View Full Version : Those Bug Things

2014-04-24, 05:37 AM
So, after recently rereading the comics, I sat down and thought: "What monsters that Rich used over the years do I want to use in the games of pathfinder that I run?" And immediately, the first thing I thought of was those bug people things from strip 683-686. Problem is: The only thing I could find that was even close was CR 12, and considering the party in my game is level 5, that doesn't strike me as a great idea. So, could anyone give a link to something similar to those bug slavers, cause it would be much appreciated. Thanks. :smallsmile:

2014-04-24, 06:01 AM
They have four arms, so I'd say Thri-kreen (http://community.wizards.com/sites/mtgcommunity/files/pictures/33b1da54d56dd9e86106c25ba98ffc9b.jpg). They are in the psionics books and originally from Dark Sun.

2014-04-24, 07:49 AM
Ah, thanks. And no wonder I couldn't find any of them in the bestiary.....

2014-04-24, 01:24 PM
They're WotC IP, so you won't find them in PF Bestiaries. Monster Manual 2 and Expanded Psionics Handbook should do it though.