43: <Recaiden> "WHY?"
04:55:51: <Recaiden> This guy is seriously pissed off
04:55:52: <Beans> "Excuse me, dearest shouter, but if your tirade could be managed more quietly, that would be preferable."
04:56:10: <Recaiden> "YOU-apologies, Starchild."
04:56:29: <Beans> "thakn"
04:56:32: <Recaiden> "Your companion has committed grave insults and crimes, and it is often difficult enough to hear through the ship's hull."
04:57:10: <firedaemon33> 6((What.))
04:59:51: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Maybe you dont get it, but anything above the first circle wants us all dead and the world to be their playtoy."
05:04:24: <Recaiden> "Rather like your 'Dragonblooded'"
05:05:18: <Beans> "Mrrh. At what point did they start being 'our' Dragonblooded? Most want the Solars and Lunars dead."
05:05:24: <Recaiden> "Your heretical religious views are one question. What makes you think stealing from your hosts is a good idea is another."
05:05:55: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I had suspicions. I wanted to confirm them."
05:06:55: <Recaiden> "and you couldn't ask because...why?"
05:07:01: <Recaiden> "Not offensive enough for you?"
05:07:03: <Recaiden> "Pathetic."
05:07:48: <Recaiden> "Apologies again, Neiz."
05:08:13: <Recaiden> "They becamoe Kozu's when he slandered all races made by the primoridals."
05:09:23: <Recaiden> "When he said the faults of a few of the Great Mother's children condemned them all."
05:09:54: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Woah, I never condemned anyone. "
05:10:49: <TechnoScrabble> 2" But I have to point out, giving power to something like that through prayer is the opposite of good."
05:12:19: <TechnoScrabble> ((I'm worried that I dont know enough fluff to make a smart decision for the setting her))
05:12:51: <TechnoScrabble> ((Are yozis really that big a problem or would leaving pelagials be not be all that bad?))
05:13:13: <Beans> [[the yoshis]]
05:13:37: <Beans> [[they lay eggs and satans come out]]
05:17:17: <Recaiden> ((Can't tell you. It's a perspective thing. Kozu probably believes the Yozi to be a huge, pure evil force, very dangerous))
05:17:43: <Recaiden> "Is there no one sensible to speak for your group?"
05:17:59: <Recaiden> "Because
05:18:04: <Recaiden> "I have to point out."
05:18:23: <TechnoScrabble> ((He does REALLY dislike demons))
05:18:36: <Recaiden> "Stealing from and insulting the only people who've helped you is the opposite of a good idea"
05:18:47: <TechnoScrabble> ((He suspects the damage neomah did has made him sterile. Though he hasnt tested it out))
05:18:53: <Recaiden> "Perhaps you've forgot it on the surface, but we have things called law and respect."
05:19:34: <TechnoScrabble> 2"We have those. For us, merely existing is against most of those laws."
05:20:54: <Recaiden> ((Perception+Awareness))
05:21:48: <TechnoScrabble> ((3))
05:23:31: <Recaiden> ((Did he exalt before or after?))
05:23:48: <Recaiden> ((Also, it's only 1 medicine charm away from wellness either way))
05:24:04: <TechnoScrabble> ((After))
05:24:35: <TechnoScrabble> ((He had to draw the arrow that made him exalt with his mouth. It pulled teeth out. He got better.))
05:24:43: <Recaiden> "Kozu, you have a choice. You will return us our possessions, and speak reasonably, or earn the enmity of every civilized being under the ocean."
05:25:08: <TechnoScrabble> 2" You speak for all the seas?"
05:25:10: <Recaiden> ((He may be exaggerating there))
05:25:33: <Recaiden> "Is that your decision?"
05:26:07: <TechnoScrabble> 2'"It was a question."
05:26:13: <Recaiden> "Our empire has no compare. The House of the Weed Tides, and all out manses. The City of Shining Reefs, and all our cities."
05:26:40: <Recaiden> "I did say 'civilized'. There are scattered mutants and madmen."
05:27:41: <TechnoScrabble> 2" One moment."
05:28:01: <Recaiden> ((/me pokes Beans and Firedaemon33))
05:28:17: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu rushes down to ask the others. "Do any of you have any way to make at least one of us move fast enough to escape here?"
05:28:38: <Beans> Neiz blinks, frowns, and shaeks her head. "Not that I know of..."
05:28:59: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and says, "We don't need to fight them, Kozu."
05:29:15: <Beans> [[i'm probably goingn to bed soon]]
05:29:30: <Recaiden> ((Yeah we can end near here))
05:29:32: <firedaemon33> 6"They have been nothing but polite and courteous to us."
05:30:08: <TechnoScrabble> 2"They worship demons, Miss Kuragari, but I do not intend to fight. "
05:33:25: <TechnoScrabble> ((Any bp earne))
05:33:30: <TechnoScrabble> *earned?
05:36:35: <firedaemon33> 6I am jealous
05:36:40: <firedaemon33> 6C'nor is stealing my Bans
05:36:43: <firedaemon33> 6*Beans
05:36:47: <TechnoScrabble> Awww
05:36:53: <TechnoScrabble> Waaaaat

2014-09-21, 10:20 PM
R ================================================== =============
R Everyone agreed not to fight, but Kozu appeared to be planning some sort of escape attempt.
R The ship is disabled and surrounded by people
R demon-worshipping people, apparently
R What do you do?
TS 2"Which one of us can swim the fastest, then?"
R 11"Kura or I"
FD 6"Me. But I don't see why we need to fight them,
TS (I put dots into martial arts, btw, but i haven't put the new sheet up yet))
R 11"Definitely Kura, actually/"
TS 2"I should hope we don't have to fight them at all. But we do need to get a message out."
FD 6Kura nods and asks, "What message is that?"
TS 2Kozu starts quickly scrawling a message on extra scroll paper, then copies it over. Their location, their situation, and a polite apology for his behavior.
TS 2" Where we are. And where we might be going.'
BN Neiz thinks. "I do have a Charm that could subordinate the person out there to me... Kozu, for whom is this message intended?"
R 11"What are you planning?"
TS 2" Well, one, to apologize. Two, to call for backup."
TS 2" You don't know demon worshippers like I do."
FD 6"Backup from who, exactly?"
TS 2" Our dear friend Mister Razor."
BN "... Don't we hate him?"
FD 6Kura blanches and says, "What? He intends to wipe these people out!"
TS 2Kozu stuffs the notes into scrollcases, handing them out to his minions and to Kurs.
TS 2" They intend to wipe us out. At least, their gods do. And Mrs Neiz, I am beyond such savagries as hate. "
TS 2" Go as fast as you can. I will stall them for time."
TS 2" I will try to prevent fighting, but we need them here as interdiction. "
BN Neiz sighs. "And, if necessary, I will bring my stalling abilities to bear."
FD 6Kura shakes her head and says, "No. I am not going to be complicit in wiping out a peaceful civilization, as distasteful as their gods are. There has to be another way."
R "We don't want any more trouble with any of you."
FD 6
TS 2" Says Kura, oh slayer of fae."
FD 6"The fae are different."
TS 2" Like I said, I dont intend to lead an army into their city. "
FD 6"You don't, but Blade does! And if you lead him here, that is what he will do."
TS 2" The fae are different, the demons are different, elementals are different."
TS 2" Let's just make up a new scale for everything! "
R 11"I wouldn't categorize the fae as 'peaceful' by any stretch"
FD 6"Exactly. And the pelagials are mortals. Unlike the beings you just named."
TS 2"Demons took seven very important things from me. I only got four or five of those back when I exalted. "
TS 2" The pelagials worship yozi as their makers, didnt you hear? I have evidence! Evidence that could kill you if you touched it wrong!"
FD 6"And yet you're willing to let the fae take everything I ever loved."
TS 2" The fae are /not/ taking those-this isnt the time for that!'
BN Neiz sighs. "Either we make a decision within some variation of /right now/, dearies, or we will be some variation of dead. Distasteful as I find it, Kozu's solution is the best we have at the moment."
R A voice from outside "I would like to suggest the solution where you give us back our relics and nobody kills anybody else."
R "Not even Kozu."
R Much as they would like to at this point.
FD 6Kura points at the direction of the voice and says, "This. The yozi do not create life, not intentionally at least. It would be far more agreeable to find out their true creators and prove to them that the Yozi aren't who they think they are."
TS 2" The yozis made us, too. Doesn't mean they won't kill us. They do not care for lesser life."
R Theological argument go!
FD 6"Exactly, Kozu. If they were created by the Yozi, they would be long-dead, as we would be if not for Luna and the Unconquered Sun and the Maidens."
FD 6"And as far as I know, there are no Pelagial Exalted."
FD 6
TS 2" I don't think the issue here is who made them, it's how we're getting out of here. And it wont be 'alive' if we trust them. "
FD 6"If they intended to kill us, they would have done so before. After all, they were Yozi worshippers before you found those, Kozu."
TS 2" And we were safely contained and unaware of their worship of world-ending, soul-eating monstrosities!"
FD 6"Then it would be ideal to kill us before we found out! The Yozi want us dead, do they not?"
TS 2"The machinations of demonkind are ever subtle."
FD 6"You're grasping at straws, Kozu."
TS 2" I would grasp at floating ribs, but those are missing!$
FD 6"Kozu, you're blinded by your hate. There is a peaceful solution."
FD 6Kura sighs, "I can't believe I had to say that.
FD 6*/I/
BN Neiz starts composing a list in her head. The list is titled "people to slap the **** out of". Current items on the list 1. Everyone
FD 6
TS 2Kozu glares for a long moment at Kura, then folds his powerbow up.
TS 2" Fine."
TS 2"Let them in, then. But I will have nothing more to do with them. "
BN Neiz goes back to bed.
FD 6Kura nods and calls out, "Alright! I'll let you in if you swear not to hurt us!"
TS 2" Their artifacts are in there, I will gather them."
TS 2Kozu carefully arranges the artifacts, but while nobody is looking, pockets the barrier dust and the hellwand.

R Everyone gone?
TS Theyre in the main chat
TS Crap now nobody has the log of what we did while you were gone
R I do
TS Oh never mind
TS Kay then
R Well, until I dropped, I guess
R When did you do after getting the artifacts and arranging them?
R *What, if anything
R The hatch to the ship is opened, and a human silently enters and gathers up the things.
R "Exit the ship, if you please."
FD 6Kura nods and exits the ship
BN Neiz crawls back out of bed, rubbing her eyes and grumbling softly.
TS 2Kozu and his minions exit, keeping a close eye on the person.
R And Otavia follows.
R The ship is positively surrounded by people. Humans, pelagials, eels.
R Swords and underwaters bows and essence cannons and lines of salt and runes etched into the sand.
R But they all seem happily relieved, and start dispersing when the person exits with the bowl and the book and the other things.
R What do, party and sleep Neiz?
TS 2Kozu keeps silent, head constantly but slowly turning to keep an eye on everything.
R Everything keeps an eye back on him.
BN Neiz gives the entire world a Look. This Look says "I have not yet decided who to hold responsible for my untimely waking. Pray I do not make up my mind." Except kind of incoherent and mumbly because mrrmmbrehh.
FD 6Kura gives Kozu a glare and says, "Well, are you going to apologize?"
TS 2"I have not decided yet."
R Coral Lady, who's packing a bizarre lens-filled contraption back into a case, catches Neiz's eye and gives an understanding nod.
TS 2" Maybe once I can be sure our stay in their demon tainted city has not affected us for the worse. "
R A team of eel-beasts is harnessed to tow the deepship back to the docks
FD 6Kura shakes her head and says, "Apologize now. These people are clearly terrified of us
TS 2"...I apologize for stealing your insanely dangerous artifacts for the purpose of ascertaining knowledge."
R Something rude-sounding is said in response by a man nearby.
R And Kozu gains the 'least-sincere-apology' trophy
TS 2He can explain the human sacrifice detailed in the prayer book later.
R Otavia tries to pull everyone up to the little island above the manse, on the surface, to discuss their next move.
R 11"Well that could have gone better."
FD 6Kura is pulled and says, "Indeed. Kozu, what did you do?"
TS 2"I investigated the Alchemical's accusations of demon worship. They were true."
BN Neiz curls up in her coat to nap.
TS 2" Their prayer books detailed rituals to Kimbery, several Malfean spirits, human sacrifice, poison rituals, rites of undeath. The usual."
TS ((They bind people's souls in their rotting bodies
FD 6
BN [[yuppies]]
Beans shudders
FD 6Kura sighs and says, "Alright...I suppose this doesn't look very good, but be honest with me Kozu. If you didn't look into this, what would we have done?
BN [[jedipotter]]
TS 2"We would have ended up aiding them ever further. And eventually ended up sacrifices. "
FD 6'You're not being honest, Kozu.'
BN [[a guy on GITP with horrifying opinions that boil down to "optimization is cheating" and also the ****tiest player-DM relationship history ever]]
TS 2" Why would I lie about them worshipping demons? What would I gain?"
FD 6"I mean about the outcome, Kozu."\
TS 2"Why would I lie about that? "
FD 6"Because you want to hate these people who, until now, have been nothing but hospitable."
TS 2" They would have manipulated us into killing the Autocthonians. Who already know where they are, by the way, so any commentary about me leading an army to them was just /stupid/."
R The prisoners are sitting in a circle, looking horrified
TS 2"Li, you and yours were right. I apologize."
R "..uh...thank you?"
R "What in the -what are you going to do to us?"
TS 2" At this point...I feel like just returning you to your home...then going to mine...and having a nap."
FD 6Kura nods and says, "Indeed. I see no reason to detain you further
TS 2" Your master won't make reparations for those sailors, the pelagials wont stop worshipping demons...and there are always more serious problems
R Li looks hopeful, and nods.
R Meanwhile, Otavia lays down by Neiz and knocks on the door to her dreams.
TS 2" The foolishness of others... Is ever tiring. But my own idiocy, it stings a bit. I will admit it."
R Li nods. "I am sorry. But they could use our help back there."
TS 2"Immaculate Blade's men should arrive soon, assuming my messengers got through. "
BN She's let in! In her dream, Neiz is watching a woman sleep. She looks 20-ish, tan and curvaceous with pale blond hair. The surroundings are hazy and shifting; sometimes it's a cozy Celestial Manse, sometimes it's a beautiful clearing beneath the stars, and sometimes it's a hovel in an alley. In those latter moments, Neiz's black-tipped white locks are brown.
R 11"Who is she?"
R Otavia walks up carefully and quietly behind Neiz.
TS Huh
TS Thought i said something earlier to the tune of 'kozu sends his minions'
TS But i cant find it
TS Assumre he sent them after the pelagials left
BN A dirt-smudged, scrawny-looking Neiz turns and smiles, a hand in the tan girl's hair. "My wife Ayli, my pride and joy... isn't she lovely?" The sleeping woman moves a little in her sleep, peaceful and calm. She really is quite a looker.
R 11"She is. I might be jealous."
R 11"But you're here instead?"
R Shortly, a shape breaks out of the water, and races towards the little island, a metallic gleam slowly growing bigger.
R And you find that it is Immaculate Blade himself, riding some jade-finned metallic machine that skims just of the waves.
R Some sort of hoverboard, if you will.
TS 2Kozu bows. "i am glad you deigned to come, especially after how rude I was."
TS 2" For which I again apologize, as it stands."
BN Neiz smiles a little more ruefully. "Well, I do have work, after all... so whenever I'm dreaming, I dream of her and vice-versa... after this business is over, I can't wait to see her again."
R 3"This world of yours is a hard place. I trust you've been taking good care of my men?"
R Two of the aforementioned climb up happily on seeing him, while the other two, including Li, are rather less enthused.
TS 2" To the best of my ability. I was interrupted before I could make breakfast, I am afraid.'
R 11"I hope you see her soon."
R 11"good for you both."
R And away to a different dream the nymph goes
R 3"Well at least you came around eventually."
R 3"Hop on, comrades."
R Four little wobbly hover-disks extend from the board, attached by little cables.
R 3"The Maker smile on you for enduring such trials."
R And shortly, unless interrupted, the Alchemical and his minions are gone.
R The party is alone. And half asleep.
TS 2"Immaculate Blade! I understand that this is uncouth of me, but we lack any way home."
TS 2" If you would be able to help...I have knowledge to share."
R 3"Oh. Heh."
R 3"How far ya going?"
TS 2" As far as the mainland would be appreciated. We can work it out from there."
R 3He nods slowly.
R 3"Looks like we got some work to do before heading home, men."
R Blade rummages in his sleeves, before producing a set of cups
R Then he unfolds a nozzle from his wrist and fills the cups with tea, and hands them out.
R The minions start sweeping away a patch of sand.
R And then he goes back to rummaging in his pockets, producing *vastly* more than could possibly fit in there.
TS 2" What sort of ritual is this?"
R Metal beams, glowstones, wrenches, hyperion keys, essence welders, things you don't even have words for.
R Jade ingots, glass, a canary in a cage.
R 3"Ritual? No, construction!"
R He closes his eyes and focuses for a moment as a second pair of mechanical arms, then sets of heavy machinery that easily triple his mass fold out of his back.
R He moves about the tiny island with inhuman precision, like a piece of fabulous ticking clockwork, and out of the scattered thing an entire ship quickly takes shape.
R 3"Feel free to lend a hand."
TS 2" Do go on,' kozu says, gazing on like a schoolgirl at a hunk
TS 2" Tell me what to do!" Kozu pipes with glee, hopping right in!
R 3The minions help out, mainly holding pieces in place and exchanging tools
R 3But Kozu is given more complicated instructions.
R 3"Align those things. Wire this essence core to that jade extruder."
R 3"Get the mylk portal calibrated for STeam 7"
R 3And he should just barely manage to follow it all
R 3With his Lore and Craft ratings.
TS 2He does so with glee!
TS Wait, int 5+lore/occult 4 is barely?
BN this is
TS Hes one from maximum!
R 3It is compared to these guys.
R 3Blade has Intelligence 8.
R 3Not-being-a-**** is still rated at only 1
R 3But, you know.
R 3The resplendent-dickery-avoidance-module requires too much committed essence
TS How do you get stats above 5...
TS Anyways
R Several hours later, the party is in possession of something equivalent to a First Age Whirligig Class Ocean Courier
R ((Be an Alchemcial, or be exalted for over a centurey)
TS 2" This... This is amazing!"
TS 2"How did you learn... where...this is on par with First Age tech!"
R 3"Yeah; it's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it."
R 3"Heh. Benefits of not having your civilization collapse a few times in the past thousand years."
R 3The machinery starts folding itself up and compacting back into Blade's shoulders and Elsewhere-filled sleeves.
TS 2"...Y'know...I am still upset about the sailors, but I think if we worked together some time later on, we could fix a lot. You said you needed materials, have you tried wyld shaping?"
R 3"What shaping?"
TS 2"The wyld. The edge of creation and beyond."
R 3"..."
R 3"Kozu, let me show you our maps."
TS 2" I have not the skill, but there are legends of first age solars who could rip entire new worlds from the wyld."
R This one is just on his belt.
R He unrolls it, and Kozu can see that Simenare is about as far as they stretch in any direction.
R 3"How does this compare. Where does it fit in relation to this 'Wyld'?"
TS 2'This is terrible. Youll get nowhere with this."
TS 2" You'll onlt end up eating this world alivr trying to fix yours, when endless resources are so close at hand."
TS 2Kozu draws out the map of creation as best he can, including wyld zones, shadowlands, and political boundaries he knows of. "this is the realm. The people there will try to kill you. The same with lookshy, and most of their satrapies, or anywhere with many Immaculate Monkd."
TS 2" According to their religion, people like us are possessed by demons. "
BN Neiz wakes up and sees... um... a lot of nerd stuff. "... Oh dear, how long have I been dozing?"
TS 2" The wyld is unstable land, less distinct and more...unstable the further you go. Those with skill can supposedly shape it and control what it produces. Endless resources for those willing to risk it."
TS 2"Essence gathers along dragon lines, directing power through creation and forming manses and demesnes."
R 3Blade listens, and starts copying down the map.
R Otavia is jerked into wakefulness by the collapsing dreamfront nearby.
R Charisma+Lore, with 1 stunt.
R "Oh, um, hello."
TS 2" This world needs knowledge, yours needs materials. Maybe once I am done with my own matters, we could work together for...something of value to all our people? "
R 3"I think that despite our misunderstandings, we can. You know where to find us."
R Li answers the sleepysid. "It's been about four hours, Miss Neiz."
TS 2" I do indeed. I imagine you would like to know what I learned of the pelagials?"
R 3"We'd be glad to."
TS 2Kozu shares notes with Blade, detailing the prayers, examinations of the artifacts, and a summary of kt all written as a scientific/social thesis.
TS 2It's brief for Kozu. Only covers four of his blank scrolls.
BN Neiz blinks. "Oh... well, that's nice. I needed a good nap. Rather nice... thing you have here."
TS 2" I also managed to keep hold of a pair of weapons. A powder you may be able to purify and replicate, and an essence weapon that needs a purified material and power source to remove the hellish taint. Any chance we could handle that here before we leave? "
FD 6Kura blinks at Kozu and says, "Wait. You kept things?"
R 3"An oilship."
R 3Blade looks curiously at the things.
R 3"Yeah, sure thing, comrade.
R 3we an have those rebuilt in a jiffy."
FD 6
FD 6((Is he a communist?)
R 3
R 3Blade takes the things, and starts to glow a soft green, the light radiating out from the brilliant gem in his forehead
TS 2" I would like to help with the process, if it isn't a problem. Learning purposes. "
TS 2Kozu presents the barrier powder and the essence pistol.
R 3The minions scramble to draw magic circles and other artifact reconfiguration symbols.
R 3Blade nods.
R 3"All who wish to learn, gather round."
TS Have kozus own minions returned yet? If so he sends them to gather fish and driftwood
R Kozuminions returned a bit into the ship project, so yes.
TS 2Kozu steps in close and rolls his sleeves up, ready to work.
R Off they go!
R 3"The simplest focus materials are the six magical materials Orichalq, Mithril, Star Iron, Jade, Soulsteel, and Adamant."
R 3"Another easy one is the vital substance of a magical creature. Now, this was originally made with some demon's ichor filling that role."
R 3"As well as a frozen sunbeam."
R 3"I think it best to keep as close as is safe to the original design."
TS 2" I have heard of Adamant...but never witnessed it."
TS 2" Understood. "
R 3"This lens here, it is set with a bit of the Holy Cryatal. We will use it to catch the last sunbeam of dusk."
R 3"And if you would each be willing to place a drop of blood in the chalice; Kozu can certify for you that it is put to no ill use."
R 3The Artifact Consecration Chalice is medical steel and looks both clean and sharp.
R 3"We place the original artifact here, in the center, and then charge it with energy to evoke a destroyer, a weapon spirit, to give it life."
TS 2Kozu nods and lets some blood from his lip drop in.
R 3"The focuses drive out the daevonic energy originnally used."
R 3"and then you have to phsyically melt and reforge a few key pieces."
R 3"I will show you how to identify which ones. Li, is the laser ready?"
R Handed.
R ((and describing the nice thing as an 'oilship' was an answer to Neiz
BN Neiz puts her fabulous homoglobins in the chalice as well
BN *hemoglobins
R Blade should probably have said 'thanks'))
BN homoglobins works too I guess
R No iron, just sameness
R The laser is used to melt tiny runes into the edges of the pistol, and reshape the firing mechanism.
R And then, as the sun is setting, there is a flash that lights up the Adamant lens, which is set into the base of the barrel.
R The party has acquired a Very Small Celestial Cannon.
R ((Infernals. It's an Inferrnal canon that works off the normal sun instead of Ligier)
TS 2" Fascinating... " Kozu breaths ,"
TS 2" This is amazing work. Keep the powder for yourselves. Maybe you can reverse engineer it."
R 3"Good luck, all of you."
R 3And then the Alchemical and his comrades do depart.
R floating off over the ocean till they're just a speck and then gone.
TS 2" Thank you. Good luck, good life."
TS It ends on kozu drying the gathered driftwood and cooking the fish
TS Kozu makes gourmet fillets from fish on a stick over driftwood
R With the help of his minions, it is a culinary MASTERPIECE
R No.
R Just to other things
TS Wait morale bonus from food is a thing?
TS Does the oilship have any weapons
R When the food is this good, why not?
R The oilship is unarmed
TS Yaaaaya
TS And alright
R I recommend you mount the new weapon at the front.
R So that you can technically have a ship with a laser turret
TS Will do
FD 6Probably a good idea
FD 6Sorry
TS Kozu will probably summon minions with sail (oilship), craft (fire(first age materials), and lore (first age tech) to sail/maintain it
FD 6Having fun playing Udyr
TS Just four of them for now
FD 6Assume Kura helps Kozu
TS Once everyone has eaten, he reads the minions some of the book he gave them, then stays up all night again, sitting between Kura and otavia
R FD, we need her to make decisions
FD 6Mmkay
FD 6As they eat, Kura frowns and says, "So...The pelagials seem to be under the mistaken belief that they were created by the Yozi...But who were they really created by?"
TS 2" I'd be yozi. No reason to disbelieve. "
TS 2" But that is no good reason to worship them."
R 11"Could be wyld mutants left normal enough to survive in Creation."
FD 6Kura nods and says, "I can't imagine the Yozi creating a civilization. Even humans were beasts under their rule."
TS 2" Also an option. That doesn't matter, though. While yozi worship is foolish and often evil, they were hospitable..."
TS 2" The human sacrifice is bad as well. But I..I just feel done here. I've learned a great deal about the Underworld, though. "
R 11"Where are we going next, then, Summoner?"
R Is it time to temporarily break up the group, letting them visit their familiies? (or fellow Lunars, for those like Kura who are alone)
TS 2"You ask like I am the leader here," Kozu says with a small smile, "But I would suggest we prepare and make our trip to the Underworld."
BN a;oidawfg]]
BN [[Yes let them visit their famblies]]
TS 2" I need to visit my manse, I am sure Miss Neiz and Miss Kuragari have better things to do than follow me everywhere."
BN Neiz nods. "I need to have sometime with my Ayli for a while before we continue our travels. Not that they haven't been fun, but... well, you're not her and she is."
FD 6Kura sighs and says, "I suppose I could talk to the Silver Pact...I don't have any family."
R Otavia is about to suggest something, and, with much effort, thinks better of it.
TS 2" We should meet back in Simenare...say when the seasonal faire comes?"
FD 6Kura nods and says, "Sure."
BN Neiz pats her shoulder. "Remind me to adopt you, dear. Ayli will fuss over you to no end!"
FD 6Kura smiles and says, "Thank you, Neiz. Perhaps I'll come visit you
TS 2"When we reach the mainland, Miss Neiz should tske the oil ship and the sailing minions
TS 2" She can hide it best."
BN Neiz nods. "Indeed---that's probably our best bet."
R Otavia sets a hand on Kozu's shoulder. She'll be going with him, after all.
FD 6Kura's heart breaks as she really realizes she's truly alone, but her face hardens and she says, "Farewell, then."
TS 2" Miss Otavia...You may return home if you wish. I will call you back when Miss Kuragari is ready for lessons."
TS 2" Miss Kuragari...you may come with me if you wish.'
FD 6Kura smiles and says, "Thank you, Kozu."
<TechnoScrabbulous> Sorry phone crashed
<TechnoScrabbulous> 2Noting Kura's face, Kozu says something he's sure hell regret. "miss kuragari, you may travel with me if you wish."
R Otavia shrugs.
BN [[i briefly misread that as "plane crashed" and holy ****]]
R 11"I have no use or interest in returning home. But I could find somewhere."
<TechnoScrabbulous> 2"Please don't do anything foolish.'
BN well now that he said that
BN tavi is going to steal the declaration of independence
R 11"I will try my best to make good decisions."
R 11It's clear from her smile that Otavia is mocking Kozu
<TechnoScrabbulous> 2" I should just send you back to your home. I really should."
R 11"You should come with me back there."
<TechnoScrabbulous> 2"Somehow I get the feeling that is a bad idea."


2014-09-22, 11:23 PM
02:54:00: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu used his time off to study, teach his students, summon huraka and gather their breath in jars, and learn the first charm of wood dragon martial arts
02:54:10: <firedaemon33> 5What's going on?
02:54:22: <TechnoScrabble> he also made a number of lavish meals to try and mske his wife not angry
02:54:23: <Beans> i told the pirate ST not to let in a ****bag
02:54:44: <firedaemon33> 5Mhmm
02:54:58: <Beans> also i realized
02:55:01: <Beans> timeskip
02:55:03: <Beans> training times
02:55:04: <Beans> yooooo
02:55:09: <firedaemon33> 5Yooooo!
02:55:17: <Recaiden> Yap
02:55:36: <Recaiden> How did Kura and nerdwife get along?
02:56:08: <Recaiden> Rhyvurg is one of my players in another game.
02:56:32: <TechnoScrabble> Did kura decide to come with? Kozu offered but i dont remember the answer
02:56:33: <Recaiden> Hence the concern.
02:57:10: <Beans> oh dear
02:57:14: <Beans> is he being awful there too
02:57:18: <TechnoScrabble> Lets move on to shromp for the night
02:57:27: <Beans> yes
02:57:28: <firedaemon33> 5Yeah, she did
02:57:32: <TechnoScrabble> And not worry about such tacky and unfabulous things
02:57:32: <Recaiden> Well, no, not at all.
02:57:38: <Recaiden> Speaking of shromps, Kura was there.
02:57:38: <Beans> Neiz wifed
02:58:03: <TechnoScrabble> If kura came with, kozu also spent much time trying to keep her and his wife from hating each other
02:58:17: <firedaemon33> 5Probablt
02:58:29: <TechnoScrabble> And bsing his way out of any babymaking with the wife
02:58:32: <firedaemon33> 5Can I roll for murder?
02:59:30: <TechnoScrabble> 2" No."
02:59:53: <firedaemon33> 5That was an OOC question
02:59:59: <TechnoScrabble> I knoe
03:00:03: <TechnoScrabble> I was being silly
03:00:12: <TechnoScrabble> kura speaks in purple anyways
03:00:58: <Recaiden> Did he successfully BS his way out of babymaknig with kura?
03:01:20: <Beans> :3
03:01:21: <TechnoScrabble> ...please dont make me roll for that
03:01:29: <Recaiden> Of course not.
03:01:31: <Beans> it's a lore roll
03:01:31: <firedaemon33> 5Oh no
03:01:38: <firedaemon33> 5You're rolling for that
03:01:39: <Beans> book fort
03:01:46: <Beans> chastity fort
03:01:49: <firedaemon33> 5It's a Wit roll
03:01:55: <firedaemon33> 5Vs. Kura's Str+MA
03:01:59: <TechnoScrabble> Fortress of d&d manuald
03:02:16: <TechnoScrabble> The bastion of virginitt
03:02:22: <TechnoScrabble> *virginity
03:02:30: <Beans> faultless ceremony, whee
03:02:40: <TechnoScrabble> ?
03:02:57: <Recaiden> Go Kura. Become the most hypocrite
03:03:17: <firedaemon33> 5How so?
03:03:23: <Beans> and also a dot in investigation, so she's not totally clueless
03:03:40: <firedaemon33> 5Oh
03:03:42: <firedaemon33> 5:/
03:04:35: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu hands jars of huraka breath tl everyone when they regroup, and explains that looking through them dispels illusions
03:05:22: <TechnoScrabble> The sneaky minions have been released, they are allowed to follow him or do as they please with whatever remains of their year and a day
03:05:44: <TechnoScrabble> so long as it doesnt hurt people of course
03:06:28: <firedaemon33> 5Also, Kura had more limit breaks while they were gone
03:06:28: <Beans> I bet they sneak around and return people's lost chapsticks
03:06:39: <firedaemon33> 5Presumably Nerdwife took advantage of them
03:07:33: <Beans> honk
03:07:51: <TechnoScrabble> Fd and i will have to work that out sometime then
03:07:55: <TechnoScrabble> for now
03:08:01: <TechnoScrabble> BACK TO ADVENTURE, no?
03:09:46: <Beans> Neiz is waiting for her friends, sporting a freshly-pressed coat, a bag of goodies her wifey made for the rest of Team Shromp, and at least one visible hickey.
03:16:56: <TechnoScrabble> Kozu is dressed in plain blue and grey robes as usual
03:17:16: <firedaemon33> 5Kura is standing beside Kozu, in her usual back outfit
03:18:48: <Beans> Neiz is the only one with any style.
03:19:00: <TechnoScrabble> Duh
03:19:06: <firedaemon33> 5Black is stylish!
03:19:21: <Beans> http://x4.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/cute+girls+you+say+_136e01e12394ea1acf48eecc9d9a82 a6.gif
03:21:48: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Greetings, Mrs Neiz, I trust your 'time off' was enjoyable?"
03:23:32: <Beans> Neiz grins. "Oh, lovely! I really do have to get you two to visit sometime, Ayli would simply spoil you both to no end!" She thinks a moment. "... You'd probably protest, but that's alright." She hands them each their bag of sweets the waifu made.
03:24:35: <firedaemon33> 5Kura graciously accepts the bag of sweets and says, "Thank you, Neiz."
03:25:13: <TechnoScrabble> 2"I think I spoil myself enough, Mrs Neiz, but thank you for the gift," kozu bows and takes the bag, sliding it into one of the cases in his belt
03:25:54: <TechnoScrabble> 2"I am eager to see Simenare, I hope they've... Grown, in our absence."
03:26:17: <Beans> "Perhaps in some ways you do." And she gives them each a hug. At least Kura.
03:26:36: <firedaemon33> 5Kura nods and says meaningfully, "Indeed...This is when we find out whether or not you made the right decision.' And then hugs!
03:26:39: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu is still decidedly anti-touching
03:26:59: <Beans> Neiz just sort of thinks hugs at him. "We'll just have to see."
03:27:08: <TechnoScrabble> 2" The staff would have broken alongside the oath. "
03:30:39: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Given that it has not, I should think all is well."
03:33:48: <TechnoScrabble> ((Rec?))
03:35:19: <Recaiden> And Otavia is not here yet
03:36:00: <Recaiden> Presumably she'll be at the fair though.
03:36:39: <TechnoScrabble> If not, Kozu will summon her
03:36:44: <Recaiden> The group is gathering at the shores of Simenare.
03:37:00: <Recaiden> The fishing fleet is moored at the piers, as this is a time for celebration
03:37:14: <Recaiden> And on the far side of the island, the Raksha fleet as well.
03:37:32: <Recaiden> With their leaves and silk and not-actually-touching the water.
03:38:09: <Recaiden> ((anyone remember what season it was?))
03:38:10: <TechnoScrabble> 2"Let's behave this time. If any time could ve bad for a political disaster, it is now."
03:38:32: <Recaiden> End of Fire, I'm declaring
03:38:46: <Recaiden> You hear music from the villages.
03:38:56: <Recaiden> And uh, let's say it's morning still.
03:39:05: <TechnoScrabble> 2"They certainly sound festive, though. "
03:39:08: <Recaiden> On the 26th of Descending Fire
03:39:54: <Beans> Neiz starts off toward the festival, whee~
03:40:25: <Recaiden> FD is busy.
03:40:30: <Recaiden> So Kura will be doing not much yet.
03:40:35: <Recaiden> Letting her outrage build up.
03:40:55: <Recaiden> So our trio heads inland to the festival.
03:41:04: <Recaiden> There is music, dancing, many foods for sale.
03:41:16: <Recaiden> The town is strung with ribbons and streamers between buildings.
03:41:38: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu sets off to check with his medicine minions first. Indulgence can wait.
03:41:54: <Recaiden> There's a parade going through the town square, where each of the four villages and several other groups have floats and marches
03:42:14: <firedaemon33> 5Kura simply observes
03:42:21: <Recaiden> Medicine minions have been medicining. Severe illnesses are slightly down.
03:42:32: <Recaiden> Death from serious injury is greatly reduced.
03:42:35: <Recaiden> No plagues this season
03:42:46: <Beans> Neiz gets all crits on her "Have fun" roll
03:43:01: <Recaiden> And scattered among the people are the fae.
03:43:24: <Recaiden> Most are obvious; fins and sharp teeth, skin covered in scales, made of living water. Long pointed ears and burning eyes.
03:43:39: <Recaiden> Wings of seaweed or saltwater or dream.
03:44:11: <Recaiden> So far, harmlessly speaking with Simenarians and observing.
03:44:14: <TechnoScrabble> 2Once that's done, then, he strolls about, asking people how they are doing. He'll even converse with a few fae here and there. He wants to make sure things are holding up.
03:44:26: <Recaiden> Playing at games, eating fish (not mortals)
03:44:36: <Recaiden> Things seem to be holding up.
03:45:07: <Recaiden> He spots the fae queen approaching, carried in a palanquin by four siakamen hobgoblins.
03:45:27: <Recaiden> Neiz of course has already begun partying.
03:46:00: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu bows his head slightly to the Queen. "And how are you enjoying yourself?"
03:47:28: <Recaiden> 9"It is acceptable. One of the better mortal celebrations I've seen."
03:48:21: <Beans> Neiz is great at chatting with everyone.
03:48:35: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Oh? Only acceptable? " Kozu allows himself a sly grin
03:48:52: <TechnoScrabble> (Has kozu's limit reset, btw, or is still there?)
03:49:03: <Recaiden> ((Limit stays))
03:49:26: <TechnoScrabble> ((Sheeeeeit))
03:49:50: <Recaiden> 9"Hmm. Yes. Only acceptable. How are *you* finding it?"
03:50:17: <Recaiden> Neiz finds herself talking to a door-to-door evangelist for the Immaculate Cult.
03:50:25: <TechnoScrabble> ((First age kura http://new1.fjcdn.com/gifs/pew+pew+****+em+weeaboos+no+time+to+explain+get_0c 1537_5302651.gif))
03:51:00: <Recaiden> ((Hahah yes))
03:51:02: <TechnoScrabble> 2" It seems to suit them just fine, but I am not one for...indulgence. "
03:51:18: <Recaiden> 9"Come on, live a little. It's not like you have forever."
03:52:06: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I could if I tried."
03:52:09: <Beans> Neiz manages to find nice things to say about the person's... complexion, and their fingernails. And swiftly disengages.
03:53:49: <Recaiden> 9"But you don't try."
03:54:54: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I have no wish to live forever. I know what my first age counterpart did when he allowed himself to live too long and dig too deep."
03:54:57: <Recaiden> The other evansgelists in the crowd smell weakness.
03:55:16: <Recaiden> Disengaging politely is impossible, and there are two of the guys cohorts now.
03:55:22: <Recaiden> Their fingernails are not as nice.
03:55:35: <Recaiden> ((Roll Perception+Occult, beans))
03:55:52: <Recaiden> 9"Ooh, that sounds like a good story. Do tell, Kozu."
03:56:45: <TechnoScrabble> 2" I would rather not. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth."
03:57:00: <Beans> [[... one :c]]
03:57:42: <Recaiden> Neiz finds herself promising to come to a church service after the night's celebrations, and is left with lots of pamphlets and charms
03:57:54: <TechnoScrabble> Hah
03:58:26: <Recaiden> 9"You. Are no fun at all.
03:58:27: <Recaiden> 9"
03:58:49: <Recaiden> The queen motions to her servants to set her down, and steps out off the palanquin.
03:59:03: <Beans> Neiz sighs, but is satisfied with the fact that these asshats will forget her before then. She tries to find people to talk to who don't suck, and fae to give her pamphlets to for various pretenses.
03:59:19: <Recaiden> She carefully places a carnival mask over her face (upon which all her fae features vanish, leaving her just a pretty human stranger) and heads off into the crowd.
03:59:33: <TechnoScrabble> 2"I will not apologize for my feelings or my priorities."
03:59:47: <Recaiden> Kozu is being ignored now. No fun.
04:00:00: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu shivers a bit at the thought of the queen running around disguised
04:00:19: <TechnoScrabble> 2Time to find Harmony!
04:00:21: <Recaiden> The fae are all super-excited by Neiz's pamphlets.
04:00:34: <Beans> :3
04:00:37: <Recaiden> And also she bumps into Harmony, who is sitting on a stump.
04:01:13: <Beans> "Hello, dearie! I brought you a little something~" Another bag of noms from Ayli is presented.
04:01:48: <Recaiden> 4"Oh. Thank you Aunt Neiz."
04:01:59: <Recaiden> Bag of noms is accepted, and one immediately eaten.
04:02:09: <Recaiden> Kozu wanders up a little later.
04:02:22: <Beans> Neiz almost dies when she's called 'aunt'. Too cute.
04:02:42: <TechnoScrabble> 2Kozu waves hello to Harmony. "Good morning, Harmony!"
04:03:25: <Recaiden> 4"Good morning father. Welcome back"
04:03:37: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Thank you. How are you?"
04:04:09: <Recaiden> 4"Quite well, thank you."
04:04:15: <Recaiden> 4She seems melancholy, quite clearly
04:04:31: <Beans> :U
04:04:43: <TechnoScrabble> 2" It would not seem that way. What has you down?"
04:04:44: <Beans> Neiz un-dies and is concerned. "What's wrong, darling?"
04:04:58: <Recaiden> 4Shake of the head. "It's nothing."
04:05:43: <TechnoScrabble> 2" Please, tell me. I am your father, it's my duty to protect you."
04:07:40: <Recaiden> 4"Oh, I'm not in any danger."
04:08:35: <kozu> 2" No, but something is clearly hurting you."
04:09:43: <Harmony> 4"I'm lost. Keeping peace between here and the Court is not enough for a person's life."
04:10:14: <Beans> Neiz fusses over her niece.
04:10:33: <kozu> 2"Well, what do you want to do with your life?"
04:12:18: <firedaemon33> 5Kura simply scowls as she explores the Isle, annoyed that it's infested with Fae
04:12:43: <Harmony> 4"I have no idea!"
04:12:50: <Harmony> 4Harmony is fussed.
04:13:05: <Harmony> Kura bops into a fae who looks remarkably like a seagull.
04:13:21: <Harmony> "Hey dere. You dun look happy at all. Lemee cheer you up?"
04:13:41: <kozu> 2" You have the power of two very powerful beings in you. There is very little you could not do."
04:14:15: <Harmony> 4"But what *should* I do?"
04:14:24: <Harmony> 4"And what can I do from here?"
04:14:38: <Beans> Neiz has a Fuss Break.
04:14:48: <kozu> 2"Travel. Learn. Find something or someone you like and stick to it."
04:15:27: <Harmony> 4Neiz is too fussy . Whatever to get that to stop.
04:15:38: <kozu> 2" I have a school, should you like to learn lore and magic, and perhaps meet my wife."
04:15:52: <Harmony> 4"I should. Where is that?"
04:16:12: <Beans> Neiz passes out from fuss and takes 3d10 levels of Acting Like A Grandma Damage.
04:16:34: <firedaemon33> 5Kura shakes her head and says, "No. I simply am exploring."
04:16:39: <kozu> 2Kozu pulls out one of his maps to show Harmony his school's location in the plains to the southeast.
04:17:15: <kozu> 2It's a wood aspected oasis in a cave, making for a well hidden but well provided manse
04:18:03: <Harmony> "You sure?"
04:18:13: <Harmony> "It's a festivall. You suppose to be happy."
04:18:32: <Harmony> 4Harmony notes down the location of the school.
04:18:33: <firedaemon33> 5"It's not a festival. It's a reminder of my failing,"
04:18:40: <Harmony> 4"Maybe I'll go by."
04:18:59: <Harmony> Oh wait. This must be that no-fun scary lunar they were warned about.
04:19:08: <Harmony> The fae scares off in an instant
04:19:28: <Beans> seagull fae i'll always remember you
04:19:39: <Harmony> 11"Hey, Kuranari!"
04:19:46: <kozu> 2"My wife can be a bit...harsh, but she is a responsible woman. Brilliant, too."
04:19:49: <kozu> Oh desr
04:19:51: <Harmony> 11That sounds like a familiar water elemental calling out across the road.
04:20:16: <firedaemon33> 5Kura scowls at Otavia and says, "Hello, Otavia. How are you?"
04:20:20: <Harmony> (("I'lla always be remember u 2 beans"))
04:20:43: <Harmony> Harmony gets up.
04:20:50: <Harmony> "I've been practicing sorcery, too."
04:20:55: <Beans> o shet
04:20:56: <Harmony> ((presume that alst was in red))
04:21:02: <kozu> 2"Oh? What have you learned?"
04:21:23: <Harmony> 11"Brilliant, Kura. This is so much fun and no one is even allowed to try to kill me here."
04:21:38: <Harmony> 11Otavia does a little dance and grins with her bajillion shark teeth
04:23:12: <Harmony> 4"I think I have the countermagic thing down, and something else that I figured out myself."
04:23:42: <firedaemon33> 5Kura sighs sadly and says, "I'm glad you're enjoying it."
04:24:17: <kozu> 2" What did you find out?"
04:24:19: <Harmony> 11"Hey, at least the town is intact and everyone seems alive, right?"
04:24:45: <Harmony> 4"~~~~~"
04:25:04: <Harmony> 4In a flash of rainbow light, Harmony dissolves into a small flock of Harmony-birds and swirls about the clearing.
04:25:35: <Recaiden> 4Like metallic birds of paradise, they are.
04:25:52: <kozu> 2"Ah!" kozu grins for once in his life, "Brilliant! You must show me how!"
04:25:55: <Recaiden> 4((Flight of Separation Whee!))
04:26:08: <kozu> 2" And, as I promised, I have more to teach you!"
04:26:20: <Recaiden> 4The birds all flow together and reform Harmony herself.
04:26:21: <Recaiden> 4"Okay."
04:26:31: <Recaiden> 4"Ooh, alright. Lesson time?"
04:26:52: <firedaemon33> 5"It seems so. Still...I fear that my home will be pulled into the Wyld, either naturally or by the Fae."
04:27:26: <kozu> 2"Maybe we should move it to one of the beaches? More room, and those with the aptitude could learn as well
04:27:39: <Recaiden> Harmony nods, and it's off to the beaches for those two
04:27:43: <Recaiden> Where goes the Neiz?
04:27:46: <kozu> 2" What I will teach you is very useful."
04:28:05: <kozu> 2" Another 'building block', as it were."
04:28:48: <Beans> Neiz wakes up and wanders off to see if she can find people to party with or shropm.
04:29:46: <Recaiden> Neiz runs into those same freaking evangelists, now drinking out of coconuts
04:29:54: <kozu> 2Kozu makes a magical diagram representing elemental poles and dragon lines once again
04:30:00: <Recaiden> They offer her one with a smile.
04:30:11: <Recaiden> "Praise be to Mela, our new sheep has returned!"
04:30:22: <Recaiden> ((Sorry beans my ST dice say you keep finding them))
04:30:27: <kozu> 2Sets his belongings nearby, removes his sandals, and undoes the top half of his robes.
04:30:36: <Recaiden> 11"Would that be so bad?"
04:30:47: <kozu> 2" Today we learn to banish demons and their ilk."
04:30:55: <Recaiden> 4Nod nod
04:31:16: <firedaemon33> 5"Yes, Otavia. It would be. I don't want to lose my few happy memories forever."
04:31:40: <Recaiden> 11"Your memories will always be there."
04:31:57: <kozu> 2"You: will hate me for this, but the first step to learning a spell is once again the exercises. "
04:32:03: <Recaiden> 11"Anyway, we'll just have to keep it safe."
04:32:14: <Recaiden> 4Harmony gets a smirk on her face.
04:32:27: <kozu> 2"Connection to essence is important. "
04:32:30: <Recaiden> 4"Do the exercise come with more jibes about being part-fae?"
04:32:31: <Beans> Neiz says no thank you, because she has a crippling allergy to coconut and the slightest hint of it will be awful. "I do believe the doctor described it as... explosive exsanguination? And I'd really hate to make a mess of your pamphlets." She smiles graciously.
04:32:43: <kozu> That and i want to put that appearance 3 to use
04:32:46: <Recaiden> 4Harmony begins meditating and stepping through the exercises.
04:32:59: <firedaemon33> 5Kura sighs again and says, "Indeed. I just...I wanted to fix this place for so long...And Kozu just threw it all away as soon as I made the first step."
04:33:07: <Beans> I Gots Allergies Prana
04:33:09: <kozu> 2" I am afraid not this time," kozu jibes back
04:33:15: <Recaiden> "That would be truly awful. Fear not, we have other drinks."
04:33:18: <Recaiden> "Milk!"
04:35:22: <Beans> [[What do I roll to have Neiz distract them, MAN+Soc?]]
04:35:27: <Recaiden> ((Yes))
04:37:32: <Beans> [[threeeeeee[[
04:37:48: <firedaemon33> 5((Recaiden. Why you LoL at us?))
04:38:04: <Recaiden> ((Beans successfully slithers away, with only a tiny brass crab statue and empty coconut to rememer them by))
04:38:44: <Recaiden> Otavia tries to give Kura a hug
04:39:00: <Beans> Neiz paints a face on the coconut and uses it to invent the Coconut Shy game. Then she gives the crorb to Seagullfae as a token of appreciation for being best character.
04:39:35: <kozu> 2"Banishment is similar to countermagic, but it is more directed. It only works on demons and summoned or conjured creations of sorcery, but it is far more effective and efficient. "
04:39:49: <firedaemon33> 5Kura briefly smiles as Otavia hugs her, but by the time she's released, her scowl has returned and she says, "Boundaries, Otavia."
04:40:13: <kozu> 2" Instead of slicing through binds of essence, you observe that which you deign should not be, and will it to be dismissed."
04:43:27: <kozu> ((6 sux on int+occult to teach spell, 4 sux on appearance+performance to gather crowd for teaching or whatever))
04:44:17: <Recaiden> Harmony is well taught.
04:44:21: <Recaiden> And a few people gather
04:44:49: <Recaiden> 11"Apolgies. You appeared to need comforting, and miss Neiz was not present."
04:45:00: <kozu> I imagine the festival outshines kozu showing off
04:45:03: <Recaiden> 11seagullfae parties with Neiz
04:45:31: <kozu> 2"You are doing well. If i were inclined to pride, I would be proud of you."
04:45:33: <firedaemon33> 5"If it weren't for our last encounter it would have been fine, but you burned that bridge, didn't you."
04:47:01: <kozu> 22" Kidding, by the way. i am proud. "
04:47:20: <kozu> 2" Now, show me how you did the sorcery with the birds!"
04:47:36: <Recaiden> Kozu is quite outshone.
04:47:47: <Recaiden> 11"All bridges can be rebuilt."
04:47:54: <Recaiden> Unusual optimism for Otavia
04:48:07: <Recaiden> 4Harmony grins and talks on about the theory, about doing the impossible
04:48:10: <Beans> Neiz looks for her frens
04:48:26: <kozu> Everyonr is neizfriend
04:48:30: <kozu> Neiz finds everyone
04:49:07: <kozu> 2Kozu listens without comment, except for inquisitive and curious questioning. His master had been a wordy man.
04:49:55: <firedaemon33> 5Kura smirks and says, "You'd say that, wouldn't you," oblivious to how unusual the optimism is
04:50:25: <Recaiden> Neiz sees those evangelists again
04:50:33: <Recaiden> But manages to avoid them and find Kura & otavia
04:50:36: <kozu> Haaaaa
04:52:19: <Beans> FINALLY
04:52:29: <Recaiden> 11"Mhm. On the other hand, Kozu will never love you."
04:52:38: <kozu> Ouch
04:53:37: <firedaemon33> 5Kura gives Otavia a look, and her hand disappears behind her back as she asks in a dangerous tone, "And why is that?"
04:54:58: <Recaiden> 11Otavia laughs and starts walking away.
04:56:57: <Recaiden> 4"I was actually wishing I weren
04:57:07: <Recaiden> 4, you know, myself. And I thought maybe I could do that.
04:57:15: <Recaiden> 4So eventually, you know, to gloss over a lot.
04:57:18: <Recaiden> 4I became birds."
04:57:30: <firedaemon33> 5Kura chases after her, shouting, "Dammit, tell me what you mean!"
04:57:47: <Beans> Neiz sees this and runs after them :U
04:57:49: <kozu> 2While the magic is great, the explanation is...saddening.
04:58:01: <kozu> 2" Harmony...come here. "
05:00:08: <Recaiden> 4Harmony approaches
05:00:50: <kozu> 2Kozu does the unthinkable. He goes to wrap Harmony up in a great big hug!
05:01:30: <kozu> 2" It's not who you are inside, but what you do that defines you. And you have the capability to do /so very much./"
05:02:15: <kozu> ((Would an int+medicine represent supportive psychology alright?))
05:02:35: <Recaiden> 4((Charisma+Medicine))
05:02:46: <kozu> ((Roit))
05:02:55: <Recaiden> 11Otavia shakes her head and runs on, towards the beach.
05:03:01: <Recaiden> 11((Dex+Athletics for catching her early))
05:03:09: <kozu> ((6))
05:03:29: <Beans> [[THE DICE ARE KOZU]]
05:03:29: <kozu> ((Wait nvm forgot hearthstone bonus
05:03:30: <firedaemon33> 5Kura continues to chase as FD rolls and then sleeps
05:03:45: <kozu> ((7))
05:04:00: <kozu> ((Do I get a bonus for quoting batman?))
05:04:42: <Recaiden> 4+2 batman stunt
05:04:55: <Recaiden> 4Good night FD
05:05:07: <firedaemon33> 5((4 Sux))
05:05:13: <kozu> ((8))
05:09:13: <kozu> ((Kozu is best psychologist))
05:10:52: <Recaiden> 4Indeed.
05:11:30: <Recaiden> Kura gets a bit of a lead, but not enough to catch quite up to Otavia before they spill out onto the beach where Kozu and Harmony are
05:11:44: <Recaiden> 4Harmony is just, unbelievably cheered and inspired.
05:11:54: <Recaiden> 4Starts smiling
05:11:55: <Recaiden> 4Kozu is right!
05:13:17: <kozu> Damn straight kozu's right
05:13:35: <kozu> aaand kura is arriving in time to see kozu hug harmony isnt she
05:13:46: <kozu> You cheeky dickwaffle

2014-09-25, 11:10 PM
21:44 Recaiden Previously, Neiz chased Kura chased Otavia onto a beach
21:44 Recaiden Where they saw Kozu *hugging* a sad Harmony
21:44 Recaiden In the middle of some sorcery diagrams
21:45 t-scrazzlr " Harmony, these people need you right now. I know that doesnt sound like much to you, but you would be amazed."
21:45 Beans
21:45 Beans Neiz d'awwwwws
21:45 Firedaemon33 Kura blinks when she sees the scene and says. "What is going on?"
21:46 t-scrazzlr " When things have calmed down here, and when they're better off...I have a new...colleague who might be able to help, or even take over for you."
21:47 Recaiden "Really? Okay. I can try."
21:48 Recaiden Otavia dances around the sorcerous diagrams.
21:48 Recaiden "Master Kozu!"
21:48 Recaiden "Good to see you again!"
21:49 t-scrazzlr " Thank you, Harmony. It means a lot."
21:49 t-scrazzlr and then kozu sighs. "Hello, miss Otavia."
21:49 Beans Neiz blinks. Ouch. :U
21:50 Recaiden The troublesome nymph frowns
21:50 t-scrazzlr "Please do not pretend I have no reason to be upset with you."
21:51 Beans She tries to come up behind Tavi and put a hand on her shoulder. She's still... iffy about her after that whole sex business, but doesn't think she actually means any harm.
21:51 t-scrazzlr " What happened with Miss Kuragari is still souring. It is good to see you are still well, though. "
21:51 t-scrazzlr " How was your 'vacation'?"
21:52 Recaiden Neiz is hand-placed, and Otavia goes to put an arm around her.
21:52 Recaiden "It passed."
21:53 t-scrazzlr " Well, I hope."
21:57 Recaiden A leather ball sails over the ridge and bounces down the beach
21:57 Recaiden Pursued by running children
21:58 Firedaemon33 Kura watches and says, "Well...It seems like people are happy."
21:59 Beans If the ball is near, Neiz throws it to the kids.
21:59 Recaiden Otavia desides not to make a mocking comment to Kura
21:59 Recaiden Hooray for Neiz!
21:59 t-scrazzlr Kozu releases Harmony, and pats her on the shoulder before rejoining Kura and Neiz
22:00 t-scrazzlr " So...what is next? I have not...attended many of these. "
22:00 Beans What must neiz roll to resist playing with the kids
22:00 Recaiden ((Temperance.))
22:00 Beans fantastic
22:00 Recaiden Harmony sets off back to the town and the festival with a new spring in her step.
22:01 Beans neiz fails to resist the urge
22:01 Beans WHEE BALL :3
22:02 Recaiden Neiz puts the ball back into play
22:02 Recaiden And the party is down to 3
22:02 t-scrazzlr " I think I did alright," Kozu nods in Harmony's direction with a smile. "See, Miss Kuragari, everything is fine."
22:04 Beans Neiz doesn't think about the fact that these kids will never remember her, and nor have any of the many children for whom she sympathizes so much. That's depressing and dumb and she's busy having fun and no attention span.
22:07 Firedaemon33 Kura shrugs and syas, "Well, I think we need to look into the Pelagials more.:
22:08 t-scrazzlr " After we fish our 'friend' out of the Underworld, perhaps."
22:08 t-scrazzlr kozu is still pretty bitter about surrendering to demon worshippers.
22:10 Recaiden Neiz's team is down by a few points
22:10 Recaiden But they're coming back
22:10 Recaiden Someone has jumped in on the other side to balance things.
22:10 Recaiden "What were you originally doing before all that trouble?"
22:11 Recaiden "But we have had a call for help I suppose it should be answered before we do anything else."
22:11 t-scrazzlr " I...I do not remember."
22:11 t-scrazzlr That thought still bothers Kozu
22:13 Recaiden "Right. Sorry."
22:13 t-scrazzlr " No need to apologize."
22:15 Recaiden "So...how would we get to the underworld?"
22:16 t-scrazzlr " Through a shadowland. Though first I want to find which entrance is closest to our destination"
22:16 t-scrazzlr ((I don't recall where in underworld you said the message came from. I think Stygia?))
22:17 Recaiden ((Mhm!))
22:17 Recaiden So that means getting onto the Blessed Isle
22:17 t-scrazzlr ((And that correlates to where on the creation map?))
22:17 t-scrazzlr Fack
22:18 Firedaemon33 Kura nods and says, "Mhmm."
22:18 t-scrazzlr " And as far as I know, there are no shadowlands on the blessed isle."
22:21 Firedaemon33 "Indeed...We need to find one that we can get to, as well."
22:23 t-scrazzlr " Skullstone is the nearest to us, but far too dangerous. "
22:23 Beans Neiz is still being silly. Perhaps it's to vicariously enjoy a childhood she never really got a chance to have. Perhaps it's just because ball=fun.
22:24 t-scrazzlr Perhaps neiz just likes balls
22:24 t-scrazzlr Oh wait
22:25 Recaiden "Southeast. The city of dead flowers."
22:26 Beans hooonk
22:26 t-scrazzlr "...you do a fine job of surprising me, Miss Otavia. i would not think you a scholar of the underworld. "
22:27 Recaiden "I'm a scholar of things that are dangerous to me."
22:27 t-scrazzlr " A sensible study."
22:28 Recaiden She nods, smiling slyly.
22:29 t-scrazzlr " I know that smile. What are you thinking?"
22:32 Recaiden "The underwolrd will be nice. No elementals there."
22:33 t-scrazzlr " Ah, yes. All those family issues."
22:34 Recaiden "Are we staying for the rest of the festival Or in a hurry to leave?"
22:36 t-scrazzlr "I...I suppose we can stay. It would give me more time to prepare."
22:37 Firedaemon33 "We should stay for the festival
22:38 Beans Neiz seems to agree with Kura.
22:38 t-scrazzlr " As you wish. I will get to work, please enjoy your time."
22:39 t-scrazzlr Kozu makes his way to search for a library, but halfway there, decides to see if Ten Stripes is here, instead.
22:39 Recaiden No lbirary, sadly
22:40 t-scrazzlr Kozu will have to fix that
22:42 Recaiden And no Tack Stripes are present
22:43 t-scrazzlr Is there a manse that ten stripes left behind?
22:44 Firedaemon33 Kura continues to explote, keeping an eye on the Fae, making sure they don't overstep
22:46 Beans Neiz eventually leaves the kids behind to return to the group.
22:53 t-scrazzlr *recaiden poke#
22:56 Recaiden Ten Stripes held no manse
22:56 Recaiden For none formed on the island
22:56 Recaiden There is only her palace and the silent temple of the island's god
22:56 Recaiden Neiz returns
22:57 Recaiden Kura finds the Fae not up to no good.
22:57 Firedaemon33 She is disappoint
22:57 Beans :u
22:58 t-scrazzlr With no library, no manse, and no ten stripes, Kozu tries one last lead. The temple.
23:03 Recaiden What is Kozu looking for?
23:04 Recaiden The fae are showing off and feeding off the amazement and enchantment of the Simenarians, for the most part.
23:04 t-scrazzlr A good place to research and find answers. If not that, then any lost knowledge or artifacts the island might have.
23:04 Recaiden One of them is arguning the Harmony near a fountain, while she spots one trying to steal some drying fish off a rack.
23:05 Beans
23:07 Recaiden *with Harmony
23:07 Recaiden But other than that, nothing bad
23:08 Recaiden ((Make an Int+Occult rolll, Kozu))
23:08 Recaiden ((Or Charisma+Performance if you're praying))
23:08 Firedaemon33 Kura sighs, and walks to Ten Stripe's old palace, seeing what was there.
23:09 Recaiden Kura loots the palace! Or she could, anyway, if Ten sTripes hadn't taken basically everything worth having
23:10 Beans dangit
23:10 Firedaemon33 ((Dangit))
23:10 Recaiden There some, uh...wood panelling?
23:10 Firedaemon33 Is there anything noticably odd?
23:11 t-scrazzlr ((Six int+occult)
23:11 Recaiden ((Perception+Awareness+1))
23:11 Recaiden Kozu notices somethign...familiar.
23:11 Recaiden The essence of Simenare has a familiar pattern under the surface.
23:12 Recaiden The same that indicated the presence of demonic energies with the Pelagials
23:12 Recaiden Also this temple is full of statues of Ten Stripes
23:12 Recaiden How vain
23:13 t-scrazzlr ((3 10s))
23:13 Firedaemon33 ((2 Sux!))
23:13 t-scrazzlr ((So 6 sux))
23:13 t-scrazzlr ((Nevermind that wasnt directed at me im dumb))
23:13 t-scrazzlr " This...this is no good."
23:14 Firedaemon33 ((And I rolled 4d10, but I think 2 is about good))
23:14 Recaiden Kura finds a secret map!
23:14 Firedaemon33 Oh?
23:14 Firedaemon33 What to?
23:14 Beans :3
23:14 Beans Neiz goes to find Kura in the palace!
23:15 t-scrazzlr Kozu searches and meditates, trying to get a better understanding of the power. He really hopes this isn't a temple to Kimbery
23:16 Recaiden It appears to detail where Tacky Stripes has gone off to
23:16 Recaiden West, and deep underwater
23:17 Recaiden Kozu, ominiously, receives a message.
23:17 t-scrazzlr Uh oh
23:17 Recaiden "What do you require, my child?"
23:17 t-scrazzlr " Who...who am I speaking with?"
23:17 Firedaemon33 Kura examines the map and says, "Fascinating. That's...Very illuminating"
23:18 t-scrazzlr Puns
23:18 Recaiden ((Where are the puns??))
23:19 Recaiden There is no voice forthcoming to Kozu
23:19 Recaiden Perhaps it has limited power to respond, or maybe it simply does not wish to answer.
23:20 t-scrazzlr "Please, I am only seeking knowledge. Someone needs my help."
23:21 Recaiden Then ask for knowledge that will help them.
23:22 t-scrazzlr "I need a safe way to travel through the underworld... Or something that could protect my companions from ghosts. "
23:23 Recaiden Why should I do this for you? You are not of my isle. Exalted have only been invaders and despoilers here.
23:25 t-scrazzlr "I helped to drive Ten Stripes out, and I have no desire to rule. I am a teacher, not a king. A servant of the people, not one to be served by them."
23:25 Recaiden ((Beans, does Neiz temple with Kozu, investigate palace with Kura, or other?
23:26 Recaiden Kozu feels a deep uncaring.
23:26 Recaiden His words are insufficient
23:27 Beans [[Palace with kura!]]
23:27 Recaiden It's quite a nicely put together building, the palace. Odd that no one has started using it since Ten Stripes left.
23:28 Recaiden ((Make the same perception+awareness roll))
23:29 t-scrazzlr "I organized the peace with the fae and taught the people medicine. This festival is because of me. Who are you, that waits in an empty temple, to question my devotion to the good of the people?"
23:29 Beans [[four've]]
23:29 Recaiden Neiz hears footfalls from under the floorboards somewhere.
23:30 Recaiden The lamps burning in the temple all suddenly go out, snuffed by an unfelt wind.
23:30 Recaiden Kozu is dismissed
23:31 Recaiden Should she look around, she will find trapdoors in the kitchen and the lower bedroom.
23:31 Beans Neiz tries to open each trap door.
23:31 Recaiden Each pops open, revealing a ladder down
23:31 Recaiden Dark though
23:31 Recaiden She can see...water?
23:32 t-scrazzlr "Fine. This world will prosper with or without your help. "
23:32 Firedaemon33 Kura looks down into the darkness, nods to Neiz and says, "Be back in a bit," as she dives into the water.
23:32 Beans Neiz watches and frets just a little.
23:33 t-scrazzlr Kozu stands and exits the temple. Tje fact gods are more prone to human flaws than most humans is damned annoying.
23:33 Recaiden Kura will find that the water is like 3 feet deep
23:33 Recaiden I hope she didn't hurt her head on that.
23:34 Firedaemon33 Oooouch
23:34 Firedaemon33 Kura swears loudly when she hits her head and thanks Luna she's an Exalted
23:34 Recaiden The fact that kozu is a paranoid jerk is more than a little annoying to the gods
23:34 Firedaemon33 Because otherwise, she'd have cracked her skull and broken her neck
23:34 Recaiden A roar echoes up the passage. The sound of a tiger is, to Kura, unmistakable
23:35 Beans Neiz reaches down to help Kura the hell up.
23:37 t-scrazzlr Kozu sighs and looks for a map. He wants to find more landmarks about the island. Understanding it more will help.
23:38 Firedaemon33 Kura reaches up and tries to pull herself up when she hears the tiger's roar
23:39 Beans Neiz tries to get her up and shut the door fast.
23:40 Recaiden They manage to get out and shut the door and place a table on top of it right quick
23:40 Recaiden Kozu finds maps available at the festival center!
23:40 Recaiden It lays out the volcano, the piers, the four villages, the patches of jungle, and more!
23:41 Firedaemon33 Kura looks at Neiz and says, "What the hell was that?"
23:41 Beans She frowns. "... A tiger?"
23:41 t-scrazzlr Kozu sighs and decides to check out Ten Stripe's old palace
23:41 t-scrazzlr maybe something useful will be there
23:42 Recaiden It is at this point that two things happen.
23:42 Firedaemon33 "I sincerely hope not."
23:42 Recaiden Kozu arrives.
23:42 Recaiden And they hear the other trapdoor open
23:43 t-scrazzlr " Oh, hello you two. Anything interesting in here?"
23:43 Firedaemon33 Kura turns slowly as she hears the other trapdoor and Kozu as she looks to see what's emerging
23:44 Beans "... Possibly tigers."
23:44 t-scrazzlr " Tigers? What?"
23:45 t-scrazzlr Kozu looks into the trapdoor.
23:47 t-scrazzlr Kozu quickly slams it shut
23:47 t-scrazzlr " WHAT."
23:47 Recaiden Kozu is now holding a trapdoor shut
23:48 Recaiden While the other is shaking under the table
23:50 Firedaemon33 Kura swears and says, "What the hell is going on!"
23:50 Beans "I blame Tacky."
23:51 Recaiden Valid blame
23:52 t-scrazzlr "... Tiger beastmen?" kozu asks
23:52 Beans "... Maybe? Tiger things."
23:53 t-scrazzlr Kozu shouts down at the trapdoor ,"HELLO? ARE YOU...uh...ARE YOU ABLE TO TALK?"
23:53 Recaiden There comes a roar and an attempt to shove the door open.
23:54 Recaiden Roll Strength+Athletics, Kozu
23:54 Recaiden (and anyone who dives to help him)
23:54 Beans O SHET
23:54 t-scrazzlr ((4 sux))
23:54 Beans 3
23:56 Firedaemon33 Kura dives to Kozu's aid, slamming a shoulder on the trapdoor
23:56 Firedaemon33 ((2 Sux))
23:56 Recaiden The trapdoor holds easily
23:56 Recaiden These are Exalted, after all
23:56 Beans yaaay
23:58 Recaiden A growling voice comes next.
23:58 Recaiden In heavily accented seatongue
23:58 Recaiden "Who goe\ there?"
00:00 t-scrazzlr Kozu, not knowing seatongue but recognizing a language when he sees one, tries to communicate
00:00 t-scrazzlr " We're friendly! We help the island!"
00:00 Beans Neiz knows seatongue and repeats Kozu's words in it.
00:02 Firedaemon33 Kura simply holds down the door
00:03 t-scrazzlr "We set up the fair!"
00:04 Recaiden "Out!"
00:05 t-scrazzlr "Please, come out and talk to us! "
00:05 t-scrazzlr " We only want to help the island."
00:09 Beans [[i am to be sleepin. nighters]]
00:09 Recaiden ((Good night shromps))

2014-09-29, 12:03 AM
03:18:11: <Recaiden> OH SO THEY ARE
03:18:21: <tscarab> WOOP
03:19:07: <Recaiden> WELCOME MY SHROMPS
03:19:22: <Recaiden> =======
03:19:28: <Recaiden> Previously, on Shrompquest 2
03:19:28: <tscarab> Yoooo
03:19:30: <Beans> whoomp there it is
03:19:35: <Recaiden> There were tigerthings in the basement
03:19:48: <Beans> toigers
03:19:56: <FD33> 6Indeed
03:20:00: <FD33> 6But we held them off!
03:20:12: <tscarab> Kozu is trying to reason with them, iirc
03:20:44: <Recaiden> Indeed
03:20:46: <Recaiden> Held off
03:20:49: <Recaiden> Kozu is reasoning
03:20:52: <Recaiden> They are unreaoning
03:21:13: <FD33> 6((Why do you flee from me Recaiden?))\
03:21:20: <tscarab> 2" Miss Neiz, you're good with people, try something!"
03:22:43: <FD33> 6Kura grunts as she holds her trapdoor down, trying to make sure the tigerthings don't bust out and eat them al
03:24:54: <Beans> Neiz huffs. "Now you see here... tiger... person. You stop this instant!"
03:24:59: <Beans> [[shame damage!]]
03:25:33: <Recaiden> The tiger has enough integrity to soak all the shame damage
03:25:58: <tscarab> 2" Try /reasoning/!" Kozu huffs!
03:26:14: <Recaiden> 3"Who comes here?!"
03:26:27: <Recaiden> 3The pounding on the door has lessened slightly
03:26:50: <tscarab> 2" Illuminary Kozu, Fist of Luna, and Glorious Panacea Neiz!"
03:26:58: <Beans> amorous but yes
03:27:11: <FD33> 6"You're not the Fist of Luna, Kozu! I am!"
03:27:43: <Recaiden> A challenge has been declared! Will Kura accept it
03:27:54: <tscarab> 2" I was referring to you, Miss Kuragari!"
03:28:10: <Recaiden> 3"Why? You trespass on holy ground."
03:28:25: <FD33> 6"Wait, this is holy ground?"
03:28:35: <FD33> 6"Whose?"
03:29:13: <Recaiden> 3There is an ambiguous Old Realm title given
03:29:22: <Recaiden> 3Something about the ..uh oh.
03:29:40: <Recaiden> 3After the recent run-in, that sounds like the title for the Yozi Kimbery
03:29:54: <Recaiden> 3Great Mother of the Ocean? Bad news.
03:30:11: <FD33> 6((Uh-oh))
03:30:18: <tscarab> 2"... That explains the voice in the temple."
03:30:37: <tscarab> 2" please tell me ten stripes didn't worship yozi. Ive had enough of demons!"
03:30:39: <FD33> 6"What voice?"
03:31:00: <FD33> 6"And I seriously, seriously doubt it, Kozu. As crazy as she was, she was still a Lunar."
03:31:23: <tscarab> 2" I went to that abandoned temple, heard a voice when I tried to investigate. A rather rude one, really."
03:31:52: <FD33> 6"I see...That's quite unsettling."
03:32:25: <Recaiden> 3(Roll Perception + Linguistics))
03:33:25: <tscarab> ((All of us?))
03:33:44: <Recaiden> 3((Anyone who speaks old realm))
03:33:57: <Beans> [[shoobeedoo yes i do]]
03:34:03: <FD33> 6((Not I!))
03:34:07: <Recaiden> Oh Kozu, you've barely begun to have enough of demons
03:34:13: <tscarab> ((3 sux))
03:34:48: <Beans> [[one :/]]
03:35:13: <Recaiden> Kozu is able to work out from the response that the tiger-things don't worship demons
03:35:17: <Recaiden> They worship Tacky Stripes
03:36:12: <tscarab> 2" That is a relief. You are aware Tacky Stripes no longer rules, no?"
03:37:23: <Recaiden> 3"Explain."
03:37:45: <FD33> 6"I challenged her to a counting coup. She lost and left the isle on her own."|
03:38:13: <Recaiden> 3((Make another roll to hold the doors shut))
03:38:34: <tscarab> ((3 sux again))
03:38:43: <Recaiden> 3There is a clamor and a push at the doors like a flood.
03:38:53: <FD33> 6((Hold on! Kura hasn't rolled))
03:39:57: <FD33> 6((4 Sux))
03:41:01: <tscarab> 2"If you do not cease at once I swear I will perforate this entire palace with nothing more than paper!" Kozu snaps sternly, his patience thinning
03:41:32: <Recaiden> 3The wood of the doors splinters, but holds
03:42:23: <tscarab> 2"Do you think I am /kidding you?!/"
03:42:55: <Recaiden> 3It does cease.
03:42:58: <Recaiden> 3People ar ewaiting
03:43:11: <Recaiden> 3They have received terrible news, after all
03:43:12: <Beans> Neiz blinks. "... So. What, er..."
03:43:59: <tscarab> 2" I am sorry...I assume she was, your mother, or otherwise related? Lunars still confuse me at times."
03:44:31: <tscarab> 2" I assure you, we did not harm her. i rescued her from soulsteel binds when fae captured her, in fact! "
03:45:49: <tscarab> 2" Would you like to speak face to face?"
03:46:49: <Recaiden> 3There is a final roar, and departing footsteps and rustling
03:47:24: <Beans> "I guess not, then."
03:47:46: <tscarab> 2" It would seem so. What do we do? They may be a threat to simenare..."
03:48:34: <FD33> 6"I doubt it. Ten Stripes cared for Simenare in her own, twisted way."
03:49:32: <tscarab> 2"Twisted is exactly my worry."
03:51:26: <Beans> Neiz frowns, scratching at the cracked wood. "I wonder if they'll be alright... the island, I mean."
03:53:22: <tscarab> 2" I should summon more minions before we go...to help guard and serve."
03:55:04: <FD33> 6"I hope so...I swear, if my home goes to hell, Kozu, you will regret your choices, bondmate or not."
03:56:06: <Recaiden> What if it only /literally/ went to hell, and not figuratively
03:56:21: <Recaiden> Anyway, everyone seems to be done here, save arguing.
03:56:29: <Recaiden> And no one worries if the poor tiger-monsters will be okay.
03:56:59: <tscarab> ((Im getting to that))
03:57:54: <tscarab> 2" It wont be my choices that cause it...I fear yozite worship may have once been a common occurrence here. Which, in this time of upheaval, may mean its return. "
03:58:32: <Recaiden> ((Kura can confirm or deny this, depending on how well she knew her island))
03:58:37: <tscarab> 2" We should try to enlist the tigerfolk's help, if not st least make sure they have enough that they will have no reason to attack the island... "
03:59:33: <Beans> Neiz nods. "I think that's a better idea than not..."
04:00:52: <FD33> 6Kura nods and says, "I fear you may be right Kozu...And the Tigerfolk will certainly be helpful."
04:01:14: <tscarab> 2" Will they respect you for having defeated their leader? "
04:01:38: <Recaiden> It is at this point that a polite knock comes at the kitchen trapdoor
04:01:52: <Recaiden> 4"Hello everyone!"
04:02:13: <FD33> 6((Oh, what?))
04:02:56: <Recaiden> 4It's Harmony!
04:03:02: <Recaiden> 4Which ...doesn't make any sense at all
04:03:13: <tscarab> 2" Harmony? How did you get down..."
04:03:22: <tscarab> 2Kozu immediately suspects mimicry
04:03:26: <Recaiden> 4"I heard there was some trouble with the beastfolk, so I worked that all out."
04:03:41: <Recaiden> 4It's been like, minutes.
04:03:43: <Recaiden> 4At most
04:03:53: <tscarab> 2"How? And how?"
04:04:00: <Recaiden> 4((What are your MDVs))
04:04:25: <tscarab> ((8))
04:05:22: <FD33> 6((5))
04:06:40: <Recaiden> 4If <8, this seems totally legit
04:06:58: <Recaiden> 4Although you may listen to Kozu's suspiciousness and spend 1 WP to realize that no, this is crazy
04:07:19: <tscarab> ((So kozu is not believing it?))
04:07:47: <Recaiden> 4Oh, I misread.
04:07:57: <Recaiden> 4Kozu is also beleiving it, barrign wp expenditure
04:08:06: <tscarab> Dangit
04:08:10: <tscarab> Ill spend the wp
04:08:41: <tscarab> 2" We have not told anyone... Who are you? And why are you impersonating my daughter? "
04:08:56: <Recaiden> 4"Dad, I'm not impersonating myself!"
04:09:40: <FD33> 6Kura shrugs and keeps the door shut, reasoning that if it is Harmony, screw her, and if it isn't, screw whatever it is
04:09:43: <Recaiden> 4"Uh...I taught you the patterns of the Flight of Separation spell? You encouraged me to do things for the island?"
04:09:53: <Recaiden> 4"Aunt Neiz went and played ball with a bunch of kids right after?"
04:10:39: <tscarab> 2"... That is a lot of evidence... What item was I granted when Harmony was born? "
04:10:45: <Beans> [[sorry, i was out :U]]
04:11:18: <Beans> [[also mdv 5 here]]
04:11:38: <Recaiden> 4"My Staff. Speaking of, is there any way I could get that back?"
04:13:49: <tscarab> 2" Alright, it is Harmony, let her up," Kozu moves ,"And no, I have a feeling I should hold onto it, lest the queen try something."
04:14:39: <FD33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Do I have to? If she got down there, she can find her way back."
04:15:05: <tscarab> 2" Miss Kuragari, please do not be rude to my daughter."
04:16:26: <FD33> 6"She's not your daughter. But fine. If you insist"
04:16:34: <FD33> 6And Kura opens the trapdoor
04:16:44: <Recaiden> 4Harmony pops up!
04:16:51: <Recaiden> 4"Thank you Aunt Kura."
04:16:55: <Recaiden> 4*hug*
04:16:58: <Beans> Neiz smiles at her sortaniece! :3
04:17:21: <Recaiden> 4She has added a fancy tiger-striped feather-and-furred headdress to her outfit since last seen
04:17:35: <FD33> 6Kura pushes Harmony and says, "I'm not your Aunt. And don't hug me."
04:17:48: <tscarab> 2" She has at least half of my aspect. She is my daughter. Moving on, how did you handle the tigerfolk?"
04:17:59: <tscarab> 2" And how did you know we needed help?"
04:20:06: <Recaiden> 4"I talked to them, and encouraged them the way I was encouraged, seeing how their goddess and leader has vanished."
04:20:17: <Beans> Neiz huggles to make up for Kurapush.
04:20:20: <Recaiden> 4"And they were pretty reasonable. They were the ones who mentioned the trouble with you all."
04:20:31: <Recaiden> 4She pouts at Kura, but then Neiz!
04:20:38: <Beans> "... Where did you acquire that fetching headgear, dear?"
04:21:10: <Recaiden> 4"Got it from mom. And then my new tiger-friends helped decorate it."
04:21:31: <tscarab> 2"You told them they were free to live as they dictated themselves? And how did they react? "
04:22:13: <Recaiden> 4"They were pretty lost, but I suggested that they might help their home island, and reminded them there was a lot more of the world than the tunnels and jungles here.
04:22:18: <Recaiden> 4That cheered em right up."
04:22:20: <Recaiden> 4"Mostly"
04:22:44: <FD33> 6((Did she eat them all?))
04:22:53: <Recaiden> 4"They were kinda, uh, mad at Ten Stripes. But she's gone, so that'll probably be fine."
04:22:55: <Recaiden> 4((No))
04:23:31: <tscarab> 2"That is...that is remarkably well done. Did they tell you what they plan to do?"
04:23:34: <Beans> Neiz nods. "Well, it's very... nice, yes." She hopes it's not made out of dead guys. Oh man.
04:24:44: <Recaiden> 4That would be pretty grim, yeah.
04:29:56: <Recaiden> 4"They're still working it out. But some plan to revel themselves to the town
04:30:02: <Recaiden> 4Others to leave."
04:32:06: <tscarab> 2"That is some damn fine work, Harmony. Fast, too. And it checks another thing off our list. Though I fear there is another threat. The abandoned temple on the island may be attuned to a yozi. Kimbery, specifically. "
04:33:12: <Recaiden> 4Harmony's eyes go wide.
04:33:29: <Recaiden> 4"Sheddim's temple? The god of Simenare? Are you sure?"
04:35:00: <FD33> 6Kura sighs and says, "No. Not at all. Kozu is wont to see Yozi whenever he closes his eyes."
04:35:25: <Beans> Neiz holds her tongue for now, but frowns.
04:35:28: <tscarab> 2" The god who spoke to me would not say their name...but if it still attuned to Sheddim, then we have no worry. "
04:35:47: <tscarab> 2Kozu awkwardly tries to cober up his own idiocy, cursing internally at himself.
04:38:12: <Recaiden> 4Harmony chuckles slightly.
04:38:19: <Recaiden> 4"Oh, thats a relief."
04:39:11: <tscarab> 2" Still, with the strife that this island has had for the last few years, some may turn to yozi worship. Be on watch."
04:39:12: <Beans> "... Er."
04:44:11: <Recaiden> 4"I will be vigilant!"
04:44:16: <Recaiden> 4She seems to take the warning qutie seriously
04:45:29: <tscarab> 2"Remember the rights of the people, though. I will be lending you some aid before we go, and when we return I fully intend to see this island established and its people made self reliant. "
04:46:08: <FD33> 6Kura nods and says, "Indeed," implying, /And if you don't, do not expect mercy/
04:46:44: <Recaiden> 4Kura gets a look that says 'you're being weird.'
04:47:22: <tscarab> 2" Well...if there is no further issue here, I shall get to work."
04:47:45: <Recaiden> Outside, one distantly hears a sing-along occurring
04:50:20: <tscarab> Is it cheery
04:50:28: <Recaiden> Sounds cheery
04:50:44: <FD33> 6Can we hear the lyrics?
04:52:01: <Recaiden> Not from here, no
04:54:17: <tscarab> 2Kozu heads outside, and if nothing catches his eye, heads back to the beach. Time for magic!
04:55:13: <FD33> 6Kura peers down into the deep passages and starts exploring down there
04:56:24: <Recaiden> And Neiz?
04:57:00: <Beans> Neiz follows Kozu!
04:57:32: <Recaiden> Harmony heads outside and joins the singing.
04:57:39: <Recaiden> Two others go off to magic
04:57:49: <Recaiden> And Kura? She eventually finds tiger beastmen.
04:58:37: <Recaiden> The tunnels, as reported before, are shallow
04:58:41: <Recaiden> And only watery for a short way.
04:58:49: <Recaiden> Soon they become well-lit and worked.
04:58:53: <Recaiden> Clearly /made/
04:59:06: <tscarab> 2Kozu uses summon lesser minions of the eyeless face to summon 10 minions with craft wood, earth, and fire
04:59:30: <tscarab> 2And whatever specialties are needed for ship making and home repair
05:00:23: <Recaiden> Craft craft craft!
05:00:48: <FD33> 6Kura looks around and the tunnels and mutters, "What the hell? Did Ten Stripes make all of these?"\
05:01:10: <Beans> Whee, crafthing
05:02:22: <tscarab> 2And, as that used up 30 motes, kozu now has to find something else to do until he refills.
05:02:49: <tscarab> 2The minion's first instruction is to gather spare materials to make a small schoolhouse/library
05:03:30: <Recaiden> This is ignored as a bit of fae nonsense.
05:03:41: <tscarab> ((?))
05:03:42: <Recaiden> Probably the lbiraryschool will vanish at the end of the festival
05:03:50: <Recaiden> ((By others))
05:04:09: <tscarab> ((Oh, they think it will disappear))
05:04:13: <tscarab> ((Alrighr))
05:05:07: <tscarab> 2Feeling a bit enthused now that he has goal to work towards, Kozu has two stay behind and gives them money to go out and purchase some colourful cloth, buttons, and thread.
05:05:30: <tscarab> 2These two will be set to making toys of various sea animals and gifting them to people.
05:05:35: <Recaiden> Kura isn't sure who made them all.
05:05:48: <Recaiden> 2"Fist of Luna?"
05:06:01: <Beans> Neiz totally helps with the making toys.
05:06:01: <Recaiden> 2A growly voice calls out from around the corner.
05:06:05: <Recaiden> 2"Or someone else?"
05:06:35: <FD33> 6Kura raises her hand and says, "Indeed, I am Fist-of-Luna Kuragari. And you are?"
05:06:59: <tscarab> 2Kozu can't make toys, but he can cook some damn fine stew. Which he will be doing for the next few hours.
05:07:51: <tscarab> ((5 sux))
05:08:22: <Recaiden> 2"Three Ravines. What do you wish?"
05:08:31: <Recaiden> 2"And why should we not count you our enemy?"
05:10:31: <Recaiden> Neiz and Kozu set themselves up as Festival elves
05:10:36: <Recaiden> Much toys are head by all.
05:10:48: <Recaiden> Sharks being the most popular
05:11:21: <Recaiden> *had
05:12:09: <tscarab> 2Kozu sets aside his charcarodontophobia for the sake of the children.
05:12:54: <Recaiden> A true hero
05:13:19: <tscarab> Spending wp if need be
05:13:31: <tscarab> How does the food turn out?
05:14:56: <Recaiden> Delicious, as usual
05:15:04: <Recaiden> A bit less for making a great deal
05:15:05: <Recaiden> But.
05:15:08: <Recaiden> Very well received
05:15:58: <tscarab> Yeeeey
05:17:10: <Beans> Neiz makes sharks. Sharks are so cool. Sharks are great.
05:18:06: <Recaiden> ((Kozu, roll temperance))
05:18:11: <Recaiden> ((Against sharks))
05:22:21: <Beans> [[he fails. he can't not love sharks. he puts on a shark shirt and writes memoirs]]
05:23:41: <tscarab> ((3 sux))
05:27:01: <Recaiden> He loves sharks a little bit more
05:27:04: <Recaiden> Or hates them a bit less.
05:27:32: <tscarab> That's...good?
05:27:59: <tscarab> 2Kozu loosens up a bit, seeing everyone happy. Smiles and chats, even.
05:29:03: <FD33> 6Kura nods and says, "I am not your enemy as I desire the protection of this Isle, just as you do."
05:29:38: <Beans> shawks
05:29:47: <Beans> Neiz is happy to see Kozu happy.
05:31:06: <Recaiden> 2"Very well."
05:40:40: <tscarab> ((Do i poke recaiden or firedaemon33?))
05:42:22: <Recaiden> 2((TIME SKIP))
05:42:40: <tscarab> ((Roit roit))
05:42:53: <Recaiden> 2The celebration of the festival continues long into the night.
05:42:58: <Recaiden> 2A bonfire is built in the plaza.
05:43:12: <Recaiden> 2And people and non-people gather to tell stories, sing, and feast.
05:43:49: <Recaiden> 2There is drunkeness and sharks, Neiz setting people up on dates and Kura brooding angrily, Kozu being antisocial and Otavia being far too soaicl
05:44:14: <tscarab> 2Kozu gathers round as well, figuring his next casting can wait until his motes are full
05:44:37: <tscarab> 2Seeing people happy because of one of his decisions makes him feel good.
05:45:09: <FD33> 6Kura is drinking heavily and angrily, trying to distract herself from the Fae, as well as her own hubris
05:45:49: <tscarab> 2" Miss Kuragari, that much alcohol is not good for you."
05:46:14: <FD33> 6"It'sh good for me t'night."
05:47:18: <tscarab> 2"I do not see how the night makes any difference."
05:47:21: <Recaiden> ((/me pokes Beans))
05:48:46: <FD33> 6"When *hic* when the night *hic* makesh you realishe how you've failed...It'sh a night for drinkin'"
05:49:39: <Beans> [[aaaaaaaa]]
05:49:39: <tscarab> 2" Miss Kuragari, the people are /happy/ and /safe/, you have not failed! "
05:50:15: <Beans> Neiz sighs and tries to comfort Kura. Hug. Shark plushie full of pasta.
05:50:22: <tscarab> 2"Hospitals are being built! Schoolhouses! This island will be a bastion of enlightement, and all because /you/ freed it from a fool tyrant! "
05:50:31: <Beans> [[i have to go to sleep, I'm barely coherent any more :c]]
05:50:41: <tscarab> ((Cha+medicine for psychology?))
05:50:45: <Recaiden> Ahh.
05:50:59: <Recaiden> ((Let's end here for this session.))
05:51:05: <FD33> 6((Alright))
05:51:07: <Recaiden> ((But first))
05:51:18: <Recaiden> ((Tab mentioned possibly the joining of the game))
05:51:22: <Recaiden> ((opinions?))
05:51:22: <Beans> :3
05:51:31: <Beans> [[let's have fifty tabs]]
05:51:31: <FD33> 6((I'm in favor))
05:51:42: <Recaiden> ((...let's have at most 2))
05:51:45: <FD33> 6((Go home, Beans. You are drunk))
05:51:46: <tscarab> ((Go for it))
05:51:55: <tscarab> ((Only one though))
05:52:00: <tscarab> ((Should I roll?))
05:52:06: <Recaiden> ((Yes
05:52:06: <Beans> [[these gummy bears are going to kill me in the morning. goodnight.]]
05:52:08: <Recaiden> ))
05:52:12: <Recaiden> Good night beans))
05:52:24: <tscarab> ((7 sux))
05:52:32: <tscarab> ((Medicine crits ftw))
05:53:24: <FD33> 6((Hrm...When we come back, I shall have a reply))
05:53:37: <tscarab> Welp
05:53:50: <tscarab> You realize tab will probably play
05:53:52: <tscarab> Like
05:54:06: <tscarab> An abyssal or something ridiculous, right?
05:54:10: <tscarab> Or an infernal
05:54:15: <tscarab> She loves goth stuff
05:57:42: <Recaiden> Yep
05:57:54: <Recaiden> Well we are going to the underworld
06:00:48: <tscarab> Should i tell her

2014-09-30, 11:35 PM

02:13:47: <Recaiden> Previously, on SHrompquest 2
02:13:55: <Recaiden> You all remember what happened
02:14:03: <firedaemon33> 6Vaguely
02:14:34: <firedaemon33> 6Kozu Psychology'd Kura, right?
02:14:41: <firedaemon33> 6What did he ask, exactly?
02:14:46: <Beans> toigers, and then kozu was sigmund nerd
02:15:33: <Recaiden> Kura was getting drunk and being bitter
02:15:38: <Recaiden> Kozu was try to cheer up
02:15:55: <tscarab> I forget
02:15:59: <tscarab> Lemme check the thread
02:16:01: <Recaiden> Saying that Simenare would become a much better place thanks to Kura
02:16:17: <tscarab> Ah yes that
02:16:34: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Maybe. I hope sho."
02:17:12: <Recaiden> ((Tab if you want to have returned homw in disguise roll larceny for the disguises, and 1d10 for finding useful people))
02:17:15: <tscarab> 2"It will be, do not worry. Be cheerful for once. You cannot be angry and stern your whole life, it is unhealthy."
02:17:25: <Recaiden> ((Or you can just not be here yet like originally planned))
02:17:35: <Tab> Do I use red's larceny?
02:17:48: <Tab> whatever is easiest for you recaidrb
02:17:53: <Tab> I'll stay out for a bit
02:17:59: <Tab> Don't want to disrupt too much
02:18:05: <Tab> I'll come in when intended
02:18:32: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head as she sighs again and says, "Perhaps...But anger is the only thing keeping me going, I feel...Without it, what am I?"
02:19:48: <Beans> Neiz hovers in the background, letting Kozu handle it but resolving to worry a little anyway.
02:20:24: <tscarab> 2"My friend," Kozu assures, 2" And a good, brave person just the same."
02:22:26: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles and leans on Kozu as she says, "Thank you."
02:22:34: <tscarab> ((Tab said she had to use her phone hotspot for schoolwork briefly))
02:22:40: <Recaiden> ((Okay))
02:22:46: <Recaiden> Kura is cheered
02:23:08: <tscarab> 2Kozu starts to pull away from it at first, but realizes it would be a bad idea and lets Kura stay there.
02:23:11: <Recaiden> Neiz need not worry
02:24:42: <Beans> Neiz gives him a thumbs-up behind Kura's back
02:24:42: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply leans on Kozu for a good long while, then starts to pass out
02:25:07: <Recaiden> And so the ngiht passes well
02:25:23: <Recaiden> In the morning, the party sets sail for the Isle of Shadows, and their path into the underworld
02:25:40: <Recaiden> It will not be an easy journey, for between them and their destination are formidable obstacles.
02:25:44: <Recaiden> Not least the seas themselves.
02:25:44: <tscarab> 2Kozu gives Kura one of the plushies while she sleeps
02:26:00: <Recaiden> But they must pass either the Black Fleet of Skullstone or the fae of the Winding Stair
02:26:00: <tscarab> 2A shromp plushy
02:26:12: <Recaiden> The island dies of adorable
02:26:18: <tscarab> More info on the winding stair?
02:26:21: <Beans> so does Neiz
02:26:28: <Recaiden> INT+Looooooooore
02:27:36: <tscarab> ((4))
02:28:15: <tscarab> ((TEB 20:23 call me when its my turn!.))
02:28:39: <Recaiden> It is a place midway between the Peral and Jet courts
02:28:47: <Recaiden> And the Raksha there have unmatched skill in weaving illusions
02:29:07: <tscarab> Luckily kozu brought huraka breath jars!
02:29:08: <firedaemon33> 6((Is it wrong that I'd rather deal with Abyssals?))
02:29:20: <Recaiden> Mhm.
02:29:27: <Recaiden> They are unwaveringly loyal to their ruler
02:29:34: <Recaiden> Except that they can't remember who that is.
02:29:48: <Recaiden> And it distorts the loom of fate to an unusual amount
02:29:51: <Recaiden> As Neiz would know.
02:30:38: <Recaiden> A great god was slain during the usurpation, and their starmetal corpse fell beneath the shell-castle of the stair.
02:30:53: <Beans> Fuggin stair asswidgets
02:30:53: <Recaiden> It lays there still, amplifying any tremor of fate toa ludicrous level
02:31:04: <Recaiden> (((No, it's not))
02:31:20: <Recaiden> The inhabitants are not /necessarily/ hostile.
02:31:49: <tscarab> ((Fae are probably easier to get through without being tracked, though))
02:32:18: <Recaiden> Anyway, first, Kura must wake and notice the plush shromp
02:32:51: <tscarab> Its made of flashy rainbow cloth
02:32:55: <Recaiden> The group is sent off with much celebration, Harmony waving cheerily, just after the fae ships have set sail
02:33:01: <tscarab> Like the fish that came with the children's books
02:33:07: <firedaemon33> 6Kura wakes the next morning, looks at the pushy version of her self and sighs, shaking her head with a little mirth as she says, "Well...How do we want to go to the shadowlands?"
02:34:07: <tscarab> 2"The Isle of (nightmare i think it was?) is in (whatever direction it was). We sail there, enter, and try to leave it at night."
02:34:20: <Recaiden> Isle of Shadow
02:34:26: <Recaiden> West-wotuhwest
02:34:35: <firedaemon33> 6"Fair enough. What's between us and it? Anything dangerous?"
02:34:43: <tscarab> 2" The problem is...on the way there, we must pass through the court of the Winding Stair, or through Skullstone waters."
02:35:10: <firedaemon33> 6"Hrm...Not sure which is worse, Fae or Abyssals."
02:35:24: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "Oh dear... Winding Stair, now that's several flavors of Bad News. They're an awful distortion in fate around there."
02:35:37: <tscarab> 2" The jars I gave you will be a boon, should we pass through the court. And the far are less likely to hunt us across the world or attack us for our ship."
02:36:04: <tscarab> 2" But skullstone would probably be be easier to sneak through or beat a hasty escape out of."
02:36:26: <Tab> Hey not all abyssals are bad
02:36:52: <firedaemon33> 6((Hush.))
02:38:59: <firedaemon33> 6"I see. Well...I suppose there's nothing to do but choose, Kozu. Whatever you decide, I'm with you."
02:39:29: <tscarab> 2"I am more prepared for the illusions of the winding stair," Kozu says, tapping at the jar on his belt.
02:39:35: <Recaiden> 11"How about we don't go near the abyssals?"
02:39:43: <Recaiden> 11"That sounds great to me."
02:40:00: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Fae it is, then."
02:40:11: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "Well, I suppose better the devil you marginally know than the devil you barely understand."
02:40:35: <firedaemon33> 6"Speaking of, Otavia. What was it you mentioned about me fighting the Fae on their own ground?"
02:41:52: <tscarab> 2Before leaving, kozu gives the minions instructions for schoolhouses in every village on the island, and some more medicine houses
02:42:13: <tscarab> 2Specialized ones, to keep contagious symptoms quarantined.
02:42:56: <Tab> Doctor doctor give me the news
02:43:02: <Tab> I've got a bad case
02:43:16: <Tab> Of spoopy boos
02:43:23: <Tab> Or something
02:43:44: <Beans> yes good
02:44:05: <tscarab> ((I assume we still have the sailor minions on the boat?))
02:44:20: <Recaiden> (You do still have the sailors)
02:44:25: <tscarab> ((Which we should name, by the way. I vote for /With A Swiftness))
02:44:49: <Recaiden> Very unluckily, the boat sets out on its 2nd or third voyage with no na,me
02:44:58: <Tab> The love boat
02:45:11: <Recaiden> 11"With ideas, my dear shromp."
02:45:22: <firedaemon33> 6((How about 'A Boat With no Name'))
02:45:32: <tscarab> ((Yuss. So witty))
02:45:43: <Tab> Much wit. Such asspull. Wow.
02:45:44: <Beans> [[I vote for Bote]]
02:45:56: <Recaiden> 11"Everyone is just a character in a story that we're writing, is how they see it. And you can exert some creative control on the work."
02:46:02: <firedaemon33> 6"I am not your dear anything, Otavia. And stop being cryptic. I know what you did, and while I'm not happy about it, how do I /use/ it to fight them.?"
02:46:16: <firedaemon33> 6"...Hrm. I see."
02:46:18: <Tab> Make your story a Mary sue fan fiction
02:46:27: <Tab> You win all the time and everyone ever loves you
02:46:31: <Recaiden> 11"And then Kura stopped being annoying and listened."
02:46:36: <Recaiden> And lo, so it was.
02:46:38: <firedaemon33> 6((I believe that's the point of Shaping, yes.))
02:46:43: <Recaiden> Unless she spends WP to ignore
02:46:57: <firedaemon33> 6((Nope.))
02:47:14: <firedaemon33> 6Kura's mouth snaps shut and her eyes almost bug out in anger.
02:47:20: <tscarab> 2" Miss Otavia, please do not antagonize the assassin."
02:47:26: <firedaemon33> 6But she has no choice but to listen
02:47:39: <Recaiden> Otavia goes on to explain in more detail the several types of shaping combat and structured ideas one can fight with
02:47:56: <Recaiden> And review the basics of Fantasies and Evocations that she talked about in the dreamworld
02:48:02: <Recaiden> THe sailing minions dutifully sail
02:48:05: <Beans> Neiz glides behind Tavi, watching her like a hawk. After the... incident, she really cannot ship them any more. Not now.
02:48:10: <Tab> Why does an elemental know shaping
02:48:35: <tscarab> 2Kozu keeps a lookout with his jars, giving some to the minions, too.
02:48:50: <tscarab> 2This would be a bad time to get caught by an illusion.
02:49:36: <Recaiden> Elementals are desperate sometimes
02:49:51: <Tab> Say no more
02:50:33: <Recaiden> The ship has favorable winds, flying over the ocean as the sun drifts through the sky.
02:51:03: <Recaiden> They have covered a sixth of the distance
02:51:31: <Recaiden> If you want to do anything in particular during the trip, feel free to say so
02:51:40: <firedaemon33> 6((Did you hear about the limit break incident, Tab?))
02:51:48: <firedaemon33> 6And Kura hones and practices her martial arts skills
02:51:49: <Tab> Nope
02:52:17: <Recaiden> ((I'm sure it will come up IC))
02:52:34: <firedaemon33> 6((I see. Short version is that Otavia took advantage of Kura's state of mind in her Limit Break to receive...Good times. For her, at least.))
02:52:41: <tscarab> 2Kozu continues to do research.
02:52:48: <Tab> Sexy, but uncool
02:53:12: <Recaiden> ((Limit-broken crazy Kura as well, if not the current one))
02:53:20: <Recaiden> But then, as the minions sail the ship on through the night
02:53:23: <Recaiden> Needing no light to see
02:53:32: <Recaiden> One sounds the alarm
02:53:38: <Beans> And Neiz finds a way to ensure that whenever Kura and Tavi are on the same deck, so is she. She might be reading, she might be doing something else
02:53:41: <Beans> WHOOPS ALARM
02:54:07: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is on deck, looking longingly at the sea, sad she cannot swim
02:54:08: <Recaiden> Otavia is asleep in her jug
02:54:16: <Recaiden> Neiz and Kozu are wherever they would be.
02:54:21: <tscarab> 2Kozu hops up and draws his powerbow, letting it click into position! "What is happening?'
02:54:30: <Recaiden> ((Perception+Awareness to all the awake people))
02:54:48: <Recaiden> One of the minions is pointing off into the distance of the southwest
02:55:50: <firedaemon33> 6((2 Sux))
02:56:51: <Beans> [[2]]
02:57:46: <Recaiden> One of the minions slowly writes out a message, frustrated by your inability to see anything.
02:57:50: <tscarab> ((4))
02:57:58: <Recaiden> Except Kozu, who spots the fogbank
02:58:04: <Recaiden> And above it, a fluttering flag
02:58:08: <Recaiden> Black and silver.
02:58:17: <Beans> :O
02:58:20: <tscarab> 2Kozu holds a huraka breath jar up, peering through to be sure.
02:58:30: <tscarab> 2" Pleaaaaase do not be real."
02:59:17: <Recaiden> Through the enchanted jar, the fog clears. It reveals an all too real ship; a Lintha raider flying flags of piracy, moving eerily against the wind, dragged by monsters unseen beneath the surface.
03:00:43: <Recaiden> Sorry Kozu. We have actual demon-pirates
03:00:49: <tscarab> 2"... Lintha. Raider."
03:01:04: <tscarab> 2Kozu scowls. "Maybe we can outrun it."
03:02:23: <tscarab> 2" I really have had enough of demon worshippers of late."
03:02:32: <Beans> Neiz frowns. "... Do you think you could pull us fast enough to do so, Kura?"
03:02:56: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shrugs and says, "Maybe. I can try."
03:03:02: <firedaemon33> 6((How big is the boat?))
03:03:03: <tscarab> 2" If I put some essence into it, this ship should be able to speed up.
03:03:22: <tscarab> 2" Possibly to fifty or sixty knots or more."
03:03:40: <Recaiden> ((Bigger than this one, a little))
03:03:53: <Recaiden> ((oh, your boat. ))
03:04:12: <Recaiden> ((Sizeful. 50-60 feet of long))
03:04:17: <firedaemon33> 6Ehhh
03:04:23: <firedaemon33> 6Not sure if Kura can do it or not
03:05:03: <Recaiden> STR and size of shrimp-form?
03:05:25: <tscarab> how fast csn the oilship go if kozu uses motes
03:05:54: <firedaemon33> 6((Oh right. I didn't take a whole lot of strength. Warform is Str 3
03:06:02: <Recaiden> Overdrive can double the speed to 40 knots
03:06:15: <Recaiden> I recommend it
03:06:26: <firedaemon33> 6Shrimp form is about 10 ft. long
03:06:36: <tscarab> How many motes? And is it fast enough?
03:07:02: <tscarab> 2"I do not fancy our chances against their numbers. Everybody, hold on."
03:07:02: <Recaiden> 7 motes an hour
03:07:46: <Recaiden> The ship whirrs and grinds and positively *flies* over the water
03:08:08: <firedaemon33> 6Kura falls over and slides back a little ways before she can get a grip
03:08:15: <tscarab> 2Kozu grits his teeth and squints against the inevitable spray.
03:08:38: <Recaiden> Splashes of water wash over the formerly spotless deck.
03:08:42: <Recaiden> A couple of minions fall
03:08:53: <Recaiden> The demon pirates speed up to pursue, but their beasts tire, while the engines are running on pure Kozu, and quickly outpace their pursuers.
03:09:06: <Recaiden> One has to imagine such an escape is quite a rare occurrence for the pirates.
03:09:11: <Beans> Neiz tries to help up anyone who falls on their bumpty-boo
03:10:05: <tscarab> 2Kozu profusely and awkwardly pologizes to Kura and the minions
03:10:10: <tscarab> *apologizes
03:10:29: <tscarab> 2" Should we change up our route? I do not want to be tracked down!"
03:10:47: <firedaemon33> 6Kura graciously accepts the mom and Kozu aid as she says, "Just keep going. They can't track us if they can't catch us."
03:12:17: <Recaiden> With Kura's questionable understanding of how tracking works, the ship continues on
03:12:36: <Recaiden> On the third day, when the sun rises, turning the waves to dancing gold, they do not return to normal when the lgiht chagnes angles
03:12:48: <tscarab> 2"One, that is just plain untrue. Two, the strain on the engine may be too much."
03:12:48: <Recaiden> They remain dancing shapes of metal and jewels, spectral lights playing about the wavecaps.
03:13:02: <Beans> Oh dear.
03:13:18: <Recaiden> Kura, like Otavia, feels the world open up, magic filling the air with infinite possibliities.
03:13:21: <Recaiden> WELCOME TO THE MARCHES
03:13:36: <tscarab> 2"Ash," Kozu curses and lifts his jar to his eye again 2" Ash and rubbish."
03:14:32: <firedaemon33> 6Kura takes a deep breath and says, "This...This feels off...We're in the Marches...I...I think we shouldn't stay here very long."
03:16:06: <Recaiden> A puff of ash is cast up by the next waves, settling in a fine layer over the deck
03:16:30: <tscarab> 2Kozu stares blankly at it. Of course.
03:16:39: <Beans> "Oh, don't you start." Neiz glares at the water. "Let us make our stay here very brief."
03:17:02: <tscarab> 2" I'll put her under power, if it comes to it I will use the overdrive again."
03:17:18: <tscarab> 2" Keep watch with the breath, it dispels illusions."
03:21:20: <Recaiden> The ship picks up, and with the jars most illusions are revealed.
03:21:20: <Recaiden> But while they can dispel the false, they cannot help against the impossible made real.
03:21:40: <Recaiden> Near the end of the day, but before the sun has truly set, one sees ahead of the ship a fin rise out of the water.
03:21:40: <Recaiden> A shark. But not just any.
03:21:40: <Recaiden> A great white siaka, largest of the ocean predators.
03:21:40: <Recaiden> Or so it seems at first
03:21:40: <Recaiden> But after swishing in front of the ship, the water it displaces noticeably tugging at them, it rises a bit higher, revealing it to be easily 2 or three times the size of any mortal shark within the oceans.
03:21:40: <Recaiden> In the sunlight's fading rays, it gleams red.
03:23:31: <tscarab> 2Kozu screams internally. Externally he is also screaming.
03:23:39: <Beans> SHORK
03:23:52: <tscarab> 2"GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY"
03:24:03: <Beans> Neiz grips a shork plushie tightly
03:24:06: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Calm down, Kozu. If it's like a normal shark, it won't mess with us. Your screaming will just scare it."
03:24:19: <firedaemon33> 6And with that, she tries to hug Kozu to get him to calm down
03:24:30: <Recaiden> At the sound of the screaming, SHARK INCITEMENT increases to MAXIMUM.
03:24:38: <firedaemon33> 6((Do I have to roll a Clinch attack to hug the screaming Kozu.))
03:24:42: <Recaiden> It can taste Kozu's fear on the air, and turns towards the boat.
03:24:50: <Recaiden> ((no need to roll for hugs))
03:24:54: <tscarab> 2Kozu quiets himself to a whimper, only for the hug to make him yelp and the shark to make him scream again!
03:25:19: <tscarab> 2" NO! NO! YOU GO AWAY!"
03:25:48: <Recaiden> Otavia stumbles out of the cabin blearily. "What's all the yelling, summoner?"
03:26:02: <firedaemon33> 6Kura holds Kozu tightly enough to squeeze the voice of him as she says, annoyed, "Shush. You're attracting it."
03:26:14: <Beans> Neiz crosses her arms, looks at the shark, and... what do I roll to make the shark ashamed of itself
03:26:29: <Recaiden> ((Manipulation + Presence))
03:27:06: <tscarab> 22Kozu is silenced with hugs. Internally, he is screaming so loud any mindbats within leagues die instantly.
03:27:24: <tscarab> 2Sharks and touching. Touching and sharks.
03:28:00: <Beans> [[4]]
03:28:08: <Recaiden> The shark puts on a burst of speed and leaps from the water, aimed like a missile straight towards Kozu, jaws open wide. Where most sharks have a few rows of teeth, these teeth go on forever.
03:28:12: <Recaiden> But then Neiz catches its eye.
03:29:22: <Beans> Neiz gives it a Look. "Don't. You. Dare, little mister, miss, or other. Look what you did to the nice pandaman. You should be ashamed of yourself!"
03:30:23: <Recaiden> The shark wriggles in the air, unable to escape her gaze, and tilts up, soaring over the boat, all 75 feet of the leviathan arcing over the party and reentering the water behind them with barely a spalsh.
03:30:38: <Recaiden> Sea creatures properly chastised
03:30:48: <tscarab> Brb
03:30:49: <Recaiden> ((TS, is tab still about somehow??))
03:31:00: <Recaiden> ((She would be arriving at the next location))
03:31:08: <tscarab> Yes she will be
03:31:33: <firedaemon33> 6((She would be arriving at the next location))
03:31:42: <tscarab> 2Kozu curls up as much as he can in Kura's grasp, still shaking.
03:32:02: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply hugs her Solar, Loonar instincts doing work for once
03:32:17: <tscarab> 2He fears demons enough to hate them. He fears contact enough to dislike it. Sharks? Sharks just make him wanna curl up and cry.
03:32:23: <tscarab> ((Ill text her))
03:32:36: <Beans> if he likes dogs, he's the opposite of the professor from nichijou
03:33:19: <Tab> Yay
03:33:31: <tscarab> All my characters like dogs
03:33:39: <Tab> Tech can't be mean to dogs
03:33:41: <Tab> Even fake ones
03:33:44: <firedaemon33> 6He can't
03:33:51: <Recaiden> ((Usually encounter rolls are secret, but this one is too fabulous
03:33:51: <Tab> what are we talking about
03:33:52: <firedaemon33> 6It's a RL intimacy
03:33:55: <Beans> Neiz huffs, sits down by Kozu, and pats his shoulder. "There, there, dearie. The shark is gone."
03:33:56: <Recaiden> 1,1,5,1,5))
03:34:03: <Beans> :3
03:34:06: <tscarab> Hah
03:34:09: <Beans> a shark was attacking
03:34:09: <firedaemon33> 6((What does that mean?))
03:34:22: <Beans> and neiz literally shamed it into going away
03:34:24: <Tab> Hah
03:34:26: <Recaiden> Just as the last ripples of the shark attack are gone, the ship plows full speed into a patch of soft water.
03:34:26: <Tab> Awesome
03:34:53: <Recaiden> It crashes down towards the infinite bottom of the Wyld ocean, the water no longer providing any more resistance than air.
03:35:15: <firedaemon33> 6((Ooooookay.))
03:35:18: <tscarab> 2Kozu nods and shakes, then starts shouting again as they fall, clutching the nearest thing.
03:35:30: <Recaiden> The nearest thing is still Kura.
03:35:41: <firedaemon33> 6Which would probably happen to be Kura as she shouts as well as the ship falls!
03:35:57: <firedaemon33> 6"DAMN YOU LOOM OF FATE!"
03:36:00: <Tab> Because you hate you
03:36:07: <firedaemon33> 6"WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO US!"
03:36:09: <Recaiden> ((Roll wits+athletics vs. the falling))
03:36:40: <tscarab> ((7))
03:36:49: <Tab> 4!
03:36:50: <Beans> [[3]]
03:37:09: <firedaemon33> 6((4))
03:37:19: <firedaemon33> 6((How did TS roll 7?))
03:37:31: <Beans> [[by being off the chain]]
03:37:36: <tscarab> 4 wits + 3 athletics + 3 crits
03:37:39: <tscarab> 2 8s
03:37:40: <firedaemon33> 6Wow
03:37:42: <tscarab> And a 8
03:37:44: <tscarab> *9
03:38:01: <tscarab> Plus a 1
03:38:06: <tscarab> Damn that one
03:38:20: <Tab> Damn it so
03:38:20: <firedaemon33> 6((4 damage for everyone. B or L?))
03:38:27: <Recaiden> ((B)) Gravity is shameless, and
03:38:39: <tscarab> ((Can we put the ship into overdrive and make it not crash))
03:38:42: <firedaemon33> 6((Cool. Soak is awesome.))
03:39:05: <Recaiden> quickly the ship is at what passes for the bottom, lying unharmed on its side in a seabed, waving kelp flattened on every side.
03:39:10: <Recaiden> And...splintered wood underneath?
03:39:17: <tscarab> ((Oh right soak. I roll resistance plus stamina, right?))
03:39:18: <Recaiden> Piles of fruit rolling away?
03:39:27: <Tab> My cabbages!
03:39:29: <Beans> [[wait how did we get this damage. like what did we run into]]
03:39:32: <Recaiden> ((Just subtract Stamina))
03:39:36: <tscarab> Oh
03:39:38: <tscarab> No damage
03:39:38: <Recaiden> ((You ran into the ocean floor/deck))
03:39:40: <tscarab> Yay
03:39:54: <Recaiden> ((uh, no, you subtract it from the dice))
03:40:04: <tscarab> 2" I hate my life. I hate most of the things in my life.'
03:40:10: <tscarab> ((4 stamina))
03:40:19: <firedaemon33> 6Kura takes a deep breath and says, "What. What the hell. What the hell was that?"
03:40:23: <Recaiden> ((So you still take 1 level, Kozu))
03:40:33: <Recaiden> ((Anyone with more takes 0 damage))
03:40:37: <tscarab> ((Ah. Resistance charms cant say no?))
03:40:58: <tscarab> ((Eh, not worth the motes. -1 -0 level))
03:40:59: <Recaiden> ((They can, if it boosts your soak))
03:41:03: <Recaiden> ((or reduces damage))
03:41:24: <Beans> [[Neiz will use Filigree Defense to up her bashing soak to 5 for the scene :3]]
03:41:25: <firedaemon33> 6Mhm
03:41:31: <Recaiden> :D
03:41:42: <tscarab> 2Kozu quits whining and quickly comes to terms with what happened. In a panicked worry, he starts checking everyone for wounds!
03:41:43: <firedaemon33> 6((Kura's bashing soak is 7, I think?))
03:41:48: <tscarab> 2Minions included!
03:41:54: <Beans> Neiz is too fabulous to be hurt.
03:42:06: <tscarab> Kozu has resistance 5 how did he end up the only one hurt
03:42:26: <firedaemon33> 6Fabulosity and Shromp-Powers
03:42:30: <Tab> He's a neeeeeerd
03:42:41: <firedaemon33> 6I mean, I could have just warform'd and laughed
03:42:49: <firedaemon33> 6But that would have been overkill
03:42:50: <Beans> Neiz's caste mark glitters a little.
03:42:52: <Recaiden> ((Tab, you and moonmaam, in the distance, see a ship fall out of the sky, like a toy dropped off a table))
03:43:56: <tscarab> Oh dear
03:45:17: <Tab> "well, sucks to be them." "Who, dear?" "Oh, some boat just fell out of the sky. Race you to the corpses?"
03:45:35: <tscarab> ((You should use colours))
03:45:44: <Tab> (I can't)
03:45:47: <firedaemon33> 6((You should. Use something gothy.))
03:45:51: <firedaemon33> 6((Oh.00
03:45:58: <Recaiden> ((A gothy /color/?))
03:46:07: <firedaemon33> 6((Of course. Like Red.))
03:46:31: <Tab> ((Red is red, kima is...gray? Black?))
03:46:45: <Tab> ((But kiwiiirc has no color))
03:47:01: <Recaiden> For everyone else, it certainly seems that you are not even underwater, save for the obvious sealife. Starfish and banks of clams, kelp and sunfish and coral beds
03:47:21: <tscarab> 2"Is everyone okay?"
03:47:28: <Recaiden> A castle of pearl rises in the near distance, its towers rising up into the clouds.
03:47:34: <firedaemon33> 6"I am. You good, Neiz?"
03:47:37: <Recaiden> 11"I'm alright!"
03:47:47: <tscarab> 2Kozu is still checking everyone, especially tbe minions. They dont have exalted soak!
03:47:52: <Recaiden> The minions are fairly battered, but each nod their status
03:47:59: <Recaiden> It's not lethal damage, they'll be fine
03:48:33: <tscarab> 2"Okay, alright... Just nobody try to be the tough guy, alright? Let me know if you need some salve.
03:48:51: <Tab> ((I'm not entirely m sure what I should be doing))
03:48:51: <Beans> "I'm exquisite. As always." She flips her hair. Oh, that Neiz.
03:49:03: <firedaemon33> 6((Coming.))
03:49:12: <Recaiden> ((make an entrance to these people, say how you arrive))
03:49:21: <Tab> ((RIGHT))
03:49:41: <Tab> In the distance, one may hear a thunderous clamor!
03:49:45: <Recaiden> One of the minions raises a hand to indicate it does need some help.
03:49:49: <Recaiden> Bashed up his leg pretty badly
03:49:54: <Tab> Heavy steps, and fast, and the clattering of metal!
03:50:02: <tscarab> 2Kozu gets to work!
03:50:38: <Tab> A great white wolf with pristine fur approaches, strange red markings across her face and legs!
03:51:08: <Beans> :O
03:51:09: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks at the wolf and smiles, recognizing it's Lunar nature and says, "Greetings!"
03:51:15: <Tab> Seated atop her, leaning forward and grinning insanely, is a young woman all in black and silver armour, her long hair trailing behind her!
03:51:38: <Tab> A massive blade hangs off to the side in one hand, gleaming menacingly!
03:51:45: <tscarab> ((5 sux btw))
03:51:52: <tscarab> ((Worst medicine roll yet :())
03:51:52: <firedaemon33> 6And then frowns immediately as she sees the rider and says hoarsely, "Oh Luna...No...Not this...Why?"
03:51:54: <Recaiden> ((The minion is going to be fine))
03:52:05: <Recaiden> It appears these people may not be friendly.
03:52:06: <tscarab> ((Yay))
03:52:28: <Recaiden> But there is a moment of familial recognition
03:52:48: <Tab> The wolf suddenly stops as it sees the people are still alive, and her rider falls forward and rolls to a clean stop in front of Kura, her hair tussled!
03:52:52: <Recaiden> But that can't be. Kura's sister is dead.
03:53:02: <Beans> Neiz blinks. "... Dears? What's going on?"
03:53:03: <Tab> "Oh, man, you guys aren't dead."
03:53:07: <Recaiden> And yet here, /riding/ a lunar, with tussled hair
03:53:08: <Tab> "Wait..."
03:53:16: <Tab> A look crosses Kima's face
03:53:23: <Tab> Not a good one
03:53:27: <firedaemon33> 6Her hands sheath themselves in Katars, and her countenance darkens as she drops in a stance and says, "You...You're not my sister anymore."
03:53:37: <firedaemon33> 6((Assume Bat Stance.))
03:53:55: <Recaiden> 11"Miss Kura? What is this?"
03:54:00: <tscarab> 2Kozu immediately steps between them, a questionig look on his face.
03:54:08: <Tab> "wow. Harsh."
03:54:11: <Recaiden> ((Kura is visibly preparing for a fight))
03:54:16: <firedaemon33> 6Her anima blazes, a silver aura around her
03:54:32: <Tab> Red leaps up between them as well, growling!
03:54:37: <Beans> Neiz tries to also step between them. "No, absolutely not, not until someone explains what's going on!"
03:54:43: <firedaemon33> 6And her eyes glow in millions of colors
03:54:44: <Recaiden> This looks like a job for STARMOM
03:54:52: <Tab> The wolf mistress demands "Step off, whelpling!"
03:55:12: <Tab> Kima slams the tip of her grand daiklave into the ground and opens her arms up.
03:55:15: <Tab> "No hug?"
03:55:35: <Recaiden> And the wolf has a point. Her tattoos mark her clearly Kura's elder in the Silver Pact. Not by an incredible amount, but worth noting.
03:55:43: <tscarab> 2Kozu jumps a bit at the sword slamming. "What the hell is going on?!"
03:56:00: <firedaemon33> 6However, she holds her stance, not attacking, and at the other Lunar's call, says, "No. My sister...Died years ago. And...This mockery of her...I...I can't..."
03:56:12: <firedaemon33> 6And then she breaks down, falling to her knees in tears
03:56:22: <Tab> Red looks back at Kima. "Kima, dear?"
03:56:24: <firedaemon33> 6Slamming a katar into the ground
03:56:37: <Recaiden> ((Note - it is BAD for Kima is she uses her name))
03:56:47: <Tab> Kima's smile fades. "Sis...sis?"
03:56:51: <Recaiden> ((*if. Racks up limit))
03:56:54: <Tab> ((But I have a lunar!))
03:57:10: <Recaiden> ((Oh right. My bad. She can say it fine. :P))
03:57:19: <Recaiden> ((It's just if she listens to anyone else...))
03:57:19: <firedaemon33> 6((What does a Lunar have to do with it?))
03:57:39: <Recaiden> ((One's Lunar MAte can't cause you to gain Resonance))
03:57:40: <tscarab> 2Kozu edges closer to Kura to put a hand on your shoulder. "miss kuragari, please..."
03:57:47: <Recaiden> ((Unlike every other living being in the world))
03:58:03: <Recaiden> Otavia comes up to put a hand on Kura's other shoulder. Totally helping.
03:58:07: <firedaemon33> 6((Ah.))
03:58:10: <Recaiden> 11"Kura, give her a chance."
03:58:17: <Tab> "Sis, it...it's me! I'm alive! I mean, I'm dead, but I'm alive!"
03:58:35: <Beans> Neiz hugs Kura softly, trying to comfort her.
03:58:38: <Tab> Red looks between the two, then steps back and resumes her human form. A more shapely shape.
03:58:54: <firedaemon33> 6Kura pushes them away and says, "N-No...I saw it...Our father beat her until she stopped moving...I-I buried her. And...And now she's this...I failed again..."
03:59:11: <tscarab> 2"Who are you? " Kozu demands of the abyssal, "And what are you doing to Miss Kuragari?!"
03:59:11: <firedaemon33> 6Tears stream down her cheeks, unrestrained
03:59:40: <Tab> "I'm not doing anything!" Kima swears, her voice choking a bit
03:59:56: <Tab> "I'm...I, I'm her sister, and"
04:00:07: <Tab> "Kima, dear," red puts a hand on her shoulder
04:00:40: <Tab> "Sis, they brought me back!" Kima kneels down "The death lords brought me back!"
04:00:52: <Recaiden> ((That's going to go over real well))
04:00:57: <tscarab> 2" And here I hoped to avoid skullstone, " Kozu draws his bow!
04:01:04: <Beans> Neiz looks from one to the other, biting her lip. This hurts to watch. Families should be happy. That's what she's here!
04:01:16: <Beans> She tries to step between Kozu and spooky.
04:01:30: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks up, rage and sorrow in her eyes as she shouts, "And that's supposed to be a good thing!"
04:01:33: <Tab> "They're jerks, but -" "Hey!" Red growls and draws her flame piece! "Step /off/!"
04:01:34: <firedaemon33> 6*?!
04:01:50: <Tab> "I'm alive, isn't that Good?"
04:02:04: <Tab> "And I'm, like, totally badass! Look at me!"
04:02:09: <Recaiden> Otavia, the black-eyed nymph, supposedly their guide to all things underwater, hops back, a knife appearing, straight up appearing, in her hand.
04:02:42: <Recaiden> 11"Hey. We don't need any trouble here. Nobody shoot, 'kay?"
04:02:42: <tscarab> 22" yeah, look at you. Servant of the death lords! "
04:03:11: <firedaemon33> 6"Not like this...No...After you died...The only thing that kept me going for a long, long time was the thought you were finally at peace."

2014-09-30, 11:37 PM
04:03:14: <Tab> "she doesn't serve them!" Red snarls and clicks back the hammer!
04:03:19: <Tab> "I ran away!"
04:03:45: <Tab> "you'd rather I was just...just gone? Come on, sis!"
04:04:14: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swallows and says, "I...I don't know anymore..."
04:04:15: <tscarab> 2Kozu looks from one party to the other and steps back. New complications everywhere he goes!
04:04:40: <Tab> Kima decides to risk the torment. She pushes past the others to try to hug Kura!
04:04:51: <Tab> Which, with her armour, may not be too comfy.
04:05:02: <Recaiden> I hope no one misinterprets that as an attack and does something they'll regret
04:05:03: <Tab> Red, for one, takes a step back and lowers her weapon.
04:05:33: <tscarab> 2Kozu flinches at his bow, but decides it isnt the best course of action.
04:05:37: <Beans> Neiz watches them all warily, eyes darting from person to person. If anyone makes a false move, she's prepared to find that shark and beat them with it.
04:05:59: <tscarab> 2He prioritizes. He needs to check and make sure the boat isnt too damaged.
04:06:25: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply sobs as she's hugged, her cool and collected persona simply shattering under the stress
04:06:29: <Recaiden> This boat is Jade and stuff. It's solid.
04:06:32: <Recaiden> Barely scratched
04:06:37: <Tab> Red watches pandaguy with a slight glare. He must be antisocial.
04:06:58: <Tab> Kima rubs Kura's back and pats her head as she pets her.
04:07:32: <Tab> "it's 'Kay, I'm right here. Got a shiny new name and everything, I'm aaaalllright."
04:07:37: <Recaiden> 11Otavia sighs and dismisses her knife.
04:08:06: <Beans> Neiz sighs, smiling softly and looking at Red. "Well, I suppose this is... alright."
04:08:09: <tscarab> 2Seeing the boat isnt too damaged, he goes over any supplies
04:08:16: <Recaiden> 11Smiles at Red.
04:08:23: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply holds her sister as she says hoarsely, "Oh...Oh Luna...I...I thought...I don't know anymore...What did they do to you?"
04:08:34: <Recaiden> 11"Welcome. Always nice to see a happy family reunion."
04:08:36: <Tab> "Yes...I suppose introductions are in order?"
04:09:15: <Tab> "I'm...I'm not too sure," Kima says, "But I ran. It doesn't matter. I'm strong now, people punch me and THEY die. Its coolm"
04:09:19: <Tab> *cool
04:09:29: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sniffles, smiles, and says, "I think so, yes. Everyone, this is my sister."
04:09:39: <Recaiden> 11"Well the weepy one is Kuragari, Fist of Luna."
04:09:46: <tscarab> 2Kozu, hearing this, trips and falls off of the boat again.
04:10:17: <Tab> "Explains the fit, then. Kima mentioned a sister before."
04:10:21: <Recaiden> 11"The guy over at the boat is <(quietly) her beloved> Illuminary Kozu, Chosen of the Sun!"
04:10:50: <Recaiden> 11"This adorable one who's not pulling weapons on us is Amorous Panacea Neiz."
04:11:00: <Recaiden> 11"And I'm Otavia."
04:11:06: <Tab> "I am Silver In Red Trappings, this is my darling dearest Kima. You may call her Overbearing Weight of Lethal Burdens."
04:11:07: <Recaiden> No title for her after that.
04:11:36: <Tab> 'Just lethal works,' Kima says, then punches Kura's shoulder playfully
04:11:46: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles a little weakly and says, "I don't suppose there's room in the Silver Pact for two Death Knights?"
04:11:46: <Tab> "You've got a book of reiki I see end!"
04:11:54: <Tab> *boyfriend
04:12:17: <firedaemon33> 6((Lunar In-Jokes, hooooooooooo!))
04:12:22: <Tab> "I've been trying, dear," Red assures
04:12:37: <Beans> Neiz smiles, sidling over to to Red. "She's yours, then?"
04:12:43: <tscarab> 2" She does /not/!" Kozu insists, falling again!
04:12:51: <Recaiden> Now, Kura's sister. That sounds /interesting/. The elemental's empty black eyes look the Abyssal up and down and augh, soulsteel. Worse than jade, that stuff.
04:13:15: <Tab> "dear, everyone is mine. Kima IS my darling dearest, though."
04:13:28: <Tab> Kima giggles at kozu and pushes Kura playfully some more
04:13:31: <firedaemon33> 6Kura gives Otavia a Look that says, "If you mess with my sister, I /will/ end you. No compromise."
04:13:51: <Tab> "So, when did you get into short guys?"
04:13:53: <Recaiden> Otavia smirks. Challenge accepted.
04:14:20: <tscarab> 2" SHE /ISN'T/" Kozu soaks more bashing damage
04:14:23: <firedaemon33> 6Kura laughs and says, "I'm not, I promise. I don't know what my First Age self was thinking."
04:14:35: <Beans> Neiz swishes. "I am the sole reserve of my wife, therefore making me not yours. Except where cuddles are concerned, of course."
04:14:57: <firedaemon33> 6"Oh, and we kinda fixed home!"
04:15:06: <firedaemon33> 6"Sort of. It's a bit weird."
04:15:07: <Tab> "I know what mine was," Kima says, making a gesture at Red while Red makes a sad face at neiz
04:15:09: <Recaiden> 11Otavia bows. "Yours gladly, Silver in Red Trappings."
04:15:17: <Tab> "Was it even worth being fixed?"
04:15:34: <Tab> Red smiles at Otavia
04:16:00: <tscarab> 2Kozu is /not/ having this. He storms off to do his inventory on the other side of tje boat
04:16:09: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shrugs and says, "Well...I think it was. You know what's really sad? My happiest mortal memories are there, despite all the bad."
04:16:23: <Tab> "What crawled up the sunchild's backside?" Red asks
04:16:38: <firedaemon33> 6"You know what I did after you died? I ran. Far, far away. Became an assassin."
04:17:05: <Tab> "Let's forget mortal stuff" Kima says, hugging kura again, "were badasses now!"
04:17:14: <Tab> "I mean look at us!"
04:17:24: <tscarab> ((Brb latrine))
04:17:24: <Recaiden> 11"He hasn't told me. Probably whatever gave him his powers. But maybe he's always been this way."
04:17:26: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles in her sister's hug and says, "Yeah. We are."
04:17:51: <Tab> "I'm not sure about them.." Red whispers, "the sun children, I mean."
04:17:52: <Beans> Neiz opens her arms. "Oh, do come here, you."
04:18:08: <Tab> Kima stands up and tackles neiz for a hug!
04:18:24: <Recaiden> 11"Well, they're 0 for 1 on the count of fun, but useful to have around."
04:18:39: <Beans> "And as for the sun children... Kozu's good. I'll vouch for hiEEP!" Unexpected hug! "Hello!"
04:18:45: <Tab> "you meet a lot on your travels, dear?"
04:18:58: <Tab> "Hiya!" Kima cheeps!
04:19:25: <Recaiden> 11"Just the one."
04:19:25: <Tab> "I'm lethal!"
04:19:55: <Tab> "I've heard...some stories..." Red says "But after meeting darling dearest here, I'm not sure what to believe."
04:19:59: <firedaemon33> 6((Hrm. I assume Kura can't call Kima by her name?))
04:20:04: <Beans> Neiz looks up at Red. "... I can see why you're so fond of her. She's adorable! And spooky." She pats Kima's head.
04:20:09: <Tab> "How did you end up here anyways?"
04:20:34: <Recaiden> 11"Boat crash."
04:20:36: <Tab> "Kima smiles at the patting and stands up. " Thanks! I've really been working on the skull paint!"
04:20:58: <tscarab> ((Back))
04:21:00: <Recaiden> 11"I have as well, but nowadays there are more immediate things to be afraid of than people like Kozu."
04:21:12: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and says, "You know I'm going to have to get you out of that awful armor and into something sensible, right sis?"
04:21:16: <tscarab> (( fear me!))
04:21:31: <Tab> "my armour is bad ASS, thank you!"
04:21:56: <Beans> Neiz kind of melts. "Stop it. Stop being so precious this instant, I cannot handle it!" She flops over.
04:21:56: <Tab> "And look!" Kima flaunts the silver and black chain skirt around the waist "fashionable!"
04:22:18: <tscarab> 2Kozu, hearinf all this, groans.
04:22:40: <Tab> "She doesn't ever stop, I'm afraid" red says, shaking her head
04:23:04: <Tab> "I've seen her drop a man with a smile while eating his friend alive."
04:23:10: <Beans> Neiz hugs Red. "You are a very lucky lady, I think."
04:23:11: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and says, "Well, that's one thing, at least. But really. You can't be sneaky in such a thing.
04:23:16: <firedaemon33> 6And then eating people!
04:23:20: <tscarab> 2kozu chokes "what"
04:23:23: <Beans> Whoops what
04:23:26: <firedaemon33> 6Kura stops mid-sentence and mimics Kozu
04:23:28: <Beans> "... Wait er. Hold on."
04:23:33: <Tab> "who needs sneaky?"
04:24:00: <Tab> "what what?" Red asks "She regains her essence through blood."
04:24:05: <Recaiden> Otavia only does not look surprised by this
04:24:28: <Tab> Kima, meanwhile, draws damocles back up and swings it around gracefully
04:24:39: <Tab> "I can just cut their eyes out!"
04:24:51: <tscarab> 2" Nnnnnnnnope."
04:25:00: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Oh. Oh dear. Still, I suppose we can go hunting with her...Ugh. Does it have to be human?"
04:25:13: <tscarab> 2kozu comes stomping around the boat
04:25:30: <tscarab> 2" That is..it...it is /wrong/!"
04:25:36: <Tab> Red sighs
04:25:47: <Beans> "... Um... well, that's..." She sighs, leaning against Red. "Oh dear."
04:25:49: <Recaiden> 11"Oh, like you've never eaten anyone alive, Kozu."
04:25:52: <Tab> "She needs the fresh essence of a thinking being to live."
04:26:08: <Tab> "And is there something I should know about the sunchild's diet?"
04:26:21: <tscarab> 2" I have never! "
04:26:32: <firedaemon33> 6"Ah. That's...That's not good. And no. The Water Elemental is a bad person who lies all the time."
04:26:56: <Recaiden> 11The water elemental crosses her arms in feigned offense.
04:27:01: <Beans> "... Does she have to drain all their blood, or..."
04:27:03: <tscarab> 2Kozu scowls at Otavia, then at kima. "You cant drink in moderation?"
04:27:33: <Tab> "It has to do some serious damage," Kima admits and sets Damocles down "and neither of us is a doctor."
04:27:51: <Tab> "Mortals usually die," red admits
04:28:09: <tscarab> 2" I /am/ a doctor! " kozu snaps at them!
04:28:37: <Tab> "Oh?" Red asks menacingly
04:28:45: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sits, crossing her legs, and closes her eyes, considering, before eventually saying, "From now only, you only drink from me."
04:28:53: <tscarab> 2kozu stammers
04:29:08: <tscarab> 2"Yes. Yes i a- miss kuragari?!"
04:29:30: <Tab> "aww, thanks sis!" Kima rushes over to hug her again!
04:29:37: <firedaemon33> 6"I couldn't protect you before...I suppose a blood tax is an appropriate price."
04:29:45: <firedaemon33> 6She then hugs Kima
04:29:47: <Beans> Neiz blinks. "... Familial affection is not to be trifled with."
04:30:01: <Tab> "You realize she needs it fairly often, right?" Red asks while Kima pushes kura for being so depressing
04:30:17: <firedaemon33> 6"I know. As I said."
04:30:31: <tscarab> 2" We...we can set up a cycle. Tjose willing can donate and ill fix them after.x
04:30:39: <Recaiden> 11"I'm in."
04:30:59: <Tab> "Very well," red shrugs
04:31:03: <Recaiden> Her blood probably tastes terribly salty, but it will do.
04:31:07: <Tab> stern SHRUG
04:31:10: <Beans> Neiz nods. "As am I. As long as someone will kiss it better afterward." She smiles gently.
04:31:16: <Recaiden> Sounds like a fun experience to her.
04:31:45: <Recaiden> Suddenly
04:31:46: <Recaiden> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_2QdFrcTFU
04:31:49: <Tab> "It would seem everyone is in but you, sun child," red says with a mean grin
04:32:07: <Recaiden> The blood donation drive is interrupted as seventy-six trumpets sound from within the kelp forest.
04:32:37: <Recaiden> The fanfare expands into a proper processional song.
04:32:41: <tscarab> 2" Who said I /wasn'/- what is that?"
04:32:47: <Recaiden> The plants dance in time
04:32:52: <Beans> "No no nope nope no."
04:32:55: <Tab> Kima stands up and grabs Damocles!
04:33:03: <firedaemon33> 6Kura jumps to her feet and looks around, anima still blazing as she flies a good 30 feet up into the air to see what's going on
04:33:08: <Tab> Red turns and ***** her head, confused!
04:33:17: <Tab> "The hell?"
04:33:25: <firedaemon33> 6((Bat Style and Fluttering Darkness Stance))
04:33:36: <tscarab> 2" Fae..." Kozu says with a dark realization
04:33:38: <Recaiden> Kura spots a parade of faeries marching this way.
04:33:44: <Recaiden> Just as Kozu figures it out,.
04:34:03: <Tab> Red snarls and shifts into dire wolf form, and Kima hops on her back!
04:34:04: <Recaiden> Many musicians, but just as many Warriors flanking the noble's sea-horse-like living vehicle
04:34:29: <firedaemon33> 6Kura zooms back down to earth and says, "Yeah. 152 or so fae. And a noble.))
04:34:29: <Recaiden> 11"All in favor of immediately leaving?"
04:35:06: <tscarab> 22" I!" Kozu says, tucking his power bow away to avoid conflict
04:35:16: <firedaemon33> 6"Everyone who isn't a Lunar, on the boat. I'll push if Red helps."
04:35:49: <Tab> "On it!" Kima slides off of red and gives kozu a noogie on the way to the boat!
04:36:05: <tscarab> 2Kozu deftly dodges the noxious noogie
04:36:16: <tscarab> Or something alliterative like thag
04:36:32: <Beans> Neiz nods and scrambles boatward.
04:36:38: <Recaiden> The boat is brought upright, and toggled into land-sailing mode.
04:36:46: <Tab> Red lopes over to join Kura!
04:37:11: <Recaiden> The minions toss ropes down to the Lunars-
04:37:13: <tscarab> 2" Hold up!" Kozu holds one hand up "its a procession!"
04:37:18: <Recaiden> -Otavia slambers up onto the vessel.
04:37:28: <tscarab> 2" Maybe they are not hostile!"
04:37:30: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods to Red as the assassin Lunar shifts to warform and says, "Push!"
04:37:37: <firedaemon33> 6"I don't want to risk it, Kozu!
04:37:44: <Recaiden> And the elemental holds out a hand to pull Kozu up.
04:37:48: <tscarab> 2He clambers onto the boat anyways.
04:37:50: <firedaemon33> 6"There are a /lot/ of them!"
04:38:10: <Tab> Red slams her shoulder in to aid kura, then ****s back again to climb up!
04:38:23: <firedaemon33> 6((Typos...))
04:38:25: <Recaiden> Kura takes a moment to concentrate on the Way and the Shinma of place.
04:38:31: <Tab> Kima looks for any weapons on the boat! Likd cannons!
04:38:32: <Recaiden> They are Moving, and Quickly, Away.
04:38:41: <Tab> Loops
04:38:42: <Tab> Shifts
04:38:46: <Tab> I mean shifts
04:38:47: <Recaiden> She is Strong, and this boat is Escaping from its Slow Pursuers.
04:38:49: <Tab> So many shifts
04:39:01: <Recaiden> The boat has a laser-cannon turreted at the prow
04:39:03: <Recaiden> I mean essence can
04:39:04: <tscarab> We have an essence cannon
04:39:07: <tscarab> A small one
04:39:09: <Recaiden> Definitely /not/ a laser.
04:39:18: <Tab> Kima isn't very good with tbose
04:39:28: <Tab> But she stands at it to look menacing anyways!
04:39:41: <Recaiden> Everyone gets +1 to escape, and -Kura's essence to try to slow the ship down.
04:40:06: <firedaemon33> 6Kura takes a deep executes her first shaping action as she repeats over and over "We are Fast and They are Slow,"
04:40:17: <firedaemon33> 6Pushing the world around her as she moves the ship
04:40:22: <Recaiden> The ship is just turning and getting underway when the fae procession emerges from the kelp forest and decides to join the chase about to be in progress.
04:40:55: <Recaiden> The musicians raise their horns and sound a hunting call!
04:41:02: <tscarab> 2Kozu notices Kura and tries to aid her if he can, giving her good words to use!
04:41:06: <firedaemon33> 6((3 Sux))
04:41:32: <tscarab> 2"Fleet was rhe vessel, so proud and pure, a construction to outride and outlast!"
04:41:46: <Recaiden> ((Kura, roll STR+Athletics for the boat in the chase))
04:42:05: <tscarab> 2" The club-footed foes and their mangled limbs would never close!"
04:42:22: <Tab> Kima decides to take a potshot with the cannon!
04:43:19: <Tab> One success!
04:43:25: <firedaemon33> 6((4 Pushing Sux))
04:43:49: <tscarab> ((4 lore sux to try to help kura))
04:44:23: <Beans> "The clumsy, palsied host had no chance to overtake them as they escaped, flying as fast as they had over the waves of the wine-dark seas!"
04:44:58: <Tab> Red got 9 push success
04:45:00: <Recaiden> Kima's shot doesn't come close to hitting anyone, but it does distract the pursuers.
04:45:05: <Recaiden> Wow. Such push.
04:45:36: <Beans> [[2 lores to sound homeric and help kura]]
04:45:42: <Recaiden> The Noble now leading the chase attempts to dismiss Kura's narrative fetters, but bouyed as she is by the flowery descriptions of her allies, the fantasy proves unshakable.
04:45:44: <Tab> Kima lets loose her best unladlylike evil laugh and fires again!
04:45:51: <Tab> 2 success this time!
04:45:54: <Tab> But also a one
04:46:02: <Recaiden> He grits his teeth and drives the seahorses onward with a crack of a whip.
04:46:16: <Recaiden> ((Ones don't do anything unless you get 0 sux))
04:46:26: <tscarab> 2Kozu groans at the laugh and knocks an arrow. Broadhead.
04:46:34: <tscarab> A sharp point to brinf a sharp end
04:46:38: <Recaiden> 2 sux is better, nearly striking the fin of a pursuing seahorse.
04:46:49: <tscarab> 2Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies
04:46:56: <Recaiden> But now the fae fire back. One extends their hand and a jet of super-heated water shoots towards Kima
04:47:01: <Recaiden> ((You may describe your defense))
04:47:01: <tscarab> 2Should apply to sea snakes, too.
04:47:15: <Recaiden> ((2 stunts to Kozu))
04:47:22: <tscarab> Yay
04:47:31: <Recaiden> ((Oh, and 1 die of stunt to Kima. Rolled a 7))
04:47:52: <Recaiden> So she hits the seahorses's fin and it lilts to the side,a whole burned clean through its scaled.
04:48:04: <Recaiden> *hole, scales
04:48:29: <Recaiden> ((Roll push again for the next round of move))
04:48:38: <Tab> Kima let's the hit strike her, her imperious strength and soak hopefully taking the hit with no damage, fitting the way her glory puts the worlds weapons to impotence!
04:49:10: <Recaiden> ((What is Kima's soak?))
04:49:17: <firedaemon33> 6Kura continues to push, graces burning into being around her as she keeps pushing and shouts, "And now, the journey's end near, the foes far behind, our heroes give a surge of effort towards their destination!"
04:49:20: <tscarab> ((8 and 8 for my arrow))
04:49:27: <tscarab> ((I roll hella archery now))
04:49:37: <Recaiden> ((Whatever it is it gets a +1 stunt bonus))
04:49:43: <Tab> 3 to push for red
04:50:51: <Tab> Sixteen lethal soak I think
04:50:51: <Recaiden> The noble waves a hand contemptuously, swatting the arrow out of the sky as it flies in. Except he doesn't. The arrow strikes him in the shoulder, barely getting by his defense, and he stares at it in shock.
04:51:14: <firedaemon33> 6((One each on shape and push))
04:51:19: <tscarab> 2Kozu allows himself a bit of pride at the hit. Briefly.
04:52:04: <Recaiden> The jet of steam sizzles with enough heat to instantly burn a man alive. So to a deathknight, that's a mild burn. ((1 bashing damage after the soak))
04:53:11: <Tab> Kima laughs again, shaking the water off and letting her hair flow luxuriously with the movement.
04:53:24: <Recaiden> The hunting procession falls further and further behind. Let the lasers take his minions to the last, but to be struck himself? The huntsmaster will not stand for it. This game is done. Besides ,the prey has already nearly escaped.
04:53:54: <Beans> Neiz giggles. "Well, someone's just been made fools of... good job, everyone."
04:54:03: <tscarab> 2Kozu gives Kima an odd glance. She is clearly insane.
04:54:07: <Recaiden> The ship sails on, pushed towards safety, and as it passes over a small chasm it hits true water once again, and begins rising steadily towards something approximating the real, non-wyld world.
04:54:18: <Recaiden> Those Lunars pushing it had better hop on quick.
04:54:23: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swallows as she clambers about the ship and shrinks out of warform and says, "Ugh...I feel dirty."
04:54:31: <tscarab> 2" That was...terrifying from start to finish. "
04:54:32: <firedaemon33> 6((She's got gills, man.))
04:54:57: <Tab> Red hops onto the boat, but grins widely at kura and pats her on the back
04:55:02: <Recaiden> 11"I feel like that was some excellent teamwork. Thank you for saving us all."
04:55:14: <Tab> "Don't worry, well wash it off you later. You EARNED it"
04:55:34: <Tab> Kima, meanwhile, is pretending to shoot imaginary pirates with the cannon
04:55:47: <Tab> "kura, I love your friends already!"
04:56:18: <Tab> "Yes..." Red agrees "Impressive shot, sunchild." No backnpat for pandaguy
04:56:35: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says to Red, "Thank you," before sighing and saying very, very quietly, "What happened to the girl I used to cover for when Father was angry..."
04:56:49: <Beans> Neiz gives hugs to everyone who wants 'em!
04:57:11: <tscarab> 22Kozu tucks his bow away. "i'd rather i had not needed to tske it."
04:57:31: <Recaiden> 11Hug the Neiz
04:57:34: <Tab> Kima and red are hugged and hug neiz and Kira and Otavia!
04:57:49: <Recaiden> Hugs for everyone but Kozu!
04:57:57: <Recaiden> Even the minions!
04:58:10: <Tab> "For someone who shoots like that, you're no fun" Kima says
04:58:13: <Beans> :3
04:58:17: <firedaemon33> 6Kura hugs Neiz, but stays as far away from Otavia as possible
04:58:36: <tscarab> 2'My life is not about fun."
04:58:44: <firedaemon33> 6Freaking fae-making, spinmeistering, nutjob elemental
04:59:01: <Recaiden> The ship crests the ocean, rising to the top of the slope of water and returning to to the sea
04:59:01: <Tab> "You've got the wrong life then, sun child."
04:59:08: <Recaiden> The water is not gold.
04:59:19: <Recaiden> There are no visible sharks, no pirate flags on the horizon.
04:59:21: <Recaiden> Everything is great
04:59:21: <firedaemon33> 6*phew*
04:59:39: <tscarab> 2" Maybe." Kozu thanks the gods that business is done
04:59:54: <tscarab> 2Then immediately suspects something else coming.
05:00:07: <Recaiden> It takes a while for something else to arrive.
05:00:21: <Tab> "Definitely. You need to fix that."
05:00:42: <Tab> "That makes two!" Kima playfully nudges at kura with her elbow
05:00:58: <firedaemon33> 6Kura meanwhile, /tries/ to pull Red away for Lunertalk
05:01:09: <Recaiden> It's hours before The Shadow Isle is even a speck on the horizon
05:01:12: <Recaiden> Loonar it up
05:01:14: <tscarab> 2" Please manage your own life"
05:01:14: <firedaemon33> 6But is nudged, and simply shakes her head, smiling
05:01:25: <Tab> Red is pulled away!
05:01:35: <Tab> "Yes, fist of Luna?"
05:02:02: <Beans> Neiz goes to play with the spookyscary, because she's adorable.
05:02:09: <Recaiden> Otavia is sunbathing on the prow of the boat, just in front of the essence cannon
05:02:24: <firedaemon33> 6Once they have some modicum of lunar privacy, Kura nods to Red and says, "I need to talk, Silver and Red Trappings..."
05:02:32: <Tab> Spoopyknight Kima plays with neiz!
05:02:44: <Tab> "Please, just red. Long names and titles get...aggravating."
05:02:52: <Recaiden> Kozu, presumably, manages his own life.
05:02:54: <firedaemon33> 6"I may have had a bit of a hissy fit at Kozu. And...Made a rather regrettable decision."
05:02:57: <Tab> "Where are we headed?" Kima asks neiz
05:03:11: <Tab> "I noticed you using shaping" red nods
05:03:11: <firedaemon33> 6"Which is to say, I very nearly abandoned my caste to make a point."
05:03:24: <Tab> "An unwise and rash choice, child."
05:03:40: <Tab> "But don't worry, dear. It saved us today.'
05:03:52: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Indeed. The mad elemental, however, saw fit to give me shaping ability...And I just wanted to talk about it."
05:04:03: <firedaemon33> 6"I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do now."
05:04:07: <Tab> "I look at the value of people to their friends, not their value to their masters."
05:04:37: <Tab> "Learn to control it. Don't let it control you."
05:04:48: <Tab> "And please, don't try it again."
05:04:49: <Beans> "We're... actually going to the Underworld."
05:04:59: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Alright. I won't unless I need to."
05:05:00: <Tab> "The elemental did this?"
05:05:16: <Tab> Kima freezes mid beach ball, and it pops on her armour
05:05:16: <firedaemon33> 6"Yes. She's...Rather unique. And quite literally insane."
05:05:25: <Tab> "But I don't like it there."
05:05:30: <Tab> "Well"
05:05:34: <Tab> "I do"
05:05:47: <Tab> "But not when the death lords are lording it all around"
05:06:02: <Tab> "I will keep a close eye on her. For you."
05:06:15: <firedaemon33> 6"Thank you, Red."
05:06:23: <Tab> "You are family to my darling dearest. That means you are family toME"
05:06:32: <Tab> Red goes to hug Kura!
05:06:54: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles and says, "You as well, Red," as she hugs the elder Lunar
05:07:23: <tscarab> 22" None of us like it there, either, Miss...Miss Lethal."
05:07:39: <tscarab> 2But we got a letter calling for aid".
05:08:15: <Tab> "And, what, immediately dashed off? Like heroes of yore?" Kima says, rolling 'miss lethal, around in her mins
05:08:19: <Tab> *mind
05:08:25: <Tab> She LIKES the sound of miss lethal
05:08:50: <Tab> red pats kura again. "Now, about your sun child."
05:08:56: <Tab> "What's the deal there?"
05:09:38: <tscarab> 2Kozu sighs and focuses on steering the ship. No 21q today!
05:11:13: <firedaemon33> 6"He...Well, he's a bit tormented. He exalted after killing a cohort of demons that attack him and killed his master. Otherwise, I don't know."
05:11:22: <Tab> "You never said if you'd give me blood, too, y'know!"
05:11:59: <Tab> "Oh..." Red nods softly "I see."
05:12:49: <tscarab> 22" if it keeps you away from innocent necks, have at it," kozu halfway growls, annoyed
05:13:11: <Recaiden> 11"Kozu.....
05:13:14: <Recaiden> 11"Lighten up."
05:13:32: <tscarab> 2" No."
05:13:36: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Yeah. He really needs someone to keep his spirits up."
05:14:00: <Tab> "Aw, thanks! You're so sweeeeet!" Kima teases and makes a motion to pretend to gnaw on kozu:s neck!
05:14:10: <Recaiden> ((Someone should get Kozu's family and drag them along on adventures.))
05:14:19: <Tab> "Should I do something?"
05:14:49: <tscarab> 22Kozu just about j-turns the boat trying to get away from Lethal!
05:15:07: <firedaemon33> 6"Not really, no. He's not the sort that can be rushed. He'll heal on his own or he won't, but interference won't make things better. They might make them worse, even."
05:15:09: <tscarab> 2"DONT YOU TOUCH ME!"
05:15:36: <Recaiden> In Loonar discussion-land, the boat rocks hard to port, and Kozu is shouting something
05:15:48: <Recaiden> Otavia pops to her feet with a sigh.
05:15:53: <Recaiden> Oh. Nothing is really wrong.
05:15:55: <Tab> "I'll keep that in min-Just what the hell are they doing?"
05:16:31: <Tab> Kima backs off, holding her hands out to say 'dude, chill, I was just playing around!"
05:16:34: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "And now it seems like I have to go deal with my sister. /Wonderful/"
05:16:56: <Beans> Neiz runs over, waving her hands. "NOOOO FIGHTIIIIIIIIING DARLIIIIIIINGS~"
05:17:15: <tscarab> 22" People do /not/ touch me without my permission! Especially not...not murderers! "
05:17:24: <Tab> Indeed
05:17:29: <firedaemon33> 6Kura reemerges from Lunarland!
05:17:41: <Tab> "Indeed. Let's see what the damage is"
05:17:42: <firedaemon33> 6And she glares at Kima and says, "Please do not antagonize the Solar."
05:17:44: <Tab> Red follows
05:17:48: <Recaiden> Otavia is really /really/ tempted to go touch Kozu
05:17:51: <Recaiden> But she doesn't.
05:17:54: <Recaiden> +
05:17:58: <Tab> "Aw, you're such a flatterer," Kima says
05:18:07: <firedaemon33> 6:/
05:18:12: <firedaemon33> 6((That was IC))
05:18:14: <Tab> "Fine, sis."
05:18:30: <Tab> "I'll leave the nice pet be."
05:18:42: <firedaemon33> 6"Just because you happen to be an Abyssal now doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want!"
05:19:04: <tscarab> 2"The /wha/- you know what I do not even care any more."
05:19:41: <Recaiden> Is that an ominous cloud, directly ahead of them in the distance?
05:19:43: <Recaiden> I think it might be
05:19:47: <Tab> "I'm a god of death who escaped a worse god of death and beats up other gods of death. Why can't I do what I want?"
05:19:59: <Recaiden> Should be under it in an hour or three
05:20:06: <tscarab> 2Kozu looks through a jar again!
05:20:16: <Recaiden> Sorry Kozu. Clouds are real.
05:20:33: <tscarab> 22'This looks like the place..." He calls out
05:20:36: <Recaiden> Otavia opens her mouth and chokes back an offensive joke.
05:20:37: <tscarab> Brb
05:20:45: <firedaemon33> 6"Because there are people who make a job of killing us!"
05:20:55: <firedaemon33> 6"And they are very effective!"
05:21:08: <Recaiden> Oh man. Is this a job for Captain Immaculate and the Gaianeers?
05:21:15: <firedaemon33> 6"You cannot just stroll about in ridiculous armor everywhere!"
05:21:20: <Tab> "I'll just death at them,.too!"
05:21:21: <Recaiden> Oh, no. Ordinary shikari should do.
05:21:26: <Beans> Neiz smiles. "And if you're good, I have candy~"
05:21:44: <Tab> "Darling dearest, they are right. If a bit stingy."
05:21:54: <Tab> Kima.perks up at candy!
05:22:09: <tscarab> ((Kozu gave his candy to children at the fair))
05:22:41: <tscarab> 2" We've picked up a pair of proud killers. Wonderful."
05:23:08: <Tab> "You know nothing of what it means to have to.survive, do you sunchild?"
05:23:09: <firedaemon33> 6"You can't just kill everyone!"
05:23:29: <firedaemon33> 6She shoots Kozu a Look that says, "Don't talk about my sister like that."
05:23:32: <tscarab> 2Kozu glares. Red struck a nerve, it seems
05:23:48: <Tab> "I don't kill everybody!"
05:24:06: <Tab> 'Just the jerks! And sometimes really tasty people!"
05:24:16: <Recaiden> 11"For instance, we're still alive!"
05:24:39: <firedaemon33> 6"Oh really now? You can't kill everyone who pisses you off! Sometimes, you have to just take it!"
05:24:55: <Tab> "Can we PLEASE focus on the shadowland up ahead!" Red roses!
05:25:00: <Tab> *roars
05:25:01: <Recaiden> 11Otavia attempts to not look tasty. It's difficult
05:25:16: <Beans> Neiz looks at the shadowland! :0
05:25:56: <tscarab> 2" Yes, let's. The sooner we get in and out the better."
05:26:11: <Tab> Kima stands up and fakes.a goofy salute with Damocles
05:26:19: <Recaiden> The shadowland is slowly taking shape as a craggy island covered in unnatural rainclouds
05:26:23: <Tab> "WOTS TH' MISSION, CAP'N?"
05:26:45: <Tab> "Yes, what is our goal?"
05:27:12: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and shakes her head, annoyed, and says, "Well...Someone in there sent a distress call to the surface. We need to find out why."
05:27:34: <Tab> ((Was it the coral mistress lady))
05:27:49: <Tab> ((She's trying to escape the first and forsaken leeroy)
05:27:50: <firedaemon33> 6((I dun think so.))
05:27:58: <tscarab> ((Gods i hope not))
05:27:59: <firedaemon33> 6((Maybe.))
05:28:38: <tscarab> 2" Whoever did so also managed to do it through some scrolls i summoned. Which is cause for intrigue. "
05:28:49: <Recaiden> ((probably not her, no))
05:29:11: <Tab> "Summoned?" Red asks "you are a sorcerer?"
05:29:12: <Beans> [[princess maggie]]
05:29:36: <tscarab> 2" Yes."
05:29:57: <Tab> Red casts a worried eye at Kima
05:30:02: <Tab> But it is too late
05:30:12: <Tab> Kima beams "me too! Me too!"
05:30:19: <Tab> "Only, like, with ghosts!"
05:30:36: <Tab> "Necromancy, darling dearest" Red reminds her
05:30:43: <Tab> "Yeah that!"
05:30:48: <firedaemon33> 6Kura facepalms
05:31:07: <tscarab> 2Kozu raises an eyebrow. A curious one!
05:31:18: <firedaemon33> 6"Oh dear Luna above, my sister is a necromancer. Whyyyyy."
05:31:30: <tscarab> 2"I would not expect you to be a scholar of occult arts."
05:31:52: <Tab> "Ghosts can be real nice people, you know!" Kima pouts
05:32:19: <Recaiden> Kura, oddly, hears an answer. /Life and Death are given to humanity/
05:32:27: <Tab> "And here I expected another fit" red humphs
05:32:39: <Beans> Neiz leans against Red, sighing. "Gmnehhhh. These kids are crazy."
05:32:45: <tscarab> ((VOICES))
05:33:09: <Tab> "Indeed. Whatever can we do against such reckless cuteness?"
05:33:15: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blinks and says, "Wow. Was /not/ expecting an answer."
05:33:25: <firedaemon33> 6"Thanks, Luna."
05:34:02: <Tab> Kima sits against Red's leg. "Love me. Feed me. Neber leave me!"
05:34:16: <Recaiden> Anyway. Approaching shadowlands
05:34:20: <Recaiden> There's a harsh rocky shore.
05:34:22: <Tab> Red's response is a kiss on Kima's forehead
05:34:39: <tscarab> 2Kozu pulls the boat to a stop short of the shore.
05:34:40: <Recaiden> Littered with ruined ships of first age style, if not as magical make as your own
05:34:42: <firedaemon33> 6((Okay. It's too late for this silliness. Night guys.))
05:34:44: <Recaiden> Mostly, anyway.
05:34:48: <Beans> [[nighters]]
05:34:51: <tscarab> 2He doesn't want to wreck the ship.
05:34:56: <tscarab> Noits
05:35:01: <Tab> Good night
05:35:04: <Tab> Awww
05:35:05: <Recaiden> Broken hulls creak in the wind and phantasmal bits of mist swirl about
05:35:20: <Recaiden> ((and, just before entering the shadowland, we stop for the night))

2014-10-01, 10:43 PM
02:29:52: <Tab> WOOO
02:30:08: <Recaiden> Kura met her dead sister, who joined the party along with Silver in Red Trappings, an oddly reasonable Lunar.
02:30:15: <tscrab> We ended at the shadowlands, right?
02:30:20: <Tab> hah
02:30:21: <firedaemon33> 4Oddly?
02:30:24: <Tab> 'reasonable'
02:30:31: <Recaiden> After evading a band of fae, the ship came to the Isle of Shadows
02:30:47: <Recaiden> And anchored a moderate distance offshore.
02:31:18: <tscrab> 2" When night falls, we can enter the underworld from here."
02:31:37: <Tab> "Duuuuuuuuh" Kima boredly flips her hair
02:32:17: <firedaemon33> 6"Why wait until night?"
02:32:33: <Beans> Neiz looks at the isle of spoopy warily.
02:32:36: <Recaiden> The island looks downright inhospitable, and the shore is covered in wrecked ships, some of which have every indication of having sat there undisturbed for centuries
02:32:40: <Recaiden> While others are more recent
02:32:45: <tscrab> 2Kozu sighs and glares at Kima before speaking "The entrance only opens up at night."
02:32:49: <Recaiden> No other sign of human habitation is there
02:33:09: <tscrab> 2" Though... I somewhat doubt we might make it until then."
02:33:22: <Tab> "Oh, really?"
02:33:25: <Tab> red asks wryly
02:33:31: <Tab> "What makes you think that?"
02:33:49: <Tab> "I reckon its on account of the shipwrecks" Kima says
02:34:00: <Recaiden> Kozu's history sense is tingling
02:34:08: <tscrab> What does it say
02:34:24: <Recaiden> ((Solars and loonars roll essence))
02:34:42: <tscrab> ((2))
02:34:58: <Tab> 1 and 0!
02:35:14: <firedaemon33> 6((Hold on))
02:35:37: <firedaemon33> 6((2))
02:36:19: <tscrab> ((5 int+lore sux))
02:36:22: <Recaiden> A vision flickers through your minds. This same coast, bright and alive.
02:36:40: <Recaiden> First Age skim-ships darting up to the port.
02:36:52: <Recaiden> Relief at getting back here.
02:37:06: <Tab> Red stares, amazed! what is this witchcraft?
02:37:15: <Recaiden> ((Sorry, I was unclear))
02:37:28: <Recaiden> ((Kozu only sees this, as I was responding at his question))
02:37:37: <Tab> oops
02:38:12: <tscrab> 2Kozu blinks, staring in amazement.
02:38:29: <tscrab> 2" This...this place used to be full of life. What happened?"
02:38:43: <Recaiden> Kura sees the place at twilight, swarms of bats flooding out from the arches in the single manse-town to hunt.
02:39:27: <Tab> "How long until nightfall anyways?" Kima asks
02:39:34: <Recaiden> Hours and hours
02:39:35: <Tab> "I'm booooored!"
02:39:38: <Recaiden> It's like, morning ish
02:39:55: <Recaiden> 11"That must have been Ages ago, Kozu. Time passed."
02:40:00: <tscrab> 2" Kima, the sun is still in the first half of its arc," Kozu sighs
02:40:07: <firedaemon33> 6"Yeah..It's beautiful."
02:40:23: <tscrab> 2" Something happened to turn this place into a shadowland. I want to know."
02:41:15: <firedaemon33> 6"Agreed...I'm curious. What happened?"
02:41:17: <Tab> Red shivers "I don't. let's focus on not wrecking until the time comes to leave."
02:41:34: <Beans> Neiz watches suspiciously. She cannot trust this place.
02:41:45: <tscrab> 2" I do not know...but there could be first age knowledge in there..."
02:43:30: <Tab> "I wouldn't risk it," Red says, keeping a careful eye on her bored spoopknigt
02:43:51: <firedaemon33> 6"I don't know either way...But we need to find out who sent the notes."
02:44:41: <Tab> "Tell me more about them."
02:46:25: <Tab> Kima stares out at the shore. she doesn't want to wait.
02:46:31: <Tab> she wants to EXPLOOOOOORRRREWEW
02:48:37: <tscrab> 2" Notes turned up in scrolls I summoned as part of a spell. They have a message in them. They called for aid, for a rescue from some place in Stygia."
02:48:51: <Beans> "And it's been going on for... a long time."
02:49:44: <Tab> "Stygia?" Kima asks, then laughs ,"Ohhhhh man, this is gonna get crazy!"
02:50:00: <Tab> red scowls. "and how do you plan to make it there and back?"
02:51:35: <tscrab> 2" Carefully. We need to infiltrate and survey, first."
02:53:03: <Tab> "So no plan, then?" Red snorts, but Kima snaps up to slap her on the back and smile, "That's the best kind of plan!"
02:54:52: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glares at Kima and says, "Calm down. We don't know what's here and we need to be careful."
02:55:38: <Tab> "Careful is for loooooseeerrrrrs!" Kima insists!
02:55:58: <Tab> but red feels differently. "she has a point, dear."
02:56:30: <Beans> "I agree with our newest and most pillowy friend."
02:57:14: <tscrab> 2" We...might have an advantage in our new a-...in miss lethal."
02:57:31: <tscrab> 2" Miss Lethal, what can you tell us about the Underworld? "
02:57:52: <Recaiden> 11"I bet there's thigns, if not people, on the island, who could tell us a lot."
02:57:58: <Tab> "Weeeellllll," Kima ***** her head, then starts counting off and rambling countless facts on her fingers!
02:58:22: <Tab> "I'd rather avoid the island," Red says worriedly
02:59:47: <tscrab> 2" I feel it is...safer here. For the time being. But questions still need to be answered."
02:59:52: <firedaemon33> 6"I'm afraid we need to get to Stygia somehow."
03:00:36: <Tab> "We can take the boat!"
03:00:58: <Recaiden> 11Otavia nods. "We will have to cross the sea of shadows, back to the Isle."
03:01:33: <Tab> "You mean the realm?" Red asks nervously, but Kima huhd her and says "No, no, just where it would be in creation!"
03:02:45: <tscrab> 2" Indeed. The Underworld is a twisted mirror of Creation. There is a blessed isle there, but no realm."
03:04:56: <Recaiden> A sound drifts from the island. Rattling chain and calling birds.
03:05:10: <Recaiden> Something is there. Maybe even something alive.
03:05:33: <tscrab> 2" Of course. Because why not?"
03:05:49: <tscrab> 2Kozu searches for an intact huraka jar to look through.
03:06:31: <Tab> Red looks towards the island, worried. "Someone has to search that out, don't they?"
03:07:11: <Beans> Neiz frowns. "This is... this is going to be problematic and awful, isn't it?"
03:07:38: <Recaiden> The island looks the same through the enchanted jar
03:08:02: <tscrab> 2"Perhaps Miss Kuragari and Miss Red could do a fly over?" Kozu suggests, setting the jar aside
03:08:26: <Tab> "The boat can fly, can't it?" Kima asks
03:08:56: <tscrab> 2" To...a degree.'
03:09:00: <Recaiden> ((The boat can hover))
03:09:03: <firedaemon33> 6"I could fly over, yes."
03:09:06: <Recaiden> ((It cannot ascend these cliffs))
03:09:53: <Tab> "I could check it out as a bat," Red nods, but I don't like the feel of this place."
03:10:11: <firedaemon33> 6"I agree, but I don't think we really have an option."
03:10:17: <tscrab> 2" Just as well, the boat could not ascend the cliffs."
03:11:02: <Tab> "But I wanna seeeee!" Kima pouts, prompting Red to hug her
03:11:28: <Tab> "don't worry, dear, i'll tell you all about it."
03:11:33: <Recaiden> 11"I'll bring you, Miss Lethal."
03:11:47: <firedaemon33> 6"No you won't, Otavia."
03:11:49: <Recaiden> 11Otavia holds a hand out to the deathknight
03:11:53: <tscrab> 2" You can fly, Miss Otavia?"
03:11:58: <Recaiden> 11And glares at Kura.
03:12:04: <Recaiden> 11"I can, Master Kozu."
03:12:35: <Tab> kima leaps up at the offer, but red grabs her hand and shakes her head
03:12:54: <Tab> "why not?" Kima asks, and red looks questioningly at Kura
03:13:20: <tscrab> 2Kozu coughs.
03:13:31: <tscrab> 2This is...awkward.
03:14:25: <firedaemon33> 6"Long story short, Otavia is not someone I want you to be around."
03:15:24: <Tab> "Sis, I can handle a bad influence," Kima shakes her head and smiles
03:16:31: <Recaiden> 11"Your sister doesn't seem like the type to make really regrettable decisions."
03:17:13: <Tab> "Yeah, come on! you and red will be with me!"
03:17:53: <Tab> Red shrugs and releases Kima's hand. there's no stopping Kima when she gets into something
03:18:14: <firedaemon33> 6"Right. Says the death knight. Look, you really don't want to know what she did to me."
03:19:06: <tscrab> 22" Miss Otavia took advantage of Miss Kuragari at a very...inopportune time,' Kozu says, wanting to clesr thid all out
03:19:43: <tscrab> 2"She still travels with us because she is the only one who can teach Miss Kuragari how to shape. "
03:20:00: <firedaemon33> 6((Ooooh. That's why she's still around.))
03:20:22: <Tab> "This guy saying what I think he's saying?" Kika growls, and Red steps a bit closer to her
03:20:46: <firedaemon33> 6"Indeed."
03:20:46: <Beans> Neiz twitches, stepping closer. She doesn't want a fight if she can avoid it.
03:21:02: <Recaiden> 11Otavia looks heavily at Kozu.
03:21:18: <Recaiden> 11"He can say what he likes. Doesn't make that what happened."
03:21:46: <Tab> "You bitch!" Kima spits, disgusted, and hefts up Damocles while red rushes to grabbher arms and stop hwr
03:22:17: <Tab> "Oh, so everybody else here is lying?" Kima snarls!
03:22:29: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smirks and says, "I do need her alive, though."
03:22:49: <firedaemon33> 6"Otherwise, have at her."
03:23:19: <tscrab> 2"2Did you just-" Kozu is in disbelief at this poibt
03:23:36: <tscrab> 2Everyone is being stupid, he's been called a liar
03:23:52: <tscrab> 2He doesn't like any of this
03:23:59: <Beans> "... You know, I don't know why I try to stop fights any more."
03:24:30: <Recaiden> 11"Defend myself against a most unjust accusation?"
03:24:53: <Tab> "Can't make any guarantees, sis!" Kima wheels back with Damocles, only for Red to stop her, "Hold on, dear!"
03:26:13: <Recaiden> ((How long was the downtime?))
03:26:13: <tscrab> 2"We already discussed this!" Kozu complains loudly "we're done with all this! Otavia was wrong, but we /need/ her right now!"
03:26:24: <Recaiden> ((Till the end of Fire))
03:26:28: <tscrab> ((Few weeks id assume))
03:26:29: <Recaiden> ((But when did it start?))
03:26:46: <tscrab> ((No more than two months id say))
03:26:53: <Recaiden> ((That's what I'd figure))
03:27:08: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply stands back and smiles
03:28:05: <Tab> "Oh, so everybody's a-okay with the rapist-tress?" Kima demands!
03:28:12: <Recaiden> 11"Kozu you've needed me this whole time."
03:28:21: <Recaiden> 11"And I am /not/ a rapist, Miss Lethal."
03:28:26: <firedaemon33> 6"Why would you get that impression, Kima?
03:28:58: <tscrab> 2" No, we are not okay with this! We are suffering from necessity here!"
03:30:11: <Tab> "Well you haven't killed her yet, duh!" red struggles to hold the much stronger abyssal back! "Kima, dear, not everything is solved by beheading!"
03:30:21: <Tab> "You always say that!"
03:30:27: <Tab> "I'm always right!"
03:30:42: <Beans> "She remains because she provides use to us." Neiz has suddenly turned into a cold wall, stars glittering icily in her pupils. "No more and no less."
03:31:21: <firedaemon33> 6"Indeed. No more and no less."
03:32:31: <tscrab> 2" Thank the gods some of us are reasonable" kozu mutters
03:32:49: <Recaiden> Red wins the reasonable lunar award
03:33:07: <Tab> Damocles is finally lowered, Kima scowling. she points at Otavia with the 'I'm watching you' gesture
03:35:09: <tscrab> 2" Thank you, Miss Lethal. I assure you, none of us are comfortable with this."
03:36:37: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhm. If she wasn't necessary, she would have been dead long ago."
03:36:58: <tscrab> 2" I wouldn't go that far."
03:37:11: <firedaemon33> 6"No, you wouldn't. I would, though."
03:37:27: <Tab> "I would. she looks tasty" Kima says, as red seriously rethinks her order of snuggles for the circle
03:37:35: <Recaiden> 11"Just like your sister. Wanting to kill everything in sight. How cute."
03:38:19: <Tab> Kima giggles sarcastically "awwww thanks! Bitch."
03:38:54: <tscrab> 2" Back to the matter at hand, please? " kozu sihhs
03:39:01: <tscrab> *sighs
03:39:07: <Beans> Neiz looks at Otavia and swallows, neck muscles tensing, but glances to Kozu again.
03:39:23: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles, but says, "Now, now. Language."
03:40:04: <Tab> "Yes, dear. Language. you're much cuter when you're not obscene."
03:40:30: <Tab> red hugs Kima tight, mostly just trying to prevent a surprise attack on otavia
03:42:52: <Recaiden> 11"That matter being waiting?
03:43:33: <tscrab> 2" That matter being /scouting the island/," Kozu says, clearly on the edge here
03:43:50: <tscrab> ((How many points makes a limit break, btw?))
03:44:07: <tscrab> ((And how to reduce?))
03:44:08: <Recaiden> ((10))
03:44:19: <Recaiden> ((Doesn't reduce except special things))
03:44:20: <tscrab> ((Oh phew))
03:44:43: <tscrab> ((Thought it was your essence score))
03:44:51: <Recaiden> 11"I could look around. Separate from anyone else who does."
03:45:41: <tscrab> 2"Forgive me if I dont trust you"
03:45:56: <tscrab> 2Kozu looks up at the island again. It feels disturbingly... Familiar
03:46:58: <Tab> "I can go with Kura," Red says "I have a shard bat form"
03:47:20: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Our best bet is a flyover."
03:49:25: <Tab> "I agree. sorry, dear, but you should stay behind with the responsible ones. the nice little sunchild will keep his pet off of you, WONT HE NOW?" Rrd bares her teeth at Kozu
03:50:09: <tscrab> 2" You have my word, " Kozu says with a bow
03:51:46: <Recaiden> Flying lunars prepare to leave
03:51:55: <Recaiden> Flying elemental sits by the edge of the boat
03:52:01: <Recaiden> Kozu is theatric
03:52:04: <Recaiden> Neiz is sad
03:52:17: <Beans> Neiz is more angry than sad actually.
03:52:39: <Recaiden> Neiz has unclear emotions for unclear reasons.
03:52:50: <Recaiden> Kima is angry, though less than a moment ago
03:52:54: <Tab> Red discards her furs, handing them off to Kima before changing and putting on a little show about it
03:53:13: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply shifts form, with no flair, into that of a hawk
03:53:51: <tscrab> 2Kozu is thankful for Kura's pragmatism.
03:55:20: <Tab> red flutters off, a little bit disappointed by the lack of applause, and uses her changing plumage knack to blend in with the environment. a stark white bat probably wouldn't do too well here.
03:58:20: <Recaiden> A stark white bat is not as out of place in a shadowland as one might imagine
03:58:24: <Recaiden> And the two are off flying
03:58:48: <Tab> but a midnight black one is even less out of place!
03:59:01: <Recaiden> First over the shipwrecks creaking, then the cliffs, which give way to scrub and then forests of gnarled trees.
03:59:07: <Recaiden> The island stretches on for miles
03:59:24: <Tab> meanwhile, back on the boat, Kima glares at Otavia. "and here I thought you were Snuggleworthy."
03:59:35: <Recaiden> But even from here, they can see a towering stone spire rising in the northwest, and a patch of bright green near the island's center.
03:59:58: <Recaiden> 11"And one's actions have some bearing on this?"
04:00:22: <Recaiden> She sounds bored. Being hated and misunderstood, as she sees it, is tiring.
04:01:05: <firedaemon33> 6Kura wings towards the patch of green, curious as to what it is.
04:02:54: <Tab> "Totally," Kima scoels
04:03:14: <Tab> red meanwhile, flaps towards the spire! that is definitely something!
04:03:38: <Recaiden> 11"Humans are very strange."
04:04:11: <Recaiden> It' rises a couple hundred feet over the forest canopy, or it would if there were forest, but there's clearly a large area cleared around it.
04:04:50: <Tab> Red flies around it once, then tries to fly up and check out the top, looking for clues to...well, anything!
04:04:54: <Recaiden> The thing is black on black, with obsidian designs set into less shiny stone blocks. It wobbles back and forth before coming to a point that hangs over a sizeable pit
04:05:03: <Recaiden> And it's at the center of a city!
04:05:15: <Recaiden> There are people down there!
04:05:23: <Tab> "Excuse us for asking that people be okay with sex first"
04:05:40: <Tab> Red squeaks in surprise and swoops down to investigate!
04:06:06: <Recaiden> Kura, on the other hand, finds a spiral of hedges and foreign trees, transplanted here from around the world.
04:06:12: <tscrab> 2" Could I ask that you two just not speak to each other? "
04:06:13: <Recaiden> ((Perception + Awareness, Shromp))
04:06:26: <Recaiden> 11"Oh, we do the same."
04:07:01: <Recaiden> 11"I think that would be a shame, Kozu. But you may, and if she agrees, I will."
04:07:34: <Beans> Neiz plants herself between the two, her back to Tavi and facing spookycute.
04:07:40: <Tab> "Doesn't seem to stop you if they aren't!" Kima says, ignoring the pandaguy
04:09:09: <Recaiden> 11"It would, if that had happened"
04:09:23: <firedaemon33> 6((5 Sux))
04:09:27: <Recaiden> ((roll Wits+Occult for Red))
04:09:53: <Recaiden> Kura notices that this whole place is Warded, covered in thaumaturgical barriers to keep things out.
04:10:03: <Recaiden> Which would help explain the clear division between it and the surrounding area.
04:10:13: <Recaiden> It's also clearly a deliberate garden of some sort.
04:10:24: <Recaiden> Though there are buildings at the center.
04:10:49: <firedaemon33> 6Kura flies over, trying to see what the buildings are
04:12:12: <Tab> Red got a 2
04:12:43: <Tab> "Are you saying she asked for it?" Kima's grip on Damocles tightens!
04:13:08: <tscrab> 2" Miss Otavia, please do not antagonize the death knight."
04:13:12: <Recaiden> Kura finds herself unable to fly over the area.
04:13:18: <Recaiden> Something turns her aside.
04:13:34: <Recaiden> ((Although she could spend 1 WP and gain 1 limit to force herself through))
04:13:48: <Recaiden> Red suspects that these people might be ghosts.
04:13:53: <Recaiden> There's just something off about them.
04:14:00: <Recaiden> They do not seem to regard a bat as anythign strange.
04:14:16: <Recaiden> They are all, uniformly dressed in what can only be described as a cultist's outfit
04:14:33: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply glides away, annoyed, but not willing to force the issue
04:14:34: <Recaiden> Hooded robes of dark silk, inlaid with jade-powder runes that hurt the eyes to look upon.
04:14:41: <Tab> She decides to fly back up to the tower and look around, maybe try to find a window to look inside!
04:15:16: <Recaiden> The only opening high in the tower is near the point, where it open to the platform that extends over the pit.
04:15:40: <Recaiden> There is a slow pulse to the air near it. Like a great beast's heart beating in the blackness.
04:15:48: <Tab> Red pauses outside, not sure if she should try to enter
04:16:08: <Tab> It feels like a bad idea. she flies off to find kura!
04:16:21: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is flying back towards the ship to report
04:16:46: <Tab> Then so is Red, bringing a happy distraction for Kima!
04:17:15: <Recaiden> 11"Yes, Kozu. Clearly that is what I am doing."
04:17:19: <Recaiden> 11Sarcasm.
04:17:20: <Recaiden> 11Yay
04:17:29: <Tab> She shapehanges back once on the deck and dons her furs, Kika looking at her excitedly and asking "What'd you see?"
04:17:32: <Recaiden> But further confrontation is interrupted by the return of the fliers
04:18:11: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shifts back as well and says, "I found a very heavily warded garden...I couldn't take a closer look."
04:18:17: <Tab> "A city of...I think ghosts. wearing strange robes. it was in a pit, around a big tower that felt...wrong. like it was alive, but not."
04:19:09: <tscrab> 2Kozu contemplates both of their descriptions. "Many shadowlands arw ruled over by Deathlords...but I dont know which one would hold power here. miss lethal?"
04:22:07: <Tab> Does Kima know anything about it?
04:22:20: <Recaiden> Kima knows nothing about this place!
04:22:47: <Tab> Kima shrugs "Don't look at me, man, I've got no clue!"
04:23:10: <tscrab> 2" Wonderful. A death knight who does not know about the death lords. "
04:24:04: <tscrab> 2" Truly, she is a boon to us all!"
04:24:53: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "She's also a death knight that's not going to try to murder us."
04:25:02: <Tab> "Step off, sunchild" red snorts "I've eaten plenty of rabbits cuter than you for less backtalk."
04:25:50: <tscrab> 2" What," kozu blanks out. Did she just call him cute?
04:28:44: <Recaiden> No, she just called him an ugly rabbit
04:28:50: <Recaiden> But he's free to misunderstand
04:29:58: <Tab> hah
04:30:48: <tscrab> 2" I think we should leave things be. We do not want to draw attention to ourselves. "
04:32:21: <Tab> Kima edges towards the essence cannon, a mischievous smile crawling on to her face.
04:33:13: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks at Kima and says, "Don't even think about it."
04:33:50: <Tab> "I'm thinking really hard though!" Kima whines
04:34:03: <Beans> "Think about other things."
04:34:05: <Tab> red holds her comfortingly, putting her furs back on
04:34:12: <Beans> "Like Red's bosom."
04:34:33: <Tab> "Its okay, dear, there'll always be more to kill."
04:34:34: <firedaemon33> 6Kura's baleful gaze turns to Neizs
04:34:59: <Tab> Red raises an eye brown at Neiz, smiling, and Kima laughs "Red's bosom indeed!"
04:35:21: <Beans> "... What? It's something that's likely to hold her attention."
04:35:25: <tscrab> 2Kozu groans and slams his head against the ship.
04:35:38: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Wonderful. On top of everything else, the friggin deathlords turned my sister into a lesbian, too."
04:35:48: <tscrab> 2" Why does fate hate me soooooo"
04:36:06: <Tab> "Woah, sis, who said anything about that?"
04:36:40: <firedaemon33> 6"Need I explain the nature of the Lunar bond>:
04:36:42: <firedaemon33> 6*?"
04:36:52: <Beans> "I don't think the deathlords actually do that..."
04:37:07: <Recaiden> 11"Kura!"
04:37:24: <Recaiden> Yes, even Otavia is upset at that comment.
04:37:30: <Tab> "She knows all about lunar bonding" Red assures
04:37:40: <Tab> her tone is more worrying than assurijg
04:37:44: <Tab> assuring
04:37:50: <firedaemon33> 6Another sigh
04:38:16: <tscrab> 2" Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... "
04:38:21: <firedaemon33> 6((Note that Kura's opinions do not reflect those of Daemon Co. Inc."
04:38:21: <firedaemon33> 6*))
04:38:57: <Beans> "Isn't the Lunar Bond not always of a romantic nature anyway?"
04:39:25: <Tab> "Sis, what is it your choice or the death lord's who I am or am not into?"
04:39:46: <Tab> "Why couldn't I hit on pandaguy if I wanted to?
04:39:46: <firedaemon33> 6"I just...Argh! I can't deal with this right now!"
04:39:49: <firedaemon33> 6And she shromps off
04:40:09: <firedaemon33> 6(Read: Goes and hides under the boat to collect her thoughts.))
04:40:15: <tscrab> 2"Could you not?" kozu groans
04:40:17: <Beans> "... You should probably not hit on Kozu, actually, that's... sort of a sore point."
04:41:03: <Tab> "But its sooooo funnyyyy!" kima giggles, requiring a shush from Red
04:41:22: <Beans> Neiz sort of wiggles her arms helplessly.
04:42:01: <Recaiden> Neiz is entirely correct that the bond is only sometimes romantic
04:42:32: <Tab> "I think your sister has laid claim, dear" red says responsibly, prompting Kima to slyly ask "And that has ever stopped you, when, Red?"
04:42:46: <Tab> Red stammers for a moment, then shrugs

2014-10-02, 11:27 PM
Logs of this session are giving me problems.


Kozu and Red went to investigate the tower. Kozu had flashbacks, was reckless. Red yelled a bunch and tried to set him up with Kura.
Otavia was resummoned.
Kura refused to murder Kozu's wife, citing 'conscience' and 'morality' and 'caring about Kozu'.
Kima banished a shipful of ghost raiders.

The underworld was entered.

Kura freaked out and was comforted by Red.
The ghosties were rescued: Dryga Efson, died in a fire. Granny Nem, first name ???, killed herself and a roomful of her enemies. Good baker.
Lintha ghost ships spotted in the distance.

2014-10-05, 11:04 PM
02:34:20: <techscrab> LAST TIME ON SHROMPBALL Z
02:34:30: <Recaiden> Underworld happened
02:34:38: <Recaiden> More sailing is ocuring
02:34:46: <Recaiden> You rescued die-in-a-fire guy and granny ghost.
02:34:50: <firedaemon33> 6Mmhm
02:34:51: <Tab> ghost gramma!
02:34:52: <Recaiden> A lintha ship was spotted
02:34:54: <Recaiden> What do
02:35:01: <Beans> :O granny spoops
02:35:16: <techscrab> 2Kozu orders the minions to try and avoid the ship if at all possible
02:35:31: <firedaemon33> 6Kura eyes the ship nervously and says, "Have the noticed us?"
02:36:01: <techscrab> 2The last thing he wants is to draw attention, and hes pretty sure Kima cant banish ghosts here
02:36:15: <Beans> Neiz looks around at the ghost buddies
02:37:27: <Tab> Kima pops up to the deck to get a better look, but Red stays down with Kura
02:37:41: <Tab> Cuddles are the best medicine
02:38:11: <Recaiden> The minions attempt an avoid
02:38:17: <Recaiden> ((Have them roll Wits+Sail))
02:39:35: <techscrab> ((5 sux!))
02:40:02: <firedaemon33> 6((I think Kura's back on deck.))
02:40:09: <Recaiden> The ship apparently decides you all aren't worth chasing
02:40:43: <techscrab> 2Kozu breaths a sigh of relief. "Thank the gods..."
02:40:54: <Tab> then red is with kura
02:41:12: <Tab> Kima looks disappointed. she really wanted to fight!
02:41:19: <Beans> Neiz is talking with the ghosties
02:41:32: <Recaiden> Ghosties are neizing with talk
02:42:25: <Beans> when I was a little siddy and the spoop was comin dowwwn
02:43:13: <techscrab> 2Kozu keeps a careful eye out still, double checking the injured minion from the fall to make sure its leg is healing properly
02:44:01: <Recaiden> Injure-minion appears to be fine
02:44:34: <techscrab> 2Good, good. Kozu decides to check with the other ghost, the old lady.
02:44:41: <Recaiden> check what?
02:45:22: <Tab> Red keeps close to Kura, and Kima sits on the edge of the ship and paints her nails. black and silver with little white ghosties!
02:45:33: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply sight
02:45:36: <firedaemon33> 6*sighs
02:45:38: <techscrab> 2Talk to her, introduced himself
02:45:50: <techscrab> 2He hasnt yet
02:46:23: <Recaiden> He is introduced!
02:46:27: <techscrab> 2ask her name and all that
02:47:53: <Recaiden> I still can't remember her name, but she'll tell it to him
02:47:56: <Recaiden> Seems friendly enough
02:48:43: <techscrab> I dont think you gave us one
02:48:59: <techscrab> 2" So, how did you end up here, Ma'am?"
02:49:08: <Tab> spoopmam
02:49:18: <Recaiden> I did.
02:49:21: <Recaiden> I forgot it.
02:49:24: <Recaiden> "Death."
02:49:31: <Recaiden> "How about you, dearie?"
02:49:36: <Tab> I don't remember either! D:
02:50:27: <techscrab> 2" I meant more about how," Kozu says with a friendly chuckle, "But I am here on a...quest of sorts. I received a message calling for my aid."
02:50:50: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glances at Red and says, "So...What is Kima like now?"
02:51:26: <Recaiden> Kima is adorable, like always.
02:51:31: <Tab> "A sweet girl."
02:51:46: <Recaiden> "Sounds exciting. I wish I'd had the chance to travel more, though to the Underworld never crossed my mind."
02:51:52: <Tab> "If...a bit energetic. And loose of morals."
02:52:45: <techscrab> 2" I had not exactly planned to, I would not be here if not for the cry for help."
02:53:29: <Recaiden> "Who is it you're going all this way to help?"
02:54:19: <techscrab> 2"I do not know yet."
02:54:38: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "I-I see...It doesn't surprise me...But...Is it silly to say that I miss her? Who...Who she was?"
02:54:58: <Tab> "I didn't know her back then, so I wouldn't know."
02:55:51: <Tab> "She isn't so bad now...just odd. she has a way with people when she means to."
03:00:25: <Beans> Neiz is being social with dead people, because she's fun
03:00:53: <Recaiden> So is Kozu, out of cold calculation!
03:01:02: <Recaiden> The group sails on, discussing.
03:01:47: <techscrab> What
03:01:48: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods, and says, after a moment's reflection, says, "It's just...She was so sweet...And now she's so...Not..."
03:01:50: <techscrab> No
03:01:57: <techscrab> Hes trying to be politw
03:02:16: <Recaiden> Later on, the crew spots a distant mass of seaweed and algae.
03:02:23: <Recaiden> Moving against the current to intercept them.
03:02:45: <Beans> o shet
03:02:49: <Tab> "She is sweet!" red insists with a hug "trust me. she's still a good girl, she just needs... direction"
03:02:49: <Recaiden> ((You may roll Int+Survival. non-Kimas get a -3 dice Underworld penalty))
03:03:39: <techscrab> ((1 sux...))
03:04:11: <Tab> one for red, four for kima
03:04:33: <firedaemon33> 6((No point.))
03:05:10: <Recaiden> Kozu can tell that this is bad
03:05:18: <Recaiden> Kima recognizes it as an algal dragon
03:05:29: <Recaiden> The apex predator of the sea of shadows
03:05:40: <Recaiden> Its preferred prey is whole ships
03:05:58: <techscrab> 2" We need to get moving. Now. Whatever that is, it cannot be good."
03:06:23: <techscrab> 2" Minions, get us moving away from...it."
03:07:29: <Tab> "It's a dragon," Kima says boredly, "Big, mean jerk of a dragon. it'll eat us whole if it can."
03:08:15: <Tab> "Unless..." she perks up and scrambles close to look kozu in the eye "You lemme fight it!"
03:08:20: <Tab> "Come onnnnnb!"
03:08:24: <Tab> red sighs
03:08:30: <Tab> "like I said direction."
03:08:52: <techscrab> 2Kozu shakes his head at Kima.
03:08:54: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "Things really want to kill us."
03:08:58: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhm...Well...If we wait, perhaps it won't notice us."
03:09:07: <techscrab> 2"I would rather not risk it, Miss Lethal."
03:09:17: <firedaemon33> 6"But we should be prepared to fight it off should it attack."
03:10:06: <Tab> "That's what I'm saying, sis!" Kima says
03:10:16: <Tab> "At least let me man the cannon!"
03:10:59: <techscrab> 2Kozu sighs and shakes his head, returning to directing the Ship With No Name
03:11:10: <techscrab> 2/Away/ from the algal dragon
03:12:35: <Tab> Kima rushes to man the cannon anyways, but Red stops her
03:13:15: <Tab> "I'm the better shot, dear. let me."
03:14:05: <Tab> Kima shrugs and heads to the back of the ship to heft Damocles on her shoulder.
03:14:22: <Tab> she keeps a steady middle finger aimed at the dragon!
03:14:54: <Recaiden> The ship continues to be fast
03:15:03: <Recaiden> The algal dragon chases them, falling slowly behind, for hours
03:15:13: <Recaiden> Before finally giving up in disgust
03:15:13: <techscrab> De fasterest
03:15:20: <techscrab> running always works
03:15:36: <Tab> Kima pouts. she wanted to fight it!
03:18:45: <techscrab> Dont worry well get outrun eventually
03:21:52: <Recaiden> Just not today
03:22:02: <Recaiden> The trip goes smoothly after that
03:22:09: <Recaiden> Until after days of travel
03:22:26: <Recaiden> You spot ahead of you a burning blue light, merely hundreds of miles away
03:23:01: <Recaiden> The grand Haggard's Eye Lighthouse
03:23:10: <techscrab> Does kozu know what that is
03:23:22: <firedaemon33> 6Kura squints at the light and says, "So...Does that mean we're almost there?"
03:23:26: <Tab> it means were near stygia, doesn't it?
03:23:51: <Tab> "Pretty sure it does, sis," Kima says, putting a hand on her sister's shoulder
03:24:08: <Tab> "now comes the FUN part of our journey!"
03:24:39: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swallows, "Why does this fill me with dread?"
03:25:19: <Beans> "This isn't... comforting."
03:25:23: <techscrab> 2" Because it should."
03:26:25: <Recaiden> Mhm. Just a last stretch across the ocean, and they'll be on land
03:26:43: <Recaiden> Then they just have hundreds and hundreds of miles of the most hostile territory in the entire underworld to cross
03:27:00: <firedaemon33> 6Wunnerful
03:27:37: <Beans> :u
03:29:50: <techscrab> 2Kozu consults his maps and tries to see if theres a 'safe' route.
03:29:54: <Recaiden> The ship sails in towards the light, and finally reaches a harbor
03:30:39: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks around, keeping an eye out for things
03:30:55: <Recaiden> filled with other vessels, ranging from gleaming jade cutters to rotting hulks of wood and bone
03:31:03: <Recaiden> THINGS ARE EVERYWHERE
03:31:11: <firedaemon33> 6((2 sux on Per+aware))
03:31:13: <Recaiden> Ghostly cranes at the dock loom out of the fog
03:31:21: <techscrab> 2" This is...a dangerous look place."
03:31:32: <firedaemon33> 6"Indeed."
03:31:44: <Recaiden> An immense whale skeleton, hundreds of feet long, lies along one edge of the harbor entrance
03:31:55: <Tab> "Oooh yeah," Kima says proudly ,"This place is terrible. Except when its wonderful."
03:31:56: <Beans> "This is more or less the least non-horrible place I have seen
03:32:03: <Recaiden> Tugs wait at the narrowest point to check papers and collect docking fees from everyone who comes in
03:32:03: <Beans> ."*
03:32:21: <Tab> Red pats Kima on the back. "You should cover this, dear."
03:32:35: <Tab> And so Kima heads up to meet the dockmaster!
03:32:37: <firedaemon33> 6"I think least non-horrible in an understatement. And please don't kill anyone."
03:33:01: <Tab> "I make no promises!"
03:33:33: <Recaiden> And the dockmaster is met. Miyo One-Hand (the other hand is a hook today) greets the deathknight respectfully from the short distance of water separating the boats
03:33:45: <techscrab> 2Kozu mutters "can you not, please" and goes about studying his maps compared to where the plea for help came from.
03:34:14: <Tab> "Hey, Meister One-Hand, what's up?" Kima waves happily
03:34:32: <Recaiden> Kozu sees his maps literally shifting before his eyes. There are no safe paths for no paths endure on the Cursed Isle
03:34:50: <Beans> Neiz watches this go on, vaguely unnerved.
03:35:17: <techscrab> 2" Ash," he mutters, "ash and rubbish."
03:35:17: <Recaiden> "Deaths from piracy are way up. What brings a deathknight into Whale's Bay?"
03:35:27: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply watches
03:36:16: <Tab> "Just checking up on a friend!" Kima says ,"Said she needed my help. Need any strong arms for them pirates?" she flexes one armored arm
03:38:52: <Recaiden> "Ah, no. They know better than to mess with the Bay. Yer ship's name for the logs?"
03:39:12: <Recaiden> 's got a book propped by the hook and arm.
03:39:42: <Recaiden> "Rate's N shells per foot of keel (where N is a reasonably fair price)"
03:40:17: <Tab> "Blackwater Butcher!" Kima makes up off the top of her head, "And yeah, I've got some shells around. Just take the bag," she tosses it down.
03:40:31: <techscrab> 2Kozu groans.
03:41:16: <Recaiden> 'Blackwater Butcher' is written down, and the shells taken by the scribe.
03:41:29: <Recaiden> "You sure yer not one of them pirates?"
03:41:36: <Beans> deathkiller mcboobs, as named by the exalted writers
03:41:48: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs as well
03:41:53: <Recaiden> "Enjoy your stay."
03:42:03: <Beans> Neiz is offended by the tacky name
03:42:16: <Recaiden> The chains lower to let them in, a tug guides them up to the pier, and welcome to the Stygian Isle!
03:42:37: <Recaiden> The buildings are pale wood and stown, rising up to a sprawling bar/shrine/town hall at the center.
03:43:05: <Recaiden> Nets are stretched between buildings to dry, and outside each building are globes of water holding some bioluminescent sea creature, slowly fading as it drfits in captivity.
03:43:34: <Recaiden> Tiny fishing boats and canoes lie upturned by every door, some few rotting away with neglect.
03:43:57: <Recaiden> Everything smells of salt
03:43:59: <techscrab> 2" This place could be...better off."
03:44:19: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks around and says, "Indeed. Let's just find this person and leave."
03:44:49: <Recaiden> Hey, this is the most prosperous port city on the whole isle!
03:44:53: <Recaiden> Stygia is a terrible place
03:45:34: <techscrab> 2Kozu consults his scrolls again, to see where the message came fro.
03:45:37: <techscrab> *from
03:47:13: <Tab> "This isn't such a bad place," Kima says, "It could be better off if everyone stopped being so afraid of being turned to soulsteel."
03:47:37: <Beans> "But that's a reasonable fear."
03:48:06: <Tab> Red looks around, and decides maybe being a bat right now would be best.
03:48:17: <Tab> She changes shape and perches on Kima's shoulder.
03:48:47: <firedaemon33> 6"Quite. Hrm...I don't have good underworld shapes/
03:48:48: <firedaemon33> 6"
03:49:34: <Recaiden> Message was near the center. The city of Stygia itself
03:49:42: <techscrab> 2"And I have no other shapes at all. We will have to be inconspicuous."
03:50:01: <Recaiden> Just 2200 miles distant as the crow flies
03:50:13: <Recaiden> Into the heart of Deathlord controlled territory
03:50:18: <Beans> reccy how do i do a resploondant doostiny again
03:50:31: <Recaiden> Make one or use one?
03:50:36: <Beans> makey
03:50:41: <Recaiden> To use it you just say you're wearing it
03:50:46: <Recaiden> Or that you activate such and such a power
03:50:59: <Recaiden> Takes like a miscellaneous action to put it on
03:51:28: <Beans> yes but how do i make one
03:51:51: <Recaiden> First, you do astrology. Write horoscopes and stuff.
03:51:57: <techscrab> 2" We still have many days of travel...and by foot now, at that."
03:52:06: <Recaiden> Second, you go to Heaven and have a calligraphy contest with reality
03:52:11: <Recaiden> If you win, you get a destiny
03:52:12: <techscrab> 2" Almost two and a half thousand miles."
03:52:18: <firedaemon33> 6((Really?))
03:52:43: <Recaiden> ((Remember that you were allowed to retroactively have 1 or Essence of them already))
03:52:54: <Beans> [[oh yes whoops]]
03:53:02: <Beans> [[uhhhhh lemme check the book quick]]
03:53:15: <tab2> "That's a bit of distance, yeah," Kima says, "But I have Red and we can get horses for you guys."
03:53:20: <Recaiden> ((Because 'hold on a moment while I travel between dimensions' really kills a plot))
03:53:41: <Recaiden> Well Kozu won't need a horse either, with Kura to ride on.
03:53:46: <tab2> "Well...ghost horses. of a sort. maybe something else would be better."
03:53:54: <techscrab> Nnnnope
03:53:56: <firedaemon33> 6"I do have a horseform. Perhaps Neiz and Kozu could ride me since you're the only one in ridiculous armor?"
03:55:13: <techscrab> 2Kozu looks uncomfortable with riding Kura. I wonder why.
03:55:19: techscrab glares at red
03:55:32: <techscrab> 2" Ah, maybe we /should/ get horses."
03:55:33: <firedaemon33> 6Whooo knooooows
03:55:55: <techscrab> 2" I dont want to wear you out, Miss Kuragari."
03:56:00: <firedaemon33> 6"Kozu, don't be such a coward. Riding me is the fastest and easiest way to get us around.:
03:56:05: <firedaemon33> 6'And I'll be fine."
03:56:33: <Beans> neiz is totally taking the one where she can cuddle people's willpower back
03:56:44: <tab2> "Yeah, daynerd," Kima elbows Kozu, I'm sure she won't mind you riding her."
03:56:49: <tab2> Red just smirks.
03:57:34: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glares at Kima
03:57:46: <techscrab> 2" I...very well," Kozu sighs, "What of Miss Otavia?"
03:58:09: <Recaiden> Otavia is just at this moment walking back to the group leading a ghostly horse.
03:58:11: <firedaemon33> 6"She has her jug. I don't see the issue."
03:58:13: <Recaiden> So if Kozu and Kura can put their unresolved sexual tension aside for a moment, off they
03:58:16: <Recaiden> go!
03:58:33: <Beans> spoophoersy
03:58:38: <tab2> Are stops made along the way to scout anything out/grab food?
03:58:49: <firedaemon33> 6((Kozu gained profeciency: Ride (Kura)!))
03:58:49: <Recaiden> Certainly!
03:58:52: <tab2> Red goes to direwolf form to carry Kima
03:59:07: <techscrab> ((Oh god))
03:59:09: <Recaiden> ((Whoever has the best Wits+Survival gets to start making rolls for the team's travel))
03:59:17: <techscrab> ((Do i have to put that on my sheet))
03:59:27: <tab2> I think that's either kura or red!
03:59:29: <firedaemon33> 6((Yup))
03:59:37: <firedaemon33> 6((Luna has it on her.))
03:59:51: <firedaemon33> 6((Kura has 5))
03:59:53: <techscrab> ((Very well))
04:00:14: <tab2> unless she has wits two or below, kura wins
04:00:37: <firedaemon33> 6((I mean, total dice.))
04:00:53: <tab2> ((oh))
04:01:35: <firedaemon33> 6((Three wits, 2 survival))
04:01:47: <tab2> ((red has 3 wits two survival as well))
04:02:08: <firedaemon33> 6((What do, Recaiden?))
04:02:38: <techscrab> ((DEATH MATCH))
04:03:24: <tab2> Kura do it
04:03:35: <firedaemon33> 6Alright
04:03:51: <firedaemon33> 6((1))
04:03:58: <tab2> Hah
04:04:19: <techscrab> Hey its not a fail
04:04:30: <firedaemon33> 6Yeah
04:04:32: <Recaiden> ((Roll 6 dice, Kura, from red's help))
04:04:48: <Recaiden> ((forget that, I'm bad at reading))
04:04:50: <Beans> Also neiz puts on her resplestiny
04:04:57: <Beans> http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img745/4144/7N6rW3.png
04:05:01: <Recaiden> In short order, the party is hopelessly lost in the surrounding swamps
04:05:09: <Beans> ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
04:05:27: <firedaemon33> 6((Umm...Barely 2 Sux. If we had been playing with the 1s cancel rule, it would have botched__
04:05:30: <firedaemon33> 6*))
04:05:37: <Beans> her identity is safe from the frogs
04:05:42: <tab2> "Wellllll."
04:05:44: <Recaiden> After the first time they pass a landmark taken straight from Kura's childhood nightmares, things get bad
04:05:59: <Recaiden> ((Stygia is supernaturally difficult to navigate in, sorry.))
04:06:05: <tab2> Red looks around, yanking her now ruined fluffy legs free of the muck
04:06:11: <Recaiden> The third time, they knew something was wrong
04:06:17: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shivers and starts trotting closer to Red
04:06:17: <tab2> "Kima, dear, any help?"
04:06:24: <Recaiden> ((Perception+Awareness-1 form everyone))
04:06:33: <firedaemon33> 6Every time they pass the landmark she gets a little closer
04:06:49: <firedaemon33> 6((2 Sux))
04:07:09: <techscrab> ((3 sux))
04:07:16: <Recaiden> Ghost frogs are everywhere, ribbiting, eating ghost flies, hopping into Neiz's fabulous hair, the works.
04:07:18: <Beans> [[what does -1 form mean]]
04:07:26: <Recaiden> ((*from))
04:07:31: <tab2> four and two
04:07:36: <Beans> ah
04:07:58: <techscrab> 2" Miss Kuragari...are you going to be alright? "
04:08:00: <Recaiden> And over yonder, near that rotting stump, anyone with 3+ spots a hungry river dragon, slinknig through the murk towards you
04:08:25: <tab2> Kima nudges Red and points at the dragon.
04:08:32: <Beans> 3
04:08:34: <Beans> 2*
04:08:58: <tab2> Red, much to Kima's dismay, shares the information instead of charging
04:08:59: <firedaemon33> 6Kura continues on, oblivious to the Doragon
04:09:13: <tab2> "Dears, it seems we're being followed."
04:09:16: <firedaemon33> 6And then Red tells Kura!
04:09:16: <Beans> Neiz says screw it and takes the resplestiny off because it's not actually helping and it was silly
04:09:28: <Beans> "... Wonderful."
04:09:34: <firedaemon33> 6And she stops, letting Kozu and Neiz off before assuming WERFERM!
04:09:52: <techscrab> 2Kozu looks over at the dragon and draws his bow, 'ech'ing at the mud seeping into his sandals.
04:10:12: <techscrab> 2He nocks a broadhead arrow and takes careful aim.
04:10:13: <Beans> Neiz's war fans slide from her sleeves into her hands.
04:10:33: <tab2> "Guys, guys," Kima shakes her had and holds a hand up
04:10:39: <tab2> "I got this ****."
04:11:25: <Recaiden> Sensing that it's been spotted, the dragon rears up out of the water and roars
04:11:26: <tab2> She reels Damocles up and back, rearing up for a big swing, and nudges Red forward
04:11:37: <Recaiden> Anyone with MDV 6 or less, roll your Valor, difficulty 2
04:11:48: <Recaiden> ((That might be no one))
04:11:51: <tab2> sighing, but glad to finally get to spend some energy, Red snarls and
04:11:55: <tab2> woops lemme check
04:12:13: <techscrab> ((Mdv 8 mothalovers))
04:12:21: <Beans> [[me :c]]
04:12:34: <firedaemon33> 6((So cloooose.))
04:12:38: <Beans> [[neiz gets 1 :u]]
04:12:51: <firedaemon33> 6((Failed))
04:12:56: <tab2> Kima has six
04:13:01: <Recaiden> Neiz and Kura are paralyzed with fear.
04:13:12: <Recaiden> They auto-fail join-battle, and their first hostile action against the dragon costs 1 WP
04:13:13: <tab2> four sux kima
04:13:14: <Beans> :I
04:13:22: <tab2> two sux red
04:13:49: <tab2> Enough to continue my stunt?
04:13:54: <Recaiden> Yes, go on
04:14:35: <tab2> Red snarls and bounds forth, chunks of mud flying as the white wolf sails through the air, leading Kima up so that she can swing Damocles across in a lethal arc!
04:14:47: <tab2> Worth any dice?
04:14:48: <Recaiden> ((And then people who succeeded roll JB))
04:14:55: <Recaiden> 2 dies there
04:15:10: <techscrab> ((Ive forgotten what i add to jb...lemme check my sheet))
04:15:11: <Recaiden> (of stunt)
04:15:16: <Beans> [[i may have to get off for the night guys sorry]]
04:15:20: <firedaemon33> 6((Please one shot it so Kura can play it off...))
04:15:24: <Recaiden> Oh no beans
04:15:32: <firedaemon33> 6((:())
04:15:46: <Recaiden> ((shall we stop here, right at the start, or conduct the battle without Neiz?))
04:15:57: <Beans> [[you're free to conduct battle without me]]
04:16:03: <Recaiden> Your brief but fabulous replestiny will not be forgotten!
04:16:31: <tab2> I got five sux to hit!
04:17:31: <tab2> 16 lethal damage six!
04:17:37: <tab2> sux
04:18:05: <techscrab> Damn gurl
04:18:09: <Recaiden> That damage is ridiculous.
04:18:09: <techscrab> My join battle is five
04:18:16: firedaemon33 6whistles
04:18:26: <Recaiden> Kura, DV?
04:18:34: <techscrab> And i got one sux
04:18:56: <tab2> four and four join battle success!
04:19:16: <firedaemon33> 6((7))
04:19:17: <techscrab> jebus
04:19:22: <Recaiden> The river dragon is not to be robbed of it's prey so easily. Seeing the Lunar starting to move, it leaps forward at the frightened shromp-monster.
04:19:54: <techscrab> Can kozu do something to fire at it midleap?
04:20:08: <Recaiden> No, he cannot
04:20:12: <techscrab> Dang
04:20:30: <Recaiden> It lunges forward, all snapping jaws, only barely failing to drag the shromp into the water
04:20:40: <tab2> its fine, it'll be beheaded once my jb kicks in
04:20:50: <firedaemon33> 6((Okay, good. You don't have to roll DV?))
04:21:01: <Recaiden> And then the Abysal falls on it like a lightning bolt, slashing deep into its hide and spilling blood and plasm everywhere.
04:21:11: <Recaiden> ((Nope. That's what the /2 is for))
04:21:29: <Recaiden> It screams, the high rarely heard sound echoing through the trees, but it is alvie
04:21:35: <firedaemon33> 6((Cool. Because I rolled it and I got a 3botch))
04:21:48: <techscrab> 2Kura!" Kozu shouts, then silences himself awkwardly when he sees she's fine.
04:22:04: <techscrab> 2Following up Kima's swing, he looses an arrow!
04:22:21: <Recaiden> ((How much damage does Kima roll, tab? And you remember 10s only count as 1 success on damage, unless you have something that says otherwise?))
04:23:22: <tab2> 16/4
04:23:33: <tab2> and if 10s are only one, she only did 14
04:23:42: <techscrab> ((7 to hit sux))
04:24:04: <techscrab> ((5 damage sux))
04:24:22: <firedaemon33> 6((I'm waiting to see if Kozu and Kima finish it off. Mostly because I don't want to spend WP.))
04:24:43: <tab2> grand daiklave best klave
04:25:05: <Recaiden> The monster still stands, an arrow protruding fro the base of it's neck
04:26:18: <techscrab> 2"Tough one, aren't you?" kozu mutters
04:26:37: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swallows her fear and lunges at the monster, aiming to sink her Katars deep into it's hide
04:27:06: <firedaemon33> 6((6 To-Hit Sux))
04:28:18: <Recaiden> Barely hits
04:29:08: <techscrab> ((Im surprised the daiklave didnt behead the damn thing))
04:29:23: <firedaemon33> 6((What do I roll for damage?
04:29:34: <Recaiden> ((What's your damage?))
04:29:45: <Recaiden> ((STRENGTH + Weapon Damage, minus its soak, which is 8
04:29:49: <firedaemon33> 6((+3)
04:29:56: <Recaiden> I've done the soak things for the others))
04:30:06: <Recaiden> ((Minimum of 2 dice because magic weapons yaaaaay))
04:30:12: <firedaemon33> 6((I do no damage.))
04:30:21: <firedaemon33> 6((Str+Weapon is 6))
04:30:51: <Recaiden> ((I rolled it for oyu, you did nothing))
04:31:11: <Recaiden> Kura flails at it impressivly, but her blades are unable to pierce the monster's armored hide, sliding off like raindrops
04:31:21: <Recaiden> ((oh, well, either way))
04:31:24: <firedaemon33> 6((Yeah. Welcome to low-Str land.))
04:31:47: <techscrab> ((Kozu only has two str))
04:32:35: <Recaiden> The injured monster writhes in pain, and terrified of the armored warrior that crashed into it, rushes at the archer
04:32:46: <Recaiden> Its jaws open wide and snap down at him.
04:32:48: <Recaiden> ((DV?))
04:33:02: <Recaiden> ((It gets 8 attack sux))
04:33:06: <techscrab> ((7))
04:33:09: <techscrab> Shoit
04:33:10: <Recaiden> OM now
04:33:13: <firedaemon33> 6((Can I dash and tank for Kozu?))
04:33:18: <Recaiden> How much lethal soak?
04:33:21: <Recaiden> No FD
04:33:33: <firedaemon33> 6((:())
04:33:36: <firedaemon33> 6((Sorry, Kozu.))
04:33:38: <techscrab> And shadow over water is no help here
04:34:19: <techscrab> 9 soak, 3 hardness
04:34:34: <tab2> you can take a punch alright
04:34:43: <tab2> but this is a bit more than a punch
04:34:48: <Recaiden> It does 2 levels of lethal at you
04:35:06: <Recaiden> Your armor takes most of the impact and sharp teeth, but not enough to keep a few sharp fangs from sinking into you
04:35:28: <Recaiden> ((back to Kima and Red))
04:35:45: <techscrab> 2Kozu grits his teeth against the pain. He didn't come all this way to be done in by...by...by an overgrown /CROCODILE/!
04:36:55: <tab2> Red turns to face the River dragon and roars, but Kima leaps off and aims her blade downwards! it's time to finish this
04:37:03: <tab2> nine to hit
04:37:10: <firedaemon33> 6((Kozu right now:
04:37:11: <firedaemon33> 6https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAlDOsVGA7g))
04:37:19: <firedaemon33> 6*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAlDOsVGA7g
04:37:20: <firedaemon33> 6))
04:37:23: <tab2> six damage
04:37:59: <firedaemon33> 6((May not have watched it before posting. IGNORE ME!))
04:38:32: <Recaiden> Another cut, another splash of blood. Another instance of the crocodile monster not caring
04:38:48: <Recaiden> It didn't be a giant underworld reptile monster to run out of health levels!
04:39:09: <Recaiden> ((However, now it's taking more Wound Penalties))
04:39:12: <Recaiden> ((Kura go!))
04:41:34: <firedaemon33> 6Kura's eyes flash black as she assumes Bat Stance, then moves preternaturally fast to the Dragon and strikes at it's soft underbelly, trying to pierce through it's hide.
04:41:56: <firedaemon33> 6((Assume batform, Night Hunter Descent to attack...Oh, and Stunt))
04:42:47: <Recaiden> ((1 die of stunt))
04:43:42: <firedaemon33> 6((Six Hit Sux))
04:43:54: <Recaiden> (remember -3 dice because you also activated the martial arts charm?))
04:44:47: <Recaiden> You once again do none of the damage
04:44:48: <firedaemon33> 6((That's to DV, as I recall.))
04:44:53: <Recaiden> You are raindrops to it
04:44:55: <firedaemon33> 6Yeah...
04:45:10: <techscrab> Kozutime?
04:45:12: <Recaiden> ((Nope. Multiple action penalties are to the actions being rolled. DV penalties are separate))
04:45:16: <Recaiden> Kozutime
04:45:21: <firedaemon33> 6((Dammit! This is like playing Nasus vs. Teemo))
04:45:26: <techscrab> 2"You, sir, you overgrown lizard, sir, are becoming a nuisance, /sir/!"
04:45:46: <firedaemon33> 6((And that's the point of NHD. You don't take penalties because you spend motes.))
04:45:47: <Recaiden> It hisses back at him, its breath stinking of rot
04:46:11: <Recaiden> ((NHD only blocks the penalties from the dash.))
04:46:18: <techscrab> 2Kozu plants one hand forward and glows brilliantly as he calls up the power needed, essence forming into a storm of razor-edged parchment. INFINITE MASTERY OF SCROOOOOLLLLLLSSSSS
04:46:35: <Recaiden> ((So it;s only -3 instead of -5 if you Form then NHD))
04:46:41: <firedaemon33> 6((Mmm. I see.))
04:46:43: <tab2> what is that?
04:46:48: <tab2> some new spell?
04:46:51: <Recaiden> ((If you Form, then next turn use NHD, it's -0))
04:46:58: <Recaiden> ((Martial arts charm))
04:47:12: <Recaiden> Oh, no ,the scrolls is Kozu-styled death of obsidian butterflies
04:47:28: <Recaiden> The river dragon attempts to disrupt the spell by biting your face off.
04:47:57: <techscrab> 7 to hit
04:48:00: <firedaemon33> 6((Goddammit. I cannot do a thing to this ******))
04:48:07: <Recaiden> ((Casting has no DV penalty?))
04:48:35: <techscrab> Im not sure
04:48:44: <techscrab> I dont have my book with me
04:49:03: <Recaiden> ((DV penalty of 1+1 per circle, so 2 in this case
04:49:11: <techscrab> i did roll 7 for damage though, and its piercing and overwhelming
04:49:18: <Recaiden> It misses you by the die it lost due to the wound penalty Kima inflicted last attack))
04:49:33: <tab2> overwhelming doesn't matter for this case tech
04:49:42: <firedaemon33> 6((Yey.))
04:49:46: <tab2> and yay i saved your face
04:50:00: <tab2> kura can thank kima for saving her bf later
04:50:03: <firedaemon33> 6((At least someone was effective this fight.))
04:50:13: <tab2> I am the best
04:50:31: <Recaiden> The monster is torn by a thousand papercuts, limping, oozing blood, and barely alive.
04:50:38: <Recaiden> It turns to flee into the marshes
04:51:22: <Recaiden> If you have good movespeed, like, because you're a giant wolf, you may pursue it for the kill
04:51:24: <techscrab> 2" Tough bastard..." kozu grumbles and stands up 22" Ah, sorry, language.
04:51:34: <tab2> Red totslly does that
04:51:48: <tab2> "LIKE HELL!" she snarls and pursues the beast!
04:52:44: <techscrab> 2Kozu dreads cleaning his wounds in all this muck.
04:53:15: <tab2> oh wow
04:53:21: <tab2> dire wolf form is deasly
04:53:24: <tab2> deadly
04:53:35: <tab2> got thirteen to hit successes
04:54:14: <tab2> five for damage though, unless all the to hits give bonus damage
04:54:43: <techscrab> ((How the hell do people survive in a world with these things?))
04:55:22: <firedaemon33> 6((By not going into swamps))
04:55:48: <tab2> WUT R U DOIN IN MAH SWOMP
04:56:11: <firedaemon33> 6((Night.))
04:56:31: <techscrab> Great you scared him away
04:56:41: <tab2> woops
04:56:49: <tab2> he missed the good joke too
04:57:01: <tab2> WUT R U DOIN IN MAH SHROMP
04:57:09: <techscrab> ...
04:57:15: <techscrab> No
04:57:32: <techscrab> Gnoit
04:57:46: <tab2> #rood
04:57:58: <tab2> Did Red even dink the dinosaur
05:01:22: <Recaiden> Yes, she did

+1 BP. You have landed on the Stygian Isle. Welcome to your nightmares.

2014-10-08, 11:05 PM
02:40:15: <Recaiden> PREVIOUSLY ON SHROMPQUEST 2
02:40:28: <Recaiden> The party was lost in a swamp, with Kozu being gnawed on by a river dragon
02:40:33: <tsinistar> Ow
02:40:43: <Recaiden> However, it was soundly defeated, no thanks to Kura, before fleeing into the marshes
02:40:44: <firedaemon33> Mmhm
02:40:47: <Recaiden> Where it was killed by Red
02:40:47: <Tab> Red was chasing it after it ran away!
02:40:52: <Tab> Oh
02:40:54: <Tab> Never mind
02:41:19: <Beans> yay
02:41:24: <Beans> neiz froze up
02:41:28: <Beans> unfabulously
02:41:31: <Recaiden> Now, you are both lost, injured, and near a widening pool of blood
02:41:33: <firedaemon33> 6Kura did absolutely no damag
02:41:35: <firedaemon33> 6e
02:41:41: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Kuragari!" Kozu swats mud off of his bloodied robes ineffectively, "Are you alright? Missus Neiz?"
02:41:54: <firedaemon33> 6"I'm fine...Not that I did a scratch to that damn thing.:
02:42:35: <tsinistar> 2"That is not what we should worry about right now. I think maybe we should be getting very far away from here."
02:42:44: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhm."
02:42:48: <Tab> Can red get its hearts blood?
02:43:14: <firedaemon33> 6I don't think this counts as a hunt
02:43:21: <Beans> Neiz shivers, sighing. "I... I am alright now. I think..." She swallows.
02:43:34: <Tab> Aw
02:44:16: <tsinistar> 2"Good. Miss Lethal, Miss Red, I thank you. I do not think we could have fought that on our own."
02:44:58: <tsinistar> 2"Dracus Aquus is a hardy enough foe outside of the Underworld."
02:45:35: <Recaiden> Otavia continues hiding in her jug
02:45:53: <Tab> "Are we gonna talk or get moving?" kima asks, climbing atop red
02:46:09: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply sighs and shakes her head, muttering, "Useless...Completely useless..."
02:46:55: <tsinistar> 2Kozu reaches out to Kura. "No, Miss Kuragari. Do not say that."
02:47:15: <Beans> Neiz pats Kura's shoulder. "It... it'll be alright..." She reminds herself to use her Resplendency later.
02:47:19: <firedaemon33> 6Kura doesn't answer as she shapeshifts into a horse
02:47:44: <Recaiden> ((Moving on requires more Wits+Survival roll by one of our Loonars. Remember the -1 Stygian Isle Hates Youe penalty))
02:48:08: <Tab> can kima helps?
02:48:17: <Recaiden> Kima can helps, thereby cancelling the penalty
02:48:32: <firedaemon33> 6((Go Red!))
02:48:39: <Beans> Neiz brushes Kura's mane.
02:48:41: <Tab> akright!
02:49:08: <Tab> Three successes!
02:49:13: <Recaiden> ((If Kima has at least 1 dot in Survival, anyway))
02:49:34: <Tab> oh
02:49:36: <Tab> Uh
02:49:42: <firedaemon33> 6((Who doesn't take one dot in survival?))
02:49:44: <Tab> Lemme retry then
02:49:45: <firedaemon33> 6((Oh.))
02:49:56: <Tab> Three success again!
02:50:00: <Recaiden> ((People who enjoy starving to death in the wilderness))
02:50:03: <Tab> Go red!
02:50:11: <Recaiden> Red finds a path that doesn't lead in spirals!
02:50:19: <firedaemon33> 6Yay!
02:50:43: <tsinistar> Where /does/ it lead
02:51:04: <Tab> To Micky D's of course
02:51:08: <Recaiden> The party makes good time, relatively, along sunken stones and gnarled tree roots. You frequently see bobbing lights in the distance, which Kima knows not to follow
02:51:31: <Recaiden> At one point you see a house in the distance, standing above the water on stilts
02:51:37: <Tab> "Yeah stay away from the wisps. They'll eat your essence"
02:51:46: <Recaiden> ((If you ever want to stop and/or investigate things, let me know))
02:51:58: <Recaiden> ((And give me a Int+Survival for finding food and shelter and all))
02:52:03: <Recaiden> ((It's a big swamp))
02:52:06: <Tab> "...the house I'm not so sure. But I wouldn't recommend we stop there."
02:52:39: <firedaemon33> 6"Isn't there a story about that or something?:
02:52:45: <Tab> 2 and 3
02:52:54: <tsinistar> ((3 sux))
02:53:23: <Recaiden> The house is passed by
02:53:24: <Tab> "There are a lot of stories about that, dear," red snorts "let's heed them"
02:53:33: <Tab> oh! Idea!
02:53:52: <firedaemon33> 6((2 Sux))
02:53:52: <Recaiden> ((yes?))
02:54:06: <Tab> Red sidles up alongside Kura. "Do you need to take a moment, fist of Luna?"
02:54:43: <tsinistar> 2"miss kuragari, you did seen...perturbed, earlier. "
02:55:06: <tsinistar> 2Kozu is treading lightly here
02:55:13: <firedaemon33> 6"Just...I wasn't able to scratch that thing..."
02:55:46: <tsinistar> 2" I did not do much damage myself, miss kuragari.'
02:55:50: <firedaemon33> 6As someone who, as stated before, based her identity on death, being unable to do so when called upon is a big deal
02:56:17: <firedaemon33> 6"At least you hurt it! I couldn't even leave a mark on it's scales!
02:56:42: <Tab> "Take a break, kuragari. Rest a bit, talk with your companions. I'll keep an eye on Kima and Tavi."
02:56:59: <Tab> Red looks at Kozu and Neiz as if to dare them to say no to therapy time
02:58:03: <Beans> Neiz frowns, worried for Kura.
02:58:06: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Fine. I could use a rest."
02:58:08: <tsinistar> 2" It was an...unusual specimen," red's glare makes kozu swallow nervously, "but perhaps a moment of rest and talk /is/ needed."
02:58:39: <Recaiden> Anyone with a Perception+Awareness (flat) 3 or higher hears a child laughing in the distance. Loud, echoing down over the swamp.
02:58:58: <tsinistar> 2" We'll find something...that way. Miss Red, do keep a careful eye on Miss Otav-What was that? "
02:59:30: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks around as well and says, "Sounds like...A kid?"
02:59:42: <Beans> Neiz blinks. "... I wouldn't trust it."
03:00:32: <tsinistar> 2"I trust no part of this place. Perhaps we should move just a bit farther first? "
03:00:50: <firedaemon33> 6"Indeed."
03:01:10: <Tab> "Creepy stuff happens all the time here," Kima brushes it off
03:02:09: <Tab> "Just keep an eye out for anything avtusllyy dangerous, and get your huggy time over now. If we move on first, it'll just be something else and something else until sis snaps."
03:02:35: <tsinistar> 2Kozu doesnt look so sure.
03:02:39: <Beans> Neiz huggles the Kura, because that's what she does.
03:03:11: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is huggled!
03:03:49: <Tab> "Go on now," Red says "Kima and I will stay near."
03:04:43: <tsinistar> 2" I...suppose."
03:04:56: <tsinistar> ((Psychology time!))
03:07:08: <Tab> "See, even pandaguy agrees!" Kima chirps!
03:07:28: <Tab> "It's no day spa, but hey, you do with what cha gotta!"
03:08:29: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and lets Kozu and Neiz off before shifting back to human shape
03:09:51: <tsinistar> 2"Come now," Kozu says, "Let's find a firm patch of ground."
03:10:49: <Recaiden> The next site of interest is a gigantic mouse skeleton, towering over the party's heads, resting on the only dry patch of land in sight. The skull alone is the size of a house.
03:11:14: <Beans> "... Underworld, why?"
03:12:15: <firedaemon33> 6Kura laughs and says, "Impressive."
03:12:35: <tsinistar> 2"I have come to a point where I would not question things if it were not for scientific inquiry. "
03:12:53: <tsinistar> 2" Now, Miss Kuragari, let us banish these feelings of 'uselessness'".
03:13:35: <Tab> Once the others are gone, Red speaks to Kima
03:13:41: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glares at Kozu and says, "I don't need hack psychology."
03:13:57: <Tab> "Kima, dear, do me a favor, go get a horn off the dragon."
03:14:13: <Tab> "I wanted a keepsake, but couldn't manage it without mangling the horn"
03:14:26: <tsinistar> 2"You know damn well I am no hack!'
03:14:54: <Tab> Kima heads off in the direction of the dragon, but stops once distant enough to find a spot and hide!
03:14:58: <firedaemon33> 6"You're not a hack when it comes to the body, but as to the mind...You should get your own house in order before meddling with other's:
03:15:23: <Tab> Meanwhile, Red tries to coax Tavi out of her jug! "Well, dear...it seems we're all alone now..."
03:15:23: <Recaiden> ((Dex + Stealth for hiding))
03:15:43: <tsinistar> 2" And what is that supposed to mean?!?
03:15:55: <Recaiden> 11"So we are."
03:15:59: <Tab> I'm gonna spend willpower for autosux!
03:16:07: <Recaiden> 11Otavia slips out of the Jug and takes form
03:16:19: <Recaiden> ((That just adds 1 success. You still have to roll the others))
03:16:20: <firedaemon33> 6"Kozu, you know as well as I that you have a far worse past than I."
03:16:22: <Tab> Awww hiss
03:16:23: <Tab> Motha
03:16:25: <Tab> ****in
03:16:30: <Tab> Crits
03:16:45: <Tab> 10, 5, 7 +1 wp for autosux
03:17:31: <tsinistar> 2" I would not indulge in that line of thought.'
03:17:44: <tsinistar> 2" My life has not been so harsh."
03:17:56: <Tab> Woop missed recposts
03:18:22: <Tab> Red switches back to her human form and smiles slyly at Tavi
03:18:36: <Tab> "The others have such contempt for you...its rather odd.'
03:19:19: <Recaiden> 11"You are humans. They believe their fellow human over me.
03:19:35: <Recaiden> 11And have odd, well, perhaps just ;human', standards
03:20:09: <Tab> "Indeed. Or perhaps they forget they are gods, and tie themselves to mortal morality."
03:20:48: <Tab> "Me...I see nothing wrong with you." She slinks around the back of Tavi "I do, however, see a great deal that is RIGHT"
03:21:01: <Tab> Manipulation plus socialization to flirt, right?
03:21:12: <Recaiden> ((Correct. 1 die stunt))
03:21:59: <Tab> Only 4, I'll spend motes to Excellency and retry
03:22:17: <Tab> CRITS
03:22:30: <Tab> and 7s
03:22:41: <Tab> But I prefer the 3 10s thank you
03:22:48: <Tab> 8 successes total
03:23:08: <tsinistar> ((Tab what are you doing?))
03:23:29: <Tab> You'll see
03:23:42: <Tab> [/ominous]
03:24:15: <Tab> Brb
03:24:16: <Recaiden> 11"Heh. Maybe try telling them that."
03:24:34: <Recaiden> 11"Unfair that you have clear sight and so much more."
03:24:55: <Recaiden> 11The nymph poses, accepting the flattery ((and applies 9 successes to flirt back with Red))
03:25:15: <Tab> I'll spend wp to resist if I may
03:26:25: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Perhaps. But still...You don't know what I have to deal with, every day."
03:26:30: <Tab> "As long as what's in my sight IS fair, I'll take it as a fair trade." Red steps closer and moves to wrap her arms around Tavi from behind "And oh, look here! It is!"
03:26:45: <Recaiden> 11((link Red's sheet?))
03:26:45: <firedaemon33> 6"Especially with Kima around.:
03:27:03: <Tab> Its on techs docs!
03:27:07: <Recaiden> 11Link it
03:27:10: <tsinistar> ((Ill get it))
03:27:31: <tsinistar> 2" That does /not/ mean you should have to suffer, or that I cannot help!"
03:27:58: <Recaiden> 11Red is now holding a nymph, with head turned to look back at the Lunar
03:28:08: <Recaiden> 11((Thank you TS))
03:28:12: <firedaemon33> 6"Yes it does...If I don't suffer, I will never improve myself."
03:28:20: <tsinistar> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B78jlA0i_ji1UUdIMGdmN3VXanM/edit?usp=docslist_api
03:28:40: <tsinistar> 2" Challenge and self hatred are two different things, Miss Kuragari."
03:29:07: <Recaiden> ((Costs Red 3 WP and gain of 1 limit))
03:29:16: <tsinistar> 2" I do not sit in libraries and just mutter to myself about how much of a failure I am. I work, I accept aid."
03:29:36: <Tab> Okay
03:29:41: <Tab> I'm for it
03:29:52: <Tab> Red's break is the one where she goes mommy mode
03:30:46: <Tab> "Even darling dearest would take hours to break that horn, and we all know what a mess Kuragari is. We have a lot of free time here..."
03:31:11: <tsinistar> Oh my
03:31:36: <Recaiden> 11"Much as I'd love taking our time, I don't know that she's hours worth of a mess right now."
03:32:22: <Recaiden> 11"But yes, there's no hurry."
03:32:27: <Tab> "She is for that sunchild, I'd think" Red says with a sarcastic snort and nibbles on Tavi a little
03:33:08: <Beans> roll dex+ass to touch butts
03:33:19: <Recaiden> 11Tavi laughs and tilts away from the tickling Lunar. "Hey. I don't have any blood for you to drink."
03:33:30: <tsinistar> not sure if that was aimed at kozu's ego or his libido
03:33:38: <tsinistar> but either way screw off
03:33:45: <Recaiden> 11((8 successes, Beans))
03:33:53: <Beans> SHET
03:34:24: <Tab> "You're mistaking me for Kima, dear," Red whispers, "but i'd drink you up all the same'
03:34:45: <Recaiden> 11"What's stopping you?"
03:35:27: <Tab> "Nothing but a sense of dramatic timing," red grins "and a lack of an invitation"
03:35:47: <Recaiden> 11"Would you please, Red?"
03:36:21: <Recaiden> ((Meanwhile in psychoanalysis-land, we poke Firedaemon33))
03:36:29: <Tab> "I would please, indeed," red says, and with that, she goes to make the scene fade to black!
03:36:39: <Tab> FD is clearly distracted by the sexy
03:36:51: <tsinistar> We all are apparently
03:37:05: <tsinistar> Also, smooth line brotato
03:37:18: <Tab> Thank
03:37:20: <Recaiden> The party would do well to keep Kura from coming back to the camp-space any time soon
03:37:59: <Tab> if at all possible, somewhere along the line, red suggests a 'game' that involves blindfolding and typing Tavi up with some of red's leather straps
03:38:25: <Tab> the blindfold would, rather cleverly, wrap over her ears, too
03:38:36: <Beans> o shet
03:38:45: <tsinistar> I KNEW IT
03:39:10: <tsinistar> GOD
03:39:15: <tsinistar> DAMMIT FRONK
03:39:34: <Beans> she tortures tavi by threatening to not whisper sexy things in her ears
03:39:42: <tsinistar> firedaemon33, shall we continue to brainthought medicine?
03:40:03: <firedaemon33> 6"And I work as well. You see how much I practice...But if...If I can't fight something...Then it would be like you failing to cast a basic spell."
03:40:26: <tsinistar> 2" I fail spells all the time. I do not call myself useless for it."
03:40:50: <Recaiden> ((Make another manipulation roll. Pretty low difficulty here, because sure, she'll try any silly game once))
03:41:00: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Kuragari, you should be happier to save simenare, to see your sister, to be who you are!"
03:41:17: <Tab> 3 success
03:41:29: <Tab> I'll use third Excellency if that's not enough?
03:41:53: <firedaemon33> 6"Hrm. But still...Myself is a killer...Or the little girl you meet on the full moon."
03:42:15: <Recaiden> Tavi goes along with the game
03:42:49: <tsinistar> 2" No, /you/, the kuragari /i know/, is a strong woman with a good heart and a good head on her shoulders."
03:43:12: <tsinistar> 2" You act quickly because you /think/ quickly. You are greater than the sum of your parts."
03:43:16: <firedaemon33> 6"That's who I try to be, Kozu...But at heart...I am a murderer."
03:44:14: <Tab> red, once Tavi is playing along, gives the signal (a cute little bark) and Kima tries to circle around and sneaky her way back!
03:44:29: <Recaiden> Sneak sneak goes the Kima
03:44:40: <Tab> Soulsteel armour, black on black, padded by the shadows of the underworld I'm which it was made!
03:44:53: <Tab> do I need to roll/stunt?
03:44:55: <Beans> 3sneak5me
03:45:04: <Recaiden> ((Yes. 2 die of stunt))
03:45:19: <Tab> I'll spend another wp for autosuccess
03:45:30: <Recaiden> Given the hideous penalty for blindness/muffled ears, likely 4sneaky6tavi
03:45:54: <Tab> 5, 10 , 8, 7, 6, plus on wp of auto success
03:46:01: <Tab> so 5
03:46:05: <Recaiden> Success!
03:46:11: <Beans> 16sneaky32nimf
03:46:54: <tsinistar> Oh dear
03:47:14: <tsinistar> 2" Kura, you are better than that and you know it! Enough of this nonsense!"
03:47:31: <Beans> 3 cheers for spoops and boops
03:47:56: <Tab> Red is still holding Tavi as Kima raises Damocles high, the black and silver blade gleaming with its malevolence!
03:47:57: <firedaemon33> 6"I'm not, Kozu. I wish I was, but I'm not."
03:48:11: <firedaemon33> 6((DO NOT KILL THE FAE!))
03:48:17: <Tab> Smooches are made passionately, and as Red makes the last one and pulls away slowly
03:48:27: <Tab> Kima brings Damocles down in a vicious arc!
03:48:29: <firedaemon33> 6((FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA!))
03:48:48: <Tab> Artful maiming onslaught too!
03:49:03: <Beans> G E T D U N K E D
03:49:23: <tsinistar> Honestly im just surprised it didnt happen sooner
03:49:58: <tsinistar> 2" Kura, you have locked yourself into an unhealthy mindset. You are a daughter of luna, you should be more...fluid.'
03:50:16: <Recaiden> ((I think we can just consider that enough damage))
03:51:07: <Beans> otavia delenda est
03:51:12: <Recaiden> ((But you can roll damage + 1/2 attack pool, +2 stunt, if you wish))
03:51:18: <Tab> Any chance I could just drop her into final health level?
03:51:22: <Tab> Oh okay I'll roll
03:51:31: <Recaiden> Probably not. What for?
03:52:45: <Tab> Sixteen
03:53:00: <Tab> For dramaaaaa
03:53:09: <Tab> Hold up
03:53:10: <Tab> Brb
03:53:43: <Recaiden> Kura continues to have an unhealthy mindset.
03:53:54: <tsinistar> Dangit kura
03:53:59: <Recaiden> ((Much dead. Drama it up. If it's too much dramatic editing, I'll let you know.))
03:54:36: <tab2> Kima pulls back the blow just enough to let Tavi bleed out for a bit instead of instantly dying of she can
03:54:45: <Beans> yaaaaaaaaaay
03:54:58: <Recaiden> Tavi is reduced to dying health levels
03:55:04: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Maybe...But it's true."
03:55:05: <tab2> She wants the elemental to love long enough to watch Kima pick her up and drain the last of it with her fangs
03:55:28: <Recaiden> which allows for a horrific shriek to be let out at the blade chopping through her.
03:56:06: <tsinistar> 2"Kura, there is a difference between being strong and being stubb-what was that?"
03:56:12: <Recaiden> ((Other party members may perception+awareness to notice, and then probably discard it as more underworld creepiness, though they could recognize the voice.))
03:56:20: <Recaiden> 11"Y-why?"
03:56:50: <Recaiden> She gasps, saltwater gushing from the wound.
03:56:52: <firedaemon33> 6((Botch.))
03:57:00: <Beans> kura hears a fart
03:57:02: <firedaemon33> 6"I'm sure it's just the underworld, Kozu."
03:57:15: <tab2> "Why the hell not?" Kima chows down, biting sensually on Tavi's neck just to be a jerk
03:57:41: <tab2> she'll feed long after its killed the elemental, spirit essence is tasty
03:57:42: <Beans> [2]
03:57:51: <tsinistar> ((3))
03:58:04: <tsinistar> ((Is 3 enough to recognize the voice?))
03:58:19: <Recaiden> Neiz just hears a scream
03:58:23: <Recaiden> Kozu recognizes
03:58:42: <Beans> "Sounds like more underworld nonsense."
03:58:51: <tsinistar> 2"It sounded like...oh, please do not tell me they... "
03:59:09: <firedaemon33> 6"It's nothing, Kozu. Trust me."
03:59:15: <tsinistar> 2" That is just /uncouth/."
03:59:25: <Beans> ilu daynerd
03:59:39: <Beans> "... What? What is it?"
03:59:42: <tsinistar> 2"It was Miss Otavia."
03:59:44: <Recaiden> Kima can drink the overly-salty ichor a while, but the moment of death is quite clear as the body starts to dissolve back into water and foam.
03:59:57: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blinks and says, "Wait, what?!"
04:00:06: <firedaemon33> 6"Surely they didn't...Oh no..."
04:00:09: <Recaiden> And since a single bite is enough to killl, it will be disappointingly short
04:00:09: <tsinistar> 2" Likely caused by Miss Lethal or Miss Red."
04:00:25: <Recaiden> Or worse, caused by something that's not either of them.
04:00:26: <tsinistar> 2" Doing...things."
04:00:30: <Recaiden> And only the elemental had time to scream
04:00:37: <firedaemon33> 6"No doubt. I hope those idiots didn't kill her."
04:00:52: <tsinistar> 2"... i hadnt thought of that."
04:01:02: <Beans> Neiz gives a worried little sigh to mask the fact that, like, hell yes.
04:01:07: <tsinistar> 2Kozu's face goes from disgusted to worried.
04:01:30: <tab2> Kima 'aw's at the short meal, but hey, maybe there's loot!
04:01:47: <tab2> Red sighs and goes about picking up the loose straps and putting them back on.
04:01:54: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and runs in the direction of the scream
04:01:59: <Recaiden> There's Otavia's necklace
04:02:08: <tab2> No use being naked now
04:02:27: <tab2> Necklace?
04:02:37: <tsinistar> 2Kozu pursues Kura!
04:02:41: <Recaiden> leather cord, round many-sided crystal
04:02:46: <Beans> Neiz runs with them!
04:02:57: <tsinistar> 2"You are not gettinf out of this that easily, miss!'
04:03:07: <Recaiden> The rest of the party can arrive just in time to see Kima pick it up. =p
04:03:19: <tab2> Kima goes 'ooh, pretty' and puts it on!
04:03:25: <Recaiden> ((Unless she makes a Wits+Larceny to hide it quick))
04:03:29: <Recaiden> Oh. Real subtle
04:03:35: <Beans> ilu spoops
04:03:43: <Recaiden> Yeah, they can arrive to see her /wearing/ it. Even bettter,.
04:04:04: <tsinistar> 2" What happened!?" Kozu demands, then sees the necklace, "/WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
04:04:08: <tsinistar> */
04:04:32: <firedaemon33> 6Kura, the ever subtle, simply tries to tackle and restrain her sister
04:04:33: <tab2> "I gave her the time of her life," red says nonchalantly
04:04:54: <Recaiden> ((Clinch attack by Kura woo))
04:04:57: <tab2> "And I gave he-oof! Hey sis!" Kima is tackled!
04:05:24: <firedaemon33> 6((Dex+MA?))
04:05:31: <tab2> "Solved that 'issue' for ya!"
04:06:03: <firedaemon33> 6((7 Sux)
04:06:06: <Recaiden> ((Yes))
04:06:37: <tsinistar> 2" Oh, so you /****ed/ her before you killed her," Kozu throws his hands up in the air, emphasizing his unusual curse ,"Wunderbar!"
04:06:54: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "The nymph's use was not necessarily at an end to us."
04:06:57: <firedaemon33> 6Kura curses and shouts, "You killed her!? YOU IDIOT! WE NEEDED HER!"
04:07:17: <tab2> "*I* didn't kill her," red shrugs
04:07:33: <tab2> "Woah, sis, chill," Kima says calmly
04:07:51: <tab2> "I don't see the wyld crawling out your backside just yet!"
04:08:03: <firedaemon33> 6"No! Now is not the time for chilling! You know what she did to me! Now I can't stop it!"
04:08:17: <firedaemon33> 6She delivers a punch for good measure
04:08:36: <tsinistar> 2" Kuragari, no! Now is not the time!"
04:08:45: <Recaiden> ((Kura should spend a compassion channel on something. Hilarity would ensue.))
04:08:56: <tsinistar> 2"Miss Red, Miss Lethal, what...why, this..."
04:09:17: <firedaemon33> 6((6 dice to hit, no damage, because lolsoak.))
04:09:19: <tsinistar> 2"She did not need to die!"
04:09:38: <tab2> "You didn't exactly stop it, sunchild."
04:09:39: <Beans> Neiz swishes her hair, under cover of which she gives spoops and boops an... understanding look.
04:09:49: <Recaiden> ((minimum damage of 1 die, 2 if you use the fancyknives))
04:10:02: <tab2> "You left her with two women who very clearly were unsafe around her."
04:10:05: <firedaemon33> 6((No stabbery))
04:10:18: <firedaemon33> 6((No damage.))
04:10:24: <tab2> Kima takes the punch like a boss, looking a little offended
04:10:37: <Recaiden> The giant mouse skeleton looks down with its empty eye sockets.
04:10:44: <Recaiden> The water of the swamp oozes and flows
04:10:48: <tab2> "Sis, I know what she did. Why do you think I killed her?"
04:11:26: <firedaemon33> 6"That isn't a reason to kill her. As much as I'd want to, she was still useful! You have no self-control!"
04:11:35: <tsinistar> 2" I...you told me you would keep her /safe/!" Kozu tries to reason the fault off.of himself
04:12:25: <tab2> "That's all it takes, sunchild? Words? Perhaps the mighty Solars are weaker than we were told."
04:12:45: <tab2> Kima falls silent, glaring at kura
04:12:57: <tab2> "I have more control now than I ever did before.'
04:13:22: <firedaemon33> 6"No, you don't. You control others, but you still don't know when to stop!"
04:13:49: <tab2> "Did I have control when father beat me? Did I have control when the deathlords brought me back? When they made me kill to live, and live to serve?
04:14:02: <tab2> Kima tries to shove Kura off of herself!
04:14:21: <firedaemon33> 6"No! You didn't!"
04:14:26: <firedaemon33> 6Kura keeps holding on
04:14:30: <tab2> 4 str success
04:15:14: <tab2> "You're right! And now, now I'm finally free, and I can finally cover for you instead of the other way round, and you hate me for it! What gives?"
04:15:27: <Beans> Neiz shakes her head. "This isn't getting any of us anywhere. It's done. We can either move on, or we can rot here." She sighs, cricking her neck. "And I'll let you guess how much choice I'm going to give any of you in this matter."
04:15:57: <tsinistar> 2" I...you...you...lied, I...me-" kozu chokes on the few words he can manage
04:16:07: <tsinistar> ((Do i have to make a roll of some sort?))
04:16:08: <firedaemon33> 6"You cover for me by killing people! Luna knows if there's one thing I've learned since you died, you can't kill your way through life! That gets you nowhere!"
04:16:31: <Recaiden> ((And the "Biggest Hypocrite of the Season Award" goes to...Kura!))
04:16:37: <tsinistar> ((Really, miss 'im a killer and nothing else'?))
04:16:52: <Recaiden> ((Kozu, roll compassion, looking for failures. ))
04:17:01: <firedaemon33> 6((She's trying to not be a killer. That's her excuse.))
04:17:22: <Recaiden> ((Also you probably are 1 point towards an intimacy of Kima and Red related to 'Lying, insubordinate murderers'))
04:17:48: <Recaiden> ((Liars, rapists, assassins, sidereals. He's really got quite a messed up group.))
04:18:15: <Beans> [[Hey, Neiz is... probably among the less messed up among them. I think.]]
04:18:33: <Recaiden> ((Neiz is a model of mental health here. Which is horrifying))
04:18:44: <tsinistar> 9, 2, 5
04:18:49: <tsinistar> Oh god
04:18:55: <tsinistar> Beans is our straight man
04:19:18: <Recaiden> Kozu, you gotta spend WP or do something about this lies and murder business, no matter what Neiz says
04:19:32: <tsinistar> spend wp
04:19:42: <tsinistar> I get more every few hours anyways
04:19:55: <tsinistar> and dont wanna pick a fight with kima
04:19:59: <tsinistar> Or a dire wolf
04:20:15: <tsinistar> or can 'do something' mean stern words
04:20:21: <Recaiden> Nah, more than words
04:20:24: <Recaiden> -1WP it is
04:20:27: <Recaiden> You're pretty good for it
04:20:36: <tsinistar> Limit gain, i assume?
04:20:43: <Recaiden> Nope, only for temperance
04:20:46: <tsinistar> Kay
04:21:07: <Beans> I think as messed up as neiz gets is how she gets when, say, rapists are involved
04:21:18: <tsinistar> 2" You are terrible, terrible people," Kozu resigns himself to saying
04:21:47: <Beans> neiz would have eventually killed Tavi herself, probably
04:21:49: firedaemon33 6pokes Tab
04:21:57: <firedaemon33> 6tab2, even
04:22:00: <tsinistar> 2He definitely looks torn up over this. He'll be blaming himself for tavis death for awhile
04:22:34: <tab2> "no, sunchild. Were survivors, and family. You'll come to thank us, in time."
04:23:04: <tab2> "Funny, you were real mad about not killing stuff earlier, sis!" Kima snaps back
04:23:20: <Recaiden> "people to be killed" is a fungible commodity
04:23:27: <Recaiden> Doesn't matter which ones you kill, just that you do
04:23:56: <tsinistar> 2" Please. Do not talk to me," Kozu starts to make his way down the road on fooy
04:24:00: <tsinistar> *foot
04:24:25: <tsinistar> 2"Let's save this poor soul and be done with it."
04:24:53: <tsinistar> 2"Simenare probably has some other need for our guidance akreadyw."
04:24:57: <tsinistar> *already
04:25:04: <firedaemon33> 6((What was she mad about Kima not killing?))
04:25:20: <tab2> The dragon
04:25:34: <tab2> She was all 'wah I'm a killer but I didn't hurt the dragon'
04:25:45: <firedaemon33> 6((Right.))
04:26:00: <tab2> Red shrugs and goes to stand with Neiz
04:26:14: <tab2> "at least you seem reasonable, vizier."
04:26:33: <tab2> beans boop
04:26:37: <firedaemon33> 6"That's different! My inability to fight when I need to has no bearing on you murdering someone that had the potential to save my life!"
04:26:38: <Beans> doin it
04:27:34: <tab2> "You ain't exactly fading away, sis. And gods forbid you get some sort of weird fae disease, there are plenty of other faeries and elementals"
04:27:56: <tab2> "They've probably all got prettier necklaces, too," Kima bounces her loot up and down on its cord
04:28:06: <Beans> Neiz looks up at Red and sighs. "She... /it/ was going to die eventually, by my hand if nobody else's. Those who prey on a vulnerable person in the way it did are a disease to be cut out. I... envy you, though first and foremost I approve."
04:28:44: <Recaiden> Kozu gets going.
04:28:49: <Recaiden> I presume eventually people follow
04:28:51: <tab2> "You can show your appreciation later, dear. For now, I feel rather...icky."
04:29:24: <Beans> Neiz nods. "I understand." She just squeezes her hand once.
04:29:31: <tab2> Red will follow Kozu once in dire wolf form again
04:29:40: <tab2> Best to say in stronkfluff mode
04:29:45: <tab2> Stay
04:30:32: <tsinistar> 2Kozu mutters to himself as he walks, waving away anyone who comes too close.
04:30:44: <firedaemon33> 6Kura pushes off of Kima, then stops and says, "Give me that."
04:30:49: <firedaemon33> 6"I have an idea."
04:30:52: <Recaiden> The childish laughter comes again, echoing through the skeleton
04:30:53: <tsinistar> 2He'd rather stay lost in thought right now.
04:31:15: <tab2> "Ugh, fine" Kima stands and hands kura the gem, then kicks at the Skelton
04:31:22: <Recaiden> Kura has the gem
04:31:25: <tab2> "Shuddit, spookington!"
04:31:50: <Recaiden> The rib bone so kicked rattles, and then
04:31:53: <Recaiden> ...starts to move
04:32:03: <Beans> FOICKJ
04:32:11: <firedaemon33> 6OH ****
04:32:14: <tab2> "Hey, stop it! No! Bad smelly!"
04:32:18: <Recaiden> The whole giant pile of bones is shifting, dust rising from where they were partially buried
04:32:19: <tab2> Skelly
04:32:25: <Recaiden> But at least Kura has the gem
04:32:31: <tsinistar> Is kozu close enough to even notice
04:32:41: <Recaiden> Kozu fails to notice
04:32:46: <Recaiden> He's like, gotten way down the path
04:32:56: <tab2> Kima grabs up Damocles, and red keeps following daynerd
04:32:58: <Recaiden> I can recommend not remaining close to the thing.
04:33:04: <tab2> "DONT MAKE ME USE THIS"
04:33:12: <firedaemon33> 6Kura puts the necklace on and her hands shoot into her Katars as she shouts, "Kozu! Giant Skeleton!"
04:33:30: <firedaemon33> 6"We need to run!"
04:33:38: <tab2> Kima tries to push kura and Neiz into fleeing!
04:33:45: <Beans> Neiz GTFOs
04:33:50: <firedaemon33> 6Kura does as well
04:33:55: <tab2> "Not worth the loot! Bones are terrible loot!"
04:34:18: <Beans> ran so far a waaaaaaaaaaaay
04:34:33: <Recaiden> ((Dex + Athletics rolls to GTFO))
04:35:03: <tab2> 3!
04:35:18: <tab2> red is up with kozu, not running yet
04:35:28: <Beans> 1 what the hsit
04:35:33: <firedaemon33> 6((Botches an 8-die roll. Wonderful.))
04:35:38: <tab2> "Sorry for being so harsh back there."
04:36:08: <tab2> "I have...a different set of rules than you."
04:36:25: <tsinistar> 2" So it seems."
04:36:35: <Recaiden> Everyone gets away except Neiz
04:36:47: <tab2> can Kima pick Neiz up
04:36:48: <Recaiden> Whos fabulous outfit is caught on the monster's spine
04:36:53: <tab2> And run with Neiz held over her head
04:37:16: <tab2> like courage and euriel
04:37:21: <firedaemon33> 6((Rec. I botched.))
04:37:25: <Recaiden> Oh.
04:37:48: <Recaiden> Okay. The skeleton shifts as it reanimates, trapping both Neiz and Kura under it's foot as it takes a step
04:37:58: <Recaiden> They cannot be carried at this point.
04:38:03: <Beans> :I
04:38:05: <Recaiden> Kozu and Red have probably heard the running
04:38:23: <firedaemon33> 6((Does the special Katar thing apply to the skeleton?))
04:38:26: <tab2> Kima stops running and raises Damocles, charging in to slash the cage open!
04:38:33: <Recaiden> Breaking? No, sorry.
04:38:38: <tab2> Meanwhile, red stops mid sentence
04:38:40: <firedaemon33> 6Why?
04:38:45: <firedaemon33> 6Just curious
04:38:47: <Recaiden> It's not inanimate
04:38:55: <Beans> Can Neiz nope the heck out with duck fate
04:39:05: <tab2> "Our pack is in trouble, sunchild. We must go!"
04:39:06: <firedaemon33> 6How silly.
04:39:19: <Recaiden> Neiz can totally Duck Fate outta there
04:39:29: <firedaemon33> 6Kura curses as she's trapped under the mousepaw, and tries to break her way out with her Kater
04:39:31: <firedaemon33> 6*KAtar
04:39:34: <tab2> She attempts to force Kozu up into her back and rush to action!
04:39:52: <firedaemon33> 6((4 Hit Sux, how much Soak?))
04:39:58: <Recaiden> Kozu, ride roll
04:40:31: <Recaiden> Only 3 soak
04:40:35: <Recaiden> 9 Hardness tho
04:40:37: <Beans> 4 suuuuuuuuux
04:40:43: <tab2> Kima go six sux to hit the smelly
04:41:01: <tsinistar> Kozu has no ride skill!
04:41:08: <tsinistar> What do i roll for ability?
04:41:14: <tsinistar> Dex?
04:41:18: <Recaiden> The Calendar grinds, and decides Neiz was up with Kozu all along and is now riding a dire wolf
04:41:22: <Recaiden> Dex, yes
04:41:31: <Beans> wheee
04:41:31: <tsinistar> 3 sux!
04:41:37: <Recaiden> Kima does a hit
04:41:43: <Recaiden> Kozu hangs on
04:41:58: <tsinistar> 2" Take us to th-oh hello missus neiz!"
04:42:20: <tsinistar> 2Kozu assumes the worst and prepares to cast a spell!
04:42:43: <tab2> Six damage success
04:43:01: <Recaiden> The bone foot is chipped, and starts to crack
04:43:05: <Recaiden> Kura is almost but not quite free.
04:43:15: <tab2> Red charges on, circling the skelly once she reaches it
04:43:37: <Recaiden> And the monstrosity fully awakes, and roars at the tiny creatures facing it.
04:43:53: <Recaiden> It's a horrible high sound, like nails on a chalkboard, but reverberating endlessly
04:44:17: <tsinistar> 22Once his turn rolls around, Kozu will cast infinite mastery of scrolls, hoping to cut the spine or ribs of the monstrosity!
04:44:35: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Kuragari, Miss Lethal, flee!"
04:45:13: <tsinistar> 3 sux wits+occult to hit
04:45:44: <tsinistar> Six willpower sux for damage
04:46:33: <tab2> "She's kind of stuck, man! Hold on a minute!"
04:46:46: <firedaemon33> 6Kura tries to struggle away from the foot
04:46:56: <firedaemon33> 6((Dex+Ath to try to get out?))
04:47:11: <Recaiden> ((Go ahead))
04:47:40: <Recaiden> The skeleton's immense bones are barely bothered by the scrolls; it weathers them with nary a scratch
04:47:40: <firedaemon33> 6((4 Sux))
04:47:47: <Recaiden> Kura wiggles free!
04:47:51: <tab2> Why is the mouse so big anyways
04:47:55: <Beans> yeeeey
04:48:06: <Beans> because it's an *******
04:48:07: <firedaemon33> 6Once free, Kura runs like hell, and gestures for Kima to do the same
04:48:22: <tsinistar> ((I think my bow does more single target damage than any of my spells))
04:48:45: <Recaiden> Because foreshadowing
04:48:52: <Recaiden> Also what Beans said
04:48:55: <tab2> Kima takes the cue and makes a run for it, red making a rush herself
04:49:07: <tab2> Foreshadowing
04:49:13: <Recaiden> Errybody runs for it! Don't botch the 'run away' rolls this time
04:49:21: <tab2> What does a giant mouse with a kids laugh foreshadow
04:49:29: <tab2> 4 and 3
04:49:40: <firedaemon33> 6((Freddy's?))
04:49:43: <tsinistar> Kozu is on top of someone ATM
04:49:50: <tsinistar> Freddy's doesnt have a mouse
04:49:52: <firedaemon33> 6((3 Sux))
04:49:53: <Recaiden> Yeah Kozu is fine
04:50:06: <Beans> we're saving ghost walt disney
04:50:08: <firedaemon33> 6((Oops, the /real/ Freddy's))
04:50:24: <tab2> Red will joke about kozu being on top later
04:50:26: <tab2> Don't worry
04:50:39: <tsinistar> Thats /why/ i worry
04:52:29: <Recaiden> The party flees at top wolf-riding speed.
04:52:29: <tab2> "Oh, yes, the sunchild rode me *vigorously*, quite the hero."
04:52:40: <Recaiden> Or at least at Running Sidereal speed, which is fine
04:52:48: <firedaemon33> 6Yay!
04:52:55: <tab2> Red has ten str in wolf form
04:53:01: <tab2> She can prolly carry all of them
04:53:12: <Beans> magic schoolbus
04:53:14: <Recaiden> The lumbering skeleton pursues with great heavy footseps, each sending a wave of water, but is too slow not to be easily evaded.
04:53:32: <Recaiden> Just to be safe, may as well keep running to the end of the swamp.
04:53:47: <tsinistar> Kozu does nothing vigorous while atop222 jist to be safe
04:53:57: <tsinistar> *just
04:54:01: <tab2> Aw
04:54:04: <Beans> Neiz just holds tight
04:54:08: <Beans> and thinks
04:54:10: <Beans> LOL BYE ****LORD
04:54:14: <tab2> Red keeps going until they are well out of the swamp
04:54:27: <Recaiden> Welcome to the hills!
04:54:28: <tab2> Then changes to human form to pant and wipe sweat from her brow
04:54:40: <Recaiden> The party falls off of her.
04:54:41: <tab2> "I...Do not..like this place..."
04:54:51: <Recaiden> Except Kozu who is somehow still riding on her shoulders.
04:54:57: <tab2> Kima shrugs "yeah, it's alright"
04:55:29: <Recaiden> A vast grassland stretches out in front of you, waving plants punctuated with the occasional tree or stream
04:55:33: <tsinistar> 22Kozu quickly and awkwardly clambers down, stowing his power bow in its case.
04:55:33: <Recaiden> Looks rather nice, actually
04:55:51: <Recaiden> There's a little farmhouse in the distance, with a windmill turning merrily despite the lack of wind
04:55:54: <tsinistar> 2" A fair change from the swamp."
04:56:05: <Recaiden> The air is as still as a standard, non-haunted crypt.

Elsewhere, a pool of water comes together, eyes and smiling teeth hardening out of the foam.
One body-duplicate down, and the necklace really is gone. Real shame that the clone got to get with Red instead of her, she thinks, but it's better than getting all chopped up. She thinks any reasonable person would consider that a lesson in fae magic and just what it can accomplish. Now, she'd love to pursue them immediately for some hasty revenge, but there are exciting things to do on the surface, and preparations to be made. Lots to do before the end of season festival.

2014-10-10, 12:15 AM
In which the IRC logs are a huge jerk, and cut off part of the session.

Kima tried to tame a giant soulsteel horse. It was not amenable to this.
They traveled a long way, and began to despair, until Kozu lifted their spirits with a GLORIOUS SOLAR BREAKFAST.
After realizing that despite the breakfast they were only 3% of the way, the party made the decision to enter the Labyrinth.
With the help of a friendly trapper and teamwork among everyone, they made a few realizations about the underworld, and trekked an accelerating pace through the tunnels.
They decided to change course, heading for the geomantic center of the Labyrinth, and through grit, dedication, science, and the Power of Love, arrived at the Mouth of the Void.

00:08 Recaiden Kozu, the only honorable thing to do is to chase down those bees and let them sting you
00:09 Recaiden That will void your debt of sexual favors to red
00:09 Recaiden Penalty has mounted to -7, less stunts
00:09 Recaiden ((Kura and Kozu are welcome to chime in with stunt-teamwork))\
00:09 Recaiden ((In fact, encouraged))
00:10 Recaiden The place is getting...weirder. You wake up before you go to sleep,
00:10 Recaiden You can swear there are colors you can see down here that don't exist on the surface
00:10 Firedaemon33 Kura nods to Kima, and walks the halls, leaving marks on the walls with her Katars to mark where they've been before.
00:10 Recaiden Neiz is almost not fabulous
00:10 Recaiden When Kura marks the walls with her blades, they bleed
00:11 Firedaemon33 Kura gives no ****s
00:11 Recaiden The remembers the smell of this blood in particular: her first kill
00:11 Recaiden 2 dies of stunt, though
00:11 Recaiden So only -5
00:11 Firedaemon33 Now ****s are given
00:11 Firedaemon33 She swallows, but keeps going
00:11 tsinistar Kozu endures the bees without complaint, and the oddities of this realm. He cant let the others see his fear, his weakness. He checks his scrolls frequently, wearing them out to the point where ink runs thin and must be reapplied. He frequently checks through the huraka breath, and keeps a careful, comforting hand on Kura.
00:13 Recaiden Kozu awakes the next morning covered in spiderwebs.
00:13 tab Red can smell fear, and a bit of motherly instinct takes hold. Flirting can wait, for now she keeps the others close by, clean, warm. A swish of her tail her, a swing of it there, a gentle nip around here.
00:14 Recaiden Given the cooperation, this roll is only -4.
00:14 tsinistar Kozu brushes the webs off and decides not to mention them.
00:14 tab Six!
00:14 tab Siiiiiiiix!
00:15 Recaiden The penalty does not increase for this next roll!
00:15 tab Huzzah!
00:15 Recaiden Quick progress, with everyone working together, they fly across reality
00:15 tsinistar Boa sorte
00:15 tsinistar Bon cleade
00:16 Recaiden 1 stunt die so far, giving you -6
00:16 tab Red keeps the herding up like an old sheepdog, only, y'know, a dire wolf
00:17 tab Kima keeps quiet and stoic, but even she shivers in her armor
00:17 Firedaemon33 Kura helps Red herd the group, taking the lead, looking around corners, keeping watch when necessary...All in the name of getting through the Labyrinth swiftly
00:18 Recaiden The landscape changes in this leg. Where before they were cavelike, now they seem to be...hallways.
00:18 Recaiden Worked stone, wood, treated paper, it varies
00:18 Recaiden But rectilinear, hallways and rooms
00:18 Recaiden Stunt rises to 2
00:18 tsinistar Kozu ignores the griefbee stings, wanting only to get through this miserable hole. Sometimes he feels regret for his oberly heroic demeanour...but he quickly dismisses the thought.
00:19 tsinistar Mostly because he isn't heroic, just naieve and as foolish as the simpletons that define his life of constant bother
00:20 tab Seven success!
00:20 tab that's one more than six!
00:21 Recaiden Time and space bend to your will.
00:21 tab And the stunts refill red's wp, dont they?
00:21 Recaiden Mhm.
00:21 Recaiden The party races onward
00:21 Recaiden Same -7 for the next leg
00:22 tab REd and Kima are cheered up by the apparent change in pace
00:22 Recaiden Sliding down bannisters for literal miles, traversing cobbled walkways and rickety old catwalks
00:22 tab Kima slides on the Bannister's like a young child, squealing with glee
00:22 tab Red picks pace up to a trot, head swinging back and forth
00:23 Recaiden 2 stunt here
00:24 tsinistar Kozu srudies the structure of the construction, trying to get a feel for it. He has a theory that the change in environ concurs with a change in the locale abovr
00:24 tsinistar Hopefully taking notes on the architecture will help confirm or deny this.
00:25 tab That's...pretty smart actually
00:25 tab Is it accurate?
00:25 Recaiden Not accurate, but a good idea
00:25 tab Aw
00:25 Recaiden roll with only -4 this time
00:26 tab Six again!
00:26 tab Don't jinx it!
00:26 tsinistar Jinx
00:27 Recaiden You get by okay. Everything is getting wet and dismal
00:27 Recaiden A new style of architecture, very mazelike
00:27 Recaiden But the going gets difficult. Penalties intensify to -9 levels.
00:27 tsinistar " Maybe it doesnt reflect the over world... But rather the dreams or emotions of the dead associated with the area? What do the rest of you think?"
00:28 tsinistar Kozu marks down every detail, every word said, even stopping for charcoal rubbings. He hopes to publish this information once its better organized.
00:28 Firedaemon33 "Possibly? I don't know at this point."
00:28 Recaiden You find that despite your desire for safety, the terrain is getting so mutable that you have to take some risks, just so it doesn't vanish out from under you
00:28 Recaiden Kozu has a good idea, and a true scientific mind
00:29 tab "When do we go up?" Red asks "When does out exit appear?"
00:29 tab She skirts a hole in reality as she talks, Kima spitting into it and wsitig to hear it hit the bottom
00:30 tsinistar " Well...I had been thinking about that. "
00:30 Recaiden It never audibly hits the bottom
00:30 tsinistar " Our own wills may be enforceable here as well, to an extent. It seeems the nature of such things. "
00:30 Recaiden And as Kima passes the hole, she hears a voice whispering her Abyssal title
00:31 Recaiden Musings on the nature of the labyrinth are at 2 dice
00:31 tsinistar " So long as we are worthy, or skillful, or not godsdamned fools, it should lead us to where we're going.'
00:31 *** Beans quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
00:31 tsinistar " If not, well, a ghost may br able to explain more."
00:31 tab Beans!
00:31 tab Nooooo!
00:31 tab Kima smiles and nods at the bottomless pit.
00:32 tab "Coooool."
00:32 tab Then she hears voices!
00:32 Recaiden ((He wasn't saying/doing much. We can fill him in next time, once a resolution is reached?))
00:32 tab "No!" She says, "Not you guys! Shush!'
00:32 tab (Sure)
00:32 Recaiden Is that her mother's voice? Sure sounds like it
00:32 tsinistar ((Do we leave beans out too much?))
00:33 tab Nnnope. It definitely is NOT
00:33 tab "Guys, this maze is trying to force its will on US. Let's just gooooooooo."
00:33 Recaiden ((Maybe. I've some concern about that, but he also seems to deliberately exclude himself from some bits))
00:33 tab Crap. 3 succs
00:34 Recaiden Red feels a little bit lost. The maze is winning.
00:34 Recaiden -11 base on the next roll.
00:34 Firedaemon33 Kura looks around. Does she hear the voice?
00:34 tsinistar " We need to find...a pattern. A pattern we can exploit."
00:35 Recaiden Kura hears no voice
00:35 Firedaemon33 "It's nothing, Kima. Don't worry. We just need to find a way out of here."
00:36 tab "Right...a pattern. If the place is shaped by the thoughts of the dead, a pattern will be there that we can observe and take advantage of, like a guild merchant?"
00:36 tab Red is starting to get the idea
00:36 tab Kima is still spooped, but nods quickly to Kura
00:36 tsinistar " Exactly like that, Miss Red!" Kozu beams!
00:37 tsinistar " Look for...idiosyncrasies in the maze! I think we may be on to something! "
00:38 tsinistar " Even here, essence will follow patterns, lines! Otherwise, manses would not be possible!"
00:38 Recaiden 3 dice of stunt!
00:38 tsinistar kozu's right?
00:38 Recaiden Not exactly
00:38 tab Close enough!
00:38 tab Are we getting warmer?
00:38 Recaiden Roll a no-penalty Perception+Occult, everyone
00:39 tab Red 2, kima six
00:39 tab And six on the wits+survival
00:40 Recaiden Only -10 next time yay!
00:40 Recaiden There is a pattern. Kima senses it much more easily
00:40 tsinistar ((Five sux))
00:40 Recaiden She's felt this energy before. Back when she was a new Abyssal
00:40 Recaiden This was the pattern that was there when she gave up her name.
00:41 Recaiden It's complex. Creation has five elements of energy, with occasional Celestial convergences
00:41 Recaiden There are no fewer than eight types of ley lines tangled throughout the Labyrinth.
00:41 tab "Guys...were getting close to...my deathlord, I think. Or whatever he keeps my soul in..."
00:41 Recaiden And the sources are all clustered together.
00:41 tab Kima sounds nervous, shaky even
00:41 tab SCARED
00:41 Recaiden Which helps explain why changes of environment are getting more and more common
00:42 tab Red wraps around her, trying to keep her warm and comfortable
00:42 tab "Then..we'd be near the center? Stygia?"
00:43 tsinistar " It would make sense. Where else to keep a lynchpin to an undead empire?"
00:44 Recaiden They leyline sources do seem to diverge slightly from the path to Stygia, but yes, certainly close
00:44 tsinistar " The leylines would be a mess, obfuscation and defense...if rumours are true, it would make a fine place to stash the souls and exaltations of the abyssals, keep them subservient. "
00:45 Firedaemon33 "Indeed. I see no reason not to try to free my sister."
00:46 Recaiden 2 stunt, so -8.
00:46 Recaiden And if you want to detour to the leyline centers, that should be noted.
00:46 tab "I'm up for it," Kima grins, "Having deathlords over your shoulder constantly is TORMENTING.'
00:46 tab 8 DICE OF PUN DAMAGR
00:47 tsinistar " What do we pursue, then? Your sister, or the one who called for help? "
00:47 Recaiden Kima receives another psychic message from the Silver Prince just now. "Hey there, dear Lethal. Just want you to know everyone misses you. Hope you're having fun out there. Just a reminder, if you're not back by Calibration, you'll envy the ones we beat into soulsteel.""
00:47 Firedaemon33 "We'll probably find the latter in the pursuit of the former
00:48 Recaiden Maybe it's deathlord humor?
00:48 tsinistar "
00:48 tsinistar " Sensible. Let's do it.'
00:49 Recaiden Still takes rolls, but for this one only, spurred by your geomantic insight, NO PENALTIES, and +2 stunt
00:50 tab Kima resolves to beat up the silver prince.
00:50 tab "Celebration can wait until we're done, sunchild," Red says slyly, and she sets off down the path, feeling for the lines of essence and taking guidance from Kima
00:51 tab Suddenly, she wasn't feeling so bad about this trip, now that her darling dearest was the prize.
00:51 tab Five success
00:51 Recaiden ((What is the dice pool in total?))
00:51 Recaiden Roll again, with a base of -8
00:52 Recaiden You walk through a swirling maselstrom of possiblitity. Time and space bend to your whim. you are almost there, with what seems like mere feet separating you from your destination
00:52 tab Five without stunts
00:53 Recaiden So...you're rolling just the stunt dice here, basically?
00:53 tab well, eight with assistance
00:53 tab But still, yeah
00:53 Recaiden I recommend spenid WP or virtues to finish it
00:53 tsinistar How does channeling virtues work?
00:54 tab well, first edition, you took your biggest virtue
00:54 Recaiden You spend a wp, but instead of a success you get <VIRTUE> dice
00:54 tab And I think you either gained limitnor lost a point
00:54 tab Oh never mind
00:54 Recaiden and you can use it <VIRTUE> times per story/act
00:54 Recaiden And it's per-virtue
00:54 Recaiden And there are charms, usually in Integrity or Charisma, that interact with them
00:55 tab Kima clings closely to Red's scruff, finding solace from her fear in the dire wolf's fluff.
00:55 tab Red, spurred on by the idea of her love finally being free of some stupid Zombie ******* king, trails the ley lines. This has to end NOW.
00:56 tab firedaemon, could totslly use you're stuntly help
00:56 Recaiden That's valid for a Compassion or Conviction channelling
00:56 tsinistar We could use /all/ the stunts
00:57 Recaiden You have 2 dice right now.
00:57 Recaiden could go up to 4, plus maybe some virtue/wp stuff
00:57 Recaiden But we need Kozu and Kura
00:57 tsinistar Kozu does his best to keep his head clear, consulting his scrolls and the others. If there was any way through this, it would be balance and skill. Adaptation and knowledge. He could get through this. The others could get throigh this.
00:58 tsinistar Why? Because he's daynerd. And he is smarter than the average pandam
00:58 tsinistar *panda
00:58 tab Eye booboo
00:58 Recaiden So close
00:59 tab I'll channel compassion
00:59 tsinistar Temperance here, if kozu can
00:59 Recaiden 6 dice
00:59 Recaiden If we don't get enough, and need Kura, well...
00:59 Recaiden That can be added
00:59 Recaiden Kozu cannot
00:59 Recaiden Sorry bro
00:59 tsinistar Dang
01:00 tsinistar Not enough staked on it?
01:00 Recaiden But roll the 6.
01:00 Recaiden Just, only 1 person can virtue for it
01:00 tsinistar Ah
01:00 tab Is it six plus the virtue?
01:00 Recaiden No, with
01:00 tab Alright
01:01 tab 10 8 6 1 5 10
01:01 Recaiden You can feel the journey end. Success.
01:01 tab FD?
01:01 tab WOOOOOOOOO
01:01 tsinistar errybody dougie
01:02 tab No

You emerge from the nightmarish tunnels into a land of ultimate stillness.
You are near the bottom of a pit that seems to rise up forever.
A spiral stair surrounds you, and you are standing on an empty plain of grey stone that expands in all directions, including, somehow, behind you
You are at the bottom of the stairs, but the pit goes further.

And in front of you, the hole continues downward. It contains only blackness.
You thought you had seen blackness before, perhaps on a clouded moonless night, in the black depths of the ocean, or deep within a cave.

The leylines tangle all around you, each source out here somewhere on this plain.
Beyond your sight.

You feel peaceful. All your questions will be answered, all things revealed.
The air hums softly, and you think you hear secrets, just below your threshold of perception, whispering by.
Your lights, that had been so steadfast through the tunnels, go out
This place has its own illumination, and accepts none other
You can see little, but can feel it out in the murk, calling to you.
Welcome to Oblivion

One last thing.
Kima, you hear a voice
Not your mother's, nor the Silver Prince's
"Welcome back."

2014-10-21, 11:57 PM
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04:02:39: <firedaemon33> 6First
04:03:55: <Beans> didn't we arrive in saddyland
04:03:59: <Recaiden> Mhm
04:04:26: <tsinistar> First
04:04:36: <Recaiden> BEWARE. I LIVE
04:04:39: <Tab> Nope
04:04:46: <tsinistar> WOO SINISTAR
04:04:47: <Recaiden> Also FD was first
04:04:52: <Tab> Rec noooo
04:04:57: <Tab> You'll encourage him
04:05:14: <tsinistar> Me or FD?
04:05:20: <firedaemon33> 6Both
04:05:24: <Tab> Yes
04:05:47: <Recaiden> You feel peaceful. All your questions will be answered, all things revealed. The air hums softly, and you think you hear secrets, just below your threshold of perception, whispering by. Your lights, that had been so steadfast through the tunnels, go out This place has its own illumination, and accepts none other You can see little, but can feel it out in the
04:05:55: <Recaiden> murk, calling to you
04:05:55: <Recaiden> Welcome to Oblivion
04:06:20: <Tab> "Oh noooo..." Kima quietly moans
04:06:37: <Recaiden> Kima heard a welcoming voice.
04:06:39: <firedaemon33> 6"Why did we think this was a good idea?'
04:06:41: <Recaiden> Everything is dark.
04:06:42: <tsinistar> 2" This... This does not feel right..."
04:06:45: <Recaiden> The tunnel you came out of is gone
04:07:08: <tsinistar> 2" This is most definitely not right!"
04:07:10: <Recaiden> Ahead of you is the Mouth of the Void itself, a pit of darkness, darker than Kima's heart, that goes on forever.
04:07:26: <Tab> Hey!
04:07:43: <Recaiden> The ley lines that make up the underworld originate here.
04:07:44: <Tab> Red turns round and round and searches for an exit
04:07:57: <Recaiden> Perception+Awareness
04:07:57: <firedaemon33> 6Kura stares into the void, and says, "Nope. Not going in there. We are leaving."
04:08:01: <Beans> Neiz bristles at the sheer unfabulousness of this poppycock.
04:08:04: <firedaemon33> 6She helps Red look for an exit
04:08:22: <Tab> "We need to leave!" Kima says, panicky, "We need to leave NOW!'
04:08:48: <Recaiden> There should be a staircase somewhere
04:08:56: <tsinistar> 2" Everybody stay /calm/," Kozu says
04:08:59: <Recaiden> -"Kima. We miss you."-
04:09:05: <tsinistar> 2reassuringly
04:09:31: <Tab> "NO! NO! SHUT UP!" Kima shrieks like a little girl throwing a tantrum
04:09:38: <Tab> "YOU SHUT *UP*!"
04:09:40: <Recaiden> ((That again, can only be heard by Kima. Unless anyone is listening to those whispering secrets on purpose))
04:09:52: <Beans> Neiz hugs the spookyscary, because she seems to be needing hug.
04:09:53: <firedaemon33> 6Kura turns, and says, "Kima? Are you okay? What do you hear?"
04:10:11: <tsinistar> 2Kozu can add 2 and 2. Kima is being contacted by some underworld denizeb
04:10:34: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Lethal, ignore them, you'll be safe with us."
04:11:15: <Tab> Kima is hugged. And hugs Neiz back with all her strength!
04:11:25: <Tab> red keeps close to Kima, growling!
04:12:33: <Recaiden> Something's moving out at the edges of your perception
04:12:45: <Recaiden> 14Looks like a humanoid shape
04:12:48: <Beans> Neiz sings the little bunny song from earlier to Kima to help her ignore the thign
04:13:18: <Tab> Kima draws Damocles, it helps her feel safer than the song!
04:13:25: <tsinistar> do the stairs go up?
04:13:25: <Tab> "GO AWAY!"
04:13:29: <tsinistar> do the stairs go up?
04:13:38: <Recaiden> 14You can't see the stairs, but hopefully they do.
04:13:42: <tsinistar> ((My net is being weird sorry))
04:14:15: <firedaemon33> 6Oh dear. Roll for damage?
04:14:37: <tsinistar> 2Kozu searches for a way out or up, anything away from the pit.
04:14:53: <Tab> My Internet's kinda iffy too
04:14:57: <Tab> We got a storm tonight
04:15:30: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glares at the thing in the shadows and says, "We need to leave. But Kima, I promise. I'll protect you."
04:15:30: <tsinistar> ((Why are we rolling damage?))
04:15:56: <Recaiden> 14Kozu finds a bunch of dudes in robes
04:16:09: <Tab> Kima grabs Kura and Red and Neiz if she can, pulling them in tight
04:16:20: <Tab> Pandanerd can fend for himself
04:16:24: <Recaiden> 14One of them has a warped and broken Dawn caste on its chest, gold on black, the other are featureless.
04:16:35: <Recaiden> 14((it was a joke about hugging with all the strength))
04:17:07: <Recaiden> 14"Welcome."
04:17:07: <tsinistar> 2Kozu stops and stands tall as a djala can, staring sternly ahead at the robed figures.
04:17:26: <Recaiden> 14The symboled one holds out a bone hand to Kozu (not bony, ltieral bones
04:17:27: <Recaiden> 14)
04:17:30: <tsinistar> 2" I suppose you would be Deathlords, then?"
04:17:42: <Recaiden> 14On a chain jangles corroded and blacked holy symbols of the sun.
04:17:47: <firedaemon33> 6Kura oofs as she's pulled to Kima, but smiles as she nods and says, "We're going to get out of here."
04:17:57: <Recaiden> 14"Heh. We are not so Exalted as those."
04:18:11: <Recaiden> 14(the chain is worn around the hand, a little bracelet)
04:18:19: <tsinistar> 2" Deathknights, perhaps?"
04:18:23: <Recaiden> 14"I am but a humble servant of the Once and Future King"
04:18:30: <Recaiden> 14"
04:18:43: <Recaiden> 14"Nor indeed so powerful as a Deathknight, save in the depths of our Faith."
04:19:01: <firedaemon33> 6((Why are there undead King Arthur worshippers around?"
04:19:03: <firedaemon33> 6*))
04:19:17: <Recaiden> 14((Roll Perception+Awareness if you're looking for a way out in actuality))
04:19:24: <tsinistar> 2"Strange markings you have, then. Just the trappings of your... Faith? "
04:19:40: <Recaiden> 14"Indeed."
04:19:56: <Recaiden> 14A sussurus of prayers escapes the other, unadorned robes
04:20:09: <tsinistar> ((3 sux))
04:20:39: <Recaiden> 14Kozu finds...these guys.
04:20:39: <tsinistar> 2"You said you follow a Once and Future King. Not Oblivion, then?"
04:20:47: <Recaiden> 14"What brings the Living."
04:20:51: <Tab> I got four and two
04:20:54: <Recaiden> 14"No, no. We hear a higher Calling."
04:21:12: <firedaemon33> 6((3 Sux for Kura))
04:21:45: <tsinistar> 2"We all came for different reasons. I, too, heed something above myself."
04:22:45: <Tab> Snoop
04:23:04: <Tab> Highest above all
04:23:05: <Tab> May he forever toke in his greatness
04:23:21: <Recaiden> 14Kima finds a patch of cold.
04:23:39: <Tab> Isn't it all cold?
04:23:43: <Recaiden> 14Colder.
04:23:51: <tsinistar> Augh shet
04:23:56: <Recaiden> 14The cold grows closer as a bunch of...things come close.
04:24:12: <Tab> Kima takes a shaky stance, holding Damocles above her head
04:24:23: <Recaiden> 14If you took a batch of ghosts and bent them into the shape of dogs, they might be like this.
04:24:36: <firedaemon33> 6Kura steps in front of Kima and says, "Begone!"
04:24:42: <Tab> Even as defiant as she was, she knew the power the Underworld could bring to bear
04:24:47: <Recaiden> 14Wild-eyed and predatory, even on the mortal faces. But they are leashed, the cords held by an apparently normal young woman, smiling.
04:25:11: <Recaiden> 14The dog-spectres are each radiating the cold, as all sevants of Oblivion do.
04:25:18: <Recaiden> 14"
04:25:23: <Tab> Red wraps herself around Kima, fluffy fur reassuring her somewhat
04:25:41: <Beans> Neiz hangs with shromp and spoopy and woof
04:25:47: <Recaiden> 14"Very good. What brings you to our home? Are you our fellow, or to be a target of our long-stayed wrath?"
04:25:54: <Beans> also provides moral support with her swish
04:26:03: <Recaiden> 14The hound-mistress waves and shakes her head.
04:26:17: <Recaiden> "Are you giving me an order in my own home?"
04:26:41: <tsinistar> 2" I would like to see myself a fellow to all, but not all see themselves as fellows to those who need it most. "
04:26:55: <tsinistar> 2Kozu is purposefully cryptic, but honest.
04:27:26: <Tab> "We just want to leave," Red says with some snarling!
04:28:19: <Recaiden> 14"Oh, but all those who try must be fellows to those in need. You are our brother in that."
04:28:24: <Recaiden> 14Kozu is offered a robe.
04:28:30: <Recaiden> 14"Even if you still cling to your living flesh."
04:28:39: <Beans> Neiz nods behind Red.
04:28:54: <Recaiden> "Have you gotten permission to leave yet? I'm afraid that isn't mine to grant."
04:30:10: <tsinistar> 2"I'll cling to it as long as it yet has secrets for me. Assuming I find I can do greater without it...I'll consider it. Some parts of it certainly are bothersome. "
04:30:16: <Recaiden> "Everyone comes here for a reason. Only when you've completed your purpose will you be able to ascend the stairs safely."
04:30:39: <Recaiden> ((Does Kozu not take the robe, offered in fellowship?))
04:30:40: <tsinistar> 2kozu accepts the robes and bows. These guys dont seem so bad. Which probably means theyre worse
04:31:10: <Recaiden> The robed folks bow in response. The marked one has clanking chains, while the others are silent.
04:31:10: <firedaemon33> 6((Kozu you dumbass)
04:31:25: <Recaiden> 14"May we help you here, brother? What is your cause?"
04:32:46: <tsinistar> 2" My immediate cause is to help my comrades leave this pit. They seem stressed by it. I will admit, my nerves arw beginning to wear here as well. Deep dark pits that whisper are not often good for one's mind."
04:33:05: <tsinistar> ((Lemme guess, accepting a gift binds me here.))
04:33:52: <Recaiden> 14((You'll see.))
04:33:56: <Tab> They're zombie ghosts, not fairies
04:34:02: <firedaemon33> 6((On a scale of 1 to Abyssal, how screwed is he?))
04:34:04: <Tab> I could be wrong
04:34:46: <tsinistar> ((Kozu: Great Rolls. Bad Judgement.))
04:35:10: <tsinistar> ((Daynerds: Because The Smartest People Make The Dumbest Mistakes))
04:35:45: <Tab> Pandaguy: Because you hate yourself enough that the GM doesn't have to
04:35:46: <Recaiden> 14"On the contrary, the whispers clear the mind when you are able to listen to them clearly."
04:36:20: <tsinistar> 2" From what I have heard, I would rather wait until my other work is done to risk my mind and soul on it."
04:36:28: <Recaiden> 14"When they leave is by the King's will."
04:36:46: <Recaiden> 14((Other group, what are you doing?))
04:36:58: <firedaemon33> 6((I 'unno. It's up to Tab))
04:37:12: <tsinistar> 2" Ah, see, they would like to leave /now/."
04:37:27: <Tab> Kima is standing less shaky now
04:37:28: <Beans> Neiz is sticking with her fellow team mom and the spookshromp sisters
04:37:36: <Tab> Red is still being defensive
04:37:37: <Recaiden> 14"I think you should encourage your friends to reconsider, if the King wishes them to stay."
04:37:50: <Recaiden> 14"He is not unreasonable. But we all have parts we must play."
04:38:14: <Recaiden> "Well. I have rebels to hunt. On your way."
04:38:44: <Recaiden> The hound-mistress walks on, the monsters tugging at the leash, unless someone tries to stop her.
04:38:45: <tsinistar> 2" We had short business in the Underworld, honestly, and found ourselves lost. We would like to conclude our business and go home, if we may. Thouhh, knowing my life, a short return is likely."
04:39:03: <Tab> "We...we can just go?" Red asks
04:39:07: <Recaiden> 14"Go to the King's hall, and speak with him."
04:39:11: <Tab> Kika shakes her head, she doesn't trust this
04:39:47: <Recaiden> The lady turns and laughs. "You can leave my presence. Try to leave when you shouldn't and my dogs will be gnawing on your soul."
04:40:03: <Recaiden> 14"He wills how you the way."
04:40:27: <Recaiden> 14*show
04:40:38: <tsinistar> ((Does kozu know anything of this king?))
04:40:51: <tsinistar> ((Or shouldnt lethal be updating us?))
04:42:11: <Recaiden> 14((You left the group bro))
04:42:30: <Recaiden> 14((Kozu does not, from that name alone. Though *he* could well be a Deathlord or deathknight))
04:42:37: <tsinistar> ((Damn))
04:42:42: <tsinistar> ((I broke rule one))
04:42:51: <tsinistar> ((Im so dumb sometimes))
04:42:52: <firedaemon33> 6((???))
04:43:03: <tsinistar> ((Never split the party))
04:43:19: <Recaiden> 14Kozu looks around, and sees his five robe-buddies, and then blackness. The rest of the party is...somewhere?
04:43:37: <firedaemon33> 6((Oh. Yeah...))
04:43:50: <tsinistar> 2"Ah, well...Could I rejoin my comrades first, then?"
04:43:57: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Seriously. Why did we come here?"
04:44:24: <Tab> "Miss Neiz," Red says quietly
04:44:35: <Tab> "The Sun Child is missing!"
04:45:10: <Recaiden> 14((You came here because you noticed a pattern to the Labyrinth's changing geography. And decided to go to the center))
04:45:13: <Tab> Forgot Neiz is a Mrs
04:45:15: <Tab> Not a miss
04:45:17: <Tab> Whoops
04:45:31: <Tab> Stop being clever recadien
04:46:05: <tsinistar> Oh yeah speaking of which
04:46:37: <Recaiden> 14((Non-kozus, do you want to do a thing before I roll you a random horrific encounter?))
04:46:44: <tsinistar> 2" I also, I took some notes on the Labyrinth, any chance I could go over those with you briefly, for the sake of knowledge?"
04:46:57: <Tab> Red wants beans to look at the IRC
04:46:58: <Beans> Neiz looks around, worried. "Oh dear..."
04:47:03: <Tab> Oh there we go
04:47:10: <Tab> Kima looks around
04:47:17: <Recaiden> 14"Understanding is a great cause. Learn the truth."
04:47:25: <Tab> "Another one bites the dust..."
04:47:28: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks around as well
04:47:34: <Recaiden> 14The robe-guy will answer questions, correct mistakes, add helpful bits.
04:47:41: <Tab> "Kima!" Red snaps! "Not so harsh!"
04:47:54: <firedaemon33> 6"Where did Kozu go? I hope he didn't get himself captured...That would be really bad."
04:48:05: <Recaiden> 14Looking around, you see more and more of the magically-enforced darkness. The cold is retreating now that the ghost-hounds are gone.
04:48:05: <firedaemon33> 6((Red
04:48:17: <firedaemon33> 6's tips on having an Abyssal Mate: Don't))
04:48:18: <tsinistar> ((Awesome. Kozu is gonna get totally famous for this. Assuming he survives. "
04:49:05: <tsinistar> 2" Many thanks for your aid. I must find my fellows and deliberate."
04:49:27: <Recaiden> 14"Walk in the King's peace, my brother."
04:49:29: <Tab> "there is worse than the death lords down here," Kima sags
04:49:35: <Tab> "If he's gone..."
04:49:43: <Recaiden> 14((Wits+Occult roll for finding the group again, Kozu. +1 helpful robe-guy bonus))
04:50:12: <firedaemon33> 6((2 Sux))
04:50:45: <tsinistar> 2"And you in the Light of Illumination. Thanks again,"
04:50:57: <Recaiden> 14((Not you, FD. Just Kozu.))
04:51:00: <firedaemon33> 6((GL, Kozu!))
04:51:04: <tsinistar> 2Kozu scurries about on...
04:51:05: <Recaiden> 14((Unless you want to split the group further))
04:51:36: <tsinistar> 5 sux
04:51:39: <tsinistar> NO
04:51:41: <Recaiden> 14The robed guys rush in to hush Kozu as he speaks the word 'Light', and then cringes at 'Illumination'
04:51:45: <Recaiden> 14"Do not. She will hear you."
04:52:19: <tsinistar> 2" She? Are common terms for mastery of one's mind and essence forbidden here?'
04:53:11: <tsinistar> 2"I mean, I can understand a taboo on the sun down here, but even on achieving ultimate self control?'
04:53:30: <Tab> Duuuuuude
04:53:34: <Recaiden> 14He said 'sun'
04:53:37: <Recaiden> 14They panic and run
04:53:49: <Recaiden> 14No time for answers.
04:53:54: <Tab> Underworld was so cool until the deathlords douched it up
04:53:59: <firedaemon33> 6((And /now/ you've pissed off the Deathlord))
04:54:03: <Beans> THE SUN'LL COME OUUUT
04:54:04: <Beans> TOMORROW
04:54:14: <tsinistar> 2" Guess I get to learn the hard way," Kozu grimaces and draws his bow
04:54:23: <tsinistar> 2An arrow is nocked
04:54:31: <tsinistar> 2A stern face is made
04:54:43: <Recaiden> 14and, luckily, nothing happens. To Kozu.
04:54:50: <tsinistar> 2The robes are tucked safely away
04:54:52: <Beans> remind me to use that if it comes time to neiz it the hell up
04:54:57: <Recaiden> 14((Crist on the bad-things-happening rolls))
04:55:05: <Recaiden> 14*crits
04:55:17: <tsinistar> ((Is that good))
04:55:23: <Recaiden> Meanwhile, a cry goes up in the dark near the rest of the party
04:55:24: <Tab> Nothing is ever good silly
04:55:24: <Recaiden> ((Yes))
04:55:31: <Tab> Oh never mind
04:55:32: <Recaiden> "I SMELL THE BLOOD OF THE LIVING!"
04:55:46: <Tab> Kima swings her sword up, ready for a strike
04:55:52: <Tab> "THEY'RE MINE!"
04:56:03: <Recaiden> Footsteps are heard, distant and quickly approaching
04:56:33: <tsinistar> Do i need to roll again to find everyone?
04:56:35: <Recaiden> ((Cha+Presence to intimidate them))
04:56:37: <firedaemon33> 6Kura drops into her martial arts stance and says, "What now?"
04:56:43: <firedaemon33> 6((Activate Bat Form
04:56:50: <Recaiden> ((Yes, Kozu, I'm afraid so))
04:57:00: <Beans> Neiz draws her fans, ready to FECK SHET EP
04:57:16: <Tab> Eight outta eight!
04:57:22: <Beans> :3
04:57:32: <Beans> SPOOPY SCARY LESBIAN
04:57:36: <tsinistar> ((Five again!))
04:57:37: <firedaemon33> 6((Can I rescind that essence spend?))
04:58:06: <tsinistar> ((GOOD ROLLS. BAD JUDGMENT.))
04:58:18: <tsinistar> ((PLENTIMON LOVES THE FOOLS))
04:58:30: <Recaiden> ((Yes, FD, You can))
04:58:47: <Recaiden> Out of the black charges a pack of ragged black skeletons, elongated and wrapped in leather scraps.
04:58:58: <firedaemon33> 6((Cool))
04:59:08: <Tab> Spoopy scurry lesbians send shivers down your thighs
04:59:18: <firedaemon33> 6:/
04:59:27: <Recaiden> Mortwrights, ghosts who died so horrifically that they instantly embraced Oblivion, to bring it to everyone else.
04:59:42: <Tab> Kima roars as she streaks forward to swipe across at the mortwrighta!
05:01:30: <Recaiden> ((roll yer attack))
05:01:33: <Tab> 8 to hit
05:01:44: <Tab> Does that give bonus damage I forget
05:02:03: <Recaiden> +2 damage bonus, in this case
05:02:08: <Tab> Woot woot
05:02:15: <Recaiden> The blade chops into the lead skeleton
05:02:27: <Tab> 11!
05:02:54: <firedaemon33> 6Kura attacks as well!
05:03:25: <tsinistar> ((Does kozu witness any of this? Or is he still separated?))
05:03:37: <firedaemon33> 6She uses Night Hunter Descent to dash to the Mortwright and strike at it, trying to drive her blade deep into it's ethereal, blackened heart!
05:03:48: <Beans> Neiz will also do a thing
05:04:03: <Recaiden> ((kozu is still separate))
05:04:04: <firedaemon33> 6((3 Sux))
05:04:18: <Recaiden> Kima quite literally chops the monstrosity in half.
05:04:36: <tsinistar> ((Dangit i hate being useless))
05:04:51: <tsinistar> ((Kozu dances if he wants to))
05:04:52: <Recaiden> Kura rather ineffectively stabs the corpse.
05:04:59: <tsinistar> ((But he does not want to))
05:05:05: <firedaemon33> 6((Try being the assassin that can't get past Soak.))
05:05:09: <tsinistar> ((So the dancing is left behind))
05:05:14: <Recaiden> There are 3 left, who open their eyes
05:05:18: <Recaiden> ((What sort of Neiz thing))
05:05:23: <Tab> Get a big ass sword!
05:05:29: <Tab> oh yea
05:05:31: <Tab> BEANS
05:05:32: <Tab> WHAT DO
05:05:33: <Beans> neiz slashes swishily with her war fan [[5 sux]]
05:05:33: <Recaiden> Worthy prey. Kima's death will be all the more glorious
05:06:03: <Recaiden> Neiz gets a 1-dot stunt, and just barely cuts past the skeleton's warding claws.
05:06:07: <Recaiden> ((no damage bonus, but hit))
05:06:40: <Beans> yey
05:07:17: <firedaemon33> 6((Sleep is me. I am sleep. Night peoples.))
05:07:40: <tsinistar> ((But i was gonna see how much damage paper can do to a skellington))
05:08:02: <Beans> it can do
05:08:07: <Beans> one? :/
05:08:14: <Beans> 1 sux
05:08:19: <firedaemon33> 6((Recaiden has convinced me to stay for the fight.))
05:08:38: <Tab> Woot woot
05:08:39: <Recaiden> Neiz inflicts a papercut, and the skeleton laughs.
05:08:42: <Recaiden> "Best you can do?"
05:08:47: <Recaiden> Their turn!
05:08:51: <Beans> :u
05:08:57: <Beans> feckin
05:09:09: <Tab> :[]
05:09:31: <Recaiden> The one closest to the one that's now lying in pieces opens its jaws, far wider than human jaws should ever open, and a black cloud spills forth to envelop the combatants.
05:09:51: <Recaiden> If you thought it was dark before, you were wrong. This place just seems to keep finding new levels of blackness.
05:09:55: <Beans> "Nobody likes you, you're incredibly tacky, and you have made very poor choices in life and death."
05:09:57: <Recaiden> You couldn't see your hands in front of your face.
05:10:08: <Beans> git dunkt
05:10:12: <Recaiden> ((If you have Dodge magics you can maybe get out of the cloud of black))
05:10:38: <Tab> Red has excellencies?
05:10:43: <Tab> That's it I think
05:11:09: <Recaiden> ((not enough, really.)) The skeleton then runs a claw down its face, miming a tear at Neiz's harsh words.
05:11:11: <Tab> "There is, like, wayyyy too much inky darkness of the fallen soul here, even for me."
05:11:16: <Recaiden> It's the last thign you see before the blackness covers you.
05:11:34: <Beans> gonna roll up some duck faet
05:11:42: <firedaemon33> 6Kura tries and fails to flee from the cloud
05:11:46: <Recaiden> Another one laughs. "Yes, we will see the blood of the dead, alright."
05:12:06: <Recaiden> And it howls, a spooky scary sound that sends shivers down your spine.
05:12:38: <tsinistar> I hate you so much
05:12:39: <Recaiden> Kima recognizes the sound, a magic that calls Hungry Ghosts. At that volume, it will get dozens of the things to come, at least. Maybe every one in this whole level of the labyrinth.
05:12:52: <Recaiden> ((Hold on, TS))
05:13:01: <tsinistar> ((Dont you post that link))
05:13:13: <Beans> [[4 sux on duck fate]]
05:13:13: <tsinistar> ((If i hear that song one more time))
05:13:30: <Recaiden> And the last one leaps at Kima, claws cutting through the dark.
05:13:50: <Tab> Can Kima use her badass parry charms?
05:13:58: <Recaiden> ((it rolled like terrible and got 5 sux))
05:14:05: <Recaiden> ((But yes, she can parry))
05:14:21: <Beans> [[what is essence of spookyblack]]
05:14:23: <Recaiden> And at this point, Kozu stumbles onto the party. Well, probably the party is in there somewhere.
05:14:33: <Recaiden> ((They're essence 2))
05:14:36: <Beans> :3
05:14:56: <Beans> neiz duckfates the hell out of the zombiefart probably then
05:15:23: <Tab> Kima uses vengeful riposte to get a swing at the skelly attacking her!
05:15:38: <Recaiden> Yep, neiz should be totes gone. She sees a cloud of blackness, and a Kozu, who is probably looking at her as she appears out of nowhere
05:15:52: <Recaiden> Kozu heard the spooky howl, I'm sure
05:16:04: <Tab> Her cast marks drips as she spends the essence, bringing Damocles up in an impossibly fast twitch!
05:16:24: <Recaiden> +1 stunt yay
05:16:30: <Tab> The chain bow on the handle tinkle tinkles as it slashes up, ready to cleave!
05:16:34: <Tab> Yay!
05:16:59: <tsinistar> 2Kozu stops in his tracks
05:17:11: <tsinistar> 2" Mrs Neiz? What is happening?'
05:17:16: <Recaiden> From within the cloud, one can hear clashing blades and skeleton shrieks
05:17:32: <Tab> 7 to hit
05:17:39: <Beans> Neiz swishles. "Kozu, there's some sort of undead in there, and they're attacking the girls! Can you dispel it somehow?"
05:17:58: <Tab> And 7 for killy choppy fun damage
05:18:22: <Recaiden> Kima is quick, but in the darkness she's not even sure what she's striking back *at*. Damocles cuts air harmlessly
05:18:24: <firedaemon33> 6Kura tries to stumble out of the cloud, coughing as she says, "Kima *cough* is fighting *cough* all of them."
05:18:35: <tsinistar> 2 "We are on their home turf, but I can try!"
05:18:47: <Recaiden> Kura stumbles out of the cloud towards the voices, and yays!
05:19:02: <tsinistar> 2" Do not worry, Miss Lethal! I can handle this!" He adds a silent 'i hope'
05:19:15: <Tab> Dudes I forgot about red!
05:19:24: <Tab> Well, she can't see much either
05:19:25: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glares at Kozu with a look that says, /Really/?
05:19:29: <Tab> So she stays close to Kima
05:20:09: <tsinistar> 2Kozu connects himself to the essence flow and seeks to cut the binds of magic, casting counterspell over the area!
05:21:39: <Recaiden> The counterspell washes over the fight ineffectively. They're ghosts, not necromancers.
05:21:46: <Recaiden> Kima and Neiz are up.
05:21:52: <Recaiden> There are 3 spookyscaries in here somewhere
05:21:57: <Recaiden> But Kozu!
05:22:00: <tsinistar> Oh dammit
05:22:05: <tsinistar> what
05:22:29: <Tab> Kima, however, is totally a necromancer
05:22:31: <Beans> uhhh
05:22:34: <Tab> Though
05:22:35: <Tab> Uh
05:22:42: <Tab> Can mortwrights be banished here?
05:22:42: <Recaiden> ((Countermagic fights Sorcery and (less effectively) Necromancy, but doesn't do anything to Charms (except special Infernal ones)))
05:22:59: <Recaiden> ((You can GTFO banish them, but not banish them to the Underworld))
05:23:07: <Recaiden> ((They just have to leave you alone for a bit))
05:23:13: <tsinistar> I need to make a charm that can do that
05:23:23: <Beans> go spoopy go
05:24:13: <Tab> Kima settles for swinginging Damocles around some more, while Red switches back to human form and draws her flame pieces
05:24:17: <firedaemon33> 6((Go Kima! You can do it!))
05:24:23: <Tab> "Let's light it up!"
05:24:36: <Tab> And I don't think red has actions left to fire
05:24:43: <Tab> But Kima got 9 to hit
05:24:59: <Tab> Grand dailkaves are great
05:25:00: <Recaiden> Hits with +1 damage
05:25:08: <Recaiden> Even swinging blind.
05:25:22: <Tab> 7 damage!
05:26:04: <tsinistar> Kozu also needs to make his wood dragon style charms effect undead
05:26:11: <Recaiden> The skeleton is smashed up, ribs go flying everywhere, but it seems to still be standing.
05:26:36: <Tab> Kima spits in defiance at it!
05:26:39: <Recaiden> Attacks fly in. Claws, blades, biting teeth
05:27:01: <Recaiden> ((Kima's DV?))
05:27:37: <Tab> 2
05:27:52: <Tab> Her soaks is breddy gud tho
05:28:02: <Recaiden> 3x spooky hit combo!
05:28:11: <Recaiden> What is it?
05:28:26: <Tab> 16 lethal with 9 hardness
05:28:30: <Tab> 21 bashing
05:28:31: <Beans> horly shet
05:28:34: <Tab> 16 aggravated
05:28:44: <Beans> how even
05:28:48: <Tab> also, can vengeful reposte again mebbe?
05:28:48: <Recaiden> Her armor protects her fully from almost all of it, even blnid as she is to defend
05:29:00: <Recaiden> Kima takes 1 level of damage
05:29:04: <Recaiden> And can riposte again
05:29:48: <Tab> Damocles dances around Kima even while she stays still, one would swear the silver and black blade is moving on its own as it flashes, biting back at those that dare to strike its master
05:30:02: <Beans> yaay
05:30:26: <Tab> 8 to hit
05:30:46: <Tab> 6 damage
05:30:51: <Recaiden> She hits a skeleton this time, but does no harm.
05:31:00: <Beans> a hippocratic blow
05:31:20: <tsinistar> Damn pacifistic hippos
05:31:50: <Tab> "Just DIE ALREADY! AGAIN! WHATEVER!"
05:31:54: <Beans> commie pinko riverthings
05:32:33: <Recaiden> And by does no damage, I mean she finishes the already wounded guy off
05:32:45: <Recaiden> Because stunts
05:32:48: <Beans> :3
05:33:12: <Tab> "YEAH LIKE THAT! That definitely works. Keep doing that."
05:33:13: <Recaiden> The other two decide maybe red is a tastier target
05:33:17: <Recaiden> But it's Kozu's turn
05:34:29: <tsinistar> Would my spirit sight ocfult charm let me see the ghosties?
05:34:34: <tsinistar> Skellies
05:34:41: <tsinistar> Whatever they are-ies
05:34:46: <Beans> buttassies
05:34:46: <Recaiden> Nah.
05:35:00: <Recaiden> They're not invisible, everything is just black fog
05:35:13: <tsinistar> Dangit
05:35:29: <tsinistar> And my martial arts enemy highlight chamr doesnt do undead
05:35:40: <tsinistar> Spirit detecting glance is no helpM
05:36:17: <tsinistar> Whelp
05:36:55: <tsinistar> 2Kozu raises his bow for a moment, then realizes that if he fires in, he could damage Kima and Red as much as the mortwrights
05:37:37: <tsinistar> 2"Ash and rubbish! It would seem we have to do this close in and dirty! "
05:37:56: <Recaiden> Kozu readies weapon?
05:38:00: <Recaiden> ((Red's DV?))
05:38:07: <tsinistar> Yep
05:38:48: <Tab> Red is six!
05:39:10: <Tab> With...only one lethal soak
05:39:52: <Tab> What's sacred guardian renewel do again?
05:40:09: <Recaiden> Long jagged teeth sink into Red, ripping and tearing for 6 lethal damage levels.
05:40:14: <Recaiden> It lets you do Virtue channels better
05:40:22: <Beans> horly shet
05:41:53: <Tab> Red howls in pain as she's brought to her first -2 level, biting her lip to cut herself short and keep from sobbing
05:42:12: <Tab> Kima roars angrily
05:42:16: <Tab> RETRIBUTION
05:42:42: <firedaemon33> 6Kura charges at the Skeleton that attacked her fellow Lunar, bringing her Katars around in swift moonsilver justice
05:42:43: <Beans> Neiz hears this and is filled with SWISHY FURY
05:43:21: <firedaemon33> 6((5 Sux))
05:43:37: <Beans> is neiz time or
05:43:43: <Recaiden> Neiz time
05:45:52: <tsinistar> NOW IS THE ERA OF SWISH
05:45:53: <Beans> Neiz, whose to-hit rolls i have been undercalculating, flits in like a moonage daydream, leaping and bringing her foot to the ****ty skelly in an enraged Rider Kick
05:46:17: <Recaiden> +3 stunt, much yay
05:46:29: <Beans> :3
05:46:31: <Beans> brillo
05:47:40: <Beans> 4 sux, because we can't have nice things
05:48:17: <Tab> Brillo?
05:48:25: <tsinistar> Steel wool
05:48:29: <Tab> Ouch
05:48:33: <Beans> also used as slang for "brilliant"
05:48:37: <Tab> Oh
05:48:41: <tsinistar> Ah
05:49:14: <Recaiden> Neiz Rider Kicks right over the Skelly's head, emerging on the other side of the darkness cloud in a bit of confusion.
05:49:20: <Recaiden> Kima, hasty vengeance time
05:49:32: <Recaiden> Also Kozu
05:49:52: <Beans> Neiz considers that she may just not be made for hitting things ever.
05:50:15: <firedaemon33> 6Kura mopes, having resigned herself to the fate of not succeeding on anything, even
05:50:18: <firedaemon33> 6*ever
05:50:33: <firedaemon33> 6((Seriously. My track record is...1 Submarine.))
05:50:50: <Recaiden> Kima, with the power of Hitting Things. Kozu, with the power of Nerdery. Neiz, with the power of Fabulous. And Kura, with the power of Angst.
05:51:03: <Beans> also red with the power of breasts.
05:51:39: <Tab> Kima grabs Red and pulls her back, heading out towards the sound of the others, though Red gets the idea and moves on her own accord, freeing Kima up to resume hackenslashery with 10 whole success
05:51:55: <Tab> A bunch a 5s and 3s and then 5 tens
05:52:02: <Tab> Someone do math I wanna know the odds
05:52:18: <tsinistar> Big number to one
05:52:20: <tsinistar> Kozu time
05:52:47: <tsinistar> 2Assuming he can see the morts, Kozu looses an arrow
05:52:55: <Recaiden> Kozu cannot see them
05:53:06: <Recaiden> I'm not sure what part of magical cloud of darkness wasn't clear.
05:53:21: <tsinistar> 2if not, the sound of pained screams draws him in to try and help Red out to relative safety
05:53:32: <Recaiden> Okay, that he can do.
05:54:50: <Tab> Red leans heavily on pandaguy, muttering a strained 'thank you'
05:54:56: <Recaiden> 10 whole success is very hit, +2 damage
05:55:20: <Tab> 10 damage!
05:55:32: <Recaiden> Skeleton downed!
05:56:21: <Recaiden> The last one runs.
05:56:25: <Tab> "I am A GODDESS OF WAAAAAAARRRRR!"
05:56:31: <Recaiden> It knows no fear, but clearly these people are meant to be here.
05:56:47: <Tab> "GTFO, BIYATCH!"
05:56:52: <Recaiden> Luckily, Kima isn't saying that where an actual war goddess can hear her.
05:57:02: <tsinistar> 2" Language, Miss Lethal."
05:57:04: <Recaiden> Slowly, the darkness dissipates.
05:57:34: <tsinistar> 2Kozu helps Red down and stashes his bow, pulling out his medical tools instead.
05:57:43: <Beans> Neiz rushes over to Red, all concerned
05:57:53: <tsinistar> 2It's time for instant treatment methodology!

2014-10-25, 11:55 PM

03:46:55: <Recaidenne> PREVIOUSLY ON SHROMPQUEST
03:47:11: <Recaidenne> Kozu got a robe, other people argued with dogs, and the party was reunited during a nemissary attack
03:47:16: <Recaidenne> This time....
03:47:25: <Recaidenne> --------------------------------------------
03:47:53: <Recaidenne> Also, Kima, roll essence for Resonance gain
03:47:54: <Tab> SUSPENSE
03:47:58: <Tab> dammit
03:48:08: <Tab> for fighting the baddy boos?
03:48:13: <Tab> 1 success
03:48:16: <Recaidenne> ((Up to you guys to do things atm)
03:48:18: <Recaidenne> Yes
03:48:28: <tsinistar> 2"
03:48:46: <Recaidenne> Some music to set the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6-ZGAGcJrk
03:48:59: <tsinistar> 2Kozu tends to Red's wounds, 8 sux iirc
03:49:30: <Recaidenne> Medicine occurs!
03:49:35: <tsinistar> 2He goes out of his way to avoid one of those moments where after action healing becomes intimate.
03:49:55: <Tab> Red, on the other hand, makes suggestive noises and thanks Kozu breathily
03:50:31: <Beans> Neiz can halp! it's what plus Med?
03:50:35: <Recaidenne> Int
03:50:46: <tsinistar> I Think i stunted and used my medicine charm to speed it up last time
03:51:25: <Beans> but neiz can contribute hot nurse successes
03:51:30: <Recaidenne> It will take her time to heal, but Red is going to be okay.
03:51:53: <tsinistar> Even with instant treatment methodology
03:52:29: <Tab> Red is definately happy about Neiz's help
03:52:45: <Tab> Holds her tight when faking her little pained hisses and gasps
03:52:59: <Beans> neiz gets one success
03:53:04: <Tab> Kima, meanwhile, is hissing in actual pain, not at her one wound but at her resonance gain.
03:53:24: <Recaidenne> The voices only she hears screech wordless disapproval.
03:53:27: <Beans> with that one success, she gives her a get-better forehead peck
03:53:47: <Tab> "Shut it, assbutts."
03:53:49: <Recaidenne> ((Yes, TS))
03:53:58: <Tab> "Just let us out."
03:54:03: <tsinistar> Dang
03:54:05: <tsinistar> Aihht
03:54:32: <firedaemon33> 6Kura frowns and says, "There has to be something we can do about that."
03:54:34: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Lethal, let me see your wounds. Anyone else hurt?"
03:57:59: <Tab> Kima kneels down by Kozu, prying open her armor to let her ouchies show. "It's not all too bad.:
03:58:22: <Recaidenne> Incidentally, there are no known methods of doing something about the voices.
03:58:38: <Recaidenne> Except possibly confronting them in person.
03:58:49: <Recaidenne> But, uh, even the deathlords would recommend against that.
03:59:04: <tsinistar> 2Kozu turns his work to Kima, and gets 8 sux again treating her wounds.
03:59:18: <tsinistar> 2'We should get going."
03:59:25: <Recaidenne> Kima will also suffer no complications from her injuries.
04:00:05: <Recaidenne> The group sets off in a random direction?
04:01:00: <firedaemon33> 6No.
04:01:09: <firedaemon33> 6We consider where we are and where we want to be
04:01:11: <firedaemon33> 6And make a plan
04:01:44: <firedaemon33> 6So....
04:01:47: <firedaemon33> 6Any ideas?
04:01:58: <Recaidenne> REFRESHER:
04:02:07: <Recaidenne> You are at the lowest level of the labyrinth.
04:02:16: <Recaidenne> After you exited the tunnel that brought you here, it evaporated.
04:02:29: <Recaidenne> You can see one yard, plus one per dot of perception you have.
04:02:40: <Recaidenne> After that is blackness.
04:02:58: <tsinistar> 2" How do we get out of here? The robed men mentioned stairs..."
04:03:06: <Recaidenne> Somewhere in here are the geomantic sources of the underworld, the centers of the pattern that defines the labyrinth.
04:03:14: <Recaidenne> And somewhere there are the Venous Stairs, which lead upward.
04:03:26: <Recaidenne> Also somewhere is the MOUTH OF THE VOID, the END OF ALL THINGS
04:03:31: <Recaidenne> You probably don't want to find that.
04:03:36: <Tab> "Uhhh...." Kima spins around, looking upwards "Uhhhhhhh...."
04:03:50: <Tab> does kima know anything?
04:04:03: <Recaidenne> Int+Lore + any specialties in the labyrinth/underworld
04:04:12: <Tab> oh
04:04:13: <Tab> uh
04:04:20: <firedaemon33> 6Good luck guys!
04:04:27: <tsinistar> 2" They also mentioned a Once and Future King who wanted to see us..."
04:04:31: <Recaidenne> Above her, Kima senses a vast emptiness, and sees only blackness. She knows that the capital of Stygia is somewhere above her.
04:04:46: <Tab> Three six!
04:05:12: <Recaidenne> Kima: This is the tenth of the ten bolgias of the Labyrinth.
04:05:26: <Recaidenne> It is the safest and the most dangerous, for her is where the NEVERBORN reside/exist/die
04:05:55: <Recaidenne> It is said that no one enters or leaves save by their will, and that normal ghost would be driven mad in minutes by the whispers.
04:07:22: <tsinistar> Does kozu get any bonus points for his notes?
04:07:37: <Recaidenne> ((As FD asked about, Resonance can be dealt with, by sincere atonement))
04:07:51: <Recaidenne> Kozu already rolled for this?
04:07:53: <Tab> yeh but kima aint atoning to the deathlords
04:08:01: <Recaidenne> But roll 2 more dice for the notes.
04:08:15: <Recaidenne> ((or by suffering an eruption))
04:08:19: <tsinistar> 10 sux
04:08:29: <Tab> eruptions do bad stuff
04:08:37: <Tab> arent there smaller ones you can do
04:08:46: <Recaidenne> They're all eruptions
04:09:03: <Recaidenne> Uncontrolled Eruptions are the really bad ones
04:09:06: <Recaidenne> But they all do bad stuff
04:09:09: <tsinistar> 10 10 4 10 9 9 6 9 9 1 4 1
04:09:15: <Recaidenne> Just like partial/uncontrolled Limit Breaks
04:09:27: <Tab> I need to learn how to take advantage of resonance like resonance ben
04:09:29: <Recaidenne> What does Kozu want to know, he basically does.
04:09:40: <tsinistar> Yes
04:09:42: <tsinistar> yesssss
04:09:55: <tsinistar> Kozu would like to know how to get upwards, to stygia
04:10:44: <Recaidenne> Up the stairs. They are outward
04:12:32: <Recaidenne> Or, sorry, centerward.
04:12:44: <Recaidenne> Which you can determine with an appropriate Essence+Perception roll
04:12:48: <firedaemon33> 6:/
04:12:51: <Recaidenne> Just like sensing a demense
04:12:54: <tsinistar> 2" I think... i think I know the way..."
04:13:17: <tsinistar> Three sux!
04:13:21: <Recaidenne> That way!
04:13:35: <Beans> Yaaaay
04:13:44: <tsinistar> 2" We have to find the stairs. They should be by the center... Which is this way!"
04:13:57: <firedaemon33> 6Woo!
04:14:12: <tsinistar> 2Kozu grabs Kura by her hand (if able) and leads the group along in a little stringalong!
04:14:33: <tsinistar> 2He might've finally done something right, and through his way of doing stuff!
04:15:01: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is brought along!
04:15:08: <firedaemon33> 6She trusts Kozu not to lead her wrong
04:15:08: <Recaidenne> The group strings through the blackness.
04:15:12: <Beans> Off we go~
04:15:13: <Recaidenne> ((Kima, roll me survival))
04:15:13: <Tab> Kima and Red follow happily, dancing after them, happy to see stick in the mud happy!
04:15:17: <Recaidenne> ((Just survival))
04:15:22: <Tab> ...
04:15:33: <Recaidenne> ((If you have none roll essence))
04:15:41: <Tab> okay!
04:15:56: <Tab> can i spend a willpower to add a dice?
04:16:19: <Recaidenne> Occasionally they pass some ghost: another black-robed fellow praying on his knees, a morthwright slinking along.
04:16:20: <Tab> 8
04:16:21: <Tab> 9
04:16:22: <Tab> 10
04:16:26: <Recaidenne> You can, yes.
04:16:35: <Tab> and 6 on the willpower dice :P
04:16:48: <Recaidenne> Oh, WP adds a success, not a die.
04:16:56: <Tab> five sccess then!
04:17:07: <Recaidenne> Kozu finds himself stepping onto sand, white sand
04:17:16: <Recaidenne> Previously everything had been basalt, perfectly flat
04:17:17: <tsinistar> 2Kozu nods to the monks and avoids the mortwrights.
04:17:26: <Beans> saaaaaaaand
04:17:31: <tsinistar> 2And then takes mental notes on the sand.
04:17:41: <tsinistar> 2" Odd..."
04:17:53: <Tab> "STOP! EVERYBODY STOP!"
04:17:56: <Recaidenne> This is where you were brought to give up your name. It may be difficult to remember.
04:18:02: <Tab> Kima grabs at the group and tries to hold them back!
04:18:16: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blinks and nods as she shivers and says, "Yeah...Something is very wrong."
04:18:17: <Tab> "Every step we take just brings us closer!"
04:18:21: <firedaemon33> 6She steps off of the sand\
04:18:30: <Tab> seriously... is this opposite world?
04:18:42: <Recaidenne> ((It kind of is, yes.))
04:18:44: <Tab> more success seems to equal more bad lately
04:19:07: <Recaidenne> This roll was much like resonance. Success == bad (so I made your WP take away a success, but that still left you with 3 for 3))
04:19:21: <tsinistar> 2" I do not understand...this...this should be the right way... "
04:19:41: <tsinistar> 2The small boost to Kozu's ego is replaced with a great big strike
04:19:49: <Recaidenne> The darkness lifts, revealing a vast desert before you. A many-buildinged monument rises from it.
04:20:03: <Recaidenne> Where the ground is not sandy it is dry and cracked.
04:20:16: <Beans> Neiz looks intensely unhappy at all the notgood.
04:20:20: <tsinistar> 2" This... But...I was right! I had notes!"
04:20:36: <Tab> "This is where they took my name..."
04:20:41: <Tab> "I think..."
04:21:01: <Recaidenne> A pyramid with too many faces and points to possibly exist in three dimensions rise up in the center of the complex. It is also full of spectres, here and there, walking slowly and reverently.
04:21:05: <Tab> Red steps closer to Kima, shivering a bit now that most of her furs are gone, but growiling ath the oppressive air.
04:21:22: <Recaidenne> "Welcome back." ((<-- audible to Kima and anyone else who wants to hear it))
04:21:38: <tsinistar> 2Kozu pulls out his scroll that held the message and compares it to his notes, ignoring the voice.
04:22:35: <tsinistar> 2" We have to be in the right place, we double checked! We triple checked! We did all the math! /I/ did all the math! Many times!"
04:22:58: <Recaidenne> Looking at his notes, Kozu quickly realizes that this area surrounds the tomb-self of a Neverborn, and it seems like the center because it /is/ one of the centers of the Underworld.
04:23:20: <tsinistar> One of?
04:23:24: <tsinistar> Centers plural?
04:23:33: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swallows and then looks at Kima and says, "We're leaving. Now."
04:23:41: <tsinistar> 2"Wait...wait..."
04:23:44: <firedaemon33> 6"This isn't the right way."
04:23:45: <Recaidenne> There is the center center, and then several surrounding centers
04:24:00: <Tab> "Why would we wait?!" Red snaps, comforting Kima
04:24:16: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Lethal is in there somewhere. "
04:24:33: <tsinistar> 2" Or...the Neverborn that has her soul is..."
04:24:45: <Recaidenne> "Clever girl."
04:24:47: <Tab> "And how right have you been so far, Sun Child?"
04:25:02: <tsinistar> 2" I..." Kozu is takrn aback
04:25:20: <tsinistar> 2the voice says he's right...but the voice wants them there, doesnt it
04:25:40: <tsinistar> 2This whole trip...was it all a trick of the Neverborn?
04:25:48: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swallows and says, "On the one hand...If her soul is right here, we should try to recover it...On the other, we need to leave. Now."
04:26:21: <firedaemon33> 6"I trust you, Kozu. I'll follow you either way."
04:27:01: <Tab> "Perhaps you shouldn't" Red tries to lead Kima away, but she stands stock still, staring ahead at the monument and clinging Neiz's hand
04:27:19: <Recaidenne> ((13 successes vs. Kozu's MDV to convince him to stay))
04:27:50: <Recaidenne> A subtle vision is presented in the voice. What he might find. An image of Kima's monstrance, crumbling away. All the secrets of necromancy, waiting within.
04:27:57: <tsinistar> Eight
04:28:19: <Recaidenne> 2 WP to leave, if he even wants to.
04:28:20: <tsinistar> 2'I...I could...We could save Kima, learn everything... "
04:28:50: <Beans> Neiz squirms in discomfort, everything making her feel sick all over.
04:28:58: <tsinistar> 2No. No. It's lying
04:29:04: <Recaidenne> Neiz feels thirsty.
04:29:07: <tsinistar> 2 But it's right there
04:29:15: <tsinistar> 2All the answers
04:29:24: <tsinistar> 2Everything
04:29:38: <tsinistar> 2Even if it's lying we could
04:29:49: <tsinistar> 2,10No
04:29:55: <tsinistar> 2 wp spend
04:30:13: <tsinistar> 2" We should...we should just go."
04:30:32: <tsinistar> 2Kozu stands up, a massive headache raging.
04:30:42: <tsinistar> 2" I...I am sorry, everyone. "
04:30:51: <Recaidenne> "Don't you want to be free, Kima?"
04:31:03: <Beans> Neiz reaches for her water bottle, because hydration is important
04:31:27: <Tab> "Nah" Kima says. It's not very convincing.
04:32:27: <Recaidenne> "These soulsteel bars...so like glass. It would be easy."
04:32:31: <Tab> "The Sun Child is clearly possessed or fooled by some power here. We need another way out."
04:33:30: <tsinistar> 2Kozu has no rebuttal to that. She might be right for all he knows.
04:35:01: <Recaidenne> So you turn back, to try again?
04:35:08: <Recaidenne> Neiz keeps everyone hydrated.
04:35:18: <Recaidenne> And you are allowed to walk away, if you want.
04:35:20: <Tab> Thirsty hos
04:35:26: <Recaidenne> ((Kozu and Kima may gain 1 dot of the Whispers background if they wish. It lets them spend WP to use Whispers in place of an ability, or roll Perception+Occult to gain information about anything))
04:35:29: <firedaemon33> 6Neiz isn't a ho!
04:35:31: <Recaidenne> ((May cause mild insanity))
04:35:40: <Tab> Red tries to grab the group up to lead them away
04:35:42: <Recaidenne> No, the rest of of you are the thirsty hos
04:35:45: <tsinistar> Sure
04:35:48: <tsinistar> Sounds fun
04:36:08: <tsinistar> Might lend hints to what happened to Past!Kozu
04:36:20: <Beans> The hos are no longer thirsty thanks to neiz's water management
04:36:22: <Beans> yaaaay
04:36:53: <tsinistar> 2 Kozu is easily dragged along. He isnt sure enough of himself right now to fight it.
04:37:23: <Recaidenne> The party skirts the sand, and heads off.
04:38:02: <tsinistar> Were never getting out of here if we just jump back and forth between everything Rec gives us are we
04:38:32: <Recaidenne> We'll see.
04:38:42: <Tab> Obviously we just jump around until we find an option that isnt horrobad terrievil
04:38:54: <Tab> kima's gonna skip the whispers
04:38:56: <firedaemon33> 6Recaiden is evil
04:38:59: <Recaidenne> Ghosts grow more common and more largely grouped as they go.
04:39:01: <firedaemon33> 6I just want y'all to know
04:39:05: <Tab> she's good at ignoring stuff
04:39:07: <Recaidenne> ((Am not!))
04:39:23: <firedaemon33> 6((It's even more obvious in the mumblechat))
04:39:24: <Tab> Recaiden and I are clearly just having an out-eviling competition in our games
04:39:33: <Tab> He's evil here
04:39:37: <Tab> I'm evil in RT
04:39:40: <Tab> it all works out
04:39:44: <Recaidenne> Kozu, roll Survival, if you have none, roll essence.
04:39:48: <firedaemon33> 6((Yeah, you're the Master, Tab.))
04:40:00: <Tab> GRAND MASTER EVIL FU
04:40:19: <tsinistar> Three sux
04:40:30: <Tab> I thought Red was leading us around
04:40:35: <Recaidenne> ((On which one?))
04:40:44: <Recaidenne> And Red, roll Perception+Occult
04:40:49: <tsinistar> Essence
04:41:02: <Tab> Four successes!
04:41:18: <Recaidenne> Red leads them off with great surety.
04:41:20: <Tab> Red lacks occult, but her perception is good for tens
04:41:25: <Recaidenne> Kozu is sure this is the wrong direction.
04:41:49: <tsinistar> 2Kozu is also sure that every hunch he has is wrong now
04:42:06: <tsinistar> 2Clearly something has poisoned his mind.
04:42:11: <Tab> clearly
04:42:26: <firedaemon33> 6((That does explain a lot. Like why we're all the way down here.))\
04:42:31: <Recaidenne> The group passes a worship group, a twisted, scarred ghost preaching to an attentive crowd on the demerits of existsnce
04:42:33: <Tab> For Kura's sake, Kima keeps a careful eye on Kozu
04:42:48: <Tab> Herds him towards the midde of the group
04:42:58: <Recaidenne> He calls out to you all to join the hymn they're starting up.
04:43:14: <firedaemon33> 6Kura walks silently as she shephards Kozu to the middle, ignoring the ghot
04:43:17: <Tab> "Pass" Kima says
04:43:22: <Tab> Red just growls
04:43:37: <Recaidenne> The ghosts sing anyway. You think your ears are literally bleeding.
04:43:48: <tsinistar> 2Kozu mopes along, muttering to himselfm
04:44:34: <Recaidenne> An images flits into Kozu's mind: standing atop a tower, with a tiger next to him, being applauded by a crowd of thousands.
04:44:56: <tsinistar> 2Kozu raises an eyebrow
04:45:12: <tsinistar> 2"What are you trying to tell me?"
04:45:17: <Tab> ack!
04:45:21: <Tab> kura!
04:45:21: <Recaidenne> A titanic /thing/ lumbers by, too many legs, far, far too many legs, far too many arms
04:45:31: <Tab> Kima nudges Kozu
04:45:34: <Tab> "Ignore the voices"
04:45:36: <Recaidenne> Kura stumbles and stubs her toe on the perfectly flat basalt
04:45:40: <Tab> "Ignore anything they tell you"
04:46:04: <Tab> "Anything they *show* you. it's all lies"
04:46:08: <Recaidenne> This voice, though, it is not telling. It's asking. There is a sense of questioning, though what is being asked, he can't tell.
04:46:41: <Recaidenne> Ah! The person on the tower. It isn't Kozu, this is not a power fantasy. Who is it?
04:46:46: <Recaidenne> "Please, who?"
04:47:07: <tsinistar> 2"Are we just leaving? Are we going to try to follow the note..." Kozu tries to distract himself from the visions by talkinh
04:47:12: <Beans> it's
04:47:16: <Beans> THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR
04:47:21: <tsinistar> 2It doesn't work too well. Who /is/ that?
04:47:41: <Recaidenne> Ahead, something comes into sight. Or rather, it fails to.
04:47:44: <Tab> "Right now, Sun Child? Right now we just want out of the hole you led us into."
04:47:52: <Recaidenne> There is simply more blackness where there should be ground.
04:47:56: <Tab> Kima scowls at Red, Red scowls right back.
04:47:57: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Yeah..."
04:48:00: <Recaidenne> This is THE END
04:48:13: <Recaidenne> ((Everyone roll Willpower+Integrity))
04:48:15: <Tab> "You have got to be ****ting me inverted."
04:48:51: <Recaidenne> To the sides, there are a few ghosts, some of the least twisted you have seen, standing in silent contemplation of the Void.
04:49:04: <tsinistar> Seven sux...
04:49:36: <Tab> six for kima
04:49:53: <firedaemon33> 6 5 Sux for Kura
04:50:03: <Tab> two for red
04:50:24: <Recaidenne> Seeing the pit, the perfect finality, there is a strong temptation to jump.
04:50:28: <Recaidenne> End all your troubles.
04:51:03: <Recaidenne> Become one with the abyss and with the creators of all Creation.
04:51:04: <Recaidenne> Red, oddly, is most troubled.
04:51:31: <Tab> Red twitches towards the pit, but is stopped by Kima
04:51:40: <Tab> She looks around, then back at Kozu
04:51:40: <Beans> because she's burdened down with boob jokes
04:51:51: <Recaidenne> Maybe there are some stairs near here?
04:52:03: <Recaidenne> You think you spot some, around the side, over there.
04:52:07: <firedaemon33> 6Kura pats Red's shoulder and says, "It's alright. Don't worry."
04:52:10: <Tab> the same line of thought the sun child is stuck on starts to enter her mind, but she wont show it
04:52:17: <Tab> especially not since she sees the stairs
04:52:26: <Beans> beans goes a sleeps
04:52:27: <Beans> http://superhappyawesome.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/pudding.gif
04:52:30: <Tab> "Look there. The stairs. Seems I was right after all."
04:52:40: <Recaidenne> Oh. Good night Beans!

2014-11-04, 02:18 AM
Kura, Kozu, Neiz: 70 BP
Kima: 66 BP
Red: 32.5 BP
Sun Li: 62 BP

You fought your way to the staircase, and are getting out of there

Also yes, Neiz is walking up those stairs
Kozu is still helping Kima carry Red up the stairs. She's got a lot of recovery to go through
" We need to find somewhere we can hide and rest. I need to check the new scrolls."

01:37:58: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is leading the way up the stairs, ready for something to happen
01:38:07: <Recaiden> And you are climbing the staircase
01:38:07: <Recaiden> And you are climbing the staircase
01:38:07: <Recaiden> And you are climbing the staircase
01:38:08: <Recaiden> And you are climbing the staircase
01:38:08: <Recaiden> And you are climbing the staircase
01:38:15: <Beans> stairs are very nice
01:38:17: <Beans> stairs are very nice
01:38:18: <Recaiden> And seriously, it seems like this thing goes up forever
01:38:22: <Beans> i love you stairs, i love you a lot
01:38:26: <Tab> Kima is still lifting Red, grumbling about the length of these damn stairs
01:38:30: <Beans> you help me get from here to all the way up there
01:38:33: <Tab> Why did she come back here, again?
01:38:40: <Tab> This place sucks.
01:38:46: <Recaiden> They are slightly widening as you go up. Eeeeever so slightly.
01:39:08: <Recaiden> Every thousand steps, exactly, there is a tunnel branching off
01:39:11: <Recaiden> Some of them are stone.
01:39:12: <Beans> general agreement: underworld=boolshet
01:39:14: <Recaiden> Some of them are wood.
01:39:20: <tsinistar> 2Kozu takes that as a good sign, though he keep it to himself
01:39:21: <firedaemon33> 6Quite
01:39:29: <Recaiden> Some are made of millions of undead beetles, swarming over each other
01:39:32: <tsinistar> 2" So...which tunnels do we take?"
01:39:48: <Tab> "NOT that one."
01:39:50: <Recaiden> Kima can quickly tell him that the answer is 'none of them'
01:40:00: <Tab> "Or that one. Or any of them."
01:40:06: <Tab> "Just keep going.:
01:40:21: <firedaemon33> 6"None of them, I'd think...We just want to reach the top..."
01:40:40: <Tab> "We'll end up in Stygia...we should, anyways."
01:40:59: <Tab> "And Stygia has it's no questions asked inns just like anywhere else."
01:41:15: <tsinistar> 2" Forgive me if I am not so sure."
01:41:27: <Recaiden> After a while, you hear a sound. Rattling and clicking, of someone walking and something rolling down the stairs somewhere up aboce
01:41:44: <Recaiden> ((Perception+Awareness with a -3 ****ing labyrinth nonsense penalty))
01:42:10: <Tab> two for red
01:42:11: <jhicks> ((Oh, for the record, this is my first attempt to touch the exalted system in actual play, so excuse my...mechanical improficiencies))
01:42:13: <Tab> three for kima
01:42:26: <Tab> it's okay, i havent played in forever and tech is new
01:42:49: <tsinistar> ((Four sux))
01:43:08: <Beans> 2
01:43:10: <Tab> gash
01:43:12: <Tab> only four
01:43:15: <Tab> way to suck tech
01:43:31: <tsinistar> Shushems
01:43:42: <firedaemon33> 6((At least he's rolling dice))
01:44:06: <tsinistar> ((Barely. That was all crit, ladies))
01:44:22: <firedaemon33> 6((1 Sux!))
01:44:47: <Recaiden> Kozu hears wagonwheels and high-heeled shoes; one heavy vehicle and one person walking, stopping frequently to turn without falling in
01:44:49: <Tab> still more than Altherial
01:45:02: <Recaiden> Kima notes that there's one person and a wagon
01:45:06: <Recaiden> the other can tell it's a wagon
01:45:15: <Recaiden> Kura can't tell anything
01:45:15: <tsinistar> 2" Does anybody else notice...high heeled shoes?"
01:45:24: <Recaiden> No one can hear anything that might be /pulling/ the wagon
01:45:43: <Tab> "Into fashion, now, pandaguy?" Kima asks derisively huffing at her girlfriend's mass on her shoulder
01:46:05: <Tab> "But yeah, there is someone up ahead."
01:46:06: <Recaiden> ((Oh yeah Red can stop making perception rolls because she's unconscious.))
01:46:07: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks around and says, "Not really...No."
01:46:20: <Tab> would Kima know anything about this wagon?
01:46:27: <Tab> is there supposed to be a stair wagon?
01:46:39: <Recaiden> Wagons are not native to the labyrinth
01:46:45: <Recaiden> There is a train.
01:46:50: <tsinistar> 2" A wagon on stairs is...an unorthodox sight.'
01:46:53: <Recaiden> But no wagons that she's ever heard of.
01:47:24: <Beans> choo chooooo
01:47:32: <Tab> "Do you always have to talk like that?"
01:47:51: <tsinistar> 2"Like what?"
01:47:59: <Tab> "Never mind."
01:48:22: <Tab> "Just be ready to fight," Kima looks up ahead, ready for nastiness
01:48:22: <Recaiden> 7"Hello? Who's there? Be you a ghost or a spectre?"
01:48:54: <Recaiden> 7A man's voice, cautious but not quite afraid, calling from across the spiral, a few rotations up.
01:48:55: <tsinistar> 2" Neither!" Kozu calls back, "We be-"
01:49:23: <tsinistar> 2He turns to the others, realizes what his plans have lead to so far, and shuts upm
01:49:46: <Tab> Kima waits for Kozu to finish, waiting awkwardly and impatiently, the sighs
01:49:54: <Tab> "We be Deathknight and entourage."
01:50:08: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs as well as she pats Kozu's shoulder and says, "Don't worry."
01:50:29: <Tab> "Make way for the bringers of Oblivion and their servants, so on and so forth, listen, do I really have to do the whole spiel?"
01:50:56: <Tab> "It's really wordy, I'm really impatient, if I comment on this wolf's weight she'll probably wake up and kill me on the spot."
01:51:57: <Recaiden> 7"Lethal Is that you?"
01:52:26: <Tab> "Depends on who's asking?:
01:52:32: <Recaiden> 7"Come on up."
01:52:50: <Recaiden> 7"Hey guys, we got a 'Deathknight'."
01:52:56: <tsinistar> 2" Do you know this person?" Kozu askd
01:53:04: <Recaiden> The sarcasm is almost tangible
01:53:33: <Tab> "You doubtin' me, *******?" Kima says, about ready to throw Red down and backhand Kozu in annoyance
01:53:34: <Recaiden> The wagon starts back rattling on down.
01:53:45: <Beans> Neiz blinks, not sure what's up, but keeps helping to hold the woof.
01:54:13: <Recaiden> 7"We'll pull off at the next amphiskopolus. Wouldn't want trouble with a 'bringer of Oblivion'.
01:54:43: <Recaiden> And a little while later they do see a shape moving off into one of the tunnels
01:54:53: <tsinistar> 2"We are not looking for trouble!" kozu says
01:55:05: <Recaiden> 7"Is it looking for you?"
01:55:18: <tsinistar> 2"Gods do I hope not."
01:55:26: <Tab> "Seems so, though, don't it?"
01:55:31: <Tab> Kima laughs.
01:55:36: <Tab> It's really not that funny.
01:57:36: <Recaiden> Should the party move on up, they will see what is clearly a deathknight lounging in front of a wagon.
01:57:52: <Tab> Does Kima recognize them>
01:57:53: <Recaiden> Along with a red-haired woman in goggles and a small waterbird made out of flames.
01:58:00: <Tab> Fire duck!
01:58:01: <Recaiden> Nobody she's seen.
01:58:08: <firedaemon33> 6Fireduckies!
01:58:11: <tsinistar> Fire duck!
01:58:18: <Recaiden> But it could be someone in disguise, quite likely
01:58:20: <Beans> :u
01:58:43: <Beans> Neiz looks them up and down. She doesn't trust that duck.
01:58:45: <Tab> "Well howdy to you, then," Kima says with a grim smile, already making mental eyebrows at the redhead
01:59:28: <tsinistar> 2Kozu bows his head as far as he can without making Red's weight shift. "Greetings. A fellow sorcerer?"
01:59:51: <Recaiden> 7"Ah, no. The duck is just one of my associates."
01:59:56: <Recaiden> 4"quaack"
02:00:04: <Fireduckie33> 6Kura simply looks at the ducks and frowns
02:00:31: <Tab> "Yeah, ignore the nerd. You had me right. Lethal Burdens and all that. How do you know me?"
02:00:40: <Recaiden> The duck has no lips, and is therefore unable to frown back at her. But you can tell it wants to.
02:01:12: <tsinistar> 2Kozu is more concerned with the fact they have a fire duck just with them and not in humanoid form, and that he only heard one of the three.
02:01:13: <Recaiden> 7"Sentinel of Autumn Leaves, formerly working for the Silver Prince.
02:01:21: <Recaiden> 7You probably don't recognize me with my new face on."
02:01:52: <Tab> "Well slap my ass and call me Empress. What's up?"
02:02:00: <Beans> Neiz looks them over worriedly from behind Red's butt.
02:02:20: <tsinistar> 2" Language, Miss Lethal!" Kozu says with a sigh.
02:02:44: <Fireduckie33> 6Kura glares at Kima and says, "Quite."
02:02:51: <Recaiden> 7"Well you know how the boss is a bit of a !#$%^(&**&#, right? Turns out he's even worse than we thought."
02:03:20: <Recaiden> 7"Literally everything happening in that whole country is part of a scheme."
02:03:51: <Tab> "Yeah, watch the resonance as you trip over the bull****. What brought you back to the Underworld?"
02:03:53: <Recaiden> 7"He's got some doomsday thing powered by the souls of the citizens, and that should probably be enough."
02:04:06: <Tab> "Oh...that I did not know.:
02:04:09: <Recaiden> 7"Well I was on my way to destroy the city of Gem."
02:04:19: <Recaiden> 7"Doing some mercenary work."
02:04:29: <tsinistar> 2" Why does every plot lead us to ano-Wait, what?"
02:04:30: <Recaiden> 7"Keeping the voices happy."
02:04:44: <Fireduckie33> 6":/"
02:04:47: <Tab> "Kozu, don't be like you right now, man."
02:05:10: <Fireduckie33> 6Kura does not approve of her sister's friends
02:05:12: <Recaiden> 7"And there was this guy there, I kid you not, punched me so hard I landed in Stygia."
02:05:33: <tsinistar> 2" No, no, no. You cannot just /destroy cities/!"
02:05:59: <Tab> "Kozu, he was clearly stopped, we can worry about it later."
02:06:01: <Recaiden> 7"And this lady here came right after me for-"
02:06:12: <Recaiden> 7"Well yeah, clearly I underestimated it."
02:06:34: <tsinistar> 2" I mean it's /wrong!/"
02:07:24: <Tab> "Kozu, seriously. We have enough problems on our plate right now, and normally I'd be all 'woo, adventure', but right now my girlfriend is unconscious, you've been all emo, sis has been all emo, we're all having issues. Not. The. Time."
02:07:38: <Recaiden> 7"Oh my hekantchieres, where did you find /find/ this guy, Lethal?"
02:07:58: <Tab> "Fell out of the sky in a boat."
02:08:15: <Recaiden> 5"d0 y0u n33d h3lp?"
02:08:18: <Tab> "He's usually cute and flustered, not an emo, naieve jackass."
02:08:32: <jhicks> 3((hecatoncheires))
02:08:32: <Recaiden> A previously unheard voice sounds in all ya'll's heads
02:08:38: <Recaiden> Old realm, with a horrendous accent
02:09:04: <tsinistar> 2"AAAAAAND now there arw voices in my head. Wonderful. Because we did /not/ have enough already."
02:09:24: <Recaiden> 7"Oh don't mind her. She's just real quiet."
02:09:29: <Tab> "Just a place for my lady friend here to rest and me to slap the panda silly."
02:09:51: <Beans> Neiz blinks and looks at the redhead, trying to tell if she is another stardork.
02:09:59: <tsinistar> 2" This man intends to destroy a city full of innocent people!"
02:10:04: <Recaiden> 7"Well, we were on our way to meet up with Fractal Seams at his lab. You all could come with, and I'm sure we could give you safe space for a while.
02:10:09: <Tab> "And clearly he isn
02:10:23: <Recaiden> 7"Believe me, kid, you would have a hard time finding ten innocent men in Gem."
02:10:31: <Tab> ins't ready yet, and is being friendly, and shut up you stupid ****ing panda this is all your fault in the first place."
02:10:50: <Tab> "You'd have a hard time finding ten innocent men in *creation*."
02:11:33: <Beans> What do I roll to detect stardork
02:11:43: <tsinistar> 2" That is just about the /worst/ excuse to destroy a city /ever/! Even storybook villains try to avoid that!'
02:11:50: <Recaiden> ((stardork? Perception+Occult, I think))
02:11:53: <Tab> Kima sighs
02:11:54: <Recaiden> Plus any Sidereal backing
02:12:14: <Recaiden> 7"Turns out this isn't a storybook, and we have bills to pay."
02:12:22: <Beans> uhhhh
02:12:25: <Fireduckie33> 6"This is why we're girls."
02:12:27: <Recaiden> 7"Listen to Lethal and chill out."
02:12:28: <Beans> forums are off????
02:12:33: <Fireduckie33> 6((yUP
02:12:36: <Beans> okay i'll just roll somewhere else :u
02:12:39: <Tab> "Sis, please make the panda shut up. I really appreciate his help so far, but I also really don't appreciate the...not help."
02:12:54: <Fireduckie33> 6"Sadly, it's a package deal."
02:13:03: <Beans> 4 sudx
02:13:05: <Fireduckie33> 6((@ Beans: https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm))
02:13:12: <Recaiden> ((They are working for me.))
02:13:18: <Beans> i has that fd
02:13:31: <tsinistar> 2" The world is massive, expandable, and you have the power of greater gods, how can you justify destruction with greed?"
02:14:15: <Tab> "Kozu. Dude. Red needs rest. We all need rest. Worry about the here and now. You're supposed to be the *smart one*."
02:14:29: <Beans> Neiz shooshes and gently bats at daynerd.
02:14:37: <Beans> And the forums aren't back for me so :U
02:14:41: <tsinistar> 2Kozu looks to Neiz and Kura, trying for help
02:14:49: <Recaiden> ((beans what does 'detect stardork' even mean?))
02:15:00: <Recaiden> ((How long has Neiz been a Sidereal?))
02:15:04: <tsinistar> 2When it becomes clear none is coming and that the senisble tbing is to go along, he hangs his head
02:15:11: <tsinistar> 2" Very well."
02:15:42: <Recaiden> 7"Expandable, but more importantly /expendable/"
02:15:42: <Beans> ((I dunno, I thought redhead might be a siddy or something? what am i doing wrong :U]]
02:15:43: <Tab> "That's a good little panda. Lead the way, Autumn. *And company.*"
02:16:05: <Recaiden> ((No you're doing it right. ))
02:16:27: <Tab> "Panda, don't antagonize Autumn. Autumn, don't antagonize the panda. He's cuter when he's happier and flusterable."
02:16:29: <Recaiden> Neiz recognizes red-head girl as a former Sidereal who killed herself a couple years ago.
02:17:19: <Recaiden> 7"Down a couple more turns, and then, so long as this map holds, just an hour or two."
02:17:21: <Recaiden> 7"Right this way."
02:17:35: <Tab> "Mind if we put Red in the cart?"
02:17:39: <Recaiden> The ded-siddie takes the duck and climbs into the wagon.
02:17:51: <Recaiden> 6"60 4h34d"
02:18:12: <Recaiden> And Autumn leads them off towards 'safety'!
02:18:56: <tsinistar> 2Kozu climbs into the wagon with Red, keeping an eye on her wounds and feeling very dirty and guilty.
02:19:40: <Tab> Will Red wake up any time soon?
02:19:48: <Tab> Didn't kozu do a bunch of healy magic?
02:19:51: <Recaiden> Roll her Stamina
02:20:25: <Beans> gasp
02:20:25: <Tab> 7 10 9!
02:20:55: <Fireduckie33> 6((Why did the siddie kill herself? Do we know?))
02:20:57: <Recaiden> Red empties her Incapacitated health level and awakenes
02:21:08: <Beans> Neiz looks at the ex-Siddy and feels a little sad, especially that she's stuck speaking like a 12-year-old.
02:21:24: <Tab> Red wakes up and shifts back to her human form, rubbing bleary eyes.
02:21:52: <Recaiden> ((No idea. Was a fine Chosen of Mercury for five years, then for no apparent reason, one morning, dagger through the eye.))
02:22:04: <Tab> "Oh, hey. More friends. I should get knocked out more often!"
02:22:15: <Recaiden> This is a reminder that Sidereals, like all exalts, do have souls.
02:22:27: <Fireduckie33> 6They do?
02:22:38: <Fireduckie33> 6What is this silliness?
02:22:42: <Recaiden> Despite their heartless reputation
02:22:45: <Tab> "Speaking of which," Red turns to Kozu, "I'll assume you fixed me, but since this is also all your fault..." she slaps kozu
02:22:58: <Fireduckie33> 6Kura smiles a little thinly at this
02:23:04: <Recaiden> Autumn leads the apparently self-mobile wagon down the stairs, into a tunnel of hardened mushroom
02:23:04: <jhicks> 3((Their souls are spicy, like habanero peppers...in your eyeball...)
02:23:07: <Recaiden> And along
02:23:20: <tsinistar> 2Kozu takes the slap and sits there sadly, accepting the blame.
02:23:36: <tsinistar> 2With Red okay, he steps off of the wagon and walks.
02:24:20: <Recaiden> Soon, they find themselves in a large cavern, lightly forested with massive mushrooms, and with a large manor house surrounded by a soulsteel fence dominating the center of the space.
02:24:39: <Recaiden> Red lightning occasionally crackles between the spires and gargoyles atop the building.
02:24:50: <jhicks> 3((MENACING))
02:24:54: <Tab> "Nice place," Kima says, nodding appreciatively.
02:24:55: <Recaiden> 7"And here we are. Oe of the stablest places on this level."
02:25:11: <Tab> "And what exactly is this place?" Red asks
02:25:18: <Beans> red lightning
02:25:25: <Beans> oh **** path of fury up in this
02:25:31: <Beans> wait, wrong game
02:25:57: <Fireduckie33> 6"Yeah...Excuse me for not trusting you, but seeing as someone down here tried to dunk Kozu into Oblivion, I'm not in the mood for being messed with."
02:26:07: <Fireduckie33> 6Kura's katars glimmer menacingly as she talks
02:26:26: <tsinistar> 2" And yet we followed them this far."
02:27:28: <Fireduckie33> 6"Because between me and Kima, I'm confident that, should they mess with us, they'll regret it. Anyways, Kima seems to like them, and, despite her state, I can't not trust my sister."
02:27:29: <Recaiden> The wagon rolls on up, and a well-dressed zombie swings the gates open for you all.
02:27:50: <Tab> Kima flips the zombie a coin off her thumb.
02:27:57: <Tab> gotta make the help feel wanted
02:28:23: <tsinistar> 2Kozu shudders. Something about the undead feels too familiar still.
02:28:37: <Recaiden> Autumn goes on ahead, to announce the extra guests he's brought, he says.
02:28:50: <Tab> Red steps off of the wagon, brushing by the sidereal as she does. "Thanks for the ride. Let me return the favor sometime."
02:29:15: <Recaiden> And for a few moments you are left alone just inside the gate, as the wagon rolls off to the covered stabling area to the side.
02:29:28: <Recaiden> If you're going to do something stupid, now's the time.
02:29:33: <Tab> Six socialize successes, by the way
02:29:53: <Recaiden> You appreciate the hell outta that zombie
02:30:02: <Tab> i meant for the sidereal
02:30:13: <Tab> but yeah, zombie appreciation
02:30:19: <Fireduckie33> 6Heh
02:30:22: <Tab> you know what ill roll for that too
02:30:53: <Recaiden> 6"5ur3 7h1n6. 1\'v3 n3v3r b33n 4 lun4r b3f0r3. ^.^ ♥"
02:30:55: <Tab> five successes for the zombie
02:31:32: <Recaiden> 6Still quite appreciated.
02:31:38: <Recaiden> (the zombie, that is)
02:31:38: <tsinistar> 2"Was that a reference to possession?" Kozu asks, really hoping it isnt
02:32:11: <Tab> "Not your place to worry, sunchild," Red says, " You need to try new things anyways."
02:32:28: <tsinistar> 2 "It is /always/ my place to worry.'
02:32:41: <Recaiden> Autumn reappears and welcomes them all in, to a rather macabre-decorated place.
02:32:45: <Tab> "Yeah," Kima sighs, "That's half the problem."
02:32:46: <Beans> Neiz gives the ex-siddy a hug, 'cause
02:32:47: <Recaiden> Bone furniture everywhere.
02:33:05: <Tab> Kima makes herself at come, plopping down on a couch
02:33:07: <Recaiden> Upholstery that hopefully isn't human skin.
02:33:10: <Tab> "Nice place, man."
02:33:21: <Recaiden> Bearskin rug that seems still alive, or at least still undead.
02:33:57: <tsinistar> 2Kozu bows and asks permission before entering, but he stays very far away from the furniture and walls. He's clearly uncomfortablem
02:34:05: <Tab> mechaleah?
02:34:14: <Beans> When Neiz hugs, it makes a squeaky toy sound
02:34:35: <Beans> Also Neiz just sort of awkwardly stands because CAN'T SIT ON THIS HOT TOPIC HORSE HOCKEY
02:34:58: <jhicks> 3((Everyone knows Sidereals are allergic to teenaged angst))
02:34:59: <MechaLeah> 7"Thank you."
02:35:07: <Fireduckie33> 6Kura simply looks around uncomfortably
02:35:32: <MechaLeah> 7"Sta outta the lab, try not to trash the place, but otherwise make yourselves at home."
02:36:22: <tsinistar> 2As uncomfortable as Kozu is, he tries to wordlessly comfort Kura, thinking 'unlikely' to himself on the topic of being at home in this place. Though part of him...no.
02:36:42: <Tab> "You got it. Got any overworld food? Could go for a pear."
02:37:03: <Fireduckie33> 6Kura glances at Kozu and the rest of the party, and says, "So...
02:37:09: <MechaLeah> 7"Just a little bit. Pears no, figs yes."
02:37:11: <Tab> Red looks around, a very ambassador-y look on her face as she investigates the decorations.
02:37:27: <Tab> "Figs are a bit symbolic, anything I should worry about?"
02:37:29: <Fireduckie33> 6"Since someone killed Otavia...I have her necklace."
02:37:37: <Fireduckie33> 6"You know, the Raksha."
02:37:44: <MechaLeah> 7"Nah, just what we could get."
02:38:16: <tsinistar> 2Normally Kozu would take the necklace for safekeeping, but hw's not very sure of himself right now. "Yes, what do you intend to do with it?"
02:38:24: <MechaLeah> He snaps, and a zombie butler brings over a tray of figs and little wine-glasses full of blood
02:38:39: <Tab> Kima nods and samples both, murmering thanks between bites.
02:38:46: <Fireduckie33> 6"Weeeeeeell...I was going to try talking to it."
02:39:01: <Tab> Red shrugs and slurps some blood down, too. Doesn't want to be rude.
02:39:07: <Tab> Not like she hasn't eaten people before.
02:39:44: <tsinistar> 2Kozu stays far, far away from the horrors de oveours
02:40:04: <jhicks> 3((....Is pun damage a damage type?
02:40:11: <tsinistar> 2"Maybe that should wait until we have taken care of this problem? "
02:40:18: <jhicks> 3((And more importantly, is Kozu training in a pun-based Sidereal MA?))
02:40:38: <MechaLeah> Your pun soak is equal to your Wits score, by default
02:40:41: <tsinistar> 2" Speaking of which," Kozu unrolls the newly gathered scrolls and begins studying them, using his underworld notes as a tentative base
02:40:49: <MechaLeah> And only Raksha have pun-damage enhancing charms.
02:40:53: <MechaLeah> So it doesn't come up often.
02:41:11: <Fireduckie33> 6"I think we're mostly out of here, as long as nothing untoward happens. And here seems to be a good place to try, especially if they have a lab."
02:41:19: <MechaLeah> 7"Raksha? Don't see that often down here."
02:41:48: <Beans> Neiz omps some figs, because it's polite. And hell yeah figs
02:42:43: <tsinistar> 2Kozu decides to risk it. "I do not suppose you have a library I could consult?"
02:43:07: <MechaLeah> 7"I'll have to get back to you on the library thing."
02:43:19: <MechaLeah> 7"Like, we have one. But it might not be safe to consult."
02:43:33: <tsinistar> 2"... "
02:43:39: <Fireduckie33> 6"..."
02:43:45: <MechaLeah> 7"It's eaten questants before."
02:43:48: <tsinistar> 2" I...I will be fine on my own, then. "
02:43:56: <MechaLeah> 7"I gotta check how it's feeling today."
02:44:00: <Tab> Kima shrugs, "Sis brings some fun stuff with her, it seems."
02:44:13: <Tab> to kozu and kura she says "Underworld, dudes."
02:44:32: <Beans> Neiz takes out some intensely fashionable reading glasses and peers over Kozu's shoulder, rising up from behind him with a slide-whistle "bwoooooop"
02:44:43: <Tab> "Anyways, what's with the burning bird and your friend's accent?"
02:45:04: <MechaLeah> 7"Suit yourself."
02:45:06: <tsinistar> 2" Yes, Missus Neiz, I shall appreciate your aid once more.'
02:45:34: <Beans> :3
02:45:35: <MechaLeah> 7"The flame duck's a peach. She was helping overthrow the despot of Gem, for reasons."
02:45:49: <Tab> "Never been to Gem. How is it?:
02:45:57: <MechaLeah> 7"I'm not at liberty to go into it."
02:45:58: <Tab> Red titters a bit, then quiets herself.
02:46:08: <Tab> "Come on, man. Be more fun!"
02:46:23: <MechaLeah> 7"Her reasons, I mean. Gem is...incredible.
02:46:35: <MechaLeah> 7Biggest city in the entire direction."
02:46:40: <tsinistar> 2Kozu tries to settle down in a well lit corner away from monstrous furnishings and studies intensely, his mind clearing up now that he has something to focus on otjer than the horrors around him. "
02:46:50: <MechaLeah> 7"Hottest one too."
02:47:06: <MechaLeah> 7"You could bankrupt yourself trying to get enough water to not feel thirsty."
02:47:11: <Tab> "Down south, right? Too hot for my tastes"
02:47:16: <MechaLeah> 7"But you can always afford enough to not dehydrate and die."
02:47:26: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhmm. Quite."
02:47:27: <MechaLeah> 7"It's literally built into a volcano."
02:47:40: <MechaLeah> ((Kozu roll Int+Occult))
02:48:06: <Beans> Neiz will also, because she is making it a two person nerd party
02:48:23: <Beans> 2 suds.
02:48:25: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is just...There
02:48:38: <firedaemon33> 6She's making sure monsterature doesn't get too close
02:48:47: <MechaLeah> ded-sidde pops up behind Neiz with a slide-whistle "bwoooooop."
02:48:58: <MechaLeah> 6"wh47 4r3 y0u d01n6?"
02:49:27: <tsinistar> ((7 sux))
02:49:35: <Beans> Neiz smiles. "Checking these scrolls with Kozu, dear."
02:49:57: <Tab> "Volcano? Sounds awesome. Why would you want to destroy it?"
02:50:09: <MechaLeah> 6"h0w 15 7h3 f3ll0w5h1p 7h353 d4y5?"
02:50:57: <MechaLeah> 7"Well, I'd prefer to overthrow it and reign from a throne of solid diamond, personally. But the Neverorn are not on board with that."
02:51:28: <Tab> "They're not on board with a lot of stuff. Deathlords got plots, have your own. Oblivion's no fun."
02:51:49: <Tab> "If they really wanted all the world destroyed, it'd be gone by now."
02:52:21: <MechaLeah> 7"That's a good point, Lethal. I'm sure there's ways."
02:52:28: <MechaLeah> 7"In fact, if I made the city a shadowland..."
02:52:35: <MechaLeah> He trails off, lost in thought.
02:52:51: <Tab> "Not around the living, Autumn."
02:53:03: <Beans> "Oh, well, you know---the squabble is still going strong, petty sniping is rampant, people take your favorite seat at the restaurant just to spite you---business as usual."
02:53:31: <Tab> Red sighs and flaps her hand, "If it spites the Guild, why not? Paragon would reward you for it, I'd bet."
02:54:35: <MechaLeah> 7"Yeah, I'm sure they would."
02:54:38: <tsinistar> ((With neiz's help, it's nine sux, btw))
02:54:42: <MechaLeah> Kozu finds more messages.
02:54:46: <MechaLeah> Many of them are the same as before
02:54:57: <Beans> ads for viagra
02:54:58: <MechaLeah> But it appears to have taken notice of your efforts to come help.
02:55:05: <Tab> "Thing is, daynerd here's pretty sure he can fix the whole world one person at a time."
02:55:06: <Beans> ghoooost spaaaam
02:55:10: <MechaLeah> More detailed location, somewhere in the Stygian catacombs.
02:55:16: <MechaLeah> Also doom-spam.
02:55:26: <MechaLeah> And a single polite 'thank you'
02:55:46: <MechaLeah> 7"I mean, being in a shadowland doesn't necessarily kill people."
02:56:14: <tsinistar> 2Kozu maps out the location, then shows it to Kima. "Do you know this place, Miss Lethal?"
02:56:27: <Tab> "They don't typically appreciate it, though," Red says
02:56:27: <MechaLeah> 6"u6h. 7h47 57uff 15 p4r7 0f why 1 l3f7."
02:56:46: <Tab> Kima takes the map. Does she recognize the place?
02:57:11: <MechaLeah> ((Int+Socialize, Kima))
02:57:23: <Beans> Neiz nods. "Thankfully, people tend to leave the missus alone, which is at least decent of them..."
02:57:51: <MechaLeah> 6"bl00d l3f7 un57ruck, v3ry 600d."
02:58:11: <Tab> three successes
02:58:21: <MechaLeah> 6"1 c4n h3lp?"
02:58:41: <MechaLeah> Kima recognizes a few landmarks on the map, but is unfamiliar with the precise area.
02:58:53: <Tab> "If you want," Kima shows her and Autumn the map, "You guys know your way around?"
02:58:57: <Tab> "It's been awhile."
02:59:39: <tsinistar> 2Kozu freezes up and makes an 'urk!' noise, fairly certain that showing their dwstination was a bad idea.
03:00:02: <Tab> "See, look what I told you, gets all flustered like a little stuffed bear."
03:00:28: <Tab> "Dearest, the task at hand?" Red reminds Kima, done with looking around
03:00:34: <MechaLeah> 6The dedSiddie shakes her head
03:00:42: <MechaLeah> 7But Autumn nods.
03:01:01: <MechaLeah> 7"Old boring place under the palace. Some sort of niche holiday celebration happens there, I think."
03:01:11: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles and says, "Kozu. For now, we should trust them, and in our ability to make them regret double crossing us."
03:01:30: <Tab> "Oh, great, the palace. That'll be easy to get under unnoticed."
03:02:03: <Tab> "I'm sure our new friends can help us..." Red purrs, wrapping arms over the siddie's shoulders
03:02:23: <firedaemon33> 6((Siddie?))
03:03:01: <MechaLeah> ((The deadish one))
03:03:14: <firedaemon33> 6((Oh, okay.))
03:04:15: <MechaLeah> 6"0f c0ur53"
03:05:22: <Tab> "See, sunchild, you need to be more trusting. Climb out of your comfort zone."
03:05:49: <tsinistar> 2" Meeting you was already leagues beyond my comfort zone," kozu groans
03:06:54: <MechaLeah> 6The party gets some time to rest, recover a couple of health levels
03:07:12: <Beans> kozu is a racist
03:07:23: <MechaLeah> 6And thereafter ascends to Stygia, with their new 'friends'
03:07:33: <firedaemon33> 6Kura snarks back at Kozu, "You mean below."
03:07:33: <MechaLeah> 6Anything you guys want to happen in the meantime, let me know
03:08:04: <MechaLeah> 6(sneaking into the carnivorous library, seducing the dedSiddie, being dapper at the gate-zombies, stealing your host's fig stockpile, etc.)
03:08:22: <firedaemon33> 6((I vote for the second((
03:08:26: <Tab> Red flirts with the dedsiddie
03:08:43: <Beans> Neiz friendflirts with deadybun
03:08:49: <Tab> *after* taking care of "Oh geez I almost died" makeouts with Kima
03:08:59: <Tab> which siddie may join in, if she pleases
03:09:23: <Beans> Neiz brushes somebody's hair
03:09:34: <firedaemon33> 6It's Kura's
03:09:39: <tsinistar> 2Kozu continues to be uncomfortable, but he'll show his notes to Autumn, trying to cross reference them for accuracy.
03:09:42: <MechaLeah> I would suggest Kozu's but I think he's bald. So yes, Kura.
03:09:53: <firedaemon33> 6Who sighs and says, "Weren't we going to talk to the Raksha>:
03:09:57: <firedaemon33> 6*?"
03:09:57: <tsinistar> djala are hairless, yes
03:10:11: <MechaLeah> ded-Siddie pleases to.
03:10:18: <MechaLeah> Autumn compares the notes for a while
03:10:24: <MechaLeah> Confirming, adjusting.
03:10:44: <MechaLeah> (you may buy specialties in the Underworld at half price, Kozu)
03:10:56: <tsinistar> I imagine a lot of it was skewed by the robed fellows's religious adherence
03:11:00: <MechaLeah> But after a while gets tired, brushing them off with "I'm no sorcerer or mapmaker."
03:11:02: <tsinistar> Speaking of
03:11:08: <firedaemon33> 6((I feel skeptical of this.))
03:11:10: <Beans> neiz eventually moves onto someone else's hair because kura has not long hairs
03:11:23: <tsinistar> 2" Is there someone here who is? I have..questions.'
03:11:27: <Beans> how many ex pees should we have ATM?
03:11:34: <firedaemon33> 6Bee Pees
03:11:36: <firedaemon33> 6But yeha
03:11:38: <firedaemon33> 6How many?
03:11:39: <Beans> yes
03:11:41: <Beans> bee urines
03:11:45: <Tab> You know what
03:11:52: <Tab> I'm going to roll dice

2014-11-04, 02:21 AM
03:12:00: <MechaLeah> I think 69 BPS for the original 3?
03:12:39: <Tab> Red gets five performance successes, assuming that matters for anything
03:12:42: <MechaLeah> 65 for Kima, 32 for red?
03:12:52: <Tab> Oh, red gets experience, too?
03:12:54: <Tab> Yay!
03:13:06: <Beans> Neiz is plonking 4 into another point of Dexs
03:13:11: <Tab> Kima plays with ghosts and zombies, feeling at home with undead
03:13:29: <MechaLeah> Red succeeds at getting the siddie to like the party more (mostly her)
03:13:47: <MechaLeah> But eventually, it is time to leave
03:13:55: <MechaLeah> And after SO MUCH STAIR-CLIMING
03:13:59: <firedaemon33> 6Kura spends time with Kima
03:13:59: <MechaLeah> You emerge into daylight
03:14:33: <Tab> Yay sisterly bonding
03:14:38: <firedaemon33> 6yay!
03:14:39: <Tab> yay daylight
03:14:40: <Beans> Neiz doots a tiny horn of JOY
03:14:42: <firedaemon33> 6yay1
03:14:44: <MechaLeah> Surrounding you are the thirteen temples of the Deathlords
03:14:46: <Beans> dut
03:14:50: <firedaemon33> 6Kura punching one
03:14:52: <firedaemon33> 6*punches
03:14:53: <Beans> POSSIBLY NOT AS MUCH JOY
03:15:21: <MechaLeah> Above you are the million whirring gears and levers of the CALENDAR
03:15:35: <firedaemon33> 6((Calendar?))
03:15:36: <tsinistar> 2"Well, " Kozu says, "I suggest we get going."
03:15:42: <MechaLeah> In the distance rises the Fourfold spires of the MONARCHIAL PALACE
03:15:48: <tsinistar> ((Underworld stars fd))
03:15:59: <Tab> Red shifts to wolf form to let kima aboard
03:16:02: <MechaLeah> And spreading outward from the temple plaza is the city of STYGIA
03:16:06: <Tab> and the dedsiddie, if she feels like it
03:16:34: <MechaLeah> The party receives many curious looks. But nobody is gonna mess with two obvious deathknights and a bunch of other people who might be sneaky deathknights.
03:17:15: <MechaLeah> dedsiddie rides on the wolf briefly, then frowns and hops off, shaking her head.
03:17:30: <Beans> Neiz has put on her resplestiny thing, which involves looking not as fabulous
03:17:33: <Tab> "Not your style, dear?" Red asks
03:17:35: <Beans> and having brown hair
03:17:47: <Beans> it's the resplestiny that lets her give willpower cuddles
03:18:04: <MechaLeah> 5"n4h. f33l w31rd 1f 1\'m n07 0n my 0wn f337."
03:18:16: <Tab> "I can understand that."
03:18:49: <MechaLeah> 5I presume the party immediately heads towards the place indicated on the map?
03:18:59: <tsinistar> 2"One's own feet will lead down one's own path," Kozu says, doing just that
03:19:36: <tsinistar> 2"To travel only on the legs of others will never lead to enlightenment, only sloth."
03:19:55: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Mmhm. Hmm...I wonder...This feels oddly like a story."
03:19:59: <Tab> "Ignorance is bliss, man," Kima puffs
03:20:26: <Beans> wait, is kima smoking a ghost blunt
03:20:30: <Tab> Red chuckles at Kura, "Yes, yes. The little band of heroes heading off into the unknown for the unknown."
03:20:39: <Tab> Kima is tottally smoking ghost blunts
03:20:46: <MechaLeah> Welcome to the sewers!
03:20:54: <firedaemon33> 6Not for long!
03:20:56: <MechaLeah> Full of ghost rats, ghost urchins, and horrible sewer monsters
03:21:01: <MechaLeah> Best way under the palace though.
03:21:01: <Tab> in honor of First and Forsaken Snoop Lion
03:21:02: <firedaemon33> 6As soon as Kura sees it, she snatches it
03:21:11: <Tab> Kima has infinite ghostblunt
03:21:18: <firedaemon33> 6Kura keeps snatching thme
03:21:19: <jhicks> 3(god...DAMMIT Tab....)
03:21:26: <Beans> weeeeeed day
03:21:29: <Beans> weeedevery daaaaay
03:21:43: <tsinistar> You think thats bad jhicks?
03:21:44: <jhicks> 3(Sidereal stoner. Smoke weed every day, at the same time)
03:21:53: <tsinistar> I used to /date her/
03:22:04: <Beans> Neiz fans the dank away with her war fans
03:22:06: <MechaLeah> smoke qat every daaa-a-ay
03:22:14: <Tab> then he got stoopid
03:22:17: <Beans> though they are disguised as peace fans
03:22:29: <Tab> Are the sewers big enough that Kima doesn't have to dismount
03:22:38: <Beans> the sewer level
03:22:53: <MechaLeah> They're Absurdly Spacious Sewers
03:23:06: <Tab> the womb level comes when Red gets titan shapes and gets bored
03:23:18: <tsinistar> Throwing up now
03:23:32: <Tab> its a trope
03:23:46: <MechaLeah> The party runs into a couple of large rats, which squeak and run away.
03:23:53: <Tab> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WombLevel
03:24:15: <Tab> Kima gives a rat a blunt, starting off a long series of books
03:24:20: <Tab> "If you give a mouse a doobie"
03:24:48: <tsinistar> 22Kpzu does his best not to inhale thw indulgent smoke.
03:25:20: <MechaLeah> The spot a jade effigy, asleep in its alcove
03:25:51: <firedaemon33> 6Kura takes the blunt from the rat, too
03:25:51: <Tab> Um
03:25:58: <Tab> I forget what those are
03:26:10: <Tab> im assuming jade golem
03:26:20: <MechaLeah> Yep
03:27:13: <Tab> Kima and Red are quiet as stoned mice
03:27:23: <Tab> No need to wake the grumpy green giant
03:27:39: <MechaLeah> Everyone sneaks on by
03:28:16: <MechaLeah> You pass a beggar, sitting on a few steps near a bend in the passage,
03:28:27: <MechaLeah> dressed in rags and rattling a single coin in an outstretched cup.
03:28:55: <firedaemon33> 6Kura, pitying the begger, drops a few coins in his hands
03:29:18: <MechaLeah> The beggar explodes
03:29:27: <tsinistar> 22Kozu gives the beggar some of his rations and a spare set of blue robes, saying a small prayer for h-WHAT THE HELL
03:29:34: <Beans> :U
03:29:46: <Tab> Kima shows dull surprise
03:29:47: <Tab> Like
03:29:49: <Tab> what
03:29:51: <Tab> come on man
03:29:55: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is bowled on her bum
03:29:56: <Tab> that is just off
03:30:06: <firedaemon33> 6She's just caught completley off guard
03:30:11: <Beans> nani ****in' sore
03:30:39: <MechaLeah> Ghostly plasm, blood, and acid goes everywhere
03:31:03: <MechaLeah> Need Dodge DV 9 to avoid getting splashed.
03:31:09: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Kuragari!" Kozu rushes to her side, "Are you well?"
03:31:16: <Tab> is that all of us or just her
03:31:47: <MechaLeah> Kura, Kima, Neiz, and Kozu
03:31:52: <tsinistar> Brb
03:32:17: <tsinistar> Kozu cant dodge that
03:32:43: <tsinistar> But he has 9 lethal soak and can up that with charmd
03:33:19: <Beans> neiz uses duck fate to just sort of not have been there, zoop
03:33:26: <MechaLeah> After his soak, Kozu takes 1 level of lethal damage, only mild burns
03:34:21: <MechaLeah> Kura is unharmed
03:34:30: <MechaLeah> Neiz was waaay at the back the whole time, obviously
03:34:44: <Tab> kima has sixteen lethal soak
03:34:47: <Tab> i think i'm good
03:35:05: <MechaLeah> ((Kozu and Kura, make a stamina + resistance vs. magic disease))
03:35:11: <MechaLeah> Kima is also good
03:35:50: <Beans> Neiz was retroactively distracted by a butt
03:36:00: <firedaemon33> 6((6 sux))
03:36:27: <tsinistar> 7 sux
03:36:34: <MechaLeah> Both of you fine.
03:37:09: <tsinistar> Woo
03:37:19: <firedaemon33> 6Wheeeee
03:37:43: <MechaLeah> Carrying on, the party hears voices, both arguing and impressed sounding
03:38:01: <tsinistar> 2Kozu checks on Kura, ignoring his own minor injuries
03:38:28: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks at Kozu's burns and says, "I'm fine. You're in worse shape than me."
03:38:59: <Beans> so fiiiine
03:39:02: <Beans> OH VOICES :3
03:39:03: <tsinistar> 2" These? These are nothing."
03:39:11: <tsinistar> 2" Who is that? "
03:39:21: <Tab> Red perks her big fwoofy ears up to hear better
03:40:29: <MechaLeah> ((Perception+Awareness))
03:40:56: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks around and says, "Huh...I don't know
03:41:14: <firedaemon33> 6((1 Sux)
03:41:36: <Beans> 4 of dem
03:41:47: <Tab> four and four
03:41:55: <tsinistar> ((3 sux))
03:42:04: <MechaLeah> Kura hears voices.
03:42:14: <MechaLeah> Kozu hears 3 people, human.
03:42:58: <MechaLeah> The others hear them arguing over something they've found. 2 male(1 young, one older), 1 female
03:43:08: <MechaLeah> In a large open space, some joining of tunnels.
03:43:17: <MechaLeah> Slightly out of the way that Autumn marked out.
03:43:43: <Tab> Red pads quietly forward, Kima on her back, looking for a better view
03:45:42: <Tab> four sneak successes
03:46:04: <MechaLeah> Red sneaks.
03:46:19: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sneaks forwards as well
03:46:40: <firedaemon33> 6((5 Sux))
03:46:41: <MechaLeah> They see a large chamber, where three sewer tunnels converge and flow out in a fourth direction, with stairs leading down and little bridges over the sewage, which occasionally forms deep pools.
03:46:49: <MechaLeah> Kura sneaks better.
03:47:05: <Beans> 4 for neizums
03:47:23: <tsinistar> Well
03:47:26: <MechaLeah> In this room there is a woman with shiny orichalcum armor, lacking only a helmet, and an implausibly large spear.
03:47:27: <tsinistar> Sinxe everyone's doing it
03:47:29: <tsinistar> Four
03:47:44: <MechaLeah> Autumn does not sneak.
03:47:46: <Tab> exalted everywhere bitches
03:47:59: <MechaLeah> dedSiddie sneaks for 3 sux
03:48:22: <MechaLeah> There's a young man holding s truly outrageous essence cannon.
03:49:21: <MechaLeah> Almost ten feet long, glowing lightly with magic power, built with orichalcum and adamant bands and decorated with an intricate pattern of crystals.
03:49:44: <Beans> with the power of animu
03:49:54: <tsinistar> alchemical, mayhe
03:50:37: <MechaLeah> And there's an older man, dressed in Immaculate Order robes of middling rank, shaking his head at the young one's enthusiasm.
03:51:00: <MechaLeah> What does everyone do?
03:51:14: <MechaLeah> The lady and the boy are arguing over who gets the cannon
03:51:54: <Beans> o shet
03:52:33: <Tab> Kima does what Kima do best\
03:52:45: <Tab> She rides forward on Red's back and waves, totally chill
03:52:48: <MechaLeah> Kill people?
03:52:49: <Tab> "Yo."
03:52:50: <MechaLeah> Oh.
03:52:57: <MechaLeah> 8"Yo."
03:52:58: <Tab> okay, what she do second best
03:53:02: <MechaLeah> 8"Wait, who the hell are you?"
03:53:14: <MechaLeah> 4((Yellows are hard, my bad.))
03:53:20: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sneaks along the edge, waiting for a moment to appear
03:53:33: <MechaLeah> The gold-armoured one turns and points the spear at Kura/Kima
03:53:39: <MechaLeah> *Kima and Red
03:53:51: <firedaemon33> 6((Wrong Lunari!))
03:53:55: <Beans> Neiz considers attempting musical intervention
03:54:02: <MechaLeah> The boy turns too, and the older one carefully assumes a martial arts stance. One can't be too ready.
03:54:03: <tsinistar> 2Groaning, Kozu steps out as well, bowing his head, "Greetings, excuse my friends, please. They like to just happen on people like that."
03:54:43: <tsinistar> 2" I am Illuminary Kozy, Chosen of the Unconquered...er, not sure I can say it here without more ghosts coming."
03:55:26: <Tab> "Call me Lethal, call the fluffy one Red. Gotta say, not expecting to see you all down here."
03:55:38: <tsinistar> *kozu
03:55:38: <Beans> would making a fabulous entrance require CHA+Perf?
03:55:40: <firedaemon33> 6Meanwhile, in the shadows, Kura drops in to Bat Form as the old man assumes his stance
03:56:27: <MechaLeah> ((Yes, beans))
03:56:29: <firedaemon33> 6((Never mind.))
03:56:34: <Beans> rollin it
03:56:46: <firedaemon33> 6((I can assume for free when attacking from Stealth))
03:56:47: <Beans> 6, hell yes
03:56:55: <firedaemon33> 6((Action wise, at least.))
03:57:27: <MechaLeah> 3"What is your business down here?" asks the monk
03:57:35: <Beans> Neiz makes the most fabulous entrance ever for no goddamn reason.
03:57:35: <Beans> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj3bkqhUQM0
03:57:37: <Beans> MMMMMBOP
03:57:38: <Beans> FASHION
03:58:19: <Tab> "Rescue mission," Kima shrugs, "Daynerd's idea, sounded fun."
03:58:50: <tsinistar> 2" Must you tell everyone? " Kozu fumes
03:59:12: <Tab> Kima pinches his cheek "If you keep acting like that, yeah!"
03:59:32: <firedaemon33> 6If Kura were not so disciplined, she'd snicker
03:59:47: <MechaLeah> 4"We are Merea," the lady taps herself, "Tear." points out the monk with her free hand, "and *sigh* Walking on Laughter."
03:59:51: <MechaLeah> 4Narrowed eyes. "daynerd?"
04:00:27: <MechaLeah> 12"Who you gonna rescue down here?"
04:00:49: <MechaLeah> And then they all turn to observe the fabulous entrance
04:01:02: <tsinistar> 2" We are not sure yet, we-" kozu is interrupted by Neiz
04:01:25: <tsinistar> 2" And this is Amorous Panacea Neiz, the only other arguably sane member of this circle."
04:01:34: <firedaemon33> 6((Hey!))
04:01:36: <tsinistar> 2" If only barely so."
04:01:39: <Beans> Neiz flutters her fan. "Kima refers to an affectionate nickname to our most esteemed scholarly companion, of course. Oh dear, did I interrupt, Kozu? Do go on." She MC Hammer slides out of the way.
04:01:57: <MechaLeah> 6"4r3 w3 1n7r0duc1n6 0ur53lv35 n0w?"
04:02:06: <Beans> "Yes, dear."
04:02:22: <tsinistar> 2" No, no...it...you could explain it better. Just bring everyone out, I do not even know why I open my mouth so often. "
04:03:47: <MechaLeah> 6"...1n7r0duc710n5 4r3 b0r1n6 ♥"
04:04:04: <jhicks> 3The crystals on the Cannon seem to glow briefly, taking on a pale blue light. The cannon jerks about, taking the arms of anyone touching it with it, as a blazing bolt of essence energy darts from the mouth towards the spear wielding warrior woman.
04:04:32: <jhicks> 3((6 sux))
04:04:39: <Beans> GLAMOROUS ALARM
04:04:42: <MechaLeah> ((ANYONE MAY ROLL JOIN BATTLE))
04:04:52: <Beans> 3
04:05:10: <firedaemon33> 6Kura's eyes widen as she sees the cannon detonate on it's own and shouts, "Intelligent Artifact!" as she dashes to it, putting her Breaker Katars to good use, for the second time
04:05:59: <Tab> Three for Kima
04:06:01: <MechaLeah> ((...really?))
04:06:04: <Tab> zero for red
04:06:09: <firedaemon33> 6((Sorry. Retcon))
04:06:18: <MechaLeah> Disregarde Kura
04:06:20: <tsinistar> What
04:06:24: <firedaemon33> 6Wipe that, yesh
04:06:36: <tsinistar> Six sux
04:06:51: <tsinistar> Plentimon appreciates those who take initiative it seems
04:06:59: <jhicks> 3 3 sux
04:08:38: <tsinistar> Is therw time to fire the bow at it in an attempt to knock it away from the spearwoman?
04:09:03: <firedaemon33> 6Kura
04:09:14: <MechaLeah> Kozu is up right away
04:09:22: <MechaLeah> ((no, there is not))
04:09:46: <firedaemon33> 6's eyes widen as she sees the essence cannon fire, and she flash-lunges at the boy, though out of kindness, her Katars are not worn, and she tries to drive a fist into his stomach
04:09:56: <tsinistar> Any chance he could knock it out of the way otherwise?
04:10:07: <MechaLeah> The essence blast takes the woman completely by surprise, and exploded into a radiant burst that sends her flying into a river of sewage, knocked out in one blow.
04:10:19: <MechaLeah> No Kozu.
04:10:25: <tsinistar> Dammit
04:10:37: <MechaLeah> You in fact cannot stop the surprise attack that started the fight with mundane efforts at heroism
04:10:49: <firedaemon33> 6((6 sux))
04:11:18: <tsinistar> 2Kozu rushes to try and help Merea, hoping all that armour helped her to survive.
04:11:37: <firedaemon33> 6((7 B))
04:12:31: <MechaLeah> Neiz and Cannon are up
04:12:53: <firedaemon33> 6((Botch JB, so...))
04:13:00: <MechaLeah> And Kima
04:13:18: <Beans> Well, what did Kura accomplish
04:13:26: <MechaLeah> ((So everyone else goes before Kura's attack actually happens))
04:13:28: <Tab> Can Red move on Kima's turn as Kima's ride action, since Kima is mounted, or does kima have to ait
04:13:30: <Beans> ooohhhh
04:13:36: <Beans> um
04:13:40: <tsinistar> Nine sux for medicine and using instant treatment methodology
04:13:45: <MechaLeah> You can move on anyone's turn
04:13:52: <Beans> Neiz also zoops over to Merea
04:14:09: <jhicks> 3Cannon spins around once more, pointing itself at the older looking monk, and once again lets out a blazing bolt of energy.
04:14:13: <jhicks> 3(3 sux)
04:15:04: <MechaLeah> Merea is pretty okay, actually. No serious burn damage. Her eyes flutter open and she starts dragging herself out of the water.
04:15:16: <Tab> Assuming she's in range, Kima brings Damocles down at the cannon in a flash, the black metal glinting even in the lightless sewers, aiming to cleave metal as well as it does flesh
04:15:39: <MechaLeah> The monk extends a hand and catches the essence bolt, closing his fist around it so it is only a few beams of light extending.
04:15:52: <MechaLeah> 12"Explain what is going on."
04:15:58: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Merea, where did you get that cannon? I fear it is possessed!"
04:16:41: <MechaLeah> "I don't know, it just went off!"
04:17:18: <MechaLeah> He lets go of the cannon, leaving it hovering, as he gets punched in the stomach by a surprise Kura
04:17:48: <MechaLeah> Kima, roll the attack and give damage.
04:18:07: <jhicks> 3Cannon falls to the ground
04:18:19: <Tab> 8 to hit
04:18:40: <Tab> seven damage
04:19:22: <MechaLeah> Cannon is hit, being moderately dented from the blow
04:19:40: <jhicks> 3Cannon continues to NOT MOVE AT ALL ONCE HIT
04:19:45: <jhicks> 3inanimately
04:20:07: <MechaLeah> "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?"
04:20:15: <firedaemon33> 6((Wouldn't it kinda be launched? Because, you know. Hit with a grand daiklave.))
04:20:22: <MechaLeah> The boy's eyes start to glow, and blades shoot out from between his fingers.
04:20:30: <MechaLeah> Yeah, the canon maybe rolls, possibly bounces.
04:20:34: <Beans> Neiz glares frostily down at the cannWHOOPS WHAT THE ****
04:20:38: <MechaLeah> It is very heavy though.
04:20:50: <Tab> "Now, someone explain to me," Kima says, pinching her nose bridge, "Which idiot brought a massive, possessed essence weapon into the sewers?"
04:20:58: <Tab> "Just reeks of bad ideas, I mean, really."
04:21:02: <MechaLeah> The monk finds someone who is very definitely attacking his bros, and hurls the captured essence-bolt at Kura.
04:21:17: <tsinistar> 2"WAIT NO
04:21:34: <tsinistar> 2Kozu winces as his warning comes likely too late
04:22:52: <jhicks> 3((Recaiden seems to have rolled 11 attacking sux)
04:22:53: <MechaLeah> 4"It was *cough* already here. Is that what hit me?"
04:24:01: <tsinistar> 2" It would seem so, ma'am. The fact you survived a direct hit at this range is nothing short of impressive."
04:24:16: <tsinistar> 2" Dawn caste, I presume?"
04:24:21: <MechaLeah> Kura throws her essence-charged knife to block the energy bolt
04:25:12: <MechaLeah> She hits it right as it arrives, causing it to explode in her face and sending the Katar off to slice through the ceiling.
04:25:25: <MechaLeah> Where it hangs.
04:25:41: <MechaLeah> Kura collapses.
04:25:48: <MechaLeah> 4"Dusk."
04:26:13: <firedaemon33> 6She's smoking lightly
04:26:26: <Beans> Neiz goes to tend to kura because dammit
04:26:29: <MechaLeah> Neiz and Kozu are up to act, then Red and Kima
04:27:05: <Beans> Neiz runs over to help the Kura
04:27:16: <tsinistar> 2Kozu would be alarmed by a dusk caste using orichalcum, but he's more concernwd wiyh rushing to Kura's side
04:27:35: <MechaLeah> 12"Could we end the violence there, please?"
04:28:09: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Kuragari!" He looks from the cannon, to the monk to Kuragari, then checks her, trying to ascertain her condition
04:28:28: <MechaLeah> The monk remains in a defensive chance, and the boy considers chilling out
04:28:40: <Tab> Kima hops off Red, who goes to stand between the two groups, and tentatively shuffles over\
04:28:44: <Tab> "Sis? Sis?"
04:29:15: <MechaLeah> ((FD, Stamina + Resistance to wake up with Neiz's medical care))
04:29:32: <Tab> ((dusk are abyssal's, right?))
04:29:36: <Beans> nuh
04:29:41: <Beans> dusks are sunsneakies
04:29:48: <firedaemon33> 6((4 sux))
04:29:52: <Beans> no
04:29:52: <Beans> wait no
04:29:58: <Beans> they are spookies
04:30:03: <Beans> i thought about night castes
04:30:04: <MechaLeah> Dusks are Kimas
04:30:06: <Beans> je dumb
04:30:12: <Beans> no kima
04:30:15: <Beans> you ARE the dusks
04:30:18: <Beans> and then kima was a spoopy
04:30:21: <Tab> wow
04:30:24: <Tab> how the hell did i forget
04:30:26: <Tab> i
04:30:26: <firedaemon33> 6Kura groans as she sits up and says angrily, "What the hell!?"
04:30:28: <Tab> wow
04:30:33: <Tab> why does she have ori gear
04:30:46: <firedaemon33> 6She killed a Solar and took it off his body
04:31:13: <Recaiden> 5"1 l1k3 7h47 6un. m4y 1 h4v3 17?"
04:31:20: <tsinistar> 2 Kozu sighs in relief "thank the gods! Miss kuragari, you-you scared me silly there!"
04:31:34: <tsinistar> 2" NOBODY TOUCH THE GUN! "
04:31:45: <Recaiden> dedSiddie hops down and walks over towards the fallen cannon, stopping with a pouty face when Kozu yells
04:32:00: <Tab> "Aye touching the cannon seems to be a bad idea," Red says
04:32:06: <firedaemon33> 6Kura rubs her head and says, "Ugh...That tends to happen when you take an essence blast to the face..."
04:32:12: <Beans> Neiz sighs and looks at the cannon. "This? This is stupid. At times, one must draw a line in the sand; one must make a statement. One must ask oneself: 'With what am I willing to put up today?' Not /****ing/ this!"
04:32:16: <firedaemon33> 6"Has anyone seen my Katar?"
04:32:32: <Tab> dammit arin
04:32:37: <Tab> "Look up, sis."
04:32:46: <Tab> ECH
04:32:55: <Recaiden> The monk walks over to the angry boy, places a hand on his shoulder, and says a few words.
04:33:01: <jhicks> 3(If I move, I am the dead)
04:33:04: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks up at the ceiling and mutters, "****. How am I going to get that down..."
04:33:09: <firedaemon33> 6((Quite.))
04:33:10: <Recaiden> He retracts the blades into his hands, and the glow goes out of his eyes, disappointed.
04:33:30: <tsinistar> 2Kozu holds Kura's shoulder, 2" You can fly. i can fly. Worry later."
04:33:39: <tsinistar> 2For now, he tends to her woundsm
04:33:53: <tsinistar> Ten sux
04:33:57: <firedaemon33> 6"I...Don't want to move...Risk hurting something worse."
04:34:06: <firedaemon33> 6Luckily, Solar Medicine to the rescuse!
04:34:20: <Tab> Kima reaches up with Damocles to knock the katar loose. Simple
04:34:59: <Recaiden> "So to put it politely, **** that thing. Whoever can have it. I like, couldn't stop from firing it."
04:35:16: <Recaiden> He looks at his hands, shaking his head. That must have been him, right?
04:35:17: <jhicks> 3((Giantitp forums up))
04:35:40: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glares and says, "Mmhm. Of course you couldn't."
04:35:52: <Tab> Red shifts to her human form, ditching the furs that are now fouled in the sewage. "I say have the Sunchild perform an exorcism."
04:35:53: <firedaemon33> 6Snarkily, I might add
04:36:08: <Beans> Neiz glares down at the cannon, giving the 'got my eye on you' gesture swooshily.
04:36:52: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Kuragari, please," Kozu says softly ,"I do not perform exorcisms... But perhaps I could look into whatever caused this."
04:37:15: <tsinistar> ((Wait, can kozu do exorcisms?))
04:37:20: <Recaiden> 12"I do, if you are unaware of the proper rites."
04:37:34: <Recaiden> ((Sure. Exorcisms are just dramatic occult actions))
04:37:43: <tsinistar> Retcon that, then
04:37:46: <tsinistar> Kozu can do it
04:37:47: <Recaiden> ((With an opposed roll if there's a spaient force to drive out))
04:37:49: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks at the thing and says, "Would an exorcism be enough?"
04:38:04: <firedaemon33> 6"Wouldn't it be safer to just destroy it?"
04:38:05: <Recaiden> Also between you are Kima you have both banish spells, right?
04:38:16: <tsinistar> 2" Any aid would be appreciated. The hand of an Immaculate Monk would be an honoured addition to my own."
04:38:29: <Tab> i can banish ghosts
04:38:34: <Recaiden> As Kura says this, she notices that the dent Kima left earlier has already repaired itself. Artifacts are some tough things.
04:38:44: <tsinistar> 2" We will see, miss kuragari."
04:38:53: <tsinistar> Kozu can banish and do counter magic
04:39:17: <Tab> "And if **** goes to crap," Kima hefts Damocles menacingly
04:39:38: <tsinistar> "language.x
04:39:49: <tsinistar> 2*"Language."
04:39:55: <firedaemon33> 6"That thing knocked me out in one shot. Well, with a little help." She glares at the monk before continuing, "If it is intelligent, and malevolent, then we really shouldn't risk it. I'm with Kima."
04:40:01: <Tab> "That one was a bit of a stretch," Red agrees
04:40:18: <Recaiden> "**** kinda tends to go to crap, don't it?"
04:40:37: <Recaiden> The monk walks up and starts laying down a circle of salt around the weapon.
04:40:53: <tsinistar> 2" Breaking artifacts with brute force is often more dangerous. Please. Allow us to make an attempt first."
04:41:10: <tsinistar> 2Kozu looks at the cannon through his huraka jar
04:41:25: <tsinistar> 2Then tries spirit detecting glance to be doubly sure
04:41:35: <Recaiden> It's a cannon.
04:41:42: <Recaiden> He detects no dematerialized spirits around it.
04:41:52: <tsinistar> 2Then comes the beginnings of the ritual
04:41:53: <Recaiden> Although one might be hiding within the cannon.
04:42:15: <Recaiden> Salt, prayer strips, incense, chanting, invoking the fire elemental dragons.
04:42:20: <Recaiden> *five
04:42:44: <Recaiden> ded-Siddie backs away uncomfortably
04:42:48: <tsinistar> 10, 10, 7, 9, 10, 2, 6, 10, 7 7
04:43:02: <Recaiden> 12/10, would exorcise again.
04:43:10: <tsinistar> Plentimon does not like the cannon clearly
04:43:26: <tsinistar> Also, beans
04:43:34: <tsinistar> You need to make a gambling exigent
04:43:40: <tsinistar> And have it be Plentimom
04:43:48: <tsinistar> when 3e comes out
04:43:55: <Tab> damn son
04:44:02: <jhicks> 3A swarm of dust, rocks, debris, and detritus begins to swirl around the cannon, not disturbing any of the exorcism materials but harming anyone who strays close or touches it.
04:44:03: <firedaemon33> 6TS, :3e is out
04:44:05: <Tab> thats some exorcism right there
04:44:18: <tsinistar> Oh
04:44:27: <firedaemon33> 6((https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SPvhNWrJfEvvf67C0PMoJ7NzoNA2ZiGXiT-cYwei-XI/edit))
04:44:35: <tsinistar> 2" Everyone stay back... "
04:44:48: <Beans> what
04:44:51: <tsinistar> File does not exist fd
04:45:03: <firedaemon33> 6((That's :3e, right Beans?))
04:45:06: <Beans> file exists as **** bruh
04:45:10: <Beans> it mine
04:45:14: <Beans> it a thign
04:45:21: <Beans> and yes, it's :3th edition
04:45:27: <tsinistar> 2" This is ...unusual. "
04:45:42: <tsinistar> Twlls me ot doesnt exist
04:45:50: <Beans> ...
04:46:06: <Recaiden> 12"Spirits are reluctant to leave, at times. But they must."
04:46:25: <tsinistar> Ah, googlw drove wprks
04:46:33: <tsinistar> Howler at 3 in the goddamn morning
04:46:34: <Beans> gergle drorb
04:46:39: <Recaiden> 12And then the ritual completes, and...
04:46:39: <Tab> we know what tech is playing
04:46:42: <jhicks> 3The storm of dust picks up even further, taking a vaguely humanoid shape of flying gravel. The rapidly moving rocks cause a strange, piercing cry as the whip through the air, before suddenly dissipating. And to your surprise, a man in green and black clothing, partially armoured, appears facedown in the dirt beside the cannon.
04:47:09: <firedaemon33> 6"Is that a spirit, Kozu?"
04:47:13: <tsinistar> 2" Well. Not what I expected. Sir, what do you have to say for yourself?"
04:47:16: <Beans> Neiz leans down and draws a line in the dirt between herself and the dude.
04:47:18: <Recaiden> 12The monk takes a step back, clearly surprised.
04:47:21: <Beans> "Line in the saaaaaaaaaand."
04:47:23: <tsinistar> 2" No...no it is not."
04:48:18: <tsinistar> Beans yoy must tell me more of this game later
04:48:34: <jhicks> 3The man groans loudly, visibly shaking as he attempts to move. It takes a few moments, but he slowly moves himself into a seated, cross legged position. "Th...thank you! You've saved me! I was stuck in there with that...that...thing...".
04:49:01: <jhicks> 3He shudders visibly again, before looking to his side, noticing a larger-than-average pile of rocks, and discreetly scooting away.
04:49:12: <Tab> "So, you did or did not fire at my sister?"
04:49:20: <Tab> Kima peers suspiciously
04:49:42: <jhicks> 3I was in that...thing. I was present, I felt it shoot...In fact, it used MY essence to do it. But that thing that you just removed was the one aiming the weapon.
04:50:08: <firedaemon33> 6Kura frowns and asks, "Is that even possible, Kozu?"
04:50:32: <Recaiden> Totally possible to use people as mote-batteries in weapons.
04:50:35: <Beans> Neiz brushes away the line in the sand. "What will you have to put up with today? Not, indeed, that."
04:50:37: <Recaiden> Demons do it all the time
04:50:49: <tsinistar> 2" Actually, yes. Binding one's soul to an item happens unfortunately often."
04:51:13: <tsinistar> 2" Especially with daemons and the Infernal powers..."
04:51:36: <firedaemon33> 6"Hrm. I suppose, then...If he was bound to the cannon..."
04:51:45: <Tab> "So..do, like, I behead the dude or just a few fingers?"
04:51:47: <jhicks> 3The strange man nods eagerly at the daynerd
04:51:51: <Recaiden> "Man, that would really suck."
04:52:00: <Tab> Red sighs and pats Kima, "Neither, dearest."
04:52:06: <firedaemon33> 6"He lives for today, Kima."
04:52:08: <Recaiden> "I wasn't even stuck in the gun or nothin."
04:52:37: <firedaemon33> 6"If you want to decapitate someone, decapitate the monk that threw the bolt at me."
04:52:51: <tsinistar> 2" So...Infernal, then. It seems we meet many above and beyond the call of Fate these days-NO!"
04:52:55: <jhicks> 3 The green-clad man discreetly tries to distance himself from the aforementioned monk.
04:53:09: <tsinistar> 2Kozu quickly interjects "NO MORE FIGHTING!"
04:53:10: <Beans> "No more fighting. Mom says."
04:53:26: <Recaiden> 12"After striking my student, you can thank me for leaving you alive."
04:53:27: <tsinistar> 2" Do you have /any idea/ how hard it is to keep you all alive?
04:54:01: <firedaemon33> 6"I thought he had just shot your companion. You should be thanking /me/ for trying to prevent further harm"
04:54:10: <jhicks> 3 The green man brushes himself off, shakily comes to his feet, and steps behind the solar. "I'm...with the pacifist here...".
04:54:11: <Beans> :u
04:54:13: <Beans> dorg
04:54:23: <Tab> "To be fair, sunchild, most of it is your fault. You'll have to make it up to us eventually. Starting with Fist of Luna."
04:54:28: <Recaiden> Who are you Doug?
04:54:38: <doug> FD's roomate, want to watch
04:54:42: <Beans> hilariously, there is an old japanese show about a hero called Greenman who fights satan
04:54:49: <Beans> it is the genuine best
04:54:58: <tsinistar> 2"How about we all stop arguing, hmm?"
04:55:19: <Recaiden> 4"So you said there was a rescue mission going on?"
04:55:26: <firedaemon33> 6"Hrm. Fine."
04:55:50: <tsinistar> 2" Two dusks, an immaculate monk and his student, two lunars, a sorcerer, an infernal... No fight would end well."
04:56:03: <firedaemon33> 6"Frankly, at this point, I just want to get out of here."
04:56:12: <firedaemon33> 6"Leave this blasted hellhole."
04:56:21: <Recaiden> 4The apparent solar is somehow squeaky-clean, despite getting dropped in the river of trash and plasm just a little bit ago.
04:56:36: <Recaiden> 4A few burns remain as a sign of the attack.
04:56:37: <tsinistar> 2" Besides. We haven't even questioned the daemonspawn on which yozi it serves," Kozu glares over his shoulder at the infernal
04:56:58: <tsinistar> 2" Or why they saw fit to stuff them into an essence cannon?"
04:57:08: <Recaiden> 5"wh47\'5 4n 1nf3rn4l 4nd why 15 h3 0n3?"
04:57:28: <tsinistar> 2"Tainted solar exaltation, twisted by the yozis.'
04:57:30: <Recaiden> 5dedSiddie, now that that awful exorcism nonsense is over and the cannon safe, runs over to pick it up.
04:57:41: <Recaiden> 5Although she could be itnerrupted.
04:57:56: <tsinistar> 2" Arguably more dangerous than-I SAID DO NOT TOUCH THAT!"
04:58:02: <jhicks> 3"Perhaps because I'm not very keen on serving them? Faithful little yozi warriors don't often get used as batteries. And it's a bit impolite to not even ask a name before throwing such accusations around. Sun Li, by the way."
04:58:44: <tsinistar> 2" Illuminary Kozu. And excuse me if I choose practicality and survival over pleasantry."
04:58:47: <Beans> Neiz flails. "MOM SAYS NO~"
04:59:02: <Beans> She tries to stop deadybun from dooting it
04:59:06: <Recaiden> deadSiddie stops like a foot from the cannon, and backs away, frowning.
04:59:14: <Recaiden> Thanks to Neiz
04:59:28: <firedaemon33> 6Kura glares and says, "Kima. You may get to decapitate after all. Kozu, do you want us to kill him?"
04:59:28: <Beans> Neiz draws a line around it and a frowny face
04:59:32: <Recaiden> 5"15n\'7 17 54f3 n0w?"
04:59:47: <tsinistar> 2"Just because the Yozi do not trust you does not mean i do."
04:59:49: <Beans> and labels it in Old Realm script: "not ****ing this"
05:00:13: <tsinistar> 2" The whims of demonkind are many, and never for the benfit of others."
05:00:21: <jhicks> 3"Quite fair, I suppose. I'm a bit...shaken from having spent some indeterminate amount of time SHOVED IN A CANNON AND ORDERED ABOUT BY A DEMON.". He coughs softly, before recovering his calm. "That is to say...Manners are the bedrock of conversation."
05:00:25: <Recaiden> 5"w3ll, 0bv10u5ly. l00k h0w b16 17 15."
05:00:50: <Tab> Red makes the obvious jokes
05:01:02: <Tab> Wink wink nudge nudge promises for later to deadybuns
05:01:55: <Recaiden> 12"Well said, Sun Li. Never forget one's manners."
05:02:03: <tsinistar> 2" Killing him would be rude and pointless at this point...Mister Li, I assume you wish to leave the underworld?"
05:02:08: <jhicks> 3Sun Li shakes his head. "Look, my so called 'Patron' is She Who Lives in Her Name. Not murder, not tyranny, not insanity, just...order. I wasn't QUITE in lockstep with her perfect picture, so they stuffed me in a metaphorical can."
05:02:14: <Beans> Neiz smiles. "I may or may not like him already."
05:02:27: <jhicks> 3Sun Li blinks owlishly. "Wait...UNDERWORLD. What."
05:02:46: <Recaiden> OWL-FIGHT!
05:02:51: <tsinistar> 2" Welcome to the Stygian sewers, oh prince of green sun."
05:02:54: <firedaemon33> 6Kura frowns again and says, "We don't need another Otavia on board...But I suppose it would be reasonable to help him out of the underworld."
05:03:04: <jhicks> 3 ((Don't fail me now, Specialty Social:Blatant Lies))
05:03:10: <tsinistar> 2" Does this particular taste of desolation not suit you?"
05:03:46: <jhicks> 3"It's a sewer where I was basically enslaved, full of people who are pointing deadly weapons at me when I'm unarmed and disoriented. Not a personal favorite location."
05:04:31: <tsinistar> 2"It is no vacation home for me, either."
05:04:40: <Beans> "Does smell a bit pooey."
05:04:45: <Recaiden> Merea realizes she's still pointing a deadly weapon at him, and draws back the spear.
05:04:50: <Tab> Kima whispers to Kura "What's his deal? He got over me quickly enough."
05:05:23: <firedaemon33> 6"He's a bloody Infernal. Luna knows what his deal is, one way or another. But you both have very similar bosses."
05:05:26: <Recaiden> Then makes her way over to stand by the monk and his failure-student
05:05:33: <firedaemon33> 6"'s probably why."
05:05:46: <Tab> "I meant pandaguy"
05:05:55: <firedaemon33> 6"Oh. He hates demons."
05:06:05: <Tab> "The sorceror hates demons?"
05:06:12: <jhicks> 3Straightening his overcoat, the man smiles cordially. "Well, this...indiscretion aside, I'm willing to let any bygones be bygones and whatnot. Though I think I'll go with the group who's less...spear happy."
05:06:14: <firedaemon33> 6"Like, they stole his ribs or something. I don't really know."
05:06:24: <Tab> "Ow."
05:06:38: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhmm."
05:06:39: <Tab> Red raises an eyebrow "That would leave him more flexible..."
05:06:52: <jhicks> 3*insert self-******** jokes here*
05:06:53: <Recaiden> Kozu-back ribs, all you can eat for just 2 shekels
05:07:18: <firedaemon33> 6((Sleep needs to happen. I think that's a good thing to end on.))
05:07:23: <tsinistar> 2"Do go ahead, assuming the monk is not wise enough to send yoh back to your master."
05:07:47: <tsinistar> 2" By the way, he will be. He is /Immaculate/ aftwr all."
05:07:59: <tsinistar> Oop
05:08:02: <tsinistar> Noiters then
05:08:09: <jhicks> 3FD's out, that's a pause
05:08:11: <Recaiden> 12"I'm actually not."

2014-11-09, 02:54 AM

Kozu, Neiz: 73 BP
Kura: 70 BP
Kima: 69 BP
Sun Li: 65 BP
Red: 35 BP

The logs are once again uncooperative.

There was some discussion. Autumn stayed behind with Merea and Kura to continue treating their severe cases of 'shot in the face with a giant essence cannon'.
The party made their way through the sewers, avoiding traps and exploding beggars.

They defaced a sign and entered the area they were aiming for.
They encountered a series of challenges.
The first, a Priest or Judge who confounded them with Bureaucracy and threats, before being placated by Neiz's sidereal connections.
The second, a sorcerously bound spider-monster who frightened the arachnophobic Walking on Laughter and his mentor Tear. It was liberated through the combined efforts of Kozu and Sun Li, and gave the party the key to pass the next puzzle, a hallway that cannot be traversed so long as it can be seen.
The next, a vault where each party member had to surrender a personal secret, no matter how tragic or how silly.
Finally a temptation of the mind, an endless celebration of joy and rest, filled with the ghosts of those who failed to continue onward. After telekinetic stunts, dancing, flirting, and offended violence, Red (with some help by Sun Li) led the party out.
Then the point of the rescue, a pillar of ghost-melting white flame. Neiz let the dead sidereal hide in her body as a shield against the fire. Kozu and Red destroyed the 4.5 of 6 remaining seals, unleashing holocaust of magic fire that would have killed probably everyone if not for Kima. The sealed entities, suspected to be a lost type of Exalt, were freed amidst much confusion, but it was discovered that this was only the first measure needed to complete the rescue.
When the party returned to the surface to regroup, they found the Calendar damaged and an entire district of Stygia destroyed.

2014-11-10, 11:55 PM
Kozu, Neiz: 74 BP
Kura: 71 BP
Kima: 70 BP
Sun Li: 66 BP
Red: 35.5 BP

02:39:03: <Recaiden> PREVIOUSLY
02:39:04: <tscrab> Moving on
02:39:13: <jhicks> PREVIOUSLYYYYY
02:39:14: <Tab> on anime square x
02:39:14: <Recaiden> You should all remember what's up
02:39:18: <firedaemon33> 6I don't!
02:39:21: <Tab> ****S EXPLODING YO
02:39:32: <tscrab> whatever that is
02:39:36: <Beans> oops we discovered sharktown
02:39:38: <Tab> I bet it's a club
02:39:41: <Tab> a sexy goth club
02:39:41: <Beans> they weren't meant to be found
02:39:53: <tscrab> dammit all
02:40:46: <firedaemon33> 6Okay
02:40:53: <Tab> we still haven't engaged in thank god we're alive sex
02:40:58: <firedaemon33> 6So, Kura's in the hospital because Essence Cannon
02:41:00: <Tab> red will explode soon
02:41:06: <firedaemon33> 6And you idiots blew up Stygia?
02:41:12: <tscrab> Yeah pretty much
02:41:30: <jhicks> only PART of stygia
02:41:31: <firedaemon33> 6Who knew she'd be the keystone that keeps stupid **** from happening...
02:41:32: <jhicks> the damn bankers
02:42:09: <Recaiden> So you all just got aboveground
02:42:15: <Recaiden> Everybody is freaking out
02:42:15: <tscrab> http://new1.fjcdn.com/pictures/The+defender+of+waifus+hopefully+not+a+repost+than ks+for+the_93afdf_5349564.jpg
02:42:17: <Beans> yaaaaay
02:42:19: <tscrab> Sickest burns
02:42:36: <Tab> kura would have made it worse and killed everything ever
02:42:43: <Tab> with her katars of +1 kill everybody
02:42:58: <tscrab> We caused a stygian depression single handedly
02:43:00: <tscrab> Anyways
02:43:02: <tscrab> Above ground
02:43:06: <tscrab> Kima was cheering
02:43:09: <tscrab> We hushed her
02:43:23: <Beans> Neiz is currently not feeling very fabulous
02:43:24: <firedaemon33> 6Where /is/ Kura?
02:43:36: <Tab> at the dollhouse with autumn and the rest, all fixed up
02:43:41: <Recaiden> Kura is on a stretcher carried by zombies
02:43:41: <firedaemon33> 6Soo
02:43:42: <firedaemon33> 6Wait
02:43:48: <Recaiden> To the Dollhouse, yes
02:43:49: <firedaemon33> 6You guys just blew up the world
02:43:52: <tscrab> Not that Kozu trusts him
02:43:57: <firedaemon33> 6AND LEFT ME IN ENEMY TERRITORY!?
02:43:58: <firedaemon33> 6WTF
02:44:02: <Recaiden> Not that Kozu trusts anyone.
02:44:05: <Tab> not enemy territory
02:44:11: <Tab> in a sexy goth bar
02:44:21: <firedaemon33> 6I think that changed when you BLEW UP STYGIA
02:44:22: <Beans> she talks like a street girl rather than the refined lady y'all bitches know
02:44:24: <Recaiden> Where you can angst
02:44:30: <tscrab> KOzu is having a hard time dealing with character development puberty
02:44:43: <Recaiden> Kima is presumably leading everyone in the right direction through streets of panicked ghosts
02:44:55: <Tab> Hell yes she is
02:45:09: <Tab> Riding atop Red, everyone else still onboard
02:45:16: <Tab> All like "This way, that way"
02:45:29: <Tab> btw i dont actually know what the dollhouse is
02:45:39: <Recaiden> It's a sexy goth bar
02:45:40: <firedaemon33> 6./Wonderful/
02:45:45: <tscrab> God
02:46:00: <Recaiden> You are currently passing through an apparently abandoned part of the city.
02:46:03: <tscrab> ****in'
02:46:17: <tscrab> /dammit/
02:46:22: <Recaiden> Empty windows look down on you as you race through the street
02:46:29: <Tab> Kima is ignoring the emptiness
02:46:31: Beans activates Infinite Squidward Laughter Shintai
02:46:33: <Tab> because **** just went boom
02:46:48: <Tab> the deathlords can suck her vampire ****
02:46:55: <Recaiden> Ahead on your right is a boarded-up library
02:46:56: <Tab> and they're going to a sexy goth bar
02:47:16: <tscrab> 2Kozu looks around blankly, focusing briefly on the library.
02:47:21: <firedaemon33> 6Meanwhile, where a stretcher is, Kura sits up and says, "Where am I? And why do I have the feeling Kozu has done something horribly stupid without me?"
02:47:23: <Recaiden> Kima, make a Int+Survival roll
02:47:28: <Beans> :U
02:47:46: <Beans> Neiz clings to whoever sits in front of her and stares into nothing
02:47:54: <Recaiden> "Yer resting from that essence blast to the head ya'll took, Kura."
02:48:11: <Tab> 3 successes
02:48:21: <Tab> Red looks over her shoulder at Neiz
02:48:25: <Tab> "You okay, dear?"
02:48:40: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blinks and looks around, taking stock of her surroundings
02:48:49: <Recaiden> The 'correct' route to the meeting place leads into a dead-end alley
02:48:50: <jhicks> Sun attempts to keep daynerd from flipping out and crying and/or ****ing anythig else up
02:48:52: <Recaiden> You are lost.
02:49:03: <Beans> Neiz just holds tighter to Red.
02:49:14: <Recaiden> Out of the corners of your eyes you might see things moving whenever you aren't looking at them
02:49:16: <tscrab> 2No need. Kozu is calm. Even calmer than usual
02:49:45: <Tab> Kima looks around
02:49:54: <Tab> "Okay, so this definitely isn't a sexy ass club."
02:49:59: <Tab> "What the ****."
02:50:01: <Recaiden> There is a brick wall ahead of you
02:50:09: <Recaiden> There is a ruined Sijanese food restaurant to your left
02:50:21: <Recaiden> And a decrepit ruined apartment building to the right
02:50:21: <Tab> "Hey, any of our other dead friends wanna help me out?"
02:50:42: <jhicks> 3"What happened to that sidereal with the AWFUL accent?"
02:51:13: <Tab> Red jerks her shoulder to knock sun off
02:51:25: <Recaiden> 5"h3ll0. 1 4m r16h7 h3r3, j3rk."
02:51:26: <Tab> "Be respectful, will you? Something's clearly shocked her."
02:51:49: <jhicks> 3Sunny is telekinetic as ****, balances.
02:52:20: <Recaiden> 5"l363nd5 54y 7h47 7h3 0nly w4y 0u7 0f 7h3 b3ll d157r1c7 15 7hr0u6h 7h3 f0un741n 1n 7h3 pl4z4."
02:52:39: <Beans> the underworld is designed like a resident evil levl
02:52:43: <Recaiden> 5"bu7 7h47 50und5 l1k3 n0n53n53 70 m3."
02:52:52: <Tab> "Legends? Are they *cool* legends or ****ty legends?"
02:53:01: <Tab> "Because if they're cool I'll try it out."
02:53:04: <Recaiden> 5DeadSiddie hops off and punches the brick wall
02:53:09: <jhicks> 3"I don't have any better ideas aside from possibly tossing the Abyssal skyward for a better vantage point."
02:53:10: <Recaiden> 5The brick wall is unimpressed
02:53:17: <Tab> "Hold up."
02:53:28: <Recaiden> 5"5p00ky l363nd5, duh"
02:53:38: <Tab> Kima climbs down and hefts Damocles, resting the tip on the wall, letting it savor the fear of the incoming blow.
02:53:47: <Tab> She wants the small gods of the wall to know its coming
02:53:52: <Tab> "And a one"
02:53:55: <Tab> "And a twp"
02:54:05: <Tab> "And a SUCK MY ****, WALL!"
02:54:25: <Tab> she rears back and brings Damocles around in a terrific smash!
02:54:31: <firedaemon33> 6*suck my non-existent ****
02:54:44: <firedaemon33> 6I'm the Lunar, not you
02:54:44: <Beans> ... where's everyone rolling now, because i seem to be the only one who's rolled in the thread since ever
02:54:49: <Tab> there are charms for now
02:54:55: <Tab> i use the d&d dice roller
02:54:58: <Beans> ah
02:54:59: <tscrab> I use my dice
02:54:59: <firedaemon33> 6Same
02:55:07: <Beans> i imagine kima's **** is damocles
02:55:27: <Tab> damocles is made from the thousand angry suffering souls of *****
02:55:28: <Beans> henceforth known as dongocles
02:55:38: <Recaiden> The wall has a bad time
02:55:41: <Tab> dragon dildo soulsteel
02:55:45: <Recaiden> And is kind of reduced to rubble
02:55:51: <Recaiden> See look, this is the way to go
02:55:52: <Tab> i dont even have to roll?
02:55:54: <Tab> sweet
02:55:57: <Beans> :3
02:56:03: <Tab> Kima dusts her hands off and laughs
02:56:03: <Recaiden> You don't roll damage to objects
02:56:10: <Tab> "I AM THE MASTER OF MY DOMAIN"
02:56:21: <Tab> "AND MY DOMAIN IS ****ING **** UP"
02:56:45: <tscrab> 2Kozu looks at Kima and holds a finger up for quiet
02:57:07: <Recaiden> You hear an echo of Kima's shout
02:57:14: <Recaiden> But instead of diminishing ,it gets louder.
02:57:21: <Tab> sheeeeit
02:57:24: <Recaiden> "MASTER OF MY DOMAIN!"
02:57:26: <Recaiden> "MASTER OF MY DOMAIN!"
02:57:28: <Recaiden> *"MASTER OF MY DOMAIN!"*
02:57:45: <Recaiden> The wall quickly reassembles itself, and you may hear something moving behind you.
02:57:46: <Tab> Kima hefts Damocles up and Red growls. She has had about enough bull**** today
02:57:52: <Tab> the bull**** to sexy ratio is not pleasant
02:57:56: <Recaiden> You could also roll Dex+Athletics to get through before the wall finishes.
02:58:00: <Recaiden> Otherwise, Join Battle
02:58:28: <Tab> four for kima
02:58:32: <Tab> a whopping six for red
02:58:42: <Tab> which is probably good because she's carrying everybody
02:58:56: <Recaiden> Red gohs furst
02:58:59: <jhicks> 3 4
02:59:10: <Beans> neiz is automatically last if she does anything at all, because she's in trauma mode
02:59:10: <Tab> i meant the dex+athletics
02:59:38: <Tab> Kima turns around, Red nudges her "JUST GO"
03:00:29: <jhicks> 3...I was doing join battle
03:00:32: <jhicks> 3I assumed we were doing this
03:00:43: <jhicks> 3still on top of the wolf, so if it runs, I guess I'm going with it
03:01:10: <Beans> we need to get back to the Traumatized Argent Waif asap
03:01:23: <Tab> fastwoof
03:01:30: <Beans> :3
03:01:43: <Recaiden> Blocking the way of the giant wolf is a giant dog, seemingly assembled out of silk
03:01:57: <Beans> 3:
03:02:08: <Tab> weeeeeeeel sheeeeit
03:02:09: <Recaiden> Shadows are reaching up from between the cobblestones, grasping feebly at anything nearby (except aforementioned dog)
03:02:20: <Tab> is this on the other side of the wall or?
03:02:22: <Recaiden> (Dex+Athletics to outmaneuver dog and try to escape)
03:02:31: <Recaiden> Dog - - - Party - - - Wall
03:02:39: <Tab> only three this time
03:02:52: <Tab> but wait i have third excellency
03:02:52: <Recaiden> Oh I see, Red is getting over the wall with errybody
03:03:12: <Tab> yep
03:03:21: <Tab> gonna use my excellencies to reroll that and add two successes
03:03:23: <Recaiden> Well. Same thing, still
03:03:36: <Tab> four successes, plus the two
03:03:41: <Recaiden> The giant wolf gets across.
03:03:44: <Recaiden> So does Kima
03:03:46: <Beans> zoom
03:03:47: <Recaiden> Everyone is across
03:04:05: <Tab> Red keeps going after she lands, waiting only to let Kima back on
03:04:13: <Tab> "Which way, dearest?"
03:04:29: <Tab> "Uh." Kima looks around "Uh."
03:05:17: <Recaiden> The silk dog howls behind the wall
03:05:37: <Tab> "Master of my domain!" Kima says, whispering it giddily this time
03:06:47: <Recaiden> Hey you remember what happened last time?
03:06:50: <Recaiden> It happens again
03:07:01: <Tab> sheeee
03:07:02: <Recaiden> The words amplifying from a whisper to a shout
03:07:03: <Tab> iiit
03:07:22: <jhicks> 3"....Maybe stop?"
03:07:26: <tscrab> tab
03:07:28: <tscrab> Why
03:07:28: <Recaiden> The cobblestones in front of Red shatter.
03:07:39: <Beans> neiz weakly tries to put a hand over kima's mouth. "shhhhh."
03:07:46: <Recaiden> Crablike claws reach through and start pulling up some horror from beneath the streets
03:08:01: <Recaiden> The shadows of this part of the city reach out again.
03:08:12: <jhicks> 3"So...stab it, or shut up. Your call, Abyssal."
03:08:17: <Recaiden> Everyone is attacked with 7 successes, may be defended against by anything
03:08:32: <Beans> :U
03:08:35: <Beans> duck ****ing fate
03:09:34: <Recaiden> ((Duck fate roll is available))
03:09:38: <Recaiden> Stunted defenses are available
03:10:07: <Beans> 4 of them
03:10:23: <Recaiden> Neiz ducks the things
03:10:31: <tscrab> 2Kozu turns to stare at the incoming legs, sighing dejectedly as he searches inward, focusing on the mantras of iron and steel
03:10:32: <Beans> nyoomp
03:10:47: <tscrab> durability of oak+iron skin meditation
03:10:58: <tscrab> plus stunt soak if that's a thibg maybe hopefully
03:11:05: <jhicks> 3Sun holds out both hands, gesturing imperiously towards the claws and tentacles, attempting to keep them at bay. Curiously, he seems to be focusing on the limbs approaching both himself and the solar, splitting his attentions.
03:11:07: <Tab> doubtfukky
03:11:09: <Recaiden> Kozu ends up taking no damage.
03:11:20: <Tab> Kima does what Kima do best
03:11:21: <Recaiden> He is grabbed by a claw-thing and lifted off of Red
03:11:43: <Beans> naw ****, hellmegs
03:11:54: <Tab> Perfect parry, followed by vengeful riposte and artful maiming onslaught
03:12:22: <Tab> The angry dickblade flies up, clutched in one hand despite its size and moving in unwatchable flashes
03:12:30: <Tab> kima's other hand forms the key part of the charm
03:12:37: <Tab> the ultimate sanctum
03:12:43: <Tab> the sign that forms the shield
03:12:48: <Tab> she flips that crabby mother****er off
03:12:56: <Beans> H I S S A T S U
03:13:11: <jhicks> 3 10 sux on hits
03:13:32: <Tab> once that's said and done, the hand zips to join the other, swinging across to bring Damocles towards a weak joint in a horizontal slash
03:13:36: <Recaiden> One of the claws inexplicably cracks, though it
03:13:43: <Recaiden> it still happening
03:13:54: <Tab> any stunt dice for my counter?
03:13:57: <Recaiden> 2
03:13:58: <Beans> babbenign
03:14:16: <Tab> 8
03:14:40: <Recaiden> Damage?
03:14:49: <Tab> 8, plus the artful maiming onslaught
03:15:03: <Tab> looking to get some claws for dinner
03:15:06: <Recaiden> That claw is chopped right off at the joint.
03:15:15: <Recaiden> It dissolves into shadows as it falls
03:15:24: <Tab> aw man
03:15:26: <Beans> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9qMBPKHGnY
03:15:30: <Recaiden> Not good eating, apparently
03:15:32: <Beans> DID YOU KILL KRAFFS
03:15:37: <Beans> KRAFFS
03:15:41: <Beans> I KILL TUU
03:15:54: <Tab> Red, fearing for her passengers' safety, ducks down low and slides back and to the left before trying to dart past the crab claws
03:16:13: <Tab> Fur whirls about
03:16:16: <Tab> gets thrown up everywhere
03:16:21: <Tab> probably gets in people's mouths
03:17:18: <Recaiden> ((Roll dex+athletics again))
03:17:55: <Tab> excellency to add two suuxcces
03:18:07: <Tab> three success
03:18:09: <Tab> plus the two
03:18:32: <Recaiden> And just barely, red makes it past the monstrosity and we are all well running away
03:18:42: <Tab> Kima looks back and pouts
03:19:01: <Tab> "But...I'm-" "Don't you dare"
03:19:10: <Tab> "But-" "Dearest. *hush*"
03:19:25: <Recaiden> Kima sees the shrinking form of a giant spectral behemoth, of which the brush of claws was only the smallest part breaking up through the street.
03:19:30: <Recaiden> Stygia is a terrible place.
03:19:44: <tscrab> What the hell
03:19:54: <tscrab> How do the deathlords keep this place running at all
03:19:58: <Recaiden> You can feel when you get out of the Bell District, the air and prayers flowing comfortably again
03:20:08: <Beans> neiz puts her hands over kima's mouth again.
03:20:22: <Beans> "****in... no. no words. no crab words."
03:20:33: <Tab> Kima licks Neiz's hand
03:20:41: <Tab> Nibbles a bit
03:20:51: <firedaemon33> 6:/
03:20:51: <Tab> "Okay," Red sighs,
03:20:59: <Recaiden> And from here, all licking aside, Kima should be able to direct them to the Dollhouse
03:21:03: <Tab> "Where is the damned dollhouse?"
03:21:20: <Beans> neiz's hand has grit and dust on it
03:21:21: <Tab> "Thaffawayfth!" Kima says, muffled through Neiz's hand and pointing with her sword
03:21:29: <Beans> but at least her skin is really smooth
03:21:38: <Tab> Red follows the directions closely
03:21:39: <Recaiden> It stands proudly along a street near a place that might be a park, a sprawling construction of polished wood and resin
03:22:14: <Recaiden> Inside, It's quite busy.
03:22:30: <Tab> Red changes to her human form before stepping in, taking a moment to clean herself off
03:22:30: <Recaiden> One still needs a place to drink and gamble and so on in the middle of a disaster
03:22:59: <Tab> Kima hops right in, happily swinging back and forth in her stride
03:23:51: <Tab> Red, is, as always, the more sensible of the two and starts looking for the others and herding her little group around
03:23:54: <Recaiden> Here are tables, there are bars, there is alcohol, down that was are the dice tables, that way are private rooms, over there, look, it's the rest of the party.
03:24:06: <jhicks> 3can we get a refund?
03:24:10: <Recaiden> Everywhere is dimly lit and the air filled with too much insence
03:24:12: <jhicks> 3ours looks like someone already took a bite out of it
03:24:30: <Beans> Neiz just kind of stumbles off Red and stands around when she's not being led around by red
03:24:42: <Tab> Red leads the others to the party, keeping Neiz and Kozu nearby
03:24:53: <Tab> For all she knows, they're on their limit breaks
03:24:58: <jhicks> 3Sun follows
03:24:58: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is sitting at a table
03:25:14: <Tab> Red sits Kozu and Neiz down next to Kura
03:25:24: <Tab> "Keep an eye on them...they're not well right now."
03:25:36: <firedaemon33> 6She's wrapped in bandages
03:25:36: <Recaiden> 4"What happened."
03:25:42: <Tab> Kima is out and about socializing already, getting happy with the ghosties
03:25:47: <Recaiden> 4No question marks. Questions are beneath Exalted dignity
03:25:51: <firedaemon33> 6But otherwise seems to be healthy as she says to Kozu, "What did you do?"
03:26:28: <tscrab> 2Kozu stares ahead, shrugging slightly after a long.moment
03:26:50: <Beans> Neiz mumbles something incomprehensible and vulgar.
03:27:03: <jhicks> 3Sun mutters something about babysitting and needing to drink
03:27:17: <Tab> "Whoever he was called here to free, it seems like demons had something to do with it. It also led to that big column of fire wayover that way."
03:28:00: <Tab> "Things exploded, we partied a bit, destroyed the party on accident, made friends with a spider, told secrets, and did something with some sort of long lost Exalt group."
03:28:14: <Tab> Kima is already planning to restart the party when she gets the chance
03:28:18: <Tab> summon a ghost from the party
03:28:23: <Tab> who summons their buddies
03:28:25: <Tab> so on and so forth
03:28:51: <Tab> "Now the Sunchild and Neiz are as you see them."
03:29:08: <Tab> "And I am ragged and bloody well worn down."
03:29:22: <Tab> "They have somewhere I can sleep in here?"
03:29:23: <jhicks> 3"And I've been babysitting these two. Great fun."
03:29:48: <tscrab> 2Kozu spares the slightest of glares at Sun
03:30:13: <Beans> Neiz looks at Sun, then at Kura, holding up a hand with thumb and forefinger close together.
03:30:21: <firedaemon33> 6"Hrm. That...Isn't good, then." She then hugs Kozu and says, "Don't worry about it."
03:30:59: <tscrab> 2Kozu slides aside and mumbles something along the lines of 'don't touch me'
03:31:04: <jhicks> 3beans whatre you trying to say
03:31:14: <Beans> s m a l l p e e p e e
03:31:32: <Tab> "It might be. There was a letter, something about the Loom of Fate. Whatever they did, it was only the first half, but it was *big*."
03:32:22: <Tab> "Now, assuming this place has a room with a bed that isn't stained with centuries old zombie juices, who's up for 'Thank Luna We're Alive' shagging?"
03:32:39: <tscrab> 2Kozu shakes his head in disgust
03:33:07: <jhicks> 3Sun is tempted to volunteer, just to piss off the lunar by scoring her sister.
03:33:09: <Tab> Oh, forgot to roll social for kima
03:33:30: <Tab> four
03:33:34: <Beans> Neiz just stumbles up, looks for the bed, and if she finds it, flops facedown onto it if it's not gross
03:33:47: <Tab> red isnt kura's sister
03:33:49: <Tab> kima is
03:33:58: <Recaiden> The proprieter insists that Neiz pay for the bed
03:34:10: <Tab> Kima has it covered
03:34:20: <Tab> she's also probably got a small tab by now
03:34:27: <Beans> eyyy
03:34:38: <Tab> and several ghost doobies lining her mouth at once
03:34:41: <Tab> smoke souls every day
03:34:50: <Beans> neiz just kind of flops on the bed. if she had not been able to flop on the bed she would have curled up on the floor
03:34:54: <Tab> not like it'll kill her
03:34:54: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs, adding one more to the chorus and says, "No. I need to go keep my sister from getting high.:
03:34:57: <jhicks> 3thought that was kima
03:35:07: <jhicks> 3recaiden said kima
03:35:10: <jhicks> 3blaim the st
03:35:14: <firedaemon33> 6And then tries to pull the blunts away from Kima
03:35:20: <Recaiden> It seemed to be at first
03:35:35: <Tab> Kima shrugs, she can smoke later
03:35:36: <jhicks> 3Sun shrugs, steals a ghostblunt, and puffs.
03:35:38: <Recaiden> Many of the rooms are quite clean
03:36:02: <Tab> Red, not really bothered by the turn downs, shrugs and drags Kima off for a bit
03:36:06: <Tab> and possibly dedsiddie
03:36:18: <Recaiden> 5"5m0k1n6 w1ll k1ll y0u, y0u kn0w. w3ll, 1f y0u\'r3 n07 4lr34dy d34d."
03:36:27: <Tab> Said and done, she goes to cuddle Neiz. Neiz needs fluffcuddes
03:36:31: <Recaiden> 5dedSiddie is then dragged off with the tab characters
03:37:11: <Recaiden> 12"Illuminary Kozu. Can you please enlighten us as to what went on past the spiderweb?"
03:37:11: <jhicks> 3Sun smokes, passes out in cleanest non-Neiz bed
03:37:15: <Beans> neiz dozes off and is a sneepy siddy with milfoof. zzzzzz~
03:37:21: <Beans> milfwoof*
03:37:34: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shrugs and sits next to Kozu
03:37:41: <tscrab> 2"So," Kozu says, his voice quiet and cracked, "I need to warn Yu-Shan. And apologize."
03:37:43: <firedaemon33> 6Simply listening for now
03:37:48: <Recaiden> Walking on Laughter stands up and waves.
03:37:54: <Recaiden> "Getting some sleep before things get worse."
03:38:06: <Recaiden> Merea stays there. She can't sleep anyway.
03:38:36: <Recaiden> While she's sleeping, like a dozen heaven-messages for Neiz queue up
03:38:39: <Tab> Kima comes back to the table after reaplying her makeup and sequins
03:38:41: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "It's okay. Whatever you did, we can fix it."
03:39:22: <Tab> "So, on the topic of getting out of here, if we can get the *Butcher* onto something big and reflective, I can get us back to Creation."
03:39:47: <tscrab> 2" Not okay. I have been acting childish.'
03:40:17: <tscrab> 2"And Heaven is not likely to respond well. Least of which the Sidereals."
03:40:31: <Recaiden> ((the butcher?))
03:40:35: <tscrab> 2" I apologize for how rude and foolish I have been."
03:40:41: <Tab> what kima named the ship
03:40:44: <Tab> Blackwater Butcher
03:40:47: <Tab> remember
03:40:53: <Recaiden> Oh right
03:41:08: <Beans> Neiz eventually wakes, rubbing her eyes. "... What happened?"
03:41:24: <Tab> Red snuggles Neiz
03:41:25: <firedaemon33> 6"Kozu, whatever mistakes you've made...They can be fixed. You /have/ been foolish. But it's not like actions are indelible."
03:41:38: <Tab> "Things blew up. Heaven called."
03:42:15: <tscrab> 2"I certainly hope so, but a whole new mess of ethical quandaries has arisen."
03:42:36: <Beans> Neiz sighs and, looking a bit more fabulous now, starts to read her emails.
03:43:19: <firedaemon33> 6"And? We'll deal with them. We've always been able to deal with them...Even if I don't agree with how you handled the last couple."
03:43:33: <Recaiden> "Hey Neiz how you doin'? Just realized we hadn't talked in forever an...."
03:44:06: <Recaiden> "Amorous Panacaeaea, something's up with the Calendar, and I hear you're down there, would you mind taking a look?"
03:44:15: <Recaiden> "What did you do?"
03:44:26: <tscrab> 2" I should be responsible and own up to it, but walking into heaven right now and claiming it would be a likely death sentence."
03:44:28: <Recaiden> "Recipient: Amorous Panacea Neiz
03:44:33: <Recaiden> Subject: Seals
03:44:51: <Recaiden> Mission Assignment: Lead your circle of mismatched Exalts to the Loom and complete your rescue mission"
03:44:57: <Recaiden> -Convention on Oversight"
03:44:58: <firedaemon33> 6"Yeeeeees, that would be a bit silly. Perhaps we fix things and /then/ talk to heaven about them?"
03:45:07: <Recaiden> "Recipient: Amorous Panacea Neiz
03:45:11: <Recaiden> Subject: Seals
03:45:30: <tscrab> 2"As much as it aggravates against my ways...we would be better off sending an anonymous warning and then returning to finish our work on Simenare."
03:45:35: <Recaiden> Mission Assignment: Use all available means to suppress knowledge of the event that just transpired and limit them to your circle.
03:45:40: <Recaiden> -Convention on Oversight"
03:45:46: <Tab> hahaha
03:45:56: <Tab> im waiting for the conflicting missions
03:45:57: <firedaemon33> 6"Recipient: Amorous Panacea Neiz
03:46:04: <firedaemon33> 6Subject: Seals
03:46:11: <Beans> ****in
03:46:19: <Recaiden> "Amorous Panacea Neiz, the spiders mentioned that you forgot to intiail this inspection form. Stop by your office and fill out all the paperwork. Soon plz."
03:46:31: <firedaemon33> 6Mission Assignment: Terminate all with knowledge of what transpired. Including your circle.
03:46:38: <firedaemon33> 6-Convention on Oversight
03:46:38: <Recaiden> ((No FD))
03:47:00: <jhicks> 3((Fd, when you're teamkilling harder than Kozu OR the Infernal OR the Abyssal...stahp.)
03:47:00: <Beans> mission assignment: invent better chapstick
03:47:01: <tscrab> "Recipient: Poland'
03:47:02: <firedaemon33> 6((I know. Couldn't help cracking a bureaucracy joke.))
03:47:05: <Beans> -convention on oversight
03:47:10: <Recaiden> "You should probably get out of the Underworld soon. -A friend"
03:47:13: <tscrab> "Clean my damn toilet"
03:47:39: <jhicks> 3so that's one 'come fix your ****', one 'genocide the stygians', and one 'gtfo mate'
03:47:54: <Beans> Neiz sighs and starts to respond. To all those asking what the hell's up, she responds thusly:
03:48:06: <tscrab> 2" We need to get to the boat...but I do not want to risk the labyrinth again.'
03:48:19: <Recaiden> Previously, Tear would have accepted the explanation and headed to sleep for however long he can
03:48:34: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods to Kozu and says, "We need to deal with this problem...As much as I'm afraid of what will happen to my home, this is a bigger deal."
03:48:55: <tscrab> 2" We need a way to leave as quickly as possible, no matter which way we're going."
03:49:01: <Beans> "We believe the recent events to have been the result of a plot by T.E.D. and are proceeding in an appropriately prudent manner. Optimum outcomes will be sought."
03:49:05: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmmm. Quite."
03:49:18: <tscrab> 2The determination and scholarly haught is coming back to his voice
03:49:29: <Beans> Now the order to make sure peeps don't know what's up!
03:49:35: <tscrab> 2Gears are turning in his head
03:49:57: <tscrab> 2" Sun Li, how many of us can that board carry and how fast can it go?"
03:49:59: <Beans> She determines that there's no feasible way to suppress the knowledge that holy **** stygia's wall street blew up.
03:50:08: <Tab> occupy melty street
03:50:17: <Tab> we are the remaining 1%
03:50:26: <Beans> However, nobody actually knows why the hell that happened except for, most likely, them. Soooooo DING :3
03:51:12: <jhicks> 3"Pretty darn fast."
03:51:27: <jhicks> 3Sun, at some point, stumbled back over to the party.
03:51:36: <jhicks> 3for ooc purposes, somewhere around 50 mph
03:51:46: <Beans> "... We're going to need to get to the Loom as quickly as we can manage." She peers over her fab reading glasses.
03:52:01: <tscrab> 2" Fast enough to get us to the coast so we can get out ship and leave? "
03:52:36: <tscrab> 2" Some still water should work for the reflective surface Miss Lethal mentioned. "
03:53:19: <Tab> "We get something reflective, put the boat through it, and bam! We're in the corresponding point of Creation!"
03:54:18: <jhicks> 3"I'm keen to be out of this ****hole, I'm going to be tired and cranky afterwards, but oh well."
03:54:53: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Quite. Let's go. I want to be gone."
03:55:30: <tscrab> 22Kozu looks to the others. "Anyone else who would like to join us?"
03:55:32: <Beans> Neiz smiles weakly. "If we have any time in Heaven, I can at least introduce you to my wife. It's very difficult not to feel better around her."
03:56:52: <Recaiden> Walking on Laughter, Tear, and Merea look at each other and each shake their heads
03:56:59: <Recaiden> "No thanks."
03:57:19: <Recaiden> "We'll keep an eye on things down here."
03:57:27: <jhicks> 3 "Alright, all aboard the exalted express. Choo. Choo.
03:57:40: <Beans> :3
03:57:41: <Tab> "Thanks. I'll get Red and we can get going!"
03:57:55: <Recaiden> Autumn laughs.
03:58:09: <Recaiden> "Nah thanks man. Got a city to destroy still. Gotta go get prepped for round 2"
03:58:12: <firedaemon33> 6Kura takes a deep breath and says, "Back home. Let's get out of this Luna-Forsaken hellhole."
03:58:25: <Tab> Kima does just that, retrieving Red, who is now dressed in some wonderfully remade blankets and curtains
03:58:33: <Recaiden> "Dory? You sticking with Gem, or with yer wolf-girl?"
03:58:46: <jhicks> 3Sun walks outside, summons the crystal hoverboard at max size, and waits impatiently.
03:58:48: <Recaiden> 5The deadSiddie looks at the various exalted uncertainly
03:59:18: <Beans> Neiz looks at deadybun. "What's wrong, dear?"
03:59:50: <Tab> "I'd be happy to have you along," Red says
03:59:55: <Tab> Kima climbs onto the board
04:00:17: <Recaiden> 5"wh3r3 4r3 y0u 4ll 601n6 1n cr34710n? 5h0uld 1 4cc0mp4ny y0u?"
04:00:25: <Recaiden> 5The ghost looks at Sun Li particularly.
04:00:43: <jhicks> 3Hellgatron shrugs lightly. "Come with if you like."
04:01:02: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shrugs and says, "If you want to, I don't suppose it would be a bad idea. Where are we going, Kozu? Simenaire or somewhere else?"
04:01:22: <Recaiden> 5She nods. "w17h 7h3m. c4ll m3 wh3n 63m f4ll5."
04:01:22: <tscrab> 2" Heaven, I suppose. To fix this mess.'
04:01:45: <Recaiden> Heaven? But they might miss the Festival!
04:01:47: <tscrab> 22Kozu monkey leaps onto the board
04:01:49: <tscrab> Brb
04:02:04: <Recaiden> The ghost hops onto the board, frowning slightly.
04:02:31: <Beans> saa hashire ore-tachi no express
04:02:36: <Beans> don't be late something something something
04:02:43: <Recaiden> ZZOOOM!
04:02:58: <Recaiden> Off goes the party, carefully arranged on the crystal Sunny-Board
04:03:03: <Beans> hellnyoom
04:03:33: <tscrab> ((Updated the triad post to have their gear))
04:03:37: <firedaemon33> 6Once they're off, Kura takes the looted necklace off, looks at it, and then says to Kozu, "Now seems as good a time as any, while we're flying back."
04:03:47: <firedaemon33> 6"How should I talk to this thing?"
04:03:58: <tscrab> does kozu know?
04:04:08: <firedaemon33> 6I dunno
04:04:10: <tscrab> Seems to me it resembles a yasal gem from the core book
04:04:12: <firedaemon33> 6He's a scholar
04:04:17: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is not
04:04:20: <tscrab> I was asking rec
04:04:31: <Recaiden> Kozu is unaware.
04:04:37: <Recaiden> Try stuff!
04:04:57: <Recaiden> Kozu does correctly notes that it seems artifactlike
04:05:07: <Recaiden> Maybe it needs motes. Or attuenement.
04:05:10: <Recaiden> Or to be repaired
04:05:11: <tscrab> 2Kozu takes the gem and examines it, using all enconpassing sorcerer's sight to watch its essence paths
04:05:15: <Recaiden> Maybe it needs to be in the wYld.
04:05:22: <Recaiden> Kozu's a jerk.
04:05:27: <Recaiden> :P{
04:05:33: <jhicks> 3Sunny adds his Essence Dissecting Stare.
04:05:37: <Recaiden> It needs to be attuned, for 1m.
04:05:45: <Beans> neiz's hair goes swooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
04:05:46: <Recaiden> But then you can probably just talk to it.
04:06:19: <firedaemon33> 6Kura lets Kozu examine it and says, "So...How does it work?
04:06:24: <tscrab> 2"It requires attunement, Miss Kuragari. I would hazard that it might operate similar to a yasal gem or other spirit trapping device."
04:06:38: <tscrab> 2" The tiniest amount of essence should work."
04:06:48: <Tab> sorcerer's sight
04:06:52: <Tab> for when you absolutely
04:06:54: <Tab> positively
04:06:59: <Tab> have to know how ****ed you are
04:07:03: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods a takes the gem, her caste mark glowing briefly, then fading as she attunes to the necklace
04:07:30: <Recaiden> Two hours later, Kura finishes the overly complicated task of attuning to this stupid thing.
04:07:31: <jhicks> 3essence dissceting, when the same, but infernals
04:07:56: <Beans> i assume siddies have something similar, but who cares when you're neiz
04:07:56: <Recaiden> Thing was an E5-level artifact (though not artifact 5)
04:08:04: <Recaiden> Telltale Symphony is the Siddie version
04:08:08: <firedaemon33> 6I see
04:08:49: <firedaemon33> 6So...
04:08:55: <Recaiden> The gem sits there, being quietly attuned
04:09:18: <tscrab> 2Kozu watches carefully, slightly worriedm
04:09:19: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks at the gem and thinks at it, "Hello? Is anyone there?"
04:09:35: <Recaiden> There is a returned greeting
04:09:51: <Tab> ara ara
04:10:23: <firedaemon33> 6./What are you? Other than a Raksha?/
04:10:30: <jhicks> 3a weaboo demon
04:10:34: <jhicks> 3the wrost demon
04:11:04: <Recaiden> -amazing-
04:11:05: <tscrab> ((Added some manse stuff and fluff to the triad post))
04:11:05: <Recaiden> -bored-
04:11:15: <Recaiden> -sleepy-
04:11:21: <firedaemon33> 6./Hmm...Well...I need your help./
04:11:27: <Recaiden> -what with-
04:11:29: <Tab> ooof
04:11:32: <Tab> never say that to fae
04:11:38: <jhicks> 3kozu, time to craft emoknives for the lunar?
04:11:57: <firedaemon33> 6-Well...I can shape. But I don't really know how. Can you teach me?-
04:12:11: <jhicks> 3in which NOTHING GOES BAD EVER
04:12:18: <jhicks> 3TEH END
04:12:27: <Recaiden> -what can you do for me-
04:12:29: <firedaemon33> 6Don't worry, Tab. Kura isn't stupid enough to agree to something that could go badly
04:12:37: <Recaiden> -I could teach you-
04:13:05: <Recaiden> Emoknife crafting go
04:13:19: <tscrab> Kozu needs workshop and materials though
04:13:28: <tscrab> oh right telekinetic stuff
04:13:34: <jhicks> 3There's two of us, twice as much craft. And the crystals are the material
04:13:37: <tscrab> I forgot abouy that, TBE has that
04:13:38: <firedaemon33> 6-Well...That depends on how helpful you are. I could unbind you under one condition: You swear an oath to teach me shaping and never harm myself and my allies.-
04:13:42: <Beans> kuurafuto
04:13:56: <Recaiden> ((Need Tool-Transcending Constructs though, which doesn't have))
04:14:04: <Recaiden> ((My bad. Knives have to wait till being home))
04:14:09: <tscrab> yep
04:14:09: <Beans> hronk
04:14:14: <tscrab> or heavennnnn
04:14:22: <tscrab> heaven has some nice workshops im sure
04:14:34: <Recaiden> -never harm them except in self defense-
04:14:50: <Recaiden> -and we would have a deal-
04:14:57: <firedaemon33> 6-Hrm. Define 'self-defense'-
04:15:07: <Tab> YOU GOT HIM NOW
04:15:42: <Recaiden> The raksha recites this entire website: http://www.useofforce.us/
04:15:59: <tscrab> I APPROVE
04:16:12: <Tab> dont post army links around tech you fools
04:16:56: <tscrab> its not army
04:17:01: <tscrab> Army just uses it
04:17:06: <Tab> whevs
04:17:57: <firedaemon33> 6Kura winces at the information overflow, and replies, -Alright. Swear the oath and tell me how to free you.-
04:18:07: <tscrab> Also kozu doesn't trust sun and wouldn't be like 'hey help me build a thing'
04:18:19: <Recaiden> The oath is applied.
04:18:33: <Recaiden> -deattune the crystal, infuse it with eleven portions of essence-
04:19:04: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods, deattuning the crystal, then glowing brightly as she focuses the essence to overload it
04:19:38: <Recaiden> The crystal glows brighter and brighter and then explodes outward a moderate distance, a humanoid figure taking shape within it.
04:19:49: <tscrab> 2" Miss Kuragari? What are yo-oh my."
04:20:13: <Tab> Red and Kima jump, Kima blurting a suitably hilarious half-curse
04:20:20: <jhicks> 3Sun mutters something insecure about crystals.
04:20:26: <firedaemon33> 6"It's okay, Kozu. I got an oath from him that he won't hurt us unless we attack him.:
04:20:31: <Tab> "NUTCRACKERS"
04:20:38: <firedaemon33> 6"And that he'll teach me shaping.'
04:20:38: <Recaiden> It appears in layers: Bones, flesh, skin, clothing, fabulousness.
04:20:48: <Beans> :O
04:21:03: <tscrab> 2"... Very well." Kozu is suspicious, knowing Kura's earlier hatred of fae
04:21:04: <Recaiden> The crystal shards flow back together into a diadem around the fae's head, and then vanishes.
04:22:11: <Recaiden> Humanoid, prettier than you, androgynous, crown of thorns, fancy clothes almost as black as oblivion, tiny skull earrings hanging from its pointy fae ears.
04:22:23: <Tab> HUUUUUUUUUH
04:22:26: <Tab> PRETTIER
04:22:27: <Beans> Neiz's job as the fab one is being contested
04:22:27: <Tab> WHAT
04:22:36: <Beans> onore dikedo
04:22:40: <Tab> Kima almost immediately giggles
04:22:44: <Tab> Nope
04:22:45: <Tab> yep
04:22:48: <Tab> that was immediate
04:22:59: <Tab> "Nice getup."
04:23:08: <Recaiden> -same to you-
04:23:55: <Recaiden> -where would you like your lessons to begin-
04:23:56: <Tab> More giggling
04:24:16: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swallows and chews her lower lip as she says, "Greetings...I was the one that contacted you."
04:24:18: <tscrab> 2Kozu bows his head. "Greetings, One of Five Graces."
04:24:36: <Tab> Red makes a mental note of how adorable the lip chewing is
04:24:48: <Recaiden> -six-
04:25:48: <tscrab> ((That eas supposed to be one and five not one of five))
04:25:48: <Recaiden> ((Anyone have MDV less than 8?))
04:25:51: <firedaemon33> 6"Six?"
04:25:54: <tscrab> ((My computer sucks))
04:26:08: <tscrab> ((Though i thought there were five?))
04:26:14: <Recaiden> Then it wouldn't have corrected him
04:26:17: <Beans> [[yes, unless i can stunt the **** out of it]]
04:26:20: <Recaiden> THere are 5 and then some other ones
04:26:29: <Recaiden> You can stunt the **** out of automatically liking the raksha
04:26:36: <firedaemon33> 6Mmmmkay
04:26:37: <Recaiden> (or not doing that, rather)
04:26:38: <Beans> here goes.
04:26:54: <Tab> Kima has under 8 but already likes the raksha
04:27:02: <tscrab> Kozu's cleat
04:27:05: <tscrab> *clear
04:27:34: <jhicks> 3Im good
04:28:31: <Recaiden> -tell me then what you already know| one who contacted me-
04:28:33: <Tab> Red looks over the Raksha once, twice, shrugs to herself but not outward. She's a dignitary, she's used to this sort of nonsense. She seems polite and doting as always as she smiles and tilts her head, but she is wary of the fae. Clearly they're a powerful one
04:29:29: <Beans> Neiz is a glittering, polished iceberg of glacial politeness, with a distant smile and placid sapphire eyes, giving a circular and, perhaps, Ciceronian greeting in the most formal Old Realm she can muster.
04:29:46: <Recaiden> +2 Neiz defense
04:30:01: <Beans> whee
04:30:10: <firedaemon33> 6Kura feels the pull of the Raksha on her mind, but focuses. She focuses on the ideal, why she risked free this...Thing from beyond Creation. To fight them on their own terms. To free Simenaire. To make a place, one place in the horribly destroyed place that is Creation where normal people can live, happily and normally, without fear.
04:30:26: <tscrab> 2" My mistake," Kozu says again in Old Realm as he bows, "I apologize."
04:30:38: <tscrab> dont know how the again got in thete
04:30:47: <firedaemon33> 6((I also spend a WP to bump it up to 8.))|
04:30:47: <tscrab> This phone is being really weird lately
04:30:56: <Beans> also neiz does that.
04:31:08: <Recaiden> Limit for Kura, Limit for Neiz.
04:31:47: <Beans> basically neiz strung together a bunch of minivan sentences where you can't find the verb, interwove them, and dumped them on the fae
04:32:06: <firedaemon33> 6((How does Neiz have an MDV of 5?))
04:32:13: <Beans> apparently she does
04:32:16: <Recaiden> It is wearing the minivan sentences as a bracelet
04:32:28: <Recaiden> But teaching of Kura happens
04:33:13: <Beans> ... wait, i added a point in integrity, so she does have 6 now
04:33:13: <Recaiden> ((This is an excuse to spend points on Raksha charms or increased Graces))
04:33:38: <Beans> mathxalted: back to 8th grade
04:33:54: <Recaiden> ((No limit or WP for Neiz then))
04:34:05: <Beans> doot
04:34:10: <Tab> doot
04:34:11: <Tab> tood
04:34:32: <Tab> Kima theme
04:34:33: <Tab> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8XfV8aPAyQ
04:35:18: <Recaiden> Kima theme music plays as everyone flies along
04:35:26: <jhicks> 3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ_BQX88g0k
04:35:29: <jhicks> 3Sun theme
04:36:05: <Recaiden> Kima acquires a positive intimacy towards the raksha
04:36:18: <Tab> sheeeeiiiiit
04:36:39: <Recaiden> Time passes.
04:36:43: <Recaiden> No one gets pushed off the hoverboard
04:36:52: <Recaiden> And at long last the lighthouse is seens hining ahead of them
04:36:59: <Recaiden> They have arrived
04:37:11: <tscrab> What is the raksha's name
04:37:27: <tscrab> KOzu would've n gotten intros in order
04:37:32: <firedaemon33> 6Mmhm
04:37:32: <tscrab> Hes polite like that
04:37:34: <firedaemon33> 6Same
04:37:36: <Recaiden> One Kima, one Red, one Kozu, one Sunny, one Kura, one dedSiddie, one Neiz, one raksha
04:37:50: <Recaiden> named 'Vayli'
04:37:54: <Recaiden> You have been flying for 3 days
04:38:11: <Beans> one letter away from neiz's wife's name
04:38:15: <Beans> rec wut u doin
04:38:15: <Tab> is the intimacy fully done already
04:38:21: <Recaiden> Yep.
04:38:29: <Recaiden> Wat is wifename?
04:38:33: <Beans> Ayli
04:38:48: <jhicks> 3why is our party full of the lesbians?
04:38:58: <Tab> Red's more omni
04:39:08: <Tab> Kima is...I'm not even sure yet
04:39:09: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is straight
04:39:13: <Tab> doesnt really matter
04:39:16: <Recaiden> dedSiddie does not recognize your petty human sexuality
04:39:22: <Recaiden> And the raksha is not interested
04:39:34: <tscrab> 2Kozu heads down to the boat and apologizes to his minions, and the ghosts if they remained.
04:39:41: <Recaiden> ((you can probably blame Beans though))
04:39:47: <tscrab> 2He did not mean to take so long.
04:39:56: <Recaiden> Fireguy and ghost granny are long gone
04:39:58: <tscrab> And kozu is not sexual
04:40:03: <Recaiden> Minions were SO BORED
04:40:03: <Tab> NO
04:40:17: <tscrab> kozu did leave books behind
04:40:20: <Recaiden> There is plate of cookies that's been sitting there uneaten for the past 3 weeks
04:40:28: <tscrab> But they're clever, they probably read them all
04:40:32: <Recaiden> Mhm
04:40:40: <Tab> Kima eats the cookies, no matter how stale
04:40:46: <firedaemon33> 6Kura chats with the Raksha
04:40:52: <firedaemon33> 6She's curious in spite of herself
04:41:06: <tscrab> 2Kozu checks up on how the injured minion is healing
04:41:23: <Recaiden> Raksha facts: not fond of Otavia.
04:41:24: <jhicks> 3Sun dismisses crystalboard, and despite not needing to nap, naps.
04:41:25: <Tab> it was just a bit of bashing man
04:41:29: <Tab> its long good now
04:41:32: <Recaiden> 2) want to be back in Creation
04:41:49: <firedaemon33> 6So far, so good
04:41:49: <Beans> neiz theme
04:41:50: <Beans> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UQvBzo_rJA
04:41:52: <firedaemon33> 6Anything else?
04:41:58: <Recaiden> 3) Kozulike guilt
04:42:07: <Recaiden> over failing and ruining everything
04:42:18: <tscrab> 2Kozu gets the boat going, searching for a bit of water reflective enough for whatever Kima had
04:42:26: <Recaiden> Doesn't say what specifically, just stops talking and mopes for a while
04:42:27: <Tab> Door of Death
04:42:44: <Tab> portal between creation and underworld from reflective surface
04:42:46: <Recaiden> Should be able to leave out of the stills at the edge of the harbor
04:42:50: <Tab> takes like 7 minutes to cast
04:42:52: <Recaiden> THey keep them just for necromancers
04:43:21: <Recaiden> 4) Thinks humans are adorable
04:43:21: <tscrab> Do we really want to pop up so close to the blessed isle?
04:43:34: <Tab> ...that is a point
04:43:36: <firedaemon33> 6Kura makes a note of the Raksha's guilt
04:43:48: <Recaiden> Maybe heading back to Simenare or something would be a better idea...
04:43:49: <firedaemon33> 6Adorable in what way?
04:43:49: <Tab> Are we far enough away from the Realm proper to be relatively safe?
04:44:06: <tscrab> 2Kozu directs the boat farther away
04:44:21: <tscrab> 2He wants to be leagues out of Realm waters before they return
04:44:53: <Tab> Kima eats all the stale cookies
04:45:07: <Tab> no sharing
04:45:29: <Tab> then talks to Neiz about feeling bad about wrecking the ghost party, and how maybe she can get it back
04:45:59: <jhicks> 3Sunny approaches Kozu about teh craftings
04:46:15: <Beans> Neiz pats her hand. "I'm sure it'll work out in the end, dear. Don't worry about a thing. Just wait til you meet my wife, she's going to be so excited to meet my friends!"
04:46:49: <tscrab> 2" I apologize for my earlier rudeness," Kozu says without turning around
04:47:01: <tscrab> 2" But do not assume that I trust you."
04:47:04: <Recaiden> Just like a hell of a long time of sailing back to Simenare.
04:47:07: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods to the Raksha and says, "I see."
04:47:13: <Recaiden> -i always though exalted would be shinier-
04:47:30: <firedaemon33> 6"Really? Have you not met an Exalted before?"
04:47:31: <Recaiden> Or less time toa Heavenly Gateway
04:47:43: <jhicks> 3"I fail to see what I've done...beyond EXIST, that would offend you so."
04:48:05: <tscrab> 2"I do not trust any of daemonkind.'
04:48:26: <tscrab> 2" Please, do not take any special offense to it. "
04:48:34: <Recaiden> deadSiddie is listening to Kozu/Sunny intently
04:48:53: <tscrab> Kozu consults neiz before deciding to head to a gateway or not
04:48:54: <Recaiden> -no-
04:48:58: <tscrab> Gateway, beans?
04:49:03: <Beans> g8w8
04:49:13: <tscrab> Wait?
04:49:16: <jhicks> 3"...you still believe me to be working with them? If I were, I could have dropped you ALL off that crystal surface, and been the only one left alive who was there, who knew what went on."
04:49:23: <Beans> geightweight
04:49:26: <Beans> gaitway
04:49:32: <Beans> let's just get to heaven already
04:49:34: <tscrab> Gateway it us
04:49:35: <Recaiden> g8w8 or g8wA?
04:49:37: <firedaemon33> 6"Huh. Well...Not surprising, I suppose."
04:49:42: <Recaiden> Off to heaven!
04:49:58: <Recaiden> The nearest gateway is on a tiny island in the middle of absolutely nowhere
04:50:03: <Recaiden> Only like 2 weeks sailing
04:50:21: <tscrab> 2" Not all of demonkind works for the same goals. But they are never for the good of mankind. Now keep...unremarkable. They might kill you on sight here."
04:51:02: <jhicks> 3"Yes because I'M the one prone to grand displays of power not typical to those without special exaltation. Now tell me, how are those burns healing?".
04:51:02: <Tab> dude has a point
04:51:04: <Tab> demons
04:51:04: <Tab> are
04:51:06: <Tab> well
04:51:07: <Tab> demons
04:51:34: <jhicks> 3yeah because every abyssal works faithfully for the d-lords
04:51:36: <tscrab> 2" They're fine. They will serve as a reminder for my foolishness until such time as they heal."
04:51:41: <Beans> donglords
04:51:52: <Beans> off to the gateay
04:51:55: <Tab> you are literally made of their personality
04:51:58: <Tab> im just a dead aldy
04:51:58: <jhicks> 3Sunny notes Kozu's immunity to humor.
04:52:00: <Tab> lady
04:52:07: <Beans> *indiana jones theme for 2 weeks*
04:52:27: <Tab> demons in exalted are like
04:52:33: <Tab> just one giant mess of neurosis
04:52:41: <Tab> and each demon is just a different brain issue of a different demon
04:52:55: <Tab> dead dudes are just dead dudes
04:53:04: <Tab> sometimes mind controlled by crazy dead dudes
04:53:48: <Recaiden> He actually doesn't
04:53:55: <Recaiden> demons are no different from gods
04:54:06: <Beans> in that they're huge ****lords
04:54:13: <Tab> then what are the urges?
04:54:18: <Tab> and arent demons primordials
04:54:22: <Recaiden> No
04:54:22: <Beans> which, to be fair, describes everyone in exalted
04:54:32: <Recaiden> demons == kozu
04:54:34: <Recaiden> math!
04:54:38: <tscrab> what
04:54:39: <tscrab> No
04:54:58: <Tab> i mean
04:54:58: <Recaiden> Anyway, the *Butcher* lands on the sandy shores of the island
04:55:06: <Recaiden> Which barely rises out of the ocean

2014-11-13, 12:26 AM
Kozu, Neiz: 75 BP
Kura: 72 BP
Kima: 71 BP
Sun Li: 67 BP
Red: 36 BP
New people: 65 BP

TS Electric boogalloooooo
TB do not mention breakin' it
JH We broke everything
FD 6No, that was the time before last
TB (pirate is mechanically done)
TB (she's a rich smuggler!)
TS ?
TB (spoopxalt)
RR We reunited the party, ditched the 4 dusk castes
TS ah
<Beans> :3
<Beans> zoom
RR And got back into creation after flying and boating
RR And now are on a tiny island attempting to get into Heaven
TB stairway to heavennnnnn
TB oh we're halfway therrrrreeee
RR There is basically nothing on this island except the portal, which appears to be four Magical Material palm trees bent together.
TS Those are two different songs
TB and
RR There is a hammock slung between two of them, containing a something
JH "Nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong for me here".
JH 3"Marching into heaven...yay...."
TS 2" Relax, Sun Li."
FD 6Kura is notably nervous
FD 6And she glares daggers at Sun Li for making her nerves worse
TS 2" We have been this far... "
FD 6She looks around, searching for angles to take, shadows to hide in
JH 3"Even the LUNAR is nervous. We're marching into sidereal home turf. This **** is a fortress made of kung-fu, reality weaving bigots. Excuse me for not being excited."
TB Red looks around, trying to see if there's a guardian spirit they need to talk to orrrrrr
TB Kima steps up to the hammock
<Beans> Neiz gives him a Look, then sighs. "Not exactly on your own, you know. I'll make sure you're alright, all of you."
RR Yeah it looks like the guardian spirit is asleep in the hammock.
TB hopefully it's empty, she's always wanted a hammock
RR You get a sense not a lot of people come here.
TB "Hi!" Kima says, quietly at first, "HI!"
RR "'s my shift over already?"
RR "Oh Sol who are you?"
RR The spirit is awkwardly awoken and blinks its eyes open
TB "I am the Overbearing Weight of Lethal Burdens. Call me Lethal, makes me sound cooler."
TS 2Kozu sighs. "Miss Lethal, please do not harass the guardian spirit."
<Beans> Neiz hovers behind Kima. "Oh dear..."
TB Red yanks Kima back and apologizes
TB "Excuse her, she's very excitable"
FD 6Kura's arms glow lightly silver as she readies herself if combat may occur
TS 2Kozu puts a reassuring hand on Kura's shoulder.
<Beans> Neiz sliiiiides in to make sure this doesn't go pear-shaped.
TS 2" Steady, Miss Kuragari."
RR "What business do you have here, and all that?"
FD 6Kura nods and relaxes slightly, though still very much on guard
TB "We have an urgent message, here to be delivered by a Chosen of the Five Maidens," Red gestures to Neiz
TB "Celestial Bureau's eyes only, so I'm told."
JH 3Sun nods and mimics Red's gesture out of showmanship
<Beans> Neiz nods. "Several layers of urgent business are in the works, I'm afraid."
TB much bad
TB such not good
TB wow
RR "Which bureau's it for?"
RR "And what's it take so many of you for?"
<Beans> ... which bureau is it again? i want to say serenity because neiz, but i am also a dumb.
<Beans> brain over there under bed
FD 6"We're a circle. So shut up and let us in, or deal with your bosses when they hold you accountable when creation falls apart."
RR 'Harmony' is what's it's called.
<Beans> neiz tries to shush the kura
<Beans> also thakn
TS 2Kozu holds up his scroll, "Because some of us were present for the issue leading to this and have important points to make.'
TB Red moves to hush Kura
RR "...she stays here."
JH 3"Points that hopefully involve less screaming and horror than the even itself..."
TB "Some of us were there, others are sworn companions to the Chosen.:
<Beans> "The Bureau of Harmony, and as for my entourage, they are necessary because of the enormity of the task. And we will require all our members." She sighs.
TS 2" Sun Li, the attitude is not necessary. Mise Kuragari, neither is yours."
RR "I don't know if I can just let through someone who's /clearly hiding something/."
JH 3red, seduce it. go.
TB "Really?" Red raises an eyebrow
JH 3was ooc
TB "*Heaven* is where you worry about letting in secrets?"
RR "Here are your Entry Entreaty Forms, and a Delivery Access Schedule for the champion."
RR It waves a hand, and stacks of paperwork appear.
TB "Do you interact with the Chosen much, sir? Do you understand how subversive their work must be in order to flow smoothly enough to keep Creation together?"
JH 3summon paperwork, the most EVIL of sorceries
<Beans> Neiz attacks the paperwork with
RR "Unless I hear a really good reason they aren't necessary."
RR ((Int + Bureaucracy)
<Beans> here we go
TB Red sighs and helps Neiz with the paperwork
TS 2Kozu offers what assistance he can. Government isn't his area of expertise, but he's a clever djala.
RR "Way more often than I'd like, Missy."
JH 3Sun acts like he's helping, but doesn't accomplish anything.
RR "Last time I let guests through without a good reason three people got eaten by Raksha."
TB "Merely existing is usually more interaction with the Fateweavers than we'd like," Red says with some small humor
RR "And I see that one skulking at the back of your group."
TB "Ouch" Kima remarks to the eating
FD 6Kura winces
TB "Hey, ease up on my sister, man," Kima scowls
<Beans> do i get a die for each helper
TB "She's had a rough couple of days"
RR They have their own forms. You must face the paperwork alone.
<Beans> oki
<Beans> 5 sux
RR ((I recommend maybe not putting down 'Chosen of the Yozi' on Sunny's form))
TB so do we all have to roll
TB because kima lacks gubbmint dice
RR Just Neiz, as the siddie.
FD 6http://landofnerds.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Gazebo.png
RR "Do you...really need the fae with you?"
RR "Obviously you're responsible for all of these people, Miss Neiz."
RR "Understood?"
<Beans> Neiz sighs. "Of course."
RR It finally slithers out of its hammock and starts conjuring the portal.
RR A pinprick of light appears, and the space between the palm trees opens up into a distant shining passage.
TB "Vayli's a cool guy, chillax," Kima says, vouching for her goth faerie buddy
TS 2Kozu checks a dictionary for chillax
RR Vayli performs a fist-bump with Kima.
FD 6Kura sighs
TS 2It isn't there
RR And off you all go.
TS 2He frowns
TB Red ushers the group through the portal, wanting to go as quickly as possible
<Beans> zip zop zoom
TB brb cat hairballing
JH 3Sun follows, trying to look nonchalant
RR The shining celestial passage actually seems kind of run-down and dusty once you get inside. Crates are stacked along the left wall, some of them crumbling with age.
FD 6Kura looks around, still worries
RR The passage is thirty yards wide, and only fifty long, at the end of which is the Crystal Gate and its security station.
FD 6With a few glares tossed the Raksha's way for encouraging Kima
RR Three Celestial Lions stand there, stoicly watching the group approach
RR "Celestial lions are the incorruptible guardians of Heaven, and unless they willingly choose to abandon their duty, cannot be forced to break faith with their office"
RR "Celestial lions appear as orichalcum lions polished to mirrored perfection, standing three yards tall at the shoulder, and are all nearly identical."
<Beans> Neiz leads her shromplings forward to the big roarmeows.
RR " They are proud, despite their exhaustion with the empty pomp of Heaven, and will devour those who do not pay them proper respect"
RR There's the common knowledge bits
TS 2Kozu bows to the lions and intones a small prayer of passage.
<Beans> "Now, everyone please behave. These gentlemen take pride in their lack of a sense of humor, so no outbursts, snarking, just... be good, please."
JH 3Sun doesn't do ****.
FD 6Kura nods and says, "Of course," as she steps next to Kima and elbows the deathknight and says, "Got it?"
RR "Amorous Panacea Neiz, three known exalted, two unknown, and a raksha."
RR "Purpose?"
TB "Huh? What? Yeah!' Kima says, interrupted from thinking about how cool the lions look
TB Red bows to the lions as well, but does not pray, instead giving a nice, polite, flowery greeting
TB There's also plenty of glimpses at cleavage, knowing the way spirits work their form means pretty much nothing as to what they're into
FD 6Kura nods briskly to the lions as she says a brief coded greeting, used among the assassins of the West as a sign of great respect
<Beans> "Business of the Bureau of Harmony regarding the recent catastrophe in the Underworld. It's terribly urgent on multiple channels, so I must request that you allow us to enter with as much celerity as you find proper." This is said in the most formal Old Realm she can bring up, polite but not wasting time.
RR "Identify these two to us."
RR A small floating light indicates Sun Li and Kima
<Beans> Neiz gives them both a quick look, clearing her throat.
JH 3Sun bows in the general direction of the lions upon being indicated, but decides discretion is the better part of valor and shuts up
TB "An odd mix up between a lower soul's ghost and exaltation, I was hoping someone here would be able to help with the issue,
TB Red says offhandedly
TB "I'm all for being stuck with the power and suchlike," Kima says,
<Beans> "The first anomalous individual was rescued from imprisonment within an Essence weapon, within which he was confined with a demon. The second, a renegade against the machinations of the void. Both are integral to the group and necessary for the resolution of this most urgent issue."
TB "But Oblivion doesn't seem the best idea, yannknpw?"
RR The lion grumbles slightly, and nods, letting the gates swing open.
RR The sky is dark and terrible, purple streaked with ebon lightning.
TS 2Kozu thanks them in old realm, knowing how strenuous duty can be
RR Saturn must be winning.
RR The city's impossibly tall towers loom up before them.
RR No response is made to Kozu, but the group is permitted through.
JH 3Beans, +1 points in the bull****-fu martial art
RR Welcome to the Celestial City!
FD 6Kura looks around apprehensively as she mutters apologies to Luna
FD 6For...Well, a lot of things
TS 2Then he looks up at the sky and wipes his brow, sighing. "I expected... Well, I am not surw what I expected."
FD 6Mostly involving Kima
FD 6And a few involving Vayli
FD 6And possibly a couple involving both of them
TS 2"Missus Neiz, first order of business?"
TB "Nice place," Kima says, "Could use more black, though."
RR You are at the edge of the city. Behind you is the dome of the sky, rising up over the walls.
<Beans> Neiz smiles ruefully. "Business before pleasure, I fear---to the Loom we must go, dears, before we can enjoy the comforts of Ayli's snickerdoodles." She looks about for a dragonboat thing, which I think she's able to use
TB "Something tells me this city has enough pleasure to make up for all the business in the world," Red puurs
TS 2Kozu sighs
FD 6"Mmhmm. Quite."
RR The canal is just a little ways away.
FD 6"Sadly, I will not be sampling them..."
TS 2" Onto the Loom, then. I fear time is of the essence."
RR ((Neiz, what's your Salary, and who has Sail?))
TB "Who's we, Fist of Luna?" Red smiles
<Beans> "No cookies, Kura dear?" salary is twice dot.
RR A number of dragon boats and dhows are gathered in a still pool.
TS KOzu's minions have sail
FD 6"We? I never said we."
TS But i think we left them wiyh the boat
TB woops misread
RR You did.
RR Neiz can afford a boat.
FD 6Kura probably has the highest Dex
RR She cannot really afford a pilot.
<Beans> oh **** do we not have anyone with sail
TB um
TB hoverboard?
RR But luckily Kozu has Whispers and can rely on them to pilot it.
TS Oh yeah
TS Whispers
<Beans> so basically the neverbutts are like
TS Yaaaaay
<Beans> "pssssst kill yourself. also turn right pls :3"
TS "yarr harr fiddle dee being a pirate is alright with me"
<Beans> deepa doopa doo how do we pilot this
TS "End all tje world cause a pirate is free"
TS "You are a pirate"
RR Spend 1 WP, Kozu, and Chthulhu will be your pilot today.
JH 3wat
TS ill do it
RR It's crowded fitting everyone onto the little boat, but you manage it without anyone falling off.
<Beans> Neiz has Kima sit in Red's lap.
TS 2Kozu examines thw controls, trying to figure them out, when something starts whispering in his ear...
FD 6Cthulhu is my copilot!
TB telling me things that i wanna hear
TB and it's true
TB that's what i like about you
<Beans> exalted clown car
RR You steer the dragon boat into the silver waters, barely in control of your arms, and whoosh, off you go, zipping towards the loom.
TB Red sits in Kima's lap instead
RR hours go by
TB Red isn't wearing armour
<Beans> zoom
RR Then more hours.
<Beans> zzz
FD 6Kura sits between Kima and Vayli
<Beans> neiz catches up on stuff while they doot along
TS 2Kozu looks around, amazed
JH 3Sun attempts to shoot the **** about crafting with Kozu while he pilots because is insulted daynerd didn't trust his expertise.
<Beans> occasionally she points out stuff
TS 2" Can you imagine using a library here? Or a forge? Or a lab?"
TS 2" And these ships...and all the gods! It is amazing! "
<Beans> "Yes, it involves a lot of paperwork, dear. It involves... all of the paperwork."
FD 6"Mmm..."
TS Kozu hasnt mentioned not trusting sun to craft yet i dont think
RR I believe it was mentioned last session.
TB "Even just borrowing some small god's stuff?" Kima asks
TB "Is it just one giant office or something?"
FD 6Kura looks at Kima and says, "Kima...We need to talk."
RR ((only if you're borrowing it for official business))
TS Oh, alright then
TB "Yeah, sis?"
TS 2" Why do you want to assist my...gift," Kozu asks, hoping Kura isnt paying attention
TS 2He's been planning to make her katars for awhile, just hasn't had the time
JH 3"Because I'm GOOD at something, and not using it is a waste? Everyone contributes to their abilities and whatnot."
<Beans> "I have sufficient pull that there are things I can easily acquire for us, but not everything."
RR The raksha observes, talking if anyone wants to.
TS 2"I could always summon Chernobaal, if i were inclined to Malfean aid."
FD 6"No, Kozu."
FD 6"We are not going to summon a demon when we have a pet one to work for us."
JH 3Sun's eyes widen and he draws a finger across his throat, looking around nervously. "Ix-nay on the alfeas-may."
TB Red chats with Vayli, asking how long he was trapped by that *Dreadful* Otavia
FD 6((Lost my train of thought. Nix the last line.))
TS 2" We are not going to summon demons at all, Miss Kuragari. Malfean taint is...oft contagious."
FD 6Kura nods and says, "You...Need to be more responsible."
TB "More responsible?" Kima asks
FD 6"Like, not smoking ghost-pot or whatever all the time."
<Beans> Neiz coughs. "We are going to avoid any mention a certain personage down below if possible. He is terrible and we must leave it there."
TB "What, I keep myself out of trouble, more or less, I clean up, I put my work in"
FD 6"And being less vulgar."
<Beans> oh my god is this actually happening
TB "Woah, there's nothing wrong with my language, yo"
RR Vayli is listening to Kura and trying not to laugh.
TB "Ain't a ****in' problem in the world yet that's kept me from kicking ass."
TB "And language is just...words."
TB "Words, man."
TB "Words indeed," Red sighs
FD 6Kura winces at the unrestrained swearing as she says, "It is...Unbecoming. I didn't get where I have by cursing at every opportunity."
<Beans> "... Kima, dear, don't. Kura, dear... also don't. Everyone, just... do not? Do not, if possible."
TS 2Kozu groans
RR Vayli reports a couple of years. Was pretty okay though. Gave him time to think of a lot of stories.
FD 6She gives Red a 'Back me up here' look
TB "Everybody, we're in heaven, and you're embarassing our newest friend. Behave."
JH 3Sun shifts his stance subtley, to stand behind Abyssal-bro
TB "Now, I know stories help you...be you. Would thinking of them change you to something else while you did it?"
RR -not any more than planning to change actually changes one of you-
RR -not once we have a shape-
RR -or so I hear-
RR -I'm still very young-
TB "Interesting...but you can change them into...something else, right?"
RR -right-
TB "If I were to give you something story-worthy, could you make it into something for me?"
RR -of course-
TS This better not be going where i already know it's goinf
TB "Delightful!"
TB it's settled
TB Red is going to get a dress made out of sex
RR -i would need a while to get ready-
RR -we don't need tools like you might-
RR -but I lost my workshop of thoughts when I was bound-
<Beans> Neiz is not going to let her
TB "We'll have plenty of time once this is all said and done, I'm sure."
JH 3this is best idea
TB could that count as an item to give bonuses to charisma rolls?
<Beans> she will get her a dress made of the smell of fresh pears
TS Pears aren't that smelly
FD 6I don't think I read that
FD 6Please tell me I didn't read that
<Beans> yes they are
<Beans> they are nicely mcsmell
FD 6Because it would be Tab is worse than me
RR I think that's the idea, TS. It won't be a very concealing dress
RR Anyway.
TS tab is satan
FD 6And I'm not comfortable by being surprised by awful things
TB only on wednesdays
TB he gets tired
RR 20 hours later, the boat arrives at the great roundabout
TB Kima naps most of the trip
RR Everyone take 1 fatigue if you don't have sleep-avoiding charms
RR Or do that.
TS Can kozu roll resistance
RR Kima, instead roll Stamina+resistance
TB Red takes a few short naps here and there after her conversations are done
RR Kozu roll Conviction
TB five
RR Kima's fine
TS 3 sux
<Beans> Neiz also a nap
TS Im surprised there arent more anti sleep resistance charms for solars
RR You only really need 1
TB mortals can't go more than two nights without sleep lol
<Beans> neiz sleeps cuter than anyone
RR The boat pulls up at a dock, and finally everyone can get out onto solid land again
RR And Kozu can use his arms
FD 6Kura sleeps
TS Yey
TS 2Kozu steps off, looking at his arms, a bit confused as to what just happened.
JH 3Sun tries not to look smug at Kozu having a case of 'Baby's first possession'.
TS 2He hands the scroll to Neiz ,"I fear this is your show now, Missus Neiz."
RR ((btw, deadSiddie sis stay at the boat))
RR ((Or hide inside a someone))
TB Red looks at dedsiddie "Need a ride, hon?"
RR Problem solve
TB Kima helps Vayli up and over onto 'dry land'
FD 6Kura glares
TB they're brooooosssss
FD 6As she hops carefully on to dry land
RR The destination is obvious; the loom is the five mile tall white dome in the center of Siddieville over yonder
TB goth broooooosssss
<Beans> yay
RR The fae-bro is helped onto land -thank you-
JH 3but i thought i was gonna be bros with the abyssal...
JH 3:(
TB "Not a problem, man."
<Beans> Neiz points to the big ol dome. "That, dears, is our destination."
TB Red looks at the dome and whistles, "Impressive. Contemplating for something, though?"
<Beans> Neiz shrugs. "I wouldn't know about that."
TS 2Kozu sighs and thinks 'Could you not' to himself, knowing saying it out loud is pointless
TB inviting disaster, really
TB "Of course *you* wouldn't, dear," Red smiles and starts walking, "It's your friends I'm worried about."
JH 3Sun silently takes offense.
FD 6Kura smiles a little. She's curious...Not on her own behalf, but on Kima's
RR The whole sidereal complex is shaped like a giant lotus flower, with the loom as the opening bulb at the center.
RR The maidens are silly people
FD 6Not that she's ever going to tell her sister.
TB curious you say
RR And off everyone goes.
RR There is a guest entrance facing outward.
<Beans> yaaaaaaay
TB but where is the important news entrance
<Beans> to the giant white tumbly-whatsit
RR On each side are the various offices of the five Sidereal divisions
TS 2"The joys of bureaucracy," Kozu says, slightly intimidated by all of this
<Beans> where be the official biznaz office
<Beans> entrance*
RR Around to the right.
JH 3Sun slides next to and whispers to Neiz, "So...is this a bad time to mention I probably don't HAVE a fate? Will they notice?"
TB most exalts dont
JH 3right
JH 3moving
JH 3on
RR Attempting to bring non-Sidereals in through the official business entrance has a tendency to end in death
TB okay
RR Everyone has a Fate except Hicks
TB so guest entrance
TB what
TB why doesnt e
RR Demons
JH 3infernal
FD 6Infernal
TS Infernals and malfean bs
TS outside fatr
RR Infernals are kinda 3rd Circle Demons that are also humans.
TS Exalts just defy it
RR 2nd, 3rd, and primordials have no fates
RR Yep!
<Beans> Neiz doots her shromplings to the guest entrance so they don't die. "well, we'll just have to admit that your fate has been... stolen and/or sequestered and/or tampered with and/or [REDACTED]." You can actually hear the brackets.
TS 2"I have a feeling anything I say will make me look the fool.'
TS 2Kozu looks around
RR You are now in a lobby.
TS 2" Do you think anyone here would want my research?"
FD 6"At least you have some modicum of intellect...Last time I was in a place like this it was when I exalted..."
RR It is far and away the most splendiferous lobby you have ever seen.
JH 3Sun nods, clearly a little impressed by Neiz's mastery of Bureaucratic Obfuscation Bull**** Meditation
TB Kima pats Kura, "Sis, you aren't stupid. Shush up."
TB Red ogles the lobby. Such pretty architecture...such ideas for her future palace
RR "Hello Neiz. What can I we do for you and all these people?"
<Beans> "The Loom is not so much about being smart as it is about... being Loom-savvy."
RR Receptionsquid waves a few tentacles
<Beans> oh hey a person~
TB must
TB not
TB make
TB obvious
TB joke
TS Sssssssh
JH 3 Red's seen enough hentai to know where that goes?
TS Neiz must be Neiz nao
<Beans> "Official business, Harmony, that sort of thing---I am under orders to take my Circle---that's them---to the Loom most urgently. Several layers of urgent, in fact."
TB Not all the goods the guild had her transport were family friendly literature
RR "Woah. Uh, gonna have to see the orders for that."
TB 7 layer urgency dip
RR "No time for small talk today, then?"
TB its an alchemy item that makes your gas bring messages to heaven
FD 6 7 layer? Surely you mean 11 layer
RR "That's a shame, I've heard /the best/ news."
TB "The *best*?" Kima asks cheerfully
<Beans> She zoopazops the orders. "Give me the quick version, perhaps?"
RR ...zoopazops?
<Beans> I could have said give
TB but that wouldnt have been beans enough
<Beans> but i don't let people tell me how to verb my life
TS moving on
TB recaiden has to roll on the random squid reaction encounter table first
RR "Yeah, not gonna fly hun."
RR "It says bring them to the loom. This is the loom. They can wait out here while you do whatever rescue."
RR Receptionsquid folds several arms into a dissapproving pretzel
RR The other arms continue filing Destiny requests into the appropriate mailboxes
TS 2" Wait?" kozu asks, "Rescue? They want them the rest of the way out?"
TB hmmm
TB do cults' prayers have any different effect on us when in heaven?
JH 3Sun puzzles similarly to daynerd.
FD 6Kura frowns and says, "Really? After all this...****ing Sidereals..."
TB like the ambrosia or quintessence stuff
RR Uh, I think so. If someone shows you how you can materialize prayers to you into Quintessence (WP -stuff) and Ambrosia (motestuff)
RR which you can then make into other stuffs)
JH 3sounds fancy
TS 2" Could we watch our language in heaven, please?"
TB hmmmm
RR "What was that about Sidereals?"
<Beans> Neiz pats Kura. "Nothing, she's just having to get used to the way we do things around here."
TB so, could we donate some prayer from our cult to someone
RR "Neiz girl I am disappointed in you."
RR ((Yes tab))
TB well thatd be nice
TB if i wasnt damn sure this squid is bribe proof
RR Give prayers to the homeless!
TS ...
RR Why would the squid be bribe-proof?
TS Kozu's gonna do that
FD 6Homeless gods in Yu Shan!
TB He golds a good position?
TB okay
FD 6A whole other campaign!
RR That just means it'll take quite a bribe
<Beans> "Don't be so hard on my circle---they have been doing a wonderful job of keeping me alive and well-accompanied. Besides, she can turn into a giant shromp."
TB "Please," Red sighs, "We have been through an absolutely *insane* day, there's not a way to get through here and give the first hand reports we have of watching *The Underworld explode*?"
TB "'snot like it was the whole thing," Kima mumbles
RR "chill fancy girl."
RR "Just like, send in our Neiz."
RR "And if they need you dey'll tell me so and I send you in."
TS 2" That sounds entirely reasonable, thank you, I apologize for some of us being so...overzealous."
JH 3"Let's just let Neiz handle the Neiz business. Red can ogle the octopus and the rest of us can wait."
TB Red turns and slaps Sun
RR The receptionsquid slaps Sun also
JH 3Sun deserved all 9 of those slaps.
FD 6((How much B damage?))
TS Squid have ten tentacles
RR none from squid
<Beans> Neiz sighs. "I'm afraid there's no getting around this, dears. Be good while I'm gone, and hopefully you'll be joining me anyway---if not, be very good, especially Kima. Aaand Kima. Also Kima." She baps Sun on the head with a non-war fan and doots off officially
TB Kima wonders why everyone expects her to cause trouble
TB But she shrugs and nods
RR Neiz doots off to the loom chamber
TB Red on the other hand
TB tirades at Sun
RR Up some stairs, and onto a catwalk around the ENTIRETY OF CREATION
FD 6As Neiz goes, Kura whispers, "Can you do me a favor? Take a look at Kima's fate."
RR gravity is more of a suggestion. Like 3D physics is.
TS 2Kozu sighs and tries to herd the group off to the sidr and out of the way
<Beans> Neiz starts, like, looking for the relevant thign! Which I think is what she is supposed to do!
TS 2"So, Sun Li, what gifts have you been granted in the ways of the craftsman?'
TB *crickets*
RR ((Neiz roll Perception+Burea/craft))
JH 3"Oh, I'm actually fairly proficient at it. I've not gotten much chance to specialize in the more...obscure elements beyond those crystals you've seen me work with, but I can create raw materials of most sorts."
JH 3((craft 5, occult 6, lore 3, Ess 6. Can make a material of value resource 5 or less by punching a rabbit)
RR Receptionsquid ogles the party
TS 2" What are those crystals?'
TB Red accepts the ogling
JH 3"Perhaps this is not the...location to discuss those in depth."
<Beans> :3 six
TS 2"I see. Properties, then? Chemical makeup?"
FD 6Kura sits next to Kima and says, "Really, Kima..."
FD 6"We need to have this talk."
TS 2"Or perhaps... Can you create moonsilver?"
TB "What talk?"
TB "No smoking? No fighting?"
FD 6"The talk about you showing restraint."
FD 6"That, exactly."
RR Neiz notices some fate.
TB "Why do you want me to change so bad, shouldn't you be happy I'm alive?"
JH 3"Yes, yes I can. Moonsilver, Orichalcum, all those of...similar power."
RR If she looks for Kima's, she can probably find it. Few threads cut off so many of the others that they run across
TS 2" Interesting... "
<Beans> damn giiiiiirl
TB aw yeah damn killy
FD 6"Because you're not you! Not like you were."
<Beans> Neiz eyeballs dat faet
TB "I was a slave to an abusive prick"
FD 6"You mean dad?"
TB "Is that what you want? Because I can march right on back to the Underworld if you want me to be a slave again."
RR In fact, it tells you how right this moment Kima is killing cultists out in the Western ocean.
FD 6"No. That's not what I want...Not at all."
TB wait what
FD 6((Yes, their dad was an abusive prick too.))
<Beans> Neiz blinks. "... Uhhhhhh?"
JH 3"The source of those materials are...well, quite frankly, imposing my will onto the materials of something I've defeated. And an...overabundance of motes means I have more options than most."
TS Uwotm80
RR The spiders also seem nervous when Neiz arrives.
RR Odd. They're usually quite polite to her.
FD 6((Wait. What? Does she have a Green Ladyfriend?))
TS 2" I have noticed a...surplus of essence around you.'
TS 2" Something you've defeated? You couldn't...transmute a rock?"
RR -Vayli talks to Red about what she wants made-
TB "Then what do you want, sis?" Kima asks, "This is me now."
<Beans> "... Oh dear... this is... very problem. This is well-seared problem on rye bread with pickles. Things may have, in fact, gone to Malfeas in a very nice wicker handbasket."
FD 6"I just want...I want my little sister back. Back the way you were...If I had thought to run away while you were still alive..."
TB "I was hoping to get a dress that wasn't made out of bedding," Red explains
RR It reports similar confusions for all their fates.
JH 3"It must be a living thing. The nature of the power means I have to actually be...victorious over something at least semi-sentient for it to work. And yes, we discussed my...talents when I told you why they shoved me into that awful cannon shaped box."
TB "Perhaps one to draw the eye, help win people over."
RR The only one intact is Neiz, probably because it can tell that she's right here in the loom-chamber
<Beans> For ****s, she tries to see if there's a megatron fate killing cultists in the wocean as well
TS 2"That...I'm not okay with that."
TS 2" Life is precious.'
RR No Sun Li is detected. He died a while back, according to the thing.
FD 6It should be clear to Kima that Kura blames herself for her sister's abyssalness
JH 3"I'll admit it's not the most glamorous of powers, but as I've said before, everything must serve. If we hunted some animal for meat, and weren't going to use the bones, surely transmuting them to a useful material isn't objectionable."

2014-11-13, 12:27 AM
TB "Sis, this isn't your fault. I mean, me dying."
RR DeadSiddie also kinda appeared out of nowhere right before her Exaltation.
RR Her previous history is super-generic; so either she grew up in a white windowless cell, or something weird went on with her.
TS 2" I do cook an awful lot of fish..." Kozu ponders
TB "You couldn't do anything about it. Stop beating yourself up."
TB "Besides, I'm better off now."
FD 6"Yes, it is...I wanted to run away for the longest time...But I didn't want to take care of you..."
JH 3"See? Perfect example. Scales converted from 'tough and non-edible' to 'something to coat a weapon in"
FD 6"And so I let you die..."
TB "I'm powerful, I'm *alive*, I'm...oh, just c'mere," Kima wraps Kura up in a hug!
<Beans> Neiz fans herself. "... Er. This is... this is... what?" She sighs, trying to think of who the **** to ask about this horse-hockey.
RR The spiders are still here being uncomfortable.
RR I guess she could try to talk to the maidens?
RR Or another Sidereal?
RR There's like 97 of them.
FD 6Kura is hugged! But she tries to push Kima away and say, "No...No...You...You deserve better that this...I wish...I wish...I don't know. You deserve so much better."
RR Or if she could find AUTOCHTHON, he could probably help.
TS 2" Very well. It will be nice to have those talents along without having to break some poor soul's mind through abcissic binding."
TB Kima is too stronk!
RR Or one of the gods in the Bureau of Destiny.
TB 5 strength!
TB "Sis, shut up."
TB "I get cool ghost powers. We get to kick ass together."
RR -well of course- -the question is how to draw the eye-
TB "You get your panda, I get my wolf. It's all good in the neighborhood."
TB "I've tried the obvious ways," Red says with a smirk, "But spouses tend to get upset about that."
<Beans> She exist in a bit of a hurry, getting back to her shromplings. "We---we have a---there's a---" She points at megatron. "You're the least-baffling case here, that's how bad this is."
FD 6Kura can't but laugh sadly, but says, "Yeah...I just...I wish it didn't have to be that way...
JH 3Sun Li deadpans at the Sidereal. "....What? What was broken THAT badly that I'M the simple case?"/
FD 6Kima...I'm sorry. I really am...
RR -I think I can do something about that-
TS 2Kozu raises an eyebrow, then drops it and shows concern, "Missus Neiz, calm yourself, please."
TB "I was hoping so," Red says
TB Kima laughs
TB "DOn't be. I'm better off than I was. I'll ditch the soul qat."
TB She tosses her little tinderbox towards a trash bin and misses
TB "See, slam dunk."
RR Receptionsquid looks away and to the panicking Neiz
RR "What's wrong, Panacea?"
RR ((+1 Resonance for Kima))
<Beans> Neiz sighs. "... All of you except our emerald friend are, according to the Loom, out beating the uncouth out of cultists in the West." She sort of baps them all to prove how totally here they are. "Obviously, we are greatly in possession of a problem."
TB dammit
FD 6((Sorry. Kura doesn't know about the whole name thing.))
<Beans> the neverbongs don't want her to give up the D/\NK S0VL KVSH
TS 2"The loom is wrong, then,' Kozu says flatly
RR "Oh man. Sounds like you got pretty solidly disconnected."
TB Kima grits her teeth at the pain, but ignores it
RR "You haven't been consorting with demons recently?"
TB "You uh, might want to call me by my nickname for now."
RR "With no causality wards up again, Neiz, have you?"
FD 6"Why?"
<Beans> Neiz frowns. "... We exorcised a demon."
TS 2" I do not /consort/" Kozu insists
<Beans> internally, of course, O H S H E T
RR "Well that's usually not enough to cause problems."
TS Could kozu roll lore to make the connection between nocturnal fate ****ery and the loom?
JH 3 "I was imprisoned with said demon for...long amounts of time. I've been around them, perhaps it's second hand demon-****ery?".
RR "Just write up a Request for Correction and Integration, detailing what all you've been up to, and the Spiders should get it all worked out soon enough."
RR ((Go ahead Kozu))
RR ((Int+Occult for anyone))
FD 6((Plentimon is our wingman!))
JH 3 9 sux
<Beans> [[would the form be an INT+Bur or]]
JH 3dammit ts
TB Kima got four
TB Red got three
RR ((Form is just annoying, needs no roll))
RR Kima suspects this is because of the nocturnalisms
TS Actually hold up
RR Red has no idea
TS I have a first age lore specialty i forgot to roll
RR Kozu and Sun Li know that this /isn't/ because of the Nocturnals.
FD 6I don't think it matters.
TS wait what
RR ((predates the First Age, N/A))
TS Ten then
tscarab sad
<Beans> damn those fan-ass harlequins
TB "Does this have anything to do with the...y'know, being all...y'know, with the fate?" Kima asks
JH 3Sun attempts to synchronize headshaking with the daynerd
TS 2" Actually...I am fairly certain it is not them. "
RR ((Time Not, Oramus, Ignition, Zen Mu, Exodus, Journey, Time of Glory, Primordial War, First Age, Second Age, ???))
TS damn son
RR ((Whoops Exodus and Journey refer to the same age))
RR Receptionsquid titters at the synchronization
FD 6Kura smiles
<Beans> Neiz wrotens the hell out of that form, doing her best to give the best impression of the group possible, like portraying Sun heavily as a demon's victim and Kima as a valiant anti-neverbong pro-not-getting-destroyed proponent.
RR -does it really matter if your fate is off-kilter-
TB "What, then?" Red asks, "Because I would rather not have someone wearing my fate...though it would make tracking me harder..."
TB kima doesn't like oblivion
TB the world is where she keeps all her bros
TS "You cant blow up earth my mane live there"
TB *crickets*
RR The form is accepted and submitted for weaving.
RR Their fate should get back to normal soon.
<Beans> yaaay
FD 6You can't blow up the world, it's where I grow my pot
<Beans> *elevator music*
<Beans> Less terrifying!
RR Like, maybe tomorrow kinds of soon, or 'over the course of a week'
RR Waiting the whole while is not recommended.
TB yay
TB wait kima doesnt smoke any more
RR Anyway, while in there Neiz saw zero clear evidence of anything needing to be rescued.
FD 6Maybe our fate?
<Beans> Neiz frowns. "Well, that's... cleared-up-ish. Onto the second issue---what... was I supposed to rescue again? Because I saw nothing to be rescued in there."
TS 2" Did anyone mention what happened in the Underworld?" kozu asks
TB "Didn't your letters say?" Red asks, confused
RR "I assumed you had previous instructions?"
<Beans> ... Did she? *brains*
RR (no)
TB but
TB she had a message that said finish the job didnt she
<Beans> That was probably referring to the rescue mission they just kinda decided to do?
RR Yeah. Finish rescuing ... something
RR The message presumed the party knew what they were doing.
<Beans> ...
JH 3thats a big assumption
<Beans> nox is that you
<Beans> griggin
<Beans> friggin nox
<Beans> all up ins
TB Mission Assignment: Lead your circle of mismatched Exalts to the Loom and complete your rescue mission"
RR Yo neiz. How's it be?
TB i say
TB she should check her office
RR ((Neiz gains 1 Whispers.))
TB then we do yu-shan tours
<Beans> :U
TS Night whispers or underworld whispers?
TS Kozu has a dot of both
RR Night Whispers
TB ara ara
<Beans> noot woospers
TS Do they conflict at all, btw?
RR Sometimes, but not right now.
<Beans> <Er... hello?>
TS anything theyre saying right now?
<Beans> "We'd better go check my office..."
RR General excitement at Kozu. Images of a parade. Nothing clear
TS Can he tell which ones are saying that?
RR Nope
TS 2" Seems a...good idea," he says, not mentioning the visions
TB "Will that require all of us?" Red asks
JH 3"Do YOU want to go wandering around alone?"
RR -to be honest this is not terribly interesting-
RR -wandering would be fun-
<Beans> "Hopefully they'll be nice enough to let you in this time. I'd prefer to keep you all close, dears."
RR Off they go!'
RR Neiz can take whoever she wants to her office.
<Beans> bring your circle to work day
FD 6Kura glares at the Raksha and says, "Wandering would not be a good thing, I think. We should stick together."
TB Kima pats Vayli on the back
TB "We'll get some free time eventually, man."
<Beans> "Nobody wanders off. Such things shall be so." She takes them into the modestly nice office! There's a desk toy, and a potted plant, and a kazoo collection.
TB "I certainly hope so," Red says, Heaven seems a wonderful place
RR The office is...Neiz's office. Beans may describe it if it is wish
RR Of you did
RR Excellent
TS 2Kozu is taking in the architecture and the designs of everything
<Beans> The kazoo collection was a confusing birthday present from Venus, which was not on her birthday.
TS 2Learning!
JH 3Sun mentions to
JH 3Neiz about dropping me and Kozu in a forge somewhere in her offices
TS 2" Missus Neiz, would there be a place here where I could get my notes properly organized and distributed?"
RR I don't think there is a forge /in/ the offices
<Beans> The walls are, of course, pastels of blue with some cream ornamentation; the floor pale wood, the desk topped with jade, the kazoos all embarrasingly shaped because they were a present from Venus. There are shelves of cookbooks and lava lamps.
RR Vayli looks through the cookboobs
RR *cookbooks
<Beans> Neiz 1) directs Kozu to her desk, which has a nice chair and a broad surface for getting his stuff together, and 2) informs megatron that nah bruh
RR Kozu is desked, very good
<Beans> Vayli, roll something to determine what recipe is learnt
JH 3Sun begins juggling small, shiny crystal balls, because bored.
FD 6Kura smiles, happy for the first time in a long while that she got through to Kima
TS 2Kozu gets his papers organized, reads some cookbooks, and studies a lava lamp.
RR 2 successes on recipe-learning
TS 2He tries to keep the space organized, even cleaning Neiz's desk for her
<Beans> Vayli gains a specialty! Craft > (Quesadillas)
<Beans> Neiz attends to her stuff also
TS Six craft sux for cooking
<Beans> wait, when did cooking start
<Beans> oh okay
RR cookbooking
TS 8 sux for organization helpibg
RR The office is organzied
RR -so what were you expecting to be causing these fate disruptions that are such a bother to you-
<Beans> Kozu learns how to make bubble and squeak, as well as tater tots, kiwi popsicles, and flamin' hot cheetos.
TS five for organizing the papers, but 3rd Excellency and then 8 sux
TS flamin' hot cheetos
TS Yes
TB perfect
<Beans> kozu can now poison his enemies with agony
Beans is going to get a bag of those, even though they make me hate my life
TB flaming hot cheetos are delicious
TS The forbidden fruit
TS 2Kozu performs the ancient taboos of WW-a functional table of contents, a properly placed glossary, and an index that isn't just jokes.
TB burn the bookwitch!
RR The WW writers reach through time and punch Kozu right in the face
RR You now have a bunch of organization
RR You have instructions to go to the loom and finish rescuing something
<Beans> Hmm
FD 6I vote finishing rescuing this person
TS 2" Perhaps find strands of fate far back towards the beginning that have been manipulated to keep them out of current Creation?"
FD 6Because I want Raksha charm BP
RR This is not necessarily a good idea. Who/what it is, not clear.
TS 2" Or perhaps we should get another sidereal or god's opinion? Make sure this is not another trick?"
TB "I vote for making sure it's not a trick," Red says while thinking up a dress to think at Vayli later
<Beans> "I believe we should consult someone." She tries to think of who would be best and also available.
FD 6Ayli?
TB Kima votes for holding the Loom hostage for infinite snacks but she holds her tongue and doesnt speak her idea
TB Neiz's sister!
RR Other gold faction peeps?
FD 6Ketchup Carjack?
<Beans> Ayli doesn't know loom stuff
TB definitely not karate chop kojak
<Beans> definitely not kenny chesney
TS Cheesejob kodak
JH 3Sun's eyes roll back in his head and he puts on a little show of looking quite discombobulated for a few moments.
TS 2" Are you well?" kozu asks, worried
JH 3"I've had a vision. Those voices, the ones that Kozu was whining about back on the boat...they spoke to me. They said something about...dismantling the loom, so that it might be reassembled properly."
<Beans> :u
<Beans> :U
TB "Wouldn't that break creation?" Red and Kima ask
FD 6Kura blinks and says, "Probably."
TB :v
JH 3"I have no bloody idea."
FD 6:t
FD 6:T
RR -it might-
TS 2" I did not whine about any voices..."
RR @Kozu: YES
<Beans> "... Er. I think we'd better take it up with... someone. Um." She tries to find out if she could get a meeting with Ayesha Ura because MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
RR He hears that twice
RR Neiz feels a subtle suggestion that this is not the worst idea, perhaps from her conscience
JH 3sorry, i thought you'd mentioned something about it
TS nope
TS he's actively hiding them
<Beans> which thing, the dismantling or ayesha
JH 3idk
JH 3accidental metagaming too stronk
TS 2" I...I do not think dismantling is a good idea. This is bad, we need to warn someone. Everyone, even."
RR So you Sun Li didn't mention the Kozu part
RR The dismantling
JH 3Kozu no, dismantle yes
JH 3crazy voices...eh, why not, I be crazy
RR The Golden Circle has an opening in a week and a half
<Beans> D:
RR They could meet Neiz for lunch
<Beans> neiz basically checks for whoever the hell she can meet soon, just to get this to someone
RR Nazri's up for talking it over, if you can get to Chiaroscurio
RR And the Goddess of Lost Causes is actually asking to talk to you
TB ...
JH 3....
JH 3joy
<Beans> Neiz jumps on that last one because it sounds terrible and important
RR The Convention on Forbidden Gods can talk to you right now if you say you'll listen to their crazy conspiracy theories.
JH 3i vote lost causes
TB lozt cozins
<Beans> "... Goddess of Lost Causes, here we come." Glorious sidereal hurrying!
<Beans> *bustles*
TS *collins
TB *hustles*
RR Her office is a whole sprawling wing of the Gold Faction headquarters this month
RR Not a great sign.
TB sidereal hurry op pls nerf
RR It's decorated with pelts of extinct animals and paintings of historical massacres.
TS Shet
<Beans> aaaaaaaaa
FD 6Kura hustles after the siddy
RR Also lots of flowers and glowstones
<Beans> Neiz is fanning herself intensely by now because o shet o she o shet o shet
TS 2Kozu looks around, more and more intimidated by heaven
JH 3Sun tries not to look dangerous
FD 6Kura hardens, looking more dangerous
RR The party is invited into a lounge where the goddess is resting, looking fabulously depressing.
TB Red carefully steers Kura and Kozu closer to each other
RR She's in the running for out-gothing Kima
TB Kima takes notes
RR And her hat is almost at tall as Kozu
TB fashion notes
FD 6Kura accidentally bumps Kozu and mutters, "Sorry..."
RR "Hello, dearest little Joybringer."
TS Meanwhile gaben orgasms at the hat
RR "And friends. What doom is awaiting you all today?"
TS 2" Pay it no mind, Miss Kuragari."
TS 2" No doom, I hope," Kozu bows and prays briefly in old realm
RR She levels a finger at Sun Li.
<Beans> Neiz approaches, as always, with the greatest politeness. "Er... a most unusual kind, it may seem, ma'am."
RR 10"You look like a man who knows when to give up. Very disappointing."
JH 3Sun tries not to look scared at getting goth-god pointed
TB sick burn
TB or not
TB you never know with this lady
JH 3"Practicality is the forerunner of success, Ma'am."
RR 10Sun Li feels very small.
<Beans> tinytron
TB he transforms into an essence derringer now
FD 6Kura swallows and bows to the goddess, saying nothing, her throat dry
RR 10"Would you like to tell me about it?"
TB show me where the bad spirit touched your fate
<Beans> Neiz tries to explain the ridiculousnesses of the horse-hockey with which they have to deal. This is the horsiest hockey ever to blight a rink---horse**** everywhere, skidding neighing arabians, horseshoes gouging the ice, the puck is being eaten
RR 10"And you don't even know what you're trying to accomplish?"
<Beans> Neiz sighs. "I fear we may be so far out of our depth that the fish are bioluminescent."
RR 10"Ooh, Miss Kuranari. I think I was just reading your file. Most amusing. Keep up the work."
RR 10"Anyway, I can't recommend trying to take apart the loom."
RR 10"Can you imagine how the poor spiders would cry?"
TB Kima feels bad for the spiders
FD 6Kura swallows and her eyes widen
FD 6She blurts, "Is it really impossible?"
RR 10"If you've tried your best, well, maybe you should just give up sometimes. It's no fun, but..."
RR 10She breaks off into chuckling at Kura.
TB Red takes Kura's arm and pats her softly
TS 2 Kozu looks almost insulted. "Excuse me a moment, please." He stands up to leave, "Miss Kuragari, I wish to speak."
RR 10"Go ahead."
FD 6Kura just sits down, horrified.
RR 10Sun Li (and less likely Kozu) might notice an artifact for seeing hanging on the coat rack. Made from demons of The Ebon Dragon himself.
TS 2" Miss Kuragari?"
<Beans> Neiz sighs. "I don't think giving up is quite an option... nor is dismantling the loom. The spiders would not be alone in their crying. Something must be done..."
FD 6Kura seems to be in shock
TS 2Kozu is trying to pretend he hasn't noticed the demon coat.
TB Red pushes Kura gently
TB "Go on, dear."
RR 10Plans within plans within plans, forever
FD 6Kura shakes her head and mutters hoarsely, "No...I...There's no point...I...I'm destined to fail, aren't I..."
JH 3Sun points at said artifact. "If I might ask...where did that come from?"
RR 10"A friend gave it to me."
TS 2"/Kura/" Kozu says in his teacher voice, "/Now, please/."
RR 10"Well, more of an acquaintance with shared interests."
RR 10"A Calibration present."
TB oh
TB damn
JH 3...shet
RR 10"Do you have any ideas as to what, Neiz? I could help you decide among roads you could walk."
<Beans> http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/104/c/7/waspinator___plans___poster_by_itswalky-d3dzwio.jpg
FD 6:/
TB "Do you want to talk, dear?" Red asks Kura softly
TB "I think he has something important to say."
FD 6Kura finally swallows and looks, terrified of the future, at Kozu, and says, 'W-What do you want?"
<Beans> "Well, firstly, I need to inform relevant parties of the problem..." She gnaws her fan.
JH 3Sun starts to look a little stared, and slides next to Kozu. "Hey...daynerd. We may need to chat..."
RR 10"Go on and tell them."
RR 10"Hmm.....do you all need a little time to talk amongst yourselves?"
TS 2" To talk. Outside. Sun Li, I will speak to you when I am done."
JH 3"Kozu, this is....a very much NOW conversation."
RR 10The goddess stands up briefly, materializing a cane(tiny skull and spine) under her hand, and starts striding out of the room.
<Beans> Neiz sighs. "Dears, I think we need to discuss now. Very much now, in fact."
RR -what in the name of Nirkavalpa have i gotten dragged into-
TS 2"/What/?" Kozu asks, "Can you not see Miss Kuragari is undergoing severe psychochemical duress?"
TB Kima wants a cane like that
TB She starts wondering what kind of spine would be best
RR ((goddess of lost causes has left the lounge-room))
JH 3Sun grabs the daynerd by the collar, shoves him against the nearest large physical object and growls. "SHE. JUST. ADMITTED. To being 'personal acquaintences' with the ****ING Ebon Dragon. Did you not notice that little 'Calibration Day' trinket?
<Beans> Neiz puts her arms around Kura. "Every problem is, in fact, happening at once. That is why we need to discuss things immediately."
TS 2" Did you not notice I was keeping my cool?" Kozu says calmly, wrenching free and dusting himself off, "Seek inner peace for a moment."
TS 2" There are problems I can address now, and problems I can get shanked over /later/."
JH 3"Inner peace can go sniff the south end of a northbound Lunar!"
TS 2" And that is why you fail."
TS 2"Miss Kuragari, whatever she mentioned, it is not hopeless."
<Beans> "Boys, we can fight later. By which I mean never." Neiz huffs.
TS 2" If any god was truely all knowing and all powerful, we would not be here today. "
FD 6Kura is shaking, torn between misery and stabbing Sunny
JH 3"I'm sorry, are we busy worrying about Kura's personal problems when we're in the solar of a Goddess aligned with one of the worst entities...ever? And she left us here, after inviting us...."
JH 3Sudden concern on the megatron's face.
JH 3"We need to leave. Now."
TB Kima stands up, excited, and pulls Damocles out of his cloth wrappings," Do I get to shank a bitch?"
TB Red sighs
TB "She is not going to call us here to kill us in heaven."
<Beans> "I agree. Kura would be better-comforted elsewhere, because there's going to be fifty ambushes or something..." She tries to bustle them the **** out of there before zubats happen
<Beans> ZUBATS
TB "Just leaving like this is an *insult* to our host."
RR 5"n07 70 4l4rm 4ny0n3 bu7 50m30n3 ju57 cu7 0ff my c0mmun1c4710n 4rc4n05"
TB "Or not."
TB Red stands up and shifts to wolf form to allow passengers on
JH 3Sun hops aboard the redwoof.
RR Roll Wits+Athletics to avoid Zubats
RR Everyone
TB three for kima
TB five for red
<Beans> 6
JH 3 3
TS 7 sux
FD 6((3 sux))
RR 3 for Vayli.
RR Everyone bustles on out.
RR You only have to break down like one door
FD 6Kura is just still lead along, filled with Hopeless Bleak Despair
RR There is an explosion of green light out a window about 10 seconds after you get outside
<Beans> :U
FD 6:/
TS 2" Disreputable," Kozu says dryly
TB "Someone had better report that bitch," Red snarls
TB "I'll sue if I have to."
RR -what for-
JH 3"I'll accept apologies and acceptance of my correctness in the form of praise or sexual favors."
<Beans> Neiz pats megatron on the head. "You get an extra snickerdoodle."
TB Red nudges to try and shake Sun off
TB Kima slaps him for her
FD 6((This is Kura: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPf61ADWXkM))
FD 6* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPf61ADWXkM
TS 2" Humility is a virtue."
RR -not dying is also a virtue-
TB Red whispers something to Kima, who whispers to Kozu
RR -pretty sure that's in one of your shaped books of philosophy-
JH 3"I'm with the fae, me saving our collective rear ends is WAY better than humility."
FD 6Meanwhile, Kura has sat down again
TS 2" I...but..." Kozu shakes his head at Kima
RR -where are we going now-
TB Kima glares at Kozu, nine success on presence to intimidate
RR 5*/7h4nk y0u f0r 54v1n6 u5 r3d/*
FD 6Kura shrugs and mutters, "'s the point..."
<Beans> "My manse, to get Kura back in shape. And then... well."
TB "Not a problem, dear," Red says, carrying them towards Neiz's direction
RR 5"c00k135?"
TS Dammit my mdv is 8
TS not worth the wp spend
TS 2Kozu scoots along Red's back and taps Kura on the shoulder
TB who's got plentimon now, biatch
<Beans> to neizland
TB What's Neiz's manse like?
RR 5Many strange looks are given to the party by the gods and lizards of Heaven as they pass by
FD 6Kura looks up, but says nothing, her face now just an expression of pure despair
FD 6As she's lead along to Neiz's manse
TS 2Kozu goes to wrap Kura up in a big, squeezy hug
TS 2IT's incredibly awkward
FD 6Kura hugs Kozu tightly, not caring about the awkwardness
FD 6She whispers, "Thank you..."
<Beans> Neiz's manse is a cozy, pleasing townhouse; it's not huge and it's not made out of golden cocaine hookers, but it's a lovely shade of blue and has the nicest garden out front. As they approach, the front door is opened and something tackles Neiz off Red's back and into the grass! ZOOSH
TB Red and Kima nod at each other
TB Kima draws damocles, expecting an attack!
RR Vayli puts a hand on Kima's shoulder
TB "yeah bro?"
RR -can't you smell the affection?-
RR -its fine-
JH 3Sun is awkward
TB "Not...no? I don't smell emotion?"
FD 6Kura is misery
RR -oh man how do you live-
TS 2Kozu struggles out of the hug after a biy
RR -do you have all the other senses-
TB "I break ****."
RR -sight, taste, hearing, touch, drama-
TB "Oh man do I have drama sense."
RR -thank Dharma-
TS 2"Mis-...Kura. The goddess back there was either lying or wrong."
<Beans> The assailant looks up from where she's tickling Neiz. A curvy, tan, blonde woman with bright eyes, she perks up. "Oooh, you brought your friends home with you! Lemme guess, lemme guess... you're Mr. Panda, you're Miss Shromp... oh dear, she never got around to telling me about the rest of you!" Oh ****, she's too cute.
TS 2" Don't fall into despair, you're stronger than-I am sorry, /Mr Panda?/"
TS yall are racist
<Beans> she doesn't have an anima banner, she has a blazing ANIME BANNER
RR -what is a panda-
TB "Adorable black and white bear," Kima explains
TB "Looks kind of like our resident daynerd."
TB "Only not as flustered."
TB Red is auto-smitten with neizwife
TB but respects the bonds of matrimony and bows
RR Vayli unfolds a hand, on which is a miniature panda
RR -like this-
TB "Greetings. We've heard much about you as well."
JH 3Sun it temporarily stunned with overwhelming Kawaii
RR -i have so many of these guys in my inventory i don't even know why-
TB Kima squees and grabs at the panda!
<Beans> Neiz sits up. "Besides dearest Kozu and Kura, we also have Kima, her lovely missus Red, our intensely green companion Sun Lee, a... variable personage named Vayli, and a post-mortem lady hiding in Red, I think."
<Beans> Ayli is excite about the panda, and also about everyone
RR Kima has a tiny panda.
FD 6Kura just shakes her head and says, "No...No...That...She...I could tell. She wasn't laughing because I believed her....She was laughing because she didn't have to lie..."
RR Vayli hands out tiny pandas to everyone
TB She looks over her shoulder, "I need one for sis, too, if you can."
JH 3Sun glares at tiny panda, expecting it to bite him.
TS 2 "If gods were never wrong, exalts would not need to exist."
TB is it like
TB an actual full on panda
TB like needs bamboo and everything
RR Sun is not made of bamboo, so it doesn't eat him.
RR It's a magic fae panda so I don't think it needs bamboo. But it likes it
JH 3****, panda doesn't know that
TS Brb
<Beans> Ayli frowns. "Oh no, is Miss Kura okay? Can we get her something? Does she need tiny pandas? Would food help?"
TS 2 Kozu inspects his panda curiously
TS 2He's rather smitten with it.
FD 6Kura does not accept the tiny panda
TS 2" A clever creation, Noble Vayli."
RR It's a little panda like 6 inches long. That one has an oddly kozulike face.
<Beans> this is ayli's theme by the way
<Beans> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5W6jyxwTJE
TB Kima tries to make Kura take the damn panda
TB she keeps poking at her, then gesturing to Kura's plush panda
TB "Sis."
TB "Sisssssss."
TB "Come onnnnnnnn"
TB "If I have to be less dope, you have to be less rude, okay?"
<Beans> Neiz and her wife (who has a snuggability score of 10) usher everyone into their lovely living room. They really, really like blue, though it's not the only color. They have some of every Maiden's color.
TB Red complements the decoration and furnishings
RR As they're going in, there is a cataclysmic crash of thunder, and the dark sky fades away to a starry night dominated by a full harvest Moon.
FD 6Yay Luna!
RR Luna is winnar
FD 6Luna mom is looking out for me
TS 2Kozu observes and takes notes on the minipanda, deciding to name it Kote."
TB Red looks up at the sky and nudges Kura
<Beans> Ayli points out the window. "Look, Miss Kura, your patron is winning! Isn't that nice?" :3
FD 6Kura smiles briefly when the sky changes and she looks up
FD 6"Yeah...It is..."
TB "Look, fist of Luna, an omen of fair weather."
TB "Brighten up. Take the panda."
FD 6Kura nods and accepts the Panda
<Beans> PANDA GET!
TB Red and Kima allow their pandas to snuggle in Red's floofy bedsheet dress
FD 6She whispers hoarsely, "Thanks, Luna..."
RR And with pandas for everyone, we end the current session

2014-11-17, 01:18 AM
22:55 tab2 If vayli is up to listen, Red will actually tell him the tale of her working with the guild, being attacked, exalting through trickery, leading some trade deals, then being betrayed and again escaping through savvy
22:56 tab2 five performance successes to tell it
22:56 Recaiden Is up to listen, of course.
22:56 Recaiden -A very good story-
22:56 Recaiden -did it all actually happen-
22:57 tab2 "Of course. I wouldn't be standing her otherwise."
22:57 Recaiden -are you still trying for revenge-
22:57 Recaiden -how long ago was this-
22:59 tab2 "Revenge is silly at this point, to be honest. Bringing down the guild can wait until I can do ita more humiliating way. It was almost thirty years ago."
23:00 Recaiden -you should forget about them-
23:00 Recaiden -do humans even live thirty years-
23:01 tab2 "They can live for a very long time, especially when Exalted"
23:01 tab2 "There are exalts from the First Age still alive."
23:01 tab2 ((Sorry, playing with kittiessssss))
23:02 Recaiden -well yeah but not in the Guild right-
23:02 Recaiden -won't you outlive them anyway-
23:02 Recaiden -just take the last laugh and run-
23:02 tab2 "The Guild...their higher ups can afford to live a long time, but the entire organization could use a shaking down."
23:02 tab2 "When the time comes. I have...other plans."
23:02 Recaiden -like what-
23:03 tab2 "That's for me to know, dearie," Red smirks
23:03 Recaiden -follow me-
23:04 tab2 Red follows!!
23:04 Recaiden Vayli opens up the shromp-tin and pulls the two of them inside
23:04 tab2 wwwoooop
23:05 Recaiden They are now on a flat grey expanse that extends as far as the eye can see.
23:05 tab2 Red tries not to show any surprise but nods
23:05 tab2 "A nice trick...You must have some power, hmm?"
23:05 Recaiden Which lasts for like one second before it starts reacting to the people being there
23:05 Recaiden -more than some, but nothing special-
23:06 Recaiden -to continue doing the same thing for thirty years-
23:06 tab2 "Everyone's special in their own way, dear."
23:07 Recaiden -that would long ago have crossed into insanity for us-
23:07 tab2 "Do remember, to most mortals, you *are* insanity."
23:07 Recaiden They're on a bone ship sailing across an ocean of lava, with waves the shape of giant wolves carrying them along
23:07 tab2 Red is impresse
23:07 Recaiden -that doesn't make us wrong-
23:08 Recaiden -now, we're making you a dress-
23:08 Recaiden -any particular style-
23:09 tab2 "Something...severe. That says you can trust me, but you certainly shouldn't fool with me."
23:09 tab2 "Whites, reds, and greys would be a nice color scheme."
23:11 Recaiden -and you want to not bother with any particular magic in it-
23:12 tab2 "If you could, some effect to help entrapture people with it would be nice. Something to make them work along with me."
23:13 tab2 ((Mechanically, I guess bonuses to bureaucracy would be nice, or socialize))
23:14 tab2 ((Ill put some background dots into artifact if i need to))
23:14 Recaiden ((1 dot into artifact))
23:15 tab2 ((will do))
23:15 Recaiden -i can do that-
23:15 Recaiden -imagine, letting your thoughts shape the space around you-
23:15 Recaiden -so i have somethign to work with-
23:16 tab2 "Lovely!" Red focuses on the events described, trying to remember them vividly, and imagines the dress in question around herself as she struts imperiously down a courtroom, passing law and judgement
23:17 Recaiden In remarkably fast, a truly fabulous dress takes shape.
23:18 tab2 Red dons the dress, strutting around in it to make sure it's comfy
23:19 Recaiden The comfiest
23:19 Recaiden Although not particularly comfortign
23:19 tab2 Makes perfect sense
23:20 tab2 "Thank you, dear," Red says, "It's lovely."
23:21 Recaiden It lets you auto-succeed at Bureaucracy rolls to judge things, makes it harder for people to dislike you, and provides you serious discounts when buying things (you always have resources 3 as an Illusion)
23:21 tab2 Dude that's awesome
23:22 Recaiden It costs 0m to attune unless somebody messes up the panda Vayli has set to keeping it magically in good repair
23:22 Recaiden Then it would cost 3m
23:22 tab2 Red will take to keeping the panda in good shape
23:23 Recaiden It's staying here in the Chancel
23:23 tab2 is the resources in addition to other resources or set at resources 3
23:23 Recaiden Set at 3
23:23 Recaiden But separate
23:24 tab2 alright
23:24 tab2 The panda is in the chancel?
23:24 tab2 alright
23:24 Recaiden Correct!
23:24 tab2 red will keep on good terms with kura

2014-11-17, 01:21 AM
Kozu, Neiz: 76 BP
Kura: 74 BP
Kima: 73 BP
Sun Li: 68 BP
Red: 36.5 BP
New people: 65 BP

02:21:54: <Recaiden> PREVIOUSLY, ON SHROMPQUEST2
02:22:10: <Recaiden> The party dealt with much bureaucracy
02:22:23: <Tab> and a bomb
02:22:31: <tsinistar> damn bombs
02:22:31: <Recaiden> They did not attempt to destroy and rebuild the loom, but went to get advice from the goddess of Lost Causes.
02:22:44: <Recaiden> Who happened to be a personal acquaintance of THE EBON DRAGON
02:22:55: <Recaiden> And was involved in a plot to kill/at least hit with a bomb the party
02:22:57: <Beans> the ebon ****BRIDGING dragon
02:23:21: <Recaiden> After catching on and fleeing, they retired to Neiz's fancy house and met ayli
02:23:23: <tsinistar> ebon pedophile
02:23:34: <tsinistar> Also kozu organized an office
02:23:36: <Recaiden> Even evil has standards, TS
02:23:37: <Beans> and then they met the UNCONQUERED SNUG
02:23:41: <Tab> ebon dragon a ****
02:23:47: <Recaiden> Offices were organzied, cooking was learned
02:23:48: <Beans> and his waifu a ****
02:23:49: <Recaiden> go!
02:24:11: <jhicks> 3last we left was us neiz-wifing, no?
02:24:15: <Recaiden> Mhm
02:24:17: <Beans> Ayli is giving everyone cookies while they enjoy their tiny pands
02:24:35: <Recaiden> oh yeah Vayli gave everyone tiny pandas
02:24:36: <tsinistar> Kozu decides to check in on Simenare
02:24:44: <tsinistar> Now thaf they're relatively safe
02:25:54: <Recaiden> ((Which was that spell made of?))
02:25:59: <tsinistar> 2His caste mark glittering as he spends a single mote from his essence, he looks through one of the carved faces, hoping one of his minions or Harmony will ve there
02:26:03: <tsinistar> Spoke the wooden face
02:26:15: <Tab> bonsai cell phones
02:26:46: <tsinistar> ((Whats the pale host, btw))
02:27:02: <Recaiden> ((dunno. I think it might be all the Abyssals))
02:27:51: <Recaiden> ((Is the tree in any specific place?))
02:28:17: <Beans> Ayli gives Kura another cookie.
02:28:40: <Beans> ... wait what the hell
02:28:42: <Beans> where's our fd
02:28:51: <Recaiden> laaaate
02:29:01: <tsinistar> Trees would have been located at official places and by the medicine houses the minions built
02:29:07: <Beans> feckin
02:29:14: <tsinistar> They hadn't finished the schools yet so he didnt make one there
02:29:18: <Recaiden> There's some tiger people at Harmony's palace.
02:29:27: <Recaiden> Minions at work in the medicine houses
02:29:48: <Recaiden> Some sort of protest outside the northern mayor's office
02:30:35: <tsinistar> Anybway he could contact Harmony or send a minion or tiger man for her?
02:30:40: <Tab> protests
02:30:41: <Tab> oh dear
02:30:42: <Recaiden> Use his words?
02:30:55: <tsinistar> well yeah
02:30:55: <Beans> KRUSTY KRAB IS UNFAIR
02:30:57: <tsinistar> It was more
02:30:59: <Beans> MR KRABS IS IN THERE
02:31:02: <Recaiden> Tiger goes to get her.
02:31:02: <tsinistar> Are they listening
02:31:09: <tsinistar> yay
02:31:31: <Recaiden> Couple of minutes later she strides into the tree's view.
02:31:44: <Recaiden> 4"Hello father."
02:32:06: <Tab> WHAT
02:32:40: <tsinistar> 2" Ah, Harmony! Sorry it has been so many days since we spoke, I was in dangerous lands. How are you?"
02:32:55: <Tab> oh right the faerie thing
02:33:01: <Recaiden> Shh. You didn't say you were eavesdropping on his phone call.
02:33:11: <Tab> im not
02:33:17: <Recaiden> Vayli feeds one of the tiny pandas a cookie
02:33:21: <Tab> ((OOC sorry))
02:33:26: <Recaiden> ((no problem))
02:33:33: <jhicks> 3Sun gripes silently that his panda is getting more treats than he is.
02:33:47: <Recaiden> 4"Quite well. I've been practicing my archery."
02:34:00: <Tab> Kima eats entirely more cookies than she should
02:34:34: <Recaiden> 4"There's a martial arts tournamemt being organized for next festival."
02:34:36: <tsinistar> 2" That's good to hear. How is the island holding up? With any hope I should be able to return and aid you soon."
02:34:45: <tsinistar> 2" Oh, brilliant!"
02:34:52: <Recaiden> 4"Catch has been up, except shellfish, which there've been remarkably few of."
02:34:55: <Tab> ((karate kid))
02:35:54: <Recaiden> 4"Darshana's not doing well with her people right now. Hard time adjusting, I think."
02:36:17: <Recaiden> 4"And they're not happy about the fae. Something about discarding their history and sacrifice and it's all very tedious, really."
02:37:05: <tsinistar> 2"That is, unfortunately, to be expected with the way Ten Stripes had been ruling. Heaven willing, we will be home soon enough to help. I have some plans, and we have even made new friends."
02:37:19: <jhicks> 3im a friend now?
02:37:53: <Beans> Ayli wishes she could pass a cookie through the treephone, but happily lets Kima eat too many cookies. She is so indulgent.
02:38:00: <tsinistar> ((She hasn't met Kima and Red))
02:38:12: <Recaiden> 4"Could you let us know what those plans might be?"
02:38:24: <Beans> "new friends AND THIS GREEN MEGATRON GUY"
02:38:29: <tsinistar> ((And Kozu's past life is pretty stronk in him, it's why he has such issues with it))
02:38:33: <Beans> [[that was ooc of course :3]]
02:38:40: <Beans> Neiz is napping.
02:38:52: <Recaiden> 4Harmony quiets down. "Also the beastmen aren't terribly fitting in here after being abandoned. Nobody's been killed yet but it's really a mess."
02:39:18: <Recaiden> 4"On the plus side the denzikin and the fishers are a lot more united!
02:39:19: <tsinistar> 2" I have heard of people who might be willing to aid as well, and methods through which we might be able to establish ways the mortals could get along without out aid."
02:39:20: <Recaiden> 4"
02:39:51: <Recaiden> 4"Uh, I don't think getting along without us is the priority."
02:39:56: <tsinistar> 2" Hmmm...we did oust their mother. Perhaps we could have a council on our return, hear their complaints and needs."
02:40:07: <tsinistar> 2" I meant after we fix things."
02:40:20: <Recaiden> 4"Okay. Yeah just focus on the present."
02:40:26: <Recaiden> 4"Tell Auntie Neiz hello from us all."
02:40:35: <Beans> zzz :3
02:41:04: <tsinistar> 2"Of course," Kozu turns to speak to Neiz, "Harmony and Simenare say hello, Missus Neiz."
02:41:35: <Beans> Neiz mumbles a hello. Ayli says hi for her and then some.
02:41:46: <Tab> Red eats only two cookies, watching her figure. She asks, quietly enough not to interrupt the Sun Child, "So what do we do about the attempt on our lives?"
02:41:48: <Beans> She tries to pass a cookie through the series of tubes just to be sure.
02:42:04: <Recaiden> Internet cookie does not success
02:42:40: <tsinistar> 2"Missus Neiz says hello back, Harmony. Was there anything yoh would like to discuss before I move on to other business?"
02:43:52: <Tab> ((If kozu has stronk past life, didn't we determine he was bromance with past sun lee? that should speed up the getting along process, right?))
02:44:38: <Beans> Neiz sits up. "Well... I'm really not sure how to deal with the whole 'tried to murder us' bit. Or the 'Yozi traitor' bit."
02:44:40: <Recaiden> 4"What are these guys that you summoned?"
02:45:03: <Recaiden> 4"People are concerned, you know? Nobody knows what they are, and they don't talk. Real spooky."
02:45:15: <jhicks> 3Sun perks up at Neiz talking, before realizing she wasn't referring to him
02:46:27: <tsinistar> 2" Lost souls, eager to live in Creation instead of outside of it. They cannot speak, but they are very polite and willing to help with most anything. It is why I set them about doing medicine and building. They seem to enjoy books and simple toys, as well. I hope to do a more thorough research soon."
02:46:43: <Tab> "Can we not...report her?" Red asks
02:46:46: <Tab> ((HI FD))
02:46:55: <firedaemon33> 6((Hi Tab!))
02:46:58: <Beans> Kura has like 4 cookies waiting for her
02:47:20: <firedaemon33> 6Kura slowly eats cookies, stirring as she says, "Mm...How is Simenare, Kozu?"
02:47:41: <firedaemon33> 6((Yeah, sorry about that. Game of DOTA ran way, way to long.))
02:47:49: <tsinistar> 2" Fairing better than I had feared," Kozu says happily
02:47:52: <Recaiden> 4"Ok, great. That should set people at ease for now."
02:47:56: <Beans> Neiz tries to determine what would happen, were she to report the goddess of hot topic for being a conspirator with the yozi with the ****tiest waifu in the universe
02:48:01: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles and says, "Good."
02:48:03: <Recaiden> 4Harmony waves and heads back towards the palace.
02:48:23: <tab2> ((whatd i miss)
02:48:31: <Beans> [no'much\
02:48:35: <tsinistar> ((Fds back))
02:48:35: <Recaiden> Well probably people would laugh at Neiz. But then there might be an Audit.
02:48:40: <Recaiden> And maybe a trial
02:48:57: <tsinistar> 2Kozu says farewell to Harmony and closes the connection
02:49:30: <tsinistar> 2" Now, about the daemon bombing jacket or whatever just happened, if Missus Neiz and Ayli will allow us to speak of such ill in their household?"
02:49:33: <Recaiden> Notably no one said hello to Kura.
02:49:36: <Recaiden> But there are cookies
02:49:50: <tab2> ((kura's been here the whole time tho))
02:49:58: <tab2> Kima hands Kura some of her oodles of cookies
02:50:01: <Recaiden> ((Over the magical face-tree))
02:50:04: <tab2> ";ere sis"
02:50:24: <jhicks> 3"Assuming, as he said, the hosts will allow us to talk of this, we have a PROBLEM
02:50:28: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Mmm...Ms. Ayli already game me some. Thanks, though."
02:51:08: <tab2> "Haven't met a problem yet that I couldn't handle with Damocles," Kima says, patting the sword. You could swear it growls contently.
02:51:09: <Beans> Neiz nodnods.
02:51:14: <jhicks> 3"Lost Causes is in bed with The Ebon Dragon. Which is, as you know, not the best thing. He's close enough with her to be giving her Calibration presents."
02:51:23: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhm."
02:51:41: <tab2> "I was unaware demons even did such things...I would have thought they avoid the gods," Red says
02:51:52: <Beans> "Well, we report her... first of all, there might be an audit and a trial. Which we are unlikely to actually win, so there's that..."
02:51:57: <jhicks> 3"Miss Kima, not to insult you...strangely vocal weapon's prowess, but this is a bit bigger than 'I'm just gonna go stab it til it dies."
02:52:00: <tsinistar> 2"A friendship between them is certainly... Unlikely."
02:52:11: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhmm. Well...Hrm."
02:52:23: <firedaemon33> 6"I suppose...Would it be possible to turn them against one another?"
02:52:28: <jhicks> 3"And the sad thing is? The more hopeless it IS, the more hopeless it GETS, because this **** is her domain."
02:52:31: <tsinistar> 2" The joys of paperwork and ash and rubbish," Kozu groans
02:52:44: <Beans> Ayli pouts adorably and Neiz sighs.
02:53:01: <Recaiden> -missus kuranari- -you do not currently radiate over Nirupadhika, correct-
02:53:19: <Recaiden> -would you assent to being the anchor of a chancel-
02:53:22: <tab2> "I, for one, am afraid enough of being on the Ebon Dragon's **** list," Red admits
02:53:30: <firedaemon33> 6"Umm....What."
02:54:06: <tab2> "I think Sis has put up with enough things 'anchoring' to her," Kima says
02:54:13: <Beans> :U
02:54:32: <tab2> admittedly, otavia was delicious
02:54:48: <Beans> :3
02:54:49: <tsinistar> 2" A chancel? " Kozu asks
02:54:59: <Recaiden> -an additional Grace, not necessary to rakshadom, creating a collection of waypoints within it-
02:55:05: <tsinistar> ((Would he know what that is or should i roll?))
02:55:09: <tsinistar> oh
02:55:14: <Recaiden> -such a resource would speed your education-
02:55:37: <tsinistar> 2" Are there other effects? How does it speed her learning?"
02:55:38: <Recaiden> -and in full disclosure would also be quite useful to me in recovering from my imprisonment-
02:55:55: <tsinistar> 2" Ah..."
02:56:38: <firedaemon33> 6Kura swallows and :/s, considering
02:56:46: <tab2> "But...like, how?" Kima asks, "Does it transfer emotion gunk to you or something?"
02:56:58: <tab2> "And then give some to her from you to give her the concepts"
02:57:02: <tab2> ?
02:57:44: <Recaiden> -no that would be dumb-
02:58:04: <Recaiden> -it is just an opportunity to practice shaping without being fettered by creation or being eaten by hannaya-
02:58:27: <firedaemon33> 6"That...Does sound useful, actually. What other effects would there be?"
02:59:02: <tab2> "A pocket dimension thingy to practise in?" Kima asks excitedly, ignoring the insult, "Or a mental training regimin?"
02:59:07: <Recaiden> -it is made out of one's sense of direction- -if it is damaged you will likely become lost-
02:59:28: <Recaiden> Vayli looks at Kima confused
02:59:36: <Recaiden> -is there a difference between those two concepts-
02:59:55: <tab2> "Not everyone has seperate worlds in their heads, dear," Red says
03:00:23: <Recaiden> -just because you do not know how to get there does not mean that they do not exist-
03:01:14: <tab2> "Really now?" Red adds another idea to her plotting list, "Interesting..."
03:01:32: <tsinistar> ((9 int+occult sux))
03:02:22: <tsinistar> ((To see if kozu knows of this chancel business))
03:02:32: <Recaiden> Kozu does not
03:02:54: <Recaiden> ((Some things literally can't be known with an INT roll))
03:03:02: <tsinistar> ((Dangit))
03:03:10: <Beans> like how astrology works
03:03:12: <tsinistar> ((But...but...kung fu medicine jesus))
03:03:20: <Recaiden> -i believe we were discussing a hopeless legal drama-
03:03:33: <firedaemon33> 6"No, this is more important..."
03:03:44: <firedaemon33> 6"But...If there's no other effect, I can't see why not."
03:03:55: <Recaiden> -stay still-
03:04:06: <firedaemon33> 6Kura does stay /very/ still
03:04:19: <Beans> "Given that there's no chance of the trial being won, I think we can drop it."
03:04:33: <Recaiden> The fae grabs a measuring tape from nowhere and starts measuring Kura.
03:04:44: <Recaiden> -quick- - which way is north-
03:04:55: <tsinistar> 2Kozu keeps a careful eye on the fae.
03:05:22: <jhicks> 3Sun grumbles about it being ok when Kura auctions off portions of THEIR soul.
03:05:29: <firedaemon33> 6"Um...That's kinda tricky. North is a bit complicated here."
03:05:31: <tab2> "What do we do then?" Red asks, "I'm not keen on letting them get away with this."
03:05:38: <Recaiden> -good-
03:05:50: <Beans> "We have to find another way..."
03:05:51: <Recaiden> -the same can be done for you, Sun Li-
03:06:10: <Recaiden> -if you are willing to accept the help of a /child/-
03:06:36: <tab2> "What?" Kima asks, "What's going on now?"
03:07:03: <jhicks> 3"I'm fine, thank you. My non-material bits have enough people with a claim on them."
03:07:38: <tsinistar> 2"This doesn't give Vayli possession of her soul," Kozu says
03:07:39: <Recaiden> The raksha moves on to measuring with calipers, then tells Kura she can move again
03:07:49: <Recaiden> -unfortunately correct-
03:08:10: <Recaiden> And then pulls out hammers and wrenches and starts assembling...something
03:08:15: <firedaemon33> 6Kura lifts an arm, checking herself
03:08:21: <tsinistar> 2" Please do not make references to wanting her soul, all of us here are rather touchy about such things."
03:08:23: <Recaiden> It's still her arm
03:08:28: <firedaemon33> 6Making sure no Fae mumbo-jumbo happens
03:08:31: <firedaemon33> 6Just in case
03:08:35: <tab2> Kima is eyeing the fae more suspiciously now
03:08:42: <tab2> Her bro he may be, but Kura comes first
03:08:45: <tab2> And souls
03:08:49: <tab2> Souls are serious business
03:09:07: <Recaiden> -this will take a little while-
03:09:21: <Recaiden> -i think it might be necessary to allow them to 'get away with it'-
03:09:41: <Beans> Ayli wiggles. "Wifey doesn't like soul-stealin'. If she catches someone stealin' souls, she might kill everyone they've ever heard of."
03:09:50: <tsinistar> 2" Let who get away with what?"
03:09:55: <Beans> Neiz blushes and hushes her.
03:10:00: <Beans> her being ayli that is
03:10:03: <tab2> Kima is much more suspicious now
03:10:06: <Recaiden> -have you forgotten the bomb already-
03:10:12: <tab2> But she sneaks a high five towards vayli
03:10:21: <Recaiden> high five is returned
03:10:38: <tsinistar> 2" we are discussing many things ay once, it may be necessary at times to specify. "
03:10:58: <tab2> "I'm not big on letting someone get away with bombin' me," Kima says
03:11:14: <tab2> ((that was supposed to be towards ayli, not valyi))
03:11:21: <tab2> ((stoopid spellin))
03:11:48: <Beans> ayli high fives :3
03:11:49: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Quite. Perhaps this would be a good time to teach Kima how to kill people properly."
03:12:04: <tab2> ((she likes ayli's attitude))
03:12:13: <tab2> "Properly?"
03:12:19: <Recaiden> ((implying that the Deathknight doesn't know how to kill people))
03:12:27: <tab2> Kima chuckles, "I've killed more nasties so far than you, sis"
03:12:32: <tab2> "And ate one."
03:12:39: <firedaemon33> 6"Targeted. Precise. Getting away clean. Not just swinging swords about willy-nilly."
03:12:39: <jhicks> 3((Implying Kura didn't get a mudhole stomped into her in the last serious clash she was involved in))
03:13:03: <tab2> "Speaking of which, kinda hungry," Kima says
03:13:13: <Recaiden> -Kima you just ate all those cookies-
03:13:15: <tab2> "Who's on first?"
03:13:21: <tab2> "Not for cookies."
03:13:22: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs. And extends an arm
03:13:46: <tsinistar> 2" Can we not argue over who kills best?"
03:13:55: <Recaiden> -obviously it is me-
03:14:13: <tab2> "Ifth toffaly me" Kima says as she bites down on the offered arm as non-horribly as she can
03:14:27: <firedaemon33> 6Kura winces and grits her teeth
03:14:49: <Beans> Ayli watches and gets a bandaid ready.
03:15:05: <tsinistar> 2" Neither you or the Green Sun Prince are doing much to make me comfortable around you," Kozu sighs
03:15:27: <tsinistar> 2He pulls out his own medicinal tools and prepares to clean up
03:15:49: <tab2> Kima pulls out just a bit, then pulls away. Just two levels. She doesn't want to do nothing serious.
03:16:50: <jhicks> 3"Wait, what have I done to make you uncomfortable besides toss you out of the way of an EXPLOSION?"
03:16:50: <Recaiden> -i am doing it intentionally-
03:17:02: <Recaiden> -if i feed on your discomfort i do not need to do anyone harm-
03:17:41: <firedaemon33> 6"Thanks for reminding me of that."
03:17:49: <tsinistar> 2" You could feed on my exhaustion at this point, " Kozu says as he bandages Kura's arm and pours some essence into healing her
03:18:21: <tsinistar> ((Ailment rectifying method, 7 sux))
03:18:31: <Recaiden> ((wrong charm - try again))
03:18:57: <tsinistar> ((Its a permanent that boosts medicine, i was just letting you onow it was thwre))
03:19:32: <tsinistar> ((She's still at -0 levels, so that should heal within a few hours or minutes))
03:19:47: <tsinistar> ((Kozu doesn't play an ace when a pair of twos will do))
03:19:55: <Recaiden> As usual, Kozu's medicine attempts do literally nothing
03:20:01: <Recaiden> Ayli's band-aid was more than sufficient
03:20:05: <tsinistar> What
03:20:19: <Beans> :u
03:20:34: <firedaemon33> 6Doesn't stop Kura from pecking Kozu and saying, "Thanks."
03:20:36: <tsinistar> ((What the hell is even the point of any of these charms thwn))
03:20:43: <tab2> "Thanks, sis," Kima says, wiping away the blood from her lips. Red gives Kima a hug
03:21:07: <tsinistar> ((Theyre all like "speeds up healing" or "makes healing instant' or a billion other supposed bonuses))
03:21:10: <Beans> Ayli and Neiz both squee.
03:21:29: <tab2> ((kura, not kima))
03:21:34: <tab2> ((Well, probably kima too)
03:21:59: <tsinistar> 2Kozu twinges a bit at the peck, but does his best not to be offensive.
03:22:07: <Recaiden> ((They each do a specific thing. Ailment rectifying method is for treating diseases. Being bitten by Kima is not a disease.))
03:22:18: <tsinistar> 2"Not a problem.*"
03:22:38: <tsinistar> ((It says speeda recovery...oh god im dumb)l
03:22:38: <Beans> Unless she doesn't brush her teef
03:23:00: <Beans> red you better make sure your waifu broshes her teef
03:23:11: <tab2> She does
03:23:21: <firedaemon33> 6((What are you on about, Recaiden? Abyssalness is clearly infectious.))
03:24:00: <tsinistar> ((Its recovery from disease, not in general, isnt it))
03:24:09: <tsinistar> ((I should custom charm to fix that))
03:24:16: <firedaemon33> 6((Whenever someone dies from an abyssal-inflicted wound, they have a chance to rise as an Abyssal, right?))
03:24:23: <firedaemon33> 6((Clearly, that makes it a disease))
03:24:39: <tab2> ((hahahahha))
03:24:40: <Recaiden> ((Yes. Halves recovery time from disease, lets you cure incurable diseases, and lets you contend fairly with magic diseases))
03:25:07: <Recaiden> ((I mean, there is a cure for abyssalness.))
03:25:35: <tsinistar> ((Well, next time ill use instant treatment methodology))
03:25:39: <firedaemon33> 6((Clearly, Kozu should make 'Oblivion-Removal Method' as a custom charm.))
03:25:42: <Recaiden> ((It involves being smote with a Holy daiklave until you die from it))
03:25:51: <Beans> eyyyy
03:26:04: <Recaiden> -what is our next step-
03:26:07: <firedaemon33> 6((Define 'Holy Daiklave.))
03:26:20: <Recaiden> -that is the phrase here is it not-
03:26:25: <firedaemon33> 6"Hrm. I think we should go check in with Simenare in person."
03:26:26: <Beans> or having your monstrance of celestial dickbutt shot with a megatron cannon until it a splode
03:26:35: <Beans> yaaaay island land
03:26:49: <firedaemon33> 6"We're in danger here, clearly. And if we set up a base of operations there, it would be ideal."
03:26:57: <tab2> "Just leave and let the Unabombgoddess plot at us?"
03:27:12: <tab2> Kima puts a hand on Red's shoulder,
03:27:15: <firedaemon33> 6"Do we have better options?"
03:27:21: <tab2> "We'll be good, babe."
03:27:44: <tab2> "She comes at us, we can smack her around. If she don't, clearly she appreciates us not being meddling kids."
03:27:57: <jhicks> 3"Standing here and letting her plot at us isn't great either."
03:28:06: <tsinistar> 2" And leave her to plot with The Ebon Dragon? "
03:28:25: <Beans> "Sadly, I'm afraid Yu-Shan is not the best place to stage our resistance..."
03:28:28: <tsinistar> 2" I agree with Miss Red. And Sun Li."
03:29:02: <firedaemon33> 6((AND KURA.))
03:29:19: <Recaiden> ((No. We disagree with Kura even when that makes us change opinions))
03:29:27: <tsinistar> 32" And Miss Kuragari"
03:29:41: <tsinistar> wait
03:29:49: <tsinistar> No, she wanted to leave toi
03:30:18: <Recaiden> -if we are not going to bring it to the courts what will we do-
03:30:19: <firedaemon33> 6Leaving was sort of her idea, yes
03:30:43: <tab2> "If we interfere, we risk vengeance. If we don't, we risk being unaware."
03:31:44: <tsinistar> 2" Though we do need to check again with [tech forgot tje alchemical's name]..."
03:32:13: <tab2> "Who's that?" Kima asks
03:32:16: <Beans> douchecepticon
03:32:19: <firedaemon33> 6((Razorjerk?))
03:32:24: <Beans> douchecepticon.
03:32:46: <tsinistar> 2 "Elegant Razor, an alchemical exalted facing some issues we sympathized on."
03:33:16: <tsinistar> 2" He had some wonderfully brilliant technology on hand. The source of our oil ship, I helped build it."
03:33:19: <firedaemon33> 6"Oh, the genocide promoter? Why to we have to deal with him in a non-violent context?:
03:33:25: <firedaemon33> 6"Oh right."
03:34:03: <tsinistar> 2" Well, somewhat helped. Mostly learned. And he may be a good ally for Simenare."
03:34:04: <tab2> "Oh, the guy who made the Butcher? I'm all over that/"
03:34:27: <firedaemon33> 6"What?"
03:34:34: <Recaiden> ((the ship, FD))
03:34:48: <firedaemon33> 6((Oh. Ignore that, then.))
03:34:50: <tab2> BLACKWATER BUTCHER
03:34:52: <tab2> WOOOOOO
03:35:40: <jhicks> 3Sun just sorta nods. He doesn't know ****, and knows better than to interject
03:36:32: <tab2> "So, beach party?" Red asks
03:36:42: <tab2> "And hope for the best?"
03:36:46: <Recaiden> -what is a beach-
03:37:05: <firedaemon33> 6"You'll see. It'll be just like home for you."
03:37:17: <tsinistar> 2" I would not call it a party. And Noble Vayli, it is something best observed rather than heard of.'
03:37:22: <firedaemon33> 6"Only better because you can eat people and I'm not allowed to get mad."
03:37:41: <Beans> Ayli pats Kura. Pat pat.
03:37:48: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Kuragari, please do not say things they will take literally. "
03:38:03: <firedaemon33> 6Kura frowns and says, "Good point, actually."
03:38:04: <tsinistar> 2" He may not eat people, whether you get upset or not."
03:38:21: <Recaiden> Vayli smiles and nods. Whether because of Kozu's answer or because Kura did just give permission to eat people
03:38:23: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhmm."
03:38:38: <tsinistar> 2" And to be fair, you are letting him into your head despite your disrupted tattoos. "
03:38:41: <Recaiden> Not that Vayli didn't already have permission to eat anyone who isn't Kura's friend
03:38:53: <firedaemon33> 6"No eating people. Or so help me, I'll figure out how to turn you into a necklace again and toss you into the ocean."
03:39:06: <Recaiden> -i am almost done with the working-
03:39:10: <jhicks> 3Sun grows vaguely concerned about whether he fits the Lunar's definition of evil'
03:39:12: <jhicks> 3err, of people
03:39:15: <tsinistar> 2" I will do one worse," Kozu says calmly
03:39:41: <Beans> Neiz smiles. "I'll kill everyone you've ever heard of, as Ayli already mentioned. Fair warning and all that."
03:39:48: <tab2> "I can do, like, a jillion worse. No eating people, bro," Kima said
03:39:55: <tab2> "Wait don't kill me"
03:40:09: <Beans> Everyone frowns at vayli
03:40:25: <tab2> Red pats Kima and explains that Neiz doesn
03:40:29: <tab2> 't intend to kill her
03:40:37: <Recaiden> -i go to all this trouble to not eat any mortals and i get no appreciation-
03:40:49: <Beans> Ayli explains we're talking to dude who stole her name
03:40:58: <Recaiden> Vayli has heard of Kima
03:41:03: <Beans> and also pouts at vayli so adorably
03:41:05: <tab2> "We appreciate you not eating them," Red says, "We really do, dear. But once you do eat them, it all goes awat."
03:41:19: <tab2> Vayli has heard of Kima?
03:41:22: <tab2> What's that mean
03:41:26: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhm. Quite."
03:41:40: <Recaiden> kill everyone fae has heard of. fae has heard of whole party (and many other people besides)
03:41:46: <Beans> shh
03:41:46: <Recaiden> It's a weird threat
03:41:49: <Beans> also
03:41:58: <tsinistar> 2" You want to hear about no appreciation, " Kozu mumbles
03:42:08: <tab2> that was the point kima made and red unmade
03:42:16: <Recaiden> Dawww. So adorable Ayli. Smiles back.
03:42:20: <Beans> everyone roll to resist UMI. if fail, they get a one-dot intimacy of "neiz is the haver of the best waifu"
03:42:23: <Recaiden> -done we can go now-
03:42:32: <tab2> "If we are going to leave, we should do so soon,
03:42:34: <Recaiden> ((no beans you have to roll the attack))
03:42:37: <tab2> " Red says
03:42:51: <tab2> its clearly a perfect attack
03:42:52: Beans suplexes a bucket of d10s onto the carpet
03:42:54: <Beans> a hundred
03:42:59: <tab2> and none of us have perfect socials
03:43:04: <Recaiden> Vayli is now holding a little tin where the lid is inlaid with a shromp
03:43:24: <Beans> :3
03:43:31: <tsinistar> 2Kozu uses all encompassing sorcerer's sight to examine the Tin's essence flow.
03:43:37: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks at the tin and swallows, saying, "Is that...Me?"
03:43:41: <tsinistar> 2Notes notes taking notes
03:43:46: <Beans> :U
03:43:48: <tab2> NEEEERRRRD
03:43:58: <jhicks> 3Sun joins daynerd in nerdstaring
03:44:16: <Recaiden> -i told you already it is your sense of direction-
03:44:18: <Beans> Neiz puts on her glasses to look at it.
03:44:24: <Recaiden> -is that not a phrase in this language-
03:44:31: <Recaiden> -also what language is this called in human-
03:44:35: <firedaemon33> 6"No, it is...It's just...Perturbiung."
03:44:57: <firedaemon33> 6((What language are we speaking?))
03:45:10: <tab2> Kima hugs Kura to give her emotional assuredness
03:45:53: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is glomped!
03:46:21: <Recaiden> Kozu notifies it. It is a 1-dot grace artifact made by Vayli, possessed by Vayli, held by Vayli, and borne by Kura
03:46:35: <Recaiden> It is a a rath-level chancel
03:46:40: <tab2> Red stands up, "Is this something we can discuss on the way? The sooner we leave Yu-Shan the better our chances to avoid Lost Cause's wrath/"
03:46:42: <Recaiden> radiating three undefined waypoints
03:46:49: <Recaiden> -of course-
03:47:28: <Beans> Neiz neiznods!
03:47:32: <tab2> "Let's go then, before some ghost steals our boat and it's little silent men," Red turns to cursty, "Thank you for your hospitality, Ayli."
03:47:36: <Recaiden> It is currently mobile and inaccessible.
03:47:44: <Recaiden> The raksha gives thanks to Vayli as well
03:47:52: <Beans> Ayli curtsies back. "Come back anytiiiime~"
03:47:55: <tsinistar> 2Kozu bows and joins in Aylithankinh
03:48:04: <tsinistar> *aylithanking
03:48:18: <Recaiden> Sun Li also noticifies these thigns
03:48:20: <firedaemon33> 6Kura bows and well and thanks the heavenly lady
03:49:10: <Beans> the unconquered snug smiles upon them
03:49:10: <tsinistar> 2" Before I go, wouls you like me to carve a face into a tree so Missus Neiz may speak to you more often?"
03:49:18: <tab2> snugggggg
03:49:20: <tab2> snug life
03:49:21: <Beans> She nods a whole lot
03:49:33: <Recaiden> More important in Neiz's reaction to all this.
03:49:39: <Beans> "That would be wonderful!"
03:50:00: <Beans> Neiz nods, being clung to by her wife. "It'd make things so much simpler..."
03:50:20: <tsinistar> 2Kozu carves whatever tree they specify, getting 8 sux to make it look nice and pretty.
03:50:35: <tsinistar> ((Plentimon approves of treephone))
03:50:40: <Recaiden> Adorableness ensues.
03:50:43: <Beans> yeeeeEEEEEHHHH
03:50:53: <tab2> ((Does it get TreeG reception?))
03:50:58: <Recaiden> Oh yeah. GhostSiddie pops out of red and eats a cookie and then quickly says hello and goodbye to Ayli
03:51:06: <firedaemon33> 6((It gets FirG
03:51:09: <Beans> :3
03:51:16: <tsinistar> ((God dammit you two))
03:51:21: <tsinistar> ((Punsssss))
03:51:28: <tab2> ((PUUUNNSSSSSSSZ))
03:51:34: <tab2> Off we go, then?
03:51:38: firedaemon33 6high-fives Tab
03:51:38: <Beans> oswego
03:51:41: <firedaemon33> 6Off we go indeed
03:51:44: <Recaiden> Then it's back towards the canals, and to the edge of the entire dimension to leave.
03:51:46: <tab2> *high five FD*
03:52:08: <tab2> woop woop 13th dimension, men's wear and accessories
03:52:20: <Recaiden> deadSiddie give Vayli just, the most condescending look, you don't even know.
03:52:51: <Recaiden> Then boats. Whisper Kozu pilots them all along the streams of silver.
03:53:07: <tsinistar> 2Kozu leaves a copy of his organized Underworld notes with Ayli, asking her to see about getting them published
03:53:20: <firedaemon33> 6Kura frowns and says, "This cannot be healthy."
03:53:34: <tsinistar> And voices in kozu's head which he pretends aren't there
03:53:47: <Beans> Ayli will have them be bestsellers and adapted into a 3-part play
03:54:02: <tsinistar> Brb
03:54:21: <tsinistar> yay best selkers
03:54:24: <tsinistar> *sellers
03:54:31: <Recaiden> More bureaucracy at the gate, then you are back in Creation, lickety split
03:54:54: <tsinistar> 2Kozu thanks his minions for their patience
03:55:03: <Recaiden> The minions nod calmly
03:55:05: <tsinistar> 2Then directs them to sail for Simenare!
03:55:22: <Beans> zip zop zoooom
03:55:25: <Recaiden> And then away they sail!
03:55:27: <tab2> ((Do the minions actually like working?))
03:55:37: <Recaiden> ((A little bit.))
03:55:45: <tsinistar> ((The spell description says so))
03:55:45: <tsinistar> ((Its bettwe rhan not existing, i assume))
03:55:47: <Recaiden> ((They do not objects AT ALL to not having any work))
03:56:11: <tsinistar> ((He gives them off time pretty often, i mean, ans gives them books and such))
03:56:27: <jhicks> 3Sun lays out on the deck of the ship, trying to accomplish a suntan if nothing else.
03:56:35: <tab2> Suntan
03:56:36: <tab2> hah
03:56:48: <firedaemon33> 6Luna's still out, right?
03:56:53: <tab2> Red approaches Vayli about that dress
03:56:58: <Recaiden> GhostSiddie is uncomfortable being out in the sun.
03:57:09: <Recaiden> But if her fellow Creature of Darkness can put up with it, so can she.
03:57:17: <tab2> Kima uses Damocles to shade ghostsiddie!
03:57:25: <Beans> Neiz sets up a nice sun umbrella
03:57:26: <Recaiden> She is insubstantial and transparent here, clearly a ghost.
03:57:29: <tab2> or that
03:57:37: <Recaiden> Luna is out, waning quickly.
03:58:35: <Recaiden> Vayli nods, asking her how dress she wants.
03:58:57: <Recaiden> -it could be made out of ideas- - making out of experiences would be better-
03:59:32: <Recaiden> -and it will be less effective for you than for someone like me or Kuranari-
04:00:03: <tab2> "I'm not sure the Fist of Luna is looking for business attire," Red muses
04:01:11: <tsinistar> 2During the trip, Kozu analyzes the robes the dudes in Oblivion gave him with nerdstare
04:01:29: <tsinistar> 2He suspects it is mundane, but who knows.
04:01:47: <Recaiden> Mundane robes, indeed
04:01:50: <Recaiden> Very nicely made
04:02:05: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sits on the deck smiling happily as she looks at the moon
04:02:32: <firedaemon33> 6It's nice to know your patron is kicking ass in the game of 'Beat Sol by threatening to without Ride checks."
04:02:38: <firedaemon33> 6*withhold
04:03:02: <tsinistar> 2Kozu decides to take Sun up on his offer.
04:03:06: <Beans> secks joek, lorl
04:03:25: <jhicks> 3Sun pays attention to the daynerd. "How can I be of assistance?"
04:03:58: <tsinistar> 2" If we gather some fish for our meal tonight, can you turn their scales to moon silver to help with some gifts I had in mind?"
04:04:33: <Beans> feeeeeesh
04:05:18: <firedaemon33> 6Fishies!
04:06:19: <jhicks> 3Sun gestures towards the sea, and a few moments later, a large number of suspiciously dead-ified fish a flung onto the deck, a number of them alchemically transmuted into the silvery metal in question mid-flight.
04:06:44: <tsinistar> 2Kozu watches, a bit horrified but not letting it show.
04:07:02: <firedaemon33> 6Kura stares
04:07:09: <tsinistar> 2" That is...impressive. If you can gatjer up those transmuted, I will make dinner first
04:07:40: <tab2> Kima is hella impressed yo
04:07:44: <tab2> That's a cool power
04:07:51: <jhicks> 3"Well, the trick is that I have to do so AS they die. So...the ones who are now MADE OF MOONSILVER aren't super edible."
04:08:51: <Beans> beat people to death with mithril fish
04:09:11: <jhicks> 3fish-chucks, yo!
04:09:14: <tsinistar> 2"The ones who aren't are the ones I:m cooking, do not worry,' Kozu says with a smile
04:09:26: <tsinistar> you didn't say they ALL got transmuted
04:09:34: <jhicks> 3yeah, I misread a little bit
04:09:34: <tsinistar> Just a number
04:09:36: <jhicks> 3hush
04:10:01: <jhicks> 3Another gesture from the megatron Infernal, and the fish are seperated, the un-silvered pile floating behind Kozu.
04:11:18: <firedaemon33> 6Fish floating on by
04:11:43: <tsinistar> 2Kozu gets to work cooking the fish up, getting six sux on the craft roll to make some tasty seared fish.
04:12:03: <tsinistar> 2He's starting to run low on his small supply of spices, though.
04:12:48: <Beans> Ayli packed him some while they were in neizland.
04:13:01: <Beans> she knw to do this because she is the unconquered snug
04:13:15: <Beans> wife op pls nerf
04:13:18: <tsinistar> 2Oh, in that case, Kozu uses the new heaven spices
04:13:25: <tab2> snug lyfe
04:13:39: <firedaemon33> 6((I love that Ayli is basically a goddess now.)
04:14:15: <tsinistar> ((She wasn't before? :p))
04:14:35: <firedaemon33> 6((No, she was just a person Neiz neiz'd at.))
04:15:08: <Beans> [[but she has been retconned to be the most powerful thign]]
04:15:30: <tsinistar> ((I see))
04:15:48: <jhicks> 3(goddess of cuddles and not helping the plot at all)
04:16:28: <Beans> [[she doesn't need to help the plot, she's got cuddles to do]]
04:16:34: <tab2> ((we have a plot?))
04:16:46: <tab2> ((Pretty sure we've derailed it at least nine times))
04:18:48: <Recaiden> ((Ayli confirmed for Emissary of Nexus))
04:19:04: <Recaiden> Crafting and delicious spicing ensues
04:19:13: <Recaiden> And the party sails on.
04:19:20: <Recaiden> Red has a fancy new dress out of somewhere
04:19:33: <Recaiden> The air is starting to get colder, even out on the ocean.
04:19:51: <tsinistar> ((Is winter coming or is this unnatural?))
04:19:57: <Recaiden> ((Winter is here!))
04:20:08: <firedaemon33> 6((Brace yourself. Winter is HERE!))
04:20:18: <tsinistar> ((Also, does Sun have that craft without tools charm?))
04:20:22: <firedaemon33> 6((*decapitates executioner))
04:20:32: <Recaiden> ((no)) And so sometime into Descending Fire, the party returns to Simenare
04:20:43: <firedaemon33> 6((*Rides Direwolf off into the sunset*))
04:21:09: <tsinistar> ((Dangit im still short some bp for needs no tools))
04:21:30: <tab2> simenare!
04:21:37: <jhicks> 3((My equivalent charm is on my short list, I don't have it either.)
04:23:23: <tsinistar> 2Kozu steps ashore to Simenare, looking around and taking in a deep breath. "This, Noble Vayli, is a beach!"
04:23:47: <Beans> BEECHU DESU
04:24:06: <firedaemon33> 6Kura steps ashore and says, "Indeed. My home."
04:24:45: <jhicks> 3beechudesudesu
04:25:06: <tab2> ((Red's new dress http://suitanarkali.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/4-red-anarkali-dress-with-silver-embroidry-for-wedding.jpg))
04:25:31: <tsinistar> ((Pretty))
04:25:43: <firedaemon33> 6((Remind me to teach Red shaping, once I have the charms for it.))
04:25:44: <Beans> aaa
04:25:58: <Recaiden> WELCOME HOME
04:26:39: <tab2> ((brilliant plan, though she'll be a bit more cautious with fae business))
04:27:06: <tab2> Red looks around approvingly, "A wonderful place, if a fixer upper"
04:27:26: <Recaiden> You passed elements of the fishing fleet as you came in
04:27:35: <Recaiden> Seemed fine
04:28:05: <Recaiden> Including one ship with tiger-people on it
04:28:07: <Recaiden> And only them
04:28:36: <tab2> Kima looks a bit...weirded out to be here again
04:28:47: <tsinistar> 2" We are trying," Kozu says, "It was sort of...accidental. But we will do right by these people."
04:28:49: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles when she sees the tigership
04:29:08: <Recaiden> What do you all want to do?
04:29:16: <tsinistar> 2"I should check with my daughter, if anyone would like to join me?"
04:29:35: <jhicks> 3"...I'm not sure I trust this to not be a 'burn the Sun Li
04:29:39: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and says, "I'm going to look around, make sure everyone's still okay. Maybe help some people."
04:29:40: <jhicks> 3ambush'.
04:29:49: <tab2> "*You* have a daughter?" Red asks, casting a raised eyebrow Kura's way
04:30:06: <firedaemon33> 6"Not by me. By a fae. It's a long story."
04:30:06: <Beans> Neiz nods. "Yes!" zoosh~
04:30:27: <tsinistar> 2"Yes. And Sun Lee, do not worry, I have no plans to kill you. This is my word, and my word is my bond."
04:30:50: <tsinistar> 2Kozu sets off to check on Harmony, assuming she'll be at the palace or somewhere official
04:30:56: <jhicks> 3"Well that's a...pleasant surprise."
04:31:00: <tsinistar> 2He checks the status of the school on the wah
04:31:02: <tsinistar> *way
04:31:27: <tab2> "Does that bother you at all, Fist of Luna?" Red asks
04:31:41: <tab2> Kima looks at Red with a 'hey man come on' sort of face
04:31:43: <firedaemon33> 6((2 Sux on making sure everyone's okay.))
04:31:54: <firedaemon33> 6Kura zooshes off, ignoring Red's pointed question
04:31:58: <tab2> Kima goes with Kura, trying to make friends
04:32:03: <firedaemon33> 6Which is an answer in and of itself
04:32:25: <tab2> She gets five socialize successes!
04:32:48: <tab2> And with those two off, Red decides to explore the island and get an idea of what it's like
04:33:23: <tab2> It's totally not also a test run for her dress, with her interacting a lot with merchants and townsfolk and chatting it up
04:33:24: <Recaiden> Group 1: Red
04:33:32: <Recaiden> Group 2: Kozu, Neiz
04:33:39: <jhicks> 3Screw it, follow Kozu
04:33:40: <Recaiden> Group 3: Kura, Kima, Vayli
04:33:42: <tab2> ((YEAH GROUP 1))
04:33:43: <jhicks> 3nothing better to do
04:33:52: <Recaiden> Group 2: Adds in Sun Li and DeadSiddie
04:34:27: <firedaemon33> 6Gherp Thurr
04:34:31: <Recaiden> The island is a place where fishing is very much the dominant industry. There is a bit of logging and gathering from the jungle for building materials, plants, medicines
04:34:34: <Recaiden> Small gardens, but no farms
04:34:47: <Recaiden> Slight majority of women on land, while mostly men out fishing.
04:34:52: <Beans> whee
04:35:21: <Recaiden> ((Perception+ Occult from groups 1 and 2))
04:35:45: <tab2> ((four))
04:36:06: <tsinistar> ((Six sux))
04:36:31: <jhicks> 3 4
04:37:32: <Recaiden> People are generally southwestern descent, with tanned skin and red hair, but there is a significant Denzik population with darker hair and eyes
04:37:47: <tab2> ((redheads you say))
04:37:51: <Recaiden> And the occasional person with the Lintha's red eyes, green hair, or pale skin.
04:38:02: <tsinistar> ((Oh dammit))
04:38:14: <tsinistar> ((Linthae?))
04:38:25: <firedaemon33> 6((Pale skin, you say?))

2014-11-17, 01:22 AM
04:38:31: <tab2> ((Orphans Ten Stripes brought))
04:38:35: <firedaemon33> 6((Like...Kura?))
04:38:37: <Recaiden> ((Kura and Kima confirmed for Lintha heritage))
04:38:50: <tab2> ))
04:39:25: <tsinistar> ((Sorry Kura, daemon shromps get no djala cuddles))
04:39:34: <firedaemon33> 6((aw....))
04:40:07: <tab2> ((Should I roll to see if the Islanders take a liking to Red?))
04:40:12: <Recaiden> ((Nah))
04:40:13: <firedaemon33> 6((Actually, it would explain why their father was such a murderous ****. And he just didn't tell them because he hated them and wanted them to be boys.))
04:40:24: <Recaiden> The islanders take a liking to Red; who wouldn't?
04:40:28: <tab2> ((also, beans per_occ?))
04:40:33: <tab2> Woo!
04:40:39: <tab2> Red soaks up the attention
04:40:40: <firedaemon33> 6((Half-Lintha with their mother being pure human.))
04:41:09: <Recaiden> Sun Li notices the subtle signs of a demon cult marking several houses, particularly as they pass through the dockside southeastern village
04:41:24: <tab2> Plays on the character of a kind-hearted new comer who sees people struggling with change and offers her sympathy
04:41:29: <Recaiden> The island seems to have taken up a lot more metal-working than they previously had.
04:42:20: <tab2> ((oh sheeeeeeit)
04:42:21: <Recaiden> Tiger-people are not treated super-happily, gathering suspicious glances and a wide space from humans as they pass by.
04:42:51: <Recaiden> Kima manages to make some friends. Among the few people who aren't terrified of her.
04:42:51: <tab2> Red tries to garner some appreciation from the Tiger people, too. Beastmen are useful.
04:42:56: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs as she sees the beastmen so distrusted, but asks around town what people might need help with
04:43:01: <Recaiden> Exalted are not super-popular here.
04:43:12: <Beans> per ooc what
04:43:26: Beans fell over and forgot what thign is
04:43:35: <Beans> oh yes
04:43:39: <Recaiden> ((don't worry beans)) And one guy actually starts waving an Immaculate five-dragon charm at you and praying
04:43:46: <Beans> she got 3 btw
04:44:00: <tab2> Kima looks at the guy and laughs.
04:44:15: <Recaiden> Harmony is at the palace, going over ledgers and blueprints and schedules
04:44:21: <Recaiden> "Hello everyone."
04:44:32: <Recaiden> 4"Where is Miss Kura? And that elemental."
04:44:35: <tab2> "Don't worry, dude. I'm not one of the bad guys. My sister is the one who got rid of Ten Stripes."
04:44:46: <Recaiden> 4"This is your new frie-!"
04:44:52: <Recaiden> 4"What is that!?"
04:44:55: <firedaemon33> 6Kura elbows Kima
04:45:08: <Recaiden> 4Most people are not used to ghosts, you know. Just floating about haunting their family and friends
04:45:13: <tsinistar> 2" Miss Kura is out performing Charity, and Miss Otavia is dead."
04:45:32: <firedaemon33> 6She whispers, "Play up that we're from here, not that we dealt with 10 Stripes."
04:45:47: <tab2> "You got it, sis."
04:45:59: <Recaiden> 14"At least back then there was just one of you demons. Get off our island you <censored words>."
04:46:16: <Beans> Neiz swishes offendedly.
04:46:17: <tab2> "That...that hurts man. I was born here."
04:46:25: <Recaiden> Everyone rolled well enough to notice the large brass crabs and lobsters that can be seen around the island
04:46:37: <tsinistar> 2" The dead woman has so far seemed to enjoy remaining unnamed. the other is sun li, a green sun prince rebelling against his masters. "
04:46:38: <Beans> KRAFF
04:46:40: <Recaiden> Those are new
04:46:43: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Yeah...This is our home, as much as it is yours. I want it protected as much as you do. Surely you need some help."
04:46:54: <Recaiden> 14"Our shame to have two, two of you from our own populace."
04:46:54: <firedaemon33> 6((Oh crap.))
04:46:55: <tsinistar> ((Those are Kimbery sighs aren't they?))
04:47:02: <Recaiden> ((yes))
04:47:35: <tsinistar> 2" I've noticed signs of Kimbery worship...and weaponsmithing."
04:47:41: <Recaiden> 4"A...dead woman? How is she still here?"
04:47:46: <Recaiden> 4"And what's a Green Sun Prince?"
04:47:50: <jhicks> 3"Yeah, I saw the signs Kozu...it's an infestation.
04:47:55: <Recaiden> 4"Oh, um. Hello! I'm Princess Harmony."
04:48:08: <jhicks> 3"It's not imposingly large yet, but it's there. And hello, Sun Li, pleased to make your acquaintance."
04:48:14: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "Look, I promise, I want to help fix things. Ten Stripes was wrong, but this place can be better. Let me help you."
04:48:23: <Recaiden> 4"Nice to meet you. Sorry about the disarray of things, I'm new here after a long time of this Ten STripes lady being in charge."
04:48:24: <Beans> "... Kimbery worship. They complain about Kima and there's Kimbery worship." Neiz huffs in fabulous outrage.
04:48:26: <tsinistar> 2"She had the will to stay behind. And a green sun prince is a solar, like me, but tainted by Yozi touch. Hopefully it's curable. "
04:48:36: <Recaiden> 4"Who's Kimbery?"
04:48:41: <jhicks> 3"I'm fine as I am, Mr. Self Righteous."
04:48:49: <tsinistar> 2" A particularly nasty Yozi."
04:48:54: <Recaiden> 4"Father I feel like there's a lot of things you should have told me."
04:48:59: <Recaiden> 4"Like what a Yozi is?"
04:49:02: <Recaiden> 4"Some kind of god?"
04:49:12: <tsinistar> 2Kozu sits down to explain! Lore time!
04:49:45: <Beans> Neiz, meanwhile, be's mad.
04:49:52: <Recaiden> The immaculte sighs and retreats from Kima
04:49:56: <tab2> Kima is pretty offended. "I promise, I'm not a demon. I've killed a few, even! The Immaculate Cult is like, wrong man."
04:50:11: <Recaiden> He pauses when he hears all that.
04:50:18: <tab2> She shouts after him "Do you really want to follow a religion that says you'll never go anywhere in life?"
04:50:20: <Recaiden> 14"What would you know about that?"
04:50:20: <firedaemon33> 6Kura elbows Kima again and says, "Don't insult the religion. Just work around it."
04:50:40: <Recaiden> And then she starts insulting the religion. He flips her off and leaves.
04:50:45: <tab2> "I know I started out as a little girl afraid of everyone, beaten daily, and now I'm awesome"
04:50:51: <Recaiden> Greedy demon.
04:50:54: <tab2> "Fine, be rude! It doesn't make you right!"
04:51:21: <Recaiden> 4"Oh, Dreamers. Yeah, mom told me all this. Just used old-fashioned fae words, I gueses.
04:51:25: <Recaiden> 4"They're still around?"
04:51:25: <Beans> Neiz is anger and swish
04:51:49: <tsinistar> 2" In a way. sun li could tell you from experience, if he would like."
04:51:59: <Recaiden> 4Harmony looks at Sun Li curiously
04:52:17: <jhicks> 3Sun whistles and looks away.
04:52:17: <Recaiden> 4"Father, Aunt Neiz, if you could step outside for a moment?"
04:52:18: <tsinistar> 2" He claims to be against them, or the most dangerous ones at least. I do not trust him fully yet, but he is willing to help so far."
04:52:26: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sighs and says, "This is why I'm known as an assassin in certain circles and you...Are you. You have to understand what to say to people and how to say it."
04:52:38: <tsinistar> 2Kozu steps outside, bowing.
04:52:42: <firedaemon33> 6"Lesson One: Don't insult firmly held beliefs."
04:52:42: <Recaiden> 4"Oh, and you, miss dead lady."
04:52:51: <tab2> "It's not my fault people are stupid!"
04:53:05: <Recaiden> 5"why y0u 50 4n6ry n31z?"
04:53:30: <firedaemon33> 6"No, but they don't like being reminded of their stupidity. It's something you have to work around or take advantage of, if you're lucky."
04:53:53: <Beans> Neiz steps out with mr dad
04:54:11: <Beans> "I'm angry because people are so ignorant of their own saviors."
04:54:12: <tab2> Red, meanwhile, is telling people about places she's seen where rivers run gold, or where every man or woman is entitled to a word in council, and other wonders, but subtly slides in that she's never seen them all together
04:54:15: <Recaiden> 4"So without him listenin anything you can tell me?"
04:54:15: <Beans> "Also really rude."
04:54:23: <tab2> And that maybe tthey could be combined here...
04:54:49: <tab2> "I don't take advantage. Otavia took advantage. I just smash things and speak truth, sis."
04:54:57: <tab2> "Oh, and make sure ghosts are comfy."
04:55:08: <Recaiden> Red encounters A) wonder B) sexism reacting poorly to parts of that C) odd pride in Simenare D) disappointment with all these changes
04:55:35: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhmm. And that's why you'll never really be free of the Neverborn. You need to learn how to get people to listen to you and help you without using a sword."
04:55:44: <tab2> Red takes it all in, making little notes in her head and planning
04:55:45: <Recaiden> 5"p30pl3 4r3 4lw4y5 l1k3 7h47. un6r473ful, r3fu51n6 70 und3r574nd. c4n'7 l37 17 637 y0u d0wn."
04:56:02: <tab2> "I get people to help with words all the time, sis. Id just rather be honest"
04:56:14: <firedaemon33> 6((A full moon explaining to a dusk how to manipulate people. How could this go wrong?))
04:57:04: <firedaemon33> 6"You use the wrong ones. There, for instance...If you had just talked about demon-slaying and not insulted his beliefs, we might have found out more about these weird crabs...Which I'm pretty worried about."
04:57:08: <tab2> Red will make it seem like just friendly conversation from a traveller, but she suggests that while change is hard, it's good for your children, and that you can go places in life if you're willing to take some risks and be good to yourself and others
04:57:12: <tab2> Be excellent to each other man
04:57:15: <jhicks> 3Sun sighs softly. "Demons. Bad ones. Big ones. And one of the mean ones has a cult infesting this place. Not the one that my powers are sourced from, so even my so called 'Master' wouldn't object to their forceful ejection.
04:57:41: <Recaiden> 4"Demons aren't that bad, you know?"
04:57:54: <tab2> "Yeah, that reeks of. Well. More demon slaying is gonna happen, amirite?"
04:58:01: <Recaiden> 4"Ugh. There's so many cults in this place I'm starting to wonder if the island god has any worshippers left at all."
04:58:12: <tsinistar> Speaking of
04:58:17: <firedaemon33> 6"Probably. Depends."
04:58:29: <firedaemon33> 6((She has one!))
04:58:37: <tsinistar> Kozu heads to the temple and tries to pray, hoping to apologize to Shennim
04:58:39: <Recaiden> ((He.))
04:58:49: <firedaemon33> 6((He, then.))
04:58:50: <tab2> "Depends on?"
04:58:57: <Recaiden> ((roll prayer))
04:59:11: <jhicks> 3"All I know is that this one...is destructive. Bad destructive. They probably need to get shut down, now."
04:59:16: <tsinistar> ((I forget what prayer is
04:59:22: <tsinistar> ((Cha+occ?))
04:59:23: <Beans> there's perf in it
04:59:25: <firedaemon33> 6"What is actually going on here. I just hope we can deal with it."
04:59:26: <Beans> poif
04:59:28: <Recaiden> ((Cha+Perf))
04:59:36: <Beans> praying is a musical number
04:59:36: <tab2> ((and fro what I understand, the big demons are horrible jerks because of mental issues))
04:59:48: <tab2> ((But the little ones could be nice if taught that love isnt evil))
04:59:56: <Recaiden> 4"Okay. I'll keep an eye on that. Look into it as carefully as I can."
05:00:00: <Recaiden> 4"Thanks."
05:00:09: <tsinistar> ((If i don't have perf?))
05:00:13: <Beans> "i only hurt people... because i'm scared of thunderstorms."
05:00:18: <Beans> let neiz pray for you
05:00:18: <Recaiden> Neiz is brought back in if she wants to.
05:00:29: <Recaiden> ((then you don't roll any perf dice))
05:00:37: <tsinistar> Damn
05:00:38: <tsinistar> Alright
05:00:49: <tsinistar> 2, 8
05:00:57: <tab2> wah wah
05:01:12: <Beans> let's have neiz try
05:01:44: <tab2> Red buys some nice clothes and trinkets, using her actual money
05:01:54: <Recaiden> Kozu receives no response to his prayer
05:02:00: <tab2> Unless using the dress money will still help people?
05:02:00: <Beans> neiz got a 7 :3
05:02:13: <tab2> She doesn't want to drop the economy with illusion coins
05:03:29: <Recaiden> dress money is real as long as people believe in it
05:03:37: <tsinistar> ((Shennim has like no cultists left but wont answer prayers gosh dangit))
05:03:53: <Recaiden> ((not with 1 success))
05:04:06: <Beans> neiz got seven though
05:04:08: <Recaiden> 4"Anything we can do for you all?"
05:04:08: <tab2> Oh, well. She'll use some of that. then, but still uses some of her money, too
05:04:11: <Beans> i meant to say seven, not a seven
05:04:15: <Beans> i am so good at typing.
05:04:25: <Recaiden> Oh, Neiz receives communication
05:04:32: <tab2> ((yay))
05:04:33: <Beans> yaaay
05:04:49: <Beans> 's like
05:05:00: <firedaemon33> 6Kura continues wandering, looking for people to help
05:05:07: <firedaemon33> 6Or, if they're Lintha, kill
05:05:13: <jhicks> 3"No, I'm fairly sure me and my companions can put a stop to this effectively enough."
05:05:14: <Recaiden> 'Yes, hello visitor. what do you need, child?'
05:05:39: <Recaiden> Kura finds her old family home!
05:05:42: <tab2> Kima keeps Kura from killing Linthae, reminding her most of them are orphans and they need the group first
05:05:46: <Recaiden> It looks kinda run-down
05:05:50: <tab2> Kima stops at seeing the house
05:05:53: <tab2> "Sis..."
05:05:56: <firedaemon33> 6((Only if they try to kill me first.))
05:06:08: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Yeah...Um..."
05:06:17: <firedaemon33> 6"Not really sure how to deal with this."
05:06:18: <Beans> Neiz goes with what kozu wanted :u
05:06:59: <tsinistar> 2Kozu wanted to apologize to Shennim for his earlier rudeness, and hopes to help Shennim come back to power if they'd like to help the island prosper
05:07:11: <tab2> She mimes rolling up her sleeves and stomps forward
05:07:23: <tab2> "No time to be afraid sis. Gotta confront things."
05:07:34: <Beans> Neiz conveys how sowwy kozu is
05:07:37: <jhicks> 3Sun attempts to go find Kura for door to door demon cultist murdering
05:07:38: <Beans> and how he wants to hewp
05:07:40: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods wordlessly and knocks on the door
05:07:44: <Recaiden> Island god is obviously on board with this
05:07:50: <Recaiden> You're better than Tacky Stripes already
05:08:09: <firedaemon33> 6A feeling of dread forming in the pit of her stomach as she waits for the door to open
05:08:11: <Recaiden> There is no answer at the Kura-Kima home. Nor is there apparently anyone there.
05:08:26: <Recaiden> Their father is probably out fishing.
05:08:31: <tsinistar> 2Kozu also asks permission to sometime build a manse nearby eventually, the god could use it as a temple
05:08:33: <Beans> BEAT HIM UUUUP
05:08:39: <Beans> neiz says wut he sed
05:08:51: <Recaiden> Permission given. Recommend: check out the local volcano
05:08:52: <tab2> Kima twists the doorknob in until it breaks if she has to and sits down somewhere
05:09:09: <Recaiden> Kima breaks door, is sitting awkwardly in living room.
05:09:11: <firedaemon33> 6((This isn't Miller's Crossing, Tab.))
05:09:26: <tab2> ((what?))
05:10:07: <firedaemon33> 6((It's a movie.))
05:10:16: <firedaemon33> 6((With the scene where the dude turns around in a chair.))
05:10:26: <tab2> ((james bond?))
05:10:44: <Recaiden> Sun Li finds Kura standing outside a dilapidated house with the door broken down
05:10:44: <firedaemon33> 6((Just...A reference nobody got. It's fine.))
05:10:54: <tsinistar> 2"A volcano fire manse would be a wonderful supply of geothermic power for desalinating water and forging...Would seasonal sacrifices of crafts be acceptable? "
05:10:55: <firedaemon33> 6Kura walks inside, not noticing Sun Li
05:11:02: <firedaemon33> 6Too wrapped up in her own dread
05:11:08: <jhicks> 3Sun pops up behind Shadowmoon sisters
05:11:14: <jhicks> 3Sun follows quietly, not sneaking but not interrupting
05:11:24: <tsinistar> 2Kozu has always believed the gift you make yourself is the best kind of gift
05:11:35: <Recaiden> An acceptable piece of sacrifices. Obviously not the only reverence
05:12:06: <firedaemon33> 6((Kozu...Are you just going to build a volcano on this island?))
05:12:18: <tsinistar> 2Prayers would obviously be a thing as well. Once things get rolling, they'll be thankful
05:12:25: <tsinistar> ((No, one already exists))
05:12:32: <firedaemon33> 6((Mmkay.))
05:12:37: <tsinistar> ((Kozu is going to stabilize and magick it))
05:13:09: <Recaiden> Kima and Kura find...their old house
05:13:13: <firedaemon33> 6Kura explores the house, unable of thinking of it as her home
05:13:15: <tab2> Kima waves to Sun Li, then suggests he and Kura have a seat. She's going to wait for father to come home.
05:13:22: <Recaiden> Some memorabilis of their dead mother remains on the mantlepiece
05:13:26: <Recaiden> The fireplace is cold
05:13:33: <Recaiden> The dried fish on strings are fsihy
05:13:44: <jhicks> 3Sun takes a seat and props his feet up. "So...whats the occasion for the breaking and entering?'
05:14:00: <Beans> oh boy
05:14:03: <tab2> "Dad has to say sorry to sis."
05:14:21: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "I know...Just...Don't kill him."
05:14:41: <firedaemon33> 6"He deserves it, but...Don't. Better to let him live with his cowardice."
05:14:46: <tab2> "Oh, I won't. I only kill people who deserve it."
05:14:55: <tab2> "And he deserves to suffer.
05:15:02: <tab2> "Not just a quick choppy choppy"
05:15:14: <tab2> "But a lifetime regretting."
05:15:24: <firedaemon33> 6"Exactly what he deserves."
05:15:28: <tab2> Red has taught Kima how to torture a man without ever touching him
05:15:33: <jhicks> 3"...I'm good at the other kind of suffering too. Kima, me and you can figure this out if you wanna get fun."
05:16:05: <firedaemon33> 6"No. No torture...As soon as we lay a finger on him, we drop to his level."
05:16:31: <tsinistar> 2Once Kozu and Shennim are on good terms, he checks up on home real quick with the tree he carved during his Underworld trip preparations, fhen wanders arouns, inspecting the demon cult statues
05:16:51: <Recaiden> What demon cult statues?
05:16:55: <Recaiden> The tree is good though.
05:17:06: <jhicks> 3"I'm already on that level, according to you and the Solar, moon girl."
05:17:16: <tsinistar> ((The crabs?))
05:17:23: <Beans> KRAFF
05:17:26: <Recaiden> They're totally alive and everything.
05:17:36: <tsinistar> ((WHAT))
05:17:38: <Recaiden> They walk around looking fun
05:17:42: <Recaiden> helping people carry their groceries
05:17:57: <Beans> EBIL KRAFF
05:17:59: <firedaemon33> 6"Possibly. Though I think that you really don't deserve the mistrust Kozu gives you. But still...Please, leave. This is a personal matter."
05:18:03: <Beans> KIMBERI KRAFF
05:18:04: <Recaiden> organize materials for building new boats
05:18:23: <tsinistar> 2Kozu does rounds at the medicine houses, and keeps an eye in the crabs. They do seem helpful...
05:18:33: <jhicks> 3"Hm. Well, I came here to ask for your help in a matter I thought you'd find rewarding, as well as useful. But if you need to angst like our Solar seems wont to do, so be it."
05:18:43: <tsinistar> 3.2Though it is clearly a ploy of some sort
05:19:01: <firedaemon33> 6"I'll find you afterwards. But family comes first, one way or another."
05:19:27: <tab2> "I ain't touching him unless he starts it. But I am gonna beat him up. Like, with words."
05:19:42: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmm. Quite."
05:19:46: <jhicks> 3 Sun walks out.
05:20:45: <tab2> Red is a bit interested in the crabs, too. Asks about them during her info gathering mission
05:20:46: <Recaiden> Sun will then be the first to notice the pale old fisherman walking back to the house
05:20:48: <tab2> TIER ONE OPERATOR WOOF
05:21:04: <Beans> KRAFF
05:21:10: <Recaiden> Red finds out that Harmony brought them. They're written off as some fae thing.
05:21:20: <Beans> :u
05:21:32: <tab2> ((shes with the demon cults? or....))
05:21:33: <Beans> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9qMBPKHGnY
05:21:45: <tsinistar> ((Huh))
05:22:04: <Beans> kraff
05:23:39: <firedaemon33> 6Kura settles in to wait for her father with Kima
05:24:02: <Recaiden> Then in walks
05:24:04: <Recaiden> their father
05:24:13: <Beans> DUN DUN
05:24:25: <tab2> Kima is twirling one of her ponytails when she sees him and draws her hair out slowly before letting go
05:24:31: <tab2> She smiles sweetly
05:24:37: <tab2> "Oh, hi dad!"
05:24:40: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply frowns and says, "Hello, father."
05:24:51: <tab2> ((any bonus to presence to intimidate?))
05:25:01: <Recaiden> +2 what the hell are you doing here bonus
05:25:13: <Recaiden> He reels back in shock.
05:25:19: <tab2> five success
05:25:19: <Recaiden> "Ki-Kima?"
05:25:22: <Recaiden> "But you're dead."
05:25:30: <tab2> "Only mostly dead."
05:25:32: <Beans> "dad we ate all your candy. suck it, buttdong." *leave*
05:25:34: <tab2> "Only mostly.:
05:25:49: <firedaemon33> 6((Princess Bride Reference, go!))
05:25:49: <tab2> "I have to give it to you for trying, though."
05:25:58: <tab2> "I mean, man, that was one hell of a left hook."
05:25:59: <Recaiden> "What is this?"
05:26:06: <firedaemon33> 6"Karma, mostly."
05:26:09: <Beans> WHAT IS THIS?! WHAT IS MY LIFE?!
05:26:11: <tsinistar> ((Ooooh kill em))
05:26:18: <tab2> "A family reunion"
05:26:22: <firedaemon33> 6"You definitely racked up a lot of it, didn't you."
05:26:48: <tab2> "Chill, sis. This is our *father*, we should be kind and loving, like *family*"
05:27:03: <Recaiden> At a loss, he offers you some fish and bread
05:27:09: <firedaemon33> 6"Depends. How do you think he would treat us?"
05:27:40: <tab2> Kima accepts the fish and bread, "Thanks, tastes a lot better than a knuckle sandwich."
05:27:45: <Recaiden> "And it took you all this time to come back?"
05:28:15: <tab2> "I had some stuff to do. Demons to slay, ghosts to send on their way to Lethe, villains to vanquish."
05:28:26: <tab2> "Figured I'd let you chill out a bit."
05:28:44: <Recaiden> "I was...I did...go a bit too far."
05:28:44: <tab2> "Didn't want to get in another tiff, y'know? After how well the last one went for me?"
05:29:06: <tab2> Kima is trying very hard not to laugh
05:29:19: <firedaemon33> 6"Yes. You did."
05:29:26: <tab2> "Just a little."
05:29:26: <Beans> Passive Aggressive Death Shintai
05:30:48: <Recaiden> "What now? You came back just to....?"
05:31:21: <tab2> "Just to have some family fun, for old time's sake."
05:31:34: <Recaiden> He shrugs; hard to argue with that
05:31:38: <tab2> Kima stands up, much taller in her armor than without it
05:31:42: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhmm. I'm sure you remember the games we used to play."
05:32:07: <Beans> hackeysack
05:32:11: <tab2> "I've got a fun idea. Just to see if it still feels the same."
05:32:12: <Beans> chinese checkers
05:32:16: <Beans> monaaaaaaaaapaly
05:32:20: <tab2> "*Hit me.*"
05:32:38: <tab2> She says it with a dead on glare. It isn't a suggestion.
05:32:38: <Recaiden> "You haven't done anything today, Kima."
05:32:43: <firedaemon33> 6Kura bites her lower lip, just a little bit nervous, but says nothing.
05:32:50: <Recaiden> "Though I admit you gave me a hell of a scare showing up like that."
05:32:50: <tab2> "Oh, I don't know. There
05:33:02: <tab2> 's some left over. And I did break your door."
05:33:06: <tab2> "Hit. Me."
05:33:25: <Recaiden> "No."
05:33:48: <tab2> She glares directly at him, eyes flashing over.
05:34:08: <tab2> She takes a deep calm breath in
05:34:10: <firedaemon33> 6"Why stop now? Has it been too long? Does it feel less good?"
05:34:11: <tab2> Then roars
05:34:28: <tab2> *"HIT ME"*
05:34:34: <tab2> "NOW!"
05:34:47: <firedaemon33> 6((Rawr.))
05:34:52: <tab2> ((8 presence intimidate success))
05:34:57: <Recaiden> He flinches back, closing his eyes, but then straightens up.
05:35:02: <Recaiden> "I said 'no'"
05:35:23: <Recaiden> "You come back into my house, my decision is final."
05:35:37: <tsinistar> ((Dude's got some balls))
05:35:48: <firedaemon33> 6((WP spend, get.))
05:35:53: <Recaiden> ((Very intimidate, but spending willpower to not repeat mistakes))
05:36:20: <tab2> ((Damn. I wanted him to break his hand on Kima's armor))
05:36:35: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smirks and says, "I see. What was it that got you to grow a conscience? I know it wasn't killing Kima. And I doubt it was me running away."
05:36:56: <tab2> "Maybe he's got a new lady friend. Trying to replace mom?"
05:37:25: <Recaiden> "You don't know what you're talking about, either of you."
05:37:32: <Recaiden> "Although, it /has/ been a long time, Kima."
05:37:49: <Recaiden> "Maybe I should consider it."
05:38:18: <Recaiden> There's a slight smile on his face, confident that whatever game they're playing, he can beat it.
05:38:37: <tab2> "You really are a piece of work, dad"
05:38:46: <Beans> have a really loud party in his hosue
05:38:50: <Beans> refuse to eat your veggies
05:38:54: <Beans> jump on the bed
05:38:57: <tab2> "But remember something."
05:39:02: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmhmm. Always has been."
05:39:04: <Beans> make gloves out of his skin
05:39:10: <tab2> "Whatever you do, it comes back to haunt you. Just like me."
05:39:14: <tab2> "And guess what."
05:39:14: <Recaiden> ((one of those things is not like the other))
05:39:31: <tab2> "When you die, I can decide what happens to your soul."
05:39:41: <tab2> ((Necromancy wooooo))
05:39:44: <Beans> is it the veggies
05:39:58: <Beans> "dammit kima i said you could bring one friend"
05:40:00: <Recaiden> "I see you haven't changed, Kima."
05:40:32: <Recaiden> "For all that you've gone out hunting demons and learning dark magic, is what you're saying."
05:41:16: <Recaiden> A small brass crustacean comes up to red and looks at her cutely.
05:41:33: <tab2> Red kneels down to pat it on the head.
05:41:40: <tab2> "And what exactly are you?"
05:41:50: <Recaiden> It hums happily and clicks its claws.
05:41:52: <firedaemon33> 6Kura takes a deep breath
05:41:57: <tab2> "And I see you haven't pulled your head out of your ass, dad."
05:41:58: <firedaemon33> 6She's holding her tongue, for now
05:42:28: <Beans> Neiz is like oh hey kraff
05:43:01: <Beans> she zoops up next to red with a slide whistle sound
05:43:07: <tab2> "Enjoy being a miserable **** who can't keep piss straight for however many years you have left, because after that is a long, boring as ****** life as a soulsteel jockstrap."
05:43:21: <tab2> Red welcomes Neiz and gestures to the crab
05:43:28: <tab2> "Any idea what this cute guy is?"
05:43:48: <tab2> "Aside form adorable a wuzzawuzzawuzza yes he is!" she says in pet/baby voice
05:43:49: <Beans> "It looks like a brass crab. Or, in certain dialects, a kraff."
05:44:09: <Recaiden> "And here I was feeling a little bit of remorse about what happened to you."
05:44:12: <Recaiden> "Silly me."
05:44:37: <Recaiden> the crab waves at Neiz (and Kozu if he's there)
05:44:39: <firedaemon33> 6"You should. You remember what she was like. Look what you turned her into."
05:45:03: <tab2> "Don't lie. You were feeling a bit of remorse for not having a punching bag. Tata, cockmilk," Kima shrugs and leaves, dragging Damocles so that he leaves a deep gouge in the floor
05:45:03: <firedaemon33> 6"Anyone who would do this to their own daughter deserves whatever fresh hell she puts him through."
05:45:21: <jhicks> 3*popcorn snacking*
05:46:02: <Beans> megatron should kick him in the dong just for being a **** pizza
05:46:11: <tsinistar> 2Kozu observes the crab with nerdstare, interested. "Well...it may be work of the fae, or of these not so secret demon cults around here."
05:46:14: <jhicks> 3tempted
05:46:14: <firedaemon33> 6Kura, meanwhile, simply sits, daring her father to dislodge her
05:46:15: <Recaiden> "She lived. Whatever wreck she made of herself is her own fault. Always a dissapointment."
05:46:23: <Beans> do it
05:46:25: <Beans> do it
05:46:35: <Beans> kick his genitals rrrrrrrrright off
05:46:37: <Recaiden> "You got something else to say?"
05:46:45: <tab2> ((Make his dong into red jade so that it always burns
05:46:58: <Beans> poop on his everything
05:47:00: <firedaemon33> 6"No, she didn't. You killed her and the demons that wait for you in the pit turned her into this. And she was /good/. Imagine what they'll do to a monster like you."
05:47:09: <Recaiden> "You were brave enough to come back, even after being cowardly enough to run away."
05:47:27: <Recaiden> "Good? Kima? Hah. You're both failures."
05:47:48: <tab2> Red raises an eyebrow. "Demon cult? You should probably do something about that. Also about the farming here, this place has decent soil with the volcanoes nearby. This place could be rolling in food."
05:47:54: <Beans> [[if neiz hears about this, she's going to try to mind**** him into being sorry.]]
05:48:34: <tsinistar> 2" The question is how to see about doing so inoffensively. "
05:48:53: <Recaiden> The crab pinches at the fabric of Kozu's pant leg curiously
05:48:55: <firedaemon33> 6"I think there are a few people that would disagree." Kura invests essence to make her caste mark glow and her tell mistakable as she continues, "You see...For all the awful memories I have of this place, I'm going to fix it. And you're still stuck in your little, awful rut, and you will be until the day you die and go to hell."
05:49:17: <Recaiden> "You don't know anything about me, Kuragari."
05:49:19: <tsinistar> 2Kozu taps into a Harmony treeface. "" Sorry to interrupt, Harmony. What are these crabs running about?"
05:49:20: <Beans> [[please let neiz Cash Money Murder Games this human equivalent of sonic 06 into weeping in remorse at his daughters' feet]]
05:49:53: <Recaiden> "Play your magic tricks. It doesn't change what you are: nothing."
05:49:59: <Recaiden> "Not anymore."
05:50:15: <firedaemon33> 6"Oh really? What don't I know about the cowardly monster, to afraid to take his hate out on the world, to beat on his offspring?"
05:50:41: <Recaiden> 4"Oh hello Father. They're little helping things that I brought up."
05:50:59: <Recaiden> 4"Kinda like your faceless doctors, but not as smart."
05:51:20: <Recaiden> "And why should I bother to tell you, coward?"
05:51:34: <Recaiden> "I never hit anyone who didn't deserve it."
05:51:41: <Beans> hit hiiiim
05:51:45: <tsinistar> 2" Very nice. Learning new spells, are we? I have new ones for you as well, and some interesting notes if you would like sometime."
05:51:47: <jhicks> 3smack a biiiiiitvh
05:51:52: <tab2> dont hit him
05:51:52: <Recaiden> The father smirks and turns away.
05:51:53: <Beans> and then tell neiz
05:51:54: <tab2> be better
05:52:01: <tab2> and then make every house here except his nice
05:52:06: <Beans> let everyone else in the circle hit him
05:52:10: <tab2> and out him as a daughter murdering bastard
05:52:23: <Beans> let kozu rant at him for hours and hours about how he's a pizza ****
05:52:52: <firedaemon33> 6Kura laughs and says, "Because you keep telling yourself that, day after day. That's what makes me better than you. All the people I've killed, one way or another...I've stopped caring. You'd just be another notch."
05:53:16: <Beans> and then let neiz C&MG him into regret-filled jello
05:53:24: <Recaiden> "If you're going to try to mock me at least come up with something that makes sense."
05:53:28: <Beans> and then have red bang everyone except him
05:53:30: <tab2> cash ampersand murder games
05:53:30: <Recaiden> He walks off to get a sandwich
05:53:31: <Beans> twice
05:53:39: <Beans> cash and ampersands
05:53:39: <Recaiden> Like red won
05:53:44: <Recaiden> 't do that anyway
05:53:50: <tab2> the island DOES have a large number of redheaded ladies
05:53:57: <tab2> and dudes
05:54:22: <firedaemon33> 6"You killed Kima, and have tried to justify it to yourself day after day. I've killed more people than I can remember. And I haven't felt an ounce of remorse. Because they didn't deserve it, not all of them. But I did it anyways, because that's what I had to do."
05:54:53: <firedaemon33> 6"I killed for business. You? You beat us and killed Kima because your ego couldn't stand the thought that you might be wrong."
05:54:54: <Recaiden> Guy doesn't answer. He's eating a sandwich
05:54:54: <Beans> does neiz know about ****dad
05:54:55: <tab2> I wonder if there are any particularly angry, short ones obsessed with fitness and weapons and pretending they don't have issues
05:55:14: <Beans> because at the very least, she is absolutely going to use shun the smiling lday on him
05:55:35: <tsinistar> I hope not, tab, that sounds like a really terrible guy
05:55:44: <tsinistar> Brb
05:56:01: <tab2> ((HAH))
05:56:04: <Recaiden> "I was all prepared to accept you back. But the sarcasm was pretty thick. It's clear you only - omnomnom- care abotu justifying yer own choices."
05:57:11: <Beans> Neiz sighs. "Where have the girls gone again? I didn't hear."
05:57:21: <firedaemon33> 6"I don't want your acceptance, or your love. All I want you to know is what became of us. That we're more than you could ever dream of. Let that haunt you for the rest of your days, that your daughters, who you despised to much to the point of murder, are gods."
05:57:29: <firedaemon33> 6And, with that, she walks out
05:57:34: <tsinistar> 2" Charity run," Kozu says
05:57:56: <Beans> more like a terrible dadity run
05:58:02: <Beans> megatron
05:58:04: <Beans> take the sandwich
05:58:06: <Recaiden> so now Sun Li, Kura, and Kima are outside the house
05:58:07: <Beans> eat it in front of him
05:58:09: <Beans> pls
05:58:12: <Beans> doot
05:58:27: <tsinistar> 2"Have the immaculates on the island given you any trouble about your spellcasting?" Kozu asks harmonh
05:58:33: <tsinistar> *Harmony
05:58:45: <Recaiden> "Yeah good luck with that endless power, or whatever."
05:58:46: <tab2> Kima shrugs at Kura
05:58:53: <Recaiden> "It ain't gonna help you."
05:59:09: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shrugs at Kima
05:59:09: <tab2> "He'll either die an idiot or realize what happened eventually,"
05:59:13: <Recaiden> 4"
05:59:17: <firedaemon33> 6"We can hope."\
05:59:17: <Recaiden> 4Oh not really."
05:59:19: <jhicks> 3 Sun continues to derp, idle-y
05:59:27: <tab2> "Either way, his ghost sticks around to become a jockstrap."
05:59:38: <Recaiden> 4"They're not super happy about the fae, of course. But it's getting better."
05:59:41: <firedaemon33> 6"Better idea. Casting tongs,"
05:59:46: <Recaiden> You know not all people become ghosts
05:59:52: <Beans> shhhhh
06:00:04: <tab2> they do if theyve got some emotional dooicky or a necromancer mad at them
06:00:04: <Beans> sun you have a mission
06:00:33: <tsinistar> 2"I should hope. The people here turned to it out of a need for a faith, not out of actual adherence. Hopefully they'll soon realize we mean the best."
06:01:03: <firedaemon33> 6((I think he has both.))
06:01:17: <tab2> both is good
06:01:29: <tsinistar> 2" I am not a fan of any tenets that say you should accept your lot in life. Now, are these crabs created or summoned? I am quite intrigued by their design."
06:01:51: <Recaiden> "They're made out of metals in the ocean floor, though there was an initial summon."
06:03:00: <Recaiden> 4((that was read))
06:03:10: <tsinistar> 2" I would love to learn the process some time. I believe I promised you a spell as well, come the seasonal festival? "
06:03:26: <Recaiden> 4((Anyway, Harmony will talk in a chatty way about the crabs, althoguh quickly changing topic))
06:03:32: <Recaiden> 4"Right you did."
06:03:51: <tsinistar> 2" I have some stories you may enjoy as well, though my compatriots would be better at telling them. You know me, boring scholar. "
06:04:04: <Recaiden> But I think the current day's activities are done
06:04:05: <firedaemon33> 6Kura slowly starts making her way back to Kozu
06:04:06: <tab2> the crabs are heelllllllcrabbbsbsbsbsbsbbs
06:04:15: <firedaemon33> 6Guided by her LUNAR BOND!!1!1!
06:04:19: <Recaiden> It's about 2 weeks, week and a half till the festival and the end of the year
06:04:32: <tab2> Red decides to try and talk to the tiger men
06:04:44: <jhicks> 3Sun follows shadowmoon sisters
06:04:47: <jhicks> 3because useful
06:04:49: <Recaiden> If some people were wanting to anything over the next days, like artifacts or revolution or something...
06:05:02: <Beans> SHADOWMOON
06:05:09: <Recaiden> ((Kura+Kima roll Perception+Awareness))
06:05:14: <tab2> And Kima tries to get a crowd together to tell her story about fighting the centipede
06:05:19: <Beans> http://yokattaweb.jp/img/preorder/rah-kamen-rider-black-shadow-moon-01.jpg
06:05:34: <tab2> ((Four per+awa)
06:05:35: <firedaemon33> 6((2 Sux))
06:05:42: <Recaiden> The next morning, a little lobster comes up to Kura.
06:05:50: <Beans> lobst
06:05:52: <Recaiden> It has a message in its claw
06:06:11: <firedaemon33> 6Kura looks at the lobster, but takes the message and reads it
06:06:12: <Recaiden> Kima, save the clearly impossible stories for the festival :P
06:06:13: <tsinistar> 2Kozu asks Sun Li, Neiz, and Harmony what theh think should be done about the yozites obviously prepping for a civil war
06:06:16: <firedaemon33> 6*quizzically
06:06:23: <Beans> the message says
06:06:24: <Beans> http://rs1ci.memecdn.com/797/143797.jpg
06:06:35: <Recaiden> beans how about n
06:06:37: <Recaiden> no
06:06:37: <tab2> DAMMIT BEANS
06:06:45: <tab2> DAMN IT
06:06:51: <jhicks> 3Sun mentions liedetector charm, and attempts to rope Moonshromp into a killsquad.
06:06:56: <firedaemon33> 6https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lITBGjNEp08
06:07:01: <Recaiden> The message is from her father, says she might be interested in the family history, since she's back around and all.
06:07:06: <tsinistar> 2Kozu also looks for a metalsmithing shop he can use
06:07:15: <Recaiden> There's a family tree with some highly conspicuous names.
06:07:16: <tsinistar> 2And suggests a nonviolent approach
06:07:26: <jhicks> 3Sun will assist Kozu in craftinization if brought up
06:07:35: <Beans> Neiz thinks the yozites prepping sounds baaaaaad
06:07:36: <Beans> fuggin
06:07:41: <Recaiden> "Lintha ng...."
06:07:58: <Beans> fuggin yozi-ass.. ass-ass... cultists what with their... them."
06:08:07: <tsinistar> 2kozu asks Neiz to take Red and Sun Li and apply social boogie woogie
06:08:12: <Recaiden> 4"Civil war? Well, we just need to be more prepared, first of all."
06:08:23: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blinks as she looks at the page, not quite getting the message, but calls, "Kozu! I think I might have a problem..."
06:08:24: <Beans> also
06:08:25: <tsinistar> 2And if a decent metalshop isnt available, summons minions to build one
06:08:31: <Beans> there was not supposed to be a quotation mark after that
06:08:47: <Beans> also neiz and red and sun li go zoom
06:08:54: <tsinistar> 2Then asks Kura whats wrong
06:08:58: <Beans> sosh some stuff up
06:09:03: <tsinistar> 2" Yes, Miss Kuragari?"
06:09:04: <firedaemon33> 6She shows him the family tree
06:09:16: <firedaemon33> 6And says, "I think...I think this might be mine."
06:09:30: <tsinistar> 2Kozu looks a little perturbed, but after a moment...
06:09:35: <Recaiden> One of the names on there is 'Kuragari' and another is 'Kima', so...
06:10:02: <Recaiden> Below the tree is a suggestion to look for Bluehaven to find the details of the truth
06:10:10: <tsinistar> 2" And? We are more than the sum of our blood and bodies. "
06:10:13: <tab2> Red will go with Neiz, but she wants tot alk to tiger mens if she has time
06:10:32: <Recaiden> Red can totally talk to the nervous tigerpeople
06:10:33: <tsinistar> 2" I have never seen another one of my people, Miss Kuragari. Ever."
06:11:09: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods, but says, "Kozu..If...If I really am a Lintha..."
06:11:21: <firedaemon33> 6She trails off
06:11:39: <tsinistar> 2" Does it matter? You do not worship demons. You do not cannibalize. "
06:12:30: <firedaemon33> 6"Well...Not strictly true on the cannibalism front. I've eaten someone before..."
06:12:45: <Beans> DUN DUUUUUUUUUN
06:12:51: <firedaemon33> 6"It's part of learning how to take another human's form."
06:13:35: <tsinistar> 2" I...did not need to know that."
06:13:37: <Recaiden> Red is slightly less popular with the beastfolk than with the humans
06:13:54: <tab2> Aw
06:13:59: <Beans> :u
06:14:07: <tab2> She tries to see what's up with the,
06:14:19: <firedaemon33> 6"Okay. But yeah, Kozu...Just...If something happens...I'm sorry."
06:15:08: <tsinistar> 2"Miss Kuragari, nothing will come of this."
06:15:16: <tsinistar> 2" Have no fear. "
06:15:32: <firedaemon33> 6((Also, no cultist-killing for Kura. 'specially not now.))
06:15:37: <tsinistar> 2He is *really* hoping this doesn't lead to another awkward hug
06:15:47: <tsinistar> ((Yay my bold worked))
06:15:47: <firedaemon33> 6Nope
06:15:54: <tsinistar> ((Im learning irc code))
06:15:58: <firedaemon33> 6He is hugged and Kura says, "Thank you..."
06:16:07: <Recaiden> Sun Li can always go kill people on his own
06:16:17: <tsinistar> 2Kozu resists flailing, and hugs her back
06:16:33: <tsinistar> 2"Think nothing of it. I was born to serve."
06:16:37: <Recaiden> DeadSiddie is willing to help
06:16:39: <tsinistar> also sun li noooo
06:16:46: <Recaiden> Anything to mess with Kimbery
06:16:51: <tsinistar> help neiz and red with socialllll
06:17:02: <Beans> soooooooshuuuuul
06:17:03: <Recaiden> ((But here, the session will ends for Kura))
06:17:14: <tab2> Red is still wondering whats up with the tiger men and why they're so left out
06:17:19: <tab2> ((Huh?))
06:17:29: <Recaiden> ((Also soon enough for all of us))
06:17:29: <tab2> (Also hah at kozu cause djala are all slaves now)
06:17:31: <tab2> (Oh)
06:17:34: <tab2> (aw)
06:17:46: <Beans> slaaaaabes
06:17:49: <Recaiden> ((We can wrap up things with Jhicks and red))
06:17:58: <Recaiden> ((Is Kozu anti-slavery?))
06:18:02: <tsinistar> ((Yes))
06:18:14: <Recaiden> But it seems the party has little support for his lie-detector->murder plans
06:18:27: <Recaiden> The tigermen are left out because they're not human, of course.
06:18:33: <Recaiden> And there are rather fewer of them.
06:18:46: <Recaiden> Also they just have a different culture, and didn't even fish until recently.
06:18:59: <tab2> Red says that's ridiculous, they obviously could fill any role a human could
06:19:09: <tab2> And they're beastmen, they can adapt to anything
06:19:10: <Recaiden> 'yeah, convince the humans of that'
06:19:50: <tab2> "Believe me, dear, I am trying."
06:20:00: <tab2> "This island has destiny.:
06:20:45: <Recaiden> "Well, we appreciate it."
06:21:59: <tab2> "Just a warning, it seems some of the islanders worship the yozi, and are planning something...less than savoury. I hope to get through it without anything nasty, but if I could ask you to defend the friendlier natives if a fight breaks out, dears?"

2014-11-24, 12:42 AM
03:14:20: <Recaiden> As you all remember* you were previously on a boat chasing a flock of birds out of Simenare.
03:15:19: <Tab> Kima was taking hella aim actions and the boat was in overdrive
03:15:43: <firedaemon33> 4Kura was swimming along, following along
03:15:47: <tsinistar> kozu is meditating on the deck, trying to find guidance to what to do about harmony
03:16:46: <Recaiden> Boat is in overdrive. Kima is aiming for when the boat gets in range because she apparently doesn't even need a complete sentence to convince her to shoot people.
03:17:15: <Tab> Red is teach
03:17:30: <Recaiden> Hundreds/thousands of yards away, you see the specks that are birds reassemble into a single larger speck, which does not immediately plummet to the ground.
03:17:48: <Recaiden> You aren't sure but you think it might be moving a little slower.
03:18:02: <Recaiden> Then you see a shape rising out of the water right ahead.
03:18:15: <Recaiden> A tall, dark shape - it's a tree!
03:18:30: <Recaiden> There's a bunch of them. In fact a whole forest, about a thousand yards ahead of the ship.
03:18:47: <Tab> "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt," Kima groans, "Why are we slowing down?!"
03:19:50: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shudders an says, climbing back aboard, "We shouldn't follow further. We're entering the Wyld."
03:20:21: <Recaiden> Harmony vanishes into the treetops
03:20:32: <Tab> "What...what the hell?"
03:20:33: <tsinistar> 2" We cannot let her leave. She swore to kill people. Innocents."
03:20:50: <Recaiden> ((Reminder: She swore to kill people /if pursued/))
03:21:04: <Recaiden> ((Although Kozu is free to not mention that))
03:21:17: <Recaiden> ((Not that he needs help convincing people =p))
03:21:22: <tsinistar> She said that people's blood would be on his hands before that
03:21:50: <tsinistar> 2"Some form of madness has taken hold of her, we need to treat her."
03:23:14: <Tab> Did she really? I don't remember))
03:24:48: <Recaiden> ((It was the same context as the oath))
03:25:29: <tsinistar> "if i kill people, it will be to spite you. Their blood will be on your hands"
03:25:41: <Recaiden> Oh yeah that was the line.
03:25:43: <tsinistar> Said after kozu said "i have to know you wont hurt anyone"
03:25:51: <Recaiden> It was saying how many people she wasn't going to kill
03:26:03: <Recaiden> People will be killed if and only if Kozu doesn't **** off
03:26:18: <Recaiden> That was the quality of every threat.
03:26:38: <tsinistar> Well she could have been more clear and less crazy and conspiratorial
03:27:14: <Recaiden> Anyway: Does anyone listen to Kura's warning about the Wyld?
03:27:30: <Recaiden> Or does Kura have a response to Kozu
03:27:33: Recaiden poke firedaemon33
03:27:46: <Tab> Kima has the minions slow down
03:28:16: <Tab> "Dude, are you sure about this? If the /lunar/ is afraid of a wyld area, maybe..."
03:28:27: <Recaiden> Overdrive off, taking it relatively careful.
03:28:54: <Recaiden> ((tstinistar, give me a Wits+Sail from the minions))
03:29:01: <tsinistar> 2" We can't just let her go!"
03:29:04: <firedaemon33> 6"Still...The Wyld is not a good place to be. I'm not sure I can fight her on her home territory."
03:29:08: <tsinistar> ((3 sux))
03:34:07: <Recaiden> Well, it appears you may find out.
03:34:54: <Recaiden> The Butcher makes its way up to the forest of floating trees, just able to fit through the spaces between them when carefully steered.
03:35:42: <Recaiden> A silk banner hangs in a trunk, held by an arrow through the top.
03:35:56: <Recaiden> It reads, in old realm "Last Warning Kozu. Turn back."
03:36:37: <tsinistar> 2Kozu stares at the banner, breathing very slowly
03:36:44: <tsinistar> 2" Well?"
03:36:57: <firedaemon33> 6"We turn back. Now."
03:37:04: <jhicks> i return
03:37:14: <Recaiden> Kura will not sense any free-flowing Wyld energy. Any chaos here is tightly controlled.
03:37:31: <firedaemon33> 6This perturbs her even more
03:38:00: <Tab> "Kozu, man, let it go. Shore up the island, talk to her when she gets back."
03:38:43: <tsinistar> 2"I can't just give up, lethal! She's my /student!/"
03:39:39: <firedaemon33> 6"Kozu, let her cool off. If she ran this far, it's more prudent to wait."
03:39:40: <jhicks> 3'ello beans
03:39:43: <Beans> :3
03:39:49: <firedaemon33> 6"Let her make the next move."
03:39:50: <Beans> whast hapen
03:40:05: <jhicks> 3i am trying to acclimate after my missed session
03:40:10: <jhicks> 3kura angst
03:40:10: <tsinistar> 2" Very...very well. We need to prepare the people."
03:40:12: <jhicks> 3kozu dumb
03:40:28: <Tab> Kima shouts for the minions to head home!
03:41:06: <Recaiden> The minions listen to Kima, confused but loyal
03:41:23: <Beans> what did harmony do while i was showering
03:41:23: <Tab> Well, Kozu aint telling them to do stuff
03:41:25: <Tab> She might as well
03:41:36: <Recaiden> Sorry you didn't get to shoot anything, Kima
03:42:05: <Tab> its cool
03:42:34: <Recaiden> The boat sails back to Simenare at a more reasonable pace.
03:42:57: <Recaiden> Fishing boats still out fishing, watching the magitech craft with interest.
03:43:08: <Recaiden> Not a one of the living brass crustaceans can be seen.
03:43:56: <Beans> gasp~
03:44:00: <Beans> no kraff
03:44:14: <Tab> Kima runs off to tell Red what's up
03:44:18: <Tab> Red runs back to slap kozy
03:44:34: <tsinistar> 2Kozu takes the slap without a word
03:44:43: <Beans> "Sooooo. What are we in for?"
03:45:10: <firedaemon33> 6"I'm not entirely sure. Harmony ran off to her room."
03:45:32: <Beans> "Er, her room being... an actual room, or..."
03:45:43: <Tab> "Harmony threw a fit, kozu asked her something and basically a big mess happened."
03:45:51: <Recaiden> The children are A) sad that this interesting new class is over B) whee lessons are over!
03:45:58: <jhicks> 3Sun Li emerges from below deck upon feeling the boat dock, looking confused
03:46:00: <tsinistar> 2" The crabs were making weapons
03:46:15: <jhicks> 3"What...did I miss?"
03:46:18: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmm. Quite."
03:46:19: <tsinistar> 2" I asked why. She would not tell. I asked why. She became enraged."
03:46:44: <tsinistar> 2" Called me a hypocrite, a liar, her enemy, simenare's enemy, never said why."
03:47:15: <jhicks> 3"....Good job."
03:47:34: <Beans> Neiz pats him awkwardly.
03:48:02: <tsinistar> 2" I don't know what to do."
03:48:50: <Tab> Red sighs
03:49:06: <Tab> "You fix the island like you planned to, but without the uppity Baloran lovechild."
03:49:14: <Tab> "If she comes back, you put her in time out."
03:49:26: <firedaemon33> 6"Quite. We don't /need/ harmony to fix things."
03:49:27: <Tab> "Just in case, you make sure we're ready for her to throw a fit."
03:49:43: <Beans> "Indeed."
03:49:56: <jhicks> 3"Best disciplinary tool ever? Essence. Cannon."
03:50:26: <Recaiden> Vayli continues sitting below decks not saying a word.
03:50:28: <tsinistar> 2" We are /not/ killing my daughter. She has a sickness of the mind, it can be cured like any other."
03:50:52: <jhicks> 3"Yes Kozu, let's try to fix it. That always goes swimmingly, and not terrible at all."
03:51:17: <tsinistar> 2" Better than dipping it in vitriol."
03:51:28: <Tab> burrrrrrrnnnnn
03:51:37: <Tab> not really
03:51:50: <jhicks> 3"Also, just a FUN reminder. There is a demon cult here that needs uprooting, and calibration is in...8 days? I do believe that means something."
03:52:19: <tsinistar> 2" Yes. Yes it does."
03:52:20: <Beans> "That said, the cannon could make a very nice deterrant... oh dear." She sighs. "I haven't had any time to get around to your presents."
03:52:24: <tsinistar> ((Wait it is?))
03:52:31: <Recaiden> ((Yes....))
03:52:43: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blanches and says, "I had an inkling about the cult...Do you think they'll try something?"
03:52:51: <tsinistar> ((Augh shet))
03:52:52: <Recaiden> ((8 might be slightly off. More than 1 week, less than 2))
03:52:55: <jhicks> 3"With our luck so far...do you think they WON'T?"
03:53:04: <tsinistar> 2" Now would be the time."
03:53:20: <Tab> Red nods
03:53:27: <Tab> "Neiz and I...have not found much."
03:53:36: <Tab> "Aside from some young boy praying for us to leave."
03:53:41: <jhicks> 3"You went looking without...well, the one with personal experience."
03:53:52: <tsinistar> 2" Just wonderful. "
03:54:12: <firedaemon33> 6"Fair enough. I know that there are some Lintha around the island. Do you think w-they might be involved?"
03:54:36: <Tab> Kima punches Kura's side
03:54:42: <firedaemon33> 6Kura oofs
03:54:48: <firedaemon33> 6And glares at Kima
03:54:49: <Tab> "icksnay on the 'eritage-ay"
03:55:01: <Tab> Red sighs
03:55:26: <jhicks> 3"No idea. Whatever. My personal opinion on Sea Yozi cults is ironic drownings."
03:55:42: <tsinistar> 2"Murder is not the way."
03:55:50: <firedaemon33> 6Kura's smile briefly goes manic and she says, "I see.
03:55:54: <Tab> "Killing them is what Ten Stripes would have done."
03:56:07: <jhicks> 3"The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The road to not being ****ed with is paved with the corpses of people who tried."
03:56:32: <Tab> "The sun child does seem to hate the idea of being ****ed."
03:57:02: <firedaemon33> 6Kura closes her eyes and a palm greets her forehead as she says, "Can we not make crude jokes?"
03:57:12: <jhicks> 3Sun Li highfives the Abyssal
03:57:21: <tsinistar> L2" You both go too far," Kozu says, stopping his breathing exercise halfway through
03:57:22: <Beans> Neiz swooshes imperiously. "Now, children..."
03:57:34: <firedaemon33> 6"We need to deal with this. But yes, I'm not sure murder is the proper response."
03:57:36: <Tab> ((it was red that said that))
03:57:45: <jhicks> 3((then red whatever)
03:58:22: <jhicks> 3"Again, I'm going to claim a bit of knowledge here. NOTHING about leaving a cult around is good news. Especially with this...timing."
03:58:30: <Tab> "We need to root them out, then turn them either to us or against each other."
03:58:34: <jhicks> 3"We don't necessarily need to kill ALL of them."
03:58:53: <Tab> "Just enough to intimidate," Kima agrees
03:59:06: <Tab> "Like *Ten Stripes* did?" Red admonishes
03:59:10: <Beans> "All we really need is to kill their conviction."
03:59:18: <firedaemon33> 6"Turning them to us seems like an excellent plan. Reforming a cult to our favor would definitely get points with the locals. And underworld connections, should we need them."
03:59:35: <jhicks> 3"Hell, given the proper motivation I could...convert them. If you'd like them to remains alive, and they refuse to stop demon...ing. I could at least do the whole 'Demon Prince' bit and scare them onto a non-dangerous demon cult path."
03:59:50: <Recaiden> You two would remember what she did to 'intimidate' the Immaculates years back.
04:00:43: <Tab> "A non-demon cult would be best," Red says, "But whatever it takes to avoid this island burning on Calibration."
04:03:22: <jhicks> 3Sun Li cracks knuckles. "So Murder or Conversion. Religion at its finest. Shall we?"
04:04:03: <Tab> "Neiz?" Red turns to Neiz
04:04:23: <Tab> Kima hefts her blade, but Red puts a hand on her shoulder, staying her ,"Not until we need to, dear."
04:04:59: <Beans> "Conversion is best, I think..."
04:05:24: <tsinistar> 2" No more murder, please."
04:05:28: <firedaemon33> 6"Probably. First to us, then to Sunny."
04:05:35: <jhicks> 3"....Minimal murder."
04:05:38: <firedaemon33> 6"Then, if all else fails, murder."
04:05:52: <Beans> "Not to me, mind you, I'm not allowed to have cults."
04:06:03: <Recaiden> Step 1) Find the cult
04:06:08: <Recaiden> Step 2) Learn about the cult.
04:06:13: <jhicks> 3"Honestly I quite think a show of force up front is our best bet. Find one of the mean looking ones, divide his organs by colour into neat little piles."
04:06:35: <Tab> "Hon, that's not how you do it," Red says
04:07:00: <Recaiden> ((No cults for you, Sidde. You get a Salary instead.))
04:07:09: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmmm. Quite."
04:07:19: <Tab> ((sweet delicious ambrosia))
04:07:26: <Beans> [[who needs cult when i can MONEY MADE OF PRAYERS]]
04:07:34: <jhicks> 3"Well, we're NOT getting anything done standing on the boat. Shall we go and rattle the cage a bit, see what falls out?".
04:07:45: <jhicks> 3Sun Li, gloirous douche that he is, begins leaving boat.
04:07:58: <Tab> "You find them, point Neiz and I at them."
04:08:05: <Tab> "Watch them fall head over heels in love."
04:08:54: <Beans> "And then we own then."
04:08:56: <Beans> them*
04:09:31: <jhicks> 3sun li and the persuasive bitches. we all up in yo cults
04:09:42: <Tab> Indeeeeeed
04:10:02: <firedaemon33> 6...
04:10:09: <firedaemon33> 6Someone needs to get stabbed
04:10:14: <jhicks> 3urge to create crystal pimpcane...rising....
04:10:15: <tsinistar> Not
04:10:19: <tsinistar> Not it
04:10:43: <jhicks> 3my odds of getting team-stabbed are never lower than like, 30 percent for a given session
04:10:51: <jhicks> 3****ing angsty lunars
04:11:03: <firedaemon33> 6Never said it was you
04:11:09: <Beans> (it is)
04:11:12: <jhicks> 3i have a precedent
04:11:22: <Tab> Red is nobody's ho but her own
04:11:27: <jhicks> 3Anywho! I'm a-goin' culting, who's with me
04:11:28: <Tab> if anything, Neiz is the pimp
04:11:32: <Beans> :3
04:11:38: <Tab> Red is
04:11:49: <Beans> neiz is subordinate pimp to, of course, the missus
04:11:50: <Tab> Kima will go as muscle, but stay out of the way
04:12:06: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shrugs and says, "May as well."
04:12:15: <Recaiden> You are on the beach. There are, several distances away, people preparing fish, mending boats and fishing lines, etc.
04:12:24: <Recaiden> Up above the beach is the central town
04:13:02: <tsinistar> 2Kozu heads to the temple to meditate and try to find an answet
04:14:24: <tsinistar> ((My connection is vs right now, storm))
04:14:58: <firedaemon33> 6((2 Sux to find the cult.))
04:15:07: <jhicks> 3(1....)
04:15:17: <Recaiden> Congratulations! Cult Find!
04:15:42: <Recaiden> There's a book study group advertised in the town square that is clearly reading dmeoinc scripture
04:15:47: <Tab> ...
04:15:53: <Recaiden> There's a summoning circle with someone meditation by it
04:15:54: <firedaemon33> 6...
04:15:59: <Beans> whoomp dere it is
04:16:01: <Tab> ((red 2, kima 1))
04:16:12: <Recaiden> There's a preacher on the corner outside the palace ranting about the annex and the end of days
04:16:53: <Tab> Red sighs
04:16:59: <Tab> "I don't think this is it."
04:17:07: <firedaemon33> 6Kura blinks and says, "Well...I think we found it."
04:17:09: <Tab> "Sun, what the hell, man?" Kima asks
04:17:13: <jhicks> 3"What?"
04:17:22: <firedaemon33> 6"Knowing them...This wouldn't surprise me."
04:17:26: <Tab> "I dunno, Red just said nah.""
04:17:46: <Tab> "Might as well check it out, right?"
04:17:57: <jhicks> 3"So guys, fair warning before we dive in."
04:18:16: <jhicks> 3"I might have to play up the whole....bad and evil bit. I'm not being super evil, promise. Dont stab me."
04:18:38: <Tab> "No stabbing, dear," Red says
04:18:43: <firedaemon33> 6Kura pffts and says, "Fair enough. I'll only stab you a little."
04:18:57: <Tab> "No *stab*, got it," Kima says, sharpening Damocle's edge
04:19:07: <Tab> You may notice Damocles is not pointy
04:19:29: <jhicks> 3Sun attempts to find highest ranking or importantest person in immediate area.
04:19:33: <Beans> "I will not physically stab you."
04:20:03: <firedaemon33> 6((3 Sux on a stealth check to sneak into the bookstore without the party noticing me.))
04:20:15: <firedaemon33> 6((Or the people inside.))
04:20:47: <Recaiden> Sun is accosting the guy meditating.
04:21:20: <Recaiden> Kura is successfully sneak into the bookstore. There are 7 people around the table, singing old realm hymns in low voices.
04:21:53: <Tab> Red turns into a cute little puffy dog
04:22:00: <Tab> And sits, waiting
04:22:05: <Beans> Neiz resplestinies
04:22:07: <Tab> Nobody suspects the dog
04:22:11: <jhicks> 3Sun taps the meditating person with boot. "Hello, I've been sent from the...higher offices. I'm doing an inspection. I need to speak to the higher ups. Take me there.". Sun flares caste mark for emphasis.
04:22:14: <Beans> invisabl dorg
04:22:18: <firedaemon33> 6Kura sits at the table and joins in the hymn
04:22:21: <Recaiden> "Offices?"
04:22:37: <Recaiden> "Okay, right this way. An honor to have you, Prince."
04:22:44: <jhicks> 3Sun follows.
04:22:49: <Recaiden> Guy stands up and leads him off.
04:23:03: <Recaiden> "Though there's not really 'higher-ups' so much around here.
04:23:15: <Recaiden> Just worshippers and preachers, really.'
04:23:16: <Tab> Dog follows sun
04:23:22: <Recaiden> He takes you to Kima and Kura's dad's house
04:23:22: <Tab> Pretends to be suns dog
04:23:28: <jhicks> 3"Well whoever happens to be in charge, I know how these things can be. A senior preacher perhaps."
04:23:31: <Tab> !!!!
04:23:32: <Beans> yooooooo
04:23:38: <jhicks> 3....
04:23:39: <Beans> *INTENSE HONKING*
04:23:49: <firedaemon33> 6*solid snake noises*
04:23:52: <jhicks> 3so, odds of my 'person to stab' being a moonshadow parental unit, rising
04:23:54: <Recaiden> Knocks on the door. "Got an important visitor."
04:23:57: <Tab> Kima, watching from a distance, fumes
04:24:02: <Tab> Red barks angrily
04:24:10: <firedaemon33> 6https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P5qbcRAXVk
04:24:42: <Tab> that's guys a total ARFHOLE
04:24:53: <jhicks> 3dont worry. I might punch him into cheese.
04:24:56: <Recaiden> Dadguy answers the door.
04:25:00: <Beans> pls
04:25:00: <Recaiden> Bows deeply to Sunny
04:25:06: <Tab> Red is not seducing douchedad
04:25:17: <Recaiden> "Welcome, Prince. How can we serve you?"
04:25:29: <Beans> sun, you're on seduction duty.
04:25:33: <jhicks> 3Sun returns bow, not nearly as low. "Hello, so I'm told you're the defacto leader of this...operation. Sun Li, if you prefer."
04:25:38: <Tab> i dunno
04:25:45: <jhicks> 3sun limits his same sex romances to kozu's tsundereness
04:25:46: <Recaiden> "I do my best, Sun Li"
04:25:50: <Tab> Douchedad seems the kind to be into scared little pandaguys
04:26:16: <Tab> "It puts the lotion on its spots"
04:26:19: <Recaiden> After one verse, the people pause and welcome you, make space at the table, and resume singing.
04:26:20: <jhicks> 3"Might we go inside? I would like to discuss details."
04:26:31: <Recaiden> "Of course."
04:26:42: <Beans> i wonder what kind of hymns they have
04:26:50: <Recaiden> He holds the door opening, giving a questioning glance to meditation guy, to see if he should be included."
04:26:51: <Tab> ominous
04:26:51: <jhicks> 3Sun guides douchedad towards a private room, with a locked door and everything."
04:27:04: <jhicks> 3Sun shakes head at meditator
04:27:33: <Tab> Red follows Sun, cutely sniffing about
04:27:46: <Tab> wuff snuffle snuffle wuff snuffle
04:27:54: <Beans> satandorg
04:27:55: <jhicks> 3"So, I'm assuming from the...well, rather blatant activity and the upcoming calendar events, you have something planned?".
04:28:02: <Beans> she who lives in her doggy bed
04:29:41: <Recaiden> "Of course. The end of year celebration should be he biggest time of the year and when the walls of the worlds are thinnest."
04:30:00: <Tab> Red wuffles worriedly
04:30:25: <jhicks> 3"Quite. All this activity doesn't speak to me of a minor communication or activity. You're doing something big."
04:30:26: <Beans> Greensmas
04:30:50: <Recaiden> "We hope to let the whole of the island share in the waters of Our Mother's love."
04:31:03: <jhicks> 3"And there comes to the crux of my visit."
04:31:06: <Recaiden> "We've been working to adjust the geomancy of the local demense."
04:31:25: <Tab> I thought we had to build the manse
04:31:44: <Tab> SHEEEEEEIIIIIT
04:31:46: <Beans> kimmy is the pee sea
04:31:56: <Tab> THEY'RE GONNA F L O O D US
04:31:58: <firedaemon33> 6((1 Success to sing.))
04:32:26: <jhicks> 3"I've come to tell you that your worships have been...misplaced. Your hearts are in the right place, but your choice of patron is not."
04:32:41: <Beans> the gold that showered against the flame
04:32:46: <Tab> tell them to worship the red lady
04:32:48: <Recaiden> Kuradad is cautious.
04:32:49: <Tab> queen of bounty
04:32:51: <Recaiden> "Who sent you, then?"
04:33:00: <Tab> THE RED LADY
04:33:04: <jhicks> 3"I'm quite sure Kimbery appreciates the prayers, but a more...effective patron would suit you better."
04:33:04: <Tab> QUEEN OF BOUNTY
04:33:09: <jhicks> 3queen of booty
04:33:15: <Tab> ALSO YES
04:33:22: <jhicks> 3"I come representing She Who Lives."
04:33:26: <Recaiden> "You speak for Malfea-
04:33:27: <Tab> you
04:33:28: <Recaiden> "Oh."
04:33:29: <Tab> little
04:33:30: <Tab> ****
04:33:35: <jhicks> 3"Quite."
04:33:46: <Recaiden> "What would the Queen have us do?"
04:33:48: <Beans> kimbery is a **** tier waifu
04:34:00: <Beans> git gud w/ swiln scrub
04:34:05: <firedaemon33> 6Hushems. Kimbery is best waifu
04:34:18: <Beans> if you like urine
04:34:36: <tsinistar> Kimbery is killy enough. Id give her a chance
04:34:36: <jhicks> 3"I require an immediate redirection of all prayers to her. Your plans for Calbiration will likely be upset by this as well. I do not trust any of Kimbery's more potent minions in the wake of such a shift."
04:35:50: <Beans> adorjambalaya is a mid-tier waifu. ted is a mega **** tier husbando
04:36:08: <Tab> TED is worst spouse
04:36:20: <Recaiden> "I will do my best, but if I simply give a command, many will not listen."
04:36:27: <Tab> Sun is being way too forward and strict
04:36:31: <jhicks> 3"You may still summon in the days of weakening, but I require it to be one more aligned to my patron's wishes. I do believe Octavian would be fitting. A potent warrior to do as She sees fit."
04:36:32: <Recaiden> "Yes, the calibration preparations will go awry."
04:36:32: <Tab> oh wow dude's okay with it
04:36:35: <jhicks> 3dude I'm an evil devilprince
04:36:37: <jhicks> 3****eth off
04:36:44: <Recaiden> "We will make the preparations."
04:36:51: <Tab> Red is growling at Sun
04:36:56: <Recaiden> ((Dude is not going to contradict him to his face))
04:37:03: <Beans> door closes
04:37:03: <jhicks> 3Quite.
04:37:10: <Recaiden> "It will take time to make everyone reconsider."
04:37:14: <Beans> you hear behind the door
04:37:25: <Beans> 'what a dongmongler'
04:37:32: <jhicks> 3"However, you are correct, in the wake of such a change perhaps delaying the summoning of such a grand entity is in your best interests."
04:37:55: <jhicks> 3"If you believe you will have difficulties convincing them, I can speak to them, or provide...persuasion."
04:37:56: <Recaiden> "On the contrary. Such a grand summoning would cement their faith in The Queen."
04:38:08: <Tab> QUEEN OF BOUNTY
04:38:14: <Tab> THE RED LADY
04:38:29: <Beans> queen of caboosery
04:38:38: <Recaiden> "But if you could provide some ...miraculous evidence in the coming week..."
04:39:35: <Tab> Red paws at Sun's ankle and growls again
04:39:48: <Recaiden> "Is your dog quite well, Sun Li?"
04:39:51: <jhicks> 3"Hmm. Quite. Now tell me, are there any remaining supports of Ten Stripes? Someone that has garnered...dislike?".
04:40:07: <Beans> "my dog is a primordial."
04:40:12: <jhicks> 3Sun pets the dog. "She's just a bit....disquieted. She always appears as such when I start throwing weight around."
04:40:47: <Recaiden> He answers unhesitatingly, "Ten Siaka. Mayor of the northern village. The most reformist public official."
04:41:15: <jhicks> 3Sun smirks, douche-ingly. "Well then. Shall we go pay a visit?"
04:41:16: <Recaiden> "If she were removed convincingly, a more fitting power structure could be in place very quickly"
04:41:30: <Recaiden> ((That was the one Kozu saw protests against; don't know if he mentioned it to the party))
04:41:52: <Recaiden> "I will let people know to gather, and meet you there?"
04:42:01: <tsinistar> (( he did))
04:42:21: <Tab> Red is not liking any of this
04:42:24: <Tab> At all
04:42:38: <Tab> Mostly because it isn't a step in the direction of her being worshipped as a harvest goddess
04:43:10: <jhicks> 3"Quite. Have one of the others tell me the time when it is organized. I will be convening with a few allies in the meantime.".
04:43:13: <Tab> Also it seems bad for the island
04:43:21: <jhicks> 3Sun grabs dog, dramatic leaves.
04:43:31: <Tab> Red kicks and yaps
04:43:37: <jhicks> 3Sun pets the puppy
04:43:38: <Tab> She does not want to be carried damn it
04:43:52: <jhicks> 3Sun drops the puppy then, fine. Rude.'
04:43:53: <Tab> "GRRRRRR"
04:43:56: <Recaiden> CultDad leaves by another route to gather his flock
04:44:38: <firedaemon33> 6((Red, stop this mofo plz.))
04:44:51: <Recaiden> Kura is asked to introduce herself
04:44:51: <jhicks> 3((guys i'm gonna fix this with ONE DEATH. Jeebus.
04:45:03: <Tab> "You had better be screwing with them in *the most glorious way" Red snarls
04:45:08: <Recaiden> (('fix'))
04:45:16: <Tab> "We are *not* killing someone who supports change!"
04:45:26: <Tab> "That was supposed to be the *final option!*"
04:45:30: <jhicks> 3"Killing a TEN STRIPES supporter. Look at the name."
04:46:05: <jhicks> 3"Dammit woman, I talked myself into a bit of a corner. My options at that point were pick someone flashy or ACTUALLY LET THEM SUMMON THE BLOODY SECOND CIRCLE."
04:46:59: <jhicks> 3"So I'm preventing a Kimbery 2nd circle from appearing, and putting the island to order under our control, at the cost of 1 life. Seems like a facking excellent bargain."
04:47:03: <Tab> "Here's this. Set up a new god, a goddess of harvest, bounty, fertility. The Red Lady. The Crimson Midwife. The Queen of Bounty."
04:47:14: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods, bows her head, and says, "I am Kuragari Akiyama, daughter of Itsuki Akiyama."
04:47:22: <Tab> "And then She Who Lives gains power!"
04:47:35: <Tab> "And she's smarter! So that's worse!"
04:48:05: <jhicks> 3"Red, I'm not attempting to install you as a Goddess. No."
04:48:14: <Recaiden> "Oh. Welcome! Glad to have such an honored personage with us today."
04:48:18: <jhicks> 3"One crazy scheme at a time. Next time, promise."
04:48:33: <Recaiden> Second person: "Are you really cannibals?"
04:48:36: <jhicks> 3Sun leads Red!puppy back towards group.
04:48:39: <Tab> "It would give me the power base I need to stabilize this place."
04:48:57: <Tab> Kima is positively furious
04:49:09: <Tab> "That was my house. My father's house."
04:49:18: <jhicks> 3"I am converting this cult to one devoted to order and stability. And with us in control, I can keep it from doing anything destructive."
04:49:38: <jhicks> 3Sun nods at Kima. "Ah, that does explain the resemblance."
04:49:50: <firedaemon33> 6Kura shrugs and says, "I'm not entirely sure. My father only recently bothered to tell me about my true heritage, after my long absence from this isle."
04:49:53: <Recaiden> "What brings you here today?"
04:49:57: <Tab> "They always think that," Red says
04:50:08: <firedaemon33> 6"Nobody has sought me out to explain things. Hence why I am here."
04:50:11: <Tab> Kima looks ready to charge in and smash the place
04:50:13: <Recaiden> "Have you read the Mother's Reflections?"
04:50:19: <Recaiden> "We have another copy if you need to catch up."
04:50:20: <Tab> "I oughtta charge in and smash the place."
04:50:37: <Recaiden> Kura is offered a book of proverbs
04:50:49: <jhicks> 3"Kima. Let me at least ATTEMPT to do my work. I promise if it goes south I'll let you and Kura have your pick."
04:50:55: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods a she accepts the book and says, "Delightful, thank you."
04:51:04: <Beans> kimmy proverbs: "dare you enter my magical realm"
04:51:18: <firedaemon33> 6((My god...
04:51:35: <Beans> it's pee
04:51:38: <Tab> "I pick all the heads for removal"
04:51:45: <jhicks> 3"
04:52:19: <Recaiden> ((no))
04:52:21: <jhicks> 3"Fantastic, someone else not totally averse to the murder thing. But I'd rather they be useful than dead at this point, and the others are not like to agree to mass slaughter unless it all REALLY goes to Malfeas."
04:52:44: <firedaemon33> 6She then gives it a quick flip-through, curious as to what it's all about
04:53:04: <Tab> "We're trying to do better than Ten Stripes," Red sas
04:53:08: <Recaiden> It's wordy proverb stuff.
04:53:16: <Recaiden> Never abandon your friends
04:53:22: <Recaiden> Honor your ancestors
04:53:27: <Recaiden> Protect your descendants
04:53:31: <Recaiden> Never harm children
04:53:36: <Tab> mother before daughter
04:53:36: <jhicks> 3Sun is very quickly growing tired of being questioned on both sides, being bitched at for not doing BOTH extremes.
04:53:39: <Recaiden> Do not let crimes go unpunished
04:53:59: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is terrified, mostly because she quickly finds herself agreeing with the ideals laid out
04:54:05: <Tab> Kima isnt bitching at him
04:54:05: <firedaemon33> 6((Gain 1 insanity point.))
04:54:22: <Tab> ((welcome to women, sun))
04:54:38: <jhicks> 3((I know right)
04:54:44: <Recaiden> The world is a cruel place, but it can be endured with faith and friendship
04:55:00: <jhicks> 3((at least I didn't indoctrinate red. Meanwhile, in Kura-land.)
04:55:13: <Tab> ((god damn it kura))
04:55:18: <Recaiden> Praise the life-giving ocean
04:55:27: <firedaemon33> 6((It's not my fault Kimbery makes good points!))
04:55:35: <Recaiden> Change is Good
04:55:40: <Tab> ((only when you leave out the mutation
04:55:48: <Tab> ((and hatred of fire))
04:55:55: <Tab> ((and passive agressivism))
04:55:56: <Recaiden> ((tsinistar, anything else you want to do/happen with Kozu in the temple?))
04:55:59: <Tab> ((and drownijg))
04:56:10: <jhicks> 3((Don't worry guys. there won't be any Kimbery cult for long.)
04:56:17: <Recaiden> Sound fire-fighting practices
04:56:24: <Beans> [[down with the pee cult]]
04:56:31: <tsinistar> ((If meditating there could bring help from shennim or some other god, sure))
04:56:44: <Recaiden> ((Charisma+Performance))
04:56:46: <tsinistar> ((Kozu's kind of lost rigjt now))
04:56:57: <tsinistar> ((2 sux))
04:57:08: <Recaiden> So Sun Li and the others do head off towards Ten Siaka?
04:57:17: <firedaemon33> 6Kura finds herself nodding along, then swallows and says, "Fascinating...I really do find myself agreeing with a lot of this."
04:57:20: <Recaiden> Or will they try to find Kura first?
04:57:21: <jhicks> 3Once grabbed by the cultists, ya.
04:57:32: <jhicks> 3Got **** to do, no time for crazy lunars.
04:57:50: <Tab> Red tries to reason and get neiz to reason too
04:57:57: <Recaiden> "It's such a shame; the message has gotten so distorted by the Realm, since before the beginning of the age."
04:57:58: <Tab> "There are less obtuse ways to do this."
04:58:19: <firedaemon33> 6"Indeed. Don't they all."
04:58:21: <Recaiden> "The Immaculate Order cast down every other faith, labelling them demons."
04:58:49: <Recaiden> Haste makes Waste.
04:58:57: <Recaiden> Ben Franklin was a Yozi cultist
04:59:01: <firedaemon33> 6"Quite. I have a special place in my heart of Immaculates and Dragon-Bloods."
04:59:24: <firedaemon33> 6"It is not a nice place."
04:59:57: <tsinistar> See it can go bad without kozu
05:00:12: <jhicks> 3**** off daynerd other people get turns to ruin things
05:00:28: <Tab> Red hasnt ruined anything
05:00:41: <Tab> beans back re up
05:00:45: <Tab> murder bad idea
05:01:00: <Recaiden> "But like the shore before the tide, all the wicked will be worn away in time."
05:01:04: <firedaemon33> 6((I thimk Luna needs better quality control...))
05:01:08: <firedaemon33> 6*think
05:01:39: <Recaiden> Kozu receives no response from the gods.
05:01:52: <Recaiden> But a shrine-tender comes up and asks if they can help him
05:02:07: <jhicks> 3Sun takes Red and Neiz with him to the thing, apparently very slowly
05:02:14: <jhicks> 3And Kima.
05:02:15: <Beans> awje
05:02:20: <jhicks> 3got mah bitches.
05:02:24: <Recaiden> Ten Siaka's area is a good distance away.
05:02:26: <tsinistar> 2" I am just looking for calm and answers."
05:02:31: <Tab> please
05:02:33: <Beans> neiz is nobody's bitches
05:02:36: <Tab> you neiz and red's bitch
05:02:46: <Recaiden> "Maybe you could tell us your questions? Or simply ask them of the altarpiece if they are private to you.
05:02:48: <Recaiden> "
05:02:57: <jhicks> 3....
05:03:03: <Recaiden> But eventually the group arrives in the northern village
05:03:12: <Recaiden> Ten Siaka's office-house stands right at the center
05:03:28: <Recaiden> People are starting to get back from fishing as the day wears on.
05:04:07: <tsinistar> 2 "My daughter, Harmony, she has fled the island, threatening to kill its inhabitants is I pursue her. All I did was inquire into some of her doings."
05:05:43: <tsinistar> ((I hate to be the dude, but its 2300 and i have errands tomorrow))
05:05:52: <Tab> way to be the dude dude
05:05:54: <jhicks> 3Sun attempts to get private time talk with Ten before shenanigans
05:06:05: <Recaiden> ((We can continue the rest without you since Kozu is separate, finishing this scene?))
05:06:06: <jhicks> 3((kozu isn't even doing the things)
05:06:12: <Recaiden> ((But also yeah))
05:06:29: <Tab> Red is in a different disguise, with seven successes for larceny (disguise)
05:06:36: <tsinistar> ((Yeah sure))
05:06:54: <Tab> She wants to try and talk everyone into something better
05:07:07: <Recaiden> That is allowed.
05:07:08: <Beans> asklp'efgjioqwgohi[aefguohqwrghuoawdjklw\
05:07:15: <Recaiden> Ten Siaka asks who Sun Li is
05:07:18: <Recaiden> As he is clearly a stranger
05:07:31: <Beans> neiz is with red because thign
05:07:36: <jhicks> 3Sun locks door behind, being sure not to let any ****ING EAVESDROPPING PUPPIES in.
05:07:47: <Recaiden> (if the other party members insist on accompanying him in, perhaps because suspcicion, they can attempt)
05:07:50: <Tab> Red ain't having that ****
05:07:58: <Recaiden> (To sneak in with Dex+Stealth or to talk to Sunnny)
05:08:06: <Tab> "Sun, you are not leaving us out here so you can butcher your way across the island."
05:08:58: <jhicks> 3Sun sighs. "A moment, Ten. "
05:09:33: <Recaiden> Ten Siaka bristles but nods and lets the party talk
05:09:41: <jhicks> 3Sun turns to the party. "Give me 5 moments. No violence occurs without that door opening again. I promise."
05:10:13: <Tab> "And what are you going to do?"
05:11:31: <jhicks> 3Sun glares at partymember. "I'm going to ATTEMPT something resembling diplomacy. I have an idea. If it works, with just a smidgen of cooperation, no blood need be shed.
05:12:37: <Tab> "So far your diplomacy has just been swelling your sugar momma's cult."
05:12:37: <jhicks> 3Sun, assuming doesn
05:13:03: <jhicks> 3Sun frown.
05:13:12: <Tab> Red motherly frown
05:13:28: <Beans> Neiz sighs.
05:13:33: <Recaiden> DeadSiddie continue gather a cult.
05:13:38: <jhicks> 3"Look, I'm trying to avoid a REAL bitch of a situation. Unless your preferred plan is 'see how much we can make Kozu sad with murder', at least let me try this.
05:13:58: <Tab> deadsiddie doing what now
05:14:19: <Tab> "Or we could NOT turn the whole island into what we're trying to remove."
05:14:51: <jhicks> 3"Then what in the thrice damned, Empress forgotten **** is your idea?"
05:15:07: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Makes sense enough, I suppose."
05:15:07: <Recaiden> ((Set herself up as the head of the cult, as a new goddess))
05:15:08: <Tab> "To turn them to something that isn't worshipping a more dangerous demon?"
05:15:19: <Tab> that too
05:15:45: <Recaiden> Kura is offered a pendant.
05:15:56: <firedaemon33> 6Kura accepts the pendant and looks at it
05:15:56: <Recaiden> A little cast-metal wave-shape on a leather cord
05:15:56: <jhicks> 3"I can CONTROL a She cult. If I were to tell it to disband because REASONS, then it'd most likely work."
05:16:36: <Tab> "Neiz? Care to explain how clearly stupid or clearly treacherous this is?"
05:16:56: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Thank you," and puts the pendant around her neck
05:17:14: <Recaiden> Kura gains Temporary Merit: Priestess of Kimbery
05:17:32: <firedaemon33> 6((...))
05:17:40: <Tab> ((god dammit))
05:17:52: <Tab> ((we avoided everyon becoming abyssal only for us all to go infernal))
05:18:00: <Recaiden> "Welcome. It is good to have you back on the island, Kuragari."
05:18:10: <Beans> Neiz just kind of waggles her hands. "... Ugh."
05:18:23: <jhicks> 3"Look. I followed you into Heaven itself, as one of the number one 'will get murdered' people who could possibly go there. Ever. Give me just a BIT of rope to work with here."
05:18:30: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles, nods, and says, "It's good to be back."
05:19:04: <Recaiden> The book club starts up another song.
05:19:08: <Tab> "Following a Sidereal into Heaven just means you had a guide."
05:19:20: <Recaiden> ((Now Red is just being a jerk))
05:19:45: <Recaiden> Kura gets a faint feeling of community and familyness
05:19:55: <Recaiden> Likely more than she ever had with her real father :P
05:20:00: <firedaemon33> 6This makes her smile
05:20:06: <jhicks> 3burn
05:20:22: <Tab> ((red doesn't like the idea of the expanding cult, sorry))
05:20:26: <firedaemon33> 6((And? It's true.))
05:20:32: <Tab> ((Growing a problem doesnt fix it))
05:20:43: <jhicks> 3((it's shrinking it by one SECOND CIRCLE DEMON)
05:20:51: <jhicks> 3(do. not. want.)
05:21:13: <Tab> yeah but it's not shrinking red's way
05:21:19: <Tab> or the rest of the party's way, i imagine
05:21:31: <jhicks> 3maybe Kura's
05:21:41: <firedaemon33> 6No, no
05:21:53: <firedaemon33> 6Kura wants the cult to become less violent
05:22:00: <firedaemon33> 6And focus on helping people
05:22:33: <Tab> Kura wants a demon cult around?
05:22:41: <Tab> Kima just wants the island bette
05:22:45: <firedaemon33> 6Mmhmm
05:22:51: <Tab> She doesnt think her dad's support will do that
05:22:53: <firedaemon33> 6As does Kura
05:23:03: <Recaiden> ((Remove Kura dad, add Kura))
05:23:07: <Recaiden> ((???)
05:23:10: <Recaiden> ((Profit))
05:23:12: <firedaemon33> 6Klingon succession
05:23:17: <jhicks> 3((**** it. Kura new priestess of She cult, reform away)
05:23:25: <jhicks> 3(hippie crystals)
05:23:38: <Beans> rule 1 of kimmy club: stop peeing everywhere you ****blishers
05:23:41: <Beans> blisters*
05:23:57: <Tab> ((Kura, turn them towards the QUEEN OF BOUNTY!))
05:23:58: <Beans> rule 2: listen to 'smells like teen spirit' and lie on your bed
05:25:16: <jhicks> 3Sun sighs at Red and Neiz. "Hate me if you must, do what you must. I'll be back shortly.". Ushers Ten into office, crystal walls the **** out of doorway immediately behind."
05:26:47: <Tab> Red definitely does not like the idea of that
05:26:52: <Tab> but my brain feels wonky right now
05:27:14: <Tab> been up since six
05:27:59: <firedaemon33> 6Things are happening behind a crystal wall
05:28:08: <firedaemon33> 6They are not murdery things, happily
05:28:12: <Tab> Red doesn't appreciate being kept out of this
05:29:03: <jhicks> 3Crystal wall opens up, Force Pull yoinks Red inside, wall closes back.
05:29:25: <Tab> Red definitely doesn't appreciate being yanked around
05:29:38: <jhicks> 3Sun appears still pissy at Red, but has calmed slighlty. "You don't want blood? Fine. I've figured out a way to avoid bloodshed. Let me handle the people here for the moment, get this man to the docks."
05:29:51: <Tab> "Why? What is happening?"
05:30:07: <Recaiden> Book club continues singing, preaching, discussion the proverbs.
05:30:27: <Recaiden> Kura is asked if she could help with preparations for the Calibration Festival
05:30:32: <jhicks> 3"I am going to FAKE his death. Instant Crystal sculptures are handy. I'm going to present a crystalline statue of him, pretend it's a corpse while you get him to any boat that's not ours."
05:30:56: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Of course. What do you need me to do?"
05:31:35: <jhicks> 3"Anything beyond that? We can argue later. Further adjustments can be made, but this pacifies the immediate problems and gives us peace and room to work with. With no calibration demon summonings, might I add."
05:31:46: <Recaiden> "We want to extend a blessing to the whole isle. We'd like you, as one of the Blood, to join the prayers at the volcano."
05:32:01: <Tab> "...Alright."
05:32:16: <Tab> Red takes the body to the docks, but tells Neiz to keep an eye on SUn
05:32:17: <jhicks> 3(PLAN)
05:32:23: <jhicks> 3Ten is conscious and ****
05:32:25: <Tab> (I DONT TRUST YOUR PLANS
05:32:29: <Tab> ((THEY ARENT MY PLANS))
05:32:37: <Beans> neiz
05:32:37: <firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles and says, "Sounds excellent. If I might ask, what manner of blessing is it?"
05:32:42: <Tab> Also im really sneepy right now and its hard to think
05:32:44: <Beans> keepin dem eye on greengatron
05:33:08: <jhicks> 3Sun quickly craft crystal facsimile of Ten using bull**** infernal powers
05:33:20: <firedaemon33> 6((Tab. You are sneep. Go home.))
05:33:22: <Recaiden> "A blessing of the
05:33:33: <jhicks> 3Sun opens crystal wall, levitating fakecorpse out with him.. Quickly explains to Neiz where Red is so not getting fate-stabbed
05:33:50: <Tab> what
05:33:51: <Tab> im getting
05:33:52: <Tab> what
05:33:55: <Tab> no
05:33:56: <Recaiden> Mother Ocean, of course. To let people breath beneath the waves and keep them safe from the predations of the petty gods of storm and wave."
05:33:57: <Tab> bad
05:34:32: <Recaiden> ((Sunny, make an Int+Craft roll))
05:34:52: <Tab> okay im sory but i cant think right now
05:34:59: <Tab> is whats going on good or bad
05:35:03: <Tab> Beans?
05:35:05: <Recaiden> ((I can see.))
05:35:11: <Recaiden> ((We're nearly done here))
05:35:20: <firedaemon33> 6Kura nods and says, "Sounds reasonable. When do you need my help?"
05:35:48: <Beans> asi;oj
05:35:57: <Recaiden> "The night before Calibration, at sundown."
05:35:57: <Beans> i kep not being alive
05:35:59: <jhicks> 3(9 sux)
05:36:08: <Recaiden> ((Crystal duplicate is good))
05:36:12: <firedaemon33> 6"Alright. I'll be there."
05:36:46: <jhicks> 3Sun drags craft-corpse out to the square, and starts flaring Infernal-anima left and right
05:37:33: <Recaiden> As expected, people start freaking out and running
05:37:36: <Recaiden> Ham it up:
05:37:46: <Recaiden> ((Simenare))
05:38:48: <jhicks> 3The image of a crystalline throne appears behind the green-clad man as he places the spitting image of Ten beside him . "People of Simenare! Let this be a sign from the Most High! She Who Lives in Her Name has delivered a prophet and a miracle as a sign! I have spoken with your senior leadership, worshippers of the Ocean, and we need let your organization
05:38:52: <jhicks> 3(NOT DONE CHARACTERLIMIT)
05:40:21: <jhicks> 3be reborn! Let order and perfection guide you into a new era! Let the Queen be your new guiding light, so that this island might be led into a new era of prosperity! Let not the lies of others keep you down. Let this be a sign of the passing of the old order! I will speak to you again tommorrow, but think now of your amazing luck, of the honour of being part
05:40:29: <jhicks> 3of this glorious new state!".
05:42:07: <jhicks> 3 8 sux
05:42:41: <Recaiden> A fair portion of the people, maybe half of them, fall down to their knees and worship at the glorious display of Infernal power.
05:42:47: <jhicks> 3epic speech to end session
05:42:47: <Recaiden> The other half runs for their lives.
05:42:48: <jhicks> 3yay
05:44:02: <Recaiden> Sun Li stands beside the crystal 'corpse' of the previous leader, burning with green fire. For the moment, the undisputed leader of this little place.

2014-11-26, 11:31 PM
Neiz: 79 BP
Kozu: 78 BP
Kura: 77 BP
Kima: 76 BP
Sun Li: 71 BP
Red: 38 BP
New people: 68 BP

02:19:27: <Recaiden> PREVIOUSLY, IN SHROMPLAND
02:19:43: <tab2> WOP
02:20:17: <Recaiden> Sunny came up with a plan to stop the cult, which backfired when Kuradad went right along with it.
02:20:25: <Beans> kura no shurompu na bouken
02:20:52: <tab2> And kima feels useless and Red does not trust the dude and wants to be a goddess
02:20:52: <firedaemon33> 4*Itsuki
02:20:57: <Recaiden> After arguing with Red, he decided to pretend to kill Ten Siaka while actually effecting her escape from the island.
02:21:01: <Recaiden> Kima did not get to stab anyone.
02:21:07: <Recaiden> Kozu is meditating in the temple.
02:21:33: <Recaiden> Kura infiltrated a book club and was initiated as a temporary Calibration priestess of Kimbery.
02:21:50: <tab2> how did he convince her to escape
02:21:53: <tab2> isnt he all like
02:21:57: <tab2> terrible at social
02:22:23: <jhicks> I burnt an embarassing number of motes on Excellency of SWLiHn
02:22:40: <Recaiden> 'Do this or die' gives you a huge bonus to intimidate social
02:22:53: <Recaiden> Also the PLANS excellency helped out
02:22:59: <Beans> http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/104/c/7/waspinator___plans___poster_by_itswalky-d3dzwio.jpg
02:23:11: <Recaiden> How did you find that so fast?
02:23:11: <tab2> PLANS
02:23:18: <tab2> he has it macroed
02:23:31: <tab2> also this just makes Red trust Sun LESS
02:23:45: <Beans> i have aliaseseses for lots of things
02:23:50: <jhicks> sun is gonna do a nice for red
02:23:54: <jhicks> since he was a butt
02:24:22: <tab2> yaaaaaaay
02:24:23: <tab2> though
02:24:27: <tab2> Red was a butt too
02:24:30: <tab2> sorry, was sneepy that night
02:24:39: <Beans> she certainly has one
02:24:43: <Beans> a butt
02:24:48: <Beans> it's a good one
02:24:51: <jhicks> as EVERY ghost at that one party can attest
02:24:52: <tab2> Beans, are you secretly in love with red
02:25:24: <Beans> the appreciation i have for buttly matters is well-known tab
02:25:31: <Beans> you of all people have little reason for surprise
02:26:23: <tab2> *makes note to improve espos' butt*
02:26:37: <Recaiden> Currently people are cowering in fear/fleeing/worshipping the Full Anima Infernal
02:26:42: <Beans> yaaaay
02:26:47: <Beans> Neiz sips her drink
02:26:50: <Recaiden> Calibration is 7 and a half days away, as it's evening
02:26:51: <Recaiden> What do?
02:27:01: <jhicks> Sun Li drop anima, find red
02:27:11: <firedaemon33> 4Kura goes to find the rest of the party
02:27:20: <firedaemon33> 4Toting her new Kimberish Amulet
02:27:54: <Recaiden> Red is still like, probably right there?
02:27:58: <Recaiden> In the mayor's house?
02:28:04: <tab2> Red is leading Ten Siaka to the docks
02:28:05: <jhicks> 3Yes, directly behind me
02:28:08: <jhicks> 3oh raight
02:28:14: <tab2> Kima is at eyeing Kura's amulet
02:28:18: <tab2> "Sis, what the hell?"
02:28:24: <tab2> "Did you join a cult?"
02:28:31: <tab2> "*Dad's* cult?"
02:28:44: <Beans> Neiz blinks. "... Tell me this is deep cover."
02:29:06: <jhicks> 3Sun wanders back, finds group of non-red party members giving Kura ****
02:29:23: <Recaiden> Kura finds them in the northern village, Kima and Neiz, with a still slightly-glowing Sunny walking up
02:29:34: <firedaemon33> 4"Yes, it's deep cover. And I found out where they're going to be on Calibration. At the Volcano."
02:29:44: <Beans> :U
02:30:03: <Beans> "Ooh, that is interesting to know!"
02:30:04: <tab2> "That reeks of excuses to break ****," Kima sas
02:30:06: <tab2> *says
02:30:11: <firedaemon33> 4She looks at Sunny and says, "You have any ideas what they'd be doing there? They fed me a line about 'giving the Isle Kimbery's blessing."
02:30:27: <Beans> that would involve dousing the island in kimberrific piss
02:31:22: <firedaemon33> 4Probably
02:31:43: <jhicks> 3"Well...it sounds to me like a demon summoning."
02:31:52: <tab2> Red gets deformity (too perfect)
02:32:01: <tab2> Kima gets abomination (everyone else ever dies)
02:32:22: <jhicks> 3"You know, calibration and all that. Good news is, only half of them at best will be there to help...because I MAY have converted the other half...including your father...to a new cult?
02:32:32: <firedaemon33> 4Kura facepalms
02:32:59: <firedaemon33> 4She then looks up and says, "Give me a good reason /not/ to kill you right now."
02:33:13: <jhicks> 3"Hey, the plan worked. Half the island on our side, under our command, and NOT summoning a Kimbery Demon. Seems likes a success."
02:33:19: <firedaemon33> 4"Because it sounds like you just doubled the problem that I had almost fixed."
02:33:32: <jhicks> 3"Define doubling?"
02:33:36: <tab2> "Yeah, that's what Red and I said."
02:33:41: <tab2> "More demons is a baaaaad thing."
02:33:50: <jhicks> 3"There aren't going to BE more demons!"
02:33:53: <firedaemon33> 4"Now we have /two/ cults to deal with. Which is bad."
02:34:09: <firedaemon33> 4"I do not want this island infested with /any/ demon cults, yours or otherwise!"
02:34:13: <jhicks> 3"Two HALF cults, and one of them listens to us."
02:34:17: <jhicks> 3Sun sigh
02:34:17: <tab2> "Could've just made up a demon, or told them to worship you, or SMASHED EVERYTHING!" Kima says cheerily
02:34:42: <Recaiden> ((There
02:34:47: <firedaemon33> 4"Quite. Why did you not get them to worship Red? Or...I don't know, anyone or anything else?"
02:34:56: <jhicks> 3"Look, the PLAN was, since you guys aren't huge fans of the whole demon cult thing, to hand it off. Tell them one of you...probably Red, since Kozu wouldn't and Kura and Kima are family of him, was a priestess on high or something"
02:34:59: <Recaiden> ((Are a total of seven cults on the island))
02:35:16: <Recaiden> ((There were six before Sunny))
02:35:20: <Beans> Neiz flails a little. "These kids."
02:35:23: <Recaiden> ((There were 3 before the party first arrived))
02:35:35: <tab2> "Oh, by the way, figured out what the crabs were."
02:35:45: <firedaemon33> 4((what. How did we spawn three cults?))
02:36:00: <Beans> KRAFF
02:36:10: <tab2> "They're little demon crabs that work for derejen or something named like that, they can be freed of their master and sent to work on whatever, but they *really* love to work for them anyways."
02:36:25: <tab2> "Wait, kozu and I are related?"
02:36:28: <tab2> "What?"
02:36:30: <jhicks> 3"That sounds like....Adorjan"
02:36:30: <jhicks> 3"
02:36:35: <jhicks> 3"GREAT. More major cults."
02:36:40: <Recaiden> Demon lore yay!
02:36:50: <jhicks> 3Sun mumbles something about non-compete clauses in some contracts.
02:36:53: <tab2> "No, no, derejen are lower rank demons. Ore-quickeners."
02:37:18: <tab2> "That's about all I know. I'm a necromancer, not a neomah-pimp."
02:37:54: <Beans> Neiz twitches at the mention of neomah. She just. She ****in
02:37:58: <Beans> like, **** those guys
02:38:10: <Recaiden> ((Wait why does Neiz hate Neomah?))
02:38:12: <firedaemon33> 4Kura smacks Kima upside the head for the Neomah reference
02:38:33: <tab2> Neiz hates neomah, too?
02:38:51: <jhicks> 3Sun continues to sigh, attempts to perfect defence away the grey hairs forming.
02:39:01: <Recaiden> ((Adorjan -> Jacint -> That demon who's basically Maleficent -> Demjen -> kraffs))
02:39:26: <Recaiden> Can't PD stress
02:39:33: <jhicks> 3bitch im exalted
02:39:52: <jhicks> 3....thousandfold courtesan calculations
02:39:54: <jhicks> 3?
02:40:21: <jhicks> 3"So! Two competing cults, I now rule half the island, WHERE is my Lunar figurehead? She should be back soon."
02:40:34: <Recaiden> Can you get more arrogant?
02:40:56: <jhicks> 3I can try
02:41:00: <Beans> Neiz rolls her eyes with a billion sux.
02:41:18: <tab2> "You don't rule **** yet, sunny boy," Kima laughs
02:41:21: <tab2> Red returns, I guess
02:41:31: <tab2> If Ten Siaka left without any issue
02:41:42: <Recaiden> Ten Siaka rows away to hide out for a while.
02:41:48: <Recaiden> Unless Red wants to complicate things.
02:42:12: <Beans> Also Neiz hates neomah for perverting what she stands for. The fact that they can make babbies for couples unable to make babbies is the only thing they do that doesn't totally make her angry
02:42:15: <tab2> Well, Red asks what happened
02:42:36: <tab2> And makes sure horrible murder or brainwashing isnt involved
02:42:54: <tab2> But other than stuff that would really ding on her ethics scale, she doesn't really care
02:43:03: <jhicks> 3Sun smiles at Red a little too warmly. "So, turns out...half the cult works for me now, yay. Turns out, party doesn't like cults listening to me or the demons, boo. Nobody died. Current idea is to make either you, Kozu, or Neiz a figurehead to rule instead of me, because trust issues."
02:43:36: <tab2> "You really think Kozu would accept their worship without moping about how unworthy he is?" Red snarks
02:43:47: <tab2> "I have been planning to set myself up a cult here, though..."
02:43:56: <firedaemon33> 4"Mmm...I vote for Red."
02:44:09: <Beans> "Sidereals cannot have cults, so I vote for the obvious choice."
02:44:17: <jhicks> 3"So, Red as new priestess-leader of my demon cult?"
02:44:23: <Recaiden> -is it me-
02:44:38: <Recaiden> Oh hi Vayli you should really not use all those Stealth dots
02:44:44: <Recaiden> On the party
02:44:47: <Beans> "No, dear, it's the one with the hips."
02:45:12: <jhicks> 3Sun resists making a joke about tantric holy rites to the Lunar lady who might remove his naughty bits with sharp bits.
02:45:19: <Recaiden> -we all have hips-
02:45:21: <tab2> "Hips, lips, all the rest," Red sighs
02:45:27: <Recaiden> -but someone has more of them I suppose-
02:45:28: <jhicks> 3 5 sux
02:45:39: <tab2> "I will gladly do it, but I will turn them slowly from their ways if I can."
02:45:39: <Recaiden> The fae looks between the party trying to figure out who it is.
02:46:03: <tab2> "I have been trying to drop hints of the arrival of a benevolent goddes, The Red Lady, since we arrived."
02:46:27: <jhicks> 3Sun shrugs. "Eliminating...uncooperative rivals, bringing the island under unified leadership, and sending prayers until/if Red manages to convert them? Sounds good enough to avoid me getting smited by my boss lady."
02:47:28: <tab2> "She Who Lives In Her Name does love an effective government," Red says
02:47:42: <tab2> "What? I've been studying!"
02:47:42: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmm...I see. Well...In the meantime, we can busy ourselves with stopping the Kimbery Cultists."
02:48:48: <tab2> ((I'll be right back!))
02:49:06: <jhicks> 3"Yeah...you seem awful friendly with the briney bitch."
02:50:29: <Recaiden> ((Polite reminder that Kimbery works with your boss))
02:50:47: <jhicks> 3((polite reminder of rivalry and foul mouth)
02:51:33: <firedaemon33> 6"Mmm. I have two very specific skillsets. I'm just enjoying exercising the second for once."
02:51:59: <jhicks> 3Sun suspicious nods
02:52:27: <Recaiden> And...break!
02:52:37: <tab2> ((break?))
02:52:47: <Recaiden> Seems like a point to end that scene
02:52:59: <jhicks> 3Timeskip, wheeeee
02:53:05: <Recaiden> And now describe your cult-finding Calibration-preparing things.
02:53:27: <firedaemon33> 6Kura continues to ingratiate herself with the Cult
02:53:52: <firedaemon33> 6Over the week of Calibration, -getting brainwashed- infiltrating deeper into their ranks
02:54:11: <tab2> Red teaches, keeping a careful eye out for children and parents that might somehow be affiliated, and works around the island in different identities, generally being very helpful and pretty
02:54:28: <tab2> Kima makes sure Kura isn't getting brainwashed
02:54:44: <jhicks> 3Sun preaches and bullies non-believers, while telling of him bringing about a more management-oriented leadership person
02:55:03: <Recaiden> Behold! The Prophesied MIDDLE MANAGEMENT!
02:55:08: <Beans> yaaay
02:55:21: <tab2> here is your improved employee card
02:55:29: <Recaiden> Cult brainwashes Kura
02:55:30: <tab2> you now get 4.5% off all purchases
02:55:39: <Recaiden> DeadSiddie cults
02:55:46: <Recaiden> Vayli follows Kura around like the worst puppy ever
02:55:49: <tab2> Kima asks deadsiddie about that
02:55:50: <Beans> dead siddie for best
02:55:59: <tab2> Who is the cult to and why?
02:56:00: <Recaiden> ((Kura MDV?))
02:56:02: <Beans> Neiz doots around as her resplestiny
02:56:18: <tab2> If the cult is to ancestors or one of the party, Kima totally helps
02:56:23: <Recaiden> DeadSiddie is not obvious about that but you can roll Wits+Investigation
02:56:48: <tab2> 4 sux! wit got tenssssssss
02:56:58: <tab2> Kima also tries to make sure Kura isn't brainwashed
02:57:22: <firedaemon33> 6((MDV 5))
02:57:31: <Recaiden> 6"70 m3 4nd my 51573r5. ju57 533m5 l1k3 cul75 4r3 7h3 7h1n6 70 d0 h3r3."
02:57:43: <tab2> "Your sisters?"
02:57:48: <tab2> "Who're they?"
02:58:04: <firedaemon33> 6((Kura's totally getting Brainwashes
02:58:07: <Recaiden> 6((Kura gains 3 progress of a Positive Intimacy towards the cult))
02:58:08: <firedaemon33> 6))
02:58:11: <tab2> "And actually, we're trying to get rid of a lot of cults right now. We're not really big on demons or world ending voids, see?"
02:58:33: <Recaiden> 6"m3 n317h3r."
02:58:54: <Beans> ****in
02:59:10: <tab2> "Well, hey, if it doesn't hurt the island people or us, I'm all for it."
02:59:20: <firedaemon33> 6((It's okay. It takes 4 steps.))
02:59:23: <Recaiden> *clashing mountains*
02:59:24: <tab2> "Think maybe you could push 'em towards that thing Red's working on?"
02:59:29: <Recaiden> Wait dedSiddie is incorporeal
02:59:55: <Recaiden> Dead Siddie shakes her head.
02:59:59: <Recaiden> 6"n07 700 b16 0n pl4n75 my53lf."
03:00:51: <tab2> "Yeah, but apparently we're supposed to work some, like, fertility and stuff in there? But I'm not really good at getting cults."
03:01:13: <tab2> "I mean look at me, right? I smash **** and kill people. Then I summon their ghosts and party."
03:01:24: <tab2> "That's pretty much it, and I'm alright with that."
03:01:51: <Recaiden> 6"1 d0 l0v3 ch1ldr3n. n07 70 347 0r 4ny7h1n6, l1k3, k1d5 4r3 6r347. 4nd r3d /15/ my f4v0r173 c0l0r."
03:02:09: <Recaiden> 6DeadSiddie and Red, twin goddesses of Simenare.
03:02:23: <Recaiden> 6The ghost looks for Red to plan.
03:02:31: <tab2> "Just, tell them she's the sexiest mama ever and you're just, like, the coolest ghost or something."
03:02:43: <tab2> Red is around, easy to spot for those that know ehre
03:02:45: <tab2> *her
03:02:51: <firedaemon33> 6((Also, I request that Kura be Red's Vengeful Aspect.))
03:02:54: <tab2> Mostly because she's always in Red
03:03:06: <tab2> ((sure why not))
03:03:29: <tab2> Her disguises always have a certain tell she lets the group know about
03:04:09: <Beans> Neiz also trains herself some more dots of Integ because holy ****, gotta get that MDV uuuuup
03:04:34: <tab2> ((How is it sun and kima have the best mdv in the group))
03:05:08: <Recaiden> 6dat WP
03:05:15: <Recaiden> 6IDK
03:05:41: <tab2> ((Oh, man, panda's got a decent one too))
03:05:44: <tab2> ((How the hell))
03:05:47: <Recaiden> 6Anyway, deadSiddie works with Red to unite their fledgling cults.
03:05:53: <Beans> neiz got hers up to 7 now
03:06:03: <jhicks> 3still winning, 8
03:06:06: <jhicks> 3lel neiz
03:06:06: <tab2> Red is more than willing to work honoring your dead into the ideas she's spreding
03:06:25: <Recaiden> 6deadSiddie doesn't care about the dead.
03:06:32: <Beans> ****in megatron
03:06:39: <jhicks> 3Sun reminds Red at some point to emphasize order and governance and stuffs
03:06:41: <Recaiden> 6Her aspects are +Fertility +Freedom
03:06:41: <tab2> She just wants herself worshipped?
03:06:45: <tab2> ooooo
03:06:45: <jhicks> 3****in megatron indeed
03:06:48: <tab2> Red is all over that
03:06:52: <jhicks> 3...wat
03:06:58: <Recaiden> 6And herself being worshipped yeah that sounds nice.
03:07:00: <jhicks> 3did we just start a very organized sex cult?
03:07:03: <tab2> And Red does work in some hierarchy, but a lot less than swilhm wants
03:07:09: <tab2> No, red is not ****ing megatron
03:07:09: <Beans> ****in infernals with their incomprehensible moon logic charms
03:07:14: <tab2> he is one of the few she wouldnt
03:07:20: <jhicks> 3.... :(
03:07:25: <tab2> Red also works in a lot less than the immaculates want
03:07:31: <tab2> Enough to be workable, of course
03:07:45: <tab2> But freedom and being able to move up in life are two things she's been preaching
03:07:50: <Beans> "you must have three pairs of underwear on to make this work, and also two earrings in your right ear, and you also must eat a chocolate baby"
03:08:45: <jhicks> 3sun debates starting rumors that a sex rite is involved for the transfer of leadership
03:09:03: <Recaiden> 6deadSiddie is also not ****ing megatron. No workplace relationships
03:09:14: <Beans> Neiz debates startign a counter-rumor that people who wear green have small peepees
03:09:48: <tab2> ((should i do charisma, appearance or manipulation for the roll?
03:09:51: <firedaemon33> 6Kura starts a counterrumors that Crystals are unhealthy
03:09:57: <tab2> ((and can I spend wp on it?))
03:10:03: <Recaiden> 6((Charisma or Manipulation, and yes))
03:10:49: <Recaiden> 6((Charisma or Manipulation + Performance (or socialize or presence with appropriate stunt)))
03:11:53: <jhicks> 3 5 sux for keeping it ordered, bbg
03:12:37: <tab2> Red inserts her teachings everywhere, from her classes incorporating moral lessons to her trips and conversations egging people on to hope for these things. She takes many guises, that of a woman who lost her child and works to make sure nobody else will, a farmwoman trying to make use of good island soil and spreading the wealth of her knowledge, a sailor
03:12:50: <tab2> who has seen far off lands prosper through these ways she is trying to spread.
03:13:00: <Recaiden> 6 2 stunt to red.
03:13:33: <Recaiden> 6((Are you sure Red isn't the Main PC and Kima the hanger-on ally ?))
03:13:37: <jhicks> 3Sun preaches without disgusie, for he is the priest of demonic order. Flaring anime as necessary, and sometimes unnecessarily, he speaks of the benefits of a well ordered and managed society, the power of a hierarchy, and the beating benefits of the chain of command.
03:13:57: <tab2> Using manipulation excellencies to add 3 dice and 2 sux
03:14:03: <tab2> and wp for a autosux
03:14:16: <Recaiden> 6((DeadSiddie applies 6 sux to the FREEDOM agenda))
03:14:44: <Recaiden> 6((2 stunt also to Sunny))
03:14:49: <tab2> ((10 sux total!))
03:15:58: <Recaiden> 6Cult increases in both orderliness and agriculture
03:16:28: <tab2> freedom+order?
03:16:32: <tab2> We are making one weird democracy
03:16:44: <tab2> *spontaneous develops m16s and hamburgers*
03:16:51: <Beans> order protecting freedoms of course
03:17:19: <firedaemon33> 6Mhmm
03:17:24: <Recaiden> 6Meanwhile, in the Kurazone, she's finding a few details: plan is to transform the magma of the volcano to the waters of the demon sea and make all the islanders able to breathe water.
03:17:24: <jhicks> 3Freedom+Order= Republic
03:17:36: <jhicks> 3Everyone's voice, but someone in charge very securely
03:17:38: <Recaiden> 6And the leader of the book club keeps trying to set her up with 'a nice lintha boy'.
03:17:47: <tab2> THE DEMON SEA IS ACI
03:17:49: <tab2> ACID
03:17:52: <tab2> ACID PISS RAIN
03:17:59: <jhicks> 3Acid mutation piss rain
03:18:04: <firedaemon33> 6Kura finds herself going along with the plan
03:18:10: <firedaemon33> 6It seems like a good idea, right?
03:18:13: <tab2> god
03:18:17: <tab2> WHY
03:18:19: <tab2> KURA WHY
03:18:27: <Beans> really kura
03:18:29: <tab2> Kima is checking on her sister daily
03:18:30: <tab2> like
03:18:39: <Beans> /really kura/
03:18:39: <tab2> "Dude man sis don't be a demon's bitch yo"
03:18:52: <tab2> "Remember how much pandaguy hates demons?"
03:19:05: <Recaiden> 6((Because Kozu should be our role model))
03:19:08: <jhicks> 3Sun offers Kima the essence cannon for sister taming.
03:19:10: <firedaemon33> 6"It's fine, Kima. I'm only pretending to go along with it."
03:19:12: <Beans> Neiz imparts the wise lesson that demons are humongous festering schlongmongles
03:19:20: <tab2> "How will you get that sweet panda d if you smell like malfeas?"
03:19:30: <firedaemon33> 6((My god.))
03:19:44: <tab2> ((i laughed typing that))
03:19:47: <firedaemon33> 6Meanwhile, she agrees to meet Linthaboy
03:19:56: <Recaiden> 6Well, Malfeas demons ate his family. But Kura will smell like Kimbery.
03:20:01: <Beans> :U
03:20:17: <tab2> malfeas is the whole demon world silly
03:20:38: <Beans> does she tell the party about this, or would neiz have to roll to find out
03:21:38: <Beans> because she is StSLing the **** out of this kid
03:21:53: <firedaemon33> 6Actually, YER, but yes
03:21:56: <Recaiden> 6StSL?
03:22:37: <Beans> Shun the Smiling Lady
03:22:52: <firedaemon33> 6Which does...
03:23:21: <Beans> she strikes someone's name from the list of peeps gonna fall in love
03:23:24: <Recaiden> 6Kura has a date with a non-panda!
03:23:41: <tab2> im telling tech
03:23:51: <Beans> to build a romantic intimacy with said person, you have to beat a Dif3 MANP+Soc roll
03:24:34: <firedaemon33> 6Nope
03:24:40: <firedaemon33> 6She doesn't tell the party
03:24:46: <firedaemon33> 6So..
03:24:51: <firedaemon33> 6Date with a Lintha kid?
03:24:58: <Recaiden> 6Beans may investigate
03:25:09: <Beans> whast are them roll
03:25:18: <Recaiden> 6((Perception + investigation))
03:25:35: <Beans> 3 sux
03:25:45: <tab2> 4 for kima!
03:25:48: <Recaiden> 6((Wits + Stealth Kura))
03:25:53: <tab2> rolling in tenssss!
03:28:24: <Recaiden> 6The lintha boy seems nice enough.
03:28:36: <Recaiden> 6Neiz and Kima both catch on that Kura is somethinging
03:28:37: <firedaemon33> 6((2 Sux. Why can't I have good luck.))
03:28:51: <Recaiden> 6She lets slip to Kima that she has a date, implies it isn't with Kozu
03:28:56: <Recaiden> 6(although that would be shociking too)
03:29:25: <tab2> Kima lets Neiz know
03:29:32: <tab2> and lets Kura know this is a baaaad idea
03:29:55: <tab2> and lets Red know, but Red just laughs and says, "the Sun Child will be heartbroken, I'm sure"
03:30:08: <Recaiden> 6He's quite handsome and has appropriately green hair. Seems a little bit shy and in awe of Kura.
03:30:11: <jhicks> 3Sun attempts to romance a village girl because Red and Neiz keep making fun of his peepee
03:30:38: <Recaiden> 6((Charisma+Socialize))
03:30:40: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is sweet to the boy, nice enough
03:30:51: <firedaemon33> 6She's curious as to why he's in awe of her
03:31:04: <tab2> Red has made no peepee jokes
03:31:17: <Beans> gneh
03:31:29: <tab2> She has teased Kura about her date, though
03:31:39: <Recaiden> 6A) Kura's travelled all over the ocean; he's been out to sea but never far from the island
03:31:43: <firedaemon33> 6Kura simply ignored them
03:31:44: <Recaiden> 6B) She's exalted
03:32:56: <firedaemon33> 6((Six Sux to make a good impression.))
03:33:22: <jhicks> 3 1 sux to bang the native
03:33:29: <Recaiden> 6The date is going swimmingly well for Kura
03:33:31: <tab2> ((tech says kozu feels awkwardly emotional at the news, and has no clue why))
03:33:45: <Recaiden> 6Sun can get the time of day and a few flirtations, but not much more.
03:34:10: <Beans> Since neiz couldn't find out who this little ****er is, guess we can't nip this mess in the bud.
03:34:25: <tab2> Yes neiz can
03:34:27: <tab2> resplestiny
03:34:28: <tab2> spy
03:34:32: <tab2> StSL
03:34:33: <firedaemon33> 6Why u so angry, Beanz?
03:34:47: <Recaiden> 6((Date finishes Kura's +intimacy towards the cult and 1 scene towards the boy, unless spend WP))
03:35:07: <Recaiden> 6Neiz could follow Kura or ask around the bookstore
03:35:21: <Beans> and my rolls for that
03:35:27: <Recaiden> 6Like what tab said
03:35:35: <Recaiden> 6((Perception or Wits + Investigation))
03:35:48: <Beans> 3 agaiiiiiiiin
03:35:55: <Recaiden> 6((You find the Kura!))
03:35:59: <Beans> :3
03:36:13: <Beans> well kura, roll y'allself up a MANP+Soc
03:37:29: <firedaemon33> 6((3 Sux.))
03:37:45: <Recaiden> 6((Is Neiz essence 3 or 4))
03:37:50: <Beans> 3
03:37:55: <Beans> http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/367/417/83c.gif
03:38:05: <Recaiden> 6((Even if 3, Kura has to spend WP to like the kid through the charm - errata buffed it))
03:38:07: <firedaemon33> 6:D
03:38:19: <tab2> do it
03:38:23: <Beans> shh
03:38:25: <Beans> no
03:38:26: <tab2> make the panda cry home to his wife
03:38:45: <tab2> imagine how much comfier he'll be in her arms
03:38:49: <Beans> avoid urineblood lintha ****boys
03:38:51: <firedaemon33> 6((No WP spent.))
03:38:57: <tab2> how much safer he'd be if you just drove him away from simenare altogether
03:39:08: <Beans> **** taste in husbando avoidance: complete!
03:39:09: <tab2> so he could just nerd his life away in a cave with some mortal
03:39:13: <firedaemon33> 6(Why are you so hate at the Linthapeople?))
03:39:25: <Beans> because i don't like the pee sea
03:39:36: <Beans> kura is ok because she is shurompu
03:39:43: <tab2> ((kimbery is one of the worst demons))
03:39:51: <tab2> ((also lintha both alive and dead are *****))
03:39:52: <Beans> and kima is ok because she is off the chain
03:40:03: <tab2> ((lintha ghosts sell other ghosts to deathlords and demons))
03:40:10: <tab2> Kima made the chain her bitch
03:40:17: <tab2> she's so far off the chain that she's in orbit
03:40:22: <tab2> high fiving the daystar
03:40:30: <jhicks> 3Sun, butthurt that the locals don't want the demonic D, goes back to studying bookstuff
03:40:48: <tab2> well, maybe if you introduced them to microscopes
03:40:51: <Recaiden> 6Studying anything in particular? Ah
03:40:53: <tab2> or the idea of homeopathic *******s
03:40:56: <tab2> they'd be into it more
03:41:13: <Beans> ok sun, roll STA+Res to resist being DUNKED
03:41:15: <Recaiden> 6((Worst demons is subjective but yeah most Lintha are pretty bad news.))
03:41:21: <tab2> *high fives beans*
03:43:30: <Recaiden> 6The linthakid seems nice but it becomes clear that this relationship won't go anywhere by the end of the evening
03:43:47: <firedaemon33> 6Which is fine with Kura
03:43:52: <firedaemon33> 6She doesn
03:43:58: <firedaemon33> 6't really seem to care either
03:44:17: <firedaemon33> 6But he does manage to get her sucked further into the cult
03:44:47: <jhicks> 3why is everyone talking bad about megatron's peepee today?
03:45:59: <Beans> diminuative demonprince dingle
03:46:13: <firedaemon33> 6Better question: Why are we using charms on party members with the express purpose of stopping plot?
03:47:12: <tab2> there's a difference between plot
03:47:13: <tab2> and
03:47:18: <tab2> "Hey let's **** ourselves"
03:47:31: <tab2> Also carrie and kima ship kura*kozu
03:47:32: <Beans> I didn't know Kura gradually becoming an insane urolagniac was on the script
03:47:38: <tab2> And Red ships Kozu*anything humorous
03:47:56: <tab2> And Kura*Herself once or twice until Red gets bored
03:48:01: <Recaiden> It is a plot option.
03:48:11: <Beans> and neiz would prefer that
03:48:12: <Recaiden> I don't think using StSL here is a problem
03:48:27: <Beans> and if this comes as a surprise i'm owed a dollar
03:48:27: <Recaiden> If Neiz continually uses it to harras the party, then there would be an issue
03:48:58: <Beans> she'd prefer that kura not become a worshipper of the great clogged urinal in hell
03:49:23: <tab2> I read one of the comics
03:49:31: <tab2> where kimbery flooded some bloodapes' town
03:49:37: <tab2> and tricked them around and trapped them
03:49:40: <tab2> just for the hell of it
03:49:48: <tab2> and swallowed up their families
03:49:59: <tab2> and the blood apes just sat there and went 'well, we tried. sorry guys'
03:50:06: <tab2> and i actually felt bad for the murder monkies
03:50:31: <firedaemon33> 6:(
03:50:33: <Recaiden> Mhm. It was a pretty **** move
03:51:21: <Beans> so basically neiz is doing this because it would be against her calling not to
03:51:26: <Recaiden> ((I think there's not a tone more we should do without Kozu))
03:52:01: <tab2> Tech did say to go ahead
03:52:59: <jhicks> 3I say we timeskip to piss-cano
03:53:18: <Recaiden> TIMESKIP HO!
03:53:32: <Recaiden> It is midday on the last day before Calibration
03:53:46: <Recaiden> People are wrapping presents, cultists are saying prayers.
03:53:48: <tab2> if it's that far
03:53:53: <tab2> maybe we should wait
03:54:00: <tab2> or whatever
03:54:04: <Recaiden> ((Yeah, see?
03:54:06: <tab2> i dont know whats about to happen
03:54:11: <Recaiden> People have staited their cult-reforming aims))
03:54:15: <tab2> he wanted to make stuff for everyone though didnt he
03:54:22: <Recaiden> ((Romance has been attempted and failed/sabotaged))
03:54:23: <tab2> like katars and soap and whatnot
03:54:29: <firedaemon33> 6Kura is praying with the cultists
03:54:39: <Recaiden> ((Yes, though I can have allowed him to craft during the time))
03:54:55: <tab2> Are townsfolk catching on to the multiple identities matching ever so slightly yet?
03:55:01: <Recaiden> A couple of them.
03:55:07: <tab2> Or warming up to the Red Lady at all?
03:55:11: <Recaiden> ((So I think we cut the shromps here))
03:55:17: <Recaiden> ((Some warming up))
03:55:25: <Recaiden> ((Next day to attempt to play?))
03:55:31: <tab2> Im good tomorrow
03:55:37: <tab2> no more class until saturdonk
03:55:57: <Beans> iiiiii will probably not be able to, due to Eat A Lot Of Foodxalted
03:56:08: <firedaemon33> 6((I'm not going to be up for much on Turkey Day, yeah.))
03:56:09: <Recaiden> ((Tomorrow I don't know that I can do, Friday/Saturday/Sunday would be good.))
03:56:24: <Recaiden> ((My usual Friday things are not happening on account of turkeymas))
03:56:38: <Beans> fridey is no for me, satdey is yes
03:56:44: <tab2> my family is out of country on vacayyyyyy
03:56:46: <tab2> so
03:57:03: <tab2> I'll be available for any whatever during tomorrow's StuffingWeen festivities
03:57:30: <tab2> I can try to grab tech for heart/briar/eleven/dragons, if he isn't dead/in jail/phoneless?
03:57:39: <Recaiden> +1 BP for party
03:57:47: <Beans> boop
03:57:55: <tab2> yayyyyyyy
03:58:07: <Recaiden> Should be a larger amount after the next session.
03:58:11: <Recaiden> ((Sounds good, tab))
03:58:13: <tab2> OMINOUS
03:58:18: <tab2> also, i secretly suspect
03:58:20: <Recaiden> We'll plan on Saturday being next Session

2014-11-30, 04:19 AM
Neiz: 83 BP
Kozu: 82 BP
Kura: 81 BP
Kima: 80 BP
Sun Li: 75 BP
Red: 40 BP
New people: 70 BP

<Recaiden> Yes.
<Beans> ye
<Recaiden> So, it's <1 week to Calibration.
<jhicks> He missed the whole cult thing
<Recaiden> Cults are culting.
<Recaiden> Kozu is civic improving
<jhicks> 3we accidentally a republic
<Recaiden> Not quite
<firedaemon33> 6Kura is worshipping Kimbery
<Beans> neiz is trying to prevent kura's slow descent into the pee sea
<Tab> Red is trying to set up an identity as a god
<Recaiden> What is party want to do?
<Tab> Kima is trying to keep kura out if being brainwashed
<firedaemon33> 6Well
<jhicks> 3I believe we were about to timeskip before realizing we needed a Kozu for this
<firedaemon33> 6Kura is running around doing culty things
<Tab> brb, computwr
<firedaemon33> 6Trying to talk Kima into joining her
<Recaiden> Social roll
<jhicks> 3Sunny, sad about being rejected by the civilian girls, is studying books on the sorcery
<firedaemon33> 6 3 Sux
<Recaiden> DeadSiddie is organizing the libraries when he isn't looking.
<Beans> Neiz is being Neizy
<jhicks> 3Recaiden, sorcery get?
<Recaiden> Alright so we're going to timeskip to the last day before Calibration
<tsinistar> k
<Beans> twas the night before calibration
<Beans> and the lintha were at the movies
<firedaemon33> 6And all through the house
<firedaemon33> 6Not a cultist was stirring
<firedaemon33> 6Not even a shromp
<jhicks> 3because the shromp IS a fracking cultist now
<jhicks> 3yay kura
<Recaiden> ((And then we wait 4 tab))
<jhicks> 3good job
<Recaiden> ((Sunny, roll Perception+Occult))
<firedaemon33> 6My characters are bad at resisting corruption
<firedaemon33> 6What can I sat
<firedaemon33> 6&say
<Recaiden> ((Kozu, roll Wits+Bureaucracy))
<Recaiden> Welcoemb ack
<Beans> we need to fix her
<Recaiden> twas the night before calibration And all through the house Not a cultist was stirring Not even a shromp
<Tab> hai
<Recaiden> Kura tried to recruit Kima to the cult, but failed rolls
<tsinistar> kozu doesn't know about kura's demon-ness
<tsinistar> But when he does hear about it
<tsinistar> That's probably a loss of an intimacy dot
<Recaiden> He will frown
<Tab> wow
<firedaemon33> 6Kura still loves her sister
<Tab> Kima loves kua
<jhicks> 3out of curiosity, what is his reaction to sunny going full 'MIGHT OF THE DEVIL' and starting a SWLiHN cult with red as a highpriestess?
<Tab> But kura is being a big stupid stupid head
<Tab> Red only agrees if the cult is slowly swing away from demons
<Recaiden> Kura is likely up on the volcano slopes preparing for the ritual.
<Recaiden> It is slowly swinging away.
<firedaemon33> 6Yep
<tsinistar> If kozu knew you were spreading demon cults, he'd infinite mastery of scrolls at you
<Tab> then red's cool
<Recaiden> DeadSiddie is excite.
<firedaemon33> 6Which is why Kozu was not told about it
<Beans> neiz wants to prevent the ritual of the magical realm
<Tab> Kima is considering telling kozu about kura
<Tab> it seems like something he should know
<Tab> even if the others say she shouldnt
<Recaiden> Vayli is enthusiastically join the cult with his Kura
<jhicks> 3since according to our ST Sunny knows that this ritual is occurring despite him saying not to
<jhicks> 3I'm gonna go find kuradad
<Recaiden> -this is fun-
<Recaiden> -what do you think of the outfit Kura-
<Recaiden> He has dropped all the gothy stuff for sea-imagery
<Tab> Kima goes with Sunny
<Recaiden> Robes, sea-green, blue jewelry, clamshells
<Beans> Neiz glides after megatron in her resplestiny
<firedaemon33> 6Kura smiles at Vayli and says, "It looks great!"
<Tab> Red is sneaky sneaky among the cult with the herd hide charm
<jhicks> 3*insert suitable door-slammingly angry entrance on Kuradad*
<tsinistar> Kozu is overseeing some farms being built
<Tab> Kima kicks the door for Sunny
<Tab> With Damocles
<Recaiden> Itsuki the Kuradad jumps up. "Yes, your holiness?"
<Recaiden> Which cult, Red?
<jhicks> 3"So, I can't help but notice a non zero amount of summonings still being prepared."
<Recaiden> The Kura-cult, the Dad-cult, her own followers?
<jhicks> 3arent the last two sort of overlapping?
<Recaiden> "It is the Will of the Queen."
<Recaiden> Yes.
<Recaiden> The Immaculate Cult?
<Tab> Red is hiding in the Kura-cult
<jhicks> 3Sunny frowns. "Now, I recall quite clearly saying not to do any summoning shenanigans, and I do believe I'm a BIT more qualified here."
<Recaiden> Someone is building little replicas of the brass crustaceans out of driftwood and sand and leaving hem on the beach
<Recaiden> They do not move.
<Recaiden> "More clearly that She Who Lives in Her Name? The signs have been perfectly clear."
<tsinistar> Kozu uses sorcerers sight at the crabs
<tsinistar> Tjis is not a good sign
<jhicks> 3crab-bros are fine
<Beans> KRAFF
<Tab> yeah the crabs are actually one of the few friendly demons once freed of their makers
<Recaiden> The things are not very magical. They are just shrines.
<Recaiden> 'few'?
<jhicks> 3Sunny sighs, facepalms. "This is...unexpected. Now, care to explain WHY I wasn't informed?".
<tsinistar> Yes but they're also associated with harmony to kozu
<Recaiden> "I assumed you knew."
<Tab> Most demons have less than mortal friendly motivations
<Tab> the crabs just wanna build stuff and help people who are nice to them
<Recaiden> Intimacies, perhaps. Most demons don't even notice Mortals in their Motivations. Which is part of the problem.
<Recaiden> Except like Gallmau, Luminata, and Decanthropes, which are all pretty much pure evil.
<jhicks> 3"If you act against my orders, I DAMN sure expect to at least be told you're spitting in my face. I have more...specific plans than the Queen needs to be kept abreast of, she has more important things to focus on. However, my plans do NOT account for summonings here."
<jhicks> 3"Especially not TWO, since the damned sea cult is still working!"
<tsinistar> 2" Who's been building these? I thought the demon cult was lessening? "
<Recaiden> "Perhaps they could be revised?"
<Recaiden> "Surely the presence of a demon is no trouble for one such as you, Prince."
<jhicks> 3Sunny nosepinch. "I was intending to keep things more...subtle than that, for the moment. That, and I have comrades who are less than keen on the presence of such displays. It is more diplomatic to avoid them at such times when they can be postponed without harm."
<Recaiden> "But think of the opportunity!"
<Tab> "The opportunity to sink your island and sell the survivors to self-castrating mutants. Real brilliant dad," Kima growls
<jhicks> 3Sunny stares into Kuradad's eyes. "No. I've told you my plans, and as an emissary of the devil powers, I am in charge here. Do not question me. THE SUMMONING IS TO BE CALLED OFF AND PREVENTED. Are we clear?".
<Recaiden> Itsuki's eyes widen, and he nods.
<Recaiden> He speaks in a flat, cowed voice. "Absolutely, prince."
<Tab> "So, should we tell the pandaman *now*?" Kima asks
<Beans> :3
<jhicks> 3Sunny nods. "Damn straight. Get to work. There's another summoning that needs fixing.". Nods at Kima. "Let's go find us a daynerd."
<Tab> wait no
<jhicks> 3OOC : so sunny's first sorcery he purchased MAAAAY have been something mindcontrol-y...
<tsinistar> 2Kozu's actually overseeing construction of a properly irrigated and layered farm right now actually
<Tab> "TO THE FARM!"
<Recaiden> ((Int + Occult, Kozu))
<Beans> to the dorkass
<Recaiden> But they find him perfectly well.
<Recaiden> Neiz neizes neizfully through the town.
<Recaiden> The place will overflow with romance drama by Calibration
<tsinistar> ((7 sux))
<Tab> Red has probably been helping kozu on that end
<Beans> Neiz would have tried to arrange romances and stuff, but currently her main concern is PEE SEA EMERGENCY
<Recaiden> I don't think we have one of those here.
<tsinistar> Kozu'll help red, a god idea could help
<Recaiden> ((Manipulation + Awareness, everyone))
<tsinistar> 2" What?"
<Beans> kimbery cult is a pee sea emergency
<Recaiden> No P, only C
<Tab> 5 red, 1 kima
<tsinistar> 4 sux
<jhicks> 3 2 on sun
<Beans> 5 of em
<firedaemon33> 6((7 Sux))
<Recaiden> Kozu, there's something weird going on with the fishers.
<Recaiden> Red and Kura, perhaps from their experiences, detect the operation of an extra-secret society.
<firedaemon33> 6Kura gives no cares
<firedaemon33> 6She's busy preparing to give the island gills
<Recaiden> ((Tab, you're up everywhere.))
<jhicks> 3Sunny attempts not to seem smug and superior. Fails, ends up reeking of douchey superiority
<Tab> Red is worried by this
<Tab> Investigating this extra secret society
<Beans> does neiz detect a thign or
<Tab> 6 investigation sucks
<Recaiden> ((Neiz does also, yes))
<Recaiden> ((Also for respond to Kozu please?))
<Recaiden> ((Kozu, Sunny has learned to channel Sorcery, very recently.))
<tsinistar> 2Kozu asks the fishermen, being honest. "Excuse me, what is with the crab-effigies?"
<Recaiden> Red finds a network of people being exceptionally quiet, making very slight changes to their routines, apparently holding long conversations with just a look, and making very many trips to the cove at the southern end of the isle.
<jhicks> 3Sun, since everyone else is too silent to explain, steps in. "Yeah. Kura decided to join the pre-existing local cult. Fun times."
<tsinistar> Wait
<tsinistar> Crap
<Recaiden> Where she finds...flags, windsocks, banners, all things that flutter in the breeze, strung up on a circle of poles.
<tsinistar> 2" She /what/?"
<jhicks> 3Sun nods. "Yeah. She went to go spy on them and got suckered in."
<Tab> "She joined a cult, trying to sneak in, and ended up joining them anyways, and we weren't going to tell you, but things got bad!"
<Tab> Red, meanwhile, turns into a bat and explores the cove more
<tsinistar> 2" Where are they?"
<jhicks> 3"Not...entirely sure? Culting it up? I do believe they're doing something involving the volcano come calibration. Nothing pleasant."
<tsinistar> 2" Volcano. Now. We're moving."
<tsinistar> 2Kozu sets off at a pace, "Neiz, let Shennim know what's up."
<Recaiden> Red, fluttering around, finds lots of delicious bugs to eat gathering around the flags.
<jhicks> 3Sun follows
<Beans> Neiz sends a message, nyoom
<Recaiden> People are building a fire and bringing a lot of wood now to the center. And carpentry tools?
<Tab> Can Red make an occult check to know what this is?
<Recaiden> ((Yes. Int+Occult. Obviously some spirit thing))
<Tab> aaaaaaaaand
<Tab> 4 success
<Recaiden> This stuff indicates an Adorjani demon, a messenger-assassin from the House of Roads.
<Tab> Red flies off to find the others!
<Recaiden> Wind and Fire, Drums and Swarming Thing
<Tab> Kima is following Kozu to the volcano, sword ready!
<Tab> Red flits around, shouting and worried
<Recaiden> Everyone is heading to the volcano as evening approaches
<Recaiden> Red is flying about squeaking
<Recaiden> (can she talk in animal form?)
<Tab> "They're summoning an adorajani assassin demon in a cove to the south!" ((i thought they could?))
<Recaiden> (nope)
<Tab> ((if not she transforms back first))
<Recaiden> (Only to other bats, for example, unless you know the right charm)
<tsinistar> 2Kozu turns to look at Sun.
<Recaiden> A bat flies up to Neiz/Kozu/Kima/Sunny, and becomes Red
<tsinistar> 2" You said you were going to handle the cults, not /spread them/."
<jhicks> 3"**** this. Adorjan can wait, they don't have any of our friends with them. We can fix that problem AFTER we kneecap this whole kimbery business."
<Recaiden> ((Non-Kuras, Perception+Awareness))
<jhicks> 3 3 sux
<Beans> 4
<Recaiden> Neiz notices the lines of a thaumaturgical ward, extending as far as they can see around a constant elevation of the volcano
<Tab> 3 and 6
<tsinistar> ((5 sux))
<Recaiden> As does anyone else with 4+
<Tab> "They already had the circle set up to summon it, I think it's a serious issue at this point!"
<Beans> Neiz points this out, because holy ****
<Tab> "Normally I wouldn't care, but it's an assassin they're summoning, and so far the demon cults on this island are pretty much *******s."
<tsinistar> 2" So there are more cults that /are/ your fault? Spreading the will of your own master, too?'
<Recaiden> You can force your way over it, but it would notify the one who set it. It should probably be deactivated or suppressed.
<tsinistar> 2Kozu uses sorceror's sight to examine the ward
<jhicks> 3"To be fair, I've put Red in charge of the She cult. I was just using the Yozi's name to try to gain some semblance of control. Ask the Lunar, I told her this inside like, 10 minutes of doing the thing."
<tsinistar> 2Trying to figure out how best to disable it
<jhicks> 3Sunny assists in nerdsighting
<Tab> "We're turning them away, Kozu, what we need to worry about now is Kura and the *assassin*!"
<Recaiden> It is not danger, just requires focus to bypass, and does have an associated alarm. A Wits+Occult roll with more successes than the maker would disable it or temporarily turn it off. A counterspell would blow it up.
<Recaiden> A repetition of Warding thaumatury could retune or dispell it
<tsinistar> Wits+occult, 2nd ex up to four
<tsinistar> 6 sux, 10 total
<Recaiden> Alarm Ward deactivated
<Tab> "Maybe we could split up?" Kima says
<jhicks> 3"Splitting the party is never a good idea..
<tsinistar> 2"Or we could not split ourselves any further."
<tsinistar> 2" Time is of the essence. Ward's down, /move/."
<jhicks> 3Ooc : Oh, I'd forgotten. TS, thoughts on me taking a background dot of past life bromance?
<jhicks> 3Sun follows hasty daynerd.
<tsinistar> Go ahead
<Tab> Red sighs and transforms into a direwolf for Kima
<Tab> They work best together anyways
<Beans> Neiz doots off after the nerds
<Tab> Red will carry the others if need be
<jhicks> 3Sun attempts to running-mount the wolf
<tsinistar> 2Kozu allows himself to be carried
<Tab> Doesn't sun have a surfboard
<jhicks> 3**** costs motes yo
<jhicks> 3wolf is free
<Tab> wolf is fast, too
<Tab> big ol wolf
<Recaiden> The wolf may notice the smell of parrto.
<Recaiden> Very parrot
<Recaiden> Bird everywhere. Unusual amounts
<Tab> that's
<Tab> odd
<Tab> Well, she can't say it in this form can she
<Tab> Unless trueform speech is allowed?
<Recaiden> Yeah, we'll say you can talk in spirit shape
<Tab> "I smelll...a lot of bird. Parrot, specifically."
<Tab> Kima shrugs, "I do necromancy, man, not birdonomics."
<Recaiden> "SQUAWK!" Ahead of you, slightly to the right, deafeningly loud
<tsinistar> Five int+occult sux
<tsinistar> Or not
<Tab> Red jumps a bit and looks
<Recaiden> Hopping out from over a patch of rocks and ferns is a very large bird. Red levels of large
<Recaiden> "QUA
<Recaiden> "SQUAWK!"
<Recaiden> It flaps and bobs at you in a way that is both threatening and comical
<Beans> go away ankh
<jhicks> 3Sun frowns. "Really. A giant ****ing parrot thing. This is their defence."
<Tab> "Don't underestimate birds," Kima says, remembering one fateful Turkeymas years ago...
<Tab> Red keeps on running, trying to sprint past it
<Beans> "I doubt it's as truly comical as it looks."
<tsinistar> 2Kozu draws his powerbow, starts pulling his chainmail out of his sidebag and putting it on
<Recaiden> ((Dex OR Str + Athletics to get by))
<Recaiden> The bird hops into your path, wings (oddly sharp looking) spread wide to block your path.
<Tab> 11~
<Tab> "MOVE BITCH, GET OUT THE WAY!" Kima waves Damocles threateningly
<Recaiden> ((Non-reds, make the same roll))
<Recaiden> The bird refuses to get out of the way, but Red manages to leap over it. It seems that with all it's size but parrot proportions, it is unable to fly.
<Beans> 9
<jhicks> 3...1
<jhicks> 3considering i only had 2 dice
<jhicks> 3worth
<tsinistar> 8 sux
<tsinistar> monkeypanda
<jhicks> 3dafuq
<Recaiden> What it is able to do is open it's beak, and then continue opening its beak until the bottom half of it is actually detached from the rest of the bird, and spit grasping tendrils of acid at the group.
<tsinistar> i have hella athletics
<Recaiden> Which latch onto Sunny and drag him from the wolf'sback
<Tab> "THE HELL?!" Kima slashes at the acid tendrils!
<jhicks> 3yeah **** this
<Recaiden> Make your attack
<jhicks> 3Sunny closes his eyes, and his body disperses into a small cloud of crystals, all faintly tinged with green, a slightly larger orb in the middle of the cloud.
<Beans> yaaaaay
<Recaiden> Monster-parrot is confuse.
<Tab> 8 success
<Recaiden> Hit, soak of 6
<Tab> 11 damage before soak
<tsinistar> 2Kozu's still sliding his chainmail on I'm fairly sure
<Recaiden> One of the tendrils is chop off, the severed half dissolving into dust
<Recaiden> And Sunny just dissolved into crystals much the way Kozu dissolves into birds
<Beans> but less cute
<Recaiden> Less cute
<tsinistar> 2" I am not cute. "
<Tab> Kima nudges Red "Maaaaaaayyyybe we want to be far away from that thing."
<Tab> Red agrees, running faster!
<jhicks> 3I'm getting ditched, you *****
<Tab> You didn't stay with us?
<Recaiden> Red and the majority of the party runs, leaving the Sunny swarm floating and a parrot-monster trying to eat the largest orb.
<Recaiden> It's not very effective.
<jhicks> 3I'm a bit stuck
<jhicks> 3fighting a parrot
<Tab> Just run
<Tab> you're an orb
<jhicks> 3Sun attempts to run/float after the party
<Recaiden> Meanwhile -kuranari someone hurt one of my parrots-
<Recaiden> -should i be concerned-
<Recaiden> Sun has actually little trouble fleeing, the parrot completely unable to effectively prevent a thousand tiny pieces from escaping
<tsinistar> AUGH SHET
<Recaiden> In fact he's catching up to Red
<jhicks> 3zoomzoomzoom
<Beans> **** you vayli, tryna steal waifu name
<tsinistar> 2Kozu dons his chainmail, nocks an arrow
<firedaemon33> 6Kura frowns and says, "Perhaps...Where was it?"
<Recaiden> Vayli gives the location. Townward
<Recaiden> In the fading daylight, the party might see smoke rising from way off south at the end of the island.
<Recaiden> Like a bonfire
<firedaemon33> 6Kura blinks, but shakes her head and says, "It probably just freaked out some villagers. Tell it to back off."
<Tab> "I told you!
<Tab> "Red says
<Tab> Kima baps her, "SISTER COMES FIRST"
<Recaiden> The parrot is no longer pursuing.
<Recaiden> Vayli and Kura return to the blood-drinking part of the ritual, intoning thanks to Kimbery for the glories they have and will receive.
<Recaiden> ((What Essence is everyone?))
<tsinistar> 3
<jhicks> 3 6
<tsinistar> FACK
<firedaemon33> 6 3
<Tab> 3 and 3
<Beans> 3
<jhicks> 3....
<firedaemon33> 6((The 6 or the blood drinking?))
<tsinistar> ((The blood))
<Recaiden> Everyone runs smack into an invisible wall, except Sunny, who flies through like there's nothing there.
<Recaiden> I hope Red wasn't running too fast.
<jhicks> 3wheeee
<Tab> Red bounces off the wall
<Tab> People probably fall off
<Tab> Kima makes 5 ride sux to stay on
<Tab> "What the hell?!"
<Recaiden> Kima stays on.
<jhicks> 3Sunny flies over, surrounding/harassing Kura if possible.
<Recaiden> Welcome to the wonderful world of the Art of Warding and Exorcism
<tsinistar> Kozu still has sorceree's sight on, shouts a warning
<Tab> No bumping then
<Recaiden> Oh yes, Kozu can warn you to stop, my mistake.
<Tab> No bumps!
<tsinistar> can i make another int+occult?
<Recaiden> ((Yes))
<tsinistar> 5 sux, is that enough or should i 3rd ex?
<Recaiden> Is fine. A stronger, physical ward.
<Recaiden> Needs to be broken to pass.
<Recaiden> You can spend wp to roll Essence against it or counterspell.
<Recaiden> Or be creative
<tsinistar> 2Kozu explains to tge party
<Tab> cooooould the angry souls in damocles eat it up?
<Recaiden> No
<Tab> Soulsteel sucks essence out of stuff
<Tab> aw
<Recaiden> Well, try it.
<Tab> "Broken. All I needed to hear."
<Tab> Kima steps up, rubbing the spine of her blade
<Tab> "You hungry, buddy? Huh??"
<Tab> The souls within growl angrily, as they always do
<Tab> "Good."
<Tab> Kima rears back from atop Red and *SWINGS*!
<Recaiden> 2 stunt
<Tab> 10 successes
<Recaiden> The air cracks and falls in pieces before the soulsteel.
<Recaiden> The ward is gone
<Recaiden> -second ward down-
<Recaiden> -so someone snuck past the first ward too-
<firedaemon33> 6"What? Who...Kozu. I see."
<Tab> Red charges on, while Kima pats her sword and makes baby noises at it
<Recaiden> Kura, it is around then that a swarm of crystals can be seen flying up.
<Beans> yaaaay
<firedaemon33> 6"Hrm. I suppose we can make something of this, then."
<firedaemon33> 6She then sees the swarm of crystals and says, "What the hell?"
<Recaiden> Do you want to do something before he arrives?
<Recaiden> ((Perception + Occult to determine what the hell))
<firedaemon33> 6Kura bows to the ritual leader and says, "Excuse me. I must go deal with something. I'll be back as soon as I can be."
<Recaiden> "Is everything okay?"
<Recaiden> The ritual carries on. Kura's part of this step is done anyway.
<firedaemon33> 6"I think the people I arrived here with are trying to stop us."
<firedaemon33> 6She dashes off towards where the second ward was
<Recaiden> The chalice is then cast into the caldera, sending up a gout of green flame.
<Tab> green is bad m'kay
<firedaemon33> 6And to where she assumes the party approximately is
<Recaiden> Old Realm singing begins.
<firedaemon33> 6Ignoring the cloud of crystals which she has no idea what are
<Recaiden> (Sunny would dispute the Green is bad, I'm sure)
<jhicks> 3Sunny attempts to frown at being ignored by the lunar, before realizing he no longer posesses a face at the moment. He then starts telekinetically dissecting cultists to stop them.
<Beans> thxkura
<jhicks> 3 9 sux attack
<Recaiden> One of the singers is neatly chopped up
<Recaiden> For a moment they keep singing before the top half of them falls off
<Recaiden> Kura can hear screams behind her.
<tsinistar> 2Once Kozu sees Kura, he leaps off of Red and stands in front of her.
<Recaiden> The rest of the party can faintly hear those as Kura comes into view
<tsinistar> 5 sux
<Recaiden> ((on what?))
<firedaemon33> 6Kura winces and whispers a prayer to Kimbery to protect them
<tsinistar> ((Athletics+dex))
<Recaiden> ((Works fine))
<tsinistar> 2"I am disappointed in you, Miss Kuragari."
<jhicks> 3kozu disapproves with the strength of 1000 morrigans
<tsinistar> 2" But honestly, I'm more disappointed in myself."
<Tab> Red keeps on running, probably worse stuff up the hill by the screams
<firedaemon33> 6Kura just stops, dead-still
<Recaiden> Kura hears a voice, saying that she is the protection. They can give her the power to protect her cult and family, if she just asks.
<jhicks> 3 8 sux on more cultist chop chop
<tsinistar> 2"Our little journey through the underworld, trying to fix this place, the pelagials, I've screwed it all up.'
<Beans> Neiz just looks at Kura sadly. "Have you even the slightest idea what you've done, Kura?"
<tsinistar> 2" But back home, when I was a teacher, when I kept my limits, I was good."
<Recaiden> The cultists are desperately praying, screaming, a couple still singing.
<Recaiden> Green and blue light glows from the lava pit.
<tsinistar> 2" Four years. Four years I managed to stay hidden and help people. "
<firedaemon33> 6Kura shudders when she hears the screaming and shouts, "Make it stop!"
<Tab> Red and Kima shout "HALT" at the same time!
<tsinistar> 2" And then you came along and dragged me out."
<Recaiden> /You can make it stop/
<Recaiden> The fae is standing between the remaining 6 cultists and the crystals, holding a parrot feather out like a sword.
<jhicks> 3 8 sux, moar cultist'
<jhicks> 3apparently not
<jhicks> 3nvm
<jhicks> 3Crystals turn their attention towards the fey. "Why are you protecting them?".
<Recaiden> The feather almost blocks your telekinetic strike. I'm not sure how, but you feel the charm twisting and strugglnig to bypass it.
<tsinistar> 2Kozu ignores kura and keeps talking, "I give up on this, Kura. The island, these cults, you. I'm tired. Goodbye."
<Recaiden> That cultist suffers only the loss of a hand.
<tsinistar> 2Kozu turns and walks off, headed for the boat.
<Recaiden> -i am sworn to follow kuranari-
<firedaemon33> 6Kura shakes her head and says, "If you won't stop this than I will. I accept!"\
<jhicks> 3ooc MWAHAHAHAHAHA
<Recaiden> -including the request to stop the fighting here-
<Tab> Are kima and read being ignored orrrrr
<Recaiden> Who are they yelling 'Halt to'?
<firedaemon33> 6She's mostly concerned with Kozu right now
<firedaemon33> 6And he just gave up on her
<firedaemon33> 6Which was a big mistake on his part
<Tab> The cultists
<Tab> way to **** up again panda
<Recaiden> ((Make a charisma/presence roll, intimidate))
<Beans> i'm sorry i can't see kozu's mistake
<Beans> maybe kura's mistake-palace is in the way
<Tab> 4 red, 7 kima
<Recaiden> The cultists are way more concerned about the crystals that are mysteriously killing them
<Beans> shining in all its erroneous glory
<jhicks> 3Crystals ignore fey, attempt to slaughter another cultists. 10 sux.
<firedaemon33> 6He could totally have talked her down
<firedaemon33> 6But instead he just gave up
<Recaiden> The guy without a hand is now without a head.
<tsinistar> 2Kozu could care less. He's going home. He contacts the minions through the face trees, they're free to go, he just needs the sailors one last time.
<Recaiden> The fae gathers a handful of dust and blows it at the crystals
<Tab> Red is lunging at Cultists, Kima is telling red they need to go back to Kura
<Tab> Red is more worried about demons
<Recaiden> ((9 sux Thrown attack at Sunny))
<Recaiden> Volcano - Fae with Crystals, Charging Red, some space, Kura & partty, walknig away Kozu
<Recaiden> The dust flows through the spaces between the crystals, falling onto them and cracking and stinging the emerald orbs
<tsinistar> ((Hey, im sorry, but family stuff))
<tsinistar> ((Step dad's throwing a fit and trashing things, i g2g))
<firedaemon33> 6((Oh dear))
<Tab> what
<Tab> ash andigianjfkja
<Tab> dangit
<Recaiden> ((Augh. Poor TS))
<Recaiden> ((Also awful timing))
<jhicks> 3 (darn)
<Recaiden> ((On the plus side Kozu is walking out in despair))
<Recaiden> ((So we can resolve the scene))
<jhicks> 3(conveniently timed emo is convenient)
<Tab> Alright
Beans looks at the game and starts playing 'god bless america' poorly and loudly on a melodica, accompanying the fifty-****up mountain with off-key honking
<Recaiden> Red, make any attack against the 5 surviving cultists.
<Tab> 8 martial arts success
<Tab> with 9 damage because stronk woof
<Recaiden> Red bites 1 with 2 threshold success
<Tab> oop lemme roll
<Tab> 1 more damage
<Tab> 10l
<Recaiden> Red has KOed another cultist, but doesn't quite kill him.
<Beans> GABURINCHO *crunch*
<jhicks> 3while waiting for akuma-lunar silliness, **** YEAH MORE TELEKINESIS **** YOU FEY CULTISTS GON~ DIE. 8 sux
<Recaiden> Two cultists are grovelling and begging for mercy, one is still chanting, and the remaining one is running towards the edge of the volcano
<jhicks> 3wait, no, 7
<Recaiden> -stop-
<Recaiden> -both of you-
<Recaiden> This strike is blocked, though the feather bends and strains
<Recaiden> The fae holds out its free hand towards Red
<Tab> Kima hops off of Red and runs down towards Kura, shouting
<Tab> Red, meanwhile, gently puts the cultist don
<Tab> "You stop them, first!"
<Recaiden> Kura, meanwhile, is bathed in green light, her eyes glowing silver and blue within.
<firedaemon33> 6Kura simply screams a deep near-primordial scream
<Recaiden> -stop singing-
<Recaiden> The cultist agrees.
<Tab> Can kima make some necromancy mumbo jumbo, extend death essence to try and screw it up?
<Recaiden> Sunny is the remaining combatant possible
<jhicks> 3Crystals stop murdering, assuming the singing stops
<Beans> "Kuragari, you have been a good friend, and I will miss you."
<Recaiden> ((Does he know counterspell?))
<Recaiden> ((*she, Kima))
<Tab> Kima knows counterspell
<Tab> the necromancy one
<Recaiden> ((You may try to use it))
<Recaiden> ((Since it's the necromancy version it won't necessarily work))
<Tab> I dont have my treatise on hand, its willpower+essence, right/
<Recaiden> ((Against Sorcery))
<Recaiden> Yes
<Recaiden> Singing stops
<Recaiden> Murdering stops
<Recaiden> Feather is lowered with a sigh
<Tab> Spending a wp
<Recaiden> Running cultist collapses on the edge of the caldera, weeping
<Tab> 10 success plus one
<Recaiden> It's a tie. Roll again
<Tab> "Thank you,
<Tab> Red says
<Tab> She's a bit upset it came to bloodshed, but she's kind of panicked for time right now
<Tab> can i spend a wp and channel compassion?
<Recaiden> ((Yes))
<jhicks> 3"****"
<Tab> and my kura intimacy?
<Recaiden> ((No kura intimacy help))
<jhicks> 3"I sense two major flares of Kimbery essence. One...back with Kura."
<Tab> 11 plus one
<Recaiden> COUNTER!
<Tab> YAY
<Recaiden> There is a last flash of green light and the volcano returns to it's normal orange glow
<Recaiden> The ground starts to shake.
<Recaiden> The lava starts to seethe
<Recaiden> Kima recalls the words of her mentore
<Recaiden> 'Countermagic shatters a spell. Literally shatters the world around it. Rarely cleanly or safely.'
<Tab> Kima is immediately very worried
<Beans> so
<Beans> yay, except FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
<Tab> "Guys, expect something bad!"
<Tab> She runs up, aiming to tackle Kura with a hug
<Beans> see you space shrompgirl
<jhicks> 3Sunny manifests a surfboard, grabs the wolf and floats urgently towards the rest of the party.
<Tab> "What about the adorjani?" Red asks
<firedaemon33> 5Kura is tackled as she looks around, dizzy, and asks, "What is going on?"
<jhicks> 3"::One problem at a time, the other flare of essence was your fellow Lunar. Time to grab them and get out before explosions happen."
<Recaiden> Traces of steam are rising from the volcano pit
<Recaiden> Or...smoke
<Recaiden> -not the time-
<Tab> "YOU JUST ABOUT BECAME AN AKUMA YOU IDIOT!" Kima shouts, almost crying, her caste mark bleeding
<Recaiden> Vayli has picked up all the cultists who are intact and is running after the others
<jhicks> 3Crystals arrive carrying woof.
<Tab> Red grabs Kima and Kura if she can
<Recaiden> All 5 of them, carried over one shoulder, stacked implausibly like cordwood
<firedaemon33> 5"I...I had to stop something...I had to protect my friends..."
<Tab> No time to sit around being wah
<Recaiden> He's not nearly as fast as Sunny though
<jhicks> 3sunny scoots yo
<Recaiden> Distant giant parrots can be heard SQUAWKING in fright
<Tab> "You drove away your solar, you dunce! You just about gave up your soul for a godsdamned demon cult!"
<jhicks> 3Sunny scoops angstsiblings onto hoverboard
<Tab> "One that our *dad* ran!"
<jhicks> 3"Less fight, more run. Volcanic eruptions and Adorjan demons."
<Tab> "And now the island is going to explode and an assassin demon is apparently being summoned because YOU WOULDN'T LISTEN TO ME!"
<firedaemon33> 5"I...He did? I just...I wanted to make...I don't know...I love you, Kima."
<jhicks> 3Crystals gently judge demonshromp.
<jhicks> 3...nudge
<Beans> Neiz gets on the edgyboard too~
<jhicks> 3eh, first one works
<Recaiden> Yay Neiz
<jhicks> 3Crystals resist sudden urge to add their shinies to Neiz's fanciness
<Recaiden> Is the crystal going towards the southern place?
<Tab> "I love you too, sis, but you're a moron right now."
<Tab> Kimahugs
<Tab> Red groans
<Tab> "Kozu said he's leaving. Done."
<Recaiden> The smoke above the volcano is...implausibly dragon-shaped.
<jhicks> 3Crystal party-board floats towards Adorjan-land
<jhicks> 3...****
<Recaiden> There are occasional unnatural shrieks from within the clouds.
<Recaiden> Luckily, the earth shaking has stopped.
<Recaiden> WAIT NO IT HASN'T
<Tab> "And now the Ebon Dragon is after us."
<Tab> "Sis. What the hell."
<Recaiden> The ground visibly shakes as gobs of lava are hurled up into the sky.
<Beans> Neiz cradles her face in her hands. "I'm not going to try to sugarcoat this. Literally every actual thing has been ****ed up."
<Tab> "How the ****** did you not manage to notice you were doing this?"
<Recaiden> ((The main summoning was stopped, a few 1st circle demons escaped and a minor volcanic eruption is in progress))
<Tab> "Number one rule of occultism: DON'T PARTICIPATE IN A RITUAL YOU DON'T KNOW!"
<jhicks> 3"To be fair, it could be worse. At least I successfully stopped a demon."
<Tab> "The sunchild is leaving, and suddenly I feel that might be a good idea," Red says
<jhicks> 3"We stopped 1, mostly stopped the second, let's go fix the last one."
<Tab> She also glares at Sun
<firedaemon33> 5"I just...I thought...I wanted to be proud of my family. Not just dad...He can rot in the sea. But...The people before him. My ancestors."
<Tab> "Dear, you came to me worried about how *evil* your family was."
<Recaiden> A heaven-message appears for Neiz, warning her of the huge outpouring of demon-essence in the area and asking her to look into it and report to the Convention on Malfeas ASAP
<Tab> "How did it go from that to "Oh joy I love demons please, kimbery, fill me with your acidic love!""
<Tab> Kima glares at her woofwif
<Tab> woofwife
<Recaiden> The silent 'e' is optional
<jhicks> 3Crystals approaching beachplace
<Beans> woofleweefle
<jhicks> 3because ZOOM ZOOM FAST GOING
<Recaiden> The flags are fluttering in the wind and a drum is being beaten, but most of the people there are staring up at the volcano
<Recaiden> One of the flags was knocked over by a rock crushing it.
<Tab> Kima hops down as soon as it is safe, waving Damocles around
<jhicks> 3Crystals surround most important looking cultist. "So. What's going on over HERE. I just finished dissecting cultists trying to stop that whole volcano mess, what are YOU up to?".
<Tab> "No. NO! Alright? enough of your ****ing demon bull****! I mean jeez, guys, are you all suicidal?"
<firedaemon33> 5"I-I thought I was trying to do the right thing...Help the islanders...Let them breathe underwater."
<Recaiden> "We're here to liberate the South from the First and Forsaken Lion."
<jhicks> 3"Elaborate. Quickly."
<Tab> "Faffles ain't here yo."
<Recaiden> The cultist looks up at the crystals with clear apprehension.
<Tab> "Down by Gem."
<jhicks> 3"And what have you accomplished so far?"
<jhicks> 3Sunny activates lie-detector-vision
<Recaiden> They toss a well-preserved severed head up into the Sunny field.
<jhicks> 3" ..... Who's is this?"
<Recaiden> 'Got one of his lieutenants and councillors.
<Beans> Neiz writes a reply, explaining that a kimbery cult did some really boneheaded-ass horse hockey and oh hey some adjy dongnobblers are up ins? More to come.
<Recaiden> "We're aiming to pick off another one."
<Tab> "I
<Recaiden> "We believe it will provide a significant morale advantage to resistance within his Legion."
<Recaiden> "It's a bit far away, yes, but we're relatively safe here."
<Tab> "I' faaaaaiiirly sure that Faffles isn't this far yet. Because he doesn't have a Navy."
<Recaiden> "We need to care about the world beyond Simenare's shore."
<Tab> "But...if you're against him, I guess that's cool."
<jhicks> 3"....Can we take a vote on whether we stop this one? Assassinating FaFL lieutenants seems alright."
<Tab> "Yeah, I'm...I'm alright with that?"
<firedaemon33> 5Kura mewls wretchedly
<firedaemon33> 5She's not in a good way
<jhicks> 3Sunny mutters something about Kura not getting a ****ing vote on this one
<Tab> "If they help clear the island out of the other issues," Red says, midway through trying to lick the tears and cult boogie woogie off of Kura
<Tab> "Can we make sure they're Faffle's boys, first?" Kima asks,
<Tab> "We seem to be having a lot of issues with mistakes lately."
<jhicks> 3"Nah, Lie Detector charm. He's clean.
<jhicks> 3"He was wrong, it wasn't a lieutenant...but it is a FaFL agent"
<Tab> "What if they're not lying, just wrong?" Red asks
<Tab> "Oh."
<Tab> "that works then."
<jhicks> 3"So final Vote? Me and Kima are on board, Red seems hesitant, Kura doesn't count, Kozu is gods know where...Neiz?".
<Recaiden> "Okay boys, get that rock outta the way, a few burns is no problem, and step up the drumming."
<Recaiden> The cult organizer points imperiously.
<Recaiden> And a couple of fishermen spring to obey.
<jhicks> 3Sunny summons essence cannon and frowns. "Wait up a second before you do anything silly."
<Beans> Neiz pat pats Kura softly, whispering that it'll be okay, there'll be some coloring books later. "Oh, er... Firstylion Tinshins is terrible and I am happy about him being made unhappy, yes."
<jhicks> 3"Alright, vote seems to pass, as our...representative, you are approved to assassinate FaFL's peeps. However, as the...subordinate cult of this island, you'll need to receive approval through the SWLiHN cult for further...activities.".
<Tab> Red glares at Megatron
<jhicks> 3"Dude, there was a vote. This was fair."
<Tab> "It's not that."
<Tab> "It just seems everything we do is...detractive from our goals."
<jhicks> 3Sunny sighs "What then?".
<Tab> "Also, does anyone plan on doing anything about the SunChild or the volcano?"
<jhicks> 3Sun frowns. "We were cleaning out the rot that was hidden. Just because it couldn't be seen doesn't mean it wasn't present.".
<Tab> woops
<Recaiden> "Yessir giant magic cloud don't kill any of us.
<jhicks> 3Crystalcloud nods"
<jhicks> 3....somehow
<Tab> "The volcano is an issue. And sis being loopy." Kima points out
<jhicks> 3"Well, I know one is simpler, if not easier, to fix. Anyone wanna fight a mountain?".
<Tab> "I'm...not sure how to do that?" Kima says
<jhicks> 3"Yeah, it's a bit difficult. Sure would be great to have a Solar."
<Tab> Red is still floofsnuggling Kura while gently admonishing her
<jhicks> 3"Wonder who made ours go away."
<Tab> "Shut your cocktrap," Kima says sharply
<Tab> "She's having enough issues right now as it is."
<Recaiden> The cult resumes its drumming and beckoning the insect swarms in geometric patterns around the central flame
<firedaemon33> 5Kura groans and says, "'s not my fault...'e ran off on 'is own."
<Tab> "He did pretty specifically blame you,
<Tab> " Red says quietly enough that only Kura hears
<jhicks> 3Sunny can't hear, but his smug-senses tingle
<Tab> "It seems you've driven the poor thing off. How long has he made his hatred of demons clear?"
<firedaemon33> 5"Cause h-he *hic* is an idididiot..."
<Tab> "And yet *he* didn't make your home island explode..."
<Recaiden> The glow of a lava flow can be seen spilling slowly down the mountain.
<firedaemon33> 5"I just...I wanned to do the right thing..."
<jhicks> 3....
<jhicks> 3"So...lava. Is a problem. Thoughts?".
<firedaemon33> 5"I wanned to let the peoples breathe underwater.""
<Tab> "And now he'll be running off to that wife of his, just because you for some reason thought everyone should have gills and Kimbery is entirely trustworthy."
<Tab> "We need to divert a path,
<Tab> Kima says, "You can make dirt move, right?"
<Tab> "Dig a ditch, make the lava go to the sea."
<Beans> "I am sure you and Kozu are more compatible than you think, dear." Neiz words her sentiment of 'you and daynerd are both ****wits' quite nicely. It's basically lesson 1 of siddy horse hockey
<jhicks> 3"So...I've a thought. I can make vast amounts of crystal walls. They're....basically lava proof. Not permanent, but on a matter of several hours."
<Tab> "FUGGEN DO IT THEN!" Kima says
<Tab> well
<Tab> shouts really
<Tab> she sounds annoyed
<Recaiden> -do not give up hope kura-
<jhicks> 3Sunny sighs, levitates party towards top of volcano.
<Recaiden> You aren't sure where that voice came from because there is no fae in evidence
<Tab> Red is still whispering in Kura's ear, trying to shake her free of her flump or shock her into going after Kozu
<jhicks> 3Sunny starts constructing stopgap crystal in circles around top. Doesn't cork it because pressure = bad, but uses ring of donuts to provide redundant stops.
<jhicks> 3"Don't worry Kura. I'm sure Kozu will get over it. I recall from a...past life that he forgave his Lunar Mate for all sorts of things...although, she WAS pretty amazing...and hot...
<Tab> Kima helps where she can, cutting deep ditches with damocles
<Tab> She also slaps Sun for hitting on Kura
<jhicks> 3Sunny recoils from slap, also starts to twitch for kind-of mentally violating his Sacrifice for sorcery.
<firedaemon33> 5Kura blinks and says, briefly lucid, "That is incredibly creepy."
<jhicks> 3Sunny snorts at demonshromp. "Not you. Her. There is a...vast difference."
<Recaiden> Kima and Sunny effectively divert the lava, sending a channel down to the western shore, with only a few small fires burning outside their walls and ditches
<jhicks> 3"So....nature 0, corrupted Solar exalts 1?"
<Recaiden> Clashing of mountains
<Tab> Kima clashes no mountains
<Tab> She's...upset
<Tab> Her home is so screwy right now
<Tab> Her sister...has a fetish for selling her soul apparently
<firedaemon33> 5Does not!
<jhicks> 3Sunny finds it incredibly frustrating his Sacrifice is preventing certain...actions
<Recaiden> It's for the betterment of the world.
<Beans> did he give up his butt
<Beans> that's why we never see him sitting
<firedaemon33> 5As I recall
<firedaemon33> 5He gave up the loins of women
<jhicks> 3you have no way of knowing this
<jhicks> 3and it was the womens who are not in fact my scarlet future waifu
<Tab> im telling tech you're lusting after kozu's girl
<jhicks> 3Psh, am not
<Recaiden> Creepy version of reincarnation romance
<Recaiden> Actually just being troll to Kura
<Beans> i thought he was lusting after kozu for a second
<jhicks> 3...reincarnation sloppy seconds?
<jhicks> 3the thing recaiden just said
<Beans> http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/367/417/83c.gif
<Beans> "well, pandaguy is gone. i sure do want to have sex with him."
<Recaiden> Demon-summoning, stopped.
<jhicks> 3Woot
<Beans> yeeahhh
<jhicks> 3Kura's soul, gotten rid of
<Tab> Okay
<Tab> so
<Tab> is it me
<jhicks> 3oooooor
<Tab> or are tech and FD having a contest to see who ****s the plot worse
<Recaiden> It just happens
<jhicks> 3....it's a close competiton
<firedaemon33> 5Kozu makes horrible things happen
<jhicks> 3I tried for a session, but Red won't let me have my plot-****ing fun :(
<firedaemon33> 5Kura is sucked into them
<firedaemon33> 5And eats all of the immediate consequenes
<jhicks> 3yeah, that one wasnt kozu's fault
<Recaiden> She tried to suck Kima in with her
<jhicks> 3he just didn't save you
<firedaemon33> 5She's sucked into them because she tries to fix things
<jhicks> 3kura baited the hook, then bit it, then tried to sucker her friends into biting hooks because it was so cool
<firedaemon33> 5She tried to fix the island
<Tab> "I want people to have gills" best reason to sell your soul ever
<firedaemon33> 5Let Kimbery into her head
<Tab> i swear you do stuff to spite tech's characters more than i do
<firedaemon33> 5And then sold her soul when someone was massacring her friends, and someone else walked away from helping her
<Tab> at least he fights his way out when i do it
<Recaiden> ((What's happening to briar is revenge for this, isn't it?))
<Beans> remember kids
<Tab> ((what? no!))
<Beans> don't hang out with people who like kimbery
<Tab> ((i just thought things were going too smoothly and thought what the Realm's response would likely be))
<Recaiden> Kura is sneepy
<Tab> ((briar hasnt been hiding herself from the khans after all))
<Tab> ((those supporting thr realm would tell))
<Recaiden> ((Well it was an excellent change of tone.))
<Beans> they will make you make terrible decisions
<Recaiden> Toughens them up
<Recaiden> the acid. no piss.
<Recaiden> That's a DB thing ;p
<Beans> kimbery is pee okay
<Tab> *makes notes to give the db arresting briar a fetish*
<Recaiden> +4 BP
<Recaiden> Those DBs have made a terrible mistake.
<Tab> im sure
<Beans> the gold that showered against the flame
<firedaemon33> 5You're awful Beans
<Recaiden> seriously the worst
<Recaiden> ((Done for now))
<Tab> wellll
<Recaiden> ((When is a good next time to meet?))
<Beans> 0/10 would not bean again
<Tab> wednesday again?
<Recaiden> It is night now. Calibration has begun.

2014-12-18, 01:25 AM
Neiz, Kozu: 86 BP
Kura, Kima: 85 BP
Sun Li: 80 BP
Miaton: 72 BP
Red: 43 BP

TS Plenty of time to disappoint my family and leave no children
REC We acquired a party member.
TS oh right
REC No one died at the oasis.
TH ...that we know of
TS Miaton, aye?
<firedaemon> Despite my best efforts
TS Snakey lunar?
<firedaemon> Yes
REC The Sidereal ghost left to go meet up with Sentinel
TH mmhmm
TS well, Kozu is still hugging shromp
<firedaemon> I have secretly shapeshifted into Koxu
<firedaemon> *Kozu!
TB whast
JH previously!
REC And you have more days of trecking across the desert.
<firedaemon> P
<firedaemon> Kidding
<firedaemon> Trekking is done!
REC Sorry Red. You'll see them again probably.
TB Red keeps an eye in pandalintha
REC Anyone have things to do as they walk along?
<firedaemon> ./In/?
<firedaemon> Not really
TB Kima wants to talk to new lunar
<firedaemon> No
TB "So hey, I'm Kima."
TB Kima is a buff, pale as **** girl with black poofy pigtails and goth makeup and skull sequins all over
TB Her full plate isn't all revealing like fantasy stuff, but it does have chainmail accents to make it look like a schoolgirl outfit
TH "Hello. I'm Miaton. You can call me Mia."
TB Her sword even has a chainmail boe
TS cute
TH ooc treehawk says cute
TB "Cool. Call me Lethal, otherwise I explode."
TB "That's why I gotta keep the fluffy babe around."
TB Fluffy babe being Red, a tall, hipsy-curvy lunar with white hair and red tribal markings and a sharp face
TH Ahh ok thx
<firedaemon> Kura involuntarily sighs
TB She wears fluffy furs over a bit chin red gossamer dress
<firedaemon> Then continues pandahugging
JH Sunny finds himself upset at lack of hugs.
TS Kozu is carrying Kura, iirc?
TS ((Hug vayli))
REC Kore dragging Kura along, I imagine
<firedaemon> I believe so, yes
REC Does Vayli look like an Entertainer to you?
TH -nods to Red- "Hi!"
TS yes
TS whats an entertainer
TB fae
TB sexy fae
<firedaemon> Yes
<firedaemon> Yes he does
TB Red nods back to Miaton, "Always good to meet another member of the silver pact."
REC -...-
TB "What brings you to Malfeas?"
TB meanwhile, Kima judges Miaton's fashion, given beans isn't here with Neiz
REC Don't worry. Neiz has already judged the fashion
TH "I'm horribly lost, actually. Apparently we're in actual hell?"
REC -this is just the road to actual hell-
REC -it gets worse-
JH "Yes. Home of demons, Yozi, and other...questionable characters"
TB "The actualest of hells," Kima says perkily, lifting her horse-sized sword like a tiny feather
REC Vayli trudges along, grumbling about elementals under his breath
TB "How do you get THAT lost, though?"
TS "Same way we do, I guess," Kozu mumbles
<firedaemon> Kura pats Vayli on the back and says, "I know."
JH "Hey, at least I know my way around."
TH -Up flies a large black bird with pretty eyes-
REC -look a parrot-
TH wat no such no
REC ((Vayli is not good at birds))
TB Kima immesdiately holds her sword up. **** this parrot BS.
TB Red shakes her head and tuts
JH Sunny shakes his fist at that ****ing bird
TH "This is Shade. He's been out looking about for me."
TS Kozu feels guilty about the elemental business.
REC Do not stab.
TH -glares at threats to my bird friend-
TS "'Ey Shade. Nice feathers. "
TB Did he just say ey
<firedaemon> Kura looks at the bird and asks, "What is it?"
TB Did kozu just slang at a bird
REC Birds know what it's like. Living day to day out on the streets.
TB Kima let's Damocles down and invites the bird to sit on her shoulder. She had a toy parrot once.
TB but kozu never slangs
TH So did you say that in bird, because otherwise your words mean nothing to it XD
TB He's all...grammatical
JH "I had a....poor experience with a bird, recently."
TS Kozu knows the bird language
TS Uses it for spells
TS Also kozu is speaking with a southern slave tongue, mix of broken firetongue and low realm
TS Stress has thrown his affected accent out the window
TB Why does he have a slave tongue?
REC 's how he grew up
TH "-HE- is my bird. A steel shadow."
TB wait are there backstory revelations I need to know about
TB "Steel shadow sounds badass," Kima nods and chews ghost nicotine gum
TB She's trying to get off her ghost blunt addiction
REC Bird is awkwardly big and does lot easily fit on shoulder.
TS it never was a secret
REC Luckily Kima has giant pauldrons
TS Kozu grew up a varangian slave like most djala and was sold at four
TB Also kima has the best pauldroms
TB cause they're skulls
REC ((By the way the bird is not a parrot at all. Vayli just knows all flying creatures as 'parrots'))
REC ((Because he never took Heaven Rains Wisdom to learn bird taxonomy))
TH oh so Shade fluffs his feathers at the feather-y compliment, Kozu.
TB Meanwhile Red is glaring and whispering at Kozu how he'd better take his role as emotional anchor seriously now, given what happened last time
TS A black parrot would look awesome though
JH ts, stop trying to make the parrot as emo as you
TS Better than your hell hipster bs
TS I see you drinking your ventechino grandiato from szornybucks
TB Heeeee
JH ....szornybucks
JH wat
JH no
TB Kozu had best be careful and keep close and gentle with Kura or else
<firedaemon> *shankshankshank*
TS Jeez alright
REC And now that the party is all acquianted, they can carry on.
REC Walking
REC Walking
REC Walking
TS Chaos repelling circle in this bitch
REC walkign
REC walking
JH Chaos repelling dirty looks
REC Kozu running out of motes
REC walking
TS craft sux to make trail rations into deliciousness
TS but
TS I gain motes faster than it costs them...
JH yeah.
JH you're trying to repel chaos
REC what how many hearthstones and cult do you have?
REC Valyi following Kozu right around.
TS cult and manse , plus motes respirewhen not fighting, right?
JH I have 'lend motes' touch, I'm rocking cult and im in hell
JH so i can also keep daynerd topped off
TB But I wanna know how delicious rations can get
TB I .ean
TB Only so much an MRE can do
TS **** you mres are great
TS Especially the cobbler
TS And the apple slices
REC Rations can get pretty great, apparently
JH two words ts
JH vegetarian. omlet.
TS Its alright heated and salted
JH no, no its not
TB Also nobody heats mres
TS I use thw heater pack to make hot pillows, jammers, and tear gas
JH desert walking
REC Day two of five completes without further incident
TS So my phones at % qnd won't charge
REC Outlet working?
REC ((Any possibility of other connecting device?))
TS Also theres a linguistics charm for authors
TS I need it
TS Ni other device
REC ((Is it discharging?))
REC ((Try all the replugging/battery-swapping etc.))
TS Stepdad uses charger for his ps controller, doesnt use it well
TS So its busted
TS Slowky drains sometimes if i use it while charging
REC ((Well. Do what you can. We will continue until it makes no sense to do so))
TS Roger
TB Why an author charm
REC On the late morning (?) of the third day, you see something else moving across the sand, going crossways to you.
TS Kozu perks up and keeps a lookout
REC It's a tiny boat being pulled by a team of blood apes.
REC Sitting in it is a figure in a black robe
REC ((Perception + Awareness to see more details. NOTE same roll as always))
JH Nerdsight. Demon, Infernal, or what?
<firedaemon> Kura has recovered mostly by now and looks
REC ((Demons errywhere, Sunny.))
<firedaemon> (( Sux.))
TS sux
TB red, kima
JH  sux
JH plus nerdsight
TH sux miaton
TH sux shade
JH whoops, over-rolled by , drop a , only sux
REC Kima, it's a boat. Kura & Miaton, the blood apes look sad, the robe person is holding something. Kozu, the something is an empty black hourglass. Shade, the thing is holding the hourglass with a birdlike claw and not a hand. Red, the head of the creature doesn't seem connected to the rest of it.
REC Sunny, every detail of everything. The back left erymanthus is slightly spikier than the others.
REC The boat seems to be coming from the Skyless Cathedral and heading towards a portal to Qaf.
TS Spikier means he da boss, bss
REC This was made from wood from the Sideways Forest.
TS Phone charged to then dropped to ...
JH Sunny is an advocate of the 'lets not figt more demons than necessary"
TB I vote we hide
TB Turn off chaos circle
REC Obviously (to Sunny and Kura) the demon in the boat is a Priest.
TS Yeah off it goes
TS Unless that would be unsafe for us?
TS Or does the pattern just make natural mote respiration faster?
TS In which case its only on when we need motes
TH "Guys, why is that robed thing holding an empty black hourglass in its creepy claw?"
TS We dont need more attentoon
JH "Demon. Priest."
JH "Magic."
TS " I'd 'ssume it's some sort've priest."
TS " And that device helps 'em navigate or know a signal in time to cross Cecylyne early."
TS " Malfeas does odd things t' time."
TH "Oh, okay. Thanks."
<firedaemon> Kura sighs and says, "Wonderful...Another fight."
TB "No," Red says
TB "It doesn't have to be. Just stay out of their way."
JH "Or just don't do anything stupid. He knows the pecking order, he's probably beholden to the laws of Cecy, and quite frankly, I'm a bigger fish than he is."
TH -tries to look totally neutral and non-threatening to avoid the demon priest-
TS " Certainly a smellier fish, eh right? Bucketmouth in a market a chock minnows?"
TB i
TB Did not understand any of that tech
TS heh
TS good
TH So, we keep walking then?
REC Everyone tries to not make a scene, and keeps on walking
JH Sunny channels past life, knows Kozu is being a **** despite not understanding a single word
TS Kozus past life wasnt southern though
TS kozus past life was western
REC The priest turns to look at you all as the party passes by, but eventually looks back towards the bow of its boat and lets you pass.
REC The blood apes are very disappointed.
TS Kozu bows his head in thanks
TB Kima throws the horns up to the apes
TB Rock on monkey dudes
REC walknig continues
REC Day passes.
JH Sunny points out tourist attractions like 'big rock' and 'demon corpse over there'
REC Morning (?) on Day , you see a flash of silver light off in the sky ahead.
TB Kima poses for pictures
TB Works on her tan
TB Points at silver flash
TB "Hey guys, what's that?"
JH "That's....strange."
<firedaemon> "Probably just Malfeas being weird."
TH sux shade sux nat mia D
TS " No clue wuzzit be, Sun Lee?"
REC Mia it's the sun
TH "It's the sun."
JH "It's...behaving strangely. Large silver flashes are NOT the norm."
TS " No it ain't. Sun here is green."
TB "Could be if stuff's up..."
TB ((Occult checks to know, maybe?))
TH -looks highly confused by this information-
TB ((If so, for red and six Kima))
TS oh should i be rolling something
JH  sux int+occ
TS lets do this
REC ((Both can tell it's a moon showing up from further than it usually does. Maybe something is up with the nature of the prison realm, or maybe the air is unusually clear.))
REC Kozu, you can see the flash for what it is, the eye of Kimbery searching for the party.
TS  "It's Kimbery!"
REC They have found you.
JH Sunny gives a doomglare at Kozu and Kura
TS " Kimbery's got us marked!"
JH "Fan ****ING tastic."
<firedaemon> Kura swallows and shakes her head
TS " Well don' lookit me, bitemark!"
JH Sunny sight
JH Sunny sigh
<firedaemon> She's clearly torn up over this whole mess
TS " You're the expert here."
JH "Two options. Fight or speed." Something is GOING to be coming. Probably a second circle of some sort."
TS " Kura, non panic, keep calm."
TB Red shifts into dire wolf form
TB "I don't fancy a fight. Those who can't keep up on their own had better hop on."
<firedaemon> Kura says, voice cracking, "Or we could just...J-Just...Accept Kimbery's love."
TB Kima climbs on and brandishes Damocles like a badass captain
JH Sunny rides the wolf because mote efficiency is important when Yozi are staring you down.
REC Vayli nods and slips over next to Kura
<firedaemon> Kura just stands there
TH "...so you guys want to run away from a giant thing in the sky? Is this an actual good plan?"
JH Sunny attempts to tele-yoink Kura onto the wolf.
REC Kura, consider your faith in Kimbery somewhat reaffirmed.
TS Kozu grabs Kura tight and clambers onto Red
<firedaemon> Kura is grabbed
TS " Sssh, Kura, it be alright, ye make it through smoothly."
TH "Maybe we should save our energy for a fight, if a fight is what is going to happen?"
REC How many people can reasonably ride on a giant wolf? Red isn't /that/ big, is she?
<firedaemon> She shudders again
TB Strength ten suggests big
JH Newgirl can be her own lunar runfast
TS  He starts singing in broken fire tongue again
REC She's a great-terror, yeah?
REC Yeah it's fine
TB Those are the stats I use, yes
TH "Hellooooooo???"
REC -I also wonder-
REC -if we can possibly outrun a dreamer-
JH "Yes. We Want to move. Standing still will do us no good."
REC -this body is not designed for that-
TB "Energy or not, we can't get a win condition where we are now, can we?" Kima asks
JH "Moving keeps the nasties away from us, and moves us towards some of my more...potent allies."
TH -clearly has no idea-
JH "Run fast, keep up, avoid being killed. Sound good, Lunar?"
TH "Okay then" -TIGER TIEM-
TS " Trust Saken, hellboy knows th' way here. Kura keep calm an, softly. Silly little fool panda bein' right here."
REC Vayli tries to hop onto one of the large animal lunars.
REC He's, uh, kinda slow. As we saw in the whole volcano incident
TB Red takes off, and Kima scooches over a bit to let Sunny give directions
TH -does the follow, as does shade-
<firedaemon> Kura swallows and says, faith in Kimbery being reaffirmed, "Why not...Why not just accept her? Kozu you would look good with green hair."
<firedaemon> She then shakes her head and mutters, "What am I saying..."
TS Kozu holds Kura tightly, sings badly, massages chakra points. Knowledge of medicine and occultism can do a body-and a spirit-good.
JH Sunny points the way, leading the party towards the correct portions of the city ahead.
TS " I be havin' no hairs on me, Kura," Kozu tries to laugh
TH Shade is keeping an eye out for scary things as we go along.
TS " This bein't a sign t' follow, but a sign she be needin' ye more'n ye needin' her. A jealous one, she. You'll be her toy t'not share till she breaks ye."
TH sux
TS " But we bein't about to let her break ye."
TB Kima and red for perc+awareness
JH Sunny too busy navigating to search.
TS ((Six! Best awareness roll yet!))
REC Kozu only notices a disturbance over the next half hour of fleeing.
REC There is a stillness passing through the sand in a wide swath
REC Where the little sand-creatures stop moving.
JH oh this gon be gud
REC The stillness swerves back and forth, spreading like dye in water across the desert a little way to the right.
TS " Something' bein' moving beneath. Tries to cut us off."
TS "See!" He jabs a finger out to direct the eyes of the others
REC With him pointing it out, the others should be notice as well
<firedaemon> Kura looks where Kozu points and says, "I see." She doesn't really see though
JH Sunny just continues to navigate. Other people will warn him at least a few seconds before disaster.
TH sux mia
REC Kima, Red, Mia, Kozu The stillness is jumping from desert creature to desert creature as they come within a few yards of each other.
REC Maybe feet.
<FD> Argh
REC The sands are full of sleepy little lizards and rats and worms and walking cacti and stranger things
TH how far away? Also, argh?
TS " It's hitching rides on them! Avoid the other creatures, red!"
REC hundred- yards or so.
TS " Bein' away from the others, or we get jumped by sands likein' Adorjan!"
TH does it seem to work on dead creatures or only live ones?
REC You haven't seen any of these creatures dead. Only full demons, of which there aren't any around
JH Sunny finally looks up, after giving the next few turns of directions to Red, and uses demon-nerdsight.
TB Red does her best to find a path clear of the lizards and such
TB Which I bet are alive because they are a part of cwcylen and the environment
REC ((Very high essence Hegra effect.))
TS Shet
JH mother****er
JH "Well...it appears that Kimbery has likely enlisted some help. That's a Hegra effect."
REC Red and Miaton roll Wits+Athletics
<firedaemon> Ugh
TH sux '(
TB Rollin them sixes suxxess
TB awww yiss
<firedaemon> ((What are we rolling?))
REC Red manages to keep well clear of the things.
JH just red and mia
REC Miaton, on the other hand, slides a bit down a dune and ends up in a circle of sleepy lizards.
REC Nothing immediately happens to you
TH can i eat them?
REC Yes.
TH -noms-
TB Kima shouts a warning!
TH sux
TB "Mia fell down the...the hill thing!"
JH oh goodness
JH eating the sleepdisease lizards
JH "....We should probably help her, huh?".
TB They whast
TS " We should, but we must bein't around the lizards."
REC Mia gains the lizard's shape!
REC You also feel very sleepy.
REC And very sad.
JH "....Her eating the lizard was not a good decision."
TH sadhow
<firedaemon> Kura shrugs and says, "Not sure if we can. She's already in the middle of them. And ate one."\
REC Ate several, actually
JH Hegra, the yozi powering the effects coming our way, is a storm of dreams and emotions. You literally are magically and overwhelmingly sads.
TH ooc they not she pronouns
TH ooc for the mias
<firedaemon> "As much as I'd love to..." She shudders, "Show another Kimbery's love, we may have to leave her."
JH Sunnysigh
TS huh?
JH "God dammit. Make me play the hero."
TB Mia is genderless
TB At least for now
TB So use they
TB Duh
JH Sunny surfboards and flies in at a sleepylunar.
REC Lunar charms!
JH Kozu or Kima are welcome to join, being the non-beasts.
JH Or Kura
TS " Ye be the one with all the fun toys, Saken, quit yer achin."
TH -follow the people- since they will find a safe place to be probably
TB He does have a power or artifact to do something any of us can, only better
TB Makes sense he has to use them from time to time
TB p
TS Shush you
JH mean tab
JH sunny not that op
JH just flashy
TB Six essence
REC tab stop
TB p
TS He paid the bp
TS so shush
JH Finding nothing I can fix with my heal-touch, according to Recaiden, Sunny opts to mind-lift the sleepyLunar.
REC -whee-
TB To what
TB Oh telekinesis
TS Tele
TS Yeah that
TH -looks up at sunny- "Let's keep going. I want to be away from here." (
TH "Why am I in sky put me down halp"
REC ((Kima, roll Temperance + Integrity))
TH -sleepy voice-
TB Temperance?
TB Sheeeeeit
REC yep. the Virtue?
JH Sunny ignores the protests of the Lunar who chose to go eat the obviously evil lizard things, and continues to mind lift her back towards the party. Crystal bull**** surfboard, already being active, he does not dismiss it.
REC ((She has dot, doesn't she?))
TB Plus integ
TH btw shade is trying to stay over ft up to avoid the lizards and whatnot
TB Gonna spend DAT wp for sux
TB Aaaaaaaand five total
TB good shade
TS Maybe we should all get on board
TS And fly high above?
JH Massive surfboard engaged.
REC Kima is fine
TS i AM supposed to be the smart one
<firedaemon> Seems like a good plan
TB Red will change to a smaller form to make room if need be
TB Like a bat or a small dog
JH Sunny is smart too dammit
JH just....a little evil
JH also I approve of tiny puppy red.
TB Corgi mode go
TB Wuff wuff
REC Vayli will just hang underneath the surfboard
TS wow
TH -turns into mouse and snuggles against nearest warm thing-
<firedaemon> Kura stays human
JH Kura stays a Lintha
REC And on they fly, Kozu telekinetically holding most people who can't change shape to be small
TB Red is fluffy and warm in all forms
REC ((Red roll Temperance + Integrity))
TS i have telekinesis now
JH kozu is telekinetic too holy ****
TS woo
<firedaemon> And does not join the changing moon party
REC *Sunny
TS its official
JH its canon
TS I have telekinesis
REC Can't make him a Kimbery Akuma because he's already ShWLihN
TB Red spend wp too
TB For five aux as well somehow
TB Out of three dice
TB and wp
<firedaemon> Nuuuuu
TB Thank dice god
TS kozu is no demon's bitch
REC ((Mia is a Full Moon...))
JH yet
JH kozu is no demon's bitch YET
JH ...well, for varying definitions of demon. he does belong to kura
REC -what time is it-
TS Last yozi that tried to seduce him got an arrow through her jibblies for her trouble
REC -i feel tired already-
TH "sleepytiem"
TS " ****e, the fae needs essence. "
JH "Vayli, you are welcome to ride as everyone else is, instead of....floating."
TS " Vayli, can ye feed without causin' any drain or damage?"
TS " Maybe work on some of us so we bein't so stressful? "
REC -no Kozu that's not what feed means-
REC ((Kozu roll Temperence + Integrity))
TS wait i have five in both
REC -wait maybe-
TS Hah
<firedaemon> But Kura wants to give him Kimbery-WHAT
<firedaemon> Ye
<firedaemon>  Rec
REC -you mean like the other way-
TS Only six (
TS Does kozu feel something trying to do stuff to him?
TB Good question
TB What the **** is up
TB Also
REC Vayli like clambers up and bops Kozu on the nose.\
TB "I'm probably going to need to feed sometime soon myself," Kima says
REC Recovers essence motes from ambient angst
TS " Ach!" Kozu splutters and swats at his nose, then blinjs
REC Kozu feels tired and sad and is reminded of everything he's failed at and how great things used to be before he got involved.
TS " I feel...better?"
TS Or not
TS What the heck
TS scratch that i thought feeding removed the bad feels
<firedaemon> Kura sighs and sticks out an arm for Kima
REC It was a coincidence
JH Kozu's feels are percent emo
JH the odds are good
TB "Not just this moment, sis, but soon."
TS Why cant i feel all these feels
REC Incidentally, Kura is % tastier since the Kimbery thing happened.
<firedaemon> ...
TS i dont ever wanna feeeeeeel
<firedaemon> Not seasalt tho?
TS The feel i felt that day
REC She was kinda less flavorful before.
<firedaemon> Or is the additional salt bringing out her flavor?
REC Now there's the perfect amount of salt
<firedaemon> I see
<firedaemon> We got it from Jackson's mine
TS Kozu slumps a bit, his song to Kura interrupted. "I'm sorry, friends."
TB **** GIRL
<firedaemon> Kura hugs Kozu and says, "It's okay. I still love you."
REC Like FD said, it's not the primary flavor
TS Tab chill
TS ((Tell me about it))
JH Sunny just keeps driving the magical crystal hoverboard/platform towards a looming tower of brass.
REC ((Kura roll Temperance + Integrity difficulty Kozu's Charisma))
TB Tech you are the WORST to talk about relationships
TS my charisma is threeeeeeeee
TS Kozu curls up against Kura a little and mumbles something inaudible
REC Kura is a sleepything
REC a sad sleepything
<firedaemon> Kura curls up around Kozy
<firedaemon> *Kozu
<firedaemon> She frowns and has sadness
REC The two can think about how great things were back when they loved each other (i.e. never) and how awful everything is now
REC on erryone flies
<firedaemon> They just cuddle
<firedaemon> Forever
TB Red curls up around the two and whispers something in Kozu's ear rather harshly
JH Sunny pets the tiny mouse, because why not.
TS Kozu coughs and awkwardly pats at Kura, trying to get her attention
REC Day wraps up
TS Pandablush would be cuteyou in a better situation
REC Red roll again against difficulty
TB Does red know something is trying to brain her?
TB Also
TB dammit pandamen say it
REC not clear, just nothing happen
TB Or she'll bite you
TS fine
<firedaemon> Kura continues to cuddle pandaman, sleepily saying, "Eh..." as he gets her attention
TS " I...love you, too, " Kozu says just loud enough to be heard this time
TS It almost sounds like a question the way he says it
TB Oh get over your stupid plot and smooch the shromp already its been months
TB IRL and in game
<firedaemon> ((/))
<firedaemon> Kura smiles and pulls Kozu closer to herself
<firedaemon> ((And then spews water from herself into him.))\
JH this is not the waters of mars, stop
REC ((that's not a thing you can do))
REC ((yet))
JH i will go timelord victorious on you
<firedaemon> ((Love you too Jackson.))
REC ((Get the poison laquer charm an the mutapoison and you can hug people into loving Kimbery ;)))
<firedaemon> ((Don't be jealous.))
TS Kozu curls up smaller, feeling very exposed
TS from what i understand
TS Timelord anything means dead and frozen in tike
TS *time
TH whee time pass
REC You see a huge pit down below you
TS lets go around instead of over
REC Like the ant-lion pit with the claw but much bigger
TS Just to be safe
TH shade investigates.
REC It's surrounded by topiary bushes, lush and green and shaped into animals
JH No shade
TB Red voices her worry of bad vibes bro
<firedaemon> Aaand that's a dead burd
TH sux
JH Sunny listens to the hormonal daynerd, and flies around.
TB well, she does it fancy like
REC This is a naturally* formed manse
TB kima voices her concern all bro bro bro
TH Ummm with her awesome far-away bird-y vision obvs
TS Speaking of
TS When kozu becomes an owl
REC At the bottom of the pit where there would be an ant-lion there is a small pool of vitriol (mega acid)
TS Does he get owl hearing and vision?
REC And the topiary bushes are turning to watch SHade as he investigates.
REC ((Yeah I think he does))
TS " Tha's bein' one hell of a manse," he says, briefly proud of his pun
REC Shade sees a shiny thing at the bottom of the Vitriol.
TB Kima bops Kozu on the head
TB Red, meanwhile, is trying to carefully get Kozu and Kura to be good anchors for each other
TH Shade relays through Mia that there are a bunch () of magic (same amount of magic as him) bushes surrounding the thing. there's a shiny something in the middle
TB After all, two leaning pillars is how an arch works
JH "So...all in favor of ignoring the shiny thing and flying onward?"
JH are we going to have the 'thats how a drill works' speech next?
TB not with children around we aren't
TB also I don't think djala have spinning junks
REC ((Everyone who is sleepy, roll Temperance + Integrity))
JH mine is the junk that shall pierce...the Lintha?
<firedaemon> ((/ No, Jackson. Only Kozu gets to do that. Also, Sux.)
TB Heads up, tech is dc'd
TH mia sux
<firedaemon> ((())
TB he's coming back
<firedaemon> kay good
TB I texted him what's up
REC SHade is fine
TH mia actually sux
TB ginjaninja does that include kozu? Vayli made him sleepy
REC Includes Kozu
JH i was speaking for kozu there
REC Mia's sadness advances.
REC She starts having visions (hallucinations?) about noontime on the second day
TH *they
REC *they
REC They start seeing places and people they don't remember, and missing them terribly
REC Kura is much the same, but particularly sees the Demon Sea, driven into towering waves by a storm.
REC Treasures being lost to the depths.
<firedaemon> Kura pines for home
TH do I recognize the places as places I could go?
REC Both are at - external to all normal actions.
TH -cries-
<teascarab> Oi
<firedaemon> Kura snuggles Kozu and whispers, "Please...Take me home, Kozu...I want to go there..."
REC Mia recognizes a few but not most of the places
TH ok thx
REC Vayli is humming a sad song.
REC Anyone with a DMDV of or less, roll Temperance + Integrity to ignore it
REC ((wait tab is vanish))
REC ((TS, she's coming back?))
<firedaemon> Kura's sadness intensifies
<firedaemon> She starts crying
JH So...
TH mia sux
TH shade sux
REC Shade is sad
REC sleeps sad steel shadow
JH Lets get the shiny
JH screw it
TH shiny!
JH Sunny makes a wall of horizontalness to rest the party on while he and genderless Lunar go grab a shiny
TH whee!
TH mouse mia rides on shade towards shiny?
JH Or just ride the crystal platform
JH of Sunnyness
REC mouse on bird and hoversunny fly towards the vitriol pit
JH As get closer, what see?
REC There is a perfectly round giant pit off sand with the topiary bushes around it, watching you
REC There is a much smaller perfectly round pool of vitriol
REC With a tiny irridescent shiny thing at the bottom
JH Sunny attempts to use telekinetic pushy-ness to seperate murderacid from the shiny
REC The murderacid starts separating
REC The topiary animals FREAK OUT
REC As one they come fully to life and race down into the pit.
TH as one = same time?
REC Those shaped with wings or without legs take to the air and speed towards you two
JH "Oh fan ****ing. tastic."
JH Sunny attempts to swat the closest plants aside with a mind-blade. sux.
TH aka mouse jumps of bird & becomes tiger
TH *off
REC Sunny slices off some leaves but it doesn't really seem to mind
REC The things seem to ignore Miaton and start building a topiary pyramid to get at Sunny
REC They flying ones haven't quite gotten there yet.
JH Sunny, on his next available action, conjours up an orb of protective crystal around the hoverboard, ft centered at his feet.
TH -look at shiny thing again-
REC The shiny thing is a small perfect sphere, ochre and purple.
REC Mia ascertains that it is the severed but still living eye of a demon
REC Watching you
REC Reporting to its masters elsewhere in hell
TH "Mew!"
TH -back away from demon eye-
REC it seems to swivel to follow you.
JH Status on murderplants?
TH "It's a creepy ****ing demon eye! It's watching us! Gahhh!"
TH Shade birdtalks at plants "Hi pretty bushes!"
JH "It's a hearthstone."
REC The bushes say something to Shade. It sounds friendly but he can't understand them
TH -assumes hearthstone is name of demon eyes-
JH Sunny frowns at bushes talking bad about him. "Really, you're not just going to talk to my face, bushes?"
TH ( -indicates lack of language understand-
JH Sunny speak old realm P
REC The flying bushes glom onto the crystal sphere, pecking and tearing and smashing at it.
REC They aren't breaking it at all.
REC So they hiss at it, spitting acid.
JH  "I just came to investigate the...object at the bottom of the pit there. Are you charged with defending it?".
REC Which fizzes and pops as the two magics counteract each other.
REC It's slowly eating into the sphere.
REC The bushes are charged with defending it, as they say.
TS ****ing network
JH welcome back ts
TS okay whatd i miss
REC ((Welcome back. Tab vanished? Your phone somethinged?))
TS my phone hella something
JH me and Treehawk decided to get the shiny from the pit, because tab poofed and fd sleeped
REC ((Kura and Mia are in Stage Hegra-sadness
TH & fd is sleep boringness
REC ((Roll Temperance + Integrity))
JH So now we're in the middle of a Sunny style crystalsphere fighting plants.
REC ((Kozu needs to Roll that is))
TS seven sux this time
TS Kozu would have argued against it
REC Kozu is straight up unsadified
TS " As temptin' as a malfean manse sounds, it can go **** itself."
REC He resolves to ignore the weight of his mistakes and look to the future!
JH definitely would have argued against it. Everyone else is sitting on a platform while nad and Mia do the thing
TH mia is convinced that the shiny (which is a hearthstone) is a demon eye
TS Kozu, not really getting whats up but assuming its a malfean effect, works to be an anchor for everyone
TH do I think it can see thru stuff?
REC probably
TS Mia is invited to Kozu snugs
TH (
JH Sunny calls out to Kozu through the sphere. "Kozu. Scroll-blast them!".
TS wair mia is being mind controlled?
TH No, I'm just an idiot
REC no she's just really unlucky at Lore/Occult
TS is kozu in range?
REC Not right now, no
TS I think he wouldve stayed back with Kura...
REC *they're
JH The platform isn't THAT far away.
REC Kozu can just watch and worry
TS But people need him.
TS He must act.
REC Or. He can do that!
TS Monkey leap on down, shaping them spells
TS He locks in that essence, ready to bend the world to his whims
TS Geometric patterns glint in the air around him, blue and gold and violet
TS A giant abacus does the math for him
TS And
REC stunt
TS sux
REC threshold
TS " Incomin', watch aselfs!"
TH Shade says to Kozu "What is happening?"
TS and i upped my willpower, so thats total lethal damage
JH Thank you, crystalsphere
TH -jumps-
TS " Angry topiaries. An odd lot, that, but bein't here for long. "
TS actually, it might be aggravated reccy
TS I don't have my emerald link on hand
REC I've got it pulled up
JH Treehawk. We're in a bubble of crystal shield-ness. If you jump, you're just on the BOTTOM of the bubble instead of on the hoverboard.
REC The topiaries are shredded.
REC Sliced leaf from branch
JH Well. If topiaries are shredded, Sunny drops the shield and moves to catch a Koz.
REC The bubble cracks and splinters, but holds enough to leave Mia and Sunny unharmed
TH oh I thought I was outside the bubble. oops
TS " I bein' a suspector that the sand-winder bein' in our heads."
TS " Chin up, I havin' words. Or Red havin' others, if you don' mind her touchy feely."
TS " D'ye find anything bein' of use?"
JH Sunny points downward, understanding that last part. "Hearthstone. Heal-y regeneration."
REC ((Roll Wits+Linguistics to comprehend Kozu-slang))
JH "And a whole MESS of Vitriol, if we care to get craft-y."
TS ((dangit now I'm divided between shaping, integrity, and linguistics))
TS ((I think the integrity ones are the more immediately useful))
TS ((Especially if I can get another motivation))
TH "Creepy Demon Eye!!!!!!" D
TH bird shrugs
TS "Ssh now, do we bein' in want of a manse in malfeas? One we bein't here to protect? "
TS "Chin up, Miss Miaton."
TH Shade says to Kozu in birdwords "I don't know what's happening. Everyone uses words I don't understand."
JH Sunny finishes seperating demonacid from hearthstone, and yoinks the shiny. "Hell, we can use some healing power, knowing what we're against. Let's get back to the group."
TS " I havin' a hearthstone of medicine."
REC You guys should attune to the place
TS " Are ye sure it bein' that?"
TS Yeah, im all for everyone attuning to share motes, IF we make surw its safe first
TS Kozu pats awkwardly at the bird, not use to touching still
TS " There, there. They think they found a working manse of medicinal aspect. "
JH Sunny shrugs, attunes
TH "Excellent, thanks!" -bird attunes & tells Mia to do same-
TH -mia does-
TS Kozu spends some time examining it before attuning
TH ((bird is such kickass))
REC As Kozu finds out by examining and everyone else by just attuning
TS Jots down notes, compares it to what he knows
TS Vitriol is malfeas's main true element, but he's not sure if its safe for him to attune to
REC It's a rank Vitriol Manse that forms a Demon-Maggot Hearthstone, which doubles the healing rate of the person who has it.
JH So, recaiden, whats the BP count for today?
REC It regrows one topiary a day, up until it has all
TS Kozu declares it safe if it is, bids everyone to attune
TS AESS to help examine and see if someone else it already attuned beforw them
REC The topiaries demand perfection from anyone who is not a hearsthone bearer. They must have STR, DEX, STA, APP at +, not have any injuries, and not fail any roll that the topiaries can observe, or they will be attacked.
REC It was attuned a while ago but the owner has been dead for some time.
TS i have those stats!
REC They will like you.
TS " Malfean aligned I maybe thinkin', what with the demand for protection. "
REC The Vitriol pool is an Essence Vent. Do not touch.
TS "Theion was a mad sort, but kind an' gloryful in his own ways."
REC Manse refresher
REC While in the sand pit you regenerate an extra motes per hour
JH neat
TS " Also, this manse bein' weaker than it could be. Lookit those vents."
JH Sunny suggests restocking his motes, because he is important and awesome and attractive.
REC Whoever has the hearthstone currently in their possession regenerates an extra motes per hour and heals at double speed.
TS " I bein' a suspector ye could mold it anew and makin' more stronglike?"
JH "We....could. I do believe it's time we don't have at the moment, however."
TS ((Warning, connection acting suspicious))
TS "Non. Would take many more time than I am willin' t' stay here."
JH "So recharge a bit, attune, and resume our trip. Sounds like a plan."
TS Kozu nods, "I study in that time, then. Miss Miaton, maybe see to Miss Red or Miss Lethal, they always bein' chipper."
TH -shrugs- "Ok"
TS " Saw you cry earlier. Weepin' non, Miss, not with sand-winder followin'."
TH -sadface-
TS " Methinks sand-winder be why we saddenin'."
JH "No. Really."
TS Kozu pats Mia on the back, managing not to twitch from human contact this time.
REC And here, with half the party still sadding but a manse get
REC We should be done
TS Cept one thing
JH ?
TS When nobody else is around, Kozu puts a hand on Sun's back. "I am sorry you ended up like this, Saken."
JH "Ended up...what, Infernal?"
TS "Damned for your power, and bothered by something for sure."
TS " I remember a good man. He'll shine through you."
Jhicks Sunny shrugs lightly. " You'd think you'd be satisfied with what I've done so far. I've done a DAMNED good job of being nice. I'm about to go spit in a reclaimer's eye to go fix your Lunar mate.
tsinistar Kozu shakes his head, "Saken was smarter, too. Didn't take everything the wrong way." A small smile, "You'll get there. Souls like ours are never truely beholden."
Jhicks sunny int **** u kozu
Jhicks Sunny frowns and looks downward. "I've...been doing some research. On the effects that....Infernal-ness can have on a soul. There's ways that the Yozi would...well, not approve of. To change it."
tsinistar "I imagine a thing along the lines of 'ultimate power'?"
tsinistar " Saken's soul would accept no less."
tsinistar " Remember, though, what happened to us all in the first age."

TS And then the slave accent comes back and kozu is writing more observations and ideas down
JH "Well...it varies, really. There's...two paths I've been able to come to terms understanding. One requires much more...widely spread investment in the yozi than I have. A bit of all of them, and not the NICE charms."
TS " Be feedin' the right jackal, friend."
JH Sunny frowns at being interrupted. ****. "But there is one I....am quite close to being able to accomplish. It...well, it twists the Infernal exaltation all up into something...odd. Something more...primordial? I'm not entirely sure."
TS " Be rememberin' what happened t' 'em, too. I'd preferin' less power but more stability, if it were I could. A world that bein't needin' mad god-kings and angry world-things."

2014-12-19, 12:45 AM
Sorry for being not here. Finals and no longer wishing to exist are a thing. Soon they will cease to be a thing, though.

2014-12-21, 02:55 AM
Neiz: 86 BP
Kura, Kima, Kozu: 86 BP
Sun Li: 81 BP
Miaton: 73 BP
Red: 43 BP

The city was reached.
After a brief, easily-escaped encounter with Kalmanka, the arrow wind, the party flew on to Ligier's Citadel.
In exchange for a delivery quest, they were put in contact with Ululaya.
Kozu's necromancy was dispelled.
Kura decided she really didn't want to stop being an Akuma or have her soul bought back.
The party didn't offer any concessions to Kimbery besides "we want Kura to have rights to her soul back."
Kozu started insulting Kimbery quite a bit and had to be shushed by Neiz.
Much arguing ensued, ending with a dramatic speech by Neiz.
On the one hand, Kura, Mia, and Vayli say 'Kura can love her party and her creator.'
On the other, Kima, Red, and Sunny say 'No Kura being an Akuma is making you crazy.'

Kozu has been shushed and his input is eagerly sought by Kura the lovesick demon-shrimp.

Will the party put this behind them? (We can accept an Abyssal and a fae, why not an Akuma?)
Will heads roll? (JHicks has a stock of backup character sheets in case they do)
Is anyone ever going to check in on the Alchemicals? (Probably not. Poor Robojerk.)
Will Nocturnals ever start to matter? (Yes. Will you be able to notice them? Maybe not.)

Find out next week on SHROMPQUEST 2:(no meeting on Wednesday because Christmas Eve).

2015-01-15, 01:20 PM
Kura, Kima: 88 BP
Kozu: 87 BP
Neiz: 86 BP
Sun Li: 83 BP
Red: 44 BP

The master of disguise Tide Whisper visited the party in a multilayered disguise, but apparently did no more than share tea with Sunny.
The hyperactive Darts Across Waves interrupted the meeting and challenged Kura to a duel. Sunny, Kima, Red, and Tide Whisper ended up interfering, but no one took any damage. Running low of power and without Horror of the Depths for backup, Darts fled across Kimbery.

The party guarded Kozu's chrysalis until it opened three days later and let him free.