View Full Version : Roleplaying Themed character

2014-04-23, 08:33 AM
What's up Playground,

So this weekend I will be playing DnD for the first time in a few months and I am very excited. I couldn't think of a character to play, then I went to the zoo and saw an Egyptian Vulture and suddenly I thought "That's a cool looking bird" and had an idea for a character based around it's look.

Now I'm playing a Ranger who uses twin sickles and has an Egyptian theme since he's from Mulhorand. His name is Jabari (which is apparently Egyptian for Brave)

What I was wondering was, have any of you ever been struck by an idea for a character out of nowhere and made a really cool and fun character. It could be based around an animal, an element or even a weapon style.

What themed character have you played and what did you enjoy about playing them?? I look forward to hearing about your character and their exploits.

2014-04-23, 09:12 AM
Okay, I don't remember where I got the idea, but my roommate let me homebrew some stuff to make it work for his campaign, and I love the man for it.

A former gladiator (former because he lost) who fought using a hand crossbow in one hand and a slashing rapier/finessable scimitar in the other (for the visualization, piercing damage didn't work, and this is a Dex-based build). Focus is on special combat maneuvers (especially disarm) and mobility fighting (skirmish from the scout).

When he lost, the hand he used for the crossbow was cut off. So he got it replaced with an actual hand crossbow.

I ended up making him a warforged fighter by the name of Gladiator. I traded all of my weapon proficiencies and my armor proficiencies for skirmish, scout fast movement, and the ability to treat my "warblade" (what I call the weapon, used it before hearing about ToB) and hand crossbow as a single weapon for the weapon focus chain. Over the course of the campaign, I am getting my body enchanted instead of magic items (ex, right now I have Feet of Striding and Springing). I love him.

Red Fel
2014-04-23, 09:40 AM
What I was wondering was, have any of you ever been struck by an idea for a character out of nowhere and made a really cool and fun character. It could be based around an animal, an element or even a weapon style.

So, basically all of my characters ever. Seriously, that's basically how I create a character - I get struck by a nifty idea and build the fluff, then find a mechanical concept that accomplishes it.

For example, once I came up with the notion of a half-angel, half-devil, with versions of both on each shoulder, spreading fortune and misfortune alternately. This became a Half-Celestial with a Major Devil Bloodline, Hexblade, with an Imp familiar and his (angelic) father's LG intelligent Ioun Stone. Admittedly, the character was hideously weakened compared to the party, but it was interesting.

Another idea was someone using the study of necromancy as a line of intuition into the nature of life. A living undead, if you will. Basically, in life, he was a healer who wished to study the concept of living. He eventually realized that he had a biased perspective, being on the inside, and sought to correct his perspective. But he didn't want to become a traditional skeletal or incorporeal undead, he didn't want to be a corpse, he wanted to be living, just not alive. So I built a NG Worm that Walks (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/wormThatWalks.htm). His first in-game encounter was with a Celestial who wanted to kill him for being an unholy abomination; he agreed that if it would let him live, he would pursue a noble path and never use his Engulf racial ability (because reasons, I guess?), and went on to lead a very conflicted life studying his craft.

Another concept I came up with started with a Tibbit. That's all, just a Tibbit. I wanted to see what you could do with a Tibbit without having to use its human form. I got some really fantastic ideas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?314320-3-5-Build-Here-Kitty-Kit-ARGH!).

In another example, I wanted to explore the idea of redemption as a major character motivator. So I started with Hellbred. Then I explored concepts of redemption mechanically, and decided on the Dragonborn template. Then I looked into the mechanics, and realized that technically, a Dragonborn Hellbred (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?308622-3-5-Let-s-Build-a-Hellborn-Paladin) loses the whole "when you die you're going straight back to Hell" aspect of the Hellbred. And suddenly I was embraced by the idea of a character who is literally a pawn in a major chess game between Asmodeus and Bahamut, the former loudly asserting that the Pact Primeval has been violated, the latter smirking about how his Dragonborn ritual takes precedence (some deific legalese about "specific rules trumping general"). And how if this character ever did fall, he would fall so hard it would be awesome; and if he didn't, he would basically be spitting in Asmodeus' face. It was glorious.

Falcon X
2014-04-23, 10:51 AM
Most of my characters are this way to some degree.

I was once immediately inspired when I saw Mechanus armor. So, I had to think of a reason one of my characters would have it. So I created a brutish mercenary. Think Jayne from Firefly.
In his backstory, his crew was transported to Ascheron for who-remembers-what reason and they continued to fight on in the endless battles in Ascheron. At some point, warriors from Mechanus joined the fray and captured a bunch of troops, including our hero.
Stuck in a Mechanus prison, our hero cried out to the one deity that he hated, but had become familiar with in Ascheron: Wee Jas.
He struck a deal with Wee Jas to serve her when she called upon him. In exchange, she gave him the soul of a Koylarut Inevitable. With this new frame of spirit, he quickly found release from his captors, due to legal loopholes, and worked his way into their ranks.
Nowadays, he works as an inter-dimensional postal worker. He wears heavy Mechanus armor and carries long-handled warhammers.
Whenever he approaches a situation, he makes a contract. Things like: "If you draw that sword, I will take it as signature on the contract that we will fight until one of us is dead."
If hem has a contract active, he turns into The Terminator, and won't rest until the contract is fulfilled.

2014-04-23, 11:10 AM
I watched an old Jackie Chan movie with a Drunken Master. I decided I wanted a drunk character. Turned into a cleric who charged in with 'Beer for the Beer God!'. He always had Neutralize Poison to get rid of hangovers and would spend most nights sleeping in a bathtub if one was available. He liked to arm wrestle also.


Some Anime inspired me to make a character battling inner evil, walking the path between light and darkness. To my surprise I found that the Ardent fit the concept almost perfectly. Kalashtar, Path of Light, reskinned Claws of the Beast mixed with Claws of Darkness, Light and Darkness Mantle, etc.. Wasn't the most optimized but it was very fun to play with the concept driving it.

Come to think of it my current Clawlock is following this path also..


Being a fan of Lovecraft I created a class for a buddies game loosely based on the mechanics described in "The Dreams in the Witch House" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dreams_in_the_Witch_House). Basically used the interconnection of dimensions using Knowledge 'Geometry' or 'Engineering' to create different effects in game like damaging strikes and teleportation.


2014-04-23, 11:46 AM
I always loved the flexibility of bards, and I've always wanted to build theme builds with the core class (spy bard, evangelist, etc.)

I actually got to play one as an historian once. High Int, great Bardic Knowledge, carried a briefcase and submitted a curriculum vitae (academic resume) to the party leader.

A scholar of the Great Orc Wars, he accompanied the party into orc territory to collect information for his research paper. When the party was attacked by Orcs, he pulled out his textbook and began reading aloud about their historical defeat! This was his Inspire Courage (Perform: Oratory).

When our sorcerer cast a flame orb spell, he switched to a text on the characteristic flammability of the orc race.

I had a lot of fun with it (in college at a University at the time).

Shining Wrath
2014-04-23, 12:17 PM
I usually create characters like this:

1) Basic role in party, which I try to vary
2) Fluff
3) Class
4) Back to step (1) and refine recursively

Right now I've got a sorceress who started out wanting to be arcane (because last two campaigns didn't have anyone in that role), then I thought about Pathfinder Bloodlines and wanted to try a sorceress in 3.5 with a Stormborn Bloodline, and then I refined the idea when it became clear we had a War Weaver in the party (so, I have no need for the Transformation school or anything that buffs). And then I wrote a back story justifying a family with Storm Giant blood that's lived in this town as far back as anyone can remember or any records exist, but are not perfectly respectable because eccentric. Storm Giant blood is both a blessing and a curse, it seems.

She's only level 2 but the campaign so far has centered around her home town.

2014-04-23, 01:51 PM
When I saw the Warforged Charger in the Monster Manual 3 I immediately wanted to try it. I came up with the idea of(after seeing its stat mods) a barely intelligent behemoth who fights solely using its natural weapons. If it weren't for that stupid RHD, i'd figure out how to work it into a Juggernaut and War Hulk. Time to go talk to my DM...

2014-04-23, 02:30 PM
I once played a bear totem bear bearbearian, bear warrior with Vow of Poverty because he needed only the bear essentials, fought with his bear hands, and his motivation was to fight for your right to bear arm. He had a bear mount and spoke mostly in bear puns (I had the DM rolling his eyes at the length that I would go to, to work bear puns into nearly everything I said)

His name was Beary Ursine.

I also once had an unnamed (because whats the point of having a name?), severely emo psion who was a battlefield controller, because whats the point in fighting? I took ranks in Craft (depressing poem) and the DM let me craft poems with a DC will save or cry, depending on my roll. I tried to get other players to read my poems, but it never worked. Not even new players would read the poems! It was so depressing, I wrote a poem about it.

I would usually write a poem after gruesome battle. My favorite moment was when his "city hero" (that later dies and we have to avenge) is having this speech about how dangerous his trip was "but we came through alright" and I looked at him and said "unfortunately."

I was depressing the DM and it was the greatest thing that has ever been

2014-04-23, 03:01 PM
It depends, often I want to play a certain kind of character and seek out how to emulate that mechanically, though as I get more experienced with the system, I find myself also engaging in good old fashioned abduction, where I make something mechanically and mould a character around those choices. Both can be rewarding. I did feel very inspired to play a Pathfinder Witch based (loosely) off of Tatterhood, my all time favourite fairy tale. Boy, she was a delightfully squirely character.:smallbiggrin:

2014-04-23, 04:36 PM
I'm a Vorthos (with splashes of Johnny and Spike) so theme is huge for me. Ifrit desert ninjas that hide in smoke; Waterbending tai-chi-using Undine Monks; Grippli swamp-rangers that rely on bolas, nets and frog-spears; Half-Orc alchemists desperately seeking to suppress (or enhance) the beast within; Elven magi who seamlessly blend spells and steel; A Xeph athlete-turned adventurer who was caught using psionics to cheat at sporting events. That sort of thing.

2014-04-23, 06:36 PM
I want to create a crow user. Magical, not mundane, but someone who simply summons crows as a form of magic for battle and utility. It's actually quite the popular idea, and has been around for eons (Oldest examples usually being psychopomp deities, odin, morganne, ect.).

I think it would be cool to start to fashion some custom spells allowing one to transform into a swarm of them, Having a summon crow spell exclusively that allows you to change the size, and various feather spells (shields, darts, spears,ect.) And perhaps a hybrid form spell.

2014-04-23, 09:32 PM
A kleptomaniac psion who steals people's secrets constantly. Nobody is safe (unless they have protection from scrying).

Dorian Gray
2014-04-23, 09:43 PM
I based a character off the federal home loan banks system. And a completely separate character I made was based around the german health care system. They actually worked quite well.

Honest Tiefling
2014-04-23, 09:57 PM
Maybe I am a bad role player, but I usually pick my class and race and then work out a theme, not the other way around.

2014-04-23, 09:57 PM
In a gestalt game I did a wolflord werewolf themed druid who on the other side went primeval for Direwolf who palled around with his horrid magebred wartrained direwolf. All his spells were buffs or created dificult terrain making it easier for him and the wolf to tag team enemies into submission before ripping them open and eating them.

Had a ranger who wanted to be the greates bounty hunter ever. Took a 1 lvl dip in exoticist fighter to gain profficiency with nets/bolas/ and a few other weapons. Had Track and Urban Tracking. If he set out to find you...he did.

Had a Loki inspired character once. Think the build was Rogue1/wiz5/Unseenseerx/Sacred Exorcist1/Unseen seer the rest/Abjurant champion3. Used his TU pool for Trickery Devotion and focused most of his spells on illusion with some enchantment. He was a blast.

2014-04-23, 10:10 PM
I want to create a crow user. Magical, not mundane, but someone who simply summons crows as a form of magic for battle and utility. It's actually quite the popular idea, and has been around for eons (Oldest examples usually being psychopomp deities, odin, morganne, ect.).

I think it would be cool to start to fashion some custom spells allowing one to transform into a swarm of them, Having a summon crow spell exclusively that allows you to change the size, and various feather spells (shields, darts, spears,ect.) And perhaps a hybrid form spell.

That's an interesting idea. You could just refluff different spells to get your effect.

Like mage armour is actually whirling feathers, magic missile is empowered seeking feathers etc

it could be very cinematic and cool with the right description

2014-04-24, 03:15 AM
Almost all of my Characters. Yoshinobi, my Sorcerer had insect fascination and was known as "The Scarab," Rain, my Vampire Assassin/Monk was the "Bat" (yay originality), Tahl, my Swashbuckle Duelist, was the falcon, his sister Karn was Owl, and I had Ali, the "Snake", gnome Ranger/Rogue.
I've never been able to make a character that didn't have a theme. They always just kind of develop, you know?

I want to create a crow user. Magical, not mundane, but someone who simply summons crows as a form of magic for battle and utility. It's actually quite the popular idea, and has been around for eons (Oldest examples usually being psychopomp deities, odin, morganne, ect.).

I think it would be cool to start to fashion some custom spells allowing one to transform into a swarm of them, Having a summon crow spell exclusively that allows you to change the size, and various feather spells (shields, darts, spears,ect.) And perhaps a hybrid form spell.

That's an interesting idea. You could just refluff different spells to get your effect.

Like mage armour is actually whirling feathers, magic missile is empowered seeking feathers etc

it could be very cinematic and cool with the right description

Well, there's Thematic Spell from one of the Faerūn books. I don't remember which one though.

Red Fel
2014-04-24, 08:42 AM
I want to create a crow user. Magical, not mundane, but someone who simply summons crows as a form of magic for battle and utility. It's actually quite the popular idea, and has been around for eons (Oldest examples usually being psychopomp deities, odin, morganne, ect.).

I think it would be cool to start to fashion some custom spells allowing one to transform into a swarm of them, Having a summon crow spell exclusively that allows you to change the size, and various feather spells (shields, darts, spears,ect.) And perhaps a hybrid form spell.

Might I suggest you start with a Binder, and use Malphas? Lets you summon a raven that you can control and through whose eyes you can see. It's not hard to refluff a raven into a crow, they're both corvidae after all. And ToM also has rules for a swarm of ravens (again, switch to crows), and Cityscape has the City-Shape ACF (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) for Druids that, at level 12, allows you to turn into an animal swarm. Take it a step further and refluff a Hengeyokai (Sparrow) into a Hengeyokai (Crow) to have the alternate form built-in (use the Dragon Magazine version to ditch the LA), in addition to Druid Wild Shape. Oh, and Druids get animal companions, and guess what yours can be?

2014-04-24, 09:31 AM
One of my groups favorite characters was inspired loosely by Joffery Barathion (only less evil just kind of arrogant and bratty) with elements of Yumichika and Kyoraku from bleach. He was by the fluff a libertine, brat prince obsessed with his own beauty and constantly avoiding responsibilty. But he loved stories and genuenly wanted to learn and grow. Mechanically an inspire courage focused Snowflake wardance bard he took the leadership feat and his cohort was crusader of Wee Jas thier shared deity the crusader tried to get him to man up and take responsibility and role playing them was a blast.