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2014-11-21, 05:31 PM
Blanche Street- Lyn's Home

"Uh..." Lyn says, reaching up to scratch one of her oversized ears.
"Well I am kinda curious about what you meant by shapeshifting, but other than explaining what you did I think I'm fine."
She could probably ask for money or something, but even she doubts that would end well.

2014-11-21, 05:43 PM
Blanche Street- Lyn's Home

"Uh." Libra stares confused at Lyn. "Right, the shapeshifting thing. It was on my note..." It returns into existence once again! "Apparently you have like three forms now." I wonder which one is her final one? "First human, your current one, then half-goat, the scaaarcy one, then normal goat, the cute one. You can also change the goat-parts of these forms. Like change the color of your fur, your horns and so fourth." She seem to read through the note carefully. "Think that's it."

2014-11-21, 05:48 PM
Blanche Street- Lyn's Home

Lyn offers a "hrm."
"I'm really not sure how a half-goat is supposed to be scary, but okay."
Clearly she hasn't played Diablo.
"I think that's it, then. Thanks." she offers to the oni.

2014-11-21, 05:54 PM

Sticks tries to keep himself from wondering who in their right mind licensed gnolls as a city's security force. This isn't the time or place for old adventurer's bigotries. He hesitates, but won't stop Wrikt from trying to bandage Kitty up.

"Please, hold her a moment, would you?" Sticks asks of the gnoll woman. If she takes over keeping Kitty upright, Sticks will go and retrieve his Fabulous Focus Manipulator. More importantly, he detaches the Molkav hand so he can have two of them again. The clawed gripper reattaches to his wrist amiably enough, and he flexes the fingers to make sure they work properly. "If you've an ambulance waiting, let us not tarry."

2014-11-21, 06:03 PM
Blanche Street- Lyn's Home

"Great! If you want another wish or something, just call my name! Or ask me right away! I'm here for you!" Libra says. But unless there really is anything else, she will disappear as quick as she appeared.

2014-11-21, 06:09 PM

The gnoll mercenary officer sniffs at Kitty.

"Yes. She's unstable and if she doesn't get real help soon the damage may be permanent. But once we're there you'll have some questions to answer."

For now, though, the two mercenaries will assist Sticks in carrying Kitty out of the alleyway, to where the ambulance should be waiting.

2014-11-21, 06:54 PM
[Temple of the Burning Light- Evening]

More of the flames start to direct themselves towards her as they speak and at least the elf is throwing a glance at them. "...alright." She replies with a hint of hesitation. "This citadel is called Light's Hearth and it is owned by The Burning Light. They- we're an organization of sort, spanning many worlds and dimensions where we provide aid and protection to those who lack it. That's the gist of it at least, you won't have to fear us." She smiles faintly. "May I ask your name?"

The woman nods and says, "My name is Sandy Brown. I'm in politics, but small time. You probably haven't heard of me, though I'm looking to make it big time."

2014-11-21, 07:01 PM
[Temple of the Burning Light- Evening]

"I see." Azare says, having to stop herself from glancing at the flames again. She already knew what they were doing. "You usually make evening calls like this? Or did you have something special in mind?"

2014-11-21, 07:34 PM
[Temple of the Burning Light- Evening]

The woman nods and says, "This is simply when I had the time to come by. I apologize for the lateness. Is there perhaps an office we can talk in? I'd like your endorsement and follower's votes, and the sanctuary seems inappropriate to discuss such mundane things."

2014-11-21, 07:37 PM
Lotus Gardens

Pfffh, like if. :smalltongue:
Cessie looks curiously at Jezebel. A second home? "Interesting, but perhaps I shouldn't take such decisions while I'm drunk." She starts with a giggle. "I'm not sure how much i'd stop by, but I certainly can't see any harm of being welcome here. I'm sure there are more colorful characters than just you around, anyone in particular I should know of?" She asks as she's half-looking at Jezebel, half-looking at the breathtaking view from the tower.

Lotus Gardens

Jezebel shakes his head at the question. "There are a few, namely those who used to be daemons or Hosts within my care, but they've mostly adapted and aren't the type to bother someone like you. Not when they know you're associated with me." He explains before taking a moment to get away from the ledge and stand, stretching for a moment. "Would you like me to take you home, Cessie?" The god asks, offering his hand.

2014-11-21, 08:21 PM
Lotus Gardens

"Too bad, but I guess we hang out with different people." Yet Jezebel could hang out with the majority of Cessie's friends! She then turns to look fully at Jezebel once she/he suggests going home. "It's a bit of a walk from here and it's already getting late so I suppose. It was a very pleasant evening though. I might even do it again, or maybe not, maybe if I get drunk again." She laughs a bit.

[Temple of the Burning Light- Evening]

Azare blinks. "Our... vote? Well, I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask those questions and I'm supposed to keep an eye on the flames." And the guests. "You should speak to one of the servants, Daeva perhaps. She's most involved in politics." She gestures at the stairs leading up to the next floor. "She should be with the other servants right now."

2014-11-21, 08:27 PM
New Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?384767-Riverside-16-Turn-and-face-the-strain&p=18436974#post18436974)