View Full Version : IC - Space Hulk Purgation

2014-04-22, 01:37 AM
The Valorous Charge, a mighty warship owned by the Great institution of the Deathwatch was travelling through the void almost silently. It was a mighty warcruiser with a glorious history... but that was all about to change.

Onboard it was all of you, ready to be stationed at Watch Station Midael. your first appointment with the Deathwatch.

Within the ship, great vaulted halls and snaking walkways filled the upper and lower levels, trusted human serfs was doing many of the menial tasks on the ship and Red-robed mechanicus priests was keeping the ship's machine spirit well-pleased and under control. Within it's holds were the 5 of you, readying yourselves and anointing your armours and whispering blessings to the god-emperor.

3 days away from your station was when it happened: A space hulk suddenly appeared right in front of The Valorous Charge as it ripped it's way out of the warp, gale-lightning ripping into the void of real-space, slamming into you Cruiser's voidshields. That was only the beginning since the sudden obstruction of a great Space Hulk made it impossible to evade.

The Valorous Charge crashed into a jagged spike in the space hulk, skewering itself upon the hulk.

Calamity-bells and emergency-lighting was wailing and flashing for a few seconds, then everything went dark, and only the mechanical blessing of your helmets would make it possible to see.

Now was the time for action, the time to serve the deathwatch. You should try finding Watch Captain Tylus, most likely to be found near his quarters and if not, perhaps you'd all be lucky enough to get a vox signal and reestablish contact to the Captain and hopefully more Deathwatch Marines as well.

you're all quite able to navigate around the Ship without much trouble and as such are allowed to take a few liberties with your writing.:smallsmile:
now go ahead and post some introduction of your characters, you have only had a few weeks to talk and learn about each other. So it's up to all of you whom knows who and why they have talked and conversed.:smallsmile:

2014-04-22, 06:51 AM
Agmundr was awoken from his trance by screaming, the screaming of tortured metal, followed by the screaming of the emergency sirens… And then nothing, complete silence for just a moment, then everything truly went to hell, the ship screams being replaced by human screams in the darkness. “The night is dark, and terror stalks these halls, for I am awake…” He murmurs softly to himself before stumbling to his arms locker and withdrawing his auto-sense goggles, Muttering a quiet prayer to the machine spirits in them before turning them on and fitting them snugly. “And now in this darkness I see, and all was made clear.” He continues, pulling his harness on over his armour, slipping his pistol into its holster with another prayer and clipping the shotgun and boltgun onto their slings.

Stepping out of his cell he is once again struck by the screams of the ship’s crew, quickly slipping the vox beads into his ears, replacing the local screaming and panic with empty static from the comm channels before switching to the Death Watch marine frequency, greeted still by nothing but static. “This is Wolf Scout Agmundr reporting in, I am alive and fit for duty, in the absence of further orders I am heading for Watch Captain Tylus’s Quarters. All Marines Report position and rendezvous there as soon as possible.”

Setting off at a run towards the captain’s quarters he switches to the general address frequency, “Attention all hands, this is Wolf Scout Agmundr, Deathwatch Marine, if you are receiving this please respond. I am unable to contact the bridge or any senior officers, until informed otherwise I am taking charge, report position, status and any damage.” Leaving the channel open for any response he halts suddenly, confronted by a solid spike of blackened steel cutting off the passage, jagged edges radiating out from where the deck plating had been severed. “Damn, I knew that sounded too close, Looks like we’re stuck.” He mumbles, reversing his direction as he tries to figure the quickest alternate path to the captains quarters.

I am wearing my Deathwatch Scout armour, One of the things included in that is the scout vox with a 35 km range, this should be able to provide at least one way communication throughout the ship if not the entire space hulk unless there is anything that specifically blocks the signal.

Toxic Mind
2014-04-22, 09:29 AM
Quintus Augustus was practicing when all hell broke loose. For the past few days, he had spent most of his time in the ship's firing range, firing shell after shell (all free of explosive charges of course) at practice targets. An archaic exercise for the highly trained Devastator Marine, but one that gave him some small comfort that his time in transit was not wasted. As it happened, such an activity, though it prevented him from having any more than cursory conversations with his fellow Deathwatch recruits, served as a two-fold blessing from the Emperor. For one, when disaster struck, Quintus was already fully armored, weapon in hand, and was out the door in record time. Secondly, as he would find out later, it saved his life. When the Valorous Charge struck the Space Hulk, it ripped his quarters to shreds, hurling their contents into the void. Had Quintus been lying in his bed, he would have died without waking.

Quintus picked himself up off the ground, and quickly assessed himself. Armor still sealed, bolter intact, flamer at side. He scanned the room quickly, and found himself still alone. Walking quickly to a wall panel, he tapped a few commands. "Deathwatch Marine Quintus Augustus, authorization 104.529" he says to the panel. "Damage Report."

The metallic voice of a servitor responds. "Lower Compartments 37-54 breached, area sealed to maintain hull integrity. Severe hull damage throughout, recommend immediate donning of void-suit to prevent fatal decompression."

"Cause. Best Guess." Quintus says shortly.

"Collision with Space Hulk. Valorous Charge unable to extricate at present moment."

Before Quintus can ask another question, a voice breaks over the comm. “This is Wolf Scout Agmundr reporting in, I am alive and fit for duty, in the absence of further orders I am heading for Watch Captain Tylus’s Quarters. All Marines Report position and rendezvous there as soon as possible.” Quintus recognized the voice of one of his fellow recruits. Space Wolf, he believed. Likely the actual man, and not a mutant or witch, but one could never be too careful. "Acknowledged. Rendezvous at Watch Captain's Quarters. Caution Brothers, we do not know what filth may already be aboard our ship."

Quintus turns back to the panel. "Open Armory Door." Quintus needs no help reaching the Watch-Captain's quarters. "Door Sealed, recommend waiting for Response Team." Quintus scoffed and moved away from the panel and to the armory door. "Not Likely" he says to no one in particular, and then with a grunt and a well placed boot, smashes the door off its bearings and steps into the ship, heading quickly towards the Watch-Captain's Quarters.

Iron Warlord
2014-04-22, 01:41 PM
Kaidan was in his quarters, reading a dataslate on the tactics, technology, and anatomy of a minor Xenos subspecies that the Deathwatch in the region regularly found itself in conflict with, when the collision occurred. The shriek of metal on metal initially alerted him to the potential danger and he immediately reached for his helmet, putting it on and engaging environmental seals in case the hull was damaged badly enough to cause depressurization. Once the seals have fully activated and the interior of his power armor is properly pressurized he begins gathering his weapons and affixing them to his armor in their positions. His Bolt Pistol at his left ribs, just below the shoulder, his Bolter on his right thigh, Power Sword at his right hip, combat knife in a sheathe at his left calf, and after a moments hesitation he grabbed the Hellfire Flamer he had been examining and placed it right below his armor power backpack unit. Wit his grenades and extra clips already attached to his belt he was ready to go within moments.

“This is Wolf Scout Agmundr reporting in, I am alive and fit for duty, in the absence of further orders I am heading for Watch Captain Tylus’s Quarters. All Marines Report position and rendezvous there as soon as possible.” A voice came through his suits vox system. Kaidan was vaguely familiar with Agmundr, they had exchanged greetings in passing on a handful of occasions, but that was the extent of their interactions.

With a destination now in mind Kaidan began plotting the most expeditious route to the Captain's quarters. Up three decks, east four sections to avoid central reactor core, down one deck, west one section and north eight sections. With his route planned out Kaidan took off at a jog. "This is Brother Kaidan Tazerus acknowledging. Proceeding to rendezvous now."

Grim Portent
2014-04-22, 04:01 PM
Khairos was in his quarters when the collision occurred, reading a missive sent by his brethren regarding the known movements of the chapter's old enemy the Eldar. The shock of the impact flung the dataslate across the room and jolted Khairos, forcing him to stand to avoid falling from his chair. Khairos hurriedly donned his helmet and began listening for updates on the ship's status.

“This is Wolf Scout Agmundr reporting in, I am alive and fit for duty, in the absence of further orders I am heading for Watch Captain Tylus’s Quarters. All Marines Report position and rendezvous there as soon as possible.”

"This is Apothecary Khairos, acknowledging call to rally at the Watch Captain's Quarters. I shall proceed there immediately."

Khairos gathered up his equipment, flamer and bolter strapped to his legs, pistol and sword affixed to his back, narthecium worn over his left gauntlet, camo-cloak thrown over his shoulders, his other supplies hung from his waist. Prepared to face any foes that had slunk in from the impact or tend any wounded he came across, Khairos left his quarters and began making his way to the rendezvous point.

2014-04-22, 04:10 PM
-Konrad was in his quarters too, but he had been in full armor kneeling before his shrine to the emperor, when the collision happened his entire room was sucked into the void. Activating his built in mag boots he walks along the outside of the ship towards a breech that looks like it's close to the captain's quarters. He scowls at the massive space hulk, rage brewing at the untold number of xenos most likely inside, hearing his com come to life, he scowls. what does that mangy mut thing he's doing giving him orders.-

2014-04-22, 09:20 PM
Sprinting through the corridors, knowing at any moment there could be intruders gaining access to the vessel Agmundr receives the replies from all but one of his new watch brothers, The Black Templar Assault specialist. “Brother Konrad, report your location and status if able, I have still received no communication from anyone superior. I have located multiple hull breaches, Massive damage to several decks.” Turning a last corner he comes to a halt near the door to the watch Captains Quarters.

“I have reached the watch Captains Quarters, Still No response on any comm channels, entering now.” Drawing his pistol and crouching down, wondering at the comm silence from the watch captain, he pushes open the captains door and rolls forward…

2014-04-22, 10:02 PM
-Konrad speaks into the bead- I am currently advancing to the command quarters on the outside of the vessel -konrad says this in the most nonchalant way possible-

2014-04-23, 12:21 AM
Everything had turned into chaotic tumults of people trying to reach voidsuits or life-rafts. The horrofying sight of asphyxiated bodies littered some of the depressurized hallways and the more gruesome sights was those of exploded corpses that had been too close to a power-conduit when it exploded.

There was still no power at all, even ship-vox appeared to be down, luckily your own suit's vox-systems appeared to still be functioning. Either something was draining the ship's power at an alarmingly fast rate, or the ship's plasma-core had died out/shut down.

When one was to travel through one of the oxygen-containing areas, strange distant hissing and screeching could just barely be heard if one still completely still and everything else was silent.

As you all consolidated at the Watch-Captain's quarters, it was clear that he was most likely still alive, since there was still breathable air in the area and no significant damage to the hull either.
Inside The Watch-Captain's quarters was a giant mess of knocked-over items, shattered trinkets and books floating in the gravity-less air. There was no sight of the watch-captain...

Suddenly everyone's vox crackled to life and the Watch-Captain's voice could be heard over it. "This is watch-captain Tylus-*crackle-static*......-tuation.... i repeat, initiate-team 4, report location and situation, over." The message finally cleared up, although the quality of it was still much to be desired. at least it was finally understandable. The Watch-Captain's IFF-beacon finally lit up on the ship-map in your helmets (his location appeared to be up further north, close to the primary breaching point where the Valorous Charge smashed into the Space Hulk), as well as your own beacons being marked there as well. It would appear that they had been inactive for quite a while, perhaps because of some sort of EM pulse from the impact with the space hulk.

(Alright, from here on out, no more major liberties with where you go and such, time for some real action:smallwink:
you're all together now, at the Watch-captain's quarters so you can finally decide on what to do as a group, rather than just individually:smallsmile:)

Toxic Mind
2014-04-23, 12:32 AM
Quintus rushes around the corner just in time to see a black shape roll into the Watch-Captain's quarters, and a glint of metal off of a weapon. The watch captain was a good man, and a better marine Quintus knew, and he did not deserve to die on some warp assassin's blade. Quintus hurls himself down the hallway, Heavy Bolter raised as he crashes through the door. "Possible hostile contact in Watch-Captain's room, moving to engage. No confirmed identity. " He says over the open vox as he reaches the door to the room. Smashing through the half-open door, he raises his bolter, finger on the trigger.

"Agmundr?" he says, confusion written in his voice.

Suddenly, the Watch-Captain's voice crackles onto the personal vox and his IFF beacon lights up in Quintus' helmet. Quintus lowers his bolter, nodding once to the Wolf-Scout, the only hint of apology the man was likely to get. Quintus thought the man should feel lucky he hadn't been riddled with bolter shells, but some people were so touchy about such things. Quintus turns to the wall panel in the Watch-Captain's room. "Establish shipwide vox communications to Watch-Captain Tylus". The panel, once a home to the emotionless voice of a servitor, is silent now. Quintus grunts and keys his suit vox.

++Watch-Captain Tylus, this is Quintus Augustus. We are currently at your personal quarters, but we can be by your side in moments. At present, all but one of team 4 is accounted for and here. He informs us he will be here momentarily. Advise course of action sir?++

2014-04-23, 12:55 AM
Spinning and raising his pistol as the door is kicked in, only lowering it as he sees who it is, “Ah Quintus, late as usual. There is such a thing as subtlety you know.” Grinning and standing as the Vox crackles with the Watch captain’s voice.

Looking around and chuckling as Quintus responds to the captain, “Oh Konrad’s accounted for, he was just taking a walk in the fresh air, outside, he should be here shortly. Anyway we need a course of action. If I’m tied down with you we’ll walk into any ambush there is on the way there. We need to await the others and organise a sensible route forward to the captain. Assume all paths are under hostile control.”

Toxic Mind
2014-04-23, 10:50 AM
Quintus considered shooting the man again, then decided it was more trouble that the satisfaction it would give him. Shooting a comrade over an insult would be illogical, and Quintus was nothing if not logical.

"Subtlety is only required if one is not willing to stand tall before the enemies of the Emperor." His voice was as toneless as always.

"A sensible route has already been planned. Transmitting to other members now." Quintus quickly relayed the quickest path from the Watch-Captain's quarters to the rest of the kill team, minus Agmundr. "I wouldn't want to tie you down with such a plan, leaving you vulnerable to ambushes." Quintus says, still dry and toneless.

Quintus steps out the door and keys the suit's vox communications. "All members of Team 4, follow transmitted plan and rejoin squad en-route to Watch-Captain Tylus. Stay alert, our scout reports possible hostile contact on the way. Should you encounter enemy resistance, do not remain silent."

"Our brothers can meet us in transit, they are more than capable of handling themselves. Are you coming?" Quintus turns and walks out. Quintus moves back out the door, and begins following his planned route. The path he charted should be free of all obstructions from the space hulk, but Quintus had to agree with the wolf-brother in one aspect. There was no guarantee that such a path would be free on enemies.

Grim Portent
2014-04-23, 06:22 PM
Khairos arrived at the Watch-Captain's quarters to see Quintus stepping from the room.

"Brother Quintus I presume? Well met, let us make haste. Your planned path seems sound, let us hope that there is something to win glory from on the way however. I haven't seen battle in longer than I care to remember."

Khairos fell into step just behind Quintus, pulling his flamer from his back and letting it hang from his right hand.

2014-04-23, 06:49 PM
-Hearing the com chatter Konrad engages his jumppack and flies along the hall towards the nearest breach,kicking off the shard of metal and entering the ship once more he jumps along the corridors accelerating towards the position of the commander, chainswords in hand as he yells the prayers of the emperor-

Toxic Mind
2014-04-23, 07:09 PM
Quintus does not stop to acknowledge the new arrival immediately, save for nodding, and taking off down the corridor. He does not look to see if Agmundr has deigned to follow as well. As they run towards the commander's position, Quintus finally activates his comm. "Glory will come soon enough. It is illogical to wish for battle before we are adequately prepared to meet the enemy. I would prefer we find the commander alive. However, your fervor is noted, and does your chapter honor." Quintus hears a crash from ahead, 2 turns down, his auspex tell him. "It seems our brother from outside has arrived. We should hurry to catch him."

Quintus speeds up, and as he reaches the point where Konrad entered the ship, he tears a piece of plating off the opposite wall and places it against the hole, allowing the pressure to hold it in place. Precious seconds spent possibly preventing decompression from killing more crew, Quintus resumes running, Khairos close behind.

Iron Warlord
2014-04-23, 09:13 PM
When Kaidan receives the proposed route he does some quick mental calculations to find an appropriate intercept path before adjusting his own route through the darkened ship. Continue north three sections, head west half a section, cut through tertiary mess hall, west one and a half sections, north two sections, and jump railing to descend one deck onto expected location of fellow marines. He sees only a handful of crew members as he follows his new route and when he nears his current destination he keys on his vox "Heads up brothers, I'm coming down." ​He says before vaulting the railing to drop three and a half meters and landing directly behind the others.

2014-04-24, 12:58 AM
Bringing up the rear some way behind the other two, Agmundr follows quietly keeping an eye out for any-one attempting to follow or sneak up. Catching the other two up as Konrad enters the ship he grins, “Have a nice walk in the sunshine there brother?” Before dropping back once more after Quintus seals the hole.

Noticing the tell-tale thump of power armour running towards them he prepares to trigger his vox, positioning himself to cover the connecting passages just as Kaidan’s transmission comes through. “Back door is clear brother, come on through.” Stepping aside and lowering his pistol as Kaidan moves past, once more taking the rear guard position.

2014-04-25, 07:28 AM
With the ship so heavily damaged, it is quite hard to plot an unobstructed route. Almost every time all of you begin to get a nice tempo, you find yourselves blocked off by either hard vacuum, blocked off areas or even strange power-flux areas that begins to short-circuit your power armours as you try to get through it.

Suddenly, as you all turn a corner, you all enter what appears to be a cramped passage, but that is not all. The sight itself is what is the horrible part. Flayed bodies, crushed skulls and cut-off limbs are floating in the gravity-less air, even the blood is lazily dangling around as well.

Right after entering, a small power-spike causes the bulkhead behind you to seal you inside, negating any passage back. Lucky that it didn't decide to close with someone still in the way.

Suddenly a live grenade goes off to the left, it was too far away to do any harm to you all, but at a closer inspection, you can see that there are a lot more where that came from. it would appear that a huge cache of explosives had been transported when the ship hit the space hulk and now the room is swimming with live explosives.

This is a highly dangerous place and you need to find a way to get out of the room before everything might explode and turn you all into shrapnel targets.

In order to advance you either need to remove all the heavy stuff that is obstructing further passage, or somehow bypassing the whole thing entirely.

You need at least three successful Tests to bypass, at the Difficult level (–10). Alternatively, you can make 5 successful Tests with a difficulty of Challenging (+0).

Be smart and inventive in how and what you do and which skills you use to complete this:smallsmile:

just roll in a spoiler in your IC post and come with an explanation why you use this or that skill to complete this (though the obvious choice would of course be brute strength tests to remove the material that's blocking your way).

any failure of 3 degrees or more is rather bad and means something explodes.:smallsmile:

2014-04-25, 10:03 AM
The door closing directly on his heels was a new experience for Agmundr, normally far out in front of everyone else, a more common but far less welcome surprise was the explosion immediately afterwards, “Ambush!” He yells, crouching and looking around, just then noticing all of the lazily floating explosives just in front of them, “I think I would have preferred the ambush…” Looking around carefully he tries to figure a way out that involves everyone staying in one piece. “I might be able to breach the door behind us or we can try going forwards, I’m not sure how much it’s going to take to set the rest of them off though…” Looking around and trying to judge the movement of the explosives and the blast radius if they were to be set off accidentally or not, “We could also try and set them off, controlled detonation to clear us a path…”

More will be added once the Gm tells me what i notice / think the outcomes would be.
Awareness - Figuring out drift patterns and blast radius - Perception (49, +10 heightened senses sight, -10 Difficult = 49) - [roll0] (Didn't roll??? will post roll to OOC Page)
Failed - 4 degrees

Toxic Mind
2014-04-25, 12:51 PM
As the door shuts behind Quintus, he betrays no surprise. Such a display of emotion would be unnecessary. He focuses entirely on the explosives in front of him. At Agmundr's cry, Quintus says nothing, but turns his head to stare pointedly at the Scout. He listens to the options that the Scout provides, them rounds with his own.

"Given enough time, I could plot a course through the explosives by calculating their trajectory and explosive range. It may take some time, but it is an option. We could also attempt to breach a wall and circumvent the room entirely. Both are logical options, though we should choose quickly, before an errant explosive runs into us." Quintus, without waiting, begins running calculations on the explosives, attempting to plot a course that would allow them either of the options he presented. None is immediately forthcoming, but he is not dissuaded.

2014-04-25, 03:37 PM
-Konrad looks at all the explosives floating in the hallway, he looks about for any means to exit this area of the ship via a breach, stepping out into the void again would be preferable to navigating this, failing that he turns towards the door and tries to slide it open-

gonna activate the once per day solo mode ability feat of strength, which increases my strength bonus by 4 under black crusade rules. this gives me a total strength bonus of 16 and since carrying and pushing is determined by Str bonus+toughness I can push something in the 13,000kg range or lift something in the 6,000kg range. I would give exact numbers but the chart only goes to a combined str/toughness bonus of 20 before you have to do math

Iron Warlord
2014-04-26, 05:54 PM
Kaidan quickly moves toward the passage forward and begins forcing a way through the rubble, intent on getting out a swiftly as possible. There is a time for subtlety and cleverness, but there is also a time for brute force, and a room full of live explosives seems like a time for force.

Grim Portent
2014-04-27, 11:14 AM
Khairos looked at the cloud of scattered munitions, ducking back towards the door to put as much distance between himself and the explosives as possible.

"Brothers, we must make haste, every moment we spend here we risk destruction. Our deaths here would not be glorious, nor would they serve the Emperor."

Khairos looked at the explosives, trying to decide whether to attempt to weave his way through the cloud or trust in his squad to find a more viable tactic.

2014-04-27, 01:28 PM
You all spend some careful 10 minutes to try and get out of the deathtrap you'd all ended up inside. With all the floating explosives, it's a danger to just scratch your head.

The Majority of the 5 of you manage to stay out of the floating paths of high-explosives (although are too often interrupted by the floating explosives to actually get any real progress done), but Agmundr misses one of the Live explosives and it goes off, flattening him to the ground, showering shrapnel everywhere.

Agmundr takes 17 Damage with a Pen of 5 to the body location.

you can now all try something different :3
do remember you can aid each other to make stuff easier:smallwink:

Toxic Mind
2014-04-27, 04:13 PM
Upon seeing the explosion, Quintus looks to his brother. "You remain functional, yes?"

Undeterred by the time it was taking, Quintus continues his careful examination of each and every explosive in the room. He was beginning to lose patience when suddenly one of the grenades floats past his face, bumps into a box, and redirects back into the room. "Of Course." Quintus says quietly to himself. He runs a quick series of calculations and the answer lies before him. "Brothers" Quintus says calmly. "I have created a tracking algorithm that should allow me to predict the movement of these explosives and guide us around them. Yet we must still find a way to clear these obstructions and exit this room. Provided you follow my instructions, no further harm should come." Quintus knows that the calculation could be easily overwhelmed by any rapid shift in variables, but there was no sense in telling the squad that. Provided they did not cause that rapid shift, Quintus knew he could handle the situation as it was.

As his squad-mates moved around the room, working to their own tasks, he would occasionally warn them of ordinance near them, or that would impede their progress, and how best to avoid it.

Grim Portent
2014-04-27, 06:20 PM
"Brother Agmundr! Are you wounded?"

Iron Warlord
2014-04-27, 07:51 PM
Kaidan listens closely to Quintus, in case he needs to move to avoid a floating grenade, while he continues to muscle debris out of the way of their exit.

[roll0] Str: 62, -10

2014-04-27, 08:39 PM
“I am fine brothers, it is only a scratch.” Agmundr says standing up as his blood already starts to clot, the wound rapidly sealing itself closed. Looking around he decides to try and figure out the movement of the explosives again, carefully listening to Quintus's instructions, but the blast leaves him slightly disoriented.

Failed awareness check - 2 degrees...

Grim Portent
2014-04-28, 06:16 AM
Upon hearing that Agmundr does not require medical aid Khairos moves up to the blockage barring the squad's path and attempted to help Brother Kaidan shift the obstruction.

Ugh, can't get the forum dice roller to work.

Roll - 67 Strength 50 +20 from power armour, -10 from test difficulty, so that's a fail.

2014-04-30, 08:06 AM
You all finally manage to break through the debris and junk that was in the way, avoiding being blown into bits by deadly explosives, though not with everyone totally unscathed.

Iron Warlord: you take 19 damage with a Pen of 5 to the body (reduce it by remaining armour and your TB)

it took you all about 20 minutes to get past it and as such are behind timewise. now you have to catch up and hopefully reach the Watch-Captain before it's too late. The Comm-links are totally scrambled and unusable right now, filled with the noise of bolterfire, chainswords screeching, beastial howls and screams, as well as the cries of the dying. Something had invaded the ship, originating from the breaching points where it connects to the space hulk.

You all have this strange sensation that you're being observed, but there's no power in the area, so there's no gravity, no lighting, no wall-panels with communication working.... no security pict-feeds... but still, something is watching you all... Hunting.

The way forward is forked into two different paths, one leads you to a power-junction which might be the cause of the problem with the lack of power in your area. the other one leads through the armoury and onwards to your objective of re-connecting with the Watch-Captain.

It's your choice which route to take, but remember, choices have consequences so choose well.

Toxic Mind
2014-04-30, 10:23 AM
Quintus looks down both tunnels for a moment, scanning the routes and possibilities. He turns to his brothers. "Our current mission parameters are to rendezvous with the Watch Captain. To deviate further from that course would be illogical. His life is more valuable than our discomfort. Let us move, quickly" His voice holds the surety of command and purpose, but Quintus does not immediately leave, inviting comments from his fellows.

Iron Warlord
2014-04-30, 12:25 PM
"Returning functionality to this section of the ship is about far more than comfort. Without lights and gravity we are at a severe disadvantage to whatever enemies may reside on the ship we now find ourselves entangled with. Restoring power should give the crew a better chance of holding off any attempt to seize control of our vessel." Kaidan says as he looks down the passage to the junction room. "And we may need power restored to continue forward if any of the bulkheads between here and our rendezvous have been sealed."

Grim Portent
2014-04-30, 01:58 PM
"I am in agreement with Brother Quintus, the Watch Captain may be in dire need of our assistance. It would be inglorious if we were to restore power only to reach him too late to render aid."

Toxic Mind
2014-04-30, 02:15 PM
"Your argument is logical brother. However, I cannot condone delay when we know the Watch-Captain is in danger. The last vox transmission from his location was only bolter fire and chainswords. Clearly he needs our assistance." Quintus looks down both of the passages, giving his other battle-brother a chance to respond in kind. "The most logical choice would be to split our manpower, sending one ground to reinforce the Watch-Commander, and another to restore power." Quintus pauses. "However, I will not allow our squad to be split. Wipe must move decisively in one way or the other. There are too many unknown variables to allow us to separate."

Iron Warlord
2014-04-30, 08:44 PM
"I stand by my point, but if the consensus is against me then lead on Brother Quintus." Kaidan says, seeing little point in wasting time trying to argue his position.

2014-05-01, 01:17 AM
“I believe I must argue in favour of brother Khairos’s Suggestion, if we continue to advance forwards into unknown territory with no lights, gravity, communication or advance warning then we are giving the enemy a large advantage, around any corner could lurk anything and we would not know, and then as he said when we come to a sealed bulkhead we will have to find some way to open it, and I only have the one Demolition charge. In short brothers, we need to get the power back to this section, the watch captain is a veteran of far more combat than any of us, if something can best him, then I fear we would stand little chance against it in the cramped corridors of this ship.” Agmundr states, looking into the darkness in both directions, calculating the time the deviation might take.

Toxic Mind
2014-05-03, 07:43 PM
"Your objections are noted. However, as we cannot reach a consensus, and there is little time to delay, I must insist that we move towards the Watch-Captain. We will deal with obstructions as they arise. The Watch-Captain may be able to help us repair the generator. Whatever consequences may fall from this choice are mine to bear." Quintus waits for now more discussion. The decision was hardly an easy one, and he would have preferred consensus, but sometimes snap decisions had to be made, for better or worse.

2014-05-06, 05:11 AM
With the agreed choice of going straight for the Watch-captain's location, you all head on down the pathway towards his IFF-signal.

the hustle down the erriely empty pathways could scare the living crap out of any regular human, but luckily you're more than regular. The strange sensation of being stalked is still heavy, like someone was breathing right behind you, although there's nothing there when you look behind yourselves.

As you all turn a corner, you stumble upon a blocked off pathway, it's doors are shut and unpowered like everything else around here. The air is slightly stale and a hissing, kinda like the kind from a leaky pipe, can be heard from both above you and from within different air ducts.

The doors blocking your path are just regular electrically powered doors that could most likely just be pried open with a little muscle-use.

So what're you gonna do? the path forwards is blocked off but can be pried open with a successful (-10) Strength Test, or if it somehow got repowered it would hopefully open easily.

Toxic Mind
2014-05-06, 12:17 PM
Quintus stares at the door. "No need for demolition charges, we can force it open. However, the hissing worries me. Opinions?" He asks of his squad.

2014-05-06, 02:16 PM
-Konrad looks at the door- Hissing is a sign of an air leak, could be a broken pipe or on the other side of the door is a vacuum, in which case we should engage our mag boots. as for the door we could probably power it with our power packs for our armour. -Black Templars live almost exclusively on their battle barges being a crusading chapter, he probably knew a lot about ships...or he at least has the ability to sound like he knows what he is talking about-

Grim Portent
2014-05-07, 07:38 PM
Khairos steps towards the door, running his hand against it.

"I will endeavor to open the door. I may require assistance however."

Toxic Mind
2014-05-07, 08:02 PM
Quintus steps up next to him. "Engage mag boots, and then we open the door. Time is a commodity we do not possess."

Assistance - Khairos
STR Check to open door.

STR test is now +0. One more can assist, reducing it to +10

Grim Portent
2014-05-09, 01:43 PM
Khairos braced himself, activating his magboots to anchor himself more firmly.

"On three. One, two three!"

Khairos pushed all his might into opening the door, the servos in his power armour whining with the strain.

Strength 50 +20

Iron Warlord
2014-05-09, 11:18 PM
Kaidan double checks his magboots before settling into a standard firing stance and aiming at the door with his bolter, ready to open fire on any hostiles on the far side of the door.

2014-05-10, 12:31 AM
Agmundr inspects the door carefully before taking a couple of steps back and wrapping his arm around a convienient pipe, pointing his bolt pistol towards the door with the other hand and bringing his goggles up to maximum brightness. “I’m not sure if this is a good idea guys…” he says as they force the door open.

2014-05-10, 12:32 AM
-Konrad just grabs onto the nearest thing bolted to the floor or wall and waits-

2014-05-11, 06:23 AM
You all easily manage to break the electronic door open by forcing them apart, Though you only manage to actually break the locking mechanism when Agmundr, Konrad and Quintus suddenly register movement above you all...

The thing moving around up there is a hideous beast with it's body covered in carapace and it's mouth hissing a screech: It's a Tyranid! Suddenly before any other kind of warning, a minor swarm of them break through the vent-ducts in the area, both from above and below. Their eyes are a dead evil and only one thing appears to be on their mind: Feeding.

It's Combat Time!
There's about a mob-sized grouping of these things. they are Hormagaunts and if you wanna know more, roll a forbidden lore (Xenos) on -10.
Only Agmundr, Konrad and Quintus manage to avoid being surprised, which means that Kaidan and Khairos are caught off guard and unable to react in the first turn.

The room you're in right now is a closer to a narrow hallway than an actual room, being about 5 meters wide, making room for about 3 of you side-by-side, with still enough space to move.
First Up, Roll initiative :) I'll do my roll in secret and then set up an initiative list in the OOC:smallsmile:

2014-05-11, 07:10 AM
Agmundr looks around as the vent ducts explode outwards with swarming bugs, “Well that was unexpected…” He says calmly, moving his foot to get some dust off it.

Initiative [roll0]

Forbidden lore (xenos) 38 - [roll1]

I'f I'm allowed by gm I'll also quick draw my chainsword

2014-05-11, 11:51 AM
-Konrad was silent, his blades in his hand and his jetpack was already roaring launching the marine towards the gaunts.-

okay so you said a mob I'm going to assume it's a small horde then, in which case rolling as if it's a horde. so on a charge I get 1d10 bonus damage and my armour means all my attacks do 2 magnitude damage instead of 1. ALso not sure if gaunts are fearless or not, if they arn't I have fear (1)

assault marine bonus horde damage, this happens cause I charged

attack against gaunts
[roll1] v 79

if hits does 2 magnitude damage

Toxic Mind
2014-05-11, 12:11 PM
If one could see Quintus' face, they would see only disinterested calculations running across it. As it stood, his helmet moved quickly as he evaluated the Tyranids. He raises his heavy bolter and points it down the hallway, flipping a small switch on the side. Servos whir, and then "Metal Storm rounds selected. Given the composition of the enemy force, area of effect attacks are the most logical course of action."


Grim Portent
2014-05-12, 08:52 AM
Khairos stared dumbly at the Tyranid swarm as it rampaged towards them.



2014-05-13, 01:45 PM
The big swarm of Tyranids charged forward against the big jump-pack space marine, incircling him and surging even further towards the rest of the kill-team, making contact with each and every one of them in one full charge, their screeching scream would cause any normal human to tremble with fear.

As they make contact with you all, their scything talons rakes and scratches over your armour, intent on breaking through and rip you all apart.

Forbidden Lore: read only if you succeeded the roll)

You remember that tyranids normally only works coordinated when near a synapse creature or the hive-mind itself, and these things appear to NOT work as one single individual, rather than a One-Mind-Many-Bodies deal, which means that there's no hivemind onboard the space hulk, there's a not a Synapse creature amongst them (with a bigger head than the rest most likely) and there's no synaptic creature nearby... at least from what you can figure from the mindless frenzy that they're in.

Combat stuff

They all swarm around the lot of you and attacks with a regular charge on everyone except Konrad who's already in Melee with them, he's getting a swift attack in the face:smallbiggrin:

to hit [roll0] vs WS 45.
to hit [roll1] vs WS 45.
If hit, takes[roll2] Damage with a pen of 3.
If hit, takes[roll3] Damage with a pen of 3.

to hit [roll4] vs WS 45+10.
If hit, takes[roll5] Damage with a pen of 3.

to hit [roll6] vs WS 45+10.
If hit, takes[roll7] Damage with a pen of 3.

to hit [roll8] vs WS 45+10.
If hit, takes[roll9] Damage with a pen of 3.

to hit [roll10] vs WS 45+10.
If hit, takes[roll11] Damage with a pen of 3.

They don't crit no matter what.

Current Magnitude: 28/30

Still Suprise round, those that still need to attack, please do so now. oh and every attack i made cannot be dodged or parried (Horde).

Round one will begin as soon as all that are not suprised have done their action. oh and everyone is in melee with this mob right now :)

2014-05-13, 07:16 PM
Xenos claws piercing his armour, Agmundr almost falls, “That smarts brothers, watch out for the claws…” He says disengaging and falling back.

Disengage - Fall back 4 3 meters no free attacks.
Fate Point for wounds - [roll0]

Sheath Boltpistol and draw Shotgun (Both ready actions, which are free actions with quick draw)

Toxic Mind
2014-05-13, 08:08 PM
As the xenos horde approaches, Quintus examines each closely with his auspex, cataloging each action and movement. And as was his failing, he waited too long to fall back. Blocking the attack of the xenos with his weapon, Quintus turns to move quickly back, attempting to put some distance between himself and the horde which would hopefully allow him to bring his Heavy Bolter to bear. Smashing his foot into one of the xenos, he runs, but as he turns, another of the xenos jumps on his back, attempting to tear his armor apart!

Half: Awareness Test - Roll Success in OOC
Half: Move - back past the doors to put 4m (or as much as possible while remaining in sight) between myself and the horde.

(This provokes one attack from the horde as Quintus moves.)

Squad Mode: False
Cohesion: 5

2014-05-15, 07:36 AM
-Konrad yells at the top of his lungs as he revs both of his chainswords into a whirlwind of death, ichor, and destruction through the tyranids- FOUL XENOS FEEL THE MIGHT OF THE EMPEROR!

Toxic Mind
2014-05-15, 12:39 PM
Quintus falls back and turns, the servos in his armor protesting the rapid switch of direction. He levels his heavy bolter at the xeno horde, the metal storm rounds blasting their way through the flesh of the gaunts like a lascutter through a bulkhead. Gore and viscera flew through the atmosphere as the mass-reactive explosive rounds smash the xeno horde. "Your defeat was the only logical outcome, filth." He says with a snarl.

2014-05-17, 04:57 PM
The Big mob of Tyranids hadn't expected to be met by heavy explosive ammo and psychotic Space Marine-chopping, which ended up in a big amount of them being splattered all over the walls and floor.

The remaining surviving 'Nids turn tail and run, in an attempt to escape the extremely dangerous Space Marines.

(Anyone still in Melee may AoO them, everyone else may not. They'll be about 40-60 meter away for one turn, then they'll scurry away. they are not within melee range after any AoO attacks are made, since they've gone for the ceiling vents for safety)

2014-05-18, 05:32 PM
As the Horde of Tyranids breaks, Agmundr steps back, “Well that wasn’t too hard now was it.” He says cleaning blood off his armour after holstering his weapons, “It seems to me we might want a bit more haste now though, if there are synapse creatures anywhere on the ship they’ll start massing for a coordinated strike, I would prefer to have found the Captain by then…” Drawing his shotgun he peers around the door the others forced open.

Awareness for anything in the next room (49 + 10 (Heightened senses)=59) [roll0]
- Reroll from wolf senses (Solo mode ability) - [roll1]

Wolf Senses - Re-roll any failed Perception test, count as having the dark sight trait while in solo mode

2014-05-18, 05:39 PM
-Konrad grunts and swings at the fleeing beasts- Bah, let them come, they are no threat to us.

[roll0] v 49

Iron Warlord
2014-05-18, 08:12 PM
Kaidan looked after the fleeing tyranids, cataloging details in his mind and checking them against what he knew of the hive fleets.

[roll0] Int: 45+10

Toxic Mind
2014-05-18, 08:22 PM
Quintus levels his heavy bolter again, firing at the fleeing tyranids. "No enemy of the Emperor escapes my wrath. Firing solution calculated." he says, depressing the trigger of his bolter as the shells sprayed down the hall.

Full Auto Burst [roll0] vs 85

Damage Rolls (as needed)


Blast Damage

2014-05-21, 06:11 AM
With only a few more stragglers managing to escape, you all now stand in a hallway with xenos gore everywhere and bolter-holes in some of the walls. Everything is quiet once again, even that hissing sound is gone. the only thing remaining is that strange sensation of being watched, although none of you can see anything that might be spying on you. it could of course be security pict-feeds hidden in the hallways for shipwide security... but since there's no power in this whole subsection of the ship, that theory is rather thin.

Now's the choice, will you all go back to the possibly damaged power node to see if you can turn on the power again, or will you continue directly towards the watch-captain's IFF signal? Maybe some medical attention to your Scout armor-wearing brother would be a good idea as well.

2014-05-21, 02:38 PM
-Konrad continues on towards the watch captain, power could wait, there may be more foes of the enemy to kill-

Iron Warlord
2014-05-22, 02:08 PM
Now that the nature of their enemy has been revealed Kaidan holstered his bolter and instead drew his hellfire flamer and power sword before following Konrad.

Grim Portent
2014-05-24, 01:02 PM
Khairos picked chunks of Tyranid flesh from his armour.

"Well done brothers, though I rather wish I had not been splashed quite so much by the exuberance of your battle."

With purposeful steps Khairos strode to Agmundr's side, examining the scouts wounds.

"Brother Agmundr is in no state to continue without medical assistance, I must request that we hold while I tend to him."

Int 50, +20 Narthecium, +10 Diagnosticator Helmet
Test [roll0]
If successful restore 10 wounds if lightly damaged, 1 wound if not, then add the bonus wounds below.

Bonus wounds healed from specialty [roll1]

2014-05-26, 07:31 AM
With the way now cleared, the lot of you can now proceed forward. The only sounds you all hear is the heavy clunk of mag-boots smacking against the floor with each step and the minor humming and wirring of your power armor moving.

On the way through the ship, You pass what appears to be a sealed blastdoor which, if memory serves corretly, leads to an armory, A Medicae-chamber with unpowered systems, and a lot of empty dark hallways.

You finally reaches a closed door, which the Watch-Captain should be right on the other side, according to the IFF ping you armours receive.
The door is unpowered, appears to have been damaged severely from what one would assume to be scything talons and/or rending claws, just to mention a few. Some sort of acidic damage is also present. The locking mechanism is a magnetically sealed system as well as a more standard hook-lock that is specifically made to seal against stuff like Hard Vaccuum or attempts to breach it. the wall to the right of the door is damaged to the point of allowing a non-armoured spacemarine to squeeze in.
You have received no vox-signals from anywhere ever since your fight with the Gaunts and you can't even hear anything from the other side of the door. Only a vague Thumping noise and once in a while a slightly louder 'Bonk!', like something heavy had jumped up and hit the floor again.

You are all still having that very irritating feeling of being observes, yet neither Auspex or visual scans reveal anything worth of note.

Any attempts to force open the door is a Pure Strength Test of -40. if MAY co-op if you wish (granting the strongest one a +10), with up to a max of two helpers (not enough room for more). Remember that half your Unnatural Strength characteristic is added as bonus DoS.

you'll need 4 successes, and if you manage to get 3 DoS or more in a roll, it counts as 2 Successes.

If you wish to stand guard, Roll Awareness -20.

if you wish to do something else, then do so and roll whatever you feel should be rolled, if i find the roll not needed, then it will not count of anything:smallsmile:

Grim Portent
2014-05-28, 12:58 PM
Khairos stepped towards the door rolling his arms to limber them up for the exertion ahead.

"I shall require assistance in opening the door. Any brothers not assisting me should take positions and provide covering fire should there be more Xenos on the other side."

Toxic Mind
2014-05-28, 01:05 PM
Quintus nods, and removes his heavy bolter, taking a few steps back and pointing it towards the door and the crack in the wall, being sure to cover both in his arc of fire. "I will stand watch to be sure that no more xenos filth may take us by surprise."

Entering Overwatch facing towards door and hole in wall.

Awareness Test
[roll0] vs 58

Iron Warlord
2014-05-30, 01:56 AM
"I shall take rearguard." Kaidan says as he turns to face back down the corridor, weapons at the ready and eyes scanning for any hostile forces coming from behind them.

[roll0] Per: 41

2014-06-02, 05:40 AM
Out of the corner of Quintius' eye, he manages to catch the slight shift of movement, although nothing is there by plain eye-sight, yet you're 100% sure that something is watching you all from down the end of the hall you all came from... it's most likely Camoflaged or maybe even actual-Cloaked.
It's quite easy to guess what might be the cause of it. either it's an Elder with invisibility, any kind of Psyker, some sort of Daemon, or a Lictor. Sure you've just ran into some 'Nids, but you can't tell what it is, only that something is stalking your progress from a relatively safe distance, which shows sign of intelligence.

No one else sees any of this however... so do you all trust the Puritan Black Fire Marine when he says he sees 'ghosts' or invisible things stalking you all?

Toxic Mind
2014-06-02, 08:25 AM
Quintus ques his subvox, but otherwise makes no sudden movements. "Brothers, we are being watched." He tilts his head back towards the hallway they had come from. "Cloaked, or otherwise hidden from our sight. But rest assured, something is indeed there. We cannot logically do anything yet, but be warned that until it has been dealt with, we may suffer flanking attacks at any time. In addition, we should not reveal that we know of its presence. The element of surprise is on our side so long as whatever is hiding there thinks we do not know of it." Quintus settles back into his Heavy Bolter watch on the door, but his auspex is tuned towards the hallway.

Grim Portent
2014-06-04, 12:05 PM
"I daresay it is one of the wretched Eldar. They despise my chapter and I wouldn't be surprised to find they are behind this whole situation somehow, looking to kill me while I am away from my battle brothers."

Iron Warlord
2014-06-04, 01:54 PM
Kaidan kept his flamer raised and ready to fill the hallway with flames the moment an enemy presented itself.

Going on Overwatch with the hellfire flamer covering the hallway out to 20 meters.

Grim Portent
2014-06-11, 01:53 PM
"Well then brothers, let us open this door."

Strength 50, +20 from power armour, - 30 from test, so 40 and under.
