View Full Version : Rules Q&A Can someone explain the E games?

2014-04-22, 06:47 PM
Pretty self explanitory, what is E6, E8, or E10? also isnt it weird that these happen to follow our dice? lol

2014-04-22, 07:21 PM
E6 (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?206323-E6-The-Game-Inside-D-amp-D), once you've read this the others should be obvious.

2014-04-22, 07:24 PM
The first (and biggest) variant of those you listed is E6. The basic idea is that since magic starts getting out of hand at spell level four, they might as well just stop levelling at level six.

Which they do, in E6. It stands for "Epic 6", if you wonder. Rather than gaining levels, you get a feat every 5000xp.

E8 is to 8th level, E10 is presumably to 10th level, and some people call the standard game E20 because duh.

2014-04-22, 08:10 PM
The Alexandrian has a nice article on these (http://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/9470/roleplaying-games/ex-the-many-games-inside-the-worlds-most-popular-roleplaying-game). Note, by the way, that standard D&D games are not E20. They either a) have no progression beyond 20, not even feats or b) use ELH rules to continue progressing by levels with a new set of feats and classes.